1 00:00:22,001 --> 00:00:27,166 "Youth is blessed only in that it holds the promise of a future. " - Nikolai Gogol 2 00:00:27,172 --> 00:00:29,508 Crimes committed by juvenile offenders have grown ever more 3 00:00:29,600 --> 00:00:32,508 heinous, with many sending shockwaves throughout society. 4 00:00:32,511 --> 00:00:36,040 This is the story of some young people who lost touch with reality, 5 00:00:36,511 --> 00:00:38,040 and acted according to their basest desires. 6 00:01:07,939 --> 00:01:10,103 I wonder why it turned out this way. 7 00:01:13,104 --> 00:01:17,103 What kind of a person am l? 8 00:01:38,164 --> 00:01:40,564 Sensei, you wanted to see me? 9 00:01:41,334 --> 00:01:46,533 Osugi, you came. Bring him over here. 10 00:01:50,210 --> 00:01:51,507 Get over here! 11 00:02:09,262 --> 00:02:13,028 You think you're hot shit because you won a Tokyo tournament, don't you? 12 00:02:22,008 --> 00:02:24,238 We've had about enough of you! 13 00:02:24,277 --> 00:02:26,302 We're taking you out! 14 00:02:42,362 --> 00:02:45,627 I was the best at that tournament! You want a piece of me? 15 00:03:03,049 --> 00:03:05,711 I guess just one opponent isn't enough of a challenge. 16 00:03:05,718 --> 00:03:07,811 Cut the shit, you assholes. 17 00:03:09,155 --> 00:03:12,716 We're gonna make sure you never walk again. Osugi! 18 00:03:13,927 --> 00:03:16,725 We'II take you to a better 'dojo'. 19 00:03:32,045 --> 00:03:37,073 Did he just call me an asshole? My hearing isn't so good these days. 20 00:03:37,116 --> 00:03:39,710 Maybe it's just my imagination. 21 00:03:49,963 --> 00:03:56,300 I'II have to go talk to your teacher again, I can't take this anymore! 22 00:03:56,336 --> 00:03:59,601 - It's humiliating; don't go. - You've been beaten to a pulp... 23 00:03:59,639 --> 00:04:01,470 It's gone beyond embarrassment. 24 00:04:01,507 --> 00:04:04,999 If you do go and talk to the teacher, what do you think the judo club members will do next? 25 00:04:09,082 --> 00:04:12,916 Fine, then I'II call the police. 26 00:04:12,952 --> 00:04:16,217 - What the fuck?! I'II take care of it. Just forget about it. - But, Tatsuo... 27 00:04:16,256 --> 00:04:19,020 Look, you've never given a shit about me, and now isn't the time to start! 28 00:04:19,058 --> 00:04:21,458 You just pay attention to other people's children. 29 00:04:21,728 --> 00:04:26,461 I teach the piano to children. It's not my fault. 30 00:04:26,499 --> 00:04:30,629 If it's not your fault, then neither is this. It's a Iittle Iate to start playing mommy. 31 00:04:30,970 --> 00:04:35,100 I'm telling you this because I care about you. 32 00:04:39,045 --> 00:04:42,606 You say you care, but you don't show it! 33 00:04:43,216 --> 00:04:46,879 Tell the school whatever you want. I'm quitting. 34 00:05:10,009 --> 00:05:15,709 Tatsuo... what are you doing just sitting there? 35 00:05:17,817 --> 00:05:21,150 Pay attention to the job. 36 00:05:25,191 --> 00:05:30,720 You're the worst employee I have. 37 00:05:32,131 --> 00:05:35,430 When I was your age, I tried a Iittle harder. 38 00:05:37,870 --> 00:05:45,106 I got kicked out of high school and did time at a reformatory. 39 00:05:45,645 --> 00:05:51,709 But I worked hard, and now I have my own company - a small one. 40 00:05:53,720 --> 00:05:58,316 Give it your best - I'II Iook out for you. 41 00:06:01,961 --> 00:06:03,360 Get back to work. 42 00:06:37,163 --> 00:06:39,825 I wish things were fun, Iike before. 43 00:06:48,341 --> 00:06:51,674 Why don't you move back in? 44 00:06:53,479 --> 00:06:56,539 Will you Iet us get married? 45 00:06:56,582 --> 00:07:02,919 Honey, marriage isn't that simple. You need money. 46 00:07:02,955 --> 00:07:05,355 Can't you wait till you're at Ieast 20? 47 00:07:06,793 --> 00:07:10,194 No, I can't wait. That's why I moved out in the first place. 48 00:07:10,229 --> 00:07:13,357 Think about this a bit more carefully. 49 00:07:14,867 --> 00:07:19,702 'Carefully'? You're the one to talk... 50 00:07:20,907 --> 00:07:22,807 You got divorced. 51 00:07:25,645 --> 00:07:29,103 Your father's the one who wanted the divorce. 52 00:07:29,615 --> 00:07:31,981 Don't blame dad. 53 00:07:35,221 --> 00:07:38,657 - Where are you going? - Home. 54 00:07:42,695 --> 00:07:45,926 You shouldn't talk down to her. You're a bad mother. 55 00:07:46,566 --> 00:07:49,694 I'm not a bad mother. What a thing to say! 56 00:07:49,769 --> 00:07:51,430 Shut up, you selfish bitch! 57 00:07:51,471 --> 00:07:54,736 I've done my best for you two. 58 00:07:54,774 --> 00:07:56,742 I don't want to talk to you! 59 00:07:57,643 --> 00:07:59,372 Don't go! 60 00:08:14,460 --> 00:08:19,090 I got into it with some high school kids the other day... 61 00:08:19,131 --> 00:08:24,262 It was more trouble than it was worth, so I got down on my knees and paid them off. 62 00:08:24,670 --> 00:08:26,695 That's pathetic! 63 00:08:26,739 --> 00:08:28,502 You've done your share of time in prison, I reckon. 64 00:08:28,541 --> 00:08:30,133 You're right. 65 00:08:30,776 --> 00:08:33,677 You're better off Iiving clean. 66 00:08:35,214 --> 00:08:38,843 I'm talking to you, Tatsuo... 67 00:08:40,119 --> 00:08:41,950 don't wind up Iike us. 68 00:08:44,090 --> 00:08:46,923 You wanna get married, don't you? 69 00:08:47,894 --> 00:08:48,861 Eat. 70 00:08:50,396 --> 00:08:52,421 You should get married sometime, too. 71 00:09:06,145 --> 00:09:08,375 What did you do at the junior high school? 72 00:09:08,414 --> 00:09:11,212 I want to hear you say it. 73 00:09:15,288 --> 00:09:17,813 You think if you don't talk, I won't know! Idiot! 74 00:09:18,324 --> 00:09:20,019 Tokyo Juvenile Correction Center 75 00:09:20,059 --> 00:09:21,924 That hurts. 76 00:09:23,596 --> 00:09:26,326 Lighten up a Iittle. Don't be so rough. 77 00:09:36,208 --> 00:09:38,233 - Hey, Mr. Katagiri. - Tatsuo. 78 00:09:38,277 --> 00:09:41,075 They Iet me off with probation. Thanks for your help. 79 00:09:42,615 --> 00:09:43,741 That's good. 80 00:09:45,318 --> 00:09:47,718 I hope you've Iearned your Iesson. 81 00:09:49,088 --> 00:09:50,646 Get to work. 82 00:09:57,863 --> 00:10:00,195 - Get your act together. - Oh yeah, sorry. 83 00:10:06,339 --> 00:10:07,601 Thanks. 84 00:10:11,544 --> 00:10:12,806 Tatsuo! 85 00:10:19,085 --> 00:10:20,916 When did you get out? 86 00:10:42,408 --> 00:10:44,069 Our promise? 87 00:10:45,044 --> 00:10:51,882 To save up enough money to get married by the time we're 20. 88 00:10:52,718 --> 00:10:54,913 Why do you have to nag me all the time? 89 00:10:55,421 --> 00:10:58,288 Because if I don't, you forget. 90 00:10:58,290 --> 00:11:00,349 I said I was sorry. 91 00:11:02,795 --> 00:11:03,955 Drop it. 92 00:11:07,266 --> 00:11:08,631 I'm going home. 93 00:11:18,411 --> 00:11:20,538 - She cries for you. - What? 94 00:11:20,579 --> 00:11:23,412 She says she gets Ionely when you're not around. 95 00:11:30,723 --> 00:11:32,918 If you're going to go, then go. 96 00:11:35,227 --> 00:11:36,626 Hey, Tatsuo. 97 00:11:36,662 --> 00:11:38,061 What do you want? 98 00:11:38,597 --> 00:11:43,330 What's wrong with you? I've been worried about you. 99 00:11:44,003 --> 00:11:47,370 Shut your mouth. Go fuck your whore or something! 100 00:12:00,753 --> 00:12:03,119 Oh, Rina, you're home. 101 00:12:05,491 --> 00:12:08,426 Don't you think that skirt is a Iittle short? 102 00:12:08,861 --> 00:12:11,921 Oh, gross. You dirty old man! 103 00:12:26,045 --> 00:12:29,412 God, Tatsuo, you don't hit your own mother! 104 00:12:29,448 --> 00:12:31,211 Girls need hitting sometimes! 105 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:34,344 If you don't stop, I'II call your father. 106 00:12:34,386 --> 00:12:38,345 Then call him! He's probably humping his whore, even as we speak! 107 00:12:41,794 --> 00:12:43,887 You make me sick! Bitch! 108 00:12:53,939 --> 00:12:57,841 Tatsuo... Grow up. 109 00:12:58,778 --> 00:13:02,737 Hitting your own mother is just plain wrong. 110 00:13:06,051 --> 00:13:11,011 You should be grateful to her for taking care of you for this Iong. 111 00:13:11,056 --> 00:13:12,523 The bitch hasn't done a thing for me. 112 00:13:12,558 --> 00:13:20,397 Imbecile! You might think so now, but you're wrong. 113 00:13:22,201 --> 00:13:26,797 When I was finally grateful to my parents, they were already Iong dead. 114 00:13:30,476 --> 00:13:31,704 Fine, then. 115 00:13:33,078 --> 00:13:38,710 Starting next month, I'm going to start giving part of your paycheck to your mother. 116 00:13:38,751 --> 00:13:42,949 You should Iearn to respect your parents while you're still young. Otherwise it'II be too Iate. 117 00:13:42,988 --> 00:13:45,252 Is that acceptable to you, Mrs. Osugi? 118 00:13:45,291 --> 00:13:47,486 Yes, thank you. 119 00:13:48,561 --> 00:13:52,395 Tatsuo, you Iisten to Mr. Katagiri, and do what he says. 120 00:13:52,431 --> 00:13:57,869 Shut the fuck up! I've gotta save up to get married. I promised Kayoko. 121 00:13:57,903 --> 00:13:59,962 You really want to get married? 122 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:04,071 Then work hard so you can take care of yourself. 123 00:14:05,177 --> 00:14:09,307 Then I'II give you a raise. You got that, Tatsuo? 124 00:14:22,228 --> 00:14:24,059 A present for getting out of the hole? 125 00:14:29,401 --> 00:14:30,129 Here. 126 00:14:31,370 --> 00:14:33,702 - What is it? - A teacup. 127 00:14:42,448 --> 00:14:43,938 It's the same as mine. 128 00:14:48,153 --> 00:14:49,313 Thanks. 129 00:15:06,372 --> 00:15:08,203 We have to talk. 130 00:15:10,309 --> 00:15:11,936 You two wait here. 131 00:15:19,385 --> 00:15:25,483 This place is a mess! It stinks too! 132 00:15:29,862 --> 00:15:31,329 Hey, there... 133 00:15:37,736 --> 00:15:41,900 What the... Ain't you Tatsuo? 134 00:15:42,174 --> 00:15:43,573 Oh, Shimada. 135 00:15:44,643 --> 00:15:46,543 What the hell are you doing? 136 00:15:48,714 --> 00:15:54,346 So this is the kind of work you ended up in? You really hit rock bottom! 137 00:15:54,787 --> 00:15:56,687 This job is actually kind of interesting. 138 00:15:57,289 --> 00:16:00,452 It's satisfying to see the work completed. 139 00:16:00,526 --> 00:16:03,689 I feel the same way. 140 00:16:03,729 --> 00:16:10,032 I'm just rank and file now, but pretty soon, I'II be a made man. 141 00:16:11,103 --> 00:16:13,333 I'm getting married - to Kayoko Matsuyama. 142 00:16:13,372 --> 00:16:16,535 With Kayoko? Hey, that's great. 143 00:16:16,575 --> 00:16:19,703 I'd never go off and do something dumb Iike getting married, though. 144 00:16:20,612 --> 00:16:22,170 You play the hand you're dealt. 145 00:16:22,214 --> 00:16:25,183 Getting married will probably make you even gloomier. 146 00:16:27,486 --> 00:16:30,978 You should join the syndicate. 147 00:16:31,390 --> 00:16:37,522 Be a yakuza. Walk with your head high. It's good, it is. 148 00:16:39,298 --> 00:16:40,595 Look... 149 00:16:42,568 --> 00:16:47,733 +2 million. You'd Iike it. 150 00:16:49,074 --> 00:16:56,071 Oh, by the way, who was that - the girl that you were dating in junior high? 151 00:16:57,916 --> 00:17:02,819 Hey, we're done here. Let's go for a drink. 152 00:17:02,855 --> 00:17:08,851 Understood, chief. Uh, chief, this guy's an old friend... 153 00:17:09,261 --> 00:17:12,719 - Can I bring him along tonight? - Fine. 154 00:17:13,966 --> 00:17:18,403 This is one of my boys, could you Ieave him be? 155 00:17:19,571 --> 00:17:25,373 No harm in having a Iittle drink now and again, is there, Katahira? 156 00:17:29,081 --> 00:17:32,141 OK, Iaddie, we're outta here. 157 00:17:32,217 --> 00:17:35,414 Thanks, chief. Let's go. 158 00:17:43,362 --> 00:17:45,023 Mr. Katahira, this ain't kosher. 159 00:17:45,864 --> 00:17:48,833 It's out of my hands. Let's clean up. 160 00:18:04,917 --> 00:18:13,086 With an introduction from Shimada, you could make 30 grand a day. 161 00:18:16,295 --> 00:18:21,096 20 workdays in a month, that's 600K. Not bad, huh? 162 00:18:22,501 --> 00:18:25,902 You could buy a nice watch Iike this in no time. 163 00:18:25,938 --> 00:18:27,803 How about it? 164 00:18:31,510 --> 00:18:34,377 Hey, babe, Iet's Iiven things up a Iittle. 165 00:18:36,048 --> 00:18:39,745 Akemi! Yoko! Come over here. 166 00:18:44,156 --> 00:18:45,453 PIeased to meet you. 167 00:18:49,461 --> 00:18:51,361 Maybe I'II sit here. 168 00:18:59,238 --> 00:19:02,571 Wow, you're handsome! What's your name? 169 00:19:02,608 --> 00:19:03,666 Osugi. 170 00:19:08,780 --> 00:19:12,580 - How are you handling it? - So-so. 171 00:19:22,628 --> 00:19:24,061 Is that all? 172 00:19:25,964 --> 00:19:28,558 I was told 3 grand a day. 173 00:19:30,302 --> 00:19:38,004 Patience, twerp! You'II be making that haul in good time. 174 00:19:43,649 --> 00:19:46,948 - The public bath sure is nice. - Yeah. 175 00:19:48,720 --> 00:19:53,282 - Let's go even after we're married. - Sure. 176 00:19:55,327 --> 00:19:59,161 - How much have you saved? - What? 177 00:19:59,231 --> 00:20:03,292 Your savings. You were practically seven days a week, 178 00:20:03,368 --> 00:20:06,531 so I figured you probably have quite a bit. 179 00:20:06,572 --> 00:20:08,597 AII you talk about is money. 180 00:20:08,640 --> 00:20:12,701 Gee, I just want to marry you ASAP! 181 00:20:14,146 --> 00:20:21,177 Once we have children, we're going to need money. 182 00:20:21,220 --> 00:20:22,312 What? 183 00:20:25,357 --> 00:20:27,348 I missed my period. 184 00:20:28,827 --> 00:20:30,192 You're joking. 185 00:20:32,497 --> 00:20:36,900 - You're mad? - I'm not. 186 00:20:43,942 --> 00:20:47,776 OK, I'II be right over. 187 00:20:49,114 --> 00:20:51,810 Tatsuo, watch the office while I'm gone. 188 00:20:51,817 --> 00:20:55,253 You don't have to watch reception, but answer the phone. 189 00:20:59,157 --> 00:21:01,057 Listen up when I'm talking to you! 190 00:21:05,330 --> 00:21:09,664 Damn, some day I'm going to kill that prick... 191 00:21:12,804 --> 00:21:15,705 This one's the best. This one. 192 00:21:20,579 --> 00:21:23,548 Step right up, babe. Oh... 193 00:21:25,550 --> 00:21:27,415 What are you doing here? 194 00:21:28,453 --> 00:21:33,356 Yeah, uh, I changed jobs. 195 00:21:36,061 --> 00:21:39,553 Changed jobs? What happened to Iaying tiles? 196 00:21:39,898 --> 00:21:42,696 I quit. The pay sucked. 197 00:21:48,407 --> 00:21:52,138 Tatsuo, I give up. 198 00:21:58,684 --> 00:22:00,709 I trusted you. 199 00:22:01,253 --> 00:22:04,518 Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. 200 00:22:05,557 --> 00:22:07,115 No, you don't! 201 00:22:11,263 --> 00:22:14,960 I'm going to quit sniffing glue. I promise. 202 00:22:18,970 --> 00:22:20,369 Really? 203 00:22:21,540 --> 00:22:23,235 Absolutely. I'm done. 204 00:22:24,976 --> 00:22:26,671 And the yakuza? 205 00:22:27,913 --> 00:22:31,576 I want to quit, but they'd kill me. 206 00:22:32,918 --> 00:22:35,614 Why did you want to join the yakuza? 207 00:22:35,620 --> 00:22:39,249 I thought if I saved some money, we could get married. 208 00:22:39,991 --> 00:22:43,119 But you piss it all away! You haven't saved a dime! 209 00:22:43,161 --> 00:22:46,995 If I make chief, Iife will be a Iot more comfortable for you, too. 210 00:22:47,699 --> 00:22:49,997 What are you talking about? 211 00:22:50,202 --> 00:22:54,195 I don't want money if we have to make it that way. 212 00:22:56,241 --> 00:22:57,469 That hurt! 213 00:22:58,343 --> 00:23:03,110 Oh, go ahead. Hit me if it makes you feel better. 214 00:23:49,528 --> 00:23:54,989 Maybe I'II work in a 'soapland'. 215 00:23:55,033 --> 00:23:58,002 A sex worker? Are you nuts? 216 00:24:00,238 --> 00:24:06,609 If I don't do something, we're not going to be able to get married. 217 00:24:16,788 --> 00:24:19,985 I'II take care of it. Don't worry. 218 00:24:28,467 --> 00:24:30,992 Can I quit the organization? 219 00:24:33,371 --> 00:24:36,272 Get up. I said, get up. 220 00:24:36,675 --> 00:24:39,303 Tatsuo, get a hold of yourself. 221 00:24:52,090 --> 00:24:54,024 My mind's made up. 222 00:24:55,861 --> 00:24:59,524 What's with the big talk? Calm down. 223 00:25:00,932 --> 00:25:03,457 We'II talk about it after we have a drink. 224 00:25:05,370 --> 00:25:11,775 The Iife isn't always easy at first. Give it another stab. 225 00:25:12,644 --> 00:25:16,171 You probably need a Iittle money. 226 00:25:16,615 --> 00:25:20,779 To keep the Iadies happy... Iive with style. 227 00:25:28,660 --> 00:25:34,428 You try to run, we'II put you in a block of concrete and dump you at the bottom of the fucking ocean! 228 00:25:40,272 --> 00:25:43,435 Hey, feeling better? 229 00:25:46,177 --> 00:25:50,443 Tatsuo decided to stick with the gang, didn't you? You're a hard worker. 230 00:25:51,650 --> 00:25:54,619 Why the Iong face, Tatsuo? 231 00:25:54,653 --> 00:25:58,851 I can't diss it. Life is cold and cruel outside the gang. 232 00:25:59,791 --> 00:26:04,854 I understand that. That's why I hereby dedicate my Iife to the gang. 233 00:26:07,332 --> 00:26:12,099 Use your noodle. You'II rise high in the ranks. 234 00:26:12,904 --> 00:26:14,735 This calls for a toast. 235 00:26:16,308 --> 00:26:17,741 Cheers! 236 00:26:51,610 --> 00:26:53,077 The 'Ryujin' gang? 237 00:26:54,980 --> 00:26:59,007 We need a bunch of young guys, and you're to organize them. 238 00:27:00,418 --> 00:27:03,046 You report directly to us. 239 00:27:03,088 --> 00:27:08,185 I can just form my own gang? How many do you need? 240 00:27:08,226 --> 00:27:11,491 Just tap your friends and acquaintances. 241 00:27:13,198 --> 00:27:15,962 Think big. You got it? 242 00:27:16,001 --> 00:27:18,492 What do I do after I assemble them? 243 00:27:18,536 --> 00:27:21,528 Motherfucker, stop asking so many questions! 244 00:27:22,407 --> 00:27:24,341 What does the organization do? 245 00:27:24,843 --> 00:27:27,903 It's a fighting unit to be formed in this area. It's called the Ryujin gang. 246 00:27:27,946 --> 00:27:31,313 I, of course, am the chairman. Ozaki, you can be the managing director. 247 00:27:36,521 --> 00:27:37,613 I can really be the managing director? 248 00:27:37,689 --> 00:27:40,351 - Ikeda, you're his assistant. - Yes. 249 00:27:40,392 --> 00:27:42,257 Anyhow, call all your friends and get them to join. 250 00:27:42,293 --> 00:27:46,855 - Two or three? - Think big! The bigger the better. 251 00:27:47,999 --> 00:27:49,091 Right. 252 00:27:49,434 --> 00:27:52,733 - You gotta problem? - No, I'm fine. 253 00:27:52,771 --> 00:27:55,205 - You too? - OK. 254 00:27:58,076 --> 00:28:02,274 Hey, hey, hey, get in there! 255 00:28:03,048 --> 00:28:05,642 Let go of the bag, already! 256 00:28:07,352 --> 00:28:09,786 Pony up with the cash! 257 00:28:13,758 --> 00:28:16,056 Is that all you got? 258 00:28:23,935 --> 00:28:26,096 If he finds out you're screwing his girl, you're dead. 259 00:28:26,137 --> 00:28:28,128 It'II be fine. 260 00:28:28,707 --> 00:28:31,198 Right? Is he Iistening? 261 00:28:31,609 --> 00:28:35,375 Hey, wow, I got the three dragons! 262 00:28:37,782 --> 00:28:42,082 You suck at this game. It's your third Ioss! 263 00:28:42,120 --> 00:28:43,644 Something ain't right about this. 264 00:28:43,688 --> 00:28:45,519 What are you trying to say? 265 00:28:45,790 --> 00:28:49,590 Tatsuo, some things are OK to say, others are not. 266 00:28:49,661 --> 00:28:54,689 You don't wanna make Kimura mad at you. Not at all. You have no idea! 267 00:29:07,112 --> 00:29:09,910 What the fuck?! You're home, after all. 268 00:29:09,948 --> 00:29:12,610 Your mom's such a bitch when we come over. 269 00:29:17,355 --> 00:29:18,481 I know you. 270 00:29:20,358 --> 00:29:22,485 Thank you for Iooking after my sister. 271 00:29:22,527 --> 00:29:25,018 Hey, you can join us, too. 272 00:29:27,799 --> 00:29:29,232 'The Ryujin gang'. 273 00:29:32,003 --> 00:29:33,595 No, thanks. 274 00:29:37,642 --> 00:29:42,545 Look shit stain, I told you to join! It wasn't a question. 275 00:29:43,381 --> 00:29:44,348 OK. 276 00:29:49,821 --> 00:29:51,413 This will be our office. 277 00:29:51,456 --> 00:29:53,686 Seriously? No way! His parents are here. 278 00:29:53,758 --> 00:29:56,625 We'II come and go through the window. It'II be fine. 279 00:30:17,849 --> 00:30:18,816 Here you go. 280 00:30:26,624 --> 00:30:30,424 Whoa, Iook at that. A new record. Let's do it again. 281 00:30:46,010 --> 00:30:50,811 Right, I'II get in touch with you Iater, bye. 282 00:30:55,553 --> 00:31:01,549 Ozaki, we're coming up short this month with the biker gangs. What can we do? 283 00:31:02,093 --> 00:31:05,028 Osugi has been a hard-ass about collection recently. 284 00:31:05,563 --> 00:31:08,862 Maybe we can hold a meeting and get the bikers fired up. 285 00:31:09,567 --> 00:31:11,660 They have memorials and shit Iike that. 286 00:31:15,039 --> 00:31:18,531 - That's a pain in the ass. - What can ya do? 287 00:31:21,246 --> 00:31:24,079 Couldn't we put the squeeze on high-school girls, or something? 288 00:31:45,637 --> 00:31:49,368 - You're a honey. - Don't! Stop! 289 00:31:49,407 --> 00:31:51,034 Shut the fuck up! 290 00:32:15,767 --> 00:32:18,395 Look at this, everyone! Look! 291 00:32:27,845 --> 00:32:30,370 A good day for the Ryujin gang! 292 00:32:34,852 --> 00:32:42,452 Uh, I hate to ask, but could you cut my quota from next month? 293 00:32:43,428 --> 00:32:45,123 You're soft. 294 00:32:45,763 --> 00:32:48,732 No, it's tough out there. Can you do something? 295 00:32:48,766 --> 00:32:52,634 They say hard experience is Iike money in the bank. 296 00:32:52,670 --> 00:32:59,269 Don't sweat it, kid. You got a knack for this Iine of work. 297 00:32:59,310 --> 00:33:02,677 - 'A knack'? - Horse sense. 298 00:33:04,182 --> 00:33:07,709 Get in there, you piece of shit! 299 00:33:12,056 --> 00:33:14,650 I'm sorry, please forgive me. 300 00:33:14,993 --> 00:33:16,358 You dumb fuck! 301 00:33:17,996 --> 00:33:21,363 I'm surprised it took a month to catch you. 302 00:33:21,866 --> 00:33:26,803 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't plan it this way. 303 00:33:26,838 --> 00:33:29,398 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 304 00:33:29,507 --> 00:33:30,872 You son of a bitch! 305 00:33:40,852 --> 00:33:46,017 Tatsuo, drink up. I'm buying tonight. 306 00:33:47,091 --> 00:33:50,390 Hey asshole, bring the knife! 307 00:33:51,362 --> 00:33:54,297 I'm counting on you for this one. 308 00:33:55,933 --> 00:33:57,059 Hey, Iet's go. 309 00:34:17,288 --> 00:34:21,748 - You've got it hard, too. - Why? 310 00:34:23,661 --> 00:34:25,026 You know what I mean. 311 00:34:25,696 --> 00:34:33,728 The chief made the Ryujin gang to make money for him, and to do his dirty work. 312 00:34:34,739 --> 00:34:39,039 You work for him, but he doesn't have to pay you. 313 00:34:40,678 --> 00:34:43,442 You're getting used, too. 314 00:35:04,268 --> 00:35:06,759 You two want to try it with a real, grown-up woman? 315 00:35:06,804 --> 00:35:08,499 You bet! 316 00:35:20,918 --> 00:35:25,685 Hey, Iady, need a ride? 317 00:35:25,723 --> 00:35:28,920 What are you doing? Stop! 318 00:35:44,575 --> 00:35:48,011 Get your son out here right now! He's upstairs, isn't he? 319 00:35:48,045 --> 00:35:50,878 Just a moment. PIease! 320 00:35:50,915 --> 00:35:53,543 Bring him out this instant! 321 00:35:53,584 --> 00:35:55,518 He's really not here. 322 00:35:55,586 --> 00:35:57,076 You're Iying! 323 00:35:57,121 --> 00:36:03,026 I'm not even in touch with him. PIease, go home, I beg you. 324 00:36:55,112 --> 00:36:59,606 Rape is just plain bad. 325 00:36:59,650 --> 00:37:00,844 You're right. 326 00:37:00,918 --> 00:37:03,580 What's the problem? It's fun. 327 00:37:04,121 --> 00:37:06,715 He's right. I want a piece too. 328 00:37:09,660 --> 00:37:11,525 Damn, he's gettin' into it! 329 00:37:11,562 --> 00:37:13,792 OK, you and me will get some. 330 00:37:14,065 --> 00:37:15,464 You keep quiet. 331 00:37:18,169 --> 00:37:22,162 She consented. I picked her up, she got in my car. 332 00:37:22,206 --> 00:37:24,572 Rape - I'd never stoop so Iow. 333 00:37:26,377 --> 00:37:29,778 Then why do you think she filed charges? 334 00:37:29,780 --> 00:37:32,647 I'm not Iying. You gotta believe me. 335 00:37:34,452 --> 00:37:40,152 I'm going to repeat my question: where exactly did you meet her? 336 00:37:45,096 --> 00:37:50,363 We got off the hook just denying everything. It's kind of unreal. 337 00:37:50,401 --> 00:37:53,302 I told you, you do as I say and there won't be any fuck-ups. 338 00:37:54,438 --> 00:37:58,431 You're a stud! The cops are worthless. 339 00:38:01,212 --> 00:38:05,546 - You wanna do it again? - Seriously? 340 00:38:08,786 --> 00:38:12,278 They're the ones. I know they did it. 341 00:38:12,290 --> 00:38:14,053 Don't do anything rash. 342 00:38:15,493 --> 00:38:18,394 We'II catch their asses, sooner or Iater. 343 00:38:28,039 --> 00:38:30,701 Shall we do the usual? 344 00:38:33,344 --> 00:38:35,812 Turn over. Turn over. 345 00:38:44,789 --> 00:38:49,920 We're going to get what we want, one way or the other! Just Iet us do it! 346 00:39:35,039 --> 00:39:38,372 That high-school girl. Ride up alongside her, and knock her down. 347 00:39:38,376 --> 00:39:40,810 - Then what? - Then nothing. You disappear. 348 00:39:40,845 --> 00:39:43,006 - What will you do? - Have sex. 349 00:40:14,545 --> 00:40:16,672 - Are you all right? - Yes. 350 00:40:21,152 --> 00:40:25,316 Excuse me... Sorry for the trouble. 351 00:40:26,223 --> 00:40:32,560 Looks Iike you got a bad scrape there. Let me see. Ooh, this is bad. 352 00:40:38,202 --> 00:40:42,070 Here is fine. You don't have to take me any further. 353 00:40:42,106 --> 00:40:44,006 Don't worry, I'II take you home. 354 00:40:44,041 --> 00:40:46,305 But my home is far. 355 00:40:46,343 --> 00:40:49,779 That's OK, I have my bike. I'm a Iittle worried about you, too. 356 00:40:49,780 --> 00:40:52,214 No, really, I'm OK. 357 00:40:54,785 --> 00:40:56,912 Shut up and come along quietly. 358 00:41:02,293 --> 00:41:03,726 I'm a yakuza. 359 00:41:05,095 --> 00:41:07,290 That other guy - he's my subordinate. 360 00:41:07,331 --> 00:41:11,199 One word from me and he'II burn your fucking house down. 361 00:41:12,803 --> 00:41:14,327 Don't do this! 362 00:41:14,371 --> 00:41:16,236 I've had enough of you. Come on. 363 00:41:22,480 --> 00:41:23,504 Stop! 364 00:41:39,864 --> 00:41:42,765 Ouch! You dirty bitch! 365 00:41:50,508 --> 00:41:53,944 You play nice, or I'II kill you right here. 366 00:42:58,042 --> 00:43:01,409 Hey, Ozaki, guess where I am? 367 00:43:02,680 --> 00:43:04,807 I scored me a hottie. 368 00:43:04,848 --> 00:43:09,911 You can have a piece of her, too. Come on over. 369 00:44:00,037 --> 00:44:03,996 - Hello. - Hello. 370 00:44:04,041 --> 00:44:06,134 Hurry up, assholes! 371 00:44:10,714 --> 00:44:11,738 Sorry. 372 00:44:13,050 --> 00:44:16,110 I'm going to return the bike. You watch her. 373 00:44:27,865 --> 00:44:32,268 God, he's Iate. Maybe he ditched us. 374 00:44:33,237 --> 00:44:36,798 It's cold. Let's go to your place. 375 00:44:36,840 --> 00:44:38,603 Can we just go? 376 00:44:38,642 --> 00:44:41,236 Shit, yeah! He ain't coming back. 377 00:44:54,158 --> 00:44:59,323 Recently, I ran into Shimada - you know, that guy we went to junior high with? 378 00:44:59,363 --> 00:45:02,560 We had tea and talked about old times. 379 00:45:02,599 --> 00:45:04,499 What brought that up? 380 00:45:06,537 --> 00:45:07,595 Sorry. 381 00:45:19,116 --> 00:45:21,949 - Ain't you done yet? - Just a sec. 382 00:45:23,420 --> 00:45:25,547 You probably won't be going home tonight. 383 00:45:28,859 --> 00:45:31,885 You're Iucky to have a home to go to. 384 00:45:33,197 --> 00:45:36,928 My parents always fought, and got divorced. 385 00:45:37,768 --> 00:45:43,900 They play me off each other, so I can't stand to stay with either of them. 386 00:45:52,249 --> 00:45:54,240 I feel bad for you. 387 00:46:02,059 --> 00:46:05,358 I'm Ionely... Comfort me. 388 00:46:06,697 --> 00:46:08,324 PIease stop. 389 00:46:45,636 --> 00:46:48,469 I want to stick a beer bottle in her, Mr. Osugi. Is that all right? 390 00:46:48,505 --> 00:46:50,439 Go for it! 391 00:46:53,043 --> 00:46:56,274 For God's sake, hold still! 392 00:46:57,147 --> 00:46:59,138 I want to stick in my nunchucks, Mr. Osugi. 393 00:46:59,183 --> 00:47:02,812 Nunchucks? Nothing wrong with that. 394 00:47:05,255 --> 00:47:08,747 Next up, please. Out of the way. 395 00:47:08,759 --> 00:47:10,488 Next up. 396 00:47:13,831 --> 00:47:17,164 Don't squirm, this is a tight fit! 397 00:47:24,842 --> 00:47:27,106 No way that's going in. 398 00:47:53,904 --> 00:47:56,498 You are taking this far too seriously! 399 00:47:59,276 --> 00:48:01,471 You're going too far with that. 400 00:48:05,983 --> 00:48:07,917 Get the practice sword. 401 00:48:15,859 --> 00:48:18,726 Hold her down tight. Get a good Iook. 402 00:48:18,762 --> 00:48:20,559 This is the important part. 403 00:48:21,698 --> 00:48:23,461 Could you give it a Iittle push? 404 00:48:50,027 --> 00:48:53,121 Wanna try again? Wanna try again? 405 00:48:53,330 --> 00:48:56,128 You gotta be willing to undertake challenges. 406 00:48:56,333 --> 00:48:59,791 Let's give this a try. My god, it goes in! 407 00:49:04,074 --> 00:49:06,872 This is great! Unbelievable! 408 00:49:09,413 --> 00:49:11,643 Dude, that is beyond the pale! 409 00:49:26,363 --> 00:49:29,093 We've had our fun, what say we Iet her go? 410 00:49:30,867 --> 00:49:35,099 That probably best, but, gee... 411 00:49:36,540 --> 00:49:43,139 I think we should Iet her go, but if she goes to the cops, we'II be pinched. 412 00:49:43,547 --> 00:49:44,912 Then we'II keep her. 413 00:49:44,948 --> 00:49:47,473 That's probably for the best. 414 00:49:47,951 --> 00:49:51,352 First, we'II put the fear of God into her. Then we'II Iet her go. 415 00:49:51,388 --> 00:49:56,018 That's fine by me. But I will say, you are two cold-blooded bastards! 416 00:49:58,962 --> 00:50:01,988 Someone has to watch her. 417 00:50:02,032 --> 00:50:05,399 Okazi, we'II count on you for that. The rest of us are going for a barbecue. 418 00:50:05,435 --> 00:50:06,493 Good call! 419 00:50:13,110 --> 00:50:15,476 I'm hungry... 420 00:50:26,623 --> 00:50:28,887 Don't Iook at me that way. 421 00:50:32,295 --> 00:50:37,494 It's hard for me, too, sucking up to Osugi all the time. 422 00:50:38,101 --> 00:50:42,265 This is just between you and me, right? 423 00:50:45,108 --> 00:50:49,340 If you talk, I'II know. I'II Iet you go Iater. 424 00:50:52,616 --> 00:50:55,107 I told you not to Iook at me that way! 425 00:52:39,289 --> 00:52:41,757 Have you spoken with your father? 426 00:52:42,225 --> 00:52:45,888 It's hard to talk to him recently. 427 00:52:45,929 --> 00:52:49,888 Don't worry. Go home and tell him. 428 00:52:52,669 --> 00:52:55,900 I'II definitely finish today. 429 00:52:59,176 --> 00:53:00,700 Sorry. 430 00:53:02,679 --> 00:53:05,011 You've got a boyfriend. 431 00:53:05,115 --> 00:53:07,913 It's not Iike that. 432 00:53:07,951 --> 00:53:10,442 If you have, you have to Iet me know. 433 00:53:11,021 --> 00:53:13,546 I have to be ready for that special day. 434 00:53:13,990 --> 00:53:16,424 Your father worries about you, too. 435 00:53:16,459 --> 00:53:18,893 You're reading too much into this. 436 00:54:14,618 --> 00:54:21,751 These apples are good, aren't they, mom? 437 00:54:39,109 --> 00:54:44,342 "Hi mom, I'm at a friend's place. I'II be back in two or three days. 438 00:54:44,381 --> 00:54:48,215 "So don't worry." That's all you say. 439 00:54:48,318 --> 00:54:50,309 Try anything stupid and I'II kill you. 440 00:54:59,362 --> 00:55:00,886 Yes, hello? 441 00:55:03,900 --> 00:55:05,333 Hello? 442 00:55:07,604 --> 00:55:08,935 Hello? 443 00:55:14,177 --> 00:55:19,114 Hello, mom... it's me. 444 00:55:20,250 --> 00:55:23,879 Where are you? Misaki? 445 00:55:27,891 --> 00:55:31,486 I'm at a friend's place. 446 00:55:34,798 --> 00:55:36,925 I'II be home in two or three days. 447 00:55:36,966 --> 00:55:40,697 Misaki! Misaki! 448 00:55:47,477 --> 00:55:49,342 Let me go home! 449 00:55:49,379 --> 00:55:51,210 It won't be Iong. 450 00:55:53,316 --> 00:55:57,582 I promised didn't I? You have to Iet me go. 451 00:55:57,620 --> 00:56:02,557 I know, I know. Just keep quiet. 452 00:56:57,614 --> 00:56:59,013 You wanna play? 453 00:57:13,096 --> 00:57:14,427 One more time? 454 00:57:17,100 --> 00:57:19,125 PIease Iet me go home. 455 00:57:19,836 --> 00:57:21,929 Eh? No way. 456 00:57:22,338 --> 00:57:26,035 I'm begging you, Iet me go. I promise not to tell the police. 457 00:57:26,609 --> 00:57:29,772 If I Iet you go, Osugi will kill me. 458 00:57:32,048 --> 00:57:33,538 PIease! 459 00:57:36,519 --> 00:57:37,884 No. 460 00:58:03,413 --> 00:58:05,745 Emergency services, how can I help you? 461 00:58:05,748 --> 00:58:07,010 PIease rescue me. 462 00:58:07,050 --> 00:58:08,608 First, tell me your name. 463 00:58:08,651 --> 00:58:10,243 Help me. 464 00:58:10,286 --> 00:58:11,878 Please tell me your name. 465 00:58:11,888 --> 00:58:12,980 Help me. 466 00:58:58,234 --> 00:59:01,931 Thought you could get away? Let's go. 467 00:59:03,006 --> 00:59:06,498 Yeah, my sister was playing a prank. I'm sorry for the trouble. 468 00:59:07,810 --> 00:59:11,007 That was a close shave, you bitch. 469 00:59:21,357 --> 00:59:23,825 You can't be bringing girls into the house at this time of night. 470 00:59:23,860 --> 00:59:28,661 Get the fuck outta here, twat! Nosy old hag! 471 01:00:04,500 --> 01:00:07,162 Don't you have to go home? 472 01:00:07,203 --> 01:00:11,799 She ran away from home. You want to be here, right? 473 01:00:13,876 --> 01:00:18,245 You see, you idiots? If she says she wants to stay, Iet it go. 474 01:00:18,281 --> 01:00:23,878 But her mother must be worried. She can't just not go home. 475 01:00:24,187 --> 01:00:28,283 I can't eat this shit! God, you're a Iousy cook. 476 01:00:28,358 --> 01:00:32,727 OId man, gimme an ashtray... Hurry up! 477 01:00:40,536 --> 01:00:42,299 You could at Ieast say thanks. 478 01:00:43,172 --> 01:00:44,503 Thanks. 479 01:01:02,959 --> 01:01:04,620 Hasn't this gone on Iong enough? 480 01:01:05,395 --> 01:01:07,625 It's not for us to decide. 481 01:01:07,930 --> 01:01:11,093 He said we would eventually Iet her go. 482 01:01:12,168 --> 01:01:14,102 That's not the problem. 483 01:01:14,470 --> 01:01:17,132 And how do you Iike being stuck at my house, 24/7? 484 01:01:20,109 --> 01:01:21,633 You got a point. 485 01:01:35,825 --> 01:01:36,985 Go home... 486 01:01:41,531 --> 01:01:43,431 I said you could go. 487 01:01:45,268 --> 01:01:46,826 Really? 488 01:01:51,674 --> 01:01:56,236 Well, maybe we should ask Mr. Osugi first... 489 01:02:05,421 --> 01:02:07,616 I said no such thing! 490 01:02:08,057 --> 01:02:09,251 I'm sorry. 491 01:02:12,361 --> 01:02:15,762 Try to run away, you bitch! I would have found you and beaten you to death. 492 01:02:57,006 --> 01:02:58,496 While there's still time... 493 01:03:55,398 --> 01:03:59,926 You bitch! If you escape, Mr. Osugi will have my ass! 494 01:04:07,476 --> 01:04:09,467 Who said you could let her go? 495 01:04:09,512 --> 01:04:10,877 You're hurting me! Let me go! 496 01:04:10,913 --> 01:04:12,676 Shut up, you old bitch! 497 01:04:12,715 --> 01:04:14,546 What are you doing? 498 01:04:14,584 --> 01:04:16,051 Teaching you a lesson. 499 01:04:18,988 --> 01:04:21,821 I'II make sure you never test us again. 500 01:04:29,699 --> 01:04:33,726 Now, it's time for the strip show! 501 01:04:35,538 --> 01:04:38,371 Get up! Let's get started! 502 01:04:40,576 --> 01:04:43,044 First, we'II start with the top. 503 01:04:50,586 --> 01:04:53,350 Ozaki, is this your first time? 504 01:05:25,454 --> 01:05:30,448 Who do you Iike the best? Answer me! 505 01:05:36,332 --> 01:05:37,822 Ozaki. 506 01:05:40,403 --> 01:05:42,871 Ozaki, go for it. 507 01:05:43,205 --> 01:05:44,502 Hey, Ozaki... 508 01:05:49,078 --> 01:05:50,409 What was that for? 509 01:05:50,446 --> 01:05:53,506 You can't fall in Iove without my permission! 510 01:05:53,549 --> 01:05:54,675 I'm not. 511 01:05:54,717 --> 01:05:56,810 - Really? - Really. 512 01:05:56,852 --> 01:05:58,285 OK, here's what we'II do. 513 01:05:58,821 --> 01:06:01,483 Instead of Ozaki, we'II punish you instead. 514 01:06:07,830 --> 01:06:09,593 Ikeda, take off her pants. 515 01:06:18,207 --> 01:06:19,538 Give me a Iighter. 516 01:06:22,044 --> 01:06:23,375 And Iighter fluid. 517 01:07:37,486 --> 01:07:42,219 I thought he might have come home. 518 01:07:42,258 --> 01:07:44,249 He hasn't. 519 01:07:49,765 --> 01:07:56,170 I'm sorry. He's been nothing but trouble for you. 520 01:07:57,740 --> 01:08:00,709 PIease don't say that. 521 01:08:18,294 --> 01:08:21,593 You peed yourself. 522 01:08:23,833 --> 01:08:27,098 God almighty, stinking up the room! 523 01:08:27,736 --> 01:08:31,502 What kind of a freaky bitch are you? 524 01:08:33,242 --> 01:08:35,233 What are you doing there? 525 01:08:37,379 --> 01:08:40,439 Stop, you're going too easy on her! Wimp, wimp. 526 01:09:23,692 --> 01:09:25,353 You reek, bitch! 527 01:09:30,199 --> 01:09:32,827 Can I go to the bathroom? 528 01:09:33,502 --> 01:09:38,804 No, his parents are home. Go Iater. 529 01:09:40,476 --> 01:09:42,307 PIease. 530 01:09:46,649 --> 01:09:48,241 Matsuyama, do something. 531 01:09:52,354 --> 01:09:54,049 Use this. 532 01:10:08,103 --> 01:10:09,695 Sing, prisoner. 533 01:10:09,738 --> 01:10:11,603 Put your heart into it. 534 01:10:11,674 --> 01:10:16,475 Prisoner, sing, Prisoner. 535 01:10:16,512 --> 01:10:19,481 Jesus, you're as Iimp as a rag. 536 01:10:26,956 --> 01:10:29,424 Get up, go over there. 537 01:10:32,528 --> 01:10:34,723 God, she stinks. 538 01:10:50,212 --> 01:10:52,146 Ikeda, your turn. 539 01:11:01,457 --> 01:11:03,357 Ozaki, you're up. 540 01:11:20,643 --> 01:11:22,201 You're Iast, Matsuyama. 541 01:11:39,295 --> 01:11:46,463 Hey, hey. Get up... She's out cold. 542 01:11:47,036 --> 01:11:50,062 She's faking. I'II wake her up. 543 01:12:11,093 --> 01:12:12,526 Water... 544 01:12:16,098 --> 01:12:18,498 Hey, she said something. 545 01:12:18,567 --> 01:12:20,762 What? Who cares? 546 01:12:23,305 --> 01:12:29,107 Water... water... 547 01:12:40,956 --> 01:12:42,947 Happy New Year! 548 01:12:44,193 --> 01:12:48,289 AIthough not such a happy New Year - I Iost ten grand, playing mahjong. 549 01:12:48,330 --> 01:12:50,059 That much? 550 01:12:55,771 --> 01:12:58,001 You can't sleep forever. 551 01:12:58,807 --> 01:13:01,640 She asked for water a minute ago. 552 01:13:01,677 --> 01:13:05,579 Then Iet her drink - her own piss. 553 01:13:16,258 --> 01:13:17,418 Get up! 554 01:13:35,344 --> 01:13:36,709 Hand me that. 555 01:13:47,122 --> 01:13:53,823 Hey, are you all right? Cheer up! 556 01:14:12,381 --> 01:14:15,544 - This is turning nasty. - Don't worry. 557 01:14:39,541 --> 01:14:41,168 I wonder if she's really all right. 558 01:14:42,711 --> 01:14:45,043 Don't nag me about every goddamn Iittle thing! 559 01:14:45,514 --> 01:14:49,109 I told you she was all right. Didn't I? 560 01:14:49,184 --> 01:14:50,913 You didn't. 561 01:14:50,986 --> 01:14:55,548 I did. Admit it. I said so. 562 01:14:55,958 --> 01:14:59,485 I said so. I said so. 563 01:15:04,466 --> 01:15:07,833 Enough! Let's go to the sauna. 564 01:15:07,836 --> 01:15:11,328 We'II break a sweat, get in the cold bath, it'II do us good. 565 01:15:11,373 --> 01:15:15,241 Come on. Come on, I said. 566 01:15:47,676 --> 01:15:49,439 Do your best... 567 01:15:51,380 --> 01:15:53,143 Do your best.... 568 01:15:56,985 --> 01:16:02,446 Do your best... Do your best... 569 01:17:00,749 --> 01:17:03,479 Hey, are you all right? 570 01:17:30,512 --> 01:17:37,076 Don't die. Stay strong. Do not die! 571 01:17:37,119 --> 01:17:40,748 Forget it. She's dead. 572 01:17:51,199 --> 01:17:53,963 Who the fuck said we should go to the sauna? 573 01:17:54,002 --> 01:17:55,697 It was you, Mr. Osugi. 574 01:17:59,441 --> 01:18:02,137 Oh my God, what have we done?! 575 01:18:04,146 --> 01:18:06,171 Mr. Osugi, what should we do? 576 01:18:06,214 --> 01:18:08,614 Let me think a second. 577 01:18:15,290 --> 01:18:17,986 What, are you fucking high? 578 01:18:19,594 --> 01:18:23,325 Say something! You're the head of this gang! 579 01:18:23,965 --> 01:18:26,399 Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? 580 01:18:30,539 --> 01:18:32,097 I quit! 581 01:18:33,942 --> 01:18:36,570 You hear me? I said I quit the Ryujin gang! 582 01:18:36,578 --> 01:18:38,546 Get your hands off me! 583 01:18:43,085 --> 01:18:44,074 What's up? 584 01:18:44,753 --> 01:18:47,779 I need to ask you for an oil drum and some cement. 585 01:18:48,990 --> 01:18:50,287 What for? 586 01:18:50,325 --> 01:18:55,661 Oh, yeah, well, I, uh, banged my car into the concrete fence at the office and I need to fix it. 587 01:18:57,632 --> 01:19:00,396 You don't need an oil drum to fix a fence. 588 01:19:00,435 --> 01:19:04,769 I'd wager you're going to stuff a body in the drum and seal it with concrete. 589 01:19:04,806 --> 01:19:06,706 I haven't sunk that Iow. 590 01:19:06,742 --> 01:19:09,768 I was just joking, but you should have seen your face! 591 01:19:11,213 --> 01:19:14,705 It's in the back. Take it. 592 01:19:14,750 --> 01:19:16,775 Great, thanks. How much do I owe you? 593 01:19:16,818 --> 01:19:20,584 The day I take money from you... 594 01:19:20,655 --> 01:19:21,883 It's really OK? 595 01:19:23,191 --> 01:19:28,356 Just quit the yakuza. Think about your mother, for a change. 596 01:19:29,965 --> 01:19:34,129 You stick with them for too Iong and, sooner or Iater, they're going to ask you to do a hit. 597 01:19:35,470 --> 01:19:37,199 Come back here. 598 01:19:54,523 --> 01:19:57,959 - This is hard, where's Matsuyama? - Not a job for two people. 599 01:19:57,993 --> 01:20:01,485 - He's our alibi. - I'II telephone him at the office. 600 01:20:01,496 --> 01:20:03,430 I understand that. 601 01:20:03,465 --> 01:20:06,491 Shut up! I said it would be all right, and it will be! 602 01:20:08,537 --> 01:20:10,471 Move your ass! 603 01:20:15,577 --> 01:20:17,875 Ozaki, give me a hand! 604 01:20:34,462 --> 01:20:36,293 Stuff her in deep? 605 01:20:44,706 --> 01:20:46,367 Move your ass! 606 01:22:46,928 --> 01:22:48,623 We're not going to push this thing to the opposite end. 607 01:22:48,663 --> 01:22:50,221 Isn't this far enough? 608 01:22:51,199 --> 01:22:52,860 I'm fed up with both of you. 609 01:22:52,901 --> 01:22:54,994 This is good enough. It's sealed tight. 610 01:22:55,036 --> 01:22:57,027 We take it to where I say we take it. 611 01:22:57,072 --> 01:22:59,040 What good will that do? 612 01:22:59,040 --> 01:22:59,267 What good will that do? Shut up and keep rolling, you son of a bitch! 613 01:22:59,274 --> 01:23:04,234 Shut up and keep rolling, you son of a bitch! 614 01:23:04,846 --> 01:23:06,245 I'm done! 615 01:23:06,681 --> 01:23:09,980 Keep pushing, you whiny asshole! 616 01:23:38,713 --> 01:23:42,911 It's been about two months since the Iast time we met. 617 01:23:46,955 --> 01:23:50,789 Sentencing is tomorrow. 618 01:23:52,027 --> 01:23:53,460 I guess you're right. 619 01:23:55,497 --> 01:24:00,196 More than twenty counts of rape, dozens of counts of theft - 620 01:24:01,703 --> 01:24:05,036 you've really run the gambit, haven't you? 621 01:24:07,942 --> 01:24:09,842 What are you trying to say? 622 01:24:13,948 --> 01:24:16,610 We met with Ozaki and Ikeda. 623 01:24:18,753 --> 01:24:21,085 How were they? 624 01:24:23,124 --> 01:24:25,991 Ozaki Iooked really thin. 625 01:24:33,334 --> 01:24:35,768 Why did you commit murder? 626 01:25:07,869 --> 01:25:12,363 We didn't intend to kill her, but... 627 01:25:12,407 --> 01:25:15,808 That family was completely innocent! What are you, some kind of a demon seed?! 628 01:25:15,844 --> 01:25:16,936 'Family'? 629 01:25:18,346 --> 01:25:21,144 Do you still think you can duck this one? 630 01:25:21,316 --> 01:25:26,754 I only killed one person: the high-school girl. Just ask Ozaki. 631 01:25:36,164 --> 01:25:38,564 Hey, jailer! 632 01:25:44,606 --> 01:25:49,703 I wonder if they know how precious life is? 633 01:27:05,153 --> 01:27:10,614 Translation by scannon & kozue Timing by Iordretsudo 634 01:27:10,658 --> 01:27:13,752 Cast: Sosuke Takaoka - Tatsuo 635 01:27:13,795 --> 01:27:16,787 Miki Komori - Misaki 636 01:27:16,831 --> 01:27:19,891 Ryoji Tsuge Kensuke Mano 637 01:27:20,001 --> 01:27:22,993 Miki Komori Mika Mifune 638 01:27:23,071 --> 01:27:26,063 Kobayashi Katsuya Naomi Oki 639 01:28:02,677 --> 01:28:05,942 Based on the book "1 7, Evil Resume" by Joji Atsumi 640 01:28:05,980 --> 01:28:08,778 Screenplay by Hiroshi Kanno 641 01:28:08,816 --> 01:28:11,808 Cinematography by Kazuhito Kuramoto 642 01:28:11,853 --> 01:28:14,981 Original Music by Masatoshi Nishimura 643 01:28:15,023 --> 01:28:18,151 Special FX by Satoshi Hirose 644 01:28:18,192 --> 01:28:21,992 Producers: Yasuyuki Oda, Nobutsugu Tsubomi, Yoshio Kuratani 645 01:29:05,807 --> 01:29:09,743 Directed by Hiromu Nakamura