| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 20140317.Vox - Understand The News.PQnhigbI4g4.mkv | 6.1M |
| 20140319.How Obamacare's individual mandate works.D8n8gYVdThg.mkv | 3.7M |
| 20140320.Is another mass extinction on the horizon.eA151sBcCag.mkv | 43M |
| 20140324.How is the world getting better Charles Kenny explains.m6C8soxbN2w.mkv | 17M |
| 20140326.Stop freaking out about the debt.UwKZVPYssOg.mkv | 3.2M |
| 20140331.Why the government should provide internet access.QOHCJtrQWTU.mkv | 34M |
| 20140409.How Obamacare will change health insurance forever.lVJlZMu_UVs.mkv | 26M |
| 20140409.How single-payer health care works, in 2 minutes.u9x4cRWqPPM.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20140411.Tax Day doesn't have to suck.NlFeAPdmIM8.mkv | 4.4M |
| 20140417.Mark Kleiman on how legalized pot would change America.Jo9Stp6KvYs.mkv | 35M |
| 20140423.How bitcoin is like the internet in the 80s.W0qn3oPYo5c.mkv | 4.2M |
| 20140430.Why presidential leadership can't solve gridlock.NZCUa_fFxyY.mkv | 22M |
| 20140502.Keystone XL - The climate fight in miniature.huSINlXab2E.mkv | 3.4M |
| 20140507.Competent women are getting bypassed by overconfident men.zGhu4iaBqtk.mkv | 24M |
| 20140507.How wealth inequality is dangerous for America.6Xa9T2OMzmw.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20140515.The decline of American democracy in one graph.T6a87L_f7js.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20140515.Timothy Geithner on the Great Recession.LRP2Vw9ix-s.mkv | 81M |
| 20140521.Why conspiracy theories are rational to believe.xnYT5Fp6w_M.mkv | 26M |
| 20140522.How a bill really becomes a law - What Schoolhouse Rock missed.QH0Hl31vdF4.mkv | 4.0M |
| 20140529.Nancy Pelosi on the Affordable Care Act.JjJPBqw1lGM.mkv | 66M |
| 20140531.10 things they don't talk about at graduation.BfNHR7oguoY.mkv | 4.1M |
| 20140604.The case for letting nurse practitioners do more.1dItVypEXAY.mkv | 3.1M |
| 20140611.The simplest explanation for Eric Cantor's defeat.SFFE-XY75Js.mkv | 3.7M |
| 20140617.The naked mole rat may help us cure cancer.rxCXyVtN-_E.mkv | 6.9M |
| 20140617.Vaccines do not cause autism, they save lives.mLHnUjhzv9E.mkv | 3.7M |
| 20140625.A brief history of ISIS.HJ034SvB16E.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20140626.Three big reasons war is going away.NC45TRP4lq0.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20140627.Simple things you can do to live longer.hjTvaBZAPqE.mkv | 35M |
| 20140709.Are Republicans and big business headed for divorce.2deVJa9MjUk.mkv | 6.9M |
| 20140709.What is a Super PAC and should it be legal.UnOn60YtcGo.mkv | 22M |
| 20140710.Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol.zGSzj7ztszI.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20140711.America's child migrant crisis explained.IINfbN81h6c.mkv | 4.6M |
| 20140711.Why is John Boehner suing President Obama.bAQlgrnJdLk.mkv | 4.0M |
| 20140714.The real Piper of 'Orange Is The New Black' on how prison is broken.FyGCGugcWpg.mkv | 38M |
| 20140716.The economic benefits of being beautiful.b_gx2Uc95os.mkv | 2.9M |
| 20140718.Should America offer reparations for slavery.eB1S9-GsBW8.mkv | 96M |
| 20140721.The Israel-Gaza crisis, explained in 3 minutes.sZAneAxW7j0.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20140722.Should NCAA players be paid.JOPCYyItgYI.mkv | 23M |
| 20140723.What made North Korea so bizarre.lM6rliphNdw.mkv | 5.9M |
| 20140728.Mark Bittman on what's wrong with food in America.oYkbw0i6oVI.mkv | 30M |
| 20140805.220 years of US population changes in one map.OTaYKEumwc8.mkv | 3.6M |
| 20140807.The 60-second case against time zones.c3EQDfqqHsI.mkv | 3.8M |
| 20140808.What US airstrikes mean for Iraq's crisis.556ZV2jjVwc.mkv | 5.6M |
| 20140812.Does Megalodon still exist Shark Week debunked.i5C-DQ0edR0.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20140814.The roots of unrest in Ferguson.XRuCW80L9mA.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20140819.The racism of the US justice system in 10 charts.InOsF5x1lZw.mkv | 2.6M |
| 20140820.Ezra Klein explains the ice bucket challenge.bWzJvR6ooOY.mkv | 6.8M |
| 20140825.Dr. Oz's three biggest weight loss lies, debunked.40uh5WGamv4.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20140826.An earthquake in the developing world vs. the US.MDHFJG1no6I.mkv | 4.7M |
| 20140827.The final scene of the Sopranos, annotated.BSDYaEV21yQ.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20140902.Why Russia is invading Ukraine, explained in 2 minutes.u-qO42qjShg.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20140904.The NFL's concussion crisis, explained.tnAmddi52Y8.mkv | 14M |
| 20140906.As if teachers' jobs aren't hard enough, they're asked to fix poverty, too.RWSaceaSpRI.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20140909.Why Apple iPhone announcements dominate the news.0Ic_aNFrYug.mkv | 1.9M |
| 20140911.How this Ebola outbreak became the worst we've ever seen.HBG_zB_iiUc.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20140911.ISIS in Obama's own words - from a joke to war in 9 months.Zj8HyeixuqM.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20140919.Chart - Lawmaking has a liberal bias.67vMlQc97ds.mkv | 3.1M |
| 20140922.The US is bombing Syria to destroy ISIS. Here's why that won't work..6SPzfGFOJ84.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20140925.11 mind-blowing facts about American health care dysfunction.2hbgtEnfsC4.mkv | 3.9M |
| 20140925.What it's like living in a country ravaged by Ebola.PCz0PHf4-h4.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20140929.The protests in Hong Kong, explained in 2 minutes.2xTzIp20tUw.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20140930.The most important chart of 2014, explained in under a minute.SGoWEdGl82M.mkv | 2.4M |
| 20141003.Dylan McDermott is the Nicolas Cage of television.aENQaw1UMzo.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20141006.Why recording the police is so important.LvDWrIDrQnw.mkv | 10M |
| 20141008.Why you should get a flu shot every year.vmtqEnDPJdc.mkv | 10M |
| 20141013.What's the smallest thing the human eye can see.htPXMQ5s-yo.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20141015.What will determine the 2014 midterms, explained in 8 bits.GANnzyFXVBU.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20141017.Do political ads on TV actually work.VVa3CFDdFuM.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20141021.Let's be calm and keep Ebola in perspective.jtPo3TyBAd4.mkv | 3.0M |
| 20141028.The fascinating process of human decomposition.OFJrow7yaec.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20141028.Why an Ebola travel ban is a bad idea.iTmHTNi-dus.mkv | 5.6M |
| 20141105.Personhood lost the midterms, but pro-life is winning the war.80OFcp02_r0.mkv | 5.6M |
| 20141105.The 2014 midterm elections - 5 big takeaways.b5u_R4rWGfs.mkv | 10M |
| 20141108.The huge new threat to Obamacare, explained in 2 minutes.1H6UzFgK4_A.mkv | 5.9M |
| 20141110.Why do people run the marathon I ran one to find out..aiubcUtd-h4.mkv | 14M |
| 20141112.How we landed on a comet 300 million miles away.MWxijOjmn-g.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20141114.Basic income, explained.c9xVWOfXW7U.mkv | 3.2M |
| 20141120.How silkworms make silk.77ktNSPFbwQ.mkv | 5.4M |
| 20141120.Obama's executive action on immigration, explained in 2 minutes.WVq0APUtjwg.mkv | 6.2M |
| 20141125.Why it's so rare for police to be prosecuted for killing civilians.OCBwjFFpNik.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20141126.The better way to board an airplane.cMgarcFkXz4.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20141203.11 reasons we should all move to Sweden.BCmlglKOTBY.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20141205.Why even Jon Stewart couldn’t joke about the Eric Garner case.fFBVhGiv0gg.mkv | 8.3M |
| 20141208.Discovery's 'Eaten Alive' fact-checked by an actual snake scientist.qZ-pV8R7y8c.mkv | 8.2M |
| 20141208.Why gas prices are so low right now.SUPTIhHy21E.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20141209.One sentence that proves the American torture program was a national disgrace.RifZYVPx8ck.mkv | 6.2M |
| 20141213.The Grand Canyon filling with fog – and why – in 60 seconds.J34fRtfCRWg.mkv | 2.6M |
| 20141216.2014, explained in 4 minutes.iZnu5EXnPwI.mkv | 12M |
| 20141217.The math of being a Lyft driver.SAMUl7hd9ZU.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20141218.Why the Cuba embargo should end.jSWUDnRn6gY.mkv | 8.3M |
| 20141222.A visual tour of the world's CO2 emissions.fJ0o2E4d8Ts.mkv | 12M |
| 20141224.What does the Bible say about the first Christmas.ex5xKx8vHAU.mkv | 8.2M |
| 20141230.11 fascinating bills from other currencies.R_aICC9_28s.mkv | 4.5M |
| 20141231.7 ways the world is getting better.zY_g-oz11AI.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20150107.Third parties are the underpants gnomes of American politics.seTQHy6w3gA.mkv | 14M |
| 20150108.Charlie Hebdo’s most famous cartoons, translated and explained.R6hU3nhudRg.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20150109.The emotional roller-coaster of gas prices.X9js1PqDJSg.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20150113.The myth of race, debunked in 3 minutes.VnfKgffCZ7U.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20150114.Watch the world's first lab-grown human muscle flex.aym2Ex6YBuo.mkv | 2.4M |
| 20150115.Hints and details from the Avengers trailer.vtwu5KNOsUc.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20150116.The Oscars' horrible lack of diversity, explained in 2 minutes.oicts7KOnY4.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20150120.Obama's 2015 State of the Union, in 4 minutes.71mvp1fJx9A.mkv | 10M |
| 20150121.The 6 most important sentences from Obama's State of the Union.ZhMowQEXxuk.mkv | 12M |
| 20150122.Meet the enormous boats that carry your stuff.FN3VFgG922A.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20150127.The problem with American Sniper, explained.BssacYy-3pA.mkv | 6.9M |
| 20150129.9 facts about medical errors you should know before entering a hospital.BHVp5wILNhA.mkv | 3.2M |
| 20150206.Believe it or not, flying is safer than ever.CUILWlhuv0k.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20150209.Obama on American politics and economy - the extended Vox conversation.RBKhpV6MYto.mkv | 52M |
| 20150209.Obama on the goal of his foreign policy.Icq60Uxd3As.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20150209.Obama on the state of the world - the extended Vox conversation.td7Dcsco-WY.mkv | 84M |
| 20150209.Obama on what most Americans get wrong about foreign aid.nzL_avUIlEE.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20150209.Obama on why he’s such a polarizing president.MKt1KpGg0vg.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20150209.Obama on why income inequality has skyrocketed.iY05U7GaU5I.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20150209.Welcome to Vox.z3Js_ldo8yo.mkv | 1.9M |
| 20150212.The origins of the anti-vaccine movement.GzvfpyyZO9o.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20150218.Boko Haram and the crisis in Nigeria, explained.RJvh42OqWgw.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20150219.The anatomy of Taylor Swift’s “Style”.l_b86duruvs.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20150225.The myth of the 'supermale' and the extra Y chromosome.6BsXLnLn9ok.mkv | 10M |
| 20150226.The FCC’s new net neutrality rules, explained in 172 seconds.sBKPacCuXsw.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20150227.Why Kevin Spacey's accent in House of Cards sounds off.mgCeH3xovDw.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20150302.The scariest chart in America.JItg5HPUZSQ.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20150303.Netanyahu's argument to Congress about Iran, explained in 2 minutes.4SUoEEDFVJE.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20150304.Obamacare's Supreme Court arguments, explained in 2 minutes.kKLUV-bO7kM.mkv | 8.0M |
| 20150307.The 3 most important parts of Obama's emotional speech in Selma.WyIx1qan3v8.mkv | 25M |
| 20150309.Here's what happens to your knuckles when you crack them.n3IYmdy6d4Y.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20150311.The best cat videos come from the wild.flM0NTYtees.mkv | 13M |
| 20150316.Cory Booker - US criminal justice is creating a 'caste system'.jQMZGkMPDFU.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20150316.This new type of 3D printing was inspired by Terminator 2.l3TgmvV2ElQ.mkv | 3.4M |
| 20150317.Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’s wonderful world of color.Op--mNjxzD0.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20150325.What most people miss about the war in Ukraine.iJAKCV8bw9E.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20150328.Why March Madness is more exciting than the NBA.fdxMOxeoITY.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20150331.Frenemies - a story of Iran, Israel and the United States.F6e1f36xU0I.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20150401.Baseball games are longer than ever. Here's why..RlSEE0a7xY8.mkv | 14M |
| 20150403.Why Mad Men is a show like no other.fSp6f-t-Rss.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20150407.What I learned by befriending Iranians on Facebook.9jv0-dUu4_k.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20150408.Pro-choice or pro-life 39% of Americans don't pick a side..ssSIUVPjDns.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20150409.Why Common Core math problems look so weird.tBkQAxt1JXA.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20150414.How did pink become a girly color.KaGSYGhUkvM.mkv | 11M |
| 20150415.ISIS is losing. Watch how and why it's happening..MbDIYj7IIQo.mkv | 10M |
| 20150421.This single shot in Daredevil is the best fight scene in years.4nxvgFaAVCg.mkv | 5.9M |
| 20150422.Is it time to retire the police sketch.h81SuD2pltM.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20150423.Life as a transgender woman.hjKCYYQcBqY.mkv | 13M |
| 20150429.Why we learn to love spicy food.JsgpZdGVNys.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20150501.5 human activities you can see from space.MNQ9z_Eb-Jc.mkv | 10M |
| 20150506.Pigeons are gross. They're also wildly underrated..ZRDIHcFRPFs.mkv | 13M |
| 20150507.The quiet epidemic of soldiers haunted by what they did during wartime.SK4GVjXUu9M.mkv | 11M |
| 20150512.Vox tried Soylent so that you don’t have to.olvZlzMfFM0.mkv | 3.9M |
| 20150513.Why the Daily Show had to change.ydwFZZ2AKpY.mkv | 6.2M |
| 20150514.This is the world's deadliest border.jznbEmKZLtc.mkv | 12M |
| 20150515.Tom Brady's Deflategate explained in 90 seconds.J6ahGB6loE8.mkv | 3.2M |
| 20150518.Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world.gU8rQWh_qtc.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20150520.Expensive wine is for suckers.mVKuCbjFfIY.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20150526.How space wreaks havoc on the human body.npKeaNouAzI.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20150527.What Bill Gates is afraid of.9AEMKudv5p0.mkv | 12M |
| 20150528.Why fewer computer graphics make for better movies.hMRMKWxbULs.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20150602.How Bernie Sanders is winning the Internet.krsIsC9Pi5Q.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20150603.It's not you. Claw machines are rigged..KnMKCHqXLow.mkv | 11M |
| 20150604.Game of Thrones is secretly all about climate change.Xppoy2veSP0.mkv | 4.4M |
| 20150608.Tracking down the sneeze that started seasonal flu.fKRLHtO4PSE.mkv | 16M |
| 20150610.Jurassic Park was ahead of its time. Jurassic World is not..71JhrjTxUgE.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20150611.Why Iranian women are posting pictures of their uncovered hair.PNdwFftpndM.mkv | 10M |
| 20150612.How prosthetics went from peg legs to biolimbs.fITEtWtgjHg.mkv | 4.9M |
| 20150617.Vladimir Putin's topless photos, explained.TkpuRLJhll8.mkv | 10M |
| 20150618.7 years, 7 mass shootings, 7 distraught speeches from Obama.YWRpvWAIV0c.mkv | 6.6M |
| 20150620.The Charleston shooting is part of a long history of anti-black terrorism.ad77Bzv7uSc.mkv | 12M |
| 20150623.The real voice of Siri explains the art of voiceover.nNsUcqL5JCg.mkv | 11M |
| 20150624.How infant self-rescue classes work.pS0GGcz7wN4.mkv | 15M |
| 20150626.The march of marriage equality.i2crZ4_xgKg.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20150627.Activist Bree Newsome takes down Confederate Flag at South Carolina Statehouse.LYgbwbmsHfw.mkv | 2.5M |
| 20150629.Anatomy of a makeover movie.JbVAFFH5X60.mkv | 11M |
| 20150630.What it's like to have no sense of taste or smell.7hYkUGd2CWo.mkv | 5.0M |
| 20150701.How saber-toothed cats grew their mouth swords.uXALot_v3mQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20150702.How the euro caused the Greek crisis.ULQiCN0YNmw.mkv | 6.4M |
| 20150702.Peas in guacamole - a taste test.AB32MwHGlQA.mkv | 5.4M |
| 20150706.ISIS videos are sickening. They’re also really effective..18lf1kpBgRk.mkv | 10M |
| 20150708.Do no harm _ trailer.dgbXTmiXkhQ.mkv | 1.9M |
| 20150709.Do no harm - Some hospitals let a preventable infection kill their patients.AlFnPAydJgk.mkv | 31M |
| 20150709.NASA's incredible mission to Pluto, explained.Eo3EJYo2dX8.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20150711.Every Serena Williams win comes with a side of racism and sexism.VF5OdUTT6Ro.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20150715.How the Iran nuclear deal works, explained in 3 minutes.oqvghou5m3U.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20150717.Donald Trump is trolling the Republican Party.RY-Quq0vo2M.mkv | 8.0M |
| 20150720.How to confront a war criminal.dyXExGWGEyw.mkv | 11M |
| 20150722.How a 15-year-old solved a Rubik's Cube in 5.25 seconds.XwNUmnDu1r8.mkv | 14M |
| 20150724.Here are the Pluto pics we've waited 85 years for.a07VvKCjRDY.mkv | 4.6M |
| 20150727.Why babies in medieval paintings look like ugly old men.xFcF_qfLHeQ.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20150728.Bernie Sanders - Republicans are an 'embarrassment' on climate change.CZfBENo-2Ek.mkv | 6.6M |
| 20150728.Bernie Sanders - The Vox Conversation.S5vOKKMipSA.mkv | 86M |
| 20150728.Why Bernie Sanders worries America is becoming an oligarchy.ZaekogALkFM.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20150729.Bernie Sanders - 'Open borders That's a Koch brothers proposal'.vf-k6qOfXz0.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20150730.Why are weddings so damn expensive.YxEa_SpL_Fs.mkv | 9.6M |
| 20150803.The Planned Parenthood controversy over fetal body parts, explained.LcXcUrTKIAc.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20150805.Why you're seeing a face in this purse.E1dMloUfN1o.mkv | 6.1M |
| 20150806.Turns out primary debates matter way more than the generals.oe998kBSwU8.mkv | 11M |
| 20150811.How gun control could help prevent suicides.lgD9AlxZxNE.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20150812.Asian flush, explained.G6717bNakuA.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20150814.The reason every meme uses that one font.PzySkYQNDlI.mkv | 5.1M |
| 20150819.The #1 reason people die early, in each country.aQO_oexCm5s.mkv | 8.2M |
| 20150819.Things we can't explain - Donald Trump's board game.X02EwjRs4eE.mkv | 5.6M |
| 20150824.The unseen face of meth use.NDBD-D25ItA.mkv | 13M |
| 20150826.Want faster wifi Here are 5 weirdly easy tips..UygPcBCFRrA.mkv | 4.2M |
| 20150828.Voices of Katrina - Survivors remember the day their lives changed forever.jAK3IJf64r8.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20150831.What undercover videos tell us about meat in America.sf06a3MvwvE.mkv | 12M |
| 20150903.How mandatory minimums helped drive mass incarceration.ISFTFoGSRjE.mkv | 14M |
| 20150904.6 signs your dentist might be ripping you off.Dz81uzu5Eiw.mkv | 4.8M |
| 20150906.The shameful US response to the Syrian refugee crisis, by the numbers.SCl6s68_sGY.mkv | 7.0M |
| 20150909.Cursive handwriting is dying. But some politicians refuse to accept it..wtZdJKH4us8.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20150910.How scientists discovered Homo naledi, the new human ancestor.7PTxR-4atOA.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20150910.The new NFL extra point rule that could change football.vreSCqd-bhE.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20150915.The new frontier of LGBTQ civil rights, explained.YCjDnX-Xzhg.mkv | 11M |
| 20150918.Color film was built for white people. Here's what it did to dark skin..d16LNHIEJzs.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20150921.This is Cuba's Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify – all without the internet.fTTno8D-b2E.mkv | 19M |
| 20150923.Gerrymandering - How politicians rig elections.QZZwoObFMhU.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20150928.These 11 voice actors play more than 100 Simpsons characters.R3GC9gdmzcw.mkv | 18M |
| 20151001.Ta Prohm’s haunting ruins are also a 1,000-year-old climate change warning.CUfTM-BC-ek.mkv | 14M |
| 20151005.Castro hates the internet, so Cubans created their own.FFPjJM6yYS8.mkv | 23M |
| 20151008.Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless.Q5pggDCnt5M.mkv | 9.6M |
| 20151016.Benghazi, the attack and the scandal, explained.vxhyzPUHQQw.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20151019.Thin underwater cables hold the internet. See a map of them all..Ve810FHZ1CQ.mkv | 6.3M |
| 20151022.Scientists agree - Coffee naps are better than coffee or naps alone.CaI5LWj6ams.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20151026.Why Cuban cab drivers earn more than doctors.n-mUZRP-fpo.mkv | 17M |
| 20151028.Republican Fight Night - Wait, who are all these people.0kcWGhiehac.mkv | 6.3M |
| 20151029.The hallucinogens that might have sparked the Salem witch trials.JmH7XQoxOZ0.mkv | 11M |
| 20151102.Soul patches, explained.rmtTMW2tg9M.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20151105.Guy Fawkes Day - explained.mNrJOgVDiEs.mkv | 3.2M |
| 20151106.James Bond’s espionage career, in one map.v-prU9JmJEk.mkv | 16M |
| 20151110.The University of Missouri situation, explained.mRQpd2iQLf8.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20151111.The 116 images NASA wants aliens to see.NAN1kt4SG9E.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20151112.How a swarm of honeybees cook a giant hornet alive.YR5M5A40sxc.mkv | 1.9M |
| 20151114.The Paris attack - How the world is responding.0HcgmtAylVc.mkv | 6.3M |
| 20151115.Why ISIS would attack Paris.3bIvqS7gnQo.mkv | 5.0M |
| 20151118.NASA is hiring astronauts. Do you qualify.ebRokjEZU78.mkv | 4.1M |
| 20151119.Shut up about the y-axis. It shouldn’t always start at zero..14VYnFhBKcY.mkv | 3.7M |
| 20151125.Turkeys have gotten ridiculously large since the 1940s.fiWOCiexIkE.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20151127.They lost parents in 9_11. Here's their message for Paris..D_A-sj6QCQg.mkv | 5.1M |
| 20151129.How the first nude movies were made.dDdzJFLw9yw.mkv | 14M |
| 20151201.The math problem that stumped thousands of mansplainers.ggDQXlinbME.mkv | 12M |
| 20151203.America's gun problem, explained in 90 seconds.Bn6hVIISA6o.mkv | 3.3M |
| 20151204.Why outlet stores aren’t as good a deal as they seem.SrXHVZHhtG8.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20151207.How the DEA invented 'narco-terrorism'.N8e9Hz0Xw6g.mkv | 13M |
| 20151207.Une brève histoire de la guerre Syrienne.kRjSU8NUwVo.mkv | 17M |
| 20151208.Learn these 8 Scrabble words to supercharge your game.aJd-92ykW40.mkv | 3.4M |
| 20151210.Re-reading is inefficient. Here are 5 tips for studying smarter..d7gn3RQPYmo.mkv | 4.0M |
| 20151211.The World War II meme that circled the world.AFw8MSF7yE4.mkv | 6.1M |
| 20151212.What people get wrong about climate change.EbjKcHPmxKQ.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20151215.El Niño is back. Here's how it works..CK7VarkDM5o.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20151216.The rise of ISIS, explained in 6 minutes.pzmO6RWy1v8.mkv | 14M |
| 20151218.Fear and loathing at a Trump rally.3Sc3_V7Qyq4.mkv | 22M |
| 20151221.2015 in 4 minutes.ChdsShZHNPY.mkv | 11M |
| 20151222.SantaCon's surprising roots in Danish performance art.VA3RaszQWi0.mkv | 13M |
| 20151223.Why alcohol doesn't come with nutrition facts.tUOfAF4va6s.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20151228.What makes a truly great logo.RBTiTcHm_ac.mkv | 11M |
| 20151229.How Momofuku Ando invented instant ramen.ejsnCn2mzIU.mkv | 4.5M |
| 20151231.Why Mormons identify with Syrian refugees.2OVMYUFWoaU.mkv | 9.6M |
| 20160104.The poison-eating heroes who helped make food safe.hYcSn4k6woM.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20160105.The Oregon standoff, explained in 3 minutes.EdVyahsYGQs.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20160106.How Chipotle made hundreds of people barf.0oJ6cYyr1bQ.mkv | 8.1M |
| 20160107.Want a happier marriage Share the housework equally..fkCxpF9mFbc.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20160108.The world has never eradicated a parasite. But Jimmy Carter is about to..J5sWCsgDKvQ.mkv | 8.1M |
| 20160111.The school-to-prison pipeline, explained.HoKkasEyDOI.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20160112.David Bowie, remembered in 9 songs that sampled him.6HLB0Deb9G8.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20160113.Obama's 2016 State of the Union, in four minutes.DygBfjNTHk4.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20160115.The racist history of US immigration policy.6yiQAmgI5s4.mkv | 8.0M |
| 20160119.The video the Illuminati doesn’t want you to see.EHrrjQ-zVO0.mkv | 19M |
| 20160120.The Israel-Palestine conflict - a brief, simple history.iRYZjOuUnlU.mkv | 31M |
| 20160121.Flint's water crisis, explained in 3 minutes.NUSiLOwkrIw.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20160122.Why your laptop charger is so hot.hF_A4sp7nM8.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20160125.How the Iowa caucus works.tQBtht_-vAQ.mkv | 5.6M |
| 20160126.Why Yankee Doodle called it 'macaroni'.9QcVNahOavw.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20160128.Hip-Hop is political again. Here's why..ILhv5AW8hH8.mkv | 12M |
| 20160129.Save the salamanders, unsung heroes of the forest.cnrSa18-onc.mkv | 12M |
| 20160201.Better sleep - a 2-minute guide.7QlejFUpn78.mkv | 4.8M |
| 20160202.The Zika virus, explained.OILBAbva6QA.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20160203.Why Teddy Roosevelt killed 512 animals on safari.HGStqh1gvR0.mkv | 3.0M |
| 20160204.How one man held his breath for 23 minutes.zbyOsCqDfYM.mkv | 6.3M |
| 20160206.How the NFL's magic yellow line works.1Oqm6eO6deU.mkv | 11M |
| 20160209.Primary elections are surprisingly new. Here's where they came from..r41imlvr4hs.mkv | 11M |
| 20160210.Pennies are useless. Here's who's fighting to keep them alive..f5jIwDchi0w.mkv | 4.2M |
| 20160211.How Iran's election could make history.LVrtd7Ltk-4.mkv | 6.2M |
| 20160212.How the heart became ♥.s4C_wDRbatM.mkv | 3.0M |
| 20160215.Astronaut ice cream is a lie.zpkUjrC3-Ds.mkv | 15M |
| 20160216.Why aren't all the primaries on the same day.VoDsUwf1qTU.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20160217.Broad City's weird and wonderful world of jokes.ABUuFJU71PY.mkv | 20M |
| 20160218.Bernie Sanders' accent, explained.waeXBCUkuL8.mkv | 10M |
| 20160221.Donald Trump's rise is a scary moment in America.drWh6vBa45k.mkv | 10M |
| 20160222.The state of gun violence in the US, explained in 18 charts.bX4qUsgHa4Y.mkv | 13M |
| 20160223.What exactly is a brokered convention.4TZ5oCW0JFw.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20160226.It's not you. Bad doors are everywhere..yY96hTb8WgI.mkv | 16M |
| 20160227.How leap year works.YTOr8_ILqGw.mkv | 3.8M |
| 20160229.How seapunk went from meme to mainstream.lxn-6DAuqyk.mkv | 10M |
| 20160301.Primary voters don't really look like America.Fwht08ceJOg.mkv | 6.4M |
| 20160302.How architecture changes for the Deaf.FNGp1aviGvE.mkv | 12M |
| 20160303.The R-rated Oregon Trail.xtmwI5K2i3E.mkv | 8.1M |
| 20160304.Afrofuturism mixes sci-fi and social justice. Here’s how it works..jlPwTMMhGGI.mkv | 11M |
| 20160307.Bosses steal billions from workers. Here's how one woman fought back..wYARrSqsYY4.mkv | 22M |
| 20160308.Why voting in 2016 could be nearly impossible for some Americans.R1hC37clqNc.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20160309.Painkillers now kill more Americans than any illegal drug.Hx7WLlJzrlw.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20160310.Why people never smiled in old photos.ocUNn6KUN6k.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20160311.Why the Wingdings font exists.JdKV1L1DJHc.mkv | 6.9M |
| 20160314.Stop taking antibiotics to treat your cold.9_UXsa5WQ08.mkv | 3.8M |
| 20160315.The kiss cam, behind the scenes.3hRsdIF3PFQ.mkv | 19M |
| 20160316.Donald Trump’s message is violent to its core.0ZKDmYfhMhQ.mkv | 11M |
| 20160317.Proof of evolution that you can find on your body.rFxu7NEoKC8.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20160318.28 times TV winked at its favorite films.iVN6hu0vpOg.mkv | 12M |
| 20160322.Why ISIS attacked Brussels.qdjArlHB8k8.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20160322.Why over-the-counter birth control is so necessary.TAUn9ySuD5E.mkv | 6.3M |
| 20160324.How 'the robot' became the greatest novelty dance of all time.FcNHTJU1ufM.mkv | 11M |
| 20160325.Justin Trudeau is pretty sure you won't move to Canada.JWI5-vWqcGc.mkv | 31M |
| 20160328.We’ve hit peak lens flare. Here’s how it started.._IesAvesFUo.mkv | 11M |
| 20160330.The burden of war falls on fewer Americans than ever before.ad75ahK2z60.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20160331.Comedian Lauren Lapkus’s oddball characters, in 3 minutes.PUjgmSjFOn0.mkv | 7.0M |
| 20160401.When the BBC won April Fools' Day in 1957.tWUKBRZJVr0.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20160402.Justin Trudeau on feminism, fatherhood, and Ryan Gosling memes.j9o6cruoP7Y.mkv | 18M |
| 20160405.How much do conservatives dislike Trump We put them to the test..RPyuQhxiDtQ.mkv | 15M |
| 20160405.The Panama Papers, explained with piggy banks.k2APYPjTWZ8.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20160407.Our sterile homes might be giving us seasonal allergies.0ft9XxuFG-k.mkv | 8.3M |
| 20160408.The pneumatic tube's strange 150-year journey.sd58w0CXQrM.mkv | 13M |
| 20160412.A brief history of America and Cuba.chYBlArm9Ao.mkv | 17M |
| 20160413.How deterrence is changing, explained by Defense Secretary Ash Carter.Wp4fKplfGRc.mkv | 30M |
| 20160414.How a TV show gets made.P8aW1Ae6gcI.mkv | 8.2M |
| 20160418.New York turns up for a lot. Just not to the ballot box..jdLf3SbBH9Q.mkv | 14M |
| 20160419.We called random Swedes. They told us about … foraging.rOTRn5s6_gg.mkv | 5.6M |
| 20160420.Why you're safer on a bike share than a regular bike.PgJo7GnGorg.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20160421.Yellowface is a bad look, Hollywood.zB0lrSebyng.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20160422.Prince, remembered in 11 songs you might not know he wrote._j-Y0R_DiBE.mkv | 20M |
| 20160427.The most famous baboons on the internet.XOxJwTxrIX4.mkv | 9.0M |
| 20160428.Americans feel passionate about abortion but don't know much about it.RCLQREWIwyA.mkv | 15M |
| 20160429.Vikings never wore horned helmets. Here's why people thought they did..gTLbLeow2nQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20160502.How big government helps big dairy sell milk.XRCj8LVTRyA.mkv | 12M |
| 20160504.Why Donald Trump can't become 'moderate'.ypOwLUMUHw0.mkv | 10M |
| 20160505.Giving birth costs a lot. Hospitals won't tell you how much..Tct38KwROdw.mkv | 18M |
| 20160506.The world's greatest internet troll explains his craft.us4Eti0UmDI.mkv | 13M |
| 20160507.Motherhood, explained by the experts - our moms.fFTAeZcfUOQ.mkv | 11M |
| 20160510.Hope Solo is done being told the wage gap isn't real.krOpWE0o7as.mkv | 19M |
| 20160511.How highways wrecked American cities.odF4GSX1y3c.mkv | 15M |
| 20160516.The bad map we see every presidential election.hlQE4IGFc5A.mkv | 4.6M |
| 20160517.When running was for weirdos.O_szq20l654.mkv | 10M |
| 20160519.Rapping, deconstructed - The best rhymers of all time.QWveXdj6oZU.mkv | 24M |
| 20160520.Authoritarianism - The political science that explains Trump.5YU9djt_CQM.mkv | 15M |
| 20160523.Why Obama is one of the most consequential presidents in American history.AoOeTBD1iEQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20160524.The real secret to sushi isn't fish.q4-EJwykDIs.mkv | 8.8M |
| 20160525.Meet this year’s youngest Spelling Bee competitor.bAOoFGCh1eY.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20160527.When carmakers taunted horses.8g3pJkP7l1Y.mkv | 18M |
| 20160601.Late sleeper Blame your genes..JuCYyKJ0-X0.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20160602.The business of GIFs - Then and now.pzC40p-6Tc8.mkv | 11M |
| 20160603.Transgender bathroom bills technically force men into women's bathrooms. How ironic..JS70gSukBa4.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20160606.Muhammad Ali's biggest fights were outside the ring.c1gCtoxyfF8.mkv | 26M |
| 20160607.How They Might Be Giants influenced art-rapper Open Mike Eagle._nuYDJf5SFY.mkv | 11M |
| 20160608.The big fight over Coexist.Zm6na9tz4-s.mkv | 12M |
| 20160610.Time travel in Game of Thrones, explained.a89GNMCJaJU.mkv | 10M |
| 20160614.The Orlando mass shooting is a reminder of why Pride is so important.AcMnbw8zOnE.mkv | 10M |
| 20160615.Why truffles can cost $2,500 per pound.9gXXceSzL5E.mkv | 13M |
| 20160616.Airplane black boxes, explained.VGzpv96AQKg.mkv | 12M |
| 20160617.The Oxford comma's unlikely origin.zhN5c1ucRNk.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20160620.How long it takes to shoot and reload different guns.sOCcAh_p8ik.mkv | 3.0M |
| 20160621.Kim Kardashian's greatest talent._L4JNftstL0.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20160623.50 Million Americans live with disabilities – so why ignore their vote.kIgsXfgiSOY.mkv | 16M |
| 20160624.The United Kingdom is leaving the EU. Here's what that means..czWhVBmrNPQ.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20160627.2016 Olympics - What Rio doesn’t want the world to see.1W_zM7koJy8.mkv | 24M |
| 20160628.How Snapchat's filters work.Pc2aJxnmzh0.mkv | 10M |
| 20160629.The science is in - Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight.eXTiiz99p9o.mkv | 13M |
| 20160701.How Brexit could actually make the EU stronger._fzNdnzL8Ms.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20160705.Proxemics - the study of personal space.pw3FZ3xOBVo.mkv | 10M |
| 20160706.Why Hollywood keeps making terrible sequels.OYirwDFKEX0.mkv | 11M |
| 20160707.Watch what really happens after the Running of the Bulls.iso8NApqls4.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20160708.Why no aquarium has a great white shark.QMbHLF_zwjs.mkv | 16M |
| 20160711.Hillary Clinton - The Vox Conversation.5VE9nihee7o.mkv | 123M |
| 20160712.This is how the NRA swings elections.kVJbA7KQIo0.mkv | 13M |
| 20160713.Why so many queer female characters die on TV.Rl22caUj-oo.mkv | 10M |
| 20160716.Why red light cameras are a scam.RXeSKzq79as.mkv | 12M |
| 20160718.Melania Trump (2016) vs Michelle Obama (2008).sgyXFxDw5P8.mkv | 2.7M |
| 20160718.Turkey's failed military coup, explained.jW_c30hwXTM.mkv | 11M |
| 20160719.This plane could cross the Atlantic in 3.5 hours. Why did it fail.a_wuykzfFzE.mkv | 23M |
| 20160720.How the Republican Party went from Lincoln to Trump.s8VOM8ET1WU.mkv | 26M |
| 20160721.How free games are designed to make money.fKK9nVLvhGM.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20160721.Political polarization is making dating worse.QqkFD-QDDhI.mkv | 17M |
| 20160722.We have 1 million subscribers. OMFG..8yq3o7xRSeg.mkv | 14M |
| 20160725.How LSD and shrooms could help treat anxiety, addiction and depression.b5i0aY_rUZU.mkv | 11M |
| 20160726.Ancient Romans had yummy condiments. Here’s a recipe..rjccYCcSoxQ.mkv | 6.6M |
| 20160728.We made a Bernie and Hillary fan assemble IKEA furniture together.q8fAe2X6c-8.mkv | 18M |
| 20160729.Donald Trump's threat to dismantle NATO, explained.7J39jwkNrKQ.mkv | 10M |
| 20160801.Inside Rio’s favelas, the city's neglected neighborhoods.c3BRTlHFpBU.mkv | 27M |
| 20160802.Let’s face it — American breakfast is really dessert.y789MRv7KLI.mkv | 5.1M |
| 20160803.Why women’s clothing sizes don’t make sense.7QwlT5f7H1c.mkv | 13M |
| 20160804.How Queen got Trump to stop using their music.B8gHdct_his.mkv | 8.3M |
| 20160809.The remarkable discovery of microbial life.BN2-n04CCcI.mkv | 16M |
| 20160810.Fencing, explained.kTw05gC2T9Y.mkv | 16M |
| 20160811.Yes, race walking is an Olympic sport. Here’s how it works..W1sxFgTUbWo.mkv | 14M |
| 20160815.Why Elon Musk says we're living in a simulation.J0KHiiTtt4w.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20160816.How Stranger Things got its retro title sequence._a1lp_ygGB4.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20160819.Sexist coverage steals the show at 2016 Olympics.eUhf-Jyy1_Y.mkv | 11M |
| 20160823.The 'natural' label on your food is baloney.X72KpJKKUhI.mkv | 11M |
| 20160824.The hippest internet cafe of 1995.iWssRVJgPqc.mkv | 19M |
| 20160825.How technology has changed the definition of death.Mx9A0BjhEdU.mkv | 5.0M |
| 20160826.Why you shouldn't drive slowly in the left lane.4oqfodY2Lz0.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20160829.How Americans got stuck with endless drug ads._5jnn1AIt7Q.mkv | 24M |
| 20160831.Gene Wilder's greatest quality was his comedic generosity.6Uhw6Qv2tSw.mkv | 12M |
| 20160901.Kanye, deconstructed - The human voice as the ultimate instrument.ZgJyhKEZ8QU.mkv | 17M |
| 20160902.Where the 'comic book font' came from.e31fNccOQSE.mkv | 23M |
| 20160907.What people miss about the gender wage gap.13XU4fMlN3w.mkv | 12M |
| 20160908.Understanding how Hillary Clinton would govern.9hIFDaGs8l8.mkv | 36M |
| 20160910.Mercury retrograde, explained WITHOUT astrology.FtV0PV9MF88.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20160913.Products that promise 'detox' are a sham. Yes, all of them..lw08dtKt4oY.mkv | 13M |
| 20160915.Why red means Republican and blue means Democrat.lgz3p4cEXZU.mkv | 15M |
| 20160916.Homer Simpson - An economic analysis.9D420SOmL6U.mkv | 11M |
| 20160919.Israeli settlements, explained _ Settlements Part I.E0uLbeQlwjw.mkv | 25M |
| 20160920.How the Mona Lisa became so overrated.d2wy7Fp2fqw.mkv | 16M |
| 20160921.The 1995 Hubble photo that changed astronomy.95Tc0Rk2cNg.mkv | 13M |
| 20160923.Democrats are in deep trouble — even if Hillary Clinton wins.15WhOT_lQiA.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20160926.Why Israeli settlements don’t feel like a conflict zone _ Settlements Part II.B6L9mS9ti6o.mkv | 37M |
| 20160927.Superblocks - How Barcelona is taking city streets back from cars.ZORzsubQA_M.mkv | 17M |
| 20161003.Why the Lincoln Memorial was almost never built.Penbo2MtTw8.mkv | 18M |
| 20161005.The formula for selling a million-dollar work of art.rCT-UL2M8Gc.mkv | 15M |
| 20161006.Settlers are taking over East Jerusalem one house at a time._Tlnk0RL5VM.mkv | 33M |
| 20161007.Colombia’s fragile peace, explained.VUFQCIuVuLc.mkv | 18M |
| 20161009.Fixing the debates - a better way to interrupt.SljrHOsbKcM.mkv | 12M |
| 20161011.America’s creepy clown craze, explained.ggS6LBhH7Fo.mkv | 21M |
| 20161012.Why rappers love Grey Poupon.jOgPk5T1xi0.mkv | 20M |
| 20161014.Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler.hJn8iUe6rwY.mkv | 18M |
| 20161018.Harry Potter and the translator's nightmare.UdbOhvjIJxI.mkv | 18M |
| 20161019.Consent, explained for Donald Trump.g6o1eTHC99U.mkv | 18M |
| 20161020.Hillary Clinton’s 3 presidential debate performances left the Trump campaign in ruins.IlLFTI24Qkw.mkv | 14M |
| 20161021.Magic Eye - The optical illusion, explained.v8O8Em_RPNg.mkv | 26M |
| 20161024.The Taliban hostages you’ve never heard of.yPMzWaaMX1g.mkv | 14M |
| 20161027.Everything else on your ballot, explained.Wq37SYtSnZs.mkv | 10M |
| 20161028.Why Americans with disabilities struggle to vote.K62JCFj7B88.mkv | 16M |
| 20161029.How you could get away with murder in Yellowstone’s “Zone of Death'.-E4OqN9tJnw.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20161031.How a mathematician dissects a coincidence.PQynVVwlcSE.mkv | 15M |
| 20161101.How Donald Trump thinks about foreign policy.xpExmP7ZAyQ.mkv | 13M |
| 20161102.An American-Muslim comedian on being typecast as a terrorist.QeBuWVkUL4A.mkv | 11M |
| 20161102.Want to rig the US presidential election Good luck..sOgcY8WvVdU.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20161103.We imagined a woke male feminist president. He sounds like this..KiCzv8cQZBA.mkv | 10M |
| 20161104.What 33,000 pages of leaked emails teach us about Hillary Clinton.0W2J6MtVR8M.mkv | 8.3M |
| 20161107.From white supremacy to Barack Obama - The history of the Democratic Party.Z6R0NvVr164.mkv | 18M |
| 20161108.6 ways your voting rights could be violated on Election Day.Cg6U_9OjIVM.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20161108.Donald Trump's success reveals a frightening weakness in American democracy.RLCUphApmr8.mkv | 23M |
| 20161108.Neo-Nazis explain why they like Donald Trump.-e3T3VHmEkg.mkv | 11M |
| 20161108.What to watch for on election night.C8EVBapt3a0.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20161109.It’s now on America’s institutions – and Republicans – to check Donald Trump.1PUtvNUSpHw.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20161109.Someday - The long fight for a female president.20tIy89aimA.mkv | 27M |
| 20161111.The hard life of India's illegal sewer cleaners.GvrjWlDgE4Y.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20161114.How streets, roads, and avenues are different.yqmso0c9CBs.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20161115.Muslim NYPD chaplain - saluted in uniform, harassed as a civilian.GaYhcgwsfgg.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20161116.7 ways a trip to Mars could kill you.8yU33cguGaY.mkv | 19M |
| 20161117.How zip codes helped organize America.SZNZiu68mUU.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20161118.How repealing Obamacare could change millions of lives.vfKgABPe__g.mkv | 13M |
| 20161121.What does it mean to be Muslim There are 1.7 billion answers..b-Dzm1QgQck.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20161122.The hidden war over grocery shelf space.ImZD2JGxbmc.mkv | 15M |
| 20161123.How America became a superpower.BShvYeyMm_Y.mkv | 18M |
| 20161124.Sweet potatoes and yams - What's the difference.CCDeMbgX7vk.mkv | 4.5M |
| 20161128.This Muslim American was shot after 9_11. Then he fought to save his attacker’s life.dMlvidnkEwY.mkv | 11M |
| 20161129.How China is changing Hollywood.8R-FQTY4KJk.mkv | 12M |
| 20161201.Why blackface is still part of Dutch holidays.jBqoH-qx-os.mkv | 36M |
| 20161202.Why all world maps are wrong.kIID5FDi2JQ.mkv | 16M |
| 20161205.The fight over the Dakota Access Pipeline, explained.qJZ1-LAFOTo.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20161206.Tired of being bullied, this “MuslimGirl” found a way for Muslim women to talk back.nUKp5p77Ev4.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20161207.Fuel is cheap. Why are we still paying to check bags.sWLhbcEMWrY.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20161208.How David Blaine barfs frogs.YPE928xUKL4.mkv | 11M |
| 20161209.How the screens inside movies build fictional worlds.qZe4KlJcDxU.mkv | 19M |
| 20161212.The US may be aiding war crimes in Yemen.CwwP3SiBIC8.mkv | 18M |
| 20161213.This Muslim journalist challenges power – from Standing Rock to Donald Trump.NtJTbF7QcfI.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20161214.How cars went from boxy to curvy.IVjmIovOPek.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20161216.The fall of Aleppo, explained.EsAilPOdQCQ.mkv | 9.9M |
| 20161219.One helpful rule for being a Muslim on the internet – don’t read the comments.Nldo1hvNIjI.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20161220.How one of America's least healthy counties got so sick.7kZ47paxVp0.mkv | 18M |
| 20161221.The chord that makes Christmas music sound so Christmassy.xm4LO22-cyY.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20161222.Why cities should plant more trees.aKyvGHycngM.mkv | 8.1M |
| 20161223.The US nuclear arsenal is a gigantic accident waiting to happen.cPmUzIRUO10.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20161227.2016, in 5 minutes.JxzZKcl7FeI.mkv | 12M |
| 20161228.How I memorized an entire chapter from “Moby Dick”.mh9B5UJbbRg.mkv | 10M |
| 20161229.South Sudan may be heading towards genocide.LkWldwFdTPo.mkv | 13M |
| 20161230.Obama on Obamacare - Vox interviews the president on January 6.W57ZDwOsxtk.mkv | 4.4M |
| 20170103.Fake news wasn’t the biggest media problem of 2016.vdsj-PIqR0g.mkv | 11M |
| 20170104.Why American TV needs a Muslim Modern Family.KURTpn0Nuzs.mkv | 11M |
| 20170106.President Barack Obama interview with Ezra Klein and Sarah Kliff about Obamacare.V7eqoL18zwg.mkv | 136M |
| 20170109.The battle over for-profit colleges, explained.wBEZnvU2mz8.mkv | 16M |
| 20170110.How this guy found 83 messages in bottles.YgsxdAi7lD0.mkv | 17M |
| 20170111.After San Bernardino, this couple fought Islamophobia with doughnuts and conversation.Rlj6ghQYuJI.mkv | 14M |
| 20170112.How the inventor of Mario designs a game.K-NBcP0YUQI.mkv | 11M |
| 20170113.How Vladimir Putin won Republicans' approval.URCz2uc4t20.mkv | 12M |
| 20170116.Before organizing the Women’s March on Washington, Linda Sarsour fought for Muslim holidays in NYC.mIYj_CmeRYk.mkv | 13M |
| 20170117.Obamacare in Trump country.M0FvLkXDKIs.mkv | 29M |
| 20170119.What the best inaugural addresses have in common.Rbdt6PXNJ18.mkv | 12M |
| 20170120.Barack Obama vs. Donald Trump - inaugural crowds.ahh9kLmI7Cs.mkv | 1.2M |
| 20170120.Republicans have one major problem on Obamacare.aduTfKE5IOM.mkv | 11M |
| 20170123.Donald Trump's conflicts of interest span the globe.TSDC7CCyeGY.mkv | 10M |
| 20170124.A beginner’s guide to hijabs.DclppILcDcg.mkv | 5.2M |
| 20170124.Women haven’t forgotten what Trump said during the campaign.kCZtIn62lgs.mkv | 13M |
| 20170125.The incredible sport of cup stacking, explained.82DNYqurkxo.mkv | 21M |
| 20170126.This jet fighter is a disaster, but Congress keeps buying it.ba63OVl1MHw.mkv | 13M |
| 20170127.Democrats won the most votes. Why aren’t they acting like it.H76e8yIbXi4.mkv | 10M |
| 20170201.How should the media cover a White House that isn't afraid to lie.Hlk3TBJdWwE.mkv | 14M |
| 20170202.Why cartoon characters wear gloves.3R3cvbLsbAk.mkv | 13M |
| 20170203.Trump's immigration ban actually makes it harder to fight terrorism.cWHuWxeH9gU.mkv | 14M |
| 20170204.How NFL rule changes made linemen gigantic.vhZvHT4d5LI.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20170206.Minecraft isn't just a game. It's an art form..-Of_yz-4iXs.mkv | 15M |
| 20170207.What Donald Trump doesn't understand about trade.wAZswdN2baQ.mkv | 11M |
| 20170208.How one woman used fashion to reclaim her Muslim American identity.tM2Lsd-hanE.mkv | 11M |
| 20170209.Do I have ADHD.j7F7Pil9tVQ.mkv | 14M |
| 20170210.Ibtihaj Muhammad was the first US Olympian to wear a hijab.mr5j-Lkk7rw.mkv | 12M |
| 20170213.Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained.C-7fzHy3aG0.mkv | 13M |
| 20170214.How Steve Bannon sees the world.cYhnnN1eLxM.mkv | 15M |
| 20170215.The Oscars' voting process awards safe movies.AfIxihGOaQ8.mkv | 6.9M |
| 20170216.Here's why you should stop memorizing your passwords.xHSnHj-zKF4.mkv | 5.1M |
| 20170217.Why China is building islands in the South China Sea.luTPMHC7zHY.mkv | 15M |
| 20170220.How the BBC makes Planet Earth look like a Hollywood movie.qAOKOJhzYXk.mkv | 23M |
| 20170221.The hotline Hollywood calls for science advice.rXMQuHmh-3w.mkv | 13M |
| 20170223.A timeline of the 3 Trump-Russia scandals.IsOuSmSLGOs.mkv | 11M |
| 20170223.Dear Hollywood - stop portraying Muslims as terrorists.cWVhUmUwDQA.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20170224.The font that escaped the Nazis and landed on the moon.SaX_PwxSh5M.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20170227.How wildlife films warp time.bpbmWqQMzq0.mkv | 19M |
| 20170228.The hunt for Forrest Fenn's $2 million hidden treasure.j4ahNpQLgdk.mkv | 65M |
| 20170301.Why African-Americans left the south in droves — and what's bringing them back.VCdTyl141bA.mkv | 15M |
| 20170302.One paragraph of Obamacare saved this boy’s life.2GbkvEvWaQs.mkv | 20M |
| 20170303.Why Fox News just can't quit Donald Trump.UYMIgnw2FPU.mkv | 13M |
| 20170306.How the BBC films the night side of Planet Earth.7t5l7sjcjHU.mkv | 13M |
| 20170307.The Doomsday Clock, explained.jCnWPbn-ZKo.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20170308.The Republican health care bill makes no sense.c4dNH-Nb2Ow.mkv | 11M |
| 20170310.How to impeach a president.JRtJXnsUYBc.mkv | 13M |
| 20170313.Meet the designer cats with wild blood.QHscMam4W7s.mkv | 37M |
| 20170314.How a dictionary writer defines English.uLgn3geod9Q.mkv | 24M |
| 20170315.How poaching is changing the face of African elephants.K8EVQdIUWBE.mkv | 18M |
| 20170315.The GOP health care plan - The more you need, the less you get.ZKk4uwFw3oM.mkv | 15M |
| 20170316.How America's justice system is rigged against the poor.Ry5jTjBhZpA.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20170317.The economics of beard popularity in the US.u9fbSGchSr0.mkv | 10M |
| 20170320.This is your brain on terrorism.7ZohjYKGZJM.mkv | 18M |
| 20170321.Bad typography has ruined more than just the Oscars.eZSe4xVXHhI.mkv | 10M |
| 20170322.China's panda diplomacy, explained.ZR2GpiDE4FI.mkv | 10M |
| 20170323.From spy to president - The rise of Vladimir Putin.lxMWSmKieuc.mkv | 20M |
| 20170324.We're the only daily news source in our part of rural Alaska. Trump's budget would devastate us..TJl_7AEUVlg.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20170327.How sign language innovators are bringing music to the deaf.EuD2iNVMS_4.mkv | 15M |
| 20170328.How a case gets to the US Supreme Court.KEjgAXxrkXY.mkv | 10M |
| 20170329.Why knights fought snails in medieval art.6ISOK-XtvYs.mkv | 11M |
| 20170331.Why losing a dog feels like losing a family member.9e2IfMf4KhI.mkv | 19M |
| 20170403.Comedians have figured out the trick to covering Trump.-fUDIucr2eo.mkv | 14M |
| 20170404.Our video recommendations _ Thank you 2 million subscribers!.QvmM5_7dKUk.mkv | 12M |
| 20170405.Why Drake uses a Jamaican accent.a3-GJB2htE4.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20170406.Ezra Klein - Why Neil Gorsuch is the wrong justice for a divided country.0FUqj6z_E_I.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20170407.Syria's war - Who is fighting and why.JFpanWNgfQY.mkv | 17M |
| 20170407.Trump's strikes against Syria, in one minute.tgcONmsp_AY.mkv | 3.8M |
| 20170410.The algorithm that could help end partisan gerrymandering.gRCZR_BbjTo.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20170411.What it's like to give a kidney to a stranger.x7EglP5A2Hg.mkv | 25M |
| 20170412.I'm a Syrian-American journalist. Syria is more than the headlines..HygD904iWTY.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20170413.Why peregrine falcons are the fastest animals on earth.y7rOjh4Lr78.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20170414.I was a prominent neo-Nazi. Ignoring white extremists is a mistake..jwZhFUZFGGE.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20170417.CNN treats politics like sports — and it’s making us all dumber.4pS4x8hXQ5c.mkv | 16M |
| 20170418.I’m a Tea Party conservative. Here’s how to win over Republicans on renewable energy..nbmt_WeNBck.mkv | 11M |
| 20170419.Why humans are so bad at thinking about climate change.DkZ7BJQupVA.mkv | 21M |
| 20170420.Marine Le Pen - France’s Trump is on the rise.BdcrP-5bDIk.mkv | 24M |
| 20170421.How Google's featured answers can go terribly wrong.hgEPHIaScck.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20170424.Why Philadelphia has thousands of murals.qu7cen0VOAA.mkv | 18M |
| 20170425.How sanctuary cities actually work.XaR5kR8h4es.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20170426.Going green shouldn't be this hard.BxKfpt70rLI.mkv | 18M |
| 20170427.Fox News' problem is a lot bigger than Bill O'Reilly.nFCPdVtB8gI.mkv | 15M |
| 20170428.Ezra Klein - 100 days of Trump’s flailing presidency.3u0M4syuNo0.mkv | 19M |
| 20170501.How a melancholy egg yolk conquered Japan.CTAnJTB9roI.mkv | 10M |
| 20170503.Why your old phones collect in a junk drawer of sadness.eyUqqA8wA0A.mkv | 19M |
| 20170504.Cory Booker - Why Trump should try being nice on Twitter.8p5n0TbRFEk.mkv | 8.8M |
| 20170504.What you need to know about the House vote to repeal Obamacare.DcHGBaf_ggU.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20170505.What happens when you bring meditation to public schools.rVnbL5Wm6eY.mkv | 11M |
| 20170508.Where should we send Johnny next.zfl8QgiyP68.mkv | 10M |
| 20170510.Food waste is the world's dumbest problem.6RlxySFrkIM.mkv | 22M |
| 20170510.Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. Here’s what you need to know..CS2WvtlXzyI.mkv | 14M |
| 20170512.Why the world is worried about Turkey.WBZHdbfuFtw.mkv | 16M |
| 20170513.The White House press briefing is dying.B0nYFJVi3Bs.mkv | 8.2M |
| 20170515.Why every American graduation plays the same song.p0242yFKRpU.mkv | 13M |
| 20170516.The surprising pattern behind color names around the world.gMqZR3pqMjg.mkv | 12M |
| 20170517.The fight to rethink (and reinvent) nuclear power.poPLSgbSO6k.mkv | 16M |
| 20170518.How Trump made it harder for the US to fight terrorism.mmceh9nIbBY.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20170519.Fox News’ 5 steps for handling a Trump scandal.XuwG75M5YHE.mkv | 16M |
| 20170520.The evolution of American protest music.qLc5QJsMgvw.mkv | 17M |
| 20170522.How dead is the Great Barrier Reef.BO44JlAElXM.mkv | 24M |
| 20170523.How tap dancing was made in America.5rCIQ1rXfuM.mkv | 16M |
| 20170524.Scientists really aren’t the best champions of climate science.-qfI3DZmmQw.mkv | 21M |
| 20170525.Ramzan Kadyrov - brutal tyrant, Instagram star._bYic1R0i28.mkv | 23M |
| 20170526.Japan's rising right-wing nationalism.IHJsoCAREsg.mkv | 22M |
| 20170527.Want to save animal lives without going veg Stop eating chickens..vS8Fzy3tGBo.mkv | 8.3M |
| 20170528.Flying over the melting arctic made climate change feel much more urgent.zRKuxK1-e0g.mkv | 13M |
| 20170529.How the media's weapons fetish primes us for war.cADiZii4X8s.mkv | 16M |
| 20170530.How obsessive artists colorize old photos.vubuBrcAwtY.mkv | 15M |
| 20170531.Donald Trump is destroying his own presidency.DhN8IhWGaaQ.mkv | 17M |
| 20170601.I didn't bring business cards to Japan. Big mistake..Ogb7FyzQhbk.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20170602.How bicycles boosted the women's rights movement.LPLJgkVsXpE.mkv | 13M |
| 20170604.Why Japan has so many vending machines.9UJzVLXmBG4.mkv | 17M |
| 20170605.Why underdogs do better in hockey than basketball.HNlgISa9Giw.mkv | 18M |
| 20170606.How the LGBTQ community created voguing.XJ6fqQX_e9U.mkv | 10M |
| 20170607.What happens when you treat health care like a soap opera.6fKsBj2M-T8.mkv | 17M |
| 20170608.Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before Congress (Full).73bIlOzjFHo.mkv | 330M |
| 20170608.Grime - London's latest music export.Am2sYBhg_hM.mkv | 13M |
| 20170609.The US government cannot be trusted so long as Donald Trump runs it.zCHMgAQfvZE.mkv | 15M |
| 20170609.Why Norway is full of Teslas.zSjYra7cYqY.mkv | 26M |
| 20170612.The 4 man-made famines threatening 20 million people.CvSW5Ez0koM.mkv | 14M |
| 20170613.Calling Trump a toddler is an insult to my 2-year-old.fD91dTeEzqE.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20170614.Why people keep watching the worst movie ever made.k27mr6p-yhY.mkv | 11M |
| 20170615.How fan films shaped The Lego Movie.TVe5XPU10Zc.mkv | 18M |
| 20170616.Are huskies Russian Depends who you ask..Q_PA5T6NLmY.mkv | 19M |
| 20170619.Trump's policy agenda is a bigger scandal than his Russia ties.03YjwYb7_J8.mkv | 14M |
| 20170620.How the Bronx brought breaking to the world.9TMBWCcYs3o.mkv | 18M |
| 20170621.Decoding the ancient astronomy of Stonehenge.Fx-KrvuiafE.mkv | 12M |
| 20170622.The decline of American democracy won't be televised.pF-Tdsvk0tI.mkv | 15M |
| 20170623.The Senate health bill - poor people pay more for worse insurance.LJjo1kJW6To.mkv | 12M |
| 20170626.The origin of the '80s aesthetic.TCI8lPvr6SM.mkv | 15M |
| 20170627.Donald Trump's refugee ban, explained [Updated].c5ZtB8nLRdU.mkv | 13M |
| 20170628.How Mura Masa makes internet beats.NrCTofDfkOI.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20170629.The world's stashing seeds in the Arctic. Just in case..FlfFmQUWkmE.mkv | 6.4M |
| 20170630.13 men wrote a health care bill that would hurt women.vly2iHFtOTE.mkv | 4.1M |
| 20170703.Wildlife crossings stop roadkill. Why aren't there more.ND0D3bVbM7Y.mkv | 17M |
| 20170704.Be careful out there, America.3oOcWPI6X7s.mkv | 5.4M |
| 20170705.Why there are twice as many solar jobs as coal jobs.lasXF7bFElw.mkv | 10M |
| 20170706.The growing North Korean nuclear threat, explained [Updated].NwbYpdGpx8U.mkv | 14M |
| 20170710.Why government agencies should move from DC to the Midwest.imcDUnEs--Y.mkv | 6.8M |
| 20170711.Why people think they see ghosts.LFMuLqZ1zaU.mkv | 11M |
| 20170712.Why Donald Trump Jr.'s emails change everything.HO2c_2XAXMw.mkv | 13M |
| 20170713.The hidden oil patterns on bowling lanes.t-osG0F2MZM.mkv | 12M |
| 20170714.The best Fox News explanations for Trump Jr.’s Russia meeting.TCDSqgs8qNo.mkv | 13M |
| 20170715.Vincent van Gogh’s long, miserable road to fame.vxz8NA9gMYc.mkv | 11M |
| 20170717.The Middle East's cold war, explained.veMFCFyOwFI.mkv | 23M |
| 20170718.Why the ocean is getting louder.CrpkZkwTvu0.mkv | 21M |
| 20170719.The high cost of free parking.Akm7ik-H_7U.mkv | 15M |
| 20170720.Why people get so excited about a total solar eclipse.oNH3akWXaV8.mkv | 11M |
| 20170721.Why white supremacists love Tucker Carlson.SkQKVMYyPoM.mkv | 22M |
| 20170722.Why a Haitian graffiti artist is protesting foreign aid.fj9swy4i9jg.mkv | 19M |
| 20170725.The bizarre physics of fire ants.NpiDADw5Omw.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20170726.The sound illusion that makes Dunkirk so intense.LVWTQcZbLgY.mkv | 6.4M |
| 20170727.How fentanyl is making the opioid epidemic even worse.BXmyPsqkP44.mkv | 12M |
| 20170728.Baby Driver's opening car chase, mapped.8ry9X2FPfHM.mkv | 11M |
| 20170731.Lyme disease is spreading. Blame ticks — and climate change.FHQqKWxF1Tg.mkv | 12M |
| 20170801.Medicaid, explained - why it's worse to be sick in some states than others.sOo_aw-xgHQ.mkv | 21M |
| 20170802.What happens after ISIS falls.4Ltr7x8nO2M.mkv | 17M |
| 20170803.The 'this is fine' bias in cable news.yFsyfXEENPU.mkv | 16M |
| 20170804.The secret rhythm behind Radiohead's 'Videotape'.p_IHotHxIl8.mkv | 19M |
| 20170807.Meet Haiti's surfing pioneers.qjPc6KDVvG8.mkv | 12M |
| 20170808.The tiny island in New York City that nobody is allowed to visit.wmVJyICw1C8.mkv | 12M |
| 20170809.The real reason streetcars are making a comeback.RftqoygXXHk.mkv | 12M |
| 20170810.DC’s abandoned fire and police call boxes, explained.KSO5vRGsD1M.mkv | 11M |
| 20170812.Voyager 2's 11 billion mile journey at a human scale.wgDr26MvWKQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20170814.How Trump's Charlottesville response emboldens white supremacy.KhWPw5UZGJQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20170815.How a Haitian village cooks with sunlight.QFbCPM1izaM.mkv | 11M |
| 20170816.Tales from the shadow of the moon.Xo26Or1GGWE.mkv | 10M |
| 20170817.After Charlottesville, how do we cover an immoral president.I1VvZjploCI.mkv | 12M |
| 20170818.How a recording-studio mishap shaped '80s music.Bxz6jShW-3E.mkv | 15M |
| 20170821.How an MS Paint artist made this picture.3eKBiEeag1A.mkv | 24M |
| 20170822.Trump's plan to cut his own taxes.WOX87ztiGWI.mkv | 4.2M |
| 20170823.This timeline shows confederate monuments are about racial conflict.WClgR6Q0aPE.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20170824.We need to change how we bury the dead.o2dvXWX3Sdw.mkv | 12M |
| 20170825.The collapse of Venezuela, explained.S1gUR8wM5vA.mkv | 26M |
| 20170826.A mountaintop view of the total solar eclipse.9vFRZ_NFJpY.mkv | 3.9M |
| 20170828.How climate change makes hurricanes worse._0TCrGtTEQM.mkv | 11M |
| 20170829.Why America still uses Fahrenheit.1TV6JFxMEcI.mkv | 10M |
| 20170830.Why fact-checking can’t stop Trump’s lies.S8DQ2kseTWw.mkv | 18M |
| 20170831.7 seasons of color on Game of Thrones, in one chart.4x23uOvnyeI.mkv | 3.0M |
| 20170901.Why more pop songs should end with a fade out.QpKypvDjiPM.mkv | 16M |
| 20170905.The wall of eyes trained on the US - Mexico border.VIY0FF3TE_E.mkv | 20M |
| 20170906.DACA, explained.UzYDqQDNFzc.mkv | 10M |
| 20170907.The colleges where the American dream is still alive.QhN4wBfQ9yI.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20170908.Why these all-white paintings are in museums and mine aren't.9aGRHOpMRUg.mkv | 12M |
| 20170909.Why a storm surge can be the deadliest part of a hurricane.TJ5C7TsBsao.mkv | 11M |
| 20170911.How 9_11 changed Disney's Lilo & Stitch.F2uJvwiSZAQ.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20170912.What Hillary Clinton really thinks.GGm0FQ6i74U.mkv | 138M |
| 20170913.The real reason To Kill A Mockingbird became so famous.YSVlSmZWzm0.mkv | 10M |
| 20170914.How an underground script list changed movies.PXG1e4r5qeQ.mkv | 16M |
| 20170915.How the triplet flow took over rap.3la8bsi4P-c.mkv | 20M |
| 20170918.Treating hurricanes like war zones hurts survivors.CMfo-s9izIc.mkv | 22M |
| 20170919.You have more than five senses.9W0WPPpCFaM.mkv | 12M |
| 20170920.How American Gothic became an icon.Lf3ER5Ope_s.mkv | 13M |
| 20170921.How to solve problems like a designer.wOrmr5kT-48.mkv | 12M |
| 20170922.The rise and fall of the American fallout shelter.4gKhm09PKPQ.mkv | 32M |
| 20170925.The “ethnic cleansing” of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims, explained.04axDDRVy_o.mkv | 11M |
| 20170926.Why 23 million Americans don't have fast internet.n54-eEvoMpg.mkv | 17M |
| 20170927.How QWERTY conquered keyboards.c8f6us-Sjlo.mkv | 12M |
| 20170928.How Hans Zimmer and Radiohead transformed 'Bloom' for Blue Planet II.cIsewG2g-1g.mkv | 16M |
| 20170929.Crowdfunding, explained by Exploding Kittens.oStLD-yYAy0.mkv | 16M |
| 20170930.The ancient city designed to track time.Mw5T62dJzhQ.mkv | 13M |
| 20171002.Why Puerto Rico will be without power for months.q2KehxKQ3Zk.mkv | 10M |
| 20171003.Don't fall for the antifa trap.7TJOjAKL7Qs.mkv | 25M |
| 20171004.Open offices are overrated.-p6WWRarjNs.mkv | 14M |
| 20171005.How bump stocks make semiautomatic guns more deadly.lCZCWjzQUM8.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20171006.Why we still need courtroom sketch artists.WBetE_lRje8.mkv | 12M |
| 20171007.The only wild monkeys in Europe.C1wa2OyP_so.mkv | 20M |
| 20171009.How tax breaks help the rich.k1vE_LVBx4s.mkv | 16M |
| 20171010.Why Rotten Tomatoes scores don't mean what they seem.oQyKpOJhUKY.mkv | 11M |
| 20171011.How granite countertops took over American kitchens.eXyHRnDNH64.mkv | 15M |
| 20171012.Assign us a video topic! 3 million subscribers challenge.YNooxN3AzBw.mkv | 4.6M |
| 20171013.Why we really really really like repetition in music.HzzmqUoQobc.mkv | 15M |
| 20171014.Vox Borders - Life at the edge of nations.7G2lEMberCw.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20171017.Divided island - How Haiti and the DR became two worlds.4WvKeYuwifc.mkv | 57M |
| 20171018.How drug companies make you buy more medicine than you need.TVTnwSAFNsQ.mkv | 17M |
| 20171019.YouTube's messy fight with its most extreme creators.2zsvmsxQvuc.mkv | 18M |
| 20171020.What the names for bodies of water mean.13bvILz1P7g.mkv | 14M |
| 20171024.It's time to draw borders on the Arctic Ocean.Wx_2SVm9Jgo.mkv | 39M |
| 20171025.How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history.dOkFXPblLpU.mkv | 17M |
| 20171026.9 facts about violence against women everyone should know.3Om4kr3nhsk.mkv | 4.5M |
| 20171027.The opioid crisis is making grandparents become parents again.216fJQOwjAE.mkv | 16M |
| 20171028.Why this awful sounding album is a masterpiece.58nPEe-TU-w.mkv | 21M |
| 20171030.The dollhouses of death that changed forensic science.9hdT8PgT19w.mkv | 15M |
| 20171031.Inside North Korea's bubble in Japan.qBfyIQbxXPs.mkv | 39M |
| 20171031.The latest revelation that ties the Trump campaign to Russia.w2crPDgnHeo.mkv | 10M |
| 20171103.Catalonia’s independence movement, explained.__mZkioPp3E.mkv | 16M |
| 20171106.How to break the two-party hold on American politics.Nd-9op64t2M.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20171108.Harassment is breaking Twitter's free speech experiment.wK0p27dqZs8.mkv | 18M |
| 20171109.The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps..iMtXqTmfta0.mkv | 14M |
| 20171113.The big debate about the future of work, explained.TUmyygCMMGA.mkv | 21M |
| 20171114.How beauty brands failed women of color.v5e4gwDGrNk.mkv | 20M |
| 20171115.The all-American fruit you've probably never heard of._BVAJ3PXZ1k.mkv | 14M |
| 20171116.Walking while black.lJFqvRwOiis.mkv | 24M |
| 20171117.The environmental cost of free two-day shipping.5HOijUtExiM.mkv | 15M |
| 20171118.The military coup in Zimbabwe, explained.60nDlMw5vFQ.mkv | 14M |
| 20171120.How job surveillance is changing trucking in America.G_UHknhNbAQ.mkv | 21M |
| 20171121.How the US outsourced border security to Mexico.1xbt0ACMbiA.mkv | 37M |
| 20171122.How Trump turned Sean Hannity into a conspiracy theorist.aqNHc6ZH7P4.mkv | 18M |
| 20171123.9 charts to be thankful for - humanity is getting better.-n5JYSl_ioA.mkv | 4.1M |
| 20171124.Road signs suck. What if we got rid of them all.VUbsFtLkGN8.mkv | 15M |
| 20171127.The robot-proof job men aren't taking.lOT0GOyw2pY.mkv | 20M |
| 20171128.Building a border at 4,600 meters.ECch2g1_6PQ.mkv | 52M |
| 20171129.Why cities are full of uncomfortable benches.WeyLEe1T0yo.mkv | 9.6M |
| 20171130.The real reason American health care is so expensive.tNla9nyRMmQ.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20171201.How Technicolor changed movies.Mqaobr6w6_I.mkv | 28M |
| 20171204.The fight to make bad jobs better.a-4_6bThk2E.mkv | 19M |
| 20171205.Europe’s most fortified border is in Africa.LY_Yiu2U2Ts.mkv | 41M |
| 20171206.How J Dilla humanized his MPC3000.SENzTt3ftiU.mkv | 24M |
| 20171207.The US medical system is still haunted by slavery.IfYRzxeMdGs.mkv | 24M |
| 20171208.NASA's plan to save Earth from a giant asteroid.EZSCtgfmEO0.mkv | 16M |
| 20171211.These factory workers get paid to go to school.BU1w-yxQw1k.mkv | 19M |
| 20171212.The diet that helps fight climate change.nUnJQWO4YJY.mkv | 14M |
| 20171213.Why this elbow is a TIME person of the year.-W6v2_0evUU.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20171214.Star Wars’ infamous Holiday Special, explained.hIWPzcqel9I.mkv | 17M |
| 20171215.How the end of net neutrality could change the internet.HqXKEgTYZBQ.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20171218.A teenager's journey through weight loss surgery.hCicRpU3biY.mkv | 24M |
| 20171219.How smart is today's artificial intelligence.IJKjMIU55pE.mkv | 18M |
| 20171220.Where babies in movies come from.rf3iHqE240I.mkv | 11M |
| 20171221.How Trump makes extreme things look normal._v-hzc6blGI.mkv | 16M |
| 20171225.Filthy Frank fans made us do this.VJJ90qpzark.mkv | 22M |
| 20171228.How this military explosive is poisoning American soil.l2StCpw8z-s.mkv | 19M |
| 20171230.2017, in 7 minutes.O6BODAJVYc8.mkv | 17M |
| 20180102.N.E.R.D.'s hit song 'Lemon' owes a lot to New Orleans bounce.P_8INf4SKmc.mkv | 25M |
| 20180103.Takeout creates a lot of trash. It doesn't have to..5qx2WFpNTPs.mkv | 17M |
| 20180104.Why the market for skin whitening is growing.Cjzvvgmg1NU.mkv | 13M |
| 20180105.Iran's massive protests, explained in 4 minutes.WKfVxoPO_Qc.mkv | 15M |
| 20180109.Here's how Trump's nuclear 'button' actually works....jywkm-NEgmk.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20180110.The real reason Amelia Earhart is so famous.XspEs1x9cPU.mkv | 23M |
| 20180111.How the US failed to rebuild Afghanistan.XKVDXbIpW9Q.mkv | 14M |
| 20180112.The new US tax law, explained with cereal.48SbgzxKW-E.mkv | 4.8M |
| 20180115.The chocolate science hype machine._Ch5ClOB9AE.mkv | 15M |
| 20180116.How rats take advantage of human failure.X6wzFliHRbo.mkv | 14M |
| 20180117.How audiobooks are recorded.KcrAkPNB8jc.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20180118.How faster computers gave us Meltdown and Spectre.d1BRw32nMqg.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20180119.How red squirrel pelts shaped our monetary systems [Advertiser content from Zelle].sOow2__jSlY.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20180122.It's not you. Commuting is bad for your health..kfPNxNIDHrA.mkv | 11M |
| 20180123.How this young prince seized power in Saudi Arabia.DipzS0VH4PA.mkv | 13M |
| 20180124.The awkward debate around Trump's mental fitness.rELHUMNt4HM.mkv | 15M |
| 20180125.Why Puerto Rico is not a US state.8EOxtY3M6Co.mkv | 10M |
| 20180126.Why danger symbols can’t last forever.lOEqzt36JEM.mkv | 14M |
| 20180129.The problem with online charter schools.tfNzMKvoVOU.mkv | 11M |
| 20180130.President Trump's 2018 State of the Union address.NkpY2VvEEvc.mkv | 348M |
| 20180130.The 2018 State of the Union in 4 minutes.uXxaURaFMWg.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20180201.What BMI doesn't tell you about your health.z_3S2_41_FE.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20180203.Why do taxpayers pay billions for football stadiums.e22yH5hUQ_A.mkv | 10M |
| 20180205.The 2020 census is in serious trouble.xZTD-00H1jE.mkv | 11M |
| 20180206.Why Ukraine is trapped in endless conflict.Fb9U1uoYCOc.mkv | 11M |
| 20180208.What a war with North Korea would look like.aYDTjkTi-2o.mkv | 14M |
| 20180209.The Trump-Fox & Friends feedback loop, explained.v1d7UvKWh6M.mkv | 15M |
| 20180212.Why the triple axel is such a big deal.7rOQv_6L9fQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20180213.How figure skating scoring rewards risk over artistry.i6pw07k3GkM.mkv | 15M |
| 20180214.Why women’s ice hockey has a higher concussion rate than football.tIfXsxtnGr4.mkv | 17M |
| 20180215.How figure skaters choose their music, explained with Adam Rippon.VA_P3p7MI98.mkv | 13M |
| 20180216.Why Black Panther’s box office success matters.T2LAd43JoP4.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20180221.When the only way to go free is to plead guilty.rwAyoX8D3YE.mkv | 30M |
| 20180222.How the economy shapes our love lives.GWH5vyi3lTk.mkv | 13M |
| 20180223.It’s not you. Phones are designed to be addicting..NUMa0QkPzns.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20180226.Meet one of the 260,000 legal immigrants Trump wants deported.tC0IMn8lsdc.mkv | 11M |
| 20180227.Why ships used this camouflage in World War I.zDbq7y20wpw.mkv | 12M |
| 20180228.How Pennsylvania rigged its electoral map.B_1TChFSOjU.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20180301.How ski warfare created biathlon.14NTlDvmzyc.mkv | 12M |
| 20180302.Why the Oscars love method actors.TM42O6kYbI8.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20180305.How politicians troll the media.Qlf6VjRIHMw.mkv | 16M |
| 20180308.Guess Who will leave the Trump White House next.8U6NKxsqU2M.mkv | 10M |
| 20180311.Melinda Gates in conversation with Ezra Klein at SXSW.RqaSvFqF3Lw.mkv | 99M |
| 20180312.How the Kurds became a key player in Syria's war.gaKwjvxukvg.mkv | 17M |
| 20180313.The ketogenic diet, explained.xgtLKeCkCiw.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20180314.Why we imagine aliens the way we do.nvq94pW4l6o.mkv | 14M |
| 20180315.The real story of the Green Book.b33PN2NB2Do.mkv | 12M |
| 20180320.Women are not as divided on #MeToo as it may seem.mZCs2N2VjgM.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20180321.Why female condoms are so hard to find.6XxA-4Jp7AU.mkv | 11M |
| 20180322.Why eating healthy is so expensive in America.HOE5QDDKDlY.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20180323.What students really think about school shootings.tvM067ITfe4.mkv | 13M |
| 20180324.How the NRA hijacks gun control debates.qcJeOphUtek.mkv | 20M |
| 20180326.Why selfies can make your nose look bigger.9zumV39nm60.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20180328.Why old buildings use the same leaf design.rYcnh7hXOjE.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20180329.US voting machines are failing. Here’s why..QTCmkIxve0c.mkv | 12M |
| 20180330.Why the Stormy Daniels lawsuit matters.m3F07R2-zW4.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20180405.China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade.EvXROXiIpvQ.mkv | 13M |
| 20180406.What America's shopping mall decline means for social space.oooVC3zfDc8.mkv | 14M |
| 20180409.What melting sea ice means for life in the Arctic.msD4agiRTxM.mkv | 18M |
| 20180410.Why you keep using Facebook, even if you hate it.2rnNHt84iRE.mkv | 9.9M |
| 20180411.How the Catholic Church censored Hollywood's Golden Age.HXZGKhpv8eg.mkv | 14M |
| 20180412.Why black Americans are getting less sleep.tfREC-AkX20.mkv | 15M |
| 20180413.How Trump's border wall would disrupt nature.8v4Vof2dU9I.mkv | 11M |
| 20180416.Why Trump's 'limited strike' on Syria probably won't work.Tc90I4FrLqM.mkv | 13M |
| 20180417.How a warmer Arctic could intensify extreme weather.yQliow4ghtU.mkv | 16M |
| 20180418.Borders is back! Here's where we're going..IiZ0UBpKpSk.mkv | 18M |
| 20180419.How Parkland student David Hogg beats his critics.lyUNWpne9CE.mkv | 17M |
| 20180420.How IBM quietly pushed out 20,000 older workers.e681QNbHloE.mkv | 15M |
| 20180423.Why Atlantic fish are invading the Arctic.-3h4Xt9No9o.mkv | 17M |
| 20180424.How Russian trolls weaponized your social media feed.q1Hl9bRzwEs.mkv | 11M |
| 20180425.This 19-year-old can keep astronauts safe from space junk.vAjvQp69SS8.mkv | 12M |
| 20180430.Why sports sound better in your living room.DloLoFd3Qvw.mkv | 21M |
| 20180502.This anti-sex trafficking law could end internet freedom.WBaqDjPCH8k.mkv | 12M |
| 20180504.The George H.W. Bush promise that changed the Republican Party.TImO_RquoW8.mkv | 14M |
| 20180505.You asked, we answered. Thanks 4 million subscribers!.FpKY9KaZJC0.mkv | 18M |
| 20180508.Autonomous weapons could change battlefields of the future [Advertiser content from ICRC].e_DsE9f5gyk.mkv | 13M |
| 20180509.The 'duck curve' is solar energy's greatest challenge.YYLzss58CLs.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20180509.Trump quits Iran nuclear deal, undoing years of diplomacy.U-mwFoev3OQ.mkv | 11M |
| 20180512.The big problem with comparing Trump to Nixon.gczHz0CPum4.mkv | 17M |
| 20180514.Why Stradivarius violins are worth millions.E21NATEP9QI.mkv | 11M |
| 20180515.The sound that connects Stravinsky to Bruno Mars.8A1Aj1_EF9Y.mkv | 26M |
| 20180516.How British royals plan a wedding.jNTyQPUoFHs.mkv | 15M |
| 20180516.Why Israelis and Palestinians both claim Jerusalem.HXe9iZQpJ1M.mkv | 12M |
| 20180517.The royal weddings that shaped European history.5w30XgACSAg.mkv | 15M |
| 20180518.Why it's not a British royal wedding without fancy hats.LzuDyq0-1LM.mkv | 15M |
| 20180521.Explained _ A new series from Netflix + Vox.LtCZJI_6np8.mkv | 1.3M |
| 20180523.Monogamy, explained.DCGyLjBjuGI.mkv | 48M |
| 20180524.Why people are buying cartoon cats on the blockchain.jGfvkjzLrNw.mkv | 14M |
| 20180529.The culture war between doctors and midwives, explained.SE34K88LUek.mkv | 17M |
| 20180531.The bold plan to end malaria with a gene drive.P0HPHUzsHbI.mkv | 19M |
| 20180602.Why chronic floods are coming to New Jersey.yD5mm8FI5hM.mkv | 19M |
| 20180604.How noise pollution is ruining your hearing.z4Da0kuYnMI.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20180605.Why so many sitcoms look the same.sQvjD2-p98U.mkv | 15M |
| 20180606.Trade wars, explained.Iwa3vLoeNmQ.mkv | 14M |
| 20180607.Why 350°F is the magic number for baking.Nd3zqXro_P0.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20180608.Trump invented a fake spy scandal. People will still believe it..rkiZGgugvJs.mkv | 11M |
| 20180612.What does “denuclearization” mean.JuRPK6drLbw.mkv | 11M |
| 20180613.How did quietness become a sign of quality [Advertiser content from 3M].4u-7BNRgESI.mkv | 14M |
| 20180614.Dungeons and Dragons, explained.2PEt5RdNHNw.mkv | 28M |
| 20180615.How TV gave us the classic soccer ball.fsRP2_aN7Qw.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20180619.The voices of children separated at the border.ItWweMVi41s.mkv | 14M |
| 20180620.How Islamist militant groups are gaining strength in Africa.U2gvha4CipY.mkv | 12M |
| 20180621.Why Americans suck at soccer (well, the men).9PNqVilJESg.mkv | 15M |
| 20180622.It's not you. Date labels on food make no sense..Wn6A7ksNhS0.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20180626.Can Trump really pardon himself.FxsGNyk4j1E.mkv | 9.9M |
| 20180628.How one typeface took over movie posters.yI4shGV1EsM.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20180704.Why the US national anthem is terrible — and perfect.cdl8p9akJJw.mkv | 20M |
| 20180706.Why France produces the most World Cup players.P55XYp2KD2Y.mkv | 14M |
| 20180710.Bees can understand zero. Can you.-4vUklg2lCc.mkv | 11M |
| 20180711.Vox Borders - Hong Kong starts next week.SxpQKzUNQdA.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20180712.Why seeking asylum in America is so difficult.qwqm8T_IFzk.mkv | 13M |
| 20180713.How your split ends can help clean oil spills.l2Pll0V4HdM.mkv | 15M |
| 20180714.We produce 13 tons of hazardous waste every second [Advertiser content from MailChimp].07SS5hx3eZw.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20180716.The (mostly) true story of hobo graffiti.2-MLV_RJ6KQ.mkv | 15M |
| 20180717.Trump and Putin - A surreal moment in US politics.K_jqKtnW2Ec.mkv | 12M |
| 20180718.How 156 years of British rule shaped Hong Kong.StW7oGSR_Mg.mkv | 28M |
| 20180719.Road diets - designing a safer street.Rs7jHvh7v-4.mkv | 10M |
| 20180720.What a conductor actually does on stage.z_yIn8V3UcU.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20180725.China is erasing its border with Hong Kong.MQyxG4vTyZ8.mkv | 48M |
| 20180726.Why there's a ring of natural disasters around the Pacific.DrwYtGf40hA.mkv | 14M |
| 20180727.How not to get phished (like the DNC).wOV6Zu4_A5s.mkv | 6.8M |
| 20180801.How feng shui shaped Hong Kong's skyline.mlDBgOkxgS8.mkv | 17M |
| 20180802.Why the street gang MS-13 is an American problem.CgKpACQyhgk.mkv | 18M |
| 20180803.What a new Supreme Court means for abortion.UI4g_amOTSg.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20180806.How 'levee wars' are making floods worse.LTv6RkFnelM.mkv | 21M |
| 20180807.How reliable is fingerprint analysis.fd8reN4uoBM.mkv | 13M |
| 20180808.The decline of Hong Kong's iconic neon glow.DdpEYzvi8pI.mkv | 21M |
| 20180810.How Juul made nicotine go viral.AFOpoKBUyok.mkv | 11M |
| 20180814.Why is California always on fire.OerszexsuLw.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20180815.Inside Hong Kong’s cage homes.hLrFyjGZ9NU.mkv | 29M |
| 20180816.How ID laws can put trans people in danger.900bLSMuA4A.mkv | 23M |
| 20180817.How Brexit could create a crisis at the Irish border.e0xGHf8o-9k.mkv | 17M |
| 20180820.Aretha Franklin’s musical genius in 2 songs.WE94D5_d0z4.mkv | 20M |
| 20180821.Pinball isn’t as random as it seems.T1zzyGhA4-g.mkv | 12M |
| 20180822.Michael Cohen - Sex, lies, and campaign finance.-CLttw5dl5w.mkv | 13M |
| 20180823.On to the next Vox Borders location!.CxKxsYTIZXc.mkv | 3.6M |
| 20180823.The fractured politics of a browning America.SbjciJvacXY.mkv | 15M |
| 20180827.Stop peeing in the pool. Chlorine doesn't work like you think..morwlxWUFb8.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20180829.How Pakistan's cricket superstar became prime minister.BE9kOlBRHok.mkv | 17M |
| 20180831.Why obvious lies make great propaganda.nknYtlOvaQ0.mkv | 19M |
| 20180904.Pro wrestling is an art form.JVuiB4McVyU.mkv | 19M |
| 20180905.Why protected bike lanes are more valuable than parking spaces.E85HMNJix_o.mkv | 13M |
| 20180906.Why this Gucci knockoff is totally legal.U9wY8Wz6lCs.mkv | 11M |
| 20180912.Why we say “OK”.1UnIDL-eHOs.mkv | 11M |
| 20180913.Poland is pushing the EU into crisis.P8MQTgdjcLE.mkv | 16M |
| 20180917.Why the Ouija board became so famous.-eO92ABfq2I.mkv | 13M |
| 20180918.Don't blame scooters. Blame the streets..c2YInNlzMDQ.mkv | 18M |
| 20180919.How 'Instagram traps' are changing art museums.Qx_r-dP22Ps.mkv | 14M |
| 20180920.Kavanaugh's sexual assault denial follows a familiar pattern.wDVFq0NZgDg.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20180921.Why every social media site is a dumpster fire.wZSRxfHMr5s.mkv | 24M |
| 20180924.Why colleges tolerate fraternities.rVh7HP_wisw.mkv | 15M |
| 20180925.Why America needs automatic voter registration.Hd5Qs0fc_I0.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20180926.How marketers target your nose.P81i66_tLlU.mkv | 12M |
| 20180928.Why Kavanaugh's accusers can't remember everything.pyLvAxs0MXU.mkv | 16M |
| 20181001.How Jackson Pollock became so overrated.gOGDDh1thaQ.mkv | 18M |
| 20181002.Why the Soviets doctored this iconic photo.4HchGsN7eM4.mkv | 12M |
| 20181003.The skincare acid craze, explained.BnuDT8R9UmE.mkv | 12M |
| 20181005.Doctor Who could change how women are portrayed in sci-fi.LIEWj8Kat_s.mkv | 16M |
| 20181008.Why the US celebrates Columbus Day.fNqOGhDMm8k.mkv | 12M |
| 20181009.How ninjas went mainstream.n5CYzHIgJFE.mkv | 19M |
| 20181010.Watch the US stall on climate change for 12 years.yzDjjUAt3zc.mkv | 23M |
| 20181011.How GPS can make you better at running.3jbpoxKzoIs.mkv | 18M |
| 20181012.The big problem with how we pick juries.cPRK_ABldIk.mkv | 17M |
| 20181015.Why the Marvel Cinematic Universe feels empty.t2qZ2_tp-jY.mkv | 21M |
| 20181017.How IKEA gets you to impulsively buy more.WYKUJgMRQ7A.mkv | 11M |
| 20181018.Why gamers use WASD to move.TPCpXXBHFSA.mkv | 9.9M |
| 20181022.Want to be in our new YouTube show Send us a question..F-KcMvdZ344.mkv | 5.9M |
| 20181023.Apollo 11’s journey to the moon, annotated.OCjhCL2iqlQ.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20181024.The quest for the perfect apple.JXRxdgivnic.mkv | 11M |
| 20181025.How Jair Bolsonaro brought the far-right to power in Brazil.H1DXtQua074.mkv | 23M |
| 20181026.The biggest corruption scandal in Latin America’s history.uMXumMJZYYI.mkv | 21M |
| 20181029.Admit it. Republicans have broken politics..mICxKmCjF-4.mkv | 23M |
| 20181030.USMCA vs NAFTA, explained with a toy car.371CRxnGkA8.mkv | 14M |
| 20181031.What happens when nature goes viral.Itjc14Fm-gs.mkv | 13M |
| 20181102.Why American voter registrations are disappearing.HG3GD5am-UQ.mkv | 13M |
| 20181105.Why every election gets its own crisis.Ln61AksUCjY.mkv | 23M |
| 20181106.The big lie Republicans are telling this election.LIVlbwq5xX0.mkv | 10M |
| 20181107.What happens when women win elections.rYyacj_tYs4.mkv | 7.0M |
| 20181108.The facial prosthetics of World War I.BJzjt_aFc00.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20181109.Vox REACTS to comments😱😱😱 (5 million subs THANK YOU video!!!) (NOT clickbait).h3wHEWGwJIQ.mkv | 13M |
| 20181112.The most feared song in jazz, explained.62tIvfP9A2w.mkv | 24M |
| 20181113.Why the Victorian mansion is a horror icon.2xvNhN1PsRw.mkv | 13M |
| 20181114.Why ramen is so valuable in prison.PLt9fRYT92M.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20181116.The Kamasutra is not (just) about sex.wvYeIfvtJM0.mkv | 13M |
| 20181119.The greatest album covers of jazz.KNgA7dDs90E.mkv | 14M |
| 20181120.The roots of America's democracy problem.0ySL82WbcvU.mkv | 13M |
| 20181121.Why your Netflix thumbnails don't look like mine.axCBA3VD5dQ.mkv | 13M |
| 20181122.Vox Borders heads to Colombia.sifv1mPno7M.mkv | 4.8M |
| 20181126.Fox News keeps breaking its own rules.Cijh3bdxwmE.mkv | 18M |
| 20181127.Why Colombia has taken in 1 million Venezuelans.NU0RqwweuWY.mkv | 38M |
| 20181128.The booming CBD craze, explained.bBn8SKZoWyQ.mkv | 9.1M |
| 20181203.How smooth jazz took over the ‘90s.TBDWomgRgWU.mkv | 34M |
| 20181204.How this drug lord created a hippo problem in Colombia.R_ViOLgvsuY.mkv | 33M |
| 20181205.Why women’s pockets suck.Vi2Vgym6lbw.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20181207.The problems with rebuilding beaches.e3ZYaL0Q9os.mkv | 15M |
| 20181210.What we get wrong about affirmative action.HuUDhfKV3bk.mkv | 17M |
| 20181211.Why Shakira loves this African beat.55mpzrRHmFA.mkv | 28M |
| 20181212.Why advertisers are tracking your emojis 😱.RK1K78PyWDc.mkv | 6.9M |
| 20181214.How the Saudis ended up with so many American weapons.7DbdBIuFrIE.mkv | 22M |
| 20181217.How to make more Vox videos happen.q0cvGRUbusQ.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20181218.Why Colombia is losing the cocaine war.NDa_SpvbeCQ.mkv | 42M |
| 20181219.Why “Buy one, get one free” isn’t a great deal.yOK3bF3jhXU.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20181221.The World War II battle against STDs.-VI5zDQJoN8.mkv | 23M |
| 20181226.Why monks had that haircut.A505-D4IA_0.mkv | 13M |
| 20181228.2018, in 5 minutes.4tJJnC26_uw.mkv | 13M |
| 20181231.The New Year's Eve song, explained._xWxyxsVAsQ.mkv | 15M |
| 20190102.Why fixing the US bail system is tricky.5mhwDSHKEyM.mkv | 11M |
| 20190109.How salmonella-tainted food gets in your fridge.HMiBTj5XBxs.mkv | 11M |
| 20190110.Why video games are made of tiny triangles.U93RImC-by4.mkv | 11M |
| 20190111.How humans disrupted a cycle essential to all life.jOht6qmuG-k.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20190116.False Positive _ A new documentary from Joss Fong.4zfVOoqoo6U.mkv | 3.8M |
| 20190117.The problem with video gambling machines._Wb2Rddn3nk.mkv | 13M |
| 20190118.How tax brackets actually work.VJhsjUPDulw.mkv | 5.0M |
| 20190122.How Trump wins press conferences.qh70RfWqSBo.mkv | 26M |
| 20190123.How bite marks made one man a murder suspect _ Part 1.kiw1Zv-B02c.mkv | 22M |
| 20190125.What Angela Merkel's exit means for Germany — and Europe.q7Eb4KVw4nE.mkv | 17M |
| 20190129.El Chapo's drug tunnels, explained.v394vC23HW0.mkv | 25M |
| 20190130.How junk science convicted an innocent man _ Part 2.beixsgKr93o.mkv | 21M |
| 20190201.The DeLorean paradox - how it failed and became a legend.r5tnzdZXMKs.mkv | 36M |
| 20190204.The deadly race to the South Pole.hpcZmuz2LGY.mkv | 12M |
| 20190206.A murder solved, 23 years later _ Part 3.-1y8Nq0ndsk.mkv | 42M |
| 20190208.America's cocaine habit fueled its migrant crisis.tWcV94G4rRI.mkv | 15M |
| 20190212.The 70% top tax rate, explained with potatoes.bWRO-M47eCY.mkv | 6.4M |
| 20190213.False Positive - When forensic science fails [Full version].EO6kYkoCEsA.mkv | 63M |
| 20190214.Fox News keeps forcing Trump into shutdowns.4pITlnrvhrY.mkv | 18M |
| 20190215.Who actually pays for your credit card rewards.ySH5SudRwak.mkv | 11M |
| 20190218.American segregation, mapped at day and night.qaPQN0aW47I.mkv | 14M |
| 20190220.Why safe playgrounds aren't great for kids.lztEnBFN5zU.mkv | 12M |
| 20190221.Here's where Borders is going next.-dVwv4wPA88.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20190222.Why cartoon characters curse like this.a9ottUEiIm8.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20190225.Why these plankton are eating plastic.beUhzQAkanM.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20190226.Peek inside the Vox Video Lab.IdcPwYDJEsA.mkv | 15M |
| 20190227.The massacre of Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street'.x-ItsPBTFO0.mkv | 21M |
| 20190301.How the Hindenburg killed an entire industry.g9bkQ7OiEdQ.mkv | 15M |
| 20190304.Why parrots can talk like humans.dBGw7uXc0eo.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20190305.A better way to tax the rich.pTwPHuE_HrU.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20190307.The design tricks that keep skyscrapers from swaying.ebx5Y5qOmTM.mkv | 6.1M |
| 20190308.Why Republicans failed to fit taxes onto a postcard.0LhKoefZ2QI.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20190311.Why you still don't understand the Green New Deal.UpqFaf8vQfk.mkv | 18M |
| 20190312.Why you're recycling wrong.R7N5a476DKQ.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20190315.The golf ball that made golfers too good.0sKN7yYC42g.mkv | 15M |
| 20190319.What Mueller has already revealed about Trump and Russia.OCp0oJlrzyE.mkv | 8.0M |
| 20190320.Why a cat always lands on its feet.Xs87FijgVaA.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20190321.The conflict in Kashmir, explained.cyayif_nla8.mkv | 26M |
| 20190322.How the British failed India and Pakistan.OIVPi0bvmtI.mkv | 25M |
| 20190326.Why some Asian accents swap Ls and Rs in English.2yzMUs3badc.mkv | 14M |
| 20190328.Why baby cages were a thing.4dgzJQsAXfI.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20190329.How scientists solved this dinosaur puzzle.oPPJ7GGDyAw.mkv | 11M |
| 20190402.How this family built life hack culture.GeYyllI-Nhs.mkv | 27M |
| 20190403.Why Tucker Carlson pretends to hate elites.RNineSEoxjQ.mkv | 22M |
| 20190404.Earworm is back with Season 2.JoufCLlY8QE.mkv | 1.9M |
| 20190405.Cereal makers sold us a breakfast myth.9Ffceu672c4.mkv | 13M |
| 20190409.How heavy metal and Satan gave us this sticker.v9gLmBgUTV4.mkv | 46M |
| 20190410.Why this black hole photo is such a big deal.pAoEHR4aW8I.mkv | 16M |
| 20190411.How Leonardo da Vinci made a 'satellite' map in 1502.2gEwEcYnewE.mkv | 11M |
| 20190412.How Norway designed a more humane prison.5v13wrVEQ2M.mkv | 12M |
| 20190415.The real reason Boeing's new plane crashed twice.H2tuKiiznsY.mkv | 18M |
| 20190416.What DNA ancestry tests can — and can’t — tell you.IIWlatQt4KE.mkv | 14M |
| 20190418.Why measles is back in the US.Z2swde6Z97w.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20190419.The first faked photograph.SXe9WCeccOw.mkv | 15M |
| 20190423.The goose that conquered America.eUkeI_JkArU.mkv | 24M |
| 20190425.Why disco made pop songs longer.o3epEnJAyu4.mkv | 19M |
| 20190429.This lake now has legal rights, just like you.WwhcrpJTzGQ.mkv | 20M |
| 20190502.The truth behind the TV show Cops.xTQTcfk5Bmw.mkv | 26M |
| 20190503.The traffic solution most cities haven't tried.YX68ym4n7_c.mkv | 14M |
| 20190507.China's secret internment camps.cMkHcZ5IwjU.mkv | 27M |
| 20190510.The real experiments that inspired Frankenstein.-ex7f7KVl3I.mkv | 33M |
| 20190513.How Game of Thrones uses costumes to show power.JTyPQFHB3KM.mkv | 20M |
| 20190515.Why drugs cost more in America.v7xmkzVU29Q.mkv | 7.0M |
| 20190523.Why your allergies get worse every year.WEhKSWYGluk.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20190524.You’re watching Fox News. You just don’t know it..VzoZf4IAfAc.mkv | 22M |
| 20190531.This photo almost started a nuclear war.5HRU5yonyK8.mkv | 15M |
| 20190603.The race to save endangered foods.LwBUfB7hU6A.mkv | 13M |
| 20190610.New York is building a wall to hold back the ocean.A9asEJokafM.mkv | 10M |
| 20190612.The Green New Deal, explained.GxIDJWCbk6I.mkv | 15M |
| 20190613.Missing Chapter - A new series about hidden histories.2IBxAGXhBxk.mkv | 4.1M |
| 20190617.The weird rule that broke American politics.Gt4jHLteXag.mkv | 12M |
| 20190618.Astronauts left poop on the moon. We should go get it..VL18F8oHMrU.mkv | 11M |
| 20190619.Vox Borders - India is coming next week!.TuZ5An350sU.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20190620.When white supremacists overthrew a government.LVQomlXMeek.mkv | 35M |
| 20190622.Hong Kong’s huge protests, explained.6_RdnVtfZPY.mkv | 31M |
| 20190626.How this border transformed a subcontinent _ India & Pakistan.r5Ps1TZXAN8.mkv | 82M |
| 20190627.The right way to kill a fish.TS4AM9mPX-8.mkv | 23M |
| 20190628.These photos ended child labor in the US.ddiOJLuu2mo.mkv | 18M |
| 20190629.The problem with sex testing in sports.MiCftTLUzCI.mkv | 34M |
| 20190702.Why Iraq's great rivers are dying._c7AuSQdvow.mkv | 37M |
| 20190703.How India runs the world's biggest election.RWldvqO4AIY.mkv | 23M |
| 20190705.Jacob Collier deconstructs a Stevie Wonder classic.CZP6nogQYPg.mkv | 18M |
| 20190710.India and Sri Lanka's violent fight over fish.WesrJBgEmyw.mkv | 39M |
| 20190712.The problem with America's college entrance exam.WjVVwMGJ9S8.mkv | 15M |
| 20190715.The ingredients of a classic house track.FrqIA0PpAv8.mkv | 27M |
| 20190717.India's trucks are works of art.WlriwanO4e4.mkv | 43M |
| 20190719.Vox Almanac is going on a road trip.XgPhKwrWBm4.mkv | 4.5M |
| 20190722.How Trump took over America's courts.Wy8iiC2Mqso.mkv | 13M |
| 20190724.India’s cow vigilantes are targeting Muslims.rI_Iy1FoSn4.mkv | 42M |
| 20190725.Why the Tour de France is so brutal.ZacOS8NBK6U.mkv | 17M |
| 20190726.Thomas Edison's road trip with his famous friends.ObKE1m3EmdE.mkv | 33M |
| 20190729.The dark history of 'gasoline baths' at the border.tkD6QfeRil8.mkv | 32M |
| 20190730.Why the US has so many tornadoes.lsEA9tGMFQQ.mkv | 18M |
| 20190801.How scientists colorize photos of space.WSG0MnmUsEY.mkv | 13M |
| 20190802.Where Manhattan’s grid plan came from.QaIOfgz8FVY.mkv | 14M |
| 20190806.All student debt in the US, visualized.NXHwelwmQPA.mkv | 12M |
| 20190807.How Davy Crockett became an American legend.neG6hoxhL8k.mkv | 36M |
| 20190809.Why so many suburbs look the same.vWhYlu7ZfYM.mkv | 17M |
| 20190813.We measured pop music’s falsetto obsession.qJT2h5uGAC0.mkv | 29M |
| 20190815.What the US gets wrong about minimum wage._M3vTvm2cfM.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20190816.Why Route 66 became America’s most famous road.Y2nLieCOCxI.mkv | 35M |
| 20190820.Where Sicko Mode's weirdest moments came from.5Ci5XTpPq94.mkv | 23M |
| 20190822.Why the US and Iran are fighting over this tiny waterway.cUBg6Qp_N98.mkv | 19M |
| 20190823.Why the US drinking age is 21.9aWYJugVTs4.mkv | 24M |
| 20190829.The naked lady that changed the rules of art.YHKFK6_pepo.mkv | 10M |
| 20190830.The mysterious rays shooting at us from space.Z9gQLELtbhg.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20190903.The chart that predicts recessions.xiiHjrewXNI.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20190911.The gun solution we're not talking about.ENw2y0ek1Jg.mkv | 12M |
| 20190911.Why your shoddy memory is actually a good thing.d95dOH-7GHM.mkv | 43M |
| 20190916.Why this creepy melody is in so many movies.-3-bVRYRnSM.mkv | 11M |
| 20190920.How Monument Valley became a symbol of the West.JTFBQcae4KA.mkv | 17M |
| 20190923.Glad You Asked _ Official Trailer _ YouTube Originals.8VJ2ltCN4eo.mkv | 5.3M |
| 20191002.No, Vitamin C won't cure your cold.smQC3CXalVg.mkv | 6.9M |
| 20191003.Impeachment is broken. Impeach Trump, anyway..drCGm4wW7ok.mkv | 19M |
| 20191004.Why this chair is on so many album covers._V10kWLh71U.mkv | 19M |
| 20191007.The phone call that could get Trump impeached.hyWNFvt9Fck.mkv | 13M |
| 20191008.What Happens When We Die - Glad You Asked S1.ZuDiPv-aajI.mkv | 107M |
| 20191008.Why Do Memes Matter - Glad You Asked S1.bYJZA86dPEo.mkv | 100M |
| 20191008.Why Do We Cry - Glad You Asked S1.1XOo1OJFAeQ.mkv | 103M |
| 20191008.Why Spend Money in Video Games - Glad You Asked S1.ZBxvAE_ux9U.mkv | 80M |
| 20191008.Will We Survive Mars - Glad You Asked S1.x8fpeVICeGg.mkv | 121M |
| 20191009.Are you supposed to tip an Uber driver.NtfHggkzmN8.mkv | 12M |
| 20191011.How American CEOs got so rich.ylLTMYt24lA.mkv | 20M |
| 20191014.How the US stole thousands of Native American children.UGqWRyBCHhw.mkv | 27M |
| 20191017.The man who rigged America's election maps.KpamjJtXqFI.mkv | 18M |
| 20191021.Is the gray wolf actually endangered.6Ix2hRBf1V0.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20191031.Why Turkey is invading Syria.oUeXaPaKF50.mkv | 22M |
| 20191104.How Florida legally terrorized gay students.IbTBehjdlc0.mkv | 25M |
| 20191108.The mistake that toppled the Berlin Wall.Mn4VDwaV-oo.mkv | 18M |
| 20191111.China's fight with the NBA, explained.GHpFjtuAYLQ.mkv | 24M |
| 20191112.The first movie with CGI.NMkZpuiEqh8.mkv | 12M |
| 20191113.America's wilderness is for sale.db5JCEktO5M.mkv | 25M |
| 20191114.Where the 1960s 'psychedelic' look came from.9vuqI2v2IRs.mkv | 15M |
| 20191115.We're melting the Arctic and reviving deadly germs.tSA5HNFBwnk.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20191118.Everything is designed for this man, even drugs.CVdn-2KE2bs.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20191119.Why movies went from 15 minutes to 2 hours.stznrpS3_Gc.mkv | 13M |
| 20191121.The destruction of the Amazon, explained.SAZAKPUQMw0.mkv | 27M |
| 20191122.The war for the Amazon's most valuable trees.e1_4JseKlO4.mkv | 29M |
| 20191125.Brazil's indigenous land is being invaded.oGjRNbXeRXI.mkv | 26M |
| 20191126.How long it takes to decide what to watch next on TV. [Advertiser content from Dell].WJrgXN0GyDw.mkv | 12M |
| 20191126.How stop motion animation began.80CKTOjjZFQ.mkv | 11M |
| 20191127.How America fails its whistleblowers.xuiDuoRJkOY.mkv | 15M |
| 20191128.Why you always seem to have room for dessert.lTtfqECMEb8.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20191202.This goofy bird vs. the fossil fuel industry.T6BzZcKyJiI.mkv | 16M |
| 20191203.The trick that made animation realistic.IS1hCSsmH1E.mkv | 13M |
| 20191204.How an opera gets made.6fbBjRnZ0j0.mkv | 25M |
| 20191204.Inside the holiday content wars [Advertiser content from Dell].ZxSAnF7gijE.mkv | 12M |
| 20191205.How online ratings make good schools look bad.WC3ZPgg0nds.mkv | 8.8M |
| 20191209.Hollywood almost lost to this city.CipkJ_LQZZA.mkv | 15M |
| 20191210.The 3 tropes of an Oscar-bait trailer [Advertiser content from Dell].rU4MgZKI_9g.mkv | 12M |
| 20191210.What facial recognition steals from us.cc0dqW2HCRc.mkv | 19M |
| 20191212.Why German spies blew up this US island.gP6tOvTcpVE.mkv | 17M |
| 20191216.What makes Delhi's air so deadly.bVzvZxW5n2Q.mkv | 13M |
| 20191217.How the fisheye lens took over music.YNQzqEAphjs.mkv | 21M |
| 20191218.Glad You Asked is back. Here’s what’s coming Jan 8.wtTMGLtF2WA.mkv | 5.2M |
| 20191219.Impeachment is Trump's ultimate loyalty test for Republicans.ika0Ym-6074.mkv | 13M |
| 20191220.Who pays the lowest taxes in the US.kXCGbAv8YPw.mkv | 8.1M |
| 20191223.The white lie we've been told about Roman statues.4jmMWohs1XM.mkv | 11M |
| 20191228.The rise and fall of Rudy Giuliani, explained.7ds2eh2_Un0.mkv | 21M |
| 20191230.2019, in 6 minutes.XnK5mG5u8Hg.mkv | 20M |
| 20200102.Childbirth _ from Sex, Explained on Netflix.2BmN8C8IzRw.mkv | 50M |
| 20200103.Google and Amazon are now in the oil business.v3n8txX3144.mkv | 18M |
| 20200106.How to fix our unreliable power grid.5igJv_otlKE.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20200108.How Does the Internet Work - Glad You Asked S1.TNQsmPf24go.mkv | 108M |
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| 20200111.Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world.wFqQm1541aA.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20200113.The original Game of Life was incredibly dark.fXdBZWyiSLA.mkv | 12M |
| 20200114.Are Australia’s koalas going extinct We asked an ecologist..UpaKxemSDqA.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20200117.Why Australia's fires are linked to floods in Africa.RYX9ahqceAI.mkv | 6.8M |
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| 20200130.That famous cello prelude, deconstructed.UIge2mYdTtM.mkv | 21M |
| 20200131.Why this Russian gas company sponsors soccer teams.utUOJ64X7u0.mkv | 20M |
| 20200203.How ads follow you around the internet.HFyaW50GFOs.mkv | 13M |
| 20200206.How to make a movie look like one long shot.lFZGmzsvSlg.mkv | 11M |
| 20200208.A VFX artist reacts to 5 Oscar-nominated movies.0k7xusbtTUw.mkv | 13M |
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| 20200212.How a Bible prophecy shapes Trump's foreign policy.dmWL0I3oytw.mkv | 13M |
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| 20200219.How the British royal family makes money.koGignAPGgs.mkv | 15M |
| 20200221.America's presidential primaries, explained.tCvMtkEVqdA.mkv | 16M |
| 20200226.The conspiracy behind this famous statue.gs1VWuQEd7Y.mkv | 12M |
| 20200227.The case for Bernie Sanders.1PjNlBV-_s8.mkv | 16M |
| 20200227.The case for Elizabeth Warren.VBpmYDLECF8.mkv | 17M |
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| 20200304.Computers just got a lot better at writing.gcHkxP9adiM.mkv | 18M |
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| 20200311.Delhi’s deadly riots, explained by an expert.UBTMmFcfUrk.mkv | 12M |
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| 20200321.Social distancing during coronavirus, explained by an expert.h9d86ocFlxE.mkv | 19M |
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| 20200401.Coronavirus is not the flu. It's worse..FVIGhz3uwuQ.mkv | 11M |
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| 20200406.The 8-bit arcade font, deconstructed.C5NiAoT3xsY.mkv | 16M |
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| 20200410.The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response.BE-cA4UK07c.mkv | 17M |
| 20200414.What the coronavirus looks like up close.421fmflQX0E.mkv | 10M |
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| 20200420.The right way to play Monopoly.wK7xcWFgHoA.mkv | 13M |
| 20200422.What face masks actually do against coronavirus.P27HRClMf2U.mkv | 15M |
| 20200428.How coronavirus charts can mislead us.O-3Mlj3MQ_Q.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20200501.How voting by mail could save the US election.I6biQ_2RK3k.mkv | 15M |
| 20200505.Why we're seeing mass layoffs in the US but not the UK.HaraFkhonFo.mkv | 11M |
| 20200509.8 million subscribers! + other things bringing us joy.C2YxBfUmDt8.mkv | 19M |
| 20200512.Dr. Anthony Fauci, explained.j05xm-8_wjc.mkv | 17M |
| 20200513.Why beef is the worst food for the climate.3lrJYTsKdUM.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20200520.The real story behind this war poster.qWIVSmx0zPE.mkv | 17M |
| 20200522.One reason why coronavirus hits Black people the hardest.XAFD-0aMkwE.mkv | 19M |
| 20200523.The US tested the wrong people for coronavirus.r6ewlQs8CAQ.mkv | 13M |
| 20200526.What Bill Gates hopes we learn from coronavirus.jLbJayQygzw.mkv | 8.7M |
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| 20200601.Why tigers get coronavirus but your dog will be fine.uWYTaXWO2t0.mkv | 12M |
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| 20200605.Protests aren't what they look like on TV.srnA3cNTsXQ.mkv | 14M |
| 20200608.The most urgent threat of deepfakes isn't politics.hHHCrf2-x6w.mkv | 15M |
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| 20200612.The 1850s map that changed how we fight outbreaks.VJ86D_DtyWg.mkv | 16M |
| 20200616.Why this font is everywhere.Zu91meda2I8.mkv | 20M |
| 20200617.Empty middle seats on planes won't stop the coronavirus.9Em0FSsI_VU.mkv | 12M |
| 20200618.Why American farmers are throwing out tons of milk.MODobm9mWIk.mkv | 18M |
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| 20200625.What's in a name A lot, actually. [Advertiser content from Qatar Foundation].W7I8gEhZfX4.mkv | 15M |
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| 20200626.What 'defund the police' really means.I9w841nrIBg.mkv | 23M |
| 20200629.Why the US has so many Filipino nurses.yw8a8n7ZAZg.mkv | 23M |
| 20200630.A brief history of police impunity in Black deaths.8RYdItBIuOU.mkv | 15M |
| 20200707.How humans are making pandemics more likely.qp5CEcIyk94.mkv | 14M |
| 20200709.The story behind this iconic Olympics protest.1ACXn-BDog8.mkv | 21M |
| 20200713.Why scientists are so worried about this glacier.XRUxTFWWWdY.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20200717.The fight for America's 51st state, explained.bfUeekXbYzk.mkv | 13M |
| 20200723.How slow motion works.v3MtBE37wHY.mkv | 18M |
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| 20200727.Tony Hawk breaks down skateboarding’s legendary spots.omigBsOmtjw.mkv | 34M |
| 20200731.Facebook showed this ad to 95% women. Is that a problem.2wVPyiyukQc.mkv | 14M |
| 20200804.How “forever chemicals” polluted America’s water.sZHuZkUUYM4.mkv | 23M |
| 20200805.The British Museum is full of stolen artifacts.hoTxiRWrvp8.mkv | 21M |
| 20200807.The coronavirus is mutating. Now what.Djy3WNLz_mM.mkv | 11M |
| 20200810.The global coffee crisis is coming.6IN4ZcZAUbA.mkv | 31M |
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| 20200818.The next pandemic could come from our farms.hwuujiHvduc.mkv | 18M |
| 20200822.Why face masks became political in the US.Za6JtPhscxE.mkv | 13M |
| 20200826.When voting rights didn't protect all women.ScU2oWfWReg.mkv | 15M |
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| 20200901.I made a catapult to launch marshmallows! Thanks, Leonardo da Vinci..7lrrXsXXgok.mkv | 14M |
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| 20200904.How to be a cloud detective._cj_8_upaVo.mkv | 16M |
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| 20200910.How America can leave fossil fuels behind, in one chart _ 2020 Election.QfAXbGInwno.mkv | 25M |
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| 20200917.What long voting lines in the US really mean _ 2020 Election.al3qY8ZMHEc.mkv | 14M |
| 20200918.How the Beirut explosion was a government failure.wFpfYTYupKA.mkv | 23M |
| 20200923.What it means to be Black in Brazil.jk1eTURC8sA.mkv | 29M |
| 20200924.How US abortion policy targets the poor _ 2020 Election.Bzuk13Ftxgo.mkv | 13M |
| 20200930.What voter suppression looks like online.1Veo_T4a5dM.mkv | 11M |
| 20201001.The forgotten “wade-ins” that transformed the US.Wk0872XhnHk.mkv | 38M |
| 20201002.The $12 trillion ripple effect of Covid-19 [Advertiser content from the Gates Foundation].XB-X2NH0rec.mkv | 11M |
| 20201005.How colorized photos helped introduce Japan to the world.1kBQ0qlHz8M.mkv | 20M |
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