| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 20170424.A Case-Study of Capitalism - Ukraine.CmH9oNtXzF8.mkv | 19M |
| 20170502.The Undemocratic Dissolution of the USSR.mdFTgCf67Bw.mkv | 3.5M |
| 20170513.Socialism Gives a Better Quality of Life.H3LA_VkDTYo.mkv | 12M |
| 20170525.Problems with Co-ops.G40xnE8NoHk.mkv | 19M |
| 20170707.Marx's Wage Labour and Capital Explained - Part 1 - What Are Wages?.-x_jI3CCS_k.mkv | 31M |
| 20170712.Marx's Wage Labour and Capital Explained - Part 2 - How are Prices of Commodities Determined?.1OMQS99Z4ek.mkv | 37M |
| 20170715.Marx's Wage Labour and Capital Explained - Part 3 - How are Wages Determined?.vfVYVeroO68.mkv | 16M |
| 20170724.Capitalism HASN'T Lifted Millions from Poverty - Point from Socialist's Debate with Sargon and Co..A6VqV1T4uYs.mkv | 24M |
| 20170729.Marx's Wage Labour and Capital Explained - Part 4 - What is Capital and How Does it Grow?.en05jLQsThc.mkv | 20M |
| 20170804.Automation, and Why it's Better Under Socialism.hVta_9uJxO4.mkv | 16M |
| 20170808.Yes, Capitalism DOES Exploit Workers (Debunking 'Learn Liberty').96DDKuxQNBo.mkv | 17M |
| 20170815.Putting The "Academic" Agent to Bed (Debunking his Criticism of The Labour Theory of Value).ZCleKfyRUYI.mkv | 40M |
| 20170817."No Innovation Under Socialism".uylnpj6zLWw.mkv | 16M |
| 20170905.A Layman's Guide to the Kurds: History, Rojava and Kurdistan TIMESTAMPED.WUMCept02bE.mkv | 52M |
| 20170908.Capitalism is Great!.R4AegesdCsY.mkv | 26M |
| 20170916.Was the USSR Socialist?.CKggZ22izDs.mkv | 52M |
| 20171021.Capitalism, Not Corporatism.luB9VUsXRs8.mkv | 19M |
| 20180419.Is Capitalism Destroying Healthcare?.BJufEfWifqo.mkv | 26M |
| 20181029.No, MORE Millennials Should Be Communists (Debunking TheBurgerKrieg).4BG0VdanUTs.mkv | 82M |
| 20181121.Why Paul Joseph Watson Is Wrong About Absolutely Everything.vKFJoDbZmIk.mkv | 53M |
| 20181130.Book Recommendations.vwP1Wn1_rAs.mkv | 20M |
| 20181225.Jordan Peterson Is Not Profound, and Here's Why.aQ3RL3WZaXg.mkv | 47M |
| 20181229.Jordan Peterson Is Everything He Criticizes (And Can't Read).XXwUaUf_pOs.mkv | 42M |
| 20190220.The Right Wing Can't Meme (Or Criticize).SSyHx5wukJo.mkv | 13M |
| 20190228.Your Questions Answered (Q&A) TIMESTAMPED.z7MaBohGEQg.mkv | 79M |
| 20190325.'Humans Are Not Equal': The Dishonest History of Race.IuDuKOSQXgk.mkv | 48M |
| 20190331.Book Recommendations 2: Electric Boogaloo.dqUXuk2IwDQ.mkv | 15M |
| 20190705.Why Did the USSR Fall? TIMESTAMPED.7khOpATj99I.mkv | 71M |
| 20190726.Genetic Betrayal: The Truth About Race.pfjCVOE7l2Y.mkv | 39M |
| 20190824.Behind The Misconceptions of Race.DajYEwzBGcU.mkv | 43M |
| 20190830.Book Recommendations 3: Down With the Bourgeoisie.QgzeZcApQoo.mkv | 12M |
| 20190930."X Socialist Country Has Failed!" Is A Stupid Argument.nT1X_-D803U.mkv | 21M |
| 20191024.I Did An Interview With Left Thinking, Link in the Description!.9Y7E-UMcr8s.mkv | 429K |
| 20191026.Overpopulation Is A Capitalist Lie.gUJmZ5hUy84.mkv | 17M |
| 20191031.You Shouldn't Be Supporting The Hong Kong Protests.b-nl0Hklwvg.mkv | 13M |
| 20191130.America Never Stood For Freedom.-HflHrHvYsw.mkv | 20M |
| 20191223.Electoralism Always Fails, Now What?.WXbaZXQAbuU.mkv | 11M |
| 20191231.Book Recommendations 4: BE GONE, S E T T L E R.N2QB9QXqkok.mkv | 13M |
| 20200119.What's Going On In Iraq?.fmTKxx5_Wa8.mkv | 14M |
| 20200130.How Rich Countries Rob The Poor; The Failure of Social Democracy.4lDZaKjfs4E.mkv | 57M |
| 20200225.Lobster Daddy Post-Mortem.rJYvJ3wgtVQ.mkv | 16M |
| 20200229.Looking At Gorbachev's Stupid Pizza Hut Commercial.8GUOPHl6nDk.mkv | 16M |
| 20200329.Disease And The Hypocrisy of Capitalism.ifpLv7TSiKM.mkv | 24M |
| 20200331.Book Recommendations 5: Unequal Development.bs5mWux7nJM.mkv | 9.0M |
| 20200423.Left Anticommunism: An Infantile Disorder.KEC2ajsvr0I.mkv | 34M |
| 20200430.What Should New Marxists Do?.NdXo98rAA0M.mkv | 21M |
| 20200527.Former Socialism's Faults.GCv04f0RXfc.mkv | 53M |
| 20200531.Left Unity Is Not A Good Idea...Or Is It?.gUfATF8NBNo.mkv | 17M |
| 20200630.Libertarian Socialism With Authoritarian Characteristics.6GM893c1X8s.mkv | 20M |
| 20200722.Q&A With The Politics Discord Server.ViD-7T_Tb2w.mkv | 139M |
| 20200728.Book Recommendations 6: How Did The USSR Work?.6N9dgX5Ivxo.mkv | 18M |
| 20200817.Does Commodity Production Exist Under Socialism?.XluMZHGy7gM.mkv | 35M |
| 20200824.Vaush Is So F***ing Wrong About, Well, Everything But Specifically Marx & Lenin.NX9_kXYMSck.mkv | 70M |
| 20200929.Conservatives Have The Worst Arguments Against Socialism (Debunking Oxford Speaker's Rambling).kxCYOTkVFcA.mkv | 62M |
| 20200930.Mutual Aid: Check Out These Amazing Channels!.QYDGjIdn-8E.mkv | 13M |
| 20201022.The Death Toll of Capitalism.ClLKm8Q8Pns.mkv | 33M |
| 20201031.How NOT To Talk To Liberals About Capitalism (Jubilee's Socialist vs Capitalist 'Middle Ground' Vid).oysJD4v2Bt4.mkv | 42M |
| 20201123.Is Disney's Aladdin Racist?.DLQrkNIbF64.mkv | 40M |
| 20201130.PragerU Brain Rot (Responding to "Socialism vs. Capitalism").Ywf8Nndy1Vo.mkv | 45M |
| 20201224.Humiliating Vaush, Again (He's Still Wrong About, Well, Everything, but Specifically Marx & Lenin).yPBXCdskB4E.mkv | 73M |
| 20210101.Let's Say, Hypothetically, That Ben Shuts The F*ck Up (Ben Shapiro Is Wrong About Muslims and Stats).E5KH-BSqqKI.mkv | 33M |
| 20210104.Vaush Discussion: Reform, Revolution, Organizing and The Labour Aristocracy.9FJvXsUXUtM.mkv | 188M |
| 20210127.Capitalism Really Sucks, But Why?.vk2yCePYs90.mkv | 47M |
| 20210131.Socialism Is Better Than Capitalism...Right?.v6ndft22QPk.mkv | 44M |
| 20210223.Marxism 101: How Capitalism Steals From You.kIUEurccyW0.mkv | 33M |
| 20210228.The Only Leftist Reading List You'll Ever Need (lol).QdwD7zwEpZw.mkv | 9.4M |
| 20210326.Breadtube, Debate-Bros, and The Problems of The Western Left.vmJfF5ogJdA.mkv | 52M |
| 20210331.Fox News "Journalist" Doesn't Know What Socialism Is (Debunking "5 Myths About Socialism").3qfeLoaLa4I.mkv | 58M |
| 20210413.Talking w⧸ Richard Wolff: The Controversial Questions (China, Revolution, Markets and more!).vlpKzJZx9SM.mkv | 69M |
| 20210426.All The Questions Socialists Are Asked, Answered (TIMESTAMPED).MzKPCEvoYkk.mkv | 145M |
| 20210509.Hakim EXPOSED (LEAKED DMs??!? 😱😱😱).aHKTYiQyyYA.mkv | 43M |
| 20210529.Revolution: A How-To Guide.iB2SWjdzlq8.mkv | 75M |
| 20210608.Spicy Questions with Spicier Answers (Q&A with Hakim) TIMESTAMPED.R5h0bf5DzuE.mkv | 94M |
| 20210630."Economic Calculation Problem": The Worst Argument Against Socialism.ME1hVozRIcA.mkv | 87M |
| 20210718.Why is North Korea so weird?.EzDhqXuELjo.mkv | 31M |
| 20210731.You shouldn't be supporting the Cuban protests.siGCf0u-p14.mkv | 32M |
| 20210822.Hakim & Yugopnik Chill Stream.ZRN1pB0KbTk.mkv | 196M |
| 20210825.How shoving a bottle up a farmer's a** caused the fall of Yugoslavia | Weird History.ZGxC5oonlDY.mkv | 22M |
| 20210831.Book Recommendations: Arab and West Asian Socialism.GtrxHwaszGE.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20210922.Socialism is just better, scientifically.FEHYeeRCtVI.mkv | 31M |
| 20210930.Let's laugh at PragerU brainmelt (Responding to "Is Communism Moral?").GwFKRjVXgeI.mkv | 33M |
| 20211009.100K SUB SPECIAL!.ViHC36CwGrE.mkv | 331M |
| 20211014.UBI is kinda stupid, really.EKFE6rVHyJQ.mkv | 29M |
| 20211028.How The US Planned To M*rder US Civilians | Top Secret.zwzBEp5DbA8.mkv | 29M |
| 20211119.Are cooperatives sus??? 😳 (The Problems and Pros of Cooperatives under Socialism and Capitalism).vMn4KBEA_6c.mkv | 33M |
| 20211129.What's the deal with defectors?.vBwZjBMbsK0.mkv | 28M |
| 20211216.The Best Invention You've Never Heard Of (I immediately regret making this video).818ZNDJxWxo.mkv | 23M |
| 20211230.David Pakman is Liberal Propaganda.mCZCFkdzzzE.mkv | 42M |
| 20220124.Laughing at yet even more PragerU garbage (Why Dave Rubin "left the Left").EWHtmTFo98g.mkv | 24M |
| 20220130.Explaining stuff about Socialism that confuses you (WATCH THIS, L I B E R A L) - Socialism 101.GhRJCe6aGag.mkv | 32M |
| 20220224.Reluctantly watching another David Pakman video (Reacting to "Debunked: Socialism doesn't work").lh3lERfkFvg.mkv | 39M |
| 20220228.PEEP THE HANDBOOK: Gaddafi's Green Book.IKMDFDnF7oE.mkv | 26M |
| 20220322.Capitalist arguments against the labor theory of value suck (Explaining the LTOV) - Socialism 101.1oRCgUEpIQI.mkv | 32M |
| 20220331.Why Capitalism Will Always Fail (Capitalism's In-Built Self-Destruct; The Falling Rate of Profit).SEGGvVinUao.mkv | 29M |
| 20220422.The Problem With Landlords and Rent.9gm4b1WgVEQ.mkv | 30M |
| 20220428.Landlord arguments suck (Debunking Arguments Landlords Use to Justify Their Existence).wAuE1MLditQ.mkv | 37M |
| 20220525.cars are dumb and pointless (and ruin cities).WKiUk4vqxu0.mkv | 45M |
| 20220531.The Crumbling of Modern Russia.WigWXj9olbo.mkv | 36M |
| 20220613.Jordan Peterson is back to tell you to wash your balls.sbYXekLO29A.mkv | 55M |
| 20220623.Can This Small Country Become An Energy Superpower?.3B5sHeC1T3M.mkv | 30M |
| 20220709.Explaining The Economy of The Soviet Union (Responding to Economics Explained).nGm0u3UHDZM.mkv | 55M |
| 20220730.Why do "foreigners" speak English so well? (and why people think I'm white).IsF-kDQy5EA.mkv | 27M |
| 20220816.Weird⧸Obscure Communist Iceberg.coOtyPBgxqs.mkv | 37M |
| 20220830.Why America is So Damn Big (Johnny Harris is a Propagandist).STtr8TeRqzc.mkv | 49M |
| 20220908.How you are PROGRAMMED to be poor, kinda (response to Sorelle Amore Finance).cefOm-_SmDQ.mkv | 55M |
| 20220920.Insane Episodes From Leftist History (Feat. @SecondThought and @YUGOPNIK).ObWKRfatUoc.mkv | 33M |
| 20220930.The Soviet Economy was INSANE(ly good) (Responding to Casual Scholar).Hcl3R-yARX8.mkv | 94M |
| 20221012.Was Che Guevara a MURDERER? (Response to "Che on Trial").G9NrIfdPj_E.mkv | 47M |
| 20221025.You've Never Had an Original Thought (Media Manipulation and "Freedom" of the Press).AX8Ct9fhO60.mkv | 40M |
| 20221110.Everything You Own Is Made By One Single Company.7DIeFkpSaUI.mkv | 35M |
| 20221118.Smug zoomer conservative doesn't know what Socialism is.MjKN7Aur-yY.mkv | 72M |
| 20221130.Why Does Everyone Hate The West?.lzVxjXfHAIw.mkv | 37M |
| 20221212.Welfare: For them, but not for you! (How YOU Subsidize Everything).aLYe3Cv_pUI.mkv | 32M |
| 20221231.What If North Korea was a Democracy? (Response to @SecondThought and Face-Reveal).1f4rKycK6Gg.mkv | 40M |
| 20230109.Why Your Life Will Be Better Under Socialism.9BwnP4wri0s.mkv | 28M |
| 20230120.How The CIA Lied to Everyone (Feat. @SecondThought and @YUGOPNIK).OF_pHbf2dEQ.mkv | 41M |
| 20230131.Why are things breaking more often? (How Companies Keep You Buying).aiquocXLuZA.mkv | 25M |