| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 20200422.Which Star Trek Character Actually Has the Most Wasted Potential?.kxeLj7nJR8o.f243.webm | 31M |
| 20200422.Which Star Trek Character Actually Has the Most Wasted Potential?.kxeLj7nJR8o.f251.webm | 28M |
| 20200422.Which Star Trek Character Actually Has the Most Wasted Potential?.kxeLj7nJR8o.temp.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20200424.Steve and Stuffy and the Death of Comedy.Tpnt_hs5DiU.mkv | 34M |
| 20200429.Which Overlooked Star Trek Characters Did I Overlook?.hWn2iLLiJTY.mkv | 50M |
| 20200501.Steve and Stuffy and the Petty Outbreak.cT6SdsATMlc.mkv | 28M |
| 20200506.Are Giant Space Orchids the Most Star Trek Thing Ever? (Trek, Actually Comment Responses).UB7I2IWewzM.mkv | 83M |
| 20200508.Steve and Stuffy and the Distribution of Possessions.G6xGkmjTdsg.mkv | 38M |
| 20200511.Unboxing My YouTube Award.86BfVWeMbDw.mkv | 17M |
| 20200515.Steve and Stuffy and the Sidewalk Show.UJIgrs6-l3k.mkv | 34M |
| 20200520.Is Starfleet Actually the Bad Guy?.yLnMQvKkFPk.mkv | 49M |
| 20200522.God Is Not a Democrat | The Whirlpool.Mh7ZS_w7b4o.mkv | 18M |
| 20200527.Who Is Star Trek's Worst Evil Admiral?.dW80YWoZlWI.mkv | 40M |
| 20200529.Better Tribulate Than Never | The Whirlpool.r94votmbeaU.mkv | 19M |
| 20200601.Time to Show up for Racial Justice.DTgn4mfxoDw.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20200603.Who Are Actually Star Trek's Best and Worst Parents?.oASpaeJJXiE.mkv | 55M |
| 20200605.A Pious Proposal | The Whirlpool.wgCzU2O7wVw.mkv | 17M |
| 20200605.Remember When They Showed You Who They Are.QNq71mukKQs.mkv | 23M |
| 20200612.What Can I Do? | The Whirlpool.IlP439rtaeA.mkv | 23M |
| 20200617.What Is Actually Star Trek's Darkest Episode?.hzQ3eF0hdnc.mkv | 47M |
| 20200619.Divine Equality | The Whirlpool.QIQrP81iwCU.mkv | 19M |
| 20200624.Did the Synth Ban Make Sense? (Trek, Actually Comment Responses).KPhxfT2KGjM.mkv | 78M |
| 20200626.Lead Yourself Not Into Temptation | The Whirlpool.3O-RGVTw9Tc.mkv | 19M |
| 20200703.Tear Down False Idols, Not Statues | The Whirlpool.eK6zdPHh6v4.mkv | 19M |
| 20200708.Hamilton: Watching, Listening and Feeling.diMGWqc8COQ.mkv | 25M |
| 20200710.The End of History | The Whirlpool.3PrEDez3yvc.mkv | 19M |
| 20200715.What About Star Trek Breaks My Heart?.ioDUnlWhors.mkv | 20M |
| 20200717.Biological Spiritual Warfare | The Whirlpool.EyDoIy-4ER0.mkv | 22M |
| 20200722.No, Opening Schools During a Pandemic Is Not a Good Idea.bRBiQENngKk.mkv | 51M |
| 20200724.This Is Fine | The Whirlpool.GBucZSziHlE.mkv | 21M |
| 20200729.Does Star Trek Actually Glorify Terrorism?.OykhNN25aVk.mkv | 49M |
| 20200731.No Means Probably Not | The Whirlpool.qVfZ_sw1hqM.mkv | 19M |
| 20200807.Every Knee Shall Bow | The Whirlpool.HDv54vLyTP8.mkv | 28M |
| 20200821.Examining Star Trek: TNG's Favorite Premise.T-JNOQ8Nl-E.mkv | 26M |
| 20200902.Does Star Trek Actually Want Us to Fear Technology?.fErEsg-5QeI.mkv | 49M |
| 20200909.Like What You Like, But Please Stop Ruining the Internet (Trek, Actually Comment Responses — Part I).ybZShGHz5AA.mkv | 53M |
| 20200910.Don't Overthink It, But Think It Over (Trek, Actually Comment Responses — Part II).FcYGvEXVjL0.mkv | 54M |
| 20200917."The Uterus Collector" Should Be All the Reason We Need to Abolish ICE and Defeat Trump.EXHLp8GZuHM.mkv | 21M |
| 20200924.Did Captain Janeway Actually Murder Tuvix?.QRFWqTQ7xJ0.mkv | 54M |
| 20201001.Re-Evaluating Star Trek: Voyager's "Real Life".kx7VT1FaEZM.mkv | 28M |
| 20201007.Why It's Understandable to Be Glad Trump Has COVID.fAtaSLEaS9U.mkv | 28M |
| 20201014.How Was Star Trek: Lower Decks Season One?.WfETUfm6CNM.mkv | 42M |
| 20201021.Is Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Actually a Rip Off of Babylon 5?.dNXdonu8u-A.mkv | 50M |
| 20201028.Why Peter Cushing Was the King of Hammer Horror.zDIxf-c7dKw.mkv | 24M |
| 20201104.How Could Voyager Have Fixed Tuvix? (Trek, Actually Comment Responses).PB2s10jNKdo.mkv | 61M |
| 20201111.Where Do We Go From Here?.FLary2GARKY.mkv | 26M |
| 20201116.The Many Masks of Batman.ElGGqwaOzJE.mkv | 145M |
| 20201118.Does Star Trek Actually Believe in the Chain of Command?.wlMXtUclIf4.mkv | 47M |
| 20201120.Read Away: The Dispossessed, Chapter 2.kVmwlSBR78k.f243.webm | 282 |
| 20201123.On Saving the Souls of Trump Supporters.R3dEckzHjgA.mkv | 24M |
| 20201125.Why You Should Consider Phone Banking for Political Candidates | Where Do We Go From Here?.oBB1a4TYXZA.mkv | 24M |
| 20201130.Is Batman Inherently Fascist?.Us9eHNNRtiI.mkv | 149M |
| 20201202.Kirk vs. the Computer: Examining One of Classic Trek's Favorite Tropes.6n59i3ltKrY.mkv | 42M |
| 20201207.Not a Memorial For the Movies.hCfSJ5ZB5sU.mkv | 18M |
| 20201209.Why You Should Support Local Advocacy Groups, and How to Find Them | Where Do We Go From Here?.tguAA4Skqj4.mkv | 14M |
| 20201212.Stuffy and Friends Are Returning Soon.3BDfSBU60-E.mkv | 19M |
| 20201214.Is Batman a Cop?.Dngx0u8SfXI.mkv | 119M |
| 20201216.Is Captain Sisko Actually a War Criminal?.q3AS8g75A-Q.mkv | 39M |
| 20201221.Limericks for a Loser: A Poem for Donald Trump.TV-inENnX1E.mkv | 5.0M |
| 20201223.Can We Fix Homelessness By Giving People Homes? | Where Do We Go From Here?.rr9MNOSQ9ao.mkv | 25M |
| 20201225.Steve Reacts to Centron's "Home for Christmas".HOyqZVGK5eA.mkv | 32M |
| 20201228.Does Batman Need Robin?.swFXdXZz8PE.mkv | 120M |
| 20201230.Did Garak Blow Up Vreenak's Shuttle? (Trek, Actually Comment Responses).Rtc71bGuEkQ.mkv | 57M |
| 20210101.Read Away: The Dispossessed, Chapter 5.dPXSAjguIRI.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210104.Republicans Made Their Bed, Now They Have to Sleep In It.oX9Esk5QS3s.mkv | 19M |
| 20210106.The Problem With Prisons | Where Do We Go From Here?.1BahsFx8AqM.mkv | 51M |
| 20210111.Is Zootopia Copaganda?.yL1AX1PUIzM.mkv | 72M |
| 20210113.How Was Star Trek: Discovery Season 3?.OdwjBXODO2c.mkv | 63M |
| 20210120.What If Captain Picard Hadn't Actually Been Rescued From the Borg?.tATN13THXik.mkv | 50M |
| 20210125.Of Bat-Cops and Bunny Cops | Dana and Steve Respond to Comments, Vol. 1.gGDKV2KC9kM.mkv | 121M |
| 20210127.Ranked Choice Voting | Where Do We Go From Here?.CM5HxxEj8dM.mkv | 29M |
| 20210203.Why Did I Keep Watching Titans (Which Is Terrible)?.yybKaUkVIAo.mkv | 69M |
| 20210208.Rev. Junia Joplin | Steve's Conversation Stream #13.z21dKbXoGsA.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210208.Who's Really the Best Robin? | Dana and Steve Respond to Comments, Vol. 2.5Zw5rjKAElk.mkv | 86M |
| 20210210.Ending Voter Suppression | Where Do We Go From Here?.tXcTj2OwC8s.mkv | 33M |
| 20210212.Read Away: The Dispossessed, Chapter 8.qxflayUKgM8.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210215.Tony the Snitch Tastes My Revenge | Ask a Professional YouTuber.em3GCG3Oxxo.mkv | 10M |
| 20210217.Would Harlan Ellison's Original "City on the Edge of Forever" Actually Have Been Better?.E51h3wdZY00.mkv | 64M |
| 20210222.Is Batman Fascist, or Just Fashy | Dana and Steve Respond to Comments, Vol. 3.hKOYncf7xOs.mkv | 139M |
| 20210224.Why General Chang Is Actually My Favorite Klingon.YMv-HaE6Gyk.mkv | 42M |
| 20210301.What Will You Do When They Find Out the Truth? | Ask a Professional YouTuber.qJUVDTLSv24.mkv | 4.7M |
| 20210303.Immigration Reform | Where Do We Go From Here?.d2U-bLfD07M.mkv | 34M |
| 20210304.Fanfic Live Read #7: Superman: Two Figures on a Riverbank, Part 2.ezuAr824tmw.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210308.The Cape Makes the Batman? | Dana and Steve Respond to Comments, Vol. 4.BVvsjnmLTGU.mkv | 102M |
| 20210310.Who Is the Cutest of Borg? | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.ihziYd6f5zc.mkv | 85M |
| 20210315.Giving Back to the Community | Ask a Professional YouTuber.OqSNM0Lz3y0.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20210317.Why Do People Actually Hate New Star Trek?.S6YQn0sIApA.mkv | 63M |
| 20210318.Dana and Steve Respond to Comments: The Snyder Cut.BFOgpJEIvaw.mkv | 56M |
| 20210324.Hunger and Food Insecurity | Where Do We Go From Here?.fjEVucAF-2I.mkv | 27M |
| 20210328.Patreon Hangout #77: Talking Heads.vCYpX3s0bW4.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210329.How to Deal With Negative Comments | Ask a Professional YouTuber.wh8GvuTLN_Q.mkv | 5.9M |
| 20210331.What's the Best Jesus Movie?.60vCFjbWCTs.mkv | 60M |
| 20210407.The Snyder Cut Is Worse.m8U2DWOH7bg.mkv | 69M |
| 20210414.How Star Trek Actually Deals (and Doesn't Deal) With Disability.Ly7KDjg1eSU.mkv | 79M |
| 20210419.Maintaining a Schedule While Working From Home | Ask a Professional YouTuber.D9PQX5DugLE.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20210421.Police Reform | Where Do We Go From Here?.9l331aaG1n4.mkv | 48M |
| 20210428.Star Trek and Labor Relations: Looking at DS9's "Bar Association".BPVXrVRHmlw.mkv | 24M |
| 20210503.Why Don't You Get a Real Job? | Ask a Professional YouTuber.lxQADQT2Vn4.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20210505.Godzilla vs. Kong Is a Wrestling Movie.yvUU_PBqt0I.mkv | 43M |
| 20210512.How Deep Space Nine Actually Saved the Ferengi.zUNz-xHohac.mkv | 55M |
| 20210512.Memberships Are Open!.MQsgO-BI9uM.mkv | 13M |
| 20210517.What If YouTube Disappears Tomorrow? | Ask a Professional YouTuber.cj1rpEOoKxY.mkv | 10M |
| 20210519.Gun Control | Where Do We Go From Here?.YH5uESMTAMc.mkv | 43M |
| 20210526.Would Disabled People Even Exist In the Star Trek Universe? | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.y5nr7ANAzXA.mkv | 88M |
| 20210531.Finding the Work⧸Life Balance | Ask a Professional YouTuber.JGQQaCMZWIk.mkv | 8.0M |
| 20210602.Bruce Wayne Doesn't Need to Be a Billionaire.0k-xCfymoXk.mkv | 41M |
| 20210609.My Vasectomy: An Inaccurate Dramatization.f8N421hzv80.mkv | 13M |
| 20210614.How to Be a Successful Critic | Ask a Professional YouTuber.yu3QQC1BXXw.mkv | 14M |
| 20210616.Is Data Actually Too Dangerous For Starfleet?.3pSYPV7qbhc.mkv | 60M |
| 20210616.Trek, Reluctantly #33: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Forsaken.nrkbxhALuwQ.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210621.The Richard Dawkins Dilemma: New Atheism Got Old But Never Grew Up.bc81zvsgYPE.mkv | 41M |
| 20210623.In Defense of Shipping, or, Are Kirk and Spock Gay or What?.YwA_tdEZntA.mkv | 48M |
| 20210628.Dealing With Harassment | Ask a Professional YouTuber.Voz0TRfp20o.mkv | 10M |
| 20210630.The Problem With A&E's Pro Wrestler Biographies.eYVYFqOfOgU.mkv | 38M |
| 20210705.Not Everything You're Scared of Is Critical Race Theory.1jb7MsRc83Q.mkv | 20M |
| 20210707.Best Batman Ever: Detective Comics by Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers.zt2qPyCsd00.mkv | 62M |
| 20210709.Ask Away! #88: July 9, 2021 | Steve Shives.FZn2Spk2hgw.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210712.Videos vs. Podcasts | Ask a Professional YouTuber.kZ4X53_0WsU.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20210714.Trek, Reluctantly #36: Magic Mike (Part 1).EULk7gj60Ng.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20210714.What Is Actually Star Trek's Worst Parallel Earth?.2X4k3-FOQ7c.mkv | 74M |
| 20210719.Can We Go Back to Having Astronauts?.EZHd49hFFXA.mkv | 26M |
| 20210721.Student Loan Forgiveness | Where Do We Go From Here?.nmH64nzxkRI.mkv | 24M |
| 20210726.Tips for a Successful Livestream | Ask a Professional YouTuber.fIy7QF9uqZk.mkv | 7.7M |
| 20210728.Swearing in Star Trek.qQUCkzCQMVo.mkv | 39M |
| 20210802.The Importance of Stateless Olympians.Fv-9Rj6CNaw.mkv | 23M |
| 20210804.The (First) Time Batman Writers Killed Off Alfred and Had to Bring Him Back.fGpxU8DCou0.mkv | 59M |
| 20210809.What Makes Me So Awesome? | Ask a Professional YouTuber.on5FgAHpIuY.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20210811.Am I Wrong or Is Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Kinda Good?.1kuYmS3E5Cc.mkv | 83M |
| 20210816.What's the Best Indiana Jones Movie and Why Is It Last Crusade?.3fHgJwn4SZY.mkv | 99M |
| 20210818.Is Starfleet Actually Negligent Toward Its Officers?.LPrRsxmrdgY.mkv | 65M |
| 20210821.CM Punk and AEW: Giving the People What They Want.WRAL6vgVCho.mkv | 48M |
| 20210823.How to Handle Copyright Strikes | Ask a Professional YouTuber.scYuadKW2wU.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20210825."Should Tasha Have Appeared at Data's Death?" and Other Questions | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.2bUSowtTgJs.mkv | 100M |
| 20210829.My Canon-Proof Star Trek Show.bRxS7jMUuYg.mkv | 21M |
| 20210830.Cancel Culture Is About the Past, Not the Future.j44rbaclN2c.mkv | 16M |
| 20210901.Superman and Lois Gets It Right - Mostly.m3QIhHKFUm4.mkv | 55M |
| 20210906.Living With Insecurity | Ask a Professional YouTuber.AEc0XclHN3Q.mkv | 16M |
| 20210908.The Batman Everyone Can Agree On.bJA36AyKCxc.mkv | 55M |
| 20210913.Is Batman: The Animated Series Really the Best Batman?.Vb6LbM6voUE.mkv | 106M |
| 20210915.Why Wesley Crusher Is Actually Not So Bad.exRysWKSeH8.mkv | 60M |
| 20210920.Avoiding Cancel Culture | Ask a Professional YouTuber.mpKg74d6Uz0.mkv | 6.4M |
| 20210922.Expanding the Supreme Court | Where Do We Go From Here?.SaHg8pzVuEM.mkv | 37M |
| 20210927.How Late Night With Conan O'Brien Tried to Warn Us About Trump.Jnnea-iH6_4.mkv | 21M |
| 20210929.What the Bashir Family Tells Us About Ableism in Star Trek.yQDIL1rNVxQ.mkv | 24M |
| 20211004.Appearing Natural On Camera | Ask a Professional YouTuber.N7Pip1Bj3Qk.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20211006.Ending the Filibuster | Where Do We Go From Here?.PECnL30rQQA.mkv | 36M |
| 20211011.Did the First Pyramid Schemer Know She Was Creating the Ultimate Grift?.R1dISED3XtI.mkv | 15M |
| 20211013.The Three Kinds of Bad Movies.XO40ZwuVd5o.mkv | 47M |
| 20211018.The Scary Side of YouTube | Ask a Professional YouTuber.Fbhh_PIWbl4.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20211020.Why Weyoun Might Actually Be Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Best Villain.KTHMsryu6h4.mkv | 50M |
| 20211025.The Spirit Photographer Who Scammed Mary Todd Lincoln.J2udBv0fZ7w.mkv | 23M |
| 20211027.How Was Star Trek: Lower Decks, Season Two?.9ISyCsIv9-o.mkv | 36M |
| 20211101.Be Prepared | Ask a Professional YouTuber.QrK3nEpRWFo.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20211103.Whatever Happened to the DC Animated Movie Universe?.3cJYcXDTrfA.mkv | 63M |
| 20211108.So, What's the Deal With QAnon and JFK Jr.?.-Tn4I_N7zts.mkv | 25M |
| 20211110.How Adam West's Batman Lit the Way for the Dark Knight.HwbPhE2TxTY.mkv | 58M |
| 20211115.Establishing Your Style | Ask a Professional YouTuber.UUE-eI1YWj0.mkv | 17M |
| 20211117.What Does Star Trek Actually Say About Religion?.FB6wWuzEPpU.mkv | 66M |
| 20211118.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Kobayashi Maru".1s-JCPoHXuw.mkv | 21M |
| 20211122.Why Should Other People's Money Be More Important Than Other People?.dKL4qhjfPzk.mkv | 14M |
| 20211124."Why Is Fan Service a Bad Thing?" and Other Questions | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.rU1eaiKOtsQ.mkv | 100M |
| 20211125.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Anomaly".C_l3gtPqNYI.mkv | 29M |
| 20211125.The Triumphant Turkey Day Return! | Stuffy and Friends.Le9_Vv4mZSU.mkv | 55M |
| 20211129.Production During the Holidays | Ask a Professional YouTuber.P-16epcHrTA.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20211201.So Long, Supergirl.kONOIFXqRxY.mkv | 66M |
| 20211202.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Choose to Live".vnwCXoZOBcg.mkv | 27M |
| 20211206.Should We Arm the Homeless?.c5RwojfEcJs.mkv | 20M |
| 20211208.How Neal Adams and Denny O'Neil Made the Modern Batman.LeIMH5FtjSQ.mkv | 62M |
| 20211209.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "All Is Possible".uZImAwwbciY.mkv | 25M |
| 20211213.No, Blirginia, There Is No War on Christmas | Ask a Professional YouTuber.59GvhSiShuU.mkv | 8.5M |
| 20211215.Is Star Trek Actually Any Good at Comedy?.z4vv8a4EY2Q.mkv | 73M |
| 20211216.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "The Examples".-TMv-nO-KuI.mkv | 24M |
| 20211220.What Everyone Gets Wrong About Miracle on 34th Street.oETz4NWhOCY.mkv | 53M |
| 20211222.What Human Experiences Is Data Missing?.pgS3BNYN3vQ.mkv | 46M |
| 20211223.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Stormy Weather".WZhdaOPfH1U.mkv | 25M |
| 20211226.Merry Xmas From Stuffy and Friends!.tLWLbYBUEmI.mkv | 3.8M |
| 20211227.Turning Holiday Joy Into Content | Ask a Professional YouTuber.fX0KPiFA0iI.mkv | 16M |
| 20211229.Continually Coping With COVID | Where Do We Go From Here?._98dkpx_fIk.mkv | 28M |
| 20211229.Trek, Reluctantly #59: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "Whispers".VDJiuiUuSpE.f243.webm | 277 |
| 20211230.Star Trek: Discovery Review | ". . . But to Connect".zrzt-NKhGjw.mkv | 25M |
| 20220103.2021: The USA's Year in Limericks.XI5Q1FbtsVI.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20220105.What's Everybody's Problem With Don't Look Up?.fnrKIIsrDt0.mkv | 50M |
| 20220110.Does All-Elite Wrestling Have a Diversity Problem?.Hb_zcFXS9r8.mkv | 43M |
| 20220112.Why Dr. Pulaski Is Actually Pretty Awesome.zhvO85FmQtY.mkv | 68M |
| 20220117.MacGyver's Anti-Gun Origin Story._4DO7Blxyko.mkv | 31M |
| 20220119.Was Star Trek: Enterprise's Temporal Cold War a Waste of Time?.yf7bFN5FAVY.mkv | 53M |
| 20220124.Ernest and the Importance of Being Vern.8PRCJSgdW0c.mkv | 26M |
| 20220126.How the Great Resignation Shows the Power of Unions.MRRafUv1kiw.mkv | 31M |
| 20220131.McCoy Owes Spock an Apology | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.4zHk7_JFgZo.mkv | 81M |
| 20220202.Shipping Seven of Nine.dLQhWpIp8j4.mkv | 59M |
| 20220207.Retconned, But Still Relevant: The Untold Legend of the Batman.VcdlCGXjXIQ.mkv | 76M |
| 20220209.The Cautionary Tale of Brian Kendrick, Pro Wrestler and Conspiracy Theorist.D3JJvF_-yyE.mkv | 27M |
| 20220210.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "All In".Kf5Tszz_-2c.mkv | 20M |
| 20220214.Actually, Star Trek Has Always Been Horny.1R35EIHbDhQ.mkv | 52M |
| 20220216.Slow Battlefield Driving Rant.a7ZzD87Hzz8.mkv | 19M |
| 20220216.Trek, Reluctantly #66: Hilda, Season 2, Chapter 1: The Troll Circle.D05LeKE0oFg.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220217.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Rubicon".Y6Jm1jtYoQo.mkv | 23M |
| 20220221.All-Elite Wrestling's Biggest Problem.tAVi3yySnvI.mkv | 38M |
| 20220223.Why James Gunn's DCEU Is So Much Better.vvLGQxOG1Mk.mkv | 61M |
| 20220224.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "The Galactic Barrier".I_X03SE1kyc.mkv | 23M |
| 20220228.The Silver Age Superman and Batman Were Bad Friends and It Was Amazing.FAhDjA9C_Yk.mkv | 36M |
| 20220302.Man vs. Can.RDxl0i4zhro.mkv | 13M |
| 20220303.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Rosetta".wLvnbJ_V69U.mkv | 40M |
| 20220304.How to Fix the Biggest Problem With New Star Trek.ETGVS5r42vU.mkv | 23M |
| 20220307.When Batman Comics Took the Riddler From Doofus to Deadly.7NM89YpSEa8.mkv | 61M |
| 20220309.Put Robin In the Next Batman Movie, You Cowards!.pHpeVgO2FEk.mkv | 29M |
| 20220310.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Species Ten-C".E5LHXVAcXJk.mkv | 18M |
| 20220314.NFT⧸MLM.87rLtpj_7ac.mkv | 22M |
| 20220316.Is Michael Eddington Actually the Hero of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?.CiJ88kHNg-o.mkv | 54M |
| 20220317.Star Trek: Discovery Review | "Coming Home" — Season Finale!.MUNt5DyJ3Qs.mkv | 19M |
| 20220321.How Fleischer Studios Created the Best Superman Ever.YwGCepGdZt4.mkv | 33M |
| 20220323.Was Star Trek's Maquis Justified?.F_pRPM0Uvyw.mkv | 33M |
| 20220324.Star Trek: Picard Review | The First Four Episodes of Season 2!.MqSzltfKnWw.mkv | 41M |
| 20220328.The Real Threat to Women's Sports.mn3szxDzJUk.mkv | 26M |
| 20220328.You Can Probably Guess What This Video Is About.9UZtLQ6u1f4.mkv | 12M |
| 20220330.Positivity in the Face of Underwhelming Star Trek | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.clJZNkvpfLc.mkv | 106M |
| 20220331.Star Trek: Picard Review | "Fly Me to the Moon".MReYeJGfHBY.mkv | 31M |
| 20220404.Attack of the Legacy Sequels!.PMMznp6eldk.mkv | 42M |
| 20220407.Star Trek: Picard Review | "Two of One".fdsBvqkA4f4.mkv | 26M |
| 20220411.Good Unions, and Police Unions.3PjxYM6raLo.mkv | 46M |
| 20220413.Is Star Trek Actually Any Good at Horror?.r0BkQDf-xCI.mkv | 59M |
| 20220414.Star Trek: Picard Review | "Monsters".GdpcVQ5IVak.mkv | 27M |
| 20220415.Star Trek: Picard Chokes On Unnecessary Lore.1d2al_KWMFA.mkv | 23M |
| 20220418."Constitutional Carry" Is Unwise, Unwanted, and Unjustifiable.dXUZKgwOrG4.mkv | 25M |
| 20220420.Is Star Trek's Federation Actually Vegan?.q2f8F9ZmJuE.mkv | 54M |
| 20220421.Star Trek: Picard Review | "Mercy".g8COIMd4kqM.mkv | 32M |
| 20220422.Clearing the Air About Star Trek: Picard, Season 2.Mk4q9Ryo6ig.mkv | 22M |
| 20220425.Everything I Know About Star Trek I Learned From Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation.j1y5Z1iooEo.mkv | 30M |
| 20220427.Siegel and Shuster's Superman Was a Bold (and Weird) Social Crusader.EgtOeuE2qYY.mkv | 54M |
| 20220427.Trek, Reluctantly #76: Hilda, Season 2, Chapter 6: "The Old Bells of Trolberg".UCuH1gZqAX8.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220428.Star Trek: Picard Review | "Hide and Seek".XEIk5ZOd0WI.mkv | 30M |
| 20220429.Ask Away! #109: April 29, 2022 | Steve Shives.FOCKbVAQU5E.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220502.The Naive, Beautiful Fantasy of How Superman Would Have Ended World War II.ZU9A7bf2-dM.mkv | 15M |
| 20220504.When Did the Batman Comics Switch Earths?.h4Ff-OA65_o.mkv | 82M |
| 20220505.Star Trek: Picard Review | "Farewell".OjblwGhZBV4.mkv | 30M |
| 20220505.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "Strange New Worlds".sX__YyTvyxc.mkv | 24M |
| 20220506.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Proves Some People Never Learn.qNiz2jU4X9Q.mkv | 22M |
| 20220509.Democrats' Complacency Helped Kill Roe v. Wade.F4wf7n2eG_s.mkv | 18M |
| 20220511.Why Keiko O'Brien Is Actually Not So Bad.eklBIyZUsCY.mkv | 61M |
| 20220512.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "Children of the Comet".qQrew_i7GiM.mkv | 23M |
| 20220513.Ask Away! #110: May 13, 2022 | Steve Shives.jhYAWw41ilE.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220513.Why Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Must Not Change Pike's Fate._meSwSvv3kU.mkv | 26M |
| 20220516.Are All of Star Trek's Comet Episodes This Good?.nEHdxsagshs.mkv | 17M |
| 20220518.Who Is Star Trek's Most Honorable Klingon?.ClxHK2Xhrjs.mkv | 62M |
| 20220519.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "Ghosts of Illyria".gQaTgLTxWQk.mkv | 24M |
| 20220523.No, the Buffalo Shooting Wasn't a False Flag, You Clueless Goons.HbNLiJBOxMM.mkv | 16M |
| 20220525.The Super Human Superman of George Perez.Gz6f_TzS2ko.mkv | 76M |
| 20220525.Trek, Reluctantly #80: Hilda, Season 2, Chapter 8: "The Fifty Year Night".c6XnbKAqgJA.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220526.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "Memento Mori".2VVAG1UlGtg.mkv | 30M |
| 20220527.Ask Away! #111: May 27, 2022 | Steve Shives.o7DDn4pMTyo.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220530.Ric Flair, Star Trek, and the Importance of Sticking to an Ending.kogi9EewGbs.mkv | 34M |
| 20220601.How Wrath of Khan Succeeds Where NuTrek Fails.tdqgUywBuw4.mkv | 42M |
| 20220602.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "Spock Amok".NIg6xI4We_U.mkv | 32M |
| 20220606.Is Lack of Lore Knowledge a Good Thing When Writing Star Trek? | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.eQYYOpbWYeE.mkv | 82M |
| 20220608.Could the Next Batman Become the Best Batman Ever?.hvcsfw8j4eM.mkv | 39M |
| 20220609.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach".EEaQByTdWzw.mkv | 30M |
| 20220613.No Critic Is Objective — and That's Okay.Guk9eQZGFb4.mkv | 47M |
| 20220615.Where Did Star Trek Actually Come From?.fVchEb7sywM.mkv | 71M |
| 20220616.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "The Serene Squall".YIIVNS6YSTE.mkv | 26M |
| 20220620.How Star Trek VI Shows Us Kirk and Spock at Their Finest.WSE5zyraBFI.mkv | 18M |
| 20220622.How the Holodeck Is an HR Nightmare.wCmclf-M5RE.mkv | 44M |
| 20220623.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "The Elysian Kingdom".t5uaVdnvK_c.mkv | 31M |
| 20220624.Ask Away! #113: June 24, 2022 | Steve Shives.HITYVo28KEo.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220627.Are Lauren Boebert's Antics Really Un-Christian?.V1PvRN02p8o.mkv | 22M |
| 20220629.The Timeless Humanity of Superman For All Seasons.Y-K0A6Hr02E.mkv | 53M |
| 20220629.Trek, Reluctantly #83: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "Civil Defense".BjmnoOKP8HM.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220630.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "All Those Who Wander".nJZOnisIumY.mkv | 26M |
| 20220702.Star Trek: SNW vs. TOS: Why Are the Gorn So Different?.B1tK6JPCqds.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20220704."Deeply Disappointed" Dems Should Do Something!.ZbFR8ItktI8.mkv | 23M |
| 20220706.Abortion Rights in a Post-Roe America | Where Do We Go From Here?.zZRYOyAo70Y.mkv | 28M |
| 20220707.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Review | "A Quality of Mercy" — Season Finale!.M3YflmsoegE.mkv | 33M |
| 20220711.Personal Hell.du2D7O76fyM.mkv | 23M |
| 20220713.What Expanded Universes Can Teach Us About Canon.f-2WGRmC_2w.mkv | 53M |
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| 20220718.Elon Musk and the Power of Money.NZ82hhePl1k.mkv | 16M |
| 20220719.If Your Vote Didn't Matter, They Wouldn't Be Trying to Steal It From You.uwwlOsptE2M.mkv | 33M |
| 20220720.What Can the Creators of New Star Trek Actually Learn From TNG?.fliq9E0jpJQ.mkv | 57M |
| 20220722.Ask Away! #115: July 22, 2022 | Steve Shives.h2-7ZmqwFUo.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220723.Ric Flair's Last Match: Who's the Babyface?.m2APqGZfP7o.mkv | 32M |
| 20220725.The Night My Cat Died, I Dreamed of My Dog.4Gmp-L_7n8Y.mkv | 5.6M |
| 20220727.The Heroes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine vs. Imposter Syndrome.m1gI98KIjT4.mkv | 53M |
| 20220801.Can Americans Be Proud of Our History?.xNp7dcwuG0g.mkv | 20M |
| 20220803.How MacGyver Defeated the Nazis and Predicted the Future.B-0YzkmbCUU.mkv | 42M |
| 20220808.Advice to Young Potential DC Comics Fans.Dnj-4gjyEPU.mkv | 22M |
| 20220810.Nichelle Nichols: The Heart and Soul of Star Trek.itjDsOfyj0o.mkv | 47M |
| 20220811.FBI Raids Trump: Is There a Double Standard?.QcCA0c6IpNI.mkv | 11M |
| 20220812.What About the 30 Million Documents Obama Took?.dJaA-oRVzuk.mkv | 17M |
| 20220815.Nichelle Nichols Is the Only Reason to Watch The Lieutenant's Lost Episode.Lt81FdO7VjE.mkv | 30M |
| 20220817.What Actually Happened Between Star Trek III and Star Trek IV?.gIR3i7J-uZE.mkv | 68M |
| 20220818.First-Timers and Favorites: Get Smart.dcU_jXWKP-k.mkv | 61M |
| 20220822.Is This the Biggest Plot Hole In Star Trek? | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.dZKgOvmQd6c.mkv | 103M |
| 20220824.Star Trek Rewrite: What if "Pen Pals" Was a Wesley Episode?.gLk3HqXBYIM.mkv | 62M |
| 20220824.Trek, Reluctantly #89: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "Past Tense, Part 2".iS50pZ0x-Yk.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220825.Woke: The Moral Panic About Nothing.t1GuSM3usq0.mkv | 26M |
| 20220829.Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan | Where Do We Go From Here?.nsDhtQ9BNvI.mkv | 24M |
| 20220831.How Good Is The Orville: Season 3?.QieN78EIplU.mkv | 58M |
| 20220901.Republicans Admit They Can't Win Without Cheating.BssM6Mrnr5s.mkv | 32M |
| 20220905.Trump Stole Those Documents: It's Not Complicated.7oAyQCJtCNU.mkv | 10M |
| 20220907.The Wholesome Secret of the Rainbow Batman.vkiSm0WseOs.mkv | 42M |
| 20220908.My Star Trek: Lower Decks: Season 3 Hot Take.i9io-1qH8vs.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20220912.Top 10 New Star Trek Episodes — So Far!.hDYiBiiQxNc.mkv | 54M |
| 20220914.Is Star Trek's Mirror Universe Actually Worth Revisiting?.D8d5QEvPVWQ.mkv | 59M |
| 20220915.Why Are People So Angry About the New Little Mermaid?.yupNvNQHG-Y.mkv | 23M |
| 20220916.Why Are People So Angry About the New Little Mermaid? (Short Version).LHchWM7lswc.mkv | 79K |
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| 20220919.How to Erase Your Beard in a Video.JND3qvt1h5Y.mkv | 17M |
| 20220921.What Do Human Composting and Trans Rights Have in Common?.jG0j-8UPbzA.mkv | 33M |
| 20220921.Who Is Star Trek's Most Versatile Actor?.GOHlPIZezzg.mkv | 53M |
| 20220926.American Monarchists.OAGswzqwums.mkv | 21M |
| 20220928.How Superman Smashes the Klan and Fights for a Better Tomorrow.iel5FyWrSpg.mkv | 71M |
| 20220928.Trek, Reluctantly #94: Hilda and the Mountain King, Part 2.MjP1b-njGTs.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20220929.Why I Still Wear a Mask.ruxJpD0CknA.mkv | 31M |
| 20220930.Ask Away! #120: September 30, 2022 | Steve Shives.ww4Nz5s463g.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20221003.Sometimes I Miss TV.Q6fynugcbW4.mkv | 19M |
| 20221005.Why Morbius?.fxAqrbTWHck.mkv | 25M |
| 20221010.Neil Parrott: Bad for Western Maryland and Bad for America.uC5KPkrinWM.mkv | 48M |
| 20221012.Louise Fletcher: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Most Impressive Guest Star.pyCNiYV5-b4.mkv | 37M |
| 20221017.Remembering When We Were Young Can Inspire Empathy.-EDrcmO2z4U.mkv | 53M |
| 20221017.Why Streaming Series Are So Poorly Paced — and How to Fix It!.LGQxjTxUgBY.mkv | 51M |
| 20221019.Trek, Reluctantly #97: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "Explorers".4G_lmtKVKXM.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20221019.What If the Star Trek: TNG Crew Had Actually Left the Enterprise?.1Ms6m6GutF4.mkv | 64M |
| 20221024.Which Versatile Star Trek Actors Did I Forget? | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.3wXNHkC5_ow.mkv | 115M |
| 20221025.Help Out a Pro Wrestler in Need!.fBVEOXB3tJw.mkv | 33M |
| 20221026.Is Commander Riker a Womanizer?.Cgm3o1GqpT8.mkv | 31M |
| 20221028.Ask Away! #122: October 28, 2022 | Steve Shives.0abr2LA-CsI.f243.webm.ytdl | 50 |
| 20221031.Happy Halloween From MacGyver and Murdoc!.MlRnLGOzzjY.mkv | 63M |
| 20221102.Fan Service Leads to Fan Entitlement.SHJj5i-bO-A.mkv | 40M |
| 20221104.Andor: Slow Burn? Or Nothing Happening?.FnAhgXrwFPQ.mkv | 52M |
| 20221107.Thank You For Voting, and Please Vote.NO04ej-uNjg.mkv | 22M |
| 20221109.What's the New Quantum Leap Missing?.KUH4JTXPru0.mkv | 34M |
| 20221111."In Flanders Fields": Why It Still Matters.4sWqerzkJVE.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20221114.Should Democrats Go to Where the Voters Aren't?.jqD9qo4Iszk.mkv | 29M |
| 20221116.Star Trek: Picard, Season Two — What Actually Went Wrong?!.NhQk26uQq9E.mkv | 113M |
| 20221121.Daddy, Is Twitter Going to Die?.R-S3Z4JNlVc.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20221123.Kevin Conroy's Favorite Batman Episode.b97mjteJ4eU.mkv | 31M |
| 20221124.The Turkey Day Special 2022! | Stuffy and Friends.RsTI2y1xRh4.mkv | 122M |
| 20221128.Why Are Prescription Drug Ads Even a Thing?.Mo9KeFGW1ow.mkv | 21M |
| 20221130.Meet the Klingons of Classic Trek!.mSYupmWCy-E.mkv | 65M |
| 20221205.Mental Illness in Batman Stories.l2X9al3BeW4.mkv | 64M |
| 20221207.Superman on the Radio: How the Man of Steel Fought Intolerance in Post-War America.hjxsEke8uk4.mkv | 37M |
| 20221212.Holiday Science Lecture Goes Off the Rails.lQJlfKXAKwM.mkv | 12M |
| 20221214.Why Dr. Phlox Is Actually Star Trek Enterprise's Best Character.OP0YePv1Sgk.mkv | 68M |
| 20221219.Lessons of Andor (From Someone Who Didn't Like Andor).GJBSGJvDrB0.mkv | 41M |
| 20221221.Did Data Have Emotions All Along?.9mKlYiwchlI.mkv | 59M |
| 20221223.No More Story, Only Lore.OErC7soSrWg.mkv | 36M |
| 20221226.2022: The Year in Limericks.CdPpCANClXs.mkv | 6.8M |
| 20221228.The Misfit Holiday Special: Rudolph's Shiny New Year.qXlCbGlQhn8.mkv | 47M |
| 20230102.Public Domain Day 2023 Was a Doozy!.mlO6rakr2XA.mkv | 29M |
| 20230103.What Would Anti-SJW's Have to Do to Earn Forgiveness?.xzZU6nd_Yi0.mkv | 21M |
| 20230104.Prodigy Is Star Trek's Best Animated Series.hGj0SBjhbBg.mkv | 59M |
| 20230105.Star Trek Retro Review: "The Cage" and "Where No Man Has Gone Before".yWrYvtW9ZN8.mkv | 25M |
| 20230109.George Santos For Speaker of the House!.6CXAMrjHCaU.mkv | 14M |
| 20230111.Why Christopher Pike Is Actually the Ideal Starship Captain.glh4nCaz67s.mkv | 57M |
| 20230112.Star Trek Retro Review: "Encounter at Farpoint".LidTdqs2UFY.mkv | 21M |
| 20230116.ChatGPT: You Get Out What You Put In.sQk3_v8Zly4.mkv | 47M |
| 20230118.A Brief Survey of Musical Instruments in Star Trek.SBQiE0ap2iI.mkv | 59M |
| 20230119.First-Timers and Favorites: The Lion in Winter.1gsDUOTLTAc.mkv | 57M |
| 20230119.Star Trek Retro Review: "Emissary".hbGdW1z-S3o.mkv | 24M |
| 20230123.Did Biden Steal Those Documents?.GN7mtptMakU.mkv | 23M |
| 20230125.What's Captain Picard's Flute Called? | Trek, Actually Comment Reponses.0U-1plKaqNY.mkv | 104M |
| 20230126.Star Trek Retro Review: "Caretaker".cncBOdUDGeg.mkv | 27M |
| 20230130.Chick-fil-A Identity Politics.QRtJ6BjrmnQ.mkv | 23M |
| 20230201.The Most Depressing MacGyver Episode Ever!.ju5CDy1V9Po.mkv | 41M |
| 20230202.Star Trek Retro Review: "Broken Bow".Tyl8L9JGhhc.mkv | 29M |
| 20230203.Ask Away! #129: February 3, 2023 | Steve Shives.e_a1xYq8YoI.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230205.How Hard Is It to Not Buy a Video Game?.Li0nBhqSKu0.mkv | 13M |
| 20230206.Not Even on Your Worst Enemy?!.LTTuX50GUxw.mkv | 21M |
| 20230208.How the Original Batman Got the Ending He Deserved.kygjHSzAjMs.mkv | 56M |
| 20230209.Star Trek Retro Review: "Beyond the Farthest Star".swwLuj5vLbI.mkv | 25M |
| 20230213.Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Most Problematic Episode.W3O0YayxpNA.mkv | 60M |
| 20230215.Who Is Actually Captain Picard's Greatest Nemesis?.0gQEiGkyPR0.mkv | 69M |
| 20230216.Star Trek Retro Review: "Amok Time".I93Xzg8JpRA.mkv | 26M |
| 20230219.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 1: "The Next Generation".hkPD-QA7als.mkv | 181M |
| 20230220.Don't Make Me Feel Bad for Doing a Bad Thing!.QQ5qVBLbzbk.mkv | 27M |
| 20230222.Meet the Klingons of Star Trek: TNG.cJZmSlBOe68.mkv | 60M |
| 20230223.Star Trek Retro Review: "Chain of Command".xWCmjGZbFmE.mkv | 25M |
| 20230225.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 2: "DIsengage".Fnc-mq6Fg-k.mkv | 65M |
| 20230226.Patrons and Members Hangout #100: Short Hundred.sRIXwQLd9d8.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230227.A National Divorce: The American Right's Secession Fantasy.EfK-IcpcqGM.mkv | 22M |
| 20230301.How Superman Got His Perfect Imaginary Ending.9wIIQUsT6aw.mkv | 75M |
| 20230302.Star Trek Retro Review: "The Visitor".wq5mjH0EkuU.mkv | 32M |
| 20230303.Ask Away! #131: March 3, 2023 | Steve Shives.l-bLhttZFS4.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230303.Republicans Remind Us: Never Let the Devil Out.-t9ydk4LAtQ.mkv | 30M |
| 20230305.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 3: "Seventeen Seconds".c0bZkGeB8xA.mkv | 81M |
| 20230306.The Unprecious Gift of Irreverence.IreAcKCGqDw.mkv | 28M |
| 20230308.The (First) Death of Superman!.9XAylzkxmdQ.mkv | 41M |
| 20230308.Trek, Reluctantly #115: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "Rejoined".OM7HeZ5jE-U.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230309.Star Trek Retro Review: "The Thaw".Zv8dFRdZQPU.mkv | 30M |
| 20230310.The Back Row: Galaxy Quest.tNJb50vTU38.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230312.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 4: "No Win Scenario".rW37IZ3zhMw.mkv | 74M |
| 20230312.TMNT JOM.WX6xB-YrDck.mkv | 19M |
| 20230313.If He Talks Like a Nazi . . ..HGq1v2KR2Fs.mkv | 31M |
| 20230315.Should Star Trek's Federation Actually Have a Section 31?.JIY1OMMPBkg.mkv | 62M |
| 20230316.Star Trek Retro Review: "Breaking the Ice".rohEUL2qWtE.mkv | 30M |
| 20230318.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 5: "Imposters".ToUbCdS9pfg.mkv | 94M |
| 20230320.Here's Why Gambling on Pro Wrestling Is a Horrible Idea.MCAtyP5qv8Q.mkv | 47M |
| 20230321.MST3K's New Season Lives Up to Its Creed.08hH3vNbD0E.mkv | 40M |
| 20230322.The Last of Us and the Meaning of Choosing Your Side.ss4-Ql2k6MQ.mkv | 28M |
| 20230323.Star Trek Retro Review: "Yesteryear".MG9QlN-bt7k.mkv | 24M |
| 20230326.Toes or It Didn't Happen.9r9VbZmtdnE.mkv | 21M |
| 20230327.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 6: "The Bounty".AMuEjGNk1x4.mkv | 81M |
| 20230327.What the Hell Is a Tobacco Harm-Reduction Company?.tJWJKGx0AUc.mkv | 22M |
| 20230329.Star Trek: TNG's "Conspiracy" — or, The Forgotten Virtue of Brevity.JtvszistwD8.mkv | 45M |
| 20230330.Star Trek Retro Review: "Unification".iFKKpsEnqQc.mkv | 36M |
| 20230401.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 7: "Dominion".Ly3OkPnFWJU.mkv | 62M |
| 20230403.Let's Politicize Gun Violence!.IFUoB6KRjPU.mkv | 26M |
| 20230405.How Batman Fights for a Better Gotham 24⧸7.wCe7KfB2S6s.mkv | 46M |
| 20230406.Star Trek Retro Review: "Relics".tX0Ff4f1cNk.mkv | 32M |
| 20230408.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 8: "Surrender".6PUQcnovH4I.mkv | 86M |
| 20230410.Starfleet Lawyer.Ss_J_4F_nIM.mkv | 24M |
| 20230412.Did Star Trek Actually Rip Off Ursula K. Le Guin?.p-eiN0UGfoU.mkv | 65M |
| 20230413.Star Trek Retro Review: "Defiant" | Trek Legend Guest Stars Episodes.fsPF605ftlA.mkv | 27M |
| 20230416.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 9: "Vox".8MojlgN_IIU.mkv | 80M |
| 20230417.Break It, Then Blame It.PvyPKiKwyuQ.mkv | 24M |
| 20230419.Meet the Klingons of Star Trek: DS9.SYXLvDNZL8c.mkv | 82M |
| 20230420.Star Trek Retro Review: "Trials and Tribble-ations" | Trek Legend Guest Stars Episodes.DF5xunu0R4s.mkv | 37M |
| 20230420.Trek, Reluctantly #120: Agatha Christie's Poirot: "The King of Clubs".YyHwLu3g7ps.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230423.Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review | Episode 10: "The Last Generation" — SERIES FINALE!.CQsLZ7xAbec.mkv | 100M |
| 20230424.How MacGyver Defeated a Killer A.I. . . . in 1986!.PEXJuVft5ys.mkv | 45M |
| 20230426.Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Is Gonna Bring the Kling! | Trek, Actually Comment Responses.7-f69ZYjyXc.mkv | 85M |
| 20230427.Star Trek Retro Review: "Flashback" | Trek Legend Guest Stars Episodes.q2PWMyrC-EE.mkv | 26M |
| 20230430.Making Sense of the New WWE World Title Belt.lcwX1kwFpEM.mkv | 67M |
| 20230501.Conman⧸Sex Offender Saved By Harsh American Prison Conditions?.oHiRv6RRwIc.mkv | 42M |
| 20230503.Trekkie vs. Trekker.eksJA4m8IOE.mkv | 26M |
| 20230504.Star Trek Retro Review: "Q Who?" | Borg Episodes.YMxHIDpzZGI.mkv | 29M |
| 20230505.Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.-mcutoUu3JI.mkv | 24M |
| 20230508.Daddy, Why Is There a Writers Strike?.esdLpFM8Ems.mkv | 14M |
| 20230510.Writers' Pay Is About Labor, Not Quality.cfuwa2c4M8U.mkv | 19M |
| 20230510.Your Shower and You.LZ-3qdZUhHM.mkv | 18M |
| 20230511.Star Trek Retro Review: "The Best of Both Worlds" | Borg Episodes.1WBbAfLLM7E.mkv | 28M |
| 20230515.Trump, CNN, and the Existential Threat of Pigeon Chess.JDnenbTNcBE.mkv | 17M |
| 20230517.Who Is Actually Captain Sisko's Greatest Nemesis?.sIAeD3J_bcg.mkv | 85M |
| 20230518.Star Trek Retro Review: "I, Borg" | Borg Episodes.c75cdwG9Nyk.mkv | 24M |
| 20230518.Trek, Reluctantly #124: Agatha Christie's Poirot: "Peril at End House, Part 1".P9pVW9GrGUc.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230522.Trans Kids and the Right's Obsession with Minding Other People's Business.g5y8QhxleZc.mkv | 21M |
| 20230524.To Serve Fan: Star Trek: Picard Season 3 in Review.05Bp1usR43c.mkv | 87M |
| 20230525.Star Trek Retro Review: "Scorpion" | Borg Episodes.soVHpjNZG9c.mkv | 45M |
| 20230526.To Parents of Trans Kids Who Feel Deprived of Their Legacy._m9xQRhbL1w.mkv | 29M |
| 20230527.Ask Away! #137: May 26, 2023 | Steve Shives.uKDbV3W2jAs.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
| 20230529.Why Don't Pro Wrestlers Have a Union?.96M-IvCPITY.mkv | 48M |
| 20230531.Scariest Infomercial Ever: The Pulse Wave Myotron.v8oHWuIzF1E.mkv | 52M |
| 20230601.Star Trek Retro Review: "Unimatrix Zero" | Borg Episodes.NvUrEe74SIo.mkv | 39M |
| 20230603.Jason Harding Medical Fundraiser: Help Us Keep Jason Not-Dead-Yet!.vGBnSmT4H8I.mkv | 11M |
| 20230605.Local Nutcase Proposes New National Anthem.h0bZHY_CJH4.mkv | 33M |
| 20230607.How Superman Learned Nostalgia Was as Dangerous as Kryptonite.9dcflyQELe0.mkv | 60M |
| 20230608.Star Trek Retro Review: "Regeneration" | Borg Episodes.3S2sZDKmOeY.mkv | 40M |
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| 20230810.Trek, Reluctantly #132: Agatha Christie's Poirot: "The Cornish Mystery".Z9iD9Oyd3uo.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |
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| 20231109.Trek, Reluctantly #139: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "To the Death".epTX8IaF-FM.f605.mp4.ytdl | 50 |