| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 20210928.From Wolfeboro to iPad Rehab, part 1.REmAZ-nFNpU.mkv | 545M |
| 20220603.Rossmann Repair crew meet Florida drivers.R9usArZzhxk.mkv | 2.3M |
| 20220604.Rossmann Repair Group meets Florida drivers, part two.18NR2zqO4Dk.mkv | 4.6M |
| 20220605.Is my car about to explode or are you just happy to see me?.d7a91n8LFH0.mkv | 2.7M |
| 20220605.bohemian latin grill - two thumbs up.nScfnCfZACQ.mkv | 3.8M |
| 20220609.Driving Back, Prep For Job Interview, Random Conversations.QVinpgZjlr8.f243.webm.ytdl | 53 |
| 20220611.Killing Calories.afa2iGyOqUc.mkv | 97M |
| 20220618.Introducing Manhattan To Best Satriani Album Ever.7dt4JFguRTg.mkv | 322M |
| 20220619.Driving With Douchey Sunglasses.Xfg-1RckMVE.mkv | 65M |
| 20220619.You, You Take Your Orders From Me... Not Anymore.euZBzfRCLmo.mkv | 34M |
| 20220620.Catchy Music.Bp1hpETev0o.mkv | 186M |
| 20220629.Ride Around New York City Mid-afternoon On A Wednesday.6XGX_gTKNg8.mkv | 55M |
| 20220701.company pullup contest with weights._ZAaOHGjhVE.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20220702.First heavy leg exercise after quadricep sprain.7i6CEiQXOlg.mkv | 1.5M |
| 20220702.Fixing a Macbook, with Louis Rossmann._iOl9-cvSj8.mkv | 56M |
| 20220702.Is 135x7 standing shoulderpress still possible after losing 30 lbs?.3JbHRv8zIpk.mkv | 1.4M |
| 20220704.Driving Home After Seeing Fireworks With Good Friends.HMFcXtkBu60.mkv | 88M |
| 20220704.random junk stream.W3-bHld20sY.mkv | 369M |
| 20220705.A Really Long Road Trip.WrTmycAd6ks.mkv | 1.4G |
| 20220705.Att.LzuiEU-Tifg.mkv | 245M |
| 20220705.Let's Try Verizon.KSYGrcMbnPk.mkv | 43M |
| 20220706.The horrible driving & dating advice show w⧸ Louis Rossmann.htIEWjaX_7Y.mkv | 1.6G |
| 20220708.The Louis Rossmann Driving And Travel Show.W_cOonwSUAw.mkv | 2.0G |
| 20220710.People Lie With Their Mouth, Tell Truth With Wallet.SaRPfSsZdYs.mkv | 567M |
| 20220711.🏋️Louis tries lifting bodyweight + 10 lbs over his head🏋️.CXZn-XkWc2o.mkv | 2.7M |
| 20220711.Louis tries lifting 100 lbs over bodyweight 5 times, chokes :(.sxsyRa5q1sc.mkv | 3.1M |
| 20220712.Cardio SUCKS.PgWB9pnU-XI.mkv | 149M |
| 20220713.....O5xqokIt89Y.mkv | 95M |
| 20220714.Driving With Douche Glasses.Hfgs4r5Wnco.mkv | 159M |
| 20220714.Why modern relationships & dating are doomed, via TwoXChromosones.ICHfYigwp5c.mkv | 22M |
| 20220715.Am I Too Old For This.CLfQ1vqbBbo.mkv | 2.4M |
| 20220715.Fk Cardio.aYgmFKbDb20.mkv | 82M |
| 20220715.Friday Night.7XuD2YqrUVA.mkv | 44M |
| 20220716.Youtube's algorithm is BROKEN: here's an example of its stupidity.MvUeAzPozMo.mkv | 20M |
| 20220717.Ending The Evening.1R0Q043xvn0.mkv | 124M |
| 20220717.Grooving.YObTXQ0niTI.mkv | 36M |
| 20220717.Working.neEaIVkUhKY.mkv | 144M |
| 20220718.4ahh It.DUeBkoq-sbo.mkv | 32M |
| 20220718.Fkcardio.eGBS30zfVtE.mkv | 68M |
| 20220719.Landing.V8ZreliEuI4.mkv | 155M |
| 20220720.Apple settles butterfly keyboard lawsuit for 50 million dollars: lawyers WIN!.5hYfdMQo7LU.mkv | 20M |
| 20220720.New York will bankrupt anyone stupid enough to stay.v1pnLV037h4.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20220721.New York drivers are IDIOTS.DkvzIrsiUVs.mkv | 6.5M |
| 20220724.Leaving Hope Conference For Dinner With Employees.-WeZrf8EBqs.mkv | 167M |
| 20220725.At The Airport, Back To Texas.gPxEU7oc0DM.mkv | 134M |
| 20220725.Lost My Sunglasses :(.MneeVM18nJ8.mkv | 387M |
| 20220726.Almost Got Scammed.RSRyCN7LW7E.mkv | 64M |
| 20220726.Answering All Of Your Questions While Driving.LEAhvkUznAw.mkv | 40M |
| 20220726.Checking Out Apt Before Work.YAhsDv_4K8c.mkv | 106M |
| 20220730.House 1 for rent, walkthrough.q5vSVL8MnyY.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20220730.House 2 for rent, closer to downtown Austin.YkefvobywlY.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20220730.House 3 for rent, VERY close to 6th st, walking distance but a shithole house.hctAXDqbqq0.mkv | 6.1M |
| 20220730.House 4 for rent, nice place but far away.cAJPy3Uqx6Q.mkv | 7.4M |
| 20220730.House 5 in soulless part of Pflugerville, copied & pasted houses on every block....b4o87p9ZvvU.mkv | 12M |
| 20220730.House 6 for rent, random house.l7_pNBnOIGs.mkv | 5.9M |
| 20220730.Louis Tries To Program A Thermostat.FefzwmFRkvw.mkv | 89M |
| 20220730.conservative youtube comments are BRAINDEAD; how they taught me to appreciate my old NYC neighbors.0_VY7To_X7A.mkv | 28M |
| 20220731.Food Before Meetings.37Y-DOEqWpI.mkv | 145M |
| 20220731.Last House.hudS4Mwqidc.mkv | 442M |
| 20220731.Meeting New Friends.HgNgvm3s7m4.mkv | 42M |
| 20220801.Why Louis Rossmann is a cat person - dogs are NOT my best friend!.xyAYbplbTNs.mkv | 2.5M |
| 20220803.Testing CalyxOS Pixel 4a with Stock Youtube App(gross Ik).ed4E_DNGM1E.mkv | 26M |
| 20220803.testing Google pixel 4a with calyxos.pxWOCRlcPE8.mkv | 201M |
| 20220804.Help Me Find Stuff At Walmart.AMqN7DI4dWk.mkv | 218M |
| 20220804.Landlords In Texas Remind Me Of NYC.VpnA8I71AL0.mkv | 80M |
| 20220804.Picking Up Steve From The Airport.V0xLjJ5UPHA.mkv | 61M |
| 20220805.Morning Drive, Reflections On Drinking, Leaving NY Behind.bTixiqzXWjo.mkv | 228M |
| 20220805.Who Put A Plant In Washing Machine? The Nightmare Rental.TUU1rFj44ME.mkv | 141M |
| 20220806.Attempt At 135x8 after 2 weeks no heavy weights.PGwbdbiKvMg.mkv | 35M |
| 20220807.Done.1L8Qegc5SZI.mkv | 156M |
| 20220807.Long Drive To Pick Up Stuff From NH Apartment.BS4NVZN6ymA.mkv | 1.5G |
| 20220810.Back To New York.suWmNvkenzw.mkv | 296M |
| 20220810.Let's See If I Make It Back In Time To Make My Flight.R540-aZpgBc.mkv | 165M |
| 20220810.Let's Talk About A 2,600 Expenditure And Many More To Come.kNKnLJ8uFZA.mkv | 19M |
| 20220811.cute doggy.gTJToQ1Tg6w.mkv | 110M |
| 20220813.Walking Around After DEFCON.t15-pVANFtg.mkv | 114M |
| 20220813.why retail is dying in 2022.11IiBYx0sK0.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20220814.Abolish the TSA.3aIniTiP244.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20220814.career advice; breaking golden handcuffs will be the best decision you ever made.QN2vXIXWNvc.mkv | 44M |
| 20220818.Hot take: complacent engineers got us into the mess we're in now, with Eron Wolf..xZ1rLq4OH8s.mkv | 67M |
| 20220818.That Was Fun.PnqnKZ3geS4.mkv | 309M |
| 20220819.15" MacBook Pro A1990 not turning on, a repair with Paul.SG4GgKX3j7o.mkv | 210M |
| 20220819.Bad '90s Music Mm.XFdzKBBDfrw.mkv | 118M |
| 20220819.Quick review of CalyxOS - degoogled android phone with privacy focus.xXREqJcl6_0.mkv | 16M |
| 20220820.How To Cheat like The Salesman.sscOBi8KQtI.mkv | 4.6M |
| 20220820.Race To The Airport.OHcBdzLXx-A.mkv | 210M |
| 20220822.Bike Ride With Near Dead Battery.OnVhbhBjHPw.mkv | 115M |
| 20220823.An amazing add on to modern smartphones to fix their reduced functionality.QTvRS4BP_Cc.mkv | 8.4M |
| 20220823.I don't have the heart to tell NYC... I'm not interested.37Em68uLcoY.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20220823.Microsoft Surface data recovery by Rossmann Repair Group.flbLXB-63f0.mkv | 36M |
| 20220823.louis introduces audience to the red pill (of board repair).F05DvDJ4roM.mkv | 46M |
| 20220825.An honest interview with FUTO legendary grant recipient: Nick Merrill of Calyx Institute.oZeYgZHgejE.mkv | 89M |
| 20220825.Bike Ride.bo_usY6luHE.mkv | 109M |
| 20220825.a cat, a desk, and an employee looking forward to leaving NYC.G9_KgecwzJI.mkv | 13M |
| 20220826.How To Properly Transport A Computer.YDA1ZcH34WU.mkv | 170M |
| 20220826.Louis' FINAL impassioned rant on last day in NYC.ckpycFxvstY.mkv | 6.8M |
| 20220826.Louis the professional moving man.kWFupN5JTo0.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20220826.humorous timing.C828jds4mKQ.mkv | 3.6M |
| 20220827.Moving Truck Was Delayed By A Week, Let's Exercise.Z7U4fK-6UuI.mkv | 96M |
| 20220827.NYC permitting featuring sunny the contractor.Z_jSIzPIBX0.mkv | 5.4M |
| 20220827.a nice view inside an NYC park.r9WdaS3uCto.mkv | 2.5M |
| 20220827.the real mother goose.clKW77oUxBY.mkv | 5.4M |
| 20220828.two weeks in, using calyxos instead of stock android, thoughts.iV_N0Y1_6kI.mkv | 12M |
| 20220829.just having fun with editing.ev8S8WHjxVo.mkv | 6.0M |
| 20220829.wtf is this.c5ClRLo9rio.mkv | 4.3M |
| 20220831.Cardio.Ei69gqDZh94.mkv | 31M |
| 20220831.Mildly Depressed.9d34zNRA15c.mkv | 20M |
| 20220901.Test video.Y9bVeg1-gSw.mkv | 227M |
| 20220902.6 Weeks.YZE8R21RxAs.mkv | 44M |
| 20220902.A Favor To Ask Of My Audience, Usability Testing.9vE42H9Ra7U.mkv | 49M |
| 20220903.CalyxOS as a daily driver, part 3 - the hell of nextcloud on a microsd card-less device..gHUBRVI69oo.mkv | 12M |
| 20220903.Going To Try Switching From Verizon To T-Mobile.A91n3QxZQ_8.mkv | 913K |
| 20220903.Switching Off Verizon To T-Mobile.JtVnwgEll7M.mkv | 177M |
| 20220903.tes5 test.xHCAI1eFPkA.mkv | 11M |
| 20220904.Fixing Being A Fat Ass One Miserable Step At A Time.6tYGtURDLjU.mkv | 160M |
| 20220906.Say Oops Upside Your Head.Zasiwmp9bBw.mkv | 118M |
| 20220907.GrapheneOS Test Stream._faIGiNCs_g.mkv | 239M |
| 20220908.An honest conversation with John Bumstead about the destruction of the used market.AO5p2q7-pX8.mkv | 85M |
| 20220908.Test video.xDVB010-8Lk.mkv | 77M |
| 20220909.GrapheneOS is absolutely awesome, check this out.ecXBkkwp5eI.mkv | 3.4M |
| 20220909.Trying to leave google is made difficult on purpose: a tale of two factor authentication on youtube.7aRuf68z_Wo.mkv | 13M |
| 20220910.Test Of The Sennheiser Usbc Android Microphone.KhbBek8r37U.mkv | 101K |
| 20220910.Test Sennheiser USBC Mic in car, is it better than Old rode?.q-o41w0OoTQ.mkv | 62M |
| 20220910.Testing Sennheiser USBC microphone for Android Flagshits.bJSlVG8ynUs.mkv | 81M |
| 20220912.GrapheneOS after a week - this is my new daily driver. it works flawlessly..fKcIj5YBkSk.mkv | 37M |
| 20220912.Sometimes, unpacking sucks.IppjJ5ax8Qw.mkv | 18M |
| 20220912.Test video.F58e3wDoZ4c.mkv | 22M |
| 20220912.Unpacking Break, Some Graphene Thoughts.2OaGpYrDk64.mkv | 6.8M |
| 20220913.Nevet Taling Non Drowsy Sidafed Agajn.__mqFWqkCy8.mkv | 49M |
| 20220913.Tesla uses hostile UI for customer service: this is a growing trend :(.4whBRiFJC98.mkv | 5.7M |
| 20220914.Rice University Career Fair In Houston, TX.H9zAQyVpqIw.mkv | 194M |
| 20220916.GrapheneOS push notifications; debunking misconceptions.II4WMUNhbVY.mkv | 151M |
| 20220916.cloud storage is progress over using a microSD card 🤡 🤡 🤡 why are you complaining?.-raGnVAb-84.mkv | 7.0M |
| 20220917.There Is Nothing Like Getting Settled In A New Home.MTeltkLzQiA.mkv | 22M |
| 20220919.A Drive.hsj_c1necCM.mkv | 106M |
| 20220919.Back To AT&T :(.LWF6mQ-8tSw.mkv | 49M |
| 20220920.Fixing 10 Frames Per Second.76HraImbMYk.mkv | 80M |
| 20220920.Full Self Heart Attack.UsGBdavUvoU.mkv | 66M |
| 20220920.Testing AT&T 5G Unlimited Premium & Tesla FSD beta.J9H278JrM6Q.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20220921.Trinity University Career Fair San Antonio.bqoJDQ1flXs.mkv | 125M |
| 20220922.Youtube is fundamentally BROKEN!.fAFlI4jZ4uc.mkv | 7.8M |
| 20220923.Full Self Heart Attack Courtesy Of Beta Driving System.51jZV2UmSKU.mkv | 81M |
| 20220923.Phone Hardware Brainstorming.GaoqVyzPa4c.mkv | 52M |
| 20220923.happy egg vs pleb egg.Q9jYZQVNDC0.mkv | 3.1M |
| 20220924.Anticompetitive Crap._1pcuS7l6Oo.mkv | 168M |
| 20220924.Cheaper House.jsOeoIwiKjI.mkv | 33M |
| 20220925.Pink Floyd money.PNKwFwjka4A.mkv | 19M |
| 20220925.house._YCGG6eGtq0.mkv | 18M |
| 20220925.live music is better in Austin.nGobOwqf3gQ.mkv | 4.3M |
| 20220927.Drive.XYnylUloA9U.mkv | 62M |
| 20220927.newpipe is how you should be watching YouTube videos..Tll_2etrDfM.mkv | 7.3M |
| 20220928.Well Wishes For Paul S R Going Through Hurricane Red Zone.TsiDQlzAbUA.mkv | 136M |
| 20220928.view count bug.XDy5rciPFBY.mkv | 1.5M |
| 20220929.Hi.VNvalEc8Foo.mkv | 51M |
| 20220929.employee gets owned by cat.zjFDUcWmdIs.mkv | 434K |
| 20220930.Clinton tries to epstein Oreo while stealing greenies off a shelf.xzHwpx4pIdk.mkv | 307K |
| 20220930.Pixel 6 Pro Microphone Is Garbage.Kw9gFKlX5Bo.mkv | 58M |
| 20221001.Cool Song.BPrJeMecMYQ.mkv | 7.5M |
| 20221002.Lactose Intolerance?.KsolU3BqK6w.mkv | 198M |
| 20221003.Driving, trying to get over Destiny betrayal.t31JD3t5LHA.mkv | 42M |
| 20221003.This Is A Shitposting Channel.fG5SqYkMwzg.mkv | 77M |
| 20221004.Drive.2DCeMVw4gUI.mkv | 53M |
| 20221005.An honest conversation with the developer of MicroG.W-pknuakKxM.mkv | 44M |
| 20221005.Drive.a3dp6JxhNvI.mkv | 26M |
| 20221006.My Logo.XvwA6HOpEFM.mkv | 5.1M |
| 20221007.Annette Olson Is No Tarja But Will Have To Do.kQLOq4tDuPc.mkv | 79M |
| 20221007.Invites.sSkCNDJj1k4.mkv | 43M |
| 20221007.Search For Venue, 10 Year Youtube Anniversary Party Monday.7yWTeFIbPcQ.mkv | 108M |
| 20221008.Test video.oLHknbBVFdU.mkv | 37M |
| 20221009.Louis Rossmann EXPOSED as a weak beta male on e 6th St. in Austin, Texas.pHuVIgxkW2c.mkv | 1.7M |
| 20221009.Test video.9ldIkbQvcJk.mkv | 73M |
| 20221010.Test video.aXbgjus2--c.mkv | 92M |
| 20221010.Touching Grass.xlE5Cr1jtVM.mkv | 79M |
| 20221014.Cardio Sucks.8XiKBSfOeCs.mkv | 51M |
| 20221014.Drive Back.OlxOk1naxSA.mkv | 237M |
| 20221014.Visiting The Wizard Of Texas, Jessa Jones In San Antonio.-wbDlIMuTN0.mkv | 238M |
| 20221015.A crazy Friday night.X2HKwvw0MWM.mkv | 3.7M |
| 20221015.Don't FUTA my FUTO.LbYoDTdrFEs.mkv | 53M |
| 20221017.Absolute Insanity.ri_tcawQj14.mkv | 78M |
| 20221017.Day 39 Gotham City Solutions archive from January 2020.DIBEYlT3d_E.mkv | 16M |
| 20221017.Sorting Business At Bank.Gj5fttvP3W4.mkv | 26M |
| 20221018.Drive.mfK0BtoVAqw.mkv | 83M |
| 20221018.Lunch Around UT Austin.uXssvdYJwC0.mkv | 128M |
| 20221018.my new best friend whom I've set free.ayF_E6K9nUk.mkv | 14M |
| 20221019.Test video.3Q3cNzVItMg.mkv | 43M |
| 20221019.shameless plzbroing of audience for assistance with kdenlive.cBxnk56VbZ8.mkv | 12M |
| 20221020.Came To Make Sure That I'm Not Running.QovWIGCFv08.mkv | 170M |
| 20221022.Help Me Apologize.ab5oDm0o5GU.mkv | 179M |
| 20221022.Test video.JgYZu_DPo2A.mkv | 85M |
| 20221023.Delivering Pies.AK8IgGGhPzw.mkv | 83M |
| 20221025.ebaumsworld in real life.LAfRy32XIRM.mkv | 1.1M |
| 20221025.leg healing progress: double bodyweight squat - no wraps, no belt, no bs.-xlb9OKx9ww.mkv | 2.6M |
| 20221026.Refuting Tesla stans; voice commands are better than buttons and switches for wipers & AC control.NVTwy9yu8rs.mkv | 2.9M |
| 20221026.Saw.3JzlD0D2-lI.mkv | 70M |
| 20221028.Injury recovery sucks. bitched out on first try :(.wDs_ZO-xClw.mkv | 4.2M |
| 20221028.no bitching out this time.LnxWjXAgIPs.mkv | 2.8M |
| 20221030.Delta Airlines Whistleblower Coming Up Next.Ww8cqEgEKzQ.mkv | 63M |
| 20221030.what it's like to live life as a weak man, captured on video._w3nii-6DAk.mkv | 3.6M |
| 20221102.Test video.fhxOs0Sn654.mkv | 50M |
| 20221103.Picking Up My CLINTON! New Yorkers Brought Rain.zgY1zpd06zk.mkv | 95M |
| 20221104.Cat.0__zBoyzZiQ.mkv | 35M |
| 20221104.Driving Back.eOT8BIzbZjE.mkv | 28M |
| 20221104.Friday Night At Work.Qi3dQYJscR8.mkv | 1.6M |
| 20221104.Selling The Staff.ldqDRAlyx_k.mkv | 25M |
| 20221104.return of the cat.XQu_ivWHcmg.mkv | 7.1M |
| 20221107.A dog in a truck bed.CJC-m9GxvSY.mkv | 3.1M |
| 20221107.Empty Stream.4syB5MN4yc4.mkv | 52M |
| 20221107.Let's Talk About 1⧸10 Of 1%.oSIg0t5YHTc.mkv | 77M |
| 20221112.an angry Clinton.lJQ4rrBmJAA.mkv | 7.2M |
| 20221113.just got home - training of the Clinton is complete!.yfvUV4KJdx0.mkv | 2.3M |
| 20221113.reading about insane tesla crash.3fMHDDg9JfE.mkv | 68M |
| 20221113.retraining a Clinton so he learns his place.38Q1sfHCJ8Q.mkv | 9.8M |
| 20221114.Drive.NXe3RCr2_lA.mkv | 75M |
| 20221115.405 pounds.qfu-JtCobuE.mkv | 1.5M |
| 20221115.Make My Dead YouTube Channel Great Again.qTMB9JRceKw.mkv | 126M |
| 20221116.Testing Ridiculously Overdone Streaming Setup.q2z1DdRTKGA.mkv | 30M |
| 20221117.NYC Proposes Dumb E-bike Battery Legislation.239wit-Ai-I.mkv | 82M |
| 20221117.Test video.5fojz_wEv10.mkv | 102M |
| 20221117.if you love your friend, set him free.ugs_pabvTzw.mkv | 4.4M |
| 20221118.Driving To Gym With Cheesy Music Playing.oIMJgtq2zXI.mkv | 61M |
| 20221118.onewheel talk.JaCNdil8BFg.mkv | 35M |
| 20221120.A preview of the FUTO open to the public repair workshop.0XsHmHLUcl8.mkv | 14M |
| 20221120.Test video.y36M8DQZaMA.mkv | 21M |
| 20221122.Just Driving.N1Ed71WhkXA.mkv | 77M |
| 20221124.Joint Injury Sucks.Gqoe0uwSPnY.mkv | 65M |
| 20221124.Tesla ownership.nBd5E_ezZAw.mkv | 1.3M |
| 20221126.old joints go vroom with 3 plates.5mnk8Vy6sL4.mkv | 2.8M |
| 20221127.Drive To Repair Workshop.Di9GSI62GYc.mkv | 94M |
| 20221127.That Went Well!.WEkN2bRykfk.mkv | 45M |
| 20221127.bitching out on 275x5 after knee injury :(.ruoOJHxMDFM.mkv | 3.0M |
| 20221129.better biomed drops in.Dx6y6rB3kA4.mkv | 190M |
| 20221130.FUTO repair workshop test stream.c2Ecp5LHsVo.mkv | 224M |
| 20221201.Rawr.4dWz0u2FN1A.mkv | 35M |
| 20221201.Thank You Carrie And Kathrin!.VRB0JpXP5gg.mkv | 60M |
| 20221203.59 seconds of fail, manlet with no muscles attempts 25 pullups.qtS5GSeitOM.mkv | 3.0M |
| 20221205.A New Routine.iaqkopbikEQ.mkv | 21M |
| 20221205.Game Of Thrones Commute.1n3oUxkBYBI.mkv | 64M |
| 20221207.Picking Up Management.-KjTgr2uf9Q.mkv | 48M |
| 20221208.Test video.6jCn-SB7SfI.mkv | 43M |
| 20221214.Test video.-rRc17zH0H4.mkv | 21M |
| 20221214.The Genius Of Doja Cat.byt-AVRzfug.mkv | 42M |
| 20221215.Drive.exz7h-WGp4s.mkv | 48M |
| 20221216.T.L0N1VF6aidI.mkv | 37M |
| 20221222.Fixing a Macbook, with Louis Rossmann.W4reXPpGhwc.mkv | 45M |
| 20221223.Fixing a Macbook, with Louis Rossmann.F4pjJSwgid4.mkv | 65M |
| 20221223.Leaving dymo is hell - attempting to make a rollo label printer work with repairshopr.mCXqZcATWf0.mkv | 7.9M |
| 20221223.Let's Go.SPSNF6EVCbQ.mkv | 32M |
| 20221223.this man needs tren.6ardex2V9vk.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20221226.Picking People Up From The Airport.033kR8a8BrM.mkv | 68M |
| 20221227.The Fate Of Little Clinton.f-lT6X8Kcco.mkv | 31M |
| 20221228.Clinton's flying high on oppidan.jXKWmdPdplI.mkv | 10M |
| 20221228.Clinton Is Doing Well.MqHOvkxTOx0.mkv | 43M |
| 20221230.Cope Music After NY Legislature Owned Us.hloutg-uAds.mkv | 30M |
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