SEEBURG BACKGROUND MUSiC COLLECTION V1 COMPiLED BY ewk ====================== DATE: 2023/7/31 ====================== SiZE: 42.2 GiB ======================= FORMAT: AAC/WEBM ===================== ====================================== Here is a large collection of Seeburg background music from the 1950s onward digitized and shared by several YouTube channels.. Full record sides were favored over individual tracks, although a few were grabbed by mistake (hope to clean this up later). ====================================== In the future I hope to include other labels like Muzak and SCA but this will have to do for the time being. Some of these channels upload daily and I expect this collection to become dated pretty quickly so stay tuned. ====================================== (in the event that i never make a V2 i've included the list of channels and the yt-dlp script i wrote so you can keep this collection up to date) ======================================