Index of /Youtube/Khan Academy


[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory -
[VID]20061117.Greatest common factor explained _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.jFd-6EPfnec.mkv7.1M
[VID]20061117.Multiplication 7 - Old video giving more examples _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy._k3aWF6_b4w.mkv8.8M
[VID]20061118.Algebra - Linear equations 4 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.9IUEk9fn2Vs.mkv8.4M
[VID]20061118.Equivalent fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.U2ovEuEUxXQ.mkv6.1M
[VID]20061119.Algebra - Linear equations 1 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.bAerID24QJ0.mkv7.9M
[VID]20061119.Algebra - Linear equations 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.DopnmxeMt-s.mkv6.6M
[VID]20061119.Algebra - Linear equations 3 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Zn-GbH2S0Dk.mkv7.3M
[VID]20061119.Level 1 Exponents.OeOMYx5-Kzg.mkv 10M
[VID]20061119.Level 1 multiplying expressions.Sc0e6xrRJYY.mkv 11M
[VID]20061119.Level 2 Exponents.1Nt-t9YJM8k.mkv7.3M
[VID]20061119.Level 3 exponents.aYE26a5E1iU.mkv 12M
[VID]20061119.Solving a quadratic by factoring _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.N30tN9158Kc.mkv 13M
[VID]20061121.Algebra - Equation of a line.gvwKv6F69F0.mkv7.4M
[VID]20061123.Age word problems 1 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.bAUT_Pux73w.mkv 11M
[VID]20061123.Age word problems 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.pPqPj8CAPvI.mkv 16M
[VID]20061123.Age word problems 3 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.DplUpe3oyWo.mkv6.6M
[VID]20061125.Adding_subtracting negative numbers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.C38B33ZywWs.mkv9.7M
[VID]20061125.Algebra - Slope.hXP1Gv9IMBo.mkv 12M
[VID]20061125.Algebra - Slope 2.Kk9IDameJXk.mkv 18M
[VID]20061125.Algebra - Slope 3.8XffLj2zvf4.mkv 12M
[VID]20061125.Algebra - Slope and Y-intercept intuition.Nhn-anmubYU.mkv 14M
[VID]20061125.Algebra - graphing lines 1.2UrcUfBizyw.mkv 14M
[VID] of equations.nok99JOhcjo.mkv 11M
[VID]20070103.Multiplying and dividing negative numbers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.d8lP5tR2R3Q.mkv9.5M
[VID]20070108.Adding and subtracting fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.52ZlXsFJULI.mkv 11M
[VID]20070108.Dividing fractions.zQMU-lsMb3U.mkv 12M
[VID]20070108.Multiplying fractions (old).Mnu16kCRW4U.mkv 12M
[VID]20070115.Level 1 Exponents.8htcZca0JIA.mkv 13M
[VID]20070115.Speed translation _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.aTjNDKlz8G4.mkv 15M
[VID]20070115.Unit conversion within the metric system _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.w0nqd_HXHPQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20070122.Dividing decimals with hundredths example 3 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.S0uuK7SQcA8.mkv 11M
[VID]20070122.Level 4 Subtraction.omUfrXtHtN0.mkv 12M
[VID]20070122.Level 4 division _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.gHTH6PKfpMc.mkv 11M
[VID]20070122.Subtracting decimals (old) _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.0mOH-qNGM7M.mkv 11M
[VID]20070125.Adding Decimals (Old).SxZUFA2SGX8.mkv8.6M
[VID]20070125.Mulitplication 8 - Multiplying decimals (Old video).m5z6pOsxF_8.mkv 11M
[VID]20070126.Exponent rules part 1 _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.kITJ6qH7jS0.mkv 11M
[VID]20070126.Exponent rules part 2 _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.rEtuPhl6930.mkv9.1M
[VID]20070127.Simplifying radicals _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.6QJtWfIiyZo.mkv 11M
[VID]20070128.Introduction to the quadratic equation _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.IWigvJcCAJ0.mkv 11M
[VID]20070128.Quadratic equation part 2 _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.y19jYxzY8Y8.mkv 15M
[VID]20070128.i and Imaginary numbers.rDLDGQMKT3M.mkv 13M
[VID]20070220.Averages _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.9VZsMY15xeU.mkv 12M
[VID]20070303.Advanced ratio problems.PASSD2OcU0c.mkv 11M
[VID]20070303.Introduction to Ratios.UsPmg_Ne1po.mkv 11M
[VID]20070303.Why borrowing works.fWan_T0enj4.mkv9.6M
[VID]20070305.Algebra - Solving Inequalities.VgDe_D8ojxw.mkv7.1M
[VID]20070305.Quadratic inequalities _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ZNtzWpU80-0.mkv 15M
[VID]20070310.Basic addition _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.AuX7nPBqDts.mkv8.4M
[VID]20070310.Level 2 Addition.27Kp7HJYj2c.mkv 11M
[VID]20070312.Integer sums.W254ewkkMck.mkv 12M
[VID]20070318.Functions (Part III).5fcRSie63Hs.mkv 11M
[VID]20070318.Functions Part 2.XEblO51pF5I.mkv 14M
[VID]20070318.Introduction to functions.VhokQhjl5t0.mkv 11M
[VID]20070408.Converting fractions to decimals _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Gn2pdkvdbGQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20070408.Mixed numbers and improper fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.1xuf6ZKF1_I.mkv 10M
[VID]20070408.Ordering numeric expressions _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Llt-KkHugRQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20070408.Percent and decimals.RvtdJnYFNhc.mkv 15M
[VID]20070411.Growing by a percentage _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.X2jVap1YgwI.mkv 12M
[VID]20070411.More percent problems _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.4oeoIOan_h4.mkv 15M
[VID]20070411.Taking percentages _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._SpE4hQ8D_o.mkv 17M
[VID]20070515.30-60-90 Triangles II.3mLUJSoh6i0.mkv5.6M
[VID]20070515.45-45-90 triangles _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.tSHitjFIjd8.mkv 11M
[VID]20070515.Introduction to the Pythagorean theorem _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.s9t7rNhaBp8.mkv 13M
[VID]20070515.Intro to 30-60-90 triangles _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Qwet4cIpnCM.mkv 17M
[VID]20070515.Pythagorean theorem II _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.nMhJLn5ives.mkv 16M
[VID]20070516.Introduction to Logarithms.mQTWzLpCcW0.mkv 11M
[VID]20070606.Quadratic inequalities (visual explanation) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.xdiBjypYFRQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20070813.Basic Trigonometry.F21S9Wpi0y8.mkv8.8M
[VID]20070813.Basic Trigonometry II.QS4r_mqs-rY.mkv6.1M
[VID]20070813.Radian and degree _ Unit circle definition of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.9zspW8u6kQM.mkv 14M
[VID]20070814.Using Trig Functions.znR9tW4AiZI.mkv 10M
[VID]20070814.Using Trig Functions Part II.RoXmKYjpLGk.mkv 13M
[VID]20070820.Graph of the sine function.2zoiW4PdVKo.mkv 11M
[VID]20070820.Unit Circle Definition of Trig Functions.ZffZvSH285c.mkv9.9M
[VID]20070821.Graphing trig functions.vHYI93UV5Kg.mkv 10M
[VID]20070821.Graphs of trig functions.QmxMPPkZpME.mkv 16M
[VID]20070821.More trig graphs.NIG3l8oWKYE.mkv8.8M
[VID]20070822.Determining the equation of a trigonometric function.yvW5l9W1hgE.mkv 16M
[VID]20070822.The unit circle definition of trigonometric function.6Qv_bPlQS8E.mkv 20M
[VID]20070830.Mortgage-backed securities II _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.eYBlfxGIk28.mkv 11M
[VID]20070830.Mortgage-backed securities I _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.oosYQHq2hwE.mkv8.2M
[VID]20070830.Order of operations.pEz_Wn35098.mkv 10M
[VID]20070830.Order of operations II._ZD3OCliBuY.mkv8.2M
[VID]20070830.Return on capital _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.9T6ZPYYu_Dk.mkv 14M
[VID]20070901.Collateralized debt obligation (CDO) _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.XjoJ9UF2hqg.mkv 11M
[VID]20070901.Mortgage-backed securities III _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.q0oSKmC3Mfc.mkv 10M
[VID]20070915.Domain of a function _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.U-k5N1WPk4g.mkv 10M
[VID]20070930.Introduction to limits 2 _ Limits _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.W0VWO4asgmk.mkv8.1M
[VID]20070930.Limit examples (part 1) _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.GGQngIp0YGI.mkv9.6M
[VID]20070930.Limit examples (part 2) _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.YRw8udexH4o.mkv7.5M
[VID]20070930.Limit examples (part 3) _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.gWSDDopD9sk.mkv 10M
[VID]20071003.Calculus - Derivatives 1 _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.rAof9Ld5sOg.mkv9.2M
[VID]20071003.Calculus - Derivatives 2 _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.ay8838UZ4nM.mkv 10M
[VID]20071003.Chain Rule Examples.6_lmiPDedsY.mkv9.3M
[VID]20071003.Even More Chain Rule.DYb-AN-lK94.mkv 10M
[VID]20071003.Power rule introduction (old) _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.z1lwai-lIzY.mkv 10M
[VID]20071003.Product rule _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.h78GdGiRmpM.mkv9.1M
[VID]20071003.The Chain Rule.XIQ-KnsAsbg.mkv9.7M
[VID]20071004.Derivatives (part 9).aEP4C_kvcO4.mkv 10M
[VID]20071004.Quotient rule and common derivatives _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.E_1gEtiGPNI.mkv9.8M
[VID]20071018.Indefinite Integration (part III).77-najNh4iY.mkv 13M
[VID]20071018.Indefinite Integration (part IV).VJ9VRUDQyK8.mkv 15M
[VID]20071018.Indefinite integrals (part II).mHvSYRUEWnE.mkv9.5M
[VID]20071018.The Indefinite Integral or Anti-derivative.xRspb-iev-g.mkv9.7M
[VID]20071019.Definite Integrals (area under a curve) (part III).7wUHJ7JQ-gs.mkv 16M
[VID]20071019.Definite integrals (part II).6PaFm_Je5A0.mkv 15M
[VID]20071019.Introduction to definite integrals.0RdI3-8G4Fs.mkv 13M
[VID]20071021.Indefinite Integration (part 7).F-OsMq7QKEQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20071021.Indefinite Integration (part V).Pra6r20geXU.mkv 19M
[VID]20071021.Integration by Parts (part 6 of Indefinite Integration).ouYZiIh8Ctc.mkv9.9M
[VID]20071022.Definite Integrals (part 4).11Bt6OhIeqA.mkv 13M
[VID]20071022.Definite Integrals (part 5).CmXmRNFrtFw.mkv 16M
[VID]20071023.Introduction to rate-of-change problems.Zyq6TmQVBxk.mkv 17M
[VID]20071026.Rates-of-change (part 2).xmgk8_l3lig.mkv8.3M
[VID]20071027.Proof - sin(a+b) = (cos a)(sin b) + (sin a)(cos b).zw0waJCEc-w.mkv 16M
[VID]20071027.Trigonometric Identities.OLzXqIqZZz0.mkv 14M
[VID]20071028.Proof - cos(a+b) = (cos a)(cos b)-(sin a)(sin b).V3-xCPDzQ1Q.mkv 16M
[VID]20071028.Trig identities part 2 (part 4 if you watch the proofs) _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.ZWSoyUxAQW0.mkv 16M
[VID]20071028.Trig identities part 3 (part 5 if you watch the proofs) _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.JXCiFbEMTZ4.mkv 14M
[VID]20071101.Introduction to motion (part 2).OKXyKt40WFE.mkv9.6M
[VID]20071101.Introduction to motion (part 3).enmHaVxLfAE.mkv5.0M
[VID]20071101.Introduction to motion.8wZugqi_uCg.mkv 12M
[VID]20071101.Projectile motion (part 1) _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.15zliAL4llE.mkv9.5M
[VID]20071101.Projectile motion (part 2) _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.emdHj6WodLw.mkv 14M
[VID]20071101.Projectile motion (part 3) _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Y5cSGxdDHz4.mkv 13M
[VID]20071101.Projectile motion (part 4) _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.-W3RkgvLrGI.mkv 13M
[VID]20071102.Projectile motion (part 5) _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.dlpmllTx5MY.mkv 10M
[VID]20071102.Projectile motion (part 6).bl2DvFn8LjM.mkv 10M
[VID]20071102.Projectile motion (part 7).-uAfg0t6NmM.mkv 11M
[VID]20071102.Projectile motion (part 8).oDcPHWX2Nv0.mkv3.6M
[VID]20071103.2-dimensional projectile motion (part 3).o2ZrX9MbIwU.mkv9.4M
[VID]20071103.2 dimensional projectile motion (part 1).RcSadoSQhdA.mkv 13M
[VID]20071103.2 dimensional projectile motion (part 2).cEOxZWGp-8E.mkv 16M
[VID]20071103.Projectile motion (part 9).uHwKV2NzDno.mkv8.9M
[VID]20071103.Projectile motion (part 10).zbZyiyzMUQ8.mkv 16M
[VID]20071103.Trigonometry word problems (part 1).1vamogV81Y8.mkv 15M
[VID]20071103.Trigonometry word problems (part 2).4CNnPgabrLE.mkv3.5M
[VID]20071105.Proof of the law of cosines _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.pGaDcOMdw48.mkv 10M
[VID]20071108.2-dimensional projectile motion part 5.8PXJ3hHPxlo.mkv4.8M
[VID]20071108.2 dimensional projectile motion part 4.5GRlLD7M430.mkv9.1M
[VID]20071110.Angle game (part 2) _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ko-cYG3d6ec.mkv 11M
[VID]20071110.Angles (part 2) _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.zrqzG6xKa1A.mkv 15M
[VID]20071110.Angles (part 3) _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.NLg6hfoKKlE.mkv 13M
[VID]20071110.Angles of parallel lines.Ij8AotZHfzU.mkv 10M
[VID]20071110.Introduction to angles (old) _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.2439OIVBgPg.mkv 11M
[VID]20071110.Proof - a log b = log(b^a), log a - log b = log(a_b) _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.yEAxG_D1HDw.mkv 12M
[VID]20071110.Proof - log_a (B) = (log_x (B))_(log_x (A)).cKOtT4WnZb4.mkv7.6M
[VID]20071110.Proof - log a + log b = log ab _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.FP2arCfAfBY.mkv 11M
[VID]20071110.Similar triangles (part 2) _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.qO2cTx6DwCA.mkv 14M
[VID]20071110.Similar triangles _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.BI-rtfZVXy0.mkv 10M
[VID]20071110.The angle game _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.kqU_ymV581c.mkv 14M
[VID]20071115.Introduction to logarithm properties (part 2) _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.TMmxKZaCqe0.mkv 10M
[VID]20071115.Introduction to logarithm properties _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.PupNgv49_WY.mkv9.3M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 3 Part 2.uFfMl-wGOqA.mkv 10M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 3 Part 3.BRX5mWU0pKo.mkv9.3M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 3 Part 4.THu1yyU350A.mkv 11M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 3 Part 5.Pj-dYWwdlDA.mkv9.1M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 3 Part 6.I1CPivr1Rqs.mkv 11M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 3 Part 7.r_MPl6c23cc.mkv7.5M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 3 Part 8.281GDzKgNIw.mkv 10M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 6 Part 1.VUY_9-dl9Ro.mkv8.2M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 6 Part 3.qCFS9sM3U4w.mkv8.9M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 6 Part 4.j-G31l9tETk.mkv 14M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 6 Part 5.zYltrrFpuRU.mkv 15M
[VID]20071117.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 6 Part 6.-UtUjx4nj-E.mkv 13M
[VID]20071117.SAT prep - test 1 section3 part 1.tP9bocr_C2I.mkv 15M
[VID]20071118.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 9 Part 1.MFAuLptYXFE.mkv 13M
[VID]20071118.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 9 Part 2.fX0ZVflYqf0.mkv 16M
[VID]20071118.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 9 Part 3.D4UfrKzUVz8.mkv 15M
[VID]20071118.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 9 Part 4.5tptL-SjfHY.mkv 11M
[VID]20071118.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 9 Part 5.QWtZ9jpN_3k.mkv8.7M
[VID]20071121.Functions (part 4).rbt51hXmzig.mkv 10M
[VID]20071121.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 3 Part 2.jG_R8MyQ53U.mkv 14M
[VID]20071121.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 3 Part 3.x7RYmTE3X-Y.mkv 12M
[VID]20071121.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 3 part 1.0QvGgONYDeA.mkv 12M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 1 Section 6 Part 2.EWsVUf6ZFgw.mkv9.0M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 3 Part 4.t9_by0bbp48.mkv 14M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 3 Part 5.oRWMtRqR6yc.mkv 13M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 3 Part 6.FEEsj1puK9k.mkv2.4M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 6 Part 1.4mUAiRKIhj0.mkv 15M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 6 Part 2.MuhPEK5_kog.mkv 14M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 6 Part 3.JqzTKxFpzco.mkv 13M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 6 Part 4.uH5qmnegzcY.mkv1.8M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 6 Part 5.f4drCCsnOt8.mkv 13M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 6 Part 6.EDEg7SY2-VU.mkv8.9M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 9 Part 1.oVkzin26KJk.mkv 14M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 9 Part 2.nognGA0mtcU.mkv 15M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 9 Part 3.n30T7Uc6IOg.mkv 12M
[VID]20071122.SAT Prep - Test 2 Section 9 Part 4.u1FZjRUC9MY.mkv 12M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 2 Part 1.pCpLtKdMjSE.mkv 12M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 2 Part 2.YsKgw5S7Plg.mkv 13M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 2 Part 3.fRRc-3sJuwU.mkv 13M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 2 Part 4.79ZwFMRWidQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 4 Part 1.eS-XNHsh4TQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 4 Part 2.7rt8X3bIhf4.mkv 12M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 4 Part 3.eZuR5-Jng0o.mkv 13M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 4 Part 4.-rH2wMlppjo.mkv 13M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 4 Part 5.z01WJ-HgoCY.mkv3.4M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 8 Part 1.7FRFzf-MLnw.mkv 13M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 8 Part 2.YFV6QFVxxPc.mkv 11M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 8 Part 3.5yysruBGqEM.mkv 13M
[VID]20071123.SAT Prep - Test 3 Section 8 Part 4.eUi6VS3qc9A.mkv 11M
[VID]20071123.Test 3 Section 2 Part 5.Eh0j5nHhS6I.mkv 12M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 2 Part 1.yMc71el5Bic.mkv 13M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 2 Part 2.jKg5oFQXdJU.mkv 12M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 2 Part 3.qo2Omdf4UyA.mkv 14M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 2 Part 4.KWBa0yxfi7U.mkv 14M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 2 Part 5.HIzG0J7He2c.mkv 16M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 2 Part 6.bKzw0C-Sh7A.mkv 12M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 4 Part 1.xfEZKZDiXqc.mkv 13M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 4 Part 2.Nr-EB7BKKJM.mkv 15M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 4 Part 3.eRzobkVm1Jg.mkv 12M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 4 Part 4.0mMr7iKWAjQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 8 Part 1.Zkeq0j9CKcc.mkv 12M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 8 Part 2.Oyiz3Td1KEI.mkv 14M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 8 Part 3.cVEXO42UKd0.mkv 12M
[VID]20071125.SAT Prep - Test 4 Section 8 Part 4.We1OgfMotaM.mkv4.3M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 3 Part 1.zKIQYn1quh8.mkv 14M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 3 Part 2.s_3msatl-NU.mkv 15M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 3 Part 3.bOKhHf58978.mkv 18M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 3 Part 4.8Jwy6seAdHY.mkv 14M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 3 Part 5.-c2LcmZaT_o.mkv 14M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 3 Part 6.0mH04VZ_dOM.mkv 10M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 7 Part 1.1jwEEbr2fuU.mkv 16M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 7 Part 2.26apAl5onO4.mkv 17M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 7 Part 3.1zHTzT4KP80.mkv 15M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 7 Part 4.1SC8pC5FKtM.mkv 14M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 7 Part 5.KEyCBPe_T5I.mkv 14M
[VID]20071127.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 7 Part 6.XizVnQI2d9Q.mkv 15M
[VID]20071128.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 9 Part 1.NLBp-Tq3TS4.mkv 16M
[VID]20071128.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 9 Part 2.VUg5v5PzGKo.mkv 14M
[VID]20071128.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 9 Part 3.7D3ErvtvOaU.mkv 13M
[VID]20071128.SAT Prep - Test 5 Section 9 Part 4.WV6gftyM3SU.mkv 14M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 3 Part 1.Zee_TGgEBsg.mkv 14M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 3 Part 2.gWq0WpgBthI.mkv 13M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 3 Part 3.QPKMZHYBcTc.mkv 14M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 3 Part 4.i1aNc26PsOI.mkv 12M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 3 Part 5.PH92iJRiUgg.mkv 13M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 7 Part 1.dkN6eSd2AIA.mkv 13M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 7 Part 2.j9iKQnnAsgI.mkv 16M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 7 Part 3.wXQrhgpMI0o.mkv 13M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 7 Part 4.kmP97_diMVM.mkv 12M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 7 Part 5.0CIn1_M-BoY.mkv 12M
[VID]20071129.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 7 Part 6.aEvm-V7A5s8.mkv9.5M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 9 Part 1.pplnmRsNDuY.mkv 16M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 9 Part 2.ewzoWPBLG3g.mkv 12M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 9 Part 3.PMFJCEOWVmc.mkv 16M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 6 Section 9 Part 4.LeNa9s0rdj8.mkv8.1M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 2 Part 1.k3Wd-9bZCgw.mkv 14M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 2 Part 2.FhUj7sF00VM.mkv 12M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 2 Part 3.lb3TmicdsCU.mkv 13M
[VID]20071130.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 2 Part 4.UDyFevRLKb8.mkv5.2M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 5 Part 1.R6byhBey7eY.mkv 14M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 5 Part 2.va9qsz7Q6b0.mkv 11M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 5 Part 3.RpCkWhPqTQM.mkv 15M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 5 Part 4.U2FLQYvioeY.mkv 17M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 5 Part 5.A-qer1ChzXk.mkv7.3M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 8 Part 1.GZOp27tWARg.mkv 13M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 8 Part 2.Z7fM5fu7LAs.mkv 11M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 8 Part 3.Fq1BirUwrLQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20071201.SAT Prep - Test 7 Section 8 Part 4.RHfnCQCqohk.mkv 15M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 2 Part 1.FyoZaqF2dsY.mkv 13M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 2 Part 2.lumGHA9JGNY.mkv 12M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 2 Part 3.hbsWxarO5d4.mkv 13M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 2 Part 4.423zK3ev1vM.mkv 14M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 5 Part 1.yKiU7kzjTQw.mkv 17M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 5 Part 2.4-JYxNfqp8g.mkv 18M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 5 Part 3.lPLm4pM4KXU.mkv 13M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 5 Part 4.Q5z0MSvTtRg.mkv 17M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 8 Part 1.q2TqEsD1t4U.mkv 15M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 8 Part 2.nwW5IMuRCaM.mkv 12M
[VID]20071202.SAT Prep - Test 8 Section 8 Part 3.Ghy5jasP6Ek.mkv 10M
[VID]20071208.Ferris Wheel Trig Problem (part 2)._Kw4hLGMkm4.mkv 15M
[VID]20071208.Ferris Wheel Trig Problem.clXSqjs1wgQ.mkv8.1M
[VID]20071208.Navigation Word Problem.XTWZ_M8d-4g.mkv 12M
[VID]20071208.Proof - Law of sines _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.APNkWrD-U1k.mkv 11M
[VID]20080202.Newton's First Law of Motion.D9y0RlF_DqA.mkv 10M
[VID]20080202.Newton's Second Law of Motion.3FQ58lVtbCg.mkv 15M
[VID]20080202.Newton's Third Law of Motion.NfuKfbpkIrQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20080206.Newton's Laws Examples (part 2).x5Bz0ManOuc.mkv 10M
[VID]20080206.Newton's Laws Problems (part 1).wGKXIq-gdok.mkv 17M
[VID]20080207.Newton's Laws.16StQAx83kA.mkv 20M
[VID]20080208.Introduction to tension _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy._UrfHFEBIpU.mkv 11M
[VID]20080209.Introduction to tension (part 2) _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.zwDJ1wVr7Is.mkv 11M
[VID]20080210.Tension in an accelerating system and pie in the face _ Physics _ Khan Academy.52wxpYnS64U.mkv 20M
[VID]20080212.Introduction to momentum _ Impacts and linear momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.XFhntPxow0U.mkv 10M
[VID]20080213.2-dimensional momentum problem (part 2) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.leudxqivIJI.mkv 17M
[VID]20080213.2-dimensional momentum problem _ Impacts and linear momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.CFygKiTB-4A.mkv 12M
[VID]20080213.Momentum - Ice skater throws a ball _ Impacts and linear momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.vPkkCOlGND4.mkv6.4M
[VID]20080217.Conservation of energy _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.kw_4Loo1HR4.mkv 11M
[VID]20080217.Introduction to work and energy _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.2WS1sG9fhOk.mkv 10M
[VID]20080217.Work_energy problem with friction _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.YvacYWgygaA.mkv 12M
[VID]20080217.Work and energy (part 2) _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.3mier94pbnU.mkv 11M
[VID]20080218.Introduction to mechanical advantage _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.pfzJ-z5Ij48.mkv 17M
[VID]20080218.Mechanical advantage (part 2) _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.DiBXxWBrV24.mkv 11M
[VID]20080218.Mechanical advantage (part 3) _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.vSsK7Rfa3yA.mkv 16M
[VID]20080304.Center of mass _ Impacts and linear momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.VrflZifKIuw.mkv9.7M
[VID]20080304.Introduction to torque _ Moments, torque, and angular momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.QhuJn8YBtmg.mkv9.4M
[VID]20080315.Housing equity loans _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.7rrSuhFC7I0.mkv 15M
[VID]20080315.Housing price conundrum (part 2) _ Current Economics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.wYAhlTHIBT4.mkv 17M
[VID]20080315.Housing price conundrum (part 3) _ Current Economics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.aAfMps_VyOY.mkv 21M
[VID]20080315.Housing price conundrum (part 4) _ Current Economics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.s6UYa2nwaDw.mkv7.5M
[VID]20080315.Introduction to Balance Sheets _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.mxsYHiDVNlk.mkv 11M
[VID]20080315.Is buying a home always better _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.YL10H_EcB-E.mkv 11M
[VID]20080315.More on balance sheets and equity _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.U2Nw5T44zvY.mkv 15M
[VID]20080315.The housing price conundrum _ Current Economics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.8IR5LefXVPY.mkv 19M
[VID]20080315.What happens when housing depreciates _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.QA2TBiIsdT0.mkv 14M
[VID]20080316.Introduction to the yield curve _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.b_cAxh44aNQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20080325.Unit vector notation (part 2) _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.595Tiga1gIg.mkv 15M
[VID]20080325.Unit vector notation _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.FaF3v-ezbSk.mkv 10M
[VID]20080326.Projectile motion with ordered set notation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.jl_gQ-eL3xo.mkv 11M
[VID]20080407.Centripetal Acceleration (part 2).UmiotSKSRvw.mkv 11M
[VID]20080407.Introduction to centripetal acceleration (part 1).GBGGh2Ie4d0.mkv9.9M
[VID]20080408.Centripetal Acceleration (part 3).p3AGlD6g8X8.mkv9.3M
[VID]20080408.Visual Proof - a= v^2_r.TNX-Z6XR3gA.mkv 11M
[VID]20080410.Calculus Proof that a=v^2_r.YRBRarbMCyE.mkv 19M
[VID]20080410.Conservation of angular momemtum.s_R8d3isJDA.mkv 17M
[VID]20080410.Introduction to angular velocity.X4UTe1fZUzI.mkv8.9M
[VID]20080414.Gravitation (part 2) _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.8i0j3j16yFk.mkv 14M
[VID]20080414.Introduction to Newton's law of gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.391txUI76gM.mkv 10M
[VID]20080415.Intro to springs and Hooke's law _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ZzwuHS9ldbY.mkv 10M
[VID]20080415.Potential energy stored in a spring _ Work and energy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.eVl5zs6Lqy0.mkv 11M
[VID]20080415.Spring potential energy example (mistake in math) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.P3QV9ktuYlQ.mkv 18M
[VID]20080417.Harmonic motion part 2 (calculus) _ Oscillatory motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.xoUppFlif04.mkv 25M
[VID]20080417.Harmonic motion part 3 (no calculus) _ Oscillatory motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.oqBHBO8cqLI.mkv 22M
[VID]20080417.Introduction to harmonic motion _ Oscillatory motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Nk2q-_jkJVs.mkv 11M
[VID]20080419.Archimedes principle and buoyant force _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.vzID7ds600c.mkv9.2M
[VID]20080419.Bernoulli's equation (part 1) _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.uqyLOuAzbvo.mkv 11M
[VID]20080419.Bernoulli's equation (part 2) _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.QX2YLR09Q78.mkv 20M
[VID]20080419.Bernoulli's equation (part 3) _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.NGpJPz44JYc.mkv 20M
[VID]20080419.Bernoulli's equation (part 4) _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.HnfBFeLunk4.mkv9.3M
[VID]20080419.Bernoulli's example problem _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.xlJYYM5TWoA.mkv 15M
[VID]20080419.Buoyant force example problems _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.wwjtuZ5vTvc.mkv 10M
[VID]20080419.Finding height of fluid in a barometer _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.i6gz9VFyYks.mkv 16M
[VID]20080419.Pressure and Pascal's principle (part 1) _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Pn5YEMwQb4Y.mkv 11M
[VID]20080419.Pressure and Pascal's principle (part 2) _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.lWDtFHDVqqk.mkv 12M
[VID]20080419.Pressure at a depth in a fluid _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.5EWjlpc0S00.mkv 12M
[VID]20080419.Volume flow rate and equation of continuity _ Fluids _ Physics _ Khan Academy.G4CgOF4ccXk.mkv 11M
[VID]20080422.Complex Numbers (part 1).kpywdu1afas.mkv 10M
[VID]20080422.Complex Numbers (part 2).bPqB9a1uk_8.mkv9.1M
[VID]20080422.Compound interest and e (part 2) _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.dzMvqJMLy9c.mkv 19M
[VID]20080422.Compound interest and e (part 3) _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.sQYpUJV8foY.mkv 11M
[VID]20080422.Compound interest and e (part 4) _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.VAxHMTJRhmY.mkv8.7M
[VID]20080422.Interest (part 2) _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.t4zfiBw0hwM.mkv9.1M
[VID]20080422.Introduction to compound interest and e _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.qEB6y4DklNY.mkv 17M
[VID]20080422.Introduction to interest _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.GtaoP0skPWc.mkv 11M
[VID]20080424.Thermodynamics part 1 - Molecular theory of gases _ Physics _ Khan Academy.tQcB9BLUoVI.mkv9.9M
[VID]20080424.Thermodynamics part 2 - Ideal gas law _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.x34OTtDE5q8.mkv 11M
[VID]20080424.Thermodynamics part 3 - Kelvin scale and Ideal gas law example _ Physics _ Khan Academy.HvYUKRMT0VI.mkv 17M
[VID]20080424.Thermodynamics part 4 - Moles and the ideal gas law _ Physics _ Khan Academy.5B1i26dUwME.mkv 18M
[VID]20080424.Thermodynamics part 5 - Molar ideal gas law problem _ Physics _ Khan Academy.UekR9J31a2o.mkv 17M
[VID]20080425.Solid of Revolution (part 1).R_aqSL-q6_8.mkv 12M
[VID]20080425.Solid of Revolution (part 2).iUzfsUOl3-A.mkv 11M
[VID]20080425.Solid of Revolution (part 3).tqfU9mC2yFU.mkv 14M
[VID]20080427.Proof - d_dx(e^x) = e^x _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.sSE6_fK3mu0.mkv6.2M
[VID]20080427.Proof - d_dx(ln x) = 1_x _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.yUpDRpkUhf4.mkv 20M
[VID]20080427.Sequences and Series (part 1).VgVJrSJxkDk.mkv 10M
[VID]20080427.Sequences and series (part 2).U_8GRLJplZg.mkv 11M
[VID]20080427.Solid of Revolution (part 4).OtmjNuiTHp0.mkv 13M
[VID]20080427.Solid of Revolution (part 5).NIdqkwocNuE.mkv 13M
[VID]20080427.Solid of Revolution (part 6).F2psxMnGdUw.mkv 16M
[VID]20080427.Solid of Revolution (part 7).IZ8W-h764Cc.mkv 17M
[VID]20080427.Solid of Revolution (part 8).4Flj9plmKGQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20080428.Approximating functions with polynomials (part 3).XZDGrbyz0v0.mkv8.0M
[VID]20080428.Polynomial approximation of functions (part 1).sy132cgqaiU.mkv 17M
[VID]20080428.Polynomial approximation of functions (part 2).3JG3qn7-Sac.mkv 11M
[VID]20080428.Polynomial approximation of functions (part 4).gcJeg4SdIpU.mkv 11M
[VID]20080429.Polynomial approximation of functions (part 6).-gRNRBCG3Ow.mkv 11M
[VID]20080429.Polynomial approximation of functions (part 7).bC5Lahh4Aus.mkv 12M
[VID]20080429.Polynomial approximations of functions (part 5).9AoDucUmO20.mkv 10M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 1).3ER8OkqBdpE.mkv 12M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 2).6E_NVnboMB8.mkv 18M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 3).wBDOCvHYckE.mkv 19M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 4).W581OBM9rAY.mkv 17M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 5).2XToWi9j0Tk.mkv 20M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 6).xf3vfczoCho.mkv 16M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 7).BLcgeLALLnc.mkv 16M
[VID]20080503.Probability (part 8).VVr8snbaxZg.mkv 11M
[VID]20080504.Proof - d_dx(sqrt(x)) _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.789aMeepbxI.mkv9.9M
[VID]20080506.Combinations.bCxMhncR7PU.mkv 11M
[VID]20080506.Permutations.XqQTXW7XfYA.mkv 11M
[VID]20080510.Probability using combinations _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Xqfcy1rqMbI.mkv 11M
[VID]20080511.Conditional probability and combinations _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.xw6utjoyMi4.mkv 21M
[VID]20080511.Probability and combinations (part 2) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.W7DmsJKLoxc.mkv 12M
[VID]20080512.Binomial Theorem (part 1).Cv4YhIMfbeM.mkv 18M
[VID]20080512.Binomial Theorem (part 2).-fFWWt1m9k0.mkv 15M
[VID]20080512.Binomial theorem combinatorics connection _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.xF_hJaXUNfE.mkv 22M
[VID]20080512.Proof - d_dx(x^n) _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.dZnc3PtNaN4.mkv 11M
[VID]20080513.Electric field _ Electric charge, electric force, and voltage _ Physics _ Khan Academy.0YOGrTNgGhE.mkv 15M
[VID]20080513.Electrostatics (part 1).Pu_u-bwfaeI.mkv3.4M
[VID]20080513.Proof - Field from infinite plate (part 1) _ Electrostatics _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.prLfVucoxpw.mkv 15M
[VID]20080513.Proof - Field from infinite plate (part 2) _ Electrostatics _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.TxwE4_dXo8s.mkv 25M
[VID]20080519.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 1).DjCdzM40LDM.mkv 18M
[VID]20080519.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 3).f1zhOtnCWM4.mkv 14M
[VID]20080519.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 4).1TjtFhuMdU8.mkv 13M
[VID]20080519.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 5).2eSH9zCAA9Q.mkv 19M
[VID]20080519.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 6).3phL9GRSY3g.mkv 16M
[VID]20080519.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 1 (part 2).KdBbnMAuMqw.mkv 16M
[VID]20080520.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 7).QNXy9NEKSzE.mkv 13M
[VID]20080520.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 8).e9MA-Dpt1_w.mkv 17M
[VID]20080520.Singapore Math - Grade 3a, Unit 1 (part 9).kNuBFpN7z18.mkv 28M
[VID]20080521.Renting vs. Buying (detailed analysis) _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.mtL_plJXv3c.mkv 17M
[VID]20080521.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 1).K5xnULMbtH0.mkv 15M
[VID]20080522.Electric potential energy _ Electrostatics _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.elJUghWSVh4.mkv 13M
[VID]20080523.Capacitance _ Circuits _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ngOC4eUQl8Y.mkv 15M
[VID]20080523.Electric potential energy (part 2-- involves calculus) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.CqsYCIjSm9A.mkv 11M
[VID]20080523.Moments (part 2) _ Moments, torque, and angular momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.peXbz0frV74.mkv 15M
[VID]20080523.Moments _ Moments, torque, and angular momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ESusD8HRLBI.mkv 15M
[VID]20080523.Voltage _ Electric charge, electric force, and voltage _ Physics _ Khan Academy.zqGvUbvVQXg.mkv 10M
[VID]20080524.Example - Analyzing a more complex resistor circuit _ Physics _ Khan Academy.3NcIK0s3IwU.mkv8.0M
[VID]20080524.Fun Trig Problem.itpI12TeNIg.mkv 11M
[VID]20080524.Resistors in parallel _ Circuits _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ZrMw7P6P2Gw.mkv 14M
[VID]20080524.Resistors in series _ Circuits _ Physics _ Khan Academy.7vHh1sfZ5KE.mkv 12M
[VID]20080524.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 2).3ybPmFWZXwk.mkv 15M
[VID]20080524.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 3).GVVOqaIdxp8.mkv 11M
[VID]20080524.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 4).Awx6eoc_XYU.mkv 26M
[VID]20080524.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 5).AJxHM7EDh4o.mkv 15M
[VID]20080524.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 6).KffRJ3S3jHA.mkv 15M
[VID]20080525.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 7).CcdhwzN4lzk.mkv 13M
[VID]20080525.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 8).lbhM1ILFgF8.mkv 16M
[VID]20080525.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 9).C0avH_H2a5A.mkv 21M
[VID]20080526.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 10).cD-iQLCg-ss.mkv 16M
[VID]20080526.Singapore Math - Grade 3a Unit 2 (part 11).8-4mIiNtV3k.mkv 27M
[VID]20080607.Implicit Differentiation.sL6MC-lKOrw.mkv 18M
[VID]20080607.Introduction to matrices.xyAuNHPsq-g.mkv 13M
[VID]20080607.Ladder rate-of-change problem.hD3U65CcZ0Q.mkv 19M
[VID]20080607.Matrix multiplication (part 1).aKhhYguY0DQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20080607.Matrix multiplication (part 2).OAh573i_qn8.mkv 15M
[VID]20080608.Classic video on inverting a 3x3 matrix part 1 _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.S4n-tQZnU6o.mkv 18M
[VID]20080608.Classic video on inverting a 3x3 matrix part 2 _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.obts_JDS6_Q.mkv 15M
[VID]20080608.Idea behind inverting a 2x2 matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.iUQR0enP7RQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20080610.Implicit Differentiation (part 2).PUsMyhds5S4.mkv 11M
[VID]20080610.Limit examples w_ brain malfunction on first prob (part 4) _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.xjkSE9cPqzo.mkv 15M
[VID]20080611.Calculus - Maximum and minimum values on an interval.gzmSKrwiG3g.mkv 12M
[VID]20080611.Inflection point intuition.FH8TpU9xqQg.mkv7.2M
[VID]20080611.Maxima Minima Slope Intuition.tpHz0gZfVss.mkv 14M
[VID]20080611.Monotonicity Theorem.WrEcQsa-1ME.mkv9.2M
[VID]20080612.Calculus - Graphing using derivatives.XHgmx9xT2dE.mkv 19M
[VID]20080612.Graphing with Calculus.ojcp0GJKluM.mkv 15M
[VID]20080614.How to use our resources.oRLAJsbQYK8.mkv 26M
[VID]20080614.Matrices to solve a system of equations _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.AUqeb9Z3y3k.mkv 18M
[VID]20080614.Matrices to solve a vector combination problem _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.gsNgdVdAT1o.mkv 26M
[VID]20080615.Optimization with Calculus 1.Ef22yTJDUZI.mkv 11M
[VID]20080615.Optimization with Calculus 2.3GYv-BZYYdg.mkv 14M
[VID]20080615.Optimization with Calculus 3.i8Wtu-kdDC4.mkv 20M
[VID]20080615.Singular matrices _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.UqyN7-tRS00.mkv 16M
[VID]20080616.Simple Differential Equations.C8mudsCSmcU.mkv 22M
[VID]20080617.Completing the square.gzm-uhj06q8.mkv 15M
[VID]20080617.Quadratic formula (proof) _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.mDmRYfma9C0.mkv7.9M
[VID]20080618.Negative exponent intuition _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Tqpcku0hrPU.mkv4.5M
[VID]20080618.Taylor Polynomials.8SsC5st4LnI.mkv 19M
[VID]20080624.Proof - lim (sin x)_x _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.Ve99biD1KtA.mkv 19M
[VID]20080624.Squeeze theorem (sandwich theorem) _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.igJdDN-DPgA.mkv8.1M
[VID]20080625.Exponential Growth.JWfTckls59k.mkv 39M
[VID]20080625.Hairy inflection point problem.8G9rSqFsM3Y.mkv 51M
[VID]20080625.More limits _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.rkeU8_4nzKo.mkv 13M
[VID]20080625.Optimization Example 4.T8sG4Sb3g7Y.mkv 23M
[VID]20080626.More implicit differentiation.hrg1hCzg3W0.mkv 19M
[VID]20080702.3-variable linear equations (part 1).5tB7y_piK6o.mkv7.8M
[VID]20080702.Definite integral with substitution.CbUx0S8BCtA.mkv 14M
[VID]20080702.Equation of a tangent line _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.1KwW1v__T_0.mkv 13M
[VID]20080702.Mean value theorem _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.bGNMXfaNR5Q.mkv 17M
[VID]20080709.Basic Subtraction.SgKPw8v4ZI4.mkv 13M
[VID]20080710.AP Calculus BC exams - 2008 1 a _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.upO6Mh862PI.mkv 11M
[VID]20080710.Basic subtraction _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.aNqG4ChKShI.mkv 10M
[VID]20080711.AP Calculus BC exams - 2008 1 b&c _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.xPb6HLM3xEQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20080711.AP Calculus BC exams - 2008 1 c&d _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy._l0Mfsu__gU.mkv 14M
[VID]20080711.AP Calculus BC exams - 2008 1 d _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.sPTuCE5zd3s.mkv6.5M
[VID]20080712.Calculus BC 2008 2 a _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.xvvI_QRYxBY.mkv8.9M
[VID]20080712.Calculus BC 2008 2 b &c _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.S4oOSgTj9C8.mkv 12M
[VID]20080712.Calculus BC 2008 2d _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.o_vMb655dFk.mkv5.2M
[VID]20080727.More chain rule and implicit differentiation intuition.XHBkQW_XuA4.mkv 11M
[VID]20080729.Cross product 1 _ Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday's law _ Physics _ Khan Academy.zA0fvwtvgvA.mkv 10M
[VID]20080729.Cross product 2 _ Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday's law _ Physics _ Khan Academy.o_puKe_lTKk.mkv 19M
[VID]20080729.Cross product and torque _ Moments, torque, and angular momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.s38l6nmTrvM.mkv 15M
[VID]20080730.Introduction to magnetism _ Physics _ Khan Academy.8Y4JSp5U82I.mkv 11M
[VID]20080730.Magnetic force on a charge _ Physics _ Khan Academy.NnlAI4ZiUrQ.mkv9.0M
[VID]20080730.Magnetic force on a proton example (part 1) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.LTuGQy4rmmo.mkv 12M
[VID]20080730.Magnetic force on a proton example (part 2) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.b1QFKLZC11U.mkv 20M
[VID]20080731.Magnetic force on a current carrying wire _ Physics _ Khan Academy.jQ2nD8ZGeEw.mkv 14M
[VID]20080801.Magnetic field created by a current carrying wire _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Ri557hvwhcM.mkv 11M
[VID]20080802.Magnetic force between two currents going in opposite directions _ Khan Academy.4tctB1wZNiI.mkv 19M
[VID]20080802.Magnetic force between two currents going in the same direction _ Khan Academy.l3hw0twZSCc.mkv 15M
[VID]20080803.Electric motors (part 1) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.pAgPfr7MkkU.mkv 16M
[VID]20080803.Electric motors (part 2) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.cePkWyXRvIQ.mkv 19M
[VID]20080803.Electric motors (part 3) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.XMkUDyl1ZRo.mkv 11M
[VID]20080803.Induced current in a wire _ Physics _ Khan Academy.KuUMUvwvML8.mkv 14M
[VID]20080808.Calculating dot and cross products with unit vector notation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.enr7JqvehJs.mkv 11M
[VID]20080808.Dot vs. cross product _ Physics _ Khan Academy.E34CftP455k.mkv 11M
[VID]20080808.The dot product _ Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday's law _ Physics _ Khan Academy.KDHuWxy53uM.mkv 12M
[VID]20080809.Gradient 1 _ Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.U7HQ_G_N6vo.mkv 20M
[VID]20080809.Partial derivatives 2 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.-u0mqFqpMNY.mkv 18M
[VID]20080809.Partial derivatives _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.1CMDS4-PKKQ.mkv 18M
[VID]20080810.Gradient of a scalar field _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.OB8b8aDGLgE.mkv 19M
[VID]20080811.Divergence 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.JAXyLhvZ-Vg.mkv 14M
[VID]20080811.Divergence 2 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.tOX3RkH2guE.mkv 16M
[VID]20080811.Divergence 3 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.U6Re4xT0o4w.mkv 19M
[VID]20080812.Curl 1 _ Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.Mt4dpGFVsYc.mkv 10M
[VID]20080812.Curl 2 _ Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.hTSyVgBa1T0.mkv 16M
[VID]20080812.Curl 3 _ Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.fYzoiWIBjP8.mkv 17M
[VID]20080813.Double integral 1 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.85zGYB-34jQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20080813.Double integrals 2 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.TdLD2Zh-nUQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20080813.Double integrals 3 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.z8BM6cHifPA.mkv 14M
[VID]20080814.Double integrals 4 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.twT-WZChfZ8.mkv9.7M
[VID]20080814.Double integrals 5 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.hrIPO8mQqtw.mkv 15M
[VID]20080814.Double integrals 6 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.0pv0QtOi5l8.mkv 15M
[VID]20080824.Triple integrals 1 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.vr0sTKbV7lI.mkv 12M
[VID]20080824.Triple integrals 2 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.vxQvL_WhBGU.mkv 13M
[VID]20080824.Triple integrals 3 _ Double and triple integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.ZN2PfqZ4ihM.mkv 20M
[VID]20080828.Old separable differential equations example _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.xVWCfMe97ws.mkv7.9M
[VID]20080828.Old separable differential equations introduction _ Khan Academy.C5-lz0hcqsE.mkv 13M
[VID]20080828.What is a differential equation.-_POEWfygmU.mkv 12M
[VID]20080830.Exact equations example 1 _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.Pb04ntcDJcQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20080830.Exact equations example 2 _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.utQi1ZhF__Q.mkv 11M
[VID]20080830.Exact equations example 3 _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.eu_GFuU7tLI.mkv 19M
[VID]20080830.Exact equations intuition 1 (proofy) _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.iEpqcdaJNTQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20080830.Exact equations intuition 2 (proofy) _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.a7wYAtMjORQ.mkv 19M
[VID]20080831.Algebraic Long Division.4u8_AMacu-Y.mkv 13M
[VID]20080831.First order homogeneous equations 2 _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.6YRGEsQWZzY.mkv9.2M
[VID]20080831.First order homogenous equations _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.9Wfn-WWV1aY.mkv8.2M
[VID]20080831.Integrating factors 1 _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.j511hg7Hlbg.mkv 11M
[VID]20080831.Integrating factors 2 _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.0NyeDUhKwBE.mkv9.5M
[VID]20080901.2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 4 _ Khan Academy.3uO_uPb9H8w.mkv 16M
[VID]20080901.2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 1 _ Khan Academy.UFWAu8Ptth0.mkv 11M
[VID]20080901.2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 2 _ Khan Academy.SPVqgkOZMAc.mkv9.2M
[VID]20080901.2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 3 _ Khan Academy.UyCwAFQt4v0.mkv7.0M
[VID]20080901.Complex roots of the characteristic equations 1 _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.6xEO4BeawzA.mkv 12M
[VID]20080901.Complex roots of the characteristic equations 2 _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.jJyRrIZ595c.mkv 21M
[VID]20080901.Complex roots of the characteristic equations 3 _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.rGaM6pwqhB0.mkv 18M
[VID]20080902.Repeated roots of the characteristic equation _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.NW9JfMvIsxw.mkv 12M
[VID]20080902.Repeated roots of the characteristic equations part 2 _ Khan Academy.YezsgIlcb68.mkv 14M
[VID]20080903.Undetermined coefficients 1 _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.znE4Nq9NJCQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20080903.Undetermined coefficients 2 _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.hbJ2o9EUmJ0.mkv 12M
[VID]20080903.Undetermined coefficients 3 _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.I3vIAzMcm4Y.mkv8.9M
[VID]20080903.Undetermined coefficients 4 _ Second order differential equations _ Khan Academy.vAepSNDLZRM.mkv 10M
[VID]20080904.Laplace as linear operator and Laplace of derivatives _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.E2VxbufzuWQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20080904.Laplace transform 1 _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.OiNh2DswFt4.mkv8.2M
[VID]20080904.Laplace transform 2 _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.33TYoybjqPg.mkv7.5M
[VID]20080904.Laplace transform of cos t and polynomials _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.fyJkXBvcA2Q.mkv 14M
[VID]20080904.L{sin(at)}) - transform of sin(at) _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.gMcs6RF_LrQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20080904.Part 2 of the transform of the sin(at) _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.-cApVwKR1Ps.mkv 11M
[VID]20080905.Introduction to present value _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ks33lMoxst0.mkv 11M
[VID]20080905.Laplace transform solves an equation 2 _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.EdQ7Q9VoF44.mkv 12M
[VID]20080905.Laplace transform to solve an equation _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.3uYb-RhM7lU.mkv 12M
[VID]20080906.'Shifting' transform by multiplying function by exponential _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy._X_QwpXsdOs.mkv 15M
[VID]20080906.Present Value 2 _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.4LSktB7Pk_c.mkv 11M
[VID]20080906.Present Value 3 _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.3SgVUlEcOBU.mkv 11M
[VID]20080906.Present Value 4 (and discounted cash flow) _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.6WCfVjUTTEY.mkv 12M
[VID]20080924.Bailout 1 - Liquidity vs. Solvency.ZUEjRYe7MRk.mkv 20M
[VID]20080924.Bailout 2 - Book value _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.YJBqGM29_64.mkv 12M
[VID]20080924.Bailout 3 - Book value vs. market value.TUOQZjotyAQ.mkv 25M
[VID]20080924.Bailout 4 - Mark-to-model vs. mark-to-market.w_GZqhAR0I4.mkv 32M
[VID]20080927.Bailout 5 - Paying off the debt.I8BLj7cRM7c.mkv 15M
[VID]20080927.Bailout 6 - Getting an equity infusion.jDNalKBb3aA.mkv 14M
[VID]20080927.Bailout 7 - Bank goes into bankruptcy.MdIfefLcdoU.mkv 12M
[VID]20080927.Bailout 8 - Systemic Risk.gX9aKDeAOz4.mkv 14M
[VID]20080927.Bailout 9 - Paulson's Plan.eBYbnYNl0rw.mkv 14M
[VID]20080927.Bailout 10 - Moral Hazard.roap32sTgPk.mkv 17M
[VID]20080928.Credit default swaps 2 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.neAFEvNsiqw.mkv 14M
[VID]20080928.Credit default swaps _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.a1lVOO9Y080.mkv 12M
[VID]20080930.Investment vs. consumption 1 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.rEiLOB4FulY.mkv 11M
[VID]20080930.Investment vs. consumption 2 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.xRjfRVXXFxU.mkv 12M
[VID]20081001.Bailout 11 - Why these CDOs could be worth nothing.RkIM0Mbc8YQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20081001.Bailout 12 - Lone Star Transaction.eZZkhSl8lMA.mkv 14M
[VID]20081001.Bailout 13 - Does the bailout have a chance of working.R528WbVdC0I.mkv 13M
[VID]20081001.Investment vs. Consumption I.gjVUGs75eVs.mkv 20M
[VID]20081002.Bailout 14 - Possible Solution.BdmI14oSe4g.mkv 15M
[VID]20081002.Bailout 15 - More on the solution.-KrSxA9NCf0.mkv 11M
[VID]20081002.Wealth destruction 1 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Q7HbtnOyKMg.mkv 11M
[VID]20081002.Wealth destruction 2 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.eRImmzuExyg.mkv 14M
[VID]20081007.Banking 1 _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.E-HOz8T6tAo.mkv 12M
[VID]20081007.Banking 2 - A bank's income statement.h3lMANILkw0.mkv 19M
[VID]20081008.Banking 3 - Fractional Reserve Banking.nH2-37rTA8U.mkv 20M
[VID]20081008.Banking 4 - Multiplier effect and the money supply.F7r7l1VG-Tw.mkv 30M
[VID]20081025.Banking 5 - Introduction to Bank Notes.cNFLqhU4MN0.mkv 16M
[VID]20081025.Banking 6 - Bank Notes and Checks.IOzZVmgK3IM.mkv 12M
[VID]20081026.Banking 7 - Giving out loans without giving out gold.On3c86V5A_E.mkv 11M
[VID]20081026.Banking 8 - Reserve Ratios.VP3nKDUw1jA.mkv 17M
[VID]20081027.Banking 9 - More on Reserve Ratios (Bad sound).DFPBdbx0vFc.mkv 12M
[VID]20081027.Banking 10 - Introduction to leverage (bad sound).8fxilNdEQTo.mkv 12M
[VID]20081028.CNN - Understanding the Crisis._ZAlj2gu0eM.mkv 39M
[VID]20081104.Banking 11 - A reserve bank.M-4GWomLbpc.mkv 13M
[VID]20081108.Banking 12 - Treasuries (government debt).JBWdbzzYbtU.mkv 12M
[VID]20081108.Banking 13 - Open Market Operations.BTNarhvGX88.mkv 30M
[VID]20081109.Banking 14 - Fed Funds Rate.IniG1KkPS2c.mkv 12M
[VID]20081109.Banking 15 - More on the Fed Funds Rate.rgqFXkLAc-4.mkv 13M
[VID]20081109.Banking 16 - Why target rates vs. money supply.yOgGhPIHnlA.mkv 20M
[VID]20081109.Banking 17 - What happened to the gold.NFDMXwwzyIM.mkv 12M
[VID]20081208.GMAT - Data sufficiency 1 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.GZInN7p1D0M.mkv 11M
[VID]20081208.GMAT - Data sufficiency 2 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.8nod8JWaO1o.mkv 10M
[VID]20081208.GMAT - Data sufficiency 3 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.eg4r1ev0xYs.mkv 13M
[VID]20081208.GMAT - Data sufficiency 4 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.fMTLSOTAzWs.mkv 10M
[VID]20081208.GMAT - Data sufficiency 5 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.wIPriEEti6o.mkv 19M
[VID]20081208.GMAT - Data sufficiency 6 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.qHO1xH4ilZs.mkv 15M
[VID]20081208.GMAT - Data sufficiency 7 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.21680hPTfUc.mkv 16M
[VID]20081209.GMAT - Data sufficiency 8 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.nL-NSia0HiA.mkv 20M
[VID]20081209.GMAT - Data sufficiency 9 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.GviCdNfeXw8.mkv 17M
[VID]20081209.GMAT - Data sufficiency 10 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.Sx_KqnkcJVA.mkv 15M
[VID]20081209.GMAT - Data sufficiency 11 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.gpIJcqY0weE.mkv 13M
[VID]20081209.GMAT - Data sufficiency 12 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.dgZy7Uj8cAI.mkv 16M
[VID]20081209.GMAT - Data sufficiency 13 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.qDsLxwmW_Ms.mkv 18M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 14 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.iW3EP2FE5zc.mkv 17M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 15 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.ejIjaaocVvE.mkv 16M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 16 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.3ia-sGkAVf8.mkv 14M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 17 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.bcADF8WgLz4.mkv 17M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 18 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.UR4Zr0hE-As.mkv 16M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 19 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.C-qg2Lcy6Ts.mkv 15M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 20 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.XFuFxgbnkaM.mkv 17M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 21 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.V7vCaxe3Rys.mkv 17M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 22 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.CdF-6PJ2jTM.mkv 17M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 23 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.QOtyTZGWOmg.mkv 15M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 24 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.NrIf451oN30.mkv 15M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 25 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.kYWBbu-FXV0.mkv 15M
[VID]20081210.GMAT - Data sufficiency 26 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.Lhop0mfeJMQ.mkv 18M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 27 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.OzTqWpAPnrw.mkv 14M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 28 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.vD1OROM3Lfo.mkv 15M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 29 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.BCEyKQQOl8E.mkv 15M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 30 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.o_eNoF1DnZs.mkv 17M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 31 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.5BEaqN92vDk.mkv 13M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 32 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.qVPtT8CX1eM.mkv 17M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 33 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.-uZt8MLeDrg.mkv 17M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 34 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.K_uaUQY6MVQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 35 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.XuDGJ-LUnAU.mkv 13M
[VID]20081211.GMAT - Data sufficiency 36 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.LDyMYyiAsQs.mkv 17M
[VID]20081211.Overview of our video library.dP6Op2jCcJc.mkv5.2M
[VID]20081212.GMAT - Data sufficiency 37 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.wPA2FrET_Ac.mkv 18M
[VID]20081212.GMAT - Data sufficiency 38 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.n1MbK-Qb7Mk.mkv 16M
[VID]20081212.GMAT - Data sufficiency 39 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.lqv9dXXjfWE.mkv 15M
[VID]20081212.GMAT - Data sufficiency 40 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.dmN_s286dHc.mkv 21M
[VID]20081212.GMAT - Data sufficiency 41 _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.cMjJSUsaWvc.mkv 12M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 1 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.jciijU8Mj_Y.mkv 10M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 2 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.UlHo2cxKA84.mkv 11M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 3 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.G8s3SkAm-gM.mkv 11M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 4 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.X58FV7MwdbY.mkv 14M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 5 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.fRTx45FJWto.mkv 11M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 6 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.Q59w-ACX30M.mkv 11M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 7 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.HqiBo62O8bk.mkv9.7M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 8 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.yZtpr_curdc.mkv 15M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 9 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.HkBFunEh8iY.mkv 14M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 10 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.E8HagppxzxY.mkv 11M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 11 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.YOlP6xmw7zU.mkv 11M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 12 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.VdBZSEF_FhU.mkv 14M
[VID]20081213.GMAT - Math 13 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.9r8Wb7prWZA.mkv 15M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 14 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.M8TOJrI6cJc.mkv 15M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 15 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.BdSNiuJnZa8.mkv 16M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 16 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.dA1u8RD49dU.mkv 10M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 17 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.f3TQEpL7dk4.mkv 16M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 18 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.ITc5DeU1zaw.mkv 14M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 19 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.m44llkkWI0g.mkv 19M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 20 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.-Jx6vyc_830.mkv 15M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 21 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.tcm-v12m7hU.mkv 12M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 22 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.Zplk5NcBt3c.mkv 16M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 23 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.Qod67l16LfQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 24 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.QR9K8M4u8rk.mkv 15M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 25 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.A6FP-2d3GnQ.mkv 16M
[VID]20081214.GMAT - Math 26 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.ucqaqTR6EK8.mkv 12M
[VID]20081215.GMAT - Data sufficiency 21 (correction) _ Data sufficiency _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.Lq-zp5_OgSY.mkv5.6M
[VID]20081215.GMAT - Math 27 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.SEtkn9S-WHY.mkv 11M
[VID]20081215.GMAT - Math 28 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.4r6QHJzu8YQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20081215.GMAT - Math 29 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.WBWV_uvgC6w.mkv 16M
[VID]20081215.GMAT - Math 30 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.zpnjkbJNp90.mkv 12M
[VID]20081216.GMAT - Math 31 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.wYGKRP0gD3I.mkv4.5M
[VID]20081216.GMAT - Math 32 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.uG2VpBYd-Hk.mkv 16M
[VID]20081216.GMAT - Math 33 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.wdINk29ZSMA.mkv 13M
[VID]20081216.GMAT - Math 34 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.OgxsswJEZ7k.mkv 14M
[VID]20081216.GMAT - Math 35 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.FEYN0jK1-pI.mkv 16M
[VID]20081216.GMAT - Math 36 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.x8pEjhCc5ug.mkv 11M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 37 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.QcAr1552o84.mkv 16M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 38 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.-y9SELk3UNU.mkv 18M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 39 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.1bj7FPzUiWc.mkv 18M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 40 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.oug9h9-komI.mkv 17M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 41 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.4WOjZ9lQdHE.mkv 18M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 42 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.q0AkvTchhPI.mkv 18M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 43 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.xvyQP-oezXc.mkv 17M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 44 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.IDkhHTjlg0M.mkv 15M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 45 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.o0azgDKAFNI.mkv 14M
[VID]20081217.GMAT - Math 46 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.rLI88bU7Fuo.mkv 14M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 47 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.iwamZ7r2tTE.mkv 16M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 48 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.nZ90fsoVvmc.mkv6.7M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 49 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.1-9n4Upditg.mkv 13M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 50 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.OvRAIlok3fA.mkv 12M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 51 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.AwKTZK8gqZI.mkv 18M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 52 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.tixLZtDnbTg.mkv 17M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 53 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.cY-iPEtvJAE.mkv 13M
[VID]20081218.GMAT - Math 54 _ Problem solving _ GMAT _ Khan Academy.EiZJzWPTm0I.mkv8.7M
[VID]20081221.Algebra II - Complex numbers and conjugates.e3W8o6M-7gg.mkv 15M
[VID]20081221.Algebra II - Imaginary and complex numbers _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.C-2Ln0pK3kY.mkv 10M
[VID]20081221.Algebra II - Quadratics and shifts _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.GHDrDdu6vrU.mkv 13M
[VID]20081221.Algebra II - Simplifying Polynomials.WB7gPfsv6rQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20081221.CA Standards - Algebra II (Algebraic Division_Multiplication).sMrmuoehZpY.mkv 17M
[VID]20081221.CA Standards - Algebra II.q9m5VZMYEyw.mkv 16M
[VID]20081221.California Standards Test - Algebra II (Graphing Inequalities.UzvOjuJZVJ0.mkv 24M
[VID]20081221.California Standards Test - Algebra II.wzEVAd6ezZU.mkv 18M
[VID]20081221.Examples - Graphing and interpreting quadratics _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.X9rTIwc1wRU.mkv 13M
[VID]20081221.Hyperbola and parabola examples _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.74oju-0NExU.mkv 20M
[VID]20081222.Algebra II - Circles and Logarithms.QwOcCoHsZfM.mkv 16M
[VID]20081222.Algebra II - Logarithms Exponential Growth.BcjutHIUjxQ.mkv 18M
[VID]20081222.Algebra II - Logarithms and more.9Z1WpYN-tBE.mkv 19M
[VID]20081223.Algebra II - Functions, Combinatorics.Y5BukhTmSHE.mkv 18M
[VID]20081224.Algebra II - Binomial Expansions, Geometric Series Sum.EwKWzFv3Ul8.mkv 17M
[VID]20081224.Algebra II - Functions and Probability.ZGJU7aqE3mY.mkv 16M
[VID]20081224.Algebra II - binomial Expansion and Combinatorics.xTxv9Wukjiw.mkv 14M
[VID]20081229.CA Algebra I - Graphing Inequalities.KZ8Vw_Nim8U.mkv 13M
[VID]20081229.CA Algebra I - Number properties and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ZouQdHSyelg.mkv 12M
[VID]20081229.CA Algebra I - Simple Logical Arguments.yIzF_XGX4qk.mkv 17M
[VID]20081229.CA Algebra I - Simplifying Expressions.Hfihqi82M4A.mkv 15M
[VID]20081229.CA Algebra I - Slope and Y-intercept.31v-n2ND2VE.mkv 13M
[VID]20081230.CA Algebra I - Simplying Expressions.ri-0v6vqcKM.mkv 16M
[VID]20081230.CA Algebra I - Systems of Inequalities.1piZ8oYWh3E.mkv 14M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Completing the square _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.8M4c8TB3Cdc.mkv 15M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Factoring quadratics _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.K5ggNnKTmNM.mkv 13M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Functions.NRB6s77nx2g.mkv7.9M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - More Word Problems.ch5tDNaeuxc.mkv 21M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Quadratic equation _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tSNtCg7o7bA.mkv 10M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Quadratic roots _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.uA6mcx4FMN8.mkv 16M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Rational Expressions 1.K4VyHxglUts.mkv 16M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Rational Expressions 2.C5xQP8RmHxE.mkv 18M
[VID]20090101.CA Algebra I - Word Problems.PP23clmV9Hw.mkv 17M
[VID]20090102.CA Geometry - Deductive reasoning _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.GluohfOedQE.mkv 17M
[VID]20090102.CA Geometry - More proofs _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.4PPMnI8-Zsc.mkv 13M
[VID]20090102.CA Geometry - Proof by contradiction _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.u6O0YHyarlI.mkv 13M
[VID]20090102.CA Geometry - Similar triangles 1 _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.bWTtHKSEcdI.mkv 14M
[VID]20090103.CA Geometry - Area, circumference, volume _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.BJSk1joCQsM.mkv 12M
[VID]20090103.CA Geometry - Area, pythagorean theorem _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.jRrRqMJbHKc.mkv 11M
[VID]20090103.CA Geometry - Deducing angle measures _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy._HJljJuVHLw.mkv 11M
[VID]20090103.CA Geometry - Exterior angles _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Ncg1HB5uVLc.mkv 11M
[VID]20090103.CA Geometry - More on congruent and similar triangles _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.FVSgVMVZZ-4.mkv 12M
[VID]20090103.CA Geometry - Pythagorean theorem, area _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.vaOXkt7uuac.mkv 11M
[VID]20090103.CA Geometry - Triangles and parallelograms _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.h0FFEBHBufo.mkv 12M
[VID]20090104.CA Geometry - Basic trigonometry _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.MyvRxKM0xns.mkv 12M
[VID]20090104.CA Geometry - Circle area chords tangent _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.FJIZPvE3O1A.mkv 16M
[VID]20090104.CA Geometry - Compass construction _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.79lagkER9qY.mkv 14M
[VID]20090104.CA Geometry - More trig _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.8YBQQ0GeusM.mkv 13M
[VID]20090104.CA Geometry - Pythagorean theorem, compass constructions _ Worked examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.6EY0E3z-hsU.mkv 14M
[VID]20090104.CA Geometry - Secants and Translations.Mp838qprwyY.mkv 13M
[VID]20090105.Banking 18 - Big Picture Discussion.T9byZBGtGuw.mkv 16M
[VID]20090117.Algebra II - Mean and Standard Deviation.i0W4KcxE-mI.mkv 14M
[VID]20090119.Statistics - Sample vs. Population Mean.hsPCte_PcVA.mkv7.6M
[VID]20090119.Statistics - The average _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.uhxtUt_-GyM.mkv 14M
[VID]20090119.Statistics - Variance of a population _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.6JFzI1DDyyk.mkv 13M
[VID]20090122.Statistics - Sample variance _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Qf3RMGXR-h8.mkv 12M
[VID]20090125.Birthday probability problem _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.9G0w61pZPig.mkv 15M
[VID]20090125.Statistics - Alternate variance formulas _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.sRVGcYGjUk8.mkv 13M
[VID]20090125.Statistics - Standard deviation _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.HvDqbzu0i0E.mkv 14M
[VID]20090128.Getting a seed round from a VC _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.-hJj5NpWUXQ.mkv 17M
[VID]20090128.Going back to the till - Series B _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.m28RAgUySGQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20090128.Raising money for a startup _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.8OCjwBkMJ_E.mkv 20M
[VID]20090130.An IPO _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ywOr4OYqXOs.mkv 26M
[VID]20090201.Equity vs. debt _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.yQtUyBrRBx4.mkv 15M
[VID]20090201.More on IPOs _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.opEy6iN9kqc.mkv 13M
[VID]20090202.Bonds vs. stocks _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.rs1md3e4aYU.mkv 10M
[VID]20090202.Polar coordinates 1 _ Parametric equations and polar coordinates _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.jexMSlSDubM.mkv 10M
[VID]20090202.Polar coordinates 2 _ Parametric equations and polar coordinates _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.zGpbSGj_vfE.mkv 14M
[VID]20090202.Polar coordinates 3 _ Parametric equations and polar coordinates _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.9iqN12hCn10.mkv 10M
[VID]20090203.Chapter 7 - Bankruptcy liquidation _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.-oW4M3vpuRM.mkv 21M
[VID]20090203.Chapter 11 - Bankruptcy restructuring _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.mxVWyzzMOXM.mkv 28M
[VID]20090208.Another u-subsitution example.IAbSeAk5RJU.mkv9.5M
[VID]20090211.Federal Reserve Balance Sheet.MILF-9GeMDQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20090211.The discount rate _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.FxkTSjctXdk.mkv 25M
[VID]20090212.Repurchase Agreements (Repo transactions).QWninXOAMXE.mkv 13M
[VID]20090215.Introduction to Random Variables.IYdiKeQ9xEI.mkv 12M
[VID]20090215.Probability density functions _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Fvi9A_tEmXQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20090223.Binomial Distribution 1.O12yTz_8EOw.mkv 14M
[VID]20090223.Binomial Distribution 2.FI8xtVaI068.mkv 13M
[VID]20090223.Binomial Distribution 3.vKNpQ_KTXvE.mkv 16M
[VID]20090223.Binomial Distribution 4.H0ZgOGWUcJw.mkv 16M
[VID]20090224.Expected Value - E(X).j__Kredt7vY.mkv 17M
[VID]20090226.Expected value of binomial distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.SqcxYnNlI3Y.mkv 19M
[VID]20090301.Poisson process 1 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.3z-M6sbGIZ0.mkv 13M
[VID]20090301.Poisson process 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Jkr4FSrNEVY.mkv 15M
[VID]20090302.2_10_2009 CNN 'Appearance'.aJc4_OFeqWk.mkv7.5M
[VID]20090303.Shorting stock 2 _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ucAUriWEFo8.mkv8.5M
[VID]20090303.Shorting stock _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.-IDmLERenrU.mkv9.7M
[VID]20090304.Is short selling bad _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.zAkMhEqWFF0.mkv 15M
[VID]20090305.Law of large numbers _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.VpuN8vCQ--M.mkv9.3M
[VID]20090320.Cupcake economics 2 _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.-LTXzYXaAuk.mkv 15M
[VID]20090320.Cupcake economics 3 _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.8x1-TeDxblU.mkv 17M
[VID]20090320.Economics of a cupcake factory _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.XDIBJyNnLOU.mkv 11M
[VID]20090323.Geithner plan 1 _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ervHbKa7R5g.mkv 19M
[VID]20090323.Geithner plan 2 _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.n-arbfLTCtI.mkv 20M
[VID]20090330.Geithner 5 - A better solution.kpqSeXpiM6k.mkv 15M
[VID]20090330.Geithner plan 4 _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy._ka1HZS-Egc.mkv 20M
[VID]20090330.Geithner plan 5 _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ajl1UdtYUCA.mkv 21M
[VID]20090330.Inflation, deflation, and capacity utilization 2 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.cugQ4z4cJF8.mkv 14M
[VID]20090330.Inflation, deflation, and capacity utilization _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.LXrPdFn7Gn4.mkv 15M
[VID]20090330.Inflation and deflation 3 - Obama stimulus plan _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.sZRkERfzzn4.mkv 16M
[VID]20090331.Geithner plan 3 _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.0FxRYePmogU.mkv 17M
[VID]20090331.Paulson's Real Compensation.bJ4J6hxTcgI.mkv 13M
[VID]20090403.Geithner 6 - Legacy Securities.xp_feHfbIZU.mkv 22M
[VID]20090403.Geithner 7.zW2vRzO0678.mkv 22M
[VID]20090405.Unemployment.vUOiOi-XaoQ.mkv 17M
[VID]20090407.CPI index _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.pRIELoITIHI.mkv 30M
[VID]20090410.Epsilon-delta limit definition 1 _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.-ejyeII0i5c.mkv 15M
[VID]20090410.Epsilon-delta limit definition 2 _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.Fdu5-aNJTzU.mkv 12M
[VID]20090411.Solving 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns.woqq3Sls1d8.mkv 16M
[VID]20090414.Blue forehead room brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.rBaCDC52NOY.mkv7.3M
[VID]20090414.Blue forehead room solution _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.-xYkTJFbuM0.mkv 14M
[VID]20090415.Liar truth-teller brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.69rDtSpshAw.mkv6.9M
[VID]20090416.Toggler brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.l3OkPYhDi9w.mkv 12M
[VID]20090417.Alien abduction brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.K4pocYXOmTQ.mkv 23M
[VID]20090421.Khan Academy Resource Overview.2uUZXj8ugCM.mkv 23M
[VID]20090423.Khan Academy Big Picture.jGIcbNV0dJs.mkv 84M
[VID]20090424.Forehead numbers brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.jqpQPxWj8gE.mkv 14M
[VID]20090426.Normal distribution excel exercise _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.yTGEMoaWDCQ.mkv 36M
[VID]20090428.Introduction to the normal distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.hgtMWR3TFnY.mkv 37M
[VID]20090428.More integral examples.yXNe2s2KWT8.mkv 17M
[VID]20090503.Clarification on last integral example video.r-cL-YwbLh4.mkv 17M
[VID]20090615.Conic Sections - Intro to Circles.6r1GQCxyMKI.mkv9.8M
[VID]20090615.Conic sections - Intro to ellipse _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.lvAYFUIEpFI.mkv 17M
[VID]20090615.Introduction to conic sections _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.0A7RR0oy2ho.mkv 14M
[VID]20090616.Conic sections - Hyperbolas 2 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.hl58vTCqVIY.mkv 12M
[VID]20090616.Conic sections - Hyperbolas 3 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.lGQw-W1PxBE.mkv 16M
[VID]20090616.Conic sections - Intro to hyperbolas _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.pzSyOTkAsY4.mkv 16M
[VID]20090616.Identifying an ellipse from equation _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.LSJuu4Qm2qQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20090617.Identifying a hyperbola from an equation _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.cvA4VN1dpuY.mkv 18M
[VID]20090618.Identifying circles and parabolas from equations _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Dru0RHgfp2g.mkv 20M
[VID]20090706.Foci of an ellipse _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.QR2vxfwiHAU.mkv 15M
[VID]20090708.Foci of a hyperbola _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.S0Fd2Tg2v7M.mkv 28M
[VID]20090708.Proof - Hyperbola foci _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.HPRFmu7JsKU.mkv 27M
[VID]20090709.Partial Fraction Expansion 1.5.mv3dMJfR-D0.mkv7.9M
[VID]20090709.Partial fraction expansion 1 _ Partial fraction expansion _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.S-XKGBesRzk.mkv 14M
[VID]20090709.Partial fraction expansion 2 _ Partial fraction expansion _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.6FrPLJY0rqM.mkv 15M
[VID]20090710.Partial fraction expansion 3 _ Partial fraction expansion _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.A52fEdPn9lg.mkv 16M
[VID]20090714.Focus and Directrix of a Parabola 2.1Jm9rREA-uA.mkv 21M
[VID]20090714.Parabola Focus and Directrix 1.ZJf9shWlMz0.mkv 19M
[VID]20090728.Basic multiplication _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.mvOkMYCygps.mkv 16M
[VID]20090728.Parametric equations 1 _ Parametric equations and polar coordinates _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.m6c6dlmUT1c.mkv 14M
[VID]20090728.Parametric equations 2 _ Parametric equations and polar coordinates _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.wToSIQJ2o_8.mkv 15M
[VID]20090728.Parametric equations 3 _ Parametric equations and polar coordinates _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.57BiI_iD3-U.mkv 19M
[VID]20090729.Parametric equations 4 _ Parametric equations and polar coordinates _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.IReD6c_njOY.mkv 23M
[VID]20090814.Light bulb switching brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.WNhxkpmVQYw.mkv 13M
[VID]20090818.3D path counting brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.wRxzDOloS3o.mkv 16M
[VID]20090818.Path counting brain teaser _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.9QduzzW10uA.mkv 14M
[VID]20090819.Earnings and EPS _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.RouNXdkC0do.mkv 23M
[VID]20090819.Introduction to the income statement _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Z7C4cz2HkeY.mkv 18M
[VID]20090819.Introduction to the price-to-earnings ratio _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.cppxO67e6eo.mkv 16M
[VID]20090819.P_E discussion _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.V-rko8jgJ9o.mkv 25M
[VID]20090819.Price and market capitalization _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.fa-VZ-SDxgY.mkv 21M
[VID]20090819.ROA discussion 1 _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Oh4H3BJX1ZI.mkv 25M
[VID]20090819.ROA discussion 2 _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.R_5slDeVCQk.mkv 14M
[VID]20090820.Amortization _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.XfR3JSkSkJM.mkv8.1M
[VID]20090820.Depreciation _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.a5sFUXkxyGc.mkv 17M
[VID]20090820.Enterprise value _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.pa92UdJCaos.mkv 22M
[VID]20090820.P_E conundrum _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.VrFbXxkl9JU.mkv 15M
[VID]20090821.EBITDA _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.v4Fq9LEspzw.mkv 26M
[VID]20090821.Early train word problem _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.uA3m8vbd2wc.mkv9.8M
[VID]20090821.Officer on Horseback.IPJAi5zWu9U.mkv 11M
[VID]20090821.Overtaking Word Problem.LYWUHaWwY0c.mkv 12M
[VID]20090821.Passing Trains.qLLjD-g_9ms.mkv 13M
[VID]20090822.Passed Bike Word Problem.P03ljxjy8Nw.mkv7.5M
[VID]20090822.Two Passing Bicycles Word Problem.Nx4Xk5S4HQA.mkv7.7M
[VID]20090825.Introduction to the atom _ Chemistry of life _ Biology _ Khan Academy.1xSQlwWGT8M.mkv 27M
[VID]20090826.Groups of the Periodic Table.LDHg7Vgzses.mkv 20M
[VID]20090826.Other Periodic Table Trends.XMLd-O6PgVs.mkv 27M
[VID]20090826.Periodic Table Trends - Ionization Energy.ywqg9PorTAw.mkv 15M
[VID]20090826.Valence Electrons.1TZA171yxY4.mkv 19M
[VID]20090827.Balancing Chemical Equations.RnGu3xO2h74.mkv 16M
[VID]20090827.Formula from Mass Composition.xatVrAh2U0E.mkv 15M
[VID]20090827.Molecular and Empirical Formulas.gfBcM3uvWfs.mkv 18M
[VID]20090827.Stoichiometry - Limiting reagent _ Chemical reactions and stoichiometry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.rESzyhPOJ7I.mkv 16M
[VID]20090827.Stoichiometry _ Chemical reactions and stoichiometry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.SjQG3rKSZUQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20090830.States of matter _ States of matter and intermolecular forces _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.pKvo0XWZtjo.mkv 21M
[VID]20090831.States of matter follow-up _ States of matter and intermolecular forces _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.WenwtcuqOj8.mkv 12M
[VID]20090901.Chilling water problem _ States of matter and intermolecular forces _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.lsXcKgjg8Hs.mkv 14M
[VID]20090901.Phase diagrams _ States of matter and intermolecular forces _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Qp87Z4m8R-w.mkv 14M
[VID]20090901.Specific heat, heat of fusion and vaporization example _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.zz4KbvF_X-0.mkv 17M
[VID]20090902.Request for Videos from Users!.-OpCpHODz04.mkv8.1M
[VID]20090902.Vapor pressure _ States of matter and intermolecular forces _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.hA5jddDYcyg.mkv 20M
[VID]20090903.Boiling point elevation and freezing point depression _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.z9LxdqYntlU.mkv 17M
[VID]20090903.Introduction to kinetics _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.__zy-oOLPug.mkv 17M
[VID]20090903.Reactions in equilibrium _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.CGJjjm7-DJ4.mkv 16M
[VID]20090904.Heterogeneous equilibrium _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.TsXlTWgyItw.mkv 14M
[VID]20090904.Keq intuition _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.ONBJo7dXJm8.mkv 20M
[VID]20090904.Le Chatelier's principle _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.4-fEvpVNTlE.mkv 19M
[VID]20090904.Mini-video on ion size _ Periodic table _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.HBi8xjMchZc.mkv5.1M
[VID]20090906.Introduction to pH, pOH, and pKw.2q4vSKwaBtw.mkv 19M
[VID]20090907.Acid Base Introduction.vShCnTY1-T0.mkv 34M
[VID]20090907.pH, pOH of strong acids and bases _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.tS2YJPmKOFQ.mkv 16M
[VID]20090907.pH of a Weak Acid.dencuBNp_Ck.mkv 31M
[VID]20090907.pH of a Weak Base.gDJtOIxDu78.mkv 15M
[VID]20090908.Conjugate acids and bases.0LM6wPpypxM.mkv 18M
[VID]20090908.Keq derivation intuition _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.psLX080RQR8.mkv 27M
[VID]20090908.pKa and pKb relationship _ Acids and bases _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.3Gm4nAAc3zc.mkv 22M
[VID]20090909.Buffers.HzmI7A578ss.mkv 22M
[VID]20090909.Strong Acid Titration.299o6c-Fkz4.mkv 16M
[VID]20090909.Titration roundup _ Buffers, titrations, and solubility equilibria _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.BBIGR0RAMtY.mkv 12M
[VID]20090909.Weak Acid Titration.gbpc_JBG1F0.mkv 17M
[VID]20090910.Introduction to Oxidation States._fNNQfGGYr4.mkv 22M
[VID]20090910.More on Oxidation States.GA88JI4AymY.mkv 20M
[VID]20090910.Redox Reactions.yp60-oVxrT4.mkv 16M
[VID]20090911.Exponential decay formula proof (can skip, involves calculus) _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.H7nrVDV8ahc.mkv 19M
[VID]20090911.Galvanic Cells.N4L3dDIixSU.mkv 30M
[VID]20090911.Half-life and carbon dating _ Nuclear chemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.9REPnibO4IQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20090911.Hydrogen Peroxide Correction.YPjtG5PA-iY.mkv3.2M
[VID]20090911.Introduction to exponential decay _ Nuclear chemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.HTDop6eEsaA.mkv 16M
[VID]20090911.More exponential decay examples _ Nuclear chemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Hqzakjo_dYg.mkv7.6M
[VID]20090911.Types of decay _ Nuclear chemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.3koOwozY4oc.mkv 19M
[VID]20090915.Macrostates and microstates _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.5EU-y1VF7g4.mkv 21M
[VID]20090915.Quasistatic and reversible processes _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.lKq-10ysDb4.mkv 18M
[VID]20090916.First law of thermodynamics _ internal energy _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Xb05CaG7TsQ.mkv 21M
[VID]20090916.More on internal energy _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.aOSlXuDO4UU.mkv 15M
[VID]20090916.PV-diagrams and expansion work _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.M5uOIy-JTmo.mkv 19M
[VID]20090916.Proof - U = (3_2)PV or U = (3_2)nRT _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.qSFY7GKhSRs.mkv 18M
[VID]20090916.Work done by isothermic process _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.iiFWoXQPOJc.mkv 21M
[VID]20090916.Work from expansion _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.obeGVTOZyfE.mkv 15M
[VID]20090917.Carnot cycle and Carnot engine _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.aAfBSJObd6Y.mkv 24M
[VID]20090917.Entropy intuition _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.xJf6pHqLzs0.mkv 25M
[VID]20090917.Proof - S (or entropy) is a valid state variable _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.sPz5RrFus1Q.mkv 23M
[VID]20090917.Proof - Volume ratios in a carnot cycle _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ixRtSV3CXPA.mkv 25M
[VID]20090917.Reconciling thermodynamic and state definitions of entropy _ Physics _ Khan Academy.WLKEVfLFau4.mkv 36M
[VID]20090918.Carnot efficiency 2 - Reversing the cycle _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.pQWwP7YYH6o.mkv 18M
[VID]20090918.Carnot efficiency 3 - Proving that it is the most efficient _ Physics _ Khan Academy.LUoUb4hGMH8.mkv 14M
[VID]20090918.Efficiency of a Carnot engine _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.M_5KYncYNyc.mkv 21M
[VID]20090918.Maxwell's demon _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.aKRDvSZ-igA.mkv 17M
[VID]20090918.More on entropy _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.dFFzAP2OZ3E.mkv 11M
[VID]20090918.Multiplication 2 - The multiplication tables _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.xO_1bYgoQvA.mkv 18M
[VID]20090918.Multiplication 3 - 10,11,12 times tables _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.qihoczo1Ujk.mkv 19M
[VID]20090921.Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection.GcjgWov7mTM.mkv 19M
[VID]20090921.Natural Selection and the Owl Butterfly.dR_BFmDMRaI.mkv 25M
[VID]20090922.DNA._-vZ_g7K6P0.mkv 33M
[VID]20090923.Chromosomes, Chromatids, Chromatin, etc..s9HPNwXd9fk.mkv 23M
[VID]20090923.Mitosis, Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction.kaSIjIzAtYA.mkv 25M
[VID]20090923.Variation in a Species.DuArVnT1i-E.mkv 27M
[VID]20090924.Enthalpy _ Thermodynamics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.fucyI7Ouj2c.mkv 17M
[VID]20090924.Phases of Meiosis.ijLc52LmFQg.mkv 31M
[VID]20090924.Phases of Mitosis.LLKX_4DHE3I.mkv 23M
[VID]20090925.Heat of formation _ Thermodynamics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.PK_JXzYcme0.mkv 14M
[VID]20090925.Hess's law and reaction enthalpy change _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.chXMpDwjBDk.mkv 18M
[VID]20090925.Thermodynamic entropy definition clarification _ Physics _ Khan Academy.PFcGiMLwjeY.mkv 23M
[VID]20090928.A look at a seductive but wrong Gibbs_spontaneity proof _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.yYbzJs6vgv8.mkv9.0M
[VID]20090928.Gibbs free energy and spontaneity _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.ViAmQivKif0.mkv 22M
[VID]20090928.Gibbs free energy example _ Thermodynamics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.sG1ZAdYi13A.mkv 18M
[VID]20090928.More rigorous Gibbs free energy _ spontaneity relationship _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.7aur5h44pV4.mkv 23M
[VID]20090929.Cancer _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.RZhL7LDPk8w.mkv 15M
[VID]20090930.Embryonic stem cells _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.-yCIMk1x0Pk.mkv 23M
[VID]20090930.Hardy-Weinberg Principle.4Kbruik_LOo.mkv 19M
[VID]20090930.Introduction to Heredity.eEUvRrhmcxM.mkv 20M
[VID]20090930.Punnett square fun _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.D5ymMYcLtv0.mkv 30M
[VID]20091001.Inverse trig functions - arccos _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.eTDaJ4ebK28.mkv 17M
[VID]20091001.Inverse trig functions - arcsin _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.JGU74wbZMLg.mkv 11M
[VID]20091001.Inverse trig functions - arctan _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Idxeo49szW0.mkv 13M
[VID]20091002.2-digit times a 2-digit number _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.t8m0NalQtEk.mkv 11M
[VID]20091002.Bacteria.TDoGrbpJJ14.mkv 25M
[VID]20091002.Derivative of x^(x^x) _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.N5kkwVoAtkc.mkv 12M
[VID]20091002.Multiplying multiple digit numbers _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.-h3Oqhl8fPg.mkv 11M
[VID]20091002.Proofs of derivatives of ln(x) and e^x _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.3nQejB-XPoY.mkv 18M
[VID]20091003.Viruses.0h5Jd7sgQWY.mkv 35M
[VID]20091005.Laplace transform of t - L{t} _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.qhKJ1DG9kYY.mkv 11M
[VID]20091005.Laplace transform of t^n - L{t^n} _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.pZIaUx3UQoA.mkv 14M
[VID]20091005.Using the Laplace transform to solve a nonhomogeneous eq _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.nlUG4OKN1IY.mkv 19M
[VID]20091006.Dirac delta function _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.4qfdCwys2ew.mkv 20M
[VID]20091006.Inverse Laplace examples _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.BbqbvSig6Mc.mkv 22M
[VID]20091006.Laplace_step function differential equation _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.R0JY8oWsuOY.mkv 23M
[VID]20091006.Laplace transform of the dirac delta function _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.vhfjEpQWWeE.mkv 16M
[VID]20091006.Laplace transform of the unit step function _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.4Mr7aEHQr8E.mkv 27M
[VID]20091007.Introduction to the convolution _ Laplace transform _ Differential Equations _ Khan Academy.IW4Reburjpc.mkv 22M
[VID]20091007.The convolution and the laplace transform _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.TJgBEI3drUc.mkv 17M
[VID]20091007.Trigonometry identity review_fun _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.a70-dYvDJZY.mkv 12M
[VID]20091007.Using the convolution theorem to solve an initial value prob _ Laplace transform _ Khan Academy.rfyq32mHcYs.mkv 18M
[VID]20091008.Linear Algebra - Introduction to Vectors.5cWB52I-SF0.mkv 20M
[VID]20091008.Linear combinations and span _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.Qm_OS-8COwU.mkv 29M
[VID]20091008.Parametric representations of lines _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.hWhs2cIj7Cw.mkv 34M
[VID]20091008.Vector examples _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.r4bH66vYjss.mkv 32M
[VID]20091009.Basis of a subspace _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.zntNi3-ybfQ.mkv 23M
[VID]20091009.Introduction to linear independence _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.CrV1xCWdY-g.mkv 20M
[VID]20091009.Linear subspaces _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.pMFv6liWK4M.mkv 31M
[VID]20091009.More on linear independence _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.Alhcv5d_XOs.mkv 20M
[VID]20091009.Proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.r2PogGDl8_U.mkv 20M
[VID]20091009.Proving vector dot product properties _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.rVQ3G9epCjw.mkv 13M
[VID]20091009.Span and linear independence example _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.9kW6zFK5E5c.mkv 21M
[VID]20091009.Vector dot product and vector length _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.WNuIhXo39_k.mkv8.8M
[VID]20091010.Vector triangle inequality _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.PsNidCBr5II.mkv 22M
[VID]20091012.Defining a plane in R3 with a point and normal vector _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.UJxgcVaNTqY.mkv 14M
[VID]20091012.Defining the angle between vectors _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.5AWob_z74Ks.mkv 32M
[VID]20091013.Cross product introduction _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.pJzmiywagfY.mkv 19M
[VID]20091013.Dot and cross product comparison_intuition _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.tdwFdzVqito.mkv 24M
[VID]20091013.Extreme derivative word problem (advanced) _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.viaPc8zDcRI.mkv 34M
[VID]20091013.Proof - Relationship between cross product and sin of angle _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.7MKA2QlKvHc.mkv 25M
[VID]20091013.Trig Implicit Differentiation Example.6xvwyE67CeM.mkv 14M
[VID]20091014.Integrals - Trig Substitution 1.n4EK92CSuBE.mkv8.6M
[VID]20091014.Integrals - Trig Substitution 2.fD7MbnXbTls.mkv 10M
[VID]20091014.Integrals - Trig Substitution 3 (long problem).sw2p2tUIFpc.mkv 28M
[VID]20091015.Matrices - Reduced row echelon form 1 _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.L0CmbneYETs.mkv 20M
[VID]20091015.Matrices - Reduced row echelon form 2 _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.lP1DGtZ8Wys.mkv8.0M
[VID]20091015.Matrices - Reduced row echelon form 3 _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.JVDrlTdzxiI.mkv 15M
[VID]20091015.Matrix vector products _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.7Mo4S2wyMg4.mkv 24M
[VID]20091016.Introduction to the null space of a matrix _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.jCwRV1QL_Xs.mkv 13M
[VID]20091016.Null space 2 - Calculating the null space of a matrix _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.qvyboGryeA8.mkv 16M
[VID]20091016.Null space 3 - Relation to linear independence _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.vFctYRhK2M0.mkv 14M
[VID]20091017.Column space of a matrix _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.st6D5OdFV9M.mkv 14M
[VID]20091017.Null space and column space basis _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy._uTAdf_AsfQ.mkv 33M
[VID]20091017.Visualizing a column space as a plane in R3 _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.EGNlXtjYABw.mkv 37M
[VID]20091018.Dimension of the column space or rank _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.JUgrBkPteTg.mkv 17M
[VID]20091018.Dimension of the null space or nullity _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.abYAUqs_n6I.mkv 18M
[VID]20091018.Proof - Any subspace basis has same number of elements _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.Zn2K8UIT8r4.mkv 23M
[VID]20091018.Showing relation between basis cols and pivot cols _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.BfVjTOjvI30.mkv9.8M
[VID]20091018.Showing that the candidate basis does span C(A) _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.CkQOCnLWPUA.mkv 17M
[VID]20091019.Khan Academy on Facebook.oMVbQLsDLiM.mkv3.6M
[VID]20091020.A more formal understanding of functions _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.BQMyeQOLvpg.mkv 20M
[VID]20091020.Linear transformations _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.4PCktDZJH8E.mkv 16M
[VID]20091020.Linear transformations as matrix vector products _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.PErhLkQcpZ8.mkv 21M
[VID]20091020.Matrix vector products as linear transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.ondmopWLiEg.mkv 21M
[VID]20091020.Vector transformations _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.gAbadNuQEjI.mkv 15M
[VID]20091022.(2^ln x)_x Antiderivative Example.C5Lbjbyr1t4.mkv 12M
[VID]20091022.Image of a subset under a transformation _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.MIAmN5kgp3k.mkv 27M
[VID]20091022.Preimage and kernel example _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.6yrPU8rYOhs.mkv 20M
[VID]20091022.Preimage of a set _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.zVsGtU8lIWs.mkv6.2M
[VID] - Image of a transformation _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.hZ827mfh1Jo.mkv 26M
[VID]20091023.Linear transformation examples - Rotations in R2 _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.lPWfIq5DzqI.mkv 21M
[VID]20091023.Linear transformation examples - Scaling and reflections _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.qkfODKmZ-x4.mkv 21M
[VID]20091023.More on matrix addition and scalar multiplication _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.Z19-ObbmHJE.mkv 12M
[VID]20091023.Sums and scalar multiples of linear transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.wHuY97vss18.mkv 17M
[VID]20091025.Rotation in R3 around the x-axis _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.gkyuLPzfDV0.mkv 14M
[VID]20091026.Expressing a projection on to a line as a matrix vector prod _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.JK-8XNIoAkI.mkv 19M
[VID]20091026.FRB Commentary 2 - Deposit Insurance.otstXFxMkl4.mkv 19M
[VID]20091026.FRB Commentary 3 - Big Picture.8SAMey9Gl5I.mkv 24M
[VID]20091026.Fractional Reserve Banking Commentary 1.ZyyaE3DIxhc.mkv 23M
[VID]20091026.Introduction to projections _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.27vT-NWuw0M.mkv 16M
[VID]20091026.Unit vectors _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.lQn7fksaDq0.mkv7.5M
[VID]20091027.Compositions of linear transformations 1 _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.f_DTiXZpb8M.mkv 14M
[VID]20091027.Compositions of linear transformations 2 _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.BuqcKpe5ZQs.mkv 20M
[VID]20091028.Distributive property of matrix products _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.oMWTMj78cwc.mkv9.9M
[VID]20091028.Introduction to the inverse of a function _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.-eAzhBZgq28.mkv 21M
[VID]20091028.Matrix product associativity _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.Hhc96U_HvQE.mkv 12M
[VID]20091028.Matrix product examples _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.x1z0hOyjapU.mkv 18M
[VID]20091028.Proof - Invertibility implies a unique solution to f(x)=y _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.7GEUgRcnfVE.mkv 26M
[VID]20091029.Determining whether a transformation is onto _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.eR8vEdJTvd0.mkv 28M
[VID]20091029.Relating invertibility to being onto and one-to-one _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.QIU1daMN8fw.mkv8.2M
[VID]20091029.Surjective (onto) and injective (one-to-one) functions _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.xKNX8BUWR0g.mkv9.4M
[VID]20091030.Exploring the solution set of Ax = b _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.1PsNIzUJPkc.mkv 20M
[VID]20091030.Matrix condition for one-to-one trans _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.M3FuL9qKTBs.mkv 23M
[VID]20091030.Showing that inverses are linear _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.mr9Tow8hpCg.mkv 33M
[VID]20091030.Simple Analysis of Cost per Job Saved from Stimulus.sSqxVMbml_k.mkv3.6M
[VID]20091030.Simplifying conditions for invertibility _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.Yz2OosyMTmY.mkv6.5M
[VID]20091031.Deriving a method for determining inverses _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.6DpzCKJBsz0.mkv 20M
[VID]20091031.Example of finding matrix inverse _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.r9aTLTN16V4.mkv6.9M
[VID]20091102.3 x 3 determinant _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.0c7dt2SQfLw.mkv 11M
[VID]20091102.Calculating slope of tangent line using derivative definition _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.IePCHjMeFkE.mkv9.7M
[VID]20091102.Derivative as slope of a tangent line _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.ANyVpMS3HL4.mkv 18M
[VID]20091102.Determinants along other rows_cols _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.nu87kfmwNfU.mkv9.4M
[VID]20091102.Formula for 2x2 inverse _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.eEUK_ThrHuQ.mkv 20M
[VID]20091102.Introduction to scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.trdbaV4TaAo.mkv 24M
[VID]20091102.Rule of Sarrus of determinants _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.4xFIi0JF2AM.mkv7.8M
[VID]20091102.Scientific notation examples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.0Dd-y_apbRw.mkv 14M
[VID]20091102.The derivative of f(x)=x^2 for any x _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.HEH_oKNLgUU.mkv 13M
[VID]20091102.n x n determinant _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.H9BWRYJNIv4.mkv 22M
[VID]20091103.(correction) scalar multiplication of row _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.WY6QG0mZ7uQ.mkv2.9M
[VID]20091103.Determinant after row operations _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.kpG7xySkivg.mkv 12M
[VID]20091103.Determinant when row is added _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.VrB3LaSD_uo.mkv 17M
[VID]20091103.Determinant when row multiplied by scalar _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.32rdijPB-rA.mkv 14M
[VID]20091103.Duplicate row determinant _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.gYv8sttBIqs.mkv8.7M
[VID]20091103.Simpler 4x4 determinant _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.QV0jsTiobU4.mkv 10M
[VID]20091103.Upper triangular determinant _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.VX7K8iqoiRc.mkv9.3M
[VID]20091104.Determinant and area of a parallelogram _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.n-S63_goDFg.mkv 26M
[VID]20091104.Determinant as scaling factor _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.g3MqSdO5Ubc.mkv 25M
[VID]20091104.Transpose of a matrix _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.2t0003_sxtU.mkv9.6M
[VID]20091104.Transpose of a matrix product _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.UdHgWK13x5I.mkv 12M
[VID]20091105.Alternate Solution to Ratio Problem (HD Version).-xyTz0WZ1W4.mkv8.8M
[VID]20091105.Determinant of transpose _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.x-GV2v0dRNE.mkv 17M
[VID]20091105.Introduction to ratios _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.HpdMJaKaXXc.mkv 15M
[VID]20091105.More advanced ratio problem--with Algebra (HD version).ItA_hhRtUuw.mkv 12M
[VID]20091105.Ratio problem with basic algebra _ Linear equations and inequalities _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.ITVQrzDSekU.mkv6.2M
[VID]20091105.Rowspace and left nullspace _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.qBfc57x_RSg.mkv 25M
[VID]20091105.Transpose of a vector _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.lSoaMCNKfAg.mkv 17M
[VID]20091105.Transposes of sums and inverses _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.Br_8t58mdeI.mkv8.8M
[VID]20091106.Orthogonal complements _ Alternate coordinate systems (bases) _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.QOTjdgmNqlg.mkv 29M
[VID]20091106.Visualizations of left nullspace and rowspace _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.GW8ZPjGlk24.mkv 26M
[VID]20091106.dim(v) + dim(orthogonal complement of v) = n _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.pGhBfkBqok0.mkv 10M
[VID]20091106.rank(a) = rank(transpose of a) _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.tqqVOWm9YsU.mkv 13M
[VID]20091108.Area and Perimeter.kqqmJiJez6o.mkv 15M
[VID]20091108.Area of a circle.tCrDyJsSFok.mkv8.0M
[VID]20091108.Basic Graphing and Coordinates.cL3f0EhKRn0.mkv 16M
[VID]20091108.Circles - radius, diameter, circumference and Pi _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.jyLRpr2P0MQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20091108.Representing vectors in rn using subspace members _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.M6lFqkqvUgo.mkv 30M
[VID]20091108.Slope and Y-intercept Intuition.8sz1IPjBRS8.mkv7.5M
[VID]20091109.Orthogonal complement of the nullspace _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.LE_aQAur7nI.mkv3.6M
[VID]20091109.Orthogonal complement of the orthogonal complement _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.zlI8mx8Hc8o.mkv 14M
[VID]20091109.Rowspace solution to Ax = b example _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.qdf2CuMGdKs.mkv 24M
[VID]20091109.Showing that A-transpose x A is invertible _ Matrix transformations _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.ESSMQH6Y5OA.mkv 15M
[VID]20091109.Unique rowspace solution to Ax = b _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.czIYvs9zj2g.mkv 22M
[VID]20091110.Another example of a projection matrix _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.XhCSHu6dHb8.mkv 34M
[VID]20091110.Another least squares example _ Alternate coordinate systems (bases) _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.QkepM8Vv3kw.mkv 18M
[VID]20091110.A projection onto a subspace is a linear transformation _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.cTyNpXB92bQ.mkv 22M
[VID]20091110.Least squares approximation _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.MC7l96tW8V8.mkv 20M
[VID]20091110.Least squares examples _ Alternate coordinate systems (bases) _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.8mAZYv5wIcE.mkv 19M
[VID]20091110.Projection is closest vector in subspace _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.b269qpILOpk.mkv9.4M
[VID]20091110.Projections onto subspaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.5B8XluiqdHM.mkv 22M
[VID]20091110.Subspace projection matrix example _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.QTcSBB3uVP0.mkv 18M
[VID]20091110.Visualizing a projection onto a plane _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.uWbZlJURkfA.mkv 10M
[VID]20091111.Alternate basis transformation matrix example _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.lCRGNykWqFI.mkv 17M
[VID]20091111.Change of basis matrix _ Alternate coordinate systems (bases) _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.1j5WnqwMdCk.mkv 20M
[VID]20091111.Coordinates with respect to a basis _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.uvgru6FcyxU.mkv 17M
[VID]20091111.Invertible change of basis matrix _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.meibWcbGqt4.mkv 15M
[VID]20091111.Transformation matrix with respect to a basis _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.PiuhTj0zCf4.mkv 22M
[VID]20091112.Alternate basis transformation matrix example part 2 _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.EyORbCPUAd4.mkv 16M
[VID]20091112.Changing coordinate systems to help find a transformation matrix _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.K_na_j1Msfg.mkv 46M
[VID]20091112.Coordinates with respect to orthonormal bases _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.SWbis2zWIvo.mkv 20M
[VID]20091112.Finding projection onto subspace with orthonormal basis example _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.SUoqA9srY1Q.mkv6.8M
[VID]20091112.Introduction to orthonormal bases _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.7BFx8pt2aTQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20091112.Projections onto subspaces with orthonormal bases _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.we829K4NOq8.mkv 19M
[VID]20091113.Example solving for the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.pZ6mMVEE89g.mkv6.5M
[VID]20091113.Example using orthogonal change-of-basis matrix to find transformation matrix _ Khan Academy.gfVY7cW7VLQ.mkv 32M
[VID]20091113.Finding eigenvectors and eigenspaces example _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.3-xfmbdzkqc.mkv 17M
[VID]20091113.Gram-Schmidt example with 3 basis vectors _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.ZRRG386v6DI.mkv 18M
[VID]20091113.Gram-Schmidt process example _ Alternate coordinate systems (bases) _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.tu1GPtfsQ7M.mkv 15M
[VID]20091113.Introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.PhfbEr2btGQ.mkv8.4M
[VID]20091113.Orthogonal matrices preserve angles and lengths _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.yDwIfYjKEeo.mkv 14M
[VID]20091113.Proof of formula for determining eigenvalues _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.rfm0wQObxjk.mkv 12M
[VID]20091113.The Gram-Schmidt process _ Alternate coordinate systems (bases) _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.rHonltF77zI.mkv 23M
[VID]20091114.Eigenvalues of a 3x3 matrix _ Alternate coordinate systems (bases) _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.11dNghWC4HI.mkv 15M
[VID]20091114.Eigenvectors and eigenspaces for a 3x3 matrix _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.3Md5KCCQX-0.mkv 17M
[VID]20091115.Showing that an eigenbasis makes for good coordinate systems _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.C2PC9185gIw.mkv 17M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 1-3 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy._yv3BrPt-cs.mkv6.3M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 4-9 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.i1CSuZdIu98.mkv 12M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 10-12 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.4PIn_9cxefI.mkv5.7M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 13-14 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.9xwAPXM0Flg.mkv6.0M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 15-16 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.MwdwuDy0rRs.mkv5.6M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 17-19 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.ah39bUxYDEg.mkv7.1M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 20-22 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.ceM2u6IABWU.mkv4.4M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 23-27 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.glumochcaw0.mkv 13M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 28-31 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.6Sy4E_8Psos.mkv9.1M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 32-34 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.1k-jqxMuUaM.mkv4.7M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 35-37 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.3A305Mhtkug.mkv8.1M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 38-42 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy._qB9JCpr8Co.mkv7.9M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 43-46 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy._rof2ExUzOU.mkv5.8M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 47-51 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.ENg2ajvKYss.mkv 19M
[VID]20091204.CAHSEE practice - Problems 52-53 _ CAHSEE _ Khan Academy.FdD0Wu032R4.mkv2.2M
[VID]20091208.ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate.YQfWiDlFEcA.mkv 19M
[VID]20091208.Introduction to cellular respiration _ Cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy.2f7YwCtHcgk.mkv 16M
[VID]20091209.Oxidation and reduction in cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy._KyyVhlUDNU.mkv 23M
[VID]20091209.Oxidation and reduction review from biological point-of-view _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.orI2m6IarJg.mkv 16M
[VID]20091210.Overview of glycolysis _ Cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy.FE2jfTXAJHg.mkv 17M
[VID]20091211.Electron Transport Chain.mfgCcFXUZRk.mkv 21M
[VID]20091211.Krebs _ citric acid cycle _ Cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy.juM2ROSLWfw.mkv 21M
[VID]20091212.Oxidative Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis.W_Q17tqw_7A.mkv7.4M
[VID]20091214.The Khan Academy.p6l8-1kHUsA.mkv7.4M
[VID]20091215.Lattice multiplication _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.gS6TfWUv97I.mkv7.2M
[VID]20091215.Why lattice multiplication works _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.S3z4XqC_YSc.mkv 11M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 1-4.VSnaItss8Xc.mkv 10M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 5-8.fjPvQoShHYc.mkv 15M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 9-11.kE95P0oXXSw.mkv 14M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 12 -15.BSVUG-F6W1Y.mkv 16M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 16-19.nIGAejpOaII.mkv 12M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 20-23.RnJEqQdfkCM.mkv 16M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 24-27.mG94FpywnZw.mkv 11M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 28-30.I3yhRywRCaQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 31-35.JGeqb4VloPg.mkv 20M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 36-40.tIEGPkZVUj8.mkv 17M
[VID]20091216.MTEL Math Practice Test - 41-45.4bIqWXStPEI.mkv 16M
[VID]20100104.Another potential interview over skype (for people in any city).XBwvUa73B_0.mkv3.1M
[VID]20100104.Talk to News in New Delhi, Hong Kong, Bangkok or Dubai.ARLRq3vWUbg.mkv2.1M
[VID] normal distribution problems - Empirical rule _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.OhRr26AfFBU.mkv 13M
[VID] normal distribution problems - Qualitative sense of normal distributions _ Khan Academy.79duxPXpyKQ.mkv 14M
[VID] normal distribution problems - z-score _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Wp2nVIzBsE8.mkv8.5M
[VID] - More empirical rule and z-score practice _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.itQEwESWDKg.mkv7.1M
[VID] exercise - Standard normal distribution and the empirical _ Khan Academy.2fzYE-Emar0.mkv 10M
[VID]20100119.Addition 2.t2L3JFOqTEk.mkv 12M
[VID]20100119.Addition 3.e_SpXIw_Qts.mkv9.2M
[VID]20100119.Addition 4 _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.fOXo4p4WDKM.mkv8.6M
[VID]20100119.Subtraction 2 _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.incKJchBCLo.mkv 14M
[VID]20100119.Subtraction 3 - Introduction to Borrowing or Regrouping.ZaqOUE3H1mE.mkv 17M
[VID]20100120.Alternate mental subtraction method _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.GBtcGO44e-A.mkv4.6M
[VID]20100120.Dividing numbers - long division with remainders _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.NcADzGz3bSI.mkv 10M
[VID]20100120.Division 1 _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.MTzTqvzWzm8.mkv 18M
[VID]20100120.Introduction to long division _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.8Ft5iHhauJ0.mkv 11M
[VID]20100122.Another example graphing with derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.zC_dTaEY2AY.mkv 24M
[VID]20100122.Graphing using derivatives _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.hIgnece9ins.mkv 23M
[VID]20100122.Inflection Points and Concavity Intuition.dIE22eL6q90.mkv 15M
[VID]20100123.Electrostatics (part 1) - Introduction to Charge and Coulomb's Law.NXMgvrS8Gr8.mkv 15M
[VID]20100126.Central limit theorem _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.JNm3M9cqWyc.mkv 10M
[VID]20100126.Sampling distribution of the sample mean 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.NYd6wzYkQIM.mkv 14M
[VID]20100126.Sampling distribution of the sample mean _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.FXZ2O1Lv-KE.mkv 11M
[VID]20100126.Standard error of the mean _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.J1twbrHel3o.mkv 15M
[VID]20100131.Sal Khan Interview with IT Conversations - January 31,2010.1uf_DeazfZg.mkv 48M
[VID]20100202.Photosynthesis - Calvin Cycle.slm6D2VEXYs.mkv 15M
[VID]20100202.Photosynthesis - Light Reactions 1.GR2GA7chA_c.mkv 26M
[VID]20100202.Photosynthesis - Light Reactions and Photophosphorylation.yfR36PMWegg.mkv 19M
[VID]20100202.Photosynthesis.-rsYk4eCKnA.mkv 15M
[VID]20100205.C-4 Photosynthesis.7ynX_F-SwNY.mkv 19M
[VID]20100205.CAM Plants.xp6Zj24h8uA.mkv 13M
[VID]20100205.Photorespiration.EQvTEFCANTM.mkv 19M
[VID]20100205.Rational inequalities 2 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.2RnS3fSHVV8.mkv 14M
[VID]20100205.Rational inequalities _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ZjeMdXV0QMg.mkv 12M
[VID]20100208.Diffusion and osmosis _ Membranes and transport _ Biology _ Khan Academy.aubZU0iWtgI.mkv 24M
[VID]20100208.Parts of a cell.Hmwvj9X4GNY.mkv 27M
[VID]20100209.Salman Khan talk at Castilleja School on January 5th, 2010.VsS7bo3JMqk.mkv149M
[VID]20100209.The lungs and pulmonary system _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.SPGRkexI_cs.mkv 24M
[VID]20100210.Circulatory system and the heart _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.QhiVnFvshZg.mkv 16M
[VID]20100210.Hemoglobin _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.LWtXthfG9_M.mkv 18M
[VID]20100210.Red blood cells _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.fLKOBQ6cZHA.mkv 19M
[VID]20100211.Anatomy of a neuron _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.ob5U8zPbAX4.mkv6.1M
[VID]20100211.Electrotonic and Action Potentials.gkQtRec2464.mkv 25M
[VID]20100211.Sodium-potassium pump _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.C_H-ONQFjpQ.mkv 16M
[VID]20100212.Neuronal synapses (chemical) _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.Tbq-KZaXiL4.mkv 21M
[VID]20100212.Salman Khan interview with NPR's All Things Considered on 12_28_2009.po3DAsr6mDE.mkv8.9M
[VID]20100215.How tropomyosin and troponin regulate muscle contraction _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.LiOfeSsjrB8.mkv 12M
[VID]20100215.Myosin and actin _ Circulatory system physiology _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.zopoN2i7ALQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20100216.Anatomy of a muscle cell.uY2ZOsCnXIA.mkv 19M
[VID]20100216.Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.SauhB2fYQkM.mkv 18M
[VID]20100218.B lymphocytes (B cells) _ Immune system physiology _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.Z36dUduOk1Y.mkv 16M
[VID]20100218.Helper T cells _ Immune system physiology _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.uwMYpTYsNZM.mkv 23M
[VID]20100218.Professional antigen presenting cells (APC) and MHC II complexes _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.j_kSmmEpvQk.mkv 11M
[VID]20100218.Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.O1N2rENXq_Y.mkv 17M
[VID]20100218.Types of immune responses - Innate and adaptive, humoral vs. cell-mediated _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.rp7T4IItbtM.mkv9.2M
[VID]20100219.Cytotoxic T cells _ Immune system physiology _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.oqI4skjr6lQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20100219.Review of B cells, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.xaz5ftvZCyI.mkv 12M
[VID]20100222.KA on PBS NewsHour this evening_afternoon.uALqlsSf77A.mkv944K
[VID]20100223.PBS NewsHour on the Khan Academy.HycjWQcAymQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20100223.PBS NewsHour piece on the Khan Academy and Salman Khan.1kly25zVbco.mkv 18M
[VID]20100224.Inflammatory response _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.FXSuEIMrPQk.mkv 15M
[VID]20100225.Introduction to the line integral _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy._60sKaoRmhU.mkv 21M
[VID]20100225.Line integral example 1 _ Line integrals and Green's theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.uXjQ8yc9Pdg.mkv 14M
[VID]20100225.Line integral example 2 (part 1) _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.wyTjyQMVvc4.mkv 15M
[VID]20100225.Line integral example 2 (part 2) _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.Qqanbd3gLhw.mkv 11M
[VID]20100226.Derivative of a position vector valued function _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.E9Q_Lc0g1xE.mkv 18M
[VID]20100226.Differential of a vector valued function _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.FYMn61HLw1k.mkv5.0M
[VID]20100226.Line integrals and vector fields _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.t3cJYNdQLYg.mkv 15M
[VID]20100226.Position vector valued functions _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.sBldw95xMD4.mkv8.1M
[VID]20100226.Using a line integral to find the work done by a vector field example _ Khan Academy.AFF8FXxt5os.mkv 12M
[VID]20100226.Vector valued function derivative example _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.vcwvzUVLPw0.mkv 16M
[VID]20100303.Secondary active transport in the nephron _ Renal system physiology _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.czY5nyvZ7cU.mkv 18M
[VID]20100303.The kidney and nephron _ Renal system physiology _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.cc8sUv2SuaY.mkv 29M
[VID]20100305.Parametrization of a reverse path _ Khan Academy.eGRZKkmI_fo.mkv9.5M
[VID]20100305.Path independence for line integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.K_fgnCJOI8I.mkv 22M
[VID]20100305.Percent word problem example 1 _ Ratios, rates, and percentages _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.d1oNF88SAgg.mkv6.6M
[VID]20100305.Scalar field line integral independent of path direction _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.99pD1-6ZpuM.mkv 21M
[VID]20100305.Vector field line integrals dependent on path direction _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.fuSOY9r1R6w.mkv 18M
[VID]20100306.Closed curve line integrals of conservative vector fields _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.I2dbzp0zHuw.mkv 12M
[VID]20100306.Example of closed line integral of conservative field _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.Q9t1LghwdGc.mkv 12M
[VID]20100306.Second example of line integral of conservative vector field _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.LpY8Qa3IP1w.mkv 13M
[VID]20100307.Green's theorem example 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.gGXnILbrhsM.mkv 12M
[VID]20100307.Green's theorem example 2 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.sSyPAAyL8nQ.mkv9.7M
[VID]20100307.Green's theorem proof (part 2) _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.qdFD-0OWBRo.mkv 26M
[VID]20100307.Green's theorem proof part 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.l5zJvZKfMYE.mkv 16M
[VID]20100311.Salman Khan on CNN.PY5VKiG_IXE.mkv 11M
[VID]20100312.Unit conversion word problem - drug dosage _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ScvuRb6vsz4.mkv 12M
[VID]20100315.Introduction to waves _ Mechanical waves and sound _ Physics _ Khan Academy.c38H6UKt3_I.mkv 14M
[VID]20100316.Amplitude, period, frequency and wavelength of periodic waves _ Physics _ Khan Academy.tJW_a6JeXD8.mkv 16M
[VID]20100316.Interesting Polynomial Coefficient Problem.hypi8QPsFEk.mkv 17M
[VID]20100317.Heron's formula _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.-YI6UC4qVEY.mkv5.6M
[VID]20100317.Part 1 of proof of Heron's formula _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.AreOMvPCxv8.mkv 13M
[VID]20100317.Part 2 of proof of Heron's formula _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.nZu7IZLhJRI.mkv 15M
[VID]20100318.Area of inscribed equilateral triangle (some basic trig used) _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.UmiZK6Hgm6c.mkv 16M
[VID]20100318.Inscribed angle theorem proof _ High School Geometry _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.MyzGVbCHh5M.mkv 14M
[VID]20100319.Introduction to Compound Interest.-qgdMTbTJlA.mkv7.8M
[VID]20100319.Proof - Right triangles inscribed in circles _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.b0U1NxbRU4w.mkv7.5M
[VID]20100325.French Revolution (part 1) _ World history _ Khan Academy.BDWqwcTtZa0.mkv 28M
[VID]20100325.French Revolution (part 2) _ World history _ Khan Academy.0t4MF9ZoppM.mkv 28M
[VID]20100326.French Revolution (part 3) - Reign of Terror _ World history _ Khan Academy.BZmtnCqTWik.mkv 42M
[VID]20100326.French Revolution (part 4) - The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte _ World history _ Khan Academy.KYoB2mjNdr0.mkv 28M
[VID]20100329.Haitian Revolution (Part 1) _ World history _ Khan Academy.Qz5zFzvbib4.mkv 42M
[VID]20100329.Haitian Revolution (Part 2) _ World history _ Khan Academy.gU-5bjpAPmA.mkv 25M
[VID]20100330.Finite geometric series word problem - mortgage _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.i05-okb1EJg.mkv 19M
[VID]20100331.Payday Loans _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.BHTMuHvmarU.mkv 12M
[VID]20100401.Bunch of examples _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.rUT0pa87m7E.mkv 16M
[VID]20100401.Equations and Inequalities.hJ-_OoCHTks.mkv 18M
[VID]20100401.Examples of evaluating variable expressions _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.aoXUWSwiDzE.mkv 16M
[VID]20100401.Napoleon and the War of the Third Coalition _ World history _ Khan Academy.yogD_-Op4Wc.mkv 30M
[VID]20100401.Napoleon and the Wars of the First and Second Coalitions _ Khan Academy.OzyH-1p9nAg.mkv 27M
[VID]20100401.Order of operations, more examples _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.3Po3nfITsok.mkv 16M
[VID]20100402.Addition of Rational Numbers.BKEtsv9MbyY.mkv8.4M
[VID]20100402.Distributive property algebraic expressions _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ewEorPD4kdA.mkv6.9M
[VID]20100402.Division of Rational Numbers.I0b5-7UuwQ8.mkv9.0M
[VID]20100402.Domain and range of a function _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.O0uUVH8dRiU.mkv 15M
[VID]20100402.Functions as graphs _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.jQ-fS2lsslU.mkv 12M
[VID]20100402.Integers and Rational Numbers.kyu-IQ-gBIg.mkv 17M
[VID]20100402.Multiplication of Rational Numbers.lBi9bwz08EY.mkv9.8M
[VID]20100402.Problem Solving Word Problems 2.s1QN7sSfBM8.mkv 12M
[VID]20100402.Square roots and real numbers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.BpBh8gvMifs.mkv 12M
[VID]20100402.Subraction of Rational Numbers.lLIo4kGRBEw.mkv 11M
[VID]20100402.Word Problem Solving Plan 1.Xz6rT9k8ftg.mkv 11M
[VID]20100402.Word Problem Solving Strategies.SpDIXJ2I2D4.mkv 14M
[VID]20100403.Coordinate plane examples _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.VhNkWdLGpmA.mkv6.7M
[VID]20100403.Graphing Using Intercepts.6zixwWZ88tk.mkv 14M
[VID]20100403.Graphs of linear equations _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.rgvysb9emcQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20100404.Slope and rate of change _ Graphing lines and slope _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.Iqws-qzyZwc.mkv 13M
[VID]20100405.Direct variation models _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.9M-B5qU7ezY.mkv 16M
[VID]20100405.Evaluating with function notation _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.EmTvdKkAUtE.mkv 12M
[VID]20100405.Ex 1 - Distributive property to simplify _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.a5uNoOnEy_A.mkv 17M
[VID]20100405.Ex 3 - Distributive property to simplify _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xMsG9hvqzbY.mkv 10M
[VID]20100405.Example - two-step equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tuVd355R-OQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20100405.Modeling with linear equations example 2 _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.5EdbPz1ZVn0.mkv 12M
[VID]20100405.Ratio and Proportion.WfqgFBGet7s.mkv 12M
[VID]20100405.Scale and Indirect Measurement.GfNB14D55gQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20100405.Simple equations - examples solving a variety of forms _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.9DxrF6Ttws4.mkv 14M
[VID]20100405.Slope-intercept equation from a graph examples _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.9wOalujeZf4.mkv 12M
[VID]20100406.Equations of parallel and perpendicular lines _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.9hryH94KFJA.mkv9.4M
[VID]20100406.Fitting a line to data _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.OhUkMQtBGmE.mkv 12M
[VID]20100406.Inequalities using addition and subtraction _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.UTs4uZhu5t8.mkv9.2M
[VID]20100406.Linear Equations in Point Slope Form.zqCokP2vDGo.mkv 12M
[VID]20100406.Linear Equations in Standard Form.BaQXFstxCMo.mkv 10M
[VID]20100406.More examples of constructing linear equations in slope-intercept form _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.5fkh01mClLU.mkv 15M
[VID]20100406.Multi-step inequalities _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xOxvyeSl0uA.mkv7.7M
[VID]20100406.Multiplying and dividing with inequalities _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.PNXozoJWsWc.mkv9.8M
[VID]20100406.Percent Problems.1LtBcfk1uHg.mkv 15M
[VID]20100406.Predicting with Linear Models.aVDiAGZmcPo.mkv 16M
[VID]20100406.Using a Linear Model.Gjv25aOuD00.mkv 21M
[VID]20100406.Word Problem Solving 3.LRKMoqrMbGw.mkv 16M
[VID]20100407.Absolute value equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.u6zDpUL5RkU.mkv9.8M
[VID]20100407.Absolute value inequalities _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.iI_2Piwn_og.mkv 13M
[VID]20100407.Compound inequalities _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.A3xPhzs-KBI.mkv 11M
[VID]20100407.Introduction to graphing inequalities _ Two-variable linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.unSBFwK881s.mkv7.6M
[VID]20100407.Solving linear systems by graphing _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.5a6zpfl50go.mkv7.5M
[VID]20100407.Solving linear systems by substitution _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.V7H1oUHXPkg.mkv8.2M
[VID]20100408.Exponential Decay Functions.AXAMVxaxjDg.mkv 11M
[VID]20100408.Exponential growth and decay word problems _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.m5Tf6vgoJtQ.mkv8.4M
[VID]20100408.Exponential growth functions _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.6WMZ7J0wwMI.mkv7.2M
[VID]20100408.Exponent properties involving products _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.zM_p7tfWvLU.mkv 14M
[VID]20100408.Exponent properties involving quotients (examples) _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.AR1uqNbjM5s.mkv8.7M
[VID]20100408.Introduction to geometric sequences _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.pXo0bG4iAyg.mkv 11M
[VID]20100408.Scientific notation examples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.i6lfVUp5RW8.mkv 11M
[VID]20100408.Solving systems of equations by elimination _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.vA-55wZtLeE.mkv 14M
[VID]20100408.Special Types of Linear Systems.5qkyuHIE2GM.mkv 15M
[VID]20100408.Systems of Linear Inequalities.5xQqwgS3O4U.mkv9.8M
[VID]20100408.Systems of equations with elimination (and manipulation) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.wYrxKGt_bLg.mkv 12M
[VID]20100408.Zero, negative, and fractional exponents _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.tOuCdKqO6-s.mkv 13M
[VID]20100409.Factoring special products _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.BI_jmI4xRus.mkv9.2M
[VID]20100409.Introduction to special products of binomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.bFtjG45-Udk.mkv9.9M
[VID]20100409.More examples of addition and subtraction of polynomials _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ZgFXL6SEUiI.mkv 15M
[VID]20100409.More examples of factoring by grouping _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.X7B_tH4O-_s.mkv 13M
[VID]20100409.More examples of factoring quadratics with a leading coefficient of 1 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.eF6zYNzlZKQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20100409.Multiplying binomials and polynomials _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.fGThIRpWEE4.mkv8.6M
[VID]20100409.Polynomial Equations in Factored Form.zxz0WNVnF38.mkv 12M
[VID]20100410.Multiple examples graphing parabolas using roots and vertices _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.RjkTEyO5Zso.mkv 19M
[VID]20100412.Discriminant of quadratic equations _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.JBSDQLZtjFo.mkv9.4M
[VID]20100412.How to use the quadratic formula _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.i7idZfS8t8w.mkv 16M
[VID]20100412.Proof of quadratic formula _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.r3SEkdtpobo.mkv7.7M
[VID]20100412.Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing.JHUju_Qkqbg.mkv 10M
[VID]20100412.Solving quadratic equations by completing the square _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.bNQY0z76M5A.mkv 14M
[VID]20100412.Solving quadratic equations by square roots _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.55G8037gsKY.mkv 10M
[VID]20100413.Khan Academy Vision and Social Return.wRf6XiEZ_Y8.mkv 32M
[VID]20100414.Identifying Exponential Models.s8PKFcrrbNQ.mkv4.5M
[VID]20100414.Identifying Quadratic Models.o1npPDCq-4M.mkv 11M
[VID]20100414.Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models.CxEFOozrMSE.mkv9.8M
[VID]20100414.Quadratic Regression.z_hEVWSkQHo.mkv 14M
[VID]20100415.Graphs of square-root functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.outcfkh69U0.mkv 17M
[VID]20100415.Radical expressions with higher roots _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.iX7ivCww2ws.mkv8.5M
[VID]20100416.Adding and simplifying radicals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.VWlFMfPVmkU.mkv8.1M
[VID]20100416.How to rationalize a denominator _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.gY5TvlHg4Vk.mkv 10M
[VID]20100417.Extraneous solutions to radical equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.711pdW8TbbY.mkv 12M
[VID]20100417.More Involved Radical Equation Example.5pqzmUxOw_E.mkv 15M
[VID]20100417.Pythagorean theorem _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.AEIzy1kNRqo.mkv 14M
[VID]20100417.Radical Equation Examples.dKuk8PybYs4.mkv4.6M
[VID]20100418.Distance formula _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.nyZuite17Pc.mkv 10M
[VID]20100418.Midpoint formula _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Ez_-RwV9WVo.mkv6.3M
[VID]20100419.Average or Central Tendency - Arithmetic Mean, Median, and Mode.GrynkZB3E7M.mkv 12M
[VID]20100419.Box-and-whisker Plot.BXq5TFLvsVw.mkv 15M
[VID]20100419.Histograms _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4eLJGG2Ad30.mkv6.1M
[VID]20100419.Range, variance and standard deviation as measures of dispersion _ Khan Academy.E4HAYd0QnRc.mkv 13M
[VID]20100419.Stem and Leaf Plots.OaJXJduRiIE.mkv6.6M
[VID]20100419.Visual Pythagorean Theorem Proof.r382kfkqAF4.mkv 10M
[VID]20100420.Adding Rational Expressions Example 1.nWEso_M7By4.mkv3.5M
[VID]20100420.Adding Rational Expressions Example 2.euyg3SwS2lU.mkv7.1M
[VID]20100420.Adding Rational Expressions Example 3.4VO-BgDgAHE.mkv7.0M
[VID]20100420.Another rational function graph example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ReEMqdZEEX0.mkv8.8M
[VID]20100420.Asymptotes of rational functions _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.2N62v_63SBo.mkv 25M
[VID]20100420.A third example of graphing a rational function _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.p7ycTWq6BFk.mkv 12M
[VID]20100420.Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions.x_5hDLe8UL0.mkv 11M
[VID]20100420.Polynomial division _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.FXgV9ySNusc.mkv 11M
[VID]20100420.Proportionality.AQFZuih2odo.mkv 19M
[VID]20100420.Simplifying rational expressions introduction _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.7Uos1ED3KHI.mkv 16M
[VID]20100420.Solving Rational Equations.6eqgIZyXgK8.mkv 14M
[VID]20100421.Surveys and Samples.nabw6v93Xns.mkv 16M
[VID]20100421.Two more examples of solving rational equations.u28w46QrE0Q.mkv 11M
[VID]20100422.Napoleon and the War of the Fourth Coalition _ World history _ Khan Academy.O3HxPDH-s7w.mkv 27M
[VID]20100423.French invasion of Russia _ World history _ Khan Academy.F_ySQvjtAxQ.mkv 31M
[VID]20100423.Napoleon's Peninsular Campaigns _ World history _ Khan Academy.ALJGz4r_VF0.mkv 41M
[VID]20100426.Napoleon forced to abdicate _ World history _ Khan Academy.CH6FQhlZn6k.mkv 28M
[VID]20100505.Determining a position vector-valued function for a parametrization of two parameters _ Khan Academy.bJ_09eoCmag.mkv 24M
[VID]20100505.Introduction to parametrizing a surface with two parameters _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.owKAHXf1y1A.mkv 20M
[VID]20100506.Absolute value and number lines _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.frBJEYvyd-8.mkv5.6M
[VID]20100506.Absolute value equation example 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.jaizi_1IB5c.mkv8.2M
[VID]20100506.Example - Solving for a variable _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Aig1hkq3OsU.mkv7.3M
[VID]20100506.Introduction to the surface integral _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.9k97m8oWnaY.mkv 28M
[VID]20100506.Partial derivatives of vector-valued functions _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.c7ByaI3T7Dc.mkv 11M
[VID]20100507.Empirical and Molecular Formulas from Stoichiometry.FycJ8X67xEU.mkv 19M
[VID]20100507.Limiting reactant example problem 1 _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.YNriRslOk9A.mkv 26M
[VID]20100507.Stoichiometry example problem 1 _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.jFv6k2OV7IU.mkv 16M
[VID]20100507.Stoichiometry example problem 2 _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.eQf_EAYGo-k.mkv 23M
[VID]20100510.Example of Finding Reactant Empirical Formula.66ziUq6vRko.mkv 21M
[VID]20100511.Another Stoichiometry Example in a Solution._qrQKBB2jt8.mkv 10M
[VID]20100511.Stoichiometry of a Reaction in Solution.EKZSwjVR594.mkv 12M
[VID]20100513.Khan Academy on PBS NewsHour (Edited).4jXv03sktik.mkv9.6M
[VID]20100514.Salman Khan Speaks at GEL (Good Experience Live) Conference.yTXKCzrFh3c.mkv 44M
[VID]20100524.Ponzi schemes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.5UVpLPtgdF4.mkv 13M
[VID]20100525.Example of calculating a surface integral part 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.7sQCcGlK2bY.mkv 11M
[VID]20100525.Example of calculating a surface integral part 2 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.qQAhhithHa8.mkv 14M
[VID]20100525.Example of calculating a surface integral part 3 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.s2_NTiISZl4.mkv 15M
[VID]20100526.Introduction to order of operations _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ClYdw4d4OmA.mkv9.7M
[VID]20100526.Order of operations - PEMDAS _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.piIcRV2dx7E.mkv5.4M
[VID]20100601.Salman Khan Talk at the MIT Club of Northern California.1C7FH7El35w.mkv196M
[VID]20100603.Introduction to the doppler effect _ Mechanical waves and sound _ Physics _ Khan Academy.dc7l7Qqa8xk.mkv 11M
[VID]20100605.Doppler effect formula for observed frequency _ Physics _ Khan Academy.kGrk6V8tWDY.mkv 13M
[VID]20100605.Doppler effect formula when source is moving away _ Physics _ Khan Academy.KkJ0wL9f2VY.mkv 12M
[VID]20100605.Sal Khan (with a severe cold!) on Future Talk.oPZQu5mIiRQ.mkv 70M
[VID]20100606.When the source and the wave move at the same velocity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.4Xgk3vusxT8.mkv7.9M
[VID]20100607.Introduction to l'Hôpital's rule _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.PdSzruR5OeE.mkv9.2M
[VID]20100607.L'Hôpital's rule example 1 _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.BiVOC3WocXs.mkv7.4M
[VID]20100607.L'Hôpital's rule example 2 _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.FJo18AwLfuI.mkv4.5M
[VID]20100607.L'Hôpital's rule example 3 _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.MeVFZjT-ABM.mkv8.5M
[VID]20100607.Mach numbers _ Mechanical waves and sound _ Physics _ Khan Academy.VlaGxYjnoPY.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100608.Navigating the Khan Academy Video Library.zlJ20s5d9To.mkv 18M
[VID]20100610.Overview of the Khan Academy Library.dsFQ9kM1qDs.mkv8.7M
[VID]20100611.Absolute value equations 1 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.GwjiR2_7A7Y.mkv2.3M
[VID]20100611.Absolute value smallest to biggest _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NvGTCzAfvr0.mkv3.0M
[VID]20100611.A clever application of the distributive property to solve a multi-step equation _ Khan Academy.PL9UYj2awDc.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100611.Basic Linear Function.YB1XuQ1Pc5s.mkv3.1M
[VID]20100611.Basic rate problem _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.7WXijfIZh64.mkv5.6M
[VID]20100611.Challenge example - Sum of integers _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.d8De3xcVmnw.mkv4.7M
[VID]20100611.Direct variation 1 _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.rSadG6EtJmY.mkv3.6M
[VID]20100611.Domain and range 2 _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.0lY4PcCYoyE.mkv3.1M
[VID]20100611.Domain of modeling functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.C6F33Ir-sY4.mkv4.1M
[VID]20100611.Equations of sequence patterns _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy._3BnyEr5fG4.mkv 10M
[VID]20100611.Example - two-step equation with numerator x _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.p5e5mf_G3FI.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100611.Example 2 - Variables on both sides _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.1c5HY3z4k8M.mkv3.7M
[VID]20100611.Finding the 100th term in a sequence _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.JtsyP0tnVRY.mkv7.3M
[VID]20100611.Linear systems word problem with substitution _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.cNlwi6lUCEM.mkv 10M
[VID]20100611.Patterns in sequences 1 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Zj-a_9cd5jc.mkv3.0M
[VID]20100611.Patterns in sequences 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.zIcxrhyJs6M.mkv5.0M
[VID]20100611.Recognize functions from tables _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.5cK86VKoBPw.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100611.Solving equations with the distributive property _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.YZBStgZGyDY.mkv5.7M
[VID]20100611.Solving for F in terms of C _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.BR5yFOt0zao.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100611.Testing if a relationship is a function _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.3SO1BQQ9_1E.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100612.Equation of a line 2.-BuoPowT86M.mkv2.7M
[VID]20100612.Exploring nonlinear relationships.D-0E9weT_t0.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100612.Finding intercepts from an equation _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xGmef7lFc5w.mkv4.2M
[VID]20100612.Finding the slope of a line from its graph _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.R948Tsyq4vA.mkv5.3M
[VID]20100612.Graph from slope-intercept equation example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.uk7gS3cZVp4.mkv2.8M
[VID]20100612.Interpreting linear tables word problems example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.jTCZfMMcHBo.mkv4.9M
[VID]20100612.Modeling with linear equations example 1 _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.qPx7i1jwXX4.mkv8.0M
[VID]20100612.Parallel lines from equation (example 2) _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.lOWXZFP8Vuc.mkv2.8M
[VID]20100612.Parallel lines from equation (example 3) _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.y5yNi08cr6I.mkv3.5M
[VID]20100612.Parallel lines from equation _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.T-aCweuimis.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100612.Perpendicular lines from equation _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.0671cRNjeKI.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100612.Recognizing linear functions _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.AZroE4fJqtQ.mkv4.1M
[VID]20100612.Writing equations in all forms _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.-6Fu2T_RSGM.mkv9.2M
[VID]20100612.Writing equations of perpendicular lines _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.TsEhZRT16LU.mkv3.1M
[VID]20100612.x- and y-intercepts 2 _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.405boztgZig.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100613.Absolute inequalities 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.x5EJG_rAtkY.mkv7.7M
[VID]20100613.Absolute value inequalities example 1 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.TvUCe6Bomy4.mkv3.4M
[VID]20100613.Absolute value inequalities example 3 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.y9MGpOGQVqQ.mkv2.4M
[VID]20100613.Constructing, solving two-step inequality example _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.pbLiN8D9gAk.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100613.Constructing and solving a multi-step inequality example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.cCMpin3Te4s.mkv8.5M
[VID]20100613.Constructing and solving a one-step inequality _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.FZ2APP6-grU.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100613.Constructing and solving a two-step inequality _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.wo7DSaPP8hQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20100613.Converting linear equations to slope-intercept form _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.V6Xynlqc_tc.mkv6.0M
[VID]20100613.Graphing inequalities and checking solutions example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.YBYu5aZPLeg.mkv3.7M
[VID]20100613.Graphing linear inequalities in two variables 2 (old and redone in newer video).lxTQrsUip9g.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100613.Solving and graphing linear inequalities in two variables 1 _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.EoCeL4SPIcA.mkv2.1M
[VID]20100613.Solving a two-step inequality _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.y7QLay8wrW8.mkv4.2M
[VID]20100613.Writing and using inequalities _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.RHe9X2HDEjA.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100614.Analyzing solutions to linear systems algebraically _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.HJV_HY0Sh0s.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100614.Analyzing solutions to linear systems graphically 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.BNHLzEv6Mjg.mkv4.6M
[VID]20100614.Example 2 - Solving systems by elimination _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.Y6JsEja15Vk.mkv3.5M
[VID]20100614.Example 2 - Solving systems by substitution _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.wB3QCk0MGuw.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100614.Example 3 - Graphically solving systems _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.F5Nb6cIRZLU.mkv5.4M
[VID]20100614.Example 3 - Solving systems by substitution _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.0BgUKHTW37E.mkv6.4M
[VID]20100614.Solving systems by graphing.1CiBuN6qraY.mkv8.6M
[VID]20100614.Systems of equations word problems example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.z1hz8-Kri1E.mkv9.5M
[VID]20100615.Example 3 - Solving systems by elimination _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.Dqp6xOeR3Ls.mkv5.1M
[VID]20100615.Graphing systems of inequalities.TqsRlc02rtc.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100615.Graphing systems of inequalities 3.UUwmo5qaTuI.mkv 11M
[VID]20100615.Graphing systems of inequalities and checking solutions example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.YjT3QYfoy4Q.mkv3.6M
[VID]20100615.Mixture problems 1.5Dzdrb8MKBg.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100615.Mixture problems 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.OBVGQt1Eeug.mkv8.0M
[VID]20100615.Mixture problems 3 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.JVlfQEhzLMM.mkv5.4M
[VID]20100615.Systems and rate problems.at4T4n4JYNc.mkv6.9M
[VID]20100615.Systems and rate problems 2.H5w55UbIZTw.mkv 11M
[VID]20100615.Systems and rate problems 3.hTBQUibtnBk.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100618.Exponent Rules 1.kSYJxGqOcjA.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100618.Exponent Rules 2.6ND4nKwyCEc.mkv4.1M
[VID]20100619.Exponent Rules 3.AbmQNC-iE84.mkv4.9M
[VID]20100619.Scientific notation 1.kSx873lOgIc.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100619.Scientific notation 2.vDfd0bj3mo0.mkv4.3M
[VID]20100619.U.S. national debt (scientific notation word problem) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.XJBwJjP2_hM.mkv8.6M
[VID]20100620.Applying radical equations 1 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.U3JxFFdKCKM.mkv6.1M
[VID]20100620.Applying radical equations 2 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.YghRP8S2K-4.mkv7.2M
[VID]20100620.Pythagorean theorem 1 _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.JVrkLIcA2qw.mkv5.7M
[VID]20100620.Pythagorean theorem 2 _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.O64YFlX1_aI.mkv4.0M
[VID]20100620.Pythagorean theorem 3 _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.T0IOrRETWhI.mkv3.1M
[VID]20100620.Simplifying Radical Expressions 1._Ao9_4chEX8.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100620.Simplifying Radical Expressions 2.F5iMsjwFLX8.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100620.Simplifying Radical Expressions 3.s9i2aVKyxTY.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100620.Simplifying expressions with exponents 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xnLcxdM8OD8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20100620.Simplifying expressions with exponents 3 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.zwUnRQbWPJU.mkv2.3M
[VID]20100620.Simplifying expressions with exponents _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tdO4UOLW9d8.mkv2.0M
[VID]20100620.Solving radical equations 1 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.y4C81qAa3pY.mkv2.0M
[VID]20100620.Solving radical equations 2 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.b6WtwQddAcY.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100620.Solving radical equations 3 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.g6nGcnVB8BM.mkv4.3M
[VID]20100621.Adding and subtracting polynomials _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.ZGl2ExHwdak.mkv1.5M
[VID]20100621.Applying radical equations 3 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.npUtXLjTnxg.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100621.Brian Lehrer Interview with Salman Khan.72wRgtH6eJ0.mkv 30M
[VID]20100621.Example 2 - Adding polynomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ahdKdxsTj8E.mkv1.9M
[VID]20100621.Example 2 - Modeling with polynomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.IGs7IB48Fvg.mkv1.3M
[VID]20100621.Example 2 - Multiplying two monomials with two variables _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.p_61XhXdlxI.mkv1.8M
[VID]20100621.Example 3 - Modeling with polynomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.J1HAY8E3gms.mkv6.4M
[VID]20100621.Example 3 - Multiplying a binomial by a polynomial word problem _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.bamcYQDzVTw.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100621.Example 4 - Adding and subtracting polynomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.DMyhUb1pZT0.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100621.Fractional exponent expressions 1 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xjCnmPvcmOo.mkv1.7M
[VID]20100621.Fractional exponent expressions 2 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.4F6cFLnAAFc.mkv7.6M
[VID]20100621.Multiplying Polynomials 1.gg6vUnElXqo.mkv6.5M
[VID]20100621.Multiplying and dividing monomials 2 _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Rtje3kbC9lM.mkv3.9M
[VID]20100621.Multiplying and dividing monomials 3 _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.abuhkDhowyc.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100621.Polynomials 1.sDhVqIyp_y8.mkv3.9M
[VID]20100621.Special Products of Polynomials 2.ukcJ8I6fHnU.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100621.Squaring a binomial _ Quadratics and polynomials _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.4GcNzvILqtM.mkv3.0M
[VID]20100621.U08_L2_T4_we3 Special Products of Polynomials 3.jYfWFy0yxB4.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100622.Bay Area CBS Station with Salman Khan.PhHWmehThg8.mkv5.1M
[VID]20100622.Example 2 - Factor a quadratic binomial with two variables by taking a common factor _ Khan Academy.499MvHFrqUU.mkv4.5M
[VID]20100622.Example 2 - Factoring quadratics by grouping _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.u1SAo2GiX8A.mkv3.7M
[VID]20100622.Example 3 - Factoring quadratics as a perfect square of a sum - (a+b)^2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XuwldEyWjH0.mkv3.7M
[VID]20100622.Example 3 - Factoring quadratics by taking a common factor and grouping _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.R-rhSQzFJL0.mkv4.5M
[VID]20100622.Example 4 - Factor a polynomial with two variables by taking a common factor _ Khan Academy.MZl6Mna0leQ.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100622.Example 4 - Factoring quadratics by taking a negative common factor and grouping _ Khan Academy.d-2Lcp0QKfI.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100622.Example 5 - Factoring a fourth degree polynomial using the 'perfect square” form _ Khan Academy.o-ZbdYVGehI.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100622.Example 6 - Factoring a difference of squares with two variables _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.YahJQvY396o.mkv2.3M
[VID]20100622.Example 7 - Factor a polynomial with two variables by grouping _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.HXIj16mjfgk.mkv3.6M
[VID]20100622.Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 2.QQhkEGp-YQQ.mkv5.7M
[VID]20100622.Factoring and the Distributive Property.auQU-9KNG74.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100622.U09_L1_T2_we3 Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 3.fVIZmOQBS5M.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100623.Completing the square for vertex form _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.02h9yhc7ruc.mkv6.0M
[VID]20100623.Dimensions from volume of box _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.vl9o9XEfXtw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20100623.Example 1 - Completing the square _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.VvuuRpJbbHE.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100623.Example 2 - Completing the square _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.6agzj3A9IgA.mkv7.4M
[VID]20100623.Graphing a parabola by finding the roots and vertex _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.TgKBc3Igx1I.mkv7.0M
[VID]20100623.Parabola vertex and axis of symmetry _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.dfoXtodyiIA.mkv7.6M
[VID]20100623.Quadratic Functions 1.CuPgmA7ytWA.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100623.Recognizing a perfect square quadratic _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.04RpkdaNzr8.mkv3.0M
[VID]20100623.Solving a quadratic equation by factoring _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.2ZzuZvz33X0.mkv6.3M
[VID]20100624.Applying Quadratic Functions 1.Zoa485PqK_M.mkv5.5M
[VID]20100624.Applying Quadratic Functions 2.HtN86WyZ6zY.mkv 13M
[VID]20100624.Applying Quadratic Functions 3.AgvWWDzXCUo.mkv 14M
[VID]20100624.Completing the square for quadratic formula _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.95tChNVzodY.mkv 11M
[VID]20100624.Example 1 - Using the quadratic formula _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.iulx0z1lz8M.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100624.Example 2 - Using the quadratic formula _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.CLrImGKeuEI.mkv7.9M
[VID]20100624.Example 3 - Using the quadratic formula _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XUvKjC21fYU.mkv6.7M
[VID]20100624.Non-linear systems of equations 1 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.hjigR_rHKDI.mkv7.9M
[VID]20100624.Non-linear systems of equations 2 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.XPf8LMu7QSw.mkv 11M
[VID]20100624.Non-linear systems of equations 3 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.FksgVpM_iXs.mkv7.5M
[VID]20100625.Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions 1.-YDIJw_9CWQ.mkv2.8M
[VID]20100625.Adding and subtracting rational expressions 2 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.3tmFTHOP6Pc.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100625.Adding and subtracting rational expressions 3 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.IKsi-DQU2zo.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100625.Applying Rational Equations 1.zJcrMpm5Sug.mkv4.2M
[VID]20100625.Applying rational equations 2 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.E1j8W64NQ0Y.mkv6.8M
[VID]20100625.Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 1 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.3GL69IA2q4s.mkv4.8M
[VID]20100625.Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 2 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.f-wz_ZzSDdg.mkv5.3M
[VID]20100625.Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 3 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.gcnk8TnzsLc.mkv5.6M
[VID]20100625.Simplifying Rational Expressions 1 (old).AWfP8d0rnic.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100625.Simplifying rational expressions 2 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.dstNU7It-Ro.mkv9.7M
[VID]20100625.Simplifying rational expressions 3 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ey_b3aPsRl8.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100625.Solving rational equations 1 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Yaeze9u6Cv8.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100625.Solving rational equations 2 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.RdYA8ZpqdJE.mkv5.0M
[VID]20100625.Solving rational equations 3 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.5wUJLMWZ5Fw.mkv5.5M
[VID]20100626.Applying Rational Equations 1 Extra Commentary.o40Eeq3fEHs.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100626.Applying rational equations 3 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.B0Z4s38YIgQ.mkv9.2M
[VID]20100626.Inductive reasoning 1 _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.MnQ7Lizkpqk.mkv1.9M
[VID]20100626.Inductive reasoning 2 _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.ZSsBh4Ybbj8.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100626.Inductive reasoning 3 _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.pgfWkaySFGY.mkv3.5M
[VID]20100626.Number Sets 1.u0ygl-QU6Qw.mkv7.4M
[VID]20100626.Number sets 2 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.qfQv8GzyjB4.mkv6.6M
[VID]20100626.Number sets 3 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.psyWUUkI-aw.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100626.Understanding Logical Statements 1.I6hz8mhaRB0.mkv5.5M
[VID]20100626.Understanding Logical Statements 2.0Sx5aJoAkW8.mkv 10M
[VID]20100626.Understanding Logical Statements 3.fs7fz3MLpC8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20100626.Understanding Logical Statements 4.mLCD0ez-yO0.mkv1.7M
[VID]20100626.Understanding Logical Statements Commentary.okNqf2NGnpk.mkv4.6M
[VID]20100627.Deductive reasoning 2 _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.VMEV__2wW3E.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100627.Deductive reasoning 3 _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.lYLaaMObgkw.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100627.Die rolling probability with independent events _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.2MYA8Ba2PvM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100627.Difference between inductive and deductive reasoning _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.GEId0GonOZM.mkv2.8M
[VID]20100627.Events and Outcomes 2.vB4FuGmfEGY.mkv6.7M
[VID]20100627.Example - 9 card hands _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.SbpoyXTpC84.mkv9.6M
[VID]20100627.Example - Different ways to pick officers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.l9ft9jpriNA.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100627.Example - Lottery probability _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.DIjlllgq3dc.mkv6.3M
[VID]20100627.Example - Probability through counting outcomes _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.3_otNr9kRuY.mkv2.1M
[VID]20100627.Example - Ways to arrange colors _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.oQpKtm5TtxU.mkv6.0M
[VID]20100627.Example - Ways to pick officers _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.v9NLtiVt3XY.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100627.Finding probability example 3 _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.cdRLBOnLTDk.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100627.Independent or dependent probability event _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Za7G_eWKiF4.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100627.Test taking probability and independent events _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.VWAfEbgf1Po.mkv5.1M
[VID]20100628.Example - Combinatorics and probability _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.ccrYD6iX_SY.mkv 12M
[VID]20100630.Salman Khan Interview with
[VID]20100711.Correction to sodium-potassium pump video _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.ye3rTjLCvAU.mkv 11M
[VID]20100713.Bill Gates talks about the Khan Academy - Excerpt from talk at Aspen Ideas Festival.B5L8Eq1Yk1U.mkv2.3M
[VID]20100716.Function inverses example 2 _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.aeyFb2eVH1c.mkv8.0M
[VID]20100716.Function inverses example 3 _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Bq9cq9FZuNM.mkv8.0M
[VID]20100716.Introduction to function inverses _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.W84lObmOp8M.mkv8.7M
[VID]20100717.Function inverse example 1 _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.wSiamij_i_k.mkv7.1M
[VID]20100718.Area of diagonal generated triangles of rectangle are equal _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.YTRimTJ5nX4.mkv4.3M
[VID]20100719.Bill Gates talks about the Khan Academy at Aspen Ideas Festival 2010.6A07Pj71TUA.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100721.Common and systematic naming - iso-, sec-, and tert- prefixes _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.TJUm860AjNw.mkv 15M
[VID]20100721.Correction - 2-propylheptane should never be the name! _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.CFBKfgGTP98.mkv2.8M
[VID]20100721.More Organic Chemistry Naming Examples 1.96D7RHUQvMA.mkv9.1M
[VID]20100721.Naming alkanes with alkyl groups _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.KKAD-OOOHxg.mkv 11M
[VID]20100721.Naming simple alkanes _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.NRFPvLp3r3g.mkv9.1M
[VID]20100721.Organic chemistry naming examples 2 _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.CJRQ8gOjq4E.mkv 11M
[VID]20100721.Representing structures of organic molecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.pMoA65Dj-zk.mkv6.8M
[VID]20100722.Naming alkenes examples _ Alkenes and Alkynes _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.KWv5PaoHwPA.mkv7.9M
[VID]20100722.Naming alkyl halides _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.jiJdNWzETSk.mkv 11M
[VID]20100722.Organic Chemistry Naming Examples 4.25axjMBeMxE.mkv7.8M
[VID]20100722.Organic chemistry naming examples 3 _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.Se-ekDNhCDk.mkv8.0M
[VID]20100722.Organic chemistry naming examples 4 _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.6BR0Q5e74bs.mkv 12M
[VID]20100723.sp3 hybridized orbitals and sigma bonds _ Structure and bonding _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.u1eGSL6J6Fo.mkv 17M
[VID]20100724.Pi bonds and sp2 hybridized orbitals _ Structure and bonding _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.lJX8DxoPRfk.mkv 15M
[VID]20100726.Chair and boat shapes for cyclohexane _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.YUEkOBvJSNg.mkv 13M
[VID]20100726.Double Newman diagram for methylcyclohexane _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.I6LsWSXx8fg.mkv 16M
[VID]20100726.Newman projections 2 _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.ryJvNEHcuDg.mkv 13M
[VID]20100726.Newman projections _ Alkanes, cycloalkanes, and functional groups _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.IkmM4CPnqF0.mkv 16M
[VID]20100727.Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system for naming enantiomers _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.DfO27juYly8.mkv 10M
[VID]20100727.Chiral examples 1 _ Stereochemistry _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.0XSSPow5oAc.mkv 11M
[VID]20100727.Chiral examples 2 _ Stereochemistry _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.QQMZ1ljepWg.mkv9.3M
[VID]20100727.Introduction to chirality _ Stereochemistry _ Organic chemistry _ Khan
[VID]20100728.R,S (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog) naming system example 2 _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.peQsBg9P4ms.mkv 12M
[VID]20100728.Stereoisomers, enantiomers, diastereomers, constitutional isomers and meso compounds _ Khan Academy.457xnJv80O0.mkv 14M
[VID]20100729.Absolute value equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ZEml96_kyN4.mkv1.8M
[VID]20100729.Finding the inequality representing the graph example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.FnrqBgot3jM.mkv3.1M
[VID]20100729.Inductive patterns _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.GvbrtnEYRpY.mkv7.0M
[VID]20100729.Optimal angle for a projectile part 1 - Components of initial velocity _ Khan Academy.RhUdv0jjfcE.mkv6.5M
[VID]20100729.Optimal angle for a projectile part 2 - Hangtime _ Physics _ Khan Academy.XtAB9GOfLiM.mkv5.0M
[VID]20100729.Optimal angle for a projectile part 3 - Horizontal distance as a function of angle (and speed).-h_x8TwC1ik.mkv2.8M
[VID]20100729.Optimal angle for a projectile part 4 - Finding the optimal angle and distance with a bit of calculus.snw0BrCBQYQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20100729.Systems of linear inequalities word problems example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.BUmLw5m6F9s.mkv 15M
[VID]20100729.U03_L2_T1_we2 Representing Functions as Graphs.12w3qsF4xmE.mkv4.6M
[VID]20100729.U06_L1_T1_we1 Solving Systems by Graphing.Li5XGPiLLAY.mkv4.7M
[VID]20100730.Finding a number's place value _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.jxA8MffVmPs.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100730.Rounding whole numbers 3 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.3jBfLaLrk6I.mkv1.0M
[VID]20100730.Rounding whole numbers example 1 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy._qzs1zozTBo.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100730.Rounding whole numbers example 2 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.fh8gkPW_6g4.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100730.Writing a number in expanded form _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.iK0y39rjBgQ.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100730.Writing a number in standard form _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.wd4cRAoBOiE.mkv4.8M
[VID]20100801.Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 2.8TD6iDzt4oQ.mkv2.9M
[VID]20100801.Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 3.YB2ATNCMciY.mkv2.0M
[VID]20100801.Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 4.-HaI9U9w3CM.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100801.Comparing Whole Numbers 2.KMwzeYAtJDc.mkv1.2M
[VID]20100801.Comparing Whole Numbers 3.zVqLlUpCnd0.mkv1.9M
[VID]20100801.Comparing whole numbers _ Place value (tens and hundreds) _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.9Jg5S7F2SMQ.mkv2.1M
[VID]20100801.Example - 2-digit times 2-digit _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.0WUXQNjdRvM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100801.Example - Adding two digit numbers (no carrying) _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.b22tMEc6Kko.mkv1.4M
[VID]20100801.Example - Ways to represent multiplication _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.Yw3EoxC_GXU.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100801.Multiplication estimation example _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.tx2Niw7aJJ8.mkv2.0M
[VID]20100801.Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications 3.CCPrxewq4bU.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100801.Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications 5._AP6rM49rOc.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100801.Rounding to Estimate Differences.XBarsXzUtuE.mkv4.1M
[VID]20100801.Rounding to Estimate Sums.lNfZQNWZklI.mkv2.8M
[VID]20100801.Rounding to Estimate Sums 2.j21X53Rwqt4.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100802.Associative Law of Multiplication.5RzDVNob0-0.mkv2.4M
[VID]20100802.Associative law of addition _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.oTKVXJ7TcbA.mkv2.3M
[VID]20100802.Commutative law of addition _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.HwSszh3L358.mkv1.7M
[VID]20100802.Commutative law of multiplication _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ENKH97PYssg.mkv1.9M
[VID]20100802.Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 2.chWcaZSLmHE.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100802.Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 3.qoDJwyyD_pg.mkv2.7M
[VID]20100802.Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 4.4yp5v64XuRc.mkv6.1M
[VID]20100802.Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 5.MS7k0BVR_uM.mkv4.2M
[VID]20100802.Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 6.SQ523h4CTMM.mkv3.9M
[VID]20100802.Example - Expressing division in multiple ways _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.4I9iibPLdBw.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100802.Identity property of 1 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.6nZp2QGeQ9k.mkv1.3M
[VID]20100802.Properties of Whole Numbers.HhwqS_d7Qp8.mkv487K
[VID]20100803.Exponent example 1 _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.5qfOViJda_g.mkv1.1M
[VID]20100803.Exponent example 2 _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.mJ1P4A-KA8k.mkv1.7M
[VID]20100803.Order of Operations 2._xuXwHhqNUg.mkv3.4M
[VID]20100803.Order of operations example _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.GiSpzFKI5_w.mkv4.2M
[VID]20100803.The distributive law of multiplication over addition _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.gl_-E6iVAg4.mkv5.4M
[VID]20100803.The distributive law of multiplication over subtraction _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Badvask-UDU.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100803.Understanding square roots _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ROIfbUQrSY4.mkv1.2M
[VID]20100806.Comparing Fractions 2.EiXl9g3TRvw.mkv8.1M
[VID]20100806.Comparing fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Io9i1JkKgN4.mkv2.7M
[VID]20100806.Equivalent fraction word problem example 4 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.0JW9P_T4P_Y.mkv5.5M
[VID]20100806.Finding factors of a number _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.vcn2ruTOwFo.mkv9.9M
[VID]20100806.Fractions in lowest terms _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.WPimvspI0_c.mkv5.7M
[VID]20100806.Identifying fraction parts _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-a_w0_VAo6U.mkv3.0M
[VID]20100806.Mixed numbers - changing from an improper fraction _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.8JyPzTeA_8w.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100806.Mixed numbers - changing to improper fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xkg7370cpjs.mkv7.4M
[VID]20100806.Numerator and denominator of a fraction _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.3XOt1fjWKi8.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100806.Prime factorization _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ZKKDTfHcsG0.mkv4.1M
[VID]20100806.Proper and Improper Fractions.cLYa05dOy8E.mkv8.8M
[VID]20100806.Recognizing divisibility _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.2G_Jr_XpnY4.mkv6.7M
[VID]20100807.Adding fractions with like denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.EJjnEau6aeI.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100807.Adding mixed numbers _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4TBVB4hLQhY.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100807.Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.CfBYGFm5gPA.mkv5.9M
[VID]20100807.Adding mixed numbers word problem _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.o0arqcKC7QE.mkv3.8M
[VID]20100807.Dividing fractions example 2 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.tnkPY4UqJ44.mkv3.6M
[VID]20100807.Dividing mixed numbers _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.51-U-Jkq79A.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100807.Dividing mixed numbers and fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.aNeCGxJVG7w.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100807.Dividing whole numbers and fractions - t-shirts _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.PQsgXNggV7Q.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100807.How to add fractions that have different denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.OVMceVL_CEQ.mkv4.2M
[VID]20100807.How to multiply mixed numbers _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.RPhaidW0dmY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100807.Multiplying fractions and whole numbers - mixed number answer _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.p729tFmpOXg.mkv5.1M
[VID]20100807.Multiplying fractions word problem - banana oat muffin recipe _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.YJgIGwTysk0.mkv3.9M
[VID]20100807.Multiplying two fractions - example _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.CTKMK1ZGLuk.mkv2.4M
[VID]20100807.Reciprocal of a mixed number _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.6YYiiixYz9A.mkv1.4M
[VID]20100808.Subtracting fractions with like denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.UbUdyE1_b9g.mkv2.4M
[VID]20100808.Subtracting mixed numbers 2 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4LYtLMmDuzw.mkv5.3M
[VID]20100808.Subtracting mixed numbers _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.WF7L2waDwLw.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100808.Subtracting mixed numbers word problem _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.tj9oLZYA-AQ.mkv7.5M
[VID]20100809.Adding decimals - example 3 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.w616LEmrHVE.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100809.Angles formed between transversals and parallel lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.gRKZaojKeP0.mkv8.0M
[VID]20100809.Angles of parallel lines 2 _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.0eDwckZOffc.mkv5.1M
[VID]20100809.Comparing decimals example 3 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.HCC96awA-FM.mkv1.4M
[VID]20100809.Decimal place value _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.x-Dqe5U1TXA.mkv3.9M
[VID]20100809.Decimals - writing it out in words _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.AuD2TX-90Cc.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100809.Decimal to simplified fraction _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NzIoHQfStoM.mkv2.4M
[VID]20100809.Rounding decimals - to the nearest tenth _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy._MIn3zFkEcc.mkv1.3M
[VID]20100809.The Pythagorean theorem intro _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.AA6RfgP-AHU.mkv 11M
[VID]20100810.Adding and subtracting decimals word problem _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.hy_bDS3aHO4.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100810.Dividing Decimals 2.D_E4Jws71rE.mkv4.9M
[VID]20100810.Dividing a decimal by a power of 10 - shortcut _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.HLGCq2h4ihY.mkv1.8M
[VID]20100810.Dividing by a multi-digit decimal _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Nqts8zW8RxM.mkv5.5M
[VID]20100810.Estimation with Decimals.BkwI6Uu0vi4.mkv4.8M
[VID]20100810.Multiplying Decimals 2.1fnzY3WypMA.mkv2.1M
[VID]20100810.Multiplying decimals example _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.JEHejQphIYc.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100810.Multiplying decimals word problem _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.W7dImsrVa0Y.mkv2.5M
[VID]20100810.Subtracting decimals example 1 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Eq4mVCd-yyo.mkv1.9M
[VID]20100811.Entgegen-Zusammen naming scheme for alkenes examples _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.GFiizJ-jGVw.mkv6.5M
[VID]20100811.Find an Unknown in a Proportion.e_6lyl3Lq-c.mkv3.2M
[VID]20100811.Find an Unknown in a Proportion 2.biL7ILa6P6A.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100811.Proportion validity example _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.V3FvaClh6LY.mkv1.4M
[VID]20100811.Ratios as fractions in simplest form _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.JWmCiZwoyMs.mkv1.2M
[VID]20100811.Simplifying rates and ratios _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.p5nomPfUF9k.mkv2.3M
[VID]20100811.Solving unit price problem _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.d7rAlcNHDUI.mkv2.2M
[VID]20100811.Solving unit rates problem _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Zm0KaIw-35k.mkv2.6M
[VID]20100811.cis-trans and E-Z naming scheme for alkenes _ Alkenes and Alkynes _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.oYoQpDtBLac.mkv5.2M
[VID]20100812.Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms.XcUul3e7buw.mkv 10M
[VID]20100812.Markovnikov's Rule and Carbocations.9mJijsZZMsA.mkv 18M
[VID]20100813.Polymerization of alkenes with acid _ Alkenes and Alkynes _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.tR-hzV5Tkxo.mkv 14M
[VID]20100817.Molecular and Empirical Forumlas from Percent Composition._H009sTvYE0.mkv 14M
[VID]20100825.Introduction to reaction mechanisms _ Alkenes and Alkynes _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.Z_GWBW_GVGA.mkv 13M
[VID]20100825.Markovnikov's rule and carbocations _ Alkenes and Alkynes _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.X-VCk3WrGlM.mkv9.3M
[VID]20100825.Sn2 Reactions.Z_85KXnBSYc.mkv 12M
[VID]20100827.Nucleophile Strength.Q4ZO05VQEqQ.mkv 19M
[VID]20100827.Sn2 Stereochemistry.QxIUeYAQRy0.mkv 10M
[VID]20100830.Converting percent to decimal and fraction _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-gB1y-PMWfs.mkv3.7M
[VID]20100830.Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Hkwfibux88s.mkv6.8M
[VID]20100830.Solvent Effects on Sn1 and Sn2 Reactions.8J0ys3z5wzo.mkv 16M
[VID]20100830.The meaning of percent _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Lvr2YsxG10o.mkv3.3M
[VID]20100830.The meaning of percent over 100 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.MokI3Fi8jpc.mkv3.0M
[VID]20100831.Percent word problem example 4 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.N4kDzoQOngY.mkv4.7M
[VID]20100831.Percent word problem example 5 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.DAikW24_O0A.mkv5.8M
[VID]20100831.Solving percent problems _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.TvSKeTFsaj4.mkv7.3M
[VID]20100904.Adding different units for weight.gRAwbGqnEqk.mkv3.4M
[VID]20100904.Adding different units of length.CAXqVVxn9zA.mkv8.1M
[VID]20100904.Converting pounds to ounces _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.IrvEHVn-fks.mkv1.8M
[VID]20100904.Converting yards into inches _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.8C5kAIKLcZo.mkv6.1M
[VID]20100904.Unit measurement word problem - running laps (US customary) _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AGFO-ROxH_I.mkv9.5M
[VID]20100906.Applying the metric system _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.CDvPPsB3nEM.mkv6.4M
[VID]20100906.Comparing Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.aASUZqJCHHA.mkv3.6M
[VID]20100906.Conversion between metric units _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.SYkmadc2wOI.mkv5.7M
[VID]20100906.Converting Farenheit to Celsius.p7TtcisPQN4.mkv6.6M
[VID]20100906.Converting within the metric system _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.uHaKyNplino.mkv4.7M
[VID]20100906.U.S. customary and metric units _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.y2RHWA7t0WM.mkv6.3M
[VID]20100906.Unit conversion - arithmetic calculations on units of volume _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.hShqXKpI6KA.mkv5.3M
[VID]20100906.Unit conversion - gallons to quarts, pints, and cups _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4uQtJDf7drU.mkv6.2M
[VID]20100906.Unit measurement word problem - volume (US customary) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.KgoXx_58QyQ.mkv3.4M
[VID]20100906.Unit measurement word problem - weight (US customary) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.gnCL_0uA6Ds.mkv8.4M
[VID]20100915.How to solve equations of the form ax = b _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.9Ek61w1LxSc.mkv 10M
[VID]20100915.Introduction to solving an equation with variables on both sides _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.f15zA0PhSek.mkv8.3M
[VID]20100915.Solving a more complicated equation _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XoEn1LfVoTo.mkv7.9M
[VID]20100916.E1 reactions _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.U9dGHwsewNk.mkv 10M
[VID]20100916.E2 reactions _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.J0gXdEAaSiA.mkv9.9M
[VID]20100916.Nucleophilicity (Nucleophile Strength).Z9Jh-Q59xso.mkv 18M
[VID]20100916.Nucleophilicity vs. Basicity.Mx7KM-k2MMo.mkv 15M
[VID]20100917.Comparing E2 E1 Sn2 Sn1 Reactions.12Rvts2NR7M.mkv 14M
[VID]20100917.E2 E1 Sn2 Sn1 Reactions Example 2.vinEPfrqfiU.mkv4.4M
[VID]20100917.Zaitsev's rule _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.2jO--kC3aqk.mkv 20M
[VID]20100918.E2 E1 Sn2 Sn1 Reactions Example 3.MtwvLru62Qw.mkv 16M
[VID]20100920.Alcohol properties _ Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.Aa1CMokCch4.mkv 13M
[VID]20100920.Alcohols _ Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.nQ7QSV4JRSs.mkv7.7M
[VID]20100920.Free radical reactions _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.5HgzsltWwK8.mkv 13M
[VID]20100921.Resonance.6XOm3Km7r30.mkv 12M
[VID]20100924.CNN - Google award to Khan Academy.QGxgAHer3Ow.mkv9.3M
[VID]20101004.Fareed Zakaria talks about Khan Academy on CNN GPS.ngk8k04zKHY.mkv4.2M
[VID]20101007.Ether naming and introduction _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.roUGDG1rhPI.mkv 13M
[VID]20101008.Cyclic ethers and epoxide naming _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.5d63YMUxcS4.mkv8.3M
[VID]20101008.Ring-opening Sn2 reaction of expoxides.hMguUHeYf0g.mkv 11M
[VID]20101008.Sn1 and Sn2 epoxide opening discussion.Ordpoq2dHAk.mkv8.2M
[VID]20101009.Aromatic Compounds and Huckel's Rule.RaBI3lAACKg.mkv 11M
[VID]20101009.Naming benzene derivatives introduction _ Aromatic Compounds _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.A5r7wkwDID4.mkv 11M
[VID]20101010.Bromination of benzene _ Aromatic Compounds _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.K2tIixiXGOM.mkv 14M
[VID]20101010.Electrophilic aromatic substitution _ Aromatic Compounds _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.fpq0eICjuSI.mkv 12M
[VID]20101011.Amine naming introduction _ Amines _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.CJzuu_k9Nv0.mkv6.2M
[VID]20101011.Amine naming introduction _ Amines _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.Kpov3GS6tjM.mkv7.6M
[VID]20101013.Buffers and Henderson-Hasselbalch _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.LJmFbcaxDPE.mkv 20M
[VID]20101015.Acid base titration example _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.XjFNmfLv9_Q.mkv 18M
[VID]20101015.Hess's law example _ Thermodynamics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.8bCL8TQZFKo.mkv 17M
[VID]20101018.Amine as Nucleophile in Sn2 Reaction.O4dvuimcVBA.mkv 19M
[VID]20101018.Amine in Sn2 part 2.w8LS4fRQvMk.mkv 13M
[VID]20101018.Change of state example _ States of matter and intermolecular forces _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.tvO0358YUYM.mkv8.7M
[VID]20101018.Sn1 Amine Reaction.pBAwbypjW9s.mkv 10M
[VID]20101018.Vapor pressure example _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.-QpkmwIoMaY.mkv 22M
[VID]20101019.Aldehyde introduction _ Aldehydes and ketones _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.oeyBfrx5RJY.mkv9.1M
[VID]20101019.Friedel-Crafts acylation _ Aromatic Compounds _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.vFfriC55fFw.mkv 12M
[VID]20101019.Friedel crafts acylation addendum _ Aromatic Compounds _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.0YD5xSvseIw.mkv972K
[VID]20101019.Keto-enol tautomerization (by Sal) _ Alpha Carbon Chemistry _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.SXbc4J1qWjE.mkv8.3M
[VID]20101019.Ketone naming _ Aldehydes and ketones _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.wD15pD5pCt4.mkv9.0M
[VID]20101020.Acid chloride formation _ Carboxylic acids and derivatives _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.XKk9K5xTgDA.mkv 14M
[VID]20101020.Carboxylic acid introduction _ Carboxylic acids and derivatives _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.xheOq0XZ-so.mkv 10M
[VID]20101020.Carboxylic acid naming _ Carboxylic acids and derivatives _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.z8h7QgevqjM.mkv5.3M
[VID]20101020.Fischer esterification _ Carboxylic acids and derivatives _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.dbdVMThH1n8.mkv 23M
[VID]20101021.Aldol reaction _ Alpha Carbon Chemistry _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.3XiHrsZNZko.mkv 12M
[VID]20101021.Amide formation from acyl chloride _ Carboxylic acids and derivatives _ Khan Academy.gMKtGulgGH8.mkv 11M
[VID]20101021.Amides, anhydrides, esters, and acyl chlorides _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.SRPQ62dR6b4.mkv 12M
[VID]20101021.Khan Academy on the Gates Notes.UuMTSU9DcqQ.mkv5.6M
[VID]20101021.Relative stability of amides, esters, anhydrides, and acyl chlorides _ Khan Academy.NYI0bJK64MY.mkv 16M
[VID]20101024.Currency Exchange Introduction.itoNb1lb5hY.mkv 12M
[VID]20101025.American-Chinese Debt Loop.m5xu4r0szaA.mkv 18M
[VID]20101025.Chinese Central Bank Buying Treasuries.MN4SWiEEqKo.mkv 13M
[VID]20101025.Currency Effect on Trade.5HVCFrXQ9pw.mkv 17M
[VID]20101025.Currency Effect on Trade Review.Ysk1ySejuCQ.mkv 17M
[VID]20101025.Debt Loops Rationale and Effects.XBI7DqttyOQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20101025.Pegging the yuan _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.S-9iY1OgbDE.mkv7.6M
[VID]20101027.Sampling distribution example problem _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.0ZstEh_8bYc.mkv 16M
[VID]20101029.Bernoulli distribution mean and variance formulas _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.ry81_iSHt6E.mkv8.1M
[VID]20101029.Confidence interval example _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.SeQeYVJZ2gE.mkv 29M
[VID]20101029.Margin of error 1 _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.OwPSuHXmiPw.mkv 17M
[VID]20101029.Margin of error 2 _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.YclQE2XtaLw.mkv 15M
[VID]20101029.Mean and variance of Bernoulli distribution example _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.O8vB1eInP_8.mkv8.6M
[VID]20101102.Hypothesis testing and p-values _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.-FtlH4svqx4.mkv 17M
[VID]20101102.One-tailed and two-tailed tests _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mvye6X_0upA.mkv7.8M
[VID]20101102.Small sample hypothesis test _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.D2sMsmL0ScQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20101102.Small sample size confidence intervals _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.K4KDLWENXm0.mkv 18M
[VID]20101102.Type 1 errors _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.EowIec7Y8HM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20101102.Z-statistics vs. T-statistics _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.5ABpqVSx33I.mkv6.7M
[VID]20101103.Large sample proportion hypothesis testing _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.1JT9oODsClE.mkv 19M
[VID]20101103.T-statistic confidence interval _ Inferential statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.hV4pdjHCKuA.mkv 18M
[VID]20101103.Variance of differences of random variables _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.rLdoKZ7w0xI.mkv 13M
[VID]20101104.Clarification of confidence interval of difference of means _ Khan Academy.yQsCMnz9wO8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20101104.Comparing population proportions 1 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.a1Ye5RcWOqg.mkv 13M
[VID]20101104.Comparing population proportions 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.MNbat1lrJW4.mkv 17M
[VID]20101104.Confidence interval of difference of means _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.hxZ6uooEJOk.mkv 20M
[VID]20101104.Difference of sample means distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.TcIDXqmt74A.mkv 16M
[VID]20101104.Hypothesis test comparing population proportions _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.dvSa_tx04hw.mkv 28M
[VID]20101104.Hypothesis test for difference of means _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.N984XGLjQfs.mkv 17M
[VID]20101105.Calculating R-squared _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Fc5t_5r_7IU.mkv 16M
[VID]20101105.Proof (part 1) minimizing squared error to regression line _ Khan Academy.mIx2Oj5y9Q8.mkv 13M
[VID]20101105.Proof (part 2) minimizing squared error to regression line _ Khan Academy.f6OnoxctvUk.mkv 13M
[VID]20101105.Proof (part 3) minimizing squared error to regression line _ Khan Academy.u1HhUB3NP8g.mkv 15M
[VID]20101105.Proof (part 4) minimizing squared error to regression line _ Khan Academy.8RSTQl0bQuw.mkv6.5M
[VID]20101105.R-squared or coefficient of determination _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.lng4ZgConCM.mkv 15M
[VID]20101105.Regression line example _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.GAmzwIkGFgE.mkv 10M
[VID]20101105.Second regression example _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.ww_yT9ckPWw.mkv 13M
[VID]20101105.Squared error of regression line _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.6OvhLPS7rj4.mkv6.6M
[VID]20101108.Covariance and the regression line _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.ualmyZiPs9w.mkv 15M
[VID]20101109.Regression Notation Clarification.7J1Yr-cPtw8.mkv 16M
[VID]20101110.Chi-square distribution introduction _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.dXB3cUGnaxQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20101110.Pearson's chi square test (goodness of fit) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.2QeDRsxSF9M.mkv 14M
[VID]20101111.Contingency table chi-square test _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.hpWdDmgsIRE.mkv 21M
[VID]20101112.ANOVA 1 - Calculating SST (total sum of squares) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.EFdlFoHI_0I.mkv8.3M
[VID]20101112.ANOVA 2 - Calculating SSW and SSB (total sum of squares within and between) _ Khan Academy.j9ZPMlVHJVs.mkv 15M
[VID]20101112.ANOVA 3 - Hypothesis test with F-statistic _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Xg8_iSkJpAE.mkv 15M
[VID]20101116.Scale of distance to closest stars _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.jEeJkkMXt6c.mkv 16M
[VID]20101116.Scale of earth and sun _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.GZx3U0dbASg.mkv 13M
[VID]20101116.Scale of solar system _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.GP53b__h4ew.mkv 17M
[VID]20101117.Intergalactic scale _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.JiE_kNk3ucI.mkv 19M
[VID]20101117.Scale of the galaxy _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.rcLnMe1ELPA.mkv 23M
[VID]20101118.A Universe Smaller than the Observable.0w9R_foNLrg.mkv 13M
[VID]20101118.Big bang introduction _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.eUF59jCFcyQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20101118.Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.VQf9aLWp3x4.mkv 16M
[VID]20101118.Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 2.2-1Sb1fa1W4.mkv 13M
[VID]20101118.Hubble image of galaxies _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.Wl4re38deh0.mkv8.9M
[VID]20101118.Radius of observable universe (correction) _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.b6VQv76BQDs.mkv2.2M
[VID]20101118.Radius of observable universe _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.6nVysrZQnOQ.mkv 20M
[VID]20101119.Cosmological time scale 1 _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.DRtLXagrMHw.mkv 15M
[VID]20101119.Cosmological time scale 2 _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.LO7-3MpWijU.mkv 13M
[VID]20101119.Red shift _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.mx2M_ZKXM_c.mkv 10M
[VID]20101122.Four fundamental forces _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.FEF6PxWOvsk.mkv 11M
[VID]20101123.Becoming a red giant _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.kJSOqlcFpJw.mkv 13M
[VID]20101123.Birth of stars _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.i-NNWI8Ccas.mkv8.0M
[VID]20101123.Cosmic background radiation 2 _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.06z7Q8TWPyU.mkv 13M
[VID]20101123.Cosmic background radiation _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.sxbPwl_KRuA.mkv 15M
[VID]20101123.Star field and nebula images _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.w3IKEa_GOYs.mkv 12M
[VID]20101123.White and black dwarfs _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.EdYyuUUY-nc.mkv 18M
[VID]20101124.Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions 1.c_N9G3N9Ubc.mkv3.5M
[VID]20101124.Applying Quadratic Functions 3.huZBkYgGrKo.mkv 12M
[VID]20101124.Applying rational equations 1 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.gD7A1LA4jO8.mkv6.5M
[VID]20101124.Example 1 - Modeling with polynomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.EvvxBdNIUeQ.mkv5.5M
[VID]20101124.Example 3 - Finding the square of a binomial with two variables _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.4fQeHtSdw80.mkv5.5M
[VID]20101124.Fractional exponent expressions 3 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Ay0B6Kh9Y3Q.mkv6.4M
[VID]20101124.Hubble's law _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.1V9wVmO0Tfg.mkv 13M
[VID]20101124.Multiplying Polynomials1.HB48COey2O8.mkv5.5M
[VID]20101124.Number sets 1 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.aqsIWLqlDhE.mkv6.9M
[VID]20101124.Parallax in observing stars _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.ETzUpoqZIHY.mkv6.9M
[VID]20101124.Parsec definition _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.6zV3JEjLoyE.mkv 10M
[VID]20101124.Simplifying a cube root _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.drhoIgAhlQM.mkv2.5M
[VID]20101124.Simplifying rational expressions 1 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.XChok8XlF90.mkv4.7M
[VID]20101124.Stellar distance using parallax _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.lVadjWOjvV8.mkv 14M
[VID]20101124.Stellar parallax clarification _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.6FP-hLuAlr4.mkv2.9M
[VID]20101127.Sal on ABC News.RXeDxJfrqdw.mkv7.9M
[VID]20101129.Black holes _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.JoL2pO3O0rg.mkv 14M
[VID]20101129.Cepheid variables 1 _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.BWs-ONRDDG4.mkv 13M
[VID]20101129.Lifecycle of massive stars _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.UhIwMAhZpCo.mkv7.6M
[VID]20101129.Supernova (supernovae) _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.qOwCpnQsDLM.mkv 19M
[VID]20101129.Supernova clarification _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.QMv4kxATfzs.mkv2.4M
[VID]20101130.Galactic collisions _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.QXYbGZ3T3_k.mkv4.1M
[VID]20101130.Quasar correction _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.PX_XSnVWlNc.mkv2.6M
[VID]20101130.Quasars _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.4LmIyMyAuN0.mkv 15M
[VID]20101130.Supermassive black holes _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.DxkkAHnqlpY.mkv 10M
[VID]20101130.Why cepheids pulsate _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.X_3QAB3o4Vw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20101130.Why gravity gets so strong near dense objects _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.RpOHZc6cDIw.mkv7.8M
[VID]20101203.Carbon 14 dating 1 _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.8wYvKeSK1IY.mkv 12M
[VID]20101206.Carbon 14 dating 2 _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.4YUtnod-YuE.mkv8.3M
[VID]20101208.Refraction and Snell's law _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.y55tzg_jW9I.mkv 15M
[VID]20101208.Refraction in water _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.jxptCXHLxKQ.mkv5.7M
[VID]20101208.Snell's law example 1 _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.HahjsBApxLE.mkv 15M
[VID]20101208.Snell's law example 2 _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.10LuSfZZa3E.mkv 16M
[VID]20101208.Specular and diffuse reflection 2 _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.XR52dXLyz-M.mkv 12M
[VID]20101208.Specular and diffuse reflection _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.sd0BOnN6aNY.mkv 17M
[VID]20101209.Convex lenses _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.K0sjZ5nqQ7g.mkv8.8M
[VID]20101209.Convex parabolic mirrors _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.dWY25vb1ZB0.mkv5.9M
[VID]20101209.Parabolic mirrors 2 _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.7m0u6dxA5Xo.mkv 16M
[VID]20101209.Parabolic mirrors and real images _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.8X1AS9qD5AQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20101209.Total internal reflection _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.WRuatAcd2WY.mkv9.3M
[VID]20101209.Virtual image _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.nrOg85VPQgw.mkv8.7M
[VID]20101210.Concave lenses _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Vh70PyitQzo.mkv3.3M
[VID]20101210.Convex lens examples _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.xxF_mdoZom0.mkv 12M
[VID]20101210.Object image and focal distance relationship (proof of formula) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.rse0I7rZ8jM.mkv 14M
[VID]20101210.Object image height and distance relationship _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.acQYX4nwhCk.mkv3.4M
[VID]20101213.IIT JEE Complex Root Probability (part 1).bV_HSZ_W0nk.mkv 18M
[VID]20101213.IIT JEE Complex Root Probability (part 2).S3KMyYYGuPE.mkv 12M
[VID]20101213.IIT JEE Matrix Equations.DI34LspKqNY.mkv 11M
[VID]20101213.IIT JEE Perpendicular Plane (part 2).66pQLO--Ghk.mkv 11M
[VID]20101213.IIT JEE Perpendicular Planes (Part 1).2u535-HVJ_o.mkv 11M
[VID]20101213.IIT JEE Position Vectors.GDXyGy5TjnI.mkv9.8M
[VID]20101213.IIT JEE trigonometry problem 1 _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.X7GT9JKoAbo.mkv 18M
[VID]20101214.IIT JEE Algebraic Manipulation.zs5LM7dxyTo.mkv 18M
[VID]20101214.IIT JEE Function Maxima.2E_DB5VuAoo.mkv 12M
[VID]20101214.IIT JEE Integral Limit.pnwrNnZGVEw.mkv7.0M
[VID]20101215.IIT JEE Diameter Slope.pdXcf5ZWHf0.mkv 12M
[VID]20101215.IIT JEE Hairy Trig and Algebra (Part 2).6t9ogglXNIM.mkv 16M
[VID]20101215.IIT JEE Hairy Trig and Algebra (Part 3).KVRpXvrsSKM.mkv8.1M
[VID]20101215.IIT JEE Hairy Trig and Algebra (part 1).dOxXl_6BDQc.mkv 15M
[VID]20101216.Basic complex analysis _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.FwuPXchH2rA.mkv 14M
[VID]20101216.Complex conjugates _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.BZxZ_eEuJBM.mkv8.6M
[VID]20101216.Exponential form to find complex roots _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.N0Y8ia57C24.mkv 13M
[VID]20101216.IIT JEE Differentiability and Boundedness.FIt1RNiCO6U.mkv 20M
[VID]20101216.IIT JEE complex numbers (part 1) _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy._5ei_I02huY.mkv9.9M
[VID]20101216.IIT JEE complex numbers (part 2) _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.pQwoBOpVoWw.mkv 12M
[VID]20101216.IIT JEE complex numbers (part 3) _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.FwA_UZkI-JM.mkv4.0M
[VID]20101217.IIT JEE Integral with Binomial Expansion.1-5sTDLrcp4.mkv 19M
[VID]20101217.IIT JEE Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices.G6OoxGmJzuc.mkv 19M
[VID]20101217.IIT JEE Trace and Determinant.5S03uylNn-Q.mkv 14M
[VID]20101220.IIT JEE Divisible Determinants.9vlsBN3pFE0.mkv 10M
[VID]20101220.IIT JEE circle hyperbola intersection _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.6g3DPg2HqGw.mkv 18M
[VID]20101221.IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 1 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.MhLfun2Vask.mkv8.8M
[VID]20101221.IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 2 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.0imeUgSxR10.mkv 17M
[VID]20101221.IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 3 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.RomnHMWSLoE.mkv 14M
[VID]20101221.IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 4 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.eGo8C2Jshzs.mkv 13M
[VID]20101221.IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 5 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.rPoqpQcgNv4.mkv 14M
[VID]20101221.IIT JEE trigonometric constraints _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.EjtjdJZ2x8w.mkv 13M
[VID]20101222.IIT JEE trigonometric maximum _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.tzR9jUCSniQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20101227.IIT JEE Lagrange's Formula.rndex9FCIdo.mkv 12M
[VID]20101227.Vector triple product expansion (very optional) _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.b7JTVLc_aMk.mkv 14M
[VID]20101228.2010 IIT JEE Paper 1 Problem 50 Hyperbola Eccentricity.4ES_vbSJ7LU.mkv 21M
[VID]20101228.Distance between planes _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.v8plb6V8BQo.mkv 18M
[VID]20101228.Normal vector from plane equation _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan 10M
[VID]20101228.Periodic Definite Integral.CZdziIlYIfI.mkv 18M
[VID]20101228.Point distance to plane _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.7rIFO8hct9g.mkv 16M
[VID]20101228.Tangent line hyperbola relationship (very optional) _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.c_8QQbVQKU0.mkv 13M
[VID]20101229.Complex determinant example _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.E7OkUomRq1Q.mkv 15M
[VID]20101229.Series sum example _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.A6fbDssPeac.mkv 16M
[VID]20101229.Simple Differential Equation Example.fqnPabGV6A4.mkv 17M
[VID]20101229.Trigonometric system example _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Y2ed-g8Lpdc.mkv 12M
[VID]20101230.2003 AIME II Problem 2.4sIuGOxB6hQ.mkv3.9M
[VID]20101230.2003 AIME II problem 1 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.JPQ8cfOsYxo.mkv6.6M
[VID]20101230.2003 AIME II problem 3 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.JU67TL2L1CA.mkv3.4M
[VID]20101230.2003 AIME II problem 4 (part 1) _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.gXnHodHNusg.mkv 17M
[VID]20101230.2003 AIME II problem 4 (part 2) _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.wQ34EIfd-5A.mkv9.3M
[VID]20101230.Sum of factors of 27000 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.17st-s5gg10.mkv6.7M
[VID]20110105.2003 AIME II problem 5 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.EzE53aPGbrQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20110105.Sum of factors 2 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.tbQ_7zvRoN4.mkv 10M
[VID]20110106.2003 AIME II problem 5 minor correction _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.yXg5CYuCcU4.mkv2.6M
[VID]20110106.2003 AIME II problem 6 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.l9j26EOvTYc.mkv 24M
[VID]20110106.Triangle medians and centroids (2D proof) _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Vc09LURoMQ8.mkv 18M
[VID]20110106.Triangle medians and centroids _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.GiGLhXFBtRg.mkv9.0M
[VID]20110107.2003 AIME II problem 7 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.jpKjXtywTlQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20110107.2003 AIME II problem 8 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.ZFN63oTeYzc.mkv 14M
[VID]20110107.Area circumradius formula proof _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.x_aax6LSRtE.mkv8.5M
[VID]20110107.Rhombus diagonals _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy._QTFeOvPcbY.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110110.2003 AIME II problem 12 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.KD46pC_KFWk.mkv 13M
[VID]20110110.2003 AIME II problem 13 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.vKMNRcctwL4.mkv 25M
[VID]20110111.2003 AIME II problem 9 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.ZSESJ8TeGSI.mkv 13M
[VID]20110111.2003 AIME II problem 10 _ AIME _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.Hh3iY4tdkGI.mkv 21M
[VID]20110111.Sum of polynomial roots (proof) _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.9eWyvWq9CCs.mkv 16M
[VID]20110111.Sum of squares of polynomial roots _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.bbeWLtarzrE.mkv 15M
[VID]20110112.Trig challenge problem - area of a hexagon _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.Ec-BKdC8vOo.mkv 22M
[VID]20110112.Trig challenge problem - area of a triangle _ Khan Academy.smtrrefmC40.mkv 21M
[VID]20110113.2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 1) _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.2eLAEMRrR7Q.mkv 17M
[VID]20110113.2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 2) _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.TljVBB7gxbE.mkv 19M
[VID]20110113.2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 3) _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.JTpXK2mENH4.mkv 13M
[VID]20110113.Forbes Names You Need To Know - Khan Academy.UkfppuS0Plg.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110119.Absolute value of integers _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.r6hS_8nm1jM.mkv2.2M
[VID]20110119.Adding and subtracting real numbers.jvad-axh3ww.mkv2.2M
[VID]20110119.Adding and subtracting real numbers application.T2RQxi76aig.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110119.Adding fractions with different signs _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.QS1LMomm0Gk.mkv6.6M
[VID]20110119.Adding integers with same sign.j3ty_c9Fulg.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110119.Adding numbers with different signs (example) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NrVvu7cM8_o.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110119.Adding real numbers with different signs.3O1wcDGXEgA.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110119.Application of addition of real numbers.5liQvZAC7-Q.mkv6.9M
[VID]20110119.Associative property for multiplication.fUgkIcx82xY.mkv2.3M
[VID]20110119.Commutative property for addition _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.UeG_EYd-0xw.mkv3.6M
[VID]20110119.Decimals and fractions on a number line _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.uC09taczvOo.mkv2.0M
[VID]20110119.Distributive property 3.uu0Cchc7T14.mkv3.5M
[VID]20110119.Dividing real numbers with different signs.hrNeFsCBq_8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110119.How to evaluate an expression with variables _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AJNDeVt9UOo.mkv2.3M
[VID]20110119.Identity property of 0 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.uXTRmzXlorI.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110119.Identity property of 1 (second example) _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy._86K0yQ8BQY.mkv1.7M
[VID]20110119.Locate integers on a number line.pc4r1Z2PwWo.mkv2.5M
[VID]20110119.Multiplying numbers with different signs _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4ve7OaCnDLs.mkv2.6M
[VID]20110119.Multiplying real number application.BdDkQJ0rolc.mkv6.1M
[VID]20110119.Number Sets.pu4tn_Yl4_k.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110119.Opposite of a given number.zsnkK43UtfY.mkv2.1M
[VID]20110119.Order of Operations 2 (old)._sJXUM8W4LY.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110119.Order of operations example - putting it all together _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.gjrGd9TjjnY.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110119.Subtracting real numbers.yeiroTpHFmg.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110120.Beginnings of life _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.nYFuxTXDj90.mkv 17M
[VID]20110120.Biodiversity flourishes in Phanerozoic eon _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.MS7x2hDEhrw.mkv 16M
[VID]20110120.Earth formation _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.VbNXh0GaLYo.mkv 16M
[VID]20110120.Ozone layer and eukaryotes show up in the Proterozoic eon _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.E1P79uFLCMc.mkv 14M
[VID]20110124.First living things on land clarification _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.3gUE_P9T-Wk.mkv 11M
[VID]20110125.Absolute Value Equations 2.w5YltRetIQ0.mkv1.0M
[VID]20110125.Absolute value equations example 1 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.LRlVWC0FMQc.mkv3.2M
[VID]20110125.Absolute value inequalities example 2 _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.YKQLZOq4HTA.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110125.Compound Inequalities 3.2ocKyW1L_hQ.mkv3.5M
[VID]20110125.Compound inequalities 2 _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.d2cnQ5ahHgE.mkv5.2M
[VID]20110125.Compound inequalities 4 _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ZF_cZ-GX9PI.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110125.Compound inequalities _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.0YErxSShF0A.mkv4.4M
[VID]20110125.Equation special cases _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.zKotuhQWIRg.mkv1.8M
[VID]20110125.Ex 2 - Distributive property to simplify _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.CJyVct57-9s.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110125.Example 1 - Variables on both sides _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.CGS0vihzSlc.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110125.Example of plotting a simple inequality on a number line _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.dTwZ5N126gw.mkv1.5M
[VID]20110125.Example of solving a one-step equation _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.VidnbCEOGdg.mkv1.8M
[VID]20110125.How to evaluate an expression using substitution _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tC1SfxRvtmM.mkv1.3M
[VID]20110125.How to solve equations of the form x_a = b _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.DqeMQHomwAU.mkv2.3M
[VID]20110125.Multi-Step Inequalities (old).hl7g82m_BgA.mkv7.5M
[VID]20110125.Multi-step inequalities 2 _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XOAn5z8mkvI.mkv3.7M
[VID]20110125.Multiplying and dividing with inequalities example _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.D1cKk48kz-E.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110125.One-step inequality involving addition _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.17a443nL7Qw.mkv2.2M
[VID]20110125.Rearrange formulas to isolate specific variables _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.eTSVTTg_QZ4.mkv2.8M
[VID]20110125.Word problem - solving equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.iimpwYBiKNg.mkv2.1M
[VID]20110126.China Pegs to Dollar to Keep Trade Imbalance.A6iQDBrFnKI.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110126.Floating Exchange Resolving Trade Imbalance.JmXYQj0_1Vk.mkv6.1M
[VID]20110127.Dividing multivariable polynomial with monomial _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Yu00YJ3tAlo.mkv3.2M
[VID]20110127.Dividing polynomials 1 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.8Wxw9bpKEGQ.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110127.Dividing polynomials with remainders _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.pLCmwHsDYqo.mkv6.6M
[VID]20110127.Evaluating an algebraic expression with exponents _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.0uCslW40VHQ.mkv2.6M
[VID]20110127.Evaluating an expression with multiple variables.UH0HuxtBhEM.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110127.Evaluating a polynomial at a given value _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.03yq7XsErqo.mkv1.1M
[VID]20110127.Evaluating exponential expressions 2 _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.NEaLgGi4Vh4.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110127.Evaluating exponential expressions 3 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.U8kmaUXaPJY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110127.Example 1 - Multiplying a binomial by a binomial _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ZMLFfTX615w.mkv5.7M
[VID]20110127.Example 1 - Multiplying binomials to get a difference of squares _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.h6HmHjkA034.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110127.Example 1 - Multiplying two monomials with a single variable _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ssY1dFl7d30.mkv1.1M
[VID]20110127.Example 1 - Simplifying polynomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.vN0aL-_vIKM.mkv3.7M
[VID]20110127.Example 2 - Finding the square of a binomial with one variable _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xjkbR7Gjgjs.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110127.Example 2 - Multiplying a binomial by a polynomial _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.D6mivA_8L8U.mkv2.4M
[VID]20110127.Example 3 - Multiplying a monomial by a polynomial _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.pD2-H15ucNE.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110127.Example 3 - Subtracting polynomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.5ZdxnFspyP8.mkv2.2M
[VID]20110127.Example 4 - Adding and subtracting polynomials _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.Oe1PKI_6-38.mkv2.1M
[VID]20110127.Example 6 - Subtracting polynomials with two variables _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AqMT_zB9rP8.mkv2.1M
[VID]20110127.Exponent properties 1 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.-TpiL4J_yUA.mkv2.5M
[VID]20110127.Exponent properties 2 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tvj42WdKlH4.mkv6.4M
[VID]20110127.Exponent properties 3 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Of8ezQj1hRk.mkv2.5M
[VID]20110127.Exponent properties 4 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.X6zD3SoN3iY.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110127.Exponent properties 5 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.4jhG7g5qgO0.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110127.Exponent properties 6 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.BwmTemng9lc.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110127.Exponent properties 7 _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.IF-8VOiEOes.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110127.Express a small number in scientific notation (example) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.6phoVfGKKec.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110127.Multiplying in scientific notation (example) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xxAFh-qHPPA.mkv5.7M
[VID]20110127.Multiplying polynomials example _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.yJzLYa-_Y1k.mkv5.9M
[VID]20110127.Opposite of a Polynomial.pb8vGcMlRmU.mkv1.9M
[VID]20110127.Polynomial divided by monomial _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.UquFdMg6Z_U.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110127.Simplifying an expression with multiple variables.MjAcASWqZS4.mkv3.5M
[VID]20110127.Simplifying rational expressions (old video) _ Algebra II _ High School Geometry _ Khan Academy.4Eax48gDg9g.mkv1.0M
[VID]20110127.Speed of light and distance from sun (scientific notation word problem) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.dD71fFNwVJw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20110127.The parts of polynomial expressions _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.REiDXCN0lGU.mkv2.7M
[VID]20110128.Salman Khan on KQED MindShift.Tksh1zHEkIM.mkv6.9M
[VID]20110201.Plate tectonics - Evidence of plate movement _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.6EdsBabSZ4g.mkv 24M
[VID]20110201.Plate tectonics - Geological features of divergent plate boundaries _ Khan Academy.FK1s1-OJ5BE.mkv 21M
[VID]20110202.Plate Tectonics-- Geological features of Convergent Plate Boundaries.Y0eWnOZpSpQ.mkv7.8M
[VID]20110202.Plate tectonics - Difference between crust and lithosphere _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.f2BWsPVN7c4.mkv 12M
[VID]20110202.Structure of the Earth.4AxZ-6MOznY.mkv 10M
[VID]20110203.Hawaiian islands formation _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.D1eibbfAEVk.mkv 11M
[VID]20110203.Plates moving due to convection in mantle _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.f8GK2oEN-uI.mkv 11M
[VID]20110204.Compositional and mechanical layers of the earth _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.hHteUIS0OFY.mkv 14M
[VID]20110204.How we know about the earth's core _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.KL0i1RSnpfI.mkv7.9M
[VID]20110204.Refraction of seismic waves _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.UNZ171fDja4.mkv9.7M
[VID]20110204.Seismic waves _ Earth geological and climatic history _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.NhioAAdYDJM.mkv 12M
[VID]20110204.The mohorovicic seismic discontinuity _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.yAQSucmHrAk.mkv7.4M
[VID]20110204.Why S-waves only travel in solids _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.BTWLwoaNeBA.mkv4.0M
[VID]20110207.Example 1 - Factoring a difference of squares with two variables _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.tvnOWIoeeaU.mkv1.6M
[VID]20110207.Example 1 - Factoring trinomials with a common factor _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.GMoqg_s4Dl4.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110207.Example 3 - Factor a quartic binomial with two variables by taking a common factor _ Khan Academy._sIuZHYrdWM.mkv6.1M
[VID]20110207.Example 4 - Factoring quadratics as a perfect square of a difference - (a-b)^2 _ Khan Academy.liRNTieIU_k.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110207.Factor expressions by grouping.rR4FfB-FZJw.mkv6.6M
[VID]20110207.Factoring sum of cubes _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Touv2APcBRw.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110207.Factoring the Difference of Cubes.APJx1y78ovA.mkv5.5M
[VID]20110207.Factoring trinomials with a non-1 leading coefficient by grouping.ISPxJ6JXT8o.mkv5.5M
[VID]20110207.Finding dimensions of triangle from area _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.STcsaKuW-24.mkv 10M
[VID]20110207.Finding the greatest common factor of two monomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._01wqwsb66E.mkv3.2M
[VID]20110207.Introduction to grouping _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.nOZTe8jU2g4.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110207.Pangaea _ Earth geological and climatic history _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.axB6uhEx628.mkv 11M
[VID]20110207.Solving factored equations.8Olab1Es-eA.mkv4.0M
[VID]20110207.Solving quadratics by factoring.uktzcTg_N7U.mkv5.8M
[VID]20110209.Khan Academy Exercise Software.hw5k98GV7po.mkv 20M
[VID]20110215.Basic trigonometry II _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.G-T_6hCdMQc.mkv 11M
[VID]20110215.Basic trigonometry _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Jsiy4TxgIME.mkv9.9M
[VID]20110215.Negative numbers introduction _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Hlal9ME2Aig.mkv9.7M
[VID]20110307.Checking solutions of two-variable linear inequalities example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.2oGsLdAWxlk.mkv6.7M
[VID]20110307.Coordinate plane - plot ordered pairs _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.5ctsUsvIp8w.mkv2.6M
[VID]20110307.Coordinate plane - quadrants _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.1op92ojA6q0.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110307.Finding a linear equation given a point and slope _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.MxiqyE2uMCo.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110307.Graphing inequalities 2 _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.-aTy1ED1m5I.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110307.Graphing solutions to two-variable linear equations example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.86NwKBcOlow.mkv6.0M
[VID]20110307.Graphing using x- and y-intercepts _ Graphing lines and slope _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.6m642-2D3V4.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110307.Linear function example - spending money _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.ljROszF_rqs.mkv6.0M
[VID]20110307.Ordered pair solutions to equations _ Graphing lines and slope _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.HUn4XwV7o9I.mkv1.8M
[VID]20110307.Parallel Line Equation.4Cmv7dUgggU.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110307.Slope-intercept equation from slope and point _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AqFwKecNaTk.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110307.Slope-intercept equation from two solutions example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XMJ72mtMn4Y.mkv7.2M
[VID]20110307.Slope from two ordered pairs example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.WkspBxrzuZo.mkv8.2M
[VID]20110307.Slope from two ordered pairs example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.CFSHq099Mx0.mkv5.5M
[VID]20110307.Slope of Perpendicular Line.h0SURLIImqk.mkv3.7M
[VID]20110307.Slope of a line - negative slope _ Graphing lines and slope _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.81SseQCpGws.mkv6.3M
[VID]20110308.Checking solutions of systems of inequalities example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XzYNh2wpO0A.mkv1.2M
[VID]20110308.Checking solutions to systems of equations example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.SkMNREAMNvc.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110308.Consistent and inconsistent systems _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Ix8Nne-a-KQ.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110308.Graphical systems application problem _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.3mimxluSVBo.mkv6.3M
[VID]20110308.Graphing systems of equations _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.MRAIgJmRmag.mkv9.5M
[VID]20110308.Independent and dependent systems _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.WSpF5uvApLA.mkv5.7M
[VID]20110308.Introduction to graphing systems of linear inequalities _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.CA4S7S-3Lg4.mkv5.9M
[VID]20110308.System of Inequalities Application.G0fH6blRMHI.mkv 11M
[VID]20110309.Salman Khan TED Talk 2011 (from 37M
[VID]20110310.Addition elimination method 1 _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.0P0SCQf-hWQ.mkv4.0M
[VID]20110310.Addition elimination method 2 _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.hJOqGkWElNs.mkv5.5M
[VID]20110310.Addition elimination method 3 _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.mKu0L46Qed4.mkv5.2M
[VID]20110310.Addition elimination method 4 _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.DxSmZ0MDSxM.mkv2.7M
[VID]20110310.Solutions to three variable system _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.K38zMmtjxEw.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110310.Substitution method 2 _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.2VeqrZ_PMiY.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110310.Systems of equations word problems example 3 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.v6L8--MlnKo.mkv7.5M
[VID]20110310.Systems of three variables 2 _ Systems of equations and inequalities _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.f7cX-Ar2cEM.mkv6.8M
[VID]20110310.Systems of three variables _ Systems of equations and inequalities _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.pANZpI9sOYg.mkv8.8M
[VID]20110310.The substitution method _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.uzyd_mIJaoc.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110310.Three equation application problem _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.TJaHNxJk5-4.mkv 13M
[VID]20110311.Khan Academy on Nightly News.T4dk6woz4Do.mkv6.1M
[VID]20110316.American call options _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.nnl3x1wo25g.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110316.American put options _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.6CUcgUeQS-w.mkv3.9M
[VID]20110316.Basic shorting _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.jAOtWm_WZiE.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110316.Call option as leverage _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.N8h45mDI80s.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110316.Call payoff diagram _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.MZQxeQYQCUg.mkv3.7M
[VID]20110316.Call writer payoff diagram _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.TdW3LdN5SJw.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110316.China Pegs to Dollar to Keep Trade Imbalance.uTlh861MtYk.mkv4.9M
[VID]20110316.China buys US bonds _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Dfkq9SOWxY8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110316.China keeps peg but diversifies holdings.4aNoZjAhSr8.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110316.Chinese inflation _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.R_-V6usZJsc.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110316.Data on Chinese Foreign Assets Increase in 2010.a3NFAnHxpKw.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110316.Data on Chinese M1 Increase in 2010.4Azskeheo_g.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110316.Data on Chinese US Balance of Payments.iNemmT1hnzA.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110316.Floating Exchange Effect on China.vrGNXAGmfCM.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110316.Floating Exchange Effect on US.K0GF4FT51qY.mkv7.1M
[VID]20110316.Floating Exchange Resolving Trade Imbalance.wNYFJsC8TZE.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110316.Long straddle _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.2HIRaOQDRho.mkv5.2M
[VID]20110316.Put-call parity _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.m4mrd7sHCPM.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110316.Put-call parity arbitrage II _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.MHWmBggmIU0.mkv5.9M
[VID]20110316.Put-call parity arbitrage I _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.SCM4A0rBeOQ.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110316.Put-call parity clarification _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Sc6zc8KR_NU.mkv1.9M
[VID]20110316.Put as insurance _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.i65NIcnHS9Y.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110316.Put payoff diagram _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.VST_U297pH0.mkv4.0M
[VID]20110316.Put vs. short and leverage _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy._q25hz5xLdk.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110316.Put writer payoff diagrams _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.WFuLVSz6n8M.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110316.Review of China US currency situation.DtlFQ_nNaQM.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110317.Actual option quotes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.3o82OwR78wU.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110317.Ape Clarification.oFGkYA_diDA.mkv2.1M
[VID]20110317.Option expiration and price _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.OrRDNKNHtlg.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110318.Forward contract introduction _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.H9UEZdAnnt8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110318.Futures introduction _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.3g6P0lRXotI.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110321.Arbitrage basics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.AuCH7fHZsZ4.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110321.Arbitraging futures contract _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.0jk6uLZ1Tdc.mkv4.9M
[VID]20110321.Arbitraging futures contracts II _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.5kFnAmmGXM4.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110321.Motivation for the futures exchange _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.iyrOGvbSS2U.mkv3.8M
[VID]20110322.Futures margin mechanics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.1t42z5U2uoc.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110322.Sal on Dylan Ratigan show.1nIbQK3Gwfo.mkv 19M
[VID]20110323.Futures and forward curves _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.AnATlMVA12E.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110323.Verifying hedge with futures margin mechanics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.1mnKCkmeaYs.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110328.Backwardation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.LDuJ1AD7n54.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110328.Contango _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.wSqkieBUuo8.mkv5.3M
[VID]20110328.Contango and backwardation review _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.5YaSL-y46Hk.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110329.Futures curves II _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.UDe6zeabyQM.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110329.Lower bound on forward settlement price _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy._uDb0ZdGb8w.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110329.Upper bound on forward settlement price _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.FcRxdq7KGOQ.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110330.Accrual basis of accounting _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.NNhyZFHAzaA.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110330.Balance sheet and income statement relationship _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.hZvjH3Az87A.mkv5.7M
[VID]20110330.Basic cash flow statement _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Mioqyv_IW3E.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110330.Cash accounting _ Accounting and financial statements _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.FfdpupKByiU.mkv5.8M
[VID]20110330.Comparing accrual and cash accounting _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.LU_6amWC6H8.mkv6.8M
[VID]20110330.Doing the example with accounts payable growing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.57gz50uTPqM.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110331.Depreciating the truck _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.iewvEGWARBY.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110331.Depreciation in cash flow _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.uX2w0b8Qlss.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110331.Expensing a truck leads to inconsistent performance _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.0E3PuHiDU9U.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110401.Amortization and depreciation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.eKw3Aq0vvbo.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110401.Basic capital structure differences _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.YEZMReBbkP0.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110401.Gross and operating profit _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.7MjHWw3p710.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110401.Market capitalization _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.5lmHzAHbtzg.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110401.Market value of assets _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.nhW3Ri4b_V8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110404.Blood Sugar Levels.JSFiOF7xGfE.mkv9.3M
[VID]20110404.Glucose Concentration Conversion.j37Mx24JHC4.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110404.Glucose Insulin and Diabetes.rPLjSY00JlE.mkv7.6M
[VID]20110405.A1C Levels.MOH33-jFOwo.mkv6.6M
[VID]20110405.Heart Disease and Heart Attacks._wre2WRPiFI.mkv 16M
[VID]20110406.Stenosis, ischemia and heart failure _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.3858MaULDdI.mkv9.2M
[VID]20110406.Thromboemboli and thromboembolisms _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.h0207xMD6b8.mkv6.6M
[VID]20110407.Common divisibility examples _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.zWcfVC-oCNw.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110407.Strokes _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.xbyfeEW56Nc.mkv 11M
[VID]20110411.Alternative minimum tax _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.yrlLKwmb5dY.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110411.Fair value accounting _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.s-5_H3z-Cv0.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110411.LIBOR _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.wBCowBiXV7A.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110411.Tax deductions introduction _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.GypHy3gnG5E.mkv3.9M
[VID]20110412.Acute right and obtuse angles _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ALhv3Rlydig.mkv5.3M
[VID]20110412.Cylinder volume and surface area _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.gL3HxBQyeg0.mkv8.6M
[VID]20110412.Find the volume of a triangular prism and cube _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ZqzAOZ9pP9Q.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110413.Direct and inverse variation _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.92U67CUy9Gc.mkv 10M
[VID]20110413.Finding probability example 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mLE-SlOZToc.mkv 11M
[VID]20110413.Recognizing direct and inverse variation _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.3_DxJwDTbyQ.mkv8.2M
[VID]20110414.Connection between even and odd numbers and functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.jFazrvLodrA.mkv5.8M
[VID]20110414.Recognizing odd and even functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.8VgmBe3ulb8.mkv 13M
[VID]20110415.To invest or pay-off loans.sKdYxymyvWw.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110418.Back-of-envelope office space conundrum _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.bAU1MLRwh7c.mkv3.8M
[VID]20110418.Closed-end mutual funds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.VpVu25KhozQ.mkv6.9M
[VID]20110418.Corporations and limited liability _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.VnTlKcIigyY.mkv 12M
[VID]20110418.Exchange traded funds (ETFs) _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.SFdsY9Rdh6w.mkv8.4M
[VID]20110418.Hedge funds intro _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Qb7tbWuDc2U.mkv4.4M
[VID]20110418.Is limited liability or double taxation fair _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.IiKKAw38ss0.mkv 12M
[VID]20110418.Open-ended mutual fund (part 1) _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.DzYwB3uSU-c.mkv3.9M
[VID]20110418.Open-end mutual fund redemptions (part 2) _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.nW1rxuQft1o.mkv7.5M
[VID]20110418.Term life insurance and death probability _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.NSSoMafbBqQ.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110419.Are hedge funds bad _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.vD2WJTIEVv0.mkv 13M
[VID]20110419.Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal Number Systems._97OwCkjh3c.mkv 12M
[VID]20110419.Binary Numbers.ry1hpm1GXVI.mkv 12M
[VID]20110419.Hedge funds, venture capital, and private equity _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.bLQBbA8yh7c.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110419.Hedge fund structure and fees _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.EX1eFeaTiYM.mkv8.9M
[VID]20110419.Number Base Conversion Practice.Fpm-E5v6ddc.mkv9.0M
[VID]20110420.LinkedIn Speaker Series Salman Khan.t1F15l7UfqE.mkv165M
[VID]20110420.Significant figures _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.eCJ76hz7jPM.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110421.Addition and subtraction with significant figures _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xHgPtFUbAeU.mkv9.8M
[VID]20110421.More on significant figures _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.eMl2z3ezlrQ.mkv7.1M
[VID]20110421.Multiplying and dividing with significant figures _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.iorZdz4dsBU.mkv 10M
[VID]20110421.Pure Numbers and Significant Digits.Ym5u5IlYWcg.mkv3.4M
[VID]20110422.US History Overview 1 - Jamestown to the Civil War.ghgPq2wjQUQ.mkv 31M
[VID]20110425.US History Overview 2 - Reconstruction to the Great Depression.zmBV87XA52Q.mkv 26M
[VID]20110425.US History Overview 3 - WWII to Vietnam.j2eKaxU-8kA.mkv 27M
[VID]20110427.Cuban Missile Crisis _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.VO40SpSBjbc.mkv 37M
[VID]20110427.Vietnam War _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.9e9GWdT2pEQ.mkv 31M
[VID]20110428.Bay of Pigs Invasion _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.XmkbAduMD_E.mkv 28M
[VID]20110504.TEDxSanJoseCA - Salman Khan - (Sequel to talk at TED).pRevFhvu8yc.mkv 42M
[VID]20110505.Korean War overview _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.MEGyRgYJKEY.mkv 21M
[VID]20110505.Salman Khan on Charlie Rose.fJFKE8kyz7w.mkv 47M
[VID]20110506.20th Century Capitalism and Regulation in the United States.J33nVRyTeyU.mkv 23M
[VID]20110506.Communism _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.MmRgMAZyYN0.mkv 21M
[VID]20110506.Pattern of US Cold War interventions _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.aNkrawaaiZQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20110506.When Capitalism is Great and Not-so-great.8NJEeEUUhaI.mkv 17M
[VID]20110509.Allende and Pinochet in Chile _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.Um92GZLCQ_Q.mkv 19M
[VID]20110510.Annual Interest Varying with Debt Maturity.YdGZaqJZbGc.mkv2.6M
[VID]20110510.Fed Open Market Operations.wDuCOxDxMzY.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110510.Quantitative easing _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.kc_HjPT4NKo.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110510.The yield curve _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.SwB9Fq5VRZY.mkv5.2M
[VID]20110510.Time Differences 1.SnkUkc23YC0.mkv 12M
[VID]20110510.Time Differences in Different Time Zones.2r1naFxn46w.mkv 11M
[VID]20110510.Treasury bond prices and yields _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.mS7t91U9Qqg.mkv4.0M
[VID]20110511.Hedge fund strategies - Long short 1 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.nTco9qQ2elM.mkv3.5M
[VID]20110511.Hedge fund strategies - Long short 2 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.5UUa0V-MAqI.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110511.Hedge fund strategies - Merger arbitrage 1 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.3qP8OOr7pfI.mkv4.9M
[VID]20110511.More on Quantitative Easing (and Credit Easing).ZrKw-SLzNrw.mkv 14M
[VID]20110511.Prime numbers _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.mIStB5X4U8M.mkv8.3M
[VID]20110512.Acquisitions with shares _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.DMd9mTyzj6k.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110512.Basic leveraged buyout (LBO) _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.LVMLs2z1JYg.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110512.Price behavior after announced acquisition _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.7zBqVOuEKYE.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110512.Salman Khan on Big Think.h8GfMq4-K6g.mkv7.5M
[VID]20110512.Simple merger arbitrage with share acquisition _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.CzDA0WCdWHQ.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110512.Stock dilution _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.tjQzJ7GY0GY.mkv3.6M
[VID]20110514.Corporate debt versus traditional mortgages _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.rD25slnTqAE.mkv4.7M
[VID]20110517.Euler's formula & Euler's identity _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.mgNtPOgFje0.mkv 14M
[VID]20110517.Maclaurin series of cos(x) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.WWe7pZjc4s8.mkv7.1M
[VID]20110517.Maclaurin series of e_ _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.JYQqml4-4q4.mkv8.6M
[VID]20110517.Maclaurin series of sin(x) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.LlKvubIqHc8.mkv8.8M
[VID]20110517.Scale of the large _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.5FEjrStgcF8.mkv 16M
[VID]20110517.Taylor & Maclaurin polynomials intro (part 1) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.epgwuzzDHsQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20110518.Taylor & Maclaurin polynomials intro (part 2) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.1LxhXqD3_CE.mkv7.4M
[VID]20110518.Visualizing Taylor polynomial approximations _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.AFMXixBVP-0.mkv 10M
[VID]20110518.Visualizing Taylor series approximations _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.8dMLK2Wueaw.mkv8.8M
[VID]20110519.Introduction to limits _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.riXcZT2ICjA.mkv 12M
[VID]20110519.Scale of the small _ Scale of the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.ERKx3Oa2omo.mkv 25M
[VID]20110520.Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 1 _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.YYEgq1bweN4.mkv 22M
[VID]20110520.Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 2 _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.jN03g05TSWM.mkv 14M
[VID]20110520.Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 3 _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.LRmwUsxNSL0.mkv9.2M
[VID]20110520.Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 4 _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.T5DGZIsfK-0.mkv8.2M
[VID]20110523.Dependent probability example 2 _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.7BkcNLOf56w.mkv8.8M
[VID]20110523.Dependent probability example _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.xPUm5SUVzTE.mkv 12M
[VID]20110523.Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 5 _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.xL9ejqb53ms.mkv8.3M
[VID]20110525.Salman Khan on Marketplace (NPR) on 5-24-2011.uMjyAp3cs3c.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110526.AMT overview _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.T0CwhLHrE2k.mkv3.5M
[VID]20110526.Another Quantitative Easing Video.Lmd_CDwBXFs.mkv2.8M
[VID]20110526.Open market operations and Quantitative Easing Overview.TpLlJ8-AnQM.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110526.US and Japanese Quantitative Easing.a-R8qpea6lc.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110528.Human evolution overview _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.frE1rjhH77Y.mkv 24M
[VID]20110530.Understanding calendar notation _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.EKKe7DBZVhI.mkv 16M
[VID]20110601.May 29th, 2011 CNN Piece.DvyAc6PNbVo.mkv8.0M
[VID]20110603.Correction calendar notation _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.N06Jy-gQog8.mkv6.0M
[VID]20110603.Khan Academy on California Report (June 2011).rpPbt8EOf00.mkv7.0M
[VID]20110603.Khan Academy on Perry's Principles (6_2_2011).7w3DHilPtI4.mkv9.4M
[VID]20110603.Salman Khan at TiEcon 2011.JZ-v4_3Zf4c.mkv133M
[VID]20110606.Backwardation bullish or bearish _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.1CxRVVGGNJU.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110607.Appomattox Court House and Lincoln's Assassination.Frpq_A7Ky_Q.mkv 11M
[VID]20110607.Contango from trader perspective _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.C3KlN5kTWAs.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110607.Estate tax introduction _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.eElHlE4j-vw.mkv 12M
[VID]20110607.Human capital _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ivy1QmWUtQI.mkv 12M
[VID]20110607.Risk and reward introduction _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.mv5zucjq60k.mkv 16M
[VID]20110607.Severe contango generally bearish _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.hYzN0w8FatU.mkv2.7M
[VID]20110608.Inflation Overview _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.-Z5kkfrEc8I.mkv9.4M
[VID]20110608.Time value of money _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.733mgqrzNKs.mkv8.0M
[VID]20110609.Development of agriculture and writing _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.iU58AIjh3YA.mkv 24M
[VID]20110609.Mortgage Interest Rates _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.vy_pvstdBhg.mkv 17M
[VID]20110611.Calculating average velocity or speed _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.oRKxmXwLvUU.mkv 13M
[VID]20110611.Displacement from time and velocity example _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.lQ-dvt3V4yQ.mkv5.3M
[VID]20110611.Introduction to gravity _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Xcel427Ezl0.mkv 22M
[VID]20110611.Intro to vectors & scalars _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ihNZlp7iUHE.mkv9.4M
[VID]20110611.Solving for time _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.awzOvyMKeMA.mkv 11M
[VID]20110612.Gravity for astronauts in orbit _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.oIZV-ixRTcY.mkv 11M
[VID]20110613.Acceleration _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.FOkQszg1-j8.mkv9.9M
[VID]20110613.Acceleration of aircraft carrier take-off _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.VYgSXBjEA8I.mkv 22M
[VID]20110613.Airbus A380 take-off distance _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.fQt69_Q2CTw.mkv8.4M
[VID]20110613.Airbus A380 take-off time _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.p4DTormtEG0.mkv 12M
[VID]20110613.Average velocity for constant acceleration _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.MAS6mBRZZXA.mkv 16M
[VID]20110613.More on Newton's first law of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.CQYELiTtUs8.mkv 15M
[VID]20110613.Race cars with constant speed around curve _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ITA1rW5UraU.mkv5.5M
[VID]20110613.Why distance is area under velocity-time line _ Physics _ Khan Academy.d-_eqgj5-K8.mkv 11M
[VID]20110614.Mass and weight clarification _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.IuBoeDihLUc.mkv 11M
[VID]20110614.Newton's second law of motion _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ou9YMWlJgkE.mkv9.2M
[VID]20110614.Newton's third law of motion _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.By-ggTfeuJU.mkv 11M
[VID]20110614.Would a brick or feather fall faster _ Physics _ Khan Academy.36Rym2q4H94.mkv 17M
[VID]20110615.Deriving displacement as a function of time, acceleration, and initial velocity _ Khan Academy.wlB0x9W-qBU.mkv 10M
[VID]20110615.Deriving max projectile displacement given time _ Physics _ Khan Academy.P7LKEkcNibo.mkv8.8M
[VID]20110615.Impact velocity from given height _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.2ZgBJxT9pbU.mkv 13M
[VID]20110615.Plotting projectile displacement, acceleration, and velocity _ Khan Academy.T0zpF_j7Mvo.mkv 21M
[VID]20110615.Projectile height given time _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.IYS4Bd9F3LA.mkv9.8M
[VID]20110616.Correction to total final velocity for projectile _ Physics _ Khan Academy.DNoDJlB0ygU.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110616.Different way to determine time in air _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy._NWc3C3cTNA.mkv 11M
[VID]20110616.Launching and landing on different elevations _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.a5QnXi_lZII.mkv 17M
[VID]20110616.Projectile at an angle _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ZZ39o1rAZWY.mkv 15M
[VID]20110616.Projectile on an incline _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.jNESnky3RVg.mkv 20M
[VID]20110616.Total displacement for projectile _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.UXORCpvKYiI.mkv 15M
[VID]20110616.Total final velocity for projectile _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.sTp4cI9VyCU.mkv9.2M
[VID]20110616.Visualizing vectors in 2 dimensions _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.xp6ibuI8UuQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20110617.Ideal Math and Science Class Time.AkSGR_oj0rg.mkv 14M
[VID]20110617.Unit vectors and engineering notation _ Two-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.2QjdcVTgTTA.mkv8.6M
[VID]20110618.Normal force and contact force _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.1WOrgrIcQZU.mkv7.6M
[VID]20110620.Correction to force of friction keeping the block stationary _ Physics _ Khan Academy.BukTc4q9BMc.mkv1.2M
[VID]20110620.Domain of a Rational Expression 1.PnGZz-GuKfw.mkv8.5M
[VID]20110620.Force of friction keeping the block stationary _ Physics _ Khan Academy.v8ODIMqbQ44.mkv 12M
[VID]20110620.Force of friction keeping velocity constant _ Physics _ Khan Academy.iA7Thhnzc64.mkv 11M
[VID]20110620.Ice accelerating down an incline _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Mz2nDXElcoM.mkv 12M
[VID]20110620.Inclined plane force components _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.TC23wD34C7k.mkv 15M
[VID]20110620.Intuition on static and kinetic friction comparisons _ Physics _ Khan Academy.J9BWNiOSGlc.mkv7.6M
[VID]20110620.Normal force in an elevator _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.hoRsHNSrMpc.mkv 14M
[VID]20110620.Simplifying rational expressions example 2 _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.RXMSlFtJlEs.mkv9.4M
[VID]20110620.Static and kinetic friction example _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.ZA_D4O6l1lo.mkv 11M
[VID]20110621.Adding Rational Expressions.jE0YCSo4qO8.mkv7.0M
[VID]20110621.Adding and subtracting rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.y_DweTAEYWk.mkv 10M
[VID]20110621.Algebraic Expression Least Common Multiple.MNeNHoCXoGU.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110621.Another Take on the Rate Problem.hAy_bavEVCQ.mkv3.7M
[VID]20110621.Complicated Rational Expressions.ALO87_KDoTs.mkv9.5M
[VID]20110621.Direct inverse and joint variation _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.v-k5L0BPOmc.mkv6.9M
[VID]20110621.Direct variation application _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ZsjfUUJUq9s.mkv2.1M
[VID]20110621.Dividing and Simplifying Rational Expressions.Olntk2qhqGs.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110621.Extraneous solutions to rational equations _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.bml74_PsfwA.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110621.Inverse variation application _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.lkP-E2LUnjA.mkv5.4M
[VID]20110621.Multiplying and simplifying rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.x6FFjiHPlSI.mkv5.3M
[VID]20110621.Proportionality constant for direct variation _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.c6-FJRda_Vc.mkv1.6M
[VID]20110621.Rate Problem Involving Rational Equations.rX8ZBP3nXvI.mkv 11M
[VID]20110621.Rational equations _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.bRwJ-QCz9XU.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110621.Simplifying first for subtracting rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.tmpa8Q240XY.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110621.Solving for a variable _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.fnuIT7EhAvs.mkv1.3M
[VID]20110621.Subtracting rational expressions _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.YO_SwIKGMqQ.mkv6.1M
[VID]20110622.Approximating square roots to hundredths _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.EFVrAk61xjE.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110622.Cube root of a negative number (example) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.DKh16Th8x6o.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110622.Joint Variation Application.5SXN3gdF3CM.mkv 11M
[VID]20110622.Simplifying cube roots _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.c-wtvEdEoVs.mkv6.5M
[VID]20110622.Simplifying square roots _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.uggD8mwglyc.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110622.Simplifying square roots comment response _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.qFFhdLlX220.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110623.More rational exponents and exponent laws _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.rco7DMcy-oE.mkv3.6M
[VID]20110623.Radical equivalent to rational exponents 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.zlRKO21qEpQ.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110623.Radical equivalent to rational exponents _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.jO4wOQQiVZg.mkv2.9M
[VID]20110623.Simplifying cube root expressions (two variables) _ Exponent expressions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.NuccqpiUHrk.mkv2.4M
[VID]20110624.Adding and simplifying radicals _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.egNq4tSfi1I.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110624.Extraneous Solutions for Radical Equations.CV64oTCzp3s.mkv 16M
[VID]20110624.Multiply and simplify a radical expression 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.sBvRJUwXJPo.mkv3.7M
[VID]20110624.Multiplying binomials with radicals _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.yAH3722GrP8.mkv5.8M
[VID]20110624.NPR Story on KA Los Altos Pilots (June 2011).VGxGrEnWVsg.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110624.Radical Equation Application Problem.j9In_uGFQpQ.mkv5.3M
[VID]20110624.Rationalizing Denominators with Conjugates.ENIUcjdPO54.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110624.Rationalizing denominators of expressions _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Z3db5itCIiQ.mkv6.3M
[VID]20110624.Simplifying cube root expressions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.GEeKOeGHddY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20110624.Solving radical equations _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.pFFoAGIEyJc.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110624.Subtracting and simplifying radicals _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.qH4IQfDD1Nw.mkv6.4M
[VID]20110629.Comparing Iterative and Recursive Factorial Functions.kx6DfrYfWnQ.mkv9.5M
[VID]20110629.Defining a Factorial Function.JwO_25S_eWE.mkv 13M
[VID]20110629.Diagramming What Happens with a Function Call.6qCQB8E5bkI.mkv 13M
[VID]20110629.Exercise - Write a Fibonacci Function.Bdbc1ZC-vhw.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110629.Flowchart for the Factorial Program.EiR6cf8Towc.mkv7.8M
[VID]20110629.Iterative Fibonacci Function Example.94O_3QCvfqI.mkv7.0M
[VID]20110629.Python 3 Not Backwards Compatible with Python 2.WT-gS-8p7KA.mkv5.9M
[VID]20110629.Recursive Factorial Function.o920mj0NbhE.mkv6.9M
[VID]20110629.Stepping Through the Factorial Program.dn9XjHz33O8.mkv 11M
[VID]20110629.Writing a Simple Factorial Program. (Python 2).ZyYp1V84Xqc.mkv8.9M
[VID]20110630.For Loops in Python.9LgyKiq_hU0.mkv 11M
[VID]20110630.Fun with Strings.iZAtkS0F-Zo.mkv 18M
[VID]20110630.Introduction to Programs Data Types and Variables.husPzLE6sZc.mkv 13M
[VID]20110630.Python Lists.zEyEC34MY1A.mkv 14M
[VID]20110630.Recursive Fibonacci Example.urPVT1lymzU.mkv8.5M
[VID]20110630.Stepping Through Iterative Fibonacci Function.-BE7FEouGeI.mkv 10M
[VID]20110630.Stepping Through Recursive Fibonacci Function.zg-ddPbzcKM.mkv9.5M
[VID]20110630.While Loops in Python.D0Nb2Fs3Q8c.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110701.Exercise - Write a Sorting Function.Qbl-RZS2-4g.mkv2.5M
[VID]20110701.Insertion Sort Algorithm.lCzQvQr8Utw.mkv8.0M
[VID]20110701.Insertion Sort in Python.lEA31vHiry4.mkv 11M
[VID]20110701.Stepping Through Insertion Sort Function.6pyeMmJTefg.mkv 14M
[VID]20110711.Calculating i raised to arbitrary exponents _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.QiwfF83NWNA.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110711.Introduction to i and imaginary numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.ysVcAYo7UPI.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110711.Simpler Insertion Sort Function.hh3AkOGnnpE.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110711.Stellar parallax _ Stars, black holes and galaxies _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.omvNINaRdxg.mkv 11M
[VID]20110711.Tau versus pi _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.1jDDfkKKgmc.mkv 18M
[VID]20110711.i as the principal root of -1 (a little technical) _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.rYG1D5lUE4I.mkv6.9M
[VID]20110712.Adding complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.SfbjqVyQljk.mkv1.1M
[VID]20110712.Completing Perfect Square Trinomials.tYv-Pchyu0Y.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110712.Complex Numbers.MEuPzvh0roM.mkv2.5M
[VID]20110712.Complex conjugates example _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.dbxJ6LD0344.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110712.Discriminant for types of solutions for a quadratic _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.1213qW5k55I.mkv4.9M
[VID]20110712.Dividing complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Z8j5RDOibV4.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110712.Example - Complex roots for a quadratic _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.dnjK4DPqh0k.mkv 11M
[VID]20110712.Example - Quadratics in standard form _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ty4Ohya4hdE.mkv2.4M
[VID]20110712.Example - Solving simple quadratic _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.RweAgQwLdMs.mkv2.6M
[VID]20110712.Example 3 - Completing the square _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.TV5kDqiJ1Os.mkv6.1M
[VID]20110712.Example 4 - Applying the quadratic formula _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.OZtqz_xw0SQ.mkv7.6M
[VID]20110712.Example 5 - Using the quadratic formula _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._E3gx_yQhHQ.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110712.Imaginary roots of negative numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.s03qez-6JMA.mkv4.0M
[VID]20110712.Introduction to light _ Electronic structure of atoms _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.rLNM8zI4Q_M.mkv 11M
[VID]20110712.Multiplying complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.cWn6g8Qqvs4.mkv5.8M
[VID]20110712.Subtracting complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.tvXRaZbIjO8.mkv1.8M
[VID]20110713.How earth's tilt causes seasons _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.05qDIjKevJo.mkv 22M
[VID]20110713.Milankovitch cycles precession and obliquity _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.ZD8THEz18gc.mkv 12M
[VID]20110713.Seasons aren't dictated by closeness to sun _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.SJUd5du0T08.mkv4.4M
[VID]20110714.Apsidal precession (perihelion precession) and Milankovitch cycles _ Khan Academy.m6lMGoZTJnc.mkv7.9M
[VID]20110714.Are southern hemisphere seasons more severe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.umvNQj-zmq4.mkv 10M
[VID]20110714.Precession causing perihelion to happen later _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.2o-Sef6wllg.mkv 16M
[VID]20110714.What causes precession and other orbital changes _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.nL6LMX8-bPY.mkv2.3M
[VID]20110715.Adding negative numbers (example) _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.AcpIO62x2oo.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110715.Comparing fractions with different denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.2dbasvm3iG0.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110715.Compound inequalities 3 _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.cvB8b4AACyE.mkv4.6M
[VID]20110715.Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NqbkvEK46xM.mkv3.6M
[VID]20110715.Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-sA-vI2a2mM.mkv5.5M
[VID]20110715.Dividing a decimal by a power of 10 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.W_VhVHRal6o.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110715.Identifying percent amount and base _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.JaScdH47PYg.mkv2.6M
[VID]20110715.Locate integers on a number line.TlZVPfvTLXA.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110715.Multi-step inequalities 3 _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.SgKBBUFaGb4.mkv5.9M
[VID]20110715.Multiplying a decimal by a power of 10 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.mV0RxDZG05A.mkv3.9M
[VID]20110715.Number sets _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Ksu1lo312BM.mkv6.5M
[VID]20110715.Perimeter and unit conversion _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.q9XCrpLPfGk.mkv7.0M
[VID]20110715.Proper and improper fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.2h8XiqSnzaU.mkv1.5M
[VID]20110715.Proportion word problem (example 1) _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.4ywTWCaLmXE.mkv7.3M
[VID]20110715.Solving a proportion with an unknown variable (example) _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.GO5ajwbFqVQ.mkv8.1M
[VID]20110715.Subtracting Real Numbers.Zjul_nJnh1c.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110715.Unit conversion word problem - yards to inches _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.jFSenp9ueaI.mkv6.3M
[VID]20110718.Comparing Rational Numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.VZOHWaw5dqM.mkv7.6M
[VID]20110718.Comparing decimals - place value difference _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.FwMYoK1QKso.mkv2.4M
[VID]20110718.Comparing two decimal numbers using a number line (example) _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.LpLnmuAyNWg.mkv1.6M
[VID]20110718.Comparing with multiplication - age _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.bS6EmYzpou4.mkv3.6M
[VID]20110718.Example - Evaluating expressions with 2 variables _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.BXHNzUaIRR0.mkv1.7M
[VID]20110718.Finding common denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.lxjmR4pYIVU.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110718.Fraction to decimal _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Y1V5mZaMfTk.mkv2.2M
[VID]20110718.Identifying Rational Numbers.joZ3TOTfPkg.mkv9.0M
[VID]20110718.Least common multiple exercise - 3 numbers _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.D6yHKOYJiso.mkv6.1M
[VID]20110718.Recognizing prime and composite numbers _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.3h4UK62Qrbo.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110718.Subtracting Whole Numbers.sAw71J2kYJE.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110718.Subtraction Word Problem.QY8vv7eVVJE.mkv6.3M
[VID]20110718.Subtraction with Borrowing or Regrouping.QD86addRZEw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20110720.Collateralized debt obligation overview _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.TEfyIsDRGCk.mkv6.3M
[VID]20110720.Credit default swaps (CDS) intro _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ccaCl1GKdJ0.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110720.Futures fair value in the pre-market _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.QiluvhVryI0.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110720.Mortgage-backed security overview _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.dwleadLC2Dw.mkv2.4M
[VID]20110721.Calculating real return in last year dollars _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.GiB9Mkgkrek.mkv3.6M
[VID]20110721.Inflation data _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.DK1lCc9b7bg.mkv5.0M
[VID]20110721.Moderate inflation in a good economy _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Z_DcXewHHA8.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110721.Real and nominal return _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.cNm196bVE5A.mkv3.5M
[VID]20110721.Relation between nominal and real returns and inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.6ycEasF48zI.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110721.Stagflation _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.bTz_tx460EY.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110721.What is inflation _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.yahEP620480.mkv3.2M
[VID]20110722.Deflation _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.FPh6EDv0Eew.mkv3.3M
[VID]20110722.Deflation despite increases in money supply _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.t2AeULH_Ijw.mkv4.8M
[VID]20110722.Financial weapons of mass destruction _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.MNUVuZu6heA.mkv4.9M
[VID]20110722.Use cases for credit default swaps _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ewSw9tF9Z0E.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110722.Velocity of money rather than quantity driving prices _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.stfSnPaaK04.mkv4.3M
[VID]20110725.Deflationary spiral _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.snX4Wf7PGts.mkv3.9M
[VID]20110725.Electoral college _ American civics _ US History _ Khan Academy.oTbvYGH_Hiw.mkv 17M
[VID]20110725.Hyperinflation in a good economy _ Inflation _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.AC_kjcuHpZw.mkv7.0M
[VID]20110725.Primaries and caucuses _ American civics _ US History _ Khan Academy.z_QeYCg4yJ8.mkv 14M
[VID]20110726.Breaking the Buck.aW-TjPdJxCc.mkv5.7M
[VID]20110726.Money Market Funds.Ea3DGInR2m0.mkv3.0M
[VID]20110727.Deficit and debt ceiling _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.-05OfTp6ZEE.mkv 10M
[VID]20110727.Government's financial condition _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.LOiw5aBrm4Y.mkv 15M
[VID]20110728.Ordering Numeric Expressions.w7k1YEcAaaE.mkv 16M
[VID]20110729.FICA tax _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.UP9xy2eVj7s.mkv8.4M
[VID]20110729.Medicare sustainability _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.o1Y0G8Z67iU.mkv 10M
[VID]20110729.Social security intro _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.gLHUCUv1e5Y.mkv7.1M
[VID]20110731.Elements and atoms _ Atoms, compounds, and ions _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.IFKnq9QM6_A.mkv 21M
[VID]20110802.Heart disease and heart attacks _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.vYnreB1duro.mkv 19M
[VID]20110802.New operator definitions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ND-Bbp_q46s.mkv6.5M
[VID]20110803.Probability explained _ Independent and dependent events _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.uzkc-qNVoOk.mkv8.6M
[VID]20110803.Probability with playing cards and Venn diagrams _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.obZzOq_wSCg.mkv 13M
[VID]20110804.Sal Answers Questions from Malaysian Magazine Readers.sII5w9fmB70.mkv 13M
[VID]20110805.Addition rule for probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.QE2uR6Z-NcU.mkv 12M
[VID]20110809.Alternate proof to induction for integer sum _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.1wnIsgUivEQ.mkv4.5M
[VID]20110809.Coin flipping probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.mkyZ45KQYi4.mkv 10M
[VID]20110809.Compound probability of independent events _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.xSc4oLA9e8o.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110809.Probability without equally likely events _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.RI874OSJp1U.mkv 10M
[VID]20110809.Proof by induction _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.wblW_M_HVQ8.mkv 11M
[VID]20110810.Exactly three heads in five flips _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.udG9KhNMKJw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20110810.Generalizing with binomial coefficients (bit advanced) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.AOsWph2FNLw.mkv 17M
[VID]20110810.Getting exactly two heads (combinatorics) _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.8TIben0bJpU.mkv 10M
[VID]20110812.Prudent Prescribing of Antibiotics (Experiment with Dr. Prober).vJd_oHdMzEM.mkv 23M
[VID]20110817.Salman Khan interviewed on NPR's On Point.Tz2H8dMMwi0.mkv 49M
[VID]20110818.Correlation and causality _ Statistical studies _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.ROpbdO-gRUo.mkv 15M
[VID]20110819.Cancerous colon tissue _ Gastrointestinal system diseases _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.KyJs9H0vzTM.mkv 32M
[VID]20110819.Colon dysplasia _ Gastrointestinal system diseases _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.CGrbnripinU.mkv 22M
[VID]20110819.Hyperplasia in colon tissue _ Gastrointestinal system diseases _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.C0frzmxc5KU.mkv 13M
[VID]20110819.Normal colon tissue _ Gastrointestinal system diseases _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.fif5ghe8JM0.mkv 27M
[VID]20110822.21st Century Challenges (Royal Geographic Society).FU5twilx7nw.mkv 28M
[VID]20110822.Adequacy of the lateral cervical spine X-ray _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.cbkTTluHaTw.mkv8.6M
[VID]20110822.Answers for Malibu Magazine.kMCP4njGAMw.mkv 43M
[VID]20110822.Assessing alignment of the lateral cervical spine (neck) X-ray _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.PV5u5xskBKM.mkv9.0M
[VID]20110822.Cervical spine protection in airway management (not a substitute for formal training) _ Khan Academy.DJY89_jC_ZY.mkv 14M
[VID]20110822.Global Burden of Trauma Why Should We Care.n68K_-ZzjuY.mkv 14M
[VID]20110822.NCSU Answers.US9i6UpzDM8.mkv 20M
[VID]20110822.Questions from Superinteressante (8-22-2011).YGIw-H0AtwU.mkv 39M
[VID]20110822.Understanding South Indian Naming.4Zf_PFN-kbg.mkv6.0M
[VID]20110823.Benford's law explanation (sequel to mysteries of Benford's law) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.SZUDoEdjTzg.mkv8.1M
[VID]20110823.Comparing absolute values _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.hKkBlcnU9pw.mkv4.2M
[VID]20110823.Comparing and ordering fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.N8dIOmk_lHs.mkv8.7M
[VID]20110823.Intro to lines, line segments, and rays _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.JcqCf762y9w.mkv3.7M
[VID]20110823.More angle measurements using a protractor _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.wJ37GJyViU8.mkv7.1M
[VID]20110823.Ordering negative numbers _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.VW6UrPKPInA.mkv2.8M
[VID]20110823.Setting up proportions to solve word problems _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.96ZEmUbnuU8.mkv7.3M
[VID]20110823.Vi and Sal explore how we think about scale _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.4xfOq00BzJA.mkv6.5M
[VID]20110823.Vi and Sal talk about the mysteries of Benford's law _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.6KmeGpjeLZ0.mkv9.9M
[VID]20110825.Firestick farming _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.mwUyaeWxJhA.mkv 12M
[VID]20110825.Logarithmic scale _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.sBhEi4L91Sg.mkv 13M
[VID]20110826.Answers to Questions from the Independent.NV4_Xra0g8E.mkv 18M
[VID]20110826.Carry trade basics _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.8In5PK1yUAA.mkv5.7M
[VID]20110826.The Gates Notes - Administrators in Los Altos.2DlxIXYEu4s.mkv 11M
[VID]20110826.The Gates Notes - Insights into students' progress.zscrs94_pFc.mkv6.8M
[VID]20110826.The Gates Notes - Sal on Khan Academy.raP1ZWQSXjY.mkv7.8M
[VID]20110826.The Gates Notes - Students in Los Altos.q7lttowsC0Y.mkv 10M
[VID]20110826.The Gates Notes - Teachers in Los Altos.RoGgxrCsCEQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20110829.Richter scale _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.RFn-IGlayAg.mkv 15M
[VID]20110830.Healthcare system overview _ Health care system _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.LMHxxvbzFqc.mkv8.9M
[VID]20110830.Intro to the endocrine system _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.f_Z1zsR9lFM.mkv 11M
[VID]20110830.Paying doctors _ Health care system _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.4J-dRA3MGc8.mkv 13M
[VID]20110905.Early Show.2sTkub_aYt4.mkv 13M
[VID]20110907.2011 Calculus AB free response #2 (a & b) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Z3X6QqezqUg.mkv 14M
[VID]20110907.2011 Calculus AB free response #2 (c & d) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.2axaRJQkfVk.mkv 13M
[VID]20110907.2011 Calculus AB free response #3 (a & b) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.9UhChwcVWq8.mkv 11M
[VID]20110907.2011 Calculus AB free response #3 (c) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.v-H_7o7EMoU.mkv7.5M
[VID]20110908.2011 Calculus AB Free Response #1 parts b c d _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.QackTJWqOjA.mkv 22M
[VID]20110908.2011 Calculus AB free response #4a _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.tnoPnyvVjyc.mkv7.7M
[VID]20110908.2011 Calculus AB free response #4b _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.OvMBNVi5bLY.mkv 20M
[VID]20110908.2011 Calculus AB free response #4c _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.M_ADc9jkBig.mkv5.2M
[VID]20110909.2011 Calculus AB free response #4d _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.yX3JpmEgNHo.mkv7.9M
[VID]20110909.2011 Calculus AB free response #5a _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.n9UvuzI2fq0.mkv9.7M
[VID]20110909.2011 Calculus AB free response #5b _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.hAAIgNzBGg0.mkv9.5M
[VID]20110909.2011 Calculus AB free response #5c. _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.R-2Uw10QgIo.mkv9.9M
[VID]20110912.2011 Calculus AB free response #1a _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ppBJWf_Wdmc.mkv 11M
[VID]20110912.2011 Calculus AB free response #6a _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan
[VID]20110912.2011 Calculus AB free response #6b _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.RuEJzPQ_N10.mkv6.5M
[VID]20110912.2011 Calculus AB free response #6c _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ucghWyc2_qs.mkv 10M
[VID]20110912.2011 Calculus BC free response #1 (b & c) _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.73eSiVcg4tQ.mkv9.5M
[VID]20110912.2011 Calculus BC free response #1a _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.wtLTb_VaI-k.mkv9.6M
[VID]20110912.2011 Calculus BC free response #1d _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.v-4QScXlN0o.mkv 13M
[VID]20110912.Bacterial meningitis _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.CnXuSCaCNBo.mkv 16M
[VID]20110912.Childhood growth _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.gF0aA-si89Y.mkv 16M
[VID]20110912.Precocious puberty _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.XhYQYVQq6K0.mkv 17M
[VID]20110912.Ritual of the bedside exam _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.w2QVg9mezcY.mkv9.2M
[VID]20110913.2011 Calculus BC free response #3 (b & c) _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.lpXCvX6ZenM.mkv 15M
[VID]20110913.2011 Calculus BC free response #3a _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy._G9JwTwjulA.mkv6.7M
[VID]20110913.2011 Calculus BC free response #6a _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.1BGlbx67B6s.mkv 11M
[VID]20110913.School Leadership Briefing (Sep 12 2011).epQlOmZ0Kzs.mkv 13M
[VID]20110913.School Leadership Briefing Questions (Sep 12 2011) 2.nxQ-5li9rbA.mkv 14M
[VID]20110914.2011 Calculus BC free response #6b _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.NQazgcu8c7s.mkv 12M
[VID]20110914.2011 Calculus BC free response #6c _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.l1hJABkcuYI.mkv4.4M
[VID]20110914.Brainwave Sep 2011.0MzIJfmSa5k.mkv 22M
[VID]20110915.2011 Calculus BC free response #6d _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.m6oMgtGsAa4.mkv 21M
[VID]20110915.Center for Future of Museums.PGr1rqZ_3xo.mkv 29M
[VID]20110915.Taylor polynomial remainder (part 1) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.wgkRH5Uoavk.mkv 14M
[VID]20110915.Taylor polynomial remainder (part 2) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.yUUPP70Fhpo.mkv 21M
[VID]20110916.Interest rate swap 1 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.PLjyj1FJqig.mkv4.1M
[VID]20110916.Interest rate swap 2 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.xE43JrjCpjE.mkv6.2M
[VID]20110916.Interpreting futures fair value in the premarket _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.owcmu4XxrHM.mkv3.8M
[VID]20110919.Partial quotient method of division 2 _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.omFelSZvaJc.mkv8.4M
[VID]20110919.Partial quotient method of division _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.R486L0M5cWk.mkv8.6M
[VID]20110920.Basic Language and Notation of Geometry.OtnQ9YEQ_tU.mkv 14M
[VID]20110920.Inverse property of addition _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.bjVn4WGmNis.mkv3.1M
[VID]20110920.Inverse property of multiplication _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.XMwnJUprid8.mkv3.6M
[VID]20110920.Language and notation of the circle _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.U2W7HPyC0cM.mkv 12M
[VID]20110921.Angle basics _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.H-de6Tkxej8.mkv7.1M
[VID]20110921.Angles formed by parallel lines and transversals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.H-E5rlpCVu4.mkv7.3M
[VID]20110921.Complementary and supplementary angles _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.BTnAlNSgNsY.mkv 10M
[VID]20110921.Introduction to vertical angles _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy._7aUxFzTG5w.mkv8.4M
[VID]20110921.Measuring angles in degrees _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.92aLiyeQj0w.mkv9.9M
[VID]20110921.Measuring angles using a protractor _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.dw41PMWek6U.mkv3.8M
[VID]20110921.Proof - Vertical angles are equal _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.wRBMmiNHQaE.mkv6.5M
[VID]20110922.Challenging triangle angle problem _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.95logvV8nXY.mkv9.9M
[VID]20110922.Finding more angles _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.0gzSreH8nUI.mkv6.7M
[VID]20110922.Proof - Corresponding angle equivalence implies parallel lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.9_3OxtdqmqE.mkv7.1M
[VID]20110922.Proof - Sum of Measures of Angles in a Triangle are 180.OPG-9IFnJnI.mkv6.9M
[VID]20110922.Sum of Interior Angles of Any Polygon.ilsS0IDaQ5A.mkv 14M
[VID]20110922.Triangle angle example 1 _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.hmj3_zbz2eg.mkv6.7M
[VID]20110922.Triangle angle example 2 _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.eTwnt4G5xE4.mkv5.1M
[VID]20110922.Triangle angle example 3 _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.iqeGTtyzQ1I.mkv6.3M
[VID]20110923.Congruent triangles and SSS _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.CJrVOf_3dN0.mkv 13M
[VID]20110923.Other triangle congruence postulates _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.8Ld8Csu4sEs.mkv 15M
[VID]20110923.SSS to show a radius is perpendicular to a chord that it bisects _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.TgDk06Qayxw.mkv9.9M
[VID]20110923.Sum of interior angles of a polygon _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.qG3HnRccrQU.mkv9.6M
[VID]20110923.Two column proof showing segments are perpendicular _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.fSu1LKnhM5Q.mkv 11M
[VID]20110925.Sum of the exterior angles of convex polygon _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.W9B3VYdC5T8.mkv5.6M
[VID]20110926.Congruent triangle example 2 _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Xc3oHzKXVh8.mkv 14M
[VID]20110926.Congruent triangle proof example _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.RFesGHsuFZw.mkv6.4M
[VID]20110926.Finding congruent triangles _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.d5UCZ9hO8X4.mkv8.3M
[VID]20110926.More on why SSA is not a postulate _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.f8svAm237xM.mkv7.9M
[VID]20110929.Another isosceles example problem _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ceDV0QBpcMA.mkv6.4M
[VID]20110929.Congruent legs and base angles of isosceles triangles _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.7UISwx2Mr4c.mkv 12M
[VID]20110929.Equilateral and isosceles example problems _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.7FTNWE7RTfQ.mkv7.8M
[VID]20110929.Equilateral triangle sides and angles congruent _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.CYNUwiUzlPk.mkv6.8M
[VID]20110929.Example involving an isosceles triangle and parallel lines _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.CVKAro3HUxQ.mkv3.5M
[VID]20110929.Figuring out all the angles for congruent triangles example _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.aDCXPdzyS0s.mkv5.9M
[VID]20110930.Challenging perimeter problem _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.1uWZNW5PF-s.mkv 11M
[VID]20110930.Interesting perimeter and area problems _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.vWXMDIazHjA.mkv 11M
[VID]20110930.Koch snowflake fractal _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.azBNsPa1WC4.mkv 14M
[VID]20110930.Perimeter and area - the basics _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.LoaBd-sPzkU.mkv9.5M
[VID]20110930.Triangle area proofs _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.YOYQys52sPs.mkv 13M
[VID]20111001.KA on John Stossel Documentary._4qoTgnx1oQ.mkv 19M
[VID]20111001.Khan Academy on 20 20 (Sep 2011).da-9vUVr9tA.mkv7.4M
[VID]20111001.Sal during Education Week (Sep 2011) 1.pw9fPU4YqUA.mkv 20M
[VID]20111001.Similarity example problems _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.R-6CAr_zEEk.mkv8.3M
[VID]20111001.Similarity postulates _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.7bO0TmJ6Ba4.mkv 13M
[VID]20111001.Similar triangle basics _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.9ThXDY9Y3oU.mkv 10M
[VID]20111002.Tom Brokaw interviews Sal at Education Nation 2011.YtIHBa54ce0.mkv 34M
[VID]20111003.Blue Cross and Blue Shield _ Health care system _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.S9xdJgPWO-w.mkv 11M
[VID]20111003.Challenging similarity problem _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.7aGEvpHaNJ8.mkv 11M
[VID]20111003.Conversation about drug pricing _ Health care system _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.8t-Un7yH99g.mkv 15M
[VID]20111003.Health care costs in US vs Europe _ Health care system _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.6YU9HVS2GT0.mkv 19M
[VID]20111003.Inflammation _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.GZ6I3T1RAnQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20111003.Similarity example where same side plays different roles _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Tal_fgREll0.mkv6.4M
[VID]20111003.Similar triangle example problems _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Ly86lwq_2gc.mkv 10M
[VID]20111003.Systemic thinking about cancer _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.7zk0ubr_lzo.mkv 14M
[VID]20111003.Vitamin C and the Limeys.Mp9II8MmuoA.mkv 13M
[VID]20111004.30-60-90 triangle side ratios proof _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.SFL4stapeUs.mkv7.7M
[VID]20111004.45-45-90 triangle side ratios _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.McINBOFCGH8.mkv6.3M
[VID]20111004.Examples using Pythagorean Theorem.m5Gojo9hkCg.mkv6.5M
[VID]20111004.Finding area using similarity and congruence _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.EqNzr56h1Ic.mkv 15M
[VID]20111004.Pythagorean theorem proof using similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.LrS5_l-gk94.mkv 12M
[VID]20111005.30-60-90 triangle example problem _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.dgHksfBFbjk.mkv8.0M
[VID]20111005.Area of Koch snowflake (part 1) - advanced _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.64bH_27Ehoc.mkv 14M
[VID]20111005.Area of Koch snowflake (part 2) - advanced _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.vBlR2xNAGmo.mkv7.7M
[VID]20111005.Area of an equilateral triangle _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.UKQ65tiIQ6o.mkv4.4M
[VID]20111005.The golden ratio _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.5zosU6XTgSY.mkv 17M
[VID]20111007.Circumcenter of a right triangle _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.VejCw2NlE60.mkv6.1M
[VID]20111007.Circumcenter of a triangle _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.KXZ6w91DioU.mkv 17M
[VID]20111007.Perpendicular radius bisects chord _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.q7eF5Ci944U.mkv 11M
[VID]20111012.Angle bisector theorem proof _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.TpIBLnRAslI.mkv8.9M
[VID]20111012.Incenter and incircles of a triangle _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.21vbBiCVijE.mkv8.5M
[VID]20111012.Point-line distance and angle bisectors _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.yj4oS-27Q3k.mkv 12M
[VID]20111012.Three points defining a circle _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.4_xhiP6g2ow.mkv 11M
[VID]20111013.Angle bisector theorem examples _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.PlY3e_-9JUA.mkv3.9M
[VID]20111013.At Words 1.pQcnLGBi7WE.mkv9.7M
[VID]20111013.Exploring medial triangles _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Rsi5mzEaCPw.mkv 13M
[VID]20111013.Inradius, perimeter, and area _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.5NjgcPri07E.mkv7.9M
[VID]20111013.Medians divide into smaller triangles of equal area _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Xt4sT0fV9Pw.mkv8.4M
[VID]20111017.Median centroid right triangle example _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.k45QTFCHSVs.mkv9.5M
[VID]20111017.Proof - Triangle altitudes are concurrent (orthocenter) _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.aGwT2-RERXY.mkv 12M
[VID]20111017.Proving that the centroid is 2-3rds along the median _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.i0VS3eEGjiQ.mkv7.6M
[VID]20111020.Derivative intuition module _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.HtvikVD9aa0.mkv5.1M
[VID]20111020.Euler line _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.tUqyJgmGY7k.mkv8.5M
[VID]20111020.Financial Times October 2011.1Hoo7MASKq0.mkv 29M
[VID]20111020.Review of triangle properties _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.KUhdMbx5ges.mkv 12M
[VID]20111021.K-Ar dating calculation _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.iLFcSfzrlMk.mkv 13M
[VID]20111021.Potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.NMZ5kJEviD0.mkv 14M
[VID]20111024.Chronometric revolution _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.5mNTvtjDnP8.mkv 13M
[VID]20111024.Euler's line proof _ Special properties and parts of triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.t_EgAi574sM.mkv 13M
[VID]20111025.Common orthocenter and centroid _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.pDZIvyeqX1o.mkv7.2M
[VID]20111026.Quadrilateral overview _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Ka82QC4QvGA.mkv9.7M
[VID]20111031.Medicare overview _ Health care system _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.VpLKdKkpg68.mkv 22M
[VID]20111031.Proof - Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.TErJ-Yr67BI.mkv 12M
[VID]20111031.Proof - Opposite angles of parallelogram congruent _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.oIV1zM8qlpk.mkv6.0M
[VID]20111031.Proof - Opposite sides of parallelogram congruent _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.LhrGS4-Dd9I.mkv 10M
[VID]20111031.Proof - Rhombus area half product of diagonal length _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.3FManXv4mZM.mkv6.2M
[VID]20111031.Proof - Rhombus diagonals are perpendicular bisectors _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.GDcVdBAnBdU.mkv5.8M
[VID]20111101.Area of a parallelogram _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.tFhBAeZVTMw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20111101.Converting repeating decimals to fractions 1 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.FPNhCVZlbJs.mkv4.2M
[VID]20111101.Converting repeating decimals to fractions 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Ihws0d-WLzU.mkv 10M
[VID]20111101.Species.Tmt4zrDK3dA.mkv 16M
[VID]20111101.Taxonomy and the Tree of Life.oHvLlS_Sc54.mkv 20M
[VID]20111102.Area of a regular hexagon _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.LrxZMdQ6tiw.mkv9.1M
[VID]20111102.Problem involving angle derived from square and circle _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.3n0LvI99-KM.mkv9.3M
[VID]20111104.Domain and range of a relation _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.g3LrOw1JMi8.mkv3.1M
[VID]20111104.Evaluating Functions.E9YEUQR9NAU.mkv5.6M
[VID]20111104.Graphical relations and functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.qGmJ4F3b5W8.mkv5.1M
[VID]20111104.Relations and functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Uz0MtFlLD-k.mkv7.4M
[VID]20111107.Domain and range of a function given a formula _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.za0QJRZ-yQ4.mkv8.8M
[VID]20111107.Domain of a radical function _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.4h54s7BBPpA.mkv1.7M
[VID]20111107.Exponential Application.Ofnvrti6gh4.mkv 11M
[VID]20111107.Graphing Radical Functions.Mi6OJ4TAufY.mkv 11M
[VID]20111107.Graphing a Basic Function.2-dUHLHeyTY.mkv5.9M
[VID]20111107.Graphing a Quadratic Function.3a7UbMJpeIM.mkv7.1M
[VID]20111107.Graphing exponential functions _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.9SOSfRNCQZQ.mkv5.5M
[VID]20111107.Logarithmic equations _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.fyshrv6YDVY.mkv1.3M
[VID]20111107.Product of functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.JKvmAexeMgY.mkv3.0M
[VID]20111107.Quotient of functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.u9v_bakOIcU.mkv6.8M
[VID]20111107.Sum of functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.n34dqyVCXs4.mkv2.6M
[VID]20111108.Change of base formula _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.OkFdDqW9xxM.mkv8.2M
[VID]20111108.Difference of Logarithms with Same Base.m9xVp6p7MTU.mkv6.4M
[VID]20111108.Graphing logarithmic functions _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.DuYgVVU_BwY.mkv9.7M
[VID]20111108.Graphing natural logarithm function _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.xmjy-0TxgI8.mkv9.7M
[VID]20111108.Logarithmic Equations 2.vtStuLV-HvQ.mkv2.1M
[VID]20111108.Logarithm of a power _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Pb9V374iOas.mkv4.9M
[VID]20111108.Natural logarithm with a calculator _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Dpo_-GrMpNE.mkv3.9M
[VID]20111108.Solving logarithmic equations _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.oqAYqT70EBQ.mkv3.9M
[VID]20111108.Sum of logarithms with same base _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.pkGrXzakRFs.mkv6.0M
[VID]20111108.Using multiple logarithm properties to simplify _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.RhzXX5PbsuQ.mkv2.2M
[VID]20111108.u18_l3_t1_we4 Calculator for Powers of e.2TtPbVobfh4.mkv1.6M
[VID]20111109.Application of Similar Triangles.UgiRvl6iJzc.mkv8.5M
[VID]20111109.Applying Logarithms.OKO41aLl8l8.mkv6.5M
[VID]20111109.Applying Logarithms 2._WIfQbcY4x4.mkv9.3M
[VID]20111109.Area and Perimeter of Composite Figures.WlGuG_VZl5c.mkv8.6M
[VID]20111109.Area of a Circle.lDKjX5ouoic.mkv3.6M
[VID]20111109.Calculator for Logarithms.6ZGQkGZf6sw.mkv2.5M
[VID]20111109.Calculator for Powers of 10.qRmlIfsbWQA.mkv1.9M
[VID]20111109.Calculator for natural logarithms _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.r0eFSS8CN-Q.mkv1.5M
[VID]20111109.Circumference of a Circle.WgW_KwtBvro.mkv4.2M
[VID]20111109.Congruent and Similar Triangles.0mKmYxuMirE.mkv4.4M
[VID]20111109.Identifying Geometric Solids.Cn3QiGlklRI.mkv4.0M
[VID]20111109.Interpreting linear graphs word problems example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xR9r38mZjK4.mkv5.0M
[VID]20111109.Labeling parts of a circle _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.04N79tItPEA.mkv2.1M
[VID]20111109.Missing Measurements for Similar Triangles.JfqLblHox3o.mkv4.6M
[VID]20111109.Pythagorean Theorem Application.l43fgfJ376c.mkv3.8M
[VID]20111109.Quadrilateral properties _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.5CeBlu260Rw.mkv6.1M
[VID]20111109.Similar Triangles Corresponding Sides and Angles.ST2P6Sn3cuo.mkv3.9M
[VID]20111109.Solving Exponential Equations.zHJpqliPTpc.mkv6.2M
[VID]20111109.Solving logarithmic equations _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Kv2iHde7Xgw.mkv4.6M
[VID]20111109.Using the Pythagorean Theorem.UJHONfWW9T0.mkv2.2M
[VID]20111109.u07 l1 t3 we1 Classifying Triangles.uMcEgALdvgk.mkv3.0M
[VID]20111110.Acute Obtuse and Right Angles.qdYx4qk2UHU.mkv7.8M
[VID]20111110.Area of a Trapezoid.qAs50nzzrP4.mkv3.0M
[VID]20111110.Finding Missing Angles.z8BoVhTkaBw.mkv2.2M
[VID]20111110.Identifying Complementary and Supplementary Angles.o-TWOYoxjUo.mkv2.9M
[VID]20111110.Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.aq_XL6FrmGs.mkv4.4M
[VID]20111110.Identifying rays _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.w9jEq6dmqPg.mkv7.9M
[VID]20111110.Perimeter and area of a non-standard polygon _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.7S1MLJOG-5A.mkv3.5M
[VID]20111110.Perimeter of a parallelogram _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.5ZCKr4wTQvI.mkv1.7M
[VID]20111110.Volume of a Composite Shape.Q9vYvyvDzI8.mkv 12M
[VID]20111110.Volume of a sphere _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.IelS2vg7JO8.mkv2.9M
[VID]20111114.Box-and-Whisker Plots.-M0Fi0ijnJs.mkv 15M
[VID]20111114.Box and whisker plot _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.b2C9I8HuCe4.mkv4.0M
[VID]20111114.Example - All the ways you can flip a coin _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.3UlE8gyKbkU.mkv3.0M
[VID]20111114.Finding mean, median, and mode _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.k3aKKasOmIw.mkv4.4M
[VID]20111114.Finding probability example _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.yUaI0JriZtY.mkv3.4M
[VID]20111114.Finding the range and mid-range _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.7DtWXEPB_AI.mkv2.3M
[VID]20111114.Measures of Center.F6zcGSY15Vw.mkv 10M
[VID]20111114.Misleading line graphs _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan
[VID]20111114.Probability of More Complex Outcome.zlqvSLvhIXE.mkv7.8M
[VID]20111114.Reading bar graphs _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.kiQ6MUQZHSs.mkv3.7M
[VID]20111114.Reading line graphs _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.36v2EXZRzUE.mkv3.0M
[VID]20111114.Reading pictographs _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.qrVvpYt3Vl0.mkv2.9M
[VID]20111114.Reading pie graphs (circle graphs) _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4JqH55rLGKY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20111114.Stem-and-leaf plots _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.LEFE1km5ROY.mkv7.2M
[VID]20111121.Difference of cubes factoring _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.CxcP4ylUP5w.mkv4.5M
[VID]20111121.Equation of a line from fractional slope and point _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.k8EfLFvUI5U.mkv3.7M
[VID]20111121.GCF to Factor a Polynomial.FvS7v6KM1ig.mkv5.1M
[VID]20111121.Hairier Slope of Line.oUV_yL7FjYc.mkv9.3M
[VID]20111121.Independent and Dependent Systems.czXPYCWUmvc.mkv6.9M
[VID]20111121.More Involved Multi-Step Equation.AmIeRC8qy5k.mkv7.1M
[VID]20111121.Multiplying three numbers in scientific notation (example) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.67jn5Zv-myg.mkv9.3M
[VID]20111121.Negative and positive exponents _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.JUGmviJC_pk.mkv2.6M
[VID]20111121.One-Step Equation Involving Fractions.KGukNWo_j88.mkv3.1M
[VID]20111121.Ordered pair solutions to equations _ Graphing lines and slope _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.SSNA9gaAOVc.mkv5.3M
[VID]20111121.Perpendicular Line Slope.ndPq7gbin7A.mkv2.7M
[VID]20111121.Rational number word problem with decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.fFdOr8U4mnI.mkv4.1M
[VID]20111121.Simplifying Multivariable Polynomial.8jEaFV5PY2s.mkv2.8M
[VID]20111121.Solutions to three variable system 2 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.145zOBT0LD4.mkv5.6M
[VID]20111121.Substitution Method.lRMV6I_TM4U.mkv4.2M
[VID]20111121.u14 l1 t1 we INT Consistent System of Independent Equations t2.dHVLkFQCsmY.mkv 10M
[VID]20111122.Calculus proof of centripetal acceleration formula _ Physics _ Khan Academy.XjCEumlJBno.mkv 19M
[VID]20111122.Centripetal force and acceleration intuition _ Physics _ Khan Academy.vZOk8NnjILg.mkv 12M
[VID]20111122.Relationship between angular velocity and speed _ Physics _ Khan Academy.zAx61CO5mDw.mkv 11M
[VID]20111122.Visual understanding of centripetal acceleration formula _ Physics _ Khan Academy.NH1_sO8QY3o.mkv 11M
[VID]20111123.Acceleration due to gravity at the space station _ Physics _ Khan Academy.R5CRZONOHCU.mkv 19M
[VID]20111123.Collective learning _ Life on earth and in the universe _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.NqR_dtZu4Mo.mkv 16M
[VID]20111123.Loop de loop answer part 1 _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.4SQDybFjhRE.mkv9.0M
[VID]20111123.Loop de loop answer part 2 _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.zcnnZz2pCSg.mkv8.0M
[VID]20111123.Loop de loop question _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.wjZb3zPuoeA.mkv4.6M
[VID]20111123.Space station speed in orbit _ Centripetal force and gravitation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.9BNkmfHYYYI.mkv 13M
[VID]20111128.Viewing g as the value of Earth's gravitational field near the surface _ Khan Academy.1E3Z_R5AHdg.mkv8.3M
[VID]20111226.Land productivity limiting human population _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.xM8szz4VB28.mkv 22M
[VID]20111227.Energy inputs for tilling a hectare of land _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.5I9dH5im24U.mkv 23M
[VID]20111227.Random predictions for 2060 _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.E4rbS0oxg30.mkv 12M
[VID]20111227.Year 2060 - Education Predictions.CiKrFcgVSIU.mkv 25M
[VID]20111228.Thomas Malthus and population growth _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.r1ywppAJ1xs.mkv 12M
[VID]20111228.Verbal Answers to 'Ask Me Anything' on Reddit.2DVDI-HF4Eg.mkv 61M
[VID]20111229.Allocative efficiency and marginal benefit _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.MT4akJsAmb0.mkv 18M
[VID]20111229.Economic growth through investment _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.a9aUMpGs6c8.mkv8.8M
[VID]20111229.Increasing opportunity cost _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.00fgAG6VrRQ.mkv9.1M
[VID]20111229.Opportunity Cost.pkEiHZAtoro.mkv8.2M
[VID]20111229.Production possibilities frontier _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy._7VHfuWV-Qg.mkv 12M
[VID]20111230.Changes in income, population, or preferences _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.do1HDIdfQkU.mkv4.7M
[VID]20111230.Comparative advantage and absolute advantage _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.xN3UV5FsBkU.mkv 13M
[VID]20111230.Comparative advantage specialization and gains from trade _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.xx9xNJlPOJo.mkv 10M
[VID]20111230.Law of demand _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.ShzPtU7IOXs.mkv9.3M
[VID]20111230.Normal and inferior goods _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.wYuAwm-5-Bk.mkv7.5M
[VID]20111230.Price of related products and demand _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.-oClpRv7msg.mkv7.8M
[VID]20120102.Changes in Market Equilibrium.NgPqyM3I_8o.mkv 10M
[VID]20120102.Factors affecting supply _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.0isM0GF-rMI.mkv 10M
[VID]20120102.Inferior goods clarificationx.TAhRoJB34nw.mkv8.3M
[VID]20120102.Law of supply _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.3xCzhdVtdMI.mkv 11M
[VID]20120102.Market equilibrium _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.PEMkfgrifDw.mkv 12M
[VID]20120103.More on elasticity of demand _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.YOT8ryWzwbY.mkv8.9M
[VID]20120103.Perfect inelasticity and perfect elasticity of demand _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.6udRtn5jSWk.mkv 14M
[VID]20120103.Price elasticity of demand using the midpoint method _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.slP8XZ6Nq40.mkv 17M
[VID]20120104.Constant unit elasticity _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.m7qXvQvWlY4.mkv5.7M
[VID]20120104.Cross elasticity of demand _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Ngv0Be9NxAw.mkv 13M
[VID]20120104.Elasticity of supply _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.AAWsuFXojgo.mkv 11M
[VID]20120104.More on total revenue and elasticity _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.KgrLUQYgIJE.mkv 10M
[VID]20120104.Total revenue and elasticity _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Udltkvm9HLc.mkv 15M
[VID]20120105.Consumer surplus introduction _ Consumer and producer surplus _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy._6kwhF6hoqQ.mkv5.8M
[VID]20120105.Demand Curve as Marginal Benefit Curve.KrkbbRxdDZ8.mkv6.3M
[VID]20120105.Elasticity and strange percent changes _ Elasticity _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.fUxSB3yYIbs.mkv7.7M
[VID]20120106.Total consumer surplus as area _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.RBUBIRtn0xQ.mkv6.6M
[VID]20120109.Producer surplus _ Consumer and producer surplus _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.-V-Y5klejSg.mkv9.1M
[VID]20120110.Minimum wage and price floors _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.j0c2vmFGbtk.mkv 11M
[VID]20120110.Rent Control and Deadweight Loss.ZrNKHCCVfB8.mkv 14M
[VID]20120110.Vi and Sal Answer Questions About Joining Forces.d6vdkYP2qz0.mkv 29M
[VID]20120112.Percentage tax on hamburgers _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.xwOTlMaerEQ.mkv6.6M
[VID]20120112.Taxation and dead weight loss _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.NuLlNAdrom4.mkv 11M
[VID]20120113.Taxes and perfectly elastic demand _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.z1yJPpGC3-o.mkv7.9M
[VID]20120113.Taxes and perfectly inelastic demand _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.lsn16U5DWD4.mkv9.3M
[VID]20120116.Deriving demand curve from tweaking marginal utility per dollar _ Khan Academy.4-_-wQc3EGE.mkv 12M
[VID]20120116.Equalizing Marginal Utility per Dollar Spent.KbW6OiuRa1Y.mkv8.2M
[VID]20120116.Marginal Utility.Kf9KhwryQNE.mkv 14M
[VID]20120117.Budget Line.Uq5Wzs96tiw.mkv 15M
[VID]20120117.Optimal point on budget line _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.nhSSu0Nzs30.mkv 11M
[VID]20120117.Types of indifference curves _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.kJ43GdU5Uzc.mkv6.3M
[VID]20120118.Economic profit vs accounting profit _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.06j_zPdPWOY.mkv9.6M
[VID]20120118.SOPA and PIPA _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.tzqMoOk9NWc.mkv 18M
[VID]20120119.Depreciation and opportunity cost of capital _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.ckBKDrKVIMU.mkv 13M
[VID]20120120.Fixed, Variable, and Marginal Cost..bBQVaRnHqLs.mkv 17M
[VID]20120123.Marginal cost and average total cost _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.7t8gdc3YogM.mkv 10M
[VID]20120123.Marginal revenue and marginal cost _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.xGkE0oHyNhk.mkv9.5M
[VID]20120123.Marginal revenue below average total cost _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.ni0TL4pXG5w.mkv9.3M
[VID]20120123.Visualizing average costs and marginal costs as slope _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.k1iHDu9GrJE.mkv 18M
[VID]20120124.Long term supply curve and economic profit _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.CWiHA5XtqgU.mkv 11M
[VID]20120125.Monopolist optimizing price - Dead weight loss _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.daxL1ZLrUzg.mkv8.0M
[VID]20120125.Monopolist optimizing price - Marginal revenue _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.s1UQQELPyrc.mkv 12M
[VID]20120125.Monopolist optimizing price - Total revenue. _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.cczABrLd_uA.mkv9.2M
[VID]20120125.Optional calculus proof to show that MR has twice slope of demand _ Khan Academy.atI4QH2acuw.mkv5.3M
[VID]20120126.Oligopolies and monopolistic competition _ Forms of competition _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.PzDthFTzEa0.mkv 10M
[VID]20120127.More on Nash equilibrium _ Game theory and Nash equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.ewu_7Dmj_18.mkv9.2M
[VID]20120127.Oligopolies, duopolies, collusion, and cartels _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.N0L00FZnhtg.mkv9.8M
[VID]20120127.Prisoners' dilemma and Nash equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.UkXI-zPcDIM.mkv 11M
[VID]20120130.Game theory of cheating firms _ Game theory and Nash equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.XTMbRDRaviM.mkv 17M
[VID]20120130.Monopolistic competition and economic profit _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.RUVsEovktGU.mkv 11M
[VID]20120130.Negative externalities _ Consumer and producer surplus _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.nBw6KvU51BE.mkv7.0M
[VID]20120130.Review of Revenue and Cost Graphs for a Monopoly.jJip-WyQtpk.mkv 11M
[VID]20120130.Why parties to cartels cheat _ Game theory and Nash equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.S6TvRDwgQag.mkv 14M
[VID]20120131.Positive externalities _ Consumer and producer surplus _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.TSTLLFJbaA4.mkv8.7M
[VID]20120131.Price discrimination _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.z0wg9ZPyL38.mkv8.3M
[VID]20120131.Taxes for factoring in negative externalities _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.UYShebe44Xs.mkv7.5M
[VID]20120131.Tragedy of the commons _ Consumer and producer surplus _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.0b2Tl0x-niw.mkv7.9M
[VID]20120201.Adding demand curves _ Production decisions and economic profit _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.gHs3zuRek7o.mkv8.3M
[VID]20120201.A firm's marginal product revenue curve _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.cwClnv9Y1Y0.mkv 16M
[VID]20120201.Circular flow of income and expenditures _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Hfz1bwK5C4o.mkv 11M
[VID]20120201.How many people to hire given the MPR curve _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.p8PSIpMkEvA.mkv 14M
[VID]20120201.More on final and intermediate GDP contributions _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.C1pHvEAKmLA.mkv3.9M
[VID]20120201.Parsing gross domestic product _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.zh8XASZxo1Q.mkv 15M
[VID]20120202.Frequency stability property short film _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.vVXbgbMp0oY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20120204.Adding mixed numbers with like denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.EGy1W24EPEI.mkv1.9M
[VID]20120204.Components of GDP _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Rgr1vRjxzFg.mkv5.7M
[VID]20120204.Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1) _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.EGr3KC55sfU.mkv1.3M
[VID]20120204.Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2) _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.qbMe4f2yvKs.mkv2.3M
[VID]20120204.Converting decimals to fractions example 1 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.DR2DYe7PI74.mkv1.9M
[VID]20120204.Converting decimals to fractions example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.9P80OLC6wKY.mkv859K
[VID]20120204.Converting decimals to fractions example 3 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.OS1g4PDdNdM.mkv1.2M
[VID]20120204.Converting decimals to percents _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.5z568fLBQyQ.mkv2.8M
[VID]20120204.Converting decimals to percents example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.3_caioiRu5I.mkv1.8M
[VID]20120204.Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions (ex 1).n3cKK0xBK64.mkv2.6M
[VID]20120204.Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions (ex 2).NO8r40tJQ1o.mkv2.5M
[VID]20120204.Converting percents to decimals _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.MkpbtCRwcCE.mkv1.4M
[VID]20120204.Converting percents to decimals example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.T4JKO0OGjpQ.mkv1.2M
[VID]20120204.Example of adding fractions with unlike denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.TuId1spuyoc.mkv2.7M
[VID]20120204.Examples of accounting for GDP _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.BMNj7-Okclk.mkv8.7M
[VID]20120204.Fractions on the number line 1 (ex 1).W6cabLzQyeU.mkv1.8M
[VID]20120204.Fractions on the number line 1 (ex 2).Tp6CNr9X74A.mkv927K
[VID]20120204.Fractions on the number line 2 (ex 1).mhE652KeyAA.mkv2.2M
[VID]20120204.Fractions on the number line 3 (ex 1).nyf6mEKit2c.mkv1.7M
[VID]20120204.Fractions on the number line 3 (ex 2).xWfWfekidjs.mkv1.9M
[VID]20120204.Fraction to decimal example _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.sCVyvfOLI6U.mkv1.5M
[VID]20120204.Fraction to decimal with rounding _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NM8qTo361ic.mkv3.3M
[VID]20120204.Fraction word problems 1 (ex 1).apCS_vP-ccg.mkv2.1M
[VID]20120204.Fraction word problems 1 (ex 2).pxznZKskjyE.mkv1.4M
[VID]20120204.Fraction word problems 1 (ex 3).VwzPJY5Zv7s.mkv2.3M
[VID]20120204.Fraction word problems 1 (ex 4).OOiFJ2FxtDA.mkv2.9M
[VID]20120204.How to add mixed numbers that have unlike denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.8Eb5MWwcMMY.mkv2.5M
[VID]20120204.How to subtract mixed numbers that have unlike denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy._btQus9HV_I.mkv2.7M
[VID]20120204.Income and expenditure views of GDP _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Z9b8nnvpim0.mkv5.4M
[VID]20120204.Investment and consumption _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.N9VIsauE0RA.mkv8.6M
[VID]20120204.Multiplying Fractions Word Problems (ex 1).jZUgNoj-oHY.mkv2.6M
[VID]20120204.Multiplying mixed numbers 1 (ex 1).gIIOKMSKZ9s.mkv3.4M
[VID]20120204.Subtracting fractions (ex 1).zGk6exFyQl0.mkv2.6M
[VID]20120204.Subtracting fractions with common denominators (ex 1).qpCoiTcRxAE.mkv1.5M
[VID]20120204.Subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.q19UnHEofOA.mkv2.7M
[VID]20120204.Writing proportions (ex 1).gqHMd77FUGw.mkv2.3M
[VID]20120207.Distributive property with variables.wTuMU2B6MF4.mkv3.5M
[VID]20120207.Dividing fractions word problems (ex 1).d59M7zZvvYs.mkv3.6M
[VID]20120207.Dividing fractions word problems (ex 2).4wo6S2NyFh8.mkv4.5M
[VID]20120207.Evaluating Expressions 1.VtI_wDEVVeY.mkv2.4M
[VID]20120207.Evaluating Expressions 2.z-Kpw6-p8tk.mkv1.7M
[VID]20120207.Expressing ratios as fractions.TCHYxfobGkg.mkv2.8M
[VID]20120207.How to write algebraic expressions with parentheses _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xLYVo_k0_us.mkv2.7M
[VID]20120207.How to write expressions with variables _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Q1vMNyIP4Us.mkv1.8M
[VID]20120209.Abstract-ness _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ZOYRb2sYrL0.mkv 12M
[VID]20120209.Origins of algebra _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._LDR1_Prveo.mkv 12M
[VID]20120209.The beauty of algebra _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.kpCJyQ2usJ4.mkv 17M
[VID]20120210.Population growth of India and the US.FGQIniksGlo.mkv 19M
[VID]20120210.Real GDP and nominal GDP _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.lBDT2w5Wl84.mkv9.2M
[VID]20120210.Recycling in Mumbai.UG9hjtAXufg.mkv 18M
[VID]20120210.Searching for similar images.v0kGEP-0Ttw.mkv3.8M
[VID]20120210.The shortest president.3m7j-JCW8wU.mkv6.2M
[VID]20120213.Example Calculating Real GDP with a Deflator.v5YT8GlSxoU.mkv8.2M
[VID]20120213.GDP deflator _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.L-0LuSw2bTM.mkv8.4M
[VID]20120214.Actual CPI-U Basket of Goods.-JTw7gNwT6Y.mkv 15M
[VID]20120214.Introduction to inflation _ Inflation - measuring the cost of living _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.AaR1mPrdbTc.mkv9.0M
[VID]20120215.Introduction to the coordinate plane _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.N4nrdf0yYfM.mkv 15M
[VID]20120215.Phillips curve _ Inflation - measuring the cost of living _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.v7ZWTZ9NgU4.mkv 11M
[VID]20120216.Newton, Leibniz, and Usain Bolt _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.EKvHQc3QEow.mkv 12M
[VID]20120217.What are variables, expressions, and equations _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.vDqOoI-4Z6M.mkv7.7M
[VID]20120228.Basic geometry - language and labels _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.il0EJrY64qE.mkv 14M
[VID]20120228.Euclid as the father of geometry _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.WqzK3UAXaHs.mkv 16M
[VID]20120229.Elizabeth Slavitt.RTtHES2VY1c.mkv 28M
[VID]20120229.Interest as rent for money _ The monetary system _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Lru0vKmkzR8.mkv 11M
[VID]20120229.Marcos Ojeda.LeeqlXUHNuU.mkv 44M
[VID]20120229.Money supply and demand impacting interest rates _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.vItRHYu-A88.mkv9.5M
[VID]20120301.Aggregate demand _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.oLhohwfwf_U.mkv 15M
[VID]20120301.Shifts in aggregate demand _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.scN-1B6plos.mkv7.2M
[VID]20120301.The business cycle _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.TXrOpjG4dUs.mkv 12M
[VID]20120302.Long-run aggregate supply _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.8W0iZk8Yxhs.mkv4.7M
[VID]20120305.Demand-pull inflation under Johnson _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.HdqbCvqTb20.mkv 14M
[VID]20120305.Real GDP driving price _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.XsD7mqFDJs0.mkv7.4M
[VID]20120305.Short run aggregate supply _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.3nbalsyibKU.mkv 14M
[VID]20120306.Cost-push inflation _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.3A-nAw2tY_4.mkv6.3M
[VID]20120306.Minli Virdone.2onEj_Y9JHc.mkv 24M
[VID]20120307.Monetary and fiscal policy _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.ntxMOKXHlfo.mkv9.3M
[VID]20120308.Tax lever of fiscal policy _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.BRXBCxKjiK8.mkv3.8M
[VID]20120313.Breakdown of gas prices _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.1YYy0DEOpoU.mkv 23M
[VID]20120313.Short-run oil prices _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.ZxtlcZ-d90o.mkv 22M
[VID]20120319.Keynesian economics _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.hPkh8kOldU4.mkv 15M
[VID]20120319.Risks of Keynesian thinking _ Aggregate demand and aggregate supply _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.EVSkf7l7EuI.mkv 11M
[VID]20120321.Overview of fractional reserve banking _ The monetary system _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.3mUi9IZb4T4.mkv9.7M
[VID]20120321.Weaknesses of fractional reserve lending _ The monetary system _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.1HYSMxu-Dns.mkv 11M
[VID]20120322.Full reserve banking _ The monetary system _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.RGMcswR8DnY.mkv9.9M
[VID]20120323.Money supply - M0, M1, and M2 _ The monetary system _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy._LPh72gx6GE.mkv 12M
[VID]20120327.Probability Space.1dPMsJ7I6BY.mkv6.7M
[VID]20120327.Simple fractional reserve accounting (part 1) _ The monetary system _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.VJgVdzicv_I.mkv9.8M
[VID]20120327.Simple fractional reserve accounting (part 2) _ The monetary system _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.PASajlCGBTw.mkv8.7M
[VID]20120327.The Caesar cipher _ Journey into cryptography _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.sMOZf4GN3oc.mkv6.2M
[VID]20120327.The fundamental theorem of arithmetic _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.8CluknrLeys.mkv8.2M
[VID]20120327.Value of KA in India.hc_s3U1HDjQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20120327.Video for Mom Congress.j7NxD8x3TOQ.mkv5.1M
[VID]20120327.What is cryptography _ Journey into cryptography _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.Kf9KjCKmDcU.mkv3.0M
[VID]20120328.Mega millions jackpot probability _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.gyqodNhM3EU.mkv6.6M
[VID]20120403.Consumption function basics _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.o5iot_ZsoV0.mkv7.7M
[VID]20120403.MPC and multiplier _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.O_Oozju3RRI.mkv 12M
[VID]20120403.Mathy version of MPC and multiplier (optional) _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.czfJKPN-HEo.mkv 12M
[VID]20120404.Consumption function with income dependent taxes _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.wHPGFPIcILM.mkv 12M
[VID]20120404.Generalized linear consumption function _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.N44RZtJ4jj4.mkv 17M
[VID]20120404.Keynesian Cross.sTw0e-hwYAQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20120405.Details on shifting aggregate planned expenditures _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.xF_Z4QK0tsA.mkv 15M
[VID]20120405.Keynesian cross and the multiplier _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.aSY8XPGChAU.mkv 16M
[VID]20120410.Connecting the keynesian cross to the IS curve _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.AW3bPaErUWU.mkv 12M
[VID]20120410.Investment and real interest rates _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.72p6uw5y-Rw.mkv6.6M
[VID]20120410.Loanable funds interpretation of IS curve _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.blbR5f2dq_g.mkv7.6M
[VID]20120411.Government spending and the IS-LM model _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.pzQnc_0eZA8.mkv8.0M
[VID]20120411.LM part of the IS-LM model _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.yro2jLBfyDQ.mkv8.7M
[VID]20120411.Polyalphabetic cipher _ Journey into cryptography _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.BgFJD7oCmDE.mkv6.4M
[VID]20120411.The one-time pad _ Journey into cryptography _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.FlIG3TvQCBQ.mkv6.6M
[VID]20120430.Free throwing probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.iMqCSgqzmiQ.mkv9.8M
[VID]20120507.Balance of payments - Capital account _ Foreign exchange and trade _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.AimYG1jYD0A.mkv 11M
[VID]20120507.Balance of payments - Current account _ Foreign exchange and trade _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.dirBYVjDk7A.mkv8.6M
[VID]20120507.Why Current and Capital Accounts Net Out.tYmMEqro8D4.mkv 11M
[VID]20120508.Accumulating foreign currency reserves _ Foreign exchange and trade _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.HiphWQfB6J0.mkv4.0M
[VID]20120508.Speculative attack on a currency _ Foreign exchange and trade _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.P2IWGlR1SHs.mkv 11M
[VID]20120508.Using reserves to stabilize currency _ Foreign exchange and trade _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.TZ7d5kjAlQw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20120514.Financial crisis in Thailand caused by speculative attack _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.lA3sjWwu5-s.mkv9.8M
[VID]20120514.Math mechanics of Thai banking crisis _ Foreign exchange and trade _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.9p3HNMe-oAI.mkv9.7M
[VID]20120518.Greek Debt Recession and Austerity (part 1).9p10aMu1Glo.mkv 11M
[VID]20120518.Greek Financial Crisis (part 2).CkNArgNPI2Y.mkv 12M
[VID]20120518.How and why Greece would leave the Euro (part 3).jkmwAJMERrY.mkv9.9M
[VID]20120521.Three pointer vs free throwing probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.PddbEVNMgTY.mkv 10M
[VID]20120521.Why Europe is worried about Greece.xc-TSAQkqJ0.mkv 13M
[VID]20120525.2D divergence theorem _ Line integrals and Green's theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.eoJGBr-tJXo.mkv 21M
[VID]20120525.Constructing a unit normal vector to a curve _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy._9x2cqO7-Ig.mkv 13M
[VID]20120528.Conceptual clarification for 2D divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.qs0hRHfnzTQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20120528.Surface integral example part 1 - Parameterizing the unit sphere _ Khan Academy.E_Hwhp74Rhc.mkv 14M
[VID]20120528.Surface integral example part 2 - Calculating the surface differential _ Khan Academy.tyVCA_8MUV4.mkv 18M
[VID]20120528.Surface integral example part 3 - The home stretch _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.uzOXGgAgmPs.mkv 18M
[VID]20120529.Surface integral ex2 part 1 - Parameterizing the surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.PpUWpxAb39w.mkv5.4M
[VID]20120529.Surface integral ex2 part 2 - Evaluating integral _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.ItW5CxLsLSo.mkv 13M
[VID]20120529.Surface integral ex3 part 1 - Parameterizing the outside surface _ Khan Academy.EOpzN8ZHqpU.mkv9.7M
[VID]20120529.Surface integral ex3 part 2 - Evaluating the outside surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.xGiILI906C4.mkv 13M
[VID]20120529.Surface integral ex3 part 3 - Top surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.wiVWafc3JBM.mkv 17M
[VID]20120529.Surface integral ex3 part 4 - Home stretch _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.bhrmEy0wvD0.mkv5.9M
[VID]20120530.Conceptual understanding of flux in three dimensions _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.ivg3dLTarbs.mkv9.2M
[VID]20120530.Constructing a unit normal vector to a surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.usH9VUi2-Xg.mkv9.9M
[VID]20120530.Microsoft CEO Summit Innovation in Education.QRrTMZkqn2w.mkv 58M
[VID]20120531.Vector representation of a surface integral _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.NCwwfvPEVn8.mkv 14M
[VID]20120613.MIT 2012 Commencement Address.Pn24jP0YbTI.mkv 59M
[VID]20120618.Green's and Stokes' theorem relationship _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.TPov_v9mLWc.mkv9.3M
[VID]20120618.Orienting boundary with surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.84NkvxfMPtM.mkv4.5M
[VID]20120618.Stokes' theorem intuition _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.9iaYNaENVH4.mkv 17M
[VID]20120619.Conditions for stokes theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.yDB-191sa2M.mkv5.5M
[VID]20120619.Dividing positive and negative numbers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.bQ-KR3clFgs.mkv5.4M
[VID]20120619.Multiplying positive and negative numbers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.47wjId9k2Hs.mkv6.3M
[VID]20120619.Orientation and stokes _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.U6U4HhR3Fqc.mkv5.3M
[VID]20120619.Stokes example part 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.E2MRMdaPKcc.mkv4.8M
[VID]20120619.Stokes example part 2 - Parameterizing the surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.9bwy85M1Zxg.mkv5.2M
[VID]20120619.Stokes example part 3 - Surface to double integral _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.VPz4bCQDGgk.mkv 12M
[VID]20120620.Evaluating line integral directly - part 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.A57_63yP1UU.mkv 10M
[VID]20120620.Evaluating line integral directly - part 2 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.Jhu1M53AF0E.mkv9.6M
[VID]20120620.Stokes example part 4 - Curl and final answer _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.clL2jLXtX4I.mkv9.8M
[VID]20120621.Stokes' theorem proof part 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.qIBqvr5_QqQ.mkv7.1M
[VID]20120621.Stokes' theorem proof part 2 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.apWQoMKVmW4.mkv 10M
[VID]20120621.Stokes' theorem proof part 3 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.4o4P7KrkzXg.mkv6.3M
[VID]20120622.Why a negative times a negative is a positive _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.rK4sXm_MPWo.mkv7.1M
[VID]20120622.Why a negative times a negative makes intuitive sense _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.pzQY-9Nmtws.mkv7.7M
[VID]20120623.Stokes' theorem proof part 4 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.1og25U-d3_8.mkv 11M
[VID]20120623.Stokes' theorem proof part 5 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.a29qZSRDBdE.mkv9.7M
[VID]20120623.Stokes' theorem proof part 6 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.02gVmoObrjM.mkv6.9M
[VID]20120623.Stokes' theorem proof part 7 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.YT6XwkcPcsw.mkv 19M
[VID]20120623.Subtracting a negative = adding a positive _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.lBscLuttQq0.mkv1.8M
[VID]20120623.Why dividing by zero is undefined _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.SQzjzStU1RQ.mkv5.0M
[VID]20120623.Why zero divided by zero is undefined_indeterminate _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.PDReqvXfkBA.mkv2.7M
[VID]20120625.Undefined and indeterminate _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.lHdlHTsXbZg.mkv9.1M
[VID]20120626.3D divergence theorem intuition _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.XyiQ2dwJHXE.mkv 10M
[VID]20120626.Divergence theorem example 1 _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.asyIsn59Lnc.mkv 16M
[VID]20120626.Probability and the Monty Hall problem _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Xp6V_lO1ZKA.mkv8.5M
[VID]20120626.Why we got zero flux in divergence theorem example 1 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.iFpyKTuC7jY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20120627.Divergence theorem proof (part 1) _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.vCAFlt4pQSQ.mkv9.2M
[VID]20120627.Divergence theorem proof (part 2) _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.OM3e-J3euXo.mkv 11M
[VID]20120627.Divergence theorem proof (part 3) _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.3_W6bGuTfzU.mkv8.4M
[VID]20120627.Divergence theorem proof (part 4) _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.lUD7ti47IQc.mkv 11M
[VID]20120627.Divergence theorem proof (part 5) _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.DrRsXhln4S8.mkv4.2M
[VID]20120627.Type III regions in three dimensions _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.bxGnbVOtRYo.mkv 11M
[VID]20120627.Type II regions in three dimensions _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.pZ_2bATPi2I.mkv 12M
[VID]20120627.Type I regions in three dimensions _ Divergence theorem _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.A11AfJ2-3rE.mkv9.6M
[VID]20120628.Introduction to economics _ Supply, demand, and market equilibrium _ Economics _ Khan Academy.8JYP_wU1JTU.mkv 18M
[VID]20120629.Hyperbolic function inspiration _ Hyperbolic functions _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.zd3RyRk6wYI.mkv8.8M
[VID]20120630.Wired Physics Correction Correction.cR-P-mvDPcw.mkv5.7M
[VID]20120702.Hyperbolic functions and the unit hyperbola _ Hyperbolic functions _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Wfpb-fniSSk.mkv9.4M
[VID]20120702.Interactive module - finding factors _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.AHRh3EpJQH0.mkv3.3M
[VID]20120702.The fundamental theorem of arithmetic _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.uzvopM4PZLw.mkv4.8M
[VID]20120702.The why of the 3 divisibility rule _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NehkLV77ITk.mkv6.0M
[VID]20120702.The why of the 9 divisibility rule _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.XAzFGx3Ruig.mkv5.6M
[VID]20120703.Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.R8YKuGJ0plI.mkv6.2M
[VID]20120703.Divisibility tests for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Df9h5t64NlQ.mkv7.0M
[VID]20120703.New operator definitions 2 _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.soUmhhuF08Y.mkv2.5M
[VID]20120703.Ordering improper fractions and mixed numbers.4Ql6o932ZFU.mkv8.4M
[VID]20120705.PPACA or 'Obamacare' _ American civics _ US History _ Khan Academy.8nW9L7cSop4.mkv8.7M
[VID]20120706.Interview with Jessica Yuen.UNsf1X5I_n0.mkv 30M
[VID]20120709.Whether a special quadrilateral can exist _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.6dIMIBO_2mc.mkv5.5M
[VID]20120710.Normal forces on Lubricon VI _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.hJ18CrKU3Zc.mkv8.5M
[VID]20120710.Slow sock on Lubricon VI _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.CEdXvoAv_oM.mkv5.2M
[VID]20120711.Balanced and unbalanced forces _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.oNgo9bbDi7Q.mkv9.0M
[VID]20120711.Unbalanced forces and motion _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.IgYUR7aFY-c.mkv8.8M
[VID]20120713.Newton's first law of motion _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.5-ZFOhHQS68.mkv6.0M
[VID]20120713.Newton's first law of motion concepts _ Physics _ Khan Academy.D1NubiWCpQg.mkv9.3M
[VID]20120717.Newton's 2nd Law of Motion.P5OSVfL_BtA.mkv8.2M
[VID]20120717.Newton's 3rd Law Example.Ugx3udhJDZE.mkv6.8M
[VID]20120717.Testimonial from Community College Math Teacher.MoInimE5DuA.mkv4.3M
[VID]20120717.Testimonial from PhD.CDteaTWYvKM.mkv1.8M
[VID]20120718.Mass and Inertia.fFFgWl6t-6c.mkv6.3M
[VID]20120718.Weight and Mass.hIMYdNPIjZw.mkv5.4M
[VID]20120719.Newton's Laws Quiz.9bfyDdMeJmc.mkv6.2M
[VID]20120719.Newton's Third Law Quiz.0CFibxYvE8c.mkv 11M
[VID]20120723.Evaluating Expressions with One Variable.kS4H-DOIhAE.mkv3.9M
[VID]20120723.Evaluating Expressions with Two Variables.IQlblcRgucY.mkv3.8M
[VID]20120723.How to combine like terms _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.P6_sK8hRWCA.mkv3.2M
[VID]20120723.Money and Happiness.nzWKdLmk-hk.mkv5.8M
[VID]20120724.Combining like terms, but more complicated _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.FNnmseBlvaY.mkv5.1M
[VID]20120724.Finding average speed or rate _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.mt6Nq0dzFjo.mkv 17M
[VID]20120724.How to simplify a big expression by combining like terms _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.1DgDt6gCUKs.mkv3.9M
[VID]20120725.Correction to Washington Post Blog.TNaQJjLAhkI.mkv9.1M
[VID]20120725.Difference between equations and functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.l3iXON1xEC4.mkv4.3M
[VID]20120725.Why all the letters in algebra _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Tm98lnrlbMA.mkv3.0M
[VID]20120726.How to divide from both sides of an equation _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Ye13MIPv6n0.mkv3.6M
[VID]20120726.How to represent a relationship with a simple equation _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XN48Ba9Ncr8.mkv3.7M
[VID]20120726.Why we do the same thing to both sides of equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.5FBDqY41GjU.mkv2.8M
[VID]20120727.Intuition for solving one-step equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.kbqO0YTUyAY.mkv5.3M
[VID]20120727.Solving two-step equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._y_Q3_B2Vh8.mkv5.9M
[VID]20120727.Why we do the same thing to both sides - Multi-step equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.vkhYFml0w6c.mkv8.6M
[VID]20120727.Why we do the same thing to both sides basic systems _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.h9ZgZimXn2Q.mkv9.9M
[VID]20120801.Super Yoga plans - Plotting points _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Ke8k8CNxwog.mkv6.9M
[VID]20120801.Synthetic division _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.1byR9UEQJN0.mkv5.5M
[VID]20120801.Synthetic division example 2 _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.3Ee_huKclEQ.mkv5.1M
[VID]20120801.Variables and equations word problem - Putting them to work for Super Yoga _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.3tRc6mUumFk.mkv8.6M
[VID]20120801.Variables and equations word problem - Which Super Yoga plan is best _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.hq1bUM2tyg0.mkv 10M
[VID]20120801.Why synthetic division works _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.-nlMXVrgtjw.mkv7.9M
[VID]20120802.Super Yoga plans - Solving systems by elimination _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.8XoQH1MVLew.mkv8.6M
[VID]20120802.Super Yoga plans - Solving systems by substitution _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.dawGZs4TaTU.mkv 10M
[VID]20120803.Khan Academy Vision.a6kwIBI3j98.mkv6.6M
[VID]20120806.Basic Triangle Proofs Module Example.gHMPEkoFVko.mkv2.3M
[VID]20120806.Basic Triangle Proofs Module Example 2.NDeDnfuoDQM.mkv3.4M
[VID]20120806.Fill-in-the-blank triangle proofs example 1.e4CGX2LXMX0.mkv 15M
[VID]20120807.Fill-in-the-blank triangle proofs example 2.UTQ6z7_dlSk.mkv6.7M
[VID]20120807.Wrong statements in proofs example 1.3RYME7HTJ8c.mkv2.9M
[VID]20120808.Why Sweating Cools You Down.gLYLGT-VrxE.mkv6.0M
[VID]20120813.Exploring standard deviation 1 module _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.4kA-IOFwUN4.mkv4.3M
[VID]20120813.Exploring the mean and median _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.n6xCyzOP900.mkv6.8M
[VID]20120813.Unit circle manipulative _ Unit circle definition of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Jni7E2RH43s.mkv4.5M
[VID]20120814.Khan Academy Computer Science Launch.tygZ2A8rytQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20120817.Modeling Projectile Motion.U6_8oIPFREY.mkv 19M
[VID]20120824.Pendulum Simulation Project.Bem-jjMv8aE.mkv8.5M
[VID]20120830.Overview of
[VID]20120830.Why is this art Andy Warhol, Campbell's Soup Cans _ Art History _ Khan Academy.SdbOrNLcC0I.mkv 15M
[VID]20120831.Projectile and Orbital Motion.WC7XExMNvF0.mkv 11M
[VID]20120904.LeBron Asks - What muscles do we use when shooting a basket.9qEaVwIXqR4.mkv4.5M
[VID]20120904.LeBron Asks - Why does humidity make it feel hotter.Jgliqx42_BA.mkv9.9M
[VID]20120904.LeBron Asks - Why does sweating cool you down _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.jgnNhL2jSXY.mkv8.0M
[VID]20120904.LeBron asks about Newton's 3rd Law.R8qygu1RUOI.mkv5.1M
[VID]20120904.LeBron asks about comparing Earth's history to a basketball game.13E90TAtZ30.mkv 10M
[VID]20120904.What is a variable _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tHYis-DP0oU.mkv3.3M
[VID]20120906.Combining like terms introduction _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.CLWpkv6ccpA.mkv5.1M
[VID]20120906.Expressions with two variables _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.KdfSUbEFums.mkv1.8M
[VID]20120906.Why aren't we using the multiplication sign _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.vDaIKB19TvY.mkv5.0M
[VID]20120907.How to simplify an expression by combining like terms and the distributive property _ Khan Academy.3NHSwiv_pSE.mkv4.6M
[VID]20120910.11 major muscle groups.4lXnrckRKPA.mkv5.5M
[VID]20120910.Adding resistance across blood vessels problem.U-fQxbUQuWM.mkv5.7M
[VID]20120910.Adding resistance in series and parallel in a human body.XWlbx1WIWsk.mkv 17M
[VID]20120910.Arteries versus Veins.rDPGYH3bjUU.mkv 19M
[VID]20120910.Arteriosclerosis, Arteriolosclerosis, and Atherosclerosis.VdTX7iqgVuQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20120910.Atherosclerosis - Part 1.J8Va0T-_ptk.mkv 15M
[VID]20120910.Atherosclerosis - Part 2.2TBiCKKsMxY.mkv 11M
[VID]20120910.Autoregulation - Baroreceptors.R07V4NOwfsk.mkv 23M
[VID]20120910.Basics of an exercise routine.kqx3tLe8_kU.mkv 10M
[VID]20120910.Blood pressure changes over time.LsaUT-suCBg.mkv 13M
[VID]20120910.Body Mass Index.IQJav8cGDLo.mkv 12M
[VID]20120910.Categories of hypertension.KkzUhuX7ZP0.mkv8.3M
[VID]20120910.Hypertension categories and symptoms.tM1W4BfvdEQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20120910.Hypertension effects on the blood vessels.o1A7zKu_zlE.mkv 14M
[VID]20120910.Hypertension effects on the heart.h3VyfjLqRY8.mkv 15M
[VID]20120910.Layers of a blood vessel.ptT9BqtUtYY.mkv 19M
[VID]20120910.Lifestyle changes for managing hypertension.RTcDi64pRhY.mkv7.6M
[VID]20120910.Low sodium diet.aZnRrYvG6ew.mkv 11M
[VID]20120910.Pressure, flow, and resistance in the human body.R-aOMbm_hPg.mkv 14M
[VID]20120910.Resistance in a tube.7Qxdx8_plaA.mkv9.9M
[VID]20120910.Spotting salty foods.3Cc4CbRFm10.mkv8.0M
[VID]20120910.Using a stethoscope to determine blood pressure.Lf-ClYC767k.mkv9.2M
[VID]20120910.What is blood pressure.T9QKj89ajko.mkv7.4M
[VID]20120911.How to solve one-step equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.jWpiMu5LNdg.mkv2.7M
[VID]20120911.How to use the one-step equation intuition exercise _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.kZoFI_fcC74.mkv2.2M
[VID]20120911.Solving equations with multiplication.Y1yo382vvMw.mkv5.3M
[VID]20120911.Solving for the weight of a bunny.hDB3qG5aXcc.mkv3.3M
[VID]20120928.Monte Carlo Simulation to Answer LeBron's Question.-fCVxTTAtFQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20121008.Transfer pricing and tax havens _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.TLSYwkWCIzA.mkv8.4M
[VID]20121010.Upcoming Google Hangout with Sal about The One World Schoolhouse.gi2TVpGUV6M.mkv3.2M
[VID]20121011.Hundred days and Waterloo _ World history _ Khan Academy.ufymsKi9S3U.mkv 15M
[VID]20121019.Solving the troll riddle visually _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.H-HfmyUzPw8.mkv9.4M
[VID]20121019.Trolls, tolls, and systems of equations _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.OcNt-36QKu8.mkv9.1M
[VID]20121023.Sal on AirTalk talking about his new book.l-QFT7XNeb4.mkv 23M
[VID]20121024.Khan Academy in Idaho.-1zR6pFof5c.mkv9.9M
[VID]20121029.King's cupcakes - Solving systems by elimination _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.xCIHAjsZCE0.mkv 12M
[VID]20121029.Solving systems of equations graphically _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.VhH2nEDCd68.mkv3.0M
[VID]20121029.Solving systems of linear equations with elimination example 1 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.QrHsibKBVwI.mkv4.4M
[VID]20121030.How many bags of potato chips do people eat _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.VuJEidLhY1E.mkv 12M
[VID]20121030.Radio Interview - Sal Khan on Brian Lehrer (Oct 4, 2012).00y85YDqmtA.mkv 14M
[VID]20121030.Radio Interview - Sal Khan on Diane Rehm (Oct 3, 2012).-t3MaJzV5Ok.mkv 60M
[VID]20121030.Radio Interview - Sal Khan on NPR's Talk of the Nation (October 23, 2012).LldS1Z6Zih8.mkv 22M
[VID]20121030.Sal Khan on CNN Starting Point (Oct 5, 2012).-BHdJBwmdCU.mkv 11M
[VID]20121030.Sal Khan on Piers Morgan Tonight (Oct 5, 2012).E8Yt7SuJ558.mkv5.3M
[VID]20121030.Systems with elimination practice _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.u5dPUHjagSI.mkv5.3M
[VID]20121030.Talking bird solves systems with substitution _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.2EwPpga_XPw.mkv7.7M
[VID]20121031.Analyzing solutions to linear systems graphically 2 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.SuB1gkto9LU.mkv7.7M
[VID]20121031.Inconsistent systems of equations _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.NJRyxmommqQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20121031.Infinite solutions to systems _ Systems of equations and inequalities _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.MpRUEGD2-_c.mkv 12M
[VID]20121031.Solving systems of linear equations with substitution example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.GWZKz4F9hWM.mkv4.5M
[VID]20121115.Sal's interview on the One World Schoolhouse (C-SPAN 2 After Words).bOvSOSk8MBI.mkv 70M
[VID]20121116.Statistics intro - Mean, median, and mode _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.h8EYEJ32oQ8.mkv9.4M
[VID]20121119.Introduction to radians _ Unit circle definition of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.EnwWxMZVBeg.mkv 12M
[VID]20121119.Introduction to the unit circle _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.1m9p9iubMLU.mkv 10M
[VID]20121119.Radian and degree conversion practice _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.z8vj8tUCkxY.mkv7.9M
[VID]20121120.Inferring population mean from sample mean _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.k5EbijWu-Ss.mkv 15M
[VID]20121120.Sample variance _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.iHXdzfF7UEs.mkv 12M
[VID]20121120.Variance of a population _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.dvoHB9djouc.mkv8.9M
[VID]20121121.Challenge Announcement - Statistics Simulation.uo4WZ4vbrqA.mkv3.1M
[VID]20121121.Illinois pension obligations _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.Tczu_dvVuuk.mkv 10M
[VID]20121121.Overview of Khan Academy statistics.CI7_WKmW4N0.mkv2.5M
[VID]20121121.Pension obligations _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.qBYa_QOWuaE.mkv 12M
[VID]20121121.Review and intuition why we divide by n-1 for the unbiased sample _ Khan Academy.KkaU2ur3Ymw.mkv 11M
[VID]20121126.Another simulation giving evidence that (n-1) gives us an unbiased estimate of variance.F2mfEldxsPI.mkv8.0M
[VID]20121126.Simulation providing evidence that (n-1) gives us unbiased estimate _ Khan Academy.0QS4VHPV4JA.mkv7.1M
[VID]20121126.Simulation showing bias in sample variance _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Cn0skMJ2F3c.mkv8.8M
[VID]20121127.Accretion Disk Challenge Announcement.PNUBDh-64ZM.mkv3.0M
[VID]20121127.Bhaskara's proof of the Pythagorean theorem _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.1ul8g55dYA4.mkv 12M
[VID]20121127.Garfield's proof of the Pythagorean theorem _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.EINpkcphsPQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20121128.Another Pythagorean theorem proof _ Right triangles and trigonometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.rcBaqkGp7CA.mkv 11M
[VID]20121128.Chain Rule Challenge Announcement.VFt4OGOWK44.mkv1.7M
[VID]20121128.Population standard deviation _ Descriptive statistics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.PWiWkqHmum0.mkv8.8M
[VID]20121128.Sample standard deviation and bias _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.DNAnQBhGpRw.mkv 11M
[VID]20121129.More fiscal cliff analysis _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.QwvJ6z49m-c.mkv 20M
[VID]20121129.The fiscal cliff _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.lV3LBiivTxw.mkv 17M
[VID]20121205.Dependent probability introduction _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.VjLEoo3hIoM.mkv7.5M
[VID]20121205.Intro to dependent probability.6ewi9jpu26M.mkv9.1M
[VID]20121206.Discrete and continuous random variables _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.dOr0NKyD31Q.mkv 14M
[VID]20121206.Random variables _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.3v9w79NhsfI.mkv6.0M
[VID]20121207.Accreting mass due to gravity simulation _ Cosmology & Astronomy _ Khan Academy.hD4ySbQYYyA.mkv7.6M
[VID]20121207.Introduction to discrete probability distributions.mrCxwEZ_22o.mkv5.7M
[VID]20121210.Continuous probability distribution intro.j8XLYFzTJzE.mkv 11M
[VID]20121210.Discrete uniform distribution.cyIEhL92wiw.mkv7.1M
[VID]20121210.More on probability density functions.gekeKya7Tv4.mkv9.4M
[VID]20121214.Ulam Challenge Announcement.h20xr3E5jMs.mkv2.2M
[VID]20121220.Evaluating expressions where individual variable values are unknown _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.TIwGXn4NalM.mkv6.2M
[VID]20121220.Evaluating expressions with unknown variables 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.CLQRZ2UbQ4Q.mkv3.4M
[VID]20121220.Ex 1 - Multi step equation _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.PPvd4X3Wv5I.mkv3.9M
[VID]20121220.Ex 1 age word problem _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.W-5liMGKgHA.mkv6.6M
[VID]20121220.Ex 2 - Multi-step equation _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Z7C69xP08d8.mkv3.5M
[VID]20121220.Ex 2 age word problem _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.KyHvVJWjW6Y.mkv4.4M
[VID]20121220.Ex 3 age word problem _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.RGbA2IyJILY.mkv8.2M
[VID]20121220.Fancier logarithm expressions _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.eTWCARmrzJ0.mkv4.1M
[VID]20121220.Logarithms _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Z5myJ8dg_rM.mkv6.9M
[VID]20121220.Triangle inequality theorem _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.KlKYvbigBqs.mkv6.1M
[VID]20121228.Doing u-substitution twice (second time with w).ShpI3gPgLBA.mkv 11M
[VID]20121228.U-substitution and back substitution.J-NC1M6obKo.mkv5.4M
[VID]20121228.U-substitution with definite integral.7hCsQOKOYS8.mkv7.6M
[VID]20121228._substitution - logarithmic function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.OLO64d4Y1qI.mkv4.2M
[VID]20121228._substitution - multiplying by a constant _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.oqCfqIcbE10.mkv7.7M
[VID]20121228._substitution - rational function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Zp5z0wa0kgo.mkv4.6M
[VID]20121228._substitution intro _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.b76wePnIBdU.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130107.Les Miserables and France's many revolutions _ Enlightenment and Revolution _ Khan Academy.I4iwhvDhvKE.mkv 22M
[VID]20130108.Calculating integral disc around vertical line _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.eLdhifUUMmk.mkv7.6M
[VID]20130108.Disc method around x-axis _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.btGaOTXxXs8.mkv 10M
[VID]20130108.Disc method around y-axis _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.43AS7bPUORc.mkv8.6M
[VID]20130108.Disc method rotating around vertical line _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.jxf7XqvZWWg.mkv5.6M
[VID]20130108.Disc method rotation around horizontal line _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.XdzcU5JbVcA.mkv 12M
[VID]20130108.Generalizing disc method around x-axis _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.vmS3cTaxKdA.mkv4.3M
[VID]20130108.Generalizing the washer method _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Thvc2s9aUP4.mkv 11M
[VID]20130108.Solid of revolution between two functions (leading up to the washer method) _ Khan Academy.vhMl755vR5Q.mkv 12M
[VID]20130108.Washer method rotating around horizontal line (not x-axis), part 1 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.OFNGpKGg9IQ.mkv9.3M
[VID]20130108.Washer method rotating around horizontal line (not x-axis), part 2 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.LKzpw_HUKNQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20130109.Calculating integral with shell method _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.16aKF_eDGdw.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130109.Differentiating polynomials _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.mzOBlH32qdk.mkv 10M
[VID]20130109.Evaluating integral for shell method example _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5ZGCqKAl_CA.mkv 16M
[VID]20130109.Justifying the power rule _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.BYTfCnR9Sl0.mkv7.0M
[VID]20130109.Part 2 of shell method with 2 functions of y _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.zg3-miF4qeg.mkv5.7M
[VID]20130109.Power rule _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.bRZmfc1YFsQ.mkv4.3M
[VID]20130109.Shell method for rotating around horizontal line _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.R-Qu3QWOEiA.mkv8.3M
[VID]20130109.Shell method for rotating around vertical line _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.6Ozz3J-LRrY.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130109.Shell method with two functions of x _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.SfWrVNyP9E8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20130109.Shell method with two functions of y _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.OelluIKIkCY.mkv9.9M
[VID]20130109.Washer method rotating around vertical line (not y-axis), part 1 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WAPZihVUmzE.mkv9.4M
[VID]20130109.Washer method rotating around vertical line (not y-axis), part 2 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.i-Rb4_n929k.mkv9.0M
[VID]20130111.Epsilon-delta definition of limits.w70af5Ou70M.mkv8.8M
[VID]20130111.Formal definition of limits Part 1 - intuition review _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5i8HLmVTcRQ.mkv3.7M
[VID]20130111.Formal definition of limits Part 2 - building the idea _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ljzn4SADuZc.mkv7.2M
[VID]20130111.Formal definition of limits Part 4 - using the definition _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.0sCttufU-jQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20130118.After Words - 'The One World Schoolhouse - Education Reimagined'.g55YZj39D4A.mkv149M
[VID]20130118.Nightline - Learn Everything, Online.0OtQY-gDuJA.mkv 14M
[VID]20130121.Higher interest for higher duration debt.Udwmq4s_5M4.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130122.Determining which limit statements are true._WOr9-_HbAM.mkv6.6M
[VID]20130122.Exchange-traded funds.X3u1nAuIYEg.mkv 13M
[VID]20130122.Infinite limits intro _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.a2Ia_ZlUCaQ.mkv8.4M
[VID]20130122.Limit at a point of discontinuity.Y7sqB1e4RBI.mkv6.8M
[VID]20130122.Limit properties _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.lSwsAFgWqR8.mkv5.7M
[VID]20130122.Limits at infinity of quotients (Part 1) _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.gv9ogppphso.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130122.Limits at infinity of quotients (Part 2) _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.KcqO1fX9b_I.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130122.Limits by factoring _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.EAa3J_nDkoI.mkv6.3M
[VID]20130122.Open-End and Closed-End Mutual Funds._ZJary7yZyU.mkv 15M
[VID]20130122.Tax brackets and progressive taxation _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.AhgR3X--bbY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130122.Tax deductions and credits.36cmQrqa_fM.mkv5.7M
[VID]20130122.Visualizing derivatives exercise.EeIXVN1zUeM.mkv4.7M
[VID]20130123.Limits at infinity of quotients with square roots (odd power) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.xks4cETlN58.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130123.Limits to define continuity.kdEQGfeC0SE.mkv 13M
[VID]20130123.Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.U9dUybjsvNY.mkv 14M
[VID]20130123.Riemann sums in summation notation _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ViqrHGae7FA.mkv 11M
[VID]20130123.The graphical relationship between a function & its derivative (part 1) _ Khan Academy.eVme7kuGyuo.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130123.The graphical relationship between a function & its derivative (part 2) _ Khan Academy.61ecnr8m04U.mkv9.6M
[VID]20130124.Area between a curve and the x-axis _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.xR4AnXDBnsw.mkv6.3M
[VID]20130124.Definite integral as the limit of a Riemann sum _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.CXCtqBlEZ7g.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130124.Intuition for second part of fundamental theorem of calculus _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Cz_GWNdf_68.mkv 17M
[VID]20130124.Rectangular and trapezoidal Riemann approximations.naRUWPvsQbQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20130124.Riemann approximation introduction _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.dEAk0BHBYCM.mkv7.8M
[VID]20130124.Trapezoidal sums _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.1p0NHR5w0Lc.mkv9.3M
[VID]20130125.Antiderivative of hairier expression.cBi4a1iSaPk.mkv7.2M
[VID]20130125.Antiderivatives and indefinite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.MMv-027KEqU.mkv4.1M
[VID]20130125.Area between a curve and the x-axis - negative area _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.MM0FTzvedH4.mkv 11M
[VID]20130125.Indefinite integral of 1_x _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.sPPjk4aXzmQ.mkv8.6M
[VID]20130125.Indefinite integrals of sin(x), cos(x), and e_ _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.hXg-6YgAARk.mkv5.3M
[VID]20130125.Reverse power rule _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.QxbJsg-Vdms.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130128.Area between curves.4bZyfvKazzQ.mkv5.5M
[VID]20130128.Area between curves with multiple boundaries.LbTH7MGMNjk.mkv8.5M
[VID]20130128.Derivative of sin(ln(x_)) _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.1015d63VKh4.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130128.Derivatives of sin x, cos x, tan x, e^x and ln x.TDHI-aieyfk.mkv3.8M
[VID]20130128.Integration by parts - º_cos(x)dx _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.LJqNdG6Y2cM.mkv8.1M
[VID]20130128.Integration by parts - ºx_cos(x)dx _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.bZ8YAHDTFJ8.mkv5.0M
[VID]20130128.Integration by parts - ºx_dx _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.n-iEqLhGfd4.mkv7.8M
[VID]20130128.Integration by parts intro _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.dh__n9FVKA0.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130128.Integration by parts of (e^x)(cos x).g-Uxw0eKuJo.mkv8.0M
[VID]20130128.Product rule _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.79ngr0Bur38.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130128.Quotient rule for derivative of tan x.eJUGoAtF-7A.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130128.Quotient rule from product & chain rules _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ho87DN9wO70.mkv5.7M
[VID]20130128.Worked example - Derivative of Ã(3x_-x) using the chain rule _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.IiBC4ngwH6E.mkv6.0M
[VID]20130129.Chain rule for derivative of 2^x.Mci8Cuik_Gw.mkv4.9M
[VID]20130129.Change of base formula proof _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.1reblXFlM6I.mkv5.0M
[VID]20130129.Derivative of e_cos(e_) _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.UXQGzgPf1LE.mkv7.4M
[VID]20130129.Derivative of log with arbitrary base.ssz6TElXEOM.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130129.Product rule for more than two functions.Bkkk0RLSEy8.mkv4.1M
[VID]20130130.Analyzing a function with its derivative _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.pInFesXIfg8.mkv 11M
[VID]20130130.Concavity introduction _ Using derivatives to analyze functions _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.LcEqOzNov4E.mkv 11M
[VID]20130130.Critical points introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.lDY9JcFaRd4.mkv9.0M
[VID]20130130.Finding relative extrema (first derivative test) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.lFQ4kMcODzU.mkv6.7M
[VID]20130130.Implicit derivative of (x^2+y^2)^3 = 5x^2y^2.1DcsREjyoiM.mkv8.4M
[VID]20130130.Implicit derivative of e^(xy^2) = x - y.ZtI94pI4Uzc.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130130.Implicit derivative of y = cos(5x - 3y) _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.-EG10aI0rt0.mkv4.7M
[VID]20130130.Implicit differentiation _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.mSVrqKZDRF4.mkv9.2M
[VID]20130130.Inflection points introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.UK2shgCXALo.mkv3.6M
[VID]20130130.Showing explicit and implicit differentiation give same result _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.2CsQ_l1S2_Y.mkv8.9M
[VID]20130130.Worked example - Evaluating derivative with implicit differentiation _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.KyYC8XzKsHU.mkv6.1M
[VID]20130130.Worked example - Implicit differentiation _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.9uxvm-USEYE.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130131.Combined area as function of wire cut location.lMhAOS4MFFE.mkv9.0M
[VID]20130131.Minimizing the combined area.d6U6dwnHRWM.mkv6.0M
[VID]20130131.Optimization - box volume (Part 1) _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.MC0tq6fNRwU.mkv 12M
[VID]20130131.Optimization - box volume (Part 2) _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.cRboY08YG8g.mkv 13M
[VID]20130131.Optimization - cost of materials _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.tSMuKcN-RKM.mkv 18M
[VID]20130131.Optimization - profit _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.dam16G6cZ8k.mkv 15M
[VID]20130131.Optimization - sum of squares _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.1TK8V_qmqrk.mkv9.3M
[VID]20130131.Related rates - Falling ladder _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.kBVDSu7v8os.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130131.Related rates - water pouring into a cone _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Xe6YlrCgkIo.mkv 14M
[VID]20130131.Related rates intro _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.kQF9pOqmS0U.mkv8.9M
[VID]20130201.Related rates - balloon _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy._kbd6troMgA.mkv 10M
[VID]20130204.Fundamental theorem of calculus (Part 1) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.C7ducZoLKgw.mkv9.2M
[VID]20130204.Related rates - Approaching cars _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.wV59XWLmv0c.mkv8.4M
[VID]20130204.Related rates - shadow _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.cPOjnyjii-4.mkv 12M
[VID]20130208.Finding derivative with fundamental theorem of calculus - x is on both bounds _ Khan Academy.0z52CLjC2C0.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130208.Finding derivative with fundamental theorem of calculus - x is on lower bound _ Khan Academy.TqGCNNlx6pU.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130208.Fundamental theorem of calculus (Part 2) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.JbfVrwxuPxM.mkv5.3M
[VID]20130208.Proof of fundamental theorem of calculus _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.pWtt0AvU0KA.mkv 18M
[VID]20130208.Worked example - Finding derivative with fundamental theorem of calculus _ Khan Academy.FcLeaD3UII4.mkv4.6M
[VID]20130211.Introduction to trig substitution.9rf2vnRNvrs.mkv8.8M
[VID]20130211.Trig and U substitution together (part 1).nMrJ6nbOQhQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20130211.Trig and U substitution together (part 2).WAoaBTWKLoI.mkv9.0M
[VID]20130212.Another substitution with x=sin (theta).8Yl_u_Otcjg.mkv6.6M
[VID]20130212.Trig substitution with tangent.CYjAgOTVfZk.mkv5.8M
[VID]20130213.Divergent improper integral _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.9VqL6POWIoc.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130213.Improper integral with two infinite bounds _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.9JX2s90_RNQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20130213.Integration by parts - ºln(x)dx _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.iw5eLJV0Sj4.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130213.Introduction to improper integrals _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.qv7DM5Ph0vU.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130213.Introduction to trig substitution.sbbajrCSEeg.mkv6.6M
[VID]20130213.Steric hindrance.gZbJQm8pumk.mkv9.2M
[VID]20130215.Convergent and divergent sequences _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.lfZGtjSWcQs.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130215.Explicit and recursive definitions of sequences _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.KRFiAlo7t1E.mkv9.4M
[VID]20130215.Formal definition for limit of a sequence _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.wzw9ll80Zbc.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130215.Formula for finite geometric series.Naf6_lRRdyM.mkv6.3M
[VID]20130215.Geometric sequences _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.dIGLhLMsy2U.mkv8.4M
[VID]20130215.Introduction to arithmetic sequences _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy._cooC3yG_p0.mkv8.5M
[VID]20130215.Khan Academy Program Request Moderator.oXCD265cP3o.mkv1.4M
[VID]20130215.Proof of special case of l'Hôpital's rule _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.SIB4WDYF5DQ.mkv6.1M
[VID]20130215.Proving a sequence converges using the formal definition _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.-XRQovTI04Q.mkv6.7M
[VID]20130215.Series as sum of sequence _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.rcRg_gO7-7E.mkv3.5M
[VID]20130219.Arithmetic series intro _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.cYw4MFWsB6c.mkv4.3M
[VID]20130219.Expression for combined area of triangle and square _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.IFU7Go6Qg6E.mkv8.4M
[VID]20130219.Formula for arithmetic series.Uy_L8tnihDM.mkv9.1M
[VID]20130219.Minimizing combined area _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.eS-_ZFzHjYA.mkv8.2M
[VID]20130221.Introduction to the matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.0oGJTQCy4cQ.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130221.Matrix addition and subtraction _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.WR9qCSXJlyY.mkv6.3M
[VID]20130221.Scalar multiplication _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.TbaltFbJ3wE.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130221.Transpose of a matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.TZrKrNVhbjI.mkv4.6M
[VID]20130225.Sal Khan talks with OPB's Rob Manning.fzCnQwyoU5A.mkv 50M
[VID]20130227.puzzle game challenge announcement.pnoShVR_XEc.mkv1.6M
[VID]20130301.Salman Khan on Charlie Rose 2_26_2013.LiPQuOFVHl4.mkv 39M
[VID]20130305.Calculating state taxes and take home pay _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.iIBQm3me8cs.mkv9.4M
[VID]20130306.Short sale basics _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.5YfO4CshL7Y.mkv8.0M
[VID]20130307.Marriage penalty _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.SX_DzTb95mM.mkv 16M
[VID]20130308.Married taxes clarification _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.MR9CrsF3D00.mkv5.0M
[VID]20130312.Intersection and union of sets _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.jAfNg3ylZAI.mkv7.5M
[VID]20130312.Relative complement or difference between sets _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.2B4EBvVvf9w.mkv6.5M
[VID]20130312.Subset, strict subset, and superset _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.1wsF9GpGd00.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130312.Universal set and absolute complement _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.GVZUpOm3XUg.mkv7.4M
[VID]20130314.Alliances leading to World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.KMMAL3v0lA0.mkv8.8M
[VID]20130314.Bringing the set operations together _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.OCNXS_m1HWU.mkv8.2M
[VID]20130314.Empires before World War I _ Khan Academy.IyoUWRAharQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20130315.Assassination of Franz Ferdinand sparks World War I.EasTAsGWzVg.mkv 15M
[VID]20130315.Language and religion of the former Yugoslavia _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.6RKMRBxDm20.mkv 11M
[VID]20130318.Assassination of Franz Ferdinand _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.heKuwogLwnk.mkv 10M
[VID]20130318.Schlieffen Plan and the First Battle of the Marne _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.7AOOlxbZN3E.mkv 14M
[VID]20130318.The Great War begins _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.huOnuYAyv6w.mkv 12M
[VID]20130319.Blockades, u-boats and sinking of the Lusitania _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.B_P48TakY3Y.mkv 23M
[VID]20130319.United States enters World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.dHXzusNSF60.mkv 14M
[VID]20130319.Zimmermann Telegram _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.Gedy8LwQTaw.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130321.Sal Khan at Adobe Digital Marketing Summit 2013.8IGREqSL_CE.mkv 98M
[VID]20130325.Comparing the Eastern and Western fronts in WWI _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.qPoLL0E2W8A.mkv7.6M
[VID]20130325.World War I Eastern front _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.ATuMxyoVh_8.mkv 21M
[VID]20130326.Battles of Verdun, Somme and the Hindenburg Line _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.jR_XZyhLSA8.mkv 13M
[VID]20130326.Closing stages of World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.xFBK9534NI8.mkv 21M
[VID]20130327.Gallipoli Campaign and ANZAC Day.G4j4is5Z2Yw.mkv 23M
[VID]20130327.Italian front in World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.mQyM-4YqHMM.mkv 22M
[VID]20130327.Italy backs out of Triple Alliance _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.ay1QGPg2R98.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130328.Geoffrey Moore on nouns.hUC5LPU_NMc.mkv9.4M
[VID]20130328.Geoffrey Moore on the writing process.gaMEzd_Vh80.mkv 13M
[VID]20130328.Geoffrey Moore on writing for readers.v7NGPg9fcPs.mkv 21M
[VID]20130329.Sinai, Palestine and Mesopotamia campaigns _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.L3Ka3oRD8G8.mkv 19M
[VID]20130401.Deaths in World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.kOf8fU9iduA.mkv7.2M
[VID]20130402.Serbian and Macedonian fronts _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.WX4T9NjYG94.mkv 20M
[VID]20130402.Serbian losses in World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.dpnFYrz2fCE.mkv3.8M
[VID]20130402.Technology in World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.4bmPvB15aYU.mkv 15M
[VID]20130403.Theodor Herzl and the birth of political Zionism _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.g8sxNa-E-H0.mkv 20M
[VID]20130403.Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.XMElagkUBmY.mkv 25M
[VID]20130404.Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.o1IFePaNENQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20130404.Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.eIfQ4GfSz3U.mkv 25M
[VID]20130405.Arabia after World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.zbQFQ_nzbhI.mkv 18M
[VID]20130418.Geoffrey Moore on invention when writing.hoyF8zn7Qlg.mkv 29M
[VID]20130418.Ozymandias and writing invention.Nm87hIuihjw.mkv 13M
[VID]20130418.Writing a thesis sentence.W4JfDtfwOug.mkv 24M
[VID]20130422.Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX _ Entrepreneurship _ Khan Academy.vDwzmJpI4io.mkv100M
[VID]20130422.German and Italian Empires in 1914 _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.UNgx_YSygyU.mkv4.7M
[VID]20130422.Japan in World War I _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.NTUjMpfYWwE.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130425.Emergence of the Nazi Party and Hitler.wtoydboI9G4.mkv 22M
[VID]20130425.From invention to organization.TWRxsw9LElI.mkv 21M
[VID]20130425.Hitler and the Nazis come to power _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.EtZnPoYbRyA.mkv 19M
[VID]20130425.Organizing claims into an outline.GLshJ3gnGgA.mkv 18M
[VID]20130429.More detail on the Treaty of Versailles and Germany.YelG0QcdDq0.mkv 12M
[VID]20130430.Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.5qWI2pEv0wg.mkv 11M
[VID]20130430.Initial rise of Hitler and the Nazis _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.QCkn5bu8GgM.mkv 17M
[VID]20130430.More detail on the Treaty of Versailles and Germany _ World history _ Khan Academy.TmFET3F64pE.mkv 11M
[VID]20130501.Bitcoin - Cryptographic hash function.0WiTaBI82Mc.mkv 12M
[VID]20130501.Bitcoin - Digital Signatures.Aq3a-_O2NcI.mkv 11M
[VID]20130501.Bitcoin - Overview _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Y-w7SnQWwVA.mkv 13M
[VID]20130501.Bitcoin - Proof of work.9V1bipPkCTU.mkv 12M
[VID]20130501.Bitcoin - The money supply.JuWYLAtz3Y4.mkv 14M
[VID]20130501.Bitcoin - Transaction block chains.QzDO44oZWtE.mkv 14M
[VID]20130501.Bitcoin - Transaction records.9-9_v1wSPBQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20130503.Bitcoin - What is it _ Money, banking and central banks _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.EA0LkCkvUeU.mkv9.8M
[VID]20130508.Sal Khan @ MIT.1ZKz2KW87Y4.mkv113M
[VID]20130510.Bitcoin - The security of transaction block chains.8zgvzmKZ5vo.mkv 21M
[VID]20130514.Marriage Penalty.t55cc2UVmXo.mkv 11M
[VID]20130514.Standard and Itemized Tax Deductions.Pm9hS2US8k4.mkv3.7M
[VID]20130515.Night of the Long Knives _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.ZrbbKMnPDUk.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130527.Nazi aggression and appeasement _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.VTdV9JaHiIA.mkv 12M
[VID]20130528.Fascism and Mussolini _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.AoRpWU6hHJ8.mkv 16M
[VID]20130529.A Conversation with Davis Guggenheim.Kjlqcz5RiTw.mkv 66M
[VID]20130529.Mussolini aligns with Hitler _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.6uNYe9UB3K4.mkv 13M
[VID]20130529.Mussolini becomes Prime Minister _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.wxtltXz4zs0.mkv 17M
[VID]20130529.Mussolini becomes absolute dictator (Il Duce) _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.pT6tFia8eaY.mkv 15M
[VID]20130603.Does a vertical line represent a function _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy._npwsLh0vws.mkv2.3M
[VID]20130603.Interpreting features of functions (example 2) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ynIq9IxbVso.mkv4.0M
[VID]20130603.Interpreting the y-intercept of a graph in context _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.M3PTPN7NH8M.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130603.Recognize functions from verbal descriptions (example 1) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.tBRW-CyJE6k.mkv1.8M
[VID]20130603.Recognize functions from verbal descriptions (example 2) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.z45UEiPaE8c.mkv3.7M
[VID]20130603.Recognizing features of functions (example 1) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.hpBBuaiIkrg.mkv2.8M
[VID]20130603.Recognizing features of functions (example 2) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.zltgXTlUVLw.mkv4.7M
[VID]20130603.Recognizing features of functions (example 3) _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.uglmkcGWmx4.mkv3.3M
[VID]20130603.Recognizing functions (example 3) _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.lEhf75ma7Ww.mkv1.2M
[VID]20130603.Recognizing functions (example 4) _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.QWLcNxQ3KvQ.mkv4.3M
[VID]20130604.Average Rate of Change Example 2).lK5nCBCr9-A.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130604.Comparing features of functions (example 1) _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.w2BN2AJ4fOI.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130604.Comparing features of functions (example 2) _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.4Bx06GFyhUA.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130604.Comparing features of functions (example 3) _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.H1H0xmjZMPA.mkv5.3M
[VID]20130604.Evaluating functions given their formula _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Id6UovYjd-M.mkv886K
[VID]20130604.Evaluating functions given their graph _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.kzYtx_AqzjM.mkv709K
[VID]20130604.Function notation in context example _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.IXRMVcoqRRQ.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130604.How to find the average rate of change from a graph (example) _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.TEXSW-o8674.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130604.How to find the average rate of change from a table _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.U1lQbh21y1k.mkv2.2M
[VID]20130604.Linear and nonlinear functions (example 1) _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.Pt-Tn6L60-o.mkv2.2M
[VID]20130604.Linear and nonlinear functions (example 2) _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.OWPVZoxNe-U.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130604.Linear and nonlinear functions (example 3) _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.HUnF0mZmMKc.mkv2.0M
[VID]20130605.Comparing linear functions 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.fZO-JylMFqY.mkv3.3M
[VID]20130605.Comparing linear functions 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.wl2iQAuQl7Y.mkv3.0M
[VID]20130605.Comparing linear functions 3 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.QYoNHOjr7Rg.mkv5.8M
[VID]20130605.Comparing linear functions word problems 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.MKErxh58RME.mkv5.8M
[VID]20130605.Comparing linear functions word problems 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.NOsnG2DkGKM.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130605.Comparing linear functions word problems 3 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.kJIqoTw_Og8.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130605.Systems of nonlinear equations 1 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.cdY0b4ziR5U.mkv1.6M
[VID]20130605.Systems of nonlinear equations 2 _ Systems of equations and inequalities _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.GQf1vjfxuo8.mkv4.4M
[VID]20130605.Systems of nonlinear equations 3 _ Systems of equations and inequalities _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.swFohliPgmQ.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130606.Evaluating composite functions example _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.jlID_mIJXi4.mkv4.4M
[VID]20130606.How to evaluate an expression that contains function notation (example) _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.uaPm3Tpuxbc.mkv1.5M
[VID]20130606.Multi-step word problem with addition, subtraction, and multiplication _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-sSDb_wZqKQ.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130606.Multi-step word problem with decimals and subtraction _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.GwycEivqYYI.mkv4.9M
[VID]20130606.Multi-step word problem with fractions and units of time _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.QfsK8ZyC_bE.mkv3.4M
[VID]20130606.Positive and negative intervals examples _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.eDv7dk9uNmM.mkv2.1M
[VID]20130606.What is a function _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.kvGsIo1TmsM.mkv8.3M
[VID]20130611.New Khan Academy history content.708-KVUh7_0.mkv1.4M
[VID]20130611.Percent word problem example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.AjYil74WrVo.mkv3.1M
[VID]20130611.Percent word problem example 3 _ Ratios, rates, and percentages _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.gKywkLHV6Ko.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130611.Recognizing rational and irrational numbers (examples) _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.d9pO2z2qvXU.mkv2.4M
[VID]20130611.Recognizing rational numbers.xohcKRvDDQY.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130611.Writing a fraction as a repeating decimal.cvjTBFs1Wqc.mkv5.0M
[VID]20130619.TODAY Show - Tech companies changing face of education.d4UQFgAdxUs.mkv 11M
[VID]20130625.A Conversation with Thomas Friedman.6Qr99-l1Oos.mkv187M
[VID]20130626.Dogs cats and bears in a pet store analytic argument _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.mpHMuaVW0DI.mkv3.4M
[VID]20130626.Dogs cats and bears in a pet store visual argument _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.glEP04Pzap8.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130626.Reasoning through inequality expressions _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.0_VaUYoNV7Y.mkv6.1M
[VID]20130701.Using expressions to understand relationships _ Linear inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.zTLxxezKUT8.mkv3.5M
[VID]20130702.Borrowing once example 1 _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.RRk5qLd__Ro.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130702.Borrowing once example 2 _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.8_fT1BsTmt4.mkv4.6M
[VID]20130702.Regrouping (borrowing) twice example _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.OJ-wajo6oa4.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130711.Specifying planes in three dimensions _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.J2Qz-7ZWDAE.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130712.Ratio word problem - boys to girls _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Vx5uoZAkxng.mkv2.4M
[VID]20130712.Ratio word problem - centimeters to kilometers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.tOd2T72eJME.mkv1.3M
[VID]20130716.Constructing and solving equations in the real world 1 exercise.0UIrs9BgCS8.mkv6.8M
[VID]20130716.Coordinate plane - graphing points _ Geometry _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.4vNloi-zNjU.mkv2.8M
[VID]20130716.Coordinate plane - graphing points and naming quadrants _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.Jeh5vudjmLI.mkv2.1M
[VID]20130716.Coordinate plane - reflecting points _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.INqaHHZGt8w.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130716.Coordinate plane - word problem exercise _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.PC_FoyewoIs.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130716.Greater than and less than symbols _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.nFsQA2Zvy1o.mkv5.3M
[VID]20130716.How to plot inequalities on a number line _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ilWDSYnTEFs.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130716.Negative number word problem _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Oo2vGhVkvDo.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130717.Dividing by two digits example 2 _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.xXIG8ouHcsc.mkv2.6M
[VID]20130717.Dividing numbers - example with remainders _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.MbpmP1esh-Q.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130718.Distance between a point and a line _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.iATjsfAX8yc.mkv6.5M
[VID]20130724.Constructing and interpreting absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.FogJFEEYuO0.mkv8.6M
[VID]20130724.Greatest common factor exercise _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.bLTfBvkrfsM.mkv6.7M
[VID]20130724.LCM and GCF word problems _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.1Vb8t7Y-pI0.mkv 11M
[VID]20130724.Least common multiple exercise 2 _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.QUem_2dkB9I.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130724.Least common multiple exercise _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.znmPfDfsir8.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130724.Prime factorization exercise _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.XWq8bplP-_E.mkv3.7M
[VID]20130724.Rational number word problem with fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.MZpULgKhaEU.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130724.Rational number word problem with proportions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.KiVGac1aBt8.mkv5.6M
[VID]20130724.Rational number word problem with ratios _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.oqAgaGeBOAU.mkv3.1M
[VID]20130725.Adding decimals - example 1 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.oLh_sIESQnY.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130725.Adding decimals - example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ErHFQUhZ94I.mkv1.7M
[VID]20130725.Adding decimals word problem _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.c4fUaD4g4mc.mkv1.8M
[VID]20130726.Analyzing and identifying proportional relationships ex1.svUt84Touyc.mkv3.6M
[VID]20130726.Analyzing and identifying proportional relationships ex2.4iUdgr_ccxk.mkv1.9M
[VID]20130726.Comparing proportional relationships.b-w0S0EBsfQ.mkv9.4M
[VID]20130726.Identifying a proportional relationship from a table (example) _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.jNUz0P5MG9M.mkv1.2M
[VID]20130726.Writing an equation for a proportional relationship (example) _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.dBGeri4eFv4.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130727.Similar triangles to prove that the slope is constant for a line _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.24WMbh1BBKc.mkv7.7M
[VID]20130727.Slope and triangle similarity 1.4cxjvAPs92o.mkv7.5M
[VID]20130727.Slope and triangle similarity 2.Gt7adTCc8qw.mkv 11M
[VID]20130727.Slope and triangle similarity 3.TINBeqCzLVk.mkv9.0M
[VID]20130727.Slope and triangle similarity 4.VDnIdNM4tWI.mkv7.2M
[VID]20130729.Implied volatility _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.VIHldsSmASU.mkv6.8M
[VID]20130729.Introduction to the Black-Scholes formula _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan 14M
[VID]20130730.Constructing solutions to systems of equations _ Systems of equations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.Z96vkuybvjE.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130731.Decimals - choosing a number to represent place value _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-oFlAhtear4.mkv1.3M
[VID]20130802.Basic fractional exponents _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.lZfXc4nHooo.mkv4.9M
[VID]20130802.Dividing completely to get decimal answer _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xUDlKV8lJbM.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130802.Dividing completely to get decimal answer example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.7ZwSd9gtnwI.mkv2.3M
[VID]20130802.Estimating the line of best fit exercise _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.ioieTr41L24.mkv1.9M
[VID]20130802.Evaluating fractional exponents - fractional base _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.bIFdW0NZ9W4.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130802.Figuring out how much pizza is left _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.u2hLYcmI5y4.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130802.Interpreting slope of a curve exercise _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.CpDfay5NeCg.mkv3.1M
[VID]20130802.Introduction to exponents _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.XZRQhkii0h0.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130802.Introduction to fractions.kZzoVCmUyKg.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130802.Negative exponents _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.JnpqlXN9Whw.mkv7.4M
[VID]20130802.Negative fractional exponent examples _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tn53EdOr6Rw.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130802.One-sided limits from graphs _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.nOnd3SiYZqM.mkv 10M
[VID]20130802.Patterns in raising 1 and -1 to different powers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.jYOfMszfzAQ.mkv6.3M
[VID]20130802.Perimeter of a shape _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.sJmLjUj_h68.mkv2.1M
[VID]20130802.Plotting basic fractions on the number line _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.fVsxYtXOIXg.mkv3.8M
[VID]20130802.Powers of fractions _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.oEgeUk_Ix2c.mkv1.7M
[VID]20130802.Raising a number to the 0 and 1st power _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.dAvosUEUH6I.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130802.Recognizing concavity exercise _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.ulyyusmpc9w.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130802.Recognizing fractions exercise.dXHqO955HxE.mkv1.9M
[VID]20130802.Slope of a line secant to a curve _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.8r8Vp_1iB4k.mkv7.7M
[VID]20130802.Slope of a secant line example 1 _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.0zExhHh7_Ic.mkv5.0M
[VID]20130802.Slope of a secant line example 2 _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.XdsifNBa9kk.mkv 11M
[VID]20130802.Slope of a secant line example 3 _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.H6ZNLD1AeM8.mkv8.5M
[VID]20130802.Vertical, adjacent and linearly paired angles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.vAlazPPFlyY.mkv6.5M
[VID]20130805.Area of shaded region made from equilateral triangles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.QVxqgxVtKbs.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130805.Converting from point slope to slope intercept form.DtPhV8q2D2E.mkv3.2M
[VID]20130805.Example 2 - Factoring a difference of squares with leading coefficient other than 1 _ Khan Academy.jmbg-DKWuc4.mkv2.8M
[VID]20130805.Example 5 - Factoring quadratics with two variables (leading coefficient is 1) _ Khan Academy.DRpdoZQtvOM.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130805.Example 6 - Factoring quadratics with two variables _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.0xrvRKHoO2g.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130805.Fractional exponents with numerators other than 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.S34NM0Po0eA.mkv6.1M
[VID]20130805.Fractions cut and copy 1 exercise.xeLeYS7GRvY.mkv3.7M
[VID]20130805.Fractions cut and copy 2 exercise example _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ouAFk0Jy6TY.mkv3.6M
[VID]20130805.How to find the domain and the range of a function given its graph (example) _ Khan Academy.sXP7VhU1gYE.mkv3.6M
[VID]20130805.Introduction to point-slope form _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.K_OI9LA54AA.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130805.Testing solutions to linear equations _ Graphing lines and slope _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.WU9g4CvZyR0.mkv4.1M
[VID]20130805.Writing algebraic expressions example 2 _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Es8yvgc5kvY.mkv2.6M
[VID]20130806.Complex number polar form intuition exercise _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.YZRzt_AsuVs.mkv8.6M
[VID]20130806.Defined and undefined matrix operations _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.O1-9f1g0OsI.mkv4.7M
[VID]20130806.Example 1 - Factor a linear binomial by taking a common factor _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.mbb3msmX2xs.mkv3.4M
[VID]20130806.Graphing a parabola in vertex form _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.7QMoNY6FzvM.mkv3.2M
[VID]20130806.Graphing a parabola using roots and vertex _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.MQtsRYPx3v0.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130806.Law of cosines _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.ZElOxG7_m3c.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130806.Multiplying a matrix by a column vector _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Awcj447pYuk.mkv3.8M
[VID]20130806.Multiplying a matrix by a matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.OMA2Mwo0aZg.mkv5.5M
[VID]20130806.Using the focus and directrix to find the equation of a parabola _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.XwtyQsCLnEE.mkv9.3M
[VID]20130807.Comparing whole number place values _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.3Xcae0OGavk.mkv1.6M
[VID]20130807.Cosine addition identity example _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.h0SNEO25vIw.mkv7.0M
[VID]20130807.Creating the largest possible number _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.k3qZCxL5TeE.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130807.Determining probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.FICRd7Lp67s.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130807.Double angle formula for cosine example _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.D_smr0GBPvA.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130807.Examples using pythagorean identities to simplify trigonometric _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.4OEeVLo5V1o.mkv3.1M
[VID]20130807.Figuring out angles between transversal and parallel lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.2WjGD3LZEWo.mkv2.2M
[VID]20130807.Finding the vertex of a parabola example _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.IbI-l7mbKO4.mkv6.0M
[VID]20130807.Finding y intercept given slope and point _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.KV_XLL4K2Fw.mkv1.9M
[VID]20130807.Find measure of complementary angles _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.XDOH9Ul2OOM.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130807.Find measure of supplementary angles _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.zNtbi4OJs9I.mkv2.8M
[VID]20130807.Find measure of vertical angles _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.2CZrkdtgeNU.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130807.Regrouping numbers intro various place values _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.a_mzIWvHx_Y.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130807.Slope-intercept form from table _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.3Ayt7mOd_To.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130807.Using algebra to find measures of angles formed from transversal _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Ld7Vxb5XV6A.mkv4.9M
[VID]20130808.Adding up fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.l_Qj6aC6RV8.mkv1.8M
[VID]20130808.Common Core and the Khan Academy.XGckntP3ynw.mkv 11M
[VID]20130808.Creating a fraction through division of whole numbers _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Mcm0Q3wGhMo.mkv3.5M
[VID]20130808.Decimals - expanding out place value _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.he4kcTujy30.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130808.Decimals - writing it out in words 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.G7QiIkYfeME.mkv3.3M
[VID]20130808.Decomposing a fraction visually _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy._E9fG8BYcBo.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130808.Decomposing a mixed number _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.erZe85NrsK0.mkv8.2M
[VID]20130808.Equivalent fraction word problem example 2 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.i-sAB-Z2_bE.mkv2.2M
[VID]20130808.Equivalent fraction word problem example 3 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.2nZsIeaiJUo.mkv4.9M
[VID]20130808.Equivalent fraction word problem example _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.dCQbfaQZtaY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130808.Mixed numbers on a number line _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.V8C15AfL6Gk.mkv2.8M
[VID]20130808.Multiplying - understanding by using area models _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.p0jCw2sqZgs.mkv5.7M
[VID]20130808.Multiplying - using an area model _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.vbGwcvXgDlg.mkv 10M
[VID]20130808.Multiplying fractions word problem - bike to a friend _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.tfjQVtOyoaQ.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130808.Multiplying fractions word problem - laundry emergency _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.KCehC_3CBBY.mkv1.8M
[VID]20130808.Multiplying fractions word problem - milk love _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.GvgJ2_7P9SA.mkv2.3M
[VID]20130808.Multiplying fractions word problem - movie marathon _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Yq9W6B7XnmU.mkv5.7M
[VID]20130808.Multiplying fractions word problem - pigging out on pumpkin pie _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.XDjbNykJ28E.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130808.Visualizing equivalent fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Bt60JVZRVCI.mkv4.3M
[VID]20130808.Word problem - How long is this lizard _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.gPbN26bYyN8.mkv3.0M
[VID]20130808.Word problem - What fraction of an hour should the piano still be practiced _ Khan Academy.0njioQqIxKY.mkv3.5M
[VID]20130808.Word problem - What fraction of spider eyes are looking at me _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.5r2FYszC_sU.mkv2.3M
[VID]20130809.Adding expressions _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.HB52UTcAv0g.mkv1.4M
[VID]20130809.Constructing a linear function word problem.qnvgI8co7BI.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130809.Constructing and interpreting a linear function.gAAzv_cvsG8.mkv7.5M
[VID]20130809.Dividing whole numbers and fractions - potpourri _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xoXYirs2Mzw.mkv3.0M
[VID]20130809.Dividing whole numbers and fractions - studying _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.yb7lVnY_VCY.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130809.Example of adding fractions with unlike denominators word problem _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.PKh5B9xyzSc.mkv6.5M
[VID]20130809.Example of subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problem _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.5fK8HEYNRuQ.mkv4.3M
[VID]20130809.Graphing proportional relationships example 2 _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.R32xBmxXj2E.mkv1.8M
[VID]20130809.Graphing proportional relationships example 3 _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.LoKEPEPaNm4.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130809.Graphing proportional relationships example _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.1F7LAJEVp-U.mkv4.6M
[VID]20130809.How to expand an expressions using the distributive property _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.V-5q6tKaRuM.mkv1.0M
[VID]20130809.Interpreting linear expressions, 1 _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ao9cx8JlJIU.mkv1.9M
[VID]20130809.Interpreting linear expressions, 2 _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.edVnqL2Z59A.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130809.Multiple rates word problem _ Ratios, proportions, units, and rates _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Uc2Tm4Lr7uI.mkv7.7M
[VID]20130809.Solving systems of two linear equations example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.bzseeIVEslA.mkv2.3M
[VID]20130809.Systems of equations word problems example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.gRntusF_tVI.mkv8.6M
[VID]20130809.Systems of equations word problems example 4 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.grmmM_KhQ4U.mkv5.5M
[VID]20130810.Constructing and interpreting graphs.C9Rzb_OFuhk.mkv1.7M
[VID]20130810.Finding intercepts from a table _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.CGZZINHT0I8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20130810.Finding the x-intercept of a line _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xiIQQNufFuU.mkv1.9M
[VID]20130810.Interpreting a graph exercise example _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.YyjpeoxdUXc.mkv3.3M
[VID]20130810.Interpreting intercepts of linear functions.RvS5VTV8O88.mkv6.7M
[VID]20130810.Interpreting linear graphs word problems example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.qo5jU_V6JVo.mkv3.5M
[VID]20130810.Interpreting linear tables word problems example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.eLUmpX_h9sw.mkv8.5M
[VID]20130812.Comparing decimals - difference in largest place value _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.f8B2dBQn3_U.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130812.Comparing decimals example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.gAV9kwvoD6s.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130812.Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal (example) _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Y2-tz27nKoQ.mkv4.4M
[VID]20130812.Cube root of a non-perfect cube _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.8y7xP4zz0UY.mkv5.8M
[VID]20130812.Dividing negative fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.H0q9Fqb8YT4.mkv4.0M
[VID]20130812.Placing positive and negative decimals on a number line _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.w23DzA68KPE.mkv1.3M
[VID]20130812.Simplifying square roots _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.cw3mp8oNASk.mkv2.8M
[VID]20130813.Approximating instantaneous rate of change word problem _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.2oHUkHYtQoM.mkv5.8M
[VID]20130813.Approximating instantaneous rate of change word problem _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.fI6w2kL295Y.mkv9.1M
[VID]20130813.Dividing a decimal by a whole number _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Z_NHrwK6ALE.mkv1.8M
[VID]20130813.Formal and alternate form of the derivative _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.Df2escG-Vu0.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130813.Formal and alternate form of the derivative example 1 _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.ePh8iCbcXfA.mkv6.0M
[VID]20130813.Formal and alternate form of the derivative for ln x _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.m8yC7kR5Fuk.mkv6.4M
[VID]20130813.Tangent slope as limiting value of secant slope example 1 _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.nGCW5teACC0.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130813.Tangent slope as limiting value of secant slope example 2 _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.H5eIE7zdnvI.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130813.Tangent slope as limiting value of secant slope example 3 _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.hoRISaqp1Po.mkv4.1M
[VID]20130814.Absolute value equation example _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.UvtWf4TVawE.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130814.Absolute value equation with no solution _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.15s6B7K9paA.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130814.Area of a kite _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.b8q6i_XPyhk.mkv5.2M
[VID]20130814.Area of a sector given a central angle _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.u8JFdwmBvvQ.mkv2.6M
[VID]20130814.Area of a trapezoid _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.j3-XYLnxJDY.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130814.Axis of symmetry _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.LrTn4cvsewk.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130814.Completing the square to write equation in standard form of a circle _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.XyDMsotfJhE.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130814.Conditional statements and deductive reasoning.Q5gk9ljVuTE.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130814.Conditional statements exercise examples.5FnwYwqIh7U.mkv3.1M
[VID]20130814.Determining a translation for a shape.ZhROXmbUVKE.mkv871K
[VID]20130814.Finding central angle measure given arc length _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.1BH2TNzAAik.mkv3.0M
[VID]20130814.Length of an arc that subtends a central angle _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.tVcasOt55Lc.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130814.Logical argument and deductive reasoning exercise example.DIKkujAIeTY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130814.Mixed number or improper fraction on a number line _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.g-SfwjbpA4U.mkv2.3M
[VID]20130814.Multiplying negative and positive fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.pi3WWQ0q6Lc.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130814.Multiplying two fractions - an explanation _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.x6xtezhuCZ4.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130814.Multiplying unit fractions and whole numbers _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4PlkCiEXBQI.mkv3.0M
[VID]20130814.Plotting complex numbers on the complex plane _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.kGzXIbauGQk.mkv1.3M
[VID]20130814.Radius and center for a circle equation in standard form _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.JvDpYlyKkNU.mkv4.0M
[VID]20130814.Rotation of polygons example.Hur3v1hrX3U.mkv3.5M
[VID]20130814.Shifting & reflecting functions _ Algebra II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ENFNyNPYfZU.mkv8.3M
[VID]20130814.Translations of polygons.u9B-dV6r6rU.mkv1.2M
[VID]20130815.Constructing an angle bisector using a compass and straightedge _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.KNr52iFk7n4.mkv3.8M
[VID]20130815.Constructing a perpendicular bisector using a compass and straightedge _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.WR2R_wrdEVY.mkv2.6M
[VID]20130815.Constructing a perpendicular line using a compass and straightedge _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.nM-O8llUdwg.mkv2.0M
[VID]20130815.New Khan Academy learning flow.jQQjbq0gMmE.mkv 11M
[VID]20130816.Using factors and multiples to figure out days of the week _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.S7CLLRHe8ik.mkv8.1M
[VID]20130819.Absolute value of a complex number _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.yvzyC4VBpUU.mkv4.1M
[VID]20130819.Regrouping decimals example 2 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.dNnItWLuHH4.mkv3.4M
[VID]20130819.Regrouping whole numbers _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.X3JqIZR1XcY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130819.Regrouping whole numbers example 1 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.G_mUcQeXak8.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130819.Regrouping whole numbers example 2 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.h_fBMnB1i-0.mkv1.3M
[VID]20130819.Regrouping with decimals _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.3szFVS5p_7A.mkv4.2M
[VID]20130819.Regrouping with decimals example 1 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.fNzM0lQHZsk.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130820.Constructing equations from proportions to solve problems _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.AEKztz8ubSM.mkv5.6M
[VID]20130820.Multiplying and dividing in scientific notation (example) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.497oIjqRPco.mkv2.9M
[VID]20130820.Red blood cells in human body (scientific notation word problem) _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.0lOpqmTdtzk.mkv6.0M
[VID]20130820.Simplifying a complicated expression into scientific notation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.EbmgLiSVACU.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130821.Decimals - comparing place values _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.lR_kUUPL8YY.mkv6.7M
[VID]20130821.Linear equation word problem _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xKH1Evwu150.mkv7.0M
[VID]20130821.Seeing multiplication as scaling with fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.yUYDhmQsiXY.mkv5.3M
[VID]20130821.Volume - how to measure it _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xMz9WFvox9g.mkv6.2M
[VID]20130821.Volume - measuring as area times length _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.daCT_24RnIY.mkv 12M
[VID]20130821.Volume - measuring with unit cubes _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.7WloKabLhII.mkv2.3M
[VID]20130821.Volume of a rectangular prism or box examples _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.I9efKVtLCf4.mkv2.0M
[VID]20130821.Volume word problem _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.OanPzjf2EYY.mkv5.4M
[VID]20130822.Figuring out which function is the derivative _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.PF6_y4zYVec.mkv5.5M
[VID]20130822.Graphs of functions and their derivatives example 1 _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.P3IlneCNm8A.mkv9.1M
[VID]20130822.Identifying a function's derivative example _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.NFzma7NsHtI.mkv3.3M
[VID]20130822.Where a function is not differentiable _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.pj1VvscsV0s.mkv4.1M
[VID]20130823.Sal Khan talks to Arne Duncan.9pcWAHujSZA.mkv102M
[VID]20130826.Adding, subtracting fractions, decimals, percentages _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xEDnwEOOf7Y.mkv5.1M
[VID]20130826.Adding, subtracting fractions _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.9tmtDBpqq9s.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130826.Adding, subtracting numbers in different formats _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.FSpSrZQzzVs.mkv4.4M
[VID]20130827.How to find the average rate of change from a formula _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.6n0yxfWNFR4.mkv5.6M
[VID]20130830.Proof - Sum of measures of angles in a triangle are 180 _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.6s1CI3uuhko.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130906.FICO scores and credit bureaus.8AtM1R9NmwM.mkv7.4M
[VID]20130910.Overview of Chinese history 1911 - 1949 _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.a9QtIfPIQl4.mkv 22M
[VID]20130918.Defining a function at a point to make it continuous _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.oUgDaEwMbiU.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130918.Fancy algebra to find a limit and make a function continuous _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.P1DJxuG7U9A.mkv6.5M
[VID]20130918.Limit and function defined at point of discontinuity _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy._bBAiZhfH_4.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130920.Quadrilaterals - find the type exercise _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.wPZIa3SjPF0.mkv3.6M
[VID]20130920.Quadrilaterals - kites as a geometric shape _ Quadrilaterals _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.inlMrf2d-k4.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130923.Time word problem - How long is Susan's break _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.UhMM68fq9FA.mkv4.8M
[VID]20130923.Unit conversion - centimeters to meters _ Measurement and data _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.6bQ6HJsAv4A.mkv3.1M
[VID]20130923.Unit conversion - minutes to hours _ Measurement and data _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.DLno3b-Xsmo.mkv5.3M
[VID]20130923.Unit conversion - ordering metric distances _ Measurement and data _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.mI84WDfhuYA.mkv5.0M
[VID]20130923.Unit measurement word problem - distance (US customary) _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.ZS1OZj_oWao.mkv4.9M
[VID]20130923.Units of measurement word problem - volume (metric) _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.PdHSs5_kx24.mkv5.9M
[VID]20130924.Area and perimeter word problem - comparing areas of rectangles _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.D2Ks5SKU6GM.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130924.Area and perimeter word problem - table dimensions _ Khan Academy.-J-6VGxld54.mkv6.6M
[VID]20130924.Area and perimeter word problem - width of a dog pen _ Khan Academy.AIb5x7fmtvE.mkv3.3M
[VID]20130924.Choose pounds or ounces to measure weight _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.V1LloSp4PV4.mkv1.5M
[VID]20130924.Comparing probabilities example t2.WqnXhCEgW20.mkv2.4M
[VID]20130924.Making sense of probabilities.4pTAEIlZjRM.mkv6.5M
[VID]20130924.Measurement units example.3Sp-7U5AIX4.mkv1.5M
[VID]20130924.Next Week - Conversation on Google+ with Sal Khan.3J-7QEJ-ioQ.mkv3.3M
[VID]20130925.Compound events example using diagram _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.9mU3MVtsqic.mkv2.5M
[VID]20130925.Compound events example with tree diagram _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.4fBXIcO0It4.mkv3.1M
[VID]20130925.Estimating the probability of getting a bullseye.6SSr7FZflAk.mkv2.7M
[VID]20130927.Area of rectangles and the distributive property _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Q3wfb0CPhIY.mkv3.8M
[VID]20130927.Calculating the square footage of a house _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xo4VpX2IIMk.mkv6.9M
[VID]20130927.Comparing areas of plots of land _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ArvnBba_ogI.mkv3.4M
[VID]20130927.Introduction to area and unit squares _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.A7zPgMV4eTM.mkv4.6M
[VID]20130927.Introduction to perimeter _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.9uwLgf84p5w.mkv3.9M
[VID]20130927.Measuring the same rectangle with different unit squares _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.O1R4H3Ca82E.mkv5.3M
[VID]20130927.Rectangle area as product of dimensions same as counting unit squares _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.DRg2VCo8lP0.mkv6.1M
[VID]20130928.401(k)s _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.2zfdtmlMNDs.mkv 11M
[VID]20130928.Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and effective APR _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.RuPMsK0mQC8.mkv8.5M
[VID]20130928.Basics of US income tax rate schedule _ Taxes _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.OGVJfcSckUs.mkv6.3M
[VID]20130928.Basics of estate tax.bIgFmeHQvL0.mkv5.8M
[VID]20130928.Compound interest introduction _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Rm6UdfRs3gw.mkv7.5M
[VID]20130928.Finding width from perimeter and length _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.YM2G4ATOcpw.mkv4.5M
[VID]20130928.Institutional roles in issuing and processing credit cards _ Khan Academy.IPxQQNyCxas.mkv 15M
[VID]20130928.Introduction to bonds _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Qh-M3_L4xYk.mkv 10M
[VID]20130928.Open-ended mutual funds.zqRxV9ICn4I.mkv 11M
[VID]20130928.Personal bankruptcy - Chapters 7 and 13 _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.H3tg4bH5JuY.mkv 16M
[VID]20130928.Relationship between bond prices and interest rates _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.I7FDx4DPapw.mkv 16M
[VID]20130928.Roth IRAs _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.th06SCNNZ60.mkv 19M
[VID]20130928.The rule of 72 for compound interest _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.mec-QpjQMXY.mkv 11M
[VID]20130928.Traditional IRAs _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.UV8kgqk_DAY.mkv 17M
[VID]20130928.Unemployment rate primer _ Current Economics _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.C9onjpQGpSg.mkv 11M
[VID]20130928.What it means to buy a company's stock _ Stocks and bonds _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.98qfFzqDKR8.mkv 17M
[VID]20131001.Conversation on Google+ with Sal Khan.Sfhj2OU1b3Q.mkv143M
[VID]20131004.Adding - why carrying works _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.O9zSHs1TWMM.mkv2.7M
[VID]20131004.Adding three-digit numbers _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.Wm0zq-NqEFs.mkv2.2M
[VID]20131004.Adding three digit numbers with regrouping _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.9hM32lsQ4aI.mkv3.0M
[VID]20131004.Examples rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.jvp0mtr1kFM.mkv7.1M
[VID]20131004.Mental technique for subtraction without regrouping _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.iivtjjdSu9I.mkv2.7M
[VID]20131004.Rounding to the nearest 10 _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.w2M5CzTFYfI.mkv7.8M
[VID]20131004.Rounding to the nearest 100 _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.19yOv4P2ccw.mkv5.6M
[VID]20131004.Subtracting - Regrouping from zero _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.3lHBgFvr3yE.mkv2.3M
[VID]20131004.Subtracting - regrouping twice _ Addition and subtraction _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.LSaaKau63Gg.mkv3.9M
[VID]20131004.Subtracting - three digit numbers and basic regrouping _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.9T3AAn-Cw3g.mkv2.7M
[VID]20131004.Subtracting - three digit numbers and regrouping _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.QOtam19NQcQ.mkv3.4M
[VID]20131007.Comparing fractions visually and on number line _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.Kt7Dwr7BftE.mkv5.8M
[VID]20131007.Comparing fractions with greater than and less than symbols _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.8OKTrN0uT-Q.mkv7.2M
[VID]20131007.Different ways to represent 1 as a fraction _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.dviyBH3pOk8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20131007.Equivalent fractions visually and on number line _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.Su4DKLbK8mA.mkv5.4M
[VID]20131007.Fraction basics _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.jgWqSjgMAtw.mkv4.5M
[VID]20131007.Fractions on a number line _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.Z0WsfO-RI8Y.mkv4.5M
[VID]20131007.Generating equivalent fractions _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.-YpEkExjq2E.mkv5.2M
[VID]20131007.More than one equal section _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.U44my48zgFE.mkv4.0M
[VID]20131007.Whole numbers as fractions _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.3OFH8OhpN08.mkv6.0M
[VID]20131029.All men are created equal _ US History _ Khan Academy.uhXLW4bU-pI.mkv 15M
[VID]20131029.Background and introduction to the United States Declaration of Independence _ Khan Academy.er1L9BB6UoE.mkv 16M
[VID]20131029.Birth of the US Constitution _ US History _ Khan Academy.Rk8dCnKIfP4.mkv 16M
[VID]20131029.First draft of the Declaration of Independence _ US History _ Khan Academy._NB5-Z0pOyc.mkv 16M
[VID]20131029.Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness _ US History _ Khan Academy.S7SnU8ujfwM.mkv 12M
[VID]20131029.Tyranny and despotism _ US History _ Khan Academy.-7kSDHFXwZ4.mkv 20M
[VID]20131029.Walter Isaacson explains the drafting of the Declaration of Independence to Sal.bFXGztm89nI.mkv 13M
[VID]20131108.Another derivation of the sum of an infinite geometric series _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.wqnpSzEzq1w.mkv 10M
[VID]20131108.Formula for a finite geometric series _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.i8THsl3AYFI.mkv 12M
[VID]20131108.Geometric sequence or progression.W2NnNKtquaE.mkv4.7M
[VID]20131108.Geometric series _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.CecgFWTg9pQ.mkv5.3M
[VID]20131108.Repeating decimal as infinite geometric series _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.2BgWWsypzLA.mkv9.1M
[VID]20131108.Sigma notation for sums _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.5jwXThH6fg4.mkv4.2M
[VID]20131108.Structure in exponential expression _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.gR8-vRg6Yp0.mkv8.6M
[VID]20131108.Structure in rational expression _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.mNgW6SAQLhk.mkv4.8M
[VID]20131108.Sum of an infinite geometric series _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.b-7kCymoUpg.mkv5.8M
[VID]20131108.Vertical distance of bouncing ball _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.tqTJZEglrvc.mkv6.6M
[VID]20131115.Optimal turns at Indianapolis Motor Speedway with JR Hildebrand _ Physics _ Khan Academy.MKnI3425EMI.mkv8.2M
[VID]20131118.Formula for continuously compounding interest _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.o5QRdHH8aeQ.mkv9.1M
[VID]20131118.Multiplying - 2 digits numbers (using distributive property) _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.3JmnxR8nEi8.mkv7.5M
[VID]20131118.e and compound interest _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.BKGx8GMVu88.mkv 13M
[VID]20131118.e as a limit _ Interest and debt _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.oQhp3ndj28Y.mkv6.2M
[VID]20131120.Multiplying - 4 digits times 1 digit (using grid) _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.UvAOynxGfIU.mkv3.8M
[VID]20131120.Rent control and deadweight loss _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.8U8egQjcPaI.mkv 14M
[VID]20131125.Sn1 and Sn2 solvents effects.2jH_z9ra9L0.mkv8.7M
[VID]20131125.Sn1 reactions intro.yc6w21xiKpo.mkv 25M
[VID]20131125.Sn2 reactions _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.iiGYwCGNrl8.mkv8.7M
[VID]20131125.Sn2 stereochemistry _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.WrsROtPSeuA.mkv6.2M
[VID]20131125.Steric hindrance _ Substitution and elimination reactions _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.kiaU0jX-kk0.mkv9.1M
[VID]20131126.Alternate formula for sum of n squares.KvvFTPsZxU4.mkv4.6M
[VID]20131126.Explicitly defining a series.yvddTWa9ptU.mkv5.2M
[VID]20131126.Finding the sum of n squares part 1.i7iKLZQ-vCk.mkv6.3M
[VID]20131126.Finding the sum of n squares part 2.MkGXR8umLco.mkv8.1M
[VID]20131126.Leveraging properties of series to find sum.LwhJVURumAA.mkv7.4M
[VID]20131126.Partial fraction decomposition to find sum of telescoping series.qUNGPqCPzMg.mkv 17M
[VID]20131126.Worked example - sequence convergence_divergence _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.muqyereWEh4.mkv4.3M
[VID]20131126.Writing a series in sigma notation.0DBDuNYsciY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20131127.Equation of normal line _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.C5G2Js2_Ep4.mkv5.7M
[VID]20131127.Equation of tangent line example 1 _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.GH8-URjRQpQ.mkv8.2M
[VID]20131127.Expressing function defined as infinite series.WDWV8aBgBAg.mkv2.8M
[VID]20131127.Geometric series as a function _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.6ynr9N-NQ8E.mkv5.0M
[VID]20131127.Geometric series interval of convergence _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.aiwy2fNF_ZQ.mkv6.2M
[VID]20131127.Power series function representation using algebra.kHfwtSGtB8I.mkv 11M
[VID]20131127.Power series intro _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.DlBQcj_zQk0.mkv7.7M
[VID]20131127.y-intercept of tangent line example _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.FJ7AMaR9miI.mkv6.3M
[VID]20131205.Help support Khan Academy.4YhIUkS9uu4.mkv1.9M
[VID]20131205.Solving a consecutive integer problem algebraically _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.8CJ6Qdcoxsc.mkv5.9M
[VID]20131209.Angle to aim to get alien _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.aHzd-u35LuA.mkv5.9M
[VID]20131209.Equation for a circle using the Pythagorean Theorem _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.GQXUpB2NHvQ.mkv8.1M
[VID]20131209.Example relating trig function to side ratios _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.EBKNtjZAjXg.mkv 13M
[VID]20131209.Example with tangent and radius _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.KjQ1KN5GgoE.mkv3.3M
[VID]20131209.Example with trig functions and ratios _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.TugWqiUjOU4.mkv6.8M
[VID]20131209.How much of a pyramid is submerged _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Z5EnuVJawmY.mkv7.0M
[VID]20131209.Hypotenuse of right triangle inscribed in circle _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.T971zHhZ3S4.mkv3.0M
[VID]20131209.Measure of circumscribed angle _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ZiqHJwzv_HI.mkv4.7M
[VID]20131209.Pythagorean theorem and radii of circles _ Circles _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ogg_ZxSeNQ0.mkv6.6M
[VID]20131209.Thiago asks - How much time does a goalkeeper have to react to a penalty kick _ Khan Academy.XtJwkIacpi8.mkv 16M
[VID]20131210.Classifying a quadrilateral on the coordinate plane _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.vsgrWDLEzcQ.mkv6.1M
[VID]20131210.Identifying similar triangles in the coordinate plane _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.e6sh8AXz41E.mkv 13M
[VID]20131210.Recognizing points on a circle _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.9ASWQi14FlE.mkv 14M
[VID]20131210.Showing relationship between cosine and sine of complements _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.BLQNL_UGONg.mkv4.8M
[VID]20131210.Similarity to define sine, cosine, and tangent _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.QuZMXVJNLCo.mkv9.9M
[VID]20131210.Sine and cosine of complements example _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.yiH6GoscimY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20131211.Finding a point part way between two points _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.0rlNHYHhrWs.mkv5.6M
[VID]20131211.Golden ratio and Rembrandt's self portrait _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.v5SAMuRanGM.mkv 11M
[VID]20131211.Golden ratio to find radius of moon _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.cnCQGKx6LhE.mkv8.4M
[VID]20131211.Ratios of distances between colinear points _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.lEGS5ECgFxE.mkv6.3M
[VID]20131211.Triangle similarity in pool _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.MiyFReTAdCA.mkv8.5M
[VID]20131213.Determining the equation of a trig function _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.yHo0CcDVHsk.mkv6.6M
[VID]20131213.Factoring 5th degree polynomial to find real zeros _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.mekBhhFWC9c.mkv9.3M
[VID]20131213.Finding arc length from radian angle measure _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.dtQyiDMoub4.mkv3.6M
[VID]20131213.Identifying graph based on roots _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.uFZvWYPfOmw.mkv7.0M
[VID]20131213.Intersecting functions example.8suweCJRkoc.mkv7.9M
[VID]20131213.Midline, amplitude and period of a function _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.s4cLM0l1gd4.mkv6.8M
[VID]20131213.Plotting maxima, minima and midline intersections of trig function _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.LplRIAd66pc.mkv 11M
[VID]20131213.Ratio between concentric arcs _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.9wXdONpguLw.mkv3.4M
[VID]20131216.Dividing polynomials with remainders example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.WqNc6My1aNU.mkv4.1M
[VID]20131216.Making more pizzas to spread cost per pizza _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.jQ15tkoXZoA.mkv 11M
[VID]20131216.Polynomial remainder theorem to determine coefficient example.ub5b_AcA28Y.mkv3.3M
[VID]20131216.Quadratic inequality word problem _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.GDppV18XDCs.mkv 12M
[VID]20131217.Exponential equation with rational answer _ Exponent expressions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.6OFwfxmhtE8.mkv4.2M
[VID]20131217.Quadratic inequality example 2 _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.YS_3XRj74oo.mkv 11M
[VID]20131217.Quadratic inequality example _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.OP91XWBRI1w.mkv8.5M
[VID]20131217.Rewriting a quadratic function to find roots and vertex _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.4Bc5-HRop5Y.mkv9.3M
[VID]20131217.Simplifying with exponent properties _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Ht-YXje4R2g.mkv3.3M
[VID]20131218.Another polynomial end behavior example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.FZXSc26Sajo.mkv9.9M
[VID]20131218.Constructing linear and exponential functions from data _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Qst1UVtq8pE.mkv6.7M
[VID]20131218.Decay of cesium 137 example _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.polop-89aIA.mkv 12M
[VID]20131218.Introduction to complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.A_ESfuN1Pkg.mkv4.9M
[VID]20131218.Polynomial end behavior _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.tZKzaF28sOk.mkv9.3M
[VID]20131218.Polynomial end behavior example _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.03Y76Q7tlSw.mkv7.3M
[VID]20131218.Pythagorean trig identity from soh cah toa _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.HnDvUaVjQ1I.mkv5.3M
[VID]20131218.Pythagorean trig identity from unit circle _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.n0DLSIOYBsQ.mkv7.4M
[VID]20131218.Using the Pythagorean trig identity _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.soIt2TwV6Xk.mkv6.8M
[VID]20131219.Absolute value graphing exercise example _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.6TxlqANDjKM.mkv3.4M
[VID]20131219.Equations for radical functions example _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academ.9UBZchwb2KI.mkv6.4M
[VID]20131219.Flipping and shifting radical functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.t5ry2rasWvI.mkv8.3M
[VID]20131219.Graphs of absolute value functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.1OtzfP8fCNU.mkv 11M
[VID]20131219.Matching radical functions with graphs exercise example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Uteoh0PtWwI.mkv5.8M
[VID]20131219.Polynomial end behavior exercise example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Yd2YBLQUCEc.mkv3.4M
[VID]20131223.Approximating irrational number exercise example _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Jn5XIY8eqME.mkv3.9M
[VID]20131223.Constructing a geometric series for new users _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.aIjzkiijGnA.mkv 11M
[VID]20131223.How far can you see from a plane window.p9hl-Spzk_Y.mkv6.6M
[VID]20131223.Introduction to rational and irrational numbers _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.cLP7INqs3JM.mkv6.8M
[VID]20131223.Proof that rational times irrational is irrational _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.KT32CsdEZEY.mkv3.4M
[VID]20131223.Proof that square root of 2 is irrational _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.mX91_3GQqLY.mkv8.6M
[VID]20131223.Proof that square root of prime number is irrational _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.W-Nio466Ek4.mkv9.8M
[VID]20131223.Proof that sum of rational and irrational is irrational _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.pPM72fPwIjw.mkv3.6M
[VID]20131223.Proof that there is an irrational number between any two rational numbers _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.hxqo_DiL3pw.mkv7.0M
[VID]20131223.Recognizing rational and irrational expressions example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.hTJgK-wZMcE.mkv2.7M
[VID]20131223.Sum and product of rational numbers _ Rational and irrational numbers _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.HKUJkMQsGkM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20131224.Capstone exponent properties example _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._DKe8gHlnEQ.mkv7.9M
[VID]20131224.Introduction to negative exponents _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.PYd99ItlLEc.mkv5.6M
[VID]20131224.More negative exponent intuition _ Exponent expressions and equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.P3zyEtO6viY.mkv2.7M
[VID]20131224.Negative bases and exponents classification example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.5L2a6cuP_4s.mkv8.9M
[VID]20131224.Products and exponents raised to an exponent properties _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.SwqOrUWzDY8.mkv6.5M
[VID]20131224.Thinking more about negative exponents _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Tx7Cwn5pgQo.mkv6.9M
[VID]20131227.Dividing fractions example _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.m-pRnFIeoNA.mkv1.2M
[VID]20131227.Introduction to multiplying decimals _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.STyoP3rCmb0.mkv3.9M
[VID]20131227.Multiplying challenging decimals _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.D5fmcpNygQk.mkv4.7M
[VID]20131227.Multiplying decimals - place value and reordering _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4IWfJ7-CYfE.mkv7.5M
[VID]20131230.Analyzing particle movement based on graphs _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.wKPyzrEVqaQ.mkv6.3M
[VID]20131230.Derivative of triple composition _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.pSSqUF_mmtM.mkv9.2M
[VID]20131230.Squeeze theorem or sandwich theorem _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.WvxKwRcHGHg.mkv7.7M
[VID]20131230.Total distance traveled by a particle _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.HDntI7zfBNs.mkv 11M
[VID]20131230.When a particle is speeding up.h_naqJLvL6I.mkv 16M
[VID]20131231.Electrotonic and action potentials _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.kY8FEq0teOs.mkv 14M
[VID]20131231.Renting versus Buying a home _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.JNL6f1xkie4.mkv 16M
[VID]20131231.Saltatory conduction in neurons _ Human anatomy and physiology _ Health & Medicine _ Khan Academy.ikFUv-gdNLQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20140106.Applied rate of change - forgetfulness _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WbyODj_OiZU.mkv6.9M
[VID]20140106.Approximating incremental cost with derivative.iVAYOeGmNqo.mkv9.4M
[VID]20140106.Marginal cost & differential calculus _ Applications of derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Wkjz1LlX1CQ.mkv5.8M
[VID]20140106.Motion problems - when a particle is speeding up _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.SE1ltVuE5yM.mkv9.7M
[VID]20140107.Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies _ Biology _ Khan Academy.6UqtgH_Zy1Y.mkv 14M
[VID]20140107.Nuclei, membranes, ribosomes, eukaryotes and prokaryotes.jVSUQmtTk7Y.mkv8.8M
[VID]20140107.Organelle overview.Ogxpuq-qIW0.mkv6.0M
[VID]20140108.Introduction to redox reactions _ Redox reactions and electrochemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.OE0MMIyMTNU.mkv 14M
[VID]20140108.Oxidation and reduction _ Redox reactions and electrochemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.DvYs1HILq1g.mkv 16M
[VID]20140108.Oxidation state trends in periodic table _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.CCsNJFsYSGs.mkv 12M
[VID]20140108.Practice determining oxidation states _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.M7PnxSQedkM.mkv6.2M
[VID]20140108.Redox reaction with iron _ Redox reactions and electrochemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.n30yILpUitw.mkv9.5M
[VID]20140108.Unusual oxygen oxidation states _ Redox reactions and electrochemistry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.R2EtXOoIU-E.mkv6.0M
[VID]20140110.Electrodes and voltage of Galvanic cell _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.m0SFJt_0v28.mkv6.5M
[VID]20140110.Introduction to galvanic_voltaic cells _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.9Xncz_mMc5g.mkv8.7M
[VID]20140110.Redox reaction from dissolving zinc in copper sulfate _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.wVMe8ZmCZo0.mkv6.8M
[VID]20140113.Maximizing function at value.EXLVMGSDQbI.mkv5.5M
[VID]20140113.Mean value theorem _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.6hri9k_2R8o.mkv7.1M
[VID]20140113.Mean value theorem application _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.InrLtU3k3Y8.mkv8.2M
[VID]20140113.Mean value theorem example - polynomial _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.S_YIUXy-WFM.mkv5.1M
[VID]20140120.Extreme value theorem _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.bZYTDst1MOo.mkv8.4M
[VID]20140120.Identifying relative minimum and maximum values.LSIgi9krswU.mkv3.4M
[VID]20140120.Introduction to minimum and maximum points _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Hoyv3-BMAGc.mkv6.1M
[VID]20140127.Comparing growth of exponential & quadratic models _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.EuwKjpUpkhs.mkv9.2M
[VID]20140127.Solving exponential equation _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.7Ig6kVZaWoU.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140127.Understanding linear and exponential models _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.8OHEgD6YMBw.mkv4.5M
[VID]20140128.Comparing exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.K_PiPfYxtao.mkv6.5M
[VID]20140128.Graphs of logarithmic functions _ Exponential and logarithmic functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.LqyA96oYtwE.mkv9.1M
[VID]20140128.Matching functions to their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.EwEbZI57P1o.mkv9.4M
[VID]20140203.Angle of sun with the ground based on shadow _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Xu1lBwJw1OU.mkv4.4M
[VID]20140203.An introduction to Benjamin Franklin _ US History _ Khan Academy.e23FYcmAG5k.mkv 13M
[VID]20140203.Applying inverse trig function with model _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.2pwnr_soZEU.mkv 13M
[VID]20140203.Benjamin Franklin and Poor Richard's Almanac _ US History _ Khan Academy.8jV1SwpZ-W4.mkv 18M
[VID]20140203.Benjamin Franklin as diplomat _ US History _ Khan Academy.Ewithks6nD4.mkv 15M
[VID]20140203.Benjamin Franklin becomes a writer _ US History _ Khan Academy.yA-NYmO8dDk.mkv 11M
[VID]20140203.Benjamin Franklin the civic leader _ US History _ Khan Academy.h05d7Mbd3UI.mkv5.5M
[VID]20140203.Benjamin Franklin the inventor _ US History _ Khan Academy.uGjR338bHPs.mkv 15M
[VID]20140203.Modeling annual temperature variation with trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.mVlCXkht6hg.mkv9.2M
[VID]20140203.Solution set to sin equation _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.NC7iWEQ9Kug.mkv7.4M
[VID]20140203.Takeaways from Benjamin Franklin's life.vbAbCp9elFU.mkv6.9M
[VID]20140204.Matching ratios to trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.WffVdYETdng.mkv7.2M
[VID]20140204.Modeling temperature through the day _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.RX0DY9eRp8g.mkv 17M
[VID]20140207.Constructing a probability distribution for random variable _ Khan Academy.cqK3uRoPtk0.mkv7.4M
[VID]20140207.Simple hypothesis testing _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.5D1gV37bKXY.mkv7.1M
[VID]20140212.Adding complex numbers and Argand Diagrams _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.0QlJrnRRfW8.mkv4.6M
[VID]20140212.Introduction to complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.SP-YJe7Vldo.mkv4.9M
[VID]20140212.Introduction to the FAFSA _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.7nKXXKn6jL8.mkv 11M
[VID]20140212.Subtracting complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.-T0OKK-R3lA.mkv4.1M
[VID]20140311.Scaling up a unit vector _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.OFBI_rNDZE0.mkv3.0M
[VID]20140311.Unit vector in same direction _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.mzQQ9n-eoLs.mkv6.1M
[VID]20140311.Unit vectors _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.jCkhbKFZgLk.mkv5.3M
[VID]20140312.Breaking down vectors into components _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.6Kw2nIwWYL0.mkv 10M
[VID]20140312.Magnitude and direction of vector sums _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.SjY5UytlTTs.mkv 10M
[VID]20140312.Magnitude of vector sums _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.0t8W4JFpP2M.mkv6.3M
[VID]20140313.Law of cosines for star distance _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.6kGi1dvGZNY.mkv7.7M
[VID]20140313.Law of cosines to determine grade _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Ei54NnQ0FKs.mkv8.0M
[VID]20140313.Law of sines _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.VjmFKle7xIw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20140313.Law of sines for missing angle _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.IJySBMtFlnQ.mkv6.3M
[VID]20140313.Periodicity of tan example _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.C3HFAyigqoY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20140313.Relating trig function through angle rotations _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.h-TPSylHrvE.mkv7.8M
[VID]20140313.Symmetry of trig values _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.tzQ7arA917E.mkv9.3M
[VID]20140313.Unit circle symmetries for tan _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.k_wJsio68D4.mkv 12M
[VID]20140317.Dimensions of identity matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.l7p1X5pdDoc.mkv3.9M
[VID]20140317.Identity and zero matrix equation _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.ikadoCpDNT8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20140317.Identity matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.3cnIa0fYJkY.mkv9.0M
[VID]20140317.Matrix multiplication introduction _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.kT4Mp9EdVqs.mkv6.4M
[VID]20140317.Midpoint and distance on complex plane _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Efoeqb6tC88.mkv6.3M
[VID]20140317.Zero matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.LOf8bfjiLow.mkv5.4M
[VID]20140320.Basic derivative rules - table _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.rOftmuhGLjY.mkv9.3M
[VID]20140320.Differentiating logarithmic functions using log properties _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.R2JsjJyr0ck.mkv6.7M
[VID]20140320.Finding critical points _ Using derivatives to analyze functions _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.MUQfl385Yug.mkv6.4M
[VID]20140321.Finding absolute extrema on a closed interval _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.JXVGPEOQCb8.mkv8.1M
[VID]20140325.Angela Ahrendts - Former CEO of Burberry _ Entrepreneurship _ Khan Academy.HNP0USRtkIw.mkv102M
[VID]20140325.Dividing complex numbers in polar and exponential form _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.xOa-l_tXgWA.mkv 11M
[VID]20140325.Introduction to ratios _ Ratios, rates, and percentages _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.bIKmw0aTmYc.mkv4.5M
[VID]20140325.Powers of complex numbers _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.dl_9NC_J6yo.mkv9.0M
[VID]20140325.Ratios as fractions _ Ratios, rates, and percentages _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.UK-_qEDtvYo.mkv4.0M
[VID]20140325.Rectangular to polar form of complex number _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.8RasCV_Lggg.mkv 13M
[VID]20140326.Algorithm for mentally computing binomial expansion coefficients _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.2IFItASxDVo.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140326.Binomial theorem _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.iPwrDWQ7hPc.mkv 14M
[VID]20140326.Connecting Pascal's triangle to binomial combinatorics _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.x-N76NrMDNE.mkv4.9M
[VID]20140326.Example factoring sum of squares _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.C3QPTCwpIZo.mkv2.4M
[VID]20140326.Factoring sum of squares _ Imaginary and complex numbers _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.8TPofjGXDR4.mkv5.0M
[VID]20140326.Fundamental theorem of algebra _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.d8-LO6FCna0.mkv6.2M
[VID]20140326.Fundamental theorem of algebra for quadratic _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.zNxEVaRbdus.mkv7.6M
[VID]20140326.Intuitive connection between binomial expansion and combinatorics _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy._hrN4rVCOfI.mkv4.4M
[VID]20140326.Pascal's triangle for binomial expansion _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.v9Evg2tBdRk.mkv8.4M
[VID]20140326.Possible number of real roots _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy._HFTRQRpzFM.mkv3.9M
[VID]20140327.Deducing with logarithmic and exponential form _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Iz6IVf8frjw.mkv6.5M
[VID]20140327.Determining coefficient in binomial expansion _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.ojFuf9RYmzI.mkv9.9M
[VID]20140327.Function invertibility.mPQCHmOxGlY.mkv5.2M
[VID]20140327.Horizontal and vertical asymptotes of function _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.fvC0dm2wzIo.mkv 13M
[VID]20140327.Matching rational functions to their graphs _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.onmNaDrxwmo.mkv7.7M
[VID]20140327.Plotting points of logarithmic function _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.DhW9pz5Vfwo.mkv4.8M
[VID]20140327.Solving exponential equation with logarithm _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.R443Db-wJ5o.mkv2.8M
[VID]20140327.Writing in logarithmic and exponential form _ Logarithms _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Obch1OP5QyA.mkv1.9M
[VID]20140328.Creating new function from composition _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy._b-2rZpX5z4.mkv2.9M
[VID]20140328.Finding trig functions of special angles example _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.3yBYXNW1Nls.mkv 11M
[VID]20140328.Introduction to function composition _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.wUNWjd4bMmw.mkv6.8M
[VID]20140328.Modeling with function composition _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.LG6g7gxupHg.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140328.Restricting function domain to make invertible.Wu6T4MVfZYI.mkv8.7M
[VID]20140328.Solving equation involving function and inverse.dHqwANL9IF4.mkv2.5M
[VID]20140328.Solving triangle in unit circle _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.KoYZErFpZ5Q.mkv9.1M
[VID]20140331.Inverse tan domain and range _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.QGfdhqbilY8.mkv 12M
[VID]20140331.Inverse tangent scenario _ Unit circle definition of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.MABWdzmZFIQ.mkv4.6M
[VID]20140331.Restricting domain of trig function to make invertible _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.tCV9VyIIaw0.mkv7.7M
[VID]20140402.Angle addition formula with cosine _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.yV4Xa8Xtmrc.mkv6.7M
[VID]20140402.Another example using angle addition formula with cosine _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.XGpEHj43kcc.mkv8.1M
[VID]20140402.Applying angle addition formula for sin _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.sI789G6FBb4.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140402.Proof of angle addition formula for cosine _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.0VBQnR2h8XM.mkv6.8M
[VID]20140402.Proof of angle addition formula for sine _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.R0EQg9vgbQw.mkv 10M
[VID]20140402.Sine of non special angle _ Trig identities and examples _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.2RbKfRfzD-M.mkv 12M
[VID]20140404.Force contribution while pushing box _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.9A8wM1UMLyo.mkv 11M
[VID]20140404.Power series of ln(1+x_) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.znT4W6n3WkI.mkv 15M
[VID]20140404.Three way tug of war vectors _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.KNklNvGof8o.mkv 12M
[VID]20140404.Total displacement while hiking _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.cf1-CwrDwrA.mkv9.4M
[VID]20140407.Appropriate statistical study example _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.RQPC_rUvHas.mkv7.0M
[VID]20140407.Day length in Alaska _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.MJBjGnR6vlk.mkv9.4M
[VID]20140407.Hypothesis testing for new cholesterol test.ZViHTo2dXOQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20140407.Statistical significance of experiment _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.jLFeqQxGtOc.mkv 13M
[VID]20140407.Types of statistical studies _ Statistical studies _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.z-Qi4w6Xkuc.mkv 12M
[VID]20140408.1 Private universities.Jts_mdQmbUg.mkv2.8M
[VID]20140408.1 Working at convenience store.5OYIXxNz6Xk.mkv2.5M
[VID]20140408.2 Course reviews.DTF2qg2McwY.mkv3.7M
[VID]20140408.2 Defying oppression.rai9hJOGJLE.mkv4.4M
[VID]20140408.3 Camouflage.FBn1RlGfdzg.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140408.3 Central Park.Bv_3hBUTOk4.mkv2.6M
[VID]20140408.4 Economists.arWBWBfNMB8.mkv4.8M
[VID]20140408.4 Roaming deer.sCHiJVnyo4g.mkv3.3M
[VID]20140408.5 Book costs.1_ymCFwbGGY.mkv4.2M
[VID]20140408.5 Home colors.MOoGlIpNLkM.mkv4.0M
[VID]20140408.6 Sea Islands.IHEPNJJlGT4.mkv4.4M
[VID]20140408.7 Dramatic monologue.Aa0l_P0K5fs.mkv5.3M
[VID]20140408.8 Romantic poets.l5xbFna_j0Q.mkv6.5M
[VID]20140408.9 Constitutional Convention.gh_3hch2YNM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20140408.10 Oil imports.oapNz_NNGh4.mkv4.4M
[VID]20140408.11 Love and marriage.pWSq7CGh9tg.mkv3.8M
[VID]20140408.12 Roller coaster.Kwk62Xw6YHU.mkv1.6M
[VID]20140408.13 Inflation rate.wgnJevkTEdw.mkv718K
[VID]20140408.14 Apparel manufacturers.QnWQezGy1Tc.mkv1.0M
[VID]20140408.15 Storing bread.iRMLQC_4pqw.mkv1.7M
[VID]20140408.16 Legislators.awGM1UAok_8.mkv1.0M
[VID]20140408.17 Nobel prize.p3fdeXgErns.mkv2.1M
[VID]20140408.18 Sound of sap.UV6mzD2Yc98.mkv1.3M
[VID]20140408.19 Selling stock.CGOIJdBXQno.mkv880K
[VID]20140408.20 Mississippi River.KURufM070oI.mkv1.0M
[VID]20140408.21 Air pollutants.Sbgha6LQLlY.mkv1.0M
[VID]20140408.22 Car headlights.PpJMTpTukzE.mkv2.4M
[VID]20140408.23 Greek mythology.TNACKWquyys.mkv789K
[VID]20140408.24 Museum funding.v5Oz9kVptCY.mkv1.4M
[VID]20140408.25 Shakespearean character.-ZS6FI24roY.mkv1.8M
[VID]20140408.Analyzing event probability for independence _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.R-NeYKSEqns.mkv9.4M
[VID]20140408.Analyzing sample space for roll of dice.6--4MxDXf14.mkv5.9M
[VID]20140408.Analyzing sample spaces.JfjkpZFMU_8.mkv7.4M
[VID]20140408.Analyzing trends in categorical data _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.TXGhMDbbnzQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20140408.Comparing means of distributions _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.pPnxPrhf6Ww.mkv 11M
[VID]20140408.Data in two way frequency tables.YpnGVDAEZ9c.mkv6.7M
[VID]20140408.Esther counts to 100.4C5CdwsUnLw.mkv4.7M
[VID]20140408.Filling out frequency table for independent events _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.TQJQeTpH_lw.mkv6.9M
[VID]20140408.Means and medians of different distributions _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.eLyLbaXfJXo.mkv9.9M
[VID]20140408.Treating units algebraically and dimensional analysis _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.hIAdCTNi1S8.mkv6.7M
[VID]20140409.Analyzing dependent probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.8iKsY8C5VW8.mkv 13M
[VID]20140409.Calculating conditional probability _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.6xPkG2pA-TU.mkv8.9M
[VID]20140409.Expected profit from lottery ticket _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.6vlBOHckmzU.mkv 13M
[VID]20140409.Fair way to assign cooking chore.od0pjs3gsto.mkv 13M
[VID]20140409.Getting data from expected value _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.gHpl5UcgRkI.mkv 14M
[VID]20140409.Picking fairly _ Probability and combinatorics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.vst006REeTQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20140410.Comparing insurance with expected value _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.BveA7JiRGS8.mkv 14M
[VID]20140410.Expected value while fishing _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.86nb02Bx_5w.mkv 11M
[VID]20140410.Matrix transformation on triangle _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.RKBSX-6pKgY.mkv8.9M
[VID]20140410.Representing data with matrices _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.PPOIlLhsT6s.mkv7.4M
[VID]20140410.Transformation matrix for position vector _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Kh8HKAxdEyw.mkv5.4M
[VID]20140410.Transforming a quadrilateral _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.3tyM_M3FQNM.mkv7.8M
[VID]20140411.Associative property of matrix multiplication _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.8Ryfe82DTcM.mkv 11M
[VID]20140411.Equivalence of matrix products with scalars.z-_cqpkacWY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20140411.Equivalent matrix expressions _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.OjF765iVuF8.mkv3.9M
[VID]20140411.Is matrix multiplication commutative _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.z-SU7P-gIoQ.mkv9.2M
[VID]20140411.Matrix equations and systems _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.EC2mgUZyzoA.mkv 11M
[VID]20140411.Solving the matrix vector equation _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.0_DYEFtlCiM.mkv8.0M
[VID]20140415.1 Running distance.fd1eLcFCxlE.mkv2.1M
[VID]20140415.2 Solving for mk.HSWheVsykiA.mkv587K
[VID]20140415.3 Solving simple equation.AOOKe2ODlWM.mkv1.0M
[VID]20140415.4 Polygon perimeter.pMZSDCm9tko.mkv1.3M
[VID]20140415.5 Values on number line.EgtB1aF3MIU.mkv1.3M
[VID]20140415.6 Possible median value.KcFpkpHouPw.mkv1.5M
[VID]20140415.7 Maximum distance on two spheres.PK4mJ2F9lvA.mkv3.9M
[VID]20140415.8 Total videos rented.1h-EUy0Bybg.mkv3.8M
[VID]20140415.9 Similar triangles.kgsiYzcosDY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20140415.10 Rope cutting.nFmH5iiPuDY.mkv2.1M
[VID]20140415.11 Function equaling zero.mx_JUo_s-Ok.mkv1.7M
[VID]20140415.12 Missing angle.SyFpQbnkg_c.mkv2.9M
[VID]20140415.12 Missing angle alternate solution.7pqZj-83BuI.mkv3.2M
[VID]20140415.13 Possible values for x.rrUW4z5IVcQ.mkv3.0M
[VID]20140415.14 Small arc length.o8fYEZdTpEE.mkv3.6M
[VID]20140415.15 Equation of line.Nwh4MUie74E.mkv3.3M
[VID]20140415.16 Compound inequality with absolute value.Gst4ys6eusM.mkv5.8M
[VID]20140415.16 Possible values for t.zOrkcZ1dlHk.mkv4.6M
[VID]20140415.17 Product of primes near 50.EKLGgTwyNfU.mkv2.5M
[VID]20140415.18 Area of rectangle.tNZrKDq9Iqc.mkv5.8M
[VID]20140415.26 Inconsistent science.RDgF0F_9PwM.mkv1.0M
[VID]20140415.27 Theories of evolution.quBogKF8atM.mkv2.4M
[VID]20140415.28 Tall structures.1K5uvvz9c3M.mkv2.5M
[VID]20140415.29 Toxic chemicals.xljS9fFv3EU.mkv2.6M
[VID]20140415.Adding 7 + 6 _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.ZgzpTx-s9Zo.mkv4.1M
[VID]20140415.Adding 8 + 7 _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.AK0NZITv5Ns.mkv3.5M
[VID]20140415.Adding vectors exercise example _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.-2HwisGonfc.mkv1.7M
[VID]20140415.Ben Eater eats the numbers _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.LicLl3epJqg.mkv8.1M
[VID]20140415.Blueberries and cherries.2IfWIGby7K0.mkv5.3M
[VID]20140415.Classifying vectors and quantities example _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Yp0EhcVBxNU.mkv3.9M
[VID]20140415.Cousin Fal's shape collection _ Geometry _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.8xbIS2UkQxI.mkv4.7M
[VID]20140415.Introduction to place value _ Place value (tens and hundreds) _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.wx2gI8iwMCA.mkv6.3M
[VID]20140415.Measuring a golden statue _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.pdleRJd9YNY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20140415.Monkeys for a party _ Place value (tens and hundreds) _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.zqwVKhQV_2w.mkv3.7M
[VID]20140415.Monkeys for the queen.0VIi4kxbbqw.mkv5.4M
[VID]20140415.Number grid _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.9XZypM2Z3Ro.mkv5.5M
[VID]20140415.Pieces of fruit _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.ie0waMJxnTs.mkv2.9M
[VID]20140415.Place value example with 25 _ Place value (tens and hundreds) _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.X_PnRFAKbkg.mkv2.8M
[VID]20140415.Place value example with 42 _ Place value (tens and hundreds) _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.-Zlq5tNl94M.mkv5.4M
[VID]20140415.Sal talks to CEO of the College Board, David Coleman.E0d3b7uoxCA.mkv 10M
[VID]20140415.Subtracting 14 - 6 _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.9McJ3GobPaY.mkv5.1M
[VID]20140415.Subtracting vectors exercise example _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.coDfeoi2zcQ.mkv2.5M
[VID]20140415.Teens as sums with 10 _ Place value (tens and hundreds) _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.ourH3ueWNmA.mkv3.3M
[VID]20140415.Vector representations exercise example _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.n8Ic2Oj-zvA.mkv2.7M
[VID]20140415.Visualizing vector addition examples _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.Khzs4k2a-mw.mkv2.6M
[VID]20140430.Derivative of inverse cosine _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.v_OfFmMRvOc.mkv4.9M
[VID]20140430.Derivative of inverse sine _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.yIQUhXa-n-M.mkv5.2M
[VID]20140430._substitution - definite integral of exponential function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.1ct7LUx23io.mkv9.8M
[VID]20140501.Derivative of inverse tangent _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.G7WyEp8gHs0.mkv6.5M
[VID]20140501.Derivative of natural logarithm _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.765X_PAxhAw.mkv3.2M
[VID]20140502.Divergence of telescoping series.5LMzbgfZ8cA.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140502.Local linearization _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.u7dhn-hBHzQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20140502.Local linearization example _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.CDmJL-VNlaM.mkv7.3M
[VID]20140509.Finding horizontal and vertical asymptotes _ Rational expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.P0ZgqB44Do4.mkv 12M
[VID]20140529.Worked example - motion problems (with definite integrals) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.sLw902V40L0.mkv9.7M
[VID]20140530.Functions defined by integrals _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.h6mZLTpTHcU.mkv 10M
[VID]20140530.Visually determining antiderivative _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.nZrxs-U9d8o.mkv6.3M
[VID]20140530.When an integral defined function is 0.W20SoZiJOHU.mkv 15M
[VID]20140603.Sn1 reactions introduction.eB5NVPzBCzM.mkv 16M
[VID]20140605.ATP - Adenosine triphosphate _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.PK6HmIe2EAg.mkv7.4M
[VID]20140605.ATP hydrolysis mechanism _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.M-aktLHDZEA.mkv6.3M
[VID]20140613.Atomic radius trends on periodic table _ Periodic table _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.q--2WP8wXtk.mkv 15M
[VID]20140613.Electronegativity _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Rr7LhdSKMxY.mkv 16M
[VID]20140613.Metallic nature _ Chemical bonds _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.pAjluTxSYgY.mkv 16M
[VID]20140618.Fertilization terminology - gametes, zygotes, haploid, diploid _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.dNp7vErqlaA.mkv 13M
[VID]20140618.Zygote differentiating into somatic and germ cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.PvoigrzODdE.mkv 13M
[VID]20140623.Allele frequency.Bc9bhLk_AhI.mkv8.4M
[VID]20140623.Applying the Hardy-Weinberg equation _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.D5NVlAaT-OA.mkv5.5M
[VID]20140623.Hardy-Weinberg equation _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.oc9fJCAIRJs.mkv 11M
[VID]20140624.Cytotoxic T cells and MHC I complexes.YdBXHm3edL8.mkv 10M
[VID]20140625.Approximating distance travelled.v13fraCiLEg.mkv 14M
[VID]20140625.Worked example - Riemann sums in summation notation _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.3ZhUdleD1lQ.mkv9.3M
[VID]20140625.Worked example - problem involving definite integral (graphical) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.okjt-OZY1JU.mkv8.9M
[VID]20140626.Triangles - using angles to categorize _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.sZMezOCZr40.mkv6.4M
[VID]20140627.Tangent graph _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.FK6-tZ5D7xM.mkv 13M
[VID]20140715.Finding the heavier ball.0Jgow5x09qw.mkv7.8M
[VID]20140715.Riemann sums and sigma notation.WeVWv_OEJsY.mkv8.7M
[VID]20140716.Average acceleration over interval _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.wdAgEzdkFZI.mkv5.8M
[VID]20140716.Average value over a closed interval _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.NCF4m8BDs7w.mkv5.1M
[VID]20140716.Calculating average value of function over interval _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.0rzL08BHr5c.mkv5.9M
[VID]20140716.Heavier ball _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.ZN48Ub3k8uE.mkv8.1M
[VID]20140716.Mean value theorem for integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.59UeshgSuEE.mkv 12M
[VID]20140716.Ranking area estimates.gIQgnSfUB6E.mkv 10M
[VID]20140717.Slope of line tangent to polar graph.ecD2zPOInf0.mkv 15M
[VID]20140718.Hexadecimal number system _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.4EJay-6Bioo.mkv9.6M
[VID]20140718.Introduction to number systems and binary _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ku4KOFQ-bB4.mkv 11M
[VID]20140721.Converting from decimal to binary _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.H4BstqvgBow.mkv4.1M
[VID]20140721.Converting from decimal to hexadecimal representation _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NFmDz1dQyPU.mkv4.5M
[VID]20140721.Converting larger number from decimal to binary _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.bvcXEJbEzSs.mkv4.5M
[VID]20140722.Adding in binary _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.RgklPQ8rbkg.mkv3.2M
[VID]20140722.Converting directly from binary to hexadecimal _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.8T4F7WboWPQ.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140722.Multiplying in binary _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xHWKYFhhtJQ.mkv4.6M
[VID]20140723.Logistic differential equation intuition _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.oiDvNs15tkE.mkv 15M
[VID]20140723.Modeling population as an exponential function _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy._JpS8k1a9yE.mkv 13M
[VID]20140724.Solving the logistic differential equation part 1 _ Khan Academy.j_Taf2Tgggo.mkv 17M
[VID]20140724.Solving the logistic differential equation part 2 _ Khan Academy.NU1v-8VRirU.mkv 11M
[VID]20140725.Logistic function application _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.-fIsaqN-aaQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20140728.Example modeling asteroid velocity with differential equation.Ugwg2dHUB90.mkv 14M
[VID]20140807.Area under rate function gives the net change _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.6FTiHeius1c.mkv9.1M
[VID]20140807.Human brain and growing intelligence.wCBlTX3quzs.mkv 16M
[VID]20140808.Definite integral of shifted function.09VLUSkaZU8.mkv5.7M
[VID]20140808.Definite integral over a single point _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.q3qvkZxhchE.mkv2.6M
[VID]20140808.Integrating scaled version of function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.JyArK4jw3XU.mkv7.0M
[VID]20140808.Integrating sums of functions _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.JUouea9XoF8.mkv7.9M
[VID]20140808.Switching bounds of definite integral _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.L5eBJjx2FP8.mkv5.6M
[VID]20140811.Arc length intro _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.8Y-snjheI9M.mkv6.9M
[VID]20140811.Breaking up integral interval _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.BE1FK7vDVq0.mkv3.8M
[VID]20140811.Examples leveraging integration properties.dX0JyJRTXm4.mkv7.5M
[VID]20140811.Worked example - arc length _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.OhISsmqv4_8.mkv8.3M
[VID]20140812.Another arc length integration example.MtRXjXdXDow.mkv 12M
[VID]20140812.Volume with cross sections - triangle _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.S-agS4YaxxU.mkv 10M
[VID]20140813.Volume with cross sections - semicircle _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.tf4C8x8e7HQ.mkv9.6M
[VID]20140814.How to grow your brain.GWSZ1DKjNzY.mkv5.0M
[VID]20140815.Sean O'Sullivan - Founder of SOSventure _ Entrepreneurship _ Khan Academy.kkpVr5eoyVE.mkv 75M
[VID]20140818.Area bounded by polar curves _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.qVn_Lfec-Ac.mkv7.3M
[VID]20140818.Dividing expressions to evaluate integral _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.5j81gyHn9i0.mkv5.5M
[VID]20140818.Evaluating definite integral with calculator _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.4tWFdI7DkJ4.mkv5.0M
[VID]20140818.Partial fraction expansion to evaluate integral _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.7IkufOBIw5g.mkv 10M
[VID]20140818.Worked example - Area between two polar graphs _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.KwR_ysrv3sg.mkv7.8M
[VID]20140818.Worked example - Area enclosed by cardioid _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.-cR6FzM1zNE.mkv7.6M
[VID]20140819.Arc length of petal of polar graph.sFlH7V7QDbQ.mkv8.4M
[VID]20140819.Growing your mind.WtKJrB5rOKs.mkv4.8M
[VID]20140819.John Legend - Success through effort.LUtcigWSBsw.mkv3.2M
[VID]20140819.Justification for polar arc length formula.CEPuNmVKnZM.mkv 16M
[VID]20140819.The Growth Mindset.wh0OS4MrN3E.mkv6.9M
[VID]20140819.You Can Learn Anything.JC82Il2cjqA.mkv7.7M
[VID]20140821.Direct comparison test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.0tXxFPHzFFI.mkv4.8M
[VID]20140821.Integral test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.u1UKIljUWuc.mkv 11M
[VID]20140821.Proof - harmonic series diverges _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.4yyLfrsSXQQ.mkv8.9M
[VID]20140821.Worked example - Integral test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.xRyXz_UZ14Q.mkv9.6M
[VID]20140821.Worked example - direct comparison test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.XoBlfbrdBpQ.mkv6.2M
[VID]20140822.nth term divergence test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.1yInzfzDDKY.mkv8.1M
[VID]20140825.ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis _ Miscellaneous _ Heatlh & Medicine _ Khan Academy.tKDET9t8VTI.mkv6.8M
[VID]20140902.Limit comparison test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.AtbZZiSLemQ.mkv7.9M
[VID]20140904.Radius of convergence using Ratio Test.4L9dSZN5Nvg.mkv8.2M
[VID]20140904.Ratio test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.av947KCWf2U.mkv 10M
[VID]20140904.Series estimation with integrals _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.mUfp0KaXSj4.mkv 11M
[VID]20140904.Worked example - Series estimation with integrals _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.8I_KtODUekU.mkv8.0M
[VID]20140909.Alternating series remainder _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.gs9O255gdEY.mkv 12M
[VID]20140911.Worked example - alternating series remainder _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.vTYxY4IpmF8.mkv 14M
[VID]20140917.Differential equation introduction _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.6o7b9yyhH7k.mkv9.1M
[VID]20140917.Finding particular linear solution to differential equation _ Khan Academy.zid7J4EhZN8.mkv7.3M
[VID]20140918.Creating a slope field _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.8Amgakx5aII.mkv6.3M
[VID]20140922.Differential equation from slope field _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.sU5MCM3npXU.mkv 13M
[VID]20140922.Slope field to visualize solutions _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.LoaagZPWvpM.mkv 17M
[VID]20140923.Particular solution to differential equation example _ Khan Academy.E444KhRcWSk.mkv8.3M
[VID]20140923.Separable differential equations introduction _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.DL-ozRGDlkY.mkv 10M
[VID]20140924.Applying Newton's Law of Cooling to warm oatmeal _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.jH5qflAe3C8.mkv 17M
[VID]20140924.Modeling population with simple differential equation _ Khan Academy.IYFkXWlgC_w.mkv8.0M
[VID]20140924.Newton's Law of Cooling _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.IICR-w1jYcA.mkv 12M
[VID]20140924.Particular solution given initial conditions for population _ Khan Academy.6jqx5uEBs5U.mkv7.4M
[VID]20140925.Euler's method _ Differential equations_ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.q87L9R9v274.mkv 11M
[VID]20140925.Euler's method program code _ First order differential equations _ Khan Academy.SJVhtIGAkKs.mkv 15M
[VID]20140925.Worked example - Euler's method _ Differential equations_ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy._-a-yNubpk8.mkv5.5M
[VID]20141010.Power series of arctan(2x) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.NgYrsqoKXpM.mkv 16M
[VID]20141010.Worked example - power series from cos(x) _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.kXULrUxGzmU.mkv 13M
[VID]20141013.Worked example - Taylor polynomial of derivative function _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.aMIyUsF75Pw.mkv9.0M
[VID]20141013.Worked example - cosine function from power series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.BAFOOQxiwkU.mkv8.0M
[VID]20141014.Interpreting two-way tables _ Data and modeling _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.MarqSlyz-lU.mkv2.2M
[VID]20141014.Pythagorean theorem in 3D _ Geometry _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.1UQ5IbihJNI.mkv8.4M
[VID]20141014.Two-way frequency tables and Venn diagrams _ Data and modeling _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.l5MrtV7ZN88.mkv7.5M
[VID]20141014.Two-way relative frequency tables _ Data and modeling _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy._ETPMszULXc.mkv5.3M
[VID]20141015.How to test solutions to equations using substitution _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.U9OfQd8poTQ.mkv3.9M
[VID]20141015.How to test solutions to inequalities _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.Yh4TXMVq9eg.mkv5.7M
[VID]20141017.L'Hopital's Rule to solve for variable _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.Ot0FxL8Vl7I.mkv5.9M
[VID]20141017.Tricky L'Hopital's Rule problem _ Derivative applications _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.CDf_aE5yg3A.mkv 16M
[VID]20141021.Visually understanding long division.jTbIw2iR8WU.mkv8.4M
[VID]20141022.Arc length as fraction of circumference _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.XFI7GK4Nv-s.mkv3.6M
[VID]20141022.Comparing models to fit data _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.2EwTHdg-xgw.mkv6.8M
[VID]20141022.Modeling with combined functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.2IWhknVzeJM.mkv3.8M
[VID]20141022.Rotating 2D shapes in 3D _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.vdpyWeiHXmU.mkv4.8M
[VID]20141022.Rotation by radians and quadrants _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.fYQ3GRSu4JU.mkv4.0M
[VID]20141022.Statistical significance on bus speeds _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.W3C07uH-b9o.mkv 15M
[VID]20141023.Using trig identity to use u substitution.rElAJA9GyL4.mkv8.9M
[VID]20141023.Worked example - Definite integral by thinking about the function's graph _ Khan Academy.hTTDI49LhjE.mkv3.9M
[VID]20141024.Integral of odd powered trig function with u substitution.xSeYS3V5di8.mkv5.6M
[VID]20141024.Integral of tan x.gflKYcGG6hc.mkv6.5M
[VID]20141024.Reverse chain rule example.7FQWBCeVIJM.mkv9.3M
[VID]20141024.Reverse chain rule introduction.X36GTLhw3Gw.mkv8.5M
[VID]20141024.Trig identities for trig integral.n34jx1FIN8M.mkv6.1M
[VID]20141028.Adjustable rate mortgages ARMs _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.S-mTwg73jCY.mkv 16M
[VID]20141028.Changing scale of the y axis.3V2FPMpypoU.mkv8.6M
[VID]20141028.Hybrid ARM _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.wluZFFkJ2io.mkv8.1M
[VID]20141029.Balloon payment mortgage _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.Qt-CWv6HEII.mkv 10M
[VID]20141030.Titles and deeds in real estate _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ZGIPntpFCOc.mkv 11M
[VID]20141030.Titles insurance _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.ji4ilvfmTEw.mkv 10M
[VID]20141103.Escrow _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.FDJ4D78pcbg.mkv 16M
[VID]20141103.Making an offer on a home _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.JVcbDb3e-6w.mkv 12M
[VID]20141103.Types of escrow in real estate _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.haS083Zbib4.mkv 10M
[VID]20141104.Walter Isaacson - President and CEO of the Aspen Institute.Jd53tcOqndI.mkv135M
[VID]20141108.Algebraic expression adding fractions _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.w7NhLkQynS8.mkv2.9M
[VID]20141108.Algebraic expressions with fraction division _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._BFaxpf35sY.mkv6.5M
[VID]20141118.Factoring algebraic expressions using the distributive property _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.I6TBBzIvgB8.mkv6.8M
[VID]20141119.Balancing another combustion reaction _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.cmi8EnJQA84.mkv5.1M
[VID]20141119.Balancing chemical equations _ Chemical reactions and stoichiometry _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.TUuABq95BBM.mkv5.2M
[VID]20141119.Balancing chemical equation with substitution _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.8KXWJCmshEE.mkv4.7M
[VID]20141119.Balancing more complex chemical equations _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.xqpYeiefZl8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20141119.Visually understanding balancing chemical equations _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.HbIdp5DURJA.mkv4.8M
[VID]20141120.Counting handshakes at a dinner party.i_Cs4eKfec0.mkv4.5M
[VID]20141120.Counting pot and flower scenarios _ Statistics and probability _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.B_vAlneziHo.mkv3.0M
[VID]20141120.Factorial and counting seat arrangements _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Z1zdkcwosD4.mkv 11M
[VID]20141120.Introduction to combinations _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.iKy-d5_erhI.mkv6.4M
[VID]20141120.Permutation formula _ Probability and combinatorics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.DROZVHObeko.mkv8.4M
[VID]20141121.Combination formula _ Probability and combinatorics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.p8vIcmr_Pqo.mkv 14M
[VID]20141121.Handshaking combinations _ Probability and combinatorics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.boH4l1SgJbM.mkv7.6M
[VID]20141121.Possible three letter words _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.VYbqG2NuOo8.mkv5.9M
[VID]20141121.Zero factorial or 0! _ Probability and combinatorics _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.HGoZfzz6dU0.mkv4.9M
[VID]20141124.Empirical, molecular, and structural formulas _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.bmjg7lq4m4o.mkv6.9M
[VID]20141125.Constructing a polynomial that has a certain factor _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.e0lBUViss8E.mkv3.8M
[VID]20141125.Polynomial remainder theorem _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.MwG6QD352yc.mkv8.0M
[VID]20141125.Polynomial remainder theorem example _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.MHtTP6vc4RU.mkv3.5M
[VID]20141125.Polynomial remainder theorem proof _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.NIazpCER9oM.mkv6.9M
[VID]20141125.Polynomial remainder theorem to test factor _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.JAdNNJynWM4.mkv4.7M
[VID]20141126.Binomial distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.WWv0RUxDfbs.mkv 15M
[VID]20141126.Free throw binomial probability distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.eL965_Lscb8.mkv 10M
[VID]20141126.Generalizing k scores in n attempts _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.efE8xuvUjAo.mkv4.4M
[VID]20141126.Graphing basketball binomial distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.y2G03Lumhe0.mkv5.2M
[VID]20141126.Probability of making 2 shots in 6 attempts _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Ctytn4a6zjw.mkv 11M
[VID]20141126.Visualizing a binomial distribution _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.NF0lrkqXIkQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20141201.Sal Khan on the importance of support from our users.f3YoxZKd130.mkv8.1M
[VID]20141202.Average height of a building's floor _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.5GOhM3jq9Fc.mkv5.5M
[VID]20141202.Blueberries for friends _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.QXNg_u5Tv8Q.mkv5.6M
[VID]20141202.How many cars can fit in the parking lot _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.6QZCj4O9sk0.mkv2.4M
[VID]20141202.Liters of soda for the party _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.iqpDFKIREBo.mkv2.5M
[VID]20141202.Negative numbers and number line examples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.qW-Ce44ll0Q.mkv3.3M
[VID]20141202.Unknowns with multiplication and division _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.TqAtt3g6Tkc.mkv6.0M
[VID]20141205.Angular momentum _ Moments, torque, and angular momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.nFSMu3bxXVA.mkv 12M
[VID]20141205.Constant angular momentum when no net torque _ Physics _ Khan Academy.CbeCE1HoGfA.mkv8.6M
[VID]20141210.Alleles and genes.P0nMnPPdW_k.mkv9.7M
[VID]20141210.DNA _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.AmOO4j0E408.mkv 18M
[VID]20141210.DNA replication and RNA transcription and translation _ Khan Academy.6gUY5NoX1Lk.mkv 19M
[VID]20141210.Triboelectric effect and charge _ Physics _ Khan Academy.IDQYakHRAG8.mkv 15M
[VID]20141211.Coulomb's Law _ Electrostatics _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.2GQTfpDE9DQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20141218.Using Khan Academy.hopq0lq-qu4.mkv6.3M
[VID]20141222.Ionization energy trends _ Periodic table _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.5CBs36jtZxY.mkv 16M
[VID]20141225.Subtracting two digit numbers without regrouping _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.slIX9EDcHgE.mkv2.8M
[VID]20141225.Subtracting with regrouping (borrowing) _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.egjDLFX9VHg.mkv5.8M
[VID]20141230.Addition with regrouping _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.8mcTsyV56jI.mkv4.9M
[VID]20141230.Visual understanding of regrouping.AxwkJtvVaZk.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150104.Introduction to Mortgage Loans _ Housing _ Finance & Capital Markets _ Khan Academy.y-1Gh4ewklY.mkv 27M
[VID]20150105.Introduction to line plots _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.AtiOjlyOQf4.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150126.Equation for parabola from focus and directrix _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.okXVhDMuGFg.mkv9.9M
[VID]20150126.Focus and directrix introduction _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.pe8Dm_FUpdU.mkv4.3M
[VID]20150127.Finding focus and directrix from vertex _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.w56Vuf9tHfA.mkv 15M
[VID]20150127.Idea behind hypothesis testing _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.dpGmVV0-4jc.mkv9.6M
[VID]20150129.Negative symbol as opposite _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.3-aryZYsoxU.mkv5.5M
[VID]20150129.Number opposites practice _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.vRa6XxykfbY.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150129.Opposite of a number _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.2Zk6u7Uk5ow.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150130.Deflate gate _ Gases and kinetic molecular theory _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.G2JdRB3bdFM.mkv 11M
[VID]20150202.Comparing negatives with variables _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.kQkeayQke8A.mkv5.5M
[VID]20150202.Ordering rational numbers _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.i1i2_9wg6N8.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150203.Comparing absolute values on number line _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.29P6bar7nHc.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150203.Interpreting absolute value _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.faUh3bAxomM.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150203.Sorting absolute values on number line _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.MFoXK57sw9k.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150203.Values to make absolute value inequality true _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.fii9QEVJPas.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150204.Frequency tables and dot plots _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.gdE46YSedvE.mkv8.8M
[VID]20150204.How to create a histogram _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.gSEYtAjuZ-Y.mkv9.3M
[VID]20150204.How to interpret a histogram _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.c02vjunQsJM.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150204.Statistical questions _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.OjzfQDFf7Uk.mkv 13M
[VID]20150205.How to find a missing value given the mean _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.qpbaglogObM.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150205.Median and range puzzle _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.0cHCpgQD_8k.mkv 12M
[VID]20150209.Mean absolute deviation _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.GdIkEngwGNU.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150209.Mean absolute deviation example _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.DPuK6ZgBGmE.mkv 11M
[VID]20150212.Interpreting box plots _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.oBREri10ZHk.mkv 11M
[VID]20150212.Thinking about shapes of distributions _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.2oJldeE4JcU.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150213.Experimental probability _ Statistics and probability _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.RdehfQJ8i_0.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150217.Comparing theoretical to experimental probabilites _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.tXlcE_K_C-Y.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150217.Intuitive sense of probabilities _ Statistics and probability _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.KFgvOQtH0Z0.mkv9.9M
[VID]20150217.Making predictions with probability _ Statistics and probability _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.8bK-xfh8-rY.mkv7.6M
[VID]20150219.Constructing probability model from observations _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.BIpsQIJUCC8.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150226.Compound sample spaces _ Statistics and probability _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.PR-A3UAO7_0.mkv 10M
[VID]20150227.Probability from compound sample space _ Statistics and probability _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.6zWPgvEMVlE.mkv6.7M
[VID]20150302.Chain rule proof _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.FKraGDm2fUY.mkv7.6M
[VID]20150302.If function u is continuous at x, then _u_0 as _x_0 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.l6T4RhlgkG0.mkv9.0M
[VID]20150302.Proof - Differentiability implies continuity _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.eytyVWA5ZQs.mkv 11M
[VID]20150303.Conditional & absolute convergence _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.ORTI4kk1okM.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150303.Infinite series as limit of partial sums _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.bh1UrCGWz1k.mkv6.9M
[VID]20150303.Partial sums intro _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.k9MEOgcc5KY.mkv6.5M
[VID]20150304.Area models to visualize division using place value _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.FKJjqEdfB9Y.mkv9.2M
[VID]20150304.Division using understanding of place value _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.xUjRwepN7dk.mkv9.2M
[VID]20150304.How to find the area of a triangle on a grid _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.ukPjc3Oyad4.mkv8.1M
[VID]20150304.Introduction to trigonometric substitution.EV5dhv0A2wU.mkv 11M
[VID]20150304.More ways to think about multiplying _ Multiplication and division _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.NWJinKmWzx8.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150304.Translating expressions with parentheses _ Algebric thinking _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.ypxHVqE26gI.mkv 15M
[VID]20150305.Ellipse focus intuition exercise _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.cJnNMT-F-BI.mkv 11M
[VID]20150305.Factoring and completing square of higher degree expressions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.67YpFYOmmQo.mkv 14M
[VID]20150305.Graphing piecewise function _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.PQiXRrT_14o.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150305.Modeling mosquitos with quadratics _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.fW1u-OFbA1M.mkv 16M
[VID]20150305.Piecewise function formula from graph _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.tedzsRH0Jas.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150305.Product rule proof _ Taking derivatives _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.L5ErlC0COxI.mkv 11M
[VID]20150305.Restricting domain of function to make invertible.c6ACItS5Byc.mkv 10M
[VID]20150305.Rewriting an exponential expression in a hairier way _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.vSijVSL3ChU.mkv 12M
[VID]20150305.Simplifying an exponential expression _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Y6wNiYcuCoE.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150305.Understanding function inverses example _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.KPeS2gdizhQ.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150305.Understanding inverse functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.KzaPBzFFLRM.mkv7.3M
[VID]20150305.Writing expressions with exponents.wmw91D-0gVA.mkv8.8M
[VID]20150306.Analyzing polynomial manipulations _ Polynomial and rational functions _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.-6qiO49Q180.mkv9.8M
[VID]20150306.Another example using compass and straightedge for tangent line _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.g_dStt4st2I.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150306.Constructing a tangent line using compass and straightedge _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.n5cKWjZqpIE.mkv9.0M
[VID]20150306.Geometric precision practice _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.iDQ1foxYf0o.mkv 11M
[VID]20150306.Line and angle proofs exercise _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.uYXhga17q1g.mkv 11M
[VID]20150306.Showing angles have same measure _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.2SOK_IrpHeQ.mkv7.9M
[VID]20150306.Ways to cut a cube _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.aSokFEpoJFM.mkv 13M
[VID]20150307.Describing subsets of sample spaces exercise _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.0uHhk7P9SNo.mkv8.9M
[VID]20150307.Figuring out vector initial point _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.AXG1OEbqV3Q.mkv9.6M
[VID]20150307.Vector components from initial and terminal points _ Vectors _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.-0qEDcZZS9E.mkv8.2M
[VID]20150309.Liter intuition _ Measurement and geometry _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.mLRYCaYVWFc.mkv6.3M
[VID]20150324.Semiconductor introduction.60Qz051rD_w.mkv 24M
[VID]20150416.Cheryl's birthday _ Puzzles _ Math for fun and glory _ Khan Academy.S5LEdJfCsHM.mkv 17M
[VID]20150421.Introduction to intercepts _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.LNSB0N6esPU.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150421.Introduction to slope _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.MeU-KzdCBps.mkv 10M
[VID]20150421.Subtracting in scientific notation _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.ios3QL9t9LQ.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150422.Point-slope and slope-intercept form from two points _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.LtpXvUCrgrM.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150422.Slope-intercept form _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.IL3UCuXrUzE.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150422.Standard form for linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.6CFE60iP2Ug.mkv9.8M
[VID]20150428.Dimensions of a cube from its volume _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.GpOxsRF1Cjc.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150428.How to approximate square roots _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.Lh7NMBPFVZw.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150428.How to classify numbers _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.-QHff5pRdM8.mkv 11M
[VID]20150428.Introduction to cube roots _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.87_qIofPwhg.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150428.Introduction to square roots _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.mbc3_e5lWw0.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150428.Square root of decimal (example) _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.tRHLEWSUjrQ.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150429.Comparing irrational numbers involving radicals _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.KibTbfkoPTs.mkv6.6M
[VID]20150501.Interview with Emily Abrash.ZmUiwCWVhpA.mkv 20M
[VID]20150501.Interview with Karina Murtagh.-2K-vDHc53Q.mkv 12M
[VID]20150501.Interview with Murrayl Berner.DwdPr27P5YY.mkv 20M
[VID]20150501.Interview with Nick Louie.TY0fkXOD3qU.mkv 21M
[VID]20150501.Interview with Tom Pryor.Wu-dbmnwudk.mkv 26M
[VID]20150502.Interview with David Hu.kCWDf4jRKS8.mkv 36M
[VID]20150504.Interphase _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.VXLSTd_dlKg.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150504.Interview with Ben Eater.MAtQe5zpNsw.mkv 34M
[VID]20150504.Interview with Dylan Vassallo.x7HPG3nqv7U.mkv 17M
[VID]20150504.Mitosis _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.TKGcfbyFXsw.mkv 15M
[VID]20150505.Chromosomal crossover in Meiosis I.04gQ0bQu6xk.mkv 14M
[VID]20150505.Comparing mitosis and meiosis _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.IQJ4DBkCnco.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150505.Interview with Chris Klaiber.ZK5xa3M9EHo.mkv 26M
[VID]20150505.Interview with Emily Eisenberg.UVbjMIRZW3A.mkv 20M
[VID]20150505.Interview with James Tynan.kK8tB7UHJa4.mkv 23M
[VID]20150505.Interview with Yin Lu.5gbHbUVxoyM.mkv 28M
[VID]20150505.Phases of meiosis II _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.mMCcBsSAlF4.mkv 16M
[VID]20150505.Phases of meiosis I _ Cells _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.XGWL9jfPHJ8.mkv 12M
[VID]20150507.Adding mixed numbers introduction _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.pxX07gUbIQQ.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150507.Interview with Alex Lopatin.HqnARLhv-hM.mkv 31M
[VID]20150507.Subtracting mixed numbers introduction _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.zm3TXDZrifU.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150511.Interview with Colin Fuller.EDKaRM7jyKA.mkv 20M
[VID]20150511.Interview with Natalie Rothfels.3Gcwxb1WTNg.mkv 20M
[VID]20150512.1940 - Axis gains momentum in World War II _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.Toss6Hzf5n0.mkv 12M
[VID]20150512.Beginning of World War II _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.-kKCjwNvNkQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20150513.1941 Axis momentum accelerates in WW2 _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.X3bqQI7-sCg.mkv 17M
[VID]20150513.1942 Tide turning in World War II in Europe _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.FqGLqdk9Sr0.mkv9.9M
[VID]20150513.World War II in the Pacific in 1942 _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.CBHfoQsF2Y4.mkv 14M
[VID]20150515.1943 Axis losing in Europe _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.x9g82IA-IEU.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150515.American progress in the Pacific in 1944 _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.-6XBnjFrWBg.mkv 16M
[VID]20150518.1944 - Allies advance further in Europe _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.0UgQ0B_0hAg.mkv 13M
[VID]20150518.1945 - End of World War II _ The 20th century _ World history _ Khan Academy.U6RFAUmYU5o.mkv 18M
[VID]20150519.Intro to comparing fractions with different denominators _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.zRjLZROI7wc.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150526.3 Letter symmetry.0mWq45973ok.mkv2.3M
[VID]20150526.4 Solving for an angle.-qP2831i9Rc.mkv1.6M
[VID]20150526.5 Equations that match constraints.-ScrE9jd4Do.mkv1.9M
[VID]20150526.5 Triangle angle measure.0boZOi9-U-k.mkv1.5M
[VID]20150526.6 Area of small circles.1-AaLq7VS0s.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150526.11 Computing with set members.1hihcoJPzz0.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150526.14 Running distance ratio.1Y39f7MAL5I.mkv1.9M
[VID]20150526.15 Possible values for expression.0Z63Mv8hGnU.mkv5.5M
[VID]20150526.15 Sums of terms in a sequence.-MYh3s__qlA.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150526.19 Function truth.-dADFDGte6g.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150526.Constructing a box and whisker plot _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.09Cx7xuIXig.mkv 12M
[VID]20150526.Constructing quadrilateral based on symmetry _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.-nufZ41Kg5c.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150526.Constructing square inscribed in circle _ Geometric constructions _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.-gWtl6mdpeY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150526.Curly arrow conventions in organic chemistry.-z2yk8yxv08.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150526.Dependent and independent variables exercise - graphing the equation _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.0eWm-LY23W0.mkv1.2M
[VID]20150526.Evaluating expressions with and without parentheses _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-rxUip6Ulnw.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150526.Example - Amplitude and period transformations _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.0zCcFSO8ouE.mkv 15M
[VID]20150526.How to convert hours to minutes and minutes to seconds _ Khan Academy.-r7JwuSdj5M.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150526.How to match function input to output given the graph (example) _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.0Rmmynff5Yc.mkv1.2M
[VID]20150526.Inverse of a 2x2 matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.01c12NaUQDw.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150526.Life in traffic question 5.-dVl4WRZs-0.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150526.Liters of soda for the party.0ebp800ws0o.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150526.Missing value addition and subtraction problems with negative numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.-4bTgmmWI9k.mkv8.5M
[VID]20150526.Overview of Official SAT Practice _ Tips & Planning _ New SAT _ Khan Academy.QvLS9pP65sA.mkv 13M
[VID]20150526.Percentage of a whole number _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-lUEWEEpmIo.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150526.Preaching to the choir questions 5-9.-zLGiG9cILU.mkv 16M
[VID]20150526.Properties of numbers 2 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.-RT52vs9tBI.mkv1.8M
[VID]20150526.Reflecting line across another line example _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.0VARkb_n-Bs.mkv1.5M
[VID]20150526.Ulam Spiral Fun.-974C_VeIL8.mkv 24M
[VID]20150526.Ways to represent data _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.0ZKtsUkrgFQ.mkv9.8M
[VID]20150526.What is capital _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.-epr8lPIZYE.mkv 12M
[VID]20150527.How to determine the domain of algebraic functions (examples) _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.n17q8CBiMtQ.mkv8.2M
[VID]20150527.What is the domain of a function _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.-DTMakGDZAw.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150528.How to determine the domain of a modeling function _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AiW7syKXfJM.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150528.How to evaluate a piecewise function (example) _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.hg2HR9zJFq4.mkv6.0M
[VID]20150601.Adding 5 + 3 + 6 _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.Utm875JRi-o.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150601.Adding and subtracting on number line word problems _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.EQrCdEF3vNE.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150601.Adding by getting to group of 10 first _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.DzJvR56Suss.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150601.Adding hundreds, tens, and ones _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.SCBp0d6zR2I.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150601.Adding to 10 _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.9FC0WT186aY.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150601.Adding two-digit numbers without regrouping _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.K5rmfHlHy20.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150601.Addition and subtraction within 10 _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.kpEJwpemL2Q.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150601.Addition using groups of 10 intro _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.Q35CH9B3tvc.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150601.Addition word problems within 10 _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.-3DFzxbP9Fk.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150601.Comparing lengths _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.o-D-8B_5ibU.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150601.Comparing numbers of objects _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.__nkbr6DeTg.mkv2.4M
[VID]20150601.Comparison word problems _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.osIFa9zcI-w.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150601.Compose shapes _ Geometry _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.K3GV13uokbk.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150601.Count by category _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.UA975j_qsTQ.mkv864K
[VID]20150601.Counting American coins _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.pJ8KwRztfF0.mkv8.8M
[VID]20150601.Counting dogs, mice, and cookies _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.EUqhLxFccbM.mkv2.3M
[VID]20150601.Counting in order _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.PEeUTQ0Gri8.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150601.Counting in pictures _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.leDYnoNSvD4.mkv1.6M
[VID]20150601.Counting whales, sheep, and flowers _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.I9S5CvSqb5A.mkv1.4M
[VID]20150601.Equal parts of circles and rectangles _ Geometry _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.YwNX9uWszQY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150601.Equal sign _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.gEGKvx1wlFg.mkv6.0M
[VID]20150601.Estimating lengths _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.0B91xPrwcPE.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150601.Exercising gorillas _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.SfgD7Sm08ns.mkv7.1M
[VID]20150601.Fence posts for horses _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.1dZsuE0vxEI.mkv5.0M
[VID]20150601.Filling rectangles with squares _ Geometry _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.Z0B1IyDeNLI.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150601.Getting to 10 by filling boxes _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.An46SYAxhtc.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150601.Halves and fourths _ Geometry _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.0lSTXtwPuOU.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150601.Introduction to addition _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.fsTD_jqseBA.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150601.Introduction to subtraction _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.AO9bHbUdg-M.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150601.Length word problems _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.Ei5mgFtUGns.mkv 11M
[VID]20150601.Making 5 _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.A-ykhY_IoaU.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150601.Making line plots _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.HN6FNS7lRhw.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150601.Measuring lengths 2 _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.muC7HMIEYDU.mkv8.9M
[VID]20150601.Measuring lengths with different units _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy._irJM-um6HE.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150601.Missing numbers between 0 and 120 _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.1AqkBdCBm9o.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150601.More word problems _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.jDIj0CUjGvM.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150601.Order by length _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.SQmyTmO8OKw.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150601.Reading bar graph examples _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.OmLl6pkvV-I.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150601.Recognizing shapes _ Geometry _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.10dTx1Zy_4w.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150601.Repeated addition example _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.j5c6pqAP2IA.mkv5.0M
[VID]20150601.Sea monsters and superheroes _ Addition and subtraction within 20 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.fGok2nHOjnI.mkv6.7M
[VID]20150601.Skip counting by 5 example _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.UwWn84u6i8s.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150601.Solving problems with bar graphs 2 _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.JCdbCdwqXbc.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150601.Starfish rulers _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.QYOieJuzDr4.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150601.Subtracting ten or one hundred _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.4BNIGTHUTTM.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150601.Telling time exercise example 1 _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.NjJFJ7ge_qk.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150601.Telling time exercise example 2 _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.ftndEjAg6qs.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150601.Understanding place value when adding ones _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.7_QPAdHILzw.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150601.Understanding place value when subtracting tens _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.bNNrlzel4Gw.mkv3.0M
[VID]20150601.Understanding place value while adding tens _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.Dy5uDkOoMNc.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150601.Understanding place value while subtracting ones _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.FWEqB0J6mgA.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150601.Using crayons _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.ZJ39gHgz_Dk.mkv6.4M
[VID]20150602.Adding ten or one hundred _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.wwO6DjL_wFw.mkv6.5M
[VID]20150602.Comparing small numbers on the number line _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.tJrSILRXOUc.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150602.Counting by tens examples _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.rfZokAnD7QM.mkv2.4M
[VID]20150602.Counting dollars _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.s6NOa1KTCxQ.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150602.Counting with small numbers _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.y2-uaPiyoxc.mkv1.0M
[VID]20150602.Fewer word problems _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.qyvwN-2PoXA.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150602.Losing tennis balls _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.rm3NjcSmFFo.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150602.Picture graphs _ Measurement and data _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.w49ddHSDGUA.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150602.Relating addition and subtraction _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.zVLjWIftX_o.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150602.Skip counting by 100 example _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.ruAXk6RnkG8.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150602.Snow on Friday _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.wyWy4PouQxQ.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150602.Spots on a die _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.pvyqucC-0NU.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150602.Subtracting hundreds, tens, and ones _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.ycBxbgjQns4.mkv4.3M
[VID]20150602.Subtraction word problems within 10 _ Basic addition and subtraction _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.qSkpZswoZTc.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150602.Subtract tens exercise _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.wZtNRT_-p7E.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150608.How to find the domain and range of a piecewise function _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.4n7TIvRHuDs.mkv3.0M
[VID]20150608.How to find the domain and range of a piecewise function _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.rpI-X9Gn5a4.mkv8.9M
[VID]20150608.Introduction to decimals _ Decimals _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.BItpeFXC4vA.mkv6.4M
[VID]20150609.Format changes to the new SAT _ Tips & Planning _ New SAT _ Khan Academy.qYD5iwhLzm8.mkv 12M
[VID]20150609.How to find the average rate of change of a modeling function from a table _ Khan Academy.FBWGRbHf7rU.mkv5.1M
[VID]20150609.How to match the features of a modeling function to their real-world meaning _ Khan Academy.VtBRkjRua0I.mkv6.4M
[VID]20150609.Interpreting linear functions — Harder example _ Math _ New SAT _ Khan Academy.AqzpkyiL4s4.mkv7.6M
[VID]20150609.Introduction to increasing, decreasing, positive or negative intervals _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.KxOp3s9ottg.mkv6.6M
[VID]20150610.How to estimate the average rate of change of a modeling function from a graph _ Khan Academy.-6EqUILZ1yw.mkv 15M
[VID]20150610.How to represent the average rate of change of a modeling function as an expression _ Khan Academy.wmQdFLdxLYc.mkv9.9M
[VID]20150615.Determining rates with fractions _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.2DBBKArGfus.mkv6.9M
[VID]20150615.Introduction to proportional relationships _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.qYjiVWwefto.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150617.Adding vectors _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.8QihetGj3pg.mkv8.6M
[VID]20150617.Multiplying a vector by a scalar _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.ZN7YaSbY3-w.mkv6.5M
[VID]20150617.Real coordinate spaces _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.lCsjJbZHhHU.mkv7.8M
[VID]20150617.Unit vector notation _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.9ylUcCOTH8Y.mkv8.2M
[VID]20150617.Vector intro for linear algebra _ Vectors and spaces _ Linear Algebra _ Khan Academy.br7tS1t2SFE.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150618.Chain rule example using visual function definitions _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.Zr72qWNMk7E.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150618.Chain rule example using visual information _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.eJxSDYO82c4.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150618.Inferring limit from numerical data _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.XIsPC-f2e2c.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150618.Limit by factoring cubic expression _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.rU222pVq520.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150618.Squeeze theorem exercise example _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.2XQH-J5KeHI.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150618.Two-sided limit from graph _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.rccqylTloMs.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150619.Constructing a scatter plot _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.sHbX58y5D4U.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150619.Constructing scatter plot exercise example _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.aT2UN7y1rhc.mkv2.3M
[VID]20150619.People smoking less over time scatter plot _ Regression _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.F5uiFXECnVY.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150619.Reasonable samples _ Statistical studies _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.aKAw-DyZa6g.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150619.Studying, shoe size, and test scores scatter plots _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.Jpbm5YgciqI.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150623.Equations of proportional relationships _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.qcz1Cm_-l50.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150623.How to determine the domain of a modeling function _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.d1O54EQ1DSE.mkv 12M
[VID]20150623.How to visually identify proportional relationships using graphs _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.C7CY4l99S7M.mkv8.4M
[VID]20150623.Intervals and interval notation _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.UJQkqV2zGv0.mkv 11M
[VID]20150623.Proportion word problem (example 2) _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.s8_14yxp1lQ.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150624.Francisco Franco and the Spanish Civil War.TYke_R9_ar8.mkv 16M
[VID]20150625.Interpreting graphs of proportional relationships (examples) _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.muZmOiiukQE.mkv 10M
[VID]20150625.What is the range of a function _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.96uHMcHWD2E.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150629.Dividing decimals completely _ Arithmetic operations _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.7JPIX3odZrY.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150629.Figuring out coordinate of bended figure using trig _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.GZ1ogxruLJM.mkv 13M
[VID]20150629.Long division with decimals _ Arithmetic operations _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.x48CYVaD0xE.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150630.Chemical reactions introduction _ Chemistry of life _ Biology _ Khan Academy.TStjgUmL1RQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20150630.Overview of the Bolshevik Revolution.VJuBX1p0Gys.mkv 16M
[VID]20150701.Evaporative cooling _ Water, acids, and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy._eEONOJHnEs.mkv7.1M
[VID]20150701.Heat of vaporization of water and ethanol _ Biology _ Khan Academy.bVHuI_QpYIM.mkv 11M
[VID]20150701.Hydrogen bonding in water _ Water, acids, and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.6G1evL7ELwE.mkv8.0M
[VID]20150701.Liquid water denser than solid water (ice) _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Y3ATc9he254.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150701.Specific heat of water _ Water, acids, and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.h-31O7CaF2o.mkv 15M
[VID]20150701.Water as a solvent _ Water, acids, and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.lCvBp73ZJ-A.mkv 11M
[VID]20150702.Autoionization of water _ Water, acids, and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.NUyYlRxMtcs.mkv 12M
[VID]20150702.Capillary action and why we see a meniscus _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.eQXGpturk3A.mkv 11M
[VID]20150702.Surface tension _ States of matter and intermolecular forces _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy._RTF0DAHBBM.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150703.Arrhenius definition of acids and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Y4HzGldIAss.mkv 10M
[VID]20150703.Bronsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.XVOU9c3crbc.mkv 10M
[VID]20150703.Definition of pH _ Water, acids, and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.J7-GewgqWUQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20150703.Introduction to buffers _ Water, acids, and bases _ Biology _ Khan Academy.gjKmQ501sAg.mkv7.3M
[VID]20150706.Carbon as a building block of life _ Properties of carbon _ Biology _ Khan Academy.JgYlogdtJDo.mkv 12M
[VID]20150707.Functional groups.zlpURhgEGDk.mkv 15M
[VID]20150707.Hydrocarbon overview _ Properties of carbon _ Biology _ Khan Academy.oPqq3Ex6viM.mkv8.5M
[VID]20150707.Isomers _ Properties of carbon _ Biology _ Khan Academy.z8M4EciPpYI.mkv8.8M
[VID]20150707.Silicon-based life _ Properties of carbon _ Biology _ Khan Academy.FbP9nUrtKto.mkv 14M
[VID]20150707.Silicon based life.wNOxlmgU9jk.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150709.Functional groups _ Properties of carbon _ Biology _ Khan Academy.iuaYuCreEPk.mkv 13M
[VID]20150710.Dehydration synthesis or a condensation reaction _ Biology _ Khan Academy.FEAXI5XeJ4M.mkv 13M
[VID]20150710.Molecular structure of glucose.m5oQzyO51q0.mkv 14M
[VID]20150710.Molecular structure of glucose _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.-Aj5BTnz-v0.mkv 12M
[VID]20150713.Converting an explicit formula of a geometric sequence to a recursive formula _ Khan Academy.Iq7a2vEsT-o.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150713.Die rolling probability _ Probability and combinatorics _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.O4Qnsubo2tg.mkv6.2M
[VID]20150713.Example - Amplitude and period _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.SBqnRja4CW4.mkv9.4M
[VID]20150713.Example - Amplitude and period cosine transformations _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.uBVhtGL9y88.mkv 13M
[VID]20150713.Example - Calculator to evaluate inverse trig function _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.4M62l7m1FJ4.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150713.Example - Converting degrees to radians _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.O3jvUZ8wvZs.mkv7.8M
[VID]20150713.Example - Converting radians to degrees _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.z0-1gBy1ykE.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150713.Example - Figure out the trig function _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.TGgOCc5hoHA.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150713.Example - Graph, domain, and range of sine function _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.sjUhr0HkLUg.mkv 10M
[VID]20150713.Example - Graph of cosine _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.SdHwokUU8xI.mkv7.4M
[VID]20150713.Example - Intersection of sine and cosine _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.fp9DZYmiSC4.mkv 17M
[VID]20150713.Example - Radian measure and arc length _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.axGgnXyuiTg.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150713.Example - Trig to solve the sides and angles of a right triangle _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.l5VbdqRjTXc.mkv8.5M
[VID]20150713.Example - Using soh cah toa _ Basic trigonometry _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.I3jyBUyjg48.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150713.Example - Using trig to solve for missing information _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.rufFQZDDXCE.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150713.Finding the determinant of a 2x2 matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.OU9sWHk_dlw.mkv1.2M
[VID]20150713.Finding the determinant of a 3x3 matrix method 1 _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.v4MenooI1J0.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150713.Finding the determinant of a 3x3 matrix method 2 _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.u00I3MCrspU.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150713.Hydrolysis _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.SOQyiM6V3RQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20150713.Inverting 3x3 part 1 - Calculating matrix of minors and cofactor matrix _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.xZBbfLLfVV4.mkv9.2M
[VID]20150713.Inverting 3x3 part 2 - Determinant and adjugate of a matrix _ Matrices _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.ArcrdMkEmKo.mkv8.0M
[VID]20150713.Molecular structure of fructose _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.662koqcIXSk.mkv 12M
[VID]20150713.Secant (sec), cosecant (csc) and cotangent (cot) example _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.Q7htxHDN8LE.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150714.Constructing an exponential equation example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.IlFD0LzAZeo.mkv 11M
[VID]20150714.Estimating a solution to nonlinear system with calculator _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.mXsn-YYUN4Y.mkv 10M
[VID]20150714.Estimating a solution to nonlinear system with calculator part 2 _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.wUb7tWgv49U.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150714.Factoring quadratics as (x+a)(x+b) (example 2) _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.1kfq0aR3ASs.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150714.Finding a piecewise function definition from graph _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.IJWDyPFXGyM.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150714.Lipid overview _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Ezp8F7XJHWE.mkv 15M
[VID]20150714.Matching expressions to define intervals of functions example _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.iQk1M3-WvZM.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150714.Molecular structure of triglycerides (fats) _ Biology _ Khan Academy.OpyTJbzA7Fk.mkv 14M
[VID]20150714.Saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and trans fats _ Biology _ Khan Academy.O9lL2KStW9s.mkv 13M
[VID]20150715.Molecular structure of DNA _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.L677-Fl0joY.mkv 19M
[VID]20150715.Parabola intuition example 1 _ Conic sections _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.Qv2pgv8ea-k.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150716.Angle measurement and circle arcs _ Angles and intersecting lines _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.D-EIh7NJvtQ.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150716.Another congruence by transformation example _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.EDlZAyhWxhk.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150716.Another example of rigid transformations for congruence _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.vO1Ur38PGCY.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150716.Antiparallel structure of DNA strands _ Biology _ Khan Academy.0CQ5ls3Uc2Q.mkv 15M
[VID]20150716.Comparing side lengths after dilation _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.2yjSAarzWF8.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150716.Constructing a shape by reflecting over 2 lines _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ANnuQZyEKVo.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150716.Constructing circle inscribing triangle _ Geometric constructions _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.lmm767eIsGU.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150716.Constructing circumscribing circle _ Geometric constructions _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.eSjbEWb4Qp4.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150716.Constructing equilateral triangle inscribed in circle _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.gWMTTP58_J0.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150716.Constructing regular hexagon inscribed in circle _ Geometric constructions _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Yu4eqwGFJK8.mkv6.5M
[VID]20150716.Defining rotation example _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.UFRAHIvCtzg.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150716.Determining a translation between points _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.nV8taxEW8-0.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150716.Determining the line of reflection _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.BaYuvxbrCds.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150716.Dilating from an arbitrary point example _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.j5xis6Hlnds.mkv3.0M
[VID]20150716.Dilating one line onto another _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.jq6WFvMikBQ.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150716.Drawing image of translation _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.g_ijRF_NMLk.mkv2.2M
[VID]20150716.Drawing line of reflection _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.KuSQHz9vAD8.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150716.Drawing line segments example _ Introduction to Euclidean geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.DkZnevdbf0A.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150716.Example of rigid transformation and congruence _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.3aDV3L8aZtY.mkv7.1M
[VID]20150716.Finding surface area - nets of polyhedra _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.m1ZTnl4CNQg.mkv5.0M
[VID]20150716.Formal translation tool example _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.BrYEuO7fwMw.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150716.How many people can a blimp carry _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.YbNVUhW-HJM.mkv7.4M
[VID]20150716.Introduction to transformations _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.XiAoUDfrar0.mkv8.5M
[VID]20150716.Molecular structure of RNA _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.jUUJSOM1ihU.mkv 17M
[VID]20150716.Nets of polyhedra _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ZACf9EecFrY.mkv7.4M
[VID]20150716.Parallel and perpendicular lines intro _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.V0xounKGEXs.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150716.Peptide bond formation _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.nv2kfBFkv4s.mkv9.6M
[VID]20150716.Points after rotation _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.6nUMiJfHLSA.mkv 11M
[VID]20150716.Points on line of reflection _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.63mWxNXQQAk.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150716.Possible transformations example _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy._eAWDuLYVfg.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150716.Quadrilateral similarity by showing congruent angles _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.W-itq-SYw0I.mkv9.1M
[VID]20150716.Reflecting segments over line _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.kj3ZfOQGKdE.mkv9.8M
[VID]20150716.Rotating about arbitrary point _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.uuDQkhx6TAI.mkv 21M
[VID]20150716.Rotating polygons 180 degrees about their center _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.P35LyN9g0oI.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150716.Rotating segment about origin example _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.sQfsql8BPy0.mkv1.6M
[VID]20150716.Scaling down a triangle by half _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.qlWZJ21O63s.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150716.Slice a rectangular pyramid _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.hoa1RBk4dTo.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150716.Testing congruence by transformations example _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Tn9U8hLu9aI.mkv1.6M
[VID]20150716.Testing similarity through transformations _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.6p1lweGactg.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150716.Thinking about dilations _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.6dyWKD_JPhI.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150716.Translation example _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.oxSzkIftog8.mkv1.9M
[VID]20150716.Using reflection tool _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.RLyXTj2j_c4.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150716.Using rotation widget _ Transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.UKM8BnpZr94.mkv2.3M
[VID]20150716.Volume of a cone _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.hC6zx9WAiC4.mkv6.0M
[VID]20150716.Which minions can the wizard reach _ Analytic geometry _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.gS6s3MGZlRc.mkv6.4M
[VID]20150717.Introduction to amino acids _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Pk4d9lY48GI.mkv 13M
[VID]20150717.Overview of protein structure _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.MODnIkQvyz0.mkv 14M
[VID]20150720.Tertiary structure of proteins _ Macromolecules _ Biology _ Khan Academy.7udSVZ7bDb8.mkv 11M
[VID]20150721.Cell theory _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.zk3vlhz1b6k.mkv 13M
[VID]20150721.Scale of cells _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.xKJ3txXIuQk.mkv 12M
[VID]20150722.Cell size _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.6xx5v3PKZZM.mkv 17M
[VID]20150722.Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells _ Biology _ Khan Academy.xTnNv7YplSo.mkv 11M
[VID]20150723.Endomembrane system _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.vC-cEWJxDRY.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150723.Intuition behind formula for thermal conductivity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.hDP6egLrsdM.mkv7.9M
[VID]20150723.The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.xQ9D4Jz95-A.mkv 14M
[VID]20150723.Thermal conduction, convection, and radiation _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.8GQvMt-ow4w.mkv 14M
[VID]20150723.Thermal conduction _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.PA-T6lMxCBI.mkv9.6M
[VID]20150723.Thermal conductivity of metal and wood _ Thermodynamics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.6f553BGaufI.mkv 12M
[VID]20150727.Mitochondria _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.i1dAnpSFbyI.mkv 18M
[VID]20150727.The cytoskeleton _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.4BAGI6LbHeo.mkv 12M
[VID]20150728.Extracellular matrix _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.cMNx17H3dRU.mkv 11M
[VID]20150728.Introduction to physics _ One-dimensional motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.uIojjqSm0m4.mkv 17M
[VID]20150729.Overview of animal and plant cells _ Biology _ Khan Academy.24YMQ9GvLss.mkv 14M
[VID]20150729.Plant cell walls _ Structure of a cell _ Biology _ Khan Academy.zdvKhaQxvag.mkv 13M
[VID]20150730.Concentration gradients _ Membranes and transport _ Biology _ Khan Academy.CNP-dCQ-Cmg.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150730.Diffusion _ Membranes and transport _ Biology _ Khan Academy.a_Y9wBQ610o.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150730.Fluid mosaic model of cell membranes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.cP8iQu57dQo.mkv 13M
[VID]20150730.Hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solutions (tonicity) _ Khan Academy.afWnU10ZNfg.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150730.Osmosis _ Membranes and transport _ Biology _ Khan Academy.rCNlG_j_gSM.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150731.Endocytosis, phagocytosis, and pinocytosis _ Biology _ Khan Academy.QspmZf_yWyU.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150731.Facilitated diffusion _ Membranes and transport _ Biology _ Khan Academy.8HlVy__J8XA.mkv 10M
[VID]20150731.Passive transport and selective permeability _ Biology _ Khan Academy.jQN07Hvq6WI.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150801.Sodium potassium pump _ Membranes and transport _ Biology _ Khan Academy.vh166DKxYiM.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150802.Electrochemical gradients and secondary active transport _ Khan Academy.wbWL2wfvsM8.mkv7.4M
[VID]20150803.Exocytosis _ Membranes and transport _ Biology _ Khan Academy.VOzV4d0HKis.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150803.Uniporters, symporters and antiporters _ Biology _ Khan Academy.-aGYytZ7K7M.mkv 11M
[VID]20150804.Comparing dot plots, histograms, and box plots _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.s_w3EJ2Jzw0.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150804.Dependent and independent variables exercise - express the graph as an equation _ Khan Academy.3ACF7L-7Vsg.mkv2.2M
[VID]20150804.Dependent and independent variables exercise - the basics _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.i9j_VUMq5yg.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150804.Equivalent expressions with distribution and negative numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.Xtcylk5r0g8.mkv5.1M
[VID]20150804.Equivalent forms of expressions _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.S9pTSmXmXH8.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150804.Evaluating an algebraic expression in a word problem _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.I9eLKDbc8og.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150804.Examples analyzing clusters, gaps, peaks and outliers for distributions _ 6h grade _ Khan Academy.4PXkzcK-b4Y.mkv8.9M
[VID]20150804.Examples of simplifying expressions involving rational numbers _7th grade _ Khan Academy.rtNuo7R3scY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150804.Figuring out missing algebraic step _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.RXgj09NXNWo.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150804.Figuring out units from formula _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ALaBkdJYXqs.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150804.Finding the best deal on pesticides _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.HEiO1n_zMLk.mkv7.0M
[VID]20150804.How to solve two-step equations with decimals and fractions _ 7th grade _ Khan academy.BOIA9wsM4ok.mkv8.1M
[VID]20150804.Impact on median and mean when increasing highest value _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.K1y6Tz_E7oA.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150804.Impact on median and mean when removing lowest value example _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.-2OOBEBq9-4.mkv8.0M
[VID]20150804.Khan Academy Talent Search 2015 Winners.pJ3Z04Vwf2Y.mkv 11M
[VID]20150804.Manipulating formula example _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.oa1SEjP9KAQ.mkv4.9M
[VID]20150804.Mileage assumption example _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.LyIZEnGYCI8.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150804.Multi-step unit conversion word problem _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.F0LLR7bs7Qo.mkv6.7M
[VID]20150804.Number of solutions to linear equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.qsL_5Y8uWPU.mkv6.2M
[VID]20150804.Number of solutions to linear equations ex 2 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.uQs100shv-A.mkv1.4M
[VID]20150804.Number of solutions to linear equations ex 3 _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Dq0xFgQB9qo.mkv1.6M
[VID]20150804.Thinking about reasonable units to describe a rate _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.d5lcGCbV5cM.mkv 11M
[VID]20150804.Understanding steps when solving equations _ Linear equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.LzYJVsvqS50.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150804.Unit conversion word problem - roadtrip _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xpzt0wqMT6Y.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150804.Writing algebraic expressions example 3 _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.zaGUlwslGGg.mkv697K
[VID]20150804.Writing algebraic expressions word problem _ Introduction to algebra _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.IEKU6tubTEw.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150804.Writing algebraic expressions word problem example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.o_Vt7J08PE4.mkv1.4M
[VID]20150805.Mistakes in solving equations _ expressions, equations, and inequalities _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.6q8mk7z72AU.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150806.Checking ordered pair solutions to equations example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.qk69pR91R00.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150806.Checking ordered pair solutions to equations example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.d3VMo1VWFvc.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150806.Constructing linear functions example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.W7H-VcaSSu8.mkv 14M
[VID]20150806.Constructing linear functions example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.5c9N_1PEfHw.mkv 15M
[VID]20150806.Converting from slope-intercept to standard form _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XOIhNVeLfWs.mkv5.5M
[VID]20150806.Example 5 - Adding polynomials with two variables _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.jroamh6SIo0.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150806.Graphing linear functions example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AAmVITyDXbc.mkv9.2M
[VID]20150806.Graphing linear functions example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.zSVrr8K_CiI.mkv5.0M
[VID]20150806.Graphing solutions to two-variable linear equations example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.EHR-YDwrrhM.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150806.How to create a function from an equation (example) _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.OOim0QPsJ9o.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150806.How to determine the domain of a modeling function (example with a function) _ Khan Academy.2DnQEaNTd08.mkv3.0M
[VID]20150806.How to find two function inputs with the same output given graph (example) _ Khan Academy.qSktOkaW6EA.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150806.How to interpret an expression with function notation _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.HERb3x0aw6c.mkv5.1M
[VID]20150806.How to match function input to output given the formula (example) _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.tJBQZ3PUkPo.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150806.Interpreting linear formulas example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.deKCm28TkRo.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150806.Interpreting linear formulas example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AY8ldIEi3fU.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150806.Introduction to rates _ Ratios, rates, and percentages _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.qGTYSAeLTOE.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150806.Intuitive understanding of slope example _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.6_9xNMtwnfs.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150806.Linear models example 1 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.W3flX500w5g.mkv 21M
[VID]20150806.Linear models example 2 _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Rq56-OJR964.mkv7.9M
[VID]20150806.Positive and negative slope _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.EQoNfxToez0.mkv7.4M
[VID]20150806.Two-variable linear equations and their graphs _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.AOxMJRtoR2A.mkv 10M
[VID]20150807.Determining mistakes in steps example _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.jtPvDycHVQw.mkv2.4M
[VID]20150807.Graphing a parabola with a table of values _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.nh3_IGxHA5A.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150807.How to interpret an expression with function notation _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.94Gnto5G1PU.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150807.Order of steps exercise example _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.naVFTNWVlQU.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150807.Practice computing and comparing rates _ Ratios, rates, and percentages _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.jOZ98FDyl2E.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150807.Shifting and scaling parabolas _ Quadratic equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.99v51U3HSCU.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150810.Absolute value word problems _ Negative numbers and absolute value _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Ig7RSc-93Bs.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150810.Adding and subtracting negative numbers _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.NQSN00zL5gg.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150810.Adding fractions with unlike denominators - units of 10 _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.YZD5ifHZILE.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150810.Basic example of rewriting a fraction as a decimal _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.XHLgY7Z3cb8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150810.Comparing decimals - ordering from least to greatest _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.JJawhaMqaXg.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150810.Comparing decimals - ordering from smallest to biggest _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.BINElq3DFkg.mkv1.6M
[VID]20150810.Comparing fractions with like numerators and denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.wbAxarp_Ug4.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150810.Decimals - writing it out as a number _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.5DlzmolR8Cg.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150810.Dividing a whole number by a decimal _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.cfr-yZxTH8Y.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150810.Example of subtracting fractions with unlike denominators _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.N21Wh4Jqftc.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150810.Finding a percentage _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.FaDtge_vkbg.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150810.Finding factors and multiples _ Factors and multiples _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.5xe-6GPR_qQ.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150810.Introduction to metabolism - anabolism and catabolism _ Khan Academy.KwNe9x0eChs.mkv 17M
[VID]20150810.Rewriting fraction as a decimal to the hundredths place _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.E3OfSGjpDoI.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150810.Subtracting decimals - example 1 _ Decimals _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.o31cLUkS23E.mkv936K
[VID]20150811.Comparing areas and perimeters of rectangles _ Measurement _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.nLY2bzRfQyo.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150811.Comparing place values _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.dZPOCU10TqY.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150811.Constructing numerical expressions _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.arY-EUZDNfk.mkv1.5M
[VID]20150811.Counting 1 exercise _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.V758Lz_MuEg.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150811.Creating a bar chart _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.woUQ9LLaees.mkv1.2M
[VID]20150811.Distributive property exercise examples _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.xC-fQ0KEzsM.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150811.Exponents and powers of zero patterns _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.pYaIjA4CsKo.mkv7.8M
[VID]20150811.First Law of Thermodynamics introduction _ Biology _ Khan Academy.vny1qUaToHw.mkv 15M
[VID]20150811.Inequality word problem - one variable _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.aINeMQH77jg.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150811.Inequality word problems _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.3HD-Ak_a6VE.mkv5.0M
[VID]20150811.Introduction to energy _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.qzvatDIDXwo.mkv 17M
[VID]20150811.Introduction to entropy _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Svvr5uF_FZ8.mkv 11M
[VID]20150811.Math patterns example 1 _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.KSrnZMAfwTM.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150811.Math patterns example 2 _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.mFftY8Y_pyY.mkv7.1M
[VID]20150811.Number patterns - Seeing relationships _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.ayRpoJgph0E.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150811.Number patterns - interpreting and graphing relationships _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.Muba9-W2FOQ.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150811.Number patterns - interpreting relationships _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.HXg_a9oJ5nA.mkv7.6M
[VID]20150811.Number properties terminology 1 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.vOVPusp5-tg.mkv3.0M
[VID]20150811.Orders of magnitude exercise example 1 _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.cK1egPBjJXE.mkv2.3M
[VID]20150811.Orders of magnitude exercise example 2 _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.DaoJmvqU3FI.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150811.Place value relationships example _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.PvSx8oJ7PrM.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150811.Properties of numbers 1 _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.62NoiGwZmd4.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150811.Reading bar charts - basic example _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.9YjXGLWMvCM.mkv1.3M
[VID]20150811.Reading bar charts - comparing two sets of data _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.gnyHsgTFXIY.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150811.Reading bar charts - putting it together with central tendency _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.DGZNaKnbQo0.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150811.Reading stem and leaf plots _ Applying mathematical reasoning _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.PXKHyT__B2k.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150811.Representing numbers _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.RXuipbyW2Wk.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150811.Second Law of Thermodynamics _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Vc8mmZTrNtI.mkv 13M
[VID]20150811.Second Law of Thermodynamics and entropy _ Biology _ Khan Academy.axG9HuqViDY.mkv 13M
[VID]20150811.Solving ratio problems with graph _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.dmcVzFbXMCU.mkv1.9M
[VID]20150811.Solving ratio problems with tables example 1 _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.MaMk6-f3T9k.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150811.Solving ratio problems with tables example 2 _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.kfySynqWWos.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150811.Understanding division of fractions _ Fractions _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.f3ySpxX9oeM.mkv6.3M
[VID]20150811.Understanding place value 1 exercise _ Arithmetic properties _ Pre-Algebra _ Khan Academy.jyKMEANFNi0.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150812.Gibbs free energy and spontaneous reactions _ Biology _ Khan Academy.CHHu-iTwHjg.mkv 13M
[VID]20150812.Why heat increases entropy _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.cKAF1v5hJoE.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150813.ATP hydrolysis mechanism _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.-KE7jTXwNYs.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150813.Endergonic, exergonic, exothermic, and endothermic reactions _ Khan Academy.J2L-X2sUigs.mkv 16M
[VID]20150813.Reaction coupling to create glucose 6 phosphate _ Biology _ Khan Academy.L8ifD4I1o38.mkv9.3M
[VID]20150814.Comparing with multiplication - Ron and Hermione strength _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.9CZfG3r5JBE.mkv1.3M
[VID]20150814.Comparing with multiplication - basic exercises _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.OCwLwaAQlMA.mkv2.4M
[VID]20150814.Dividing numbers - intro to remainders _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.BIGX05Mp5nw.mkv2.6M
[VID]20150814.Division word problem example 1 _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.Z3qRkxzmYnU.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150814.Enzymes _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.A90HKrgUOg0.mkv 13M
[VID]20150814.Intro to multiplication _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.RNxwasijbAo.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150814.More on the concept of multiplication _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.vfMx9-rJXuo.mkv7.0M
[VID]20150814.Multiplication, division word problems - how many field goals _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.anlOhNHlqwg.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150814.Multiplication, division word problems - how many pieces of pizzas _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.cTveNRjWQYo.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150814.Multiplication, division word problems - pedaling how fast _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.l7h8A6SX5kY.mkv2.3M
[VID]20150814.Multiplication as groups of objects _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.cDpBtkU2cf8.mkv7.8M
[VID]20150814.Multiplication word problem example 1 _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.fZtUn_THXnk.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150814.Multiplying - 2 digits times 1 digit (with carrying) _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.SfxULALs_u8.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150814.Multiplying - 2 digits times 1 digit _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.k68CPfcehTE.mkv1.8M
[VID]20150814.Multiplying - 3 digits times 1 digit (with carrying) _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.TqRReFvbpXA.mkv2.2M
[VID]20150814.Multiplying - 3 digits times 1 digit _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.4BtXvopHXI8.mkv1.8M
[VID]20150814.Multiplying - 4 digits times 1 digit (with carrying) _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.twMdew4Zs8Q.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150814.Multiplying by multiples of 10 _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.jb8mFpA1YI8.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150814.Number line 1 _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.ez1MIB8_2O0.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150814.Sal Khan has conversation with MIT Dean of Admissions.-u3xaicPnA0.mkv 23M
[VID]20150814.The idea of division _ Multiplication and division _ Arithmetic _ Khan Academy.QI6x0KNxiCs.mkv 11M
[VID]20150818.Algebraic midpoint of a segment exercise _ Geometry _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.E0TNh9uWesw.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150818.Approximating with powers of 10 _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.Xl724v0CU7E.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150818.Comparing rates _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.kHQCDrWTDv8.mkv2.2M
[VID]20150818.Comparing values with calculator _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.PuRsXST9EZU.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150818.Interpreting a trend line _ Data and modeling _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.mfX_yUvwJho.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150818.Linear equation using segment _ Geometry _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.YFqeMzfcyg4.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150818.Multiplying multiples of powers of 10 _ Numbers and operations _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.tV8cMNYi4q4.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150818.Representing and comparing rates _ Linear equations and functions _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.F6rtQczAYco.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150818.Smoking in 1945 _ Data and modeling _ 8th grade _ Khan Academy.d4WE4SnhBDU.mkv6.7M
[VID]20150818.Video games and violence _ Statistical studies _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.ahyWUV7AwKw.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150819.Enzyme cofactors and coenzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.jYR0RlMft8Y.mkv 15M
[VID]20150821.Converting recursive & explicit forms of arithmetic sequences _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.GA_yxxeFYBU.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150821.Evaluating sequences in recursive form _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Kjli0Gunkds.mkv 12M
[VID]20150821.Explicit & recursive formulas for geometric sequences _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.8a1a5A3CfdQ.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150821.Recursive formulas for arithmetic sequences _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ViLt2WI0XSg.mkv6.7M
[VID]20150825.Steps of glycolysis _ Cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy.ArmlWtDnuys.mkv 16M
[VID]20150826.Alcohol or ethanol fermentation _ Cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy.D6mRPgvAEOc.mkv8.4M
[VID]20150826.Lactic acid fermentation _ Cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy.lfeXuK8pbFw.mkv 16M
[VID]20150827.Overview of cellular respiration _ Cellular respiration _ Biology _ Khan Academy.9zoS5WGsmpc.mkv 19M
[VID]20150827.Pixar in a Box _ Welcome to Pixar in a Box _ Khan Academy.3Iu1Z0h1i1Y.mkv 16M
[VID]20150828.Oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport chain _ Khan Academy.J30zpvbmw7s.mkv 20M
[VID]20150901.Competitive inhibition _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.O23i38B2EmA.mkv8.0M
[VID]20150901.Noncompetitive inhibition _ Energy and enzymes _ Biology _ Khan Academy.4xOsAuj0QZg.mkv8.8M
[VID]20150901.Sequences word problems _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.yYGf7xn7TyM.mkv7.8M
[VID]20150901.Systems of equations with graphing - exact & approximate solutions _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.o4pbAQgJYjI.mkv9.2M
[VID]20150902.Worked example - equivalent systems of equations _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.XstL_x4ucm4.mkv 11M
[VID]20150902.Worked example - non-equivalent systems of equations _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.PSDQdwL1T0M.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150903.Constraining solutions to two variable linear inequalities.a5YZ7-JRSUE.mkv5.5M
[VID]20150903.Graphs of systems of inequalities word problem _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.C_7Tqk9fw4k.mkv8.1M
[VID]20150903.Graphs of two-variable inequalities word problem _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.DhiiGFuUE9I.mkv 11M
[VID]20150903.Interpreting two-variable inequalities word problem _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.TTYDbGXgcCk.mkv9.6M
[VID]20150903.Number of solutions to a system of equations algebraically _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ogEddosP1G8.mkv 11M
[VID]20150903.Solving systems of inequalities word problem _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ZTKAn9YNbNY.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150903.Solving two-variable inequalities word problem _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ysdY1iX_XCs.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150903.System of equations word problem - infinite solutions _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.njb6xYF0GZ0.mkv 10M
[VID]20150903.System of equations word problem - no solution _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.SRn3WhhS6vs.mkv 10M
[VID]20150903.System of equations word problem - walk & ride _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Q0tTfe2lKIc.mkv 14M
[VID]20150903.Visually completing solutions of systems of two variables.BGyrSuW3GCg.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150903.Writing systems of inequalities word problem _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.jRnkxSfwIpU.mkv8.4M
[VID]20150903.Writing two-variable inequalities word problem _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.MHgi8ZQCG0I.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150904.Adding fractions with unlike denominators.bcCLKACsYJ0.mkv7.0M
[VID]20150904.Area of parallelogram on coordinate plane.xTcwnhyPN5E.mkv4.3M
[VID]20150904.Area of parallelograms intuition _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.hm17lVaor0Q.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150904.Area of triangles intuition _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.rRTXKQpblEc.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150904.Coordinates of rectangle example.s2wmcnZi6kE.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150904.Dimensions of rectangle from coordinates example.fEpINE1fjgc.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150904.Drawing polygons exercise example.yZw8z5BIwuQ.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150904.Finding coordinates of missing vertex example.WkiPVButdeg.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150904.Finding surface area using net.mtMNvnm71Z0.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150904.Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.2DPivVFCdqA.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150904.Surface area of a box.1iSBNSYhvIU.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150904.Surface area of a box using nets.vl1uMOYFyf4.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150905.Adding and subtracting multiple fractions with unlike denominators.HSf9O1Domms.mkv6.0M
[VID]20150905.Solving for the missing fraction.OPpmp-kAuE4.mkv6.4M
[VID]20150906.Visually adding fractions with unlike denominators.fvtv2uYjo_E.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150907.Adding mixed numbers with regrouping.I01O0r8b-po.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150907.Subtracting mixed numbers with regrouping.r3M68V9Joac.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150907.Visually subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.poGjjX_VNbM.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150908.Coordinates for triangle example.-oP8_U1To34.mkv1.4M
[VID]20150908.Example finding area with fractional sides.C3RPDVGZdFw.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150908.Intuition for area with fractional side lengths.UmSe4rh__iU.mkv 11M
[VID]20150908.Multiplying fractions by whole numbers on the number line.QDvKqUc7Mj4.mkv2.2M
[VID]20150908.Visually understanding multiplying fractions and whole numbers.XHZOfk6xC-0.mkv 14M
[VID]20150910.Increasing political battles over slavery in mid 1800s _ US History _ Khan Academy.09YsW2U-7kw.mkv 21M
[VID]20150910.Slavery and Missouri Compromise in early 1800s _ US History _ Khan Academy.d9hQk2Mmpcw.mkv 19M
[VID]20150911.Absolute value as distance between numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.t4xOkpP8FgE.mkv6.7M
[VID]20150911.Adding negative numbers on number line examples _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.3CKpidALDEg.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150911.Another example constructing box plot _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.oajrmwCALmc.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150911.Area of a shaded region _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.gbGghzo7yEM.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150911.Banana proportionality _ Rated and proportional relationships _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.bJb4n19sFrs.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150911.Basic linear equation word problem _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.roHvNNFXr4k.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150911.Box and whisker plot exercise example _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.m6xURMj2ztk.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150911.Categorizing geometric shapes - practice examples _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.PiQxA9O7Rd8.mkv3.4M
[VID]20150911.Categorizing triangles _ Geometry _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.NRS2ZJVVzOI.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150911.Circumference of a circle _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.Rcb7ZUTOQ1I.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150911.Comparing decimals example 1 _ Decimals _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.EX9CdUAMpgE.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150911.Comparing decimals visually example _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.ftEVCrKfIVM.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150911.Comparing distributions with dot plots (example problem) _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.KXDOOmquZag.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150911.Comparing fractions on a number line _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.7vWzd-ZV6-Q.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150911.Comparing fractions visually with a bar _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.ory05j2jgBM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20150911.Comparing fractions visually with pies _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.uCtXyhepAmQ.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150911.Comparing numbers represented in different ways _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.YM4lE4q0fSk.mkv 16M
[VID]20150911.Comparing with multiplication - ages and heights _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.UKYjhM_c_7s.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150911.Comparing with multiplication - money and distance _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.ZS157czfx4E.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150911.Conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions and whole numbers _ Khan Academy.XaJQse2u5TQ.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150911.Construct a right isosceles triangle _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.lohMwoq3WFA.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150911.Construct a triangle with constraints _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.E78ji1uBtSA.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150911.Constructing angles _ Geometry _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.QmfoIvgIVlE.mkv3.3M
[VID]20150911.Coordinate plane - graphing points word problem _ Geometry _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy._QKR8I5VE-w.mkv3.0M
[VID]20150911.Coordinate plane - have all the points been graphed _ Negative numbers _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.b9H22F0Qbgw.mkv1.4M
[VID]20150911.Count outcomes using tree diagram _ Statistics and probability _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.Zxvc6iPKdec.mkv5.1M
[VID]20150911.Currency conversion word problem _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.XcRX-mkjeiM.mkv1.1M
[VID]20150911.Decimal intuition with grids (examples) _ Decimals _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.s9PvbFG2yJA.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150911.Decimals as words _ Decimals _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.qSPwUDmpnJ4.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150911.Decompose hundredths on number line _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.k4bqucu56Ig.mkv2.0M
[VID]20150911.Decomposing hundredths into tenths and hundredths _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.kAm9x3uWF9I.mkv7.0M
[VID]20150911.Dividing by two digits example 1 _ Arithmetic operations _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.uCBm8iDyg1s.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150911.Dividing decimals with hundredths _ Arithmetic operations _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.Hrjr5f5pZ84.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150911.Dividing numbers - intro to long division _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.KFzcwWTEDDI.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150911.Dividing numbers - long division example _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.HY-8ydAbiik.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150911.Drawing acute, right and obtuse angles _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.4ZyTVTGVPgE.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150911.Equivalent expressions with negative numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.fa__960kzVE.mkv6.5M
[VID]20150911.Equivalent fractions and different wholes _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.8VjhtS3KlOY.mkv 12M
[VID]20150911.Finding area by breaking up the shape _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.loAA3TCNAvU.mkv6.0M
[VID]20150911.Finding area by rearranging parts _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.MamrTJ7V_Vg.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150911.Finding initial temperature from temperature changes _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.t4jDcc8IIBM.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150911.Finding reasonable unit of measurement example _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.OuaBg3Hjqoc.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150911.Find measure of angles in a word problem _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.3u9Ux29MSXE.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150911.Find measure of vertical angles _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.TOobWKx1xe0.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150911.Find the volume of a ring _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.ViFLPsLTO1k.mkv4.3M
[VID]20150911.Find the volume of rectangles inside rectangles _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.AxHAQ5l45FE.mkv9.0M
[VID]20150911.Fraction-decimal intuition problems (examples) _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.NfU7cmajLAY.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150911.Fractions as division by power of 10 _ Place value and decimals _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.LohXZt7QzCM.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150911.How to convert feet to inches _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.zsI4g5XSlbw.mkv1.1M
[VID]20150911.How to convert gallons to quarts, quarts to pints, pints to cups, and cups to ounces _ Khan Academy.9UVgO8zS474.mkv2.9M
[VID]20150911.How to convert kilograms to milligrams and tons to ounces _ Khan Academy.1oFv56vSvvA.mkv5.7M
[VID]20150911.How to convert kilometers to meters and meters centimeters _ Khan Academy.9iulv2QvKwo.mkv3.3M
[VID]20150911.How to describe real-world situations with inequalities _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.h8kt1knmmrM.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150911.How to evaluate expressions in two variables with decimals and fractions _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.GmD7Czmol0k.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150911.How to evaluate expressions with two variables _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.S_OX3ByvBSc.mkv1.9M
[VID]20150911.How to find equivalent expressions by combining like terms and using the distributive property.rHNY01R2VSQ.mkv2.3M
[VID]20150911.How to find mistakes in one step equations _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.xKhU3iMKRiw.mkv4.5M
[VID]20150911.How to find the area of a strange quadrilateral on a grid _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.gkifo46--JA.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150911.How to make a scale drawing _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.f-gCYOCFMYc.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150911.How to read a line plot that uses fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.4smVBLi3DxU.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150911.How to solve one-step equations with fractions and decimals _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.XD-FDGdWnR8.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150911.How to solve one-step multiplication and division equations with fractions and decimals.a3acutLstF8.mkv8.3M
[VID]20150911.How to use the distributive property to factor out the greatest common factor _ Khan Academy.t7OkENcBrxs.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150911.How to use the distributive property with variables _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.Jp25LHI9wII.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150911.How to write algebraic expressions from word problems _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.C_KffdI34ZU.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150911.How to write basic algebraic expressions from word problems _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.lq-2gX3NKCM.mkv3.2M
[VID]20150911.How to write basic expressions with variables _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.640-86yn2wM.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150911.How to write one-step equations for word problems _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.2REbsY4-S70.mkv8.5M
[VID]20150911.Identify the angle example _ Geometry _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.2mzuFKCuDg4.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150911.Impact of a radius change on the area of a circle _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.GB9Rqsah2gs.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150911.Integer equations to describe diagram _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.Ddvw2wEBfpc.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150911.Interpreting absolute value as distance _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.K759mIqpvOU.mkv 15M
[VID]20150911.Interpreting a scale drawing _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.byjmR7JBXKc.mkv6.3M
[VID]20150911.Interpreting integer expressions _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.ahib7LGDysQ.mkv2.8M
[VID]20150911.Interpreting negative number statements _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.ioH0PUdUW3M.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150911.Intro to equivalent fractions _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.N1X0vf5PUz4.mkv5.0M
[VID]20150911.Justification for _a - b_ = _b - a_ _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.rCGHUXSd15s.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150911.Metric system - units of distance _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.I3kQJvR7ZIg.mkv 10M
[VID]20150911.Metric system - units of volume _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.LhMEqsL_M5o.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150911.Metric system - units of weight _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.TD1zuENbEdk.mkv5.1M
[VID]20150911.More missing value addition and subtraction problems with negative numbers _ Khan Academy.KNGa11O2uLE.mkv8.7M
[VID]20150911.More on equivalent fractions _ Fractions _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.yZqVJtDO7gc.mkv5.4M
[VID]20150911.Movie ticket proportionality _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.-YYTUTrxl28.mkv2.2M
[VID]20150911.Multiplying - 2 digit numbers _ Multiplication and division _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.DaQlieZH1kk.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150911.Multiplying fractions - visualizing _ Fractions _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.hr_mTd-oJ-M.mkv5.1M
[VID]20150911.Multiplying fractions and whole numbers - two approaches _ Fractions _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.HiNrFT280_Y.mkv3.5M
[VID]20150911.Multiplying two fractions - number line approach _ Fractions _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.lJdb4_Fuxvw.mkv4.9M
[VID]20150911.Naming angles exercise example _ Geometry _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.6vRgqB0PSXE.mkv1.3M
[VID]20150911.Number patterns - visualizing sequence relationships _ Algebric thinking _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.mqsIJucBn6c.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150911.Order of operations examples - exponents _ Arithmetic operations _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy._jiI0AV8Vr4.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150911.Parallelogram on the coordinate plane _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.8ToCxaB7EOE.mkv6.6M
[VID]20150911.Place value for decimals greater than one (examples) _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.-BYomxn8Rss.mkv7.3M
[VID]20150911.Plotting decimal numbers on a number line (examples) _ Khan Academy.gWqYXa7r_V0.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150911.Powers of 10 - patterns _ Place value and decimals _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.YJdCw2fK-Og.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150911.Proportionality between side length and perimeter _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.9nH3A4riVxs.mkv3.3M
[VID]20150911.Quadrilateral on the coordinate plane _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.zxy4KAiSPIc.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150911.Quadrilaterals - classifying shapes _ Geometry _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.1pHhMX0_4Bw.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150911.Rate problem using fractions _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.d8vvVjfTbYY.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150911.Recognizing angles _ Geometry _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.B0R3MJOrST0.mkv3.0M
[VID]20150911.Redistributing trail mix _ Measurement and data _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.DtWovvMnPrk.mkv 12M
[VID]20150911.Rewriting a fraction to decimal example 2 _ Fractions _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.iYVi_YVOyvs.mkv6.6M
[VID]20150911.Solve a scale drawing word problem _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.EgOyJJxuuP8.mkv8.2M
[VID]20150911.Solving for an angle _ Geometry _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.M7NVKImDqGg.mkv1.9M
[VID]20150911.Substitution with negative numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.XkRD9lv_y44.mkv9.2M
[VID]20150911.Subtracting decimals - example 2 _ Arithmetic operations _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.MufbvU4tGh8.mkv1.8M
[VID]20150911.Subtracting decimals example 2 _ Arithmetic operations _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.lDXaju6JoQ0.mkv2.1M
[VID]20150911.Testing whether area is proportional to side length _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.Hzz5p0qlObs.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150911.The zeroth power _ Arithmetic operations _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.TWv6f7rwjF4.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150911.Thinking about the changing values of variables and expressions _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.UvDcEvDC4vg.mkv6.5M
[VID]20150911.Time word problem - When to leave to get home on time _ Khan Academy.kul2ZmVIQZk.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150911.Triangles - categorization by angle or equal sides _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.D5lZ3thuEeA.mkv6.6M
[VID]20150911.U.S. customary units - distance _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.M9bisHkXbKc.mkv7.7M
[VID]20150911.U.S. customary units - fluid volume _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.eqKnx5Yk508.mkv8.5M
[VID]20150911.U.S. customary units - weight _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.Dj1rbIP8PHM.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150911.Understanding fractions as division _ Fractions _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.c-_yrA-GUow.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150911.Understanding variables representing integers on number line _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.wRBPzExOH2A.mkv 13M
[VID]20150911.Using fractions as division to create mixed numbers _ Fractions _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.g8yk6zQDAek.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150911.Visually converting from tenths to hundredths _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.zEd67cLFnuQ.mkv8.0M
[VID]20150911.Volume in unit cubes by decomposing shape _ Measurement and data _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.gm87omItizk.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150911.Volume of a rectangular prism - fractional cubes _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.tVDslyeLefU.mkv4.9M
[VID]20150911.Volume of a rectangular prism - fractional dimensions _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.EJTPGyWqhqc.mkv5.6M
[VID]20150911.Volume of a rectangular prism - word problem _ Geometry _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.CCysGY2cXUo.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150911.Volume through decomposition _ Measurement and data _ 5th grade _ Khan Academy.feNWZEln6Nc.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150911.What are terms, factors, and coefficients in algebraic expressions _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.9_VCk9tWT0Y.mkv8.1M
[VID]20150911.Whole number and fraction multiplication concept _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.ZlhrXO1-osA.mkv3.8M
[VID]20150911.Word problem - making change _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy._YXF7WDpWpg.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150914.Arithmetic properties with negative numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.hmtJV49AWio.mkv9.7M
[VID]20150914.Breakthrough Junior Challenge.DoQkjWPpgyU.mkv7.5M
[VID]20150914.Exponents with negative bases _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.vEZea0EThus.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150914.Expressions with rational numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.a_Wi-6SRBTc.mkv7.4M
[VID]20150914.Interpreting multiplicationa and division of negative numbers _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.mPLCXCscqI8.mkv9.4M
[VID]20150914.Making sense of hairy fractions _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.K2b8iMPY11I.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150914.Multiplying and dividing even and odd numbers of negatives _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.XHHYA2Ug9lk.mkv9.0M
[VID]20150914.Negative signs in numerators and denominators _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.9eSPhvhuInw.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150914.Thinking about the sign of expressions _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.Pms4cBWwPSU.mkv 18M
[VID]20150915.Beginning of the Civil War.ULN_6DXynCg.mkv 12M
[VID]20150915.Mathematical closure.BXg3cAbmDjM.mkv6.6M
[VID]20150917.Amy Jarich Interview.Jqd76-epuNo.mkv 29M
[VID]20150917.Finding an error in polynomial subtraction _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ZBDiMLAQU-8.mkv4.8M
[VID]20150917.Polynomial subtraction _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.xgoqcc2-RS4.mkv3.3M
[VID]20150918.Arithmetic word problems with volume _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.lf4BBZK1Vzs.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150918.Average height of a building's floor _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.xeoVPSBP9WI.mkv1.0M
[VID]20150918.Clarification - Comparing fractions of different wholes _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.xRzZuhWSlb8.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150918.Comparing fractions of different wholes _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.OgTpVth-aUk.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150918.Creating picture and bar graphs 2 exercise examples _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.DvV0e5F98NQ.mkv7.0M
[VID]20150918.Equivalent fraction models _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.G4VxHxwi6DY.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150918.Equivalent fractions with visuals _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.oGAVi4xb7Sg.mkv9.9M
[VID]20150918.Examples relating multiplication to division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.qcMJ1pN36r4.mkv3.6M
[VID]20150918.How many truffle eating guests attended a party _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.XAW9d3XU3qI.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150918.Introduction to even and odd numbers _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.SFRTTUtAjg4.mkv9.6M
[VID]20150918.Introduction to types of quadrilaterals _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.H-ykHosJW9c.mkv9.5M
[VID]20150918.Intuition for grams _ Measurement and geometry _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.zqduFg0s5Q4.mkv 15M
[VID]20150918.Marbles for friends _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.lhLVC1QB_kQ.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150918.Marking data on line plots _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.Oc1XmBVyXMk.mkv9.1M
[VID]20150918.Mass problems _ Measurement and geometry _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.4HnyNMhkBs0.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150918.Missing number for addition and subtraction within 1000 _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.5ZMHdtGySvI.mkv3.9M
[VID]20150918.More solving problems with bar graphs _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.R48KimqkYTA.mkv6.3M
[VID]20150918.Multiplying binomials - area model _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.oOTFGdjhqqM.mkv7.1M
[VID]20150918.Multiplying binomials by polynomials - area model _ Algebra II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.C9m5VEEyno8.mkv 13M
[VID]20150918.Multiplying binomials by polynomials challenge _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ieC5LgoGJVg.mkv6.1M
[VID]20150918.Multiplying binomials with distributive property.TuMV-Zb6A9s.mkv2.5M
[VID]20150918.Multiplying monomials by polynomials - area model _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.bkZYILrmFRU.mkv1.7M
[VID]20150918.Multiplying monomials by polynomials challenge _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.NADPP4wlo1Q.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150918.Multiplying monomials challenge _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.mzULbezO6iA.mkv4.2M
[VID]20150918.Order doesn't matter when purely multiplying _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.VXrn5HOQmHQ.mkv8.6M
[VID]20150918.Patterns in multiplication tables practice _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.CIoPn6BnLNM.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150918.Practice finding patterns in numbers _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.l-6uEtTBH7g.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150918.Properties and patterns for multiplication _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.um2nlNVM_YM.mkv 10M
[VID]20150918.Running distance in a week _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.HL1wuw_k984.mkv5.2M
[VID]20150918.Solving problems with pictographs 2 _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.IjcLW7Y7Ndk.mkv6.5M
[VID]20150918.Subtracting polynomials - two variables challenge _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.G9C7uz3XOh0.mkv4.6M
[VID]20150918.Telling time problems with number line _ Fractions _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.DA2w8lRelIc.mkv 10M
[VID]20150918.Total seats in a theater _ Multiplication and division _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.Wu1KO07WPkk.mkv4.4M
[VID]20150921.Breakthrough Junior Challenge - Sal and Priscilla.qCVTAyjZ24w.mkv4.7M
[VID]20150922.Intro to factors & divisibility _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.SjN3_xCJamA.mkv6.8M
[VID]20150922.Multiplying binomials intro _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Xy8NKUoyy98.mkv5.9M
[VID]20150922.Special products of the form (x+a)(x-a) _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.JfuisfEdnjk.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150922.Squaring binomials of the form (x+a)² _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.xH_GllPuymc.mkv6.2M
[VID]20150923.Factoring binomials - common factor _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.iTn3TTF0IXk.mkv5.8M
[VID]20150923.Factoring polynomials - common binomial factor _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.tDlzWNtRzS8.mkv3.1M
[VID]20150923.Monomial factorization _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy._MCPV8CQzf8.mkv4.0M
[VID]20150923.Worked example - finding missing monomial side in area model _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.UYh7Sj_yR8c.mkv2.7M
[VID]20150923.Worked example - finding the missing monomial factor _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.kkrF9X6Fycg.mkv3.7M
[VID]20150924.Start of the Civil War _ The Civil War era (1844-1877) _ US History _ Khan Academy.Dl0RRDiG6O8.mkv 23M
[VID]20150924.Strategy of the Civil War _ The Civil War era (1844-1877) _ US History _ Khan Academy.L87VpmRLAPg.mkv 19M
[VID]20150929.Early phases of Civil War and Antietam _ US History _ Khan Academy.01crUV4VSkk.mkv 12M
[VID]20150929.Emancipation Proclamation _ The Civil War era (1844-1877) _ US History _ Khan Academy.fYXqj_UPsXg.mkv 15M
[VID]20150929.Factoring difference of squares - analyzing factorization _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.TK-U1p9O6Nc.mkv4.1M
[VID]20150929.Factoring difference of squares - missing values _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.IRmv-Z--3LA.mkv 11M
[VID]20150929.Factoring difference of squares - shared factors _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.xYQR2LNZLeU.mkv5.3M
[VID]20150929.Factoring polynomials - common factor area model _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.tYknkDjp-bQ.mkv7.2M
[VID]20150929.Factoring quadratics as (x+a)(x+b) _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.D3a8NnpQ2vU.mkv7.0M
[VID]20151005.Factoring perfect squares - common factor _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.BFW2lHobO4E.mkv4.1M
[VID]20151005.Factoring perfect squares - missing values _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.oIslHyWJHEY.mkv3.5M
[VID]20151005.Factoring perfect squares - shared factors _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.6jZZ6EeE-j0.mkv5.8M
[VID]20151005.Identifying perfect square form _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.4STGvuoBi5U.mkv5.4M
[VID]20151005.Plans for biology.o9NZu-lIQHM.mkv5.5M
[VID]20151007.Flux and magnetic flux.m1PPujngqAw.mkv 13M
[VID]20151008.Faraday's Law Introduction _ Physics _ Khan Academy.vcStzn55MG0.mkv6.3M
[VID]20151009.Lenz's Law _ Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday's law _ Physics _ Khan Academy.xxZenoBs2Pg.mkv6.2M
[VID]20151012.Faraday's Law example _ Physics _ Khan Academy.9q-T8o1HUcw.mkv 15M
[VID]20151019.Emf induced in rod traveling through magnetic field _ Physics _ Khan Academy.rqq11Id_x5E.mkv9.6M
[VID]20151019.Faraday's Law for generating electricity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.mqIkaCXbjCw.mkv8.7M
[VID]20151029.Walk through of STEM content on KA.Gq8_WC7y9iA.mkv 12M
[VID]20151105.Introduction to nouns and verbs.RmFDLCwePAo.mkv7.3M
[VID]20151105.Overview of cell signaling.FQFBygnIONU.mkv9.8M
[VID]20151116.Cell signaling in yeast reproduction.DJfNr8WoXW4.mkv 13M
[VID]20151116.Example of signal transduction pathway.i7z7f-wnews.mkv 15M
[VID]20151123.Light and the luminiferous ether _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.iAPYsOaq-VY.mkv 11M
[VID]20151123.Rutherford’s gold foil experiment _ Electronic structure of atoms _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.bVlwH1kfDeg.mkv 11M
[VID]20151124.Potential ways to detect an ether wind _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.88hs5LcCoX4.mkv 10M
[VID]20151125.Michelson–Morley Experiment introduction _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.3G_Q6AggQF8.mkv 12M
[VID]20151201.Combining like terms with distribution.5WLjj7Z0AP0.mkv2.8M
[VID]20151201.Sal Khan on how you can support Khan Academy.v_htr780t2Y.mkv2.7M
[VID]20151211.Analyzing a resistor circuit with two batteries _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.j-iR7puLj6M.mkv 12M
[VID]20151214.Proof - all circles are similar _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.tcQjJssEMgo.mkv3.1M
[VID]20151215.Finding arc measures _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.GOA9XWEo7QI.mkv 14M
[VID]20151215.Finding arc measures with equations _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.bsDu8VQKwxA.mkv 13M
[VID]20151215.Inscribed angles _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.aNi1-zeEps8.mkv1.9M
[VID]20151215.Intro to arc measure _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy._H4jllna_ec.mkv6.9M
[VID]20151216.Inscribed shapes - angle subtended by diameter _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.pCLGpRaJfJ8.mkv 10M
[VID]20151216.Inscribed shapes - find inscribed angle _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.h-_BDon5oes.mkv4.3M
[VID]20151217.Inscribed quadrilaterals proof _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.LGnL17ESs3Q.mkv5.4M
[VID]20151217.Solving inscribed quadrilaterals _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Y9cznjBl0Hk.mkv 10M
[VID]20151218.Noble gas configuration _ Electronic structure of atoms _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.tlSJCG5DqzI.mkv 10M
[VID]20151221.Hypotenuse leg congruence.8poW-IcyU48.mkv3.5M
[VID]20151221.Proof - Radius is perpendicular to tangent line _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.St3MU5i3chc.mkv 12M
[VID]20151221.Proof - Segments tangent to circle from outside point are congruent _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.pJABplruJIU.mkv5.0M
[VID]20151221.Tangents of circles problem (example 1) _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.8vFhNhL-zm8.mkv8.3M
[VID]20151222.Area of a circle intuition _ High School Geometry _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.a2L27dTOyHk.mkv 19M
[VID]20151222.Radius & diameter from circumference _ High School Geometry _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.yWGeFDXgQvg.mkv4.7M
[VID]20151222.Worked example - arithmetic series (recursive formula) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.pIO34mrW_Ro.mkv6.8M
[VID]20151222.Worked example - arithmetic series (sigma notation) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.RM644gFKo_g.mkv 10M
[VID]20151222.Worked example - arithmetic series (sum expression) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.0-wa7voc0uM.mkv9.1M
[VID]20151223.Finite geometric series formula justification _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Cf0-6ngH2gs.mkv9.1M
[VID]20160106.Example comparing x components of vectors.v7ZZ1ctT1k0.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160106.Example finding components of a vector.BmDph4uNfPI.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160107.Equivalent vectors examples.v_W-aaB1irs.mkv 13M
[VID]20160107.Example calcuating magnitude of vector from graph.-U53eHKCLcg.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160107.Finding vector magnitude from components.qMZnsj4ZO9g.mkv3.5M
[VID]20160108.Examples from understanding scalar multiplication exercise.kLLsJXc1E1E.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160108.Understanding multiplying vectors by scalars.JuTvjQgpUMQ.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160111.Adding and subtracting vectors.VgqsM-XdBD0.mkv7.7M
[VID]20160111.Visually adding and subtracting vectors.BsBH8nAv5l4.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160112.Combined vector operations example.TdhbEonaHrc.mkv7.5M
[VID]20160113.Angles of vectors from components.A3OuFLHum6w.mkv 10M
[VID]20160113.Example - Correlation coefficient intuition _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.-Y-M9aD_ccQ.mkv9.8M
[VID]20160113.More examples finding vector angles.EX0Ha42WQ24.mkv9.9M
[VID]20160113.Ordering triangle sides and angles.I5eTOBsvUK8.mkv3.3M
[VID]20160113.Vector components from magnitude and direction.MkFbisCyjFc.mkv 12M
[VID]20160114.Galilean transformation and contradictions with light _ Physics _ Khan Academy.OIwp8m3S30c.mkv 13M
[VID]20160114.Starting to set up a Newtonian path–time diagram _ Physics _ Khan Academy.PRx_R9iIWk4.mkv9.8M
[VID]20160114.Visualizing multiple Newtonian path–time diagrams _ Physics _ Khan Academy.F7BU1sXtul4.mkv 15M
[VID]20160118.Angle of x' axis in Minkowski spacetime _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.qzNokxFaAAg.mkv 11M
[VID]20160118.Introduction to special relativity and Minkowski spacetime diagrams _ Khan Academy.ii-KBKSODek.mkv 16M
[VID]20160118.Measuring time in meters in Minkowski spacetime _ Physics _ Khan Academy.nEqexIckVCM.mkv6.8M
[VID]20160125.Algebraically manipulating Lorentz transformation _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Z9DuKef9jkw.mkv9.9M
[VID]20160125.Evaluating a Lorentz transformation _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.G-aTU0RXJww.mkv 14M
[VID]20160125.Introduction to the Lorentz transformation _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.HIQ5hnm61LQ.mkv9.4M
[VID]20160127.Deriving Lorentz transformation part 2 _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Lm_Yn_MZU6k.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160127.Introduction to nouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.UejW-WQpujs.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160127.Introduction to singular and plural nouns _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.ETzngG8N3AU.mkv6.3M
[VID]20160127.Irregular plural nouns _– -f to -ves _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.2bx7yjLC01M.mkv3.1M
[VID]20160127.Irregular plural nouns _– words that end in -en _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.n9poHOKkF28.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160127.Lorentz transformation derivation part 1 _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy._qiFIMviIeM.mkv 14M
[VID]20160127.Lorentz transformation derivation part 3 _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.xb8nBY4MDC8.mkv 14M
[VID]20160129.Origins of the Cold War.BlFjNf4f0mE.mkv 19M
[VID]20160130.Applying Einstein velocity addition _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.0XkyAPXq55k.mkv 10M
[VID]20160130.Einstein velocity addition formula derivation _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.F9BW57exRn8.mkv9.7M
[VID]20160130.Lorentz transformation for change in coordinates _ Physics _ Khan Academy.1F1tFouUGTU.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160202.Calculating neutral velocity _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.iTyBlnTK2ac.mkv 10M
[VID]20160202.Finding an in-between frame of reference _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Biua3BgRf54.mkv9.3M
[VID]20160203.BONUS VIDEO _– Origin of the Mutant Plural _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.c3FoTqLB9zg.mkv7.2M
[VID]20160203.Common and proper nouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.bGz1acC3Wew.mkv3.5M
[VID]20160203.Concrete and abstract nouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.3AF_rN-yN-Y.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160203.Irregular plural nouns _– base plurals _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.UnJmPywSSvg.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160203.Irregular plural nouns _ the MUTANT PLURALS _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.VdLOP9teko4.mkv3.2M
[VID]20160210.Time dilation _ Special relativity _ Physics _ Khan Academy.2BVGig1LXLs.mkv 16M
[VID]20160211.Analyzing tables of exponential functions _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.yOqhKOicqhU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160211.Evaluating quotient of fractional exponents _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.KGSvigZQKZY.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160211.Initial value & common ratio of exponential functions _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.G2WybA4Hf7Y.mkv7.5M
[VID]20160211.Rewriting square root of fraction.s9ppnjgmiyk.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160211.Simplifying quotient of powers (rational exponents) _ Algebra I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.0z-yIFzpunM.mkv3.0M
[VID]20160211.Solving exponent equation using exponent properties.95KX0dNZXAA.mkv2.9M
[VID]20160211.Solving quadratics using structure _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ZIqW_sXymrM.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160212.Analyzing graphs of exponential functions - negative initial value _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.No1LKevjF6U.mkv 11M
[VID]20160212.Analyzing graphs of exponential functions _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.fe1Hsqyetzk.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160212.Evaluating composite functions - using graphs _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.oORnGaJp1pk.mkv3.6M
[VID]20160212.Evaluating composite functions - using tables _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.FR8JH6IldsE.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160212.Manipulating expressions using structure (example 2) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.DF5MkPVjnCc.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160212.Manipulating expressions using structure _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ZYn8MhrwHr4.mkv2.3M
[VID]20160212.Verifying inverse functions by composition - not inverse _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.PJIL0kRHND0.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160212.Verifying inverse functions by composition _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.8GEGnSEJA2s.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160216.Adding & subtracting rational expressions - like denominators _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.rmYlCuiC5uY.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160216.Analyzing positive and negative intervals of polynomials.b0MWwhxpIeU.mkv 13M
[VID]20160216.Determining if a function is invertible _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.dqCTAHHza10.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160216.Extraneous solutions of radical equations (example 2) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.HRVrbJzXxdM.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160216.Extraneous solutions of radical equations _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.m4eiYHL3PP8.mkv7.2M
[VID]20160216.Finding zeros of polynomials (1 of 2) _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.x9lb_frpkH0.mkv 11M
[VID]20160216.Finding zeros of polynomials (2 of 2) _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.HJgjAZ7JkHQ.mkv5.0M
[VID]20160216.Finding zeros of polynomials (example 2) _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.9zreFD3T0qY.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160216.Multiplying & dividing rational expressions - monomials _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.6nALFmvvgds.mkv8.4M
[VID]20160217.Even & odd polynomials _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.bOsNS3FsCPs.mkv 12M
[VID]20160217.Interpreting change in exponential models - changing units _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.SM6XZj5dPQQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20160217.Interpreting change in exponential models - with manipulation _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.q20v5ZBsTk8.mkv 10M
[VID]20160217.Interpreting change in exponential models _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.uoN_Ax3dfQo.mkv 16M
[VID]20160217.Interpreting time in exponential models _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.zFksanIexHI.mkv 15M
[VID]20160217.Solving exponential equations using exponent properties (advanced) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.mGSn-qR6k-g.mkv 11M
[VID]20160217.Solving exponential equations using exponent properties _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.etl9KKf6se0.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160218.End behavior of algebraic models _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.kmzBGnniH2w.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160218.Exponential model word problem - bacteria growth _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.IpXL9HIkqUQ.mkv3.5M
[VID]20160218.Exponential model word problem - medication dissolve _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.HnHCQ2X_meg.mkv9.3M
[VID]20160218.Interpreting equations graphically (example 2) _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.R446VpTeOU8.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160218.Interpreting equations graphically _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.LyVqwJkI5jg.mkv9.1M
[VID]20160218.Linear vs. exponential growth - from data (example 2) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.edwZDu94wNs.mkv 16M
[VID]20160218.Linear vs. exponential growth - from data _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.721RrH6auoU.mkv 13M
[VID]20160218.Periodicity of algebraic models _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.zHS9ZVXw_Z0.mkv5.8M
[VID]20160218.Using the logarithm change of base rule _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.qtsMgdZ98Yg.mkv8.8M
[VID]20160223.Ellipse graph from standard equation _ Precalculus _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.h5dIVNjVjXg.mkv3.4M
[VID]20160223.Ellipse standard equation from graph _ Precalculus _ High School Math _ Khan Academy._JrQF8Rkaio.mkv7.3M
[VID]20160223.Features of a circle from its graph _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.SLyM_-sQwMM.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160223.Graphing a circle from its standard equation _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.thDrJvWNI8M.mkv7.2M
[VID]20160223.Graphing circles from features _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.LDjMDIuTWtM.mkv4.0M
[VID]20160223.Writing standard equation of a circle _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.iX5UgArMyiI.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160229.Energy equation.yo-Gu-ELecg.mkv 18M
[VID]20160301.Interpreting units in formulas - novel units _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.CSNeYAV95UU.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160301.Interpreting units in formulas _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.VbgYvbtiirQ.mkv6.8M
[VID]20160301.Linear equations with unknown coefficients _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.adPgapI-h3g.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160302.Extending arithmetic sequences _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.EU0c6qrrevA.mkv1.3M
[VID]20160302.Extending geometric sequences _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.yZ-GufE_uyA.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160302.Generating inputs and outputs of a function.d4Sbl2GRmlQ.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160302.Recursive formulas for arithmetic sequences _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.lBtb30SjU2Q.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160302.Solving quadratics by factoring - leading coefficient ≠ 1 _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.KbFwLvCOBUI.mkv4.7M
[VID]20160302.Solving quadratics by taking square roots examples _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.VTlvg4wJ1X0.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160302.Using arithmetic sequences formulas _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.8eSUbi_aYL4.mkv3.8M
[VID]20160302.Using explicit formulas of geometric sequences _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.HODIXLzIMIk.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160302.Using recursive formulas of geometric sequences _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.RkJBZALhXRA.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160303.Comparing features of quadratic functions _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.UdLYAqN0gNY.mkv9.4M
[VID]20160303.Finding features of quadratic functions _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.V-BAdpvejTw.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160303.Position vector valued functions _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.7fYDCUIvZnM.mkv8.4M
[VID]20160303.Rewriting roots as rational exponents _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.gH4IsIEYof0.mkv9.3M
[VID]20160303.Simplifying hairy exponent expressions.1BRXCIvt9e0.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160303.Simplifying more involved radical expressions.suwJmCrSDI8.mkv 10M
[VID]20160303.Simplifying radicals examples.74iuGIaBgRc.mkv 14M
[VID]20160303.Worked example - Rewriting expressions by completing the square _ High School Math _ Khan
[VID]20160303.Worked example - Solving equations by completing the square _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.KouDAzYl_bc.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160304.Evaluating composite functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.lxtlwnCV-HM.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160304.Graphing exponential growth & decay _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.RVv0Jgi3Pbw.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160304.Graphing shifted functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.5DLkB-g8Rr8.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160304.Shifting functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.MDav5OMpCto.mkv9.6M
[VID]20160304.Worked example - rational vs. irrational expressions (unknowns) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.NC6HXlrH53Y.mkv 14M
[VID]20160304.Writing exponential functions _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.UgLfAb_aFt4.mkv3.6M
[VID]20160307.Compressing functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.4H5JZnytOfE.mkv4.1M
[VID]20160307.Finding inverse functions - radical _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.JBqYTuA_WgE.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160307.Finding inverse functions - rational _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.VzWxvDe8TUQ.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160307.Modeling with composite functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.pIMfRbznxKA.mkv9.5M
[VID]20160307.Reflecting & compressing functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Upw1b0EohIM.mkv5.7M
[VID]20160307.Solving square-root equations - no solution _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ibeyn2QGjCM.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160307.Solving square-root equations - two solutions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.wt6XqG59t5U.mkv8.4M
[VID]20160308.Adding rational expression - unlike denominators _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.DrE_iiw1Mvk.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160308.Dividing rational expressions - unknown expression _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.54ZFp4CwWEg.mkv 14M
[VID]20160308.Equations with rational expressions (example 2) _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.CBlSsy1eslw.mkv 11M
[VID]20160308.Equations with rational expressions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.McOMtxI_Jzs.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160308.Least common multiple of polynomials _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Ws03IbNrjfM.mkv 11M
[VID]20160308.Simplifying rational expressions - common monomial factors _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.XFwQV-KCudw.mkv9.5M
[VID]20160308.Simplifying rational expressions - higher degree terms _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.yPZ7In2tdOQ.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160308.Simplifying rational expressions - two variables _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.e7vA_S7abSY.mkv9.9M
[VID]20160308.Subtracting rational expressions - factored denominators _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.j8cKFzj5V6g.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160308.Subtracting rational expressions - unlike denominators _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.evmDZkDvlNw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20160310.Analyzing vertical asymptotes of rational functions _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.X8B4Fi7wadc.mkv 16M
[VID]20160310.Discontinuities of rational functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.qoMimDT7D8w.mkv 15M
[VID]20160310.End behavior of rational functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Vtcmyr5IGYY.mkv 11M
[VID]20160311.Constructing exponential models - half life _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.kaxfCiP9d0w.mkv9.5M
[VID]20160311.Constructing exponential models - percent change _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.x9a73iHv06U.mkv 11M
[VID]20160311.Constructing exponential models _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.FRW7SINSYco.mkv8.7M
[VID]20160311.Graphs of rational functions - horizontal asymptote _ Algebra II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.qAfETdORmcw.mkv7.8M
[VID]20160311.Graphs of rational functions - vertical asymptotes _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.-jXk1gl_sEo.mkv 13M
[VID]20160311.Graphs of rational functions - y-intercept _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.YElHmwdbkzQ.mkv7.8M
[VID]20160311.Graphs of rational functions - zeros _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.TX_mx3qULpw.mkv 19M
[VID]20160311.Picking hyperbola equation.hnVFThmLW5Q.mkv5.5M
[VID]20160311.Transforming exponential graphs _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.83gM3ufe1Nw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160311.Vertices & direction of a hyperbola _ Precalculus _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.oO3nWnJppqg.mkv 13M
[VID]20160313.Graphing exponential functions _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.vlSEpdWf2hQ.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160313.Transforming exponential graphs (example 2) _ Mathematics III _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.ja4WRZ4DrAw.mkv6.8M
[VID]20160314.Biology overview.dQCsA2cCdvA.mkv6.2M
[VID]20160314.Buffer capacity _ Buffers, titrations, and solubility equilibria _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.pnPWdDOR9XE.mkv 16M
[VID]20160314.Small x approximation for large Kc _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.PAz3qwVxDKY.mkv 21M
[VID]20160314.Small x approximation for small Kc _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.owA2rUggKoA.mkv 14M
[VID]20160314.pH and pKa relationship for buffers _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.7ZLjzp7thNI.mkv7.4M
[VID]20160315.The scientific method.N6IAzlugWw0.mkv 17M
[VID]20160320.Circuit terminology _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.cMUWA7ZSPCU.mkv 12M
[VID]20160321.Boveri-Sutton Chromosome Theory.rV6O3rGulaY.mkv 20M
[VID]20160321.Thomas Hunt Morgan and fruit flies.huDDaj0PjLU.mkv 16M
[VID]20160322.Introduction to Grammar _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.O-6q-siuMik.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160323.Irregular plural nouns _– foreign plurals _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.L6pH8O3B4ak.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160324.Thinking like a historian _ The historian's toolkit _ US History _ Khan Academy.vIdMgO-tfyE.mkv8.8M
[VID]20160328.Helping verbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.bVLql3nVt5M.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160328.How to read a document part 2 _ The historian's toolkit _ US History _ Khan Academy.po33g3yIRXA.mkv 20M
[VID]20160328.Introduction to irregular verbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.ZKr--3HpP_A.mkv4.0M
[VID]20160328.Introduction to verb aspect _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.r7Psg-4vvsA.mkv2.0M
[VID]20160328.Introduction to verbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.0T9xMqvjdLk.mkv1.8M
[VID]20160328.Introduction to verb tense _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.faUvT7zfsyk.mkv2.2M
[VID]20160328.Linking verbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.4dPbciiZSbo.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160328.Modal verbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.hp9T-7on2Ow.mkv5.3M
[VID]20160328.Perfect Aspect _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.858npSa0rgc.mkv3.2M
[VID]20160328.Perfect progressive aspect _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.UORrFsnRCr8.mkv2.6M
[VID]20160328.Progressive Aspect _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.-PhyqbvnoCg.mkv2.9M
[VID]20160328.Simple Aspect _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy._JXcMl8Hqjo.mkv1.8M
[VID]20160328.The funky -ed irregular verb _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.B8131VDv0e8.mkv2.3M
[VID]20160328.The irregular verb gets taken for a ride _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.zPQftyPqEDs.mkv5.3M
[VID]20160328.The truly irregular verbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.1iDCV5NbbzM.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160328.The vowel-shift irregular verb _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.rDb0G066k5w.mkv3.4M
[VID]20160329.Establishing DNA as transformation principle.9X12OVvOznU.mkv 16M
[VID]20160329.Hershey and Chase conclusively show DNA genetic material.bNsSaxCsIIg.mkv 21M
[VID]20160330.The discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.hCUce36Ganc.mkv 20M
[VID]20160405.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 1a.NrNG6OPijeY.mkv 13M
[VID]20160405.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 1b.ff6SNrgUFt0.mkv 23M
[VID]20160405.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 1c.18HrvnXsgNs.mkv 21M
[VID]20160405.How to read a document _ The historian's toolkit _ US History _ Khan Academy.Q4kxgMH46mY.mkv 17M
[VID]20160408.Avoiding common mistakes in historical essays _ US History _ Khan Academy.XLAA6ic_AmI.mkv 10M
[VID]20160410.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 2 c and d.T1p_tQZsPLg.mkv 15M
[VID]20160410.2015 AP Physics I free response 2 a and b.OpbYvr8yhqQ.mkv 18M
[VID]20160411.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 4.x7UHl3Umeeg.mkv 14M
[VID]20160411.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 5.z_KX8Xpxa-c.mkv 28M
[VID]20160412.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 3a.qQM-IGnxi6g.mkv 11M
[VID]20160412.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 3b.KH60uz5LNWk.mkv9.3M
[VID]20160412.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 3c.8DmmUjnyMJI.mkv 11M
[VID]20160412.2015 AP Physics 1 free response 3d.PdTRPJlp2Xk.mkv 10M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 1 a c.Tbpj-dNGrhc.mkv 17M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 1 d e.LpryknYN2xg.mkv 11M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 2 a b.UNT8uh9io2o.mkv 20M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 2 c d.dktGVfUWIv8.mkv 23M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 3.yjU49bK1gkA.mkv 20M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 4.nfqYCmt6RAc.mkv 13M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 5.JVbdSwK5i1c.mkv 16M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 6.NEm1AupTkto.mkv 14M
[VID]20160413.2015 AP Biology free response 7.BT2ZPUPyL5g.mkv 13M
[VID]20160414.2015 AP Biology free response 8.hnEcvv1xhhk.mkv7.5M
[VID]20160414.Emphatic pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.ADfyReSt2L0.mkv3.1M
[VID]20160414.Grammatical person and pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.dFFRD7GAEUA.mkv5.3M
[VID]20160414.Indefinite Pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.gaMFyEravAs.mkv6.8M
[VID]20160414.Personal pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.Gf7UgGyvDCA.mkv4.3M
[VID]20160414.Possessive pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.bhzh8VDykc4.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160414.Pronoun number _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.iqldLGr2aug.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160414.Reflexive pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.Zoh8XpfcF-c.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160414.Relative pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.ZHzKQkX3IxI.mkv3.1M
[VID]20160414.Subject and object pronouns _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.q5HmV3Czl6g.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160414.That versus which _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.6Js8tBCfbWk.mkv7.4M
[VID]20160414.What is a pronoun _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.nkjKPhleQ5E.mkv2.6M
[VID]20160414.Who versus whom _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.bPqMLKXoEac.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160415.2015 AP Chemistry free response 1a.fYUwEAPejbY.mkv 18M
[VID]20160415.2015 AP Chemistry free response 1 b c.rPim-9WSg6g.mkv 12M
[VID]20160415.2015 AP Chemistry free response 1d.gD2mjdGVIus.mkv 16M
[VID]20160415.2015 AP Chemistry free response 1e _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.zZv70LK8TIw.mkv 11M
[VID]20160415.The age of empire _ Rise to world power (1890-1945) _ US History _ Khan Academy.eJgtqs_Rwts.mkv 15M
[VID]20160418.The future tense _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.LvlpEPHPhpI.mkv3.0M
[VID]20160418.The past tense _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.zS6N5EqXpCY.mkv2.3M
[VID]20160418.The present tense _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.gRlrZrDL5QI.mkv2.4M
[VID]20160420.2015 AP Chemistry free response 2a (part 1 of 2) _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.12lYK1U4dyY.mkv 17M
[VID]20160420.2015 AP Chemistry free response 2a (part 2_2) and b _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.5dvIBOsITTA.mkv 15M
[VID]20160420.2015 AP Chemistry free response 2c _ Thermodynamics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.6uojNiKFymc.mkv 18M
[VID]20160420.2015 AP Chemistry free response 2 d e.ImTwySWxA4U.mkv 15M
[VID]20160420.2015 AP Chemistry free response 2f.5c9hXhJ_o5w.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160420.AP US history multiple choice example 1 _ US History _ Khan Academy.JqyxSUHgem0.mkv 21M
[VID]20160420.AP US history multiple choice example 2 _ US History _ Khan Academy.vgRhK16wC8Y.mkv8.4M
[VID]20160421.2015 AP Chemistry free response 3a _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.jzcB3faNdq0.mkv9.9M
[VID]20160421.2015 AP Chemistry free response 3b _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.euyhg6APq1k.mkv 15M
[VID]20160421.2015 AP Chemistry free response 3c _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.N8bTEEgskss.mkv2.7M
[VID]20160421.2015 AP Chemistry free response 3d _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.SHL_3JvfhXM.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160421.2015 AP Chemistry free response 3e _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.55yE4qwjHbE.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160421.2015 AP Chemistry free response 3f _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.XcbobQqv4j4.mkv 11M
[VID]20160421.Parallel resistors (part 1) _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.MHADYILlW1E.mkv 10M
[VID]20160421.Parallel resistors (part 2) _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.0IeWoAiHbAY.mkv3.9M
[VID]20160421.Parallel resistors (part 3) _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.S0AJZjt0sEg.mkv 11M
[VID]20160421.Series resistors _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.P_SELh0dPW0.mkv 11M
[VID]20160425.2015 AP Chemistry free response 4 _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.JbLRFt_Z8nI.mkv 22M
[VID]20160425.2015 AP Chemistry free response 5 _ Knetics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.5Qr-0-Vgxyk.mkv 15M
[VID]20160425.2015 AP Chemistry free response 6 _ Studying for the AP Chemistry exam _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.YakL8PYQw58.mkv 30M
[VID]20160425.2015 AP Chemistry free response 7 _ Thermodynamics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.hAeC68RvwT4.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160426.AP US history short answer example 1 _ US History _ Khan Academy.XC1eb_uFlCU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160426.AP US history short answer example 2 _ US History _ Khan Academy.W47YbukmGuU.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus 2c _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Ncv6gt2Luew.mkv5.5M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB 2a _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5QY8yvZViO0.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB 5a _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.j_kI7OcaLKI.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB 5b _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.bba11I93w8o.mkv4.0M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB 5c _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ol4bW-3qs_s.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB 5d _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.a601bUPEYUs.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB 6a _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.4ThUMRAvUkY.mkv2.8M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB 6c _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.qSb78ptLZU0.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 1ab _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ZsxMPW083mI.mkv 20M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 1c _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.uvNkvT6XgBo.mkv 16M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 1d _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.9Fqy_stBdFk.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 3a _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.sdFT_8AJsy0.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 3b _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.8OpvFcwKK7w.mkv 17M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 3cd _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.wN6LPqhnO6M.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 4ab _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.C06ELfztA9g.mkv 19M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AB_BC 4cd _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.n3BtxJkEuUU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160427.2015 AP Calculus AP 2b _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.xmVBv7vk3Gg.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160427.AP US history DBQ example 1 _ The historian's toolkit _ US History _ Khan Academy.4rs8IC7TGpU.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160427.AP US history DBQ example 2 _ The historian's toolkit _ US History _ Khan Academy.vPnKHpi8cYE.mkv 15M
[VID]20160427.AP US history DBQ example 3 _ The historian's toolkit _ US History _ Khan Academy.QUpWZu1fR2o.mkv 22M
[VID]20160427.AP US history DBQ example 4 _ The historian's toolkit _ US History _ Khan Academy.RwqqRBGIYHI.mkv 20M
[VID]20160427.LIVE Office Hours with Sal (Monday, May 2nd).a4dML9Rf0k8.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160428.2015 AP Calculus AB 6b _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.s3jvXHQlO-c.mkv5.8M
[VID]20160428.2015 AP Calculus BC 2a _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.UmU0L6j-48s.mkv5.7M
[VID]20160428.2015 AP Calculus BC 2b _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.ZFBwkvVa6NE.mkv7.4M
[VID]20160428.2015 AP Calculus BC 2c _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.eU7MCBQTvoY.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160428.2015 AP Calculus BC 2d _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.zhNP1LM479g.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160428.2015 AP Chemistry free response 5a - Finding order of reaction _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.RoEZkrDWqmc.mkv 12M
[VID]20160428.AP Chemistry multiple choice sample - Boiling points.JRxFsmvsmHY.mkv 11M
[VID]20160428.AP US history long essay example 1 _ US History _ Khan Academy.Cy-v0XB7_YE.mkv 13M
[VID]20160428.AP US history long essay example 2 _ US History _ Khan Academy.risbXl12QIk.mkv 13M
[VID]20160428.AP US history long essay example 3 _ US History _ Khan Academy.LQlnISYU5kI.mkv 15M
[VID]20160429.2015 AP Calculus BC 5a _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.1RGnb-QvQzU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160429.2015 AP Calculus BC 5b _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.kWQzA37MqAk.mkv7.2M
[VID]20160429.2015 AP Calculus BC 5c.DYCwLAtNsjQ.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160429.2015 AP Calculus BC 5d _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.wwc5yi3c4gY.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160429.2015 AP Calculus BC 6a _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.AZ6B7J8K1VU.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160429.2015 AP Calculus BC 6b _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.59Jop9bZ-mw.mkv9.4M
[VID]20160429.2015 AP Calculus BC 6c _ AP Calculus BC solved exams _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.IAJHoGeevSQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20160429.Sal interviews the AP Calculus Lead at College Board _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy._3VKtPGbSzk.mkv 27M
[VID]20160502.Confidence – Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.VINe0McmnYg.mkv3.3M
[VID]20160503.Adjective order _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.7sHbB9VQBgo.mkv5.8M
[VID]20160503.Definite and indefinite articles _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.TSd0uByBoTo.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160503.Forming comparative and superlative modifiers _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.Mxblg8xKBoc.mkv8.9M
[VID]20160503.Intensifiers and adverbs of degree _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy._2htRrOPiDE.mkv5.5M
[VID]20160503.Introduction to agreement _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.KEdI0-xIUFc.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160503.Intro to adjectives _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan
[VID]20160503.Intro to adverbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.b3RaBB7IDZc.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160503.Intro to articles _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.4EsDY2VbIXs.mkv3.9M
[VID]20160503.Intro to the comparative and the superlative _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.jROzZfJbplU.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160503.Relative adverbs _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.5Ub0Qu4uxpc.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160503.Tomorrow - AP US History Office Hours with Sal.z7FQ5qGaA50.mkv1.3M
[VID]20160505.3d vector field example _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.ZiMYRBtDB2M.mkv 10M
[VID]20160505.3d vector fields, introduction _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.Go3UvzbsSGo.mkv 14M
[VID]20160505.BONUS VIDEO _ Singular They _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.f21t7DRKlg8.mkv 10M
[VID]20160505.Contour plots _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.WsZj5Rb6do8.mkv7.6M
[VID]20160505.Fluid flow and vector fields _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.VJ2ZDLQk3IQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20160505.Interpreting graphs with slices _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.E9bAwP7iK80.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160505.Introduction to 3d graphs _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.2DRmfxkH_VI.mkv 11M
[VID]20160505.Multivariable functions _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.TrcCbdWwCBc.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160505.Parametric curves _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.bb4bSCjlFAw.mkv7.5M
[VID]20160505.Parametric surfaces _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.345SnWfahhY.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160505.Representing points in 3d _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.iBgOoaeLUcM.mkv6.3M
[VID]20160505.Transformations, part 1 _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.roRR6A3TozM.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160505.Transformations, part 2 _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.Rkm0dLTYUuw.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160505.Transformations, part 3 _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.U2SQXHMqclc.mkv8.4M
[VID]20160505.Vector fields, introduction _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.5FWAVmwMXWg.mkv4.7M
[VID]20160511.Directional derivative, formal definition.4RBkIJPG6Yo.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160511.Directional derivative.N_ZRcLheNv0.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160511.Directional derivatives and slope.4tdyIGIEtNU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160511.Formal definition of partial derivatives.kdMep5GUOBw.mkv7.3M
[VID]20160511.Gradient and contour maps.ZTbTYEMvo10.mkv 10M
[VID]20160511.Gradient and graphs._-02ze7tf08.mkv 11M
[VID]20160511.Partial derivatives, introduction.AXqhWeUEtQU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160511.Partial derivatives and graphs.dfvnCHqzK54.mkv9.1M
[VID]20160511.Symmetry of second partial derivatives.J08-L2buigM.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160511.Why the gradient is the direction of steepest ascent.TEB2z7ZlRAw.mkv 10M
[VID]20160512.Current _ Introduction to electrical engineering _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.ZRLXDiiUv8Q.mkv9.4M
[VID]20160512.Current direction _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.4frpZ4Q0q58.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160512.Rate constant k from half-life example _ Knetics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.dqvoAwA9nUQ.mkv9.9M
[VID]20160512.Sign convention for passive components _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.1Oopq5U0b08.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160512.Simplifying resistor networks _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.tnYQ_tQmYrM.mkv 11M
[VID]20160512.Voltage _ Introduction to electrical engineering _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.k9SwNST1eW0.mkv2.6M
[VID]20160516.Comparing Q vs K example _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.pnW1PNJlmWg.mkv8.9M
[VID]20160516.Finding units of rate constant k _ Knetics _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.fLL8xxjhDPI.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160516.Kirchhoff's current law _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.OYerdzZPSI0.mkv5.2M
[VID]20160516.Meet the preposition _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.D3wQ5dgFPms.mkv4.7M
[VID]20160516.Prepositional phrases _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.7dOBMUESkqk.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160516.Prepositions of neither space nor time _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.RPiAT-Nm3JY.mkv3.2M
[VID]20160516.Prepositions of space _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.1OjRJX0PNJE.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160516.Prepositions of time _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.TzUO8du5Lrg.mkv9.5M
[VID]20160516.Terminal prepositions _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.NhGQYjXMgsY.mkv 13M
[VID]20160516.Voltage divider _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.t_hPrz7rs34.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160516.Ways to get a buffer solution _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.l9-Qkl42-Tc.mkv 12M
[VID]20160517.The Power of Persistence.g5-X-v9dcA4.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160518.Khan Academy and the Common Core.qOXkZfxAV90.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160519.Efficacy of Khan Academy.8HpDX3ZYsnM.mkv 10M
[VID]20160519.Kirchhoff's voltage law _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.Bt6V7D5av9A.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160520.Curvature formula, part 1.gspjhwSNMWs.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160520.Curvature formula, part 2.Q-BxnC-uWQo.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160520.Curvature formula, part 3.8V4_4M90RfA.mkv 11M
[VID]20160520.Curvature formula, part 4.WmdN_iPhxAI.mkv 10M
[VID]20160520.Curvature formula, part 5.8aHUrjgF6s0.mkv 11M
[VID]20160520.Curvature intuition.ugtUGhBSeE0.mkv5.3M
[VID]20160520.Curvature of a cycloid.biK6_fWLDRc.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160520.Curvature of a helix, part 1.AE8NVTyESd8.mkv7.4M
[VID]20160520.Curvature of a helix, part 2.kjNgXVZ1aZ4.mkv9.8M
[VID]20160520.More formal treatment of multivariable chain rule.5mMLaK1ByZc.mkv 15M
[VID]20160520.Multivariable chain rule.NO3AqAaAE6o.mkv9.1M
[VID]20160520.Multivariable chain rule and directional derivatives.m2mW2FQJgEE.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160520.Multivariable chain rule intuition.hFvBZf-Jx28.mkv8.7M
[VID]20160520.Vector form of the multivariable chain rule.qZlBjnC3iro.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160521.Application of the fundamental laws (setup) _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.1VaKLjvbWZ0.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160522.Ideal circuit elements _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.l-h72j2-X0o.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160523.The Gilded Age part 1 _ The Gilded Age (1865-1898) _ US History _ Khan Academy.dC7BtsV-ddc.mkv 10M
[VID]20160523.The Gilded Age part 2 _ The Gilded Age (1865-1898) _ US History _ Khan Academy.uXQqefD6sPA.mkv 15M
[VID]20160524.Calculating internal energy and work example _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.FTO0lS1Q9QI.mkv8.1M
[VID]20160524.Computing the partial derivative of a vector-valued function.ln43wOC3iC4.mkv2.7M
[VID]20160524.Ionic bonds and Coulombs law.TwqMtO2FLYk.mkv 10M
[VID]20160524.Partial derivative of a parametric surface, part 1.e7Nel0UoXR8.mkv 16M
[VID]20160524.Partial derivative of a parametric surface, part 2.lz8L-0SoMo0.mkv 13M
[VID]20160524.Partial derivatives of vector fields, component by component.VhtFSSq3lXo.mkv 13M
[VID]20160524.Partial derivatives of vector fields.ar9SeJpbPI8.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160525.Beginning sentences with conjunctions _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.r8KHIxscCkg.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160525.Coordinating conjunctions _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.imwtcmvk668.mkv6.2M
[VID]20160525.Correlative conjunctions _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.R74Ly00UygU.mkv4.7M
[VID]20160525.Divergence example.AlXVrAOls-8.mkv7.2M
[VID]20160525.Divergence formula, part 1.uOX7SijjH9w.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160525.Divergence formula, part 2.TKlpZ0UUJTQ.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160525.Divergence intuition, part 1.c0MR-vWiUPU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160525.Divergence intuition, part 2.Yeie-aJT2eU.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160525.Divergence notation.TyYlBXNETZE.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160525.Node voltage method (step 5) _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.LMC3jcNomNc.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160525.Node voltage method (steps 1 to 4) _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.2lY757QaaKs.mkv 12M
[VID]20160525.Subordinating conjunctions _ The parts of speech _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.IKrRuDWEP68.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160526.2d curl example.cAAEMza4GvQ.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160526.2d curl formula.qF9Kz37Ksq0.mkv6.9M
[VID]20160526.2d curl intuition.eEwZeY51mT0.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160526.2d curl nuance.szLkF7isbI0.mkv9.4M
[VID]20160526.3d curl computation example.GRuEOLcdWjo.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160526.3d curl formula, part 1.a_49iMi10kg.mkv 13M
[VID]20160526.3d curl formula, part 2.0k4tWeI3R0Y.mkv9.6M
[VID]20160526.3d curl intuition, part 1.erMopRd-MXg.mkv 10M
[VID]20160526.3d curl intuition, part 2.4yzV8m8X3Kk.mkv 23M
[VID]20160526.Bond enthalpy and enthalpy of reaction _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.xE1gdQZcR-o.mkv 13M
[VID]20160526.Describing rotation in 3d with a vector.h5BmWo5_sc8.mkv7.6M
[VID]20160531.Explicit Laplacian formula.6cMn1F6bNPU.mkv5.8M
[VID]20160531.Introduction to reaction quotient Qc _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.2PM1yc_z4Bk.mkv 12M
[VID]20160531.Laplacian computation example.XbCvGRjjzgg.mkv7.3M
[VID]20160531.Laplacian intuition.EW08rD-GFh0.mkv 10M
[VID]20160601.Gel electrophoresis _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy._EYsykjsfiY.mkv 15M
[VID]20160601.Leading and lagging strands in DNA replication _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.eM7arWJJ3zk.mkv 14M
[VID]20160601.Speed and precision of DNA replication _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.PSl6IXUCNuw.mkv8.2M
[VID]20160602.DNA cloning and recombinant DNA _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.5ffl-0OYVQU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160602.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.nHi-3jP6Mvc.mkv 11M
[VID]20160603.Ideal sources _ Circuit analysis _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.CBlfcuUXzUY.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160603.Transcription and mRNA processing _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.JQIwwJqF5D0.mkv 15M
[VID]20160604.Application of the fundamental laws (solve) _ Electrical engineering _ Khan Academy.ShxyPUl7asE.mkv 11M
[VID]20160606.Appositives _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.QFcaUTd8DgY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160606.BONUS - The Oxford comma _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy._i8TVzaMZ8Q.mkv5.1M
[VID]20160606.Commas and introductory elements _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.NvGBug8iORE.mkv5.8M
[VID]20160606.Commas in dialogue _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.uYoX_Qyknao.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160606.Commas in space and time _ The Comma _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.7dYePWVTTTI.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160606.Darwinism vs. Social Darwinism part 1 _ US History _ Khan Academy.1RoJcfnZYCQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20160606.Darwinism vs. Social Darwinism part 2 _ US History _ Khan Academy.VqKIDyLhYJ4.mkv 16M
[VID]20160606.Meet the Comma _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.Wk0k2FLjM1c.mkv4.7M
[VID]20160606.More uses for commas _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.09-t-giMcNk.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160606.Punctuating a list _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.DBMQOK64VQY.mkv2.9M
[VID]20160606.Salutations and valedictions _ Punctuation _ Grammar _ Khan Academy.W2tiu8_ReGM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20160606.Three ways to end a sentence _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.B9bJaoIHRp4.mkv4.0M
[VID]20160607.Jim Crow part 1 _ The Gilded Age (1865-1898) _ US History _ Khan Academy.bOVQYIGtqXk.mkv9.9M
[VID]20160607.Jim Crow part 2 _ The Gilded Age (1865-1898) _ US History _ Khan Academy.82Lhe3ipD90.mkv9.4M
[VID]20160607.Jim Crow part 3 _ The Gilded Age (1865-1898) _ US History _ Khan Academy.VhNouf_RdXs.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160607.Jim Crow part 4 _ The Gilded Age (1865-1898) _ US History _ Khan Academy.eUJya1CJe8c.mkv 12M
[VID]20160607.Translation (mRNA to protein) _ Biomolecules _ MCAT _ Khan Academy.ocAAkB32Hqs.mkv 20M
[VID]20160612.Mesh current method (step 4 solve).7I3-HAW8rmM.mkv 15M
[VID]20160612.Mesh current steps 1 to 3.j8LHrm3_brk.mkv 12M
[VID]20160612.Sketching exponentials - examples.kxE7wipiMps.mkv 11M
[VID]20160612.Sketching exponentials.4XHMqvVByFQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20160613.Cutting shapes into equal parts _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.gEE6yIObbmg.mkv1.7M
[VID]20160613.Decomposing shapes to find area (add) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.JTg8gyQ37pM.mkv3.5M
[VID]20160613.Decomposing shapes to find area (grids) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.oL9iF9Se6lc.mkv5.0M
[VID]20160613.Decomposing shapes to find area (subtract) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.qS4stB9LfJA.mkv5.5M
[VID]20160613.Finding missing side length when given perimeter _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy._sQ3dqhLsIw.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160613.Finding perimeter when a side length is missing _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.tmt5fXhU7Rs.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160613.Harmonic Functions.JQSC0lCPG24.mkv 13M
[VID]20160613.Le Chatelier's principle - Worked example _ Chemical equilibrium _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.5gujU2QcGcY.mkv 13M
[VID]20160613.Measuring area with partial unit squares _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.YA7ZrKcbteA.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160613.Transitioning from counting to multiplying to find area _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.mu3HHCdYYtY.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160614.Advanced (plural) possession _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.2M9cVwj3AtI.mkv5.3M
[VID]20160614.Apostrophes and plurals _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.xRGjQdHToNA.mkv3.2M
[VID]20160614.BONUS - History of the apostrophe _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.u-FSLjbuv_s.mkv7.3M
[VID]20160614.BONUS - History of the possessive apostrophe _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.BjIPqJ0paXI.mkv 17M
[VID]20160614.Choosing between its and it’s _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.Yhaa214UKvA.mkv3.5M
[VID]20160614.Circuit Terminology.-82UNytyrCQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20160614.Comparing fractions with same numerator _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.2BxsmPo-zXI.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160614.Comparing fractions with the same denominator _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy._Esc4JPE_FY.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160614.Creating rectangles with a given area 1 _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.JX_ZgrFf2j8.mkv6.9M
[VID]20160614.Creating rectangles with a given area 2 _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.cYyfwJSvT-k.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160614.Finding missing side when given area _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy._JdgDBzQ0Us.mkv3.8M
[VID]20160614.Identifying unit fractions word problem _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.KGSwhRXMa3M.mkv1.9M
[VID]20160614.Interpreting bar graphs (alligators) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.T57pEhuo3Us.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160614.Interpreting bar graphs (colors) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.uftnBXB98l8.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160614.Interpreting picture graphs (notebook) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan
[VID]20160614.Interpreting picture graphs (paint) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.nH6dfMMlcfI.mkv2.7M
[VID]20160614.Introduction to contractions _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.q5sG_CkkAs8.mkv4.1M
[VID]20160614.Introduction to the apostrophe _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.o6zzLAhEyqo.mkv6.2M
[VID]20160614.Introduction to the possessive _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.2M4EDrD3aBQ.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160614.Multiplying by tens word problem _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.aGdO1Y6ciwc.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160614.Perimeter word problem (skating rink) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.dNBNepJ_Ut8.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160614.Perimeter word problem (tables) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.Wz8grvnFDHM.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160614.Possession for words ending in “s” _ The Apostrophe _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy._GiPxFvUUxs.mkv2.2M
[VID]20160614.Recognizing fractions greater than 1 _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.eBzQdDgBB_8.mkv1.1M
[VID]20160614.Time word problem (puzzle) _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.gZzsYhyjIXA.mkv2.6M
[VID]20160615.Computing a tangent plane.QL6qb1h65hg.mkv 16M
[VID]20160615.Controlling a plane in space.H2hOwKszKRo.mkv 20M
[VID]20160615.Local linearization.o7_zS7Bx2VA.mkv 14M
[VID]20160615.What is a tangent plane.cHNT7_F8m1Y.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160616.Expressing a quadratic form with a matrix.0yEiCV-xEWQ.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160616.Quadratic approximation example.fW3snxnCPEY.mkv 16M
[VID]20160616.Quadratic approximation formula, part 1.UV5yj5A3QIM.mkv 10M
[VID]20160616.Quadratic approximation formula, part 2.szHMvVXxp-g.mkv 13M
[VID]20160616.The Hessian matrix _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy.LbBcuZukCAw.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160616.Vector form of multivariable quadratic approximation.ClFrIg0PpnM.mkv 11M
[VID]20160616.What do quadratic approximations look like.80bJA_tSbo4.mkv 10M
[VID]20160617.A capacitor integrates current.JxOMm24lSR4.mkv 13M
[VID]20160617.Capacitor i-v equations.EqlsSqET1kk.mkv 11M
[VID]20160617.Conventional current.17EhKw2tsu4.mkv5.2M
[VID]20160617.RC natural response intuition (1 of 3).PZM6acXvsoQ.mkv8.7M
[VID]20160617.RC step response - intuition.zfqJRZyeGRE.mkv 15M
[VID]20160620.Commodity money vs. Fiat money _ Financial sector _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.fs12fX407GU.mkv 14M
[VID]20160620.Functions of money _ Financial sector _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.ok2vtKnSZzY.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160620.Operons and gene regulation in bacteria.N7_K0yl0Egk.mkv 13M
[VID]20160620.Standard of deferred payment and legal tender.cIvcxHVUUi8.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160620.Telling time to the nearest minute - labeled clock _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.Ll3QzXftlS0.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160620.Telling time to the nearest minute - unlabeled clock _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.UowW7ua4TK8.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160620.Time differences _ Math _ 3rd grade _ Khan Academy.qSE1Z5F_vrU.mkv5.3M
[VID]20160620.When the functions of money break down - Hyperinflation _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.O2jO5AwTkT0.mkv 19M
[VID]20160622.Khan Academy Talent Search 2016.0qjbgGQy8uM.mkv6.8M
[VID]20160622.Multivariable maxima and minima.ux7EQ3ip2DU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160622.Saddle points.8aAU4r_pUUU.mkv8.1M
[VID]20160622.Second partial derivative test.m1FhUjMMv30.mkv 20M
[VID]20160622.Second partial derivative test example, part 1.shWXeUn5BHk.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160622.Second partial derivative test example, part 2.TqslX-bUTD8.mkv 11M
[VID]20160622.Second partial derivative test intuition.sJo7D74PAak.mkv 15M
[VID]20160622.Warm up to the second partial derivative test.nRJM4mY-Pq0.mkv 20M
[VID]20160623.Antietam part 2.k4uSZ6sonCU.mkv 10M
[VID]20160623.Gettysburg.DtZOaOHROvg.mkv 20M
[VID]20160623.Lac operon.LuOaEe89_HE.mkv 14M
[VID]20160623.Photorespiration.DnNqe8o0ehc.mkv 15M
[VID]20160623.The Gettysburg Address - part 1.To7qmiTRZQ8.mkv 14M
[VID]20160623.Trp operon.EvLy_1_Y3tk.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160624.Big takeaways from the Civil War.8YAJbAcRnsk.mkv 14M
[VID]20160624.Breaking down photosynthesis stages.Wt5EMpUt-_g.mkv5.1M
[VID]20160624.Conceptual overview of light dependent reactions.vEsAtC9d_MQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20160624.Conjugate acid-base pairs _ Acids and bases _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.4441EyWBPt8.mkv 10M
[VID]20160624.Later stages of the Civil War part 1.ZE_M0_k4mG4.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160624.Later stages of the Civil War part 2.r8YAnRo7VDo.mkv 13M
[VID]20160624.Later stages of the Civil War part 3.6nTCnN-OzI4.mkv 19M
[VID]20160624.Light dependent reactions actors.KzpRivhr6HI.mkv 15M
[VID]20160624.The Gettysburg Address part 2.aXm8y90pQ8Q.mkv 22M
[VID]20160628.RC natural response derivation (2 of 3).4qgLz0TF8-M.mkv 15M
[VID]20160628.RC step response 1 of 3 setup.k6KH4WmcgaU.mkv 11M
[VID]20160628.RC step response 2 of 3 solve.A_1N561qdSw.mkv 14M
[VID]20160628.RC step response 3 of 3 example.A4aoLMC1-5Y.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160629.Help Khan Academy create lessons on US Government!.EhiOjcRzKlg.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160701.Relation of null space to linear independence of columns.-fKh6SNEPr4.mkv 17M
[VID]20160705.Labeling voltages.ZjPs0V6tiR0.mkv 16M
[VID]20160705.Multiplying monomials _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.iHnzLETGz2I.mkv7.8M
[VID]20160706.Common fractions (halves) _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.gWz08PB7b6E.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160706.Graphing hundredths from 0 to 0.1 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.SrL8abwGKyA.mkv4.0M
[VID]20160706.Graphing tenths from 0 to 1 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.7oUBK0cNxV8.mkv1.6M
[VID]20160706.Identifying hundredths on a number line _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.bFjaZ_8pi3c.mkv5.2M
[VID]20160706.Identifying tenths on a number line _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.qb0QSP7Sfz4.mkv2.1M
[VID]20160706.Multiplying fractions by whole numbers word problem _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.6PMQdHCtUtA.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160706.Rewriting fractions as decimals _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.4LvGU1a9Z5Q.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160706.Uncle Tom's Cabin part 1.Z08N7pqr_cw.mkv 11M
[VID]20160706.Uncle Tom's Cabin part 2.GiuuoYkQJXk.mkv8.2M
[VID]20160706.Uncle Tom's Cabin part 3.MDFI8lWq33c.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160707.Introduction to 'Meet a chemistry professional'.Y1O9UNJ8MIU.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160711.Graphical limit at asymptotic discontinuity.olrXr3J5xq4.mkv3.9M
[VID]20160711.Graphical limit at point discontinuity.hWJLd6bRthI.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160711.Graphical limit where function undefined.Y9sP4V3bKh0.mkv2.5M
[VID]20160711.One-sided limits from graphs - asymptote _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5f1-Rg3MmKs.mkv2.7M
[VID]20160711.Worked example - Continuity at a point _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.jzn4rTPajT0.mkv7.6M
[VID]20160712.Functions continuous at specific x-values _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.X51CaI4tfQg.mkv9.8M
[VID]20160712.Functions continuous on all real numbers _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.DCWeH62w-NA.mkv3.8M
[VID]20160712.Limits by direct substitution _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.cfOcOgr0E7U.mkv3.0M
[VID]20160712.Limits of composite functions _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.RgfKNIkpFWc.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160713.Limits by rationalizing _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.yVWxxQ7SMOw.mkv 11M
[VID]20160713.Trig limit using double angle identity _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.lXShNH1G6Pk.mkv 11M
[VID]20160713.Trig limit using pythagorean identity _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.d8qtbGMB2gI.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160713.Undefined limits by direct substitution _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.JlOyb_RTejo.mkv2.8M
[VID]20160714.Brexit and European Union primer.gbIgkcIfg0E.mkv 18M
[VID]20160714.History of the Republican Party _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.7T7PxQMLTt8.mkv 17M
[VID]20160714.United Kingdom vs Great Britain vs England primer.ggggPEuFzOM.mkv6.3M
[VID]20160715.Analyzing functions for discontinuities (continuous example) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.TdVDqWOR3dU.mkv6.3M
[VID]20160715.Analyzing functions for discontinuities (discontinuity example) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.LVqv8PBR1is.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160715.Analyzing unbounded limits - mixed function _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.AI3aOkafYFw.mkv 14M
[VID]20160715.Analyzing unbounded limits - rational function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy._ZGHGDKWpp8.mkv 11M
[VID]20160715.Diode.0FbeUMPZFjU.mkv 13M
[VID]20160715.Example of one sides unbounded limits.TlWvQvMB9eI.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160715.Inductor equations.w1NR5sjsChI.mkv 17M
[VID]20160715.Inductor kickback 1 of 2.YKKd5p4a5Lo.mkv 16M
[VID]20160715.Inductor kickback 2 of 2.xOoMotHFOKk.mkv9.3M
[VID]20160715.Intermediate value theorem _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.9xgO-EJ3sr0.mkv9.8M
[VID]20160715.Intermediate value theorem example _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.TrQTK-B4bzM.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160715.Limits at infinity of quotients with square roots (even power) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.uPksX_O9ARo.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160718.Addition of water (acid-catalyzed) mechanism _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.O_yeKo6-qIg.mkv 12M
[VID]20160718.Derivative as slope of curve _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.S-dcMvJlMJs.mkv7.3M
[VID]20160718.Introduction to chemistry _ Atoms, compounds, and ions _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Rd4a1X3B61w.mkv 13M
[VID]20160718.Secant line with arbitrary difference (with simplification) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.l1xdKkIGxOc.mkv8.4M
[VID]20160718.Secant line with arbitrary difference _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.RaNeCD8t01I.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160718.Secant line with arbitrary point (with simplification) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.T3nVKbxEQdo.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160718.The derivative & tangent line equations _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.fqQ6sslzyhY.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160719.Differentiability at a point - algebraic (function is differentiable) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy._DkttKctXFY.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160719.Differentiability at a point - algebraic (function isn't differentiable) _ Khan Academy.BpPHve1cCCs.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160719.Differentiability at a point - graphical _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.pwh1dK3vTkM.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160719.Example of derivative as limit of average rate of change.4b8YnmUUIfI.mkv7.7M
[VID]20160720.Basic derivative rules (Part 1) _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.OsPNBYmqxLo.mkv2.6M
[VID]20160720.Basic derivative rules (Part 2) _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.uCLZyTliZj0.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160720.Basic derivative rules - find the error _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.4l_IvxXD9o8.mkv 10M
[VID]20160720.Differentiating polynomials example _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.-CTaxKTzbEI.mkv9.5M
[VID]20160720.Fractional powers differentiation _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.HWFtcIRhr5c.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160720.Negative powers differentiation _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.W233qRK6HPs.mkv7.3M
[VID]20160720.Product rule example.WxTrxxW0qeM.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160720.Radical functions differentiation intro _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.JFBdnJzBgcg.mkv3.8M
[VID]20160720.Tangents of polynomials _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.j9FDoYNxZlw.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160720.Worked example - Derivatives of sin(x) and cos(x) _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Iur13MNO0Ro.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160720.Worked example - Product rule with mixed implicit & explicit _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.xioPD_ldZNY.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160720.Worked example - Product rule with table _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.SQUSh1LNjIo.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160721.Derivatives of sec(x) and csc(x) _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.TDJ5nXWEkWM.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160721.Derivatives of tan(x) and cot(x) _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Rr_1GQyiRYs.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160721.Differentiating rational functions _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.wjm5ZYZ4hj8.mkv 10M
[VID]20160721.Worked example - Derivative of cos_(x) using the chain rule _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.yAFphxolU5w.mkv 10M
[VID]20160721.Worked example - Quotient rule with table _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ZAElYVh5DXU.mkv 12M
[VID]20160722.Adjectives and commas _ Adjectives _ Khan Academy.OfxiZdsqGeA.mkv5.2M
[VID]20160722.Chain rule with the power rule.TI-j-fr6c4A.mkv9.7M
[VID]20160722.Dashes _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.tLmDYzhv6Z0.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160722.Derivative of log_x (for any positive base a­1) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.2XB4K6T-yKo.mkv7.5M
[VID]20160722.Ellipses _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.JmRMfFVw6NE.mkv7.6M
[VID]20160722.Exponential functions differentiation intro _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.gHzLHknEk1M.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160722.How to use italics and underlines _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.aqef1Wx4D6w.mkv5.7M
[VID]20160722.Hyphens vs. dashes _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.CgpExkmY6Y0.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160722.Parentheses _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.hJtaY-iZRvU.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160722.Using quotation marks in titles _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.wiXhK7aEuGY.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160722.Worked example - Chain rule with table _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.bLKTkM-w5ps.mkv5.0M
[VID]20160722.Worked example - Derivative of ln(Ãx) using the chain rule _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.G2ZXpbMukEQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20160725.Derivative of a parametric function.AXasQLqazWU.mkv9.8M
[VID]20160725.Derivatives expressed as limits _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.fUWn_SJSLBk.mkv7.7M
[VID]20160725.Derivatives of inverse functions - from equation _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.UBctoCirje0.mkv6.4M
[VID]20160725.Derivatives of inverse functions - from table _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.9Eg97Rtg-pE.mkv 11M
[VID]20160725.Exponential functions differentiation _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.fqYds-feWcw.mkv5.2M
[VID]20160725.Implicit differentiation, product and chain rules at once.BSrJi9uEJp0.mkv 14M
[VID]20160725.Inverting and unity-gain op-amp with virtual ground.aD6l5bNnJgE.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160725.Inverting op-amp circuit.U1KbM4ffiLg.mkv 17M
[VID]20160725.Logarithmic functions differentiation _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WZPpbkVESVk.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160725.Non-inverting op-amp circuit._Ut-nQ535iE.mkv 16M
[VID]20160725.Radical functions differentiation _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.-_7td0mDbQs.mkv8.9M
[VID]20160725.Second derivatives _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WC5VYKI807Q.mkv3.4M
[VID]20160725.Summing op-amp circuit.jlwcIRKCqek.mkv 13M
[VID]20160725.Trig functions differentiation _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.6QRtLh_THmo.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160725.Virtual ground.pxKLeIjzxAk.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160725.What is an operational amplifier.lJDjWZqhpVc.mkv 13M
[VID]20160726.Absolute minima & maxima (entire domain) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Xhc7Hens0f8.mkv 10M
[VID]20160726.Analyzing concavity (algebraic) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.72L_N7AtCRE.mkv 15M
[VID]20160726.BONUS - 'FANBOYS,' a mnemonic song _ Conjunctions _ Parts of speech_ Khan Academy.RNwD4z3EVDc.mkv3.9M
[VID]20160726.Finding decreasing interval given the function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.KblYjo1Ijws.mkv6.9M
[VID]20160726.Finding increasing interval given the derivative _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.sOluh1zX5tE.mkv 12M
[VID]20160726.Inflection points (algebraic) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.RoxefQ_Qgm8.mkv7.5M
[VID]20160726.Inflection points (graphical) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.iWgW2nD4wGQ.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160726.Linear approximation of a rational function _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.vRw4ovZK1CQ.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160726.Motion problems - finding the maximum acceleration _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5P1O6tBiTlQ.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160726.Planar motion example - acceleration vector _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.HFdeHX_wA4k.mkv9.7M
[VID]20160726.Second derivatives (parametric functions) _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.iHNa1fhV7IA.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160726.Second derivatives (vector-valued functions) _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.-vv63FS__bY.mkv5.3M
[VID]20160726.Second derivative test _ Using derivatives to analyze functions _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.-cW5hCsc9Yc.mkv7.6M
[VID]20160726.Worked example - Inflection points from first derivative _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ZCnsO65rWX0.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160726.Worked example - finding relative extrema _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.x09FpMmGB4A.mkv9.1M
[VID]20160727.Mean value theorem example - square root function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Xg24JhQHVCM.mkv 14M
[VID]20160727.Motion along a curve - finding rate of change _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.Sv3Y0F0ASZ0.mkv 12M
[VID]20160727.Motion along a curve - finding velocity magnitude _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.nC5UgHDjbcg.mkv 14M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral involving natural log _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.JMqKtEC2bbY.mkv 12M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral of absolute value function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.PWcwhA2BwVk.mkv 15M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral of piecewise function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.f5qr1lH6ViU.mkv 13M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral of radical function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5UWdzPq8_Qs.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral of rational function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.4WJUEXIksH0.mkv7.1M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral of trig function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ldLdWj6DLTw.mkv7.4M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral properties (no graph) - breaking interval _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.nopnFjMy3rQ.mkv9.6M
[VID]20160728.Definite integral properties (no graph) - function combination _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.TqMxlzZiKg4.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160728.Finding specific antiderivatives - exponential function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.T8rbpI4OZCc.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160728.Finding specific antiderivatives - rational function _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.bjdOWH43-9s.mkv6.7M
[VID]20160728.Functions defined by integrals - switched interval _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Kq5hqFg17bg.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160728.History of the Democratic Party _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.XVWiAArXYpE.mkv 28M
[VID]20160728.Worked examples - Definite integral properties 1 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.pRZzfoM-9lc.mkv5.2M
[VID]20160728.Worked examples - Definite integral properties 2 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.9FLYqh697xI.mkv 11M
[VID]20160729.AP Physics 1 Review of Charge and Circuit _ Physics _ Khan Academy.qdmYAXjhWiw.mkv 29M
[VID]20160729.AP Physics 1 review of Centripetal Forces _ Physics _ Khan Academy.0r_JWUkXEkY.mkv 21M
[VID]20160729.Allopatric and sympatric speciation _ Biology _ Khan Academy.gnku5AksWvU.mkv 16M
[VID]20160729.Angular momentum of an extended object _ Physics _ Khan Academy.KFrhclyEpVM.mkv 13M
[VID]20160729.Beat frequency _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Ca91iOVGd9A.mkv 15M
[VID]20160729.Derivation of the mirror equation _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.OIkD1viOMWk.mkv 19M
[VID]20160729.Force vs. time graphs _ Impacts and linear momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.8bHPj3ll0vs.mkv 11M
[VID]20160729.Genetic drift, bottleneck effect and founder effect _ Biology _ Khan Academy.IRTn0iNkAHI.mkv 15M
[VID]20160729.Heat capacity at constant volume and pressure _ Physics _ Khan Academy.kZO-XQdBwqk.mkv 17M
[VID]20160729.Mild and medium tension _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.aHlOp5nYs28.mkv 20M
[VID]20160729.More on Newton's third law _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.VfpKzwrhmqQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20160729.More on Normal force (shoe on floor) _ Physics _ Khan Academy.1CTdrWFNkGo.mkv 12M
[VID]20160729.Rotational kinetic energy _ Moments, torque, and angular momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.o7_zmuBweHI.mkv 17M
[VID]20160729.Super hot tension _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.EEnzhdQJUYA.mkv 20M
[VID]20160729.Treating systems (the easy way) _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.UrfLAlk2b_8.mkv 11M
[VID]20160729.Treating systems (the hard way) _ Forces and Newton's laws of motion _ Physics _ Khan Academy.QKXeZFwFPS0.mkv 19M
[VID]20160731.AC analysis intro 1.7UJi2GQCi00.mkv8.7M
[VID]20160731.AC analysis intro 2.NuAgmNaX58M.mkv 12M
[VID]20160731.LC natural response derivation 1.vvf-qiN9SWA.mkv8.8M
[VID]20160731.LC natural response intuition 1.FuuR_SqwXm4.mkv6.6M
[VID]20160731.LC natural response intuition 2.DIxU2l204HU.mkv 14M
[VID]20160731.Lead Lag.G0h9Sa_s18A.mkv 11M
[VID]20160731.Sine and Cosine come from circles.LmxGmUOiP2A.mkv6.9M
[VID]20160731.Trigonometry review.6hjr4n4MCPA.mkv9.1M
[VID]20160801.Complex numbers.wbEEWmJFDVg.mkv 11M
[VID]20160801.LC natural response derivation 2.aSTvToHuG3I.mkv 13M
[VID]20160801.LC natural response derivation 3.p-b6k9jyIkE.mkv 10M
[VID]20160801.LC natural response derivation 4.51UHJnjUOSs.mkv 11M
[VID]20160801.LC natural response example.vkIBypq8MTE.mkv 11M
[VID]20160801.Multiplying by j is rotation.giO5ACdU2LA.mkv8.0M
[VID]20160801.Origins of life _ Biology _ Khan Academy.rMuj2MGeIAc.mkv 19M
[VID]20160801.The early Temperance movement - part 1.As-YfI9xVB0.mkv8.1M
[VID]20160801.The early Temperance movement - part 2.gIEQ32s35ZE.mkv 12M
[VID]20160802.Area of trapezoid on the coordinate plane _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.3AxyrK2jYc8.mkv 15M
[VID]20160802.Discussions of conditions for Hardy Weinberg _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Q618DALi2eo.mkv8.7M
[VID]20160802.Evidence for evolution _ Biology _ Khan Academy.Q-aGAX27SIo.mkv 18M
[VID]20160802.Points inside_outside_on a circle _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.S6BHQMk8C_A.mkv8.2M
[VID]20160802.Proof - parallel lines have the same slope _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.9ZYoIliBXYE.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160802.Proof - perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slope _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.HyThzLRuqXo.mkv 14M
[VID]20160802.Worked example - convergent geometric series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.Sify7Bp7BmI.mkv5.4M
[VID]20160802.Worked example - divergent geometric series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.Gk1mWXIpasE.mkv4.8M
[VID]20160802.Worked example - finite geometric series (sigma notation) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.AXP5PGSaaYk.mkv3.6M
[VID]20160802.Worked examples - finite geometric series _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.DY9Q3qNmZnw.mkv 10M
[VID]20160802.Writing arithmetic series in sigma notation.XArCfFaOhoo.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160802.Writing geometric series in sigma notation.bT_0pn1lHiY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20160803.AC analysis superposition.UjiLH7RE8_Y.mkv 10M
[VID]20160803.Complex exponentials spin.4-gVIRgZi2U.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160803.Eulers formula magnitude.XxP6auFa44M.mkv8.2M
[VID]20160803.Negative frequency.SvFfVtRT1UI.mkv9.6M
[VID]20160804.Definite integral of sine and cosine product.EDhYig0bEpA.mkv4.5M
[VID]20160804.Definite integrals of product of sines.PLxHkjrVBgE.mkv 14M
[VID]20160804.Definite integrals of sin(mx) and cos(mx).6AWZT8owvO8.mkv7.2M
[VID]20160804.Eulers formula.LE2uwd9V5vw.mkv 10M
[VID]20160804.Finding Fourier coefficients for square wave.WTD8jg8fXoE.mkv 14M
[VID]20160804.Formula for first term in Fourier Series.59RIABaGTcs.mkv 13M
[VID]20160804.Fourier Series introduction.UKHBWzoOKsY.mkv5.8M
[VID]20160804.Fourier coefficients for sine terms.khDD_9g5YTM.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160804.Fourier series coefficients for cosine terms.kwqNDIacqt0.mkv 12M
[VID]20160804.Integral of product of cosines.ki4VK_dQlPs.mkv9.0M
[VID]20160804.Visualizing Fourier expansion of square wave.aalANrz7bi8.mkv7.9M
[VID]20160805.Impedance.WmTlioVfS78.mkv 14M
[VID]20160807.RC natural response example (3 of 3).2NRBn6ZLmDc.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160808.Phylogenetic trees _ Evolution _ Khan Academy.6_XMKmFQ_w8.mkv 13M
[VID]20160809.Ecology introduction _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.OfV3VNgjpvw.mkv 18M
[VID]20160810.Apoptosis _ Cell division _ Biology _ Khan Academy.gNFDONSjB7Q.mkv 20M
[VID]20160810.Exponential and logistic growth in populations _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.KyAKEisg2PQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20160810.Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.KOntbZIna1E.mkv4.0M
[VID]20160810.Organism life history and fecundity _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.mAdUjImDx58.mkv 28M
[VID]20160811.Population regulation _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.6IS_M6CX7FE.mkv 17M
[VID]20160811.Predator prey cycle _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.NYq2078_xqc.mkv9.3M
[VID]20160814.Limits at infinity of quotients with trig (limit undefined) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.waWYIKAfkWw.mkv3.7M
[VID]20160814.Limits at infinity of quotients with trig _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.oAQnDsmu41E.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160816.Euler's cosine wave.zGTzWgSDFR0.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160816.Interactions between populations _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.q2zdiLn3gSE.mkv 14M
[VID]20160816.Sine and cosine from rotating vector.a_zReGTxdlQ.mkv9.7M
[VID]20160816.Sine of time.R3en76G8_W0.mkv 15M
[VID]20160817.Eulers sine wave.1tSrRYU6LKM.mkv9.4M
[VID]20160817.Impedance vs frequency.I21hginkKk0.mkv 11M
[VID]20160818.Angles in circles word problem _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy._jRXtJz3CYc.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160818.Canceling zeros when dividing _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.ccS5Fy5yLjk.mkv 13M
[VID]20160818.Christopher Columbus part 1.jPofntFycKc.mkv 17M
[VID]20160818.Christopher Columbus part 2._uCmDXKsWUM.mkv 19M
[VID]20160818.Classifying shapes by lines and angles _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.xO4n3LfmVag.mkv5.0M
[VID]20160818.Common denominators - 1_2 and 1_3 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.hp-HJvqNAfA.mkv 15M
[VID]20160818.Common denominators - 1_4 and 5_6 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.T8U7hCmUdpo.mkv 10M
[VID]20160818.Common denominators - 3_5 and 7_2 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.0EwwoDVJVPQ.mkv5.1M
[VID]20160818.Comparing multi-digit numbers _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.nrOA1U5jH6Q.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160818.Decomposing angles _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.uMj46crbLaw.mkv3.9M
[VID]20160818.Dividing whole numbers by 10 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.bVi7_6tqiQo.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160818.Identifying symmetrical figures _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.59s_CQjTD6w.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160818.Measuring angles with a circular protractor _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.Ttji2_wBSEo.mkv3.6M
[VID]20160818.Multiplying 1-digit numbers by 10, 100, and 1000 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.SG4gX-VGzog.mkv6.8M
[VID]20160818.Multiplying 1-digit numbers by multiples of 10, 100, and 1000 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.tHQOAvbyRL0.mkv9.1M
[VID]20160818.Multiplying 10s _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.uHHnwafYivk.mkv5.6M
[VID]20160818.Multiplying whole numbers by 10 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.TXaWqy52dZY.mkv 13M
[VID]20160818.Peopling the Americas.jaizoayO9yU.mkv 16M
[VID]20160818.Place value blocks _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.zVhQY173Yyo.mkv 14M
[VID]20160818.Place value when multiplying and dividing by 10 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.Ehd3cgRBvl0.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160818.Quotients that are multiples of 10 _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.UzXoxglkr98.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160818.The Atlantic slave trade.7lcCdMr0Cek.mkv9.9M
[VID]20160818.The encomienda system.aEy6xua3gl8.mkv8.6M
[VID]20160819.Adding whole numbers by their place values _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.35HD5UTScN0.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160819.Diode graphical solution.IMZ2D8Nz6sA.mkv 10M
[VID]20160819.Ecological succession _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.d7xbyNSxxrI.mkv7.8M
[VID]20160819.Regrouping whole number place values _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.i7lqWXKuhhQ.mkv7.3M
[VID]20160819.Rounding whole numbers - missing digit _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.Hixy7TX-Nwo.mkv 11M
[VID]20160821.Complex rotation.CIQmq1wOjnc.mkv8.2M
[VID]20160822.Ordering fractions _ Math _ 4th grade _ Khan Academy.ONsI-yIbsBg.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160822.The Monroe Doctrine.Woh4gwIFpic.mkv 21M
[VID]20160823.Complex sentences _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.CsrM_RpqXek.mkv7.0M
[VID]20160823.Compound-complex sentences _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.Hnmm57B0JgQ.mkv6.2M
[VID]20160823.Dangling modifiers _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.SjunMcrXgE0.mkv5.8M
[VID]20160823.Dependent and independent clauses _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.sAo6LbCUAQo.mkv9.6M
[VID]20160823.Exclamations _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.kZkfZwTCed8.mkv4.2M
[VID]20160823.Parallel structure _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.2l2FgUrln1A.mkv6.1M
[VID]20160823.Phrases and clauses _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.49EsnvxVQec.mkv9.2M
[VID]20160823.Pronoun-antecedent agreement _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.j9kIACViG60.mkv4.6M
[VID]20160823.Recognizing fragments _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.xpoZBnXHg3E.mkv4.3M
[VID]20160823.Relative clauses _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.fm7QEiEk83o.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160823.Run-ons and comma splices _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.Fh45mhVsZrU.mkv6.5M
[VID]20160823.Simple and compound sentences _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.3DGKY3eM9PY.mkv6.2M
[VID]20160823.Subject, direct object, and indirect object _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.OSE3OiRGlgE.mkv6.3M
[VID]20160823.Subject-verb agreement _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.4fMipjAnlRk.mkv6.0M
[VID]20160823.Subjects and predicates _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.qXykcBGNvbk.mkv3.4M
[VID]20160823.Three types of sentence _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.ld8r6NGXRts.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160823.What is a sentence _ Syntax _ Khan Academy.TeiuG81mbII.mkv5.9M
[VID]20160824.ELI the ICE man.2yqjMiFUMlA.mkv 16M
[VID]20160825.Ecosystems and biomes _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.A495e31cDdE.mkv 12M
[VID]20160825.Flow of energy and matter through ecosystem _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.TitrRpMUt0I.mkv 14M
[VID]20160825.Impedance of simple networks.smLN8WKJjas.mkv 16M
[VID]20160825.KVL in the frequency domain.779k4-oFjuc.mkv 18M
[VID]20160825.Khan Academy Welcomes Duck Duck Moose.23BJ6_iigUA.mkv4.9M
[VID]20160826.Biogeochemical cycles _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.ccWUDlKC3dE.mkv8.2M
[VID]20160826.The water cycle _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.jFjI6y46QRk.mkv 13M
[VID]20160829.The Market Revolution - part 1.KwIQy8xBOsk.mkv 19M
[VID]20160829.The Market Revolution - part 2.LRmEmbP-UOU.mkv 17M
[VID]20160829.The Market Revolution - part 3.Qyi_J9jANlU.mkv 27M
[VID]20160902.The Second Great Awakening - part 1.wnaLjLOAwkc.mkv 18M
[VID]20160902.The Second Great Awakening - part 2.n_ZyBwiV-Vs.mkv 20M
[VID]20160902.The Second Great Awakening - part 3.LHwqEqOtrBg.mkv 15M
[VID]20160908.Jacksonian Democracy part 1.o0K8bb9uJQ4.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160908.Jacksonian Democracy part 2.m_Z3dWw7mVw.mkv8.3M
[VID]20160908.Jacksonian Democracy part 3.GnOf2f68Sao.mkv8.5M
[VID]20160908.Jacksonian Democracy part 4.mSzaJXR6MhA.mkv 20M
[VID]20160912.Phototropism _ Plant Biology _ Khan Academy.2A_LKrLlhxE.mkv 10M
[VID]20160921.Sal discusses the Breakthrough Junior Challenge.MRxomlM091w.mkv 10M
[VID]20160921.The Seven Years' War part 1.UAhbwYBAoe0.mkv 18M
[VID]20160921.The Seven Years' War part 2.egCzfiaUYPA.mkv 17M
[VID]20161001.Khan Academy’s 100&Change proposal - World-class diplomas for anyone, anywhere.yOP0R4GaoeY.mkv3.7M
[VID]20161010.England in the Age of Exploration.DZxG2miqgZI.mkv7.8M
[VID]20161010.Motivations for English colonization.wT2cfxFnx_U.mkv 15M
[VID]20161012.Carbon cycle _ Ecology _ Khan Academy._dYkByQ9Kmg.mkv 11M
[VID]20161012.Nitrogen cycle _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.DsCMYyQ0NWU.mkv7.5M
[VID]20161013.Calculating atomic weight _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.EPvd-3712U8.mkv4.5M
[VID]20161013.Eutrophication and dead zones _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.AxaWXWd2pw4.mkv 14M
[VID]20161013.Phosphorous cycle _ Ecology _ Khan Academy.tm2LG5ScT1g.mkv 11M
[VID]20161014.Worked example - Identifying isotopes and ions _ Chemistry _ Khan Acaddemy.koAFBScR41A.mkv5.3M
[VID]20161017.Animal communication.f0_8Umbbr2w.mkv 13M
[VID]20161017.Ethology and animal behavior.gwf5Xy5p_DI.mkv 21M
[VID]20161020.Sal Khan and Francis Ford Coppola fireside chat.QA81QUt5Xjs.mkv106M
[VID]20161024.Choosing kinematic equations _ One-dimensional motion _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.P3jCdsWJa38.mkv 12M
[VID]20161024.Khan Academy India Talent Search 2016.5vP19zUIo4Q.mkv 11M
[VID]20161028.Solving system with elimination _ Algebra _ Khan Academy.NPXTkj75-AM.mkv5.5M
[VID]20161031.Overview of Ancient Mesopotamia.9uvckgMLjTM.mkv 14M
[VID]20161101.Constitutional powers of the president _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.xMrQuCZBijg.mkv 23M
[VID]20161101.Early English settlements - Jamestown.g1lC2OIMipA.mkv6.4M
[VID]20161101.Expansion of presidential power _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.O8pAsJBvfcA.mkv 13M
[VID]20161101.Jamestown - John Smith and Pocahontas.MjXOYLefass.mkv 10M
[VID]20161101.Jamestown - life and labor in the Chesapeake.Advpf1WgMiQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20161101.Jamestown - the impact of tobacco.jZnJLEyJtBU.mkv6.8M
[VID]20161101.Presidential precedents of George Washington _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.wz2QnEl699I.mkv 22M
[VID]20161101.Sal teaches Grover about the electoral college _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.p-n_YOtUnqU.mkv8.8M
[VID]20161101.The Lost Colony of Roanoke - background and first attempts.ghLhtqtp3ZQ.mkv 16M
[VID]20161101.The Lost Colony of Roanoke - settlement and disappearance.D9Y8Doh5a9c.mkv 15M
[VID]20161101.The President as Commander-in-Chief _ American civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.78_l5SSmbRM.mkv 18M
[VID]20161102.Ancient Greeks and Persians _ World History _ Khan Academy.FV5on4e9LeQ.mkv 16M
[VID]20161102.Ancient history and the Old Testament _ World History _ Khan Academy.Ih26fli0vAU.mkv 12M
[VID]20161102.Dataset individuals and categorical variables.MVm3PKsXl78.mkv6.6M
[VID]20161102.Rome becomes dominant _ World History _ Khan Academy.bzL6w6sTwTM.mkv 13M
[VID]20161102.Survey from Neo Babylonians to Persians _ World History _ Khan Academy.GdlYMKScDj4.mkv 20M
[VID]20161104.Identifying a sample and population _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.VPM84_yfx5Q.mkv3.6M
[VID]20161104.Techniques for random sampling and avoiding bias _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.PdXDLNNXPik.mkv9.5M
[VID]20161104.Types of statistical studies _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.SaP1O0i1bdc.mkv 12M
[VID]20161104.Worked example identifying experiment _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.28lzQ_OhBHY.mkv7.9M
[VID]20161104.Worked example identifying observational study _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.tHFyaoIrV14.mkv 11M
[VID]20161104.Worked example identifying sample study.QSHMOWQUZ54.mkv4.6M
[VID]20161107.Example of under coverage introducing bias _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.D9f7dCMxu2Y.mkv6.8M
[VID]20161107.Examples of bias in surveys _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.r1R00l8Z5lg.mkv7.1M
[VID]20161109.Techniques for generating a simple random sample _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.acfjqWTwee0.mkv7.6M
[VID]20161111.Introduction to experiment design _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.DaBq0naj0YY.mkv 11M
[VID]20161111.Judging outliers in a dataset _ Summarizing quantitative data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.FRlTh5HQORA.mkv9.1M
[VID]20161111.Matched pairs experiment design _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.UEFBGewP2ik.mkv8.7M
[VID]20161115.Constrained optimization introduction.vwUV2IDLP8Q.mkv7.3M
[VID]20161115.Finishing the intro lagrange multiplier example.aep6lwPqm6I.mkv6.4M
[VID]20161115.Lagrange multiplier example, part 1.BSKtQcLQLWU.mkv8.8M
[VID]20161115.Lagrange multiplier example, part 2.5gCx5YCmXbI.mkv9.7M
[VID]20161115.Lagrange multipliers, using tangency to solve constrained optimization.yuqB-d5MjZA.mkv 12M
[VID]20161116.Beginning of the Greco Persian Wars _ World History _ Khan Academy.pwwNxWXf1eU.mkv 12M
[VID]20161116.Marginal distribution and conditional distribution _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.CAXQvTKP8sg.mkv8.2M
[VID]20161117.Second Persian Invasion.ybcmd6yLH3c.mkv 11M
[VID]20161121.Prelude to the Peloponnesian War _ World History _ Khan Academy.B736-QoSLh8.mkv 17M
[VID]20161121.The Peloponnesian War _ World History _ Khan Academy.CNN2d7uG6IY.mkv 16M
[VID]20161122.Philip of Macedon unifies Greece _ World History _ Khan Academy.yCUs43CYMoI.mkv 11M
[VID]20161123.Alexander the Great conquers Persia _ World History _ Khan Academy.DWyfS9kzalQ.mkv 19M
[VID]20161123.Alexander the Great takes power _ World History _ Khan Academy.Sa5eqaYwQ2Q.mkv 14M
[VID]20161128.Jamestown - Bacon's Rebellion.Z_VpwQ-yTa4.mkv 18M
[VID]20161129.The Lagrangian.hQ4UNu1P2kw.mkv 14M
[VID]20161205.Diadochi and the Hellenistic Period _ World History _ Khan Academy.AgYVtucDPt8.mkv 13M
[VID]20161206.Meaning of Lagrange multiplier.m-G3K2GPmEQ.mkv 11M
[VID]20161206.Overview of ancient Greece _ World History _ Khan Academy.I114S4KiOn8.mkv 20M
[VID]20161207.Overview of ancient Persia _ World History _ Khan Academy.uLN8VIcvClo.mkv 16M
[VID]20161208.Cyrus the Great establishes the Achaemenid Empire _ World History _ Khan Academy.EqEEndY0sT8.mkv 22M
[VID]20161208.Share your career story with Khan Academy for our new series.su_LWo7wpYU.mkv5.2M
[VID]20161209.Zoroastrianism _ World History _ Khan Academy.F2tqV9u9vzY.mkv 10M
[VID]20161214.Overview of the Roman Empire _ World History _ Khan Academy.Rl-1snoSWpo.mkv 13M
[VID]20161215.Partial sums - formula for nth term from partial sum _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.Ppuj5gw78Vc.mkv5.6M
[VID]20161215.Partial sums - term value from partial sum _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.qmWJ3nLII1M.mkv5.2M
[VID]20161215.Worked example - p-series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.vspcKkcLuuA.mkv3.9M
[VID]20161216.Differentiating power series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.904esvqoJns.mkv 13M
[VID]20161216.Integrating power series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.dEHZV7q5VV0.mkv9.0M
[VID]20161216.Proof of p-series convergence criteria _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.4WChwIGKdaA.mkv 15M
[VID]20161216.Worked example - alternating series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.DPxf4-ta4PM.mkv4.2M
[VID]20161216.Worked example - interval of convergence _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.oXUJXsoCtDs.mkv 13M
[VID]20161217.Trick involving Maclaurin expansion of cosx.3ihRfwICTOU.mkv6.6M
[VID]20161217.Worked example - Maclaurin polynomial _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.tWNxdsWoAd4.mkv6.6M
[VID]20161217.Worked example - coefficient in Maclaurin polynomial _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.RRYh4cqv6ZQ.mkv3.6M
[VID]20161217.Worked example - coefficient in Taylor polynomial _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.eo9dra_yIbc.mkv5.9M
[VID]20161219.Support Khan Academy and double your impact.uhfURKmAxWw.mkv3.7M
[VID]20161226.Finding function from power series by integrating _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.ixFgd1lFe9g.mkv8.6M
[VID]20161226.Function as a geometric series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.EXIUYib9d8M.mkv5.3M
[VID]20161226.Interval of convergence for derivative and integral _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.TeIgljoLIxA.mkv 13M
[VID]20161226.Worked example - estimating e_ using Lagrange error bound _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.IeHlXGpfaeA.mkv 16M
[VID]20161226.Worked example - estimating sin(0.4) using Lagrange error bound _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.2KWifFPOy5s.mkv 15M
[VID]20161226.Worked example - limit comparison test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.0dWF35WPKfM.mkv5.8M
[VID]20161227.Photoperiodism _ Plant Biology _ Khan Academy.AQf3gKTCffs.mkv 13M
[VID]20161227.Roman social and political structures _ World History _ Khan Academy.9IXn3xHhkgg.mkv 13M
[VID]20161228.Background of the Carthaginians _ World History _ Khan Academy.vmay1kIOjdM.mkv 10M
[VID]20161228.Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage _ World History _ Khan Academy.XHVty6_XTJY.mkv 22M
[VID]20161229.Caesar, Cleopatra and the Ides of March _ World History _ Khan Academy.7DUY9OxFc0E.mkv 20M
[VID]20161229.Rise of Julius Caesar _ World History _ Khan Academy.PG3vxLHo1Ws.mkv 13M
[VID]20161230.Augustus becomes first Emperor of Roman Empire _ World History _ Khan Academy.Y33LnxG2L80.mkv 16M
[VID]20161230.Ides of March spark a civil war _ World History _ Khan Academy.zc_p7Mw1A7U.mkv 24M
[VID]20170102.Emperors of Pax Romana _ World History _ Khan Academy.sF3Lh4XT4hg.mkv 12M
[VID]20170103.Worked example - recognizing function from Taylor series _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.0BdZZCwDE-I.mkv6.6M
[VID]20170104.Fall of the Roman Empire _ World History _ Khan Academy.UZ3oEn5Q7U4.mkv 18M
[VID]20170105.Thank you for your support in 2016.q3WJVOsqu7s.mkv1.8M
[VID]20170109.Jesus Christ and Christianity _ World History _ Khan Academy.gUbsSL2OiBg.mkv 20M
[VID]20170110.Addressing treating differentials algebraically _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.KQ7Y31QgX_w.mkv4.8M
[VID]20170110.Computing a Jacobian matrix.CGbBbH1e7Yw.mkv6.9M
[VID]20170110.Jacobian prerequisite knowledge.VmfTXVG9S0U.mkv9.4M
[VID]20170110.Local linearity for a multivariable function.Vnga_psnCAo.mkv6.8M
[VID]20170110.The Jacobian Determinant.p46QWyHQE6M.mkv 11M
[VID]20170110.The Jacobian matrix.bohL918kXQk.mkv9.5M
[VID]20170110.Worked example - exponential solution to differential equation _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.pRuwcphjJeg.mkv5.7M
[VID]20170110.Worked example - forming a slope field _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.tgS5kgkZNGw.mkv5.4M
[VID]20170110.Worked example - identifying separable equations _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.6vUjGgI8Dso.mkv7.4M
[VID]20170110.Worked example - range of solution curve from slope field _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.8EA5wv-kQPw.mkv4.6M
[VID]20170110.Worked example - separable equation with an implicit solution _ Khan Academy.72xChzYjJdM.mkv4.3M
[VID]20170110.Worked example - slope field from equation _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.sPe6qoQFFD8.mkv4.1M
[VID]20170110.Writing a differential equation _ Differential equations _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.H9h-Xg7zjPU.mkv3.3M
[VID]20170113.Paul and the apostles Christianity _ World History _ Khan Academy.QSC86jWqGKc.mkv 19M
[VID]20170113.Roman Empire and Christianity _ World History _ Khan Academy.Z-Xzp-WMv4E.mkv 10M
[VID]20170116.History and prehistory _ The Origin of Humans and Human Societies _ World History _ Khan Academy.ObGarwy5Jss.mkv 15M
[VID]20170116.Origins of agriculture _ World History _ Khan Academy.JvBHwVpBCwM.mkv 18M
[VID]20170120.Ancient Mesopotamia _ Early Civilizations _ World History _ Khan Academy.9GQdh2eGP-Y.mkv 12M
[VID]20170123.Indus Valley Civilization _ Early Civilizations _ World History _ Khan Academy.mi9sMazNPxM.mkv 17M
[VID]20170124.Ancient Egypt _ Early Civilizations _ World History _ Khan Academy.SGSLyp8mmMc.mkv 24M
[VID]20170125.Ancient China _ Early Civilizations _ World History _ Khan Academy.g9SGpnheXek.mkv 14M
[VID]20170125.The Hittite Empire and the Battle of Kadesh _ Early Civilizations _ World History _ Khan Academy.-j7N-XPi5Z0.mkv 19M
[VID]20170126.Introduction to the Vedic Period _ World History _ Khan Academy.xBIbflTfxm8.mkv 11M
[VID]20170126.Sanskrit connections to English _ World History _ Khan Academy.kemwplAKWsY.mkv 11M
[VID]20170127.Pre Columbian Americas _ World History _ Khan Academy.o2XjXFvruIM.mkv 11M
[VID]20170203.Introduction to ions _ Atoms, compounds, and ions _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.zTUnjPALX_U.mkv 11M
[VID]20170206.Example naming ionic compound.YLRypVr164g.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170206.Naming ionic compound with polyvalent ion _ Atoms, compounds, and ions _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.vVTwzjvWySs.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170206.Naming ions and ionic compounds _ Atoms, compounds, and ions _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.ptAw20kem90.mkv5.3M
[VID]20170206.Worked example - Finding the formula of an ionic compound _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.8_fMpRUsnBk.mkv5.2M
[VID]20170207.Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasties _ World History _ Khan Academy.6L9jWmLkaS0.mkv 11M
[VID]20170209.Overview of early Judaism part 1 _ World History _ Khan Academy.cP-fdixB1Zc.mkv 14M
[VID]20170209.Overview of early Judaism part 2 _ World History _ Khan Academy.iBWCZxyElIM.mkv 19M
[VID]20170210.Metric system unit conversion examples.ODJzxGj_zvU.mkv6.0M
[VID]20170210.Molecular dipoles._nsIQIpBsUA.mkv 12M
[VID]20170210.Multi-step unit conversion examples.5QFwaG5oM_A.mkv5.9M
[VID]20170214.Beginnings of Islam part 2.xoC1fRavjUU.mkv 14M
[VID]20170214.Life of Muhammad and beginnings of Islam part 1 _ World History _ Khan Academy.4NT_btkLlho.mkv 15M
[VID]20170216.Spread of Islam part 3 _ World History _ Khan Academy.ojSkGvxFi4M.mkv 14M
[VID]20170217.Golden age of Islam _ World History _ Khan Academy.K5XKjk0-hCo.mkv 16M
[VID]20170222.Sunni and Shia Islam part 1 _ World History _ Khan Academy.iMbAu2Oh7PA.mkv 12M
[VID]20170223.Sunni and Shia Islam part 2 _ World History _ Khan Academy.FygpbbwsSGg.mkv 13M
[VID]20170224.Chandragupta, Ashoka and the Maurya Empire _ World History _ Khan Academy.P0zrLZrlyko.mkv 15M
[VID]20170224.Khan Academy Live - SAT Math Class.AgcuSSiR5to.mkv 39M
[VID]20170227.Confucius and Confucianism.iPQ6GB822x4.mkv 16M
[VID]20170228.Announcing Khan Academy Official LSAT Prep – Free for all!.od2ChzDRrBk.mkv4.9M
[VID]20170301.Mayans and Teotihuacan _ World History _ Khan Academy.HPRPaTqNnZk.mkv 11M
[VID]20170303.Affect and effect _ Frequently confused words _ Usage _ Grammar.5pfZ3dyG1cg.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170303.Alliteration, Assonance, and Onomatopoeia _ Style _ Grammar.6dACXPirT3s.mkv 10M
[VID]20170303.Bare_bear, allowed_aloud, advice_advise, break_brake _ Frequently confused words _ Usage _ Grammar.aIOYJ2Vlwy8.mkv8.0M
[VID]20170303.Chavin, Nazca, Moche, Huari and Tiwanaku civilizations _ World History _ Khan Academy.3yb1jBTwMeI.mkv 12M
[VID]20170303.Compliment_complement and desert_dessert _ Frequently confused words _ Usage _ Grammar.WnAzZWxiGs4.mkv5.8M
[VID]20170303.Hear_here and accept_except _ Frequently confused words _ Usage _ Grammar.t8RMj6xCJIQ.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170303.Introduction to Islam _ World History _ Khan Academy.Gg6ju-lHCwU.mkv 13M
[VID]20170303.Irony _ Style _ Grammar.LY5EBvlRCP4.mkv 13M
[VID]20170303.Less versus fewer _ Frequently confused words _ Usage _ Grammar.ZkFihBrRMCM.mkv9.8M
[VID]20170303.There, their, and they're _ Frequently confused words _ Usage _ Grammar.0D54pfccNUQ.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170303.The scale of formality _ Style _ Grammar.dzSbmCxUyuo.mkv 11M
[VID]20170303.To, two, and too _ Frequently confused words _ Usage _ Grammar.joTuAvMQ9vE.mkv4.0M
[VID]20170303.Under- and overstatement _ Style _ Grammar.lrpB0kNvEs4.mkv7.2M
[VID]20170306.Hinduism Introduction - Core ideas of Brahman, Atman, Samsara and Moksha _ History _ Khan Academy.WhTpJxlJi2I.mkv 13M
[VID]20170306.Khan Academy Live - SAT Reading Class.Zc_l4cCLUqo.mkv 76M
[VID]20170307.Electron affinity - period trend _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.6WIBa32o63Q.mkv 17M
[VID]20170307.Hindu gods overview _ World History _ Khan Academy.INv2gdpfXPQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20170307.Ionization energy - period trend _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.649ZlWMp0LE.mkv 12M
[VID]20170310.Comparative roles of women in Rome and Han China _ World History _ Khan Academy.rmPqoWYlH-Q.mkv 24M
[VID]20170310.Khan Academy Live - SAT Writing Class.-N2cFuy0mGM.mkv 95M
[VID]20170313.Hindu scripture overview _ World History _ Khan Academy.UWTdCorvOWU.mkv 16M
[VID]20170313.Varnas and the Caste System _ World History _ Khan Academy.v8sj8pHSFuE.mkv 10M
[VID]20170314.Common fractions and decimals _ Math _ 4th Grade _ Khan Academy.lh2mp0aqSh8.mkv 12M
[VID]20170315.Core spiritual ideas of Buddhism _ World History _ Khan Academy.16S_XjHqcZM.mkv9.0M
[VID]20170316.Buddhism _ World History _ Khan Academy.X-_cJU-pFwQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20170316.Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism _ World History _ Khan Academy.aCA6ioTLw-Q.mkv 12M
[VID]20170318.Early Silk Road _ World History _ Khan Academy.lLeIclx2lAU.mkv 12M
[VID]20170320.Cultural Syncretism in Central Asia _ World History _ Khan Academy.hds9i_bYm48.mkv 17M
[VID]20170320.The Fall of Empires _ World History _ Khan Academy.5Zo0j7yj23E.mkv 14M
[VID]20170322.Socrates Plato Aristotle _ World History _ Khan Academy.pJQr77Vzwyk.mkv 24M
[VID]20170323.Golden Age of Athens, Pericles and Greek Culture _ World History _ Khan Academy.9AHqFKc3mKY.mkv 23M
[VID]20170327.Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - balls _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Pfi_chISQbg.mkv2.7M
[VID]20170327.Analyzing structure with linear inequalities - fruits _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.JeIwsn-EWZU.mkv5.3M
[VID]20170327.Example finding appropriate units.xZRRPOneU2c.mkv4.8M
[VID]20170327.Graphing two variable inequality.dK_w1HzU3Ts.mkv5.2M
[VID]20170327.Horizontal & vertical lines _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.J43CIbKpdWc.mkv6.0M
[VID]20170327.Shifting absolute value graphs _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Wri26sPEBoI.mkv7.9M
[VID]20170327.Slope from equation _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.G4r9PpYQiL8.mkv7.5M
[VID]20170327.Worked example - using recursive formula for arithmetic sequence _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.v1ucHH06AxM.mkv2.9M
[VID]20170327.Worked examples - slope-intercept intro _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.qgsNNqmlLoA.mkv3.8M
[VID]20170329.Flipping and compressing a graph.GabN05XvXTg.mkv4.6M
[VID]20170329.Graphing a shifted and stretched absolute value function.v6Ct2OEmGNU.mkv7.3M
[VID]20170329.Multiplying & dividing powers (integer exponents) _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.CZ5ne_mX5_I.mkv4.9M
[VID]20170329.Scaling & reflecting absolute value functions - graph _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Yyfk0rwuZSE.mkv4.1M
[VID]20170330.Determining whether real world model is linear or exponential.tV0NNJ6ndgk.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170330.Examples of linear and exponential relationships._vlXdx-CqM0.mkv3.2M
[VID]20170330.Powers of products & quotients (integer exponents) _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.dC1ojsMi1yU.mkv7.9M
[VID]20170330.Simplifying square-root expressions _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.3MijXB91DVo.mkv9.7M
[VID]20170331.5th roots _ Mathematics I _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.8wrtyW1RwNk.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170331.Comparing exponential and linear function.cwnke_pjX90.mkv6.6M
[VID]20170331.Difference of squares intro _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.HLNSouzygw0.mkv4.8M
[VID]20170331.Expression for compound or exponential growth.L70UJVjc-bc.mkv6.7M
[VID]20170331.Identifying graph for exponential.6rX2VNybXEE.mkv6.1M
[VID]20170331.Interpretting exponential expression.Pud5ygp6H38.mkv3.2M
[VID]20170331.Introduction to exponential decay.v4IdaXvyE7U.mkv8.1M
[VID]20170331.Modeling with basic exponential function.Z3YVZzCEi_A.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170331.Perfect square factorization intro _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.JX5Zvh6swmo.mkv5.8M
[VID]20170331.Polynomials intro _ Mathematics II _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.Vm7H0VTlIco.mkv 13M
[VID]20170403.Analyzing model in vertex form.lUA1LYCoIAg.mkv8.3M
[VID]20170403.Graphing parabola from quadratic in factored form.EV57jv7JKCs.mkv6.4M
[VID]20170403.Recognizing quadratic factor methods.2hHyY1eyHQs.mkv8.5M
[VID]20170403.Recognizing quadratic factor methods part 2.ahPdiNQGXRA.mkv 11M
[VID]20170403.Solving equations with zero product property.-lWVpoPaPBc.mkv7.2M
[VID]20170403.Visual introduction to parabolas.BGz3pkoGPag.mkv 10M
[VID]20170403.Worked examples - Forms & features of quadratic functions _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.eRbgHCaWQQE.mkv8.8M
[VID]20170410.Example scaling parabola.AMsbZLxd3lE.mkv5.5M
[VID]20170410.Example translating parabola.ZmVOR6n_fzY.mkv5.8M
[VID]20170410.Reflecting and scaling absolute value function.lPcahMeUYcU.mkv4.5M
[VID]20170410.Sums and products of irrational numbers.16-GZWi66CI.mkv6.4M
[VID]20170412.Justinian and the Byzantine Empire _ World History _ Khan Academy.Y4-F3zk7pFc.mkv 14M
[VID]20170413.Approximating limit from numeric table.HunTJkbVQ4s.mkv 14M
[VID]20170413.Approximating limits _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.YLbMvvwYCcg.mkv 11M
[VID]20170413.Example approximating limit graphically.4SqOXcywn7c.mkv6.0M
[VID]20170413.Sal Khan chats with Google CEO Sundar Pichai._kCT_lcM9ow.mkv 41M
[VID]20170414.Example exercise using limit flow chart.pzcEovb0GHU.mkv6.1M
[VID]20170414.Strategy in finding limits _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ZaLw1cunN3s.mkv 16M
[VID]20170417.Common chain rule misunderstandings _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WVdPekbXSfE.mkv8.7M
[VID]20170417.Identifying composite functions _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.MT1-bqKpal8.mkv8.3M
[VID]20170418.Adding decimals with ones, tenths and hundredths.6NBkb98nFOM.mkv7.1M
[VID]20170418.Adding decimals with ones and tenths parts.66_Sb1dP81E.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170418.Andding decimals with hundredths.fWi-i_mdUOI.mkv6.7M
[VID]20170418.Developing strategies for multiplying decimals.xBseQOzMB7A.mkv4.9M
[VID]20170418.Developing strategies for multiplying two digit decimals.ekDTjvF_CJw.mkv3.4M
[VID]20170418.Introduction to adding decimals tenths.7I_AILEWTL4.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170418.More advanced subtraction strategies with hundredths.URdTZ38JvOI.mkv4.8M
[VID]20170418.Strategies for multiplying multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.iFy0oH-3Pn4.mkv6.5M
[VID]20170418.Strategies for subtracting basic decimals.N5xWYgeIWmU.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170418.Strategies for subtracting more complex decimals with tenths.IE0HQoLrbX4.mkv8.3M
[VID]20170418.Subtraction strategies with hundredths.GUK9aup5HOs.mkv5.4M
[VID]20170419.Division strategies for decimal quotients.zlq_jQYD1mA.mkv8.2M
[VID]20170419.Example reasoning about limits from tables.UiLiMg_U7_I.mkv 10M
[VID]20170419.Introduction to dividing by 2 digits.KzdbThwGNGI.mkv4.7M
[VID]20170419.Introduction to frames of reference.3yaZ7lkQPUQ.mkv7.4M
[VID]20170419.Limits from tables for oscillating functions.zaUhcLRp-c8.mkv7.9M
[VID]20170419.Multi digit division strategies for decimals.bRRtp9XdDrY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20170419.Strategies for dividing by tenths.dToPqCXHNDA.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170419.Strategies for dividing multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.dejocl4sYfw.mkv6.5M
[VID]20170420.Approximating asymptotic limit from table.DGJBaeDJ74g.mkv6.2M
[VID]20170420.Differentiating functions - Find the error _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.1l4mmTSIbvU.mkv 11M
[VID]20170420.Manipulating functions before differentiation _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.AntQBDFOjUw.mkv 13M
[VID]20170426.Arian Controversy and the Council of Nicaea _ World History _ Khan Academy.T8O4AcTyjHc.mkv 15M
[VID]20170426.Spread of Islamic Culture _ World History _ Khan Academy.sDSTgKIQAzE.mkv 15M
[VID]20170427.Khan Academy Live - AP Calculus.8JT-Xqs8_GQ.mkv 99M
[VID]20170429.Great Schism part 1.mTNs7wjqgaQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20170501.Early Medieval Trade _ World History _ Khan Academy.FyW7CUl9KDc.mkv 15M
[VID]20170501.Khan Academy Live - AP US History.2ujmYuSYzSk.mkv110M
[VID]20170502.Neo-Confucianism and Zhu Xi _ World History _ Khan Academy.Pn9n-k1JIUo.mkv 11M
[VID]20170503.Chinese Imperial Dynasties _ World History _ Khan Academy.K5UbnilpzXA.mkv 14M
[VID]20170503.Introduction to the coordinate plane.pAlq9fFwtus.mkv7.3M
[VID]20170504.Complete ionic and net ionic equations _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.BgTpPM9BMuU.mkv7.7M
[VID]20170504.Great Schism or East-West Schism part 1 _ World History _ Khan Academy.jqMC4RBE4A0.mkv 13M
[VID]20170504.Great Schism or East-West Schism part 2 _ World History _ Khan Academy.iql2eFZsV5Y.mkv 11M
[VID]20170505.Example plotting corners of rectangle.AUAT7zdD6Jc.mkv2.6M
[VID]20170505.Interpreting plotted points.9EEJU4Ox-TE.mkv2.8M
[VID]20170505.Peasant Revolts _ World History _ Khan Academy.c30S6M8-Jvw.mkv 17M
[VID]20170505.Prosperity in Song China (960-1279) _ World History _ Khan Academy.CBjLSRfqoAg.mkv7.1M
[VID]20170508.An announcement from Khan Academy.8-pxqeO24Ww.mkv2.7M
[VID]20170508.Feudal system during the Middle Ages _ World History _ Khan Academy.p3pYuY4buIk.mkv 13M
[VID]20170508.Overview of the Middle Ages _ World History _ Khan Academy.H5ZJujqa0YQ.mkv 21M
[VID]20170509.Aztec Empire _ World History _ Khan Academy._-96fKZGQVs.mkv8.9M
[VID]20170510.Human migration - sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific _ World History _ Khan Academy.aAB75bP7rdk.mkv 11M
[VID]20170510.Inca Empire overview _ World History _ Khan Academy.20B94yLBGrg.mkv7.0M
[VID]20170510.Serfs and manorialism _ World History _ Khan Academy.4o6wnbgi6bg.mkv8.4M
[VID]20170511.Classical Japan during the Heian Period _ World History _ Khan Academy.HxIKVdvkFkA.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170511.Shoguns, samurai and the Japanese Middle Ages _ World History _ Khan Academy.zLHwRTNbcjI.mkv 10M
[VID]20170512.Introduction to the Crusades.NGyCpI1zE6k.mkv 11M
[VID]20170515.An overview of the Crusades (part 2).bCiNvTNwAQk.mkv 13M
[VID]20170515.Impact of the Crusades.7LY2CMteGw8.mkv 13M
[VID]20170516.Compare decimals word problems.ELNooV0ymYk.mkv4.4M
[VID]20170516.Comparing multi digit numbers word problems.PqyS66_mE24.mkv6.6M
[VID]20170516.Khan Academy Live - SAT Math.QtOY8O_8LPg.mkv 85M
[VID]20170516.Rounding to nearest ten, hundred and thousand.Gg-GD5QfbB4.mkv3.4M
[VID]20170516.Rounding to the nearest tenth and hundredth.IcmAxkEImtI.mkv4.6M
[VID]20170517.Christopher Columbus.83JI9i8DZbs.mkv6.5M
[VID]20170517.Consequences of Columbus's voyage on the Tainos and Europe.VbKB4dRO2jc.mkv 16M
[VID]20170517.Origins of European exploration in the Americas.Wwk7__c7r50.mkv 15M
[VID]20170517.The Columbian Exchange.pLijVYVDKlc.mkv 15M
[VID]20170522.Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire.PiIJFRqrQYk.mkv8.9M
[VID]20170523.Area of an isosceles triangle.yZ4CbopnVBg.mkv3.9M
[VID]20170523.Counting faces and edges of 3D shapes._y17uHBwa_8.mkv3.8M
[VID]20170523.Example finding area of triangle.7N5orPxUoGo.mkv1.4M
[VID]20170523.Example finding distance with Pythagorean theorem.apkT6rVE8qo.mkv3.9M
[VID]20170523.Example of shapes on a coordinate plane.8V-PdgS2GKc.mkv2.4M
[VID]20170523.Finding height of a parallelogram.SKe3ItfdzTY.mkv1.7M
[VID]20170523.How volume changes from changing dimensions.IShaLZ8CMXY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20170523.Khan Academy Live - SAT Reading (Hangouts on air).8hvvhH7-aLE.mkv 95M
[VID]20170523.Partial circle area and arc length.YjWCDdNlXxc.mkv3.2M
[VID]20170523.Pythagorean theorem with right triangle.TjOlZr_2uW4.mkv4.1M
[VID]20170523.Recognizing common 3D shapes.tqxQSSzuXX0.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170523.Relating circumference and area.-jqWW22FMdI.mkv4.8M
[VID]20170523.Surface area word problem example.ODNCH3gSKdA.mkv5.2M
[VID]20170523.Triangle missing side example.wTkH288r84s.mkv3.4M
[VID]20170524.Analyzing a cumulative relative frequency graph _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.TwGYLQ-DNdc.mkv7.3M
[VID]20170524.Bivariate relationship linearity, strength and direction _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.30LcZqRfPRY.mkv 11M
[VID]20170524.Calculating percentile _ Modeling data distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Ngyt8Q5tWkU.mkv4.5M
[VID]20170524.Calculating residual example _ Exploring bivariate numerical data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.50ezMTE_BuA.mkv6.4M
[VID]20170524.Comparing with z-scores _ Modeling data distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy._rtQGAX5wsQ.mkv3.8M
[VID]20170524.Example estimating from regression line.TWkYalFn8lo.mkv4.3M
[VID]20170524.How parameters change as data is shifted and scaled _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.JFlI4Vxtzxo.mkv8.0M
[VID]20170524.Introduction to residuals and least squares regression.yMgFHbjbAW8.mkv8.5M
[VID]20170524.Mean and standard deviation versus median and IQR _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.qNKOi08NxHs.mkv8.9M
[VID]20170525.Knights Templar _ World History _ Khan Academy.T9ACF4I4q0k.mkv 19M
[VID]20170526.Bhakti movement _ World History _ Khan Academy.SZUipvwNx3w.mkv 11M
[VID]20170526.Why were the Mongols so effective _ World History _ Khan Academy.n-7xGKl2HX4.mkv 13M
[VID]20170530.Classical Japan during the Heian Period _ World History _ Khan Academy.-5rBQO0VpWo.mkv6.1M
[VID]20170530.Khan Academy Live - SAT Writing._DoO43_hihI.mkv 74M
[VID]20170530.Timur _ 600 - 1450 Regional and interregional interactions _ World History _ Khan Academy.5SJFZQ4zwLw.mkv7.7M
[VID]20170531.Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires _ World History _ Khan Academy.hNpcQEGw3S4.mkv 16M
[VID]20170602.Sikhism introduction _ World History _ Khan Academy.925fZ4WKISo.mkv 17M
[VID]20170605.Interpreting slope of regression line _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.PplggM0KtJ8.mkv3.3M
[VID]20170605.Interpreting y-intercept in regression model _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.00YVR5TSZqw.mkv3.3M
[VID]20170605.Mughal rule in India _ 1450 - Present _ World History _ Khan Academy.mGnm89Rfi98.mkv8.2M
[VID]20170605.This school year may be ending but we have lots to do for next year..7IthGldHD9U.mkv4.7M
[VID]20170606.Industrialization and imperialism _ World History _ Khan Academy.fUDwPz9VmL0.mkv 20M
[VID]20170607.Latin American Independence movements _ 1450 - Present _ World History _ Khan Academy.y6lIgVSvizk.mkv 11M
[VID]20170608.Independence movements in the 20th Century _ World History _ Khan Academy.8xIA10NQakI.mkv 17M
[VID]20170611.The Holocaust _ World History _ Khan Academy.xjh0L2Km_cs.mkv 15M
[VID]20170614.Japanese Imperialism _ World History _ Khan Academy.p5SkpVqjWmg.mkv 16M
[VID]20170614.Opium Wars _ World History _ Khan Academy.VlZpo580bA8.mkv8.6M
[VID]20170615.Frankish women in the Carolingian Dynasty primary source _ World History _ Khan Academy.-p7_TQ84cpk.mkv8.1M
[VID]20170615.The Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment _ World History _ Khan Academy.7vL4-Ophj5s.mkv 11M
[VID]20170616.Buddhism - context and comparison _ World History _ Khan Academy.OmFgyJRj66I.mkv 12M
[VID]20170616.Contextualization--Islam _ World History _ Khan Academy.gB7ya6386iA.mkv 13M
[VID]20170616.International Human Rights _ 1450 - Present _ World History _ Khan Academy.5CZ0oZ_lXSY.mkv 15M
[VID]20170619.Continuity-Sikhism connections to Hinduism and Islam _ 1450 - Present _ World History _ Khan Academy.lIHJcTf31NM.mkv 17M
[VID]20170620.Comparison - Rise of empires _ World History _ Khan Academy.g39owvSlC-g.mkv 13M
[VID]20170627.Comparing Roman and Byzantine Empires _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.Fx4l41R5nxY.mkv 12M
[VID]20170628.Better Takes Practice - Azulaye - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.PomqUoIpPD8.mkv3.1M
[VID]20170628.Better Takes Practice - Cameron - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.5m3_Kre_M4Y.mkv2.8M
[VID]20170628.Better Takes Practice - Diana - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.22G9ylLr_I0.mkv2.5M
[VID]20170628.Better Takes Practice - Gillian - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.Ra5QQ2CmprQ.mkv2.4M
[VID]20170628.Better Takes Practice - Ian - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.QE9TzvPQOXM.mkv2.8M
[VID]20170628.Better Takes Practice - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.Pb8ic8vk4CM.mkv1.4M
[VID]20170628.Better Takes Practice - The Full Story - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.BVqUmxb9NGI.mkv8.0M
[VID]20170628.Connecting limits and graphical behavior _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.l6FX_r_Tkls.mkv5.8M
[VID]20170628.Graphical limit example.tckDZCRgbJA.mkv4.0M
[VID]20170628.Title - Better Takes Practice - D'Andre - Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.SScIF54S1_8.mkv3.1M
[VID]20170629.Continuity over an interval _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ENIQiqxFpBc.mkv 13M
[VID]20170629.Functions with same limit at infinity _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.H_Nm3qGE65s.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170629.Infinite limits and asymptotes _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.6BwDYdfw9NQ.mkv4.7M
[VID]20170629.Types of discontinuities _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.NVGBq_V-F6U.mkv8.6M
[VID]20170703.How did Russia begin _ 1450 - Present _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.P58tMgZ4v0A.mkv 14M
[VID]20170703.The Articles of Confederation _ Period 3 - 1754-1800 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.NfFRNgyQebE.mkv7.5M
[VID]20170703.The Constitutional Convention _ Period 3 - 1754-1800 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.M0UTy_s01pw.mkv 13M
[VID]20170703.The Declaration of Independence _ Period 3 - 1754-1800 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.Ug8amZRFrZs.mkv 20M
[VID]20170703.The US Constitution _ Period 3 - 1754-1800 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.s4GUt8G4Wd8.mkv 12M
[VID]20170706.Adding 1 vs. adding 10 _ Addition and subtraction _ 1st grade _ Khan Academy.mKsKU0BAiRM.mkv3.2M
[VID]20170706.Adding 2-digit numbers without regrouping 1 _ Addition and subtraction _ 1st grade _ Khan Academy.EV38zfiY6Vs.mkv2.6M
[VID]20170706.Breaking apart 2-digit addition problems _ Addition and subtraction _ 1st grade _ Khan Academy.UjfmOmPARyk.mkv9.5M
[VID]20170706.Comparison word problems - roly-polies _ Addition and subtraction _ 1st grade _ Khan Academy.3rs7sFPoiZ4.mkv3.9M
[VID]20170706.Distance and displacement in one dimension _ One-dimensional motion _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.w2mbvtpQKrM.mkv5.2M
[VID]20170706.Distance and displacement introduction _ One-dimensional motion _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.vQCkYm3v3aA.mkv4.1M
[VID]20170706.Position-time graphs _ One-dimensional motion _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.9XxzIoUQd78.mkv4.9M
[VID]20170706.Regrouping to add 1-digit number _ Addition and subtraction _ 1st grade _ Khan Academy.G1cNKc3PD74.mkv6.2M
[VID]20170706.Worked example - distance and displacement from position-time graphs _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.az6i2qvI1E0.mkv 12M
[VID]20170707.Density Curves _ Modeling data distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.PUvUQMQ7xQk.mkv 10M
[VID]20170707.Density curve worked example _ Modeling data distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.P5y83-ZnQeo.mkv4.4M
[VID]20170707.Median, mean and skew from density curves _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.JFesFhraX2M.mkv7.7M
[VID]20170707.Worked example finding area under density curves _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Tu3O9tC3Eh8.mkv5.7M
[VID]20170710.Finding z-score for a percentile _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.S5_5KyCVjrU.mkv5.9M
[VID]20170710.Standard normal table for proportion above _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.i9FzFfv1rQg.mkv6.0M
[VID]20170710.Standard normal table for proportion below _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Fo4kitkFB3I.mkv5.9M
[VID]20170710.Standard normal table for proportion between values _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.uwhV0TAPmWc.mkv9.7M
[VID]20170711.Calculating correlation coefficient r _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.u4ugaNo6v1Q.mkv 15M
[VID]20170711.Calculating the equation of a regression line _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.FGesqq22TCM.mkv9.6M
[VID]20170711.Residual plots _ Exploring bivariate numerical data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.VamMrPZ-8fc.mkv7.0M
[VID]20170711.Threshold for low percentile _ Modeling data distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.umYWWMfxUCI.mkv7.8M
[VID]20170712.Experimental versus theoretical probability simulation _ Probability _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Nos-xOCpQqg.mkv5.3M
[VID]20170712.Impact of removing outliers on regression lines _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.TbS7S7lb9Es.mkv7.8M
[VID]20170712.Interpreting computer regression data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.sIJj7Q77SVI.mkv7.2M
[VID]20170712.Standard deviation of residuals or Root-mean-square error (RMSD).zMFdb__sUpw.mkv8.1M
[VID]20170713.Conditional probability and independence _ Probability _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.pIfpHdGVwLU.mkv4.7M
[VID]20170713.Conditional probability tree diagram example _ Probability _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.hxEdXUB_IdQ.mkv 16M
[VID]20170713.Mean (expected value) of a discrete random variable _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.qafPcWNUiM8.mkv4.5M
[VID]20170713.Probability with discrete random variable example _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.d2STHFVHGAg.mkv4.6M
[VID]20170713.Random number list to run experiment _ Probability _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.2AVLfSRpmfg.mkv 11M
[VID]20170713.Random numbers for experimental probability _ Probability _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.vjGINFbV8Cs.mkv 11M
[VID]20170713.Valid discrete probability distribution examples _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.uXtxKxYl1Iw.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170714.Example - Analyzing distribution of sum of two normally distributed random variables _ Khan Academy.Z6vANdo1L68.mkv8.7M
[VID]20170714.Example - Analyzing the difference in distributions _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy._Pq547nYFaE.mkv 13M
[VID]20170714.Example - Transforming a discrete random variable _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.nb3m_Q7rfT4.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170714.Probabilities from density curves _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.3E8BO7VRMEA.mkv5.8M
[VID]20170714.Variance and standard deviation of a discrete random variable _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.2egl_5c8i-g.mkv7.3M
[VID]20170717.Limits of trigonometric functions _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5_zxtSyTfOY.mkv7.4M
[VID]20170719.Derivative as a concept _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.N2PpRnFqnqY.mkv7.2M
[VID]20170720.Estimating derivatives _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.jvYZNp5myXg.mkv7.7M
[VID]20170720.Secant lines & average rate of change _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.0z_MDIWMBwU.mkv6.2M
[VID]20170721.Differentiability and continuity _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.xuAiQOzIkWY.mkv 11M
[VID]20170724.Limit of (1-cos(x))_x as x approaches 0 _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Ojtwh8XDF8M.mkv4.7M
[VID]20170724.Limit of sin(x)_x as x approaches 0 _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5xitzTutKqM.mkv9.4M
[VID]20170724.Local linearity and differentiability _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.h2lARdo7Xko.mkv7.2M
[VID]20170725.Applying the chain rule and product rule _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.QqAPCIIdx-E.mkv7.1M
[VID]20170725.Derivatives of sin(x) and cos(x) _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.UwFlrPNf5ZE.mkv4.3M
[VID]20170725.Proof - The derivative of _ is _ _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.SFWN-TkVFyI.mkv8.9M
[VID]20170725.Proof - the derivative of ln(x) is 1_x _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.3LgfZ4bQ-yc.mkv9.4M
[VID]20170725.Proof of the derivative of cos(x) _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.PszFmdiMUcs.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170725.Quotient rule _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WqzY3xibFL8.mkv4.5M
[VID]20170726.Applying the chain rule twice _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.eY1LuoSfiys.mkv3.3M
[VID]20170726.Differentiating related functions intro _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Mj_2fVKWa0k.mkv3.7M
[VID]20170726.Differentiating using multiple rules - strategy _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Qgj2_4r3VBs.mkv6.1M
[VID]20170726.Identifying f, f', and f'' based on graphs.b1ZaBpRT5-8.mkv5.1M
[VID]20170726.Worked example - Differentiating related functions _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.C3MI_mspN3o.mkv9.5M
[VID]20170727.Existence theorems intro _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.EHzKIR3RuxE.mkv9.7M
[VID]20170727.Inflection points from graphs of function & derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.YBQUw0NhqgU.mkv6.0M
[VID]20170727.Worked example - Inflection points from second derivative _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.DJkOeou9oWw.mkv4.3M
[VID]20170728.Khan Academy in the classroom _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Tx-AtZOJYfE.mkv7.8M
[VID]20170728.Meet Jeff, a creator of AP Statistics on Khan Academy _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.BW01z2hmBMY.mkv8.0M
[VID]20170731.2017 AP Calculus AB_BC 4a _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.tMA17GzO0TY.mkv8.0M
[VID]20170731.2017 AP Calculus AB_BC 4b _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.OzhjlMnQ114.mkv7.9M
[VID]20170731.2017 AP Calculus AB_BC 4c _ AP Calculus AB solved exams _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.0DGrdJA5Mx4.mkv9.0M
[VID]20170731.Definite integrals intro _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.0dDIPzqKgYk.mkv2.8M
[VID]20170731.Midpoint sums _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.kJ57S0Z4Vp8.mkv5.9M
[VID]20170731.Worked examples - Summation notation _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.luSh3hz_b18.mkv6.3M
[VID]20170801.A message from Sal Khan for the Khan Academy 2016 Annual Report.816YzKynf6Y.mkv7.0M
[VID]20170801.Area between a curve and and the _-axis _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.6XqsLv0QDUE.mkv4.1M
[VID]20170801.Horizontal area between curves _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.B5441_DREY0.mkv7.8M
[VID]20170801.Integration by parts - definite integrals _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.vS3bpx5ubBI.mkv6.3M
[VID]20170801.Rewriting before integrating _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.hzSef_HVqz4.mkv6.4M
[VID]20170801.Worked example - Rewriting definite integral as limit of Riemann sum _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.eidemLqiPyQ.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170801.Worked example - Rewriting limit of Riemann sum as definite integral _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Himr2l8Rd18.mkv7.0M
[VID]20170801.Worked example - separable differential equations _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.UAcRCt9pEDI.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170802.A message from Sal Khan for the Khan Academy 2016 Annual Report.AK9OVktYzwY.mkv8.0M
[VID]20170802.Impact of transforming (scaling and shifting) random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.fx3TtExi9e8.mkv6.4M
[VID]20170802.Indefinite integrals - sums & multiples _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.YwR_82jgJ_Q.mkv5.7M
[VID]20170803.Conditions for IVT and EVT - graph _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.h1YFwjMp3Ag.mkv6.1M
[VID]20170803.Conditions for IVT and EVT - table _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.vPYl4NM6DaM.mkv9.9M
[VID]20170803.Estimating limits from tables _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.zX49LocrXbg.mkv4.2M
[VID]20170804.Analyzing mistakes when finding extrema (example 1) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.-ihDprWkcY8.mkv6.3M
[VID]20170807.Scarcity _ Basic economics concepts _ Economics _ Khan Academy.iy-fhpbTH9E.mkv8.1M
[VID]20170808.Economic models _ Basic economics concepts _ AP Macroeconomics and Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.7n_Hf_UsW7I.mkv8.8M
[VID]20170809.Derivative of _ _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.W_gNAjWWvBg.mkv3.2M
[VID]20170810.Examples establishing conditions for MVT.2aqcjZsjeXk.mkv 11M
[VID]20170810.Justification using first derivative _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.t-RXwwBjxsc.mkv7.6M
[VID]20170810.Mean of sum and difference of random variables _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.RYSN1CARHtE.mkv3.3M
[VID]20170810.Parametric curve arc length _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.DXHM7LYGcbI.mkv7.6M
[VID]20170810.Polar functions derivatives _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.8mS9eDHf0fQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20170810.Worked example - Parametric arc length _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.F3KyoI26fKI.mkv5.3M
[VID]20170811.Normative and positive statements _ Basic economics concepts _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.YtX6SGw7E3c.mkv5.3M
[VID]20170811.Solar and lunar eclipses.qJqGg3Xe4iE.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170811.The Moon.ZQcf9xLABa0.mkv6.0M
[VID]20170813.Worked example - separable differential equation (with taking log of both sides) _ Khan Academy.ulrAE8LJlKY.mkv4.0M
[VID]20170814.Adding 3-digit numbers (no regrouping) _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.d3109sV6izY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20170814.Adding and subtracting on number line 2 _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.WevZMyikGV4.mkv2.7M
[VID]20170814.Addition and subtraction with number lines _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.I5xcZgyY4ag.mkv2.4M
[VID]20170814.Addition using groups of 10 and 100 _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.Nq88IHw4Y9E.mkv3.8M
[VID]20170814.Breaking apart 3-digit addition problems _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.Hc9mcx739js.mkv5.2M
[VID]20170814.Command and market economies _ Basic economics concepts _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Ve6K10-Yx_M.mkv 14M
[VID]20170814.Example of vector magnitude from initial and terminal points.jfaSZhNFEOE.mkv6.4M
[VID]20170814.Missing numbers in addition and subtraction _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.zTK6XUF0HAs.mkv6.6M
[VID]20170814.Solving 3-digit addition in your head _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.jAfJcgPGqgI.mkv7.4M
[VID]20170814.Strategies for adding 2-digit numbers _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.kMHFY6ZrKbU.mkv3.3M
[VID]20170814.Subtracting 1 vs. subtracting 10 _ Addition and subtraction within 100 _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.8YR1E7XWPz8.mkv3.5M
[VID]20170814.Subtracting 3-digit numbers (no regrouping) _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.i8r7ZTUqB9w.mkv4.4M
[VID]20170814.Subtracting a 1-digit number with regrouping _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.zvetEuVJ0bE.mkv4.6M
[VID]20170814.Subtracting two-digit numbers without regrouping (example 2) _ 2nd grade _ Khan Academy.RzEFGpe0rv4.mkv2.6M
[VID]20170821.Native American societies before contact _ Period 1 - 1491-1607 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.Ht0FW7RwRmc.mkv8.0M
[VID]20170822.French and Dutch colonization _ Period 2 - 1607-1754 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.5L_6VfsfWms.mkv 18M
[VID]20170822.Spanish colonization _ Period 1 - 1491-1607 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.uWj0GCvn_Oo.mkv 17M
[VID]20170822.The Middle colonies _ Period 2 - 1607-1754 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.UGiNOeuQRnE.mkv 14M
[VID]20170825.Politics and indigenous relations in the New England colonies _ AP US History _ Khan 12M
[VID]20170825.Society and religion in the New England colonies _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.Y4z2fS8FwfE.mkv 17M
[VID]20170825.The West Indies and the Southern colonies _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.2TA4y9BtzBw.mkv 18M
[VID]20170905.Derivative of ln(x) _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Qm1TDobNrns.mkv2.0M
[VID]20170905.Derivatives of inverse functions _ Advanced derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.XOs9vVmzE70.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170906.Conditions for MVT - graph _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.PnqPan7AyJE.mkv8.3M
[VID]20170906.Connecting f, f', and f'' graphically (another example) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.G6ReTLn9vLc.mkv4.9M
[VID]20170906.Connecting f, f', and f'' graphically _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.elugjT_Np3M.mkv5.9M
[VID]20170906.Introduction to integral calculus _ Accumulation and Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.__Uw1SXPW7s.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170907.Analyzing related rates problems - expressions _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.TX69hjJpBFk.mkv 13M
[VID]20170907.Calculus based justification for function increasing _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.qLhZdSNDQ0M.mkv3.9M
[VID]20170907.Conditions for MVT - table _ Existence theorems _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.UUyAoEQtToI.mkv6.6M
[VID]20170907.Justification using second derivative - maximum point _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.PvZaQZBJzGU.mkv6.2M
[VID]20170907.Mistakes when finding inflection points - not checking candidates _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.1lA1hWdw62Q.mkv5.2M
[VID]20170907.Mistakes when finding inflection points - second derivative undefined _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.TaRPDFqEd-c.mkv7.9M
[VID]20170908.Interpreting behavior of _ from graph of _'=Ä _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.51JgTZKnytA.mkv9.8M
[VID]20170908.Interpreting definite integral as net change _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.5-qpfFTaY8c.mkv5.6M
[VID]20170908.Worked example - finding a Riemann sum using a table _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.dki2K3Z-1kI.mkv9.1M
[VID]20170908.Worked examples - interpreting definite integrals in context _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.FWcXFU8Zj8U.mkv5.9M
[VID]20170908._substitution - defining _ (more examples) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.rsBALP8QNns.mkv5.0M
[VID]20170908._substitution - defining _ _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.r5XXDSOh5Nk.mkv4.1M
[VID]20170908._substitution - definite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.paNqHnR3-aM.mkv6.4M
[VID]20170911.Analyzing motion problems - position _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.M7IZClYqdEo.mkv4.1M
[VID]20170911.Analyzing motion problems - total distance traveled _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Ih-NVgXuTnQ.mkv3.6M
[VID]20170911.Analyzing problems involving definite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.U4dtruMdQ7Y.mkv7.3M
[VID]20170911.Approximating limits using tables _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.1tn0vd2835k.mkv4.7M
[VID]20170911.Motion problems with integrals - displacement vs. distance _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Sy_7PkoTCtA.mkv 11M
[VID]20170911.Planar motion (with integrals) _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.EZbgMfuh9C8.mkv9.7M
[VID]20170913.Example - Comparing distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.lT3LRjtSbJc.mkv8.4M
[VID]20170913.Example - Describing a distribution _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.XLNAkLuokzY.mkv7.4M
[VID]20170922.Area between curves _ Applications of definite integrals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.wQXYtsyfbqg.mkv9.1M
[VID]20170922.Worked example - problem involving definite integral (algebraic) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.vYix-RPhT64.mkv9.2M
[VID]20170927.Limits from graphs _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.mols6pMKrto.mkv6.2M
[VID]20170927.Over- and under-estimation of Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ER5eoDkjsrc.mkv4.6M
[VID]20170927.Worked example - Logistic model word problem _ Differential equations _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.kDZlMFkKhWA.mkv 11M
[VID]20170927.Worked example - differentiating polar functions _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.ConsnUZGfmw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20170927.Worked example - over- and under-estimation of Riemann sums _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.XmI80eJZAWM.mkv6.6M
[VID]20170928.Analyzing related rates problems - equations (trig) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.XwEGKNPLQfQ.mkv9.8M
[VID]20170928.Justification using second derivative - inflection point _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.QgpjYgAAW7o.mkv4.9M
[VID]20170928.Worked example - area between curves _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.aaCRnT8o-Ng.mkv6.7M
[VID]20171002.Intuition for why independence matters for variance of sum _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.UAOJgqdsK9w.mkv5.5M
[VID]20171002.Polar curve area with calculator.CTIzdbEBweI.mkv8.2M
[VID]20171002.Variance of sum and difference of random variables _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.3VXhi_0Mclg.mkv 11M
[VID]20171003.Binomial variables _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.yUDFir8oYl8.mkv8.9M
[VID]20171003.Capital vs. consumer goods and economic growth _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Av5azFCnULE.mkv 12M
[VID]20171003.Comparative advantage - input approach _ Basic economic concepts _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.5tMPPp5VIME.mkv6.2M
[VID]20171003.Comparative advantage - output approach _ Basic economic concepts _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.wbWz5vFk-Gw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20171003.Recognizing binomial variables _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.ITtFw5PH-hs.mkv9.6M
[VID]20171004.Cumulative geometric probability (greater than a value) _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.7TYMKKQK8s8.mkv6.6M
[VID]20171004.Cumulative geometric probability (less than a value) _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.nxUP4lJ_hbU.mkv4.3M
[VID]20171004.Expected value of a binomial variable _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.fjjhAm5trSM.mkv7.8M
[VID]20171004.Finding the mean and standard deviation of a binomial random variable _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.gro5b3PZ-Bw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20171004.Geometric random variables introduction _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.IVlzp8g1McE.mkv7.9M
[VID]20171004.Probability for a geometric random variable _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.jKlgEvRFItE.mkv3.7M
[VID]20171004.Proof of expected value of geometric random variable _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.7br_-emGNec.mkv9.6M
[VID]20171004.Variance of a binomial variable _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.uudB5XiAYOw.mkv8.8M
[VID]20171005.How price controls reallocate surplus _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.-T8lzuTwdbI.mkv 11M
[VID]20171005.Identifying tax incidence in a graph _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.1-8O5AHIb6s.mkv8.0M
[VID]20171006.Equilibrium, allocative efficiency and total surplus.E_EmGO1XuHM.mkv 13M
[VID]20171006.Visualizing marginal utility MU and total utility TU functions.JlS5K1AxjT4.mkv8.8M
[VID]20171009.Binompdf and binomcdf functions _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.IngLJs6T1Qw.mkv6.6M
[VID]20171009.Comparative advantage worked example _ Basic economics concepts _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.jHp4fnrEA6w.mkv 13M
[VID]20171009.When there aren't gains from trade _ Basic economics concepts _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.TeAzW_tY6m4.mkv8.4M
[VID]20171010.Examples recognizing transformations.K7QTjFdUIyk.mkv4.2M
[VID]20171010.Example translating points.SxxzfojT1Pw.mkv4.3M
[VID]20171010.TI-84 geometpdf and geometcdf functions _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.RMf0F72I7dY.mkv7.8M
[VID]20171010.Transformations - dilation.Kv-lyVmQ5ps.mkv1.5M
[VID]20171011.Message to LearnStormers from Paralympic ski racer Josh Sundquist.VkYiaFPnptI.mkv5.3M
[VID]20171012.Determining angle of rotation.6pH-7pciYU8.mkv4.1M
[VID]20171012.Example reflecting quadrilateral over x axis.lfBDOQddTD0.mkv3.3M
[VID]20171012.Finding measures using rigid transformations.7y4FGCvNgB8.mkv6.8M
[VID]20171012.Line of reflection example.435Ipnmp7bA.mkv2.0M
[VID]20171012.Mapping shapes example.4AxYt_Cjd1o.mkv3.5M
[VID]20171012.Positive and negative rotaion of points example.0NYbQPcdxg8.mkv2.3M
[VID]20171012.Properties perserved after rigid transformations.brccWoewXiI.mkv9.2M
[VID]20171012.Reflecting points across horizontal and vertical lines.F77xiSlCehI.mkv4.0M
[VID]20171013.Approximating multi digit division.PssLxfFqHoA.mkv2.9M
[VID]20171013.Comparing exponent expressions.kFElpYl7Te0.mkv2.3M
[VID]20171013.Dilating points example.N0_HfmxdbCg.mkv3.9M
[VID]20171013.Dilations and properties.eu4qSv9Vex0.mkv 11M
[VID]20171013.Dilation scale factor examples.b4ORXN7a0-w.mkv5.1M
[VID]20171013.Estimate multiplying multi digit numbers.plzbnyvdaIQ.mkv3.0M
[VID]20171013.Evaluating exponent expressions with variables.9K54G5yeR74.mkv3.4M
[VID]20171013.Example identifying the center of dilation.rDj0WNzp-f8.mkv3.4M
[VID]20171013.Exponents of decimals.o_urKmMdGK0.mkv2.8M
[VID]20171013.Identifying transformation described with other algebra and geometry concepts.4zvwNsou9vU.mkv8.5M
[VID]20171013.Multiplying using area models and the standard algorithm.fQ1zZYWjvwc.mkv7.4M
[VID]20171013.Rounding decimals on the number line.T3BMIaDUvck.mkv4.7M
[VID]20171013.Shape properties after a sequence of transformations.KFSBop9TZyI.mkv5.1M
[VID]20171016.Approximating dividing by decimals.xGbrcOF8Z98.mkv3.4M
[VID]20171016.Estimating decimal multiplication.1serq4kmeZc.mkv5.1M
[VID]20171017.Adding multi digit numbers with place value.DqaHhReVpZI.mkv8.1M
[VID]20171017.Adding multi digit numbers with regrouping.TVtdqRNJmiw.mkv2.6M
[VID]20171017.Estimating adding decimals.dj3tcEbWBDQ.mkv4.4M
[VID]20171017.Estimating subtracting decimals.LQmAGFCJMqo.mkv3.9M
[VID]20171017.Khan Academy view of mastery learning.GWa48XRnLh0.mkv 11M
[VID]20171017.Subtracting multi digit numbers with regrouping.buyK1y4rV3E.mkv3.7M
[VID]20171017.Understanding place value when subtracting.XAPhD7EDQUk.mkv8.0M
[VID]20171019.Associative property of multiplication.Wqxfm7EPcjo.mkv4.0M
[VID]20171019.Counting by tens _ Counting _ Early Math _ Khan Academy.UnPpFw3natI.mkv1.8M
[VID]20171019.Estimating adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers.cUKmbQjpu5A.mkv4.2M
[VID]20171019.Liters to milliliters examples.OfTTjQW0CBw.mkv2.3M
[VID]20171023.Happy Mole Day!.-bWyP0fibfI.mkv7.7M
[VID]20171026.Dilations and shape properties.chdnDLbSbU8.mkv6.6M
[VID]20171027.Equivalent ratios.eb-GHXCqkhQ.mkv4.9M
[VID]20171027.Ratio example problems.IjMn7f6bbLA.mkv3.0M
[VID]20171027.Ratios for recipes.VWO1m0S-a9Y.mkv5.4M
[VID]20171027.Ratio word problem examples.WoZ7-wOy-0w.mkv6.4M
[VID]20171027.Understanding equivalent ratios.4S3Mbl0JrdY.mkv7.7M
[VID]20171103.Khan Academy India Talent Search 2017.Ha3vPJOX1LQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20171103.The power of 'yet' with Zoe and Elmo from Sesame Street.46UhAtPyXw4.mkv9.7M
[VID]20171106.Percent from fraction models.nV6bRozq5Po.mkv4.9M
[VID]20171107.Angular motion variables.pZSREG1y5cg.mkv6.1M
[VID]20171107.Angular velocity and speed _ Uniform circular motion and gravitation _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.I_pG2SH_s88.mkv7.7M
[VID]20171107.Change in angular velocity when velocity doubles.u5Irm0d7tJo.mkv6.9M
[VID]20171107.Distance or arc length from angular displacement _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.tSAsSWTTnw8.mkv8.9M
[VID]20171107.Linear velocity comparison from radius and angular velocity - Worked example _ Khan Academy.9b15JaTtFAc.mkv5.7M
[VID]20171107.Radius comparison from velocity and angular velocity - Worked example _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.929zpx9XJaE.mkv4.5M
[VID]20171108.Corresponding points and sides of scaled shapes.FeogTR_omiM.mkv3.4M
[VID]20171108.Fraction decimal and percent from visual model.wwg052FC_Zw.mkv4.3M
[VID]20171108.Identifying scaled copies.QBiTspq2Wck.mkv4.3M
[VID]20171108.Rate problems.fpjXtpg_isc.mkv5.5M
[VID]20171108.Ratios and double number lines.-Dg9da1BGsM.mkv7.4M
[VID]20171108.Ratios and measurement.0qtIHdda19s.mkv6.9M
[VID]20171108.Ratios on coordinate plane.yVYJRT5hTSo.mkv5.3M
[VID]20171108.Ratios with tape diagrams.suRIY3ULrQo.mkv5.4M
[VID]20171108.Relative position.uikYPJw0tnE.mkv1.0M
[VID]20171108.Worked example - separable differential equation (with taking exp of both sides) _ Khan Academy.BvNKHUICHYw.mkv5.4M
[VID]20171109.Constant of proportionality from equation.wXtzBbU_cl8.mkv2.7M
[VID]20171109.Identifying constant of proportionality graphically.jihKUWH4Hfc.mkv6.0M
[VID]20171109.Identifying scale factors.Z3SXp8jDbdU.mkv3.4M
[VID]20171109.Identifying values in scale drawings.YCjc3uRTq7I.mkv3.8M
[VID]20171109.Scale factors and area.h-qwno7n5F4.mkv7.5M
[VID]20171110.Comparing proportionality constants.4g5ZEGoYtOA.mkv3.1M
[VID]20171110.Exploring scale copies.z2E_GpucfeA.mkv2.2M
[VID]20171110.Interpret proportionality constants.FXpJQXzoXwI.mkv3.7M
[VID]20171110.Percent word problem examples.e1Cd0XL5OEs.mkv8.7M
[VID]20171110.Proportionality constant from table.5Ilo0pw3iL8.mkv2.0M
[VID]20171110.Proportional relationships example.HEmwn5jmy2Y.mkv5.8M
[VID]20171110.Tax, discount and tip examples.jb_RwR_Eso4.mkv7.6M
[VID]20171110.Utility maximization example.oC8bU0Tc_v8.mkv6.1M
[VID]20171117.Opportunity cost and comparative advantage using an output table _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.K8p0F92gVUM.mkv 13M
[VID]20171117.PPCs for increasing, decreasing and constant opportunity cost _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.-aVZtzD44vI.mkv7.0M
[VID]20171119.Adding tenths to hundredths.D5yQESfE4Bw.mkv3.3M
[VID]20171119.Change in centripetal acceleration from change in linear velocity and radius - Worked examples.OtaIhafsDFI.mkv5.8M
[VID]20171119.Change in period and frequency from change in angular velocity - Worked examples _ Khan Academy.XWenUEW5MfE.mkv8.9M
[VID]20171119.Connecting period and frequency to angular velocity _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.xt9cwJ3bXjU.mkv8.1M
[VID]20171119.Deriving formula for centripetal acceleration from angular velocity _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.HgkjS_XL840.mkv5.8M
[VID]20171119.Dividing mixed numbers example.tj5AtYoKqvs.mkv3.7M
[VID]20171119.Example dividing a whole by a unit fraction.b26JxSoZvic.mkv2.1M
[VID]20171119.Example diving a unit fraction by a whole number.QsDMlHW826U.mkv2.4M
[VID]20171119.Identifying force vectors for pendulum - Worked example _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.6UPYPv3LXxk.mkv3.6M
[VID]20171119.Introduction to centripetal force _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.e1l1NMLuUuY.mkv7.3M
[VID]20171119.Visually dividing a fraction by a whole number.1YWyTdtofdE.mkv4.5M
[VID]20171119.Visually dividing unit fraction by a whole number.RygpFkLCSaM.mkv3.1M
[VID]20171119.Visually dividing whole numbers by unit fractions.0lsDqvH5mDs.mkv3.0M
[VID]20171119.Whole number divided by a fraction example.SPMoNUAbV48.mkv3.4M
[VID]20171119.Word problem subtracting fractions with like denominators.9aD5Z_EMxos.mkv3.7M
[VID]20171120.Change in demand versus change in quantity demanded _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.iC9hkhbIimA.mkv 12M
[VID]20171120.Change in supply versus change in quantity supplied _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.NrlF8mMHfLE.mkv7.1M
[VID]20171120.Changes in equilibrium price and quantity when supply and demand change _ Khan Academy.kl4n-EWwPyA.mkv 10M
[VID]20171120.Identifying centripetal force for ball on string _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.G9zt6-fIq9I.mkv5.8M
[VID]20171120.Identifying centripetal force for cars and satellites _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.FvsIDLrS2rI.mkv 12M
[VID]20171120.Input approach to determining comparative advantage _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Uqf5c6Xcjr4.mkv9.3M
[VID]20171120.Production Possibilities Curve PPC as a model of a nation's output _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Ob07lcFcx_A.mkv8.2M
[VID]20171120.Terms of Trade and the Gains from Trade _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.C-xLUS5JGIM.mkv 12M
[VID]20171121.Constructing linear and exponential functions from graph _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.gFdh_rE2XgU.mkv9.0M
[VID]20171121.Equilibrium price and quantity from changes in both supply and demand.UQVwgC7MAHM.mkv9.8M
[VID]20171121.The social contract _ Foundations of American democracy _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.fI1t0dY5zoc.mkv 10M
[VID]20171121.Value added approach to calculating GDP _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.9G7ZWwlR_tQ.mkv6.7M
[VID]20171122.Democratic ideals in the Declaration of Independence.wWy8ONwhdLQ.mkv 13M
[VID]20171122.Natural rights, social contract, democracy, republicanism and limited government.RkPrgZtwi3g.mkv7.8M
[VID]20171123.Democratic ideals of US government.QbuKqvFrjt8.mkv 13M
[VID]20171125.The Articles of Confederation and Shays' Rebellion.Y1CcSXmb1VY.mkv 14M
[VID]20171126.Anti-Federalists and Brutus No. 1 _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.YQ74W9OKSdA.mkv 14M
[VID]20171126.Interpreting a quadratic in factored form.xVZA6NOQA7A.mkv7.9M
[VID]20171126.Introduction to Democracy and its broad variations.HbzvIrRdVY4.mkv 10M
[VID]20171127.10% Rule of assuming 'independence' between trials _ Random variables _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.elcLysy7exM.mkv8.6M
[VID]20171127.Democratic ideals in the preamble of the US Constitution.vC07D-guWj0.mkv5.7M
[VID]20171127.Federalist No. 10 (part 1) _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.afRanGsRlOc.mkv 19M
[VID]20171127.Federalist No. 10 (part 2) _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy._27P6HZzXJM.mkv 12M
[VID]20171127.Identifying individuals, variables and categorical variables in a data set _ Khan Academy.EqeVXI4WNHM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20171127.Introduction to sampling distributions.5pU-PkFbBoU.mkv 12M
[VID]20171127.Introduction to vertex form of a quadratic._QqhuLixNEk.mkv6.6M
[VID]20171128.Biased and unbiased estimators from sampling distributions examples.PK8aeeVx3io.mkv8.0M
[VID]20171128.Give to Khan Academy today!.Teo7hD0ADE0.mkv5.9M
[VID]20171128.Introduction to sampling distributions _ Sampling distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.z0Ry_3_qhDw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20171128.Normal conditions for sampling distributions of sample proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.L7AX2RcbqCg.mkv7.8M
[VID]20171128.Sampling distribution of sample proportion part 1 _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Br067hrasc8.mkv 12M
[VID]20171128.Sampling distribution of sample proportion part 2 _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.ftYKMNfFcI8.mkv8.0M
[VID]20171129.Introduction to pH _ Biology foundations _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.oda2K4IFBaE.mkv6.4M
[VID]20171129.Introduction to passive and active transport _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.TsoAA7zOyj8.mkv7.9M
[VID]20171129.Introduction to the cell _ Cells _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.5KfHxF6Vhps.mkv9.1M
[VID]20171129.Introduction to vitamins and minerals _ Biology foundations _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.TBNCqRCsSvY.mkv8.6M
[VID]20171129.Probability of sample proportions example _ Sampling distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.BkRJJsHoRdw.mkv 10M
[VID]20171130.Organelles in eukaryotic cells _ Cells _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.bWPQvxElpLY.mkv 14M
[VID]20171201.Introduction to cilia, flagella and pseudopodia _ Cells _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.E0D1H74PMmI.mkv6.7M
[VID]20171201.Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances.APcKEHAPYEg.mkv5.5M
[VID]20171201.The impact of constitutional compromises on us today _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.2sFjcn9sMsc.mkv 12M
[VID]20171204.Impeachment _ Foundations of American democracy _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.S0Ru5MOvfCU.mkv 13M
[VID]20171205.Federalism in the United States _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.y6tljCXVSdc.mkv8.2M
[VID]20171205.Multiple points of influence due to separation of powers and checks and balances _ Khan Academy.oXVAzyKswPw.mkv4.7M
[VID]20171206.Enumerated and implied powers of the US federal government _ Khan Academy.eqEw_9_sLVk.mkv8.2M
[VID]20171207.Federal and state powers and the Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments _ Khan Academy.Gvp_2CL-uR8.mkv6.5M
[VID]20171207.The 10th and 14th Amendments in relation to federal and state powers.QvrD-BmMU4A.mkv6.6M
[VID]20171208.McCulloch v. Maryland _ Foundations of American democracy _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.i5qQM7Mc2ho.mkv 13M
[VID]20171208.United States v. Lopez _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.hDk9Qx8Po3M.mkv8.1M
[VID]20171211.Human fertilization and early development _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.-7WKUNG9v-w.mkv 11M
[VID]20171212.Difference of functions _ Functions and their graphs _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.6arI8XhLZ9o.mkv2.6M
[VID]20171212.Endocrine system introduction.nCwRX7seya0.mkv6.2M
[VID]20171212.Production Possibilities Curve as a model of a country's economy _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.9zZY6RfN6iA.mkv6.9M
[VID]20171212.Proof of the derivative of sin(x) _ Derivatives introduction _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.HVvCbnrUxek.mkv7.3M
[VID]20171212.Scarcity of resources.VVcTxxT3IJU.mkv5.0M
[VID]20171213.Confidence interval simulation _ Confidence intervals _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.bGALoCckICI.mkv5.8M
[VID]20171214.Conditions for valid confidence intervals _ Confidence intervals _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.8E8YQY5qE3s.mkv7.5M
[VID]20171214.Confidence intervals and margin of error _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.hlM7zdf7zwU.mkv 13M
[VID]20171214.Interpreting confidence level example _ Confidence intervals _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.XZAGtQt-lQo.mkv6.0M
[VID]20171215.Conditions for confidence intervals worked examples _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.PwMqupyG4D0.mkv7.1M
[VID]20171215.Critical value (z_) for a given confidence level _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.VILsYH84HJE.mkv7.3M
[VID]20171215.Sample statistic bias worked example _ Sampling distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.SRwMfEmKx3A.mkv4.0M
[VID]20171218.Conditions for valid t intervals _ Confidence intervals _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.WPxnNjD_yoU.mkv6.8M
[VID]20171218.Determining sample size based on confidence and margin of error _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.VyFs7fsWE6w.mkv 10M
[VID]20171218.Example constructing and interpreting a confidence interval for p _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.sjG9Ns_8x6c.mkv9.4M
[VID]20171218.Example finding critical t value.KIs7-Fw03dM.mkv5.4M
[VID]20171218.Introduction to t statistics _ Confidence intervals _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.a2rd4Qy8yNI.mkv4.5M
[VID]20171218.Simulation showing value of t statistic _ Confidence intervals _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.gLE6y_NwmhQ.mkv4.2M
[VID]20171220.Confidence interval for a mean with paired data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.gWaA8mVBZQk.mkv 13M
[VID]20171220.Example constructing a t interval for a mean _ Confidence intervals _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.6G3jMjAqNqM.mkv7.1M
[VID]20171220.Introduction to the public policy process _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.ipm5Bk10Fio.mkv6.5M
[VID]20171220.Sample size for a given margin of error for a mean _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.FSVDJoHZ3rM.mkv 10M
[VID]20171222.How a bill becomes a law _ US government and civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.B45S0K_tQKA.mkv 19M
[VID]20171222.The House of Representatives in comparison to the Senate _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.zedtd7XCiMI.mkv8.5M
[VID]20171226.Discretionary and mandatory outlays of the US federal government _ Khan Academy.bvmezdvui9Y.mkv7.1M
[VID]20171227.Earmarks, pork barrel projects and logrolling _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.soNO1iflers.mkv 14M
[VID]20171227.Formal and informal powers of the US president _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.TG63zz1AFjc.mkv 13M
[VID]20171228.Presidential signing statements _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.-OsBdrZglMU.mkv7.7M
[VID]20171228.Relative maxima and minima worked example.X2jbBgxKvwk.mkv1.9M
[VID]20171229.Arteries vs. veins-what's the difference _ Circulatory system physiology _ NCLEX-RN _ Khan Academy.lXkfZYlnwl4.mkv 13M
[VID]20180104.How to recognize relative and absolute maxima and minima _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.xmrhZ5ySaD0.mkv5.8M
[VID]20180105.Introduction to circuits and Ohm's law _ Circuits _ Physics _ Khan Academy.F_vLWkkOETI.mkv 10M
[VID]20180109.Senate filibusters and cloture.JdNlpY7ImOg.mkv9.7M
[VID]20180112.Diagramming how a bill becomes a law in the U.S..TnhoIJIGnLs.mkv 11M
[VID]20180116.Examples of null and alternative hypotheses _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy._3_6wjycJdk.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180117.P-values and significance tests _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.KS6KEWaoOOE.mkv9.4M
[VID]20180124.Estimating a P-value from a simulation _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.hNDlqAYRDyg.mkv6.3M
[VID]20180131.Examples identifying Type I and Type II errors _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.JNOWWJeZBTc.mkv7.8M
[VID]20180131.Examples thinking about power in significance tests _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.XnYUFgfbvm4.mkv5.8M
[VID]20180131.Introduction to Type I and Type II errors _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Hdbbx7DIweQ.mkv5.6M
[VID]20180131.Introduction to power in significance tests _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.6_Cuz0QqRWc.mkv 11M
[VID]20180201.Meet Kim, one of the creators of Khan Academy's AP US History lessons.S5GLCJZaV1s.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180201.Meet Sean, a creator of AP Physics on Khan Academy _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.hz4J5Wzxv_A.mkv5.9M
[VID]20180202.Article III of the Constitution _ US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.COVELT85zto.mkv 20M
[VID]20180202.Article II of the Constitution _ US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.H2vGXCVo-K0.mkv 20M
[VID]20180202.Article I of the Constitution _ US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.CIFBjZU55so.mkv 19M
[VID]20180202.Expenditure approach to calculating GDP examples _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.s4W7LKK22_Q.mkv 13M
[VID]20180202.Impact of mutations on translation into amino acids _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.1Dk0_-fyyDI.mkv 12M
[VID]20180202.The Preamble to the Constitution _ US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.V3tTnqznYwk.mkv 23M
[VID]20180205.Limitations of GDP _ Economic indicators and the business cycle _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.SXMhCO2vYcE.mkv8.0M
[VID]20180205.Natural, cyclical, structural, and frictional unemployment rates _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.W9MuBVpEc78.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180206.Tax multiplier, MPC, and MPS _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.UsJmBBtwzYY.mkv 11M
[VID]20180207.Representatives as delegates, trustees, and politicos _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.j54aGQStW6I.mkv8.2M
[VID]20180208.Gerrymandering _ US government and civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.WfxBuwMGTts.mkv 10M
[VID]20180209.Article IV of the Constitution _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.hKRada3AWII.mkv 20M
[VID]20180209.Article VI of the Constitution _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.a6E5Sr9Ypcw.mkv 18M
[VID]20180209.Article V of the Constitution _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.DARUu2sJfqI.mkv 24M
[VID]20180209.Constructing hypotheses for a significance test about a proportion _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.8MJvK26PwSo.mkv5.0M
[VID]20180211.Calculating a z statistic in a test about a proportion _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.DfpFfIdwcIo.mkv6.2M
[VID]20180214.Calculating a P-value given a z statistic _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.NNpv-n_Hbvc.mkv7.3M
[VID]20180214.Making conclusions in a test about a proportion _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.RcjZwZJO5qo.mkv7.8M
[VID]20180214.Significance test for a proportion free response example _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.sqRQSPwNE-4.mkv 18M
[VID]20180214.Writing hypotheses for a significance test about a mean _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.89Dp9Xq4eaA.mkv3.1M
[VID]20180215.Conditions for a t test about a mean _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.GtokpL4f32s.mkv7.4M
[VID]20180216.Example calculating t statistic for a test about a mean _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.BJl9WA787-Q.mkv6.5M
[VID]20180216.When to use z or t statistics in significance tests _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.-bhfcBvyWoc.mkv5.8M
[VID]20180220.Comparing P-value from t statistic to significance level _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.I5WSC_iRtwE.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180220.Conditions for a z test about a proportion _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.5JlJ4Qfk8g4.mkv7.5M
[VID]20180220.Free response example - Significance test for a mean _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.8nCsnsD8Fnw.mkv 19M
[VID]20180220.Using TI calculator for P-value from t statistic _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.M2P96TJMEaM.mkv3.9M
[VID]20180220.Using a table to estimate P-value from t statistic _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.z-HSsVARNnk.mkv7.3M
[VID]20180221.Comparing P-values to different significance levels _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.DQCF4kTXf9Q.mkv6.1M
[VID]20180221.Example question calculating CPI and inflation _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy._qpgzgkrB6A.mkv 10M
[VID]20180222.Winners and losers from inflation and deflation _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.V41_kZuOE0w.mkv6.6M
[VID]20180223.Short run and long run equilibrium and the business cycle _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.dD_9KBz3pN0.mkv 11M
[VID]20180227.Calculating change in spending or taxes to close output gaps _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.f5o5LpUcxVk.mkv8.3M
[VID]20180227.Fiscal policy to address output gaps _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.qgxapLrA_NM.mkv7.7M
[VID]20180227.How to calculate interquartile range IQR _ Data and statistics _ 6th grade _ Khan Academy.qLYYHWYr8xI.mkv7.8M
[VID]20180227.Long run self adjustment _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.eic0CC-1d9E.mkv4.4M
[VID]20180228.Introduction to carbohydrates _ Biology foundations _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.6o4WL5jlpn0.mkv6.1M
[VID]20180228.Introduction to proteins and amino acids _ Biology foundations _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.78QUeXVKiJ4.mkv7.1M
[VID]20180301.Introduction to lipids _ Biology foundations _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.HGg_WiaSr4U.mkv7.0M
[VID]20180301.Introduction to nucleic acids and nucleotides _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.hI4v7v8AdfI.mkv9.2M
[VID]20180302.Divided government and gridlock in the United States _ Khan Academy.TYrxaQ5m7m0.mkv8.9M
[VID]20180302.Expansion of presidential power _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.wL76BRa1EQ0.mkv 16M
[VID]20180302.Senate checks on presidential appointments _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.Dnf4M3PU6Qc.mkv4.0M
[VID]20180305.The president's bully pulpit _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.ceZoaInLVpY.mkv 10M
[VID]20180306.Executive and legislative disagreements with the Supreme Court _ Khan Academy.CrnyDEwYNxE.mkv8.2M
[VID]20180311.Congressional oversight of the bureaucracy _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.wqclfPKJEbA.mkv5.4M
[VID]20180312.Introduction to the federal bureaucracy _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.M4Q0kl5sH7I.mkv8.0M
[VID]20180312.Iron triangles and issue networks _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.sYuUQHa2I88.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180312.Money creation in a fractional reserve system _ Financial sector _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.gd8B-zrMSYk.mkv9.7M
[VID]20180313.Another average velocity and speed example.wHihAqfXvJ0.mkv4.2M
[VID]20180313.Average velocity and speed worked example _ One-dimensional motion _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.Dzw2nLd7DFw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180314.Automatic stabilizers _ National income and price determination _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.jAjU3cR99p0.mkv5.7M
[VID]20180314.Discretionary and rulemaking authority of the federal bureaucracy _ Khan Academy.OoaKKd7T7Os.mkv7.7M
[VID]20180315.American attitudes about government and politics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.VmFX6AIzllE.mkv 10M
[VID]20180315.Judicial activism and judicial restraint _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.uIjSx1c1HKQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20180316.Confidence intervals for the difference between two proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.hcUxFwUjCxM.mkv 10M
[VID]20180319.Calculating a confidence interval for the difference of proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.h_ZIMHgKTP0.mkv9.3M
[VID]20180319.Demand curve for money in the money market _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Zt1Esq-qOZM.mkv9.1M
[VID]20180319.Equilibrium nominal interest rates in the money market _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.NMb3bguJ7wY.mkv5.0M
[VID]20180319.Examples identifying conditions for inference on two proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.DR5ZytN7Pj0.mkv7.1M
[VID]20180320.Models of voting behavior _ Political participation _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.alqGXue7Ca8.mkv5.6M
[VID]20180322.Linkage institutions and political parties _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.vA3o-lTreKM.mkv8.3M
[VID]20180322.Voter turnout _ Political participation _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.You0q4JJzS4.mkv 12M
[VID]20180323.Evolution of political parties in picking candidates and voter mobilization _ Khan Academy.-hK1p6Ymbhw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20180323.Monetary policy tools _ Financial sector _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.C8Eb4-Wz27A.mkv 12M
[VID]20180326.Breaking down forces for free body diagrams _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.KYz6HH9wZ8g.mkv 10M
[VID]20180326.Example - Intersection of sine and cosine _ Graphs of trig functions _ Trigonometry _ Khan Academy.08zHioOVTd4.mkv 13M
[VID]20180326.Finding the 100th term in a sequence _ Sequences, series and induction _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.C5titprQAc4.mkv5.7M
[VID]20180326.Free body diagram with angled forces - worked example _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.rn_C25fPOVw.mkv6.3M
[VID]20180326.Law of conservation of energy _ Work and energy _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.HR5iEX3Sy1k.mkv 16M
[VID]20180326.Open primaries, closed primaries, and blanket primaries _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.YyXlrRMFUJw.mkv 11M
[VID]20180326.Projectile motion graphs _ Two-dimensional motion _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.3WVVbCUNPHY.mkv9.4M
[VID]20180326.The presidential incumbency advantage _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.Rk-EtuESRm4.mkv7.0M
[VID]20180327.Constructing hypotheses for two proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.NCENjXTMp9I.mkv6.7M
[VID]20180327.Hypothesis test for difference in proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.7iTWX8bfBv0.mkv 11M
[VID]20180327.Hypothesis test for difference in proportions example _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.HOyNEU94xJQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20180328.Calculating confidence interval for difference of means _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.pVPPDbZGd04.mkv8.6M
[VID]20180328.Comparing P value to significance level for test involving difference of proportions _ Khan Academy.Y650kaYNlJU.mkv3.9M
[VID]20180328.Conditions for inference for difference of means _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Yadshgsx6FQ.mkv4.9M
[VID]20180328.Confidence interval for hypothesis test for difference in proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.-VZUijm02h0.mkv9.5M
[VID]20180328.Constructing t interval for difference of means _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Lh1TPIFH7iI.mkv8.2M
[VID]20180328.Example of hypotheses for paired and two-sample t tests _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.X0gIJUXz6jc.mkv5.9M
[VID]20180328.Hypotheses for a two-sample t test _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.8CJ-RsoYbg0.mkv6.0M
[VID]20180329.Conclusion for a two-sample t test using a P-value _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.ogFLbvKru8A.mkv3.5M
[VID]20180329.Conclusion for a two-sample t test using a confidence interval _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.iJr9PpY3PjM.mkv5.2M
[VID]20180329.Two-sample t test for difference of means _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.NkGvw18zlGQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20180330.Conservation of angular momentum _ Torque and angular momentum _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.vfmLI150g4w.mkv9.1M
[VID]20180330.Gravitational potential energy at large distances _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.9Pp_LtKgTQg.mkv6.0M
[VID]20180331.Energy graphs for simple harmonic motion _ Simple harmonic motion _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.zJtCmpH--70.mkv7.9M
[VID]20180402.The Fourteenth Amendment and equal protection _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.re2d80cqhYw.mkv6.9M
[VID]20180406.Letter from a Birmingham Jail _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.VKq7wUoIIK8.mkv6.2M
[VID]20180406.Rulings on majority and minority rights by the Supreme Court _ Khan Academy.7R1B4QFd668.mkv8.6M
[VID]20180408.Affirmative action _ Civil liberties and civil rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.i0sUJVxSXlk.mkv 16M
[VID]20180409.How To Use The Content Tab.n5_1jFIiPgM.mkv4.6M
[VID]20180409.Interest groups and lobbying _ Political participation _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.-rr81Uf10pc.mkv9.3M
[VID]20180409.Political socialization _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.chfz7QiwdOc.mkv4.5M
[VID]20180410.Article VII of the Constitution _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy._VuMqbtphr0.mkv 25M
[VID]20180410.Campaign finance _ Political participation _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.lPfNgTrWKyE.mkv 14M
[VID]20180410.Marbury v. Madison _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.bP1pDUwV5hE.mkv 27M
[VID]20180410.McCulloch v. Maryland _ Foundations of American democracy _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.hScx0e9qyMw.mkv 26M
[VID]20180410.The Fifth Amendment _ The National Constitution Center _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.nh78-VKSBUY.mkv 19M
[VID]20180410.The First Amendment _ The National Constitution Center _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.ck_L-TD1t2Y.mkv 25M
[VID]20180410.The Fourth Amendment _ Civil liberties and civil rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.J92qYl6m_MI.mkv 19M
[VID]20180410.The Second Amendment _ The National Constitution Center _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.2EjEUoeIccc.mkv 23M
[VID]20180410.The Sixth Amendment _ Civil liberties and civil rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.ReahyukN0qg.mkv 26M
[VID]20180410.The Tenth Amendment _ The National Constitution Center _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.9Me8VGbA9dA.mkv 22M
[VID]20180411.Loanable funds market _ Financial sector _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.iaGjqkRIUSk.mkv8.3M
[VID]20180411.National savings and investment _ Financial sector _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.fToDs5nd_rE.mkv3.8M
[VID]20180411.Net exports and capital outflows.wT_ApV1s_io.mkv4.6M
[VID]20180411.Nominal interest, real interest, and inflation calculations _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.mFI58RRCDbs.mkv3.7M
[VID]20180412.Crowding out _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.4lBmOfNtYLE.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180412.Long run and short run Phillips curves.eN20tOlnyb8.mkv8.9M
[VID]20180412.Quantity theory of money _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Ye5hH6ku1L8.mkv9.0M
[VID]20180413.Current due to closing a switch - worked example _ DC Circuits _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.K_K5AQeVGzM.mkv3.2M
[VID]20180413.Current through resistor in parallel - Worked example _ DC Circuits _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.YZGSEcLlIH0.mkv5.8M
[VID]20180413.The Bill of Rights - an introduction _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.ZQj0b949rDY.mkv5.0M
[VID]20180413.Third parties in the United States _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.Lqy4DVE1tik.mkv6.9M
[VID]20180413.Types of forces and free body diagrams _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy.MaabUHLIIXA.mkv8.1M
[VID]20180413.Understanding economic growth _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.khDAji7dXw0.mkv9.0M
[VID]20180416.Chi-square goodness-of-fit example _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.VjO9hWVlOBo.mkv 10M
[VID]20180416.Chi-square statistic for hypothesis testing _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.jABsbNBPXIk.mkv 10M
[VID]20180417.Chi-square test for association (independence) _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.zOvUQWOzTlc.mkv 14M
[VID]20180417.Introduction to the chi-square test for homogeneity _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.t_jfTOE44YQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20180417.Worked example - sequence explicit formula _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.HiY5UElqfhs.mkv2.5M
[VID]20180417.Worked example - sequence recursive formula _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.t96N4zaP-s8.mkv2.7M
[VID]20180418.Confidence interval for the slope of a regression line _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.8w6EPyEqE9M.mkv 11M
[VID]20180419.Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.x7Tj2vtkUCc.mkv 21M
[VID]20180420.Calculating t statistic for slope of regression line _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.7MAuojBTF-g.mkv 11M
[VID]20180420.Using a P-value to make conclusions in a test about slope _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Mpd83AuDTrU.mkv7.5M
[VID]20180423.Ideologies of political parties in the United States _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.4_ss4WEN3ZI.mkv 10M
[VID]20180423.Supply and demand curves in foreign exchange _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.EH4g3qbc_vo.mkv7.5M
[VID]20180424.Conditions for inference on slope _ More on regression _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.kOQx3LtWHEQ.mkv7.0M
[VID]20180424.Introduction to inference about slope in linear regression _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Pzglbt9_xCI.mkv8.7M
[VID]20180424.Using a confidence interval to test slope _ More on regression _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.rL9MPL3wqsk.mkv4.9M
[VID]20180425.Causes of shifts in currency supply and demand curves _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.uETL47DhlUo.mkv7.5M
[VID]20180426.Transforming nonlinear data _ More on regression _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.A1H4j97paI4.mkv3.6M
[VID]20180427.Introduction to currency exchange and trade _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.fxvsb373URw.mkv9.5M
[VID]20180427.Worked example of linear regression using transformed data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.dEVGfxHF1yo.mkv 14M
[VID]20180501.Baker v. Carr _ Interactions among branches of government _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.Ffhvwg2YXVA.mkv 21M
[VID]20180501.McDonald v. Chicago _ Civil liberties and civil rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.7WWsGtOIF_4.mkv 24M
[VID]20180501.Miranda v. Arizona _ Civil liberties and civil rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.lCK77MI7cT4.mkv 20M
[VID]20180501.Roe v. Wade _ Civil liberties and civil rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.bXu5QiE6Knc.mkv 18M
[VID]20180503.Asexual and sexual reproduction _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.g59s153t_6Q.mkv 14M
[VID]20180503.Example identifying roles in a food web _ Ecology _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.xL96QwxwbG0.mkv2.8M
[VID]20180503.Example punnet square for sex-linked recessive trait _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.I_DjmWS_9cg.mkv6.1M
[VID]20180503.Generational and lifecycle effects on political ideology _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.wyU1zIKO97M.mkv6.4M
[VID]20180503.Limits of piecewise functions _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.2xdh0yKopB8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20180503.Pedigree for determining probability of exhibiting sex linked recessive trait _ Khan Academy.DzP7XO0Qg_Y.mkv8.0M
[VID]20180503.Power rule (with rewriting the expression) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.H-v4oraDjuM.mkv5.4M
[VID]20180504.Finding definite integrals using area formulas _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.7R_DTzVHw5Y.mkv5.2M
[VID]20180504.Introduction to experimental design _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.ceWyayKg3QY.mkv 11M
[VID]20180504.Introduction to genetic engineering _ Molecular genetics _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.JNgONZ8Dq9I.mkv7.4M
[VID]20180504.Negative definite integrals _ Integration and accumulation of change _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.TtRAY6Eyp4w.mkv5.9M
[VID]20180504.Verifying solutions to differential equations _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.KZqg4L--YC0.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180507.Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.1co7bMQplwQ.mkv 27M
[VID]20180507.Interpreting the meaning of the derivative in context _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.IElkjzC9YhQ.mkv6.3M
[VID]20180507.Second derivatives (implicit equations) - evaluate derivative _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.komjMq5jm9k.mkv6.4M
[VID]20180507.Second derivatives (implicit equations) - find expression _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.oPijG5Bfemg.mkv5.2M
[VID]20180508.Finding points with vertical tangents.-jcVn0yCJ6E.mkv6.0M
[VID]20180508.Horizontal tangent to implicit curve _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.ZhOojHeslhs.mkv3.7M
[VID]20180508.Integration using completing the square and the derivative of arctan(x) _ Khan Academy.1nXSO3POyZ8.mkv6.3M
[VID]20180508.Justification with the intermediate value theorem - equation _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.cSw5R-jdMiI.mkv4.8M
[VID]20180508.Justification with the intermediate value theorem - table _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.B0A2lDzn3yw.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180508.Volume with cross sections - intro _ Applications of integration _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.4vLy5VoUcQE.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180509.Justification with the mean value theorem - equation _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.IJ-obdnR_j8.mkv4.0M
[VID]20180509.Justification with the mean value theorem - table _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.PE8NNZG9IYw.mkv4.8M
[VID]20180510.Cost and duration of modern campaigns _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.yb5DH9y-rB8.mkv8.9M
[VID]20180510.Example free response question from AP macroeconomics _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Qh8hO9j76R4.mkv 16M
[VID]20180510.Selective incorporation _ Civil liberties and civil rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.0a799xooy-w.mkv4.8M
[VID]20180511.Media as a linkage institution _ Political participation _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.DmANu5lkTl8.mkv7.6M
[VID]20180511.Modeling ticket fines with exponential function _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.2iZXFd_ZImA.mkv7.8M
[VID]20180511.One-sided limits from tables _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.9geXUOXTJJQ.mkv8.2M
[VID]20180516.Khan Academy Teacher Training 2018.5-Nm6pBHJPI.mkv2.8M
[VID]20180521.2011 Calculus AB Free Response #1 parts b c d _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.OSipkz8vDjE.mkv 11M
[VID]20180521.Checks on the judicial branch _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.Fnf1lNU7C-A.mkv4.1M
[VID]20180521.Fiscal and monetary policy in parallel _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.sFFDgW5ublQ.mkv8.3M
[VID]20180523.Deficits and debt _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.tpMsBi47k8Q.mkv9.5M
[VID]20180523.Introduction to average rate of change _ Functions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.oT6LclcJ-I8.mkv5.5M
[VID]20180524.State checks on the judicial branch _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.CwiVwRzqCmA.mkv8.7M
[VID]20180529.Introduction to Ratios.IeWvK1daXTA.mkv4.4M
[VID]20180529.Senate confirmation as a check on the judicial branch _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.kMCSbnqWFK8.mkv7.6M
[VID]20180530.Chain rule _ Derivative rules _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.0T0QrHO56qg.mkv5.6M
[VID]20180531.Creating scale drawings _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.TASA6V5fGT8.mkv2.9M
[VID]20180531.Identifying corresponding parts of scaled copies _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.o07enwTfSpU.mkv3.4M
[VID]20180531.Identifying scale factor in drawings _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.ZeY1mgog2YQ.mkv1.6M
[VID]20180531.Interpreting scale factors in drawings _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.Rgi1z9r5hOk.mkv1.7M
[VID]20180531.Making scaled copies.KikKyl5n5y4.mkv3.4M
[VID]20180531.Scale drawings _ Geometry _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.XUOPGqKGbjk.mkv4.1M
[VID]20180604.Constant of proportionality from tables _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.rzDQ_ZIpi84.mkv2.8M
[VID]20180604.Introduction to proportional relationships _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.l-HtxhClZ-0.mkv5.7M
[VID]20180604.Proof for the meaning of Lagrange multipliers _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.b9B2FZ5cqbM.mkv 23M
[VID]20180604.Writing proportional equations _ Rates & proportional relationships _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.MRFrQXDZim0.mkv2.6M
[VID]20180611.Emirate of Diriyah as the first Saudi State.Y4k2c-Y7UkQ.mkv8.2M
[VID]20180612.The Emirate of Nejd and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.7n96N2gnlu0.mkv7.3M
[VID]20180613.Constitutional compromises - The Electoral College _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.UyiDxjN8kcI.mkv8.7M
[VID]20180613.Constitutional compromises - The Three-Fifths Compromise _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.ILAK1bSqccY.mkv9.6M
[VID]20180614.Congressional elections _ Political participation _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.18B5S96H9CU.mkv8.6M
[VID]20180614.Functions defined by definite integrals (accumulation functions) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.qJMbAfbb_Ek.mkv4.6M
[VID]20180614.Worked example - Merging definite integrals over adjacent intervals _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.w00eCt3i9KM.mkv4.4M
[VID]20180614.Z-score introduction _ Modeling data distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.5S-Zfa-vOXs.mkv5.1M
[VID]20180615.Exchange rate primer _ AP Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.-5x6j_P1OSI.mkv 10M
[VID]20180615.Integration with partial fractions _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.Mt92Ozs7aJg.mkv8.1M
[VID]20180615.Worked example - Approximation with local linearity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.wdQRY3Er7PE.mkv4.6M
[VID]20180618.Parallel & perpendicular lines from graph.6riBTnlI4fw.mkv7.3M
[VID]20180619.Welcome to the 2017 Khan Academy Annual Report.ZoEnj-2McBs.mkv3.2M
[VID]20180621.Writing equations of perpendicular lines (example 2) _ High School Math _ Khan Academy.8m8hFcFJ-JM.mkv1.7M
[VID]20180622.Classifying shapes of distributions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Y53_8WRrPzg.mkv5.5M
[VID]20180625.Atomic Energy Levels _ Quantum physics _ Physics _ Khan Academy._vK5KPycEvA.mkv 16M
[VID]20180625.Center of mass equation _ Impacts and linear momentum _ Physics _ Khan Academy.B0Ard8jDiHM.mkv6.6M
[VID]20180625.Mirror equation example problems _ Geometric optics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.oeGC4-aQd_Q.mkv 13M
[VID]20180625.Photon Momentum _ Quantum physics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.Qwtz-QSDyOM.mkv5.3M
[VID]20180625.Quantum Wavefunction _ Quantum physics _ Physics _ Khan Academy.OFwskHrtYQ4.mkv 11M
[VID]20180626.Introduction to residuals and least-squares regression _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.VqD-nf1YUks.mkv6.1M
[VID]20180627.Root mean square deviation (RMSD).3NXg44WBZ14.mkv9.0M
[VID]20180709.Give the gift of life-changing education.VltFqtzwS6o.mkv3.5M
[VID]20180711.Standard deviation of residuals or root mean square deviation (RMSD) _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.hSP_rmNHU_U.mkv9.4M
[VID]20180712.Bank balance sheet free response question _ APⓇ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.vqYlKvQhoWw.mkv 14M
[VID]20180712.Bank balance sheets and fractional reserve banking _ APⓇ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.bZEAkO9OSco.mkv 10M
[VID]20180712.Introducing Khan Academy Kids.ZotsK7MQOZk.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180713.Energy dissipation across two resistors in series example.pbQJqmYdjbk.mkv6.9M
[VID]20180713.Newton's third law conceptual worked example.ezN-CACtWG0.mkv4.1M
[VID]20180713.Torque and kinematics conceptual example.kOlfa11Pdgk.mkv5.6M
[VID]20180716.Angular velocity graphs due to multiple torques.xQUERO-_bT0.mkv5.0M
[VID]20180716.Conservation of momentum and energy example.9013Imlt0ZI.mkv9.5M
[VID]20180716.Kinematics and force example.qKdOD23LYOw.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180716.Momentum collision graphs.H1xpE6i8-sk.mkv4.0M
[VID]20180716.Power dissipation in resistors in series versus in parallel.tpSxReO1JlA.mkv5.6M
[VID]20180717.Velocity, acceleration and distance traveled for points on wave.I5qa8gkz7BM.mkv 11M
[VID]20180718.Data to justify experimental claims examples _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.63eKZySl8m4.mkv7.5M
[VID]20180718.Molecular evidence for evolutionary relationships examples _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.mHH0sSm2cK8.mkv6.5M
[VID]20180718.Resistivity experimentally determined.AOntr8OksEY.mkv 15M
[VID]20180719.Pedigrees _ Classical genetics _ High school biology _ Khan Academy.11s5Biyi9q4.mkv7.7M
[VID]20180724.Aggregate production function and economic growth _ APⓇ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.8FzOm1-xcJA.mkv8.7M
[VID]20180724.Business cycles and the production possibilities curve _ APⓇ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.0F6lRMI_rHQ.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180725.Stare decisis and precedent in the Supreme Court _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.8Yl_yNNXKnY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20180725.The aggregate production function and growth _ APⓇ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.yrPrzY3rmQM.mkv5.8M
[VID]20180726.Measuring public opinion.GoAiLiPWB1U.mkv3.7M
[VID]20180726.Scientific polling introduction.85NM1-FQrn0.mkv 13M
[VID]20180726.Why polls can be wrong.DVKY9alKYtc.mkv4.0M
[VID]20180727.Executive orders _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.gCNvBqTJTUA.mkv5.7M
[VID]20180727.Impact of media evolution on politics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.vyIMg4F5axw.mkv7.7M
[VID]20180727.Political ideology and economics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.AX988fq3cXY.mkv6.9M
[VID]20180727.Why policy decisions may not reflect perceived public opinion.2Etffnqb1qE.mkv4.2M
[VID]20180730.Categorical grants, mandates, and the Commerce Clause _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.DZaNZ1vFx18.mkv8.1M
[VID]20180731.Constant of proportionality from graph _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.n_UHN9t3cNg.mkv2.0M
[VID]20180731.Estimating mean and median in data displays _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.rb-T5ppxJk0.mkv5.3M
[VID]20180731.Generalizabilty of survey results example _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.vEon1weoA3o.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180731.Median in a histogram _ Summarizing quantitative data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.xTwDmnEEb9E.mkv3.1M
[VID]20180731.Visually assessing standard deviation _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.-iCMQoCJFBY.mkv4.5M
[VID]20180801.Analyzing related rates problems - equations (Pythagoras) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.hFRQBhHdINM.mkv5.1M
[VID]20180801.Comparing constants of proportionality _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.oZxbLuJ1U5w.mkv6.1M
[VID]20180801.Definite integrals - reverse power rule _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.auOcNZFKfo0.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180801.Identifying proportional relationships from graphs _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.7IU-TOOSxPM.mkv3.6M
[VID]20180801.Interpreting graphs of proportional relationships _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.ApstXGJtRrE.mkv3.9M
[VID]20180802.Technology and presidential communication _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.lbQCx-AwPsY.mkv8.3M
[VID]20180802.Voting rights _ Political participation _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.sQcwHXgmR8M.mkv9.4M
[VID]20180803.Khan Academy Classrooms has a new mastery system that makes personalized learning easier than ever!.JV2sKtbOKsg.mkv5.7M
[VID]20180810.Growth Mindset - Khan Academy's Director of U.S. Content on academic belonging.0QTs_SOCV_E.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Animation Director on setting goals.7v_EKen6TWY.mkv 11M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Audio engineer on her career journey.I_5Yjpi3eDM.mkv 11M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Ceiba Prep Students on mistakes.kCRMHGtDd9Y.mkv2.5M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Ceiba Prep Students on overcoming frustration.GByZ0fYBd3k.mkv1.6M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Chef De Cuisine on his career journey.dTQdaX4V0cI.mkv9.2M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Dancer on his career journey.4Nl47fKLj_Q.mkv8.6M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Dave Paunesku introduces growth mindset.cSf9Tnk19Iw.mkv5.3M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Dave Paunesku on student effort.deXi6xMGrcU.mkv3.6M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Dave Paunesku on student self-reflection.yZjydd_VR4U.mkv4.8M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Dave Paunesku on teacher modeling of growth mindset.gLWWXZTSoq4.mkv7.2M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Dr. Michael Merzenich on growing your brain.sJyHYuPxG0Y.mkv5.0M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Film director on her career journey.kyf_8_-rvQg.mkv9.4M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - How to write a SMART goal.U4IU-y9-J8Q.mkv3.2M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Khan Academy's economics content creator on learning strategies.1wWbXeTM8ys.mkv4.0M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Khan Academy's humanities content creator on social belonging.0dXmzDprnO4.mkv4.4M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Khan Academy's math content creator on learning strategies.LnTrciBI-Hs.mkv6.7M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Khan Academy's science content creator on learning strategies.AquwEh-HALc.mkv5.0M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Khan Academy's test prep content creator on mistakes.jxkluy6a-EM.mkv5.5M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Salon owner on her career journey.jV30SdcyMVM.mkv6.1M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - Teacher leader on his career journey.v9qWq-8rDkQ.mkv 10M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm Growth Mindset - The Truth About Your Brain.rf8FX2sI3gU.mkv3.6M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm and Ceiba College Prep.bfwKeMf2vgI.mkv9.3M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm at Pine Hill Middle School.E8G_gF409XU.mkv6.9M
[VID]20180810.LearnStorm at Wewahitchka High School.SSnC00qwD1g.mkv8.7M
[VID]20180813.Determinant when multiplying a matrix by a constant.Wauch76Oxz8.mkv3.6M
[VID]20180813.Evolution through variation and natural selection.L-dXNWlRZDw.mkv9.5M
[VID]20180813.Factorial and counting seat arrangements _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.eoxbgUIYhHo.mkv6.4M
[VID]20180813.Impact of mass on orbital speed _ AP Physics 1 _ Khan Academy._bBzcwnrLgs.mkv5.9M
[VID]20180813.Invertible and noninvertibles matrices.kR9rO-6Y2Zk.mkv6.3M
[VID]20180821.Introduction to infinite limits _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WS-76fFFICY.mkv6.2M
[VID]20180821.Introduction to limits at infinity _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.eh_ATp0hbB0.mkv3.6M
[VID]20180821.Unbounded limits _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.56qtGRCd8bE.mkv2.8M
[VID]20180822.Generalizabilty of survey results example _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.2FXwGI_debU.mkv4.2M
[VID]20180822.Ideology and social policy _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.xx0Y2NPpoTk.mkv 13M
[VID]20180822.LearnStorm is BACK!.Fi3JtlGkzCI.mkv1.5M
[VID]20180823.Can causality be established from this study _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.yWva9DtV0Rk.mkv5.3M
[VID]20180823.Invalid conclusions from studies example _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.xSvvjdZjgl8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20180824.Identifying the constant of proportionality from equation _ 7th grade _ Khan Academy.rj7DweP8e58.mkv4.0M
[VID]20180824.Impact of mass on orbital speed _ Study design _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Fw8qsuZNzH4.mkv8.1M
[VID]20180827.Worked free response question on unemployment _ APⓇ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.ncW-JilPxjA.mkv9.5M
[VID]20180829.Changes in the AD-AS Model and the Phillips curve _ APⓇ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Sp322oNOQLA.mkv8.4M
[VID]20180905.Limits of combined functions _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.AhnJtTI_DMM.mkv5.6M
[VID]20180907.The Third Amendment _ The National Constitution Center _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.R13q7uHlwmY.mkv 19M
[VID]20180910.The Fifth Amendment - takings clause _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.H8HxEC67BrM.mkv 15M
[VID]20180912.Dred Scott v. Sandford _ The Civil War era (1844-1877) _ US history _ Khan Academy.sWuXMjrv4aA.mkv 28M
[VID]20180912.Worked Phillips curves free response question.80jDOAgBDcQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20180914.Unadopted amendments to the Bill of Rights _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.lTNwCTDokrU.mkv 21M
[VID]20180918.Comparing European and Native American cultures _ US history _ Khan Academy.AGiWyQRZqpo.mkv 10M
[VID]20180919.Elemental building blocks of biological molecules _ Chemistry of life _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.vnsrBHkYTq4.mkv7.4M
[VID]20180919.Importance of water for life _ Chemistry of life _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.fxlMABxU7zU.mkv 11M
[VID]20180920.LearnStorm Growth Mindset Livestream.41ofb4qIjww.mkv 43M
[VID]20180920.Surface area to volume ratio of cells _ Cell structure and function _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.uu9eHX6Tu8Q.mkv5.7M
[VID]20180921.LearnStorm 2018 Growth Mindset Livestream.xQAhN0qEbhU.mkv118M
[VID]20180921.Sal Khan's thoughts on mastery learning.lGaQWIV8PZ4.mkv6.2M
[VID]20180921.The Seventh Amendment _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.uf41Qj_1HQo.mkv 22M
[VID]20180924.Social consequences of revolutionary ideals _ US history _ Khan Academy.crNShYTL0Ss.mkv 12M
[VID]20180924.The Ninth Amendment _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.7PlTwiRM9ig.mkv 19M
[VID]20180925.Water potential.O_eFNOz5WtY.mkv9.4M
[VID]20180926.Endosymbiosis theory _ Cell structure and function _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.eCWwKrJyKxA.mkv6.5M
[VID]20180926.Water potential worked example.4V-49LxkJJA.mkv8.4M
[VID]20180928.Learnstorm Classroom Celebrations.RxKZOhS72Cw.mkv1.8M
[VID]20181002.Volume with cross sections - squares and rectangles (no graph) _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy._y6zKNoWiKI.mkv8.4M
[VID]20181002.Volume with cross sections perpendicular to y-axis _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.aYT0Gm-v5T8.mkv5.9M
[VID]20181002.Worked example - Motion problems with derivatives _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.b4w0xmuOiQo.mkv7.1M
[VID]20181003.Interpreting direction of motion from position-time graph _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.PNBJQ2OtS_4.mkv3.5M
[VID]20181003.Interpreting direction of motion from velocity-time graph _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.lsufpQEVHZ8.mkv2.3M
[VID]20181009.Developing an American identity, 1800-1848 _ US history _ Khan Academy.VQ-xQ9B-0ss.mkv8.8M
[VID]20181009.Regional attitudes about slavery, 1754-1800 _ US history _ Khan Academy.SFhd8kcjaOw.mkv 13M
[VID]20181015.Interpreting change in speed from velocity-time graph _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.pp08hpkTN-o.mkv4.8M
[VID]20181016.Changes to the role of the presidency _ AP US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.cZSsAKaklBM.mkv 17M
[VID]20181016.Introduction to one-dimensional motion with calculus _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.MFrpe4Wm8-g.mkv7.1M
[VID]20181016.Sal Khan & John Dickerson - introduction _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.yK90u3DQIK0.mkv3.6M
[VID]20181016.The media and partisanship _ Political partecipation _ AP US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.nxOi0EbNPtY.mkv 19M
[VID]20181016.Why study US history, government, and civics _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.3axHf16S0Us.mkv5.6M
[VID]20181018.Marginal benefit AP free response question _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.fP6X2TzQdjA.mkv 11M
[VID]20181018.Marginal utllity free response example _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.CxAXc9vL2rI.mkv9.0M
[VID]20181018.Scarcity and rivalry _ Basic Economic Concepts _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.uVA1-m8SVvA.mkv7.7M
[VID]20181019.Accounting profit vs economic profit _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.kQRFfAlj9CE.mkv9.4M
[VID]20181019.Introduction to utility _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.UnX8RPB5vFM.mkv6.1M
[VID]20181019.Optimal decision-making and opportunity costs _ AP(R) Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.5-03899n678.mkv7.5M
[VID]20181019.Property rights in a market system _ Basic Economic Concepts _ AP(R) Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.AJy7pWK0W8g.mkv7.1M
[VID]20181022.Increased politicization of the Supreme Court _ AP US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.EoUpiipuP2M.mkv 11M
[VID]20181023.ATP synthase _ Cellular energetics _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.rg8gpzFLQ-E.mkv7.2M
[VID]20181023.Enzyme reaction velocity and pH _ Cellular energetics _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.LtGCHzKAf8w.mkv7.7M
[VID]20181023.Immigration and migration in the Gilded Age _ Period 6 - 1865-1898 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.6GfVdrfM3-g.mkv 12M
[VID]20181023.Photosynthesis evolution _ Cellular energetics _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.RnHCOBDSSfA.mkv 11M
[VID]20181023.Sectional conflict - Regional differences _ Period 5 - 1844-1877 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.H-EDcke6n9E.mkv 12M
[VID]20181024.Alternating series test _ Series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.UsMom3yNsX8.mkv6.7M
[VID]20181024.Continuity at a point _ Limits and continuity _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.3KMqU5j7irw.mkv8.4M
[VID]20181024.Limits of combined functions - piecewise functions _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Xo49w4DDEfQ.mkv6.1M
[VID]20181024.Manifest Destiny _ Period 5 - 1844-1877 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.BH7URONYaHU.mkv 14M
[VID]20181024.Marginal and conditional distributions _ Analyzing categorical data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.Iw9fEYIpPMA.mkv7.3M
[VID]20181024.Molecular variation _ Cellular energetics _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.RYz3d1meQQc.mkv7.2M
[VID]20181024.Water potential example _ Cell structure and function _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.BsnJDe4Tl-4.mkv 10M
[VID]20181025.Gideon v Wainwright.HWGW7MMxS2o.mkv5.9M
[VID]20181025.Gupta Dynasty _ World History _ Khan Academy.8KrFLUkauxE.mkv8.8M
[VID]20181025.Presidential oversight of the bureaucracy.-KAp6sQcXBA.mkv8.1M
[VID]20181031.1920s urbanization and immigration _ Period 7 - 1890-1945 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy;.EnwqpenGGcE.mkv7.6M
[VID]20181031.Activation and inhibition of signal transduction pathways _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.zYX5a65LrXs.mkv8.4M
[VID]20181031.Comparing the effects of the Civil War on American national identity _ US history _ Khan Academy.5DbDqxUfIXw.mkv 11M
[VID]20181031.Slavery in the British colonies _ Period 2 - 1607-1754 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.4GQOgcI3x_Q.mkv5.9M
[VID]20181031.The Progressives _ Period 7 - 1890-1945 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.zGhsN9NmJh8.mkv 11M
[VID]20181031.Westward expansion - social and cultural development _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.rq3ZswJXWqE.mkv 13M
[VID]20181031.World War I - Homefront _ Period 7 - 1890-1945 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.WaWuLLuBaVo.mkv 11M
[VID]20181101.Does the president's party usually gain or lose seats at the midterm elections _ Khan Academy.oYQvxRrknZE.mkv3.4M
[VID]20181101.How does voter turnout in midterms compare to presidential elections _ Khan Academy.Of8A37PGgpE.mkv2.7M
[VID]20181101.How have congressional elections changed over time _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.lSSFMVeFc2Q.mkv8.7M
[VID]20181101.Why does your vote matter _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.6Vf_mmb0ED4.mkv7.7M
[VID]20181101.Why do midterm congressional elections matter _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.kofT_ctT-JY.mkv3.4M
[VID]20181105.Phenotype plasticity _ Heredity _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.Mh3QXbVU6Eo.mkv5.5M
[VID]20181108.Developing an American colonial identity _ Period 2 - 1607-1754 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.YxiSd6HW75M.mkv9.9M
[VID]20181108.The Eighth Amendment _ The National Constitution Center _ US government and civics _ Khan Academy.L83jiEPYnAs.mkv 31M
[VID]20181109.Continuity and change in the Gilded Age _ Period 6 - 1865-1898 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.bGXSvj-clXo.mkv 14M
[VID]20181109.Continuity and change in the postwar era _ Period 8 - 1945-1980 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.cTHqWtIz4lI.mkv 15M
[VID]20181109.Shaping American national identity from 1890 to 1945 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.uaef1AR4xP4.mkv 11M
[VID]20181114.Market demand as the sum of individual demand _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.dGjPguqHBXE.mkv5.0M
[VID]20181114.Markets and property rights _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.PEG9OQCo2Ls.mkv6.8M
[VID]20181114.Substitution and income effects and the Law of Demand.xGL5mbOvTmQ.mkv4.0M
[VID]20181115.Determinants of elasticity example _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.H4CkAid4_J4.mkv3.3M
[VID]20181115.Determinants of price elasticity of demand _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.KEhy6SwW__I.mkv 11M
[VID]20181115.Introduction to price elasticity of demand _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.FBWJYH8DZ1g.mkv 10M
[VID]20181116.Introduction to price elasticity of supply _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.wi1x3sYHU6I.mkv7.5M
[VID]20181116.Khan Academy Live! In Khanversation with Barbara Oakley.lR5Z0OnzE0g.mkv121M
[VID]20181116.Price elasticity of supply determinants _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.kBUC6iPijtw.mkv6.0M
[VID]20181120.Changing equilibria from trade _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.7adFZOA7Qfg.mkv8.4M
[VID]20181120.Income elasticity of demand _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.RDcf5L6o0mI.mkv9.0M
[VID]20181120.Introduction to production functions _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.4kFLOoA5l4s.mkv8.7M
[VID]20181120.Total product, marginal product and average product _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.8fm9FjDV0iA.mkv7.7M
[VID]20181127.Give a child a great education. We need your help!.sPd-SmL2Ui8.mkv720K
[VID]20181129.What is mastery learning.zRuiDvz8p5o.mkv2.4M
[VID]20181130.Graphs of MC, AVC and ATC.vh7SjS-t1wA.mkv 10M
[VID]20181130.Marginal cost, average variable cost, and average total cost _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.mW6Cwpfb5CI.mkv 10M
[VID]20181203.Graphical impact of cost changes on marginal and average costs.A1_PT1aHVLY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20181203.How costs change when fixed and variable costs change _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.dbedc5rrwhQ.mkv9.3M
[VID]20181203.Long run average total cost curve _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.aKpnaKROoYA.mkv 11M
[VID]20181204.Economies and diseconomies of scale _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.4bJs6bKjPPA.mkv5.1M
[VID]20181204.Minimum efficient scale and market concentration _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.lqAKI6remoQ.mkv7.7M
[VID]20181205.Mutation as a source of variation _ Gene expression and regulation _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.LZCE-4q5f9c.mkv7.8M
[VID]20181207.Khan Stories - Alejandro.6I7PgFdsA0o.mkv2.8M
[VID]20181207.Tariff and imports worked example _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Qq5-909rWgw.mkv 11M
[VID]20181207.Trade and tariffs _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.3pSysspeCxY.mkv8.1M
[VID]20181212.Substitution and income effects and the Law of Demand _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy._12_k6ciacU.mkv3.9M
[VID]20181214.Khan Stories - Brooke Hogan.kq0O3pxTYCY.mkv6.9M
[VID]20181218.Perfect and imperfect competition.FZBc1wM8a8M.mkv 13M
[VID]20181218.Profit maximization _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.SON0BtLMUHw.mkv5.3M
[VID]20181218.Shutting down or exiting industry based on price _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.aPiZloqtlnc.mkv8.5M
[VID]20181220.Profit maximization worked example Free Response Question _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.WUJwZYTfroI.mkv6.8M
[VID]20181221.Khan Stories - Jordan.lFb_lFD19WM.mkv3.8M
[VID]20181221.Marginal revenue and marginal cost in imperfect competition _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.A-uVHlqEiyE.mkv4.0M
[VID]20181221.Types of competition and marginal revenue _ APⓇ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Jj4hQK-GuXo.mkv7.5M
[VID]20181228.Khan Stories - Shrey.899A7cHuc4M.mkv4.9M
[VID]20190104.Khan Stories - Claudia.qV1ga8A9ots.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190110.Writing - Sentence Boundaries — Harder Example _ Writing & Language _ SAT _ Khan Academy.fpt4WW3EUxY.mkv4.0M
[VID]20190111.Khan Stories - Brandon Bauer.cOD1TVBMzpw.mkv6.6M
[VID]20190117.Estimating adding large numbers by rounding.CZuYBGBClG0.mkv3.9M
[VID]20190117.Methods for subracting 3 digit numbers.ZIiZkmaehsU.mkv5.5M
[VID]20190117.Missing numbers in three digit subtraction.0Chsg4ns_FI.mkv5.7M
[VID]20190117.Rounding to the nearest 10.tEt-B8v4Wtk.mkv 11M
[VID]20190117.Rounding to the nearest 100._H64VpzpxR4.mkv7.4M
[VID]20190117.Subtraction by breaking apart.He4cjB2ectc.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190117.Three digit addition word problems.W3zji0qh658.mkv3.1M
[VID]20190117.Three digit subtraction word problems.4TcA1l01s9c.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190118.Khan Stories - Isai Baltezar's class.kiFTOP3X3Ds.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190124.Introducing - Khan Academy Kids!.c9WZchczdXY.mkv4.6M
[VID]20190128.Khan Stories - Mrs. Hengels' class.g4_8VAWLR80.mkv2.7M
[VID]20190201.Khan Stories - Sal's high school math teacher.GYDGRAgp7cA.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190208.Khan Stories - Anjali.m19E4fFcUx8.mkv 11M
[VID]20190211.Constructing linear equation from context.hBpI9IfmMKg.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190211.Linear equation word problems.w6R8rywmgek.mkv4.7M
[VID]20190211.Slope and intercepts from tables.g98OfN5cWy4.mkv7.9M
[VID]20190211.Slope and y intercept from equation.Z65mz__8DQ0.mkv5.0M
[VID]20190212.Four factors of production _ AP Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.-IvwoqPh1_I.mkv9.3M
[VID]20190215.Khan Stories - Christian.5siktaX0Ih0.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190220.How did Reagan's policies affect the economy _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.kr6zA_78nys.mkv6.1M
[VID]20190220.How has the position of Speaker changed over time _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.t1ShvSU63LE.mkv6.1M
[VID]20190220.How have Reagan's policies affected the government _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.gTRa6OYhi1g.mkv6.9M
[VID]20190220.What Reagan policies are still debated today _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.pgRknobBvr0.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190220.What kind of levers does the Speaker have _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.id4e3FQDPzk.mkv6.5M
[VID]20190220.Who is the Speaker of the House _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.Yn81qh73wZ0.mkv2.6M
[VID]20190220.Why is the Speaker second in succession _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.dLokWU0JiAs.mkv5.8M
[VID]20190220.Why was Reagan's presidency so significant _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.mtBqK9dB-EA.mkv4.6M
[VID]20190222.Khan Stories - Mr. Kile's class.zYfcBj26d1U.mkv2.6M
[VID]20190304.Perfect competition _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.B_49lQxwMaM.mkv 10M
[VID]20190306.Artificial selection and domestication _ Natural selection _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.hFjGQXcwYIk.mkv6.8M
[VID]20190306.Cellular evidence of common ancestry _ Natural selection _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.BwwElHbjTGo.mkv5.6M
[VID]20190306.Impact of changes to trophic pyramids _ Ecology _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.sV-KQ91Fnck.mkv9.9M
[VID]20190308.International Women's Day Livestream - Women In Technology For Good.cVQ9mAN4jF0.mkv158M
[VID]20190308.Population growth rate based on birth and death rates _ Ecology _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.R2yPeLJsPOo.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190311.Logistic growth versus exponential growth _ Ecology _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.jfIPQ5_71Mc.mkv 11M
[VID]20190311.Per capita population growth and exponential growth _ Ecology _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.B_qsI4Q1nNk.mkv 12M
[VID]20190312.Economic profit for firms in perfectly competitive markets.VVBWn43woUY.mkv 11M
[VID]20190312.Long-run economic profit for perfectly competitive firms _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Xx5-O8kDMvU.mkv7.8M
[VID]20190313.Long run supply curve in constant cost perfectly competitive markets _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Hzw6_vUPvgg.mkv8.5M
[VID]20190313.Long run supply when industry costs are increasing or decreasing _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.sN-bhe6UfRs.mkv6.5M
[VID]20190314.AP Microeconomics FRQ on perfect competition _ AP(R) Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.BmxuzqDEBpM.mkv9.5M
[VID]20190315.Economic profit for a monopoly _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.PEFEnss--mU.mkv6.5M
[VID]20190315.Monopolies vs. perfect competition _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.PgDrR2wj_Jc.mkv5.6M
[VID]20190322.Game theory worked example from A P Microeconomics.KPZ40sEoLRs.mkv 20M
[VID]20190322.Long term economic profit for monopolistic competition _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.QRN2QKHe-tM.mkv7.4M
[VID]20190415.Changes in labor supply _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.16c66XCdSBo.mkv6.0M
[VID]20190415.Factor markets worked example _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.jiycJ9M2L1o.mkv 16M
[VID]20190415.Introduction to labor markets _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.Cm69zTuUzMI.mkv8.2M
[VID]20190415.Shifts in demand for labor _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.CuTNp-6FI0k.mkv6.0M
[VID]20190416.A monopsonistic market for labor _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.vAaW15vwKUU.mkv 11M
[VID]20190416.Capital by Thomas Piketty _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.i78cyClvaeg.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190416.Change in expected future prices and demand _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.7siSvYs84fg.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190416.Connecting income to capital growth and potential inequality _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.iPROoc_o0p8.mkv 10M
[VID]20190416.Convergence on macro scale _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.scgd0gh6BFs.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190416.Cost minimizing choice of inputs _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.NSCqNsAiHOM.mkv 13M
[VID]20190416.Critically looking at data on ROC and economic growth over millenia _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.mkyPZjkdU2Q.mkv9.1M
[VID]20190416.Difference between wealth and income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.o5-T52bh-eQ.mkv5.2M
[VID]20190416.Gilded Age versus Silicon Valley _ GDP - Measuring national income _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.GQBRWjHdir0.mkv9.3M
[VID]20190416.Gini Coefficient and Lorenz Curve.y8y-gaNbe4U.mkv 11M
[VID]20190416.Indifference curves and marginal rate of substitution _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.7G4BUm7M6MY.mkv 12M
[VID]20190416.Inverse relationship between capital price and returns _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.gplD1LV-lAA.mkv 12M
[VID]20190416.Is rising inequality necessarily bad.r5L-riaIJjI.mkv 11M
[VID]20190416.Return on capital and economic 12M
[VID]20190416.Review of revenue and cost graphs for a monopoly _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.A_lV-XArVeE.mkv 12M
[VID]20190416.Socially efficient and inefficient outcomes.iB-r7Kl3vok.mkv7.9M
[VID]20190417.Introduction to the semicolon _ The Colon and semicolon _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.41XNKfR56OY.mkv3.1M
[VID]20190417.Linking function of the colon _ The Colon and semicolon _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.0yZ0ehTLxoo.mkv6.9M
[VID]20190417.Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy.D3vHhXMQPmE.mkv4.0M
[VID]20190417.Preparing for the AP US History Exam (5_4_2016).H6i50d_bTuo.mkv151M
[VID]20190417.Rival and excludable goods.pJU028t-7mg.mkv 11M
[VID]20190417.Sal and David discuss the new SAT.E4zUMO24RVg.mkv5.3M
[VID]20190417.Semicolons and complex lists _ The colon and semicolon _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.xWJ3HoQTpgY.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190417.The colon as a separator _ The colon and semicolon _ Punctuation _ Khan Academy.3Eis7atPUKU.mkv2.2M
[VID]20190419.Alkane with isopropyl group _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.O9RPGJcAfJk.mkv9.2M
[VID]20190419.Amoeba phagocytosis of yeast.6EhxI7L5_A4.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190419.Circuit Isomorphism.v9aJBeNLBXQ.mkv680K
[VID]20190419.Frog embryo
[VID]20190419.Monopsony employers and minimum wages.FIiVE-mzmqY.mkv9.6M
[VID]20190419.Monopsony employers and minimum wages.jdLRshqvNdY.mkv 12M
[VID]20190419.Naming a cycloalkane _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.ygXkdSKXQoA.mkv8.6M
[VID]20190419.Naming alkanes with ethyl groups _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.q_Q9C1Ooofc.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190419.Naming two isobutyl groups systematically _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.Xw1CMTXQGPY.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190419.Triple bonds cause linear configurations _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Academy.LIFHYUGrYqw.mkv1.7M
[VID]20190419.Types of price discrimination.tGuvxZkmvP4.mkv4.7M
[VID]20190422.Drew Houston - CEO and Founder of Dropbox _ Entrepreneurship _ Khan Academy.NZINmtuTSu0.mkv 93M
[VID]20190423.Area of a circle _ Perimeter, area, and volume _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.ZyOhRgnFmIY.mkv4.9M
[VID]20190423.Cybersecurity and crime _ Internet 101 _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.5k24We8pED8.mkv 11M
[VID]20190423.Education as a force of convergence _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.Qu7aVEUc-2w.mkv 15M
[VID]20190423.Encryption and public keys _ Internet 101 _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.6-JjHa-qLPk.mkv 13M
[VID]20190423.Estimating limit numerically _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.t7NvlTgMsO8.mkv5.8M
[VID]20190423.Graphs of indefinite integrals.Gn3mJOC1wK8.mkv6.5M
[VID]20190423.HTTP and HTML _ Internet 101 _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.1K64fWX5z4U.mkv 13M
[VID]20190423.IP addresses and DNS _ Internet 101 _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.MwxMsaFFycg.mkv 14M
[VID]20190423.Limits at infinity using algebra _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.nDXFgexOM5c.mkv6.4M
[VID]20190423.Measuring segments.y-O_B-wWivQ.mkv1.9M
[VID]20190423.Packet, routers, and reliability _ Internet 101 _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.aD_yi5VjF78.mkv 14M
[VID]20190423.Performing a rotation to match figures.QWX39H9kKvE.mkv2.8M
[VID]20190423.Reading tables 1.XxmS_7I6c7Y.mkv3.0M
[VID]20190423.Reading tables 2.4QX-tMRR0TE.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190423.Simple model to understand r and g relationship.--VYlmbkzNY.mkv9.1M
[VID]20190423.Solving equations and inequalities through substitution example 2.xG_XJ2ywi6M.mkv1.4M
[VID]20190423.Solving equations and inequalities through substitution example 3._ghnnjzwCTc.mkv3.3M
[VID]20190423.Solving proportions 2 exercise examples _ Algebra Basics _ Khan Academy.qzsR7cChujg.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190423.Statistical and non statistical questions _ Probability and Statistics _ Khan Academy.qyYSQDcSNlY.mkv 11M
[VID]20190423.Vertical asymptote of natural log _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.78tnNYNISOc.mkv8.7M
[VID]20190423.Visually determining vertical asymptotes _ Limits _ Differential Calculus _ Khan Academy.SUrlTlI-oxI.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190423.Wires, cables, and WiFi _ Internet 101 _ Computer Science _ Khan Academy.iV-YqG70wbQ.mkv 14M
[VID]20190423.r greater than g but less inequality.w6O2Rxub6VE.mkv9.3M
[VID]20190424.Clarifying standard form rules.PfSsLjnnS60.mkv6.0M
[VID]20190424.Determining whether values are in domain of function.LdbrNNheFg8.mkv5.4M
[VID]20190424.Examples finding the domain of functions.4ZWbeESjv4M.mkv4.7M
[VID]20190424.Example visually evaluating discrete functions.Ddw8u7nNmKs.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190424.Interpreting points in context of graphs of systems._hW1OzRlx50.mkv7.1M
[VID]20190424.Setting up a system of equations from context example.HftghcUXaEg.mkv2.2M
[VID]20190424.Setting up systems of linear equations example.pL4PXSXH-R8.mkv5.6M
[VID]20190424.Strategies for eliminating variables in a system examples.5jgSW5Jb-Y8.mkv9.5M
[VID]20190425.Scott Cook - Founder and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Intuit _ Khan Academy.yKrp0sO3PJg.mkv114M
[VID]20190426.Finding average rate of change of polynomials _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.neZeuTgEoMA.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190426.Introduction to factoring higher degree monomials _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.Kze7cw30F60.mkv4.9M
[VID]20190426.Khan Stories - Sean.fu9Xl9OIcBw.mkv8.7M
[VID]20190426.Polynomial special products - difference of squares _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.uNweU6I4Icw.mkv5.0M
[VID]20190426.Polynomial special products - perfect square _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.hw5DE8HSZk0.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190430.Factoring higher degree polynomials _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.AUBX_aHStQY.mkv3.9M
[VID]20190501.Factorization with substitution _ Polynomial factorization _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.js5cP-rq0FI.mkv6.7M
[VID]20190501.Identifying quadratic patterns _ Polynomial factorization _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.OcavJJA8Uyg.mkv7.6M
[VID]20190503.What was the Articles of Confederation _ US Government and Civics _ Khan Academy.evPP1FDePOY.mkv 14M
[VID]20190503.What was the Gilded Age _ US History _ Khan Academy.2MEyuKGw6-A.mkv 20M
[VID]20190503.Why was George Washington the first president _ US History _ Khan Academy.vuC_4Y1zgZw.mkv 17M
[VID]20190506.Polynomial identities introduction _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.EvNKKyhLSpQ.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190507.Plessy v. Ferguson _ The Gilded Age (1865-1898) _ US history _ Khan Academy.IfybCoVN9G8.mkv 23M
[VID]20190508.Geometric series introduction _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.BdsURIUQ04k.mkv5.9M
[VID]20190514.Estimating when subtracting large numbers.de2aad2y03g.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190514.Examples relating decimals and fractions in words.5TwOaUrniaI.mkv3.1M
[VID]20190514.Examples writing decimals and fractions greater than 1 shown on grids.ek0zu14IP7g.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190514.Place value tables.2njG0S_GuVA.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190514.Place value with decimals.wtrrr15mbvQ.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190514.Writing decimals and fractions from number lines.68mrr430De0.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190514.Writing numbers in words and standard form.eLRMI2ZX5Qw.mkv7.4M
[VID]20190515.Comparing decimals in different representations._tk3nWC5OAA.mkv5.3M
[VID]20190515.Expressing decimals in multiple forms.U3w9ppDv_MU.mkv5.1M
[VID]20190515.Ordering decimals.RmHmtLQ-pqU.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190515.Regrouping with decimals.vZmR_21Dwrg.mkv5.5M
[VID]20190515.Thousandths on the number line.ABHQJFWZGsk.mkv2.5M
[VID]20190515.Visual understanding of regrouping decimals.e_KEaTPcPKg.mkv5.7M
[VID]20190516.Introduction to multiplication.NVhA7avdTAw.mkv3.9M
[VID]20190516.Introduction to powers of 10.Xvsqv2oO2ac.mkv5.0M
[VID]20190516.Multiplication as repeated addition.qUAeDpmqWDQ.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190516.Multiplication on the number line.PLDfl6daajo.mkv7.9M
[VID]20190516.Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000.yVg6LyNgIT8.mkv9.5M
[VID]20190516.Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.jBN69fm8_T0.mkv8.3M
[VID]20190516.Multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000.6fLNcGSa_L4.mkv4.7M
[VID]20190516.Multiplying and dividing decimals by 10.HeiYNlVM-TY.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190516.Skip counting equal groups.1tjJDdszcZg.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190516.The Eighth Amendment _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.i2ewIPvsWpo.mkv 31M
[VID]20190517.Geometric series word problems - hike _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.9jxd1EUfQnc.mkv7.8M
[VID]20190517.Geometric series word problems - swing _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.NlzK79p3QDQ.mkv7.5M
[VID]20190517.Introduction to factoring higher degree polynomials _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.7y_2jQlnKag.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190517.Sign of average rate of change of polynomial _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.9COoRE8pc5k.mkv6.8M
[VID]20190520.Dividing polynomials by linear expressions - missing term _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.QTZ5Dn0t6M4.mkv5.8M
[VID]20190520.Dividing polynomials by linear expressions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.G2VBRwXq1q4.mkv4.4M
[VID]20190520.Dividing polynomials by x (no remainders) _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.dRvLVdQ8cw4.mkv4.5M
[VID]20190520.Dividing quadratics by linear expressions with remainders - missing x-term _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.CDJGU9P_pGU.mkv5.1M
[VID]20190520.Dividing quadratics by linear expressions with remainders _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.-veSAbfer7Q.mkv8.7M
[VID]20190520.Factoring using polynomial division - missing term _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.AkY3DGzrvk8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190520.Remainder theorem examples _ Polynomial Division _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.dBOpC_-PDTA.mkv6.8M
[VID]20190520.Simple polynomial division.XNw0FsIlebE.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190522.2 step estimation word problems.1Hdz_1_c_CY.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190522.Division as equal groupings.mGvunan-I-Q.mkv5.0M
[VID]20190522.Division in context examples.vBWuQnmiY3k.mkv4.4M
[VID]20190522.Examples thinking about multiplying even and odd numbers.ZIUE3m5xqX4.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190522.Order when multiplying commutative property of multiplication.zwD1A9159F4.mkv5.9M
[VID]20190522.Patterns in hundreds chart.sQP5VRnCCUY.mkv5.4M
[VID]20190522.Recognizing number pattern examples.skDNVst7Glw.mkv2.6M
[VID]20190522.Setting up 2 step expressions.sG2FX1ikNKQ.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190522.Using associate property to simplify multiplication.bfN7CzSa1MM.mkv7.0M
[VID]20190522.Using the distributive property when multiplying.zRgnVbh6psI.mkv8.1M
[VID]20190522.Visualizing division with arrays.qIAszZBV84s.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190522.What order to do operations in.lKpPyvRRvKs.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190522.When to use multiplication.vdJn_ncXpv8.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190522.Worked example of a profit maximization problem _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.HkSBTdSzPb8.mkv6.7M
[VID]20190523.Factoring using polynomial division _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.I9PiXAbjnMQ.mkv7.5M
[VID]20190523.Introduction to polynomial division.sVocg1vMriU.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190523.Price discrimination for a monopoly _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.gcq9KFpEuLc.mkv 10M
[VID]20190523.Shutting down or exiting industry based on price _ AP Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.iI5DShNjUlQ.mkv8.8M
[VID]20190531.Compare with multiplication examples.eaGBLBB375U.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190531.Comparing decimals example.Dese7hoWZMM.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190531.Estimating 2 digit multiplication example.FCFYGpY-MM0.mkv3.0M
[VID]20190531.Estimating with multiplication.eXJb76JUvko.mkv3.7M
[VID]20190603.Examples identifying multiples.U5L_aaQ6pYQ.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190603.Multiplying 2 x 1 digits with partial products.RSx20wLxctc.mkv5.5M
[VID]20190603.Reasoning about factors and multiples.g805f4HlV1Y.mkv1.9M
[VID]20190603.Strategy for multiplying 2 digit numbers.O2ifHv-3dZA.mkv5.5M
[VID]20190603.Understanding factor pairs.KcKOM7Degu0.mkv6.6M
[VID]20190611.Dividing by a two digit number.cSTRd8WOpNE.mkv6.5M
[VID]20190611.Division resulting in decimals.29qKGbhFnf8.mkv2.5M
[VID]20190611.Division resulting in decimals example 2.shSrtFE2OoM.mkv5.1M
[VID]20190611.Estimating with decimal multiplication.d3Qg71bZ4Rw.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190611.Example multiplying multi digit numbers.lH6ptl4_LCE.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190611.Example using estimation for decimal products.005032IwRME.mkv3.2M
[VID]20190611.Introduction to standard way of multiplying multidigit numbers.NuIDwPQLJmk.mkv5.1M
[VID]20190611.Multiplying decimals using estimation.VQN6MvdJRx4.mkv4.2M
[VID]20190611.Strategies for multiplying decimals.yueSfjh2ra4.mkv7.0M
[VID]20190611.Strategies for multiplying multi digit decimals.RtXpRld8vb4.mkv4.6M
[VID]20190611.Visual representations of decimal multiplication.K-bA-k_9Rg0.mkv5.0M
[VID]20190611.Worked examples for standard algorithm exercise.GOYnrYee1Y0.mkv5.3M
[VID]20190617.Describing numerical relationships with polynomial identities _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.uJwq67y5wAY.mkv7.2M
[VID]20190619.2 step estimation example.hzh10qtOxpg.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190619.Dividing a decimal by a whole number example.bIRwzhhBzEU.mkv3.3M
[VID]20190619.Dividing by 0.1 and 0.01.4uEik_57Syw.mkv5.0M
[VID]20190619.Division with partial quotients example.gamEPRpt9jo.mkv6.9M
[VID]20190619.Estimating division that results in non whole numbers.VJyk81HmcZQ.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190619.Estimating quotients.6RT_dE3W-00.mkv5.1M
[VID]20190619.Examples dividing by tenths and hundredths.SuNKcQj1JRE.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190619.Introduction to division with partial quotients.Ws4Zq-gceSY.mkv6.4M
[VID]20190619.Introduction to remainders.P1qyjdh_sIw.mkv5.9M
[VID]20190619.Visually dividing a whole number by a decimal.aklVb3Z5jx4.mkv3.3M
[VID]20190619.Visually dividing decimal by whole number.rYsK3mI0Nto.mkv2.4M
[VID]20190626.Labor-leisure tradeoff _ Microeconomics _ Khan Academy.i5RIEwI6Hcs.mkv5.6M
[VID]20190627.Failure of Reconstruction _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.FqPozblg-MY.mkv9.5M
[VID]20190627.How interest rates affect interest rates, financial flows, and exchange rates._etdZ9G8D4A.mkv 10M
[VID]20190627.The Mexican-American War _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.QKRYLUlGlWc.mkv 11M
[VID]20190702.Dividing a decimal by a whole number on the number line.7Wm0VOTPz5Q.mkv1.6M
[VID]20190702.Dividing a whole number by a decimal on a number line.PxafebH1u2k.mkv2.1M
[VID]20190702.Dividing whole numbers by decimals examples.se7rSl-tHkg.mkv5.4M
[VID]20190702.Pattern when dividing by tenths and hundredths.W6OAc7NKrSI.mkv5.3M
[VID]20190702.Pattern when dividing by tenths and hundredths.nw_ybC3PGsY.mkv5.3M
[VID]20190708.Calculating slope from tables _ Linear equations & graphs _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.pGsicLglzY8.mkv3.0M
[VID]20190708.Graphing a line given point and slope _ Linear equations & graphs _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.5mgH-_5UJ54.mkv2.6M
[VID]20190708.Slope, x-intercept, y-intercept meaning in context _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.XQlaZuh7E8w.mkv5.7M
[VID]20190708.Slope and intercept in tables.TYbN--4KHIk.mkv3.2M
[VID]20190708.Slope and intercept meaning from a table _ Linear equations & graphs _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.nc9XHXlxSyM.mkv7.9M
[VID]20190711.Algebra Foundations - Course Trailer.Q1Bn2taqRPQ.mkv9.7M
[VID]20190711.Article IV of the Constitution _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.BYuOi8_Qkas.mkv 20M
[VID]20190711.Article VII of the Constitution _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.uyy3CF9-cEI.mkv 23M
[VID]20190711.Article VI of the Constitution _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.09HMm56nkis.mkv 17M
[VID]20190711.Article V of the Constitution _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.YjXrkROJbBU.mkv 27M
[VID]20190711.Baker v. Carr _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.vlNuXDePYoM.mkv 20M
[VID]20190711.Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.o9HzkYErzd8.mkv 20M
[VID]20190711.Cells - Course Trailer.6FpPDGTcJD4.mkv7.2M
[VID]20190711.Civil Rights and Civil Liberties - Course Trailer.YQmqWRwDG_Q.mkv6.0M
[VID]20190711.Foundations of American Democracy - Course Trailer.q_BeHbK5N10.mkv9.7M
[VID]20190711.Intro to Economics - Course Trailer.wCHm5SdNO5U.mkv9.7M
[VID]20190711.McCulloch v. Maryland _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.ANQIKpEvcrE.mkv 24M
[VID]20190711.McDonald v. Chicago _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.itHQGT-Zvbk.mkv 22M
[VID]20190711.Roe v. Wade _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.mmbm24Pz5xQ.mkv 15M
[VID]20190711.The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Landmark Supreme Court Cases - Course Trailer.V3rak1OLkWo.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190711.The Fifth Amendment _ The National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.owtjJVqzrN8.mkv 15M
[VID]20190711.The First Amendment _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.cyifS1CLpvw.mkv 23M
[VID]20190711.The Fourth Amendment _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.uyXAb8jCKoU.mkv 22M
[VID]20190711.The Second Amendment _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.cJa-C0yJ854.mkv 26M
[VID]20190711.The Sixth Amendment _ National Constitution Center _ Khan Academy.rQB1nbrhUK8.mkv 24M
[VID]20190715.Polynomial division introduction _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.3eowXt_LNbg.mkv5.8M
[VID]20190715.Zeros of polynomials introduction _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.EtzwLlkoAnM.mkv5.5M
[VID]20190716.LearnStorm Classroom Celebrations.gIvD4OYCbbA.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190718.Multiplicity of zeros of polynomials _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.jrFLb9ZoZH0.mkv7.2M
[VID]20190718.Positive and negative intervals of polynomials _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.z3faK7OV3Ew.mkv 10M
[VID]20190718.Zeros of polynomials (with factoring) - common factor _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.SONskIMkYdU.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190718.Zeros of polynomials (with factoring) - grouping _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.w0vTAHIS5B4.mkv5.9M
[VID]20190718.Zeros of polynomials - matching equation to graph _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.f-xluUaAfwo.mkv3.9M
[VID]20190718.Zeros of polynomials - matching equation to zeros _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.CtqwiX4wHEY.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190718.Zeros of polynomials - plotting zeros _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.5qQUN1fugXQ.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190719.Finding inverses of rational functions _ Equations _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.YI30Ecfl4tc.mkv4.9M
[VID]20190719.Quadratic systems - a line and a parabola _ Equations _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.Cy1Pxz_wLfA.mkv7.9M
[VID]20190719.Rational equations intro _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.3RdNPrNUi4s.mkv3.3M
[VID]20190719.Solving equations by graphing _ Algebra 2 _ Khan academy.7JkY19bYF28.mkv5.3M
[VID]20190719.When and why extraneous solution happen.-k6K-NoklSo.mkv9.5M
[VID]20190719.Zeros of polynomials (multiplicity) _ Polynomial graphs _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.1ke_xceCevk.mkv6.5M
[VID]20190722.Approximating solutions with graphing calculator.C5D5NVUK6NE.mkv4.9M
[VID]20190722.Extraneous solutions _ Equations _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.Hz3vkU3gTeI.mkv9.1M
[VID]20190722.Solving equations by graphing - intro _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.573yqfOoMwE.mkv4.9M
[VID]20190723.Even and odd functions - Equations _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.fTeO-V_VgEc.mkv4.2M
[VID]20190723.Even and odd functions - Tables _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.eKwJlJUM_d0.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190723.Function symmetry introduction _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.4dOQePLgqxE.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190723.Khan Academy now offers Official Praxis® Core Prep..cfMgDwsVr6k.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190723.Reflecting functions - examples _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.0QOnEoQHZ1k.mkv7.5M
[VID]20190723.Reflecting functions introduction _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.mR2y_kohZIw.mkv6.9M
[VID]20190723.Shifting functions introduction _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.RttvubuBhAE.mkv6.3M
[VID]20190723.Solving equations by graphing - graphing calculator _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.hlFhHN67ICE.mkv5.1M
[VID]20190723.Solving equations by graphing - word problems _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.wlhuoE56t3c.mkv 14M
[VID]20190724.Dividing polynomials by x (no remainders) _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.HUdA6LdCRk8.mkv5.4M
[VID]20190724.Even and odd functions - Find the mistake _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.RAksvTJWgxo.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190724.Graphing square and cube root functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan academy.PI6IV7K3DbM.mkv9.4M
[VID]20190724.Multiplying monomials _ Polynomial arithmetic _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.7EplN4Ch98Q.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190724.Scaling functions horizontally - examples _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.npMMbXm9sR0.mkv8.9M
[VID]20190724.Scaling functions introduction _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.1lt6a77OmLU.mkv6.4M
[VID]20190724.Scaling functions vertically - examples _ Transformations of functions _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.tRCEBtKLqEw.mkv6.7M
[VID]20190731.Graphing logarithmic functions (example 1) _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.GpBSbNoon1E.mkv6.8M
[VID]20190731.Graphing logarithmic functions (example 2) _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.f_BJC6UwDTE.mkv3.9M
[VID]20190802.Comparing unit fractions.Oo-sc0v0zBU.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190802.Finding 1 on the number line.7AOXIqAPMmw.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190802.Fractions greater than 1 on the number line.AXdZCfSdQFY.mkv4.0M
[VID]20190802.Fractions in context.1n1KHL5XB-M.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190802.Relating fractions to 1.zESsg6RWYe8.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190802.Relating number lines to fraction bars.WKKtH4blCjo.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190802.Writing whole numbers as fractions.VQQrz1g_K4Q.mkv1.9M
[VID]20190805.Celebrate 10 years of Khan Academy! 🎂.4Gn5Q1efT4g.mkv5.6M
[VID]20190806.The rise of industrial capitalism _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.bSnELaceBdo.mkv7.5M
[VID]20190807.Finding derivative with fundamental theorem of calculus - chain rule _ AP®︎ Calculus _ Khan Academy.dptES2sb1oc.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190807.Finding the end time for a movie in 24 hour time _ Math _ Khan Academy.PrnaeyTGOiM.mkv3.1M
[VID]20190807.Fundamental theorem to evaluate derivative.4h5DjmFTcJE.mkv2.3M
[VID]20190807.Harmonic series and 𝑝-series _ AP®︎ Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.m6ByHObCs6Y.mkv5.9M
[VID]20190807.Introducing Khan Academy Learnstorm 2019!.knT1VOUCozQ.mkv9.2M
[VID]20190807.Length of a trip in 24 hour time _ Math _ Khan Academy.G6NR4z6K5HU.mkv2.9M
[VID]20190807.Time past between two clock faces.PCPmpPV9KR0.mkv5.2M
[VID]20190808.How do you know if a business idea is worth pursuing.WKVIf2J2Ko0.mkv6.9M
[VID]20190808.How do you prepare yourself mentally to be an entrepreneur.xfI10y04qV8.mkv 11M
[VID]20190808.How to handle naysayers when starting a business.h9GbtVm5f7I.mkv6.3M
[VID]20190808.What advice do you have for someone wanting to be an entrepreneur.zxtoXMzRgYk.mkv6.2M
[VID]20190808.What to think about when taking over an existing business.qJG2TU4WrsE.mkv4.0M
[VID]20190809.Analyzing mistakes when finding extrema example 2 _ AP Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.Qcn8A5Ll7g4.mkv6.5M
[VID]20190809.Finding derivative with fundamental theorem of calculus _ AP®︎ Calculus AB _ Khan Academy.WapSrovs7yM.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190809.Geometric series convergence and divergence examples _ Precalculus _ Khan Academy.HP8ZTo2iDtw.mkv8.2M
[VID]20190815.Factoring completely with a common factor _ Algebra 1 _ Khan Academy.FoTD41xzF5Q.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190815.Factoring quadratics with a common factor _ Algebra 1 _ Khan Academy.m6uOqU91ypI.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190815.Interpret a quadratic graph _ Quadratic functions & equations _ Algebra 1 _ Khan Academy.Tqxu53deWCo.mkv3.6M
[VID]20190815.Multiply monomials by polynomials - Area model _ Algebra 1 _ Khan Academy.wznE1wlmhR0.mkv4.3M
[VID]20190815.Writing functions with exponential decay _ Algebra 1 _ Khan Academy.cgZJU38j8-U.mkv4.8M
[VID]20190820.Reform in the Gilded Age _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.Vov4feHxzuw.mkv 11M
[VID]20190827.Adding mixed numbers with like denominators.t32jFmpE-ec.mkv2.8M
[VID]20190827.Comparing fractions word problems.NEjIVR9kAFE.mkv6.7M
[VID]20190827.Equivalent fractions on number lines.bBkUqkI2TSw.mkv4.5M
[VID]20190827.Equivalent fractions with models.vTjgaVmJ8fk.mkv5.5M
[VID]20190827.Fraction multiplcation on the number line.ltKaGC8jfd4.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190827.Mixed number addition with regrouping.tNaKlG_GJGQ.mkv3.7M
[VID]20190827.Mixed number subtraction.QJZ6mBW8xTU.mkv2.5M
[VID]20190827.Multiplying mixed numbers.hjbSbHr3Fhk.mkv2.7M
[VID]20190827.Subtracting mixed numbers with regrouping.TQEg9dMIWFU.mkv2.8M
[VID]20190828.Effects of transatlantic voyages, 1492-1607 _ Khan Academy _ AP US History.yelhhzgzoYs.mkv 11M
[VID]20190829.Example comparing mass percentages of element in comounds.y-HrWFO19QA.mkv3.4M
[VID]20190830.Worked example - Calculating the mass of a substance in a mixture _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Zy3Y3ZbJ2xs.mkv6.4M
[VID]20190830.Worked example - Determining an empirical formula from combustion data _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.SE9kPohzgk4.mkv 15M
[VID]20190904.Introduction to electron configurations _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.LyFzELsUgBU.mkv7.2M
[VID]20190904.Shells, subshells, and orbitals _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.26PF9Ctch9Y.mkv 11M
[VID]20190909.Valence electrons _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.cZTdBsAjPPk.mkv6.4M
[VID]20190909.Worked example - Analyzing the purity of a mixture _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.K5HPsKdgxsI.mkv9.1M
[VID]20190910.Groups of the periodic table _ Periodic table _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy.jQGUkJc7_04.mkv 11M
[VID]20190910.Introduction to photoelectron spectroscopy _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.UaTWrOTh4qU.mkv9.8M
[VID]20190910.The Aufbau principle _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Zersl0Ji3P0.mkv 10M
[VID]20190910.Worked example - Identifying an element from successive ionization energies _ Khan Academy.PfL-gzDdOBo.mkv3.0M
[VID]20190913.Periodic trends and Coulomb's law _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.gi2Y-kbrjCw.mkv 18M
[VID]20190913.Valence electrons and ionic compounds _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.XPnlIEk7XrU.mkv 12M
[VID]20190917.Estimating adding fractions with unlike denominators.XR_B9AJe1u4.mkv5.6M
[VID]20190917.Fraction multiplication as scaling examples.WLvbz6m2Syw.mkv3.8M
[VID]20190923.Adding fractions with unlike denominators introduction.zkJ1gOrYhEg.mkv4.1M
[VID]20190923.Worked example - Determining an empirical formula from percent composition data _ Khan Academy.k9cxYojKI1I.mkv6.7M
[VID]20190924.Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators introduction.SMshimc16LM.mkv3.5M
[VID]20190927.Average atomic mass _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.YsqoF3hqdkg.mkv 11M
[VID]20190930.The mole and Avogadro's number _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.cvi4IJMZ13Q.mkv 12M
[VID]20191001.Continuity and change in American society, 1754-1800 _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.wc3cDimF4a4.mkv 12M
[VID]20191009.Mastery Learning in Mr. Vandenberg’s Class.1mL0FD7gnGQ.mkv 21M
[VID]20191010.Course Mastery Sal (intro only).qTMc5pmYHY4.mkv9.5M
[VID]20191016.How to reduce test prep anxiety - 3 tips from Sal Khan.IZcbCnZsl5c.mkv 10M
[VID]20191021.Worked example - Calculating molar mass and number of moles _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.PAqzpZ-nMlg.mkv7.9M
[VID]20191024.Worked example - Calculating mass percent _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.enTtIDEtda8.mkv6.3M
[VID]20191024.Worked example - Identifying an element from its mass spectrum _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.vU7MDe4ph5A.mkv4.7M
[VID]20191025.Dividing fractions and whole number word problems.HUT8eL1sGhk.mkv4.6M
[VID]20191025.Fraction division in context.dnZ0fykw_w0.mkv4.3M
[VID]20191025.Interpreting line plots.78zFg2F3HsI.mkv3.5M
[VID]20191025.Line plots with fractions.Ocs3NUNhhPk.mkv3.7M
[VID]20191025.Making line plots with fractional data.NG51xCPse5Y.mkv3.4M
[VID]20191025.Measure lengths to nearest 1_4.k29Hyub0wqM.mkv2.7M
[VID]20191025.Multiplication and division relationship for fractions.jXA-nMI4Nt4.mkv3.3M
[VID]20191029.Isotopes _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.ShC3VoxxW3g.mkv8.0M
[VID]20191029.Mass spectrometry _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.myolF-h1kKI.mkv5.2M
[VID]20191030.Covalent bonds _ Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.kS5iU4v0QZk.mkv9.2M
[VID]20191030.Ionic bonds _ Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.FaeAurHnQJs.mkv5.5M
[VID]20191030.Metallic bonds _ Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.N5MAFQlnu18.mkv4.7M
[VID]20191101.What to do the night before an exam - 3 tips from Sal Khan.7hfcmct9lgc.mkv3.2M
[VID]20191112.Khan Stories - Jason Spyres.edMjF4Tcst8.mkv 10M
[VID]20191122.Electron configurations of ions _ Atomic structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.oCajIGPK-WM.mkv5.8M
[VID]20191125.Predicting bond type (electronegativity) _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.AHUHpVQXRsw.mkv8.0M
[VID]20191125.Predicting bond type (metals vs. nonmetals) _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.B9GkAsd8EK8.mkv8.8M
[VID]20191126.Bond length and bond energy _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.EMCWvehKpd4.mkv6.6M
[VID]20191127.You Can Learn Anything (30 sec).beSsSAUf-oc.mkv2.5M
[VID]20191202.All in for Education with Khan Academy. Give today!.PrN9QB8HDNM.mkv3.3M
[VID]20191202.Worked example - Interpreting potential energy curves of diatomic molecules _ Khan Academy.-mZAsdJnnMM.mkv6.7M
[VID]20191203.All in for Education Livestream with Sal Khan.6JFh1c2LDLU.mkv 87M
[VID]20191203.Lattice energy _ Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.paXRIINiYlQ.mkv 12M
[VID]20191203.Representing ionic solids using particulate models _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.sAhRvgX4tQk.mkv6.9M
[VID]20191204.Representing alloys using particulate models _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.LTH-WH97zbo.mkv 10M
[VID]20191205.Worked example - Using formal charges to evaluate nonequivalent resonance structures _ Khan Academy.N8qKGrChGC4.mkv 11M
[VID]20191206.Causation from 1980-2020.6JXYNT5wD2A.mkv 13M
[VID]20191210.Give a gift that will change a life..fuJxn3yG2gA.mkv856K
[VID]20191212.Drawing Lewis diagrams _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.9BZFphoY-vo.mkv8.2M
[VID]20191212.Worked example - Lewis diagram of formaldehyde (CH₂O) _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.s0VM7WKnPeA.mkv7.3M
[VID]20191212.Worked example - Lewis diagram of the cyanide ion (CN⁻) _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Y8p4cthWB8I.mkv6.1M
[VID]20191213.Exceptions to the octet rule _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Tkb1OemB2KI.mkv 11M
[VID]20191213.Resonance _ Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.XRM9o1Sq5hg.mkv 10M
[VID]20191213.Worked example - Lewis diagram of xenon difluoride (XeF₂) _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.kfTm72uWt9o.mkv4.1M
[VID]20191216.Millions Learn for Free, Made Possible by People Like You.UfMnag3FOaE.mkv1.7M
[VID]20191217.Formal charge _ Molecular and ionic compound structure and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Kv5y3t9jsi4.mkv7.8M
[VID]20191223.Help Jason Give Back to Khan Academy.Na67UzhSYMg.mkv4.6M
[VID]20200106.The Court in Action _ AP US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.Y0jFVNCVqsg.mkv8.2M
[VID]20200107.Health insurance primer.jdP0bBU0rV8.mkv 12M
[VID]20200107.Mapping shapes _ Performing transformations _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.l3NpQPdbK3k.mkv 12M
[VID]20200108.Dilating shapes - shrinking _ Performing transformations _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.xAxgxUHzgaY.mkv3.1M
[VID]20200113.Conclusion for a two sample t test using a P value.9s8jiskyso0.mkv4.2M
[VID]20200117.Idea behind hypothesis testing.cn4S3QqEBRg.mkv 13M
[VID]20200121.Showing segment congruence equivalent to having same length.Ko12Tf-lulQ.mkv6.8M
[VID]20200122.The development of an American culture _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.-zr1NBxTgG8.mkv 14M
[VID]20200130.Guided meditation for high school students.qZYxc6VcRGA.mkv 12M
[VID]20200203.Dipole-dipole forces _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.hg7jN32q9A0.mkv7.9M
[VID]20200203.Guided meditation for procrastination.OoTimXPT8ec.mkv7.2M
[VID]20200203.Guided meditation visualizing thoughts as the surface of an ocean.J1V5Txop1kw.mkv7.5M
[VID]20200206.Ion-dipole forces _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.7HCAGSkK1Do.mkv5.3M
[VID]20200207.Intermolecular forces and vapor pressure _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.eubN8DwUh48.mkv8.1M
[VID]20200210.Area model for multiplying polynomials with negative terms._PC1JMBZKUQ.mkv6.0M
[VID]20200210.Hydrogen bonding _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.ltxqQbiI6-o.mkv8.8M
[VID]20200212.Segment congruence equivalent to having same length _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.WDHW-VZK3YI.mkv7.7M
[VID]20200226.Influence of political events on ideology _ AP US Government & Politics _ Khan Academy.uj1Kqhs_xB0.mkv5.6M
[VID]20200228.Guided meditation for students.K4YoQHjaziI.mkv 16M
[VID]20200228.Guided meditation to help with test anxiety.5nm7WwS80Xs.mkv 13M
[VID]20200228.Guided meditation to help you stop procrastinating.SXMBkHlL2Dc.mkv 13M
[VID]20200228.Guided visualization to calm your mind.ZEYuSRHgmCg.mkv 12M
[VID]20200228.Introduction to meditation for students.U_v6qr18sOo.mkv4.3M
[VID]20200228.Introduction to meditation to reduce test prep anxiety.gOjKzh8z33U.mkv4.1M
[VID]20200302.Introduction to Khan Academy Kids.01VlLMdM65k.mkv2.0M
[VID]20200302.Khan Academy Kids - Celebrating First Words Through First Grade.ayMkrsbW3Vw.mkv4.1M
[VID]20200304.Angle congruence equivalent to having same measure _ Congruence _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.t41aV0XkYPQ.mkv7.0M
[VID]20200304.Geometric constructions - congruent angles _ Congruence _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.D9UXfNc1ePs.mkv 13M
[VID]20200304.Geometric constructions - parallel line _ Congruence _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.BHLre3UiIho.mkv5.1M
[VID]20200304.Geometric constructions - perpendicular line through a point off the line _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.-ltjjKgGY7o.mkv9.2M
[VID]20200305.Dilating triangles - find the error _ Performing transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.Kry9Bhp4PQg.mkv3.4M
[VID]20200305.Proving the ASA and AAS triangle congruence criteria using transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.5EX7tYQEB_M.mkv 22M
[VID]20200305.Proving the SAS triangle congruence criterion using transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.CMTeCNILzwU.mkv 14M
[VID]20200305.Proving the SSS triangle congruence criterion using transformations _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.OIRZd5mDu_o.mkv 16M
[VID]20200306.Congruent shapes and transformations.KZMRhWdzEPo.mkv2.2M
[VID]20200306.Information for congruency.ygqvHLE3IKE.mkv2.6M
[VID]20200306.Non-congruent shapes & transformations.7Rb3V-HyVD8.mkv2.7M
[VID]20200309.Ionic solids _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.zax0lYlOdiI.mkv 13M
[VID]20200311.Metallic solids _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.eJqBMPE1PLw.mkv9.1M
[VID]20200312.Ideology and policymaking _ AP US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.6Zzcd90Cqag.mkv4.1M
[VID]20200313.A live message from Sal on school closures.Xtw7MS-J8uk.mkv164M
[VID]20200313.Policy and the branches of government _ AP US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.F6ZhV09DgMA.mkv7.8M
[VID]20200314.Estimating actual COVID 19 cases (novel corona virus infections) in an area based on deaths.mCa0JXEwDEk.mkv 18M
[VID]20200315.How Khan Academy is Here to Help During COVID-19.RK-tezfrjJs.mkv9.7M
[VID]20200316.Office Hours With Sal - Monday, March 16 Livestream From Homeroom.84vWRnGU3Pc.mkv 89M
[VID]20200317.Homeroom Office Hours With Sal - Tuesday, March 17. Livestream From Homeroom.Xo0FVv9Ku48.mkv 83M
[VID]20200318.A message from Sal on school closures and remote learning on Khan Academy..2B1EAhgAvPs.mkv 10M
[VID]20200318.Getting Started with Khan Academy and Khan Academy Kids for Remote Learning.s5M0UqFv9jQ.mkv 49M
[VID]20200318.Office Hours With Sal - Wednesday, March 18. Livestream From Homeroom.-Ulbm4XlBO8.mkv 53M
[VID]20200319.Office Hours With Sal - Thursday, March 19. Livestream From Homeroom.YINCDCrJRwQ.mkv 51M
[VID]20200320.Getting started with Khan Academy Kids.GbrtpAd-fVE.mkv4.5M
[VID]20200320.Office Hours With Sal - Friday, March 20. Livestream From Homeroom.ZX-CHOZUDFY.mkv103M
[VID]20200323.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - March 23 _ Homeroom with Sal.16oP6LSZ8yM.mkv 96M
[VID]20200324.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - March 24 _ Homeroom with Sal.uE5rWxHbqfU.mkv106M
[VID]20200325.Daily Live Homeroom With Sal - Wednesday, March 25.QRFmMtXO7hY.mkv 92M
[VID]20200326.Caroline Hu Flexer answers viewer questions about Khan Academy Kids _ Homeroom with Sal.Ya_LTzdMHSU.mkv101M
[VID]20200326.Groups influencing policy outcomes _ AP US Government and Politics _ Khan Academy.6PfDtm8vvqI.mkv6.4M
[VID]20200327.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - March 27 _ Homeroom with Sal.FYaWb2x5Y_M.mkv101M
[VID]20200327.Finding connections between ideas within a passage _ Reading _ Khan Academy.Ox_JaA6nX_Q.mkv3.9M
[VID]20200327.First and secondhand accounts _ Reading _ Khan Academy.vb0xGhKoFQ0.mkv5.2M
[VID]20200327.Interpreting text features _ Reading _ Khan Academy.Zx2A9WAswCo.f251.webm2.9M
[VID]20200327.Khan Academy request for donations.cjGERWYvzqk.mkv6.4M
[VID]20200327.Looking back at the text for evidence _ Reading _ Khan Academy.iP7HnX5mr5c.mkv6.4M
[VID]20200327.Making inferences in informational texts _ Reading _ Khan Academy.gUW2jit3uvo.mkv6.0M
[VID]20200327.Making inferences in literary texts _ Reading _ Khan Academy.INFWXZ_tl4M.mkv4.6M
[VID]20200327.Reading more than one source on a topic _ Reading _ Khan Academy.lcXgSEF4iCM.mkv3.8M
[VID]20200327.Relationships between scientific ideas in a text _ Reading _ Khan Academy.NbTeg3Fe_Ys.mkv 11M
[VID]20200327.Summarizing nonfiction _ Reading _ Khan Academy.as7xe8UQEr4.mkv3.1M
[VID]20200327.Summarizing stories _ Reading _ Khan Academy.SmnR4AZ-XM8.mkv3.1M
[VID]20200327.Using context clues to figure out new words _ Reading _ Khan Academy.CiNggzdWkIo.mkv5.5M
[VID]20200327.What is a main idea _ Reading _ Khan Academy.4swFGRhQoMI.mkv8.2M
[VID]20200327.What language shows cause and effect _ Reading _ Khan Academy.TiORG0pHskE.mkv 12M
[VID]20200330.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - March 30 _ Homeroom with Sal.HkOOLINm32g.mkv139M
[VID]20200330.Characters' thoughts and feelings _ Reading _ Khan Academy.v7QuOr1PP7o.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200330.Messages and morals _ Reading _ Khan Academy.Tevlz2S2Mzk.mkv2.8M
[VID]20200331.Teacher Tim Vandenberg shares how mastery learning worked for his class _ Homeroom with Sal.QXv_mu9mn9Q.mkv100M
[VID]20200401.Dr. David Anderson on supporting children's mental health during a crisis _ Homeroom with Sal.RLU87QEIOqA.mkv 96M
[VID]20200402.For parents - setting a daily learning schedule for learners ages 2-7.UtJNBjei0a8.mkv 45M
[VID]20200402.Michelle Carter gives tips for keeping children active & healthy during Covid-19 _ Homeroom with Sal.pwYiULX656A.mkv 88M
[VID]20200403.Character actions in stories _ Reading _ Khan Academy.tW9TG22U3Go.mkv4.5M
[VID]20200403.Corona Virus (COVID-19) discussion with Bill Gates.NDnjXdDxEhk.mkv108M
[VID]20200403.For parents - Setting a daily learning schedule for elementary school students.mEEoERy2Ltk.mkv 57M
[VID]20200406.Daily Homeroom with Sal - Monday, April 6.DzTRN7sfrmY.mkv 69M
[VID]20200406.For parents - Setting a daily learning schedule for middle school students.lV2pRwGQVis.mkv 45M
[VID]20200406.Understanding theme _ Reading _ Khan Academy.MAu3e5GZo4k.mkv8.1M
[VID]20200407.David Coleman, College Board CEO, on school closures impact to SAT & AP exams _ Homeroom with Sal.bgCVfwBI5sA.mkv 82M
[VID]20200408.Khan Academy learning plans for school closures.ltiO5cZg1A4.mkv 12M
[VID]20200408.The Child Mind Institute on supporting children during Covid-19 _ Homeroom with Sal.6pQLsRGapwQ.mkv 65M
[VID]20200409.Covalent network solids _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.le-ttBDN_FM.mkv5.9M
[VID]20200409.Molecular solids _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.6mBhd8whoWk.mkv 13M
[VID]20200409.Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara on supporting students during school closures _ Homeroom with Sal.VDRAtu15B7E.mkv 85M
[VID]20200410.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - April 10 _ Homeroom with Sal.O0S_OIx95Ro.mkv 99M
[VID]20200410.The elements of a poem _ Reading _ Khan Academy (unlisted).zFNnbxCZPBU.mkv6.4M
[VID]20200410.The elements of a story _ Reading _ Khan Academy.Zr1xLtSMMLo.mkv6.3M
[VID]20200413.Daily Live Homeroom With Sal - Monday, April 13.--GOuJ_VvOE.mkv 99M
[VID]20200414.Comparing income trends across countries _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.PfcVXHf0m6k.mkv7.1M
[VID]20200414.Dr. Luis von Ahn (Duolingo) & Sal Khan share tips for effective digital learning _ Homeroom with Sal.PNdktgaHBu4.mkv 87M
[VID]20200414.Introduction to series analyzing income and wealth trends in the US _ Khan Academy.SMOJC8gBSqc.mkv3.6M
[VID]20200414.Looking at trends in inflation adjusted income since 1980 _ Khan Academy.LLBAHS1fd_I.mkv6.8M
[VID]20200415.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - April 15 _ Homeroom with Sal.-XNiAfDE6zg.mkv101M
[VID]20200415.Per capita GDP trends over past 70 years _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.t6XIi-Qp-Rs.mkv6.8M
[VID]20200415.Quick guide to the 2020 AP US History exam _ AP US History _ Khan Academy.BBotNyLMNB4.mkv8.8M
[VID]20200415.Representing solids, liquids, and gases using particulate models _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.4Q45iIeMdCM.mkv6.8M
[VID]20200416.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - April 16 _ Homeroom with Sal.fsNifxT8KCY.mkv104M
[VID]20200416.US taxation trends in post war era _ Macroeconomics _ Khan Academy.YPCPsZl6QNY.mkv4.9M
[VID]20200417.Jim Steyer on safely keeping children connected & engaged during school closures _ Homeroom with Sal.BeJFiz-BwT8.mkv 87M
[VID]20200420.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - April 20 _ Homeroom with Sal.7pUEZbfd1Ms.mkv139M
[VID]20200421.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - April 21 _ Homeroom with Sal.XrW1HYwY2mY.mkv116M
[VID]20200421.Determining congruent triangles example.vN3eI7IelSA.mkv5.8M
[VID]20200421.Similar shapes & transformations.H-YuW_uckz4.mkv3.7M
[VID]20200421.Using right triangle ratios to approximate angle measure _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.fPXQTEYjF-o.mkv4.1M
[VID]20200421.Using similarity to estimate ratio between side lengths _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.M-jQMTWBuzQ.mkv5.7M
[VID]20200421.Volume of pyramids intuition _ Solid geometry _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.fD52yzLF8DA.mkv 11M
[VID]20200422.College Board's Lorraine Hastings on preparing for the SAT during school closure _ Homeroom with Sal.DT0Nl8wVEzM.mkv 82M
[VID]20200422.London dispersion forces _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.5OT5l-NZS24.mkv 13M
[VID]20200422.Tour of the Khan Academy student experience.XA4hjLkyCBw.mkv9.3M
[VID]20200422.Worked example - Calculating partial pressures _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.6jaMJHiza4s.mkv 12M
[VID]20200422.Worked example - Using the ideal gas law to calculate a change in volume _ Khan Academy.bQ5vHcFlT78.mkv9.2M
[VID]20200422.Worked example - Using the ideal gas law to calculate number of moles _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.KnWEhXmJwdU.mkv9.7M
[VID]20200423.Gas mixtures and partial pressures _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.A2xi-jEqpmg.mkv7.7M
[VID]20200423.Ray Dalio on how the pandemic is impacting the economy _ Homeroom with Sal.agtjujKH8Vo.mkv139M
[VID]20200423.The ideal gas law (PV = nRT) _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.qObcdZj8YTM.mkv7.9M
[VID]20200424.General Stanley McChrystal on leadership & navigating complex challenges _ Homeroom with Sal.qS4u9VJqPag.mkv115M
[VID]20200427.Ask Sal Anything! Daily Homeroom Live - Monday, April, 27.9NdxiyCCjSU.mkv 88M
[VID]20200427.Homeschooling your kids Learn how to use our weekly math learning plans.X9TFM-UxJLM.mkv 50M
[VID]20200428.A story's point of view _ Reading _ Khan Academy.GGS3NcmAZnw.mkv4.4M
[VID]20200428.Crystalline and amorphous polymers _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.p5mXv39n9GM.mkv6.3M
[VID]20200428.Mellody Hobson on investing in the market during Covid-19 _ Homeroom with Sal.YWyLVI_4bo0.mkv136M
[VID]20200428.Reading (and comparing) multiple books _ Reading _ Khan Academy.1clS_RN6NuI.mkv4.1M
[VID]20200428.The elements of a drama _ Reading _ Khan Academy.imlwmNO9xlY.mkv4.4M
[VID]20200428.What do pictures bring to a story _ Reading _ Khan Academy.0zoZmYbJ3tE.mkv3.3M
[VID]20200429.Anne Finucane talks about supporting communities through the Covid-19 crisis. _ Homeroom with Sal.dUHGP-N1w6I.mkv108M
[VID]20200430.How to motivate and engage your kids in learning while at home.rEhDTYi85CY.mkv 75M
[VID]20200430.Laura Overdeck on reducing math anxiety and connecting math with real life _ Homeroom with Sal.R9kBwEtepKE.mkv 96M
[VID]20200501.Caroline Hu Flexer - research shows Khan Academy Kids boosts pre-literacy skills _ Homeroom with Sal.jt0MRRfPT3g.mkv134M
[VID]20200504.Conor Corey on teaching and motivating students during distance learning _ Homeroom with Sal.zTzL_vpmdqc.mkv102M
[VID]20200505.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - #GivingTuesdayNow _ Homeroom with Sal.Mb5LgmITfK8.mkv154M
[VID]20200505.Finding your footing in uncertain times - Balancing multiple kids with multiple schedules.xOWGLgEjp4Q.mkv 51M
[VID]20200506.Angela Duckworth talks about helping children develop grit and resiliance _ Homeroom with Sal.Uz_oMfsPWsU.mkv134M
[VID]20200506.Creating objective summaries _ Reading _ Khan Academy.5Eepm6Px5pc.mkv4.7M
[VID]20200506.How can a text have two or more main ideas _ Reading _ Khan Academy.GvWH9ZXy9gY.mkv5.0M
[VID]20200506.How do writers use examples to get their points across _ Reading _ Khan Academy.g9qWsEJakbQ.mkv4.5M
[VID]20200507.UChicago's Jim Nondorf on authentic applications to get accepted into college _ Homeroom with Sal.-IPkEhZBWCw.mkv129M
[VID]20200508.7 Tips for Effective Remote Learning with Khan Academy.KJ1cv2xKGPM.mkv 85M
[VID]20200508.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - May 8 _ Homeroom with Sal.umxmAFN_K3U.mkv137M
[VID]20200508.Getting Started with Khan Academy for Remote Learning.hnQCJ0Pzh9k.mkv 50M
[VID]20200508.How to Engage + Motivate Your Students Even When You're Remote!.22YaS_NzRSU.mkv 79M
[VID]20200508.Khan Academy thanks our teachers.6bwsF_bEISU.mkv7.1M
[VID]20200511.Jorge Paulo Lemann on building a more equitable future in Brazil _ Homeroom with Sal.vh-pHVWyYMU.mkv 90M
[VID]20200512.Adam Brown on how to be resilient during a time of high stress and anxiety _ Homeroom with Sal.q8SvZkpjy40.mkv 88M
[VID]20200512.Get a Tour of the Student Experience on Khan Academy.U1MCv-msoY8.mkv 46M
[VID]20200512.How I Helped My 6th Graders Ace Math... By Taking Them Back to Kindergarten! _ Mastery Learning.izLIgjaQ3G4.mkv 39M
[VID]20200512.How to Bring Mastery Learning to Your Class... And Get Results Like Tim's!.7mmG-G6OoFY.mkv106M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for ELA.Dm7sbR37_K8.mkv 51M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for Elementary School.HsCepVa8jX4.mkv 52M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for High School.ijE1VeL0NYI.mkv 52M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for Middle School.dPqH4ysdbmk.mkv 54M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for Science.La8mBJSZfiI.mkv 53M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for Social Studies.M8YVZbWX5i8.mkv 56M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for Supporting English Language Learners.8kQjCbna2GI.mkv 44M
[VID]20200512.Khan Academy Best Practices for Supporting Students in Special Education.rRVUnuXHd5Q.mkv 52M
[VID]20200512.Learn How to Use Pixar in a Box with Your Students.w4feKuG-xM0.mkv 50M
[VID]20200512.Remote Learning Best Practices from a Cyber School Teacher.RK_jAbffNmk.mkv 58M
[VID]20200513.NYT's David Leonhardt on inequality, the economy and the Covid-19 crisis _ Homeroom with Sal.q8zEt9AKNxw.mkv120M
[VID]20200514.Richard Carranza on how NYC is handling school closures during Covid-19 _ Homeroom with Sal.GRorRbPtRcA.mkv109M
[VID]20200515.Ask me anything with Sal Khan - May 15 _ Homeroom with Sal.F06QN7sH9VA.mkv131M
[VID]20200518.Kellye Testy on the importance of going into law during the coronavirus pandemic _ Homeroom with Sal.A2DccuyHlFw.mkv 80M
[VID]20200518.Place value tables.Wt3IrBqq6Uc.mkv3.0M
[VID]20200518.The structures of informational texts _ Reading _ Khan Academy.D0YUpfLofgQ.mkv6.8M
[VID]20200519.Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho on school closures, the COVID-19 crisis & re-opening schools.mxturY-33SU.mkv126M
[VID]20200520.Connotation _ Reading _ Khan Academy.XRt1N0sJJQo.mkv6.4M
[VID]20200521.Daily Homeroom - Congratulations Class of 2020!.o6q9cU133EE.mkv122M
[VID]20200522.Reading multiple accounts of the same topic _ Reading _ Khan Academy.tQhLQQcJZyo.mkv4.5M
[VID]20200526.Angela Duckworth's tips for avoiding procrastination & motivating teenagers _ Homeroom with Sal.E56N17K6OHc.mkv115M
[VID]20200527.MIT Dean of Admissions, Stu Schill, says the perfect applicant doesn't exist _ Homeroom with Sal.uERTaKMdcYg.mkv108M
[VID]20200528.Tom Friedman on saving lives and livelihoods & honoring the heroes of the crisis _ Homeroom with Sal.tzHczzUbSiU.mkv107M
[VID]20200529.Ask Sal Anything - Homeroom with Sal - Friday, May 29.IBURTAA42z4.mkv108M
[VID]20200601.A Discussion With Sal About Systemic Racism.riNzjzALU3Y.mkv 73M
[VID]20200601.Latin and Greek roots and affixes _ Reading _ Khan Academy.fiaPqgwJFo4.mkv7.6M
[VID]20200601.What are affixes _ Reading _ Khan Academy.WYSnf6qy4WA.mkv3.5M
[VID]20200603.Homeroom With Sal & Mayor Sam Liccardo - Wednesday, June 3.ekg-Dh9hUq0.mkv 85M
[VID]20200603.Parent Quick-Start Tips - For Kids Ages 12 and Under.KABB4Kr7WhU.mkv5.2M
[VID]20200603.Parent Quick-Start Tips - For Kids Ages 13+.Nj0_IxXk5hU.mkv5.0M
[VID]20200604.Homeroom with Sal - Thursday, June 4.dfH148QsxiE.mkv114M
[VID]20200605.Reasoning with linear equations _ Solving equations & inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.mmg6wFPMdH8.mkv8.0M
[VID]20200605.Reasoning with systems of equations _ Equivalent systems of equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.0bBHepZ8UPE.mkv6.8M
[VID]20200605.Reporting measurements _ Working with units _ Algebra 1 _ Khan Academy.UEe81kJtY8A.mkv7.7M
[VID]20200608.Figurative language _ Reading _ Khan Academy.lzKj-bLvrYQ.mkv7.5M
[VID]20200608.Homeroom with Sal & Kristen DiCerbo._2smE5rC6ww.mkv102M
[VID]20200608.What is an argument _ Reading _ Khan Academy.NXO3KT8bne4.mkv6.0M
[VID]20200609.A path to ending systemic racism from Bill Lewis, former NAACP LDF co-chair _ Homeroom with Sal.z8cExx4RjRA.mkv125M
[VID]20200609.Developing themes _ Reading _ Khan Academy.D2FFijvA00I.mkv6.0M
[VID]20200609.Sal Khan Appreciates Teachers _ Dear Class Of 2020.vyFQDcILrk4.mkv5.7M
[VID]20200610.Homeroom with Sal & Fareed Zakaria.RBzOWe7P2WU.mkv124M
[VID]20200611.Ask Sal Anything - Homeroom Thursday, June 11.m0Ehu0zohDQ.mkv 26M
[VID]20200612.Changes in POV and dramatic irony _ Reading _ Khan Academy.lRoFaux2V_g.mkv5.5M
[VID]20200612.Francis Ford Coppola on doing what you love and taking pleasure in learning _ Homeroom with Sal.pTL5ZPNwY0o.mkv164M
[VID]20200612.How POV affects readers _ Reading _ Khan Academy.XIfYK4tpl2Y.mkv6.5M
[VID]20200616.Analyzing an author's purpose _ Reading _ Khan Academy.R_bgo8j6jxc.mkv7.4M
[VID]20200616.Making objective summaries of literary texts _ Reading _ Khan Academy.jeDCQhJqD7o.mkv6.7M
[VID]20200618.Character change _ Reading _ Khan Academy.KC6WY06twwc.mkv7.4M
[VID]20200618.Quantitative information in texts _ Reading _ Khan Academy.WzQGeCzOTyk.mkv6.3M
[VID]20200619.Reading within and across genres _ Reading _ Khan Academy.YxXfltZZOdI.mkv6.2M
[VID]20200622.Calculating angle measures to verify congruence _ Congruence _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.i63Ruo2jj1E.mkv5.7M
[VID]20200622.Cavalieri's principle in 3D _ Solid geometry _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.2TDFtCKMoKk.mkv5.6M
[VID]20200622.Dilating in 3D _ Solid geometry _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.3wTy5aI9AF4.mkv5.5M
[VID]20200622.Homeroom with Sal & Lindsay Spears - Monday, June 22.NVa8DZNBpaI.mkv 76M
[VID]20200622.Preview Get Ready for Grade Level.TlgRbkjj80I.mkv4.1M
[VID]20200623.Homeroom with Sal & Rachel Skiffer - Tuesday, June 23.R6veKAhNWHE.mkv 91M
[VID]20200624.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom Wednesday, June 24.z1IC7DVQHo8.mkv133M
[VID]20200625.Citing evidence in literary analysis _ Reading _ Khan Academy.Tq_BoPJsv-4.mkv7.1M
[VID]20200625.Classifying figures with coordinates _ Analytic geometry _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.2B5SQba9xSo.mkv9.6M
[VID]20200625.Dividing line segments according to ratio.Cx-_PxD4DJM.mkv5.7M
[VID]20200625.James Manyika on how the pandemic has accelerated the future of work _ Homeroom with Sal.3SgddD4Ifr0.mkv125M
[VID]20200625.Part-to-whole relationships in text structure _ Reading _ Khan Academy.-GY2Cj1w_PY.mkv7.4M
[VID]20200625.Using related volumes _ Solid geometry _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.knNLHsjIcl8.mkv9.3M
[VID]20200625.Volumes of cones intuition _ Solid geometry _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.LmBViMOeYXg.mkv7.2M
[VID]20200626.Camp Khan Parent Webinar.ggyuqAu-_sI.mkv 59M
[VID]20200627.Applying volume of solids _ Solid geometry _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.dp3my9MnmOM.mkv 12M
[VID]20200627.Multi-step word problem with Pythagorean theorem _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.jVvpQAIrJ-o.mkv6.5M
[VID]20200627.Proof - Parallel lines divide triangle sides proportionally _ Similarity _ Geometry _ Khan Academy.L1c0SP4W4ro.mkv8.9M
[VID]20200627.Proof - perpendicular radius bisects chord.2NgzruZ4_5c.mkv4.9M
[VID]20200627.Proving triangle congruence _ Congruence _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.Q8EtrFIHJuc.mkv5.1M
[VID]20200628.Dilating a triangle example.KCGmUcleiNk.mkv3.1M
[VID]20200629.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom with Sal - Monday, June 29.EiI_3lN5mU0.mkv106M
[VID]20200629.Mapping shapes.QOXBJ2X1_9k.mkv 12M
[VID]20200629.Radians as ratio of arc length to radius _ Circles _ High school geometry _ Khan Academy.9qrx0aqyhS8.mkv9.1M
[VID]20200630.Graph labels and scales _ Modeling _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.IoPQtvXkde0.mkv8.0M
[VID]20200630.Homeroom with Sal & Marta Kosarchyn - Tuesday, June 30.pmQjw8FdlaY.mkv110M
[VID]20200630.How the delivery of a speech affects the impact of the words _ Reading _ Khan Academy.Q4I9ht7wHsk.mkv 11M
[VID]20200630.Interpreting expressions with multiple variables - Resistors _ Modeling _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.8ffMjFXiW9A.mkv4.7M
[VID]20200630.Interpreting trigonometric graphs in context _ Trigonometry _ Algebra _ _ Khan Academy.7q9eHwP2Smw.mkv7.7M
[VID]20200630.Modeling with multiple variables - Pancakes _ Modeling _ Algebra _ _ Khan Academy.bp29Cf4xCqU.mkv3.4M
[VID]20200630.Modeling with multiple variables - Roller coaster _ Modeling _ Algebra II _ Khan Academy.hANm5-51ywk.mkv3.1M
[VID]20200701.Homeroom with Sal & Jonathan Haidt - Wednesday, July 1.2yr65GwQbMk.mkv130M
[VID]20200702.Free live tutoring at
[VID]20200706.Analyzing tone through word choice _ Reading _ Khan Academy.l3yWmXbC36s.mkv6.4M
[VID]20200706.Defining appropriate quantities for modeling _ Working with units _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.717zfRdog9s.mkv8.7M
[VID]20200706.Formulas and units - Comparing rates _ Working with units _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.IuvsQjW1qa4.mkv4.7M
[VID]20200706.Formulas and units - Volume of a pool _ Working with units _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.nziP-8PeZqY.mkv4.6M
[VID]20200706.Incorporating opposing viewpoints _ Reading _ Khan Academy.msHjgIsYOkU.mkv6.7M
[VID]20200706.Interpreting a parabola in context _ Quadratic functions & equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._Bk6XkV9O_0.mkv3.9M
[VID]20200706.Interpret quadratic models - Vertex form _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.JdWEdb90V1s.mkv7.8M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Assignment reports.dMFWxLI3Khg.mkv8.9M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Basic site navigation.0ryXomtf3MY.mkv7.5M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Course Mastery.-1hECZc0Ssc.mkv 12M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Creating a class.MMIxA7kHJ-g.mkv 10M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Creating assignments.DL_bUfx6CRg.mkv 13M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Khan Academy’s learning experience.BA2Q4NGd8DQ.mkv 16M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Khan Academy's Mission.Gr6BT6Tl1jA.mkv 12M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Our Content.Qh1B2xfbhgg.mkv 11M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Student experience.N0CORqqtbTU.mkv 11M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Welcome to Khan for Educators.thf9DbMQAPU.mkv8.3M
[VID]20200706.Khan for Educators - Where do I go from here.2OzZETP1QJk.mkv4.5M
[VID]20200706.Sequences and domain _ Sequences _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.TymkzM7J1PY.mkv7.7M
[VID]20200706.Solve by completing the square - Integer solutions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.eU41vG9z35M.mkv8.1M
[VID]20200706.Solve by completing the square - Non-integer solutions _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.Ldp9_K3L4Q8.mkv4.7M
[VID]20200706.Strategy in solving quadratic equations _ Quadratic functions & equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._MllyJivas4.mkv7.7M
[VID]20200706.Using inequalities to solve problems _ Solving equations & inequalities _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.E6rn-YD_2_Q.mkv5.3M
[VID]20200706.Using units to solve problems - Road trip _ Working with units _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy._UAQJw_q4p4.mkv5.4M
[VID]20200706.Using units to solve problems - Toy factory _ Working with units _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ocOXYiborsw.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200707.Homeroom with Sal & Meaghan Pattani - Tuesday, July 7.yh_lredn1MY.mkv 93M
[VID]20200708.Homeroom with Sal & Vas Narasimhan - Wednesday, July 8.0EZuoxSi4Pc.mkv 97M
[VID]20200709.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom Thursday, July 9.61YQXkVTyGo.mkv133M
[VID]20200709.Reasoning with linear equations _ Solving equations & inequalities _ Algebra 1 _ Khan Academy.BV-TGIMUXaw.mkv9.0M
[VID]20200713.Different mediums and the tone of the text _ Reading _ Khan Academy.ZASEsKwEvqE.mkv7.1M
[VID]20200713.Evaluating a source’s reasoning and evidence _ Reading _ Khan Academy.v4HhzvSgUpU.mkv9.4M
[VID]20200713.Interpret quadratic models - Factored form _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.ITBRCLusU1s.mkv5.5M
[VID]20200713.Reasoning with systems of equations _ Systems of equations _ Algebra I _ Khan Academy.s1RB-IgAHr8.mkv 11M
[VID]20200713.Using text features to locate information _ Reading _ Khan Academy.v6EDEr_20sc.mkv8.2M
[VID]20200714.Homeroom with Sal & David Sinclair, PhD - Tuesday, July 14.calylOyczhM.mkv121M
[VID]20200715.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom Wednesday, July 15.mSUboLc-pf4.mkv119M
[VID]20200716.Homeroom with Sal & Jacquelline Fuller - Thursday, July 16.rI_sfYWvdyg.mkv116M
[VID]20200721.Homeroom with Sal & Casey Wasserman - Tuesday, July 21.YlKE7jhFF5Y.mkv 85M
[VID]20200722.Adding four two digit numbers.7Y_wVnAHajg.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200722.Adding multiple two digit numbers word problem.WJNOtHFN-mM.mkv5.0M
[VID]20200722.Adding two digit numbers on a number line.qHbw1_9HstU.mkv4.7M
[VID]20200722.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom Wednesday, July 22.EemKpQAL3RQ.mkv124M
[VID]20200722.Getting a sense of meters and centimeters.pyx-6vfCuW0.mkv8.2M
[VID]20200722.Multi step addition word problem.dbCub716oSg.mkv5.6M
[VID]20200722.Multi step subtraction word problem.qAUnDB0LZL4.mkv5.9M
[VID]20200722.Time on a number line example.Rc2v8JdebwQ.mkv2.4M
[VID]20200723.Inches and feet.o31t2ta-EtQ.mkv7.5M
[VID]20200723.Length word problem example.h43MrQ5G_2k.mkv5.0M
[VID]20200723.Measuring width in inches.BBFOL4d2kek.mkv1.6M
[VID]20200723.Partitioning rectangles.8AdcPD50aTQ.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200723.Shapes and angles.FehnQ_2SgsM.mkv3.9M
[VID]20200724.Dr. Anthony Fauci on a Covid-19 vaccine & reopening schools this fall _ Homeroom with Sal.asVN55SS9T0.mkv 95M
[VID]20200727.Identifying value in digits.Rh7eqv7y2xM.mkv3.2M
[VID]20200727.Interpreting expressions with multiple variables - Cylinder _ Modeling _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.k00KEcYijo8.mkv4.8M
[VID]20200727.Sal Discusses the Safety of Reopening Schools on the Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer.OizpJlBhZAI.mkv 14M
[VID]20200728.Introduction to real gases _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.yDZcVKy52LM.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200728.Satya Nadella on the journey to becoming Microsoft's CEO & reimagining technology's impact.Bgru5DYylTw.mkv 94M
[VID]20200729.Hasan Minhaj on finding your gifts, being authentic, & understanding yourself _ Homeroom with Sal.mm0Y3ym-JUg.mkv 92M
[VID]20200730.Homeroom with Sal & Nikole Hannah-Jones - Thursday, July 30.gycYr6JJdzQ.mkv131M
[VID]20200804.Homeroom with Sal & Randi Weingarten - Tuesday, August 4.vqd0tosjnJk.mkv138M
[VID]20200808.National SAT Practice Test Day.CfHieQ0SwpA.mkv202M
[VID]20200811.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom Tuesday, August 11.k_xfNLqGtyQ.mkv117M
[VID]20200812.Homeroom with Sal & Lily Eskelsen García - Wednesday, August 12.F-znJzic6YQ.mkv131M
[VID]20200813.Homeroom with Sal & María Elena Salinas - Thursday, August 13.rQAETXF-n_w.mkv 94M
[VID]20200814.Homeroom with Sal & Lester Holt - Friday, August 14.2tQYPdkUZKc.mkv 83M
[VID]20200818.Dilution _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.T3H7YZ6-fto.mkv8.1M
[VID]20200818.Homeroom with Sal & Martha S. Jones - 19th Amendment and Women's Voting Rights.0hdKLilBRxY.mkv112M
[VID]20200818.Molarity _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.L-Uhyjt8t10.mkv6.3M
[VID]20200818.Representing solutions using particulate models _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.NFcSRjLgDTk.mkv 10M
[VID]20200818.Types of mixtures _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.HgD6a4TVxLY.mkv8.0M
[VID]20200819.Homeroom with Sal & Dan Tieu & Sophie Turnbull - Wednesday, August 19.GzyF0ZW6aEI.mkv117M
[VID]20200820.Homeroom with Sal & Linda Darling-Hammond - Thursday, August 20.q6QLjNEyrAI.mkv 96M
[VID]20200820.Kinetic molecular theory and the gas laws _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.F6lhYxV6gEY.mkv9.9M
[VID]20200821.The kinetic molecular theory of gases _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.HkSXiHz9vUc.mkv8.4M
[VID]20200825.Homeroom with Sal & John B. King Jr. - Tuesday, August 25.L73_aw5so7Y.mkv 97M
[VID]20200826.Distillation _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.CC8-yVzhWI4.mkv6.2M
[VID]20200826.Homeroom with Sal & Congresswoman Karen Bass - Wednesday, August 26.j-KZgQdg0-g.mkv 87M
[VID]20200826.Solubility and intermolecular forces _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.ccDKr4TIWfk.mkv5.5M
[VID]20200827.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom - Thursday August 27.P6DKlpS58NE.mkv149M
[VID]20200827.Khan Academy Sample Zoom Class.9PMpb4t6Ljo.mkv 62M
[VID]20200901.Challenges of naturalization _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.rQzMYkMZmks.mkv4.3M
[VID]20200901.Citizenship and voting rights of indigenous people _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.b4vLXhf7vYk.mkv6.5M
[VID]20200901.Citizenship in early America, 1789-1830s _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.XTubp0aUTEA.mkv5.7M
[VID]20200901.Citizenship in early America, 1840s-1870s _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.SMvZkK02ipI.mkv7.3M
[VID]20200901.Citizenship in the US territories and District of Columbia _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.SIT637hrMOo.mkv8.3M
[VID]20200901.Civic engagement _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.387o7cyj40g.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200901.Civic life, private life, politics, and government _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.4Xn5DqJzhJk.mkv5.6M
[VID]20200901.Civil society _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.b6_YVsuyUEM.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200901.Economic rights of citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.j_XrGo15iBc.mkv6.1M
[VID]20200901.Models of citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.1HRl5nEOwGM.mkv8.0M
[VID]20200901.Obligations of citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.VjPE5JTGjXE.mkv5.8M
[VID]20200901.Personal rights of citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.AG6SiMEK1tk.mkv6.0M
[VID]20200901.Political rights of citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.jCP23_xNf1A.mkv4.9M
[VID]20200901.Responsibilities of citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.Tms0TgD_97g.mkv3.2M
[VID]20200901.Service in the United States _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.VBRlnO1BbcU.mkv4.8M
[VID]20200901.The 19th Amendment and citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.LS2Av3F-8iM.mkv6.0M
[VID]20200901.The Dred Scott case and citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.U3vK0RuwZMc.mkv 10M
[VID]20200901.The naturalization process _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.NJk_ZOUpvl0.mkv3.2M
[VID]20200901.What is citizenship _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.JVXQvJvfuGw.mkv3.0M
[VID]20200901.Who is eligible for naturalization _ Citizenship _ High school civics _ Khan Academy.gM15QCuHWMo.mkv9.9M
[VID]20200902.Homeroom with Sal & Eduardo Cetlin - Wednesday, September 2.xvC-3h6OweQ.mkv108M
[VID]20200903.Homeroom with Sal & Chancellor Robert J. Jones - Thursday, September 3.UBKKTfsYVQ4.mkv 94M
[VID]20200903.Khan Academy Student Demo.4OF7o2nrXeg.mkv 66M
[VID]20200908.Homeroom with Sal & Tom Inglesby, MD - Tuesday, September 8.XJGLFZZqi9k.mkv112M
[VID]20200908.Khan Academy Needs Your Help This Back to School.kmN1QEU_lf4.mkv4.7M
[VID]20200908.Modeling with multiple variables - Ice cream _ Modeling _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy._auAZcmJF3M.mkv4.9M
[VID]20200908.Modeling with multiple variables - Taco stand _ Modeling _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.YvuW40fpptI.mkv4.2M
[VID]20200908.Powers of zero _ Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation _ Pre-algebra _ Khan Academy.S2PjhiAQMK8.mkv3.8M
[VID]20200909.Homeroom with Sal & Dave Travis - Wednesday, September 9.fQUeje_oygM.mkv 85M
[VID]20200910.7 Tips for Motivating Students During Distance Learning.frgduiVfVno.mkv 41M
[VID]20200910.Homeroom with Sal & David C. Banks - Thursday, September 10.P7D4E2sQTq4.mkv 93M
[VID]20200915.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom Tuesday, September 15.pqfCJCBBlXU.mkv120M
[VID]20200915.Measuring area with tiled square units.iNZZIb_-PA8.mkv4.1M
[VID]20200916.How to Keep Your Child Learning & Happy! at Home.2XQdVMqAAsg.mkv 68M
[VID]20200916.Population diversity and resilience _ Natural selection _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.3NdTUkjwehs.mkv5.1M
[VID]20200917.Homeroom with Sal & Jeffrey Rosen - Thursday, September 17.Y3igqH4Yays.mkv 97M
[VID]20200921.Distillation curves _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.Aaz99lyLBf8.mkv8.6M
[VID]20200921.Measuring lengths in different units.9dur4s-4lhk.mkv3.6M
[VID]20200922.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom - Tuesday, September 22.UW8cH0Aa0_Y.mkv124M
[VID]20200922.Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.GOWUw0-SEDE.mkv7.6M
[VID]20200923.Analyzing mosaic plots _ Exploring two-variable data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.2sHkluggZp8.mkv4.0M
[VID]20200923.Homeroom with Sal & Kristen DiCerbo PhD - Wednesday, September 23.54DYSPW4kn4.mkv 84M
[VID]20200923.Mosaic plots and segmented bar charts _ Exploring two-variable data _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.b9G5pWuxb1Y.mkv7.7M
[VID]20200924.🎉100th show! 🎉 Homeroom with Sal & Tabatha Rosproy - Thursday, September 24.MBitrG8RK5U.mkv111M
[VID]20200925.Systematic random sampling _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.TrOS8OnM1u4.mkv5.9M
[VID]20200929.Homeroom with Sal & Lisa Damour PhD - Tuesday, September 29.3U0qqbq-Mts.mkv 90M
[VID]20200929.Influential points in regression _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.jHHPGhrcMOY.mkv5.0M
[VID]20200929.Types of studies _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.zmXBbHDUgY4.mkv6.1M
[VID]20200930.Homeroom with Sal & Superintendent Austin Beutner - Wednesday, September 30.OrRdBzRSaX8.mkv 93M
[VID]20201001.7 Tips for Motivating Elementary School Kids During Distance Learning.TqedL7WAT6M.mkv 55M
[VID]20201002.Real gases - Deviations from ideal behavior _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.UABFOI1sb7A.mkv5.2M
[VID]20201003.Introduction to spectroscopy _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.LYseY0y2tgg.mkv6.6M
[VID]20201003.Worked example - Calculating concentration using the Beer-Lambert law _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.pbbHg_9zFbI.mkv5.4M
[VID]20201008.Electronic transitions and energy _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.ukYSvaRyE3c.mkv 10M
[VID]20201008.Spectrophotometry and the Beer-Lambert Law _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.fJRJLUYZe9c.mkv 12M
[VID]20201013.Homeroom with Sal & Katy Knight - Tuesday, October 13.UGKe6CNWbqw.mkv107M
[VID]20201013.The van der Waals equation _ Khan Academy.9_epJ4vUsNI.mkv6.1M
[VID]20201014.Homeroom with Sal & Arne Duncan - Wednesday, October 14.3aUem18zr2I.mkv 82M
[VID]20201015.Homeroom with Sal & Laurie Santos, PhD - Thursday, October 15.aDi7dFWNrV0.mkv106M
[VID]20201019.Recognizing homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures at a particulate level.h7EYXBQImwU.mkv3.3M
[VID]20201020.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom with Sal - Tuesday, October 19.iF-Qhcg7tPU.mkv133M
[VID]20201021.Homeroom with Sal & Pedro Noguera - Wednesday, October 21.ynkH6z3LDJM.mkv 98M
[VID]20201022.Simpson's index of diversity _ Ecology _ AP Biology _ Khan Academy.bfxhh7l-LQw.mkv7.3M
[VID]20201023.7 Tips for Motivating Middle School and High School Kids During Distance Learning.JLh0_ZvPVJo.mkv 55M
[VID]20201023.Column chromatography _ Intermolecular forces and properties _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.UHF1HXdkrZQ.mkv5.0M
[VID]20201023.Worked example - Calculating the maximum wavelength capable of ionization _ Khan Academy.BR7Svm1s8fs.mkv8.5M
[VID]20201026.Geometric distribution mean and standard deviation _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.XKCeLA4UsXw.mkv8.0M
[VID]20201026.Path independence for line integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy.H5WNQfDSWrE.mkv 19M
[VID]20201027.Geometric series as a function _ Infinite sequences and series _ AP Calculus BC _ Khan Academy.OzH735zyTWs.mkv5.9M
[VID]20201027.Homeroom with Sal & John Dickerson - Tuesday, October 27.Y-GlfZg4_Lc.mkv108M
[VID]20201027.Sampling distribution of the difference in sample proportions -Probability example.-Sg3F-vK_cY.mkv6.7M
[VID]20201027.Sampling distribution of the difference in sample proportions _ AP Statistics _ Khan Academy.oThlns-qBaI.mkv 13M
[VID]20201028.Homeroom with Sal & Dr. Vivek Murthy - Wednesday, October 28.iIfAqqlm6jE.mkv135M
[VID]20201029.Ask Sal Anything! Homeroom Thursday, October 29.QHDNxu8ieKY.mkv136M
[VID]20201029.Theorem for limits of composite functions - when conditions aren't met _ AP Calculus _ Khan Academy.eK8T3CcSvwE.mkv4.4M
[VID]20201029.Theorem for limits of composite functions _ Limits and contiuity _ AP Calculus _ Khan Academy.9Z3ngNi-12k.mkv4.1M
[VID]20201102.GoodBoy3000 _ Khaffeine, an audio journey by Khan Academy.tD1e_BaOA4U.mkv 12M
[VID]20201102.The Lighthouse Keeper _ Khaffeine, an audio journey by Khan Academy.kEJRG-xuHi0.mkv 13M
[VID]20201104.Homeroom with Sal & Margaret Spellings - Wednesday, November 3.JjcX-akf4Cg.mkv 72M
[VID]20201109.Example - Graphing y=-cos(π⋅x)+1.5 _ Trigonometry _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.9XtCWJmKF28.mkv3.7M
[VID]20201109.Example - Graphing y=3⋅sin(½⋅x)-2 _ Trigonometry _ Algebra 2 _ Khan Academy.-Si4W4KyeMw.mkv4.0M
[VID]20201111.Homeroom with Sal & Dan Roth - Wednesday, November 11.1CzHfnrezmc.mkv110M
[VID]20201112.Homeroom with Sal & Marley Dias - Thursday, November 12.rwLrkC3-6i8.mkv105M
[VID]20201115.Finding decreasing interval given the function _ Calculus _ Khan Academy.Fk4pn8ZOy1w.mkv6.3M
[VID]20201116.Limits of composite functions - external limit doesn't exist _ AP Calculus _ Khan Academy.VAk50-zIes8.mkv4.3M
[VID]20201117.Homeroom with Sal & Eric Schmidt - Tuesday, November 17.1zBsx-xGS4w.mkv113M
[VID]20201118.Limits of composite functions - internal limit doesn't exist _ AP Calculus _ Khan Academy.XYaZgRQdV3g.mkv5.4M
[VID]20201120.Khan Academy Needs Your Help To Keep Going.gqSgo6PUn40.mkv4.1M
[VID]20201201.Homeroom with Sal & John Stankey - Tuesday, December 1.ZX92IrP6OYA.mkv 93M
[VID]20201202.Drawing particulate models of reaction mixtures _ Chemical reactions _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.kCkyk4YNUyY.mkv4.1M
[VID]20201202.Physical and chemical changes _ Chemical reactions _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.3e8e0d1fWLk.mkv 10M
[VID]20201202.Visualizing chemical equations using particulate models _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.3UoxWEZuwp8.mkv5.0M
[VID]20201202.Worked example - Balancing a simple redox equation _ Chemical reactions _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.MxjCto0BYd4.mkv8.8M
[VID]20201202.Worked example - Calculating amounts of reactants and products _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.9ujy3qfa7jI.mkv 18M
[VID]20201202.Worked example - Calculating the amount of product formed from a limiting reactant _ Khan Academy.cVqEfuJBVd8.mkv9.4M
[VID]20201202.Worked example - Relating reaction stoichiometry and the ideal gas law _ AP Chemistry _ Khan Academy.FRNTJmqMko8.mkv8.6M
[VID]20201202.Worked example - Using oxidation numbers to identify oxidation and reduction _ Khan Academy.CsgVO0ldmQs.mkv5.6M
[VID]20201203.Breakthrough Junior Challenge Winner Reveal! Homeroom with Sal - Thursday, December 3.-4BaQqX871k.mkv 87M
[VID]20201204.3 Mindfulness Exercises to Inspire You + Your Students.4PXlyPY6Uzg.mkv 61M
[VID]20201209.Be Like Sal - 3 Ways a Tablet Can Energize Your Digital Teaching!.ITsSBEkEo0c.mkv100M
[VID]20201209.Khan Academy Ed Talks featuring Elisa Villanueva Beard - Wednesday, December 9._blookRQV38.mkv 85M
[VID]20201210.Khan Academy Ed Talks featuring Dr. Jharrett Bryantt - Thursday, Dec. 10.TIs4t-5IOxk.mkv 64M

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