August 23rd willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:54:00 PM): heya what up? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:54:14 PM): hi sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:54:18 PM): how are u willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:54:31 PM): im good u? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:54:33 PM): where in cali willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:54:38 PM): nocal whats ur asl? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:54:48 PM): are u single sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:54:59 PM): how old are u willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:55:06 PM): im single now yah willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:55:10 PM): whats ur asl im 13/f sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:55:20 PM): m/cali130 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:55:22 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:55:28 PM): lol u 130? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:55:47 PM): u are a kid to me willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:55:59 PM): im not a child willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:56:00 PM): im not dumb sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:56:02 PM): im to old for u princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:56:04 PM): 13 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:56:07 PM): u are (Right there, you know the conversation is going to be dull) willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:56:10 PM): im not a child so being a dick willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:56:12 PM): stop willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:56:17 PM): that sso annoyin willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:56:24 PM): how old are u anyway? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:56:27 PM): ok sorry princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:56:46 PM): to old for u or u like older guys (Correct. Stick to that please.) willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:57:04 PM): im fine with age age is just age my dad is 54 and my mom is 31 willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:57:54 PM): so whats ur asl? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:58:47 PM): 28 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:58:47 PM): i love to have a philipina for girlfriend sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:58:47 PM): but u only 13 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:58:47 PM): so sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:58:47 PM): i told u princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:58:47 PM): 28 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:58:47 PM): m willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:59:09 PM): u laggin willowfilipino (08/23/06 9:59:18 PM): so what im 13 do u think im dumb or ugs? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:59:54 PM): cali sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:59:54 PM): stockton cali sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:59:54 PM): well sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 9:59:54 PM): u are so beautiful willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:00:02 PM): thanks sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:00:03 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:00:12 PM): im not saying that willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:00:15 PM): u gotta pic? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:00:17 PM): u look good sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:00:26 PM): u look on your 20s willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:00:41 PM): thats not good that means ill look real old when im 20 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:00:53 PM): no u won't sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:01:06 PM): where in cali willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:01:17 PM): by santa rosa kinda sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:01:18 PM): do u live sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:01:21 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:01:27 PM): novato sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:01:39 PM): petaluma willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:01:56 PM): i dont say right away cause u dont know if a guy is gonna turn into a jerk sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:02:07 PM): yea willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:02:09 PM): but u got the right area so it close sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:02:13 PM): i understand willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:02:16 PM): thanks sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:02:27 PM): im not like that willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:02:36 PM): cool what u like? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:02:39 PM): im looking for a nice girl sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:02:43 PM): and sweet sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:02:58 PM): im sebastian sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:03:05 PM): 5'11 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:03:09 PM): 165lb willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:03:15 PM): cool im 4 11 89 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:03:28 PM): work in constrution sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:03:41 PM): just bought a house in stockton willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:03:50 PM): nice thats cool sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:04:00 PM): its a big house sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:04:05 PM): to big for me willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:04:11 PM): thats too bad we gotta nice house too sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:04:35 PM): but u and your family willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:04:52 PM): nah me and mom dads got his house in socal cause his work is there and my moms is here sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:05:10 PM): just u and mom sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:05:20 PM): or do u have brothers willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:05:25 PM): and boots and mr sleepy and furryface sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:05:36 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:05:54 PM): theyre our cats sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:06:15 PM): tell me what are u looking in a guy willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:06:33 PM): honest tough nice doesnt treat me like im dumb willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:07:08 PM): what u look for? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:07:30 PM): well i won't treat a girl like that sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:07:39 PM): i think im nice willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:07:44 PM): cool :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:08:21 PM): can i ask u something willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:08:24 PM): sure sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:08:47 PM): are u still u know willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:08:56 PM): lol a virg? willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:08:57 PM): nooo sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:09:04 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:09:08 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:09:17 PM): your bf sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:09:21 PM): or ex willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:09:33 PM): yeah my ex sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:09:41 PM): what happen willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:09:54 PM): he was lazy more into vid games than me sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:10:05 PM): i won't leave a princess like u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:10:27 PM): aww sweet sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:10:37 PM): i will take her out to the movies park ocean sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:10:41 PM): lakes sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:10:48 PM): fishing sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:10:59 PM): \and what ever u like to do willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:11:06 PM): thats cool :) willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:11:10 PM): are u a virg? :p sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:11:49 PM): u think a 28 year old is going to be a virg willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:11:54 PM): lol im teasin sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:12:00 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:12:37 PM): i can make girl walk on clouds (So you throw females out of airplanes?) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:12:46 PM): if i make love to her (Oh) willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:12:55 PM): thats cool thats prob better than my ex lol sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:13:10 PM): better sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:13:25 PM): lost of esperience willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:13:31 PM): lol yeah thats cool sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:13:39 PM): can i ask u something willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:13:48 PM): sure ask anythin im not shy sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:14:30 PM): how would u like a guy make love to u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:15:09 PM): well i want a guy to do it for more than to get him his own off sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:15:29 PM): what willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:15:49 PM): like to do it to make me feel good too sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:15:49 PM): have u ever fill an orgasm willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:15:55 PM): small one yeah sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:16:37 PM): well if u where my girl i will give u the best one iin your life sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:16:45 PM): because to me u will be first willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:16:58 PM): aww thats so sweet thatd be fun sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:17:34 PM): but i be scare to be with u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:17:43 PM): im so scarrrrryyyy rawr sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:17:44 PM): because u are not over 18 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:18:17 PM): i do not want to go to jail willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:18:32 PM): lol i aint gonna put u in jail :( (Cops do that, duh.) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:18:50 PM): not u but your parents willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:19:02 PM): lolololol yeah like id say i gotta bf to my mom willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:19:24 PM): i dont know if they care really moms 31 dads 54 itd be werdi if they cared sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:20:00 PM): your mom is more like my age sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:20:21 PM): u look more then 13 (Correct. The female in the pictures I used was 14.) willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:20:29 PM): so? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:21:06 PM): but like i said if u where my gf i treat u like a princess willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:21:26 PM): lol well u dont want me for ur gf sooooo :( sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:21:40 PM): but tell me do u act like a big girl willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:21:50 PM): what do u mean? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:22:00 PM): or like a kid willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:22:15 PM): im not dumb so i act like w/e i dont act like a baby sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:22:24 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:22:45 PM): but lets say if i get to meet u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:23:14 PM): and i like u would u be my gf willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:23:27 PM): sure why not? willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:23:36 PM): if i talk to u here and like u why wouldnt it? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:24:02 PM): that means u be my princess willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:24:06 PM): thatd be nice sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:24:19 PM): let me tell u something sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:25:03 PM): but u won't be scare to meet me because u met me tru here sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:25:27 PM): becareful there are alot of perverts up there (Correct.) willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:25:45 PM): i wouldnt be scared if we talk more sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:25:52 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:26:01 PM): can i add u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:26:05 PM): yep willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:27:32 PM): lol i better learn it :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:27:33 PM): thanks sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:27:43 PM): its ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:28:02 PM): tell me for a 13 year are u a good kisser (There's no context in the world where you're not a creep for saying that sentence.) willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:28:08 PM): i think i am :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:28:18 PM): nice sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:28:36 PM): do u get on line often willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:28:47 PM): yeah i get online a little sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:29:09 PM): have u been with older guys sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:29:13 PM): or not willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:29:16 PM): no not yet sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:29:23 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:30:02 PM): how u doing in school willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:30:08 PM): im okay but its still summer sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:30:28 PM): will u like to go to a lake some day sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:30:35 PM): i have a boat willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:30:39 PM): maybe boats are cool sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:30:58 PM): what do u like to do willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:31:31 PM): i like movies vid games the beach and our cuzzi sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:32:00 PM): can i get with u in the cuzzi willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:32:14 PM): lol yeah our cuzzi rules sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:32:28 PM): what are the rules willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:32:36 PM): no our cuzzi rules willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:32:40 PM): it dont got rules it rules sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:33:00 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:33:23 PM): lol your cool i like u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:33:30 PM): realy willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:33:37 PM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:34:10 PM): maybe some day i take u to see a movie (Big aspirations) willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:34:14 PM): lol some day sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:34:26 PM): when u get to know me willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:34:52 PM): lol like it takes that long sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:35:08 PM): what do u mean sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:35:18 PM): u want this weeken sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:35:19 PM): lol sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:35:20 PM): lol sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:35:22 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:35:27 PM): lol what u laugh bout? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:35:37 PM): don't know willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:36:03 PM): um okay thats kinda weird sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:36:12 PM): i laugh because sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:36:51 PM): because what u said like it takes that long willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:37:02 PM): oh well it dont take that long to talke to get to know u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:37:08 PM): i mean maybe this weekend if we talked more i duno sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:37:23 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:37:37 PM): i get home at 7pm from work sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:37:43 PM): every day willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:37:56 PM): you work everyday? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:38:03 PM): but sometimes im on line when im driving (Not a lie, this guy would later webcam from his car while he was driving. Rather impressive for someone who types so poorly) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:38:14 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:38:28 PM): but im off sat and sun willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:38:34 PM): thats cool willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:39:42 PM): yeah shes gone this weekend so maybe if we talk more i mean other wise im just bored sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:40:15 PM): u still here sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:40:15 PM): hey willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:40:23 PM): stupid yahoo willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:40:59 PM): lol so nice sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:41:03 PM): i teach u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:41:55 PM): hey princess willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:42:03 PM): u teach me cpr? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:42:20 PM): what ever u want princess willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:42:28 PM): lol oh yeah? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:43:02 PM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:43:16 PM): what ever willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:43:22 PM): nice :p sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:43:51 PM): :-* willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:44:07 PM): aww kissyface :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:44:08 PM): when is your birthday willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:44:14 PM): apr 9 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:44:37 PM): u just turn 13 willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:44:55 PM): yeah apr 9 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:45:28 PM): lets say if we meet where will we meet? willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:45:54 PM): prob here i cant go nowhere i cant drive sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:46:19 PM): but it will be ok with your mom willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:46:24 PM): she leaves fri sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:46:42 PM): who u stay with willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:46:54 PM): i stay here im not a baby sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:46:58 PM): she won't leave u by your self willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:47:17 PM): lol she do all the time i watch the cats when she go and she watch when i go and sometimes we go together willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:48:01 PM): i aint dumb so dont act like i am sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:48:16 PM): no im not saying that sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:48:37 PM): but u under age to stay home alone willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:48:42 PM): so what? willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:48:50 PM): like i cant be home alone u crazy sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:49:02 PM): ok princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:49:27 PM): u can slap me if u want when i get to meet u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:49:39 PM): lol i dont wanna do that :p sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:49:52 PM): u kiss me instade sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:49:54 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:50:00 PM): lol okay :p sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:50:36 PM): i be your slave sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:50:37 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:50:45 PM): lol a slave cool sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:51:10 PM): but your mom leave u alone all day sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:51:25 PM): that means i can spend all day with u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:51:32 PM): lol or weekend up to u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:51:51 PM): all weeken sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:52:03 PM): and what we would do all weeken willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:52:15 PM): i dunno w/e what u wanna do? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:52:28 PM): realy willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:52:33 PM): sure sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:52:38 PM): i leave it to u willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:52:57 PM): lol i dunno im down for w/e u just gotta say or are u chicken guy lol sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:53:17 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:53:49 PM): ok but we will just talk right willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:53:57 PM): huh? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:54:05 PM): or do i have to take some condums willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:54:06 PM): lol we can talk on here sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:54:07 PM): lol sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:54:08 PM): lol sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:54:09 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:54:12 PM): lol well i dont wanna get pregs sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:54:47 PM): even if we don't use i won't get u preg willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:54:55 PM): huh how is that? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:55:05 PM): i know how o doit willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:55:29 PM): i dont wanna be pregs so bring one :( sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:55:29 PM): take it out on time (Ah, the pullout method. Classy. Let's go STD's and pregnancy!) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:55:37 PM): just one willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:55:51 PM): okay willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:55:54 PM): or more i dunno willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:55:58 PM): depends i guess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:56:14 PM): depends on what princess? willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:56:22 PM): on if u nice :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:56:38 PM): bealive me i am willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:56:57 PM): lol sweet then bring more sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:57:09 PM): and sweet willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:57:29 PM): lol i beleve u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:58:09 PM): and know how to treat a girl willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:58:22 PM): thats great thatd be a nice change sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:58:58 PM): but if we go to movies u act like 20 willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:59:03 PM): um okay sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:59:11 PM): i mean dress up like older ok willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:59:16 PM): oh okay willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:59:17 PM): like how? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 10:59:33 PM): dunou willowfilipino (08/23/06 10:59:43 PM): well u gotta tell me sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:00:04 PM): just be your self princess willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:00:22 PM): okay i will sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:00:27 PM): muah sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:00:40 PM): u seem sweet sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:00:49 PM): u are so beautiful willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:01:26 PM): thank u very much u are so nice to me sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:01:48 PM): i be nice when im with u willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:01:56 PM): u are nice now too :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:02:03 PM): i be more willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:02:26 PM): nice how nice u can be? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:02:46 PM): better sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:03:09 PM): walking with a beautiful girl willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:03:18 PM): aww :) willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:03:22 PM): u gonna be so nice to me sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:03:31 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:03:43 PM): because u are a princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:03:54 PM): but no games ok willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:03:55 PM): thank u u make me feel so good willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:03:57 PM): no games? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:04:13 PM): i mean be for real willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:04:20 PM): im so for real sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:04:29 PM): me too sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:05:09 PM): how can u don;t have a bf sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:05:16 PM): u are so beautiful willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:05:19 PM): cause most guys are jerks willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:05:24 PM): i had one but oh well sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:05:41 PM): u won't have another jerk willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:05:49 PM): aww sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:05:54 PM): u will have a nice one if u let me willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:06:09 PM): i will let u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:06:19 PM): i want u to come to my house some day sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:06:32 PM): to see if u like it willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:06:40 PM): cool if we get along this weekend i will sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:06:49 PM): realy willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:06:53 PM): sure sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:07:22 PM): what do u mean by get along willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:07:29 PM): if we like each other lots sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:07:54 PM): i know i like u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:08:02 PM): u arewooooooooooooo willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:08:12 PM): lol :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:08:18 PM): by looking at your pic willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:08:30 PM): nice which one of my pics u like most? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:08:32 PM): i think im in love sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:08:50 PM): all willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:08:57 PM): aww but which one most? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:09:18 PM): the one on a green dress willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:09:50 PM): thanks :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:11:08 PM): but on all of them u are so beautiful sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:11:09 PM): to bad u only 13 other wise i ask u to marry me sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:11:09 PM): i take to vegas to get marry sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:11:09 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:11:17 PM): lol wow u quick sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:13:00 PM): whats your real name willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:13:22 PM): i go by willow cause it rhyme with filipino but my filipino name is luzviminda (A traditional filipino name, and that really put guys at ease, oddly.) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:13:39 PM): luz sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:13:44 PM): nice willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:13:47 PM): thanks but i go by willow sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:14:04 PM): why u like willow sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:14:15 PM): u want me to call u like that willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:14:26 PM): yeah willow is better cause its more american sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:14:42 PM): but i like luz sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:14:51 PM): i call u princess willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:14:54 PM): i like princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:15:08 PM): because it goes with u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:15:15 PM): u are so beautiful sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:15:29 PM): u like a beautiful red Rose willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:15:42 PM): aww :) willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:15:48 PM): tyvm sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:16:38 PM): may be if u like me i take u to meet my sisters and brothers willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:16:51 PM): cool :) u gotta lotta them? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:17:42 PM): yes u will get alone with my sisters they are real sweet willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:18:01 PM): how many u got? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:18:14 PM): 4 sisters sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:18:35 PM): they are marry willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:19:33 PM): thats cool thats a lot of sisters :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:20:09 PM): well sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:20:09 PM): princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:21:00 PM): tell me are u serious with me or u only want to have fun willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:21:09 PM): im seruous AND i wanna have fun :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:21:23 PM): ok both sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:21:31 PM): i like that willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:21:38 PM): lol yeah :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:21:52 PM): this weeken sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:21:56 PM): or to soon willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:22:09 PM): thiss eekend would be fine willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:22:18 PM): we just gotta talk more and make plans tomorrow cool? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:22:26 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:22:43 PM): u be on line tomorrow willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:22:44 PM): sweet willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:22:47 PM): yeah if u gonna be sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:22:55 PM): i will send u messages willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:23:02 PM): okay i will talk to u too sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:23:04 PM): for u i be willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:23:25 PM): sweet u better promis sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:24:11 PM): if u become my girlfriend i will alway make u happy willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:24:19 PM): sweet i like that sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:24:32 PM): what do u want me to promiss willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:24:49 PM): to be online tomorrow so we can talk about the weekend sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:25:06 PM): i be bealive me sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:25:23 PM): when will i get to meet u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:25:28 PM): friday sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:25:33 PM): or saturday willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:25:50 PM): depends on what u want sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:26:03 PM): i want both days willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:26:17 PM): lol u gotta come fri then sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:26:25 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:26:40 PM): when will mom come home willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:26:44 PM): mon sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:26:58 PM): monday willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:27:02 PM): yep sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:27:10 PM): u be home alone all weeken willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:27:15 PM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:28:10 PM): that means we can be together f s s sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:28:11 PM): fri,sat,and sun sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:28:13 PM): because mon i go back to work willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:28:55 PM): thats cool if u wanna stay that long sure sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:29:15 PM): with u i stay all my life willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:29:30 PM): aww you the sweetst ever sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:29:58 PM): i be sweeter for a princess like u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:30:23 PM): but still don't understand willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:30:26 PM): aww your my prince sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:30:31 PM): u are so beautiful sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:30:38 PM): and guys are jerks willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:31:01 PM): what dont u under stand? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:31:46 PM): that u are so beautiful and guys don't see that willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:32:00 PM): well some are just jerks u know how it is sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:32:20 PM): tell me u born here sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:32:32 PM): or in the philipines willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:32:48 PM): i was born there but came here when iw as one sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:32:58 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:33:28 PM): because i heard that pilipinas are sweet willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:33:37 PM): lol i think i pretty sweet sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:33:44 PM): does why im looking for one to be my love willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:33:50 PM): lol that makes sense sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:33:58 PM): what willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:34:54 PM): thats why u were lookin for one sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:35:01 PM): hello sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:35:21 PM): yes why willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:35:26 PM): thats why cause they sweet sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:35:27 PM): and i found u willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:36:07 PM): aww perfect sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:36:26 PM): if like been with me will u go to the company picnic with me (Nothing says "promote me" in the workplace like bringing the kid you're molesting to the company picnic) willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:36:34 PM): sure if we get along real good sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:36:41 PM): on sep15 willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:36:53 PM): maybe if i can i dunno well see if i tell my mom bout u that quick sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:37:10 PM): what do u mean get along real good willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:37:18 PM): this weekend sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:37:58 PM): we will willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:38:11 PM): sweet sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:38:18 PM): just tell me what u like to do this weeken willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:38:31 PM): w/e what u wanna do u the guy sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:39:24 PM): but i do not know what to do there where u live sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:39:25 PM): i do not know any places sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:39:25 PM): or u just like to be home willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:39:43 PM): we just be here sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:39:44 PM): well sat we can go movies willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:39:46 PM): my house is nice sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:40:07 PM): i don't care about the house been nice sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:40:12 PM): i care about u willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:40:25 PM): i know but thers lots to do here plus dont u wanna be with me? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:40:40 PM): i want to be with u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:40:48 PM): like what sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:40:55 PM): is to be there willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:40:59 PM): what? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:41:16 PM): u said there is alot to do there willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:41:21 PM): at my house yeah sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:41:35 PM): but what honey willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:41:54 PM): what do u mean now u bein confusin sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:42:16 PM): what will we do at your house sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:42:20 PM): work willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:42:24 PM): what we already talked about that sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:42:33 PM): love sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:42:34 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:42:38 PM): lol yeah sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:42:45 PM): mmmmmmmm baby willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:42:54 PM): lol u not gonna be lazy right :p sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:43:10 PM): lazy on what? willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:43:15 PM): lol on me sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:43:32 PM): on u sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:43:40 PM): no willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:43:43 PM): oh yeah? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:43:55 PM): i will make u walk on clouds sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:44:02 PM): i told u that sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:44:14 PM): i can cook for u too willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:44:16 PM): lol thats bigggggggggg talk :p sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:44:21 PM): if u want sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:44:52 PM): bigggggggg talk huh willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:45:04 PM): lol clouds is biggggg talk sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:45:18 PM): tell me will u let me go down there willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:45:25 PM): lol sure i aint had that sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:45:32 PM): no willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:45:37 PM): no my ex was lazy sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:45:40 PM): no one did sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:45:53 PM): i love that willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:45:53 PM): no i only had my ex and he didnt sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:46:12 PM): well i will doit for hours sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:46:16 PM): if u want willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:46:20 PM): lol no way u will sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:46:26 PM): u will love it willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:46:36 PM): nice sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:47:03 PM): does why i said i make u walk on clouds willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:47:21 PM): lol well see that sounds good but thats prob big talk sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:47:59 PM): ok i can't wait till this weeken willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:48:17 PM): sweet willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:48:19 PM): i cant either sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:48:25 PM): u are so beautiful willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:48:37 PM): aww sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:48:37 PM): i do what ever u want me to do willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:49:14 PM): i want u to do what u want and be the guy guy :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:49:27 PM): just by looking at your pics i think am in love sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:49:39 PM): i be the guy guy bealive me willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:49:46 PM): sweet :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:50:55 PM): i have movies in my laptop u know what kind of movies sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:50:59 PM): u want me to bring it willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:51:04 PM): lol what kinda movies? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:51:11 PM): u know willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:51:15 PM): lol adult? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:51:20 PM): yeah willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:51:27 PM): sure bring em and your lappy sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:51:32 PM): but we don't have to watch them willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:51:38 PM): up to u if u wanna sure sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:51:56 PM): do u like Roses willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:52:16 PM): yeah i like roses of course sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:52:33 PM): did your bf ever gave u some willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:52:48 PM): no willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:52:49 PM): :( willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:52:55 PM): he didnt give me choc either :( sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:53:10 PM): u like choc willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:53:18 PM): i do sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:53:19 PM): what kind willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:53:27 PM): all kinds but i like truffls best willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:53:36 PM): ferro rocher is great too willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:53:40 PM): the little balls in gold :) sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:53:51 PM): i know princess sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:54:54 PM): do u want me to get any drinks or when i get there we go sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:55:12 PM): im talking sodas not alcohol willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:55:35 PM): sur eif u want but we got soda sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:55:59 PM): well i can get u wine coolers flavors willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:56:08 PM): cool thatd be fun willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:56:14 PM): i only had one of those sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:56:28 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:56:37 PM): u can have 2 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:56:38 PM): 3 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:56:40 PM): 4 willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:56:46 PM): huh? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:56:47 PM): more sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:56:50 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:56:55 PM): u get drunk willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:57:00 PM): i dunno sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:57:08 PM): only 2 sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:57:10 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:57:16 PM): okay cool sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:57:22 PM): 2 for u 2 for me willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:57:26 PM): sweet willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:57:28 PM): that sounds like fun sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:57:49 PM): we will see willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:58:06 PM): yep sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:58:11 PM): or if u want when i get there we go to the store willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:58:27 PM): nah u just bring k cause if im with u they might not give u cooler willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:58:32 PM): or they might ask for id or somethin i dunno sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:58:40 PM): is there a store close to your house willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:58:47 PM): yeah u cant miss them sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:59:17 PM): so sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:59:17 PM): i show them id willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:59:25 PM): yeah but if they wanna see mine u know? willowfilipino (08/23/06 11:59:27 PM): u just bring k? sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:59:49 PM): no they just ask for mine sebastian_for_u (08/23/06 11:59:59 PM): im the one is buying it willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:00:03 AM): just bring that way we can have fun willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:00:11 AM): and that way nobody is all like omg shes with a guy u know? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:00:24 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:00:33 AM): what falvor willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:00:39 AM): u pick :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:01:55 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:02:18 AM): strawberry sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:02:23 AM): peach willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:02:24 AM): good pick! willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:02:40 AM): what kinda car u got? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:02:53 AM): a truck and a car sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:02:57 AM): ram sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:03:03 AM): Ram sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:03:07 AM): its old sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:03:11 AM): 98 willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:03:12 AM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:04:04 AM): car sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:04:04 AM): acura sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:04:06 AM): 97 willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:04:38 AM): cool u gonna bring the truck i like trucks sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:04:50 AM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:05:24 AM): sweet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:05:44 AM): i hope u get to be my Angel willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:05:51 AM): i hope so too i hope u for real :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:06:04 AM): i hope u for real sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:06:30 AM): i will always be there when ever u need me willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:06:35 AM): i am and im glad u will be sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:08:08 AM): honey are u busy (Yeah, talking to other guys who want to make me walk on clouds) willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:08:34 AM): no why? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:09:41 AM): u are not answering sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:09:56 AM): or are u chatting with some one else (Yes.) willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:09:57 AM): im answering u aint talking willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:10:04 AM): what are u talkin about u aint talkin sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:10:46 AM): u want to see me in cam so u mite not one to see me any more in person willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:10:56 AM): lol what? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:11:14 AM): do u want to see me on cam willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:11:22 AM): oh sure id like to see what u look lik ereal quick sure sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:11:40 AM): u mite change your mine of seen me this weeken willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:11:57 AM): lol i doubt it willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:12:02 AM): i like u for u not for what u look like willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:12:20 AM): u cute u look tough sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:12:28 AM): hi willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:12:42 AM): hiya sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:12:48 AM): this is my ugly face sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:12:59 AM): and my house and yours willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:13:14 AM): lol u dont gotta ugly face willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:13:20 AM): nice house (Yeah, he really did have a nice house.) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:14:04 AM): chindalier willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:14:12 AM): wow thats so fancy willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:14:16 AM): you gotta really nice place sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:14:25 AM): chandaliar sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:14:36 AM): its your too willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:14:40 AM): aww sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:15:00 AM): kitchen backthere willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:15:09 AM): cant really see that just the chandy willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:15:13 AM): anyway it nice sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:15:15 AM): light off willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:15:18 AM): oh willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:15:28 AM): yeah u lok tough willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:15:30 AM): i like that sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:15:46 AM): u got scarehuh willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:15:53 AM): lol no u cute u tough willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:15:59 AM): u got nothin to worry bout sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:16:18 AM): hope u are not one of those sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:16:30 AM): that will put me in jail willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:16:37 AM): lol no i like u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:16:44 AM): im going to tell u im scare willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:16:47 AM): why? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:16:53 AM): because sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:16:59 AM): u 13 sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:17:03 AM): im 28 willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:17:08 AM): its okay i wont tell noboyd willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:17:17 AM): u dont tell nobody id ont tell nobody deal? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:17:21 AM): well ilook 22 sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:17:32 AM): does what people says (What people who lie say, you mean) willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:17:36 AM): that cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:17:59 AM): if u for real i love u for ever willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:18:31 AM): i for real so u will :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:19:15 AM): i will be so happy if i have u for a girlfriend sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:19:39 AM): i be there for when ever u sad sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:19:50 AM): i be there to make u smile sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:20:05 AM): i be there to make u happy willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:20:11 AM): aww i make u happy too willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:20:14 AM): u already make me happy sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:20:23 AM): u want pepsi (Random, if I didn't know better, he was angling for an endorsement) willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:20:32 AM): lol its okay i like lemonade tho sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:20:41 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:20:44 AM): me too sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:21:00 AM): but does all i got in my friege willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:21:15 AM): lol thats okay u comin here we got lemonade plus u bringin coolers sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:21:24 AM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:21:36 AM): u want me to bring food willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:21:51 AM): we got some food just bring the choc and the coolers :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:21:59 AM): ok willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:21:59 AM): and your lappy :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:22:12 AM): but im a good cook (He probably is. He brought just bags and bags of food to the house to make food, as you'll see him talk about in the chat. Tons of food, the guy brought half a supermarket) willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:22:33 AM): thats awesome if u wanna bring food to cook that cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:22:54 AM): like what will u like willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:23:10 AM): i like all sorts of food what u good at? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:23:26 AM): mexican food willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:23:36 AM): can u make chiladas? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:23:44 AM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:23:51 AM): enchiladas willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:23:52 AM): sweet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:24:12 AM): carne asada sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:24:19 AM): and salsa willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:24:27 AM): wow nice u bring that stuff to cook then sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:24:38 AM): realy willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:24:45 AM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:24:54 AM): ok i will sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:25:47 AM): i fill that all is a dream willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:25:55 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:26:15 AM): that tomorrow im going to wake up and u are not going to be there willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:26:52 AM): ill be here willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:26:59 AM): in fact i might go to bed in a sec so ill be up early sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:27:12 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:27:28 AM): i go to work at 430am willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:27:36 AM): wow thats late to go to work willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:27:40 AM): so what time u be online tomorrow? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:28:18 AM): when i go to work i turn it on because i get bore on the freeway (Later, he would chat with me up until he arrived at the house. Dude IM'd pretty well while driving, I was kind of impressed) willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:28:29 AM): cool willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:28:39 AM): well i talk to u tomorrow u PROMISE u gonna be online? willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:28:40 AM): u PROMISE? willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:28:45 AM): like triple promise? willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:29:29 AM): hello? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:29:34 AM): yes baby sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:29:35 AM): at what time sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:29:41 AM): hello love willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:29:42 AM): ill be on after 2 sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:30:14 AM): baby why u wake up so early willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:30:25 AM): cause school is in sep so i gotta get ready for it willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:30:36 AM): we can stay up this weekend tho :p sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:30:45 AM): ok willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:31:02 AM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:31:03 AM): this weeken we be up willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:31:11 AM): awesome im gonna go to bed now k? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:31:18 AM): but today we go to sleep sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:31:22 AM): ok my love sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:31:24 AM): ups willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:31:27 AM): night night :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:31:35 AM): sorry for calling u love sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:31:46 AM): night night willowfilipino (08/24/06 12:31:49 AM): u can call me that or anythin u want bye sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 12:32:00 AM): bye bay August 24th sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): good morning princess sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): bye sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): 來嘛~~親一下....嗯~~~~~嘛... sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): baby i got to work sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): bye princess sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): take care sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): let me know if we are going to be together this weeken sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): i do care for u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 8:59:53 AM): leave me the address ok so i can get the map (Like I'm ever up this early, c'mon now) willowfilipino (08/24/06 2:41:40 PM): u not comin online laters? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:00:57 PM): hi baby sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:01:05 PM): just got off work willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:01:08 PM): heya heya nice to see u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:01:17 PM): nice to see u too sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:01:23 PM): i miss u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:01:32 PM): im going home willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:01:38 PM): cool u gonna talk to me when u get home sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:02:03 PM): don't look at me sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:02:14 PM): im filty sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:02:51 PM): im driving sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:02:54 PM): now willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:02:57 PM): how u drive on cam? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:03:21 PM): look willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:04:09 PM): wow that crazy (Seriously, it was nuts, he was moving the webcam around while driving on the freeway. California driving is bad enough, I have no idea how he did it without crashing) willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:05:47 PM): u got net in ur car? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:09:42 PM): sorry got unplug willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:10:01 PM): cool u back? u got net in car that cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:10:14 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:10:27 PM): u want to view me sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:10:33 PM): but im durty sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:10:46 PM): i work today on out willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:10:52 PM): i saw u it all good we can just talk sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:10:55 PM): notin office sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:11:26 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:11:59 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:12:05 PM): are u bussy willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:12:07 PM): u should prob just drive tho and talk to me when u get home :) willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:12:10 PM): that way u dont crash sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:12:52 PM): no my cord disconnected willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:13:08 PM): i know but u drivin right how u drive an type? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:13:21 PM): one hand willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:13:32 PM): wow u got skills sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:13:39 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:13:46 PM): not realy willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:13:52 PM): lol u got skills sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:14:24 PM): u know i miss u willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:14:30 PM): aww well im here! sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:15:01 PM): been thinking about u willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:15:18 PM): aww what u think bout? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:15:35 PM): that u are so beautiful willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:15:46 PM): aww that so sweet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:16:14 PM): and i can't wait to be with u to give u a big hug willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:16:22 PM): aww i cant wait for that sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:16:39 PM): :-* willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:17:24 PM): aww kissyface sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:17:49 PM): kissis for u willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:17:59 PM): aww kisses for u too sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:18:22 PM): thanks sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:18:31 PM): u are sweet willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:18:37 PM): u are too very sweet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:19:07 PM): :x willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:19:29 PM): aww dont crash! sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:19:50 PM): its ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:20:10 PM): i wont willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:20:42 PM): good good sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:22:04 PM): i lost the "i" on the keyboard sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:22:39 PM): my sisters baby 9 month old pull it out willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:23:03 PM): lol wow how u type the i then cause u do sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:23:31 PM): with my finger willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:23:53 PM): lol okay sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:23:55 PM): just stick hard willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:24:04 PM): lol well u should et a newone sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:24:29 PM): i have a new laptop willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:24:46 PM): oh that good willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:24:52 PM): i mean the key sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:25:07 PM): but theyhaven't built the wireleess willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:25:18 PM): ohhh sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:25:25 PM): no time sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:25:38 PM): to take it to fix willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:26:27 PM): oh that make sense sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:27:09 PM): anyways i hope i don't bore u willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:27:38 PM): u dont not at all i like u a lot sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:27:50 PM): realy willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:28:58 PM): yeah of course u rule sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:29:33 PM): what it means rule willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:29:51 PM): like u rule u dont know rule? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:30:05 PM): not realy sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:30:09 PM): im dum sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:30:14 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:30:40 PM): lol wellrule is a good thing willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:30:50 PM): u not dumb :p sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:30:56 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:31:30 PM): hope some day u love me willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:31:38 PM): i wont know till i know know know u willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:31:46 PM): like real know not online know sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:32:15 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:33:09 PM): but i like u lots :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:34:30 PM): do u think if we be together those 2 days u mite get love me willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:34:38 PM): yep i think it poss yep sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:35:01 PM): that will be nice willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:35:18 PM): it would def be nice sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:35:20 PM): u wont regreat willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:35:34 PM): i know i wont willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:35:37 PM): i look forward to it sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:36:18 PM): im not that perfect sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:36:33 PM): but no one will love u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:36:43 PM): like i will willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:36:47 PM): i know but im not perfec either and aww sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:38:02 PM): :-* sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:38:08 PM): :"> willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:38:16 PM): aww kissyface i like u so much sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:38:40 PM): u like the kiss face willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:39:03 PM): lol when its u yeah sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:39:15 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:41:26 PM): hey princess willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:41:40 PM): heya heya yahoo crash sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:41:46 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:42:01 PM): u still drivin? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:42:33 PM): do u know how to do massages willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:42:49 PM): kinda but im not like real good i can try tho sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:43:02 PM): nice sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:43:20 PM): u are sweet (Entering a really mature zone of conversation) willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:43:24 PM): so are u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:43:33 PM): u more willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:43:59 PM): aww no u more sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:44:04 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:44:05 PM): u willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:44:28 PM): nooooo uuuuuuuu sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:44:54 PM): noooooooooooooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:45:12 PM): noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:46:28 PM): ok u and me (/maturity) willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:46:58 PM): lol we are both sweet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:47:08 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:47:17 PM): cool u home yet? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:47:26 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:47:32 PM): long way willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:47:34 PM): wow long drive sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:47:44 PM): lots of traficc willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:47:50 PM): that sucks im sorry to hear that willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:47:55 PM): u gonna talk to me when u get home? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:48:01 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:48:10 PM): on the phone sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:48:12 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:48:23 PM): lol mayhbe depend where my mom is and where the phone is willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:48:33 PM): i gotta go eat dinner i talk to u in little whie k? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:48:47 PM): ok baby sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:48:51 PM): muah sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:48:54 PM): love u willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:48:58 PM): :-* willowfilipino (08/24/06 7:49:00 PM): talk to usoon sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 7:49:00 PM): verymuch sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:08:14 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:08:31 PM): who u chatting with (Male paranoia, so annoying. Then again, I was talking to other guys) willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:08:41 PM): u who u chattin with? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:08:54 PM): just log in willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:09:02 PM): cool so whatsthe prob? i wait for u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:09:15 PM): ok love sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:09:20 PM): sorry willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:09:25 PM): you okay? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:09:45 PM): for me for u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:10:19 PM): i want u to be my Angel willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:10:25 PM): i will be u just gotta be cool :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:10:34 PM): O:-) willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:11:21 PM): lol cool :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:11:34 PM): muah baby willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:11:46 PM): lol u so nice sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:12:30 PM): u know i haven't met u and i love u already willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:12:41 PM): aww thats so sweet u prob like me more when we meet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:12:44 PM): by looking at your pics willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:13:16 PM): thanks sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:15:04 PM): baby u dont have to thank me willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:15:48 PM): i like thankin u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:16:32 PM): u don't need to willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:16:39 PM): well i like it sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:16:41 PM): i love u willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:17:11 PM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:18:23 PM): :-* willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:18:30 PM): aww kissyface sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:19:36 PM): i give u a kiss where ever u want willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:19:44 PM): lol everywhers sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:19:53 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:20:56 PM): nice :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:22:04 PM): well sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:22:12 PM): bab sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:22:22 PM): baby willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:22:41 PM): what up? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:23:01 PM): the sky sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:23:03 PM): lol willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:23:08 PM): lol what up with u? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:24:19 PM): still on the freeway willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:24:32 PM): wow still? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:24:41 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:24:46 PM): that crazy willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:25:40 PM): wow u are! (Yeah, he picked up the camera to show me the traffic. He's a internet predator and all, but it was honestly impressive) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:25:56 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:26:00 PM): thats so crazy u drive long long way sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:26:05 PM): doing 90 (Showed me the spedometer) willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:26:13 PM): wow i can tell u goin fast willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:26:34 PM): wwwowwwwww willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:27:21 PM): wow that just crazy sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:27:24 PM): see im crazy willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:27:34 PM): lol u so crazy sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:27:35 PM): 100 miles sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:27:54 PM): im crazy for u willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:28:00 PM): lol nah u just right willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:28:35 PM): nice radio sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:29:21 PM): its yours willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:29:22 PM): what kinda car is that? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:29:35 PM): the truck willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:29:46 PM): cool the ram? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:29:53 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:30:06 PM): sweet willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:31:06 PM): lol dont move it around too much dont crash (He was moving the camera around to show me traffic and how fast he was going. What a nut) willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:31:21 PM): california sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:31:36 PM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:32:11 PM): my exit willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:32:18 PM): cool willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:32:40 PM): wow so werd to see this in car sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:36:37 PM): u want to see the house willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:36:42 PM): sure :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:36:46 PM): your house willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:37:01 PM): is that it? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:37:12 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:37:20 PM): wow nice house u got (REALLY nice house) willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:37:22 PM): thats as nice as ours sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:37:51 PM): this is yours too willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:37:51 PM): thats real nice willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:37:55 PM): aww so sweet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:38:19 PM): my garage willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:38:27 PM): nice garage sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:38:36 PM): pool table willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:38:45 PM): u gotta pool table? that so cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:39:22 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:39:56 PM): nice house i like the truck too its tough sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:40:11 PM): truck is ugly sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:40:28 PM): the grass sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:40:54 PM): water sprikes on willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:41:14 PM): i like the house tho willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:41:17 PM): and the truck is tough sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:42:14 PM): ok baby im going to exit and i go back on line insede the house willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:42:24 PM): okay u do that nice job drivin sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:43:13 PM): why u say that willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:43:20 PM): cause u can type and drive at same time sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:43:35 PM): one hand on weel willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:43:50 PM): its cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:43:52 PM): and otherhand on laptop willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:44:25 PM): i know its cool that u can do that sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:44:40 PM): this laptop is old sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:44:54 PM): sometimes i have hard time willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:45:31 PM): it is crazy that u can do that sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:45:57 PM): to bad they havent built the card wirerless for my new laptop willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:46:20 PM): yeah no doubt sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:46:26 PM): u don't have cam willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:46:48 PM): no i wish sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:47:03 PM): can i buy u one willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:47:16 PM): sure u gonna bring it? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:47:36 PM): if i make it to the store willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:47:47 PM): cool willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:47:52 PM): if not thats okay i like u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:48:47 PM): i want to view u every time u be on line sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:48:55 PM): i love to see u willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:49:03 PM): lol cool bring one then if u can sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:49:55 PM): and i want a pic when i see u to put it in my bedroom willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:50:19 PM): u gonna bring a camera? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:50:28 PM): yes love willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:50:37 PM): oh cool what kinda pic u want? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:50:59 PM): any sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:51:05 PM): may be 2 sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:51:24 PM): a small tu put it in the truck willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:51:55 PM): wow that cool u can take w/e pic sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:51:57 PM): to put it next to the weel sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:52:15 PM): by the spedometer sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:52:25 PM): speedometer willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:52:26 PM): lol cool so u can always see me sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:52:32 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:52:51 PM): so i can always see the one i love willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:53:05 PM): aww so sweet well when u gonna take pic :p sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:54:20 PM): u have a camera willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:54:27 PM): no sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:54:35 PM): u can take it when i be with u willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:54:43 PM): oh cool willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:54:48 PM): when u doin that? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:55:34 PM): doiing what love willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:55:41 PM): be with? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:56:41 PM): be with u willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:57:06 PM): yeah willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:58:27 PM): ? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:58:38 PM): muah willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:58:46 PM): u didnt answer sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:59:05 PM): what baby willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:59:13 PM): are u payin attenton? willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:59:14 PM): :( sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:59:19 PM): i didn't understand sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:59:24 PM): yes baby willowfilipino (08/24/06 9:59:30 PM): when we meet? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 9:59:53 PM): i will always pay atention to the one i love willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:00:37 PM): but u dont answer sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:01:01 PM): sorry baby willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:01:23 PM): so answer sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:01:41 PM): tell me againg love sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:01:49 PM): i do not understand willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:01:51 PM): u siad u wanna meet when u wanna meet? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:02:11 PM): tomorrow if is ok with u willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:02:18 PM): sure thats when my mom leave sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:02:23 PM): what time mom goes willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:02:28 PM): 12 30 sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:02:38 PM): night willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:02:42 PM): no day sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:02:45 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:03:03 PM): i get off at 2:30 tomorrow sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:03:18 PM): but have to come home to take shower willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:03:40 PM): it take u long time to go home sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:04:01 PM): 2 hours willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:04:10 PM): why not just come here? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:04:35 PM): because have to take a shower and dreess willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:04:46 PM): oh okay sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:05:05 PM): i be with u untill u kick me out willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:05:10 PM): lol okay :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:05:48 PM): and i have to stop at the store to by meet and coolers sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:06:13 PM): do u like abocado willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:06:31 PM): avocado? sure sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:07:00 PM): i make good abocado salad (Gross) willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:07:17 PM): sweet sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:07:21 PM): like tomatos willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:07:24 PM): sure sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:07:32 PM): cilantrou sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:07:47 PM): u like spicy willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:07:54 PM): i like spicy vm :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:08:03 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:08:21 PM): its call guacamole sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:08:31 PM): i shop tomatos sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:08:47 PM): green spicy pepers sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:08:57 PM): cilantro willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:09:03 PM): sweet u make it the way u make it and i bet i like it :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:09:25 PM): ok my love sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:09:27 PM): ups sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:09:29 PM): sorry willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:09:53 PM): its okay willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:09:55 PM): im excited sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:10:02 PM): me too sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:10:21 PM): i will put just a litter onion sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:10:29 PM): for flavor sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:10:56 PM): i don't want to kiss u smelling like onion willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:10:57 PM): okay :) willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:11:02 PM): lol yeah that would be bad :P sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:11:16 PM): :-P sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:11:39 PM): ok baby im going to exit willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:11:50 PM): u gonna go off line? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:12:01 PM): yes for a bit sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:12:36 PM): my brother is going to bring me a sandwish from sabway willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:12:42 PM): oh cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:12:42 PM): subway (I'm sure Subway appreciates the shout-out) willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:12:44 PM): have fun! sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:13:01 PM): but i will get on line willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:13:20 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:13:28 PM): do u want to give me the address willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:13:41 PM): sure u gonna map it? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:13:48 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:14:01 PM): just want to be ready sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:14:33 PM): but tomorrow be on line from like 4 oclock willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:14:39 PM): *address removed* okay map it sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:14:51 PM): just if i get lost willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:15:03 PM): cool just take ur lappy and get onlien if u do ill talk to u willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:15:05 PM): and map it :) willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:15:51 PM): what time u think u get here? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:16:36 PM): well like 5 or 6 willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:16:49 PM): huh? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:16:57 PM): what love willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:16:59 PM): it take u two hour to go home willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:17:01 PM): and time to shower willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:17:08 PM): lol prob more lik e7 dont u think? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:17:17 PM): maybe willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:17:24 PM): so 7? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:17:44 PM): but maybe i ask my boss if i can live early willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:17:52 PM): okay if u do let me kjow :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:18:12 PM): or i can go to Richmond at my sisters and shower there willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:18:22 PM): okay sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:18:34 PM): just i will take the clothes with me willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:18:59 PM): good idea sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:19:00 PM): let u what willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:19:00 PM): :) willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:19:02 PM): u so smart willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:19:10 PM): let me know sorry fingers :( sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:19:31 PM): let u know what love willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:20:08 PM): if u come errly sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:20:22 PM): ok baby talk to u in a litter bit sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:20:24 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:20:31 PM): my bro is here sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:20:34 PM): love u willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:20:34 PM): okay have fun willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:20:42 PM): :) :-* sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:20:56 PM): i will get on line latter ok princess willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:21:01 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:21:03 PM): if u on line sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:21:07 PM): ok bye sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:21:09 PM): muah willowfilipino (08/24/06 10:21:12 PM): okay talk to u then sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 10:21:15 PM): :-* sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:20:01 PM): hola mi amor sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:20:12 PM): it means hi my love willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:20:20 PM): aww that so sweet that sound good sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:20:32 PM): te amo sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:20:37 PM): i love u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:20:50 PM): tu eres mi sol sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:21:01 PM): u are my sunshine willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:21:05 PM): i dont know what that means ooooohhhh nice sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:21:40 PM): tu eres mi princesa sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:21:44 PM): it means sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:21:53 PM): u are my princess willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:22:22 PM): aww i am i am sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:22:36 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:22:38 PM): u are willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:22:42 PM): i know sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:23:33 PM): baby im going to take a shower willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:23:41 PM): okay have a good shower sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:24:05 PM): i will think u there with me willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:24:13 PM): lol not too long now :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:24:43 PM): what do u mean not to long now willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:24:51 PM): cause u come 2morrow sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:25:11 PM): to me still long time willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:25:20 PM): yeah but not as long as yesterday sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:25:28 PM): is because i do love u willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:25:48 PM): aww ty sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:26:01 PM): no baby never say thank u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:26:09 PM): u say u better willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:26:49 PM): lol u beter and u better not stand me up sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:27:29 PM): what do u mean better not stand u up willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:27:38 PM): lol u better not be a faker tomorow sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:27:53 PM): i hope u are not willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:28:01 PM): im not ill be here willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:28:06 PM): im just sayin i hope u come sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:28:46 PM): bealive me i do love u willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:28:51 PM): i beleve u sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:28:58 PM): when i see u i love u more willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:29:12 PM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:29:28 PM): i be there by 5:30 or 6 willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:29:43 PM): cool cool u map it? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:29:53 PM): i will willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:30:08 PM): how u know how long it take to get here? sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:30:23 PM): i been there willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:30:28 PM): oh cool wow sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:30:54 PM): one hour to santarrosa from Richmond sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:31:04 PM): i work in santarosa ave willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:31:10 PM): i live in petaluma sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:31:11 PM): before sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:31:26 PM): i know petaluma is closer willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:31:39 PM): ohcool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:32:11 PM): like 35 minutes from Richmond willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:32:27 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:33:21 PM): did i told u that i had a pilipina for girlfriend before willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:33:30 PM): u didnt sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:33:41 PM): yes was nice sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:33:49 PM): she was 19 willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:34:00 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:34:07 PM): but she went back to the philipiness willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:34:18 PM): thats too bad well i dont go to philippines sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:34:32 PM): u better don't willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:34:42 PM): lol i wont i dont even speak tagalog sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:34:45 PM): i don't want u to break my heart willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:34:55 PM): i wont i promise sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:35:03 PM): u promise sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:35:27 PM): i will make u so happy willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:35:30 PM): i do i promise sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:35:34 PM): i promise willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:35:48 PM): cool we good sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:36:21 PM): ok baby im going in the shower willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:36:45 PM): okay bye bye willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:37:48 PM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:39:42 PM): ok baby i be back willowfilipino (08/24/06 11:39:46 PM): that was quick shower sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:39:48 PM): :-* sebastian_for_u (08/24/06 11:40:03 PM): bye love sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:44:30 AM): hi baby sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:44:34 AM): im back willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:44:42 AM): welcome back sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:44:45 AM): u still awake willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:44:49 AM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:45:08 AM): im ready to go willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:45:16 AM): to bed? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:45:21 AM): to u sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:45:38 AM): to your place willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:45:45 AM): oh well tomorrow not tonight :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:45:56 AM): i know willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:46:01 AM): lol okay i make sure willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:46:13 AM): oh u mean u map it? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:46:18 AM): but i put my close by the room door willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:46:34 AM): oh smart :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:46:35 AM): the one am wearing when i see u willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:46:53 AM): smart i like that sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:47:35 AM): i would let u view me but im in my room now willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:47:50 AM): its okay is ee u tomorrow sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:48:07 AM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:48:29 AM): anyways i don't want u to see my messyroom willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:48:42 AM): lol okay willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:50:50 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:50:59 AM): where is your mom now willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:51:16 AM): in the other room willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:51:22 AM): she walks thru sometime sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:51:36 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:51:57 AM): muah willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:52:02 AM): :) i like u so much sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:52:09 AM): realy willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:52:12 AM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:52:24 AM): i hope u do willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:52:40 AM): i do sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:52:41 AM): because i do care for u willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:52:44 AM): im glad sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:53:07 AM): im scare willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:53:44 AM): why? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:54:14 AM): to love u and all this can be fake willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:54:20 AM): im not fake :( sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:54:33 AM): tomorrow i will see willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:54:52 AM): u will :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:55:12 AM): if i become your bf sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:55:33 AM): i m going to be de second one right willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:55:56 AM): okay sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:56:01 AM): ? willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:56:02 AM): i talk to u tomorrow and see u tomorrow :) willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:56:15 AM): oh i though u gonna go to bed sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:56:15 AM): baby tell me willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:56:19 AM): lol yeah u be my second sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:56:32 AM): and maybe last willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:56:37 AM): lol thatd be nice sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:57:08 AM): because i won't do anything bad that u can latter leave me willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:57:20 AM): good :) i beleve u willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:57:21 AM): i wont sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:58:08 AM): bealeve me i will protect u and love u like no one did before willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:58:39 AM): good i wanna be love like that sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 12:59:11 AM): u will be my beautiful princess willowfilipino (08/25/06 12:59:34 AM): i want to be :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:00:12 AM): i do love u now willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:00:21 AM): awesome then u really love me tomorrow sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:00:30 AM): and when i see u im going to love u more willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:00:53 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:01:08 AM): :-* willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:01:24 AM): aww kissyface sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:01:42 AM): always for the one i love willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:02:01 AM): yay sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:02:22 AM): u are my Angel willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:02:40 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:03:31 AM): u know i like the pic where u wrote inyoface willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:04:03 AM): thanks sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:04:17 AM): the first one in your album sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:04:47 AM): u are so beautiful willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:05:04 AM): thank u i like hearin that sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:05:26 AM): baby u are realy pretty willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:05:42 AM): thank u very much sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:05:50 AM): there are no words to tel u how beautiful u are willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:06:10 AM): aww so sweet sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:06:48 AM): u know by looking at your pics i love u more willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:06:57 AM): aww so sweet sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:07:45 AM): and i said to my self if i could reach a start on the sky i would bring one to my princess willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:08:04 AM): aww id like that sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:08:11 AM): i would bring u the shinniest start willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:09:26 AM): u are the sweetist guy ever sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:10:00 AM): baby for u i will be all my life willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:10:12 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:10:57 AM): baby your mom let u have bf? willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:11:12 AM): sure but i wont tell her for a while willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:11:15 AM): that way it all cool sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:11:25 AM): ok willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:11:58 AM): sorry yahoo crash sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:12:01 AM): baby sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:12:17 AM): do u want my phone number willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:12:29 AM): sure but i cant call right now sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:12:29 AM): or not sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:12:41 AM): i know my love sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:13:02 AM): why am i calling u my love, willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:13:10 AM): cause u love me sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:13:11 AM): im not even your bf sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:13:18 AM): jet willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:13:40 AM): u will be tomorro sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:13:48 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:14:06 AM): u want me to cook for u willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:14:11 AM): sure u said u would sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:14:27 AM): u want beef sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:14:35 AM): stake willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:14:40 AM): if u wanna do that i want u to bring the stuff to make what u think u make good willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:14:42 AM): and i try it sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:15:22 AM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:15:52 AM): i promis i clean your kitchen willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:16:08 AM): lol u dont need to do that i do that sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:16:29 AM): no i do it willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:16:37 AM): lol okay u so sweet sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:17:15 AM): if u where my wife i do a lot of stuff to make u happy willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:17:50 AM): :) willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:17:52 AM): i bet u will sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:18:21 AM): after work i help u clean house sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:18:25 AM): cook willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:18:27 AM): cool willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:18:30 AM): that cool sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:19:10 AM): on the weekens if i wasn't working i would take u breakfast to bed willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:19:15 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:20:23 AM): i wuold wake u up with a Rose passing it tru your nose so u can smell it so u can wake up (Oh shut up) willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:20:29 AM): aww sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:20:53 AM): and i will tell u princess breakfast willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:21:07 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:21:35 AM): ok baby im going to sleep (Good) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:21:43 AM): see u tomorrow willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:21:47 AM): okay night night see u tomorrow sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:22:02 AM): i love u sweet dreams willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:22:15 AM): :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:23:14 AM): ok night sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 1:23:16 AM): muah love willowfilipino (08/25/06 1:23:21 AM): bye August 25th sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:35:47 PM): hi princess willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:35:54 PM): heya :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:36:00 PM): am at my sisters willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:36:11 PM): cool u did it! sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:36:20 PM): im going to shower and i go to store sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:36:32 PM): and i will be in my way willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:36:39 PM): awesome what time u think u get here? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:36:51 PM): im going to see where i can buy the cam willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:36:56 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:37:18 PM): do know if i go buy the cam willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:37:39 PM): okay if u cant that okay up to u there are stores in town but i just wanna see u so if u cant it okay :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:38:04 PM): i will look for a store on my way willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:38:10 PM): awesome that be soooooo cool sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:38:16 PM): but i will buy the meet here willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:38:38 PM): cool i got the garage open so u can just park on street or driveway and come in then thru side door round back so nobody see u :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:39:22 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:39:42 PM): cool so what time u think u get here or are u gonna talk to me when u get close to town in car like thurs? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:40:13 PM): well i will let u know when i get there willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:40:31 PM): okay u gonna im me from car? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:40:37 PM): yes (Yay, talk about making things easier) willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:40:39 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:40:43 PM): muah sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:40:53 PM): im going to the shower willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:41:02 PM): cool have a good one sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:41:11 PM): hope u like me willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:41:16 PM): i will i do already! sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:41:24 PM): muah sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:41:43 PM): u are the sweeties girl in earth willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:41:50 PM): aww :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:41:52 PM): bye baby willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:41:57 PM): bye bye see u soon sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:42:14 PM): the sooner i shower i be there sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 6:42:16 PM): bye willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:42:19 PM): cool go shower :) willowfilipino (08/25/06 6:43:14 PM): :) willowfilipino (08/25/06 7:41:05 PM): i know u not online but i cant wait to see u :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:07:36 PM): hi baby willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:07:40 PM): heya willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:07:42 PM): there u are :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:07:56 PM): just log in willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:08:01 PM): cool where u at? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:08:17 PM): sanrafael sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:08:29 PM): im scare willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:08:39 PM): scared? willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:08:46 PM): why im waitin for u nothin to be scare of sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:08:48 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:08:58 PM): i wait for u all day u my prince sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:09:55 PM): promis that everything is going to be nice (The Petaluma police were really nice guys, so answering this won't be lying) willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:10:08 PM): i promise willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:10:16 PM): i always nice to u cause u the sweet one sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:10:54 PM): i will always make u happy willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:11:01 PM): i know u will willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:11:06 PM): i cant wait to see u willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:11:15 PM): just park act normal and come in garage willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:11:21 PM): that way all cool and nobody think nothin sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:12:03 PM): just close the garage willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:12:10 PM): huh? i leave open for u sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:12:35 PM): i let u know when im there willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:12:59 PM): okay garage make noise tho so better ot leave open but i can close if u really wan t it close willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:13:38 PM): u got cam i wanna see u smile at me while u drive :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:14:01 PM): baby u come out when i get there willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:14:19 PM): i can wave u from garage but if i come too far out peeps see and that no good for u or me sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:15:21 PM): u should never let a stragger in house u need to get to know me first (AKA "oh shit maybe you're a cop") willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:15:28 PM): i do know u :) willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:15:31 PM): we talk so much willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:15:33 PM): i cant wait to see u willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:15:36 PM): dont be silly sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:16:49 PM): is there a target or best buy close to u willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:17:26 PM): theres a target yeah sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:17:36 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:18:08 PM): its in novato i think it exit roland off the 101 my mom and i go there sometimes sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:18:48 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:18:56 PM): cool :) im soe xcited willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:19:06 PM): please be excited u everythin i want i love bein ur princess sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:19:40 PM): u will alwaysbe willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:19:46 PM): aww :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:23:21 PM): why u aint saying nothing willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:23:28 PM): i didnt know if u wanna talk or not willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:23:30 PM): cause u drivin willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:23:35 PM): do u wanna talk? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:23:47 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:23:52 PM): cool we talk willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:23:55 PM): how bad is the traff? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:23:59 PM): lots of traffic willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:24:08 PM): wow that bad? im sorry to hear that sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:24:47 PM): its ok i think it will be worted willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:24:54 PM): :) willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:24:58 PM): im glad u do i think so too willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:25:05 PM): im so excited ive been tellin my cats about u willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:25:14 PM): i think furryface like su already sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:25:39 PM): raly willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:25:50 PM): yeah i told him bout u and he meow nice sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:25:51 PM): realy willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:26:15 PM): yeah sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:26:29 PM): anyways where did mom go willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:26:35 PM): socal to see dad willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:26:42 PM): she dont come back till mon sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:26:46 PM): where is that at willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:26:53 PM): socal? south cali willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:26:59 PM): she flew sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:27:20 PM): what is dad doing there willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:27:29 PM): he owns a busness and cant live here yet willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:27:34 PM): she runs a restarant and cant live there yet willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:27:36 PM): so it kinda sucks sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:27:50 PM): yeah willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:27:56 PM): sometimes i go down to socal to hang there with him and sometie he ome up here willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:28:00 PM): this weekend is mom turn sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:28:33 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:28:43 PM): i hope u like my cats sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:28:58 PM): iwill willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:29:03 PM): good sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:29:07 PM): my sis has one willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:29:14 PM): that good so u been round them sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:29:30 PM): his name is nino willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:29:35 PM): neat willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:29:42 PM): my cats are mr sleepy and boots and furryface willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:29:52 PM): ill intro u for real soon to them sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:30:00 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:31:10 PM): i think i past the roland exit sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:31:23 PM): i don't see it willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:31:31 PM): u did? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:31:40 PM): i think willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:31:49 PM): i dunno if u did or didnt sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:32:01 PM): i did willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:32:08 PM): that okay sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:32:24 PM): because i see only land fields sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:32:45 PM): is there other in petaluma willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:32:47 PM): i dont know where u at right now roland isnt that far the target isnt that far from me willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:32:55 PM): nah that only target theres a kmart tho sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:33:11 PM): or a radioshack willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:33:19 PM): no radioshack but there a kmart sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:33:56 PM): i do not know if they sale there willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:34:04 PM): i dont know if they gotta cam there or not sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:35:31 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:35:56 PM): what about staplers willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:36:00 PM): nah willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:36:12 PM): only close stuff is kmart kohl target costco willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:36:17 PM): oh and pennys sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:36:47 PM): no pennys only clothes willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:36:52 PM): yeah it sucks sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:37:32 PM): :(( willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:37:35 PM): aww dont cry willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:37:45 PM): the target isnt that far willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:37:51 PM): its in rohnert park sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:37:59 PM): u go with me willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:38:04 PM): if u want me to sure sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:38:19 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:38:27 PM): cool we do that willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:38:29 PM): where u at? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:39:20 PM): wait let me see sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:40:57 PM): redwood highway willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:41:51 PM): cool sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:42:30 PM): downtown petaluma willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:42:46 PM): awesme im so ecited willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:43:46 PM): did u get the food stuff? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:43:48 PM): me too sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:44:03 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:44:15 PM): did u get somethin to drink too? :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:44:23 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:44:46 PM): whatd u get? :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:45:03 PM): the meat willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:45:11 PM): no no i mean to drink sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:45:12 PM): avocados (Yuck) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:45:31 PM): winecoolers (And he actually brought all this stuff) willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:45:42 PM): if u see a place downtown that might have webcam feel free to get it :) (At this point, I was told to try to delay his arrival since he was running into the schedule of other guys and we didn't want a pile-up, ha) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:46:07 PM): ok sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:46:51 PM): yes sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:46:56 PM): staplass willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:47:00 PM): nice! willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:47:35 PM): u rule good find sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:47:46 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:47:51 PM): u get? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:47:57 PM): wait i be back willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:48:00 PM): okay sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:57:01 PM): hi am back willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:57:13 PM): wow that was quick did u get it? sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:57:22 PM): yes willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:57:39 PM): nice work is it nice? willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:58:20 PM): sorry yahhoo freak out sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:58:29 PM): don't know willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:58:37 PM): cool well see together if it is :) sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:58:49 PM): ok willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:58:54 PM): im so excited sebastian_for_u (08/25/06 8:59:06 PM): me too willowfilipino (08/25/06 8:59:19 PM): im glad :) willowfilipino (08/25/06 9:00:39 PM): how bad is traff? (Ended up being pretty bad, there were a lot of cops in the area) So, he was arrested. Of course, he was released on bail. So, while I'm trolling for the Long Beach, California sting operation a couple weeks later, guess who pops up online? September 6th sebastian_for_u (09/06/06 7:54:45 PM): hey? willowfilipino (09/06/06 7:54:52 PM): heya whats up? sebastian_for_u (09/06/06 7:55:17 PM): nu? willowfilipino (09/06/06 7:55:22 PM): huh? sebastian_for_u (09/06/06 7:55:39 PM): duno willowfilipino (09/06/06 7:56:04 PM): oh okay what u been up to? sebastian_for_u (09/06/06 7:57:09 PM): gotta go-jail bird willowfilipino (09/06/06 7:57:19 PM): huh? what are u talkin about u the ditcher sebastian_for_u (09/06/06 7:59:39 PM): just kiddin and jokin willowfilipino (09/06/06 7:59:48 PM): what u talkin about? And after that, he went through the justice system and was convicted. Not sure if he still believes he was talking to a real kid, but he certainly did believe that a couple weeks after being arrested.