12/16/2007 First Contact was a Web cam invite. sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:25:42 PM): do i know u rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:29:17 PM): doi u want to? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:29:32 PM): idk sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:30:04 PM): asl rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:30:25 PM): m/50s horny sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:30:41 PM): 13/f/ky sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:30:50 PM): wheres horny rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:31:08 PM): cincy sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:31:19 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:31:31 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:31:34 PM): are u kidding 13? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:32:00 PM): noim not kidding sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:33:04 PM): that wat u look like rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:33:10 PM): would u like to suk on this? (Well that did'nt take long) sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:34:02 PM): i dont even know u rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:34:20 PM): does that matter? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:34:50 PM): well ya rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:35:37 PM): what can i say? rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:36:11 PM): where in ky? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:36:21 PM): north rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:36:33 PM): near cincy? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:36:42 PM): kinda rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:37:06 PM): me too sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:37:10 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:37:23 PM): wats ur name rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:37:37 PM): jim, and urs sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:37:48 PM): cheyenne rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:39:09 PM): so cheyenne do you fuck around? (What the hell?) sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:39:30 PM): like wat u mean rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:40:02 PM): do like to feel a man inside of u? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:40:30 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:40:44 PM): never done eny of that b4 rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:41:14 PM): do u think u would like too sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:41:37 PM): yeah i mite with sum1 nice rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:42:34 PM): have u ever sucked some one before? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:43:01 PM): umm yeah i did that with my exbf sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:43:03 PM): cody rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:43:24 PM): did u like that? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:43:29 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:44:06 PM): the fee;ing of having him under control? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:44:24 PM): idk rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:44:56 PM): would u suck a stranger sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:45:05 PM): idk rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:45:46 PM): u know u can make me cum.. as u watch? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:46:02 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:46:11 PM): by my cam sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:46:41 PM): o i dont like that cyber stuff its gross rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:47:13 PM): i could fill u up 4 real tonight (Ugh) sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:47:59 PM): huh sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:48:09 PM): u culd wat rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:48:24 PM): fill u rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:48:48 PM): if u wanted rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:49:32 PM): way inside of u sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:49:34 PM): wat u mean fill me up rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:50:13 PM): with the load i have right now sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:50:24 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:51:06 PM): i could let u have it all inside if your pussy sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:51:28 PM): have wat rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:51:51 PM): all my cum (Ugh) sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:53:03 PM): u got a pic sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:53:34 PM): brb sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:59:20 PM): back rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:59:29 PM): hi rauch_jim (04/01/07 7:59:51 PM): no decent picts sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 7:59:51 PM): hi rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:00:19 PM): i see yours sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:00:22 PM): wat u look like rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:00:41 PM): you are hot sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:00:48 PM): thanx rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:01:33 PM): do u still want to watch? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:02:31 PM): can i c ur face rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:02:41 PM): some times they kick out sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:02:52 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:03:42 PM): face is ok sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:04:25 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:05:02 PM): so like how old r u rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:05:09 PM): just to get by my stomach rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:05:25 PM): in my 40s sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:05:39 PM): thought u said 50s rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:06:02 PM): almost 50 sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:07:11 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:07:11 PM): wat u do 4 fun rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:07:24 PM): I play music sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:07:36 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:07:42 PM): wat kinda music u play rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:08:37 PM): all kinds except hip=hop...im too white sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:09:04 PM): lol sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:09:28 PM): wat instrument u play rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:09:38 PM): keyboards sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:10:00 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:10:25 PM): u in a band or sumthin rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:10:47 PM): had a band for 15years... not now though sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:11:16 PM): kewl how come u aint got 1 now rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:11:38 PM): too much time sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:11:56 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:12:14 PM): my fav band is blue october u like them rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:12:44 PM): not heard them sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:13:23 PM): i got 1 of their songs on myspace sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:15:59 PM): http://www.myspace.com/sad_cheyenne sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:16:53 PM): thats my fav song rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:17:31 PM): im interested in skin sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:18:24 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:18:54 PM): yu are so attractiove. and I got carried away sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:19:32 PM): thanx sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:19:38 PM): wat u mean got carried away rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:20:04 PM): you wanted to talk about the music, and I wanted to talk about meeting you sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:20:36 PM): u wanna meet me rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:20:49 PM): yeah i think so sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:21:29 PM): wow rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:21:43 PM): i mean you have \"seen\" me,and that's oK sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:22:04 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:22:35 PM): im not really the pervert I seem over the internet. sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:22:59 PM): pervert wats that rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:23:17 PM): something Im not/ (You had me fooled.) rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:23:38 PM): where are you? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:23:59 PM): near cincy rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:24:10 PM): in Ky? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:24:23 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:24:57 PM): would u like to meet sometime? sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:25:14 PM): yeah that wuld b kewl rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:26:08 PM): i like it when i think your watchimg sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:26:37 PM): o rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:26:47 PM): it really turns me on. sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:27:00 PM): o rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:28:44 PM): email me when u have time to get together... rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:29:20 PM): write this down jim008847 at hotmail dot com sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:29:28 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:29:42 PM): k got it rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:30:05 PM): i have a hottub over here east cincy sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:30:11 PM): really sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:30:16 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:30:17 PM): yeas rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:30:40 PM): not married.. im divorced 5 years sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:31:00 PM): o:( sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:31:13 PM): my mom and dad r getting divorce rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:31:34 PM): it is not the end of the world sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:32:06 PM): daddy moved out and doesnt talk 2 me:( rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:32:55 PM): sorry. let me know, if and when you want to meet, talk, etc.\] sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:33:07 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:33:29 PM): wat u wanna do if we meet rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:35:07 PM): it can go a lot of ways... for now let's leave it at talk... but i want you to know i find youy attractive..but young! (Then go away.) sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:35:25 PM): aww thanx rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:35:53 PM): so what ever that brings sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:36:06 PM): k rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:36:55 PM): what I would love to hear is boy Id like to feel that dick.. but i understand sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:37:57 PM): lol rauch_jim (04/01/07 8:38:33 PM): leave me an email sad_cheyenne (04/01/07 8:38:44 PM): k rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:34:43 PM): hi sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:35:25 PM): wat ya doin rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:35:49 PM): just searchin around, u? sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:36:02 PM): nothin im bored sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:36:49 PM): wat ya searchin 4 rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:36:50 PM): u in school today? sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:37:08 PM): no its spring break rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:37:24 PM): what districr? sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:37:57 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:38:12 PM): school district? sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:43:48 PM): sry sasha wanted me 2 take her out 2 go p sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:44:00 PM): u still there rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:44:06 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:44:44 PM): what school? sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:45:18 PM): idk if i shuld tell u umm mayb when i know u better k sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:46:47 PM): :) rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:47:10 PM): good to be careful sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:47:40 PM): so wat ya searchin 4 rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:48:08 PM): people to talk with rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:49:31 PM): ur obviously busy with other stuff... later sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:49:46 PM): i aint busy sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:49:57 PM): i thought u was rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:50:36 PM): im just here hanging out on my cam sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:50:49 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:51:01 PM): im just here doin nothin lol rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:51:46 PM): did you do anything today? sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:52:07 PM): not really sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:52:24 PM): i was lazy 2day lol sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:52:52 PM): wat u do 2day rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:53:11 PM): worked all day sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:53:33 PM): aww sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:53:36 PM): wat u do rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:53:55 PM): web pages sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:54:07 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:54:20 PM): bet thats fun rauch_jim (04/03/07 3:54:49 PM): a challenge sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 3:55:13 PM): yeah bet its hard 2 do rauch_jim (04/03/07 4:07:24 PM): now what? sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 4:07:39 PM): wat lol rauch_jim (04/03/07 4:09:01 PM): never mind sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 4:09:21 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/03/07 4:10:19 PM): you are too dangerous sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 4:10:33 PM): huh wat u mean rauch_jim (04/03/07 4:10:45 PM): too young dear sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 4:10:59 PM): 4 wat rauch_jim (04/03/07 4:11:24 PM): to be running around adult sites sad_cheyenne (04/03/07 4:11:55 PM): im not running round adult sites wat u talkin bout rauch_jim (04/04/07 8:08:03 PM): where's Cheyenne today? rauch_jim (04/04/07 8:08:03 PM): whats goin on sad_cheyenne (04/04/07 11:10:04 PM): hey i was hanging out with my gfs wat u doin ttyl:) sad_cheyenne (04/04/07 11:10:46 PM): sry i missed u ttyl rauch_jim (04/05/07 2:48:57 PM): you're not who you say you are sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:09:30 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/05/07 8:09:44 PM): yeah? sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:10:04 PM): wat r u talkin bout im not who i say i am sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:10:52 PM): w/e dude sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:21:28 PM): how come ur not talkin wats wrong with u rauch_jim (04/05/07 8:22:07 PM): how come your not making a comment rauch_jim (04/05/07 8:22:26 PM): are u watching? sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:22:48 PM): idk sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:22:56 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/05/07 8:23:46 PM): and do you look at a lot of guys? sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:24:01 PM): no rauch_jim (04/05/07 8:24:16 PM): any reason? sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:24:41 PM): idk i mean i saw codys b4 but thats it rauch_jim (04/05/07 8:25:17 PM): and what does cody's feel like? sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:25:43 PM): idk rauch_jim (04/05/07 8:27:02 PM): gotta go sad_cheyenne (04/05/07 8:27:25 PM): k w/e rauch_jim (04/06/07 3:39:07 PM): I haven't got you figured out yet. (I have you figured out.) rauch_jim (04/06/07 3:39:07 PM): are you around? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:06:43 PM): hey wats up ttyl sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:07:18 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:07:36 PM): my dick again sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:07:47 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:07:55 PM): just a horny guy sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:08:05 PM): lol k sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:08:33 PM): y u say u aint got me figure out yet wats that mean rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:09:10 PM): language sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:09:45 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:10:00 PM): yeah sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:10:08 PM): yeah wat rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:10:48 PM): m/f? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:11:01 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:11:07 PM): m/f? rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:11:15 PM): age? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:11:33 PM): im a f silly sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:11:35 PM): 13 rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:11:50 PM): location sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:11:56 PM): ky sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:12:26 PM): ur acting all wierd rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:12:37 PM): who is cody? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:12:54 PM): no not cody u sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:13:04 PM): i know codys weird lol rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:13:32 PM): what do you like? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:13:43 PM): bout wat rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:14:00 PM): anything? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:14:26 PM): like wat rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:14:40 PM): do u like nigeria? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:14:47 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/06/07 4:14:58 PM): later sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:15:12 PM): ur crazy and scare me sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 4:15:15 PM): later dude rauch_jim (04/06/07 7:04:32 PM): Cheyenne, I didn't mean to upset you. Sorry about that. rauch_jim (04/06/07 7:05:36 PM): It has been an extremely long day. Talk with you later. sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 7:05:49 PM): k:) rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:09:29 PM): are you still on? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:09:39 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:09:46 PM): Im still nude sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:10:02 PM): omg rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:10:24 PM): I guess I should say, Im back to being nude sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:10:34 PM): o lol y rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:11:02 PM): almost time to go to bed...I usually get up at 5:30 sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:11:09 PM): wow sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:11:16 PM): thats early rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:11:37 PM): That's daily... and tomorrow//I'll go work out by 8 sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:11:46 PM): o rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:11:59 PM): what have you been doin tonight> sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:12:23 PM): talkin 2 madison and alyssa wat u been doin rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:12:51 PM): watched TV for a while, laudry, and cleaned the kitchen sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:13:09 PM): yuk sounds like loads a fun rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:13:25 PM): garage is on the list for tomorrow. sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:13:38 PM): sounds fun sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:13:39 PM): not sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:13:43 PM): lol rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:13:45 PM): who's madison? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:13:54 PM): 1 of my gfs rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:14:04 PM): from school? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:14:12 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:14:45 PM): I assume allyssa too. sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:14:58 PM): shes pretty kewl rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:15:33 PM): Are they all your age? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:15:38 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:16:04 PM): Is Cody your age too? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:16:17 PM): no hes 15 rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:16:47 PM): NO more questions.. sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:16:56 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:17:17 PM): Oh I seem to ask too much. sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:17:25 PM): no u dont rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:18:51 PM): Ok, one last one... what part of KY? central? south? east? west? or north? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:19:10 PM): north rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:19:33 PM): really... do you know where I am? sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:19:49 PM): umm i think u told me but i 4get rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:20:00 PM): cincinnati sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:20:17 PM): o kewl rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:21:36 PM): Lack of words... sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:21:51 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:22:20 PM): just dont know what to say sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:22:20 PM): r u like all naked and stuff rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:22:32 PM): totally sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:22:43 PM): lol again rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:23:03 PM): Ill go straight to bed this way sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:23:15 PM): really rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:23:22 PM): absolutely sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:23:34 PM): wow rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:23:41 PM): Ill have to move the cat rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:24:29 PM): There is no one here to disturb or bother me... and it feels sooo good. sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:24:30 PM): u got a cat 2 rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:25:06 PM): I had 2 and one disappeared about a year ago... probably ran over...never found her sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:25:13 PM): aww sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:25:18 PM): :( rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:27:11 PM): Well, if I can't get you interested in watching, have a nice Easter, I'll be on and off... but i'm ready for bed. sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:27:28 PM): k :) rauch_jim (04/06/07 9:27:37 PM): bye sad_cheyenne (04/06/07 9:27:42 PM): byes rauch_jim (04/09/07 2:50:23 PM): So what's life like today Cheyenne? sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 3:52:09 PM): my dad came and got me 2 spend easter with him:D sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 3:52:15 PM): ttyl rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:20:46 PM): Hi Cheyenne rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:40:22 PM): Whetre are you? sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:40:35 PM): im here rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:41:19 PM): what cha doing? sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:42:18 PM): sry talkin 2 alyssa rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:42:34 PM): Im really vored tonight sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:42:46 PM): plz rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:43:13 PM): bored sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:43:23 PM): o lol sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:44:06 PM): yeah me 2 rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:44:40 PM): Are you at hone? sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:44:51 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:45:08 PM): what you doin tonight? sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:45:25 PM): nothin rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:45:49 PM): are you guys going out? sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:46:00 PM): wat guys rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:46:21 PM): alyssa, etc. sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:46:30 PM): no lol rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:48:32 PM): I dont know what im going to do... Igot to get out of the house.. sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:48:52 PM): y rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:50:24 PM): what does that mean? sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:50:50 PM): why sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:51:11 PM): i was askin y u have 2 get out of teh house rauch_jim (04/09/07 4:51:14 PM): I don't know... Im just lookin to hang out sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 4:51:29 PM): o rauch_jim (04/09/07 5:00:54 PM): i guess u sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 5:01:18 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/09/07 5:02:16 PM): nothin sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 5:02:40 PM): brb sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 5:15:18 PM): sry my mom was tellin me sumthin guess shes goin 2 my grandmas in lexington 4 couple days good 4 her glad shes goin enyways ttyl rauch_jim (04/09/07 8:04:22 PM): What's going on Cheyenne sad_cheyenne (04/09/07 8:05:09 PM): wats goin on with u sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 5:49:17 PM): hi:) rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:13:59 PM): Hi Cheyenne sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:14:16 PM): hey rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:14:26 PM): Do you have school this week? sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:14:47 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:15:01 PM): Lot of schools are on spring break sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:15:45 PM): i was on spring break last week rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:16:01 PM): did you do anything special? sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:16:13 PM): no not really rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:16:38 PM): you just hangin out tonight? sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:16:50 PM): yeah sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:16:50 PM): u rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:17:12 PM): i took the day off to go to the doctor...annual visit sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:17:24 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:17:30 PM): u ok rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:17:40 PM): where are your gfs sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:17:52 PM): home rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:18:06 PM): yeah im ok. better than the last time rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:20:26 PM): what happened\ sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:20:53 PM): idk i was just out of here had 2 sign back in sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:21:01 PM): dumb yahoo sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:21:24 PM): u there rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:21:29 PM): yeah sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:21:42 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:21:54 PM): so did ya get out of the house the other nite rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:22:30 PM): no... i really have been stuck here since Frid...except work on Mond. sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:22:54 PM): yuk y u stuck rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:23:14 PM): its choice. not wanting to do anything sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:23:20 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:23:29 PM): like bein lazy sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:23:33 PM): i do that rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:23:34 PM): i like movies, but nothing appeals to me sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:23:42 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:23:57 PM): hmm u got lots a movies rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:24:01 PM): lazy is probably more the feeling sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:24:17 PM): lol rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:24:19 PM): more cds than movies. sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:24:36 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:24:47 PM): more weird stuff than others sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:24:59 PM): weird stuff like wat rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:25:09 PM): classical...new age.. rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:25:22 PM): movie scrores sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:25:30 PM): o yeah thats weird rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:25:51 PM): I like most music though sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:26:03 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:26:10 PM): It all is important sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:26:39 PM): u like blue october they r the kewlest evr rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:27:15 PM): Ill get an album tomorrow... what's a good title sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:27:33 PM): hate me rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:27:49 PM): OK, I'll check it out. sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:27:55 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:28:02 PM): u will luv them rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:28:19 PM): I used to have a band. rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:28:34 PM): We made a lot of money back then sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:28:35 PM): yeah i think u told me b4 sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:28:47 PM): wow kewl rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:29:43 PM): We were quite professional. Had an agent...always worked single jobs, no clubs rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:30:25 PM): One year we had over 60 jobs... and that is a lot of gear to move sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:30:35 PM): wow sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:30:42 PM): but u was real good 2 sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:30:50 PM): wat kinda songs u did rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:30:54 PM): very popular. rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:31:29 PM): top 40... and a lot of the disco stuff... not very many bands could play that. sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:31:45 PM): disco stuff wats that rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:33:18 PM): My ex wife would do like the Michael Jackson, and other. It's funny you ask that and I think of Donna Summers, Flash dance, we also did old rock and roll... 50's etc. etc. rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:33:41 PM): But we had 4 great singers sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:33:43 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:33:47 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:33:54 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:34:15 PM): I know that's all before your time. But it worked rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:34:33 PM): I also play a lot of jazz. sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:34:52 PM): jazz sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:35:03 PM): umm wats jazz rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:36:02 PM): Its a whole style of music... many players..Bill Evans, Thelonius Monk, etc. etc. sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:36:14 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:36:18 PM): i nvr heard of them rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:37:16 PM): Well, that gives me the upper hand, I have heard of Blue October, I've just not listened to them ...YET. rauch_jim (04/10/07 7:38:08 PM): Well, I'll check back later to see if your on. sad_cheyenne (04/10/07 7:38:53 PM): k o and if u want 2 get the song hate me u gotta get the album foiled well ttyl rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:46:39 PM): and what are you wanting to do oday? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:46:55 PM): lol sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:46:55 PM): idk sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:46:55 PM): hi rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:47:01 PM): hi rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:47:23 PM): aven't got the blue october yet... on my list sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:47:36 PM): lol rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:47:49 PM): how was school? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:47:59 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:48:29 PM): wat u do 2day rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:49:09 PM): point: of all the women, ladies that I commmunicate with you are the only one on the internet right now!!! rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:49:26 PM): I worked hard.. students cheating, etc. sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:49:28 PM): lol sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:49:38 PM): omg cheating rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:49:57 PM): yes CHEATING... how can this happen sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:50:11 PM): idk sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:50:13 PM): cheatins bad rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:50:29 PM): u think? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:50:49 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:50:58 PM): good girl sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:51:20 PM): :) rauch_jim (04/11/07 4:53:03 PM): I'll be back, I have to answer some emails about work sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 4:53:13 PM): k:) rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:11:12 PM): Im back...sorry about the delay sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:11:30 PM): hi rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:12:09 PM): so what you doin tonight? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:12:17 PM): nothin sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:12:21 PM): wat u doin rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:12:25 PM): notin sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:12:42 PM): lol sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:12:46 PM): u 2 huh rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:12:49 PM): interested sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:13:06 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:13:12 PM): idk sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:13:26 PM): lol sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:13:26 PM): idk 2 rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:13:39 PM): it is raining hard here sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:13:58 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:15:39 PM): im really kinda bored sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:16:25 PM): yeah me 2 lol rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:17:54 PM): im not gonna suggest anything... i might just get outta here... unless you offer sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:18:10 PM): offer rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:18:19 PM): some idea sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:18:48 PM): idea rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:18:55 PM): never mind sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:19:18 PM): o u mean like wat u culd do rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:19:26 PM): yeah sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:19:40 PM): idk lol sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:19:47 PM): go 2 a movie or sumthin rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:20:06 PM): i guess sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:25:50 PM): guess u went sumwhere i gotta go eat and help my mom pack ttyl if ur on rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:33:47 PM): hi sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:34:21 PM): hi rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:34:45 PM): I thought you were leaving sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:36:49 PM): i did but i bring my cheesburger in my room sry im eating lol rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:37:59 PM): anybody else home? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:38:11 PM): my mom sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:38:24 PM): shes gettin ready 2 go 2morrow rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:38:48 PM): what you gonna do whenshe leaves sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:39:00 PM): idk b bored rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:39:39 PM): i can think of other ideas. sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:39:49 PM): like wat rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:41:06 PM): all sorts... what can u think of?... sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:42:13 PM): hmm watch movies listen 2 music talk on the phone 2 my friends talk on here stay up late eat lots a junk food sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:42:39 PM): and not do the dishes haha rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:43:05 PM): u can wash my... dishes sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:43:13 PM): no ty sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:43:24 PM): i hate doing dishes rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:44:02 PM): maybe i have something eslse that needs washed sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:44:18 PM): not laundry i hate that 2 rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:44:33 PM): not what im thinking sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:44:49 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:45:06 PM): sorry u have to guess sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:46:01 PM): hmm ur windows i dont like that 2 sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:46:53 PM): my mom made me help her with that it sucks rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:47:22 PM): nope... this is warm sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:48:05 PM): u got a puppy or sumthin i like givin my dog a bath she likes it rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:48:05 PM): let me kno tomorrow? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:48:18 PM): 2morrow wat sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:48:24 PM): let u know wat rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:49:55 PM): if washing my dog is in th thepicture? rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:50:18 PM): bye... think about it sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:51:57 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:52:03 PM): :-/ rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:52:40 PM): bye... ill probably be bac on later sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 5:52:50 PM): k me 2 rauch_jim (04/11/07 5:53:29 PM): bye sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 6:01:08 PM): hey bye ttyl if ur on sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 6:01:13 PM): :) rauch_jim (04/11/07 6:01:28 PM): ok will do sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 6:01:40 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:08:55 PM): i came back...but you were gone. sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:09:05 PM): hey rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:09:17 PM): hey rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:09:39 PM): wht time do u go to bed? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:09:49 PM): 10 or 11 sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:10:06 PM): im suppose 2 b in bed hehe sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:10:44 PM): wat u doin rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:11:19 PM): sittin here answering messages and vegging out sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:11:27 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:12:07 PM): So tomorrow brings??? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:12:08 PM): talkin 2 ur ladies huh sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:12:15 PM): wat rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:12:49 PM): no someone, I've know for about 6 monrths... sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:12:59 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:13:06 PM): ur gf rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:13:11 PM): she's gone. rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:13:29 PM): no not a gf. sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:13:36 PM): o rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:14:05 PM): when do you think you'll be on tomorrow? sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:14:19 PM): after school i guess sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:14:58 PM): prolly 4 rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:15:28 PM): well, I'll check back to see what cha doin... ill be home by 4. sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:15:38 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:15:43 PM): :) rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:16:10 PM): i was just pretty busy runnning around tonight sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:16:17 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:16:26 PM): where was u running 2 sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:16:31 PM): lol rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:16:35 PM): up to Dayton sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:16:39 PM): o rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:16:47 PM): meeting somefriends sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:16:50 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:17:28 PM): did u have fun rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:17:32 PM): no sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:17:37 PM): aww how come rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:18:04 PM): it wasn't what I needed, and it was too far away. sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:18:09 PM): o rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:18:22 PM): anyway, talk with u tomorrow. if you want sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:18:26 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:18:28 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/11/07 10:18:36 PM): bye\ sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:18:39 PM): nite sad_cheyenne (04/11/07 10:18:44 PM): :) rauch_jim (04/12/07 2:40:30 PM): Ill be back later... i have a change of plans. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 2:41:09 PM): hey sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 2:41:15 PM): im doin my homework enyways sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 2:41:26 PM): talk 2 u when u get back:) rauch_jim (04/12/07 3:04:36 PM): OK later rauch_jim (04/12/07 3:18:57 PM): takin a shower talk with you later sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 3:52:55 PM): hi im done talk 2 ya when ur back:) rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:20:02 PM): Do you have anything in mind sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:20:21 PM): hey rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:20:28 PM): hey sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:20:46 PM): do i have wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:20:55 PM): im actually quite horny sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:21:05 PM): o sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:21:33 PM): wat ya doin sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:21:59 PM): u there rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:22:54 PM): playin wsith my self lookin for some action tonight sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:23:05 PM): action rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:23:24 PM): yep action sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:23:45 PM): like wats that mean sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:23:54 PM): partyin or sumthin rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:24:21 PM): partying sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:24:41 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:25:48 PM): hoe about u? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:26:14 PM): idk im really bored here nothin 2 do rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:28:08 PM): do u want 2 do anything? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:28:39 PM): yeah sumthin im tire of sittin her by myself geez rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:29:02 PM): come on rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:29:28 PM): lets do something sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:29:51 PM): kewl like wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:30:10 PM): wat would u like? (To put you in jail where you belong.) sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:30:26 PM): idk u got eny ideas rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:32:34 PM): plenty, but sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:32:46 PM): like wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:33:12 PM): meet sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:33:29 PM): 4real rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:33:37 PM): yeah sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:34:11 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:34:28 PM): spill it out sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:34:50 PM): huh sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:34:56 PM): spill wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:35:21 PM): what would u like... tell me sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:35:40 PM): o lol sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:35:54 PM): umm sum1 2 hang out with rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:36:24 PM): u hang out with me sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:36:43 PM): kewl yeah if u wanna rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:36:54 PM): where? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:37:18 PM): idk where u wanna hangout sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:37:36 PM): i gues here cuz i cant go nowheres rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:37:45 PM): im a normal kind of guy... (You think this is normal?) rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:37:55 PM): where is here? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:38:09 PM): my house silly rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:38:23 PM): is there anybody there? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:39:05 PM): nope mom went 2 work shell b there till like 3 rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:39:34 PM): and just what would we do? rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:39:54 PM): what would u like to do? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:39:55 PM): idk wat u wanna do rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:40:16 PM): all sorts of things... sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:40:41 PM): like wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:41:13 PM): would u wanna touch rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:41:50 PM): ur getting me hornier rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:42:28 PM): tell me what u would like? rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:43:00 PM): brb rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:43:53 PM): are u sure you dont wanna do this f4real? rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:45:00 PM): did i loose u? rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:45:57 PM): wat r u doin? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:47:39 PM): u still there rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:47:47 PM): yeah sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:47:49 PM): hey i got booted dont know wat happen rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:48:19 PM): thats too bad... i came on strong sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:48:49 PM): huh sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:49:00 PM): so ya still wana hang out rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:49:15 PM): i guess sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:49:30 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:49:35 PM): do u wanna touch? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:49:53 PM): idk mayb sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:49:57 PM): r u nice rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:50:11 PM): yeah im nice. (haha) sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:50:23 PM): k rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:50:33 PM): and scared ur a cop rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:50:47 PM): or setting me up. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:50:59 PM): a cop roflmao sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:51:05 PM): im no cop silly rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:51:32 PM): then wat would u really like to do? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:52:03 PM): idk lets c we culd watch a movie or sumthin \ rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:52:30 PM): im interested in the sumthin rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:52:55 PM): im hard, lonrly, nrrdy rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:53:08 PM): needy!\ sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:53:26 PM): wats nrrdy rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:53:37 PM): id like someone to touch me sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:53:52 PM): u want me 2 touch u rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:54:08 PM): that would be good. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:54:18 PM): k rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:54:42 PM): id like to touch u\ sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:54:54 PM): 4realz rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:55:00 PM): 4real sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:55:09 PM): kewl rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:56:03 PM): id like u to feel the warmth and wetness sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:56:13 PM): of wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:56:30 PM): of me and you sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:57:01 PM): wow kewl rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:57:26 PM): inside sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:59:15 PM): inside rauch_jim (04/12/07 6:59:40 PM): where did u go? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 6:59:55 PM): im here rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:00:27 PM): yes the warmth and wetness inside of u? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:00:55 PM): wow rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:01:16 PM): dont u feel that sometimes? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:01:35 PM): how u mean rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:01:47 PM): just feel it sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:02:04 PM): i guess rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:02:32 PM): do you rub yourself, and feel good, and then wet sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:02:40 PM): no i nvr done that sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:02:50 PM): so like where u live again rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:03:07 PM): between your legs (Ugh) rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:03:26 PM): cincinnati east side sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:03:41 PM): o kewl u dont live 2 far rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:04:01 PM): i can rub for you sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:04:15 PM): rub wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:04:43 PM): lets try this... what are u wearing? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:05:00 PM): jeans and a t shirt rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:05:17 PM): is there anybody around?' sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:05:39 PM): no sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:05:45 PM): i told u my moms at work rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:05:54 PM): unzip your jeans sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:06:11 PM): k rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:06:23 PM): unbutton them 2 sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:06:34 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:07:14 PM): i assume u are wearing panties sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:07:25 PM): umm yeah sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:09:18 PM): u there rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:09:29 PM): on the outside of your panties, take your middle finger, and slide up and down on the ourside of your pussy. (Ugh) sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:09:46 PM): k rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:10:01 PM): push down a little bit sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:10:09 PM): k rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:10:50 PM): and move up and down that slit..pushing in alittle bit. rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:11:14 PM): are u alittle bit wetter... sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:11:26 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:11:31 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:12:02 PM): now, take off your jeans... all the way off sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:12:03 PM): i dont think u wanna come over and hangout im thinkin u wannna do that cyber stuff rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:12:41 PM): oh i would love to do it for real... sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:13:23 PM): u wuld rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:13:34 PM): take your legs and spread them open. rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:14:49 PM): now take the elastic of your panties and pull it away from your pussy sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:15:02 PM): y we doin this rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:15:31 PM): for u to feel...you. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:15:48 PM): o rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:16:46 PM): sticky your stck your finger in your pussy, and rub like before. (Ugh) sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:17:03 PM): k rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:18:34 PM): now think about a penis in there... like your finger, getting harder, and expoding with liquid, warm liquid (Ugh) rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:19:01 PM): the warmth over takes you. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:19:17 PM): wow sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:19:29 PM): but i feel weird doin this lol rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:19:42 PM): thats sex lesson number 1 sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:20:11 PM): o rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:20:35 PM): people do it all the time... most of the time, they want a penis...not a finger sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:20:49 PM): yeah rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:21:01 PM): i have a penis sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:21:31 PM): umm yeah i know i saw it on ur cam rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:21:35 PM): look rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:21:52 PM): and it fits right in there rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:22:10 PM): and it explodes rightn inm there sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:22:25 PM): yeah its big rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:22:46 PM): and it will fit nice and tight sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:22:56 PM): hmm sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:23:41 PM): ur doin cyber stuff and thats boring rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:24:36 PM): so you stop... what's to stop you from doing it for reaL? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:25:03 PM): umm nothin i gues lol rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:25:22 PM): where? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:25:29 PM): where wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:25:46 PM): to do it for real sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:26:06 PM): u wanna do it 4 real with me rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:26:25 PM): idk, would u? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:26:53 PM): if u wanna yeah rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:27:14 PM): so when? where? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:27:32 PM): hmm here i gues rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:27:54 PM): im open... how do i get there? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:28:31 PM): well i live in highland heights u know where that is rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:28:45 PM): off of 75 sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:28:45 PM): its not far from u sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:28:59 PM): umm no i dont think rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:29:05 PM): is there anybody there? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:29:20 PM): no my mom is at work till like 3 rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:29:30 PM): give me directions sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:29:31 PM): she work at st. elizbeth hospital sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:29:47 PM): when u comin rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:30:27 PM): i wont come until you say so... is tomorrow better? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:30:56 PM): umm dont matter but wuld b kewl 2nite rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:31:08 PM): you dont have to do this... sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:31:21 PM): i know rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:31:41 PM): im horny and i would feel good as hard as i am sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:31:52 PM): wow sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:31:55 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:32:24 PM): umm like 9 30 so i can like take a shr and stuff rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:33:00 PM): i still need directions. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:33:07 PM): o lol yeah rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:33:51 PM): you are sure you want to feel a man's cock inside of you. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:34:06 PM): k my address is *address* in highland heights its a dead end street i live at the end on the left sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:34:17 PM): yeah sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:34:55 PM): kinda close 2 umm wats that o yeah 471 i think sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:35:06 PM): u there rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:35:37 PM): I'll do a search. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:35:48 PM): k lol rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:36:15 PM): looking it up. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:36:21 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:37:22 PM): :-S rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:39:11 PM): OK sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:39:29 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:39:55 PM): wat time u gona b here rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:40:13 PM): yo0u said after 9:30 sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:40:30 PM): yeah bout 9:30 that ok sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:40:55 PM): or 10 up 2 u sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:41:03 PM): u pick rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:41:15 PM): it'll be closer to 10 sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:41:27 PM): k sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:41:33 PM): wat kinda car u got so i know its u comin sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:42:33 PM): /:) rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:43:07 PM): pontiac azreck rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:43:13 PM): azteck sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:43:26 PM): wat color rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:43:34 PM): champaigne sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:43:44 PM): wats that rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:44:05 PM): tan sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:44:14 PM): o k sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:44:33 PM): k i gotta take a shwr an get ready sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:45:46 PM): c ya soon:) rauch_jim (04/12/07 7:58:22 PM): Cheyenne, I have too much to lose by getting caught doing this. I have had 2nd thoughts.. I'm still not trusting, and I just don't know if it is OK, Please dont' stop talking, and maybe someday we can really do this. Id love to come over there, and feel you as muchas you want to feel me... but I cant... at least right now. Jim sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 7:59:07 PM): :(thought u was just playin wit me k rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:09:50 PM): no Im serious.. it could wreck my life... oh but I would love to make love to you. but Im scared that your neigbors would see my car, your mother would come home early... would you like to talk with me. I'll send my muber rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:09:53 PM): number sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:10:04 PM): number wat rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:10:30 PM): Im not playing, Id like to make love with you. rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:10:33 PM): phone sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:10:43 PM): mom wont and neighbors live down the hill behind us sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:11:00 PM): dont leave brb gotta p rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:11:16 PM): and your not a highland cop, and my career wont go down the drain rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:11:49 PM): you might have to p, I need to get laid rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:12:10 PM): Im so tense sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:14:32 PM): hey sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:14:44 PM): i took a shr an evrything sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:15:10 PM): tense rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:15:53 PM): a shower, its a good thing, I'll be all over you. rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:16:25 PM): Have you ever had anybody lick your pussy? sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:16:31 PM): lol sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:16:31 PM): so u still gona come sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:16:49 PM): no my exbf wuldnt rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:16:51 PM): Im gonna cum, some way rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:17:23 PM): If you took a shower, Im sure i would, I really like to do that, sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:17:46 PM): well u comin over or not rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:17:57 PM): probably rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:18:18 PM): You still have to encourage me. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:18:28 PM): huh rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:19:00 PM): Im really not into \"young\", I just like connecting, and I think we have. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:19:18 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:21:11 PM): 8-| rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:21:13 PM): In other words, I like you for what we have, for the exchanges we have had.... but on the other side. Im quite needy.. really needy. I have a\"fuck-buddy\" but she is over-weigth, and has her own problems. I just think we have connected. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:21:45 PM): i dont know wat all that means but k rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:22:31 PM): For a few moments, maybe we can feel good, release, and feel good. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:24:30 PM): so i gues ur not comin over sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:24:41 PM): fine rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:25:36 PM): I cant leave until 9:30, do you want to call me... (513) 831-9425. sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:25:53 PM): yeah:D sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:26:23 PM): gotta find my phone rauch_jim (04/12/07 8:27:00 PM): scared abut coming over, but im coming sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:27:12 PM): kewl sad_cheyenne (04/12/07 8:28:09 PM): call u soon as i find it lol