March 21, 2008 soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:43:03 PM): hey where in bama? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:45:26 PM): hi 14 f demopolis u? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:45:46 PM): you have pic? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:46:32 PM): ya i have lots dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:46:35 PM): how old r u? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:47:30 PM): 32 lets see what you have dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:49:09 PM): hold on im lookin soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:49:42 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:52:58 PM): you like older guys to make you hot and cum? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:54:25 PM): um i dunno dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:54:51 PM): u have a pic? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:55:06 PM): would you want to meet? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:55:18 PM): u mean 4 realz? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:55:24 PM): yes dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:55:35 PM): i dunno i never met any1 from online b4 dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:55:49 PM): can i c ur pic? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:56:57 PM): yd u close it? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:57:19 PM): hello? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:57:24 PM): sorry dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:57:32 PM): sorry 4 what? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:57:44 PM): for clsoing accidentlaly dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:57:48 PM): oh dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:57:51 PM): do u have a pic? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:58:00 PM): no I don't sorry dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:58:09 PM): what do u look like? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:58:26 PM): 5 10 175 dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:59:11 PM): what color hair eyes? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 9:59:29 PM): green eyes brown hair dont_hay_me (03/21/08 9:59:41 PM): omg my eyes r green 2 lol dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:00:09 PM): im hayley btw soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:00:11 PM): funy huh soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:00:19 PM): nice to meet you Jake dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:00:26 PM): nice 2 meet u 2 soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:00:59 PM): you too dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:01:22 PM): thx dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:01:28 PM): do u chat alot? soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:01:36 PM): not really no soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:03:11 PM): gotta go for now stay sweet ok? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:03:19 PM): k can i add u? dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:03:21 PM): u seem kinda kewl soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:03:36 PM): just not onmuch would be a waste dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:03:45 PM): whatever soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:04:00 PM): just beinghonest may ot be on for weeks has been weeks snce on last dont_hay_me (03/21/08 10:04:15 PM): dont matter 2 me im on all the time lol soulkeepndaddy (03/21/08 10:04:25 PM): I hear ya soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:18:29 PM): I see you are on again would you like man to eat your sweet pussy? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:19:14 PM): do i kno u? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:19:42 PM): we chated the otehr day you sent me some pics do you want to know what it feels like to have an awesome orgasm? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:20:01 PM): i dunno wahts thats like and i dont remember talkin 2 u dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:20:05 PM): whats ur asl? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:20:21 PM): 30 male near Montgomery dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:20:31 PM): im 14 f demopolis soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:20:35 PM): that is what i awnt to show you soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:20:39 PM): want soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:20:57 PM): make you feel so good you will want to run away and be with me forever dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:21:11 PM): how u gonna show me that? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:21:49 PM): by being with you kisisng you licking your pussy till you cum then sticking my cock in you dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:22:22 PM): u just messin around w me or serious? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:22:41 PM): very serious if you want to dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:22:59 PM): lolz mayb wahts ur name anyway? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:23:07 PM): Jake dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:23:13 PM): im hayley soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:23:23 PM): pretty name dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:23:29 PM): thx soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:23:36 PM): tell me what you want baby dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:23:58 PM): i dunno lol soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:24:17 PM): I can make you feel so good you cant beleive it dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:24:23 PM): u gotta pic? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:24:40 PM): no but it wil be all you think about once you let me dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:24:53 PM): lol dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:24:59 PM): what do u look like then r u cute? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:25:14 PM): yes cute by most standards soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:25:39 PM): do you want to feel a man eat your sweet pussy? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:25:48 PM): feel his cock inside of you dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:26:00 PM): i never did the 1st part of that b4 is it fun? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:26:22 PM): yes you will love it dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:26:39 PM): lol my friend tole me that 1 dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:26:42 PM): 2 i mean soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:27:02 PM): have you had cock in you? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:27:07 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:27:16 PM): do you like to fuck? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:27:33 PM): it was ok i only did that like 2x dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:27:36 PM): 1st time it hurt soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:27:47 PM): it will get betert and better each time dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:27:53 PM): really? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:27:57 PM): yes soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:28:05 PM): we would do it every day dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:28:21 PM): lol soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:28:30 PM): you would want to trust me dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:28:45 PM): y do i wanna trust u? i dont even kno u soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:29:11 PM): after I eat yopur pussy you won't want to leave my side dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:29:33 PM): what if i dont like it? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:29:49 PM): baby youa re going to love it dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:30:08 PM): u really think so? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:30:13 PM): I know so soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:30:21 PM): you will go nuts i am that good dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:30:28 PM): ohh soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:31:27 PM): question is can you handle feling that good? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:31:39 PM): i guess i dunno lol soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:31:57 PM): you will fall in love with the way i tret you soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:32:00 PM): treat dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:32:11 PM): how do u kno that? lol soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:32:25 PM): because youa re a sweet girl who wantsa sweet guy dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:32:35 PM): ya my xbf was a jerk soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:32:58 PM): I am really sweet and will treat you right soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:33:10 PM): you will want to make babies with me dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:33:31 PM): my mom would effin kill me if i got preg soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:33:43 PM): you wouldn't be with her anymore you would be with me soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:33:57 PM): you want to do it don't you? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:34:06 PM): i dunno u mean like 4ever? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:34:15 PM): yes soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:34:29 PM): be loved forever dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:35:23 PM): like ur jus messin w me rite? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:35:36 PM): no baby tell me you want that dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:36:06 PM): well mayb it sounds kinda nice but i dont really kno u how do i kno ur not goin 2 like hurt me or anything? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:36:13 PM): no more school just love soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:36:29 PM): becuase i wnt your love eceryday I could never hurt you dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:36:36 PM): i hate school soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:36:51 PM): want to be my forever lover? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:37:12 PM): mayb can we talk more 1st so i kno ur 4 realz soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:37:18 PM): sure dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:37:30 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:37:33 PM): you have webcam or dig cam? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:37:45 PM): no moms a bitch bout me havin a cam soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:38:03 PM): ready to leave her huh? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:38:33 PM): i dunno i wouldnt have 2 follow her stupid rules then tho soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:38:44 PM): thats right soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:39:01 PM): just have lots of good sex with me dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:39:02 PM): u wouldnt make me go 2 school? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:39:06 PM): no dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:39:20 PM): would u let me play video games? mom thinks there bad but i really wanna wii soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:39:34 PM): if you do what i say sex wise yes dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:39:44 PM): well like what would i have 2 do? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:40:04 PM): kiss me let me eat you let me fuck you you suck my cock all godo stuff i promise soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:40:10 PM): good dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:40:54 PM): what if i dont like somethin? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:41:00 PM): like what? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:41:05 PM): you wil love it all dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:41:14 PM): well i dunno soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:41:20 PM): if you let me show you how you will love all of it dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:41:42 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:41:56 PM): you have any special pics of you? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:42:07 PM): i have alotta pics soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:42:14 PM): let me see them all dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:42:21 PM): k hold on i find em soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:42:24 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:46:31 PM): I love your hair dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:46:31 PM): how many pics u want lol im prolly borin u dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:46:38 PM): thx soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:46:43 PM): keep going baby soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:48:28 PM): you look awesome dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:48:37 PM): wish i could c how u look soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:49:02 PM): ARE YOU WNTING TO FEEL ME KISS YOU AND BE SWEET TO YOU? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:49:14 PM): sounds nice dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:49:21 PM): do u gotta cam? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:49:29 PM): NO SORRY dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:49:36 PM): oh :( soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:50:00 PM): you want to blow off schol and have me come get you this week? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:50:23 PM): u really would? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:50:27 PM): yup dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:50:51 PM): but if i do im never coming home again like ever? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:51:05 PM): if you will stay with me dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:51:48 PM): can i think bout it a little bit? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:51:54 PM): yes dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:51:58 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:52:04 PM): you have more pics? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:52:09 PM): from disney soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:52:16 PM): let me see dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:52:19 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:54:00 PM): have any pics of you your mom doesnt know about? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:54:09 PM): she dont kno bout any of these dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:54:19 PM): clara took em and sent them in email 2 me dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:54:29 PM): im not sposed 2 have pics on here ha ha soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:54:45 PM): you have any others f you? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:54:55 PM): thats all dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:55:05 PM): clara mite have more she didnt send me yet soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:55:52 PM): well you are beautiful dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:56:01 PM): aww thx soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:56:28 PM): I gotta go sweety dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:56:33 PM): already? soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:56:36 PM): you do too school tomorrow right? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:56:43 PM): ya it sucks soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:56:50 PM): I know but not forever dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:57:09 PM): can u get me a pic next time we talk? i wanna c how u look soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:57:14 PM): so we wil chat more ok? dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:57:24 PM): ya that would b kewl soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:57:31 PM): ok take care stay sweet dont_hay_me (03/26/08 11:57:41 PM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (03/26/08 11:57:43 PM): bye dont_hay_me (03/27/08 10:03:20 PM): hi jake soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:05:56 PM): been thinking of me gettng you? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:06:08 PM): hi ya soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:06:13 PM): hi dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:06:14 PM): u werent online tho soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:06:46 PM): so is it something you wnt? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:07:06 PM): ya i like talkin 2 u soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:07:22 PM): I mean to meet me and make love to me dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:07:54 PM): ohh well ya i think so soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:08:13 PM): wanna sneak out one night? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:08:53 PM): i guess so but i kinda wanna kno u some more on here u kno im a little nervous soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:09:39 PM): is ok I can wait and be patient sweety dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:10:03 PM): ok i thought u would b mad at me soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:10:15 PM): not even close dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:10:22 PM): kewl dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:10:45 PM): im kinda in a bad mood 2nite sorry soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:10:52 PM): why dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:11:09 PM): mom says we hafta move soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:11:16 PM): 2 where? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:11:47 PM): shes not sure yet but she said shes been looking at places soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:12:03 PM): far or close? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:12:21 PM): she said still in bama so i guess close soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:12:33 PM): she have betetr job or what? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:12:41 PM): she wants 2 buy a house soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:13:01 PM): prolly not far what does she do for iving dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:13:10 PM): she takes xrays soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:13:29 PM): decent money dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:13:48 PM): im kinda pissed bout it i hope i dont hafta change schools soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:14:04 PM): might get to give up school with me dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:14:28 PM): ya ur serious u wont make me go 2 school? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:14:38 PM): if you make love to me al of the time dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:14:48 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:15:26 PM): deal dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:15:36 PM): ya dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:15:46 PM): do u work? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:15:52 PM): think you could sneak out for a couple of hours and try me out? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:15:55 PM): yes dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:16:23 PM): ya mayb when moms workin dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:16:27 PM): what do u do? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:16:56 PM): asst manager store dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:17:12 PM): kewl kinda like the boss? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:17:20 PM): yup dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:17:45 PM): do u like it? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:17:49 PM): yup dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:18:09 PM): they should pay kids 2 go 2 school i mite like it more lol soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:18:24 PM): lol soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:18:58 PM): what hours mom work? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:19:10 PM): it changes all the time shes on days rite now soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:19:25 PM): able to act liek going to schoola nd blow off? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:19:54 PM): when shes on days she drives me 2 claras and her mom takes me soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:20:18 PM): can u cut class early? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:20:21 PM): she thinks i wont wake up 4 the bus dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:20:46 PM): prolly soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:21:13 PM): riday? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:21:18 PM): friday dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:21:49 PM): i wanna kno u some more 1st k? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:21:52 PM): like on here soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:22:08 PM): we can jusy kiss if you want dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:22:31 PM): its kewl i just never met any1 online b4 u kno soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:22:46 PM): it is ok dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:23:10 PM): i kno u prolly think im like a dork or something soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:23:17 PM): nope dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:23:25 PM): its really kewl talkin 2 u i just wanna b sure ur kewl 1st soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:23:40 PM): no prob dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:23:56 PM): ur not mad? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:24:01 PM): nope dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:24:27 PM): thx its so kewl u understand not like my mom w moving soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:24:42 PM): is ok sweety dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:25:03 PM): thx soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:25:25 PM): welcome dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:26:26 PM): ur really nice soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:26:38 PM): more than you know dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:27:11 PM): no i feel like a tard dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:27:26 PM): now i mean soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:27:35 PM): why? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:28:06 PM): cause ur really nice and im just kinda nervous i guess soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:28:22 PM): is ok dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:30:03 PM): what r u doin? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:30:06 PM): u busy? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:30:22 PM): wtching puppy dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:30:30 PM): awww dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:30:40 PM): what kinda puppy do u have? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:30:47 PM): he chews alot dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:30:52 PM): lol soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:30:55 PM): lap spaniel mix dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:31:08 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:31:38 PM): will be big dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:32:01 PM): thats kewl tho i dont like those little tiny dogs peeps put in there purse lol soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:32:20 PM): will be 60-90 pounds dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:32:38 PM): lol hes gonna b way 2 big 4 a purse ha ha soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:32:52 PM): will carry purse dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:33:06 PM): lolz soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:33:13 PM): yup dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:33:44 PM): whats his name? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:34:09 PM): King dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:34:36 PM): cute soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:34:45 PM): he can be dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:34:57 PM): mom wont let me get a puppy soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:35:35 PM): you can pkay with mine dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:35:46 PM): kewl dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:35:57 PM): she says im not repsonsible soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:36:40 PM): is ok as long as u take care of me dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:37:08 PM): lol soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:37:23 PM): you want to huh? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:37:33 PM): i think so soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:37:41 PM): cool soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:39:23 PM): so think about friday dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:39:30 PM): ok dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:53:09 PM): mayb when mom goes 2 sleep we can talk on the phone soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:53:43 PM): would you liek that when does she go to sleep? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:53:55 PM): i dunno when shes tired i guess ha ha soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:54:38 PM): not allowed to haev frieds call? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:54:49 PM): not this late soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:55:02 PM): when you get hoem froms chool? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:55:22 PM): ya if shes not here soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:55:32 PM): tomorrow? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:56:16 PM): i dunno depends if shes here or if she goes somewhere after work soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:56:32 PM): pop online if she is gone dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:56:38 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:56:39 PM): right away soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:57:37 PM): want to hear your sweet voice dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:57:56 PM): kewl would b nice 2 hear ur voice 2 soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:58:16 PM): cool so as soon as u get home which is when? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:59:07 PM): i 4got im going 2 claras after school 2morow :( soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:59:20 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 10:59:28 PM): wednesday? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 10:59:48 PM): whenver ur on and shes not home or sleepin i can call soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:00:33 PM): would be better if I call you so it can't be traced dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:00:58 PM): i gotta calling card from my gramma so in case mom checks the bill or anything soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:01:33 PM): still traceable from that end I have a scrambler andcard dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:02:05 PM): oh whats a scrambler? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:02:29 PM): device used to keep calls from being caller ided dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:03:48 PM): oh but that still not gonna work if shes sleepin it will wake her up and if shes not home she forwards it 2 her cell in case work calls soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:04:09 PM): not if you pick up first ring dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:05:04 PM): ya mayb but i dont wanna get caught or shes gonna bitch soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:05:52 PM): I wouldn't let you be caught dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:06:29 PM): id b grounded 4ever soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:06:59 PM): not if I came to get you dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:07:19 PM): well if im grounded and cant get out soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:07:40 PM): when she isn't home she couldn't stop you dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:07:47 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:08:05 PM): yup dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:14:35 PM): can i ask u somethin dumb? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:14:47 PM): sure dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:15:04 PM): how do u kno ur gonna like me 4 realz? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:15:29 PM): can tell once we talk dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:17:04 PM): how can u tell? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:17:12 PM): tone of voice dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:17:19 PM): oh lolz dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:27:31 PM): what if u dont like my voice? ha ha soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:27:47 PM): what if I love it dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:27:58 PM): i dunno soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:28:05 PM): see? dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:28:12 PM): ya dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:28:29 PM): did u find a pic yet? soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:28:46 PM): no dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:28:52 PM): :( soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:33:33 PM): ok gotta go sweety dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:33:48 PM): aww ok im tired anyway soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:33:56 PM): night baby dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:34:04 PM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (03/31/08 11:34:23 PM): night baby dont_hay_me (03/31/08 11:34:34 PM): nite :) soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:32:09 PM): Hi sweety dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:32:16 PM): hi jake soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:32:32 PM): you gonna be home froms chool tomorow alone? dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:32:53 PM): no not 2morow soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:33:13 PM): what about during the weekend? dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:33:50 PM): i dunno yet thats a couple days away lol dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:34:09 PM): moms talkin bout me goin 2 grams this weekend soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:34:24 PM): where is grams house? dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:34:28 PM): hartford soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:34:53 PM): I don't even know whre that is would you be able to sneak out of there at night? dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:35:18 PM): mayb let me find out if im goin there 1st soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:35:43 PM): well if you are and I can get tehr I wouldlvoe to come meet you dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:36:05 PM): how u gonna do that if u dont know where it even is lol dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:36:14 PM): its near enterprise soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:36:29 PM): enterpirsie that is south of montogmery? dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:36:41 PM): ya i think so soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:36:54 PM): the are three enterprises in bama dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:37:04 PM): near dothan dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:37:09 PM): u kno where that is? soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:37:33 PM): yes soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:38:19 PM): thatis almost in fla soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:38:33 PM): do you know your ggrams address? dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:38:59 PM): no id have 2 ask mom soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:39:16 PM): what is your grams name? soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:39:40 PM): and her phonenumber I will see if I can findher that way dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:39:41 PM): margaret soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:39:45 PM): last nake too soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:39:48 PM): name dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:40:03 PM): peters dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:40:48 PM): im not givin u her number jeez id b dead if u called there soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:41:10 PM): I am not going to call I sweer soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:41:18 PM): I am going ot try to find her address that is all dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:41:20 PM): bsides id have 2 walk somewhere and meet u soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:41:27 PM): I know but I would need to be close dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:41:37 PM): ya let me find out if im even goin 1st soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:41:43 PM): I swear i won't call I wouldn't get you in trouble dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:41:55 PM): ya well i dont feel like gettin grounded soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:42:03 PM): that is why I wouldn't call soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:42:31 PM): I just want to be bale to find you sweety dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:42:44 PM): let me find out if im goin there 4 sure ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:42:48 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:42:54 PM): ill ask mom 2morow and let u kno soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:43:01 PM): ok sweety I have to go for now dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:43:10 PM): awww already u just got here soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:43:20 PM): really tired baby have to get up early sorry dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:43:28 PM): ok :( soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:43:40 PM): thanks baby I will make up for it if we meet dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:43:49 PM): how u gonna do that? soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:43:58 PM): why don't you think of a way? dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:44:11 PM): well i dunno lol soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:44:21 PM): you have time think of what you wouldlike dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:44:28 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:44:29 PM): don't answer now dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:44:37 PM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:44:39 PM): but I gotta go baby soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:44:43 PM): night bay soulkeepndaddy (04/02/08 10:44:45 PM): baby dont_hay_me (04/02/08 10:44:50 PM): nite soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:47:54 PM): hey where at? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:48:08 PM): im home rite now and really not happy soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:48:30 PM): what wrong baby dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:49:22 PM): mom took the weekend off work 2 start packin i guess were movin in with gram til she finds a house there :( soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:49:48 PM): so she is moving down that way? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:50:00 PM): ya she wants 2 b closer 2 gram soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:50:09 PM): awful big move she have job there? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:50:19 PM): i wanna stay here w my friends tho so im pissed and sad i dunno soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:50:48 PM): well could alwaus live with me dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:51:18 PM): ya mayb its not like im gonna get 2 c my friends anyway dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:51:34 PM): ill have a new school and everything and i heard her talkin on the phone soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:51:40 PM): but I would keep youhappy and make you feel good every day soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:51:45 PM): and no school dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:51:45 PM): she knew bout this a long time and never ever told me!!!!!! dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:52:13 PM): ya i kno u told me that soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:53:17 PM): well do you want that dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:53:29 PM): ur not kiddin rite? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:53:39 PM): or want to try it at least soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:53:48 PM): as long as you are for real dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:54:01 PM): im not fake i hate fake peeps dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:56:20 PM): u still here? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:56:25 PM): yeah dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:56:30 PM): yahoo crashed dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:56:33 PM): sorry soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 9:56:33 PM): I asked are you for real dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:58:56 PM): yahoo sucks dont_hay_me (04/04/08 9:59:18 PM): u got booted 2 i think soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:00:30 PM): tell mw your concerns wants and what you will not stand for soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:00:43 PM): you a smoker or non? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:00:53 PM): non dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:00:54 PM): do u? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:01:03 PM): nope hate it dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:01:18 PM): me 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:01:29 PM): I relly love to kiss a wholelot dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:01:42 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:01:46 PM): and lots more dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:01:56 PM): like what? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:02:04 PM): I lvoe to eat a womans pussy til she cums dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:02:17 PM): wow really? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:02:23 PM): allof the time dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:02:40 PM): i thought boys think thats gross soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:02:53 PM): baby you let me and i will never stop day afert day dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:03:15 PM): kewl i heard thats fun soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:04:11 PM): and I would want you to lick and suck on me as well dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:04:34 PM): if u want me 2 i would soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:04:44 PM): and we would make as many babies as youwant dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:04:54 PM): like when im older u mean? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:05:05 PM): or now if you wanted soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:05:11 PM): whatever youw ant soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:05:20 PM): as long as you want me dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:05:32 PM): i like kids and babys r really cute i jus dont kno if i want any rite now soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:05:43 PM): I will wait as long as ou want dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:05:57 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:06:08 PM): but when you let me do the things I want to do you willwant it all of the time dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:06:26 PM): how do u kno? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:06:33 PM): I am that good I know dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:06:39 PM): lolz soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:07:12 PM): sweety you laugh but I ahve blown amny women's minds with how good I am dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:07:37 PM): well i dont kno a real lot bout this kinda stuff soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:08:13 PM): I wil go slow and make it nice dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:08:30 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:08:52 PM): so when you want it to happen? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:09:28 PM): i dunno gonna hafta b after i go 2 grams cuz moms off all weekend and makin me help her pack soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:10:00 PM): ok well you will have to let me know exactly where she lives so I can find you nearby dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:10:30 PM): ok when i get there ill see whats close soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:10:43 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:11:16 PM): im prolly gonna have a couple days off school 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:11:25 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:11:33 PM): til she gets me registerd soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:11:38 PM): just let me know dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:11:47 PM): i will soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:11:55 PM): stay sweet dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:12:02 PM): r u leavin? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:12:07 PM): no dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:12:18 PM): oh it was like u were sayin bye lol dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:12:43 PM): do u have a nice house? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:13:03 PM): live in apt for now dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:13:11 PM): oh ok soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:13:30 PM): just for now dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:13:35 PM): do u have any video games? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:13:44 PM): have a wii dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:13:48 PM): omg u do? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:13:52 PM): and computer games dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:14:10 PM): wii is so kewl i wanted 1 of those really bad soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:14:25 PM): well if you are here you have one dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:14:33 PM): :) sweet soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:15:09 PM): can b if you are here dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:15:16 PM): ya sounds it soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:15:33 PM): yup dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:16:53 PM): what else u have? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:17:06 PM): as far as? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:17:14 PM): like a ipod? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:17:43 PM): naw but if you want stuff just have to ask and be real sweet to me dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:17:57 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:18:05 PM): im not mean anyway dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:18:15 PM): well sometimes when im mad like bout movin soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:18:30 PM): well I would keep you as happy as I could dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:18:40 PM): u r so nice soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:18:49 PM): if you only knew dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:19:03 PM): y do u say that? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:19:41 PM): because I am nicer in person dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:19:48 PM): awww dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:20:00 PM): well u already cheered me up soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:20:27 PM): wait till I kiss you and hold you and touch you and lick you all over dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:20:49 PM): u sure ur gonna like me enough 2 do all that stuf? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:21:34 PM): yuuuuuuuup soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:21:40 PM): as longas you want it you got it dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:22:22 PM): i kinda feel dumb cuz u kno so much and i dont like mayb u wont like me soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:22:58 PM): sweety as long as you are honest with me soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:23:06 PM): and you want to be loved soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:23:13 PM): and you want to love dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:23:27 PM): sounds nice and im not a lyer soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:23:34 PM): and want to be cared for like I can soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:23:54 PM): and like the htought of being touched sweetly every day fr hours soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:23:57 PM): thought dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:24:09 PM): sounds kinda nice soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:24:12 PM): brought to orgasm time after time soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:24:34 PM): told how beautiful you are every day dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:24:36 PM): i dont think that ever hapened soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:24:44 PM): it will with me dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:24:54 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:25:12 PM): I wil go slow and never stop until you feel so good you want to explode dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:25:19 PM): omg soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:25:31 PM): once you feel that god and know i want to do that soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:25:37 PM): you will need it everday soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:25:44 PM): good dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:25:55 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:26:28 PM): have you ever touched yourself gently? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:26:48 PM): i kinda tried it but it seemed wrong 2 do that urself soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:26:56 PM): are you in your room? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:27:00 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:27:06 PM): close door and lock it dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:27:26 PM): no moms still awake she will wonder whats up soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:27:36 PM): tell you what dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:27:40 PM): what? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:27:42 PM): you gonna stay up late tonight? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:27:50 PM): im gonna try soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:28:09 PM): what if i come back on later when she is asleep and we chat nicely and I will make you cum dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:28:24 PM): what time u coming back? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:28:35 PM): you tell me when you sure she will be asleep dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:29:04 PM): i dunno cuz shes off work and shes cleaning and fillin up boxes and stuff already soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:29:20 PM): I try back at 11? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:29:57 PM): k but im kinda scared ill get caught i dont wanna get in trouble soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:30:10 PM): I won't let you I promise ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:30:21 PM): we will work it out dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:30:38 PM): i really didnt like that by myself soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:30:54 PM): when you do it becaue I ask you it will be different dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:31:23 PM): still think its weird by myself soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:31:34 PM): you won't be by yourself it will be as if i am there soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:31:43 PM): you will see dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:31:46 PM): not really cuz ur not here soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:31:56 PM): sweety have a lil faith soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:32:10 PM): or i could just come get you dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:32:31 PM): u mean 2nite? soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:32:34 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:32:46 PM): theres no way i can get out now w her home dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:32:51 PM): :( soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:33:01 PM): ok then we will chat later and see if she is still up ok? dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:33:06 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:33:13 PM): sweet girl talk to you at 11 soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:33:35 PM): bye for now dont_hay_me (04/04/08 10:33:39 PM): k nite jake soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 10:33:44 PM): night sweety dont_hay_me (04/04/08 11:33:52 PM): :( moms makin me get off the comp 2 help her ill try 2 get back on but i dunno when dont_hay_me (04/04/08 11:33:56 PM): sorry soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 11:34:00 PM): is ok sweety dont_hay_me (04/04/08 11:34:10 PM): oh i didnt kno u were still here dont_hay_me (04/04/08 11:34:19 PM): but i still gotta go :( soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 11:34:19 PM): palying game but stll here soulkeepndaddy (04/04/08 11:34:23 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/04/08 11:34:40 PM): cya later if ur still on and i can come back dont_hay_me (04/04/08 11:34:44 PM): bye dont_hay_me (04/06/08 2:36:03 PM): hi jake r u online? dont_hay_me (04/06/08 2:36:18 PM): :( soulkeepndaddy (04/06/08 3:54:46 PM): am now baby you ok? dont_hay_me (04/08/08 9:33:46 PM): hi jake dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:00:38 PM): :( soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:19:22 PM): hey sweety how are yu? dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:19:36 PM): hi jake soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:19:56 PM): what is going on darlin? dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:20:10 PM): nothing really dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:20:15 PM): what bout w u? soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:20:44 PM): in a bit of pain hurt my self and trying to manage with medicine dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:21:03 PM): omg what happend? soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:22:17 PM): I hurt myself coupl weeks ago and it still isn't right but i saw doc todyand got medicine so hopefully will be beter soon dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:22:28 PM): what did u do? dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:22:50 PM): like how did u get hurt i mean soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:23:46 PM): working in very cramped locationhandling heavy pipes and starined my neck which is causing a nerbes to be pinched real bad soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:23:53 PM): nerves dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:24:06 PM): :( sorry dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:24:14 PM): i hope u feel better soon soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:24:28 PM): me tooo thank you dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:24:36 PM): yw dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:25:03 PM): does it hurt alot? soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:25:28 PM): at certain times yes like right ow it hurts right in my shoulder blade dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:25:44 PM): that sucks soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:26:04 PM): I will surive but you are right it does soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:26:16 PM): maybe you cna atle care of me one day soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:26:23 PM): can take care dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:26:33 PM): aww ya that mite b kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:26:39 PM): the way I will take care of you dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:26:42 PM): i dunno how 2 fix that tho soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:27:04 PM): well where the muslces ar tight apllying pressure like in a back rub dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:27:15 PM): oh ok soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:27:20 PM): just being sweet and caring helps aot dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:27:36 PM): ur so nice i wish u felt better soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:27:57 PM): I do talking with you dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:28:11 PM): awww soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:28:22 PM): but sitting here huts so I am going to lay back down tonight ok? dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:28:55 PM): awww ok i hope u feel better soon soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:29:03 PM): me too and I wnt to see you soon as well dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:29:13 PM): want me 2 call u and we can talk on the phone while u rest? soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:30:09 PM): that is very sweet but no baby I have been thinkng and we need to be careful if we wnt this t work we can't talk on the phone that is traced too esily if you relly want to be with me dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:30:28 PM): that sucks soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:31:04 PM): well if you want this for real until you decide to have me pick you up this is how it has to be dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:31:38 PM): i guess ur prolly rite but it would b nice 2 talk 2 u 4 realz soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:31:52 PM): I know baby I wouldlove to hear your sweet voice dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:32:00 PM): aww thx soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:32:13 PM): one day we will hear each other everyday dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:32:30 PM): :) soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:33:02 PM): anyway let me go lay downand i will talk to you soon dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:33:11 PM): ok hope u feel better soulkeepndaddy (04/09/08 10:33:30 PM): thank you baby dont_hay_me (04/09/08 10:33:41 PM): yw dont_hay_me (04/13/08 10:50:29 PM): u here? soulkeepndaddy (04/14/08 4:41:22 AM): are you ok sweety? dont_hay_me (04/16/08 10:44:52 PM): im ok gram is like a hawk so i gotta b careful on here dont_hay_me (04/16/08 10:45:07 PM): miss talkin 2 u tho soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:25:55 PM): hi baby dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:26:01 PM): hi jake soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:26:06 PM): how ya been? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:26:11 PM): horible soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:26:16 PM): what's wrong? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:26:27 PM): i hate it here my new school sucks dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:26:32 PM): i hate bein the new kid soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:26:43 PM): you want me to come get you? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:27:08 PM): that would b kewl but theres no way i can get out 2nite soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:27:22 PM): why is that? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:27:33 PM): moms here and she grounded me soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:27:45 PM): grounded you fr what? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:27:55 PM): cause i was mean 2 my gram dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:28:07 PM): shes like always going thru my stuff and im sick of it dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:28:39 PM): so i told her not 2 go thru my things anymore and what if i went in her room and went thru her stuff dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:28:56 PM): well i kinda yelled at her i guess but gawd like y she gotta b so nosy soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:29:05 PM): so your mom didn't get a new house she moved in with your gram? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:29:29 PM): ya she didnt get a house yet shes still lookin 4 a job here soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:29:52 PM): thats weird that she would move under those circumstances dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:30:06 PM): shes goin 2 get the rest of our stuff next weekend tho and sending me 2 my crazy aunts house dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:30:37 PM): well cuz gram cant take care of herself she started a fire in the kitchen cuz she tried 2 cook w plastic bowls soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:30:52 PM): so gram is going senile huh dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:30:53 PM): demensha mom called it soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:31:00 PM): demntia soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:31:05 PM): dementia dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:31:19 PM): ya that lol sorry i didnt kno how 2 spell it soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:31:44 PM): gram will have to go in a home for the elderly she may have alzheimers soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:32:02 PM): people with alzheimers often get nasty at times dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:32:07 PM): thats like really bad then rite? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:32:21 PM): ya shes mean 2 me alot and goes thru all my stuff soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:32:22 PM): eventually it will kill a person soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:32:42 PM): it isn't her fault it is the sickness I know it is rough but try to understand dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:32:46 PM): like wtf is she lookin 4? soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:33:00 PM): she doesn't even know it isn't re3ally her soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:33:11 PM): I know it is hard to comprehend dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:33:16 PM): well its not rite 2 do that soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:33:25 PM): she doesn't know right from wrong soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:33:33 PM): she is worse than a 2 year old dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:33:37 PM): y r u sticking up 4 her? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:33:51 PM): nobody understands soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:33:56 PM): just telling you what dementia and alzheimers is like so you understand soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:34:05 PM): not sticking up for her at all soulkeepndaddy (04/18/08 9:34:16 PM): she needs to be in a home for the elerly so they can care for her dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:34:46 PM): well then mom should put her there and stop makin us move dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:34:58 PM): i dont want 2 go 2 my aunts either shes nuts and she hates me dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:35:42 PM): but i have 2 go there thurs and stay until sunday cuz mom has 2 have all r stuff out of the old house dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:36:37 PM): and it really sucks cuz some1 from school finaly asked me 2 hang out and now i cant dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:37:30 PM): did u leave? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:37:41 PM): :( dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:39:12 PM): at least aunt barb lets me do whatever i want just so im not in her way dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:41:39 PM): r u here? dont_hay_me (04/18/08 9:44:19 PM): great now im the crazy 1 talkin 2 myself :( dont_hay_me (04/18/08 11:35:39 PM): i was hopin u came back online dont_hay_me (04/19/08 10:46:22 PM): hi? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 5:27:52 PM): just got home from work sweety soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:46:14 PM): hey baby you ready for me to come get you? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:46:28 PM): ya i hate it here soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:46:36 PM): ok give me teh address soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:46:39 PM): the dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:47:11 PM): i cant leave from here its 2 hard 2 get out w gram and mom maybe when i go 2 my aunts on thurs soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:47:23 PM): ok her address? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:47:37 PM): i dunno it its in ozark tho ill get it 4 u b4 then soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:47:57 PM): ok sweety you ready to be my lover and make babies with me? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:48:18 PM): u said u would wait 4 the babys rite i dunno if i want them rite now but someday soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:48:26 PM): sure can wait dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:48:31 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:48:50 PM): but you will do all thi things I want you to do right? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:49:03 PM): i guess so what do u want me 2 do? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:49:23 PM): let me kiss you suck your tits eat your pussy till you cum hard have you suck my cock soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:49:38 PM): make love to you over and over dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:49:51 PM): u promise u wont hurt me tho rite? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:50:24 PM): never ever hurt you dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:50:28 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:50:47 PM): is ozark far from u? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:51:01 PM): have to check dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:51:42 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:52:19 PM): im goin there on thurs and b there a couple days soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:52:39 PM): Thurs night would be best time for me to get you dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:52:58 PM): ok like what time? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:53:03 PM): takes about 2 hours fo me to get there dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:53:11 PM): just so i can make plans 2 get out soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:53:12 PM): you tell me whne you think you could sneak out or be out dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:53:42 PM): ok let me find out dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:54:11 PM): my aunt really dosent care what i do i can prolly tell her im stayin over my friend krissys house that lives there soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:54:31 PM): that will work how early do you think you could be out? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:54:32 PM): she would b glad 4 me 2 go anyway she hates me dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:55:06 PM): prolly dont matter what time u wanna come? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:55:16 PM): if you are good to me and love me I will love you forever dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:55:30 PM): awww i would never b mean 2 u ur so nice 2 me dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:55:46 PM): im sorry i was in a really bad mood last time we talked soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:55:59 PM): is ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:56:12 PM): what time would be best for you to be out for me to come get you soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:56:50 PM): can't be any place too public that might have video cameras dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:56:57 PM): prolly dont matter 2 much ill just check w my aunt 2 make sure she doesnt have anything planned i hafta do dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:57:09 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:57:29 PM): are you excited for a night of slow hot sex? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:58:06 PM): sounds fun i hope u like me when u c me 4 realz u kno im worryed if u dont like me now soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:58:26 PM): why would you worry about that? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:58:54 PM): i dunno i worry lots i guess soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 9:59:30 PM): well do you want to snuggle be touched be kissed be made to feel sexy and loved all of the time? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 9:59:51 PM): ya that sounds kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:00:05 PM): then you have nothing to worry about dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:00:15 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:01:01 PM): cool soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:01:20 PM): you have a skirt you can wear for me when I pick you up? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:01:48 PM): ya i guess whats ur fav color? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:02:10 PM): that doesn't matter just want you to wear one with a t shirt no bra no undies soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:02:23 PM): I want to touch you right away dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:03:01 PM): thats kinda weird i never really went anywere in public w out wearing bran and pantys lol soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:03:23 PM): you won't be out in public long you will be with me touching each other as we drive back dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:03:44 PM): k what kinda car u got so i kno its u anyway? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:04:17 PM): I have to be careful in case anyway intercepts this, i will have a spcial code I say to you ok? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:04:44 PM): well i dont even have ur pic so how will i kno its u or not? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:05:09 PM): I wil know you and I will come up to you soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:05:36 PM): will call you sweet girl ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:05:54 PM): you don't want to be yanked back to your mom's do you? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:05:56 PM): ok well can u just tell me what color car? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:06:02 PM): omg no soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:06:39 PM): no sweety we have to be careful soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:06:47 PM): please trust me dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:07:03 PM): i do trust u but i think u dont trust me u dont even let me c a pic soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:07:24 PM): just be sure to be where we agree it is a long drive for me to go and you not be there dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:07:39 PM): i will b i promise soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:07:43 PM): sweety think about if someone else is able to read this dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:08:05 PM): my mom doesnt kno my passwords and i know how 2 delete it im not that dumb soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:08:22 PM): one of the things you have to do before you go is format your computer erase everything soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:08:34 PM): it isn't your mom you need to worry about dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:08:47 PM): i dont save my chats soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:09:05 PM): sweety even though you don't save it it is written deep on your hard rive soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:09:09 PM): drive dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:09:16 PM): oh dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:09:35 PM): so i dunno what 2 do then soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:09:50 PM): as far as what? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:10:25 PM): i dont save my chats so i dunno what u mean format my comp soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:10:52 PM): format is setting up hard drive to take all new data it is a complete erase soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:11:00 PM): nothing will be on soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:11:13 PM): you can do that then reinstall windows if you have a windows disk dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:11:50 PM): i dunno what u mean dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:12:09 PM): cant i just delete yahoo messenger? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:12:51 PM): no sweety that won't do it dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:13:06 PM): i dont kno then soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:13:07 PM): it isn't hard I will give you step by step before we meet dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:13:11 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:13:26 PM): which os do you have xp or vista dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:13:31 PM): xp soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:13:35 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:13:47 PM): do you have a widows setup disk? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:13:58 PM): i dont kno dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:14:06 PM): this is my moms old comp she has her own laptop dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:14:21 PM): so she gave me this one soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:14:24 PM): or a diskthat came with compuer to reinstall setup? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:14:39 PM): I can tell you what to do it is ok dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:14:41 PM): ill have 2 look around mayb i dunno dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:14:56 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:15:21 PM): I am going to let you grow you hair all the way to the floor soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:15:30 PM): have you ever shaved around your pussy? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:15:46 PM): like the whole thing? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:15:49 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:16:00 PM): no just in summer a little bit near my bathing suit soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:16:15 PM): I want you to shave the whole thing by tommorrow soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:16:27 PM): you will see why as i eat you and lick the skin around your pussy soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:16:36 PM): you will love it dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:16:45 PM): do u get razor burn there that would hurt dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:17:08 PM): omg what if i cut it by acident soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:17:08 PM): use hto wash cloth new razr sahving cream and shave in the right direction you shopuld be ok dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:17:49 PM): k i guess ill try it if thats what u want soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:18:02 PM): you will ove it you will see soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:18:05 PM): love it dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:18:08 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:19:15 PM): cool dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:19:30 PM): can i ask u somethin dumb? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:19:41 PM): ok sweety I have to go have some things to do before bed will talk with you tonorrow ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:19:45 PM): go ahead ask dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:20:15 PM): ur really gonna b there rite? u wont tell me anything and i hope ur serios soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:20:29 PM): very serious dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:20:37 PM): k me 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:20:39 PM): are you serious? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:20:42 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:20:47 PM): can you get me a special pic of you? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:20:56 PM): like what? soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:21:00 PM): no clothes dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:21:25 PM): i dont have a digi my friend clara took my pics 4 me and shes in demopolis :( soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:21:43 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:21:53 PM): but you would do it for me wouldn't you? dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:22:04 PM): if u promised not 2 show any1 soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:22:12 PM): would only be for me forever dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:22:31 PM): i would 4 u if i could soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:22:47 PM): I believe you dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:23:09 PM): :) soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:23:10 PM): ok baby got to go for now dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:23:12 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:23:14 PM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (04/20/08 10:23:19 PM): night sweety dont_hay_me (04/20/08 10:23:23 PM): >:D< dont_hay_me (04/23/08 9:23:50 PM): jake? u online? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 12:05:28 PM): you need to give me an address and a time after 9 30 pm for me to pick you up dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:10:54 PM): hi 930 is like way 2 late i thought u ment like 4 or 5 i dont think i can get out that late and u werent online so i thought u were just playin me soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:11:27 PM): not playng sweety are you home alone? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:11:37 PM): no dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:11:43 PM): im at my aunts soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:11:49 PM): doesn't she work? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:12:05 PM): no soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:12:11 PM): so she is real old then? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:12:20 PM): no shes disable soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:12:40 PM): can you pretend to go to school tomorrow and instead i pick you up? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:13:09 PM): im not goin 2 school im in ozark im not at grams in hartford soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:13:24 PM): ok can you get out in the morning early? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:13:35 PM): like waht time? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:13:48 PM): you name a time and place you would like me to pick you up dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:14:26 PM): hold on lemme find out soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:14:30 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:16:15 PM): ya i can get out dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:16:24 PM): 2morow dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:16:57 PM): shes goin w her friend shoppin an 4 lunch soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:17:45 PM): so how ealry can you get out? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:18:11 PM): like 10? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:18:24 PM): i dont like wakin up 2 early if i dont hafta lol soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:18:26 PM): ok and where will I meet you? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:19:23 PM): theres a surgery center i can walk 2 it has a big parkin lot and theres not alot of peeps there soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:19:37 PM): name of it street it is on? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:19:52 PM): its on *Edit* an *Edit* road dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:20:28 PM): like on the corner theres a light there an u turn on *Edit* rd and its like rite there dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:20:45 PM): well not really a corner but like where the roads meet soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:20:56 PM): in ozark right/? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:20:59 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:21:08 PM): let me take a look hold on dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:21:26 PM): its name is *edit* surgery center i think soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:21:54 PM): ok hol don dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:22:05 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:22:37 PM): theres like nothin else around it soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:23:16 PM): coming down *edit* I woulds turn left onto *Edit* road? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:23:33 PM): ya dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:23:49 PM): its rite after the turn u can see it soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:23:50 PM): is it right near airport? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:24:31 PM): its rite at the intersecton soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:24:42 PM): what will you wear for me tomorrow? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:24:47 PM): where in parking lot will you be? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:25:06 PM): airports not near there soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:25:32 PM): I see blackwell field dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:25:47 PM): the parkin lot on the back of the buildin soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:25:52 PM): might be military air field soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:26:06 PM): so the small parking lot behind? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:26:25 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:26:45 PM): what will you be wearing for me and what street will you use to walk to med ceter? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:27:11 PM): *Edit* rd dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:27:27 PM): i dunno yet what u want me 2 wear soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:27:37 PM): what street will you take to get to *Edit* road? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:27:53 PM): skirt and shirt no bra no panties dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:28:21 PM): i dont want u near my aunts house if her neighbors c ill b dead soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:28:36 PM): I won't be I want to make sure I am going to right place I promise dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:29:15 PM): its *Edit* dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:29:23 PM): u turn left at the light soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:30:00 PM): if I were to be late which I doubt I will how long would you wait for me? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:30:24 PM): well im not waitin all day jeez dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:30:30 PM): how late u gonna b? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:30:32 PM): I mean 5 minutes ten what? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:30:41 PM): I don't think I will be late ata ll soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:30:52 PM): how long would you want me to wait for you if you are late? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:30:56 PM): like 15 soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:31:16 PM): so if you are not walking in the lot by 10 15 you aren't coming is that abput right? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:31:19 PM): i mean if i had ur cell id call u w my callin card but ur bein all weird bout that dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:31:35 PM): ill b there on time soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:31:36 PM): just beng careful sweety you don't want to be dragged back do you? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:31:46 PM): no dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:31:53 PM): but i could call from a payphone or somethin dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:31:56 PM): just 2 c if ur lost soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:31:58 PM): don't bring a bag or anything ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:32:04 PM): I won't get lost trust me on that dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:32:07 PM): nothin? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:32:26 PM): just as if you were going for a walk unless you are telling your aunt youa re going to a friends and staying the night dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:32:34 PM): can i bring my mp3? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:32:38 PM): sure dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:32:44 PM): what r u gonna wear? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:32:51 PM): shorts and t shirt dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:33:00 PM): what color shirt? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:33:15 PM): im gonna wear my jean skirt and a blue shirt i think soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:33:26 PM): sweety you will know it is me when I come up to you and tell you what a pretty young lady you are soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:33:31 PM): I will use those exact words soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:33:38 PM): what a pretty young lady you are dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:33:59 PM): i know but im a little nervous i wanna b sure its u i dont wanna just walk up 2 a stranger soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:34:11 PM): I will walk up to you do not worry ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:34:40 PM): if you are there in skirt and no bra I will walk up to you and tell you what a pretty young lady you are dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:34:41 PM): well can u tell me how u look? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:34:46 PM): 5 9 soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:34:51 PM): brown hair some grey soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:34:55 PM): hazle eyes dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:35:26 PM): u got gotee or mustash or anything? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:35:29 PM): no dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:35:34 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:35:57 PM): send me some of your pics again I want to see you sweety dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:36:09 PM): ur gonna get me lunch and stuff rite and clothes? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:36:14 PM): of course dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:36:45 PM): how bout somethin 2 drunk? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:36:49 PM): drink soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:36:54 PM): anything you want dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:37:08 PM): wine coolers? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:37:14 PM): once we get out of town yes dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:37:35 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:37:43 PM): send me pics sweety dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:37:56 PM): ther on my comp at home soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:38:00 PM): o ok dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:38:10 PM): look on my myspace theres sum there soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:38:14 PM): tell me what you want to happne as we drive back soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:38:23 PM): what is your myspace? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:38:30 PM): myspace soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:38:42 PM): what is the url of your myspace? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:38:54 PM): hold on ill get it soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:38:57 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:40:09 PM): *Edit Link* soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:42:00 PM): tell me what you want to happen as we drive back dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:42:18 PM): well i was hopin i could drink so im not so nervous lolz soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:42:25 PM): ok after that dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:42:57 PM): dont matter 2 me really it will b kewl jus bein w u finaly soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:43:17 PM): will you lean over put your head in my lap and take my cock in your mouth and love it real slow? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:43:34 PM): u want me 2 do that while ur drivin? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:43:37 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:43:57 PM): if u promis not 2 get in an acident and kill me lol soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:44:03 PM): o I wll be ok soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:44:10 PM): will you swallow when i cum in your mouth? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:44:21 PM): ewww soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:44:29 PM): you willlearn to love it f you love me soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:44:51 PM): will you ask me to finger you until you cum for me? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:45:10 PM): ya if u want he he soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:45:34 PM): talk about how bad you want me to make love to you? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:45:34 PM): i dont think that ever happend b4 tho soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:45:47 PM): it will with me dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:45:58 PM): kewl sounds fun soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:46:56 PM): ok so 10 oclock ok? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:46:59 PM): im so excited this is gonna b so much kewer dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:47:03 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:47:07 PM): ok I will be ther dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:47:08 PM): u kno where it is now? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:47:10 PM): yup dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:47:11 PM): me 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:47:19 PM): ok I have to go for now but I willbe there dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:47:28 PM): i will b 2 promis soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:47:30 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:47:47 PM): u gonna b online 2nite? soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:47:56 PM): might be sweety soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:48:03 PM): but I really have to go bye sweety dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:48:11 PM): k cya 2morow :) soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 4:48:17 PM): yup dont_hay_me (04/24/08 4:48:31 PM): bye jake soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:29:08 PM): Hey so you swear you will be ther right? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:29:17 PM): omg ya soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:29:23 PM): no matter what right? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:29:29 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:29:41 PM): gas costs alot of money and is long drive dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:29:51 PM): i promis soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:30:03 PM): ok go to bed so you get up in time ok? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:30:08 PM): i hate living w gram it sucks i have no friends anymore dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:30:22 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:30:31 PM): ok sweety se you in the morning dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:30:36 PM): i cant wait soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:30:45 PM): if for some reason you can't make it let me kniw before 8 am dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:31:00 PM): ok but i can make it soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:31:09 PM): all right se you soon go to bed sweety dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:31:13 PM): u leave me an offline if u cant k? dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:31:17 PM): ill check wen i wake up soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:31:20 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:31:28 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/24/08 11:31:32 PM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (04/24/08 11:31:43 PM): night sweety dont_hay_me (04/25/08 8:52:57 AM): hi jake everythings kewl my aunt is gettin ready 2 go w her friend cya at 10 soulkeepndaddy (04/25/08 1:01:44 PM): I just got back. I didn't see you but I saw undercover law enforcement and within a mile 4 readied police cars, so I guess that is that dont_hay_me (04/25/08 1:08:21 PM): liar dont_hay_me (04/25/08 1:09:05 PM): ur nothin but a liar an a player dont_hay_me (04/25/08 1:09:47 PM): u made me promis and trust u but then u jus like playin games w my head like wtf soulkeepndaddy (04/25/08 2:41:20 PM): no I WAS there but so were the cops I am not stupid dont_hay_me (04/25/08 3:10:40 PM): if u were there u woulda saw me and i wouldnt of been standin there like a jerk waitin 4 u 2 show up soulkeepndaddy (04/25/08 6:41:58 PM): I was there from ten till till ten after prhaps I was wigged out by all of the undercover cops and regular cops just a few blocks away waiting in their cars I didn't think you would want to be involved in anything like that I am sorry dont_hay_me (04/25/08 9:11:45 PM): well i dont kno y u didnt c me if u were really there i didnt c no cops when i walked there and i waited a long time 4 u dont_hay_me (04/27/08 1:38:58 PM): u here? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:10:24 PM): am now they were undrecovers cops near the med center and reg cops about 4 blcks away dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:11:10 PM): so how would they kno whats up anyway soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:11:18 PM): I am not acuss=sing you but did you tell anyone about us? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:11:24 PM): no soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:11:44 PM): then somehow they are monitoring your or my ims dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:12:11 PM): omg nobody even knows i chat on here cept 2 my friends irl soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:12:22 PM): trust me there is nothing I would rather have had than you in my arms doing things I want soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:12:32 PM): all weekend dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:12:52 PM): mayb some1 else was in trouble 4 somethin soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:13:01 PM): maybe it was a cooincendience maybe they weren't ther for us dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:13:26 PM): ya prolly but its like u stood me up soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:13:57 PM): you know if I came and got you you could never talk to any of your friends on computer or anything you could never visit and log onto your myspace soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:14:10 PM): sweety i was there dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:14:21 PM): ya rite soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:14:33 PM): took me am hour and 45 minutes dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:15:09 PM): whatever soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:15:46 PM): you don' have t believe me I understand your point of view but I don't want to get in trouble and would have hated to see you dragged back and in trouble as well soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:16:14 PM): I do care about what happens t you dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:16:17 PM): how would nebody kno that u werent jus pickin me up dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:16:28 PM): i think ur jus a player or ur like crazy wtf soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:16:49 PM): I am as real as they come dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:17:19 PM): well if u were real i wouldnt hafta go back 2 hartford in a little while and school 2morow soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:17:47 PM): if you saw what I saw you would have bolted also soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:17:57 PM): Looked too much like a set up dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:18:03 PM): if ur tellin the truth dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:18:32 PM): how do i kno ur not lyin 2 me all this time u wont even let me c ur pic or let me call u dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:18:47 PM): i trusted u totally and look what happend soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:18:51 PM): I told you I would call you soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:18:57 PM): anytime you want dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:19:20 PM): ya but they will hear the phone ring soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:20:24 PM): say it was a worng number dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:20:30 PM): i thought this was gonna b so kewl u kno dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:20:47 PM): if i do that then i cant really talk 2 u neway jeez soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:20:57 PM): you can hear that I am real dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:21:22 PM): if u were real u wud of been there if u really wanted 2 b w me like u said soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:21:24 PM): I get to hear your voice soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:21:30 PM): I was there dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:21:36 PM): i didnt c u dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:21:44 PM): i waited like 30 mins dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:21:59 PM): in case u got lost soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:22:05 PM): I am sorry I really am soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:22:21 PM): those cops all over teh palce scared me dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:22:32 PM): i didnt c any at all soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:22:59 PM): I told you the ones in and near the parking lot were undercover just dirvers sitting in there cars for o reason didn't you notice that? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:23:11 PM): no soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:23:25 PM): one acted like the was laying back taking a snooze soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:23:30 PM): the otehr was reading a amp soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:23:33 PM): map dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:23:56 PM): i didnt c that dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:24:09 PM): mayb they were sleepin or readin maps peeps do that all the time soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:24:14 PM): you weren't watching for that sort of thing eitehr were you? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:24:26 PM): no not rely dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:24:30 PM): really soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:24:30 PM): two people doing that at the same time in same parking lot? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:24:54 PM): only person i saw in the parkin lot was some black guy like he was waitin 4 sum1 dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:25:21 PM): that wasnt u was it? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:25:31 PM): no sweety I am white baby dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:25:36 PM): ya me 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:25:54 PM): if we try this again and I am willing soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:26:02 PM): gonna have to be less public place dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:26:17 PM): how do i kno u will b there dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:26:33 PM): i dont even kno when im going back 2 my aunts again soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:26:33 PM): i spent 65 dollars in gas to do this last time soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:27:02 PM): I would go to were you are living at if you can pretend to go to school and let me pick you up instead dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:27:40 PM): i dunno if i skip school an u dont show up ill get in alot of trouble soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:27:54 PM): you will be skipping school for the rest fo your life dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:28:05 PM): ya if u dont get all scared and chiken out soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:28:10 PM): you will be kissed and sucked and licked and fucked instead dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:28:55 PM): but if u c a cop drive by or somethin ur gonna jus leave again and then ill b in trouble soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:29:08 PM): if ther is just one no soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:29:31 PM): if you see cop just keep walking and when he is out of sight I woudl pick you up dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:30:06 PM): i dont kno what undercover cops look like so how would i kno its not really sum1 just lost readin a map jeez dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:30:22 PM): how do u kno it was a cop 4 realz? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:30:25 PM): I was tlaing about a regualr cop soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:30:29 PM): talking soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:30:42 PM): if we get a chance to talk opn phone soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:30:53 PM): I will use specila set up I have that can't be traced soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:30:59 PM): and you can tell me where soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:31:22 PM): youhave caller id wher you are right now? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:31:31 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:31:43 PM): good let me call you and show you it won't show up and can't be traced dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:31:53 PM): no my aunts like rite here soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:32:04 PM): just a wrong number won't keep yu but a second soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:32:10 PM): she is disabled right? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:32:23 PM): ya thats what she says 2 get her checks dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:32:34 PM): i dont think thers nothin wrong w her tho soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:32:36 PM): what tme are you going back? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:32:50 PM): mom said around 330 soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:33:13 PM): wanna go for walk until she gets there and never come back? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:33:36 PM): ur 2 far away 2 get here by then soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:33:53 PM): you will have to be a bit farther from her house so she doens't see you and I WILL COME soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:34:13 PM): will bring wne cooler dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:34:19 PM): u dont think there gonna go lookin 4 me? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:34:58 PM): won't matter you will be far enough away by the time they strt looking they won't do it right away you need to walka s far as you can and tell me where you are walking so I can find you soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:35:16 PM): bu it has to be up 231 or something, some direction your mom would think of dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:35:21 PM): i dont come here alot i dunno alot of places soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:35:23 PM): ouldn't think of soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:35:40 PM): I mean just walk up the road for a spell and i will get you as soon as i can soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:35:55 PM): you have to keep walking so they don't find you dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:36:04 PM): how would u find me? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:36:20 PM): how many pretty gals like you are going to be walking up 231 on sunday evening? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:36:39 PM): by themselves dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:36:41 PM): what if they call cops 2 look 4 me or somethin? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:36:55 PM): by that time you will be on your way back with me soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:37:10 PM): they won't call cops for at leat and hour soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:37:23 PM): and they cops won't look because of your age for a couple of hours dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:37:26 PM): u said it takes longer then that 2 get here soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:37:51 PM): like I said the cops won't even begin to look until 5 30 soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:37:57 PM): tales 1 45 to get there soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:38:08 PM): that would be 445 dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:38:11 PM): but how u gonna kno where im at? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:38:33 PM): if you stick to 231 north and walk up the side of the road facing traffic soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:38:44 PM): I will pull over and ask if your feet hurt soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:38:51 PM): that is your signal dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:39:25 PM): what if u dont show up? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:39:49 PM): sweety I plan on you dong things to me on the way back and me touching you al over you think I am going to miss out on that? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:40:30 PM): what if u dont c me soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:40:39 PM): if you stick to road how can i miss? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:41:01 PM): but what if moms lookin 4 me dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:41:08 PM): and she sees me dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:41:25 PM): im scared soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:41:27 PM): she wont know to go straght up 231 she would think you are in one of the neighborhoods dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:41:45 PM): the other day was perfect cuz my aunt was goin out nobody would have lookd 4 me 4 hours soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:42:09 PM): you dont know how heartbroken I was I thought you had set me up really soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:42:18 PM): with al those cops there soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:42:29 PM): I felt betrayed dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:42:37 PM): i was really mad at u dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:42:43 PM): and kinda sad 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:42:55 PM): I don't balme you but look at it from my point of view soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:43:10 PM): are youhungry to be a love slave? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:43:10 PM): y only think bout u what bout me just waitin there jeez soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:43:20 PM): I do feel bad for you dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:43:28 PM): whats a love slave? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:43:44 PM): a gla who all she does is keep her self pretty and do what her man says dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:44:01 PM): oh soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:44:06 PM): did you shave your pussy? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:44:08 PM): do i get 2 play video games sumtimes? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:44:13 PM): all the time dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:44:26 PM): ya i did cuz u wanted me 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:44:33 PM): how does it feel? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:44:40 PM): weird soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:44:49 PM): where is your aunt now? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:45:00 PM): on the phone i think w my mom soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:45:06 PM): canshe see you? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:45:18 PM): kinda if she wantd 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:45:24 PM): what are you wearig? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:45:35 PM): shorts an a tshirt soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:45:41 PM): shorts tight? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:45:48 PM): jean shorts dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:46:00 PM): pink tshirt soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:46:05 PM): I want you to rub at your pussy through your shorts when she isn't looking soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:46:20 PM): thik of me licking you there dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:46:41 PM): omg if she sees me ill get in trouble soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:46:56 PM): she can't see below with you at desk can she? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:47:20 PM): its like a metal desk theres nothin underneath it but the legs dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:47:25 PM): so ya soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:47:35 PM): you wanna just go for walk and have me pick you p? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:47:51 PM): im nervous dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:48:00 PM): hold on mom wants 2 talk 2 me soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:48:01 PM): I understand don't say yes if you aren't sire soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:48:04 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:52:49 PM): omg this sucks dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:53:04 PM): u here? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:53:21 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:54:18 PM): hey i gotta stay here til tues nite dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:54:37 PM): mom doesnt have everythin out of r old house yet dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:56:20 PM): soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:56:35 PM): yeah here dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:56:43 PM): lol thought u left soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:56:46 PM): so what do ou want to do dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:57:12 PM): aunts makin me go 2 the grocery store w her so i can carry all her bags since im stayin longer soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:57:57 PM): so me get you tonight or tomorrow afternoon? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:58:25 PM): i dunno or mayb tues soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:58:42 PM): ok tuesday is fine but find a less conspicuous place ok dont_hay_me (04/27/08 3:59:13 PM): ok well i dunno like where? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 3:59:26 PM): name some palces you can get to easily dont_hay_me (04/27/08 4:00:13 PM): i dunno let me c what i c on the way 2 the grocery store soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 4:00:21 PM): that will work sweety dont_hay_me (04/27/08 4:00:27 PM): ok i gotta go ttyl k? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 4:00:27 PM): get names of streets ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 4:00:31 PM): ok sweety dont_hay_me (04/27/08 4:00:37 PM): ok or i can look em up when i get back soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 4:00:42 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/27/08 4:00:48 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/27/08 4:00:48 PM): bye soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 4:00:51 PM): bye dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:42:38 PM): jake? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:42:49 PM): hey dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:42:59 PM): hi how come ur always invisible? dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:43:00 PM): lol dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:43:37 PM): i never kno when ur online soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:44:07 PM): going to bed soon very tired dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:44:18 PM): oh soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:45:03 PM): worked hard all weekend dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:45:18 PM): do u gotta work on tues? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:46:10 PM): yes but I can be there by 3 dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:46:42 PM): thats kewl my aunts gonna b gone she has an appt at uab on tues so shes gonna b gone most of the day soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:47:02 PM): so figure out where dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:47:44 PM): well she lives on *Edit* and since u kno where that is how bout u jus turn on the road an ill walk down the street u can jus pull over like u said 2day soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:48:06 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:48:46 PM): sounds good be sure to be on side of road that I will be on so you can jump right in dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:49:10 PM): ok ur gonna turn left on *Edit* rt jus like going to the sugery center soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:49:18 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:49:21 PM): her house is after that tho so ill jus walk soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:49:52 PM): ok sweety dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:49:54 PM): ill walk like away from the med center so ill stay on roy parker til u c me soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:50:02 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:50:29 PM): u better let me kno if ur not gonna b there soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:50:42 PM): I really will be there soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:50:53 PM): wine coler and all dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:50:56 PM): moms not coming til like 5 or 6 so we have alot of time dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:51:03 PM): ya kewl can u get berry 1s? there my fav soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:51:26 PM): I have fuzzy navel and if you are good to me on the way back Iwill get more dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:51:33 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:52:59 PM): cool dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:53:18 PM): ya i hope so i dont wanna get stood up again soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:53:49 PM): I will make it up to you I promise if you are sweet to me dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:54:07 PM): u dont think im sweet? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:54:37 PM): I do but I want you super sweet to me when I pick youup dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:54:59 PM): i will b but im gonna b really mad if u ditch me again soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:55:10 PM): won't happen dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:55:16 PM): promis? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:55:22 PM): I promise dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:55:30 PM): k kewl dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:58:04 PM): u fallin asleep chattin? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:59:00 PM): I am rea;l;y tired dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:59:06 PM): awww im sorry dont_hay_me (04/27/08 9:59:14 PM): i just like talkin 2 u soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 9:59:57 PM): me too dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:00:29 PM): ya but its not much fun when ur not typin back lol soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:01:16 PM): welll soon we will be talking next to each otehr in bed dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:01:27 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:02:16 PM): it will be dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:02:48 PM): i think so 2 soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:03:11 PM): yup dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:04:15 PM): watcha doin? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:04:27 PM): stroking my cock thinking of you dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:04:33 PM): omg 4 realz? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:04:39 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:05:20 PM): lolz soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:05:31 PM): soon you can do that for me dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:05:38 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:05:51 PM): kiss it and lick it dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:06:20 PM): ya ur gonna tell me rite like what u want and stuff? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:06:33 PM): yes fr sure dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:06:39 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:07:15 PM): thats kewl cuz im kinda worried u wont like me 4 realz still soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:07:30 PM): just stay sweet dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:08:06 PM): i will long as u dont change ur mind and make me go 2 school or back home soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:08:41 PM): hell no dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:08:53 PM): kewl then were kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:10:01 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:14:12 PM): what time u stayin up til? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:14:25 PM): going to bed now baby soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:14:33 PM): good night soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:14:41 PM): have to be up at 3 dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:14:42 PM): aww k u gonna b on 2omorow? soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:14:46 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:14:47 PM): omg thats early dont_hay_me (04/27/08 10:14:58 PM): k nite jake soulkeepndaddy (04/27/08 10:15:42 PM): night baby dont_hay_me (04/28/08 8:35:45 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:22:09 AM): im tired and goin 2 bed r u stil coming 2morow or what? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:10:27 PM): jake? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:41:10 PM): you on now? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:41:16 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:41:32 PM): tell me if you understand what your life will be like if I come get you dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:41:50 PM): huh? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:42:08 PM): you understand that noone can see you during daylight hours soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:42:20 PM): I can sneak you out once in a while to go to mal or something dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:42:27 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:42:36 PM): but you can't go to walmart or anything since they will be looking for you dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:42:47 PM): so like i just get 2 sit at ur house all day an play vid games? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:43:07 PM): you have to do whatever I say you can't argue because what I say may be the difference between you getting caught or not dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:43:23 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:43:45 PM): you will belong to me and do what I say I will never ever hurt you dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:44:04 PM): i trust u jeez i wouldnt do this if i didnt soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:44:17 PM): what are you wraring for me now? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:44:26 PM): wearing dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:44:43 PM): i have on sweats rite now im gonna go take a shower an get dressed tho soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:44:52 PM): what will you wear for me? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:45:07 PM): skirt u said rite? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:45:10 PM): yes soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:45:45 PM): if you ever change your mind you have to rpomise to let me take you back the way I say ok? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:46:02 PM): k like how? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:46:18 PM): in other words you may never contact anyone by phone or computer soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:46:31 PM): can not visit your myspace page nor set up a new one dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:46:54 PM): never? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:47:12 PM): whatever u say tho its kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:47:59 PM): ok 145 you leave house ok? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:48:12 PM): u said 3? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:48:17 PM): now 2? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:48:26 PM): no today would be 1 45 dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:48:36 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:48:46 PM): ur def coming this time? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:48:51 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:49:05 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:49:08 PM): what r u wearin? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:49:16 PM): delete all of yahoo dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:49:28 PM): i always do soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:49:49 PM): even messenger have to remove it dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:50:04 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:50:18 PM): ok 2 hours from now dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:50:19 PM): like uninstall u mean? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:50:23 PM): yes dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:50:25 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:50:35 PM): what time u leavin? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:51:00 PM): when I drive by I will ask if your feet are tired soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:51:09 PM): in about 5 minutes dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:51:10 PM): like how far should i walk? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:51:44 PM): on the side of road that cars driving away from med center dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:51:55 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:52:14 PM): walk till I pull up and ask about your feet ok? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:52:21 PM): shouldn't be long dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:52:23 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:52:26 PM): few blocks at most dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:52:34 PM): what r u gonna wear? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:52:37 PM): shorts soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:52:48 PM): something you can get into easily dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:52:54 PM): lolz dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:52:55 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:53:11 PM): ok leaving now unistall get your shower and leave exactly at 1 45 ok? dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:53:18 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:53:22 PM): see you then soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:53:26 PM): bye dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:53:33 PM): kewl u make sure u pick me up this time! soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:53:40 PM): I will dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:53:41 PM): i dont wanna go back soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:53:44 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:53:51 PM): k cya soon soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:53:58 PM): ok dlete all and unistall really dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:54:07 PM): i will i kno how 2 do that soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:54:10 PM): ok bye dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:54:19 PM): i just gotta install it agian 4 my aunt tho a new 1 so she dont kno soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:54:34 PM): you don't have me loadsed as a freind do you dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:54:50 PM): i wont on the new 1 soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:54:58 PM): remove me now then uninstall soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:55:01 PM): bye dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:55:04 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:55:07 PM): bye soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 12:55:11 PM): bye dont_hay_me (04/29/08 12:56:24 PM): ur off the list now im gonna uninstall cya soon jake soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 1:23:35 PM): you stil there? soulkeepndaddy (04/29/08 1:25:06 PM): I hope you read this before you go. Iam so sorry. I just got called into work . there was a mjor accident and I have to investigate. I just got the call. I ran back so I could send youthis I was on my way gassed up and everything. I will make this up to you someday soon I promise. i am so freaking sorry it hurts dont_hay_me (04/29/08 4:35:28 PM): wtf dont_hay_me (04/30/08 10:57:26 PM): hey soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:08:22 PM): Hello dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:08:37 PM): hey soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:09:24 PM): How are you? dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:09:30 PM): pissed dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:09:39 PM): still dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:10:22 PM): u lie and u break promises soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:10:34 PM): I can not help there was a mjor accident at work I am sorry dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:10:36 PM): but u want me 2 trust u dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:10:52 PM): so u cant say no u had plans dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:11:04 PM): i guess im not that important soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:11:14 PM): no not when it is an emergency and I ma essentially the one in charge no dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:11:45 PM): whatever how do i kno ur not lying? soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:12:14 PM): I guess until we memet neither of us will know the pure truth dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:12:32 PM): u mean if u show up sometime soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:13:26 PM): It isn't like you live right around the corner, it isn't as if I haven't been there once and all things i didn't like dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:13:39 PM): thats not my fault dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:13:55 PM): i did everythin u told me 2 do dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:14:09 PM): u dont do what u say u will soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:14:19 PM): I never said you didn't soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:14:34 PM): I have not blamed you for anything dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:15:03 PM): no u just disapoint me soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:15:58 PM): I am sorry dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:17:51 PM): u said that the last time soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:18:27 PM): perhaps we need to not rush into this build it inot something dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:19:06 PM): so u changed ur mind bout me u mean soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:19:33 PM): nope but we need a better plan so you can see that I am not lying dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:19:54 PM): well if u say ur gonna b somewhere and then r there id kno u werent lying soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:21:02 PM): there are other wyas to prove beofre I make a trip again and I was 20 minutes down the road when I got the phone call from work I was on my way dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:21:32 PM): prove how? soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:22:43 PM): for one let me call you dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:23:18 PM): ya when nobodys hear 2 hear the phone i would cept u wont let me call u and nobody would hear that soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:23:37 PM): you have to understand I am tryong to be careful dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:23:46 PM): i got a callin card jeez soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:23:52 PM): you seem to think it is no big deal that I help you run away dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:24:13 PM): so soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:24:46 PM): it is a lifetime condition and if we get caught you go back and where do you think I go? dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:25:12 PM): were not gonna get caught jeez nobody knows i talk 2 u soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:25:45 PM): Let me ask you something dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:25:49 PM): what? soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:26:26 PM): how comfortable are you livinmg wit and giving yourslef to an older man you have nefer seen? dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:26:53 PM): i wouldnt go w u if i didnt like u soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:27:30 PM): so see I could ahve gone all the way down there and you said no dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:27:44 PM): no i ment that diferent dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:27:56 PM): i ment i wouldnt even say id meet u i was gonna go if u came soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:28:49 PM): what if you find me real ugly ( I am not but what if you think I am?) dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:29:21 PM): i dunno r u really ugly? is that y u didnt come? soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:29:39 PM): no I am not I am just saying what if dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:30:09 PM): i alredy like u i dont think that wud change just cuz of how u look soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:30:41 PM): well when summer comes around and you are out of school we will work something out you will see that isn't far away dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:31:41 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:32:07 PM): ok dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:32:16 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:33:01 PM): ok sweety dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:33:58 PM): i gues so but if u dont show up again im gonna b really mad soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:35:59 PM): I know we will plan something that won't fail dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:36:20 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:38:06 PM): ok sweety I hav to go early morning for me dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:38:14 PM): k dont_hay_me (04/30/08 11:38:17 PM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (04/30/08 11:38:24 PM): night sweety dont_hay_me (05/03/08 10:57:57 PM): jake? soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:25:41 PM): Hey how are you? dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:25:53 PM): k i guess u? soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:26:16 PM): not too bad so what is the plan for you when school lets out? dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:26:30 PM): i dunno yet soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:26:42 PM): well when you do know let me know dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:27:04 PM): k dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:27:10 PM): whatcha doin? soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:27:44 PM): going to bed soon have an early morning on sundasy why can i call you now? dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:28:14 PM): no not when theres sum1 here i told u that i wish u could tho soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:28:51 PM): I know sweety dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:29:10 PM): sorry i just dont wanna get caught talkin 2 u dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:29:19 PM): if they here it ring soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:29:37 PM): when you hear my voice you will know I am for real that is why I want to call you dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:29:54 PM): then y dont u just let me call from my callin card? soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:30:29 PM): you think you won't get caught if you do that ? dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:30:56 PM): ya cuz they wont hear it ring and if i hear some1 get up i can just hang up u kno soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:31:51 PM): you want to try now? dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:32:16 PM): let me go check an c if they r asleep brb soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:32:24 PM): ok dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:35:56 PM): k there sleepin im findin my calling card brb again dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:40:48 PM): k found it sorry it wasnt where i thought it was soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:41:11 PM): is ok no talking about me coming to pick you up ok? dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:41:18 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:41:45 PM): *Edit Phone Number* dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:48:01 PM): sorry mom got up 2 pee lol dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:48:09 PM): i like ur voice tho soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:48:11 PM): is ok sweety soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:48:24 PM): hey let me see your pcs again dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:48:30 PM): k dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:50:02 PM): omg what 1s i have tons of em soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:50:14 PM): alllof them soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:50:20 PM): and eventually i want specialones soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:52:04 PM): I so love your straight hair dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:52:17 PM): i like it better strait 2 dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:52:25 PM): it takes longer 2 do it like that tho soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:52:36 PM): eventually it will grow all the way to the floor I lvoe it that much soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:53:53 PM): you need to borrow a friends digital camera dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:54:09 PM): i dont have any friends here yet it sucks soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:54:24 PM): you are pretty shouldn't take long dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:56:00 PM): thx soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:56:20 PM): wouldn't be ahard tolove you forever dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:56:40 PM): aww u rely like me that much? dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:57:06 PM): did i sho u the 1s of me an lily yet she sent them 2 me not 2 long ago soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:57:23 PM): no show me that one dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:57:46 PM): theres a couple hold on im lookin i put them somewhere else on here soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:57:51 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:59:06 PM): you are way too cute for words dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:59:17 PM): aww thx soulkeepndaddy (05/03/08 11:59:33 PM): welcome dont_hay_me (05/03/08 11:59:47 PM): i wish i could c a pic of u tho soulkeepndaddy (05/04/08 12:00:36 AM): so when do youthink you can call next? dont_hay_me (05/04/08 12:00:55 AM): i dunno im kinda nervous cuz mom got up rite now dont_hay_me (05/04/08 12:01:03 AM): mayb when shes not home i can again soulkeepndaddy (05/04/08 12:01:20 AM): that would be good I have to get some sleep anwyay you have an awesome voice dont_hay_me (05/04/08 12:01:27 AM): thx so do u soulkeepndaddy (05/04/08 12:01:55 AM): ok sweety we will chat and talk again soon ok? dont_hay_me (05/04/08 12:02:00 AM): ya im tired 2 dont_hay_me (05/04/08 12:02:02 AM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (05/04/08 12:02:06 AM): stay sweet dont_hay_me (05/04/08 12:02:09 AM): u 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/04/08 12:02:13 AM): mmm dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:18:33 PM): u on? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:51:37 PM): hey baby soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:51:42 PM): mom asleep yet? dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:52:00 PM): shes in her room but grams awake soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:52:17 PM): gram near your room? dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:52:34 PM): not rite this minute soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:52:53 PM): call me and tell me what youwnt me to do to youonce I come get you dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:53:09 PM): i cant call u rite now she will hear me soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:53:15 PM): ok sweety dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:53:25 PM): i wish i could soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:53:31 PM): you klnow I love your sweet voice dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:53:59 PM): aww thx i like ur voice 2 u sound really nice soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:54:16 PM): I can't wait to hear it whisper into my ear how you love me want me and need me dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:54:37 PM): lolz soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:55:14 PM): I can't wait to stroke your beautiful hair as your head is in my lap and you take me in your mouth dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:55:36 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:56:06 PM): I know you want toknow what it is like for me to cum in yourmouth and you to swallow my hot cum dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:56:36 PM): is it gross 2 swallow it? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:56:53 PM): when you love someone it is a great way to show how much you care soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:57:04 PM): and it is veryhot for a woman to swallow a man's cum dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:57:36 PM): oh i stil think that part sounds a little gross tho dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:57:38 PM): r u mad? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:57:40 PM): trust me if you are really into it it will be easy for you to do soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:57:51 PM): mad why? dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:58:08 PM): cause i think that sounds kinda gross soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:58:40 PM): no you will see it is cool and when you and I are making love it wll come natural soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:58:53 PM): it will be somehting youwant to do dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:58:58 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 10:59:21 PM): especally after you feel how I eat your sweet pussy dont_hay_me (05/05/08 10:59:45 PM): that sounds fun soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:00:05 PM): it is more than fu baby dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:00:22 PM): dont type grams comin brb dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:01:57 PM): k shes gone soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:02:02 PM): ok dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:02:05 PM): sorry soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:02:16 PM): is ok dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:02:20 PM): i made the window small and didnt want it 2 pop up while she was in here soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:02:54 PM): is ok I understand dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:03:08 PM): shes always checkin up on me i hate it soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:03:23 PM): I know dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:03:56 PM): i wish she would just trust me u kno? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:04:22 PM): well her mind is messed up dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:04:43 PM): ya whatever i think its workin just fine cept she 4gets stuff dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:04:50 PM): shes still a snoop tho soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:05:07 PM): I hear ya dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:05:23 PM): what did u do 2day? dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:05:29 PM): anythin fun? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:05:36 PM): nope work work work dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:05:47 PM): what do u do? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:06:27 PM): assistant manager for iindustrial cleaning dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:06:41 PM): oh i think u tole me that b4 dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:06:43 PM): sorry i 4got soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:06:52 PM): is ok dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:07:06 PM): do u hafta work on weekends? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:07:28 PM): all day sunday saturday is day with my son dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:07:51 PM): i didnt kno u had a kid soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:08:05 PM): I only see him once a week dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:08:15 PM): oh dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:08:19 PM): how old? soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:09:00 PM): he is 10 dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:09:09 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:10:05 PM): ok baby I have to hit up up early tomorrow dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:10:13 PM): ok dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:10:18 PM): :( soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:10:20 PM): have sweet dreams dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:10:23 PM): u 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:10:33 PM): let me know your summer schedule as soon as you know what it is dont_hay_me (05/05/08 11:10:44 PM): k nite jake soulkeepndaddy (05/05/08 11:10:48 PM): night baby dont_hay_me (05/07/08 10:23:11 PM): u online? dont_hay_me (05/08/08 9:51:00 PM): jake? soulkeepndaddy (05/08/08 11:41:27 PM): Hey baby dont_hay_me (05/11/08 2:06:26 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (05/12/08 11:05:25 PM): r u mad at me? dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:11:05 PM): :( soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:11:15 PM): what's wrong baby dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:11:36 PM): oh i thought u were mad at me soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:11:43 PM): no sweety dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:12:04 PM): ur not online anymore soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:12:29 PM): been working alot I wake up hard in the mornings thinking of you dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:13:04 PM): lol dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:13:08 PM): i miss talkin 2 u soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:13:10 PM): I am serious dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:13:21 PM): i beleve u soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:14:01 PM): I want you to cal me and tell me how badly you want me to eat you and how you want to suck my cock soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:14:13 PM): how you want me in you very day dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:14:17 PM): i cant call u rite now :( soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:14:19 PM): every soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:14:25 PM): I know I mean when you can dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:14:25 PM): can i call u anytime i want? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:14:46 PM): sure dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:14:58 PM): like if i get a chance an no1s not home can i call if ur not online? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:15:13 PM): yes dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:15:32 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:15:46 PM): so do I have to wait til you are out of school to come get you? dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:16:06 PM): i dunno dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:16:27 PM): its easier 2 get at my aunts an im goin there 4 the summer soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:16:37 PM): ok cool dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:17:16 PM): ya dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:17:41 PM): r u gonna have 2 work this much when im there? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:17:43 PM): so what have you been up to? dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:18:03 PM): nothin just gettin ready 4 finals soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:18:13 PM): well eventually I won't getting a promotion soon and if you re hungry for me to come home to you I will play with you for hours and hours dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:18:32 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:19:16 PM): I think you are way to cute soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:19:26 PM): gonna be easy to make love to you dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:19:47 PM): awww dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:20:04 PM): i cant beleve i thought u were mad at me now sorry soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:20:13 PM): is ok sweety dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:20:53 PM): i feel bad tho soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:21:08 PM): wll you can make it up to me when I pick you up dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:21:11 PM): i hope u get ur promo that wud b kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:21:31 PM): yes it will be dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:21:49 PM): wat u gonna tell ur son bout me? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:22:26 PM): that is just it until he is older youhave to behidden from him ,rough sotry cause if his mom ever finds out I won't get to see him dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:23:11 PM): so were am i gonna go? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:23:29 PM): you will stay right here he is only her for a few hours you can just sleep while he is here dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:23:45 PM): what if i hafta pee or somethin? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:23:57 PM): we will work it out dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:24:02 PM): k dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:24:45 PM): i promis ill b rely quiet soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:24:57 PM): I am not worried about you sweety dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:25:06 PM): k dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:25:48 PM): u just been busy workin? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:25:53 PM): yes sweety dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:26:07 PM): that sucks soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:26:31 PM): well have to pay bills dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:26:42 PM): i guess soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:26:57 PM): yup dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:27:39 PM): i still missd talkin 2 u dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:27:47 PM): i wish i could call u soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:28:10 PM): you can dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:28:21 PM): no gram an mom r awake soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:28:43 PM): I mean in general dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:28:52 PM): ohhh ya lol dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:29:02 PM): duh soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:29:06 PM): is ok dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:29:26 PM): is that ur cell digits or ur house? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:29:46 PM): house dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:30:02 PM): k dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:30:22 PM): i didnt kno if i could leave a messg if u didnt answer soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:30:31 PM): you can dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:30:43 PM): but what if ur sons there? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:31:02 PM): he is here on saturdays dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:31:14 PM): oh so just dont call then lol soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:31:33 PM): right dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:31:37 PM): kewl dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:32:45 PM): u busy? soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:33:09 PM): no why? dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:33:19 PM): ur not talkin 2 much soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:33:31 PM): gettin tired baby dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:33:37 PM): awww soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:34:02 PM): is ok dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:34:30 PM): i guess i just hope u get ur promo so u wont b so tired soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:34:53 PM): would be nice dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:34:59 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:35:31 PM): yup soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:37:10 PM): ok sweety gonna ht the hay baby dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:37:17 PM): ok dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:37:26 PM): nite jake soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:37:30 PM): stay sweet soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:37:34 PM): night my baby dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:37:38 PM): i will u 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/13/08 10:38:44 PM): ok sweety dont_hay_me (05/13/08 10:38:50 PM): nite :) dont_hay_me (05/16/08 9:51:53 PM): jake? soulkeepndaddy (05/17/08 4:23:02 AM): you on now it is 3 30 I just go tin from work baby dont_hay_me (05/17/08 7:57:57 PM): s soulkeepndaddy dont_hay_me (05/17/08 7:58:03 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (05/17/08 7:58:08 PM): u here dont_hay_me (05/17/08 8:18:21 PM): bbl soulkeepndaddy (05/17/08 9:02:51 PM): hey soulkeepndaddy (05/17/08 9:04:02 PM): I love hearing your voice on my message system next time tell me all the things you want me to do to you and all the htings you want to do with me dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:29:46 PM): lol i dunno what 2 say i feel like a dork leavin messages soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:30:08 PM): pretend you are talking to me and tell me all you want me to do and all you want me to do to you dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:30:42 PM): hi i didnt kno u were on lol soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:30:56 PM): just got here dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:31:00 PM): me 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:31:11 PM): I miss you dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:31:16 PM): aww i miss u 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:31:58 PM): I really want to kiss you deeply and suck on your beautiful breasts and eat you till you moan dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:32:07 PM): he he soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:32:28 PM): drink every drop of juice that flows out of your sweet pussy dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:32:51 PM): u rely like doin that? soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:32:59 PM): o baby if you only knew dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:33:05 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:33:27 PM): i promise you when youa re with me ai wil eat you ever day more than once dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:33:35 PM): wow soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:33:45 PM): I will make you cum ahrd each time dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:34:07 PM): i dunno what thats like yet soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:34:25 PM): baby you will get addicted to it it feels that good dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:34:41 PM): i guess thats not bad then rite? soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:35:03 PM): no it is very very good dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:35:07 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:35:33 PM): so when can you call again? dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:35:47 PM): i dunno i will tho when i can soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:35:57 PM): I can't wait to hear you talk about that dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:36:23 PM): im not sure what 2 say tho soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:36:38 PM): tel me you can't wait for me to eat you and kiss you and suck on you dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:37:15 PM): ya that will b kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:37:19 PM): that you need to feel me inside of you soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:37:33 PM): that you can't wait to love my cock with your mouth dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:37:47 PM): lolz soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:37:58 PM): you do feel that way right? dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:38:02 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:38:11 PM): then just tel me on the phone dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:38:25 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:38:46 PM): very sweet of you baby soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:39:02 PM): I rpomise you will feel so loved dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:39:09 PM): i kno dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:39:51 PM): u stil feel like that 2 rite? soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:39:57 PM): yes my baby dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:40:01 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:40:08 PM): tell me how you wnt to show me your love dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:40:23 PM): how ever u want me 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:40:37 PM): I wnt you to show me how you wnt to show me however you feel dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:41:05 PM): i will wen i c u i jus never rely talkd like that b4 u kno? soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:41:27 PM): come on now the boys have to find you way too hot and have to hit on you dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:41:28 PM): seems werd sayin things u do dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:42:00 PM): not alot of them rely they just act all werd and talk bout themselfs ALOT soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:42:24 PM): sweety you are soo cute I find that hard to believe dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:42:35 PM): aww thx soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:42:46 PM): we will make some beautful babies dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:43:01 PM): ya cept i dunno wat u look like yet :( soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:43:11 PM): wel when do you get out f school? dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:43:35 PM): im goin 2 my aunts after memorial day im not sure what day mom is bringin me yet dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:43:59 PM): shes takin me ther 4 the summer cuz shes puttin my gramma in a nursin home an sellin her house dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:44:20 PM): she didnt like it when gram started goin thru her stuf soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:44:23 PM): ok dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:45:08 PM): an shes havin ministroks whatever they r soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:45:35 PM): ok dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:46:27 PM): brb moms yellin soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:46:31 PM): ok dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:48:17 PM): i gotta go mom wants me 2 clean my room an the bathroom dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:48:21 PM): u gonna b on later? soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:48:32 PM): prolly baby dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:48:40 PM): k talk 2 u later dont_hay_me (05/18/08 2:48:43 PM): bye jake soulkeepndaddy (05/18/08 2:48:53 PM): bye bAby dont_hay_me (05/20/08 8:39:10 PM): jake? soulkeepndaddy (05/20/08 10:36:13 PM): hi baby dont_hay_me (05/21/08 9:11:07 PM): jake u on? soulkeepndaddy (05/21/08 11:56:44 PM): baby, I work till at least 9 each night usually later for now soulkeepndaddy (05/21/08 11:57:41 PM): call me when you can and tell me all you want me to do to you and all you want to do with me dont_hay_me (05/22/08 9:31:19 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (05/22/08 9:31:59 PM): sorry i wasnt able 2 call yet i will when i can but i kinda dont kno what 2 say bout that stuff lol dont_hay_me (05/22/08 9:33:30 PM): ill try 2 get back online later i have finals all this week so i been busy studyin and not online 2 much dont_hay_me (05/23/08 8:39:22 PM): jake? u here? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 4:18:07 AM): baby I work late remember?? dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:28:36 PM): ya i kno but do u work late every single day? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:28:45 PM): m-f soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:28:51 PM): can you call me? dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:28:52 PM): hi jake dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:28:56 PM): no i wish i could soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:29:28 PM): me too dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:29:46 PM): do u have mon off from work? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:30:06 PM): first job but not second sweety dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:30:16 PM): u have 2 jobs? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:30:35 PM): yes dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:30:45 PM): did u get ur promo? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:30:58 PM): won't now till July some time I think dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:31:05 PM): oh dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:31:13 PM): whats ur other job? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:31:25 PM): pizza delvery dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:31:31 PM): omg i luv pizza soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:32:05 PM): cool dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:32:11 PM): do u like it? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:32:34 PM): I eat it every day now dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:32:45 PM): thats kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:33:04 PM): yeah I think so dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:33:08 PM): me 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:33:29 PM): tell me what you want me to do to you when I come get you dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:33:48 PM): lol whatever u want me 2 do soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:34:45 PM): everything but I want to hear from you what you want dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:34:54 PM): i just want u 2 like me soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:35:13 PM): o sweety how in the world could any guy not like you? dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:35:38 PM): i dunno im just kinda nervous if u dont like me that u will make me go home or leave me somewhere soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:36:06 PM): swetheart you tel me what you want to happne if this wouldn't work out dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:36:36 PM): i dunno i kinda want it 2 work out dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:36:47 PM): but when u say like u did just did that makes me nervous soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:37:13 PM): I am more owrried you will get tored of me sweety dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:37:24 PM): what? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:37:36 PM): I am more worried you will not like or get tired of me dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:37:44 PM): i alredy like u soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:38:01 PM): I knwo but it will be different when we are togetehr day after day dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:38:13 PM): i dont think so soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:38:34 PM): well I hope not but have to be carful ya know dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:38:54 PM): ya i guess soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:39:10 PM): trust me I wake up hard each day thinking of you dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:39:20 PM): rely? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:39:23 PM): yes dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:39:34 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:39:55 PM): I will kiss you and eat you and make you cum eery day dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:40:07 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:40:22 PM): yes it is here with me soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:40:46 PM): my lips and ahrd cock are wating for you right now dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:40:48 PM): kewl i cant wait i jus hope u rely like me enuf soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:41:13 PM): I wnt to hear you moan as i make love to you dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:41:32 PM): lolz soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:41:44 PM): you lagh wit till I kiss you and eat you dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:42:04 PM): im not tryin 2 laugh it jus sounds funny sayin it lol soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:42:20 PM): baby you will be a whole new perosn once I make you cum daily dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:42:29 PM): y? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:42:41 PM): if you think you like me now you will need me then dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:43:03 PM): an u like me that much? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:43:15 PM): yes baby dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:43:19 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:44:02 PM): are you excited to show me that you will do anything for me on the drive back? dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:44:36 PM): ya u will tell me what 2 do rite? so i make u happy soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:44:46 PM): yes sweety dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:44:50 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:45:32 PM): you are going to be a very pretty pregnant young lady in a few years dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:45:48 PM): lol dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:45:54 PM): i wont stay fat rite? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:46:10 PM): no sweet pregannt isn't fat unless you eat wrong dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:46:21 PM): oh soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:47:24 PM): are you rady t raise a few sweet girls in a few years? dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:47:47 PM): i guess when im a little older it would b kewl dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:47:58 PM): how u kno they would b girls? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:48:20 PM): I know how to make sure they are boys or girls dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:48:28 PM): how? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:48:56 PM): that is a secret i will keep till you are in my arms dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:49:14 PM): k dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:49:28 PM): what if ur rong? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:49:42 PM): I know what i am talking about and lil boys are cool also dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:49:54 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:50:12 PM): i can't wait to drink the milk out of your tits dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:50:18 PM): what? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:50:56 PM): I can't wait to drink the milk from your tits afetr you have baby dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:51:33 PM): oh that sounds kinda yuky soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:51:44 PM): no baby very very hot dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:52:25 PM): u dont think so? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:53:11 PM): I think it is awesome dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:53:27 PM): oh soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:54:32 PM): anyway baby got to go to bed swety dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:54:38 PM): awwww dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:54:40 PM): alredy? soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:54:49 PM): up at 1 45 am baby dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:54:56 PM): omg thats early soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:55:39 PM): yup dont_hay_me (05/24/08 9:56:06 PM): k nite jake soulkeepndaddy (05/24/08 9:56:20 PM): night sweety dont_hay_me (05/26/08 10:01:17 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (05/26/08 10:01:36 PM): u on? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 4:55:18 AM): sorry baby working soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 4:55:31 AM): will be on Tuesday night around 9 30 ok? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:18:54 PM): kewl im here when u r soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:28:36 PM): any chance you can call me and i can hear your sexy voice tell me the things you wnt me to do to you and what you want me to do to you? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:28:53 PM): i cant rite now :( soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:28:58 PM): how about later? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:29:02 PM): mayb dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:29:07 PM): i will if i can soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:29:19 PM): i would sure love to ehar your sweet voice I really like the way you sound dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:29:25 PM): aww thx soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:29:37 PM): makes me wnt to kiss you alll over dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:29:44 PM): lol dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:29:47 PM): i like ur voice 2 soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:30:20 PM): I can wait to stroke your beautiful haair as you take my cock in your mouth and show me howmuch you love to feel itin there dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:30:33 PM): he he soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:30:51 PM): and as you do that use my fingers to stroke your wet pussy soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:31:13 PM): and when you need it real bad me eat your sweet pussy till you moan dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:31:25 PM): sounds fun soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:31:39 PM): then slowly stick my cock in you and take you deep over and over dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:31:55 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:32:11 PM): make you my love slave forever dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:32:26 PM): lol soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:32:36 PM): how does that sound to you really? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:32:55 PM): sounds good soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:32:57 PM): knowing I will keep you in orgasm every day dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:32:58 PM): i like u soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:33:09 PM): and you will make me lil girls year after year dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:33:29 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:33:38 PM): you will be their special mommy and teach them to love me with all of their hearts dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:33:53 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:35:03 PM): do you like th thought of lil girsl runing around trying to get he attention of thier daddy? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:35:14 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:35:21 PM): but you will always be my very special girl forever dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:35:30 PM): awww soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:35:38 PM): school out for you yet? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:36:09 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:36:17 PM): when do you go to your aunts? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:36:31 PM): over the weekend i dunno what day yet soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:36:58 PM): I might come get you on a friday night or saturday once you are there how free are you to come and go as you please? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:37:54 PM): depends what my aunts doin but alot more then i am at grams soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:38:15 PM): ok we will work something out dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:38:19 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:38:42 PM): it will be dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:38:56 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:39:05 PM): yup dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:39:43 PM): r u stil gonna have 2 work alot? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:40:10 PM): eventually no but for now yes dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:40:23 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:42:05 PM): so what have you been up to? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:42:17 PM): nothin dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:42:24 PM): just bored rely soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:43:00 PM): you ned to touch yourself when no one is looking and keep yourself hotfor me dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:43:33 PM): lol seems like grams always watchin dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:43:43 PM): everything! dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:44:01 PM): i sware she never sleeps soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:44:14 PM): hmm that bites dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:44:32 PM): i kno soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:44:50 PM): soon you won't have to worry about that dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:45:44 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:46:03 PM): yuo dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:46:09 PM): huh? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:46:24 PM): supposed to be yup dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:46:48 PM): sposed 2 b what? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:47:09 PM): yup not yuo dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:47:24 PM): im confused soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:47:54 PM): you typed huh? to my mistype dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:48:07 PM): ya i didnt kno what u were typin soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:48:33 PM): yes was mistype dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:48:36 PM): oh dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:49:17 PM): r u busy? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:49:20 PM): no why? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:49:38 PM): i dunno jus seemd lik e u r soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:49:47 PM): nope just typiong back to you sweety dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:49:52 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:49:56 PM): cooking a bit but not having to stay over the stove dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:50:01 PM): oh dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:50:04 PM): what r u makin? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:50:25 PM): chicken/turkey soup dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:50:36 PM): i dont like soup soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:50:50 PM): probabaly never had good homemade soup soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:50:55 PM): do you like noodles? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:51:01 PM): spagetti soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:51:05 PM): potatos carrots? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:51:16 PM): only raw carrots i dont like em cooked soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:51:39 PM): ok no carrots like meat like chockne or turley right? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:51:52 PM): ya dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:51:59 PM): cheesburgers soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:52:03 PM): so you would like soup if no carrots dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:52:22 PM): i dunno i dont like it watery like that dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:52:25 PM): its weird soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:52:35 PM): I make it thick almost like gravy dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:52:52 PM): oh i like gravy mayb that would b better dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:53:11 PM): i like pizza an ice cream alot tho lol soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:53:23 PM): no problem there dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:53:37 PM): kewl dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:53:52 PM): spagetti is good 2 dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:53:56 PM): u like that? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:54:24 PM): YES dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:54:28 PM): me 2 dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:54:38 PM): i dont like veggies 2 much tho dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:54:57 PM): unless there raw they get yuky when u cook them soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:55:00 PM): deends on how they are cooked I can make most veggies aste good soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:55:18 PM): perhaps you like your barley cooked so they still have some cruch huh? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:55:30 PM): i dont think i ever ate that soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:55:49 PM): well wait till I cook for youthen dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:56:02 PM): i like fruit tho dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:56:08 PM): like peaches alot soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:56:46 PM): cool dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:56:48 PM): an strawberrys soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:57:58 PM): Ilike strwabeerys like on strawberry short cake but not my favorite fruit dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:58:23 PM): i like thm both ways soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:58:31 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 9:58:43 PM): brb let me check my siup dont_hay_me (05/27/08 9:58:47 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:00:21 PM): so what did you have for dinner tonight? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:00:39 PM): chiken an baked potatos soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:00:54 PM): chicken cooked how dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:01:01 PM): on the grill dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:01:05 PM): bbq dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:02:01 PM): mom made peas 2 but i didnt eat those soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:02:01 PM): cool soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:02:11 PM): canned peas? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:02:16 PM): frozen soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:02:52 PM): well considering peas and potatos are both starches you don' need both soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:03:29 PM): brocolli or green beans would have been better dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:03:58 PM): yuk and yuk soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:04:03 PM): you can have broc raw and did in ranch soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:04:09 PM): dip dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:04:15 PM): ya that would b ok dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:04:29 PM): i jus dont like them mushy soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:04:40 PM): green beans lightly friied and still crunchy dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:04:56 PM): i dunno bout that soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:05:23 PM): well we will try different things soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:05:33 PM): make it work dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:05:38 PM): k dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:05:47 PM): pizza an ice cream works dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:05:48 PM): lol soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:06:17 PM): not the best for you every day you don't want to get fat do you? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:06:26 PM): no soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:06:50 PM): then pizza and ice cream in moderation soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:07:02 PM): unless you exercise like crazy dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:07:32 PM): lol soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:08:26 PM): just the way it works sweety dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:08:35 PM): i guess soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:09:19 PM): well in a couple of years when you make me lil girls and you try to loose weight from pregnancy you will see dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:09:58 PM): ya i dont wanna b fat soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:10:28 PM): I won't let you get that ay dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:10:42 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:11:38 PM): so what kind of video games do you like to play? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:12:05 PM): i dont rely have any mom thinks they r bad but i like playin wii when i used 2 go 2 claras house soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:12:19 PM): whic games on wii? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:12:28 PM): i only have a gameboy here soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:13:18 PM): which wii games d you like? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:14:01 PM): her bros had the sports package that was fun but i rely liked the mario game they had dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:14:07 PM): im tryin 2 remember the name of it soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:14:33 PM): ok I will brb ok? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:14:40 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:19:43 PM): back dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:19:48 PM): kewl soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:20:07 PM): listen if you cnc all me tonight it is ok it you wake me upas long as I get to hear your sexy voice soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:20:25 PM): if you can would you tell me the things I want to hear? dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:20:36 PM): i dont kno what 2 say dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:20:42 PM): i feel kinda dum soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:20:53 PM): just tell me you can wait to suck my cock and feel me cum in you rmouth soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:21:09 PM): that you can't wait for me to eat your pussy and get you so wet you can't stand it dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:21:23 PM): if any1 ever heard me say somethin like that do u kno how much truble i will b in? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:21:32 PM): that you can't wait to feel my cock in your pussy cause you need me to make love to you soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:21:41 PM): so talk quiet and just tell me dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:21:55 PM): im jus worryd dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:21:58 PM): u kno i want what u want soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:22:00 PM): you would never be in trouble with me soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:22:09 PM): I want to hear your sweet sexy voice tell me dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:23:13 PM): i will wen im w u im just scared 2 do it on the phone dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:23:56 PM): if i get caught talkin i can say it was a friend or somethin dum or rong number but if i get caught sayin that stuff ill b killd soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:25:54 PM): you won't get caught and it would make me so happy to hear you say that dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:26:24 PM): if i can k? soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:26:57 PM): fair enough baby I am ging to hot the hay dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:27:11 PM): me 2 i think i kinda have a headake soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:27:48 PM): aww so sorry take an aspirin or excedrin dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:28:02 PM): think we have advil ill hafta look 4 it soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:28:27 PM): ok baby takle care dont_hay_me (05/27/08 10:28:35 PM): u 2 jake nite soulkeepndaddy (05/27/08 10:28:16 PM): night baby dont_hay_me (05/31/08 1:04:01 PM): jake u here? dont_hay_me (05/31/08 1:04:45 PM): i cant stay on im grounded again but im goin 2 my aunts 2morow so i will b able 2 chat more then. dont_hay_me (06/02/08 11:13:15 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (06/02/08 11:13:35 PM): sorry i was out w my aunt all day 2day and most of the nite ill b on 2morow tho soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 5:08:27 AM): ok sweety I am ready to get you soon dont_hay_me (06/03/08 10:43:16 PM): jake? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 10:44:00 PM): ugh my aunt was on her comp most of the nite an i think ur prolly sleepin alredy soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:02:16 PM): nope I am here now dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:02:22 PM): hi soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:02:32 PM): hey she asleep yet? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:02:40 PM): no dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:02:53 PM): but at least shes off the comp jeez dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:03:01 PM): i thought she was gonna b on it all nite soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:03:08 PM): if I send you something in the mail do you think you can get it without her knowing about it? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:03:19 PM): email? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:03:22 PM): are you using her comp or yours? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:03:27 PM): no regular mail dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:03:38 PM): oh ya she would def get it she doesnt work soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:03:44 PM): o ok dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:03:51 PM): what were u gonna send me? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:03:57 PM): a cam for computer dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:04:10 PM): that would b really kewl soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:04:41 PM): if i came down on a saturday just to meet you so you are sure things are cool would that be ok with you? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:05:15 PM): moms been planning 2 come her on weekends 2 c me so i dunno if i can get away dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:05:21 PM): durin the week i can soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:06:00 PM): during week would have to be tuesday or wednesday and would be tight time wise but I would do it for you soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:06:14 PM): for exampke tomorrow dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:06:52 PM): ur coming 2morow? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:07:01 PM): I can f you are sure you can get out to meet dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:07:09 PM): what time? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:07:17 PM): hmm around 12 30 dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:07:35 PM): ya that should b ok i think soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:07:58 PM): what is your zip coce there do you know? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:08:34 PM): my aunts im not sure soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:08:54 PM): ok would you meet me even if it was raining? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:09:16 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:10:33 PM): is there an easier or better place to meet otehr than where we tried alst time? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:11:11 PM): i can walk on *Edit* road or 2 the med center dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:11:32 PM): theres not much thats close that isnt real public soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:11:32 PM): whre on *Edit* road would you like me to pick you up? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:11:49 PM): ill walk like i did last time until u get there soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:12:12 PM): which road would you come from to get to *Edit* road? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:12:44 PM): or does she live on *Edit*? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:12:53 PM): she lives on *Edit* soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:13:06 PM): you know ther is a est *Edit* also right? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:13:10 PM): west dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:13:32 PM): no i always just called it *Edit* dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:13:55 PM): if u turn onto it from the med center ill walk that way same as u will come or i can walk towards u its up 2 u soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:14:43 PM): how far do you live from the train tracks that cross *Edit*? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:15:21 PM): i dunno i dont live here its my aunts house soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:17:07 PM): I know baby just making sure you spend the least amount of time on the orad it will be hot soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:17:20 PM): I care about you dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:17:34 PM): aww i kno ill b ok tho dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:17:49 PM): will u b able 2 chk on here b4 u come like if my aunt wont let me go out or no? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:17:55 PM): do you know the street address to your aunt's house do not worry will not pick you up near there soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:18:12 PM): if I do I would be able to get there for another hour dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:18:13 PM): no i would have 2 ask her soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:18:18 PM): I wouldn soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:18:21 PM): t soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:18:45 PM): no chnace you can just be out three for sur at 12 30 with no excuses/ dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:19:06 PM): ya ok soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:19:19 PM): what is your aun't s street address? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:19:42 PM): i dunno i would have 2 ask her soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:19:50 PM): hmm dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:22:38 PM): want me 2 ask her? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:22:49 PM): no baby that would be too obvious dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:22:53 PM): oh soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:23:43 PM): the name of the medical center again? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:24:50 PM): comp froz u still here? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:25:00 PM): yes soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:25:06 PM): name of med center again? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:25:08 PM): *Edit* dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:25:16 PM): its a surgery place dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:25:24 PM): not the hosp soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:25:28 PM): yeah i am looking at it that is pretty far from *Edit* soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:26:01 PM): it is on union avenue dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:26:19 PM): no its on *Edit* rd an *Edit* at the light soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:27:03 PM): maybe this is how we got confused before dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:27:09 PM): mayb soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:27:22 PM): *Edit* is on union a good ways from *Edit* dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:27:30 PM): thats the hosp soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:27:37 PM): at *Edit* and *Edit* dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:27:40 PM): this is the outpatient thing dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:27:59 PM): ya its at *Edit* and *Edit* soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:28:13 PM): *Edit* is called *Edit* rd at *Edit* dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:28:14 PM): its rite there u cant miss it dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:28:28 PM): oh i didnt kno that soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:28:39 PM): I looked up *Edit*med center and it is on *Edit* ave dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:29:01 PM): the surgery center is rite at the light soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:29:14 PM): ok hold on dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:29:16 PM): i dunno what ur lookin at dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:29:24 PM): but its wrong soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:29:25 PM): *Edit*to *Edit* dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:29:32 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:29:39 PM): turn left on *Edit* dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:29:44 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:29:58 PM): med center on left as you turn onto *Edit*? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:30:01 PM): and the enter 2 the med center is rite there dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:30:09 PM): right soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:30:18 PM): corredct or on the right? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:30:23 PM): right soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:31:02 PM): I see buildong on left as you turn onto *Edit*, dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:31:51 PM): i dont kno y u cant c it it has a rely big parking lot soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:31:53 PM): where *Edit* comes togethr with another road I see a big center soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:32:00 PM): on the right dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:32:27 PM): the enterence is rite after u turn on the road its a really big parking lot soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:32:53 PM): this is why we didn't meet I was at wrong palce dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:33:03 PM): oh soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:33:04 PM): I am soprry soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:33:13 PM): maybe my map is old dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:33:14 PM): its ok soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:33:32 PM): how far would you say you live from *Edit*?? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:33:50 PM): minutes wwalking dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:34:09 PM): my aunt lives on *Edit* soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:34:31 PM): I know what part sweety close to 231 on the otehr side of 231 or what? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:34:55 PM): no if i left her house and walked 2 the med center i would b walking towards u dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:35:04 PM): shes close 2 231 soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:35:10 PM): so you live past the med center dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:35:25 PM): from the way ur coming yes dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:35:32 PM): no dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:35:38 PM): im confused soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:35:39 PM): so I would pass med center then get to her house corect? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:35:44 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:35:47 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:36:09 PM): so the med cneter must not be *Edit* since dale is further away dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:36:23 PM): thats the big hosp thats far away dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:36:29 PM): not the surgery center dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:36:37 PM): y wont u belive me soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:36:40 PM): sweety I looked up *Edit* and it pt me far away from where i am looking now dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:36:49 PM): ya the big hosp is far away soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:36:52 PM): I beleive you I am just tryong to make sure we meet dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:36:56 PM): 2 far for me 2 walk soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:37:08 PM): I don't want you to walk to that other palce soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:37:23 PM): you have computer try this soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:37:33 PM): open another window soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:37:42 PM): internet window dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:37:53 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:38:00 PM): then typ ein mapquest dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:38:30 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:38:47 PM): the fill in city and state ozark and al soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:39:14 PM): ok? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:39:28 PM): its loading soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:39:33 PM): ok dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:39:38 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:39:51 PM): then get map or get directions soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:40:13 PM): should be get map dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:40:15 PM): there already a map there soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:40:22 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:40:43 PM): use your curser to center the map on *Edit* and *Edit* soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:41:14 PM): ok? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:41:31 PM): how do i get there? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:41:41 PM): the map just has a star w ozark on it soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:41:45 PM): what streets do u see? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:42:00 PM): none dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:42:07 PM): i just c ozard w a star near it soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:42:15 PM): zoom in with the bar on the left until you are on the third button from the top soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:42:32 PM): hit plus sign dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:42:44 PM): oh ok soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:43:07 PM): got it? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:43:13 PM): i dont even c 231 on here dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:43:29 PM): or *Edit* soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:43:35 PM): what do you see? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:43:40 PM): i c andrews is the big street on here soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:43:48 PM): hold on soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:44:22 PM): ok got it soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:44:49 PM): move your cursor to the left side of map and click till map moves soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:45:03 PM): andrews hits 231 dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:45:05 PM): ohhh kewl soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:45:22 PM): got it? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:46:04 PM): ya i found *Edit*but not 231 yet dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:46:06 PM): hold on soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:46:09 PM): ok dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:46:27 PM): ok i found it soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:46:42 PM): ok centered on *Edit* and *Edit*? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:46:47 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:47:06 PM): on third buttn from top on zoom bar? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:47:22 PM): thats were its alredy at soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:47:25 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:47:45 PM): see the wors aerial image upper right of map? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:47:49 PM): word dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:48:09 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:48:17 PM): click on it dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:48:51 PM): wow thats kewl soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:48:54 PM): still on throd button from top right itmight shift you off that dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:49:05 PM): no its still on it soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:49:16 PM): ok now look, do you see med center? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:49:36 PM): no dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:49:42 PM): but its there 4 realz soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:49:45 PM): ok then it isnew soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:49:49 PM): its ok dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:49:57 PM): k dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:50:23 PM): u cant miss it when u get there the parking lot is really big soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:50:29 PM): so is the med center close enough or you want me to pick you up on rd? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:50:45 PM): doesnt matter the med center is close dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:50:57 PM): like 10 mins 4 me 2 get there soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:51:02 PM): ok leave house at 12 30 dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:51:12 PM): k dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:51:18 PM): an ur gonna pick me up at the med center? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:51:28 PM): will meet you on rd or in med center soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:51:42 PM): wherever I see you first dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:51:47 PM): ok soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:52:01 PM): what you goona wear for me? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:52:30 PM): its gonna b hot so i dunno dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:52:36 PM): u still want me 2 wear a skirt? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:52:46 PM): walk facing traffic so I can pull up to you soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:52:52 PM): if you can dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:52:55 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:53:20 PM): we will talk tomorrow ok no pressure dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:53:33 PM): what? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:53:48 PM): no need to be nervous dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:54:01 PM): im not soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:54:08 PM): we are meeting tomorrow only soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:54:17 PM): unless you beg me to take you soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:54:27 PM): and I mean beg dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:54:45 PM): its kewl ill b there ur the 1 that dont show up dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:55:00 PM): not me soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:55:00 PM): I will be ther for sure now that I have the right place dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:55:07 PM): k soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:55:21 PM): you can't blame me can you? soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:55:39 PM): I was at other med center dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:55:50 PM): ya i kno u told me dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:55:56 PM): its kewl tho soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:56:06 PM): ok tomorrow 12 30 rain or shine dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:56:13 PM): ya soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:56:24 PM): I will be there ok? dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:56:28 PM): ya me 2 dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:56:34 PM): this is so kewl finaly soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:56:43 PM): ok got to go to bed dont_hay_me (06/03/08 11:56:51 PM): k nite jake c u 2morow soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:56:56 PM): ok sweety soulkeepndaddy (06/03/08 11:56:58 PM): night dont_hay_me (06/04/08 11:49:28 AM): i cant wait 2 c u later :)