| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 20130415.Welcome to Computerphile!.DW4f1x6IQ9o.mkv | 4.2M |
| 20130517.Homemade Video Arcade Machine - Computerphile.pcR7ylW-Gok.mkv | 17M |
| 20130521.Follow the Cookie Trail - Computerphile.LHSSY8QNvew.mkv | 23M |
| 20130523.EXTRA BITS - Follow the Cookie Trail - Computerphile._d0G6FZ_kR4.mkv | 11M |
| 20130524.Musical Floppy Drives - Computerphile.C3dU5u4xXaY.mkv | 25M |
| 20130528.The Hair Algorithm - Computerphile.CpXaH77B8xg.mkv | 13M |
| 20130531.The Art of Abstraction - Computerphile.p7nGcY73epw.mkv | 13M |
| 20130605.Email - Computerphile.7ZPW8FwgHoM.mkv | 13M |
| 20130607.Raspberry Pi Hardware - Computerphile.sx2HjuZBuo0.mkv | 20M |
| 20130612.Near to the Metal - Computerphile.uNuFVq5QeRk.mkv | 15M |
| 20130614.BBC B Microcomputer - Computerphile.do6xydtcVPk.mkv | 27M |
| 20130618.Getting Sorted & Big O Notation - Computerphile.kgBjXUE_Nwc.mkv | 27M |
| 20130621.Compression - Computerphile.Lto-ajuqW3w.mkv | 21M |
| 20130625.Quick Sort - Computerphile.XE4VP_8Y0BU.mkv | 9.0M |
| 20130628.Hyper History and Cyber War - Computerphile.riT-ew7n7RU.mkv | 15M |
| 20130702.Entropy in Compression - Computerphile.M5c_RFKVkko.mkv | 35M |
| 20130705.Original Elite on the BBC B - Computerphile.owz7XExO-Wk.mkv | 55M |
| 20130711.Network Stacks and the Internet - Computerphile.PG9oKZdFb7w.mkv | 18M |
| 20130716.Circuit Board Building Robot - Computerphile.7O6nfosaVa4.mkv | 24M |
| 20130719.Mainframes and the Unix Revolution - Computerphile.-rPPqm44xLs.mkv | 36M |
| 20130724.IP Addresses and the Internet - Computerphile.L6bDA5FK6gs.mkv | 14M |
| 20130727.A Career in Video Games - Computerphile.Q9igeV_YV-s.mkv | 38M |
| 20130731.Error Detection and Flipping the Bits - Computerphile.-15nx57tbfc.mkv | 21M |
| 20130804.Programming BASIC and Sorting - Computerphile.Ou2A-JWszVA.mkv | 38M |
| 20130805.What if the Universe is a Computer Simulation - Computerphile.YOxDb_BbXzU.mkv | 29M |
| 20130814.Birthplace of the World Wide Web - Computerphile.qJNrvVv7SdU.mkv | 8.6M |
| 20130821.Punch Card Programming - Computerphile.KG2M4ttzBnY.mkv | 41M |
| 20130822.EXTRA BITS - Behind the scenes on Computerphile - Computerphile.Wi326Leuemg.mkv | 17M |
| 20130822.EXTRA BITS - More about Punch Cards - Computerphile.lkSGMrH5Kic.mkv | 15M |
| 20130827.Network Address Translation - Computerphile.01ajHxPLxAw.mkv | 27M |
| 20130830.Programming Paradigms - Computerphile.sqV3pL5x8PI.mkv | 31M |
| 20130906.CERN Computing Centre (and mouse farm) - Computerphile.S0MgJFGL5jg.mkv | 22M |
| 20130910.Error Correction - Computerphile.5sskbSvha9M.mkv | 30M |
| 20130913.Home-Made Code - Computerphile.HizDfLubD-c.mkv | 30M |
| 20130917.Security of Data on Disk - Computerphile.4SSSMi4X_mA.mkv | 20M |
| 20130920.Characters, Symbols and the Unicode Miracle - Computerphile.MijmeoH9LT4.mkv | 26M |
| 20130924.Gesture Controls - Computerphile.WZCDBZBY9lc.mkv | 38M |
| 20130927.How Intelligent is Artificial Intelligence - Computerphile.hcoa7OMAmRk.mkv | 14M |
| 20130930.EXTRA BITS - UTF-8 'nearly' works - Computerphile.qBex3IDaUbU.mkv | 5.0M |
| 20131002.Encryption and Security Agencies - Computerphile.sWeVOXpTOhk.mkv | 17M |
| 20131005.Virtual Machines Power the Cloud - Computerphile.GIdVRB5yNsk.mkv | 25M |
| 20131007.EXTRA BITS - Data Security and Flash Memory - Computerphile.HQWFCDN9VZI.mkv | 5.4M |
| 20131009.Hacking Websites with SQL Injection - Computerphile._jKylhJtPmI.mkv | 24M |
| 20131015.The Grid, CERN's Global Supercomputer - Computerphile.cj8ZNgnzSSU.mkv | 28M |
| 20131018.How Huffman Trees Work - Computerphile.umTbivyJoiI.mkv | 25M |
| 20131021.EXTRA BITS_TRITS - Huffman Trees - Computerphile.DV8efuB3h2g.mkv | 18M |
| 20131023.Cracking Websites with Cross Site Scripting - Computerphile.L5l9lSnNMxg.mkv | 28M |
| 20131028.Cloud Computing (Cloudy with a Chance of Pizza) - Computerphile.7DgxjQ6Qd54.mkv | 16M |
| 20131101.Elegant Compression in Text (The LZ 77 Method) - Computerphile.goOa3DGezUA.mkv | 22M |
| 20131105.EXTRA BITS - Text Compression Meets Probabilities - Computerphile.cCDCfoHTsaU.mkv | 22M |
| 20131106.Texting Cabbage with a Recorder - Computerphile.YkPrUkYKy8I.mkv | 19M |
| 20131108.Hashing Algorithms and Security - Computerphile.b4b8ktEV4Bg.mkv | 18M |
| 20131115.How YouTube Works - Computerphile.OqQk7kLuaK4.mkv | 23M |
| 20131120.How NOT to Store Passwords! - Computerphile.8ZtInClXe1Q.mkv | 20M |
| 20131122.A New Golden Age of Video Games - Computerphile.Nw24B6fOiAw.mkv | 22M |
| 20131129.A Universe of Triangles - Computerphile.KdyvizaygyY.mkv | 31M |
| 20131203.Cross Site Request Forgery - Computerphile.vRBihr41JTo.mkv | 23M |
| 20131207.The True Power of the Matrix (Transformations in Graphics) - Computerphile.vQ60rFwh2ig.mkv | 51M |
| 20131212.The Great 202 Jailbreak - Computerphile.CVxeuwlvf8w.mkv | 48M |
| 20131215.EXTRA BITS - Printing and Typesetting History - Computerphile.HdModNEK_1U.mkv | 37M |
| 20131218.Triangles to Pixels - Computerphile.aweqeMxDnu4.mkv | 31M |
| 20131222.Arduino - Hobbyist Electronics to Orbit! - Computerphile.qsQa5lwFqjA.mkv | 28M |
| 20131230.The Problem with Time & Timezones - Computerphile.-5wpm-gesOY.mkv | 34M |
| 20140103.The Visibility Problem - Computerphile.OODzTMcGDD0.mkv | 25M |
| 20140110.Lights and Shadows in Graphics - Computerphile.LUjXAoP5GG0.mkv | 22M |
| 20140114.The Penguin Barcode - Computerphile.kW39Mt5kscQ.mkv | 33M |
| 20140115.EXTRA BITS - More on Barcodes - Computerphile.2XdIuTr2uiM.mkv | 14M |
| 20140117.Typesetters in the '80s - Computerphile.XvwNKpDUkiE.mkv | 30M |
| 20140122.Floating Point Numbers - Computerphile.PZRI1IfStY0.mkv | 20M |
| 20140124.Smack a Mac (25 years of stress relief) - Computerphile.8j6k3pevAFY.mkv | 14M |
| 20140131.The Font Magicians - Computerphile.jAdspOtgciQ.mkv | 51M |
| 20140205.Blindly Accepting Terms and Conditions - Computerphile.9Hb2oMlRI0I.mkv | 24M |
| 20140208.P vs NP on TV - Computerphile.dJUEkjxylBw.mkv | 17M |
| 20140211.EXTRA BITS - Big Data and T's & C's - Computerphile.QDyekmgn9dw.mkv | 23M |
| 20140218.The Little Mac with the Big Bite - Computerphile.NMlbUCAOEXw.mkv | 31M |
| 20140219.EXTRA BITS - More on the Original Mac at 30 - Computerphile.rbeYwh2CstQ.mkv | 22M |
| 20140225.Credit Cards and Invisible Computing - Computerphile.9pA8xMNVPjE.mkv | 29M |
| 20140228.EXTRA BITS - What Makes a Computer - Computerphile.xzYOx_gT4_w.mkv | 9.2M |
| 20140305.XP to Ubuntu with an 8yr old Hacktop - Computerphile.JAI368bZC1g.mkv | 21M |
| 20140307.EXTRA BITS - Hacktop Real-Time Boot Comparison - Computerphile.ondpla1KHAo.mkv | 4.1M |
| 20140307.EXTRA BITS - Installing Ubuntu Permanently - Computerphile.ceYeTXHHSa0.mkv | 30M |
| 20140307.EXTRA BITS - Making a Bootable USB in Linux - Computerphile.LonQjMbjZR0.mkv | 10M |
| 20140312.The Dawn of Desktop Publishing - Computerphile.1rCNnMZrFUQ.mkv | 31M |
| 20140314.The Attack That Could Disrupt The Whole Internet - Computerphile.BcDZS7iYNsA.mkv | 31M |
| 20140319.What is Bootstrapping - Computerphile.nslY1s0U9_c.mkv | 25M |
| 20140321.Reverse Polish Notation and The Stack - Computerphile.7ha78yWRDlE.mkv | 34M |
| 20140326.Home-Made Z80 Retro Computer - Computerphile.OtpaY8VD52g.mkv | 19M |
| 20140328.Should Everybody Learn to Code - Computerphile.9TlYteJAwMQ.mkv | 27M |
| 20140402.Animated GIFs and Space vs Time - Computerphile.blSzwPcL5Dw.mkv | 22M |
| 20140407.The Tweeting Vending Machine Hack - Computerphile.-NVex5tVGy8.mkv | 28M |
| 20140411.Programming in PostScript - Computerphile.S_NXz7I5dQc.mkv | 36M |
| 20140416.Is it the End for Moore's Law - Computerphile.X8v1BB0UaDs.mkv | 18M |
| 20140418.Heartbleed, Running the Code - Computerphile.1dOCHwf8zVQ.mkv | 28M |
| 20140424.YouTube's Secret Algorithm - Computerphile.BsCeNCVb-d8.mkv | 20M |
| 20140502.YouTube Search & Discovery - Computerphile.JCtV7TmLTqQ.mkv | 35M |
| 20140507.Privacy in Social Media - Computerphile.Nqzo_VT7TQk.mkv | 16M |
| 20140513.Opening up the 30yr old Mac - Computerphile.wFJrHuSXnZM.mkv | 29M |
| 20140516.What on Earth is Recursion - Computerphile.Mv9NEXX1VHc.mkv | 21M |
| 20140521.Mac or PC - Computerphile.A_Zptl34hbo.mkv | 14M |
| 20140523.Just How do Macs and PCs Differ - Computerphile.SZXY5990xZs.mkv | 18M |
| 20140528.Reverse Polish Grows on Trees - Computerphile.TrfcJCulsF4.mkv | 23M |
| 20140530.Coding by SMS text message - Computerphile.0jraYGjhyY8.mkv | 12M |
| 20140604.How Cell Phones Reveal Your Location - Computerphile.1U7ROVno2ys.mkv | 18M |
| 20140611.Fuzzy Logic - Computerphile.r804UF8Ia4c.mkv | 20M |
| 20140613.Crashes, Cosmic Rays and Kernel Panic - Computerphile.nr9auoHtvzM.mkv | 15M |
| 20140617.Fibonacci Programming - Computerphile.7t_pTlH9HwA.mkv | 21M |
| 20140623.How Computer Memory Works - Computerphile.XETZoRYdtkw.mkv | 29M |
| 20140627.In Flight Virtual Reality - Computerphile.PJ5LJkpwBAI.mkv | 28M |
| 20140701.The Most Difficult Program to Compute - Computerphile.i7sm9dzFtEI.mkv | 39M |
| 20140704.The Virtual Reality Cave - Computerphile.STMcWUtQr1Y.mkv | 36M |
| 20140709.Emoji and the Levitating Businessman - Computerphile.tITwM5GDIAI.mkv | 27M |
| 20140715.Artificial Immune Systems - Computerphile.u2qRUtg2k3Y.mkv | 16M |
| 20140717.Real Life Holodeck with an Oculus Rift - Computerphile.7ZPs7knvs7M.mkv | 25M |
| 20140722.Public Key Cryptography - Computerphile.GSIDS_lvRv4.mkv | 13M |
| 20140728.The Future of Desktop Computing - Computerphile.pW5iKF3eQ6Y.mkv | 23M |
| 20140804.Internationalis(z)ing Code - Computerphile.0j74jcxSunY.mkv | 20M |
| 20140810.The Danger Theory - Computerphile.urd4uWJ2rH4.mkv | 25M |
| 20140812.EXTRA BITS - The Danger Theory Explained - Computerphile.NXqIpU6Gejw.mkv | 18M |
| 20140814.The (pink) VR Simulator - Computerphile.Lm0lA0enPSk.mkv | 33M |
| 20140821.Turing & The Halting Problem - Computerphile.macM_MtS_w4.mkv | 19M |
| 20140827.Avatars & In-Flight VR - Computerphile.TLKqKlrQv4s.mkv | 25M |
| 20140829.Turing Machines Explained - Computerphile.dNRDvLACg5Q.mkv | 15M |
| 20140902.Busy Beaver Turing Machines - Computerphile.CE8UhcyJS0I.mkv | 43M |
| 20140904.Turing Machine Primer - Computerphile.DILF8usqp7M.mkv | 16M |
| 20140909.Hill Climbing Algorithm & Artificial Intelligence - Computerphile.oSdPmxRCWws.mkv | 19M |
| 20140913.How Broadband ADSL Works - Computerphile.uwtGfyna62I.mkv | 20M |
| 20140917.Rabbits, Faces & Hyperspaces - Computerphile.q6iqI2GIllI.mkv | 20M |
| 20140919.Undecidability Tangent (History of Undecidability Part 1) - Computerphile.nsZsd5qtbo4.mkv | 36M |
| 20140923.Piracy, Pictures and Metadata - Computerphile.AbKkjwZivmE.mkv | 20M |
| 20140926.A New Perspective (Multi-Person 3D system) - Computerphile.qnnEIrWQJdo.mkv | 24M |
| 20140929.Barber & Russell Paradoxes (History of Undecidability Part 2) - Computerphile.FK3kifY-geM.mkv | 28M |
| 20141003.Blogging Guitar - Computerphile.tyjgn5YO1Lk.mkv | 23M |
| 20141006.Shellshock Code & the Bash Bug - Computerphile.MyldPMn95kk.mkv | 15M |
| 20141009.Turing Meets Paradoxes (History of Undecidability Part 3) - Computerphile.lLWnd6-vSGo.mkv | 28M |
| 20141015.The Kindle Text Problem - Computerphile.kzdugwr4Fgk.mkv | 27M |
| 20141017.EXTRA BITS - More on E-Reader Text Layouts - Computerphile.CdbvgRqyC-0.mkv | 13M |
| 20141023.Routers, The Internet & YouTube Offline - Computerphile.AkxqkoxErRk.mkv | 35M |
| 20141029.Crowd-Sourced Sports Coverage - Computerphile.5BHw-up-3CA.mkv | 29M |
| 20141031.EXTRA BITS - More on Crowd-Sourced Sports Coverage - Computerphile.43xNdYH-Y3s.mkv | 45M |
| 20141103.Technicalities of Net Neutrality - Computerphile.xvtVmGP0ZEY.mkv | 20M |
| 20141106.Swim Tracking App - Computerphile.-UxBdVirvJs.mkv | 23M |
| 20141112.Free Software (made with free software) - Computerphile.jaJ7vUu1ixg.mkv | 19M |
| 20141114.Video Editing with Free Software (Accompanies 'Free Software' video) - Computerphile.MS7hXuO2UKE.mkv | 54M |
| 20141117.EXTRA BITS - Swim Tracking App - Computerphile.dgZvSB5MAIg.mkv | 20M |
| 20141119.Why Internet Slows Down When it's Busy - Computerphile.TSJw_oQklz8.mkv | 17M |
| 20141125.Where's the Money in Free Software - Computerphile.O2tvsY3yUqY.mkv | 19M |
| 20141128.Turing's Enigma Problem (Part 1) - Computerphile.d2NWPG2gB_A.mkv | 53M |
| 20141201.What Happens When You Click a Link - Computerphile.keo0dglCj7I.mkv | 29M |
| 20141209.Tackling Enigma (Turing's Enigma Problem Part 2) - Computerphile.kj_7Jc1mS9k.mkv | 66M |
| 20141212.How Gangnam Style Broke YouTube - Computerphile.vA0Rl6Ne5C8.mkv | 21M |
| 20141218.Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea - Computerphile.w3_0x6oaDmI.mkv | 27M |
| 20141222.Festive Flashing Lights - Computerphile.o2RFdQMi4mg.mkv | 15M |
| 20141231.3d X-Ray Images - Computerphile.Qrl__J4vYok.mkv | 29M |
| 20150102.EXTRA BITS - More on 3D X-Ray Imaging - Computerphile.8TUf8W9GbSs.mkv | 13M |
| 20150107.Enigma, TypeX and Dad - Computerphile.jvKdOEHkrJc.mkv | 33M |
| 20150109.Flip Flops, Latches & Memory Details - Computerphile.-Ecf7lb4aZ0.mkv | 26M |
| 20150114.More from Numberphile's Pixar Video - Computerphile.2NzTAaYgk4Q.mkv | 21M |
| 20150116.Binary Addition & Overflow - Computerphile.WN8i5cwjkSE.mkv | 15M |
| 20150121.Supercomputer and the Milky Way - Computerphile.5KEhhW8TOGk.mkv | 25M |
| 20150123.EXTRA BITS - Building a Supercomputer and Astrophysics - Computerphile._NSvz12iXeY.mkv | 50M |
| 20150128.Binary - Plusses & Minuses (Why We Use Two's Complement) - Computerphile.lKTsv6iVxV4.mkv | 38M |
| 20150202.Indie Games & the Fourth Dimension - Computerphile.da5RoS4w5YU.mkv | 31M |
| 20150205.The Turing Test - Computerphile.Qbp3LJvcX38.mkv | 27M |
| 20150210.Atari ST - Accidental Musical Workhorse - Computerphile.O4kf1Wbaruo.mkv | 25M |
| 20150215.Digital Images - Computerphile.06OHflWNCOE.mkv | 18M |
| 20150218.Pushing the Atari Limits - Computerphile.3OdtfsXOkEY.mkv | 27M |
| 20150222.Capturing Digital Images (The Bayer Filter) - Computerphile.LWxu4rkZBLw.mkv | 16M |
| 20150226.Addressing Memory (Pt1) - Computerphile.-N5pDcfNzqo.mkv | 21M |
| 20150227.True Colour of 'The Dress' #thedress (colours in digital images) - Computerphile.Tw0PlGpaqy4.mkv | 14M |
| 20150306.AND OR NOT - Logic Gates Explained - Computerphile.UvI-AMAtrvE.mkv | 21M |
| 20150310.The Path Towards ARM & BBC B - Computerphile.izy6h_vvSxU.mkv | 48M |
| 20150313.3D & Multiple Dimensions in Digital Images - Computerphile.f3Ux805uCOk.mkv | 19M |
| 20150318.XOR & the Half Adder - Computerphile.VPw9vPN-3ac.mkv | 25M |
| 20150320.Augmented Reality (AR) - Computerphile.eG9jo5N2IzE.mkv | 19M |
| 20150325.Building the BBC Micro (The Beeb) - Computerphile.y4WG549i3YY.mkv | 34M |
| 20150330.EXTRA BITS - BBC Micro and Teletext - Computerphile.eofVhJc2lUA.mkv | 5.8M |
| 20150331.5 Hole Paper Tape - Computerphile.JafQYA7vV6s.mkv | 27M |
| 20150403.Wearables and Augmented Reality - Computerphile.ziky_tDoa8U.mkv | 18M |
| 20150410.Colourspaces (JPEG Pt0)- Computerphile.LFXN9PiOGtY.mkv | 21M |
| 20150415.Total Recall (Memory Addressing Pt2) - Computerphile.qI2K4VinkT8.mkv | 20M |
| 20150417.Arduino Hardware - Computerphile.b4z1zkmo1BE.mkv | 17M |
| 20150421.JPEG 'files' & Colour (JPEG Pt1)- Computerphile.n_uNPbdenRs.mkv | 20M |
| 20150424.ARM Processor - Sowing the Seeds of Success - Computerphile.1jOJl8gRPyQ.mkv | 36M |
| 20150429.EDSAC Rebuild (Cambridge University's 1st Computer) - Computerphile.C97MtJWDNX8.mkv | 27M |
| 20150501.Holy Grail of AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Computerphile.tlS5Y2vm02c.mkv | 18M |
| 20150506.Computing Aladdin's Cave - Computerphile.zFb4tilDmBg.mkv | 25M |
| 20150513.Nuggets of Data Gold - Computerphile.Zel2NCKej50.mkv | 25M |
| 20150515.The Computer That Changed Everything (Altair 8800) - Computerphile.cwEmnfy2BhI.mkv | 12M |
| 20150519.Computer That Changed Everything (Altair 8800) - AUDIO FIX - Computerphile.6LYRgrqJgDc.mkv | 13M |
| 20150519.IT Crowd Altair - Lifting the Lid - Computerphile.NzCB9-Njdsc.mkv | 26M |
| 20150522.JPEG DCT, Discrete Cosine Transform (JPEG Pt2)- Computerphile.Q2aEzeMDHMA.mkv | 39M |
| 20150528.Colossus & Bletchley Park - Computerphile.9HH-asvLAj4.mkv | 23M |
| 20150602.Apple's $200,000 Computer - Computerphile.PccvZRTUhbI.mkv | 16M |
| 20150605.Illegal Immigration & the Known Unknowns - Computerphile.pIG3bdDj1ps.mkv | 22M |
| 20150609.The Problem with JPEG - Computerphile.yBX8GFqt6GA.mkv | 15M |
| 20150612.People's Computer - Sinclair ZX81 - Computerphile.SFAWHB2BKOg.mkv | 24M |
| 20150617.Deadly Truth of General AI - Computerphile.tcdVC4e6EV4.mkv | 19M |
| 20150619.Inside the Computer (EDSAC) - Computerphile.Yc945sNB0uA.mkv | 32M |
| 20150624.Why ARM Owes Apple - Computerphile.z0zTymv0ZEw.mkv | 13M |
| 20150626.Arduino Programs & Sketches- Computerphile.5myfkKDV88E.mkv | 20M |
| 20150701.Fishy Codes - Bletchley's Other Secret - Computerphile.Ou_9ntYRzzw.mkv | 36M |
| 20150703.How GCHQ Classifies Computer Security - Computerphile.iesgXoOBLZM.mkv | 23M |
| 20150708.Smile Detection - Computerphile.8wHZ3oso618.mkv | 19M |
| 20150710.Mouse Pointers & Fitts's Law - Computerphile.E3gS9tjACwU.mkv | 22M |
| 20150715.1966 Computing Power (Elliott 903) - Computerphile.F4Z0MRYN7bo.mkv | 31M |
| 20150717.Captain Buzz - Smartphone Pilot - Computerphile.DE5e0C7xw7c.mkv | 23M |
| 20150722.Captain Buzz pt2 - Smart Watches and Latency - Computerphile.7CdyIwOSlt0.mkv | 17M |
| 20150724.AI Self Improvement - Computerphile.5qfIgCiYlfY.mkv | 23M |
| 20150728.The Factory of Ideas - Working at Bell Labs - Computerphile.QFK6RG47bww.mkv | 28M |
| 20150731.Could We Ban Encryption - Computerphile.ShUyfk4QB-8.mkv | 18M |
| 20150804.Secrets Hidden in Images (Steganography) - Computerphile.TWEXCYQKyDc.mkv | 35M |
| 20150807.Wobbly RAM & ZX81 Drawbacks - Computerphile.C9DB3w-Syfs.mkv | 30M |
| 20150812.How Search Engines Treat Data - Computerphile.vrjAIBgxm_w.mkv | 26M |
| 20150818.'C' Programming Language - Brian Kernighan - Computerphile.de2Hsvxaf8M.mkv | 17M |
| 20150821.Why Don Knuth Doesn't Use Email - Computerphile.QS8qwMna8_o.mkv | 6.7M |
| 20150825.Silicon Brain - 1,000,000 ARM cores - Computerphile.2e06C-yUwlc.mkv | 25M |
| 20150828.Geometric Face Recognition - Computerphile.BCBZPtZCI7w.mkv | 25M |
| 20150902.Machine Learning Methods - Computerphile.qDbpYUbf3e0.mkv | 28M |
| 20150904.The Singularity & Friendly AI - Computerphile.uA9mxq3gneE.mkv | 33M |
| 20150909.Inside a Data Centre - Computerphile.fd3kSdu4W7c.mkv | 23M |
| 20150914.Empty Data Centre - Computerphile.pSwfylSrCVY.mkv | 10M |
| 20150916.Zig Zag Decryption - Computerphile.yxx3Bkmv3ck.mkv | 34M |
| 20150923.Anti-Learning (So Bad, it's Good) - Computerphile.E8SEVsxV070.mkv | 21M |
| 20150925.Page Ranking and Search Engines - Computerphile.v7n7wZhHJj8.mkv | 27M |
| 20150930.UNIX Special - Profs Kernighan & Brailsford - Computerphile.vT_J6xc-Az0.mkv | 63M |
| 20151002.How Blurs & Filters Work - Computerphile.C_zFhWdM4ic.mkv | 21M |
| 20151007.Why Do We Need IP Addresses - Computerphile.iGPXkxeOfdk.mkv | 22M |
| 20151009.The Trouble with Missing Data - Computerphile.oCQbC818KKU.mkv | 27M |
| 20151014.Chip & PIN Fraud Explained - Computerphile.Ks0SOn8hjG8.mkv | 19M |
| 20151016.Connecting Universities - Computerphile.Bq1b4wixxJM.mkv | 20M |
| 20151021.Faces & the Local Binary Pattern - Computerphile.wpAwdsubl1w.mkv | 26M |
| 20151023.Man in the Middle Attacks & Superfish - Computerphile.-enHfpHMBo4.mkv | 36M |
| 20151026.How Digital Audio Works - Computerphile.1RIA9U5oXro.mkv | 34M |
| 20151028.Consensus & Organising Coffee - Computerphile.jn3DBzr--Ok.mkv | 23M |
| 20151104.Finding the Edges (Sobel Operator) - Computerphile.uihBwtPIBxM.mkv | 21M |
| 20151106.Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work - Computerphile.7PKx3kS7f4A.mkv | 15M |
| 20151111.Canny Edge Detector - Computerphile.sRFM5IEqR2w.mkv | 22M |
| 20151113.Unix Pipeline (Brian Kernighan) - Computerphile.bKzonnwoR2I.mkv | 12M |
| 20151118.TLU Three Letter Username Obsession - Computerphile.Y4lDvkAFyps.mkv | 31M |
| 20151120.Why do CPUs Need Caches - Computerphile.6JpLD3PUAZk.mkv | 16M |
| 20151125.Pixel Noise (Music from Images) - Computerphile.c4cKlez0OCM.mkv | 29M |
| 20151127.Light-field Camera - Computerphile.rEMP3XEgnws.mkv | 36M |
| 20151201.Raspberry Pi Zero - the $5 Computer - Computerphile.WR0ghM3U0M4.mkv | 16M |
| 20151204.Why Use Binary - Computerphile.thrx3SBEpL8.mkv | 20M |
| 20151209.How Bitcoin Works - Computerphile.JyxRH18YlpA.mkv | 14M |
| 20151214.What Was Your 1st Computer - Computerphile.9r4Cmwd_7vA.mkv | 40M |
| 20151217.Industrial Light-field Magic - Computerphile.ZIfn2Ocy9RU.mkv | 14M |
| 20151222.CPU vs GPU (What's the Difference) - Computerphile._cyVDoyI6NE.mkv | 17M |
| 20151229.Search Engine Relevance - Computerphile._0Z8aGwjLYo.mkv | 25M |
| 20160105.Brain Scanner - Computerphile.TQ0sL1ZGnQ4.mkv | 26M |
| 20160108.Code Golf & the Bitshift Variations - Computerphile.MqZgoNRERY8.mkv | 25M |
| 20160113.Chomsky Hierarchy - Computerphile.224plb3bCog.mkv | 16M |
| 20160115.ARM Don't Make Computer Chips - Computerphile.Jyp6jFCzW44.mkv | 25M |
| 20160120.Computers Without Memory - Computerphile.vhiiia1_hC4.mkv | 21M |
| 20160122.3D Rock Art Scanner - Computerphile.Ahdnkj77rAY.mkv | 23M |
| 20160127.Hardware vs Software & Digital Video - Computerphile.fZ53y0KsWhY.mkv | 24M |
| 20160129.Angle Brackets - Computerphile.1IdlBFaifcs.mkv | 16M |
| 20160203.AI Safety - Computerphile.IB1OvoCNnWY.mkv | 14M |
| 20160205.Structure from Motion Octocopter - Computerphile.7DNmN_qWUgM.mkv | 22M |
| 20160210.Same Story, Different Notation - Computerphile.RjOCRYdg8BY.mkv | 26M |
| 20160212.Bitcoin Problems - Computerphile.s2XHyzPA9Zc.mkv | 15M |
| 20160217.Raspberry Pi Lego Robot - Computerphile.nZHOclcOB2k.mkv | 14M |
| 20160219.Mobile Chip Design - Computerphile.37XoF0aMxhU.mkv | 24M |
| 20160224.Stereo 3D Vision (How to avoid being dinner for Wolves) - Computerphile.O7B2vCsTpC0.mkv | 17M |
| 20160302.Buffer Overflow Attack - Computerphile.1S0aBV-Waeo.mkv | 42M |
| 20160304.The Golden Key - FBI vs Apple iPhone - Computerphile.6RNKtwAGvqc.mkv | 14M |
| 20160310.Mixed Reality Continuum - Computerphile.V4qxfFPgqdc.mkv | 31M |
| 20160316.Pong & Object Oriented Programming - Computerphile.KyTUN6_Z9TM.mkv | 38M |
| 20160318.AlphaGo & Deep Learning - Computerphile.qWcfiPi9gUU.mkv | 40M |
| 20160322.Secure Web Browsing - Computerphile.E_wX40fQwEA.mkv | 31M |
| 20160324.AI's Game Playing Challenge - Computerphile.5oXyibEgJr0.mkv | 56M |
| 20160330.Botnets - Computerphile.UVFmC178_Vs.mkv | 21M |
| 20160405.Life of an Indie App Developer - Computerphile.yVRtJbXQsL8.mkv | 25M |
| 20160405.Marco's Set-Up - Computerphile.Xy5pzN-wLxg.mkv | 22M |
| 20160408.The Indie Advantage (and criticism) - Computerphile.iSg0F3hwMnE.mkv | 22M |
| 20160409.DJ Marco and Working for Apple - Computerphile.QH1XF0tOFsQ.mkv | 9.3M |
| 20160413.SGML HTML XML What's the Difference (Part 1) - Computerphile.RH0o-QjnwDg.mkv | 21M |
| 20160415.Internet Censorship Explained - Computerphile.6ohH-RkSLo4.mkv | 16M |
| 20160419.Deep Learning - Computerphile.l42lr8AlrHk.mkv | 39M |
| 20160422.HTML - Poison or Panacea (HTML Part2) - Computerphile.Q4dYwEyjZcY.mkv | 35M |
| 20160427.Paxos Agreement - Computerphile.s8JqcZtvnsM.mkv | 49M |
| 20160429.EXTRA BITS - SGML HTML XML - Computerphile.hJyXtXGYkJ4.mkv | 22M |
| 20160504.BGP - Border Gateway Protocol - Computerphile.O6tCoD5c_U0.mkv | 43M |
| 20160506.Crazy Text & Security Printing - Computerphile.QAIRqUZ4XFw.mkv | 20M |
| 20160512.Space Carving - Computerphile.cGs90KF4oTc.mkv | 40M |
| 20160517.Anti-Counterfeiting & Conductive Inks - Computerphile.gQ0rdOvdS6M.mkv | 22M |
| 20160520.Neural Network that Changes Everything - Computerphile.py5byOOHZM8.mkv | 38M |
| 20160525.Magnetic Media (Floppies and Tapes) - Computerphile.cWKo_dMUw7M.mkv | 31M |
| 20160527.Where HTML beats C - Computerphile.-csXdj4WVwA.mkv | 25M |
| 20160601.Cookie Stealing - Computerphile.T1QEs3mdJoc.mkv | 39M |
| 20160603.Software Defined Networking - Computerphile.Nh2hXUuKXyQ.mkv | 22M |
| 20160607.Apple 2 Floppy Disk Codes - Computerphile.w3VZFhNQRmU.mkv | 20M |
| 20160610.Nascom 2 & Sharing the TV - Computerphile.RUFTioLaKcA.mkv | 17M |
| 20160615.Running an SQL Injection Attack - Computerphile.ciNHn38EyRc.mkv | 42M |
| 20160617.Web vs Internet (Deep Dark Web Pt1) - Computerphile.oiR2mvep_nQ.mkv | 16M |
| 20160622.Secrets of the Deep Dark Web (Deep Dark Web Pt2) - Computerphile.joxQ_XbsPVw.mkv | 32M |
| 20160624.The Social Media Bubble - Computerphile.U9vFwaBzER8.mkv | 29M |
| 20160628.HTML IS a Programming Language (Imperative vs Declarative) - Computerphile.4A2mWqLUpzw.mkv | 26M |
| 20160630.Inside a Neural Network - Computerphile.BFdMrDOx_CM.mkv | 48M |
| 20160705.Turing Complete - Computerphile.RPQD7-AOjMI.mkv | 18M |
| 20160708.Gamer's Paradise - Computerphile.HZzdXR0bV8o.mkv | 46M |
| 20160713.Password Cracking - Computerphile.7U-RbOKanYs.mkv | 63M |
| 20160715.Discussing Pokémon GO - Computerphile.YXAdffM7uMI.mkv | 29M |
| 20160720.How to Choose a Password - Computerphile.3NjQ9b3pgIg.mkv | 36M |
| 20160722.The Game about Games - Computerphile.I5TqZ2Etz0s.mkv | 17M |
| 20160727.Saving Bletchley Park - Computerphile.YCuyt4_uEUY.mkv | 21M |
| 20160802.Mobile Interface Problems - Computerphile.8yDo3YD-G5M.mkv | 31M |
| 20160805.Retro Computer Kit - Computerphile.lU2NKHJygD8.mkv | 20M |
| 20160811.FPS & Digital Video - Computerphile.yniSnYtkrwQ.mkv | 35M |
| 20160817.The Interlaced Video Problem - Computerphile.rCUjvK-zbHw.mkv | 43M |
| 20160819.Physics of Computer Chips - Computerphile.xkLAhU74f3s.mkv | 35M |
| 20160824.Micropython Name Badge - Computerphile.sww4gJPse4o.mkv | 27M |
| 20160826.Deep Dream (Google) - Computerphile.BsSmBPmPeYQ.mkv | 41M |
| 20160831.Unrolling the Loops - Computerphile.guXgBe2wvEA.mkv | 27M |
| 20160902.Resizing Images - Computerphile.AqscP7rc8_M.mkv | 28M |
| 20160907.Fire Pong (Rule Zero) - Computerphile.T6EBe_5LxO8.mkv | 22M |
| 20160909.Fire Pong Details - Computerphile.ZoZMMg1r_Oc.mkv | 97M |
| 20160914.K-means & Image Segmentation - Computerphile.yR7k19YBqiw.mkv | 27M |
| 20160916.PDF, What is it FOR - Computerphile.48tFB_sjHgY.mkv | 21M |
| 20160921.Satellite Navigation - Computerphile.EUrU1y5is3Y.mkv | 14M |
| 20160928.IBM PC - Computerphile.fCe0I3RJajY.mkv | 25M |
| 20160930.PDF Workflow - Computerphile.-cFOsAzigyQ.mkv | 28M |
| 20161005.BBC Domesday (1980's Google Street View) - Computerphile.VLh5LR0Kf1I.mkv | 20M |
| 20161007.Computing & Air Traffic Control - Computerphile.QK4wwxTRoAY.mkv | 29M |
| 20161012.Computing & Radar Displays - Computerphile.hmvcLCT9E6k.mkv | 25M |
| 20161019.Sinclair & The ZX Spectrum - Computerphile.YxnojyQSpCE.mkv | 21M |
| 20161021.Zero Size Files - Computerphile.kiTTAbeqQKY.mkv | 19M |
| 20161026.Dirty Cow Demo - Computerphile.1scGZDYsMAU.mkv | 9.7M |
| 20161028.Explaining Dirty Cow - Computerphile.CQcgz43MEZg.mkv | 28M |
| 20161102.Cracking Windows by Atom Bombing - Computerphile.rRxuh9fp7QI.mkv | 34M |
| 20161104.Videogames with Simple Controls - Computerphile.KGTxcj5rmoQ.mkv | 26M |
| 20161109.Slow Loris Attack - Computerphile.XiFkyR35v2Y.mkv | 18M |
| 20161111.Quantum Computing 'Magic' - Computerphile.BYx04e35Xso.mkv | 29M |
| 20161116.Babbage's Analytical Engine - Computerphile.5rtKoKFGFSM.mkv | 39M |
| 20161118.Sorting Secret - Computerphile.pcJHkWwjNl4.mkv | 27M |
| 20161123.Bicubic Interpolation - Computerphile.poY_nGzEEWM.mkv | 25M |
| 20161125.Origins of the Web - Computerphile.b0O3rsKjSOs.mkv | 30M |
| 20161130.Functional Programming & Haskell - Computerphile.LnX3B9oaKzw.mkv | 28M |
| 20161202.Sega Game Coding in Assembly - Computerphile.GH94fKtGr0M.mkv | 30M |
| 20161207.Babbage's Puzzle - Computerphile.2qzjBmK0_20.mkv | 38M |
| 20161209.Games as Medicine - Computerphile.LjM9T2dxdL8.mkv | 21M |
| 20161215.Game Physics (in Assembler) - Computerphile.Kalmryn9_sE.mkv | 41M |
| 20161221.Computer Science's Wonder Woman - Ada Lovelace - Computerphile.wnHHzBY1SPQ.mkv | 48M |
| 20161223.Videogame Legends - Computerphile.t-tO7vx1rw4.mkv | 33M |
| 20161228.The Dreaded 404 - Computerphile.OVYF4t-v6Zw.mkv | 15M |
| 20170104.Dijkstra's Algorithm - Computerphile.GazC3A4OQTE.mkv | 30M |
| 20170106.Funky Music from Functional Programming - Computerphile.v0HIkFR1EN4.mkv | 26M |
| 20170111.Computer Science ∩ Mathematics (Type Theory) - Computerphile.qT8NyyRgLDQ.mkv | 46M |
| 20170113.Program, Interrupted - Computerphile.54BrU82ANww.mkv | 20M |
| 20170118.Code Checking Automation - Computerphile.AfaNEebCDos.mkv | 32M |
| 20170120.Linked Lists - Computerphile._jQhALI4ujg.mkv | 34M |
| 20170125.The Portable 'Speccy' - Computerphile.J0MDFTMDwPI.mkv | 11M |
| 20170127.Lambda Calculus - Computerphile.eis11j_iGMs.mkv | 36M |
| 20170201.Implementation - Computerphile.hakpxs5moTo.mkv | 17M |
| 20170203.Digital Theatre Props - Computerphile.aTBmHIr9UHE.mkv | 18M |
| 20170208.Multiple Dimension Error Correction - Computerphile.1_X-7BgHbE0.mkv | 37M |
| 20170210.3D Scanning - Computerphile.f266wim8Ylc.mkv | 16M |
| 20170215.A_ (A Star) Search Algorithm - Computerphile.ySN5Wnu88nE.mkv | 39M |
| 20170217.Augmented Reality & Wargaming - Computerphile.BW7S8H3Zi-g.mkv | 16M |
| 20170221.Correcting Those Errors - Computerphile.EBy7IYtJRKs.mkv | 30M |
| 20170224.Maze Solving - Computerphile.rop0W4QDOUI.mkv | 55M |
| 20170228.General AI Won't Want You To Fix its Code - Computerphile.4l7Is6vOAOA.mkv | 24M |
| 20170303.AI 'Stop Button' Problem - Computerphile.3TYT1QfdfsM.mkv | 47M |
| 20170308.The Perfect Code - Computerphile.WPoQfKQlOjg.mkv | 19M |
| 20170314.Google Tango - Computerphile.z1gMRZiM9RY.mkv | 21M |
| 20170316.Microsoft Hololens - Computerphile.gp8UiYOw8Fc.mkv | 44M |
| 20170322.Inside the CPU - Computerphile.IAkj32VPcUE.mkv | 30M |
| 20170324.The Blockchain & Bitcoin - Computerphile.qcuc3rgwZAE.mkv | 42M |
| 20170330.End to End Encryption (E2EE) - Computerphile.jkV1KEJGKRA.mkv | 19M |
| 20170405.64 Shades of Martian Grey - Computerphile.NRv3HMEyuDE.mkv | 30M |
| 20170407.Reed-Muller Code (64 Shades of Grey pt2) - Computerphile.CtOCqKpti7s.mkv | 48M |
| 20170411.SHA - Secure Hashing Algorithm - Computerphile.DMtFhACPnTY.mkv | 25M |
| 20170413.Avoid the Middle-Man (Smart Contracts) - Computerphile.csS1mZFuNSY.mkv | 24M |
| 20170419.Magic 'Nothing Up My Sleeve' Numbers - Computerphile.oJWwaQm-Exs.mkv | 13M |
| 20170502.MegaProcessor - Computerphile.lNa9bQRPMB8.mkv | 34M |
| 20170505.Digital Audio Compression - Computerphile.KGZ0een8vSE.mkv | 21M |
| 20170509.Data Harvesting Problem - Computerphile.2lEhamPHh3k.mkv | 35M |
| 20170512.Internet of Things Problems - Computerphile.PLiE0Nr8VOE.mkv | 25M |
| 20170515.Wana Decrypt0r (Wanacry Ransomware) - Computerphile.88jkB1V6N9w.mkv | 49M |
| 20170519.How WanaCrypt Encrypts Your Files - Computerphile.pLluFxHrc30.mkv | 50M |
| 20170524.Sound Recognition - Computerphile.mJx30g3bzQo.mkv | 44M |
| 20170526.Computer Connections - Computerphile.5Sg7udkbvso.mkv | 46M |
| 20170531.Onion Routing - Computerphile.QRYzre4bf7I.mkv | 39M |
| 20170606.Brain Controlled Movie - Computerphile.NJJgDGZPRIE.mkv | 9.5M |
| 20170609.TOR Hidden Services - Computerphile.lVcbq_a5N9I.mkv | 25M |
| 20170614.Bell Labs' Research (Prof Brian Kernighan) - Computerphile.NE03ora3tBY.mkv | 17M |
| 20170616.Concrete Problems in AI Safety (Paper) - Computerphile.AjyM-f8rDpg.mkv | 24M |
| 20170621.'Code' Books (Prof Brian Kernighan) - Computerphile.6v6wdK2EbIQ.mkv | 18M |
| 20170621.Sun Microsystems (Re-Encode) - Computerphile.c5qH-LW3tq8.mkv | 62M |
| 20170623.AI Just Sandbox it... - Computerphile.i8r_yShOixM.mkv | 18M |
| 20170629.iPhone at Ten - Computerphile.M2SbnE7PVA8.mkv | 30M |
| 20170701.Sun Server Restoration (Update) - Computerphile.oKDPLAJiWQU.mkv | 13M |
| 20170704.Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - Computerphile.ZNrteLp_SvY.mkv | 31M |
| 20170711.Arrays vs Linked Lists - Computerphile.DyG9S9nAlUM.mkv | 70M |
| 20170716.Reason for ARM (Acorn Archimedes at 30) - Computerphile.rh7kpkwXnwA.mkv | 34M |
| 20170720.Now Hiring (What Computing Companies Look For) - Computerphile.QbSD4EtpVdY.mkv | 56M |
| 20170726.Fake News Consumers - Computerphile.QMHuMwbYU_M.mkv | 27M |
| 20170728.GNU_Linux & Video Editing - Computerphile.ijWcl2Rb4_0.mkv | 39M |
| 20170803.Stop Button Solution - Computerphile.9nktr1MgS-A.mkv | 42M |
| 20170811.Essentials - Brian Kernighan on Associative Arrays - Computerphile.qTZJLJ3Gm6Q.mkv | 25M |
| 20170816.Essentials - Functional Programming's Y Combinator - Computerphile.9T8A89jgeTI.mkv | 40M |
| 20170818.Essentials - Pointer Power! - Computerphile.t5NszbIerYc.mkv | 48M |
| 20170823.Securing Stream Ciphers (HMAC) - Computerphile.wlSG3pEiQdc.mkv | 31M |
| 20170825.Why C is so Influential - Computerphile.ci1PJexnfNE.mkv | 30M |
| 20170830.2FA - Two Factor Authentication - Computerphile.ZXFYT-BG2So.mkv | 43M |
| 20170901.Triple Ref Pointers - Computerphile.0ZEX_l0DFK0.mkv | 21M |
| 20170906.Designing Software for Collaboration - Computerphile.5mLYoo-oZ5o.mkv | 34M |
| 20170908.Cellphones & Big Data - Computerphile.18RqhZ-jnFs.mkv | 23M |
| 20170913.Reacting to Social Media - Computerphile.WYEXj4LFEgU.mkv | 29M |
| 20170920.Selfie to 3D Model - Computerphile.JtK4cTLlUko.mkv | 17M |
| 20170922.Programming Loops vs Recursion - Computerphile.HXNhEYqFo0o.mkv | 30M |
| 20170927.Propositions as Types - Computerphile.SknxggwRPzU.mkv | 44M |
| 20170929.Essentials - Hidden Pointers - Computerphile.knP_5e57biw.mkv | 16M |
| 20171004.AI YouTube Comments - Computerphile.XyMdpcAPnZc.mkv | 35M |
| 20171006.Homotopy Type Theory - Vladimir Voevodsky - Computerphile.v5a5BYZwRx8.mkv | 11M |
| 20171010.ESSENTIALS - Subroutines & The Wheeler Jump - Computerphile.DcZ1bFfDvSQ.mkv | 33M |
| 20171013.Homotopy Type Theory Discussed - Computerphile.Ft8R3-kPDdk.mkv | 29M |
| 20171017.Krack Attacks (WiFi WPA2 Vulnerability) - Computerphile.mYtvjijATa4.mkv | 29M |
| 20171025.Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) - Computerphile.Sw9r8CL98N0.mkv | 47M |
| 20171027.Wildcards - Computerphile.h0nSEv8npjk.mkv | 27M |
| 20171101.Scaling Blockchains - Computerphile.4CdO0olVfAA.mkv | 38M |
| 20171103.Computing Limit - Computerphile.jv2H9fp9dT8.mkv | 46M |
| 20171108.Zero Knowledge Proofs - Computerphile.HUs1bH85X9I.mkv | 27M |
| 20171110.World's First Webcam - Computerphile.a4PX8vksBFU.mkv | 24M |
| 20171115.1978's Raspberry Pi (MK14) - Computerphile.O_vhWxu-spA.mkv | 43M |
| 20171117.Bitcoin, Blockchain Forks & Lightning - Computerphile.8uF7RVF2osk.mkv | 17M |
| 20171122.MIDI & Digital Music Making - Computerphile.imY4EpxjyMY.mkv | 54M |
| 20171124.What is a Monad - Computerphile.t1e8gqXLbsU.mkv | 62M |
| 20171129.Net Neutrality - Computerphile.SC-7fyBfvsw.mkv | 28M |
| 20171201.Malware Overview - Computerphile.qjZuI0FT9Z8.mkv | 32M |
| 20171205.The Anonymisation Problem - Computerphile.puQvpyf0W-M.mkv | 22M |
| 20171208.Anti Bank-Fraud Technology - Computerphile.Vbciucfe37I.mkv | 26M |
| 20171213.Bluetooth & Sync - Computerphile.eYW4J6FyyZU.mkv | 37M |
| 20171215.Secret Key Exchange (Diffie-Hellman) - Computerphile.NmM9HA2MQGI.mkv | 24M |
| 20171220.Diffie Hellman -the Mathematics bit- Computerphile.Yjrfm_oRO0w.mkv | 17M |
| 20171222.Festive Fractals - Computerphile.TU3IQRV6LV0.mkv | 66M |
| 20171229.Key Exchange Problems - Computerphile.vsXMMT2CqqE.mkv | 25M |
| 20180105.Spectre & Meltdown - Computerphile.I5mRwzVvFGE.mkv | 39M |
| 20180109.The Archive (Centre For Computing History) - Computerphile.nCAMMKsbEvw.mkv | 95M |
| 20180112.Compaq Portable (Halt & Catch Fire) - Computerphile.G1h5uGDEH8Q.mkv | 10M |
| 20180116.Elliptic Curves - Computerphile.NF1pwjL9-DE.mkv | 24M |
| 20180119.CPUs Are Out of Order - Computerphile._qvOlL8nhN4.mkv | 43M |
| 20180123.Web Fonts - Computerphile.Qp7jmqxFC7s.mkv | 30M |
| 20180125.High Performance Computing (HPC) - Computerphile.jBsc83_4RsQ.mkv | 32M |
| 20180131.Research & High Performance Computing - Computerphile.BzMD4qk3T9c.mkv | 31M |
| 20180206.Wheeler Jump - Computerphile.zR8V0lq029c.mkv | 25M |
| 20180209.Diceware & Passwords - Computerphile.Pe_3cFuSw1E.mkv | 32M |
| 20180213.Von Neumann Architecture - Computerphile.Ml3-kVYLNr8.mkv | 41M |
| 20180215.Elliptic Curve Back Door - Computerphile.nybVFJVXbww.mkv | 32M |
| 20180221.EDSAC Simulator - Computerphile.lXJ-tYqPARg.mkv | 51M |
| 20180228.Tanglewood Update - Computerphile.Uh-lHex9Hyo.mkv | 8.9M |
| 20180306.Bootstrapping EDSAC - Initial Orders - Computerphile.nc2q4OOK6K8.mkv | 45M |
| 20180308.Assembly Programming & Colour - Computerphile.VQgqMQcnAvA.mkv | 30M |
| 20180313.Computers in Film & TV - Computerphile.uhOWldMIPoo.mkv | 30M |
| 20180315.Cold Noses & Thermal Images - Computerphile.ZmjaqhRukz8.mkv | 27M |
| 20180321.Social Media Data - Computerphile.4b-s3pisfh8.mkv | 22M |
| 20180323.Stolen Bitcoin Tracing - Computerphile.UlLN0QERWBs.mkv | 23M |
| 20180328.'War Games' IMSAI 8080 - Computerphile.trf2Nb1mXIc.mkv | 17M |
| 20180404.Atomic Processing - Computerphile.Kmt14S7yR7w.mkv | 55M |
| 20180406.Atari 2600 VCS & Adventure - Computerphile.W7roWLrbwao.mkv | 33M |
| 20180410.Why Bitcoin is Not Cash - Computerphile.p9HH_dFcoLc.mkv | 16M |
| 20180412.Privacy 'Underground' - Computerphile.Sv0Vbt8A1Vo.mkv | 23M |
| 20180418.Radio Shack's TRS80 - Computerphile.mobkoq8Ol4M.mkv | 13M |
| 20180424.GOTO, Goto & Goto - Computerphile.FGAWniPGKjc.mkv | 18M |
| 20180427.Atari 2600 VCS Programming - Computerphile.fce39nQm9TY.mkv | 44M |
| 20180501.Where did Bytes Come From - Computerphile.ixJCo0cyAuA.mkv | 35M |
| 20180504.DEC PDP-11 & Zork - Computerphile.gYng1yypNCA.mkv | 37M |
| 20180508.IBM, EBCDIC & A Meg-In-A-Box - Computerphile.FUIqtevjod4.mkv | 26M |
| 20180510.AI Gridworlds - Computerphile.eElfR_BnL5k.mkv | 21M |
| 20180516.Lisp, The Quantum Programmer's Choice - Computerphile.svmPz5oxMlI.mkv | 17M |
| 20180518.Code vs Data (Metaprogramming) - Computerphile.dw-y3vNDRWk.mkv | 21M |
| 20180522.Hello World (Assemblers, Considered Harmful!) - Computerphile.rf6oFSEdbKI.mkv | 56M |
| 20180524.Save our Software - Computerphile.vskNak4TeRs.mkv | 17M |
| 20180530.Current State of Quantum Computing - Computerphile.PN7mPYcWFKg.mkv | 16M |
| 20180601.Quantum Instruction Set - Computerphile.ZN0lhYU1f5Q.mkv | 49M |
| 20180606.Deep Learning - Computerphile.TJlAxW-2nmI.mkv | 20M |
| 20180613.Encoder Decoder Network - Computerphile.1icvxbAoPWc.mkv | 16M |
| 20180615.Bitcoin Mining in 4 Minutes - Computerphile.wTC31ZI6QM4.mkv | 11M |
| 20180619.Bitcoin Power Problem - Computerphile.eq96L30SK6I.mkv | 27M |
| 20180621.Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) & Douglas Adams' 42 - Computerphile.RDoYo3yOL_E.mkv | 37M |
| 20180626.Crypto-jacking - Computerphile.vMIZKtVruH8.mkv | 23M |
| 20180628.Binary to BCD (Double Dabble Algorithm) - Computerphile.eXIfZ1yKFlA.mkv | 33M |
| 20180704.Atomic Auto-focus - Computerphile.ny-cfjhqHKE.mkv | 33M |
| 20180706.Where GREP Came From - Computerphile.NTfOnGZUZDk.mkv | 28M |
| 20180710.Inside a Crypto-Mining Operation - Computerphile.Dx7KvlrpZps.mkv | 18M |
| 20180713.Video Streaming Problems - Computerphile.bSTEIWmI3z8.mkv | 47M |
| 20180718.Brian Kernighan Q&A - Computerphile.zmYhR8cUX90.mkv | 24M |
| 20180720.Brian Kernighan Q&A 2_3 - Computerphile.VVpRj3Po6K4.mkv | 27M |
| 20180725.Brian Kernighan Q&A 3_3 - Computerphile.E6vtRm5M8I0.mkv | 20M |
| 20180727.First Microcomputer OS - CP_M - Computerphile.XtnES6HnUL8.mkv | 21M |
| 20180801.Driverless Pods - Computerphile.U9mQbmgBD30.mkv | 26M |
| 20180803.Using CP_M - Computerphile.zcH-UK4JPM0.mkv | 17M |
| 20180807.What Happens When I Press a Key - Computerphile.ewE8b7zzej0.mkv | 49M |
| 20180809.How Software Deals with Key Presses - Computerphile.AcZrSn48X4o.mkv | 47M |
| 20180815.Omnidirectional VR Treadmill - Computerphile.vKdJvG6NlGo.mkv | 18M |
| 20180823.Code Libraries - Computerphile.FQAQTXE_vt4.mkv | 35M |
| 20180830.Autodrive Project - Computerphile.7dmJMEMGojY.mkv | 26M |
| 20180905.Exploiting the Tiltman Break - Computerphile.-hrNWRtDr7Y.mkv | 78M |
| 20180907.Laser Cut Music Box - Computerphile.-GC3tJzbuYo.mkv | 13M |
| 20180911.GSM Phone on a Conference Badge - Computerphile.X2vkHRM4dHg.mkv | 33M |
| 20180914.Why Build Colossus (Bill Tutte) - Computerphile.1f82-aTYNb8.mkv | 25M |
| 20180917.Musical Glove - Computerphile.MpWPt4YYyjg.mkv | 26M |
| 20180920.World's Biggest Drivable Hexapod Robot - Computerphile.iUBd35sBMqc.mkv | 41M |
| 20180925.Hacked Star Map - Computerphile.T25wKfF9ieI.mkv | 14M |
| 20180927.Discussion, Consumer Tech Stasis - Computerphile.kJ5WcQfbDZY.mkv | 15M |
| 20181002.High Speed Internet in a Field - Computerphile.394BLf2wikk.mkv | 42M |
| 20181004.AI & Logical Induction - Computerphile.gDqkCxYYDGk.mkv | 74M |
| 20181011.3D Light Cube - Computerphile.dHrnP4ZNdaI.mkv | 15M |
| 20181011.Mini Battle Robot - Computerphile.PmavgTvAEDU.mkv | 23M |
| 20181016.Hardware Hacking - Computerphile.eOPLQxGNmHA.mkv | 31M |
| 20181019.Detecting Faces (Viola Jones Algorithm) - Computerphile.uEJ71VlUmMQ.mkv | 37M |
| 20181024.Turing, Tutte & Tunny - Computerphile.pCAKq0JCcdI.mkv | 112M |
| 20181030.eXploit X - 'Give Me Root' - Computerphile.3vCpYgaZpiw.mkv | 34M |
| 20181101.How Face ID Works... Probably - Computerphile.mwTaISbA87A.mkv | 29M |
| 20181106.Infinite Data Structures - To Infinity & Beyond! - Computerphile.bnRNiE_OVWA.mkv | 44M |
| 20181113.What's Behind Port Smash - Computerphile.k6PzjGwyKuY.mkv | 46M |
| 20181116.Instant Messaging and the Signal Protocol - Computerphile.DXv1boalsDI.mkv | 27M |
| 20181121.Endianness Explained With an Egg - Computerphile.NcaiHcBvDR4.mkv | 39M |
| 20181123.Double Ratchet Messaging Encryption - Computerphile.9sO2qdTci-s.mkv | 30M |
| 20181128.BEAST & The GPU Cluster - Computerphile.RG2Z7Xgthb4.mkv | 36M |
| 20181204.MapReduce - Computerphile.cvhKoniK5Uo.mkv | 18M |
| 20181207.Multiple Processor Systems - Computerphile.3RvkfuXUv1c.mkv | 62M |
| 20181212.Apache Spark - Computerphile.tDVPcqGpEnM.mkv | 20M |
| 20181214.Multithreading Code - Computerphile.7ENFeb-J75k.mkv | 55M |
| 20181218.What's your Favourite Programming Language (sound check Q) - Computerphile.p8-rZOCn5rQ.mkv | 20M |
| 20181221.Separable Filters and a Bauble - Computerphile.SiJpkucGa1o.mkv | 29M |
| 20181227.Additional Processors - Computerphile.CDpL9wOQcus.mkv | 49M |
| 20190102.Error Correction & International Book Codes - Computerphile.bqtE6Q79PPs.mkv | 66M |
| 20190111.X & the Book Code - Computerphile.JZ-qjmZZE4g.mkv | 51M |
| 20190116.Press Play on Tape (Bandersnatch) - Computerphile.UdCekY8Hopo.mkv | 61M |
| 20190118.Secure Copy Vulnerability (SCP) - Computerphile.fcesKgfSPq4.mkv | 28M |
| 20190123.Hackspace Tour - Computerphile.NlKjFZwW3Ts.mkv | 27M |
| 20190129.What's Up With Group Messaging - Computerphile.Q0_lcKrUdWg.mkv | 30M |
| 20190131.How Secure Shell Works (SSH) - Computerphile.ORcvSkgdA58.mkv | 27M |
| 20190206.Robot Snake - Computerphile.qCtXsTaEscM.mkv | 40M |
| 20190209.Robotic Fish - Computerphile.F1tS-qGCE0U.mkv | 15M |
| 20190213.Video Game & Complex Bokeh Blurs - Computerphile.vNG3ZAd8wCc.mkv | 34M |
| 20190216.Parsing - Computerphile.r6vNthpQtSI.mkv | 17M |
| 20190220.Reed Solomon Encoding - Computerphile.fBRMaEAFLE0.mkv | 40M |
| 20190222.Deep Learned Super-Sampling (DLSS) - Computerphile._DPRt3AcUEY.mkv | 34M |
| 20190226.Soft Robots - Computerphile.BLE5yhS3k3I.mkv | 16M |
| 20190301.Floating Point Numbers (Part1 - Fp vs Fixed) - Computerphile.f4ekifyijIg.mkv | 54M |
| 20190305.Floating Point Numbers (Part2 - Fp Addition) - Computerphile.782QWNOD_Z0.mkv | 26M |
| 20190312.Have You Been Pwned - Computerphile.hhUb5iknVJs.mkv | 25M |
| 20190315.Hello (World) Abstraction! - Computerphile.ycl1VL0q1rs.mkv | 54M |
| 20190325.Will Graphene Replace Silicon - Computerphile.WhnDtTW0uII.mkv | 33M |
| 20190328.Ordered Dithering - Computerphile.IviNO7iICTM.mkv | 30M |
| 20190403.ZX Spectrum Prototype - Computerphile.bq4NzvNZhc0.mkv | 29M |
| 20190405.Active (Machine) Learning - Computerphile.ANIw1Mz1SRI.mkv | 16M |
| 20190409.Error Diffusion Dithering - Computerphile.ico4fJfohMQ.mkv | 16M |
| 20190411.Commodore 116 - Computerphile.owAvwkrSKHw.mkv | 24M |
| 20190417.GUI Programming Introduction - Computerphile.odjdWym0t4I.mkv | 27M |
| 20190423.Commodore 16 & The Worst Video Game - Computerphile.NRUw4oDRYfg.mkv | 34M |
| 20190426.Virtual Humans (Embodied Conversational Agents) - Computerphile.42_lCOayS6s.mkv | 35M |
| 20190501.How Password Managers Work - Computerphile.w68BBPDAWr8.mkv | 26M |
| 20190503.GUI - Under the Hood - Computerphile.ptcHHXp1PEU.mkv | 54M |
| 20190509.JSON, not Jason - Computerphile.A0hoqSkyY7o.mkv | 17M |
| 20190515.What is Big Data - Computerphile.H4bf_uuMC-g.mkv | 30M |
| 20190524.PiDP-11 Retro Computer Build - Computerphile.0n3UFtiyxwA.mkv | 26M |
| 20190531.Dealing with Dynamic Data - Computerphile.vsTImsK6z4Q.mkv | 49M |
| 20190607.Computing With Art - Computerphile.FGiBHsUkVzU.mkv | 36M |
| 20190614.Bootstrapping with T-Diagrams - Computerphile.PjeE8Bc96HY.mkv | 40M |
| 20190621.Fingerprint Recognition - Computerphile.xD88Qs_DZp4.mkv | 29M |
| 20190626.AI Language Models & Transformers - Computerphile.rURRYI66E54.mkv | 53M |
| 20190702.Low Spec Gaming - Computerphile.TapVcZawoPQ.mkv | 48M |
| 20190704.Unicorn AI - Computerphile.89A4jGvaaKk.mkv | 26M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis - Computerphile.NxYEzbbpk-4.mkv | 2.0M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 0 - Introduction to Data Analysis - Computerphile.8GIbOJtUw8w.mkv | 30M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 1 - What is Data - Computerphile.SEeQgNdJ6AQ.mkv | 29M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 2 - Data Visualisation - Computerphile.j6ClFJhnG18.mkv | 53M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 3 - Cleaning Data - Computerphile.zVImIQuqjQ0.mkv | 35M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 4 - Data Transformation - Computerphile.ms6EV1pG3tc.mkv | 50M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 5 - Data Reduction - Computerphile.8k56bvhXw4s.mkv | 41M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 6 - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - Computerphile.TJdH6rPA-TI.mkv | 50M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 7 - Clustering - Computerphile.KtRLF6rAkyo.mkv | 38M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 8 - Classifying Data - Computerphile.1opLSwlqBSI.mkv | 53M |
| 20190709.Data Analysis 9 - Data Regression - Computerphile.ek0yyL8iV7I.mkv | 42M |
| 20190717.More GPT-2, the 'writer' of Unicorn AI - Computerphile.p-6F4rhRYLQ.mkv | 45M |
| 20190720.Self Compiling Compilers - Computerphile.lJf2i87jgFA.mkv | 53M |
| 20190724.GPT-2 - Why Didn't They Release It - Computerphile.AJxLtdur5fc.mkv | 22M |
| 20190730.Before Raspberry Pi and Arduino - Computerphile.fErUu217Pu0.mkv | 66M |
| 20190801.Zebras, Horses & CycleGAN - Computerphile.T-lBMrjZ3_0.mkv | 46M |
| 20190807.Multi Programming - Computerphile.MB0yDMQj1lU.mkv | 49M |
| 20190814.Almost All Web Encryption Works Like This (SP Networks) - Computerphile.DLjzI5dX8jc.mkv | 35M |
| 20190821.Raspberry Pi 4 on the Raspberry Pi 4 - Computerphile.e-lZa4qgxmM.mkv | 20M |
| 20190828.Packet Radio (Post Apocalyptic Internet) - Computerphile.lx6cm1rNDLM.mkv | 41M |
| 20190830.Web 3.0 & Privacy - Computerphile.rervzX0LIrk.mkv | 31M |
| 20190903.Favourite Shortcut Key (Soundcheck Question) - Computerphile.IquufaqHoGc.mkv | 21M |
| 20190906.'Accidental' CrossCompiler - Computerphile.9kp0yUA-KgQ.mkv | 60M |
| 20190912.The UNCOL Problem - Computerphile.pP_zIJSp3WA.mkv | 53M |
| 20190918.OS Context Switching - Computerphile.DKmBRl8j3Ak.mkv | 46M |
| 20190924.VR with 3D Printed Props - Computerphile.EiUUFdUFyIU.mkv | 36M |
| 20190927.Computer Speeds - Computerphile.0UnFN7yyMaA.mkv | 19M |
| 20191001.Recursion 'Super Power' (in Python) - Computerphile.8lhxIOAfDss.mkv | 34M |
| 20191004.Improving Intermediate Codes - Computerphile.TiJn9D6lZ-Y.mkv | 57M |
| 20191008.Halting Problem in Python - Computerphile.r__GZ7ubU0M.mkv | 12M |
| 20191010.Porting Compilers - Computerphile.9W0Vxa6eqjA.mkv | 32M |
| 20191016.Optical Flow - Computerphile.5AUypv5BNbI.mkv | 22M |
| 20191018.Optic Flow Solutions - Computerphile.4v_keMNROv4.mkv | 33M |
| 20191023.Vectoring Words (Word Embeddings) - Computerphile.gQddtTdmG_8.mkv | 37M |
| 20191030.Digital Storytelling - Computerphile.-Elq8f0X1g8.mkv | 19M |
| 20191104.First Contact (Internet at 50) - Computerphile.zqcoPrvXSqg.mkv | 21M |
| 20191106.First Time on the Internet (Internet at 50) - Computerphile.m4ErHic6gcA.mkv | 59M |
| 20191113.Parsing Explained - Computerphile.bxpc9Pp5pZM.mkv | 40M |
| 20191115.How Alexa Works (Probably!) - Computerphile.Qt4lliKBjRw.mkv | 23M |
| 20191120.One Encryption Standard to Rule Them All! - Computerphile.VYech-c5Dic.mkv | 21M |
| 20191122.AES Explained (Advanced Encryption Standard) - Computerphile.O4xNJsjtN6E.mkv | 36M |
| 20191127.Parsing Bottom Up - Computerphile.tH5AOX9929g.mkv | 29M |
| 20191204.Immutability - Computerphile.8Sf6ToPNiA4.mkv | 21M |
| 20191210.Yoda Parsing - Computerphile.ggxEzR2VRNU.mkv | 20M |
| 20191217.Erlang Programming Language - Computerphile.SOqQVoVai6s.mkv | 40M |
| 20191221.Alderson Loop - Computerphile.Rh1IQwXy3Y8.mkv | 24M |
| 20191226.Tabs or Spaces (Soundcheck Question) - Computerphile.8ryt45ShyYI.mkv | 19M |
| 20191230.Millennium Bug (20yrs on) - Computerphile.BGrKKrsIpQw.mkv | 39M |
| 20200109.Regular Expressions - Computerphile.528Jc3q86F8.mkv | 49M |
| 20200115.Gaming Museum - Computerphile.ZD0jXucHXUQ.mkv | 39M |
| 20200117.Email Endianness Problems - Computerphile.eKjBiy0OPkY.mkv | 15M |
| 20200123.Sega Megadrive Hello World - Computerphile.gNHCxH35wYU.mkv | 31M |
| 20200128.Using Regular Expressions - Computerphile.6gddK-cOxYc.mkv | 32M |
| 20200130.AI Safety Gym - Computerphile.31rU-VzF5ww.mkv | 30M |
| 20200205.Functional Parsing - Computerphile.dDtZLm7HIJs.mkv | 59M |
| 20200207.Multi-Dimensional Data (as used in Tensors) - Computerphile.DfK83xEtJ_k.mkv | 25M |
| 20200212.Python Sudoku Solver - Computerphile.G_UYXzGuqvM.mkv | 26M |
| 20200214.How Autofocus Works - Computerphile.B-TOUPXytw4.mkv | 46M |
| 20200219.Feistel Cipher - Computerphile.FGhj3CGxl8I.mkv | 20M |
| 20200227.RegEx Roman Numerals - Computerphile.M3x5Z3iIoSU.mkv | 40M |
| 20200304.Coding Trees in Python - Computerphile.7tCNu4CnjVc.mkv | 58M |
| 20200311.Nintendo NES FamiCom Creator - Computerphile.EbL9OFlxwV8.mkv | 46M |
| 20200313.128 Bit or 256 Bit Encryption - Computerphile.pgzWxOtk1zg.mkv | 23M |
| 20200318.Why My Computer Wants to Forget (How Dynamic Memory Works) - Computerphile.0A1e8eceIsY.mkv | 33M |
| 20200325.VPN & Remote Working - Computerphile.1mtSNVdC7tM.mkv | 26M |
| 20200401.Curried Functions - Computerphile.psmu_VAuiag.mkv | 17M |
| 20200408.Taming Kerberos - Computerphile.qW361k3-BtU.mkv | 37M |
| 20200415.TCP Meltdown - Computerphile.AAssk2N_oPk.mkv | 51M |
| 20200422.50 Years of Computer Science - Professor Brailsford Q&A - Computerphile.XyKAXsMI-Zs.mkv | 42M |
| 20200430.Contact Tracing Technology - Computerphile.EgIg90cFRVw.mkv | 59M |
| 20200506.The Joys of Updating & Upgrading - Computerphile.tuEztAfb4Bk.mkv | 30M |
| 20200514.The Video Conferencing Problem - Computerphile.DkIhI59ysXI.mkv | 77M |
| 20200521.Modes of Operation - Computerphile.Rk0NIQfEXBA.mkv | 41M |
| 20200527.Tail Recursion Explained - Computerphile._JtPhF8MshA.mkv | 29M |
| 20200604.ALGOL 60 at 60 - Computerphile.T-NTEc8Ag-I.mkv | 41M |
| 20200610.Pong, Python & Pygame 00 - Computerphile.JRLdbt7vK-E.mkv | 29M |
| 20200611.Pong, Python & PyGame 01 - Computerphile.hHtb-Ohyfu8.mkv | 22M |
| 20200616.Pong, Python & Pygame 10 - Computerphile.Nk3Och0I4ZY.mkv | 41M |
| 20200617.Pong, Python & PyGame 11 - Computerphile.VyrAVNoEf0g.mkv | 46M |
| 20200626.Slopes of Machine Learning - Computerphile.Jd55bul1VHo.mkv | 32M |
| 20200701.GPT3 - An Even Bigger Language Model - Computerphile._8yVOC4ciXc.mkv | 45M |
| 20200709.How DNS Works - Computerphile.uOfonONtIuk.mkv | 16M |
| 20200715.How eBooks Work - Computerphile.59kyZH6sgpc.mkv | 49M |
| 20200722.DNS Cache Poisoning - Computerphile.7MT1F0O3_Yw.mkv | 25M |
| 20200730.'Real' Programmers & Drum Memory - Computerphile.XS3UBuZ7D34.mkv | 23M |
| 20200805.Mike Pound Q&A - Computerphile.Y6ePTiCo0oY.mkv | 55M |
| 20200814.Pascal (Not Just Nickel & Dime) - Computerphile.SVYBJlCmRxE.mkv | 32M |
| 20200820.What NOT to do - Self Modifying Code - Computerphile.SWU_DgjSwRU.mkv | 22M |
| 20200826.Laziness in Python - Computerphile.5jwV3zxXc8E.mkv | 30M |
| 20200901.1111111111111111111111111111111 & Unix Epoch - Computerphile.QOeWxA9sXFY.mkv | 20M |
| 20200910.Brain-Like (Neuromorphic) Computing - Computerphile.Qow8pIvExH4.mkv | 41M |
| 20200917.Enhancing Video Conferencing - Computerphile.RhnXR7KULFQ.mkv | 30M |
| 20200924.ALGOL 68 Instead of Pascal - Computerphile.TdzsB-iYj4Y.mkv | 29M |
| 20201001.The Knapsack Problem & Genetic Algorithms - Computerphile.MacVqujSXWE.mkv | 25M |
| 20201007.Story of Mel - Computerphile.sB1lRnZVv30.mkv | 18M |
| 20201013.Facebook's Code Checker - Computerphile.tKR2UZdRpV0.mkv | 26M |
| 20201023.Transport Layer Security (TLS) - Computerphile.0TLDTodL7Lc.mkv | 44M |
| 20201030.The First Internet Worm (Morris Worm) - Computerphile.2QwMv0_Rkec.mkv | 39M |
| 20201106.TLS Handshake Explained - Computerphile.86cQJ0MMses.mkv | 32M |
| 20201113.Random Boolean Networks - Computerphile.mCML2B94rUg.mkv | 35M |
| 20201120.Distance Vector Algorithm (Bellman Ford) - Computerphile.NdKcjKfJocE.mkv | 31M |
| 20201127.Program Correctness - Computerphile.T_IINWzQhow.mkv | 36M |
| 20201204.RWALL (Remote Write to All) - Computerphile.UtRJcZx3Grs.mkv | 33M |
| 20201211.What are Digital Signatures - Computerphile.s22eJ1eVLTU.mkv | 19M |
| 20201218.Brute Forcing The Countdown Numbers Game - Computerphile.cVMhkqPP2YI.mkv | 26M |
| 20201223.How the Computer Mouse Works - Computerphile.F8cpLd6KJWI.mkv | 31M |
| 20201230.ALOHAnet - Grandfather of All Computer Networks - Computerphile.oKrUGRVwFBI.mkv | 24M |
| 20210108.Prime Numbers & RSA Encryption Algorithm - Computerphile.JD72Ry60eP4.mkv | 27M |
| 20210115.How NOT to Sample Audio! - Computerphile.VQOdmckqNro.mkv | 26M |
| 20210122.'Anonymous' Location Data Problems - Computerphile.Pivd71NYKDA.mkv | 28M |
| 20210129.How Traceroute Works (Building a Movie Scene 'Trace' Map) - Computerphile.75yKT3OuE44.mkv | 39M |