1 00:00:01,130 --> 00:00:03,830 I saw the grossest thing this morning, and it was floating. 2 00:00:03,960 --> 00:00:05,300 -In the air? -No, no. 3 00:00:05,430 --> 00:00:07,060 In the water fountain outside the school. 4 00:00:07,200 --> 00:00:09,630 -I don't want to hear about this. -GORDO: I do. 5 00:00:12,800 --> 00:00:16,830 Good morning. Lawrence Tudgeman III here with your morning announcements. 6 00:00:17,460 --> 00:00:20,130 So, what exactly was floating in the water fountain? 7 00:00:20,900 --> 00:00:24,630 So, whoever put the "you know what" in the water fountain this morning, 8 00:00:24,760 --> 00:00:26,860 the principal is going to find out who you are. 9 00:00:27,000 --> 00:00:29,160 Joey. I mean, not that I'd tell anybody. 10 00:00:29,300 --> 00:00:32,260 Joey. So, let's just forget that I ever said it, okay? 11 00:00:32,400 --> 00:00:33,460 Joey. 12 00:00:33,660 --> 00:00:35,600 I would not want to be Joey. 13 00:00:36,100 --> 00:00:37,830 I would not want to be Tudgeman. 14 00:00:38,200 --> 00:00:42,500 Anyway, next Monday, we will be voting on class favorites. 15 00:00:42,660 --> 00:00:45,960 Great. Yet another opportunity to make students feel inadequate. 16 00:00:46,300 --> 00:00:48,830 The categories are Best Looking... 17 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:50,030 Cheerleader. 18 00:00:50,130 --> 00:00:51,360 Best Dressed... 19 00:00:51,760 --> 00:00:52,800 Cheerleader. 20 00:00:52,860 --> 00:00:56,230 Most Poised and Most Likely to Succeed. 21 00:00:58,600 --> 00:00:59,600 Hi, Joey. 22 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:04,960 [LOUD CRASHING OVER PA] 23 00:01:05,900 --> 00:01:07,360 I guess the announcements are over. 24 00:01:07,430 --> 00:01:09,830 [SCHOOL BELL RINGING] 25 00:01:10,760 --> 00:01:13,200 So, who do you think will win Best Looking? 26 00:01:13,560 --> 00:01:14,630 Kate or Claire. 27 00:01:14,760 --> 00:01:17,130 -What about Best Dressed? -Whoever doesn't win Best Looking. 28 00:01:17,260 --> 00:01:20,460 -How about Most Poised? -Hey, I could win that one. 29 00:01:20,900 --> 00:01:25,260 Poised? Balanced? Easy-mannered? Graceful? 30 00:01:28,130 --> 00:01:29,160 Ahh! 31 00:01:29,760 --> 00:01:30,860 Ooh! 32 00:01:31,460 --> 00:01:32,560 Okay, maybe not. 33 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:35,800 That sounds more like you, Miranda. 34 00:01:35,960 --> 00:01:37,130 -You think? -Yeah. 35 00:01:37,260 --> 00:01:39,800 I mean, you haven't tripped, fallen or spilled anything on yourself 36 00:01:39,930 --> 00:01:41,000 the whole entire year. 37 00:01:41,130 --> 00:01:42,230 Neither have I. 38 00:01:42,360 --> 00:01:43,960 Or blown up any science experiments. 39 00:01:44,030 --> 00:01:46,830 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 40 00:01:47,400 --> 00:01:48,860 That was a long time ago. 41 00:01:49,300 --> 00:01:51,200 -People remember. -GORDO: Fine. 42 00:01:51,630 --> 00:01:53,760 Then I'm going for Most Photographed this year. 43 00:01:53,900 --> 00:01:55,030 Is that even a category? 44 00:01:55,200 --> 00:01:58,630 When the yearbook first comes out, what's the thing that everyone does? 45 00:01:58,760 --> 00:02:00,530 Draw a mustache on Coach Kelly's picture. 46 00:02:02,330 --> 00:02:03,600 No, no, after that. 47 00:02:03,730 --> 00:02:06,000 They all count how many times they got their picture in it. 48 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:08,860 There's my hand. That counts. 49 00:02:09,460 --> 00:02:10,530 I don't do that. 50 00:02:11,030 --> 00:02:12,530 How many times were you in the last yearbook? 51 00:02:13,060 --> 00:02:14,160 Three. 52 00:02:14,430 --> 00:02:15,630 I think it was three. 53 00:02:16,730 --> 00:02:19,400 [CLOCK TICKING] 54 00:02:19,460 --> 00:02:20,530 Five! 55 00:02:20,660 --> 00:02:22,960 See? Everybody keeps the count. 56 00:02:23,130 --> 00:02:26,600 So this year, I'm going to set a record. I'm going to be everywhere. 57 00:02:27,360 --> 00:02:28,400 Thank you very much. 58 00:02:30,930 --> 00:02:34,000 [THEME SONG PLAYING] 59 00:03:11,560 --> 00:03:14,460 Well, I definitely think that you're Most Poised material. 60 00:03:14,660 --> 00:03:16,500 I don't really feel like most anything. 61 00:03:16,630 --> 00:03:19,700 That's what Kate wants you think. That way, you never even try. 62 00:03:19,960 --> 00:03:22,060 It's her way of maintaining the status quo. 63 00:03:22,800 --> 00:03:23,800 "Status quo"? 64 00:03:23,930 --> 00:03:26,500 It means that Kate wants to keep things the way they are. 65 00:03:26,660 --> 00:03:28,060 Why didn't you just say that? 66 00:03:28,360 --> 00:03:29,400 I did. 67 00:03:29,800 --> 00:03:32,630 Well, I say, no more quo. 68 00:03:32,760 --> 00:03:34,430 If someone completely normal 69 00:03:34,600 --> 00:03:37,100 came to school dressed in an outrageously hip outfit, 70 00:03:37,230 --> 00:03:38,660 well, then they'd get the vote. 71 00:03:39,260 --> 00:03:40,960 -So do it. -Me? 72 00:03:41,200 --> 00:03:42,660 All you have to do is be better dressed 73 00:03:42,730 --> 00:03:44,500 than Kate or Claire for this one day. 74 00:03:44,860 --> 00:03:47,800 And win Best Dressed. You can break the status cow! 75 00:03:48,300 --> 00:03:49,700 -"Quo." -Whatever. 76 00:03:51,430 --> 00:03:52,700 I wouldn't know what to wear. 77 00:03:53,030 --> 00:03:55,530 There's a hot new pair of hip-huggers in the window at the Style Shack. 78 00:03:55,660 --> 00:03:57,800 All the music video people get their clothes there. 79 00:03:58,260 --> 00:04:00,260 Kate and Claire might as well not even show up. 80 00:04:00,430 --> 00:04:03,260 All you have to do is outdress Kate and Claire for one day, 81 00:04:03,400 --> 00:04:06,500 and you'll be Best Dressed in the yearbook forever. 82 00:04:07,530 --> 00:04:08,560 Forever? 83 00:04:10,930 --> 00:04:12,000 Ever. 84 00:04:15,860 --> 00:04:17,300 Hey, Mom. There you are. 85 00:04:17,960 --> 00:04:19,930 Hey, listen. Monday is yearbook voting, 86 00:04:20,060 --> 00:04:22,200 and I was hoping to maybe make Best Dressed. 87 00:04:22,460 --> 00:04:25,300 Best Dressed? Are they still voting on that? 88 00:04:25,700 --> 00:04:27,630 It's so materialistic. 89 00:04:29,060 --> 00:04:31,430 -It'd be cool if you won, though, huh? -Exactly. 90 00:04:31,560 --> 00:04:35,830 I remember when I was your age, Coco Newbury always won Best Dressed. 91 00:04:40,430 --> 00:04:42,900 Well, listen. You want me to help you with anything? 92 00:04:43,030 --> 00:04:44,860 You need anything washed or ironed? 93 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:47,760 Actually, there's this really cool pair of hip-huggers at the Style Shack 94 00:04:47,900 --> 00:04:48,930 and this awesome top. 95 00:04:49,060 --> 00:04:51,900 -Well, how much? Tell me. -$110. 96 00:04:52,360 --> 00:04:53,860 $110? 97 00:04:54,560 --> 00:04:57,200 Honey, this household runs on a budget! 98 00:04:58,400 --> 00:05:01,630 A budget? I couldn't possibly be on a budget. 99 00:05:02,460 --> 00:05:03,600 I'd run out of money! 100 00:05:05,300 --> 00:05:07,560 But, Mom, this is an emergency. 101 00:05:08,160 --> 00:05:09,600 A clothes emergency. 102 00:05:09,730 --> 00:05:11,860 Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, 103 00:05:11,930 --> 00:05:14,300 but the money tree in the backyard died! 104 00:05:14,360 --> 00:05:17,130 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 105 00:05:17,230 --> 00:05:19,000 I thought you wanted to help me win. 106 00:05:19,130 --> 00:05:22,100 Well, I want to, but this house still runs on a budget. 107 00:05:22,230 --> 00:05:24,030 I mean, we just put new brake shoes on the car. 108 00:05:24,500 --> 00:05:27,100 Great! The car gets new shoes before I do. 109 00:05:35,130 --> 00:05:39,100 Better not lose that. It's going to be worth a lot one day. 110 00:05:39,230 --> 00:05:41,200 -Really? -Yep. 111 00:05:41,330 --> 00:05:43,830 Your son's a star! 112 00:05:44,700 --> 00:05:47,300 Are they still running that Cardio Punch ad? 113 00:05:47,360 --> 00:05:49,160 -[DRAGON GROWLING] -[CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 114 00:05:49,230 --> 00:05:51,760 The Uncle Wendell Show is taping at the ball park. 115 00:05:51,900 --> 00:05:54,860 Matt made this crazy face and cracked everybody up. 116 00:05:55,000 --> 00:05:56,900 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 117 00:05:57,230 --> 00:05:58,660 The Uncle Wendell Show? 118 00:05:59,100 --> 00:06:01,130 I think I watched that when I was still in diapers. 119 00:06:01,260 --> 00:06:03,200 So, you're still watching it? 120 00:06:03,260 --> 00:06:04,300 Mm. 121 00:06:04,360 --> 00:06:06,160 They asked us to bring Matt back next week. 122 00:06:06,230 --> 00:06:07,360 MATT: And every week! 123 00:06:07,930 --> 00:06:10,060 They said I had "pizzazz." 124 00:06:10,400 --> 00:06:12,730 I'm sure they did, because I can smell it from here. 125 00:06:12,860 --> 00:06:13,860 Mom! 126 00:06:14,030 --> 00:06:16,460 Now, now. My son, the TV star. 127 00:06:16,700 --> 00:06:18,700 My brother, the Uncle Wendell dork. 128 00:06:19,300 --> 00:06:20,330 Lizzie. 129 00:06:20,460 --> 00:06:22,330 Mom, I mean "dork" in a very loving way. 130 00:06:23,000 --> 00:06:25,760 Listen, what do you say you and I go through your closet 131 00:06:25,900 --> 00:06:27,730 and try to put together a few new outfits? 132 00:06:27,860 --> 00:06:30,330 Mom, everybody at school has already seen my clothes. 133 00:06:30,460 --> 00:06:32,660 You lost to Coco and I'm going to lose to Kate. 134 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:37,430 Coco? 135 00:06:38,700 --> 00:06:40,160 I remember Coco. 136 00:06:40,700 --> 00:06:42,660 -She was hot. -She was not hot. 137 00:06:42,930 --> 00:06:45,100 She was just well dressed. 138 00:06:48,400 --> 00:06:50,100 MATT: Four hundred and ninety eight, 139 00:06:50,230 --> 00:06:51,900 four hundred and ninety nine, 140 00:06:52,260 --> 00:06:53,430 five hundred. 141 00:06:53,600 --> 00:06:55,800 -Morning, sweety. -Good morning. 142 00:06:55,930 --> 00:06:58,360 -What are you doing? -I'm making copies of my picture. 143 00:06:58,560 --> 00:07:01,130 Let's see. Five hundred and six. 144 00:07:01,330 --> 00:07:02,730 Five hundred and seven. 145 00:07:02,860 --> 00:07:06,260 -Five hundred? -Five hundred one, five hundred two. 146 00:07:06,400 --> 00:07:08,760 -Five hundred? -Five hundred and one... 147 00:07:08,860 --> 00:07:11,400 -[PRINTER BEEPING] -Mom, we're out of paper. 148 00:07:11,960 --> 00:07:13,330 We're out of paper? 149 00:07:13,500 --> 00:07:16,160 You used all the paper making copies of your picture? 150 00:07:16,600 --> 00:07:19,060 They're not for me. They're for my fans. 151 00:07:26,530 --> 00:07:27,630 Morning, Mom. 152 00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:29,200 Morning, sweetheart. 153 00:07:31,800 --> 00:07:35,730 I just want to say that I was up all night, tossing and turning, 154 00:07:35,860 --> 00:07:37,730 but I think I have worked it all out. 155 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:39,300 That's terrific, Mom. 156 00:07:39,730 --> 00:07:43,630 Great, so, I would like to take you bargain-hunting on Saturday. 157 00:07:43,930 --> 00:07:45,000 Ba... 158 00:07:45,500 --> 00:07:46,530 Bargain-hunting? 159 00:07:46,600 --> 00:07:49,930 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 160 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:52,500 -Great! -[SIGHS] 161 00:07:52,900 --> 00:07:54,700 It's called Style Shack for a reason. 162 00:07:54,960 --> 00:07:56,400 I'm not going to be voted Best Dressed 163 00:07:56,530 --> 00:07:59,030 wearing last year's rejects from a bargain basement. 164 00:08:10,760 --> 00:08:11,760 Excuse me? 165 00:08:12,260 --> 00:08:15,260 Are you that goofy-faced kid from the Uncle Wendell Show? 166 00:08:15,400 --> 00:08:17,960 Why, yes. Yes, I am. 167 00:08:18,100 --> 00:08:19,800 Can I have your autograph? 168 00:08:20,500 --> 00:08:22,600 Why, yes. Yes, you can. 169 00:08:25,430 --> 00:08:26,430 Turn around. 170 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:34,700 -Here you go. -Thanks. 171 00:08:36,260 --> 00:08:37,800 And so it begins. 172 00:08:41,930 --> 00:08:44,160 Hey, so, where are the pants from the Smiley Shack? 173 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:46,660 -Actually, it's Style Shack. -Oh. 174 00:08:46,730 --> 00:08:49,600 And they're still being worn by the world's best dressed mannequin. 175 00:08:50,430 --> 00:08:52,060 -What's that? -Oh, this? 176 00:08:52,200 --> 00:08:54,360 This is a map of the school, but this, 177 00:08:54,500 --> 00:08:57,560 this is a list of where the photographer will be next week. 178 00:08:57,700 --> 00:08:59,700 Wherever he is, you'll find me. 179 00:09:06,330 --> 00:09:08,630 LIZZIE: Wow! I never realized Miranda was so... 180 00:09:09,400 --> 00:09:10,500 poised. 181 00:09:10,630 --> 00:09:12,360 Hey, guys. Catch this. 182 00:09:12,500 --> 00:09:13,700 I've had people come up to me 183 00:09:13,860 --> 00:09:16,330 and tell me they're going to vote for me as Most Poised. 184 00:09:16,660 --> 00:09:18,730 Me! Maybe a Most. 185 00:09:18,860 --> 00:09:21,800 This is so exciting. My best friend, Most Poised. 186 00:09:21,960 --> 00:09:23,930 And Gordo is going to be Most Photographed. 187 00:09:24,060 --> 00:09:28,400 And after we go to the mall, Lizzie McGuire, Best Dressed. 188 00:09:29,260 --> 00:09:30,700 Actually, no mall. 189 00:09:30,830 --> 00:09:33,200 My mom has decided to take me bargain-hunting. 190 00:09:33,860 --> 00:09:36,300 Bargain-hunting? Is she serious? 191 00:09:36,460 --> 00:09:41,600 How are you supposed to outdress Kate and Claire with bargains? 192 00:09:41,730 --> 00:09:42,730 I can't. 193 00:09:42,900 --> 00:09:45,500 Well, if you want, we can go halfsies on Most Photographed. 194 00:09:48,760 --> 00:09:50,900 You know, Lizzie, you could always borrow some clothes. 195 00:09:51,130 --> 00:09:54,330 Yeah, that'd be great, but stores don't lend out their clothes. 196 00:09:54,460 --> 00:09:56,900 You know, I've heard of people buying their clothes for special occasions, 197 00:09:57,030 --> 00:09:59,400 wearing it and then returning it and getting their money back. 198 00:09:59,600 --> 00:10:01,460 All you have to do is tuck a few price tags. 199 00:10:01,630 --> 00:10:03,330 And avoid all damages. 200 00:10:03,460 --> 00:10:04,830 Oh! That's a must. 201 00:10:05,100 --> 00:10:07,730 Well, I don't have enough money to buy the pants in the first place. 202 00:10:07,860 --> 00:10:08,900 Well, how much are they? 203 00:10:09,030 --> 00:10:11,830 Well, $65, but I've only saved up $10. 204 00:10:11,960 --> 00:10:14,200 Well, I've got $30 from my birthday. 205 00:10:14,300 --> 00:10:17,100 [CLOCK TICKING] 206 00:10:17,160 --> 00:10:19,760 Fine, fine. I've got $30, too. 207 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:22,560 There's no downside to this investment, right? 208 00:10:22,730 --> 00:10:25,960 No, we buy the pants tomorrow and we get our money back on Monday. 209 00:10:26,100 --> 00:10:28,760 But I'm supposed to go bargain-hunting with my mom tomorrow. 210 00:10:28,960 --> 00:10:30,330 So, tell her we're going to study. 211 00:10:30,460 --> 00:10:32,600 Which we will, after we go to the mall. 212 00:10:36,560 --> 00:10:38,200 Do you really think that this is going to work? 213 00:10:38,330 --> 00:10:39,460 Absolutely! 214 00:10:40,030 --> 00:10:41,700 What if I spill something on them? 215 00:10:42,530 --> 00:10:44,860 I'll be leading the way, keeping you out of harm's way. 216 00:10:44,930 --> 00:10:46,900 I'll be very poised! 217 00:10:48,830 --> 00:10:50,330 Gordo, what are you doing? 218 00:10:50,430 --> 00:10:53,260 I'm just practicing my hit and run photo-crashing. 219 00:10:53,400 --> 00:10:54,930 See, I'm going to be in all the club pictures 220 00:10:55,030 --> 00:10:57,460 before they even realize I'm not in their club. 221 00:10:57,660 --> 00:10:58,700 Okay. 222 00:11:04,030 --> 00:11:07,360 I don't wanna look at clothes! Clothes are boring. 223 00:11:07,500 --> 00:11:08,760 Fine, I'll just be a few minutes. 224 00:11:08,830 --> 00:11:10,400 We can meet back at the fountain, okay? 225 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:14,530 [SIGHS] 226 00:11:15,330 --> 00:11:16,900 These must be the ones. 227 00:11:22,730 --> 00:11:25,830 It's the goofy-faced kid from the Uncle Wendell Show! 228 00:11:26,360 --> 00:11:28,600 -Here, take this. -Okay, sure. 229 00:11:30,930 --> 00:11:32,000 Smile. 230 00:11:33,960 --> 00:11:35,900 [MUTTERING INDISTINCTLY] 231 00:11:35,960 --> 00:11:38,130 [KIDS CLAMORING] 232 00:11:38,230 --> 00:11:39,830 Yeah, okay. Why not? 233 00:11:42,260 --> 00:11:45,960 Hey, everybody, it's the goofy-faced kid from the Uncle Wendell Show! 234 00:11:51,160 --> 00:11:53,500 Uh, all right. Easy there now. 235 00:11:57,360 --> 00:11:58,530 Hey, wait. 236 00:12:00,900 --> 00:12:04,260 Hey! I got a piece of the goofy-faced kid's shirt. 237 00:12:04,400 --> 00:12:06,030 -Come on, Matt, let's go! -KID: Get him! 238 00:12:28,600 --> 00:12:30,630 -Where'd he go? -That way! 239 00:12:51,200 --> 00:12:52,500 [ALL PANTING] 240 00:12:52,600 --> 00:12:55,160 -You see anybody? -No. I think we lost them. 241 00:12:56,130 --> 00:12:58,230 Going through the car wash and the alley helped. 242 00:12:58,360 --> 00:13:00,000 -Yeah. -Good work, Dad. 243 00:13:00,860 --> 00:13:02,700 Did you ever work for the Secret Service? 244 00:13:04,060 --> 00:13:06,060 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 245 00:13:07,100 --> 00:13:08,730 I'm not at liberty to discuss that. 246 00:13:08,830 --> 00:13:11,200 [PANTING] 247 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:12,600 Ah! 248 00:13:19,930 --> 00:13:21,330 -Morning, Matt. -Howdy. 249 00:13:21,830 --> 00:13:22,860 What do you have planned today? 250 00:13:23,260 --> 00:13:25,730 Right. Like I could go somewhere. 251 00:13:26,130 --> 00:13:27,260 Did we ground you? 252 00:13:27,900 --> 00:13:30,230 Dad, please. I can't go out there. 253 00:13:30,500 --> 00:13:33,030 The people. They can't control themselves. 254 00:13:33,160 --> 00:13:35,400 So you're never going outside anymore? 255 00:13:35,830 --> 00:13:36,930 Let's face it, Mom. 256 00:13:37,100 --> 00:13:41,660 I'm destined to the reclusive life of a lonely, eccentric celebrity. 257 00:13:42,730 --> 00:13:43,930 Well, I'll be in my room. 258 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:46,730 If you want in, knock three times fast, then yell... 259 00:13:46,800 --> 00:13:48,930 [WHOOPING] 260 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:51,060 If you want in my room, don't say that. 261 00:13:51,360 --> 00:13:54,300 Okay, Lizzie, it's our day to go find those clothes you want. 262 00:13:54,500 --> 00:13:56,330 This is going to be so much fun. 263 00:13:58,360 --> 00:14:02,130 I can't lie to my mom, but I can't wear bargains. 264 00:14:02,200 --> 00:14:03,300 Ooh! 265 00:14:03,400 --> 00:14:06,030 Oh, my gosh! Mom, I completely forgot. 266 00:14:06,660 --> 00:14:08,730 Gordo and I are going over to Miranda's house 267 00:14:08,900 --> 00:14:10,400 to study for a really big test. 268 00:14:10,860 --> 00:14:13,360 Oh, I thought you and I would... Well, that's okay. 269 00:14:13,730 --> 00:14:15,700 School comes first. I know your sizes. 270 00:14:19,300 --> 00:14:20,330 [SIGHS] 271 00:14:21,100 --> 00:14:24,760 Where is the button for "lower than low"? That's how I feel. 272 00:14:42,300 --> 00:14:49,230 [COWS MOOING] 273 00:14:59,730 --> 00:15:04,860 [CATS MEOWING] 274 00:15:18,600 --> 00:15:20,530 [LION ROARS] 275 00:15:35,460 --> 00:15:36,530 Yes! 276 00:16:05,900 --> 00:16:07,530 Best Dressed, here I come. 277 00:16:07,600 --> 00:16:09,330 -[KNOCKING ON DOOR] -Just a second. 278 00:16:11,360 --> 00:16:12,400 [SIGHS] 279 00:16:12,460 --> 00:16:13,500 Come in. 280 00:16:14,430 --> 00:16:15,660 Look what I got! 281 00:16:19,460 --> 00:16:22,830 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 282 00:16:22,900 --> 00:16:24,730 Oh, I have one more thing. 283 00:16:29,600 --> 00:16:32,360 Now, I know you really wanted the pants at the Style Shack, 284 00:16:32,500 --> 00:16:34,230 but I thought you might like these. 285 00:16:35,830 --> 00:16:40,600 Wow! Not hideous. Not Style Shack, but not hideous. 286 00:16:40,900 --> 00:16:43,660 They're fantastic, Mom, and you got these on sale? 287 00:16:43,830 --> 00:16:46,160 Honey, I spent less on all this stuff 288 00:16:46,300 --> 00:16:48,400 than I would have spent on that one pair of pants 289 00:16:48,560 --> 00:16:49,630 from the Style Shack. 290 00:16:51,830 --> 00:16:55,060 Now you go out there and you win Best Dressed. 291 00:17:01,960 --> 00:17:02,960 Yeah. 292 00:17:06,300 --> 00:17:08,360 Oh, hey, you don't want to go in there. 293 00:17:08,430 --> 00:17:10,160 The toilets overflowed. 294 00:17:10,400 --> 00:17:11,500 It's so... 295 00:17:11,560 --> 00:17:12,630 [FLUSHING] 296 00:17:12,700 --> 00:17:13,730 [MOUTHING] Bye! 297 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:17,160 Oh! So, how many clubs have you gotten into so far? 298 00:17:17,300 --> 00:17:18,360 MATT: A lot! 299 00:17:18,430 --> 00:17:20,430 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 300 00:17:23,430 --> 00:17:26,430 And I just slipped into the Safety Patrol picture. 301 00:17:26,500 --> 00:17:28,860 [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] 302 00:17:37,200 --> 00:17:38,360 Wow! 303 00:17:38,500 --> 00:17:40,430 Lizzie, those pants are sweet! 304 00:17:40,760 --> 00:17:44,200 And I'd like to thank my mom and dad and the Style Shack! 305 00:17:44,560 --> 00:17:46,930 Thanks. Okay, are you guys ready for this day? 306 00:17:47,330 --> 00:17:49,960 Are you kidding? Today is our day. 307 00:17:50,100 --> 00:17:52,460 Today, we make yearbook history. 308 00:17:52,600 --> 00:17:54,460 Okay, Best Dressed. 309 00:17:54,600 --> 00:17:56,360 Most Photographed. 310 00:17:56,500 --> 00:17:57,600 Most Poised. 311 00:18:03,130 --> 00:18:04,260 MATT: Look out. 312 00:18:10,960 --> 00:18:13,160 The pants! They're ruined. 313 00:18:13,260 --> 00:18:16,600 [ALL LAUGHING] 314 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:18,860 I guess Most Poised is out of reach. 315 00:18:19,860 --> 00:18:22,130 Well, at least that's one more picture I'm in. 316 00:18:22,230 --> 00:18:23,230 [SIGHS] 317 00:18:27,560 --> 00:18:30,230 Okay. I don't even want to talk about it. Let's just get to class. 318 00:18:30,500 --> 00:18:31,700 Okay. 319 00:18:31,830 --> 00:18:34,000 You know, I bet people still love the clothes your mom bought. 320 00:18:34,130 --> 00:18:36,130 Then you can still win Best Dressed. 321 00:18:36,260 --> 00:18:39,430 No, no! Forget about winning. What am I going to do about the pants? 322 00:18:39,560 --> 00:18:41,060 I can't even return them now. 323 00:18:41,500 --> 00:18:42,860 Hey, Lizzie, I love those pants. 324 00:18:43,700 --> 00:18:45,960 These are bargain basement pants, people. 325 00:18:46,960 --> 00:18:48,360 But they are kind of cool. 326 00:18:48,760 --> 00:18:50,660 Hey, Lizzie, very cool pants. 327 00:18:51,730 --> 00:18:52,830 Thanks. 328 00:18:53,500 --> 00:18:56,900 I wish I had never seen these pants. How stupid was I? 329 00:18:57,830 --> 00:19:00,500 I ruined a pair of pants that none of us can afford to buy, 330 00:19:00,660 --> 00:19:01,800 and I lied to my mom. 331 00:19:02,200 --> 00:19:03,430 -"None of us"? -"None of us"? 332 00:19:16,860 --> 00:19:19,130 Matt, what's wrong, honey? 333 00:19:20,630 --> 00:19:22,760 What's the worst thing that could have happened? 334 00:19:25,900 --> 00:19:26,930 Are you okay? 335 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:28,160 [DOORBELL RINGS] 336 00:19:28,230 --> 00:19:29,230 I'll get it. 337 00:19:31,500 --> 00:19:32,560 Well, tell me. 338 00:19:33,900 --> 00:19:37,360 Just when I was climbing the ladder of fame and fortune, 339 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:39,100 I get squashed like a bug. 340 00:19:39,830 --> 00:19:40,930 What happened? 341 00:19:41,400 --> 00:19:43,500 The Uncle Wendell Show went on a hiatus, 342 00:19:43,630 --> 00:19:46,700 but everyone knows that means it's cancelled. 343 00:19:50,000 --> 00:19:52,500 I've got ten dozen 344 00:19:52,630 --> 00:19:55,360 "Matt, the Uncle Wendell Show guy" T-shirts here. 345 00:19:55,500 --> 00:19:58,200 The guy at the door says we owe him $360. 346 00:20:00,100 --> 00:20:01,660 -Yikes! -SAM: Yeah, yikes! 347 00:20:02,460 --> 00:20:03,900 Matt! Matt! 348 00:20:03,960 --> 00:20:06,130 [MATT YELLING] 349 00:20:08,860 --> 00:20:12,300 Mom, why are you putting toilet paper in the kitchen cabinet? 350 00:20:12,730 --> 00:20:15,630 Well, I saved money buying the 50-roll package, 351 00:20:15,760 --> 00:20:18,660 but I ran out of places to put all of them. 352 00:20:18,760 --> 00:20:20,930 Oh, let me help you. 353 00:20:23,160 --> 00:20:24,160 Hey. 354 00:20:24,660 --> 00:20:26,430 Did Kate win Best Dressed? 355 00:20:27,200 --> 00:20:28,200 No. 356 00:20:30,030 --> 00:20:32,600 Claire did, but that's okay. 357 00:20:32,900 --> 00:20:33,930 It is? 358 00:20:34,130 --> 00:20:36,900 Yeah, because, by the end of the day, 359 00:20:37,030 --> 00:20:40,330 every girl at school wanted to know where I had gotten my clothes from. 360 00:20:40,730 --> 00:20:41,900 That's great! 361 00:20:43,260 --> 00:20:46,730 But the problem is, I don't know where my new clothes came from. 362 00:20:47,060 --> 00:20:51,600 And I really wish I did, because that would have meant that 363 00:20:51,730 --> 00:20:54,000 I would have spent a whole great day shopping with you. 364 00:20:55,060 --> 00:20:59,060 Mom, I really want you to know that I appreciate everything that you did. 365 00:21:00,030 --> 00:21:03,860 And next time you go bargain-hunting, would it be okay if I came with you? 366 00:21:04,230 --> 00:21:05,930 -I would love that. -Me, too. 367 00:21:10,100 --> 00:21:13,230 A new pair of hip-huggers from the Style Shack, $65. 368 00:21:13,860 --> 00:21:18,260 A more popular pair of hip-huggers from Nel's Clothes Closet, $12.95. 369 00:21:18,500 --> 00:21:20,860 An afternoon of hiding toilet paper and laughing with my mom. 370 00:21:21,030 --> 00:21:22,360 Oh! Hey! 371 00:21:22,430 --> 00:21:23,600 ANIMATED LIZZIE: Priceless. 372 00:21:29,260 --> 00:21:30,360 MAN: Deep breath. 373 00:21:30,430 --> 00:21:31,860 [INHALES AND EXHALES] 374 00:21:31,930 --> 00:21:34,300 I'm just kidding. Okay, wait. Um... 375 00:21:34,360 --> 00:21:36,300 No, no, no, no, no! Well, you know what I'd say? 376 00:21:36,730 --> 00:21:37,800 Should we go back? 377 00:21:39,560 --> 00:21:42,160 There's a hot new pair of hip-huggers in the window at the... 378 00:21:42,330 --> 00:21:43,700 Agh! 379 00:21:43,960 --> 00:21:45,030 Style Shack. 380 00:21:45,160 --> 00:21:46,660 I'll be very poised. 381 00:21:46,760 --> 00:21:47,930 [LAUGHS] 382 00:21:48,530 --> 00:21:49,930 [LAUGHING] 383 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:51,130 What are you doing? 384 00:21:51,260 --> 00:21:53,630 Where's the button for lower than low? 385 00:21:54,230 --> 00:21:55,460 [BLABBERING] 386 00:21:57,500 --> 00:21:59,660 Today, I just slipped into the... 387 00:22:01,960 --> 00:22:08,860 [THEME MUSIC PLAYING]