| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 20090607.Burning Paper Instruments - Autorequiem for Tube Harp.caFMauLQvd4.mkv | 11M |
| 20090607.Harry Potter Septet - His Eyes are as Green as a Fresh Pickled Toad.pUqqrJm1tYE.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20090607.The Sound of Paper - Paper Didgeriduel.y07LWM2Rz4o.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20090607.The Sound of Paper - Paper Storm.jDZnOTsymVQ.mkv | 3.6M |
| 20090809.Möbius Music Box.3iMI_uOM_fY.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20091005.Pachelbel's Music Box Canon in D.3a9wWRxYSko.mkv | 10M |
| 20091012.Harry Potter Septet - Filth, Mudbloods, Scum!.Z8kWVSQGqZc.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20091213.Burning Paper Instruments - Last Quintet.AKNdHEqXeUw.mkv | 15M |
| 20101116.Doodling in Math Class - Binary Trees.e4MSN6IImpI.mkv | 6.2M |
| 20101120.Doodling in Math Class - Stars.CfJzrmS9UfY.mkv | 7.0M |
| 20101127.Doodling in Math Class - Snakes + Graphs.heKK95DAKms.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20101202.Doodling in Math Class - Infinity Elephants.DK5Z709J2eo.mkv | 11M |
| 20101207.How to eat Candy Buttons like a Recreational Mathemusician.OOLIB3cjFqw.mkv | 15M |
| 20101215.Doodling in Math - Sick Number Games.Yhlv5Aeuo_k.mkv | 12M |
| 20110103.The Gauss Christmath Special.sxnX5_LbBDU.mkv | 25M |
| 20110110.Hyperbolic Planes Take Off!.qsE2UKkIKXU.mkv | 39M |
| 20110116.Snow Day - You're a Linkage!.56kLZ6s1rTQ.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20110117.Wind and Mr. Ug.4mdEsouIXGM.mkv | 24M |
| 20110206.Hourglass Racing.zytCrpmKiVc.mkv | 1.6M |
| 20110306.How To Snakes.Gx5D09s5X6U.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20110314.Pi Is (still) Wrong..jG7vhMMXagQ.mkv | 16M |
| 20110330.Oh No, Pi Politics Again.XJtLSLCJKHE.mkv | 10M |
| 20110331.Binary Hand Dance.OCYZTg3jahU.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20110609.Re - Visual Multiplication and 48_2(9+3).a-e8fzqv3CE.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20110614.Stop-Motion Sillyband Fight.ktW43nEqcDg.mkv | 8.3M |
| 20110622.Origami Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.z6lL83wl31E.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20110806.Doodling in Math Class - Squiggle Inception.ik2CZqsAw28.mkv | 13M |
| 20110821.What is up with Noises (The Science and Mathematics of Sound, Frequency, and Pitch).i_0DXxNeaQ0.mkv | 26M |
| 20110909.Low-Frequency Blues.OZASEvUWyCw.mkv | 12M |
| 20111208.Doodling in Math Class - Triangle Party.o6KlpIWhbcw.mkv | 11M |
| 20111221.Doodling in Math - Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant [1 of 3].ahXIMUkSXX0.mkv | 19M |
| 20120103.Announcement - Vi Hart and Khan Academy Join Forces!.e1a6Bxc0OYQ.mkv | 2.4M |
| 20120109.Doodling in Math Class - Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant [2 of 3].lOIP_Z_-0Hs.mkv | 19M |
| 20120120.Doodling in Math - Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant [Part 3 of 3].14-NdQwKz9w.mkv | 17M |
| 20120124.Open Letter to Nickelodeon, Re - SpongeBob's Pineapple under the Sea.gBxeju8dMho.mkv | 4.7M |
| 20120130.Angle-a-trons.o6W6P8JZW0o.mkv | 6.8M |
| 20120201.Math Improv - Fruit by the Foot.Am-a5x9DGjg.mkv | 14M |
| 20120209.Wau - The Most Amazing, Ancient, and Singular Number.GFLkou8NvJo.mkv | 11M |
| 20120213.Fractal Fractions.a5z-OEIfw3s.mkv | 13M |
| 20120313.Are Shakespeare's Plays Encoded within Pi.uXoh6vi6J5U.mkv | 10M |
| 20120314.Two Non-Repeating Non-Normal Numbers (re - Pi and Shakespeare).8PUJvAlD64k.mkv | 1.6M |
| 20120324.9.999... reasons that .999... = 1.TINfzxSnnIE.mkv | 30M |
| 20120401.Why Every Proof that .999... = 1 is Wrong.wsOXvQn3JuE.mkv | 9.0M |
| 20120405.Rhapsody on the Proof of Pi = 4.D2xYjiL8yyE.mkv | 19M |
| 20120430.Doodle Music.Av_Us6xHkUc.mkv | 11M |
| 20120612.What was up with Pythagoras.X1E7I7_r3Cw.mkv | 34M |
| 20120628.A Song About A Circle Constant.FtxmFlMLYRI.mkv | 10M |
| 20120704.Sonnet on a Higgs-Like Particle.-qzqIHj4uGI.mkv | 3.3M |
| 20120706.How To Make A Video About How To Make A Video About How To Make A Video About How To Make a Video....4gZ5rsAHMl4.mkv | 18M |
| 20120713.They Became What They Beheld - Medium, Message, Youtubery.bm-Jjvqu3U4.mkv | 19M |
| 20120727.Dialogue for 2.dBVoIUASFS0.mkv | 14M |
| 20120821.Doodling in Math Class - Connecting Dots.v-pyuaThp-c.mkv | 31M |
| 20121001.Hexaflexagons.VIVIegSt81k.mkv | 17M |
| 20121008.Hexaflexagons 2.paQ10POrZh8.mkv | 21M |
| 20121015.Hexaflexagon Safety Guide.AmN0YyaTD60.mkv | 22M |
| 20121024.Flex Mex.GTwrVAbV56o.mkv | 13M |
| 20121030.Scary Sierpinski Skull Time.z8ZWlUamNPI.mkv | 11M |
| 20121115.Optimal Potatoes.F5RyVWI4Onk.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20121117.Green Bean Matherole.XwIs1nlDQ2I.mkv | 16M |
| 20121119.Borromean Onion Rings.4tsjCND2ZfM.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20121121.Thanksgiving Turduckenen-duckenen.pjrI91J6jOw.mkv | 14M |
| 20121213.Snowflakes, Starflakes, and Swirlflakes.8EmhGOQ-DNQ.mkv | 21M |
| 20130109.Sphereflakes.toKu2-qzJeM.mkv | 16M |
| 20130121.Vi Hart's Guide to Comments.7IJyRAUxtAQ.mkv | 31M |
| 20130203.Folding Space-Time.WkmPDOq2WfA.mkv | 32M |
| 20130314.Singing Pi-Gram.4C9PALaDh2U.mkv | 5.5M |
| 20130330.Reel.WU3AlAOCxN0.mkv | 16M |
| 20130407.5 Reasons We Like 5 Reasons Videos._cyw3ncjnH8.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20130509.How to Draw a Perfect Circle.QncgmzH6yQU.mkv | 17M |
| 20130614.Sound Braid.VB6a4nI0BPA.mkv | 11M |
| 20130627.Twelve Tones.4niz8TfY794.mkv | 93M |
| 20130819.Doodling in Math Class - DRAGONS.EdyociU35u8.mkv | 33M |
| 20131018.Doodling in Math Class - Dragon Dungeons.dsvLLKQCxeA.mkv | 33M |
| 20131022.Doodling in Math Class - Dragon Scales.Oc8sWN_jNF4.mkv | 30M |
| 20131118.How I Feel About Logarithms.N-7tcTIrers.mkv | 32M |
| 20140303.Cookie Shapes!._n1126GoxbU.mkv | 24M |
| 20140314.Anti-Pi Rant, 3_14_14.5iUh_CSjaSw.mkv | 22M |
| 20140507.Net Neutrality in the US - Now What.NAxMyTwmu_M.mkv | 55M |
| 20140606.How many kinds of infinity are there.23I5GS4JiDg.mkv | 58M |
| 20140619.Proof some infinities are bigger than other infinities.lA6hE7NFIK0.mkv | 45M |
| 20140714.The Reverse Cantor.MqUWS4o_nkY.mkv | 15M |
| 20140718.Transcendental Darts.Swm8tTLWirU.mkv | 35M |
| 20150314.Anti-Pi Rant, 3_14_15.2E9m6yDEIj8.mkv | 11M |
| 20150608.On Gender.hmKix-75dsg.mkv | 15M |
| 20150628.360 Video for Tau Day.S3xOB-Bigc8.mkv | 21M |
| 20150915.Infinite Trees Are Super Weird.BEz-vGJvaik.mkv | 25M |
| 20150925.Happy 'Happy Birthday' Day!.AVo0Q8G8tS8.mkv | 44M |
| 20151020.Shepard Tones.PwFUwXxfZss.mkv | 24M |
| 20160314.This Pi Day is Round - Pi Day 3_14_16.vydPOjRVcSg.mkv | 15M |
| 20160404.On Knives and Files.xujIDia0oug.mkv | 25M |
| 20160620.Feeling sad about tragedy.toap7iPpTbs.mkv | 47M |
| 20160629.Living Room Makeover.5q-9ovfEZnw.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20160712.Context for Black Lives Matter.eaEeEbP16Wg.mkv | 42M |
| 20160920.The Calculus of Bad Driving.pI62ANEGK6Q.mkv | 15M |
| 20160928.The Case for Hovercars.3zQsYJi5pFE.mkv | 21M |
| 20161123.A Mathematician's Perspective on the Divide.Td5xFxiEuQQ.mkv | 39M |
| 20161205.Let Me Convince You to Take Action.5lBBUPVuusM.mkv | 23M |
| 20170313.Pi Day 3_14_2017 - Venn Piagram.3mMeEKGyngM.mkv | 13M |
| 20170526.1 Year of VR Research.F7yLL5fJxT4.mkv | 32M |
| 20170712.Net Neutrality in the US - 2017 Update.l6UZUhRdD6U.mkv | 53M |
| 20171106.Math Improv - Smarties.4orZQ9Z0WL4.mkv | 28M |
| 20171113.The Smoothest Ride.LkLBVMgsSHQ.mkv | 18M |
| 20171123.How To Make a Hexaflexagon - The Definitive Guide.Svq2Kscmmwc.mkv | 23M |
| 20171221.Hexaflexaflakes.DIyruYQ-N4Q.mkv | 26M |
| 20180226.Peace for Triple Piano.HcRW3FMuttY.mkv | 18M |
| 20180304.Snow Day - Unusual Tracks.J5RkgDYKh3M.mkv | 6.1M |
| 20180314.Pi Rant 2018 - Alternative Pi.6acbBrLoi14.mkv | 19M |
| 20180409.Metachirality.3ONwD9a9DWs.mkv | 25M |
| 20180423.Metachirality!.8NmHZEKkkpM.mkv | 30M |
| 20180430.Deleted scenes and making of Metachirality!.04bCRrUNSgA.mkv | 29M |
| 20180628.Suspend Your Disbelief (or, how to ruin everything in 7 steps).deg1wmYjwtk.mkv | 51M |
| 20180630.Spidermath.LMCu9DVizTM.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20180712.Four Utilities Puzzle (and how to ruin a bagel).CruQylWSfoU.mkv | 25M |
| 20180725.How much is 'about 2' really.mxNPpte_6m4.mkv | 40M |
| 20181220.Scutoids.pwgN2gfb9Lw.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20190201.The Mathematics of Monkeybread.Qc23mwBnbNQ.mkv | 6.2M |
| 20190228.The Meaning of Cake.TCwQweljegc.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20190314.Pi Day 2019 - 6 Digits of Pi!!! 🍰.imfqczglelI.mkv | 11M |
| 20200313.Pi Day Rant 2020.Y4Lc5-6L1pE.mkv | 17M |
| 20200420.How We Reopen.HhRQxk9QA-o.mkv | 19M |