Hello everyone. This is Steve. Steve here thinks he is a pretty slick character. Unfortunately for steve, I've seen it all before. This bust was the result of an experiment that I performed. I posted an ad on Craigslist saying that I was looking for friends. I didn't state my age, but Iput up the pic of the male decoy. Although the ad was flagged and removed within an hour by more responsible Craigslist members who clearly realized the ad contained the pic of a young boy, two men decided to open a dialoge with me. Steve here was one of them. Without further ado, here's Steve...: ========Original Message======== Subj: ad on CL Date: 8/23/2006 9:48:45 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time From: trackerking707@comcast.net To: pers-*********@craigslist.org Sent on: ** CRAIGSLIST ADVISORY --- AVOID SCAMS BY DEALING LOCALLY ** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home ** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping ** More Info: http://www.craigslist.org/about/scams.html hi. how old are you? you look like your only 13. (Yes, and you are e-mailing me...why?? But a good guess on his part. Kinda validates the young-looking decoy huh?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this message was remailed to you via: pers-*********@craigslist.org -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------- Original message -------------- From: JaffaCree1993@aol.com That's cuz i am 13 (Stated, in the 2nd e-mail to him. A more responsible person ends it right here. But, if Steve were the responsible type, he wouldn't be posted as a conviction now, would he?) ________________________________________________________________________________ ========Original Message======== Subj: Re: ad on CL Date: 8/23/2006 9:55:33 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time From: trackerking707@comcast.net To: JaffaCree1993@aol.com Sent on: wow thats young. did you know that craigslist is for adults? (Yawn....) ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------- Original message -------------- From: JaffaCree1993@aol.com Craigslist is 4 everyone!!!!! ________________________________________________________________________________ ========Original Message======== Subj: Re: ad on CL Date: 8/23/2006 10:04:47 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time From: trackerking707@comcast.net To: JaffaCree1993@aol.com Sent on: hey thats cool. no use in getting all nutted up, i was just courious about your age. hope you find a guy your age to play with. ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------- Original message -------------- From: JaffaCree1993@aol.com k kewl thanx u have a good one (And here I give him the perfect out. Entrapment?? HAH!!) ________________________________________________________________________________ ========Original Message======== Subj: Re: ad on CL Date: 8/23/2006 10:09:59 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time From: trackerking707@comcast.net To: JaffaCree1993@aol.com Sent on: i know of a 15 year old bi black boy that comes around sometimes on the weekends, if you like i will give him your e-mail address. what age are you looking for? (He just couldn't leave it alone now, could he?) ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------- Original message -------------- From: JaffaCree1993@aol.com well age dont matter if ure nice 2 me n fun 2 talk 2 unless ure like 70 then that's old lol (Now what lonely real kid looking for friends would not say that??) ________________________________________________________________________________ ========Original Message======== Subj: Re: ad on CL Date: 8/23/2006 10:15:52 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time From: trackerking707@comcast.net To: JaffaCree1993@aol.com Sent on: cool, i'll give him your address then. he like to come by and talk and play my ps2. no i'm not 70...lol but 4. but i have known him most of his life and he is cool, he doesn't have that much experiance with guys but he does like to bottton and get sucked. (This e-mail just completely floors me for two reasons. This guy has known a 15-year-old for \"most of his life\" and he likes to \"come by and talk\"? I wonder what else they have done... Also, he doesn't have \"that much experiance\" except getting sucked and bottoming?? Geez if that's not a lot of experience, then I would hate to hear what he considers \"experianced\".) ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------- Original message -------------- From: JaffaCree1993@aol.com kewl dood! u got a PS2!?! omg that sounds way kewl i wish i had one of those. well if u want to IM sometime u can AOL is JaffaCree1993 yahoo is Jaffacree93 (Notice how I don't latch onto the sex but the Playstation 2? Guys like Steve is think that kids will like their toys, and by proxy, like them.) ________________________________________________________________________________ And now, the chat (conducted on Yahoo) tofast4yall2003 (08/24/06 12:22:11 AM): hey are you there JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:22:52 AM): whaddup tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:23:09 AM): nothing just got you email JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:23:14 AM): ooo ok! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:23:20 AM): ure the dood with the PS2? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:23:25 AM): yes tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:23:40 AM): i thought every one had one...lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:24:10 AM): i dont! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:24:12 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:25:05 AM): there not that expencive right now. something like $129. or used on craigslist for about $85 JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:25:23 AM): ok i just need $85 lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:25:33 AM): lolq JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:25:47 AM): kno where i can make $85 JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:25:48 AM): ? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:26:09 AM): so, looking at your web page you live with your mom? (He's already checking out the family situation...) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:26:23 AM): yea tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:26:47 AM): does she know you are gay? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:26:53 AM): OMG no tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:27:00 AM): lol. thats cool tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:27:20 AM): have done anything with other guys b4 (Aaaand he goes right into the sex talk.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:27:37 AM): have I? no tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:28:22 AM): thats ok, what do you think you would like to trie tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:28:27 AM): try JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:28:47 AM): well JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:28:56 AM): im like the last guy ever to not have got head yet i sware JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:29:00 AM): i would relaly like 2 try that JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:29:13 AM): but i tihnk i would like 2 try everythin so i kno what i like u kno? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:29:38 AM): yeah, i hear ya. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:30:01 AM): having some one sucking is so hott JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:30:16 AM): rlly? dammit JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:30:20 AM): now i really really wanna try it lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:30:31 AM): do you have cum yet? (Dude, if you have to ask...) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:30:44 AM): yeah tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:30:51 AM): nice JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:31:00 AM): for like since january JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:31:05 AM): is the 1st time i cumm tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:31:08 AM): i wasn't sure. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:31:23 AM): thats cool tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:31:41 AM): do you have a web cam? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:32:01 AM): yea i do JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:32:05 AM): y? do u? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:32:19 AM): naw, not yet tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:32:41 AM): can i see to make sure your for real? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:32:57 AM): lol ok but if i hear my ma commin i gotta hide it quick like tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:33:09 AM): k JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:33:37 AM): so u wanna see it? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:33:41 AM): sure JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:33:44 AM): k JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:33:48 AM): hold on lemme pee 1st lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:33:54 AM): k tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:38:55 AM): are you back? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:39:26 AM): yep tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:39:34 AM): k tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:40:38 AM): do you have your cam on yet? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:41:37 AM): just bout lemme make sure im in the clear tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:41:51 AM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:42:50 AM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:43:07 AM): suuuup!!! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:43:16 AM): cute tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:43:41 AM): wish you lived closer (He sees the kid on webcam and already he wants to meet. What a freak.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:44:00 AM): aww JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:44:01 AM): well JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:44:04 AM): where u at? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:44:16 AM): south santa rosa JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:44:30 AM): uhm aint that like 15 min away? lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:44:53 AM): thats true but you have school in the morning JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:44:57 AM): o JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:45:04 AM): well i cant leave my house either sooo JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:45:05 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:45:16 AM): aww tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:45:42 AM): but you could stick your cock out the window behind you (Oh really. Fuckin' hell, this guy is determined.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:45:45 AM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:45:50 AM): its on the 2nd floor JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:45:56 AM): so unless uer like 20 ft tall JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:45:58 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:46:08 AM): well you better have a big one then tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:46:42 AM): how big is it when you get hard JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:47:14 AM): uhm its around 5\" tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:47:22 AM): nice, tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:47:42 AM): i have an add also on Craigslist JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:47:49 AM): oh ya? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:48:05 AM): i was looking for someone with 5.5 or smaller JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:48:15 AM): really?? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:48:20 AM): cuz mine is only 5 tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:48:23 AM): yeah you can see the add JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:48:29 AM): wow JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:48:40 AM): so like u would like mine? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:48:57 AM): oh hell yeah JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:49:05 AM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:49:20 AM): is it cut or uncut JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:49:22 AM): cut tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:49:27 AM): sweet JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:49:30 AM): that means circimsize rite? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:49:35 AM): yes JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:49:40 AM): ok then yes tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:50:05 AM): well maybe i will get to see it sometime JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:50:12 AM): u really would like 2? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:50:14 AM): cuz that would rule tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:50:22 AM): yeah JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:50:37 AM): uh can i tellya sumthin? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:50:44 AM): mybe i could give you your first bj tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:50:51 AM): sure JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:50:51 AM): OMG ruleee JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:50:55 AM): like JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:51:16 AM): i dont usually let pepole know but my mom and her bf are leavin me here this weekend tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:51:29 AM): thats cool. JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:51:38 AM): yea they told me no parties tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:51:45 AM): but i would tell alot people that JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:51:54 AM): but im scarred to!! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:51:56 AM): wouldn't that is JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:51:58 AM): o JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:51:59 AM): yah tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:52:10 AM): thats cool tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:52:37 AM): so you'll be home alone and hard and horny (You can just see the wheels turning in this guy's head.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:52:54 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:52:55 AM): well ya!! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:53:17 AM): who else are you talking too? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:02 AM): just you an my friend JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:04 AM): whos a gurl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:54:09 AM): oh ok JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:22 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:54:24 AM): i figured you where chatting with someone else JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:27 AM): nope JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:29 AM): just u an her tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:54:34 AM): cool tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:54:43 AM): is she watching you too JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:49 AM): uhm i dunno JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:52 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:55 AM): 2 viewers JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:56 AM): so yea JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:54:58 AM): i guess lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:54:59 AM): oh tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:55:29 AM): well that sux. that means i cann't see anymore of you (That's the one bad thing about having a webcam...they all want to see more. Freakin' perverts.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:55:40 AM): y not? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:55:42 AM): u cant? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:56:10 AM): cause your not going to let her see your hot bod and cock (That's right, and you aren't going to see it either, bucko.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:56:19 AM): OMG JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:56:25 AM): uhmm JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:56:31 AM): ya JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:56:36 AM): not when shez watchin lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:56:40 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:56:42 AM): i bet tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:56:58 AM): JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:57:28 AM): well JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:58:11 AM): i kno like if i take off my shirt or sumthin my mom will walk in and bust me bein bad lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:58:14 AM): mebbie when shez gone tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:58:39 AM): well i hope to here from you this weekend, maybe i can help you with your quest in getting a bj (Yeah, ease up on the intent there, buddy. We can see why you pleaded guilty.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:58:46 AM): that would rule tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:59:19 AM): you don't have to take off your shirt just pull it up JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:59:38 AM): k tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:59:53 AM): nice JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 1:59:55 AM): there u go tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 1:59:55 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:00:05 AM): flashy flashy tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:00:10 AM): no hair on that bod JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:00:11 AM): JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:00:16 AM): uhhh no not on the chest tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:00:23 AM): cool tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:01:06 AM): so does this girl have the hotts for you JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:01:10 AM): my friend just went WTF JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:01:13 AM): wwas that for JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:01:14 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:01:16 AM): uhm no JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:01:17 AM): she dont tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:01:39 AM): what is wtf? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:01:55 AM): oh i know JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:02:14 AM): What JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:02:14 AM): the JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:02:15 AM): fuck JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:02:16 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:02:27 AM): yeah i figured it out JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:02:51 AM): kewl lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:02:53 AM): does she know i'm chattin with you JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:03:13 AM): no tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:03:21 AM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:04:01 AM): i bet she did want to know why you pulled up your shirt then JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:04:06 AM): lol yea JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:04:09 AM): like i say JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:04:11 AM): shes like WTF JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:04:12 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:04:20 AM): i bet JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:04:42 AM): i told her i was gunna moon her but JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:04:49 AM): i decide to moon the top half lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:05:03 AM): i wish you could cum up here this weekend and meet up with my 15 yr, old friend JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:05:14 AM): o y? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:05:33 AM): cause it would be hot to see the 2 of you together (Ok sick. Really sick.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:05:37 AM): o i c JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:05:46 AM): what if i dont like him tho? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:06:05 AM): then i would send him home (Really, what an asshole this guy is! I hope that this 15-year-old is okay...) tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:06:23 AM): he's cool though JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:06:26 AM): o ok kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:06:36 AM): ure a nice guy i can tell tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:06:39 AM): kind of small for his age though tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:06:48 AM): ty tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:06:58 AM): you seem to be nice too JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:06:59 AM): no prob tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:07:55 AM): i think your larger then him, but he still has a nice 5.5 in cock for his size JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:08:04 AM): OIC tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:08:43 AM): but i bet yours is much sweeter taisting... JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:10:03 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:10:04 AM): well i dunno tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:10:17 AM): what else you like to do beside getting a bj? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:10:33 AM): OMG BRB tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:10:38 AM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:10:54 AM): mom wants me i gotta go n see what she wants brb like 5 min tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:11:11 AM): k JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:23:16 AM): hi tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:23:24 AM): hey tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:23:42 AM): i sent you my ad that is on cl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:24:14 AM): read it and delete it JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:24:45 AM): k hold on JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:29:33 AM): where did you send it? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:29:53 AM): to your yahoo address JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:29:56 AM): oh duh JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:29:56 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:30:00 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:30:43 AM): i looked in aol like eight times tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:30:55 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:31:01 AM): k loading tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:31:20 AM): i bet you got alot of responces from your ad JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:32:05 AM): uhm well i got 2 but ure the only 1 im stilll talkin 2 JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:32:14 AM): ure ad sounds like me lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:32:15 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:32:21 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:32:39 AM): well i guess i should fell lucky then tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:33:04 AM): feel that is JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:33:44 AM): lol sure u should JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:33:46 AM): hehehe tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:33:48 AM): do you know many gay web sites that you can look at? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:33:56 AM): no JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:33:57 AM): i dont tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:34:09 AM): i may have to smack that ass, smart ass JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:34:30 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:34:58 AM): you can try www.*edit*.org. that is just a site of hot stories that is sure to get you hot JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:35:32 AM): ok tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:35:49 AM): and you can go to www.*edit*.com. that has nothing but free videos (Yeah..no thanks. I didn't even go to look, but with a name like that I don't need to.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:36:02 AM): like pornoz? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:36:10 AM): yup JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:36:26 AM): o wow tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:36:41 AM): it's like youtube but it's full of gay vids. (Yeah, the perfect thing a 13-year-old should be viewing. Only not.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:36:50 AM): O I C JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:36:51 AM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:37:07 AM): well you have to have something to look at JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:37:09 AM): hey how old ru again? ur prof sez 45 rite? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:37:18 AM): ya ill checkit out tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:37:19 AM): 43 JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:37:31 AM): o kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:37:35 AM): younger then it sez lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:37:42 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:38:11 AM): it don't say 45 does it? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:38:19 AM): i thought it did lmeme check agian JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:38:34 AM): lol my bad JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:38:37 AM): 43 tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:38:41 AM): boy tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:38:54 AM): don't make me older then i am JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:38:59 AM): heheheheh soryr tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:39:02 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:39:22 AM): well it would suck if you move to la. JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:39:35 AM): well mebbie tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:39:39 AM): don't you like living up here JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:39:39 AM): it aint 4 shore yet JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:39:42 AM): i do JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:39:59 AM): but i think my mom mite want to be rid of me so she can leave all the time and not have 2 worry abou tme tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:40:04 AM): how long have you lived here JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:40:14 AM): all my life tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:40:21 AM): oh cool JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:40:31 AM): how bout u? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:40:46 AM): well your 13 now, don't she trust you (Sure, all parents trust their 13-year-old kids unconditionally. Oh right, this is part of your grooming process.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:41:01 AM): well yea i mean she leaves me tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:41:01 AM): naw, i use to live in louisiana JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:41:11 AM): but i think she like wants to leave for months w her bf tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:41:25 AM): oh. thats to bad JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:41:39 AM): ya plus me and her bf dont get along tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:41:46 AM): i would put another man b4 you JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:41:54 AM): awww ure so sweet JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:41:59 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:42:03 AM): it's true JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:42:08 AM): thanx tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:42:18 AM): yw tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:42:55 AM): do you get along with your dad very well JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:43:09 AM): yea usually JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:43:13 AM): but i dont rlly want to move JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:43:16 AM): but if i have to i have to tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:43:32 AM): yeah it sux some times being young JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:43:38 AM): yup tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:44:01 AM): i wish sometimes i had married and had kids JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:44:14 AM): y?? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:44:17 AM): u dont like doods? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:45:25 AM): yeah, i like dudes. but kids, i don't know kind of make you complete. i'm sure you don't understand that yet but you will at some point JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:45:43 AM): IC JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:46:20 AM): brb tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:46:42 AM): i love to have a son to take camping and ride my quad and go 4 wheelin with tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:46:43 AM): k JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:47:23 AM): hey i gotta get offline now my mas kinda bitchin at me JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:47:27 AM): but ill be online tomorrow k? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:47:32 AM): ok tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:47:42 AM): have a good night Kevin JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:47:52 AM): u 2 man JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:47:56 AM): plz 2 have met u tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:48:10 AM): JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:48:15 AM): JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 2:48:18 AM): Gnite tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 2:48:23 AM): nite And the next day... tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:08:26 PM): hey butt nuget...how are you today JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:11:47 PM): but nugget lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:11:49 PM): ure funny JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:11:51 PM): im good how r u tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:12:06 PM): fine. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:12:24 PM): i was just kidding JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:12:34 PM): ooo ok lol it was funny tho tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:12:48 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:12:59 PM): what cha doing JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:13:25 PM): not much what u doin tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:13:49 PM): just got back home. going to watch a movie...RV JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:14:24 PM): o what movie? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:14:38 PM): RV....duh tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:15:00 PM): with robin williams JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:15:07 PM): oohhhh JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:15:07 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:15:10 PM): is it good? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:15:17 PM): i haven tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:15:22 PM): t seen it yet JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:15:23 PM): o prolly not lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:15:27 PM): is it spose to be good? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:15:58 PM): yeah. my parent bought it so it must be good. they never buy movies JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:16:18 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:16:25 PM): ur parent? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:16:43 PM): yes i still have parents (I hope they are not too shocked if they read this chatlog you had with a 13-year-old boy..) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:17:21 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:17:30 PM): u live with them ? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:17:48 PM): no. but they live here in town JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:18:07 PM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:18:43 PM): i hope at my age i wont have to live with my parents...lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:19:30 PM): hehehe JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:19:33 PM): tru tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:20:07 PM): no i live alone in a two bed mobile home tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:22:28 PM): how many responces did you get from your ad? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:22:40 PM): 2 JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:22:44 PM): but ure thenicest JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:22:52 PM): other dood was kinda wierd tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:23:32 PM): lol...aww thanks. i just like to treat peolple the way i want to be treated tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:24:15 PM): yeah there are alot of wierd people out there. they even scare the hell out of me....lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:24:20 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:24:21 PM): yea! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:24:35 PM): well im glad i met u tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:25:06 PM): yeah i met this guy yesterday. i couldn't get out of there fast enough. he was really wierd (Wow, I cringe to think how strange this guy must have been for THIS wierdo tho think he's wierd!) tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:25:39 PM): i'm glad i met you too. even if we never meet we can still chat' JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:25:53 PM): tru JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:25:58 PM): lol u went to his place? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:26:21 PM): yes. i want to meet somebody...but not him tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:26:23 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:26:31 PM): oo i c JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:26:34 PM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:27:13 PM): his apartment was like a junk yard. there was stuff stacked everywhere' JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:27:22 PM): omg JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:27:27 PM): thats horrible JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:27:32 PM): did it like smell bad? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:27:37 PM): yes JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:27:41 PM): eew JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:28:03 PM): hey is urname steve? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:28:08 PM): he had like 500 movies on video cassett tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:28:13 PM): yes JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:28:14 PM): video cassett lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:28:17 PM): Im Kevin JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:28:24 PM): i dunno i f i told u that last nite tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:28:45 PM): i know your name popup after you got on my buddy list JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:28:52 PM): kewl ya urs too tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:29:43 PM): are you having to spend all day at school now or just half days JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:29:59 PM): all day tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:30:08 PM): bummer JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:30:09 PM): im home like a lil after 3 tho so its not bad JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:30:10 PM): ya JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:30:14 PM): it kinda sux tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:30:28 PM): yeah i remember those days JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:30:38 PM): o ya? so u kno it sux tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:31:19 PM): but it wasn't that bad when i was younger. i lived in the country and there was nothing to do when i got home but work around the house JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:32:52 PM): o i c JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:32:55 PM): what kinda work? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:33:59 PM): we have 40 acre's of land so i have like 5 acres to mow and we had gardens that need tending to and stuff like that JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:34:22 PM): OMG JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:34:25 PM): thats like huge JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:34:28 PM): where was this? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:34:46 PM): but at least i could go hunting and fishing when ever i wanted too tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:34:54 PM): louisiana tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:35:28 PM): my parents still own the property. one of my brothers still live in the old house JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:35:33 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:35:36 PM): thats awesome JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:35:41 PM): and u live in san fran now? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:35:44 PM): yeah it's ok JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:36:25 PM): yah tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:36:27 PM): lol. more money to be made here. i will return there some day i have 10 acres of that land that is left for me JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:36:34 PM): ohhh kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:36:38 PM): when? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:36:53 PM): when what? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:37:28 PM): i don't plan on moving back for some time yet JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:38:10 PM): o ok tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:38:13 PM): i need to make enough money here so that when i go back i wont have to work anymore JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:38:13 PM): so awhile JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:38:17 PM): tru tru JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:38:20 PM): what do u do? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:38:21 PM): oh yeah tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:38:53 PM): well nothing right now. i just left my job that i was at for 6 years JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:39:00 PM): o ya? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:39:08 PM): but mainly i do driving work JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:39:17 PM): O I C JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:39:21 PM): like a trukc driver tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:39:26 PM): yeah JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:39:32 PM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:39:44 PM): i plan on staying home til after labor day at least JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:39:57 PM): o ok tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:40:18 PM): not in no big hurry to go back to work yet. i still get a check JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:40:50 PM): well then lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:41:00 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:41:35 PM): thats hella kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:41:39 PM): it feels good not having to get up early in the morning JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:41:45 PM): LOL FU!!!! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:41:45 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:41:49 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:42:06 PM): you had summer vacation....it my turn now JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:42:15 PM): im like so tired frum gettin up rly i wanna skip school 2marrow n sleep! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:42:20 PM): i want more tho! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:42:32 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:42:47 PM): what would you do if you didn't go to school JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:42:57 PM): u mean tomorrow/ tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:43:01 PM): beside sleeping in JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:43:07 PM): hmm i duno JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:43:12 PM): i got teh place to myself JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:43:21 PM): walk round in my undies? lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:43:28 PM): MMmm JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:44:02 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:44:10 PM): the would be nice to see JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:44:22 PM): lol 4 realz? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:44:40 PM): tighty whitties or boxers tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:44:54 PM): hell yeah JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:45:03 PM): uhm i have boxxerbriefs n boxxers tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:45:26 PM): cool. like wearing nothing at all JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:45:53 PM): omg rlly? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:45:56 PM): dont that like hurt? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:46:26 PM): no. i cann't step on it JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:46:31 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:46:37 PM): omg that would hurt JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:46:38 PM): if u could tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:46:42 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:47:05 PM): yeah and no one would have sex with you either JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:47:16 PM): lol y?? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:47:32 PM): they would be afraid you would hurt them JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:47:39 PM): how by steppin on it? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:48:11 PM): yeah that would hurt really bad JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:48:25 PM): lol no shit JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:48:26 PM): dood tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:48:57 PM): the up side is you can fuck someone without having to even touch them tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:49:06 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:49:12 PM): hahhaa JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:49:21 PM): ure rite there JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:49:26 PM): lol ure funny tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:50:15 PM): but who knows you could have one that big...yours will keep growing til your at least 18 (Here Steve indicates that he is well aware of my minor status AND indicates that he's a pervert. Thanks Steve!) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:51:00 PM): 4 realz? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:51:06 PM): yup JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:51:14 PM): wow JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:51:18 PM): thats way kewl 2 kno tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:51:21 PM): i read it some place JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:51:28 PM): awesome tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:51:51 PM): lol....what you worried that thats all your going to have? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:52:17 PM): mebbie JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:52:28 PM): i mean liike every1 sez their thin g is like 7 8 9\" JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:52:31 PM): and im only 5 tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:52:39 PM): no worries lil guy it will grow JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:52:55 PM): kewlio tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:53:17 PM): but some peoples don't it all deppends. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:53:31 PM): mine is only 5.5 JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:54:12 PM): oh ok tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:54:37 PM): i guess i didn't j/f enough when i was younger JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:54:46 PM): LOL tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:54:46 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:55:00 PM): so u sayin i need to jo lotz n make sure it gets bigger? does that work 4 realz? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:55:26 PM): well it is nothing more then a muscle. JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:56:31 PM): tru tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:56:33 PM): the more you work out the bigger your muscles get' tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:57:24 PM): but i have seen vid's of guys with only 2\" tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:57:29 PM): now that sux JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:58:22 PM): OMG 2\"???? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:58:25 PM): how do u even see it lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:58:43 PM): it ain't easy...lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:58:46 PM): hahahha JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 9:58:51 PM): microscop tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 9:59:35 PM): if you go to that web site i gave you last night you can see some that small (Again...no thanks.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:00:56 PM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:01:02 PM): ill do that later 2nite when my ma aint around JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:05:45 PM): hi! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:05:47 PM): sorry bout that JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:06:02 PM): i was sayin before my net crapp out that i can look at them later n feel bout mahself tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:06:07 PM): it's cool. i was just surfing JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:06:25 PM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:07:27 PM): you have nothing to be ashamed of. your still right on the money as to size for your age JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:08:23 PM): o ok tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:09:14 PM): i'll be glad to see it when you put it on your web cam.... JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:09:18 PM): hahaha JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:09:24 PM): yeaaa riiiight JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:09:30 PM): then itll be on all over the web tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:09:39 PM): for reals JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:09:56 PM): yep it happen to a person at school tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:09:56 PM): so!!!! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:10:08 PM): he was like nekkid on his cam and then like the video got all over i guess JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:10:11 PM): i didnt see it tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:10:23 PM): 8===>~~~~ tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:10:46 PM): oh that would be bad. JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:10:55 PM): hehe yea tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:10:58 PM): but you control who sees your cam JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:11:04 PM): well ya JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:15:12 PM): so what u got goin on this weekend? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:15:26 PM): no plans yet tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:16:03 PM): i only have plans for labor day weekend JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:16:08 PM): oo ok what u doin then? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:16:27 PM): going camping and off roading JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:16:39 PM): OMG that sounds fuN! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:16:43 PM): where u goin? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:16:55 PM): up by Ukiah tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:17:05 PM): a place called cow mountain JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:17:09 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:17:16 PM): what do u do when u go offroad? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:17:59 PM): i have a geo tracker 4 x4 i take it on the trails and do some rock climbing with it (Dude that's bad-ass!!! Oh wait, no, that's more like LOL) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:18:11 PM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:18:36 PM): i also have a quad but i don't have a way to take it out right now (You might be a redneck pervert if...) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:19:05 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:19:18 PM): i luuuuv quad JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:19:21 PM): they r so fun tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:19:48 PM): yeah it is...mine is a yamaha 250 tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:21:23 PM): do you ever get to go camping? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:21:33 PM): no tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:21:40 PM): oh...that sux JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:21:50 PM): ya i been be4 once tho JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:21:52 PM): it was hella ufn JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:21:54 PM): fun tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:21:56 PM): i like camping. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:22:08 PM): i like to track animal tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:23:26 PM): some times i get like Steve Irwin on animal planet....lol (Crikey! So when are you going to get stung in the heart by a stingray?) tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:23:36 PM): i like to track snakes JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:24:22 PM): how do u track snakes mr steve? lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:24:41 PM): lol they leave a trail tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:24:45 PM): duh tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:25:41 PM): i'm sure you have never seen a snake trail b4 but i use to see then all the time when i as growing up in the country tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:26:18 PM): and there are alot of snakes where i go camping tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:27:11 PM): i have a 5yr. old ball python. he is about 4.5 feet long now (I am really not a huge fan of snakes, but I actually felt sorry for this one. And his rat. And his cat, too.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:28:10 PM): thats awesome JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:28:19 PM): i have not ever seen a snake trial JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:28:27 PM): r the snakes poisoin ous? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:28:39 PM): most of them are. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:28:47 PM): rattle snakes JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:29:05 PM): is ur ball python? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:29:11 PM): oh no tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:29:20 PM): he is so sweet tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:29:29 PM): he loves to be held JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:29:55 PM): OMG rlly? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:30:52 PM): yeah. i take him to the pet store every time i go to get him a rat to eat. and let people pet and hold him JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:31:01 PM): OMG u feed him rats??! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:31:29 PM): ummm yeah...he doesn't like burger king tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:31:34 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:31:54 PM): thats sad! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:31:55 PM): ! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:32:03 PM): poor rats JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:32:06 PM): LOL tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:32:15 PM): why....you like rats? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:32:23 PM): i have one of them too tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:32:32 PM): a very large rat. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:32:53 PM): the snake wouldn't eat him....lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:34:59 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:35:03 PM): whats ur rats name?? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:35:11 PM): chewy JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:35:23 PM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:35:26 PM): chewy! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:35:28 PM): thats so cute tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:35:56 PM): he is so big i have to hold him with both hands JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:36:09 PM): wow thats a damn fat rat lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:36:10 PM): he is a Jumbo rat tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:36:15 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:36:20 PM): and ur snake wouldnt eat ol Chewy tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:36:58 PM): nope... but that was when chewy was a baby tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:37:10 PM): he is 2yr.s old now JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:37:12 PM): ooh so ur smart snake knew that chewy was speciale JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:37:19 PM): how much does chewy waigh? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:37:40 PM): not sure at least 3 pounds JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:38:02 PM): omg JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:38:05 PM): that is a fat rat tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:38:23 PM): yup very fat. JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:38:28 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:38:39 PM): i also have a 7 yr. old cat tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:38:58 PM): some comb. a cat, a rat and a snake tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:38:59 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:39:19 PM): and they all get along JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:39:25 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:39:26 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:39:34 PM): they like brothers? lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:40:06 PM): i can sit in my recliner and have the snake and the cat with me at the same time and no one bothers the other JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:40:51 PM): kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:40:52 PM): if you like chewy name you'll love my cats name... tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:40:56 PM): Spot JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:40:58 PM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:41:04 PM): does spot think hes a doggie tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:41:19 PM): he doesn't know the difference JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:41:35 PM): hehehe tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:41:37 PM): cats aren't smart animals tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:42:42 PM): do have any pets JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:43:21 PM): no tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:43:22 PM): do \"you\" have any pets> JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:43:23 PM): my mom hates them JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:43:29 PM): and wont let me have ne tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:43:30 PM): oh thats not good JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:43:33 PM): i want a cat or a dog tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:43:54 PM): cats are cool. they don't need much attention. JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:43:59 PM): yea tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:44:03 PM): but dog are alot more work JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:44:06 PM): they go in their potty box u dont have 2 let them out tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:44:17 PM): true tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:44:42 PM): but mine like to go you to go potty JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:44:58 PM): go you? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:45:38 PM): what the hell did i type> JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:46:12 PM): but mine like to go you to go potty tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:46:33 PM): oh man i better slow my fingers down...lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:46:39 PM): lol ya JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:46:40 PM): what was that? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:47:03 PM): mine likes to go potty outside JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:47:07 PM): oohhhh! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:47:12 PM): so u dont even got 2 clean a potty box tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:47:20 PM): nope JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:47:25 PM): kewl cat! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:47:28 PM): is it a he? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:47:34 PM): yes. JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:47:37 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:47:39 PM): i guess rite tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:47:56 PM): see i knew you were smart JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:48:01 PM): lol yup tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:48:36 PM): so are you the only child? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:48:43 PM): yeah JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:48:44 PM): only me tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:48:48 PM): aww tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:48:58 PM): i have 3 older bothers tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:49:22 PM): well at least you don't have to share your stuff JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:49:33 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:49:35 PM): lol yea JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:49:38 PM): did they beat up on u? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:50:02 PM): well not quit. i use to beat up on them JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:50:06 PM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:50:08 PM): hahaha JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:50:10 PM): so ure the biggest one? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:50:17 PM): nope JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:50:23 PM): o just the tuffest? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:50:27 PM): i was just mean JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:50:29 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:50:32 PM): ure nice tho! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:50:47 PM): yeah. when people are nice to me JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:51:10 PM): o so they were mean 2 u? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:51:16 PM): but i don't get into fights anymore. that was when i was younger JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:51:23 PM): o well thats good JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:51:51 PM): do they kno that u like guys? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:52:14 PM): yeah they would aways pick on me cause i was the youngest, then i would get mad and beat them up JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 10:52:34 PM): brb mom is yellin for me who knows what she wants now ill brb tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:52:42 PM): i have never told them, but i'm sure they know tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 10:52:49 PM): k JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:01:52 PM): ok back tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:02:01 PM): cool JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:02:01 PM): so u think they dont care that ure gay? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:02:09 PM): naw tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:02:31 PM): but one of my brother that i don't talk to belongs to the KKK (Wow...I actually have something in common with someone from the KKK - dislike of this pervert.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:02:48 PM): OMG rlly???? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:02:52 PM): wow tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:02:55 PM): yeh tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:03:10 PM): thats why we don't talk anymore JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:03:14 PM): thats kinda sucky tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:04:03 PM): yeah. i hate the kkk. i believe in letting people live the way they want to. as long as they don't hurt others (Well, Steve, unfortunately you trying to have sex with a young boy is hurting others. You should practice what you preach, jackass.) JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:04:08 PM): rite! JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:04:35 PM): exactly dood tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:05:06 PM): well i believe thats the way it should be. thats what makes us unique JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:05:25 PM): yepp tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:06:06 PM): what did your mom want JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:06:39 PM): oh she wanted 2 give me some stuff about where shell be this weekend tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:06:53 PM): oh thats cool JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:07:34 PM): POPTARTS!! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:07:44 PM): lol yeah i love them JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:07:50 PM): ME 2!! tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:08:03 PM): brown suger and cinnamon JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:08:09 PM): mmmm good stuff JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:09:06 PM): u have good taste lol tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:09:21 PM): lol...but of corse tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:12:25 PM): well kev. i think i'm going to start the movie JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:12:29 PM): o ok JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:12:32 PM): well u wanna talk later on? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:12:34 PM): like tonite? JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:12:40 PM): or mebbie tomrorrow? tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:12:46 PM): sure if your still on JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:12:51 PM): k kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:13:04 PM): but stay on to long and get in trouble JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:13:40 PM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:13:45 PM): well i only talk to u JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:13:50 PM): and my friend from school tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:13:55 PM): ok cool tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:14:29 PM): don't want you mom to get mad at you before she leaves. tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:14:54 PM): be nice to her and maybe she feel better about leaving you alone JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:15:13 PM): ]well she feels fine bout it tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:15:21 PM): thats cool tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:15:55 PM): you seem grown up enough to trust by yourself JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:16:56 PM): well thanx JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:17:02 PM): tell me if the movie is good tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:18:16 PM): i will. have to grab my python to watch it with me...lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:18:19 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/24/2006 11:18:22 PM): ur python tofast4yall2003 (8/24/2006 11:18:54 PM): chat with you in a bit And finally, the last day's chat... tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:04:10 AM): what are you showing.....:D (I had the decoy on webcam, of course the decoy wasn't showing jack shit but ol' Pervy McPervo here just wants to see skin...) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:04:29 AM): Steve! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:04:32 AM): nuttin JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:04:34 AM): well just me JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:04:36 AM): wanna see? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:04:54 AM): ah there you are JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:04:57 AM): hi tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:05:08 AM): what are you doint tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:05:10 AM): doing JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:05:19 AM): chattin with u and a freind from school tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:05:29 AM): oh cool tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:05:39 AM): is it that same girl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:06:03 AM): yep JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:06:12 AM): my gal JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:06:16 AM): shes way kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:06:27 AM): oh no.....you have a crush on her tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:06:30 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:06:35 AM): OMG no tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:06:38 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:06:43 AM): shezjust my friend JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:06:49 AM): i tell her everthhyhing lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:06:55 AM): oh no tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:07:16 AM): she's a fag hag (That's not a nice thing to say about the female decoy!!!) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:07:19 AM): a what?? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:07:40 AM): a girl that likes to hang out with gay men tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:07:46 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:08:18 AM): oh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:08:23 AM): well she luvs hanin with me tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:08:52 AM): i bet she does..your so cute. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:09:09 AM): she just wants to eat you up JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:09:23 AM): haha JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:09:24 AM): i spose tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:09:40 AM): hey maybe she will give you bj (Sex talk...again..) tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:09:43 AM): hehehehehe JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:09:48 AM): uhm noo thanks JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:09:53 AM): i dont like gurls JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:09:55 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:09:56 AM): do u? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:09:56 AM): j/k tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:10:11 AM): sure i do....i told you already JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:10:24 AM): oo rite JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:10:25 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:10:29 AM): i'll make your toes curl up' JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:11:11 AM): what tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:11:12 AM): see how many times you can cum in an hour JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:11:13 AM): head? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:09 AM): hey! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:13 AM): u took my game away JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:13 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:12:13 AM): what JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:18 AM): i was playin that JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:21 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:12:27 AM): oh tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:12:29 AM): sorry JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:33 AM): its ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:37 AM): so what u doin this weekend? (Here I am trying to see how I can get this guy to talk about anything BUT sex, just to see what would happen...) tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:12:43 AM): you (...but as you can see, he will NOT get off of it!) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:12:48 AM): 4 real? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:13:15 AM): boy your going to get me in trouble (I'm not doin' anything, Steve, you are doing it all yourself.) tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:13:48 AM): you know i would have fun with you (Yah, right....and scar the kid for life in the process. Great plan, fucko!) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:15:47 AM): ya JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:15:48 AM): prolly JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:15:53 AM): how would i get u in trouble tho? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:16:50 AM): i was just kidding (Yeah right...just kidding. That's why you showed up and pleaded guilty.) tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:17:06 AM): i don't think you would say anything to anyone JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:17:16 AM): hellz no i dont want no1 to kno im gay tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:17:27 AM): thats cool tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:18:10 AM): are you using a laptop JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:18:19 AM): no i got the keyboard strech way over 2 my bed tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:18:24 AM): you always in bed when we chat tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:18:28 AM): oh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:18:31 AM): yea it s cumfy lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:18:59 AM): well at least i made it to your bed....lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:19:24 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:20:05 AM): you look so chipper and happy JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:20:10 AM): hehe thanx tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:20:23 AM): your friend must be funny JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:21:37 AM): she is JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:21:41 AM): we have so much fun 2gether JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:21:46 AM): we make movies lool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:21:50 AM): we made some tdoay JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:21:52 AM): today tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:22:03 AM): really...what kind JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:22:10 AM): well JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:22:18 AM): i is a pirate, she is a ninja JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:22:21 AM): and we was fighting JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:22:22 AM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:22:40 AM): wow thats cool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:22:53 AM): yea u wanna see? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:23:12 AM): see what...the movie? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:23:31 AM): yeah JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:23:37 AM): its on youtube ill give u the link tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:23:38 AM): how? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:23:42 AM): oh ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:23:44 AM): if u want it tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:23:44 AM): cool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:23:49 AM): k lemme find it 1 sec tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:23:49 AM): sure JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:24:54 AM): **EDIT URL** JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:25:47 AM): wait that aint the pirate one JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:26:07 AM): **EDIT URL** JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:26:07 AM): there JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:26:10 AM): thats thhe pirate one JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:28:56 AM): u watch it? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:29:04 AM): yes tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:29:39 AM): funny tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:29:50 AM): sound is slow though JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:29:53 AM): ya i guess we have fun makin movies JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:29:54 AM): really? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:29:55 AM): : JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:29:56 AM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:29:57 AM): that sux tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:30:31 AM): no it was cute tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:30:48 AM): you a big boy for 13 JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:30:49 AM): well thanx JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:30:51 AM): nooo JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:30:59 AM): i'm 5 8 JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:31:01 AM): she's really short JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:31:04 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:31:06 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:31:40 AM): i know stand up and do a CARTWHEEL for me. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:31:46 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:31:46 AM): no! i suck at them!! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:31:50 AM): ill kill myslef trying tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:31:56 AM): i saw JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:32:25 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:32:27 AM): yeah JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:32:27 AM): so JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:32:31 AM): dangerous tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:32:48 AM): aw...just takes practice JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:33:11 AM): lol do u kno how/ tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:33:39 AM): hahahaha....i might break a hip JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:33:58 AM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:34:08 AM): so we wont be doin no cartwheels 2gether then huh lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:34:31 AM): no but your good a summer salts though JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:34:40 AM): hey brb gotta go pee tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:34:45 AM): k JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:44:55 AM): k back tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:45:25 AM): cool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:45:35 AM): sup tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:46:01 AM): nothing i was putting your video's in my fav, JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:46:11 AM): oh ok lol u like it that much?? kewl! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:46:34 AM): well all i have see of you is just your face so far JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:46:50 AM): u saw my stomache too tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:47:29 AM): yeah but that didn't count, where to far away and it was real fast tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:48:38 AM): but you look cute jumping around playing in your back yard (Just...creepy! How a young kid horsing around on camera is \"cute.\") JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:48:57 AM): well i dont want me doin stuff on my cam n then the pix showin up on the net that happen to someone at my school JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:50:03 AM): aww thax JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:55:42 AM): fucking hell JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:55:48 AM): damn yahoo crashed tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:56:06 AM): i thought thats what happened JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:56:13 AM): i think it was my cams fault tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:56:23 AM): so i was just playing around JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:56:55 AM): u were playin around? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:56:56 AM): bout what? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:57:03 AM): yeah i could have been you got it all hot tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:57:21 AM): with the ImVironments JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:57:26 AM): ohh lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:57:28 AM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:57:43 AM): its kinda fun lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:58:05 AM): just waiting to see if you were coming back or not JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:58:11 AM): i came back tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:58:36 AM): i don't know how to play this stupid game JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:59:15 AM): well JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:59:19 AM): u gotta uncover the poptarts JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:59:22 AM): in the fewwest moves JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 1:59:23 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 1:59:31 AM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:00:08 AM): kinda pointless JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:00:09 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:00:23 AM): yes i see tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:00:38 AM): ps2 is alot better JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:00:50 AM): no shyt i wish i had one tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:01:19 AM): someone stole my first one. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:01:40 AM): i had to buy another saturday JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:01:46 AM): OMG JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:01:48 AM): who stole it?? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:01:50 AM): thats so wrong JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:02:18 AM): y would ne1 steal ur stuff? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:02:19 AM): don't know who stole it. they broke in while i was at work JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:02:23 AM): that sux JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:02:28 AM): is that all they got? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:02:35 AM): i think it was some kid JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:02:43 AM): some1 u kno? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:02:49 AM): yup just the game core JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:02:59 AM): wow i guess he really wanted it then huh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:03:05 AM): still stealin is wrong tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:03:08 AM): it had to be someone that new about it tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:03:16 AM): yup tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:03:39 AM): oh well, nothing i could do about it. JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:03:44 AM): tru JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:03:49 AM): is he ur friend? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:03:55 AM): i called the sherriff and reported it JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:04:05 AM): well thats good tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:04:13 AM): i don't know who it was yet tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:04:50 AM): so i had to replace it cause it is also my dvd player JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:05:30 AM): ya JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:05:36 AM): thats really sucky tho JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:05:39 AM): im sorry 2 hear that tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:05:52 AM): tis ok....live and learn JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:06:13 AM): i spose JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:06:20 AM): did they break ur window or sumthing? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:06:48 AM): yup. broke the window in my spare bedroom JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:06:59 AM): that sux tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:07:48 AM): yeah i know cause i try to be nice to everyone. and for that to happen here really sux JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:08:08 AM): ya JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:08:13 AM): people can be so mean tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:08:46 AM): but it's ok, cause now i have a ray of sunshine to look at. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:09:23 AM): you light up a room when you smile. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:09:27 AM): did you know that JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:10:25 AM): awww thanx! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:10:40 AM): aw theres that smile again JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:10:44 AM): ure a nice guy i feel so bad that some1 would be mean 2 u and steal ur shit JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:10:47 AM): hehhe JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:10:48 AM): stop! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:10:53 AM): u say it and i smile JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:10:57 AM): its a cycle lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:10:59 AM): kik' tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:11:01 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:11:28 AM): smile.... JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:11:29 AM): heheh tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:11:34 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:11:53 AM): it's not going to work tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:12:09 AM): smile tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:12:30 AM): damn tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:12:49 AM): you do have some comtrol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:12:56 AM): oops lost it JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:12:59 AM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:13:01 AM): STOP!! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:13:02 AM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:13:19 AM): you making my eye water. JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:13:22 AM): ugh ill brb momz yellin ill brb tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:13:28 AM): from laughing JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:29:08 AM): hay tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:29:13 AM): what tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:29:43 AM): what happened JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:29:57 AM): nuttin much tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:30:06 AM): cool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:30:56 AM): LOL 1 - 1 tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:31:36 AM): busted JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:31:36 AM): ok so whoever starts wins i see this now lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:32:02 AM): lol you catch on fast JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:34:23 AM): LOL penis tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:34:43 AM): your turn JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:37:01 AM): LOL tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:38:26 AM): is your friend still on JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:38:42 AM): ayh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:38:42 AM): yah JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:38:54 AM): RAWR!! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:38:58 AM): oh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:39:54 AM): heheh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:40:00 AM): I is a pirate!! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:40:03 AM): rawr JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:40:04 AM): hehe tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:40:09 AM): she is asian JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:40:31 AM): uhm i forget what she is tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:41:18 AM): this sux JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:41:30 AM): im sorry JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:41:33 AM): im borin u huh tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:41:46 AM): no it's me thats borin tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:42:05 AM): you have to go to bed soon JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:42:06 AM): well lets be mre xciting tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:42:12 AM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:42:13 AM): yea but will u be online tomorrow to? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:42:19 AM): k JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:42:25 AM): my ma wont be here so no1 will be buggin me to go to sleep! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:42:31 AM): i can stay up all nite if i want 2 lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:42:40 AM): thats cool. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:42:55 AM): but tomorrow is friday any way JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:43:07 AM): yea tru tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:43:29 AM): so what are your plans for the weekend JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:43:46 AM): well i dunno yet JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:43:49 AM): u got ne ideas/ JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:44:24 AM): what u drawin? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:45:04 AM): nothing that wont get me in trouble tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:45:11 AM): hey JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:45:17 AM): whats up JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:45:22 AM): did i ruin ur drawing?? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:45:23 AM): im sorry tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:45:40 AM): i thought you would improve on it JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:45:46 AM): yea i sure didnt did I JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:45:50 AM): what u mean about trouble tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:46:03 AM): doing things i shouldn't JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:46:10 AM): whats that? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:46:25 AM): giving you a B/J tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:46:28 AM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:46:31 AM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:46:36 AM): rule JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:46:41 AM): how u get in trouble for that? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:46:44 AM): i wont get mad lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:46:55 AM): i know. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:47:13 AM): do you have many pubic hairs (Dude, if you have to ask...) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:47:30 AM): i have a few JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:47:32 AM): y? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:47:40 AM): um yeah tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:48:09 AM): don't worry they will also grow in. Like a bush JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:48:19 AM): well ihave some there around my dick tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:48:23 AM): a red bush in your case JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:48:34 AM): im blonde tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:48:51 AM): yes but the hairs will be reddish (I..had no idea!) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:49:18 AM): O I C tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:49:47 AM): but that won't be for a while JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:50:06 AM): o i c tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:50:55 AM): well it's gettin close to midnight. i better let you get some sleep tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:51:21 AM): just don't make a mess in your sheets tonight JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:51:22 AM): ya i g2g my moms yellin at me to get oflfline tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:51:23 AM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:51:24 AM): lol ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:51:25 AM): hehe JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:51:27 AM): lets talk tomorrow JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:51:30 AM): ill be on JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 2:51:31 AM): gnite tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:51:33 AM): k tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 2:51:37 AM): night Later on that same day... tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 5:59:53 PM): are you online? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:01:31 PM): it must have been someone else...screen name is **EDIT UNRELATED SCREENNAME** thought it might be you JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:09:25 PM): howdy buddie! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:09:36 PM): no that aint me, i'm only jaffacree93 tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:09:37 PM): hey big guy there you are tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:09:43 PM): ok cool tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:10:03 PM): yeah i'm chattin with the other guy now. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:10:07 PM): he is 18 tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:11:07 PM): how's things going today JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:12:32 PM): o i c JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:12:37 PM): things r goin good i guess JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:12:45 PM): i really got nuttin 2 do now lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:13:13 PM): awww. but it's still nice outside you should be out playing JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:13:49 PM): lol playing ? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:13:59 PM): well i spose mebbie i could go into my hottob tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:14:28 PM): oh that sounds so nice tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:15:35 PM): that would be the best place to get a b/j in the nice warm relaxing water (And once again, he brings up sex again.) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:16:04 PM): lol really? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:16:31 PM): oh yeah. there or in a shower JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:17:19 PM): well i have a shower 2 JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:17:20 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:17:25 PM): y r those the best spots? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:18:05 PM): because the warm water just helps relax you JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:18:49 PM): o i c tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:19:58 PM): and of coarse it feels so good to have someone soap u up and rub all over your body cleaning everypart of you JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:20:30 PM): kickass JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:20:33 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:20:38 PM): smile tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:20:43 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:21:30 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:22:50 PM): so boreddd tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:23:34 PM): well what are your plans for the weekend. now that you have to whole place to your self (Now he's assessing the situation, making sure everything is all clear.) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:24:08 PM): i dunno i would like 2 do sumthin fun JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:24:13 PM): but i cant think of nuttin JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:24:17 PM): n i sure cant drive nowhare JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:24:23 PM): so im stuck tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:25:03 PM): how are you going to eat? do you know how to cook more then just poptarts. LOL' JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:25:43 PM): lol no JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:25:48 PM): well i got some money for pizza tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:26:02 PM): that won't last all weekend tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:26:45 PM): if you could do anything you wanted to this weekend what would you do? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:28:45 PM): lol get head for the 1st time tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:29:17 PM): lol...that would be cool. is that all? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:29:49 PM): well for sure that JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:29:52 PM): meebbie mire JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:29:53 PM): more tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:29:59 PM): cause getting head will only take a few minutes. JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:30:03 PM): i wont be greedie lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:30:15 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:31:08 PM): oh come on be greedie. tell me what all you want. no pressure here. and i don't pass judgement JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:31:38 PM): well i dunno i mean it would be kewl to be able to try stuff so i kno what i like doin u kno? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:32:46 PM): sure i do. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:33:31 PM): i understand. u have a lot of questions and want to trie alot of different things it's only normal JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:33:52 PM): yea JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:33:55 PM): indeed tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:34:32 PM): well you don't have to be shy around me. i'm cool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:34:40 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:34:45 PM): yea i kno ure kewl i like u JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:34:56 PM): where do u live again? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:34:59 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:35:10 PM): santa rosa JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:35:30 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:35:32 PM): hehehe JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:35:35 PM): o thats right JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:35:38 PM): you aint that far from me JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:35:46 PM): well 2 far for me to walk lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:35:58 PM): i know JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:36:12 PM): well what u doin thiss weekend? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:36:26 PM): you (Ohhh...ever so witty!) tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:36:29 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:36:31 PM): smile JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:37:15 PM): lool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:37:19 PM): u gunna do me? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:37:19 PM): no i don't have any plans yet JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:37:34 PM): well that could be kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:37:48 PM): we could have a lil party tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:37:51 PM): thats all up to you, i'm not going to push it JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:38:04 PM): well im not gunna push u eithr JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:38:05 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:38:20 PM): lol. well maybe a little bit JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:38:28 PM): what push? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:38:33 PM): yeh tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:39:37 PM): maybe i will have to deliver the pizza JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:39:42 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:39:47 PM): that would kick ass tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:41:05 PM): are you and your friend getting together this weekend? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:41:37 PM): u mean jessie? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:41:41 PM): yes JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:41:44 PM): no JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:41:46 PM): y? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:42:26 PM): just wondering. i thought she might live close by or something and ya'll hang out together JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:45:41 PM): we do alot JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:45:43 PM): but not this weekend tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:47:29 PM): oh ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:47:51 PM): yeapp JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:47:58 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:48:00 PM): so tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:48:50 PM): well it's all up to you. you just let me know what you want to do anytime this weekend tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:49:38 PM): brb JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:49:40 PM): k JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:55:52 PM): back yet? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:55:54 PM): back yet? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:55:55 PM): back yet? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:55:58 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:58:17 PM): i have to go find my snake he is out someplace in the house tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 6:58:41 PM): i'll be back in a little while JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:59:00 PM): OMG JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:59:03 PM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:59:06 PM): ill be here lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 6:59:11 PM): Find ur snnake! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:04:00 PM): oh man. i found him JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:05:54 PM): sweet! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:05:55 PM): where was he? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:06:04 PM): he was in my bed JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:06:27 PM): lol u had a snake in ur bed!! lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:07:00 PM): lol, i put him there this morning after our shower JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:07:09 PM): u shower w ur snake? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:07:16 PM): LOL thats funny! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:07:32 PM): sure they need the moister JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:08:00 PM): o i spose JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:08:07 PM): so he likes showers? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:08:56 PM): oh he loves a shower. he starts acting all goofy when i take him in the bathroom and turn on the water tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:09:26 PM): he's the cleanest snake you'll ever find.....lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:09:33 PM): Lol! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:09:39 PM): so u think hed like my hottub? lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:09:48 PM): nope tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:09:59 PM): the water would be to hot for him JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:10:03 PM): o prolly 2 hot huh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:10:03 PM): yeah tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:10:55 PM): but he is about to shed again so he is really passive right now JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:11:16 PM): O I C JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:11:22 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:11:26 PM): how big is he? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:11:34 PM): 4.5 feet JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:12:30 PM): thats rite JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:12:37 PM): dayum that a big snake u got lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:13:00 PM): want to pet my python lil boy.. tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:13:03 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:14:05 PM): hehe JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:14:07 PM): PERVERT!! lol jk (I speaks the truth!!) tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:14:15 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:14:45 PM): well i didn't ask you if you want some candy....lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:14:46 PM): im kiddin JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:14:48 PM): oo rite! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:14:52 PM): and u dont drive a big van do u? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:14:53 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:15:08 PM): well not anymore tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:15:14 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:15:21 PM): j/k\ JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:15:23 PM): hahaha JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:15:27 PM): ure so funny tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:15:56 PM): i drive the little tracker that you can see in the corner JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:16:30 PM): ya u told me that u had that its so kewl lookin JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:16:33 PM): and u got a quad to JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:16:38 PM): they r so fun tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:16:50 PM): yes they are tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:17:22 PM): i cann't wait til i can take the qaud out again JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:17:30 PM): lol i bt JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:17:31 PM): bet tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:18:03 PM): i shouldn't have sold my truck JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:18:28 PM): what kinda truck was it tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:20:08 PM): ford ranger tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:20:20 PM): notthing special JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:20:50 PM): well it sounds tite tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:21:19 PM): it was cool, i did alot of after market things to it JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:22:39 PM): tite tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:28:02 PM): what are you doing? looking a dudes on web cams? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:28:18 PM): lol no tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:28:31 PM): really? why not? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:28:31 PM): just on the web JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:28:40 PM): well cuz i dont kno anyone i can look at! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:29:07 PM): you just go into a chatroom and see if anyone has a open cam JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:29:16 PM): well y is that fun? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:29:42 PM): sometimes...it's cool watching a hot guy j/o JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:29:51 PM): how u find those? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:30:21 PM): ah lil grass hopper so much to learn JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:30:39 PM): LOL tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:30:44 PM): smile JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:30:47 PM): ure makin fun of me! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:30:50 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:30:51 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:30:56 PM): smile agian JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:31:14 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:31:17 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:31:18 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:31:27 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:32:15 PM): there you are tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:32:22 PM): you like wearing black JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:32:23 PM): hi! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:32:32 PM): uhm its grey tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:32:36 PM): oh tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:32:40 PM): looks black tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:32:56 PM): nice and sunny in your room JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:33:02 PM): ya well tis daytime now JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:33:03 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:33:11 PM): duh tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:33:29 PM): so what are you going to show me JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:33:45 PM): well ure lookin at it JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:33:48 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:33:52 PM): my friend is like always online tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:33:53 PM): aw JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:33:56 PM): she sees my cam tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:34:09 PM): so turn her off.... tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:34:11 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:34:20 PM): plus i dont want me showin up on the internet like what happen to someone at my school tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:34:35 PM): ok tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:34:42 PM): well i tried JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:34:48 PM): LOL! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:34:49 PM): bad tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:35:00 PM): smaking my hand JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:35:24 PM): heheh tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:35:56 PM): how may shirts are you wearing JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:36:01 PM): 2 tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:36:01 PM): many tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:36:04 PM): oh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:36:08 PM): it was kindaaaaa chilly this mornin lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:36:30 PM): yeah but it's not morning anymore JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:36:37 PM): yea but i still got my shirts on JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:36:40 PM): so tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:37:04 PM): gettin smart are u JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:37:12 PM): me never JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:37:13 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:37:25 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:37:39 PM): yeah right. i bet no one has smaked that ass in a long time tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:37:47 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:38:11 PM): LOL no JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:38:15 PM): im good! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:38:16 PM): usually JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:38:17 PM): heheh JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:38:28 PM): wow its so quite here wout my mom tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:38:29 PM): i bet you are tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:38:40 PM): i'm sure it is JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:38:48 PM): cept for the freakin airplines tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:39:12 PM): air plains tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:39:23 PM): must be close to the airport JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:39:27 PM): kinda tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:40:31 PM): well i'm starting to get hungry. i only ate at lunch time today JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:40:38 PM): oo yea i spose tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:41:08 PM): so i need to go and find something to eat JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:41:34 PM): well i can wait for u tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:41:59 PM): are you planning on staying on line all night again....lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:42:18 PM): mebbie unless u wannated to come over 4 awhile tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:42:44 PM): it's not nice to tease tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:42:48 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:42:56 PM): i aint teasin dood unless u were teasin me earlier tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:43:14 PM): nope i never tease about sex. (Well thank you very much for clarifying that!) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:43:21 PM): well kewl tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:44:12 PM): ok. i'll go get something to eat and let you play some more and later i will come over JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:44:52 PM): oo sweet tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:45:11 PM): no jacking off til i get there JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:45:15 PM): lol deal tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:45:28 PM): oky doky tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:45:54 PM): be back in a little while then JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:46:02 PM): k ill be here god knos i aint got nuttin else 2 do tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:46:16 PM): sweeet tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 7:46:33 PM): buh bye for now JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 7:46:39 PM): l8r Steve tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 8:58:35 PM): ah. your still here JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 8:59:00 PM): yup i sure is tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 8:59:07 PM): tite tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 8:59:28 PM): what are you doing JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 8:59:53 PM): brb tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 8:59:58 PM): k JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:00:49 PM): hi Steve tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:30:24 PM): hey your back JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:33:01 PM): hi steve JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:33:07 PM): yeah im back JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:33:08 PM): whassup tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:33:31 PM): nothing. you dissapeared so i went and took a shower JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:33:35 PM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:33:39 PM): that's what i disappear to do JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:33:47 PM): i took one 2 JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:33:50 PM): thats funny tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:33:53 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:34:09 PM):how many shirts are you wearing tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:34:16 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:34:55 PM): 2 still tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:35:02 PM): omg JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:35:04 PM): green on outside white on inside tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:35:28 PM): going to have to do something about that JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:35:43 PM): about what my shirt/ tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:35:54 PM): yes JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:36:14 PM): like what tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:36:41 PM): remove them. what did you think JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:36:48 PM): LOL well mebbie JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:36:54 PM): after jessie leaves mebbie JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:37:01 PM): shell want to kno WWTF im doin tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:37:16 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:37:21 PM): i bet she would JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:37:25 PM): yea JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:37:39 PM): plus how i kno u aint gunna put the vid up on Youtube or some shyt like that? lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:37:42 PM): just tell her your making another video tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:38:00 PM): omg.....why would i do that tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:38:15 PM): i would never do anything like that JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:38:28 PM): I dunno i dont think u would but im always scarred like ill be the next youtube joke lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:39:01 PM): lol.....i don't even know how to post anything on utube JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:40:12 PM): LOL tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:41:04 PM): i'm not that smart with computers yet. i have to teach myself everything JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:41:12 PM): well she mite be leavin soon ill let u kno JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:41:20 PM): or u could mebbie just visit me JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:41:22 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:41:40 PM): sure i will JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:42:10 PM): 4 real? when? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:43:00 PM): u would prob. give me the man next door address and watch him try to beat me up or something tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:43:10 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:43:22 PM): y would i do that? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:43:35 PM): my neighbor is an old owman newayz lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:43:41 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:44:03 PM): fisty old ladies are tough tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:44:09 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:44:09 PM): she is scurry JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:44:10 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:44:31 PM): do you live in a house or apt. JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:44:56 PM): a house tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:45:13 PM): cool nude hot tub JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:45:20 PM): LOL yea i got a hottub tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:45:22 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:45:35 PM): smile JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:46:06 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:46:24 PM): what are you too talking about tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:46:36 PM): two JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:47:42 PM): school n shyt tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:51:43 PM): brb...i have to put some clothes on JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:51:47 PM): LOL ok! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:51:48 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:51:58 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 10:52:43 PM): ill brb gotta pee n then get a drink tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 10:57:40 PM): quit jacking off JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:05:42 PM): lol i wasnt jakkin off JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:05:44 PM): funny tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:06:08 PM): ok. what are u drinking JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:06:37 PM): water tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:06:44 PM): my best score is 48 what is yours JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:06:49 PM): 55 JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:06:52 PM): u beat me! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:06:59 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:07:20 PM): awww JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:07:23 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:07:40 PM): you can do better in sure JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:08:30 PM): mebbie tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:11:57 PM): woooohooo 44 JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:12:01 PM): WOOT JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:12:03 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:12:05 PM): u rule tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:12:15 PM): it's to easy JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:12:38 PM): yea lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:12:57 PM): so what else u doin tonite tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:13:06 PM): nothing JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:13:37 PM): oh kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:16:01 PM): u think u mite wanna hang? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:16:23 PM): sure anytime you want to JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:18:42 PM): well if u aint doin nuttin tonite JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:19:07 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:19:22 PM): nope nothing at. i was just watching you and tring to beat my score JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:20:24 PM): lol beat ur score tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:20:46 PM): i will JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:21:10 PM): FINE JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:21:12 PM): beat it! JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:21:13 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:22:56 PM): aww tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:23:07 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:23:08 PM): well how many mins are u from Petaluma? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:23:24 PM): depends on what part JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:23:44 PM): east part tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:24:26 PM): 20? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:24:31 PM): o ok tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:26:08 PM): 43 JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:26:30 PM): 43? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:26:40 PM): my new score JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:26:44 PM): ohhh lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:26:44 PM): sorry JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:27:21 PM): so did u wanna hang tonite? or no tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:27:35 PM): I TOLD YOU YES.... tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:27:40 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:27:44 PM): WELL shit JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:27:49 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:28:29 PM): what u wanna do? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:28:57 PM): if u come over tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:28:59 PM): anything your up for. it doesn't matter to me (Ugh, mother fucker. You've already said what you want to do.) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:29:19 PM): well i kinda like ur idea of doin head lol (So I remind him of what he said before...) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:29:25 PM): that soudns good 2 me newayz tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:29:33 PM): cool (..and he's all about it still.) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:30:06 PM): so did you like want my address? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:30:32 PM): well not unless your going to beam me there JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:30:39 PM): LOL ure funny JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:30:57 PM): **ADDRESS EDIT** JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:32:14 PM): when did u think u wanna come? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:32:46 PM): soon as i can look it up on the map. it you wat tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:32:49 PM): want JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:33:04 PM): sure JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:33:08 PM): whenever ill be here lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:33:16 PM): actually i mite go outsite to the backyard JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:33:22 PM): and go in my hottub tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:33:23 PM): ok tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:33:27 PM): cool JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:33:36 PM): if i do that just go in thru the garage and out the side door and to the backyard JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:33:39 PM): or i can come n get u to JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:33:46 PM): but ill leav ethe garage open for u tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:34:19 PM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:34:28 PM): did it map ok? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:35:52 PM): yes JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:36:46 PM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:36:57 PM): u think u mite be able to bring wine coolerz or sumthin? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:37:09 PM): or smirnoff drinks? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:37:11 PM): if not its kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:37:18 PM): i figure it would be fun to have some tho tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:37:36 PM): sure what kind JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:37:45 PM): Smirnoff Ice JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:38:01 PM): or that lemonaide stuff JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:38:06 PM): somethin no t too boozeey tasting lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:38:20 PM): well make up your mind JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:38:26 PM): Smirnoff ICe JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:38:30 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:38:30 PM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:38:34 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:39:40 PM): hey what kinda ride u got? so i kno what to look for? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:39:44 PM): oo wait JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:39:46 PM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:39:47 PM): im sooo dumb JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:39:49 PM): teh Geo! tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:40:02 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:42:50 PM): so whassup tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:43:07 PM): hold on JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:45:09 PM): k tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:48:21 PM): sorry two 14 yr. girls was talking to me (Heh???) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:47:26 PM): OMG really? JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:47:27 PM): wow tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:47:28 PM): i got rid of them JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:48:24 PM): kewl JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:48:27 PM): what did they want? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:48:43 PM): me of course (Ugh..I hope to God not!) tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:48:46 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:48:47 PM): lol of course tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:49:02 PM): they like to stop by all the time (I really hope that they aren't allowed to stop by anymore.) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:49:25 PM): what for? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:49:45 PM): just to talk tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:50:01 PM): they think i'm cool (Yeah, creepy old guy who buys them booze, perhaps? You're a cool guy, Steve.) JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:50:22 PM): well u r cool lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:50:23 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:50:25 PM): i like u newayz tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:51:06 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:51:10 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:51:12 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:51:13 PM): JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:51:18 PM): so u think u gunna make it or no tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:52:27 PM): i was puttin on my shoes tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:52:50 PM): to much going on at one time JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:52:59 PM): LOL JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:53:02 PM): ure a populer guy tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:53:08 PM): naw JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:53:33 PM): yaw JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:53:35 PM): lol tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:53:35 PM): ok i have to stop at the store and then i'll be by JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:53:38 PM): k JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:53:41 PM): u think 30 min then? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:53:55 PM): yeah something like that tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:54:02 PM): c ya JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:54:05 PM): k kewl c u then JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:54:08 PM): remember i mite JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:54:10 PM): be in the backyard tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:54:15 PM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:54:28 PM): so just go into the garage n to the backyard if i dont c u JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:54:35 PM): ill be there im prtty sure JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:54:43 PM): i gotta warm it up tho JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:54:48 PM): so im gunna go n do that now JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:03 PM): alright? tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:55:07 PM): ok. anything that makes your house stand out JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:16 PM): well...it has the number in front tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:55:22 PM): lol JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:24 PM): its rpetty easy to find tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:55:28 PM): bitch JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:30 PM): the garage will be wide open JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:31 PM): there JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:32 PM): tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:55:35 PM): ok JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:36 PM): ill leave it open for u tofast4yall2003 (8/25/2006 11:55:44 PM): ok buh bye JaffaCree93 (8/25/2006 11:55:52 PM): cya! And show he did. He brought the booze as promised as well. Steve went from happy-as-a-pig-in-shit upon seeing the male decoy to none-too-happy to see Chris Hansen after the decoy disappered.