Index of /Youtube/Orson Wang


[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory -
[VID]20100126.Deepest Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation ever - a New Record! 10^275 (2.1E275 or 2^915).0jGaio87u3A.mkv 21M
[VID]20111209.In memory of Benoit Mandelbrot (Mandelbrot Set zoom, planetarium proposal).KLamH6Dl90w.mkv 19M
[VID]20110430.Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation Out-take! 1.0E184 (10^184 or 2^611).USWVZzU3daw.mkv 17M
[VID]20081102.Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation. 10^194 (2.5E194).FkJ2d2krDok.mkv 13M
[VID]20080720.Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation to 10E114..J5ffjRI5VlU.mkv 10M
[VID]20100310.Mandelbrot Assemblage - Fractal Morphing (HD).VLtZ5ICXC5g.mkv 10M
[VID]20080829.Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation 10E101.jwk6EENcs4o.mkv8.7M
[VID]20080523.Mandelbrot Tour of Seahorse Valley.kwyBdKbb_18.mkv6.1M
[VID]20080731.Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation 10E62.9UBjAXqhN2o.mkv5.7M
[VID]20080427.Mandelbrot Birth and Evolution.kcr6eLXrmW8.mkv1.6M

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