| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 20070324.Commodore Amiga 1000 S-Video hack.LDP8cvIXtFY.mkv | 16M |
| 20081116.iBook Ebay Video.NKl4lQREj3s.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20081124.ibook-rev2.Q-psJuS7h_I.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20090318.Bootup Challenge between an old Apple iBook and a Vista computer.mc8RUBY0d4c.mkv | 4.4M |
| 20090607.Apple iBook Clamshell Video.fA6DP7wTY7U.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20091029.Webcams on Mac, which one to buy.MwoohfmqQO8.mkv | 22M |
| 20091107.Planet X1 documentary.94QCuBaHPsA.mkv | 7.0M |
| 20100124.Fix for overfilled oil in Prius.7XvaDjKNHoI.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20100401.Commodore 64 April Fools Joke.tp02cUD9mAU.mkv | 1.8M |
| 20101220.A week with a G4 - Are they obsolete.YBO4y_w7P2I.mkv | 19M |
| 20101223.How to upgrade RAM in your Apple iBook G4.GJzdgSRZFPo.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20101227.How to upgrade RAM in your 13' Apple Macbook.fkrLwqUFsMo.mkv | 4.5M |
| 20101227.Ubuntu Linux on a PowerPC G4.pAhy-Zu0-2E.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20101228.MacBook 13' Hard Drive Upgrade.q8z3GzKB43Q.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20110202.iBook vs. MacBook - What is the difference.DWpEQQitDAc.mkv | 11M |
| 20110206.Why Macs don't get Viruses.GdAXzhD92Qo.mkv | 8.8M |
| 20110522.How long to charge a 2011_2012 Nissan Leaf.-GJh2pBEOFQ.mkv | 18M |
| 20111204.Apple 13' MacBook Disassembly and Repair video.PEnCD93riRo.mkv | 30M |
| 20111230.How to Clean your iBook or MacBook Laptop.qxleux69jmw.mkv | 8.1M |
| 20120102.Apple Laptop Destruction with BB gun and hoe.K0DNEFwxW1I.mkv | 13M |
| 20120104.Apple iBook G4 laptop disassembly.52-nCu2wW1M.mkv | 28M |
| 20120721.How much memory do you really need - Part I.8ytkCp8bWD0.mkv | 15M |
| 20120729.Secrets of the MacBook.FnVGIA11lIc.mkv | 4.9M |
| 20130109.Apple Airport Extreme for cheap wireless!.a1eXqI2s0Yc.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20130124.eBay and Craiglist, the reality of doing business..QvYsw8f77RY.mkv | 52M |
| 20130126.Tour of my home network..meYniwXbT_s.mkv | 9.6M |
| 20130211.G4 Browser Shootout, what's the best browser for the PowerPC G4 systems.CrwI8cQ6OZ4.mkv | 17M |
| 20130224.Dell Ultrasharp Monitors - the best choice for a Mac or PC.PLO8Yt0OwMQ.mkv | 14M |
| 20130302.How to use dual monitors on a Mac Mini.fRHM3VkE7d8.mkv | 7.6M |
| 20130309.How to wall mount virtually anything!.Xa8IrMWXtYc.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20130311.How to use a Mac Mini as a file server.tG4Tge11GOo.mkv | 22M |
| 20130326.Emulating game consoles and old computers on your Mac.Fud5ugp3mdc.mkv | 22M |
| 20130406.How to fix yellowed plastics on old computers!.VU7vXMezW_I.mkv | 12M |
| 20130407.How to repair an LCD monitor.jdDNW6r2hDg.mkv | 15M |
| 20130414.List of Essential Geek Gadgets.2kxWnpSwL_k.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20130418.iBook G3 Clamshell Disassembly and Hard Drive Upgrade..nCdO4eaE4xE.mkv | 29M |
| 20130430.MacOS 9 install on an Apple iBook G3 Clamshell.7pU6aaReqxE.mkv | 21M |
| 20130501.How to install OS X on an iBook G3 Clamshell.uyJG4RKP1VQ.mkv | 15M |
| 20130505.Mac Mini Core Duo - How to disassemble and upgrade Memory and Hard Drive A1176.PTKKWTau-Pc.mkv | 14M |
| 20130505.Mac Mini G4 - How to disassemble and upgrade RAM or Hard Drive A1103.ynRE69rTbTE.mkv | 11M |
| 20130530.Guide to buying a used laptop computer from another person..cRJU1jj5HD4.mkv | 14M |
| 20130606.Life Cycle of a Lithium battery pack, how many cycles should it last.iy9Mp1vik-s.mkv | 15M |
| 20130609.How to repair a power cord that has been dog chewed..gTAUupMxT1U.mkv | 11M |
| 20130704.4 Uses for Target Disk Mode, including how to clone a hard drive..VwC0Ifp0TA4.mkv | 8.7M |
| 20130706.How to Modify an OS X install disc to work on other computers..ngJ9q9wHcS0.mkv | 13M |
| 20130715.How to install a network jack into a wall from the attic.._Hx6kroDpd4.mkv | 13M |
| 20130719.Answers to your Questions!.nClvfVFYzbM.mkv | 38M |
| 20130820.iBook G4 tricks - Fix the crashing and using Dual Monitors!.M0ha7-P-1YY.mkv | 8.8M |
| 20131006.Old computers did it better!.0wDtxYeJdzg.mkv | 18M |
| 20131013.Turn your Mac into a radio scanner for $15..AbjBHPqfoYg.mkv | 10M |
| 20131125.OS X 10.4 Tiger, It is Obsolete Yet.zDhK2-jU0SY.mkv | 19M |
| 20131229.How to Block those Annoying Websites.2JbeKFdNOJo.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20140105.Windows XP - Is it obsolete after 13 years.zbsq4-KwnE4.mkv | 11M |
| 20140202.Review of the Cloud Rover.2mslGU_WuJ0.mkv | 11M |
| 20140303.The iPad 1, is it obsolete yet.4LkCSHtDvj8.mkv | 12M |
| 20140316.Speak & Spell - The first ever PC.RpeegJ0J5mE.mkv | 16M |
| 20140325.Voice Quality - iPhone 5 vs Antique Rotary Phone.0IEPWIESE34.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20140331.How to Jailbreak the iPhone 2G - Up to date!.S99TUAkVV4s.mkv | 13M |
| 20140414.Living with the iPhone 2G for a week. Is it Obsolete.g5PYhs_DnFI.mkv | 19M |
| 20140602.iPhone Video Recording - 10 tips for more professional videos..e6lfPCVjtn0.mkv | 29M |
| 20140608.Products Apple should Build.gPbl9d0nXAA.mkv | 16M |
| 20140719.MacBook Pro 13' disassembly and gatorade spill cleanup..Ef2tvcqylcU.mkv | 22M |
| 20140806.Electronic Gadgets - How to get them cheap!.3glUja1vJ18.mkv | 13M |
| 20140822.Building the Ultimate Computer Desk - Part 1.5yxmi14ru10.mkv | 12M |
| 20140824.Building the Ultimate Computer Desk - Part 2.MZYM6AxhQAw.mkv | 15M |
| 20140914.Building the Ultimate Computer Desk - Part 3.kUjTQGsEcxg.mkv | 18M |
| 20140924.Improving a crappy Ikea computer desk..0NDLTnhhQqE.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20140928.Gameboy Pocket - Adding a Backlight, how and why you should do this!.vmSpYkOxq-w.mkv | 17M |
| 20141117.Protect your old game consoles and computers from UV light..5Qmn7w3Nc68.mkv | 9.0M |
| 20141128.Building an electronic gadgets shelf.qCACmmnBvIk.mkv | 11M |
| 20141210.Hacking the Apple TV 1st Generation.Q9Acyy9lGSM.mkv | 15M |
| 20150118.Apple and Steve Jobs' Biggest Mistakes Ep 1 - The Macintosh.7h4tepFbMso.mkv | 15M |
| 20150124.Use a bunch of USB Flash drives in a RAID array..dougISKs2vQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20150208.Restoring an Apple A1048 keyboard.aNwO4hjIWDY.mkv | 14M |
| 20150222.Restoring Two Apple Keyboards and a Mouse.MhbQdojSL8o.mkv | 13M |
| 20150328.Apple Keyboard Evolution 1983-2015 Part 1.uK8Iba29UK8.mkv | 21M |
| 20150405.Apple Keyboard Evolution - Part 2.yCC_37pB18w.mkv | 24M |
| 20150419.Why you should give Comic Books a try!.C2h6siDVuzE.mkv | 16M |
| 20150425.Unwinding an LTO backup tape with a bicycle..JF-0qPxJ_fw.mkv | 12M |
| 20150507.Build an iMac G3 cat house.SdFIi-ZF-6M.mkv | 19M |
| 20150516.Ultimate Battery Backup Hack_Mod..-Ur-D37-juo.mkv | 24M |
| 20150607.Are apple iBook laptops collector's items yet.u5dJqd7PmY8.mkv | 21M |
| 20150617.Farewell R.I.P. Firewire, Hello USB!.rJ5bao4o3pk.mkv | 11M |
| 20150623.CPU Heatsinks to cool microwave dinners.2dmX3rQvw5M.mkv | 12M |
| 20150712.Rebuild a laptop battery pack.VrDnTXqoqjM.mkv | 17M |
| 20150723.Repairing a damaged EV charging cable..4yPIU8_NVWU.mkv | 15M |
| 20150801.Meet the little-known 'Soundblaster' Keyboards.QLJSdNYcdpk.mkv | 24M |
| 20150817.How 'oldschool' graphics worked Part 1 - Commodore and Nintendo.Tfh0ytz8S0k.mkv | 13M |
| 20150831.How 'oldschool' graphics work, part 2 - Apple and Atari._rsycfDliZU.mkv | 11M |
| 20151005.How Oldschool Sound_Music worked.q_3d1x2VPxk.mkv | 17M |
| 20151108.Is it Obsolete - The Core Duo MacBook.FJw8aSxEFwQ.mkv | 16M |
| 20160110.Are Computers Still Getting Faster.IuLxX07isNg.mkv | 21M |
| 20160131.How to build the Kitty Rocket Tower Cat Tree.kCAwzPfo9ts.mkv | 22M |
| 20160305.How to pick the best gaming laptop for MS-DOS games..k2v7k-wAm2E.mkv | 38M |
| 20160319.Support 8-Bit Guy on Patreon.WKSWhsFnGnM.mkv | 2.4M |
| 20160326.CGA Graphics - Not as bad as you thought!.niKblgZupOc.mkv | 24M |
| 20160417.Upgrading to a Solid State Floppy Drive Emulator.JWUgV09H5C0.mkv | 15M |
| 20160425.Apple IIc Restoration and video jack repair.SO4mjEasdTM.mkv | 23M |
| 20160508.Radica Sega Genesis Audio Distortion Fix.mA-vJWW9WaQ.mkv | 12M |
| 20160528.2017 Chevy Volt or Tesla Model 3 Review of Volt..SD-RIcpO8Do.mkv | 45M |
| 20160601.9 Plug n Play TV Games Compared.esQNEvcHVuM.mkv | 31M |
| 20160625.How old school cassette tape drives worked._9SM9lG47Ew.mkv | 33M |
| 20160717.How Old School Floppy Drives Worked.EHRc-QMoUE4.mkv | 34M |
| 20160728.Repair and Restore of Radio Shack's Armatron Robotic Arm from 1984..1KXmAktW_Xc.mkv | 21M |
| 20160821.PowerMac G5 - Is it Obsolete.6SqYMU81l8Y.mkv | 24M |
| 20160911.How Oldschool ROM Cartridge Games Worked.NLEMsw1SjDY.mkv | 31M |
| 20161007.BMW i3 REx roadtrip, charging, coding, and range test..20faLEl3gws.mkv | 42M |
| 20161010.Chevy Volt vs. BMW i3 Rex Drag Race.BsUdsOQJ01w.mkv | 13M |
| 20161015.VHS Tapes - Were they as bad as we remember.P00QS3lXJeI.mkv | 18M |
| 20161025.How NOT to create MP3 music from cassette (Feat. Techmoan).GNgm8Cn-HpY.mkv | 35M |
| 20161030.The 1st ever webcam - Connectix Quickcam.ZxQjMlwDA8A.mkv | 14M |
| 20161123.The KoalaPad - How we used to create graphics.0JXi1WSSfHw.mkv | 16M |
| 20161211.Back when cameras used... Floppy Disks Sony Mavica.4J0Aw2Z-8-k.mkv | 43M |
| 20161231.How light pens and light guns work NES Zapper.Nu-Hoj4EIjU.mkv | 30M |
| 20170103.2017 Channel Announcements and F.A.Q..YTdjcPNWij4.mkv | 38M |
| 20170105.Checking out the Divoom Timebox for Pixel Art and Music..lmpqX5t-b8g.mkv | 21M |
| 20170117.Best Vintage Game Console for Classic Arcade Games.JwPuuqTxV-I.mkv | 28M |
| 20170201.Commodore 128 Complete Restoration and Board Repair..wLp6bzG9exk.mkv | 51M |
| 20170204.Macintosh SE Restoration and SD-2-SCSI upgrade.wXWlJFrX19s.mkv | 43M |
| 20170210.How old school video digitizers worked.4vpKsteIzJs.mkv | 16M |
| 20170219.Camcorder that uses Cassette Tapes - The PXL-2000.TCXJ5twf5tM.mkv | 27M |
| 20170223.Restoring the Macintosh Plus to working order!.7TbCj3chP_c.mkv | 48M |
| 20170301.The Quest for 80 Columns on the Commodore 64.BJzOErvJwZs.mkv | 31M |
| 20170308.The basics of BASIC, the programming language of the 1980s..seM9SqTsRG4.mkv | 51M |
| 20170317.A palmtop computer with integrated game controller - GPD gamepad digital.hkDa1MSu-EA.mkv | 25M |
| 20170320.The first all-digital answering machine, the Telstar Call Control System..Sx_qTIhtLj8.mkv | 17M |
| 20170329.Atari 7800 Composite Mod and Review.VaNycakIUmU.mkv | 37M |
| 20170413.VIC-20 Super Expander and EPROM programmer.8MeBzMCUssU.mkv | 23M |
| 20170421.Nintendo NES Classic Alternatives and clones.vD_xsYCCawE.mkv | 38M |
| 20170426.How a Character LCD works Part 1.hZRL8luuPb8.mkv | 35M |
| 20170503.How a Character LCD Works - Part 2.vV8FbwobrKY.mkv | 29M |
| 20170505.8-Bit Donation Unboxing April 2017.dPfRMkQhqaQ.mkv | 17M |
| 20170511.The Laser Portable Computers that ran BASIC..UJAdo2cE4pQ.mkv | 45M |
| 20170519.The Tyco Video Camera TVC-8000.ixgsYAfZ8eo.mkv | 24M |
| 20170526.TRS-80 Color Computer 1 Restoration.XT5SYlqM7wk.mkv | 48M |
| 20170531.Relabelling and Restoring Cartridge Games.3QJChsouvTI.mkv | 33M |
| 20170601.8-Bit Donation Unboxing May 2017.9QZ75NPaMQQ.mkv | 55M |
| 20170616.VIC-20 Overload - Penultimate Cartridge, Pentagorat, & Planet X1.c5Fj8SALkbg.mkv | 44M |
| 20170622.Nintendo Gameboy Camera & Printer.jenAYYTstb4.mkv | 28M |
| 20170627.How the Covox and Disney Sound Source Worked..Wt4VcLF8Wug.mkv | 34M |
| 20170702.8-Bit Donation Unboxing - June 2017.X446bBiqiGw.mkv | 80M |
| 20170708.Osborne 1 Computer Restoration Part 1.BMujISwKnWk.mkv | 30M |
| 20170713.Osborne 1 Computer Restoration Part 2.lXkkJfWWPDk.mkv | 49M |
| 20170718.Osborne 1 Computer Part 3 - Demonstration and Review.h6PUWZ0FOZM.mkv | 32M |
| 20170726.Commodore Calculator Repair.Q0rSv8NfQXQ.mkv | 35M |
| 20170802.8-Bit Unboxing July 2017 donations.nDmNAz8yQ7Y.mkv | 66M |
| 20170809.Modern games for Vintage systems - Assembloids, Bear Essentials, and Bittboy!.imEKoKg1I1k.mkv | 38M |
| 20170820.Adventures in Retrobrite - New techniques for restoring yellowed plastic!.qZYbchvSUDY.mkv | 58M |
| 20170829.Commodore PET Repair and Restore.uHbhH7ISL_Y.mkv | 39M |
| 20170901.8-Bit Donation Unboxing August 2017.ns_Od6JjIAY.mkv | 43M |
| 20170912.Commodore History Part 1- The PET.eP9y_7it3ZM.mkv | 42M |
| 20170918.Mini Tabletop Arcades - Old vs. New.Iuo0njOI-qE.mkv | 71M |
| 20171001.8-Bit Donation Unboxing September 2017.J1P-RQYh_mo.mkv | 41M |
| 20171006.Commodore History Part 2 - The VIC 20.yg04GyhS3ss.mkv | 56M |
| 20171013.Laser XT Restoration.qa0B0hiVqxA.mkv | 51M |
| 20171026.Nyko Worm Cam and Arduboy credit card Tetris Game.VjlI1x5Y8cU.mkv | 31M |
| 20171031.8-Bit Unboxing October 2017.FQkxB3atZII.mkv | 53M |
| 20171105.Game Reviews-Logjammers, Almost Hero, and Coffee Crisis.MXGCJYgq3nQ.mkv | 26M |
| 20171109.Assembly and Review - PE6502 Hobby Computer.KAivGLHJzJM.mkv | 80M |
| 20171116.Full Sized K9 Replica - Robotic Dog from Doctor Who.n3ikrlRyJnY.mkv | 37M |
| 20171127.Planet X2 for the Commodore 64, The Making Of..NB_VBl7ut9Y.mkv | 69M |
| 20171201.8-bit Unboxing November 2017.rvsT2ZTgyaY.mkv | 40M |
| 20171213.Ad-Lib Sound Card for the Parallel Port.z3DU2mNBa6M.mkv | 53M |
| 20171220.1982 Commodore Christmas Demo.kWovQ2ngdAQ.mkv | 19M |
| 20180101.8-Bit Unboxing December 2017.oY0l5ulq7h0.mkv | 54M |
| 20180109.The Color Maximite BASIC Computer and Microcontroller.XQA8lowEKOo.mkv | 33M |
| 20180114.Planet X3 for MS-DOS Development - Part 1.szhv6fwx7GY.mkv | 39M |
| 20180201.8-Bit Unboxing January 2018.-pXLLb2alI4.mkv | 36M |
| 20180206.The Advantech I.Q. Unlimited with BASIC and a Z80 CPU..HEfUefVXzzg.mkv | 33M |
| 20180221.200th Episode Special - A Day in my Life.6PjzOvcymzI.mkv | 25M |
| 20180227.IBM PCjr Repair and Restoration.oW7EszNFmPA.mkv | 46M |
| 20180301.8-Bit Unboxing - February 2018.XO1sJgAWBZk.mkv | 49M |
| 20180307.Commodore C116 and drive repair, 240V to 120V conversion.aXt6Obgm2G4.mkv | 44M |
| 20180326.The C64 Mini - Reviewed.GXXCj5kqPcM.mkv | 56M |
| 20180401.Unboxing March 2018.-UXEwefy1-U.mkv | 54M |
| 20180406.3 New Platform Games - Sam's Journey, Pets Rescue, and Cheese & Onion.ulsUZvBtS3Q.mkv | 40M |
| 20180412.The Gigatron TTL Computer without a Microprocessor._2uXqTi42LI.mkv | 33M |
| 20180423.Updates on Previous 8-Bit Guy Projects.BGTr44K4yN8.mkv | 32M |
| 20180501.8-Bit Unboxing April 2018.BjxyreDZ4es.mkv | 42M |
| 20180511.Commodore History Part 3 - The Commodore 64 (complete).BpXFB8ZEH30.mkv | 78M |
| 20180520.Restoration - The Worst VIC-20 I've ever seen - Part 1.A_vpfBJZ7JI.mkv | 60M |
| 20180522.The Worst VIC-20 Ever - Part 2._rjjCkcXknE.mkv | 42M |
| 20180604.Planet X3 for MS-DOS Update & KIckstarter.QUzVesdY6OU.mkv | 52M |
| 20180610.How a Character LCD Works - Part 3.pQk3XgpuaJ4.mkv | 22M |
| 20180625.Commodore History Part 4 - The Plus4, C16, and C116.ICiZbUypMlQ.mkv | 61M |
| 20180701.8-Bit Unboxing May-June 2018.ZdBSXcna6rc.mkv | 70M |
| 20180709.Replica Sound Cards - AdLib, Innovation SSI-2001, and SwinSID Ultimate..TUCNDNJHItw.mkv | 36M |
| 20180715.NeXTStation Restoration and Upgrade.MFEUi6JDne4.mkv | 21M |
| 20180719.Raspberry Pi C64.h1FWsfAs5cw.mkv | 34M |
| 20180802.Commodore 128D Restoration.z_sxTwD4lVs.mkv | 48M |
| 20180808.Color Photos from a Black and White Camera.a-ny3geJ-nk.mkv | 16M |
| 20180821.Think Different Challenge - The Apple PIIe - Part 4.PG7lqaCJ6yA.mkv | 62M |
| 20180904.Compaq Portable 1 Restoration - Part 1.5rPr2JSKeQ0.mkv | 48M |
| 20180909.Planet X3 Status Update - Part 3.BdhvIfmRtvQ.mkv | 43M |
| 20180921.Commodore History Part 5 - The C128.wzMsgnnDIRE.mkv | 71M |
| 20181003.8-Bit Unboxing July-September 2018.Ou6o4c1L4Vw.mkv | 55M |
| 20181008.Compaq Portable Restoration-Part 2.5fju5eRxdRY.mkv | 50M |
| 20181013.Modding a consumer TV to use RGB input.DLz6pgvsZ_I.mkv | 47M |
| 20181015.Modding a TV for RGB - Part 2.NkpSBK3g-gA.mkv | 16M |
| 20181030.The Gigatron Computer - New Features Update.uidtGvsk21M.mkv | 23M |
| 20181105.The C64 Mini - New version for North America.p3bwYDRk42w.mkv | 26M |
| 20181119.Bell and Howell (Apple II+) Restoration.SlgOsqlInpc.mkv | 46M |
| 20181214.How Vintage Game Controllers Worked.WVnwfwXnNiQ.mkv | 22M |
| 20181215.Planet X3 Teaser - Watch till the end!.-dvpMVJ7WGA.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20181229.The Tandy 1000 - The best MS-DOS computer in 1984..mYHtojsaRkY.mkv | 40M |
| 20190111.Compaq and Hyperion - The First IBM Clones.HEMhpInIACk.mkv | 31M |
| 20190125.Documentary - The SInclair ZX80, ZX81, and Timex Sinclair 1000.1Jr7Q1yJOUM.mkv | 44M |
| 20190131.8-Bit Unboxing January 2019.aTFhTXWLUZE.mkv | 33M |
| 20190204.New Retro Games for 2019 - Rikki & Vikki, Farming Simulator, and Portal.V9A07AFk1lA.mkv | 28M |
| 20190219.Building my dream computer - Part 1.ayh0qebfD2g.mkv | 38M |
| 20190309.How Speech Synthesizers Work.XsMRxNSDccc.mkv | 35M |
| 20190329.Forgotten Camera - Aiptek ISDV2, an early SD-Card camcorder..aCofWS6MXl0.mkv | 28M |
| 20190410.Dissecting two Word Processors, Brother WP25 and Panasonic W1525.eNs-QIMHCJA.mkv | 29M |
| 20190501.Restoring three Commodore PC-compatibles.o6_topBnqPQ.mkv | 56M |
| 20190519.Finally - A Gameboy Color Backlight Mod!.WG8loyh-kFw.mkv | 31M |
| 20190602.Commodore History Part 6 - The PC Compatibles.e63XWCW2ADY.mkv | 48M |
| 20190618.Planet X3 -The Making of, Part 4.wCx32lrBSNQ.mkv | 85M |
| 20190702.8-Bit Unboxing - July 2019.BiZVKvjwH5I.mkv | 57M |
| 20190722.Macintosh LC Monitor Restoration.6xGWNEc4w9g.mkv | 76M |
| 20190727.Mindset-The graphics workstation you've never heard of!.3a_qJFD80_c.mkv | 60M |
| 20190805.Macintosh LC II Recapping and Dishwasher.LlLDN2kn7-0.mkv | 43M |
| 20190814.AST Computer - Tales from Tech Support.2hdazA-VUf0.mkv | 69M |
| 20190825.The Apple IIe on a Card.tvZ43JqrvXA.mkv | 25M |
| 20190912.Building my Dream Computer - Part 2.sg-6Cjzzg8s.mkv | 76M |
| 20190925.New Retro Games for 2019 - L'abbaye Des Morts, Realms of Quest V.nIKKuyGoqwI.mkv | 29M |
| 20191014.Sanyo MBC-775 - The first PC portable computer with color screen..euhp8Vn2FTw.mkv | 30M |
| 20191024.How Telephone Phreaking Worked.4tHyZdtXULw.mkv | 60M |
| 20191101.Boot Sector Games.1UzTf0Qo37A.mkv | 14M |
| 20191112.Intellivision - Add composite video, review 2 new games..xLVRQUwAShI.mkv | 32M |
| 20191126.1 Million Subscribers Special _ Young Sheldon Modem Emergency!.cWEssj8Qyas.mkv | 40M |
| 20191209.How to make replacement badges.pYeIr1fPHHU.mkv | 49M |
| 20191217.SAAYM - A CMS GameBlaster clone with a YM2151 too!.RCegzukAWjg.mkv | 21M |
| 20191222.TheC64 Maxi - Full sized C64 review and disassembly.kxx2F4ffmeE.mkv | 30M |
| 20200109.Electric Car Charging, How long does it REALLY take.TcoLCTkM0ys.mkv | 41M |
| 20200128.Commodore History Part 7 - Disk Drives.6QBXY8dx8ZA.mkv | 56M |
| 20200215.Commodore 64 Restoration and new retrobrite technique.._GH0ZpaTwqs.mkv | 71M |
| 20200312.Tour of Home Network 2020.Ev0PL892zSE.mkv | 30M |
| 20200323.Philips CD-i, The multimedia future that never was..IxSCNhblC3g.mkv | 56M |
| 20200402.Final Unboxing Video and Channel Announcements.GtWEB9L-ynY.mkv | 31M |
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