malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:10:41 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:10:55 PM): r u from GA? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:11:34 PM): yep r u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:11:51 PM): I am 24 guy from Atlanta too malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:11:56 PM): Iam Mac malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:12:00 PM): and your name? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:12:15 PM): im 13 f my names rylee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:12:23 PM): hi rylee fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:12:27 PM): hi mac malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:12:27 PM): how r u? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:12:31 PM): be friends? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:12:31 PM): bored lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:12:36 PM): y bored fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:12:43 PM): nothing going on malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:12:44 PM): you r my friend now malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:12:52PM): and now you can;t bored fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:12:55 PM): haha cool malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:13:00 PM): :) yep malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:13:07 PM): so where r u from in GA? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:13:28 PM): i dont really kno u yet so im not gonna say rite now ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:13:40 PM): alright relyee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:13:52 PM): so what's crzy today? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:01 PM): do u have any boy friend? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:14:04 PM): lol no malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:08 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:16 PM): but u r too young malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:17 PM): right? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:14:29 PM): to young for a bf?? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:36 PM): hmmmm malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:43 PM): what u think? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:51 PM): r u mature? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:14:56 PM): for boy friend? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:14:59 PM): some of my friends have bfs so i dont htink im to young malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:15:07 PM): ohh great malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:15:14 PM): how u look like? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:15:19 PM): I mean malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:15:22 PM): r u white? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:15:27 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:15:27 PM): slim? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:15:50 PM): you have enough breast to look...?;) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:15:56 PM): do u? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:16:18 PM): hun u there? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:16:23 PM): ya... malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:16:34 PM): u haven;t replied the answers malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:16:50 PM): you have enough breast to look...?;) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:17:02 PM): why u wanna kno about that malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:17:16 PM): just to imagine u how u look like malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:17:18 PM): we r friends now fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:17:36 PM): but u dont ask about my eyes or my hair just my breasts?????? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:17:42 PM): whatever malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:17:48 PM): alright malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:17:51 PM): tell me about u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:17:54 PM): first of all malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:18:03 PM): r we frinds or not? fizzlybearz(09/12/09 3:18:08 PM): not sure yet malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:18:14 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:18:18 PM): we can malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:18:31 PM): what u need to know about me to become friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:18:40 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:18:56 PM): thanks for accepting me in your list fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:19:08 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:19:14 PM): yw? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:19:23 PM): what is yw? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:19:26 PM): your welcome malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:19:30 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:19:40 PM): I am so stupid, i dont understand shuch shot words malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:19:43 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:19:47 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:19:54 PM): rylee so u study? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:20:12 PM): yawhen i have to malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:20:14 PM): well, I am 21 m from Alpharetta, GA (Age and location change, hmm) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:20:26 PM): working with AT&T fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:20:31 PM): oh thot u said u r 24 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:20:35 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:20:39 PM): I am 21 only fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:20:46 PM): lol uh ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:20:49 PM): i thought u r elder than me malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:20:53 PM): but i am 21 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:20:58 PM): im 13 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:21:00 PM): did i tell u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:21:01 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:21:03 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:21:05 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:21:05 PM): u told me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:21:11 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:21:26 PM): so r u living with your parents? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:21:44 PM): LOL yes im not old enuff to live by myelsf yet malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:22:00 PM): Rylee, be honest do u like romance or sex a bit? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:22:09 PM): do u wanna be some1 your boy friend? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:22:25 PM): I like u fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:22:29 PM): mite be cool when i find the rite guy malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:22:42 PM): i wanna be some 1 who can care of me too malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:22:49 PM): and also looking for the right gal malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:23:07 PM): r u virgin Rylee? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:23:35 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:23:41 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:23:55 PM): but I am not, I had one girl friend (Actually you have a WIFE.) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:23:59 PM): we broke up malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:24:06 PM): we had sex sometime malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:24:19 PM): anyways, i dont wanna talk to u about my past fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:24:29 PM): lol k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:24:59 PM): so r u looking some1 of your age or even elder is good for you? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:25:12 PM): didnt really think about age fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:25:15 PM): idk fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:25:19 PM): dont matter i guess malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:25:25 PM): hmmm ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/093:25:48 PM): if I will ask u to be my friend, I mean can we become more close? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:26:01 PM): be very close to eachother malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:26:02 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:26:08 PM): like best friends? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:26:16 PM): a bit like that malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:26:27 PM): may be after that be bf and gf? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:26:34 PM): we should know eachother first malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:26:36 PM): right? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:26:39 PM): rite lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:26:45 PM): gud malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:27:03 PM): so rylee tell me something about u fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:27:12 PM): im in 7th grade malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:27:16 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:27:38 PM): your hieght, eyes, hairs, body figure and ......? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:28:07 PM): been a while sice i got measured for all that but last time i was 4 feet 11 inches fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:28:13 PM): 90 pounds malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:28:19 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:28:24 PM): eyes? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:28:35 PM):blue malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:28:37 PM): hairs? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:28:40 PM): blonde hair malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:29:03 PM): your breast, butts n waist? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:29:13 PM): lol idk my but and waist malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:29:25 PM): idk means? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:29:30 PM): i dont know malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:29:38 PM): ok breasts? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:29:47 PM): do u wear bra? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:29:49 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:29:52 PM): size? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:29:58 PM): 32a malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:30:00 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:30:11 PM): nipples r u pink or brown? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:30:16 PM): omg!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:30:20 PM): omg? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:30:24 PM): why u asking malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:30:35 PM): we r friends and want to be very good malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:30:42 PM): just to know eachother very well malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:31:11 PM): if u wanna keep it secret, that;s fine hun malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:31:22 PM): do u wanna know about me? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:31:25 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:31:26 PM): ask me malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:31:30 PM): sure go ahead fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:31:40 PM): just anser all the same questions u asked me malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:31:56 PM): color white malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:32:02 PM): hairs brown malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:32:08 PM): eyes black malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:32:16 PM): height 5 feet 10 inches malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:32:21 PM): 150 punds malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:32:30 PM): and what else? malhotra.mohit(09/12/09 3:32:35 PM): and what else? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:32:37 PM): thats it i guess fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:32:48 PM): do u have a pic malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:32:56 PM): can i see yours? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:33:01 PM): i asked first malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:04 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:08 PM): I can show y malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:09 PM): u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:18 PM): n u show me yours also malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:23 PM): tell me malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:25 PM): promise? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:33:30 PM): promise malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:35 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:41 PM): it is not a good pic malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:52 PM): taken when I went to NY with friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:33:59 PM): just a sec fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:34:00 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:35:30 PM): i dont have the good looking pics fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:35:41 PM): aww its ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:35:49 PM): its cool to see what u look like tho malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:35:52 PM): can i see yours also?malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:36:00 PM): ohh thanks fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:36:02 PM): ya one sec malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:36:59 PM): good one fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:37:03 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:37:07 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:37:33 PM): did u like NY malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:37:55 PM): yeh, but it is very crowdy place malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:38:00 PM): very busy place fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:38:08 PM): looks like it malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:38:10 PM): earlier I was living there malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:38:12 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:38:16 PM): u did?? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:38:34 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:38:35 PM): what? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:38:41 PM): live there malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:38:48 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:38:54 PM): Iwas in NJ malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:39:07 PM): I lived in NJ, WI, OH malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:39:11 PM): and now in GA malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:39:15 PM): what about u? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:39:18 PM): why u move around so much malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:39:31PM): lot of things malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:39:43 PM): As I am an Software Engineer malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:39:57 PM): because of my jobs fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:40:08 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:09 PM): u r looking so cute fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:40:13 PM):LOL malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:14 PM): just like a dol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:17 PM): baby dol fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:40:21 PM): lol thx malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:24 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:35 PM): is it your B'Day pic? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:43 PM): u r looking like princess malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:44 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:40:51 PM): no i was a junior bridemaid for a cousins wedding malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:40:59 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:41:09 PM): that's y ur looking soooooooo pretty cool fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:41:19 PM): lol i dont always look like that malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:41:27 PM): but its good 1 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:41:29 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:41:32 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:41:43 PM): so where u live in GA? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:42:02 PM): hmm south west fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:42:04 PM): part malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:42:23 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:42:34 PM): will u tell me the name or not....?:) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:42:54 PM): i want to kno u more first ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:43:02 PM): what people call u by love...?I mean your nick name or home name malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:43:06 PM): ok sure malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:43:14 PM): infact I want to know u fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:43:20 PM): ok cool fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:43:26 PM): thx for not getting mad malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:43:33 PM): no not at all malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:43:43 PM): infact, I am also thinking the same like you malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:43:58 PM): we should know eachother to releave the personal things fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:44:05 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:44:13 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:44:37 PM): can i call u lee? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:44:43 PM): love name fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:44:43 PM): im not a boy fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:44:44 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:44:47 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:44:50 PM): I meant malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:44:58 PM): rlee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:45:16 PM): rlee so u tell me something fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:45:22 PM): like what malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:45:36 PM): anything that bring us to know more eachother fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:45:41 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:45:44 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:45:51 PM): just a sec fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:45:53 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:46:01 PM): one thing I want to mention here is malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:46:12 PM): whatever we will say to eachother malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:46:17 PM): it should be real malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:46:22 PM): I mean to say malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:46:35 PM): our relation should be very trust worthy to move ahead malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:46:53 PM): I don;t wanna hide you or lie to you or even not expecting the same from u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:47:09 PM): we need to trusy eachother fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:47:12 PM): im glad u wont lie to me bcuz i hateliers malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:47:16 PM): trust** malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:47:23 PM): same her rylee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:47:27 PM): here** fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:47:28 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:47:41 PM): our relation should be on trust malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:47:46 PM): alwaysssssss fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:47:49 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:47:57 PM): anything u can share or I would malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:48:14 PM): a crystal clear and trusty malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:48:17 PM): that's it malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:48:32 PM): now, go ahead so that we come to know eachother fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:48:45 PM): my life is pretty boing realy fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:48:49 PM): just go to school fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:48:53 PM): hang out with friends someitmes fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:48:58 PM): play video games malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:48:58 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:49:10 PM): great me too play video games sometime fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:49:15 PM): what u like to play malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:49:22 PM): alot of things malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:49:30 PM): like scooby doo fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:49:33 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:49:36 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:49:38 PM): u? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:49:44 PM): assassins creed fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:49:47 PM): viva pinata fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:49:52 PM): prince of persia malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:49:54 PM): good one malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:50:18 PM): my life is also a bit simple, goto office, hang aournd with my friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:50:28 PM): play sometime like basket ball, malhotra.mohit(09/12/09 3:50:35 PM): or tennis fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:50:40 PM): how fun malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:50:43 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:51:18 PM): actually, I moved to GA malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:51:23 PM): from OHIO last week malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:51:27 PM): this GA is new to me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:51:38 PM): wow do u have friends here yet malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:51:42 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:51:48 PM): just a office friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:51:58 PM): but malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:52:13 PM): I have a very good friend, very close to me and i thing very real malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:52:18 PM): u know who?. fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:52:23 PM): lol no malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:52:25 PM): she is Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:52:29 PM): n that;s u fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:52:30 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:52:32 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:52:34 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:52:37 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:53:07 PM): do u work a lot malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:53:07 PM): i dont know rylee but in the last 10-15 mins u seems to be very good friend to me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:53:16 PM): oh thx malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:53:17 PM): my office time is from 9-6 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:53:18 PM): u to malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:53:22 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:53:29 PM): sometime 9 - 7 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:53:41 PM): gosh not very fun fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:53:50 PM): do u like ur job malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:53:58 PM): it is ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:54:07 PM): will u have to move again malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:54:17 PM): hopefully not malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:54:44 PM): esp, now i dont want to move anywhere....because my close one is here n that is Rylee fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:54:52 PM): its not very nice for them to move you all the time fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:54:55 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:54:58 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:55:01 PM): i dont wanna malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:55:09 PM): if u pray then malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:55:16 PM): I will be here only fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:55:23 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:55:39 PM): so how is your friends? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:55:51 PM): there good i think lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:55:51 PM): who is your best friend? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:56:25 PM): well i have 2 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:56:30 PM): who? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:56:40 PM): both gals or any boy? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:56:41 PM): heidi and kristy fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:56:44 PM): girls malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:56:46 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:56:50 PM): any boys? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:56:57 PM): not for best friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:57:01 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:57:03 PM): but i have guy friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:57:09 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:57:17 PM): r they good to u? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:57:27 PM): or idiots, a time pass malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:57:28 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:57:33 PM): the guys? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:57:47 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:57:48 PM): sometimes nice sometimes idiots lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:58:08 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:58:34 PM): r u alone in your home now or parents? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:58:44 PM): in my room malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:58:49 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:58:51 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:58:59 PM): your parents r working? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:59:10 PM): i mean both daddy n mummy? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:59:28 PM): i live with my mom and step dad fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:59:32 PM): they both work ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 3:59:33 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 3:59:41 PM): my dad is in oregon malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:00:00 PM): ohh so not living with u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:00:02 PM): right? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:00:04 PM): rite malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:00:17 PM): only mom with u living? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:00:21 PM): and step dad malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:00:34 PM): what time r they working? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:00:51 PM): my moms work changes alot fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:00:55 PM): he works all the time malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:00:57 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:01:11 PM): dad? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:01:29 PM): im not sure what time he works he is all the way in oregon malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:01:43 PM): i mean your step dad fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:01:54 PM): hes always working lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:02:00 PM): how? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:02:05 PM): im kidding fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:02:12 PM): he works alot tho malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:02:14 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:02:18 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:02:25 PM): brb malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:02:31 PM): ok waiting malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:02:35 PM): come fast malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:02:45 PM): let me also come back in 5 mins malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:02:49 PM): just wait fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:08:11 PM): back malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:16:38 PM): pls give me 5 mins malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:16:42 PM): i am on call malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:16:54 PM): :)] fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:16:57 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:26:09 PM): sorry, got late fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:26:29 PM): its ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:26:40 PM): my friend called me from office malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:26:46 PM): asking about some issues malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:26:50 PM): anyways, leave it malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:27:01 PM): so, did u had your lunch? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:27:20 PM): lol ya fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:27:22 PM): did u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:27:33 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:27:41 PM): had a cup of coffee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:27:47 PM): and some serials fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:28:17 PM): lol ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:28:27 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:28:31 PM): what u had? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:28:43 PM): pbj sandwich malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:28:48 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:28:58 PM): what u like the most in food? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:29:13 PM): italian and mexican is my favorite fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:29:15 PM): oh and sushi malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:29:20 PM): ohh great malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:29:27 PM): Mexican is my favourite fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:29:32 PM): yumm malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:29:40 PM): yeh esp chicken bowl malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:29:56 PM): Chipotle and Qdoba malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:29:58 PM): great malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:30:09 PM): so what r u doing now? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:30:21 PM): talking to u and listening to music malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:30:26 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:30:29 PM): u like music? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:30:32 PM): YES fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:30:35 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:30:37 PM): who is your favourite? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:30:45 PM): rite now breathe carolina malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:30:49 PM): I love music malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:30:53 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:31:05 PM): have u heard malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:31:11 PM): I am a SIngle lady....? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:31:21 PM): beyonce? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:31:21 PM): that's good 1 now a days malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:31:24 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:31:26 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:31:38 PM): do u go to some dance club? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:31:46 PM): or like to go? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:32:06 PM): only school dances i cant go in clubs!!! malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:32:16 PM): yeh beacuse u r 13 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:32:18 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:32:38 PM): do u drink or smoke sometime....? ;) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:32:44 PM): with friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:32:53 PM): in private fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:32:56 PM): never smoked but did try drinking b4 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:33:03 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:33:11 PM): so u liked drinks? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:33:15 PM): didnt really like it no fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:33:20 PM): just tried it malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:33:23 PM): what u tried...? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:33:27 PM): beer fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:33:29 PM): yuck malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:33:30 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:33:48 PM): where with friends in person or in party? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:34:07 PM): with friends malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:34:19 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:35:00 PM): do u drink and smoke malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:35:14 PM): socially sometime yes malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:35:20 PM): not daily fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:35:42 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:36:38 PM): so, rylee what is your school time? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:36:42 PM): do u go school daily? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:36:58 PM): monday thru friday malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:37:02 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:37:07 PM): time? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:38:15 PM): rylee fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:38:22 PM): sorry mom was talking to me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:38:26 PM): 8-3 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:38:26 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:38:29 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:38:41 PM): i thought u dont wanna tell me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:38:47 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:38:55 PM): what was she telling you? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:39:12 PM): she wants me to do my laundry malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:39:28 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:39:33 PM): so r u going? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:39:41 PM): not rite now fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:39:45 PM): when im ready fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:39:54 PM): just gotta get it done before monday malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:40:02 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:40:14 PM): do u have cell..? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:40:23 PM): not anymore :( malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:40:44 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:41:03 PM): its broken and my stepdad wont get me another one malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:41:10 PM): ohhh shit malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:41:14 PM): not good :( malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:41:32 PM): will u accept from me....? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:41:38 PM): as a friend gift fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:41:48 PM): what u mean? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:41:57 PM): I can gift it to you...... malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:42:07 PM): u r my close one now i guess malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:42:12 PM): don;t u? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:42:38 PM): wow u will give me a cell?? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:43:02 PM): I can just because u don't have it and your are my very close friend now malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:43:04 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:43:14 PM): lol wow thats awesome malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:43:24 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:44:03 PM): what yoou do normally after 3? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:44:22 PM): first when i get home i eat bcuz im always starving lol fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:44:27 PM): then i do hw malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:44:33 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:44:35 PM): then? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:44:43 PM): get on here or play a game or read malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:44:44 PM): from what time to what time? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:44:51 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:45:05 PM): but from what time to what time? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:45:07 PM): just depends how much hw i get or what i do i guess malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:45:12 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:45:17 PM): why? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:45:26 PM): just to know your routine malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:45:35 PM): so that i can remember your work malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:45:46 PM): when u come to computer? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:45:57 PM): is it your personal bed room? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:46:02 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:46:07 PM): gr8 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:46:21 PM): what r u wearing now? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:46:31 PM): shorts and a tank top malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:46:35 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:46:46 PM): what;s your B'Day? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:46:57 PM): august 28 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:46:59 PM): whens urs malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:47:05 PM): Nov 04th fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:47:11 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:47:16 PM): ohh so I missed party from u fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:47:21 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:47:23 PM): belated Happy B'Day fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:47:29 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:47:46 PM): what was exciting in B'day? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:48:00 PM): u haven't missed me there.....just kidding...:) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:48:10 PM): lol i didnt kno u then hahahaha malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:48:22 PM): :)) kidding malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:48:34 PM): do u have cam Rylee? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:48:39 PM): no :( fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:48:41 PM): do u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:48:43 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:48:45 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:49:52 PM): what time u normally sleeps? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:50:15 PM): around 11 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:50:27 PM): on shcool nites fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:50:34 PM): weekends whenever malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:50:51 PM): so what's tonight plan...? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:51:08 PM): anything planned tonight? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:51:27 PM): no plans fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:51:29 PM): do u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:51:42 PM): not really but will plan to go out fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:51:51 PM): lucky malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:51:55 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:52:01 PM): u get to go have fun malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:52:12 PM): can't u/ malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:52:14 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:52:23 PM): didnt get invited anywhere malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:52:34 PM): if i will invite u then? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:52:39 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:52:55 PM): i am serious malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:52:57 PM): if i will invite u then? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:53:07 PM): will u not come? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:53:08 PM): that would be fun lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:53:17 PM): will u come or not? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:53:30 PM): idk if my parents will let me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:53:36 PM): they dont kno u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:53:41 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:53:54 PM): but u can say that I am going to one of my friend place malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:53:59 PM): something something to them malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:54:16 PM): don;t let them know that u r coming to me malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:54:31 PM): then will spend some time together malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:54:37 PM): and would have fun malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:54:42 PM): what u think? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:55:09 PM): can know eachother more closely malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:55:25 PM): if we meet, can share our feelings and .... fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:55:34 PM): and ? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:55:40 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:55:56 PM): and nothing just STOP :D fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:56:06 PM): lol what?? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:56:12 PM): just be good malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:56:23 PM): what u can go further after AND...? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:56:39 PM): if I wanna kiss u then...? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:56:50 PM): u want to kiss me? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:56:58 PM): if yeh fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:57:08 PM): if what? im confused malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:57:46 PM): after we will meet, will spend sometime together, share feelings, will take your hands in my hands and hugs eachother malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:57:53 PM): and then will ask u to kiss then? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:58:09 PM): will u kiss me, we will be close then fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:58:35 PM): nobody ever asked me to kiss them b4 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:58:50 PM): if I willl, then? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:58:58 PM): maybe fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:59:05 PM): i wnat to kno u better first tho malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:59:07 PM): did anyone kiss u ever? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:59:13 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:59:17 PM): make sure ur not a murderer or something lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:59:24 PM): that i wanna meet fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:59:26 PM): no i never kissed anybody malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:59:36 PM): hey what do u mean, I m not criminal malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:59:38 PM): :) lol fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:59:42 PM): lol jk malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:59:52 PM): but i can do one crime fizzlybearz (09/12/09 4:59:56 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 4:59:58 PM): beware of it malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:00:04 PM): I am warning u fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:00:04 PM): what is it malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:00:23 PM): i can bite your tongue will kissing...:-* fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:00:28 PM): LOL malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:00:29 PM): while** fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:00:41 PM): why will u bite my tongue malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:00:55 PM): just to make u feel malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:00:56 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:01:00 PM): kidding fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:01:01 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:01:04 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:01:21 PM): so can we plan tonight? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:01:40 PM): or anytime ur convenient fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:01:57 PM): probly not tonite i just met u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:02:06 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:02:33 PM): but i can send my scooby doo to take u..;) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:02:47 PM): Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:03:16 PM): now, will u tell me where u live so that I can see how far u live from me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:03:35 PM): south west georgia malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:03:57 PM): i mean your address, not even u wanna give me....? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:04:25 PM): we a bit know eachother now malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:04:41 PM): we can share the address, we trust eachother fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:04:44 PM): i never gave my address to a person i just met on the interent b4 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:04:52 PM): u give out ur address? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:05:04 PM): what u mean? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:05:21 PM): ok, atleast can I know your zip? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:05:26 PM): so that I can check malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:05:32 PM): my zip is xxxx malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:05:37 PM): n urs? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:05:43 PM): ok i can see how far i am from u if u want malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:05:50 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:06:44 PM): oh wow fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:06:48 PM): like 4 hrs malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:07:01 PM): then y it is wow? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:07:09 PM): r u happy? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:07:16 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:07:25 PM): it is a long drive malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:07:29 PM): not very close fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:07:35 PM): rite malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:07:42 PM): that's y r u happy? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:07:56 PM): should i be happy? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:08:04 PM): i m not fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:08:08 PM): why malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:08:16 PM): you r very far from my place fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:08:25 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:08:40 PM): can i get yout zip now? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:08:49 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:08:58 PM): when i kno u longer malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:09:12 PM): alright, as u wish................... malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:09:27 PM): that's absolutely fine for me malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:09:41 PM): will not force u.....its your own decision malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:10:00 PM): i hope we will know eachother more very soon fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:10:08 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:10:47 PM): im gonna go start my laundry b4 my mom has a heart attack malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:11:07 PM): alright malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:11:15 PM): take care then malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:11:22 PM): don;t rush up the things fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:11:27 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:11:33 PM): nice to have a friend like u malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:11:38 PM): i thought u r leaving fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:11:58 PM): i am but whats dont rush up the things mean malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:12:06 PM): i meant malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:12:25 PM): do it slowly and take care...u r so naughty :) malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:12:36 PM): understand stupid malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:12:44 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:12:52 PM): ur calling me naughty and stupid?????? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:12:57 PM): why what did i do? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:13:37 PM): yeh, I am calling you with love in friendly manner like naughtyyyy and cute stupid Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:13:44 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:13:51 PM): okkkkkk malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:14:04 PM): ok, ba byess then fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:14:10 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:14:17 PM): when will u be back? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:14:23 PM): idk malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:14:30 PM): any idea? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:14:34 PM): 1hr? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:14:38 PM): lol idk malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 5:14:55 PM): Alright!!! fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:14:59 PM): haha :) fizzlybearz (09/12/09 5:15:00 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:10:49 PM): hi relyee malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:11:00 PM): so r u done with the laundary? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:11:10 PM): lol no i need to do more fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:11:13 PM): ill do it tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:11:18 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:11:22 PM): so what r u doing now? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:11:28 PM): chatting with some1 esle/ malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:11:28 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:11:32 PM): or busy? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:11:42 PM): not busy malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:12:15 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:12:24 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:13:10 PM): nothing much malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:13:16 PM): just came from friend place malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:13:23 PM): browsing the net malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:13:32 PM): u tell me fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:13:37 PM): tell u what malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:13:47 PM): anything that u wanna share with me tonight fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:13:54 PM): like what malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:14:07 PM): anything u like to share malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:14:14 PM): anything personal malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:14:20 PM): anything formal malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:14:23 PM): casual malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:14:30 PM): your times malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:14:31 PM): anything malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:14:37 PM): did u had the dinner? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:14:41 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:14:48 PM): hamburgers fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:14:50 PM): fries fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:14:55 PM): root beer fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:15:00 PM): waht did u have malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:15:00 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:15:14 PM): didn;t had the dinner yet malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:15:19 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:15:37 PM): r u starving malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:15:49 PM): hope I will have something with my new close friend Rylee sometime in the near furtue malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:16:02 PM): offcourse yes malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:16:05 PM): I am fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:16:09 PM): awww malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:16:10 PM): :(( fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:16:15 PM): u should eat then lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:16:24 PM): i will malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:27:18 PM): I am leaving now malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:27:36 PM): good byess Rylee fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:27:50 PM): where u going malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:28:03 PM): outside fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:28:09 PM): lol k fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:28:10 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:28:12 PM): for dinner malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:28:14 PM): ba byess fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:28:19 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:28:58 PM): yeh bye malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:39:01 PM): what u r doing/ malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:39:02 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:39:14 PM): talking to friends fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:39:16 PM): thot u left malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:39:23 PM): when will u sleep in night ? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:39:31 PM): no I was getting ready malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:39:39 PM): when will u sleep in tonight ? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:39:42 PM): when i get tired i guess lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:40:00 PM): I will be back in mid night something around 1 or 2 malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:40:09 PM): will u wait for me? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:40:20 PM): at around 2 fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:40:24 PM): maybe if i dont get bored or tired malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:41:03 PM): so everything is depend on how u r tired or bored? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:41:10 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:41:16 PM): nothing depens to wait for me? malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:41:24 PM): depends** fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:41:38 PM): well wht if u decide not to get online then iwait for no reason malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:42:00 PM): i will online for u and that is my promise malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:42:08 PM): will u promise me? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:42:22 PM): no i cant promise it malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:42:34 PM): alright then, I will see it fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:42:37 PM): just being honest malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:42:40 PM): I am not mad malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:42:42 PM): that;s fine fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:42:43 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:42:58 PM): n i wanna u to be honest to me as I am with u fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:43:03 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:43:07 PM): anyways then good night fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:43:10 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:43:25 PM): but for your knoweledge, I will be online at around 3 for you fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:43:40 PM): 3?? fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:43:47 PM): no i probly wont be on then malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:43:51 PM): if u will come online then I will think that I am something in your life malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:44:08 PM): let me check it and hope u will be malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:44:15 PM): ba byess Rylee...... fizzlybearz (09/12/09 9:44:21 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:44:36 PM): leave me a message if I am not online malhotra.mohit (09/12/09 9:44:39 PM): bab yess malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:29:23 AM): not yet slept??? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:29:41 AM): almost lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:29:44 AM): thought u should b s;eeping fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:29:53 AM): u wanted me to stay up malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:30:04 AM): hey r u kidding? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:30:17 AM): what u werent sereious fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:30:23 AM): bye then malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:30:26 AM): i was malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:30:31 AM): I meant very much fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:30:35 AM): im going to bed :P malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:30:36 AM): dont get mad on me malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:30:51 AM): thanks for waiting for me fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:30:55 AM): yw malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:31:07 AM): i am very happy that u was here till now malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:31:19 AM): so u tired malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:31:21 AM): right? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:31:30 AM): well i did go do other stuff but came back to see if ur here fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:31:37 AM): yep im tired malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:31:43 AM): thanks malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:31:50 AM): alright, go to bed now malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:31:55 AM): will talk 2morow fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:32:04 AM): :| malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:32:30 AM): what time will u wake up? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:32:39 AM): n where is my good night kiss? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:33:33 AM): idk malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:33:53 AM): ok but where is my good night kiss? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:34:04 AM): hmmm idk malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:34:11 AM): ohhh :( malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:34:43 AM): what r u wearing now? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:34:59 AM): pjs malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:35:27 AM): do u sleep in that or without it???? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:36:13 AM): yes i sleep in my pjs malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:44:50 AM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:44:53 AM): r u gone? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:45:09 AM): no malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:45:14 AM): y? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:45:22 AM): i thought u gone fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:45:24 AM): im talking malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:45:29 AM): with? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:45:35 AM): friend malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:45:42 AM): late night malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:45:53 AM): who is that lucky guy? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:46:02 AM): its a girl :P malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:46:12 AM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:46:39 AM): ok, I will not disturb u fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:46:55 AM): ur not malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:47:47 AM): what r u talking about late night? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:48:02 AM): all kinds of stuff malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:48:06 AM): like? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:48:25 AM): music movies games school friends vacations family malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:48:31 AM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:48:42 AM): she is lucky that she is your friend malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:48:46 AM): anyways fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:48:46 AM): lol why malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:49:17 AM): b coz u r so cute, your nature is so good and lot of other stuff malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:49:26 AM): can;t decsribe fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:49:30 AM): oh wow fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:49:32 AM): thx malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:49:41 AM): i m not kidding malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:49:57 AM): what i felt you in a day about u is what I am telling u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:50:13 AM): i missed you even when I was with my friends tonight fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:50:19 AM): really?? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:50:39 AM): i don;t believe in lieing malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:50:47 AM): i believe in real malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:50:52 AM): and I am honest malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:51:14 AM): if not then i can;t continue our relaiton malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:51:20 AM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:51:33 AM): if u dont trust me, you can leave me malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:51:39 AM): X-( fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:51:56 AM): i didnt say that i was just suprised by what u say is all malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:52:16 AM): do u believe me or not? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:52:31 AM): if u say it i believe it malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:52:45 AM): sounds good now...:) malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:53:00 AM): come give me a hug......>:D< fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:53:04 AM): lol fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:53:52 AM): k im sleepy fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:53:57 AM): need sleepy sleeps malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:54:13 AM): will u miss me? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:54:19 AM): in your dreams malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:54:33 AM): dont say idk fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:54:38 AM): LOL malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:54:43 AM): :) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:54:44 AM): how u kno i was goin got fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:54:45 AM): to malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:54:57 AM): :D fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:55:03 AM): ur very smart lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:55:12 AM): ty rylee fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:55:16 AM): yw fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:55:19 AM): nite mac malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:55:36 AM): gud night rylee malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:55:52 AM): but tell me what time will u meet me on net malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:55:53 AM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:56:02 AM): idk again? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:56:05 AM): ill probly sleep in malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:56:07 AM): no no fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:56:09 AM): so maybe......... fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:56:12 AM): uhm malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:56:15 AM): what time? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:56:19 AM): uhm? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:56:20 AM): 1? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:56:25 AM): idk for sure malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:56:40 AM): ok, I will wait for you Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:56:52 AM): and miss me in your dreams,,,,,,i too fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:56:57 AM): kk malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:57:01 AM): ba byess and gud night fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:57:04 AM): nite malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:57:07 AM): :-h malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 2:57:12 AM): I-) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:57:16 AM): lol fizzlybearz (09/13/09 2:57:18 AM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:53:28 AM): Hi Rylee, Good Morning....!!! I may not be available at 1:00pm as promised yesterday because I am going to WalMart for some shopping. Will be back at around 2:00pm. Ok, will catch u then.....hey I forget to ask u how was your night...?Any luck for me...? I meant did u missed me...?:\"> Alright will catch u byess for now....:-h fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:15:47 PM): hi mac :) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:16:01 PM): how was walmart malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:16:13 PM): Hi Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:16:22 PM): ohh so u saw my msg? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:16:26 PM): it was really good malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:16:46 PM): came back at 2 as i told u in msg malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:16:57 PM): but u was not online so went out again fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:17:07 PM): oh where did u go that time malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:17:22 PM): lunch outside malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:17:29 PM): Chipotle fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:17:36 PM): oh spicy huh lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:17:40 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:17:51 PM): how was your night and so far day? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:17:54 PM): chips and salsa sound so good rite now lol fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:18:00 PM): fine i guess malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:18:08 PM): yeh in my stomach fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:18:11 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:18:29 PM): missed me...?:\"> or not....?:-P fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:18:43 PM): ya i was wondering what u were doing and stuff malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:18:52 PM): ohh really fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:18:56 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:19:04 PM): u r so cute as such malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:19:12 PM): infact I was thinking about u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:19:20 PM): that u got uo from sleep malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:19:30 PM): and what u would doing now fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:19:51 PM): mostly chores but i played game to malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:19:58 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:19:58 PM): so not all bad malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:20:04 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:20:31 PM): so what's up now? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:20:40 PM): nothing just got online fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:20:54 PM): should probly check my messages on myspace malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:21:16 PM): what's your id on myspace? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:21:22 PM): let me add u fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:21:32 PM): fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:21:54 PM): i ddint kno u had one malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:22:06 PM): i have it malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:22:12 PM): just a sec fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:22:22 PM): brb fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:24:45 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:24:56 PM): have added u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:25:00 PM): even sent u the msg fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:25:01 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:25:05 PM): check it out fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:25:06 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:25:10 PM): hav u got it? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:25:19 PM): where u gone? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:26:38 PM): aww thx what a nice message malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:26:59 PM): did u liked it? it is true whatever i wrote it for u fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:27:12 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:27:12 PM): that's from my heart and very true....just like u fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:27:18 PM): i liked it malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:27:23 PM): thanks malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:27:27 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:27:35 PM): did u replied or not? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:27:41 PM): not yet malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:27:51 PM): will u? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:27:58 PM): idk? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:28:03 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:28:03 PM): don;t say idk :) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:28:10 PM): u dont like idk? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:28:19 PM): yeh sometimes not malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:28:43 PM): have u checked your msgs? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:29:52 PM): i am rite now malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:30:10 PM): ohh ok take your time then.... fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:30:22 PM): i can talk to u at the same time lol fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:31:39 PM): what did u get at walmart malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:32:36 PM): some of the house hold stuff malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:32:48 PM): like trash begs malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:33:06 PM): detergent like that fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:33:19 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:33:42 PM): was u expecting something....? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:33:50 PM): Well I bought something for u as well fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:33:52 PM): no just wondering malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:33:52 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:33:54 PM): what??? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:34:23 PM): nope not now....its something special....just a cute and beautiful surprise fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:34:35 PM): u wont tell me?? how mean~!!!!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:34:54 PM): u don;t like some surprise gift? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:35:02 PM): something personal fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:35:05 PM): yes but now it will drive me totally crazy lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:35:14 PM): that's what malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:35:17 PM): wait for sometime malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:35:21 PM): keep patience malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:35:36 PM): that;s only for u.......... fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:35:50 PM): ill try malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:36:05 PM): when u will get, i hope u will like it fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:36:08 PM): can i have a hint malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:36:45 PM): something very beautiful, cute and natural like Rylee fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:37:00 PM): u think im beautiful? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:37:32 PM): what u think? r u not? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:37:41 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:37:44 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:38:00 PM): ok then I will change my hint malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:38:12 PM): something very beautiful 'Not Really', cute and natural like Rylee fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:38:20 PM): LOL malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:38:21 PM): :D make sense? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:38:29 PM): hahaaaa malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:38:35 PM): but it is beautiful as u r fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:38:43 PM): thx ur sweet to me malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:38:49 PM): u 2 malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:41:17 PM): tomorrow my schedule is to work from 9 - 7 malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:41:25 PM): office malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:41:40 PM): will be online after 06:30 or so fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:41:51 PM): u get online at work then malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:41:53 PM): what about u? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:42:17 PM): no I can;t, in office we can;t acces yahoo messenger fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:42:50 PM): i get home from school then i eat then do hw so i probly be online same time as u get online malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:43:02 PM): sounds good fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:43:04 PM): oh but it gotta eat dinner to so idk exactly fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:43:11 PM): but around that time malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:43:15 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:43:30 PM): if I will be not online then leave me the offline message fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:43:36 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:43:45 PM): n I will also do it the same way malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:44:06 PM): we will decide the time and will come online together at the same time fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:45:25 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:47:16 PM): do u like all american rejects malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:47:45 PM): what is that? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:47:48 PM): band malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:48:10 PM): idk fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:48:14 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:48:26 PM): american friendship band? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:48:33 PM): your wedding band? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:48:36 PM): what? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:48:44 PM): music? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:48:50 PM): ohhh shit fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:48:58 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:48:58 PM): i like malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:49:10 PM): but not all malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:49:20 PM): i like Black Street boys malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:49:35 PM): Mr. Jackson was good (Micheal) malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:49:38 PM): Bran Adams malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:49:45 PM): Jennifer is good 1 malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:49:50 PM): and lots malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:49:53 PM): but not all fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:49:57 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:50:00 PM): n u? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:50:12 PM): i like tons of music malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:50:40 PM): sounds good me too malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:50:48 PM): i like INternational music too malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:51:22 PM): in another 10 mins, I have to go fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:51:30 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:51:32 PM): will be back at around 8 fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:51:43 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:58:08 PM): ok Rylee fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:58:17 PM): leaving malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:58:30 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:58:34 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:58:36 PM): will see u at 8 malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 4:58:51 PM): take care till then and love byess fizzlybearz (09/13/09 4:59:02 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:05:14 PM): Hi Rylee....did u came online at 8....? I am sorry I got late while coming....just came back home.......!!! malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:21:53 PM): There is something for you....The Gate Of Memory Never Close. How Much I Miss You No One Knows, Your Loving Smile, Your Heart Of Gold, Not A Better Friend Like You This World Can Hold fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:24:12 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:24:41 PM): hi Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:25:09 PM): will u trust me, if I will say something to u...Very Very Honest and True....? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:25:20 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:25:29 PM): promise...? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:25:36 PM): ur scaring me malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:25:39 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:25:40 PM): whats wrong malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:25:42 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:25:47 PM): just a sec, malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:26:00 PM): I was just thinking about u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:26:11 PM): n wanna tell u that malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:26:40 PM): Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends (Like me \"Mac) will have footprints in your heart. (Well isn't that special?) malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:27:10 PM): hope u understand now Rylee what I meant for youuu.... malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:27:18 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:27:28 PM): u want to be really good friends malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:27:47 PM): feel and understand what I meant malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:28:03 PM): we will be very close to eachother sometime and be very true malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:28:11 PM): i miss u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:28:13 PM): missed u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:28:21 PM): and might will miss u..... malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:28:36 PM): u r not only my friend but i think more than that..... fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:28:44 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:28:48 PM): as of now!!! malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:29:05 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:29:15 PM): just writing the quote for you malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:29:25 PM): my feelings for you malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:29:41 PM): we are friends since yesterday malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:29:51 PM): n as of now we are very good friends malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:29:53 PM): and I hope malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:30:22 PM): we will be closer to eachother everyday by day, every hour by hour, every min by minute, every sec by sec..... malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:30:38 PM): anyways, leave it..... fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:30:44 PM): lol k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:30:58 PM): did u came at 8? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:31:07 PM): no i was eating dinner malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:31:15 PM): ohh yummy malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:31:33 PM): where is my part...?:) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:31:36 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:31:43 PM): :)) malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:32:04 PM): hope there would be smile on your face now....:)) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:32:08 PM): haha yep malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:32:18 PM): :-P so sweet fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:32:21 PM): :P malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:36:16 PM): so what r u doing...? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:36:28 PM): talking to u fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:36:31 PM): and kristy malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:36:38 PM): who is she...? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:36:39 PM): what r u doing fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:36:41 PM): my friend malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:36:50 PM): more close than me? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:37:06 PM): well i known her longer malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:37:11 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:37:13 PM): how is she? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:37:18 PM): good malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:37:19 PM): did u told her about me? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:37:22 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:37:24 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:37:33 PM): yeh, no need to tell anyone fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:37:55 PM): ya dont need to malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:38:03 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:38:21 PM): we should have something personal malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:38:23 PM): right? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:38:29 PM): like what malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:39:13 PM): like we like we are liking eachother we will love eachother....:) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:39:25 PM): u think we will? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:39:58 PM): I am optimistic guy and believe in positive results and good destiny (I see your destiny very clearly.) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:40:20 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:41:29 PM): so r u finally in your room? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:41:40 PM): yep thats where my computer is malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:41:53 PM): is it dektop or laptop? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:41:58 PM): desktop malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:42:01 PM): ohh ok fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:42:12 PM): what do u have malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:42:26 PM): I have laptop malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:42:43 PM): I have 3 laptops malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:42:51 PM): 2 my personal malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:42:57 PM): and 1 is from office malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:43:12 PM): brb fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:43:16 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:49:25 PM): i m back now fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:49:31 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:49:52 PM): dont ask me where I went...:-> malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:50:06 PM): it was very secret fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:50:16 PM): lol now i gotta ask fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:50:19 PM): whaere did u go malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:50:46 PM): he he he hu hu hu....just restroom....:D fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:50:53 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:50:56 PM): silly malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:50:59 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:51:02 PM): it is malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:51:26 PM): i saw your pics on myspace fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:51:35 PM): oh u did malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:51:52 PM): not all malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:51:58 PM): but some of them fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:52:05 PM): lol k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:58:21 PM): so all set to sleep..? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:58:32 PM): yep soon fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:58:33 PM): u? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:58:55 PM): hope we will go to bed together malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:59:06 PM): just having my dinner now fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:59:11 PM): whatcha eating malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:59:16 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/13/09 9:59:29 PM): ur eating yeh? lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:59:50 PM): u wanna company me while eating...? it is very tasty malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 9:59:54 PM): i prepared fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:00:03 PM): im full but thx malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:00:11 PM): ohh :( fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:00:15 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:00:17 PM): alright fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:00:23 PM): what is it malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:00:48 PM): Noodles fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:00:55 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:01:28 PM): do u drink milk in night b4 bed? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:01:55 PM): with dinner fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:02:10 PM): do u? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:03:11 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:03:38 PM): Rylee, your monthly cycle started...? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:04:03 PM): lol not rite this second malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:04:25 PM): no, what I am asking you is in you this age malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:04:40 PM): at the age of 13 malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:04:45 PM): is it started? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:05:01 PM): ya i had it b4 malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:05:08 PM): when? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:05:16 PM): when did it start?? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:05:21 PM): yrh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:05:25 PM): yeh** fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:05:34 PM): like 2 months ago i had it 2 times fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:05:37 PM): so far malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:05:46 PM): ohhh so just started fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:05:55 PM): is that bad malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:05:59 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:06:10 PM): infact it is the sign that u r becoming adult malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:06:18 PM): not a kid malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:06:32 PM): your body is also getting change fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:06:49 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:06:53 PM): like you will become more bigger breast malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:06:54 PM): right? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:06:57 PM): i thot it would be cool but i dont like it fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:07:02 PM): ya i guess malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:07:04 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:07:14 PM): do u have hairs on pussy? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:07:20 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:07:31 PM): not yet started to grow? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:07:36 PM): ya just not alot malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:07:42 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:07:57 PM): do u like your breast erection? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:08:08 PM): i mean nipples erection sometime? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:08:13 PM): idk fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:08:20 PM): what is it malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:09:14 PM): i mean sometime you watch some sex on movie or something romantic and you feel it hot in your pussy and some feeling all over your body.... fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:09:40 PM): not sure lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:10:26 PM): sometime when u sleeping, something come out from pussy a kind of white gel called spurm n u excited malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:10:27 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:10:40 PM): lol nooooo gross malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:10:46 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:11:00 PM): tell me very honest fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:11:27 PM): tell u what malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:11:30 PM): have u ever been fucked or sex with any one till now...? this is our persnal fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:11:41 PM): no i never did that malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:12:07 PM): really? don;t u sometime want to have something romantic fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:12:25 PM): ya it would be cool i think malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:12:27 PM): like if i kiss in you neck and suck your kips and breast nipples malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:12:37 PM): lips** fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:12:47 PM): u want to do that? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:13:25 PM): depends. But we should know eachother b4 that very well fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:13:31 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:14:11 PM): we should have to care for eachother, understand eachother, sacrifice for eachother and alot of things malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:14:22 PM): we should meet first share our feelings malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:14:25 PM): and a lot malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:14:45 PM): n both of us like eachother then we may probably go ahead but not b4 malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:14:49 PM): right Rylee? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:15:02 PM): that mite be good malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:15:25 PM): but I am bit affraid of one thing fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:15:30 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:16:07 PM): u r under 18, will it be a problem if we will be involve in sex...? I am a bit shy and scary about it (Aww he's shy and scary) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:16:25 PM): what problem? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:16:38 PM): if someone will know it then ? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:16:46 PM): r u gonna tell? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:16:51 PM): nooooooo malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:16:54 PM): y should i? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:17:04 PM): i dont know but fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:17:05 PM): idk then how will ppl kno malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:17:14 PM): ok then malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:17:34 PM): do u have some pic which I can see....I mean very personal pics? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:17:45 PM): not public fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:17:51 PM): dont think so? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:17:56 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:18:19 PM): anything that u wanna share with me like a bit less in cloths malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:18:23 PM): or topless malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:18:29 PM): something private fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:18:31 PM): oh no i dont have pics like that malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:18:45 PM): anything that u can share? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:18:55 PM): i dont have pics lke that malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:19:02 PM): alright then malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:19:13 PM): I am just asking u to know u more malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:19:22 PM): anything u wanna ask me? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:19:32 PM): not sure fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:20:04 PM): what should i ask? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:20:23 PM): leave it then fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:20:28 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:22:41 PM): so r u sitting on chair? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:22:47 PM): or in bed? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:23:17 PM): chair fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:23:29 PM): where r u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:23:43 PM): I am in Bed fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:23:50 PM): falling asleep? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:23:57 PM): under blanket malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:24:04 PM): not really fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:24:10 PM): cozy malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:24:38 PM): hmm malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:25:33 PM): do u wanna see my some more pic? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:25:40 PM): but not really good fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:25:47 PM): sure if u want me to see malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:26:03 PM): hey u have the right to see malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:26:07 PM): u r my close one malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:26:10 PM): don;t u? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:26:13 PM): yes or no? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:26:33 PM): lol ya i guess but they r your pics so u get to pick who sees fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:26:34 PM): rite malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:26:45 PM): just a sec malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:27:18 PM): i already said not good pics fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:27:34 PM): what is bad about it? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:27:42 PM): not looking so good fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:27:50 PM): shut up fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:28:07 PM): u look really nice malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:28:22 PM): thanks rylee fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:28:26 PM): yw fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:29:56 PM): this ones not working fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:30:22 PM): its all blurry malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:30:47 PM): even now? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:30:52 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:31:00 PM): i clik on it even wort work malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:31:16 PM): let me add it again malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:32:02 PM): I am showing u all these b coz we are close to eachother malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:32:13 PM): dont show it to anyone else fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:32:13 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:32:16 PM): this is for u malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:32:19 PM): what cool? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:32:20 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:32:25 PM): that u show me malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:32:30 PM): hmm malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:32:35 PM): now can u see it? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:32:53 PM): i saw this one ok last time but now its blurry fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:33:35 PM): this one works this time fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:33:44 PM): those all ur friends malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:33:51 PM): i have a lot of friends fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:33:56 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:34:11 PM): can i see your pics also? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:34:19 PM): my pics r on myspace malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:34:27 PM): anything else? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:34:29 PM): u saw them fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:34:36 PM): hmm ill look malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:35:47 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:37:13 PM): good efforts while boating malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:37:15 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:37:17 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:37:24 PM): whos is next to u sitting? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:37:40 PM): my half sister malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:37:45 PM): ohh ok fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:41:24 PM): u fall asleep fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:42:55 PM): guess soooo malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:45:55 PM): ohh no malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:45:58 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:46:02 PM): i got a call fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:46:32 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:47:03 PM): r u still in pjms? malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:47:20 PM): or what r u wearing? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:47:21 PM): yep it isnt morning yet malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:47:43 PM): when will u sleep? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:47:49 PM): pretty soon malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:47:53 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:47:56 PM): I am here malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:48:01 PM): will go togther malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:48:22 PM): brb cell is ringing malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:48:29 PM): some 1 is calling me malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:57:38 PM): back fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:57:51 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:58:12 PM): fnd called me from CA fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:58:19 PM): oh cool malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:58:34 PM): her name is Brandi fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:58:48 PM): cool fizzlybearz (09/13/09 10:58:52 PM): pretty name malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:59:10 PM): she is very gud frnd of mine malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:59:30 PM): n there r two more friends which are very close to me malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:59:37 PM): I meant best friends till now malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 10:59:59 PM): kate n Jennifer fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:00:03 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:00:09 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:00:43 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:01:12 PM): just a sec, malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:01:18 PM): sorry I got a call from kate fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:01:32 PM): k well im gonna go to bed fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:01:36 PM): see u later k malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:01:46 PM): I am done malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:01:54 PM): she called me to say night malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:02:04 PM): r u leaving? fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:02:06 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:02:44 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:03:31 PM): good night Rylee...sleep well and will meet tomorrow around 7 evening fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:03:37 PM): k bye malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:03:53 PM): sweet Mac dreams...:\"> malhotra.mohit (09/13/09 11:03:58 PM): :-h fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:04:02 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/13/09 11:04:05 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:09:42 PM): hi Rylee fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:09:55 PM): hi mac! malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:10:36 PM): how's the day? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:10:46 PM): fine i guess fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:10:48 PM): how was urs malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:11:00 PM): busy...!!! fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:11:05 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:17:24 PM): u busy now? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:17:30 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:17:33 PM): n u? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:17:37 PM): not really no malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:17:46 PM): I am on call malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:17:50 PM): just a sec malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:18:03 PM): i thought u r busy fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:19:09 PM): nope fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:19:36 PM): r u gonna tell me what my present is yet? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:19:37 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:20:26 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:20:36 PM): noooooooooooo fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:20:43 PM): why not :( malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:20:58 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:21:01 PM): :P malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:21:14 PM): y u wanna know it so soon? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:21:20 PM): keep patience, its all yours fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:21:29 PM): haha fineeeee malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:26:27 PM): so r u talking with Kristy? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:30:11 PM): not rite now malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:31:12 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:31:21 PM): so what's up? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:31:26 PM): what r u doing?? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:31:32 PM): looking at a new game fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:31:35 PM): what r u doing malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:31:41 PM): talking to u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:31:47 PM): and doing some work fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:31:55 PM): still working??? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:32:00 PM): a bit fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:32:06 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:32:10 PM): y? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:32:17 PM): did u missed me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:32:19 PM): just seems sad fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:32:28 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:32:31 PM): did u miss me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:32:33 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:32:40 PM): yeh sometime yes malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:32:53 PM): when u missed me? and what u was thinking/ malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:32:54 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:33:08 PM): during mat fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:33:10 PM): math fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:33:20 PM): just wondering about u is all malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:33:27 PM): really?? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:33:40 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:33:53 PM): do u know what I was thinking? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:34:03 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:34:11 PM): guess it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:34:12 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:34:21 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:34:26 PM): no idea malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:34:43 PM): anything fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:35:13 PM): idk what u were thinking lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:35:41 PM): ok, I was thinking that if u would be in my arms and we both r hugging romantically malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:35:49 PM): i kiss u on your neck fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:36:01 PM): haha i never will have guessed that malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:36:06 PM): and take your lips in my lips and suck it like hun fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:36:15 PM): wow malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:36:18 PM): yeh i was missing u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:36:21 PM): wow fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:36:23 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:36:49 PM): it is not lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:36:53 PM): anyways leave it fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:36:58 PM): it is not what? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:37:10 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:37:13 PM): not LOL fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:37:17 PM): ohhhh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:37:22 PM): I am serious fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:37:32 PM): serious about what malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:37:35 PM): anyways leave it you can't think malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:37:47 PM): serious about what i was thinking malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:37:54 PM): didn't u? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:38:05 PM): didnt i waht???? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:38:18 PM): dont u wanna kiss me and hug me and.......... fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:38:31 PM): whats and.... malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:39:16 PM): you and me will come together and do sex....will fuck eachother like anything and enjoy every moment malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:39:29 PM): every moment of it fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:39:46 PM): u really want to do that with me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:40:04 PM): or u just kidding malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:40:22 PM): what r u thinking? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:40:30 PM): i am always serious with u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:40:35 PM): never lied malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:41:03 PM): dont make our relation kiddish malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:41:09 PM): X-( fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:41:13 PM): im not trying to malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:41:17 PM): i think u r makking fun with me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:41:27 PM): no im not malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:41:32 PM): dont u want us close malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:41:42 PM): n will enjoy each n everything? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:41:55 PM): nobody ever wanted to do that stuff with me b4 malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:43:20 PM): who am i ? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:43:35 PM): can we do it or not? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:43:38 PM): yes or no? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:43:43 PM): do u want it or not? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:43:58 PM): it mite be fun if ur serious and not playing a trick on me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:44:14 PM): i just never did anything b4 with anybody fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:44:29 PM): so i dont want to be stupid and believe u if u r not serious fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:44:37 PM): i dont like feeling stupid malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:45:14 PM): what Rylee? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:45:25 PM): am I doing stupidity with u? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:45:29 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:45:35 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:45:41 PM): im being stupid i guess malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:45:57 PM): I am very very serious with you malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:46:03 PM): i promise malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:46:15 PM): and what about u? r u serioua with me or not? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:46:31 PM): wow i think so fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:46:47 PM): nobody ever liked me enuff to want to kiss me and stuff b4 fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:46:51 PM): its really cool malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:47:18 PM): r u serious? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:47:23 PM): yes or not? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:47:38 PM): yes or not to what question malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:48:45 PM): r u serious with me or not malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:48:50 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:49:00 PM): yes im being serious with u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:49:22 PM): so when we can meet? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:49:35 PM): when do u want?? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:50:06 PM): it depends on you.... malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:50:17 PM): can u come out and will meet with me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:50:41 PM): i gotta see when my parents rnt home or something fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:50:54 PM): ur the one thats gotta drive tho ur far away malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:51:04 PM): yeh I can malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:51:19 PM): i think u can;t as u dont have License to drive fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:51:25 PM): LOL duh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:51:41 PM): what duh? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:51:50 PM): that i cant drive yet !! malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:51:55 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:53:17 PM): so r u prepare to make sex relation? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:53:46 PM): u wont make fun of me will u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:53:57 PM): what u think? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:54:03 PM): I am damn serious fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:54:18 PM): i mean bcuz idk what to do and stuff malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:54:19 PM): i will kiss you all over your body fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:54:31 PM): u will lol?? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:54:42 PM): it is not lol fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:54:46 PM): sorry fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:54:50 PM): im nervos malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:54:59 PM): r u blush? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:55:00 PM): and kinda scared i never did that b4 fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:55:03 PM): ya fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:55:06 PM): i think so malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:55:14 PM): come hug me...>:D< fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:55:17 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:55:30 PM): dont telling lol lol again n again fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:55:36 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:55:37 PM): i am not passing joke malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:55:45 PM): i m very serious malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:55:53 PM): infact I am also not use to it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:55:57 PM): i am only 21 fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:56:07 PM): ur scared to? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:56:17 PM): idk depends on you fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:56:22 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:56:47 PM): i will sacred if u will shy and will not allow me to go ahead fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:57:01 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:57:18 PM): tell me now fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:57:24 PM): tell u what malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:57:40 PM): shall we enjoy each moment of it? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:58:01 PM): i hope so? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:58:09 PM): i never did it idk what to expect of it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:58:17 PM): u know what is my plan? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:58:20 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:58:32 PM): first I will take your hands in my hands malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:58:41 PM): then will hug u smoothly malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:58:51 PM): and will whisper u in ears malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:59:08 PM): then will kiss softly malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:59:20 PM): and then what will u do? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:59:29 PM): what am i supose to do? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:59:38 PM): whatever malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 8:59:50 PM): what u was interested to do at that time fizzlybearz (09/14/09 8:59:56 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:00:00 PM): u can kiss me and hug me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:00:09 PM): push your breast to my chest malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:00:28 PM): I will rub my hands on the nipples of your breast malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:00:37 PM): will a bit squeeze them malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:00:43 PM): will u lke it? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:00:55 PM): i hope so?? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:01:06 PM): thats what ppl do rite so it must be good malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:01:12 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:01:17 PM): r u excited? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:01:24 PM): ya its exciting fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:01:32 PM): it will be fun i think malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:01:38 PM): then will remove your cloth malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:01:46 PM): and will unhook your bra malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:01:59 PM): and will ask u to remove panty malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:02:08 PM): will u do it for me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:02:09 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:02:14 PM): if u want me to malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:02:32 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:02:46 PM): anything u wanna do it? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:02:53 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:02:59 PM): u tell me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:03:04 PM): tell u what?? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:03:33 PM): do u wanna continue in sex and will take out my dick to be fuck? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:03:42 PM): willl u suck it? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:03:49 PM): u want me to? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:03:53 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:04:00 PM): ya if u want me to malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:04:06 PM): promise? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:04:11 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:04:34 PM): should i put condomn..? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:04:51 PM): i dont want a baby yet malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:04:58 PM): hmmm :) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:05:07 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:05:25 PM): if u get a bit pain in your pussy b coz of my dick, will u enjoy it? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:05:38 PM): enjoy pain?? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:05:42 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:05:49 PM): that is a main excitment malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:06:05 PM): it is enjoyable soft hot sexy pain fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:06:11 PM): oh i didnt kno malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:06:17 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:06:35 PM): u wanna come on my top or should i come on your top? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:06:47 PM): whats that malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:06:55 PM): leave it for now malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:07:01 PM): we will do it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:07:05 PM): when will meet fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:07:11 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:07:18 PM): now u got the plan? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:07:27 PM): ya i thik i understand it fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:07:33 PM): what happens malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:07:34 PM): r u excited now? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:07:44 PM): what happens means? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:07:45 PM): its exciting ya fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:07:51 PM): i mean malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:07:52 PM): ask me what? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:08:01 PM): u explain it to me so now i kno what happens malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:08:06 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:08:21 PM): didnt kno for sure b4 malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:08:27 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:08:38 PM): so plan to meet as soon as possible fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:08:44 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:08:54 PM): what about ur work and stuff fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:10:03 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:10:46 PM): i will manage that for u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:11:00 PM): whats that mean malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:11:15 PM): I will take a off from office malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:11:22 PM): we will work out on it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:11:31 PM): u plan it first fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:11:33 PM): wow u will do that for me?? how cool fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:11:41 PM): me plan it? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:11:42 PM): hey u r my close malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:11:49 PM): i have to malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:11:52 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:11:53 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:12:10 PM): i meant plan when we can meet fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:12:25 PM): wht if u cant come malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:12:37 PM): hey, i think still u dont trust me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:12:45 PM): ya i do malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:12:47 PM): do u trust me or not? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:12:58 PM): then y so stupid questions? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:13:02 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:13:09 PM): X-( malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:13:19 PM): u r breaking my heart malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:13:39 PM): u r breaking my feelings and trust as well fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:13:47 PM): im sorry i didnt mean it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:13:58 PM): then never ever think about it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:14:07 PM): we trust eachother very well fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:14:11 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:14:44 PM): did u had your dinner ? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:14:48 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:14:49 PM): did u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:14:51 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:14:54 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:14:55 PM): I have to cook malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:14:58 PM): yeh :( fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:15:08 PM): poor mac fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:15:11 PM): starving malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:15:14 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:15:17 PM): do u care me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:15:19 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:15:33 PM): r u not feeling good really? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:15:44 PM): i feel good malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:15:55 PM): feel good? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:16:08 PM): im not sick or anything malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:16:19 PM): but i m fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:16:24 PM): ur sick?? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:16:32 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:16:34 PM): aww fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:16:41 PM): like a cold or what malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:16:50 PM): I am in Love with Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:16:56 PM): it is not lol fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:16:58 PM): WOW malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:17:07 PM): dont u love me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:17:08 PM): that is so cool fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:17:13 PM): yes i think so! malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:17:22 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:17:35 PM): now tell me, where u live? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:17:42 PM): i will see the directions fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:17:50 PM): im in xxxxx malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:18:11 PM): zip? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:19:02 PM): xxxxxx malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:19:42 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:19:48 PM): hey malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:20:00 PM): what time will u sleep tonight? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:20:10 PM): probly soon im tired malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:20:33 PM): should i kiss you so that u will be relaxed? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:20:42 PM): ur way far away lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:21:08 PM): here is my kiss for you :-* I am not far fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:21:14 PM): aww thx malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:21:19 PM): and a sweet hug >:D< fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:21:22 PM): awww malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:21:30 PM): i also need it fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:21:45 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:21:49 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:21:58 PM): hugs and kiss for u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:22:14 PM): hey your lips are like honey fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:22:19 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:22:20 PM): very sweet...:) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:22:27 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:22:34 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:22:55 PM): hey, I am going to cook dinner for me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:22:59 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:23:25 PM): will be back at 10 malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:23:41 PM): so if u have something to finish, finish it and come back at 10 malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:23:56 PM): then we will talk a little bit more malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:24:12 PM): and finally share our good night kiss and hugs and will go to bed together malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:24:15 PM): alright...? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:24:37 PM): oh i was kinda thinkin i will go to bed in like 15 min fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:24:45 PM): im really tired malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:24:56 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:25:01 PM): is that ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:25:14 PM): how about 09:45? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:25:26 PM): for meeting on here? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:25:37 PM): what? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:25:53 PM): for me to go to bed or for talking on here??? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:26:19 PM): will u do it whatever i say? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:26:27 PM): i can try malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:26:49 PM): can u tell me why...? I meant y u can try for me? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:27:00 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:27:11 PM): bcuz i want u to be happy i guess malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:27:27 PM): again my quick question, y? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:27:33 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:27:37 PM): :-> fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:27:59 PM): i said my answer did i get the answer wrong malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:28:33 PM): no, I am very glad to know that. infact, what i you was missing is that because you love me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:28:41 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:28:42 PM): you love me, right...?:\"> fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:28:47 PM): ya lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:28:56 PM): is it LOL? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:29:00 PM): it is not lol malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:29:09 PM): love is not lol fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:29:09 PM): no sorry nervos i never told a guy i love him b4 malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:29:11 PM): never malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:29:32 PM): but do u love me or not...? I am not the other guy, i guess fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:29:40 PM): yes fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:29:42 PM): what other guy malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:30:04 PM): say it then.... fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:30:09 PM): i love u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:30:25 PM): i love you too Rylee from the core of my heart fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:30:31 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:30:38 PM): ok, then wait for 15 mins malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:30:48 PM): I am taking my lpatop with me in kitchen fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:30:52 PM): cool ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:31:13 PM): ping me, if u miss me and think about me now and our plans malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:31:21 PM): :x fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:31:34 PM): ping? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:31:49 PM): ping me means, send me the msgs fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:31:54 PM): oh fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:32:13 PM): ping! fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:32:15 PM): haha jk malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:32:33 PM): :-P malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:32:36 PM): u naighty malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:32:40 PM): naughty** fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:32:49 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:37:25 PM): what u making malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:38:00 PM): u wanna eat? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:38:07 PM): nope just wonder malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:38:14 PM): ricre malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:38:29 PM): rice :) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:38:34 PM): just rice malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:38:48 PM): iwht potato.... malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:38:51 PM): with** malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:39:40 PM): dont u like it, if i prepare for u as well? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:39:54 PM): u will cook for me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:40:05 PM): awesome i like to eat malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:40:22 PM): hmmm :) malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:43:14 PM): r u thinking about me or not....?........... fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:43:21 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:43:33 PM): close your eyes and think something cool malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:43:44 PM): when we both will eachother fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:44:02 PM): ?? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:44:32 PM): nothing just be cool n feel that we r together malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:44:58 PM): n i am revolving my fingers on your pussy malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:45:03 PM): something sexy fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:45:14 PM): oh u mean pretend? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:45:45 PM): just feel it fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:45:58 PM): i cant feel anything malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:46:17 PM): hmmmm ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:46:19 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:46:33 PM): i dont understand malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:46:59 PM): leave it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:47:07 PM): i meant that malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:47:19 PM): just close your eyes, think about you and me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:47:26 PM): something good and exciting malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:47:36 PM): anyways, what is my present? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:47:49 PM): what r u going to buy for me...?:) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:47:59 PM): hmmmm fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:48:25 PM): i dont have alot of money but maybe something if ican get my mom to take me to the store malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:48:35 PM): ohh really? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:48:42 PM): will u buy something for me...? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:48:46 PM): r u sure? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:48:57 PM): if i see somethink i think u mite like malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:49:33 PM): ohh thanks Ryle fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:49:38 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:49:55 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:49:56 PM): what is ur favorite things malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:50:24 PM): Rylee, Rylee, Rylee....:) malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:50:32 PM): only Rylee fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:50:36 PM): haha i cant buy myself!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:50:48 PM): just kidding fizzlybearz (09/14/09 9:51:20 PM): brb im going to go brush my teeth k malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 9:51:32 PM): alright fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:09:19 PM): back malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:10:17 PM): show me your teeths....:D fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:10:23 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:10:25 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:10:31 PM): good malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:10:35 PM): but y u got so late malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:10:42 PM): I was waiting for you.....:( fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:10:48 PM): sorry it took so long fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:10:53 PM): just got ready for bed malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:11:23 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:11:36 PM): have u changed cloths? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:11:40 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:11:55 PM): what r u wearing? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:12:00 PM): pjs malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:12:24 PM): do u wear bra while sleeping in night? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:12:29 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:13:19 PM): so looking sexy now malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:13:21 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:13:24 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:13:38 PM): haha idk malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:14:22 PM): give me a min malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:15:47 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:16:06 PM): now I am going to start dinner while chatting with u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:16:23 PM): oh wow i thot u already started cooking malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:16:40 PM): cooking is done malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:16:45 PM): but now eating fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:16:49 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:17:07 PM): do u wanna one bite from my hands? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:17:22 PM): haha ur silly malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:17:40 PM): open ur mouth and here goes malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:17:42 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:17:49 PM): i m not silly, just kidding fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:17:57 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:17:58 PM): to give u a smile b4 sleep fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:18:04 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:18:26 PM): thanks shows formality, u and me are not formal now malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:18:30 PM): we r very close malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:18:36 PM): so no thanks no sorry malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:18:38 PM): ok...? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:18:47 PM): what m i supose to say then malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:19:13 PM): love u hun, or some smily looks ok...:) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:19:21 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:19:43 PM): do r u wearing panty? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:19:47 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:20:12 PM): what is your date of monthly cycle? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:20:31 PM): like when i had it last or when its coming?? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:20:39 PM): both fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:21:08 PM): i just finished last one couple days ago malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:21:17 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:21:23 PM): next? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:21:34 PM): idk like 30 days i guess malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:21:53 PM): how many days u have the period? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:21:56 PM): like 5 days? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:21:58 PM): is it? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:22:01 PM): 3 malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:22:04 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:22:22 PM): so after 3 days u r not using napkins? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:22:28 PM): rite malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:22:35 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:22:39 PM): lol why malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:23:07 PM): just to know you more personally malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:23:24 PM): i am also thinking about our physical relation too malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:23:26 PM): thats y fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:23:40 PM): oh u need to kno for that?? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:23:41 PM): why malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:24:07 PM): so that we can do it properly malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:24:22 PM): otherwise during your date of periods cant enjoy fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:24:28 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:25:01 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:25:17 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:25:46 PM): let me finish a glass of water malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:25:49 PM): just a min malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:25:54 PM): brb fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:25:57 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:26:05 PM): tehn i need to go to bed fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:26:06 PM): sleepy malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:26:19 PM): give me a min malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:31:32 PM): i m back fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:31:37 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:31:48 PM): ws u waiting for me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:31:51 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:32:16 PM): so can u stay here little bit more or wanna sleep? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:32:41 PM): im sleepy but if u want i can try to stay awake malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:33:24 PM): i am very happy that in just 2 days we are become very close to eachother and understand eachother malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:33:34 PM): and even love eachother malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:33:47 PM): thanks Rylee for your love to me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:33:56 PM): always be mine forever fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:34:34 PM): yw mac ty for loving me to malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:34:50 PM): r u chatting with some 1 else? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:34:53 PM): too? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:34:53 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:34:56 PM): just u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:35:22 PM): hey always with one else should be in your life other than me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:35:39 PM): what about my friends malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:35:46 PM): and u r the only one who would be in my life...Always malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:36:04 PM): if i say even not your friends, then...? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:36:12 PM): will u ignore them too for me? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:36:32 PM): u really gonna say i cant have friends? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:36:44 PM): no....rylee, I will not malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:36:52 PM): u should have friends malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:37:00 PM): but only friends not more than that fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:37:09 PM): thats all i have malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:37:09 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:37:38 PM): if some1 ask u that do u have boy friend then what will u say? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:37:57 PM): is it ok to say i do malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:38:20 PM): u do means...? who is that idiot....? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:38:31 PM): X-( fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:38:46 PM): i thot u love me so we r bf gf?? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:38:54 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:38:55 PM): im wrong? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:38:55 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:39:00 PM): we are malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:39:05 PM): i thought some1 else malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:39:44 PM): yeh, if some1 ask me too then I will definitely say yes I do have my cute gf Rylee who loves me like anything malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:39:48 PM): am i right? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:39:56 PM): rite malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:40:20 PM): so rylee try to make plan to meet as soon as possible fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:40:26 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:40:44 PM): do u think maybe i can call u tomorrow like after school or something fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:40:48 PM): just to hear u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:41:05 PM): infact, I wanna hear you as well malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:41:09 PM): yeh sure fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:41:10 PM): cool fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:41:24 PM): i got a calling card for calling my dad fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:41:31 PM): so i can use it to call u to malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:41:39 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:41:42 PM): what is ur number malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:42:03 PM): when will u call me? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:42:06 PM): what time? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:42:11 PM): when i can i guess malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:42:39 PM): any approximate idea? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:42:47 PM): from what time to what time? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:43:00 PM): gosh fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:43:12 PM): i can try like at 4 if nobody is home fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:43:35 PM): if i cant then i can leave u offline let u kno malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:43:52 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:44:07 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:44:13 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:44:23 PM): do u have mic or head phone now? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:44:29 PM): no :( malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:44:32 PM): i can call u from my computer malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:44:38 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:45:22 PM): (770) 750-7494 malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:45:41 PM): that is my office number fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:45:57 PM): oh cool i can call u at work??? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:46:03 PM): yeh u can fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:46:06 PM): yay malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:46:12 PM): dont disclose this to anyone malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:46:21 PM): i trust u that's y i gave u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:46:25 PM): aww fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:46:31 PM): i wont give it to anybody malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:46:35 PM): no one should know this number fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:46:38 PM): why not malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:47:00 PM): i dont wanna disclose to anyone else other than my girl friend fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:47:10 PM): wow cool malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:47:25 PM): promise me, u will not disclose it fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:47:29 PM): i promise malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:47:38 PM): n whats your number? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:47:56 PM): u cant call here i will be dead and burry in the backyard malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:48:14 PM): no no, trust me, I will not call u.... malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:48:19 PM): u r my girl friend malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:48:29 PM): just for my knowledge fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:48:37 PM): i cant give it fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:48:43 PM): serious they will kill me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:48:50 PM): I promise fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:48:54 PM): not really but grounded for life malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:48:55 PM): do u trust me or not? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:49:11 PM): then we never talk ever again malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:49:17 PM): yeh, sure malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:49:28 PM): we are bf-gf malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:49:40 PM): we should trust eachother malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:49:53 PM): i promise, will not call at your home fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:50:00 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:50:13 PM): do u love me or not? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:50:24 PM): it means u neither trust me nor love me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:50:26 PM): i do but still cant give u it malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:50:28 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:50:34 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:51:06 PM): Rylee, it is just a matter of number, I also gave it to u. I said I promise I will not call on your home number. why would i? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:51:18 PM): i dont wanna something happen wrong to u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:51:19 PM): guess u dont love me so much bcuz u dont care if i get in trouble malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:51:20 PM): i love u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:51:30 PM): i believed u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:51:40 PM): but y should u be in trouble? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:51:46 PM): if u call here malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:51:48 PM): i promise Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:51:51 PM): I will not fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:51:55 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:51:56 PM): I swear u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:51:58 PM): im going to bed fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:52:04 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:52:09 PM): nite mac malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:52:18 PM): it means u r not giving me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:52:27 PM): is that your final decision? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:52:35 PM): u dont understand malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:53:06 PM): y i dont understand, I promised you. If i break my promise then it is my loss only fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:13 PM): no it isnt fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:15 PM): i lose to fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:19 PM): grounded for life fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:25 PM): my computer gone malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:53:26 PM): i will not call you fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:27 PM): all my fun gone malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:53:36 PM): I never do it Rylee fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:42 PM): then u dont need it anyway malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:53:44 PM): i already sweared u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:45 PM): ur freaking me out fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:52 PM): makes me think u will call fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:53:57 PM): get me in trouble fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:54:02 PM): tell my parents or soemthnig malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:54:10 PM): ok then malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:54:18 PM): I dont wanna, if u dont trust me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:54:21 PM): that;s fine malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:54:28 PM): I will not ask u again malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:54:34 PM): ba byes fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:54:59 PM): whats that mean malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:55:05 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:55:12 PM): if u dont wanna give me then malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:55:16 PM): it is fine malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:55:25 PM): u can go to sleep Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:55:30 PM): I am not Mad on u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:55:34 PM): that's ur wish malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:55:54 PM): may be our relation is not yet strong to trust me fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:56:09 PM): its just my parents fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:56:17 PM): i hate being grounded malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:56:25 PM): i said u will not, malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:56:33 PM): i promised u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:56:38 PM): that I will never call u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:56:47 PM): just my wish to know malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:57:13 PM): that's it. If u trust me or love me then u can give otherwise, i will not ask u further fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:57:28 PM): what u mean fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:57:38 PM): that bcuz i dont give it i dont love u? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:57:39 PM): Rylee listen malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:57:59 PM): I love you very much which I can;t descibe in short malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:58:24 PM): you damn it, you are my girl friend now and i m you boy friend malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:58:47 PM): ok, leave it Rylee, dont give it to me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:59:02 PM): just go to bed and sleep properly fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:59:02 PM): now ur mad at me malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:59:10 PM): nooooooooooo I am not mad at u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:59:12 PM): i didnt kno haveing a bf will be so hard malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:59:14 PM): i love u fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:59:17 PM): still? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:59:29 PM): i love u yeh I love you very much malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:59:32 PM): and u? fizzlybearz (09/14/09 10:59:36 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 10:59:57 PM): anyways, I will wait of your call tomorrow fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:00:04 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:00:07 PM): i try malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:00:11 PM): r u ok now? malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:00:14 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:00:15 PM): ya fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:00:24 PM): it will be fun to talk to u malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:00:27 PM): ok then give my my good night kiss and hugs fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:00:37 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:00:43 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:00:58 PM): love u and good night Rylee fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:01:07 PM): love u to nite mac malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:01:10 PM): Mac (Sweet) Dreams.... fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:01:19 PM): lol k malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:01:26 PM): miss me and think byess malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:01:31 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/14/09 11:01:36 PM): :-h fizzlybearz (09/14/09 11:01:46 PM): bye :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 7:09:46 PM): Hi Rylee, I was really very glad to hear you. Your voice is so pleasant. I missed you right after that u called me. Infact, I was also waiting for you call to hear you. I don;t know u missed me or not but i did. I just came from office now and as we promised we will meet at 8. Till that time, I should finish some of my work. Alright then.....c u at u......only yours Mac forever.....:-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:01:53 PM): hi mac fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:01:58 PM): i got ur offline :) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:02:03 PM): thx i like ur voice to fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:02:12 PM): u sound really nice fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:02:30 PM): i hope i didnt mess up ur work by calling fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:02:36 PM): talk to u soon ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:02:37 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:17:45 PM): infact, I liked you called me....:\">. Did u missed me..? Honest answer.....yes or no...:) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:33:00 PM): hi fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:33:04 PM): ya i did :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:33:26 PM): how many times...? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:33:31 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:33:35 PM): lol 14? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:33:39 PM): idk ahaha malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:33:49 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:33:56 PM): so u r kidding fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:33:58 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:34:00 PM): u didnt; missed me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:34:06 PM): u dont believe me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:34:30 PM): i trust u more than me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:34:30 PM): i trust u more than me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:34:30 PM): where r u gone? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:34:42 PM): im here malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:34:42 PM): i am waiting here for the last 15 mins fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:34:53 PM): oh sorry i was reading waiting for u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:34:57 PM): didnt see u come on malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:35:08 PM): ohh, yeh i got late in traffic fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:35:14 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:35:24 PM): someone is knocking my door malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:35:26 PM): brb fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:35:27 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:36:31 PM): yes, I am back fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:36:36 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:36:41 PM): who was it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:36:53 PM): so u r really excited to know about your gift, right...?:) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:36:57 PM): no one malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:37:04 PM): some other door fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:37:06 PM): YESSSS super excited fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:37:10 PM): i cant wait malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:37:27 PM): ok, tell me what is your favourite thing? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:37:37 PM): honest fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:37:51 PM): favorite food or song or what? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:38:11 PM): anything which u like the most from me? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:38:22 PM): talking to u is best malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:38:36 PM): hey no lies, I already said fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:38:41 PM): im not malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:38:57 PM): so i can't but my talk for you...:D malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:39:06 PM): ok tell me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:39:37 PM): what u most needed it now? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:39:50 PM): hmm skittles malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:39:57 PM): and malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:39:58 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:39:58 PM): that sounds good rite now fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:40:02 PM): idk?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:40:12 PM): anything else? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:40:17 PM): clothes? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:40:34 PM): i bought alot of things not a single malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:40:36 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:40:40 PM): that is the hint fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:40:48 PM): socks? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:40:51 PM): I will not tell u anything more malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:40:53 PM): nope fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:40:56 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:40:57 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:41:01 PM): no more hints fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:41:28 PM): hair stuff? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:41:31 PM): ok, one thing which i bought for u are some choclates, flower and Bra malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:41:41 PM): I bought some other thing also malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:41:53 PM): which is very cool other than all these fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:42:03 PM): wow thats alotof presents!!! im so excited fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:42:16 PM): what is the hint for the other present malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:42:21 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:42:23 PM): sorry fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:42:24 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:42:33 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:42:37 PM): well fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:42:42 PM): i love chocolate!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:42:45 PM): i love flowers malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:42:45 PM): keep patience, thats for u only fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:42:49 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:42:50 PM): i know, fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:43:01 PM): what does the bra look like malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:43:08 PM): it is very sexy malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:43:14 PM): i love it looking malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:43:29 PM): i bought it because I wanna see how it looks on u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:43:36 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:43:39 PM): what color is it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:43:46 PM): that;s pink malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:43:56 PM): dont u like that? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:43:58 PM): yes! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:44:14 PM): hey but what about me? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:44:15 PM): hot pink or lite pink? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:44:26 PM): oh i didnt go to the store yet fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:44:27 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:44:31 PM): lite fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:44:33 PM): i can make u a card? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:44:36 PM): will u like that malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:44:58 PM): hmmm hope so, I will like anything which ever belongs to Rylee...:) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:45:08 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:45:14 PM): k i can make u a card malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:45:22 PM): Alright..... malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:45:28 PM): hey this is not faie malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:45:31 PM): fair** fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:45:33 PM): what isnt malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:45:50 PM): u forgot to give me my meeting hug and kiss malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:46:01 PM): I meant outs malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:46:04 PM): ours** fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:46:11 PM): aww im sorry fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:46:16 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:46:19 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:46:21 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:46:23 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:46:31 PM): u r so cuteeeeee fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:46:31 PM): double bcuz i forgot malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:46:40 PM): ohhh that;s a good idea malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:46:47 PM): so forget every time fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:46:50 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:46:52 PM): i will take doubles malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:47:00 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:47:02 PM): :P malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:47:13 PM): do u have smile on your face? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:47:18 PM): yes super big one malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:47:26 PM): u know one thing fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:47:29 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:00 PM): I will tell u when u tell me the true malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:05 PM): do u trust me or not? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:16 PM): if i will say something u will accept it? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:48:25 PM): what u mean fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:48:30 PM): what u gonna say to me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:35 PM): tell me u believe me or not? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:48:39 PM): i do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:44 PM): sure? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:46 PM): promise malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:47 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:48:53 PM): ur scaring me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:48:55 PM): no no fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:48:57 PM): what is wrong malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:04 PM): nothing to scared about malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:17 PM): I wanna say that malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:19 PM): I malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:22 PM): ----- malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:26 PM): You malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:32 PM): I ----- You malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:36 PM): I ----- You!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:44 PM): fill it up now fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:49:49 PM): LOVE malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:54 PM): u naughty malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:56 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:49:57 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:49:59 PM): I love you fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:50:03 PM): i love you to malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:50:05 PM): really I love you fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:50:15 PM): nobody ever loved me except family fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:50:17 PM): so cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:50:22 PM): u r in my dreams, in reality, in work ...every where fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:50:27 PM): wow! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:50:33 PM): hey, don't u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:50:39 PM): ya all the time fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:50:47 PM): all the time malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:50:50 PM): infact I feel your presence in my life now fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:51:15 PM): like a ghost? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:52:15 PM): sorry i was only kidding fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:52:35 PM): im glad u think about me alot malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:52:38 PM): 8-> malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:53:05 PM): what was your day routine today? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:53:12 PM): when u wake up? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:53:18 PM): 6:30 fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:53:23 PM): get up malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:53:24 PM): then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:53:24 PM): shower fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:53:27 PM): eat malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:53:30 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:53:34 PM): then get stuff togehter malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:53:40 PM): then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:53:53 PM): mom drove me to school malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:53:58 PM): then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:01 PM): had school fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:12 PM): mom picked me up fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:17 PM): brot me home fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:20 PM): i ate food fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:24 PM): called u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:30 PM): did chores fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:33 PM): did homework fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:46 PM): had dinner fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:48 PM): did more hw fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:54:56 PM): then got on here fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:55:00 PM): kinda boring huh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:55:03 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:55:14 PM): r u getting bore now? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:55:23 PM): nooooo wayyyyyy fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:55:26 PM): r u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:55:27 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:55:36 PM): im talkin to u ur never boring to me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:55:45 PM): hey same here malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:56:14 PM): infact I was watching the time that when will b coz 8 and we will come together to talk fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:56:23 PM): awww fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:56:31 PM): ur so sweet malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:56:31 PM): didn't u? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:56:34 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:56:40 PM): just didnt kno u did the same thing malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:56:48 PM): what same thing? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:56:54 PM): waiting malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:57:16 PM): hey, it again shows that u dont love me and not at all trust me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:57:26 PM): what did i do? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:57:33 PM): i was waiting for u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:57:47 PM): u told me that u don;t believe me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:57:59 PM): no i didnt malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:58:22 PM): so y u said 'just didn;t know u did the same thing'/? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:58:42 PM): sorry guess im wrong malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:58:55 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:59:12 PM): r u tired or u wanna go to bed early too? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:59:22 PM): im not ready yet malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:59:33 PM): ready means? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:59:37 PM): what kind of ready? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:59:45 PM): i dont wanna go to bed yet malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 8:59:50 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 8:59:56 PM): u want me to go? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:00 PM): noooooooooooooooooooooooooo fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:00:03 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:04 PM): neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:00:08 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:09 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:00:14 PM): i was getting sad malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:18 PM): y? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:24 PM): y u was getting sad? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:00:28 PM): thot u wanted me to go malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:36 PM): ohhh never in my life fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:00:41 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:44 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:00:55 PM): come on let me hug u....>:D< fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:00:59 PM): awww fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:01:05 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:01:10 PM): a sweet kiss for u tooo....:-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:01:18 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:01:23 PM): kiss back malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:01:31 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:01:41 PM): how cute u blushing malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:01:46 PM): u too fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:01:50 PM): ya lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:02:08 PM): your any friend have bf? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:02:18 PM): yep some do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:02:35 PM): so how is their experience? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:02:46 PM): they dont always get along together malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:02:46 PM): so they share something with u? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:02:51 PM): like what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:02:57 PM): anything about sex malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:03:04 PM): or what they do? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:03:13 PM): or how is she feel while sex fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:03:29 PM): um just said it hurts on the first time fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:03:55 PM): is it true malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:04:20 PM): hmmm sometime malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:04:32 PM): u dont worry malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:04:38 PM): we will put some oil malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:04:56 PM): infact that pain is very different malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:05:06 PM): u will reallly love it damnly fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:05:16 PM): love what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:05:25 PM): that a soft pain fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:05:29 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:05:44 PM): and when dick will be in pussy then u will get feeling good malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:05:50 PM): n sexy hot malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:06:39 PM): r u there? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:06:41 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:07:53 PM): i think u r talking with some1 else malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:08:03 PM): am i disturbing u? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:08:04 PM): no i was just thinking about what u say malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:08:16 PM): what u think? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:08:20 PM): and what u feel? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:08:54 PM): i think it sounds fun kinda fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:09:03 PM): im just curious of it is all malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:09:15 PM): u wanna do it? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:09:29 PM): r u feeling something? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:09:33 PM): it will be fun i think fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:09:37 PM): what u mean? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:09:56 PM): I meant when we can do? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:10:03 PM): plan to meet? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:10:17 PM): tomorrow?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:10:35 PM): how? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:10:44 PM): where will u meet? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:11:06 PM): my parents going to church and a potluck tomorro nite malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:11:14 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:11:24 PM): so will u be alone? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:11:28 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:11:40 PM): u wanna do it at your home? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:11:49 PM): if some 1 will come then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:11:50 PM): idk where else for doing it fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:12:02 PM): who wil come? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:12:30 PM): like your mom or dad fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:12:44 PM): its a revival and dinner after fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:12:57 PM): they cant leave a revival malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:13:14 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:13:27 PM): so when will they come back? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:13:43 PM): last time they didnt come home until midnite fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:13:56 PM): probly the same this time fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:14:33 PM): but u probly got to work fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:14:37 PM): i didnt think of that malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:15:06 PM): i can take the off for you malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:15:12 PM): b coz u r my gf fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:15:27 PM): u must really love me alot malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:15:32 PM): i can do anything for my gf fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:15:33 PM): more then i ever thot of fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:15:38 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:15:40 PM): don't u? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:15:56 PM): yes around the earth t 10 times!!! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:16:17 PM): r u sure or is it just a LOL or joke? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:16:26 PM): ot u say it idk? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:16:27 PM): i didnt lol fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:16:37 PM): i didnt say idk malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:16:46 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:16:59 PM): to whom u love the most in your life? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:17:06 PM): MAC malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:17:08 PM): be honest! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:17:13 PM): i said be Honest fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:17:16 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:17:19 PM): you Mom? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:17:22 PM): your Dad? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:17:24 PM): nooo malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:17:28 PM): where I come? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:17:32 PM): wihch number? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:17:40 PM): u r number 1 malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:17:55 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:18:00 PM): promise? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:18:02 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:18:09 PM): forever? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:18:15 PM): yes always malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:18:43 PM): thanka Rylee.... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:18:48 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:19:46 PM): what are you doing apart talking with me? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:19:55 PM): music is on fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:19:57 PM): thats it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:20:05 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:20:10 PM): what r u doing malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:20:43 PM): I am in bed, and talking with my gf fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:20:50 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:21:05 PM): its very cold here, let me off the AC fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:21:10 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:21:33 PM): done malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:21:49 PM): will u call me tomorrow to say hi? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:22:02 PM): i can try malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:22:13 PM): ohhh :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:22:22 PM): i thought u will call me daily fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:22:28 PM): ohh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:22:34 PM): im not sure i can everyday malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:22:35 PM): I will miss u.... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:22:37 PM): but i can try malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:22:48 PM): ohhhh sad :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:23:00 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:23:09 PM): that's fine malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:23:17 PM): i will manage, no issues malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:23:29 PM): if u can;t dont call me..... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:23:40 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:24:36 PM): tomorrow, I am going to take my own Apartment fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:24:45 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:25:03 PM): right now, I am living with my friends place as I am new to GA malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:25:18 PM): today, I will get the keys of my own Apt fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:25:31 PM): how exciting!! i didnt kno fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:25:34 PM): u happy malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:25:36 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:26:08 PM): by any how, can you come down to my place...? I have my own Apt living alone malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:26:15 PM): we can fun here fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:26:26 PM): how i get there malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:26:38 PM): idk, malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:26:53 PM): can u say that u r going to any friend place for one day? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:26:57 PM): u kno im not old enuff to drive fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:27:08 PM): when? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:27:21 PM): any day which is convenient for you malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:27:34 PM): then we will enjoy like anything malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:27:40 PM): no one would be here fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:27:50 PM): how i get there tho malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:28:02 PM): i can pick u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:28:16 PM): how long i be gone malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:28:31 PM): for 1 night fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:28:37 PM): ohhh idk malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:28:46 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:28:49 PM): leave it then fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:29:00 PM): my mom always talks to parents when i spend the nite at ppls house malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:29:17 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:29:25 PM): no problem, leave it then fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:29:34 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:29:58 PM): by any chancem i dont want that my gf will come in any problem fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:30:09 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:30:10 PM): u r the first one fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:30:18 PM): first what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:30:35 PM): u r my top most priority fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:30:43 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:31:03 PM): I wish from god u will always be safe all the time and love me forever............... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:31:17 PM): i hope im safe all the time to fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:31:24 PM): i will love u forever and ever malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:31:31 PM): so sweett fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:31:36 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:32:04 PM): hey have u locked your room door from inside? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:32:14 PM): is it locked? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:32:14 PM): no i dont have a lock fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:32:20 PM): why? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:32:28 PM): ohh if your mom come in your room then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:32:34 PM): she can see our talking malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:32:36 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:32:41 PM): it will not be good fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:32:51 PM): no my computer is so she cant see the screen malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:33:01 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:33:08 PM): but be careful about it fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:33:13 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:33:42 PM): did anyone ask u about your bf today? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:33:49 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:33:58 PM): nobody thinks i will have a bf i guess malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:34:04 PM): ohh y? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:34:08 PM): dont kno fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:34:21 PM): guys here dont like me like a gf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:34:31 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:34:48 PM): even i dont want that some like u as a gf b coz u r my gf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:35:02 PM): n dont make any one else.... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:35:05 PM): i dont want another bf fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:35:16 PM): ur the best bf i ever wanted malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:35:23 PM): \") malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:35:31 PM): so u can do anything for me? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:35:38 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:35:47 PM): i meant anything? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:35:53 PM): simple question malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:35:57 PM): can u? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:36:03 PM): what u want me to do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:36:15 PM): u tell me yes or no? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:36:26 PM): some things i wont do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:36:31 PM): like? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:36:32 PM): what u want?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:36:40 PM): what u can't do? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:36:47 PM): kill myself fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:36:49 PM): or other ppl malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:36:53 PM): ohh shit malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:36:58 PM): what u think about me? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:37:08 PM): will i tell u like this? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:37:11 PM): noooo malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:37:22 PM): i can never think of it in my life malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:37:33 PM): ohh shit malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:37:39 PM): :(( u hurt me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:37:46 PM): didnt meen to! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:38:05 PM): just hard to say yes or no to something i dont kno ur gonna ask fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:38:21 PM): rite? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:38:57 PM): I think u yet dont believe me or trust me. You think I can ask u something wrong or whatever...u don't trust me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:39:01 PM): I am not a ghost malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:39:06 PM): I am your boy friend malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:39:19 PM): who loves u on top of the world fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:39:23 PM): you malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:39:36 PM): yeh, what you? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:39:44 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:39:44 PM): I love u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:39:50 PM): i love u to malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:40:10 PM): i said that I can do anything for you for my girl friend fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:40:25 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:40:27 PM): and ask u the same question that can u also do anything for me? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:40:36 PM): what is this...? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:40:39 PM): what u want me to do??? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:40:45 PM): tell me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:40:50 PM): can u do ? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:41:08 PM): ur scaring me again why wont u tell me what it is malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:41:18 PM): dont be so possessive malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:41:26 PM): i will not ask u do something wronf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:41:28 PM): worng** malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:41:31 PM): wrong** fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:41:33 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:41:42 PM): tell me, will u do it ? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:41:45 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:41:57 PM): that I want to hear, that;s it... malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:42:07 PM): i am glad now malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:42:12 PM): that;s it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:42:20 PM): i am not telling u to do anything fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:42:24 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:42:25 PM): just asking u naughty malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:42:46 PM): u r so so so...........stupid fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:42:51 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:42:51 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:42:56 PM): i dont try to be fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:45:13 PM): u here? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:45:21 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:45:31 PM): just waiting for you to talk with me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:45:34 PM): oh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:45:42 PM): i was waiting for u lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:46:08 PM): yeh, infact I wanted that u will talk to me more than I can malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:46:16 PM): do u like Mr Beans? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:46:23 PM): whos that malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:46:32 PM): Comedy Cartoon fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:46:40 PM): i dont watch it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:46:45 PM): ok, Tom n Jerry? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:46:53 PM): lol ya there cute fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:46:59 PM): i dont watch it but i seen it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:47:05 PM): i like watching that cartoon fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:47:11 PM): cute malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:47:14 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:47:57 PM): u watchig it now malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:48:01 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:48:03 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:48:08 PM): I am just imagine u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:48:15 PM): imagine me? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:48:29 PM): I mean thinking of u and talking to u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:48:35 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:49:13 PM): after sometime u will sleep and then I will miss u, i dont know u will miss me or not....but I do. Infact I dream of u..... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:49:32 PM): wow thats so cool! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:49:36 PM): i do miss u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:49:43 PM): how come u dont belive me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:49:54 PM): hmmmm :) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:49:59 PM): i believe u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:50:02 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:50:18 PM): i was just telling u that after sometime we will seperate malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:50:26 PM): like u will sleep and i will be alone then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:50:39 PM): just will think about u through out the night fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:50:45 PM): i dont like being alone either malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:50:58 PM): so whom u want to be with u? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:51:08 PM): YOU silly malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:51:17 PM): ohhh :\"> fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:51:51 PM): at nite its the hardest to be alone malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:51:58 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:52:22 PM): infact, I was thinking that we would be sleeping together, U are in my arms malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:52:37 PM): both of us sleeping in eachother arms fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:52:44 PM): aww that sounds nice malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:52:50 PM): have your leg and thighs on me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:52:54 PM): and mine on yours malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:53:05 PM): we are very close together malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:53:36 PM): and u kiss me while sleeping and taking care of me, and i do reoloving my fingers in your hairs fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:53:52 PM): oh wow that sound good malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:53:53 PM): its very cool and romantic fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:53:59 PM): sounds like it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:54:05 PM): dont u wanna like this sometime? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:54:11 PM): dont u think od this? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:54:23 PM): i never did that with anybody fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:54:28 PM): only seen it in movies fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:54:31 PM): or in books malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:54:39 PM): do u like it to do with me? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:54:50 PM): yep it will be fun malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:55:13 PM): not exactly a fun but love and romance fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:55:19 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:55:29 PM): it is not joke what we are doing malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:55:34 PM): we love eachother malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:55:40 PM): ans true love malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:55:44 PM): and** fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:55:47 PM): im not joking malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:55:55 PM): I know Rylee fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:55:58 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:56:12 PM): I know u also miss me and love me like anything fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:56:17 PM): good malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:56:25 PM): u like that? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:56:28 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:56:39 PM): ok, we can do onething now malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:56:56 PM): u go and get ready for sleep..... malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:57:05 PM): I will go n get my dinner malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:57:15 PM): we will be back in 15 mins malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:57:19 PM): ok? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:57:21 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:57:27 PM): alright then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 9:57:39 PM): 15 mins.....c u then....:-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:57:42 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/15/09 9:57:48 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:14:33 PM): im back malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:20:23 PM): ohh sorry i got late fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:20:31 PM): its ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:20:42 PM): i am eating dinner malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:20:58 PM): u want to have one bite from me....? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:21:14 PM): i just brushed my teeth :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:21:16 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:21:19 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:21:41 PM): or r u ready to sleep? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:21:51 PM): not yet malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:21:57 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:22:05 PM): talking to u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:22:10 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:22:22 PM): give me 5 mins fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:22:29 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:22:31 PM): let me finish dinner malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:22:59 PM): till the time u can speak to other friendas fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:23:07 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:33:31 PM): back fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:33:37 PM): wb malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:33:42 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:33:49 PM): was it yummy malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:33:50 PM): what was doing? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:33:59 PM): not really, but good to eat fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:34:05 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:34:33 PM): what was u doing since I am having dinner? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:34:58 PM): reading about kanye west and taylor swift malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:35:05 PM): any pic that u wanna share with me? Ok, show me your family members malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:35:06 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:35:08 PM): he apologized to her today i think malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:35:13 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:35:21 PM): he was so mean to her malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:35:22 PM): so didn;t u chat with some1 else? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:35:23 PM): so sad fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:35:25 PM): ya fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:35:27 PM): heidi malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:35:35 PM): who is Heidi? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:35:39 PM): my friend malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:35:47 PM): girl or boy? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:35:50 PM): girl malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:36:00 PM): what was the chat? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:36:08 PM): is she also has the bf? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:36:15 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:36:19 PM): ohh great malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:36:23 PM): what's her age? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:36:27 PM): 14 malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:36:35 PM): she had sex with him? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:36:41 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:36:47 PM): she is liked that? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:36:52 PM): is she? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:36:54 PM): i think so malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:37:02 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:37:46 PM): is she told you about anything about sex or something? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:37:53 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:38:18 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:38:27 PM): r u in pjs? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:38:30 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:38:36 PM): u? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:04 PM): B-) I am in my underwear and nothing fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:39:10 PM): lol oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:11 PM): inside the bed fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:39:16 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:20 PM): under blanket malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:22 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:31 PM): dick is getting erect fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:39:31 PM): wish i had a laptop so i can sit in bed malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:38 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:45 PM): do u want it? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:39:52 PM): i can gift u that fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:39:56 PM): ya i want a laptop fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:40:01 PM): u will get me one??????? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:40:04 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:40:09 PM): omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:40:13 PM): i will die!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:40:14 PM): y not malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:40:17 PM): nooooooo fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:40:19 PM): how awesome!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:40:27 PM): u r my gf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:40:39 PM): everything of mine is yours fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:40:41 PM): wow i can never give u cool gifts like that fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:40:48 PM): u must be rich malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:41:00 PM): that is fine, I just need your true love and care fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:41:09 PM): ok thats easy malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:41:31 PM): did u told Heidi about me? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:41:37 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:41:41 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:41:54 PM): did u tell anyone about me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:42:00 PM): noooooooooooooo fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:42:05 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:42:20 PM): y should I? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:42:26 PM): i will not tell to anyone malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:42:40 PM): i dont wanna tell that I hve gf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:42:56 PM): some of the girls are working with me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:43:06 PM): i dont wanna disclose it fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:43:12 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:43:26 PM): I dont want to tell anyone that u r my girl friend fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:43:35 PM): the girls at work? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:43:36 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:43:40 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:43:42 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:43:47 PM): they are in my office malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:44:01 PM): y what happened...? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:44:04 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:44:11 PM): r u jealus? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:44:16 PM): kinda malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:44:23 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:44:25 PM): they get to see u all the time malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:44:39 PM): u r so cute malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:44:44 PM): dont worry malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:44:47 PM): I am only urs malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:44:56 PM): Mac - Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:45:00 PM): Rylee - Mac malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:45:01 PM): RM malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:45:03 PM): MR fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:45:06 PM): hehe fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:45:08 PM): cute malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:45:15 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:45:32 PM): hey u also dont speak much with guys in school malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:45:40 PM): I am also a bit jealus fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:45:50 PM): of guys at school??? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:45:52 PM): omg why fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:45:56 PM): they r really lame malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:46:23 PM): I dont know but whatever, I am jealus with everyone guy who see u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:46:27 PM): or talk to u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:46:34 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:46:40 PM): >:) malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:46:43 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:46:58 PM): will u talk to them/? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:47:12 PM): i talk to them about games and stuff sometimes fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:49:18 PM): u still here malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:50:04 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:50:16 PM): u ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:50:26 PM): yeh, I am ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:50:29 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:50:44 PM): ok, speak to them as u wish malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:51:04 PM): r u tired now? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:51:09 PM): kinda malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:51:15 PM): wanna sleep? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:51:20 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:51:22 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:51:27 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:51:31 PM): i like talking malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:51:44 PM): talking with me or ....? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:51:48 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:52:32 PM): so .... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:52:41 PM): so what? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:52:47 PM): I m waiting for you to say something fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:52:50 PM): oh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:52:54 PM): something :D malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:53:08 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:53:24 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:53:39 PM): show me something fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:53:43 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:53:49 PM): share me something fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:53:52 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:53:56 PM): anything malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:54:02 PM): now we r bf-gf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:54:10 PM): and love eachother very much fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:54:17 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:54:20 PM): what u wanna kno malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:54:30 PM): anything u wanna share or show fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:54:55 PM): thinking..... malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:54:59 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:55:27 PM): my favorite color is blue fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:55:36 PM): i like playing baseball malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:55:42 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:55:56 PM): hmm malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:56:01 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:56:12 PM): im reading angels and demons malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:56:18 PM): my color is also blue fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:56:18 PM): its really good so far fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:56:22 PM): aww cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:56:38 PM): i play a lot of games like basket ball,tennis, soccer fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:56:43 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:56:53 PM): what u like to wear? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:56:57 PM): jeans fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:00 PM): shorts fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:03 PM): shirts malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:57:04 PM): your waist? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:08 PM): belts? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:19 PM): not really fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:23 PM): sometimes i gues malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:57:27 PM): what is your waist size? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:30 PM): oh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:34 PM): not sure?? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:57:43 PM): i wear size 10 malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:57:52 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:58:43 PM): my B'Day is on Nov 04th fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:58:52 PM): mines august 28 malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:59:00 PM): yeh, I missed that malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:59:09 PM): will u be with me on my B'Day? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:59:19 PM): that will be fun!!!!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:59:22 PM): have cake fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:59:27 PM): u having a party? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:59:44 PM): u r my gf and u have to be with me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:59:52 PM): otherwise, i will not celebrate it fizzlybearz (09/15/09 10:59:55 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 10:59:56 PM): only u and me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:00:00 PM): me and u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:00:04 PM): yay fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:00:10 PM): it will be fun birthday malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:00:26 PM): it depends on u how u make it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:00:38 PM): b coz that would be of your bf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:00:59 PM): Rylee's Boy Friends B'Day fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:01:03 PM): lol yep malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:01:41 PM): Rylee which color breast nipples you have..? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:01:47 PM): pink? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:01:48 PM): normal color? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:01:53 PM): or brown? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:02:01 PM): more pink i guess fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:02:06 PM): is that bad or good? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:02:11 PM): i like that fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:02:25 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:02:30 PM): i wanna suck them malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:02:39 PM): rolling my tongue on them fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:02:44 PM): oh wow malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:02:48 PM): kissing n sucking fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:02:53 PM): cool ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:03:03 PM): what will u do then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:03:15 PM): what am i supose to do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:03:32 PM): u can enjoy it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:03:48 PM): and can kiss me or hold my dick or anything fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:03:55 PM): oh ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:04:07 PM): what will u prefer? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:04:18 PM): what do u want me to do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:04:35 PM): if i say suck my dick then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:04:47 PM): i never did b4 fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:04:51 PM): but i can try if u want malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:04:58 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:05:01 PM): what fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:05:08 PM): i just dont kno how malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:05:22 PM): kiss it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:05:29 PM): roll your tongue on it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:05:36 PM): take it in and out malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:05:41 PM): something like that fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:05:44 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:06:16 PM): n I will press your breast and roll my fingers on your nipples fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:06:23 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:06:36 PM): tell me something malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:06:43 PM): something romantic malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:06:49 PM): u wanna do with me!!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:07:06 PM): everything u talked about sounds romatntic to me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:07:13 PM): we can do that stuff malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:07:18 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:07:40 PM): how u take shower? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:07:45 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:08:03 PM): i meant u go to the bathroom and then remove your cloths malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:08:08 PM): and then...? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:08:12 PM): take a shower malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:08:28 PM): inside the tub under water? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:08:45 PM): a shower is when the water comes down fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:08:52 PM): in a tub under water is a bath malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:08:52 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:09:02 PM): ohhh how stupid I am malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:09:09 PM): well i know that fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:09:12 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:09:22 PM): u locked the door from insider while bathing? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:09:30 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:09:34 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:09:37 PM): why malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:09:41 PM): if some1 will come then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:09:46 PM): nobody comes in malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:09:52 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:10:01 PM): if I would be? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:10:03 PM): then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:10:07 PM): what u mean fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:10:17 PM): u lock the door when utake a shower? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:10:21 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:10:27 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:10:55 PM): we will take a shower together malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:11:03 PM): i will wet u and u me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:11:10 PM): oh wow that will be totally fun malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:11:10 PM): will kiss under water malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:11:33 PM): will also fuck eachother while bathing fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:11:41 PM): u can do that?? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:11:46 PM): i didnt kno malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:11:48 PM): u want that? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:11:53 PM): didnt kno of it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:12:04 PM): we can enjoy each and everything fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:12:14 PM): wow didnt kno theres so much malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:12:24 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:12:41 PM): do u watch some adult sexy movies? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:12:50 PM): or had watch some 1 b4? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:12:52 PM): i seen rated r ones b4 malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:13:09 PM): do u like those romantic seens? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:13:16 PM): ya there cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:13:24 PM): did u feel it? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:13:28 PM): feel what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:13:47 PM): some feeling while watching fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:13:59 PM): imbarressed? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:14:09 PM): sometimes malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:14:15 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:14:59 PM): what time your parent will go out 2morrow? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:15:12 PM): they will leave probly 6:30 malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:15:16 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:15:38 PM): what will u do, when I come there fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:15:44 PM): wait ur coming? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:15:58 PM): should I not come? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:16:03 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:16:12 PM): omg that will be so awesome if u will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:16:15 PM): i didnt kno u r fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:16:21 PM): im sooooo excited!!!!!!!!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:16:29 PM): i wanna cry!!! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:16:35 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:16:38 PM): me too malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:16:52 PM): r u happy now? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:16:55 PM): wow u didnt tell me u r gonna come!!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:17:05 PM): i was going to ask if i can go to heidis so i wont be alone fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:17:14 PM): this is so much better malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:17:27 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:17:34 PM): then where will we meet? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:18:10 PM): hmm where u want? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:18:29 PM): we can go to some hotel? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:18:35 PM): will take a room fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:18:41 PM): oh wow ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:18:44 PM): and will enjoy malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:19:02 PM): but if your parents will call Heidis home to check u then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:19:26 PM): wow maybe she can lie? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:19:36 PM): i will have to ask her malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:19:47 PM): but what will u tell her? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:20:04 PM): will u tell her that u have the date with your bf? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:20:14 PM): lol she will think thats cool malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:20:20 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:20:33 PM): what time u coming fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:20:41 PM): 6:30 when they leave? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:20:45 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:21:04 PM): what's your address? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:21:12 PM): xxxxx fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:21:27 PM): whats ur cell malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:21:52 PM): it is 609-578-7065, but not working now fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:22:00 PM): why not malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:22:13 PM): some problem with my handset malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:22:27 PM): i have to check it tomorrow with them fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:22:31 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:22:43 PM): what's your contact number? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:22:50 PM): how i call u then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:22:57 PM): i will let u know fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:22:59 PM): if they dont leave malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:23:06 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:23:18 PM): what if they leave at 6:45 ???? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:23:22 PM): omggggg fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:23:29 PM): i dont want them to see u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:23:34 PM): ok, I will call u at 07:30 fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:23:41 PM): nooo they will see caller id malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:23:41 PM): will it be fine? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:23:55 PM): i will call from public phone fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:24:05 PM): then i will get 5 million questions malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:24:18 PM): ok, I will block the number when calling malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:24:26 PM): it will not display malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:24:40 PM): for sure!!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:24:41 PM): if they start asking me questions of it fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:24:46 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:24:50 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:24:53 PM): they will fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:24:56 PM): i promise u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:25:04 PM): I will call u at 07:30 and block the number fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:25:05 PM): my mom always checks fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:25:14 PM): bcuz she uses it for work malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:25:17 PM): the number will not display malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:25:29 PM): it will not come on Caller ID fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:25:32 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:25:40 PM): ill call ur cell malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:26:12 PM): but, I am not sure that my cell will work at what time malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:26:20 PM): I have to check with AT&T fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:26:33 PM): then guess idk what to do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:26:39 PM): ohhhh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:26:49 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:26:59 PM): any other idea? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:27:04 PM): heidi has cell? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:27:24 PM): shes grounded from it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:27:29 PM): ohh shit fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:27:32 PM): i kno malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:27:59 PM): u tell me something then fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:28:03 PM): something malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:28:06 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:28:08 PM): what we can do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:28:21 PM): should I come to your home then? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:28:26 PM): maybe just come at 7then bcuz the revival starts at 7 fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:28:30 PM): they gotta be there then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:28:39 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:28:49 PM): what car u drive so i look for u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:29:00 PM): Toyota Corolla fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:29:06 PM): what is that fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:29:09 PM): small big fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:29:13 PM): truck fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:29:14 PM): car malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:29:16 PM): Luxury fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:29:21 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:29:23 PM): not truck malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:29:34 PM): 4 gates long one malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:29:40 PM): red color fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:29:43 PM): pretty malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:29:51 PM): not like u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:29:58 PM): not so good fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:30:01 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:30:15 PM): ok then what will u wear tomorrow for me? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:30:21 PM): i wanna be cute fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:30:24 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:30:25 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:30:29 PM): u should be fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:30:40 PM): i will have to figure it out malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:31:10 PM): what will u do when I come? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:31:18 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:31:36 PM): when I enter home then will u kiss me or what...? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:31:46 PM): well probly say hi fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:31:50 PM): then hug u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:31:55 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:32:02 PM): after then..? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:32:09 PM): what u want? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:32:18 PM): no u tell me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:32:28 PM): I am coming to u not u r coming malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:32:32 PM): thats ur home malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:32:36 PM): u r the princess fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:32:40 PM): awww malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:32:46 PM): tell me then fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:32:48 PM): hmm whats a princess do then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:33:06 PM): idk I am very innocent....;) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:33:09 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:33:11 PM): u tell me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:33:14 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:33:17 PM): whatever u want fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:33:29 PM): never had a bf b4 fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:33:33 PM): u gotta say malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:33:54 PM): if i say to naked malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:34:01 PM): and remove all your cloths then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:34:04 PM): will u shy? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:34:08 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:34:14 PM): no im not super shy malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:34:24 PM): then what will u do? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:34:31 PM): what u say to do malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:34:50 PM): smooch me and remove the cloths fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:34:59 PM): hehe k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:35:05 PM): willl u? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:35:12 PM): u want me to? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:35:15 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:35:17 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:35:31 PM): where will we do this? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:35:34 PM): in your room? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:35:43 PM): u want to? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:35:48 PM): where? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:35:51 PM): i better clean it then malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:36:11 PM): do u have a pic of your room which u can show me now? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:36:18 PM): dont think so fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:36:30 PM): mostly messy malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:36:35 PM): can i see? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:36:41 PM): my messy room?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:36:43 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:36:48 PM): lol if u want fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:36:53 PM): dont u want me to clean it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:36:54 PM): yeh show me now fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:36:57 PM): how malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:37:02 PM): any pic? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:37:04 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:37:07 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:37:13 PM): ur funny malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:37:19 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:37:33 PM): what;s your complete address? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:37:39 PM): i gave it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:37:40 PM): let me note it down malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:37:48 PM): it was not complete fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:37:53 PM): ???? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:38:01 PM): xxxxx malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:38:14 PM): is that all? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:38:17 PM): city? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:38:20 PM): zip code? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:38:24 PM): oh thot u knew it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:38:30 PM): xxxx fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:38:34 PM): xxxxx malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:38:37 PM): Leesburg** malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:38:42 PM): just a sec fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:40:14 PM): omg its lateeee malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:40:34 PM): u have a flag outside your home? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:40:40 PM): yep how u kno???? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:40:51 PM): woooo fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:40:53 PM): weird malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:40:56 PM): I just saw it on net fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:41:01 PM): my house?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:41:03 PM): malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:41:05 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:41:08 PM): oh wow malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:41:11 PM): it is on Road malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:41:20 PM): Very close to the road malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:41:29 PM): it is a big house malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:41:41 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:41:45 PM): ok what malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:41:53 PM): go to sleep now fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:41:58 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:42:03 PM): it is 11:40 fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:42:04 PM): u going to sleep to? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:42:12 PM): should i go too? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:42:17 PM): u sleepy? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:42:29 PM): u tell me, i will do whatever u say fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:42:33 PM): LOL fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:42:37 PM): u silly bf malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:42:38 PM): not lol malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:42:48 PM): u r my queen fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:42:57 PM): wow i was princess now queen!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:43:03 PM): ha ha ha fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:05 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:43:08 PM): u r my everything fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:09 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:15 PM): do i get my presents?? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:21 PM): :D :D malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:43:28 PM): hmmm hopefully yes.... malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:43:30 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:30 PM): pleaseeeee fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:34 PM): hopefully? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:43:43 PM): just teasing u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:48 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:43:49 PM): yeh sure, its all yours fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:54 PM): yay!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:43:59 PM): cant wait to see u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:44:43 PM): well, I am not sure about 100%. I have to ask from the office and will take the leave fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:44:51 PM): oh :( malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:45:02 PM): 99% I will be at you malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:45:14 PM): but i have to let my office people know malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:45:27 PM): u dont worry malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:45:34 PM): i will try my best fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:45:37 PM): tell them u got swine flu !!! fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:45:41 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:45:49 PM): jk malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:45:54 PM): ohhhhhh u want me to have swine flu? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:45:58 PM): noooo fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:46:06 PM): just tell them so u dont have to go in fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:46:09 PM): just a joke malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:46:15 PM): ok, I will talk to them malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:46:24 PM): u have my office number, right? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:46:27 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:46:32 PM): call me on that malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:46:40 PM): tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:46:52 PM): that number is of my desk malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:47:23 PM): but the voice mail is not setup for me, it is for some1 called Raj Bolshetty malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:47:39 PM): so dont leave the voice mail, I can't access it malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:47:51 PM): when will u call ? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:48:07 PM): guess depends when i can malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:48:10 PM): where u went? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:48:18 PM): here just reading what u typed malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:48:20 PM): will u call me after 4? fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:48:36 PM): thot u r coming tho?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:48:50 PM): yeh, I will be there malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:49:00 PM): but in case any emergency u can call me fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:49:09 PM): how long will it take to drive here?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:49:16 PM): 3 hrs fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:49:36 PM): so wht time u leaving to come here?? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:49:57 PM): i will try to reach there by 7-8 malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:50:17 PM): but not 100% sure, depends on tomorrow off fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:50:30 PM): k guess i just gotta wait? malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:50:31 PM): that's y call me tomorrow fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:50:34 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:50:38 PM): love u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:50:41 PM): love u back malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:50:50 PM): ok, now sleep well fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:50:54 PM): i will malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:50:56 PM): have a sweet dreams fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:50:58 PM): u to malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:51:01 PM): n miss me malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:51:02 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:51:06 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:51:08 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:51:11 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:51:21 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:51:25 PM): :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:51:31 PM): WOWWWW malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:51:33 PM): good night fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:51:39 PM): ty ty ty fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:51:53 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:52:04 PM): ba me then and prepare to meet me... fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:52:18 PM): im so excited hope i can sleep malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:52:20 PM): will 100% try and desperate to meet u fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:52:29 PM): i hope soo!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:52:33 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:52:43 PM): but finally I came to know tomorrow fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:52:47 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:52:53 PM): b coz it is a sudden off from office fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:52:59 PM): oh ya malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:52:59 PM): let's see fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:53:03 PM): hope so fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:53:06 PM): be so cool fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:53:07 PM): and fun malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:53:11 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:53:24 PM): i will cross my fingers and toes 4 u malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:53:33 PM): :-* thanks fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:53:37 PM): yw fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:53:41 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/15/09 11:53:42 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:53:47 PM): nite rylee malhotra.mohit (09/15/09 11:53:51 PM): :-h fizzlybearz (09/16/09 5:56:09 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/16/09 5:56:17 PM): so sad u r not coming fizzlybearz (09/16/09 5:56:24 PM): hope u feel better tho malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:06:58 PM): HI Rylee....I am so sad and crying since morning....:((.......My boss haven;t gave me an off today as it was very important of me to be present in the office because of some technical issues. He told me that if I off today then he will fire me off from the office. I just came from the office now at 9. I am very tired and my eyes r red now....I was making alot of plan for us but my boss has ruined all of those.....:( malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:07:03 PM): fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:07:46 PM): awwwww fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:07:48 PM): dont cry malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:07:53 PM): :(( malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:08:10 PM): :((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:(( fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:08:13 PM): awww malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:08:18 PM): I am really very very crying malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:08:30 PM): i never lied u and not lieing u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:08:33 PM): im sorry ur boss is so mean malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:08:36 PM): I am crying since morning malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:08:39 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:08:53 PM): guess u have to work and work and work malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:08:53 PM): but u r also mean fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:09:01 PM): im mean?? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:09:05 PM): u broke my heart as well malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:09:08 PM): =(( fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:09:09 PM): how?? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:09:50 PM): u just called once and disconnected...and never called me back....I was waiting for your call that u will call me again but u haven't malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:10:02 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:10:08 PM): i didnt say i was calling back today?? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:10:20 PM): but i was expecting ur call fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:10:23 PM): why?// fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:10:29 PM): i didnt say i was calling again malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:10:49 PM): Infact i expect ur call everytime my phone rings fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:10:54 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:11:34 PM): u have no emotions, infact sometime i felt u dont wanted to meet.... malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:11:50 PM): that's y u haven't called me and talk with me..... malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:12:14 PM): i just came back from the work now at 9 malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:12:20 PM): u dont care of me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:12:24 PM): u dont love me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:12:31 PM): i am very disappointed fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:12:32 PM): what r u talking about?? why all of this??? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:12:46 PM): i dont know but i m frustrated now malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:12:50 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:13:04 PM): gosh just bcuz ur boss is mean to u doesnt meen u need to be mean to me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:13:29 PM): i am not, infact i am disappointed from your presence in my life malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:13:42 PM): u dont care or missed me at all fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:13:47 PM): omg fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:13:50 PM): what is going on malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:13:53 PM): if u do so then u could called me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:14:00 PM): u know y? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:14:23 PM): b coz i love u alot and u ...... malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:14:30 PM): anyways leave it fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:14:40 PM): leave it????? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:14:47 PM): nothing fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:14:50 PM): u tell me all these mean thing and i leave it?????? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:14:51 PM): OMG malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:14:53 PM): my all plans r ruined malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:15:07 PM): leave all my stupid way to talk malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:15:14 PM): leave whatever i said to u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:15:22 PM): everything? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:15:27 PM): u didnt really love me?? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:15:34 PM): u dont really care about me???? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:15:39 PM): u lied to me???? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:15:40 PM): i dont wanna disappointed u b coz i love u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:15:46 PM): heyyyyyyy malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:15:50 PM): what i said is fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:15:53 PM): what is happening????? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:15:59 PM): i dont understand this malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:01 PM): leave all the things which i told u just now malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:14 PM): which is like u haven;t called me back malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:18 PM): like that malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:27 PM): understand? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:16:27 PM): i didnt say i was going to call u back fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:16:32 PM): u cant be mad at me for that malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:37 PM): yeh rylee malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:41 PM): i am not mad at u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:46 PM): that what i am telling u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:50 PM): but i missed u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:16:53 PM): and ur phone malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:17:23 PM): i am not at all mad at u....i love u and that what i am telling u how i missed u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:17:44 PM): my heart hurts malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:17:46 PM): do u understand now? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:17:49 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:17:54 PM): no i dont understand malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:17:59 PM): did i hurt u? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:18:11 PM): sorry, if i do so :( malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:18:35 PM): come on, give me a sweet hug.... malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:18:36 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:18:44 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:19:12 PM): :-S malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:19:27 PM): so what r u doing now? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:19:39 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:19:45 PM): r u alone now? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:19:53 PM): alone in home? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:19:57 PM): did u missed me? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:20:06 PM): i did miss u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:20:11 PM): im making cupcakes malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:20:22 PM): for me? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:20:25 PM): ur not here malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:20:36 PM): hmmmm malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:20:42 PM): r u alone at home now? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:20:45 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:21:06 PM): have u checked the home doors properly????I mean r they locked? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:21:17 PM): i guess so malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:21:21 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:21:27 PM): did u cleaned the room ? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:21:38 PM): no u said ur not coming why bother malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:21:46 PM): ohhh....:( malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:22:00 PM): but if i would said u that yeh i am coming then ? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:22:04 PM): i gotta check my cupcakes brb malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:22:08 PM): what u would do? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:22:11 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:24:25 PM): i m not feeling better malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:24:32 PM): just very sad malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:24:49 PM): did u planned anything that what would u do, if i come there? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:25:28 PM): r u there? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:41:40 PM): back malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:42:07 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:42:34 PM): i hope u dont really have the swine flue fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:42:41 PM): it kills some ppl malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:42:46 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:44:59 PM): hows the cake? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:45:11 PM): its good fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:45:17 PM): hot still malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:45:22 PM): where is my part? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:45:26 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:45:38 PM): it is not LOL malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:45:46 PM): dont u wanna give my part? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:45:52 PM): u r so mean malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:45:55 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:46:11 PM): well it mite get all dried up waiting for u lol fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:46:15 PM): ihave to eat it for u k fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:46:16 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:46:23 PM): ok u can eat for me fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:46:28 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:46:32 PM): u r the only one who can take my part malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:46:35 PM): no one ealse fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:46:37 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:46:38 PM): else** malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:50:45 PM): so u wanna say something or still busy in eating yummy cakes???? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:50:57 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:51:01 PM): what u wanna talk about malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:51:07 PM): that's not fair fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:51:10 PM): what isnt malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:51:24 PM): :\"> just teasing u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:51:31 PM): pulling ur legs fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:51:33 PM): lol ur silly malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:51:38 PM): sometime yeh malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:51:46 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:51:50 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:51:57 PM): r u done with the food? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:52:02 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:52:03 PM): i meant with cake fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:52:22 PM): yep done malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:52:33 PM): let me taste your lips then? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:52:37 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:52:39 PM): lol fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:52:43 PM): ur funny malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:52:58 PM): dont u wanna taste me your lips? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:53:11 PM): well ur 3hours away... so kinda hard to malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:53:23 PM): he he malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:53:27 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:53:32 PM): :P malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:53:42 PM): i can come now fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:53:48 PM): come where malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:53:55 PM): your place fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:54:03 PM): lol stop joking malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:54:10 PM): i can not joking malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:54:19 PM): I can be there in just 2 hrs malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:54:33 PM): when ur parents will come? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:54:42 PM): probly midnite malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:54:45 PM): 12? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:54:48 PM): ya fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:54:50 PM): around it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:54:55 PM): ohhh shit fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:54:59 PM): i kno fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:55:04 PM): so not gonna work malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:55:43 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:56:23 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:56:51 PM): ok can we do something sexy? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:57:03 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:57:08 PM): some romance now?/ fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:57:14 PM): how? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:57:17 PM): r u door locked? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:57:25 PM): LOL no malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:57:30 PM): lock it then fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:57:31 PM): i dont have a lock fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:57:38 PM): why i need to lock it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:57:39 PM): i mean your home door fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:57:43 PM): oh why malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:58:02 PM): so that no one come inside to see what we r doing fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:58:11 PM): haha ur funny fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:58:15 PM): nobody can see u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:58:16 PM): nooooooo fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:58:18 PM): ur not here malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:58:21 PM): i meant u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:58:34 PM): ur main house door is locked? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:58:37 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:58:48 PM): ok, so u wanna enjoy a bit? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:58:53 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:58:58 PM): tell me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:59:05 PM): u wanna do a bit romance? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:59:08 PM): how? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:59:14 PM): i will tell u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:59:21 PM): but u wanna it or not? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 9:59:36 PM): idk how to do romance on a computer malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:59:43 PM): hey i will tell u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 9:59:55 PM): just do whatever i say n then u will feel something malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:00:04 PM): shall we get start? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:00:06 PM): what do u want me to do malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:00:15 PM): i will tell u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:00:19 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:00:19 PM): r u ready? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:00:21 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:00:40 PM): do all the things whatever i say and feel it immensely malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:00:42 PM): ok? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:00:47 PM): promise? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:00:57 PM): idk what ur gonna tell me to do malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:01:04 PM): just trust me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:01:08 PM): u will feel it fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:01:13 PM): then tell me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:01:22 PM): you love me right? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:01:25 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:01:33 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:01:50 PM): do u have soft light in your home? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:01:58 PM): whats a soft light malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:02:20 PM): i mean do u have candle? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:02:23 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:02:38 PM): ok then start some romantic or soft music malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:02:45 PM): and switch off your room light fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:02:55 PM): hm idk if i have romantic music malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:03:02 PM): whatever malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:03:06 PM): it should be soft malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:03:11 PM): that u like the most fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:03:21 PM): hmm i will have to go look at my parents cds maybe then malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:03:26 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:03:28 PM): whats good malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:03:29 PM): go malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:03:33 PM): i am waiting malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:03:51 PM): we will feel it, and enjoy a bit fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:03:53 PM): how can i tell if its romantic malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:04:09 PM): i mean anything which u like not pop or rock or jazz malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:04:13 PM): something slow and soft fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:04:17 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:04:23 PM): make sense? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:04:30 PM): i think so malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:04:34 PM): go and play it now fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:06:27 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:06:50 PM): have u played it? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:06:54 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:06:58 PM): light off? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:07:02 PM): oh i forgot malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:07:08 PM): u silly malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:07:15 PM): go and off it now fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:07:21 PM): its off malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:07:32 PM): ok what r u wearing now tell me fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:07:39 PM): jeans and shirt malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:07:49 PM): do u have buttons in shirt? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:07:53 PM): nope malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:02 PM): is it a t-shirt? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:08:05 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:08 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:19 PM): open my pic fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:08:25 PM): what pic malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:28 PM): whichever u like the most malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:32 PM): my photo fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:08:38 PM): where malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:46 PM): on computer malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:50 PM): i sent u on net malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:08:52 PM): u forgot? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:08:58 PM): oh i didnt save it fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:09:08 PM): did u save mine malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:09 PM): ok I sent it to u again malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:17 PM): yeh I have it yours malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:23 PM): i always see that fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:09:23 PM): oh cool fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:09:27 PM): oh wow malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:30 PM): morning and night malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:33 PM): then i sleep fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:09:37 PM): where is it at fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:09:45 PM): at ur office to?? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:46 PM): my laptop malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:51 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:09:54 PM): how do u know? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:09:57 PM): oh wow fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:10:05 PM): just guessing cuz u said morning and nite malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:10:05 PM): I have office laptop malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:10:16 PM): u r so naughty malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:10:19 PM): just a sec malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:10:21 PM): i send u mine fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:11:10 PM): ok i see u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:11:47 PM): remove your shirt now fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:11:56 PM): what??? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:01 PM): i said malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:02 PM): i said malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:05 PM): remove your shirt now fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:12:16 PM): ur kidding fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:12:17 PM): rite malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:22 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:23 PM): i am not malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:28 PM): i will tell u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:32 PM): just see my pic malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:35 PM): and remove it fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:12:42 PM): i dont really want to fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:12:45 PM): this feels weird malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:12:58 PM): do that for me, suppose I am infront of u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:13:13 PM): i dont really like this malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:13:27 PM): dont u wanna take some feeling? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:13:34 PM): some sexy feeling malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:13:37 PM): u will like it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:13:40 PM): i tell u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:13:49 PM): remove your shirt now fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:13:55 PM): i dont want to malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:14:09 PM): it means u dont want to go ahead malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:14:15 PM): n dont wanna enjoy it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:14:18 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:14:22 PM): i dont understand malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:14:37 PM): just do whatever i say n u will enjoy it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:14:39 PM): i promise fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:14:50 PM): why i need my shirt off tho malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:15:02 PM): we r doing sex now malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:15:09 PM): i will tell u after then malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:15:15 PM): open your shirt fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:15:24 PM): sex now? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:15:27 PM): on a comupter? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:15:39 PM): i said open your shirt, u r my gf malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:15:43 PM): open it for me fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:15:54 PM): i dont really like this fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:16:10 PM): on the computer is weird malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:16:32 PM): dont think u r on computer fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:16:37 PM): but i am malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:16:42 PM): imagine that I am there malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:16:46 PM): see my pic fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:16:51 PM): i dont wanna pretend sex malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:16:53 PM): and remove it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:17:20 PM): i said remove it, malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:17:32 PM): if u love me and wanna enjoy remove it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:17:42 PM): i also removed my trunk malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:17:58 PM): i am just thinking about u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:18:12 PM): i dont understand malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:18:27 PM): Rylee, i said remove your shirt now malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:18:33 PM): will u or not? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:18:48 PM): i dont feel very good about it on the computer fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:18:56 PM): it feels not special and weird malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:10 PM): do it for me. And then unhook your bra malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:17 PM): n remove it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:23 PM): i tell u what to do malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:27 PM): u will enjoy malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:36 PM): do it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:39 PM): it will be fun fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:19:46 PM): how can that be fun malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:53 PM): i will tell u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:19:57 PM): but first remove it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:20:08 PM): i am telling u last time malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:20:15 PM): remove ur shirt if u love me fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:20:20 PM): thats not nice malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:20:25 PM): do it fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:20:26 PM): u kno i love u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:20:28 PM): please fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:20:46 PM): i dont like this fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:20:51 PM): its not real malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:20:58 PM): just for 5 mins malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:21:08 PM): if u will not like it then i will not tell u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:21:11 PM): i dont want to do fake pretend stuff malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:21:27 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:21:31 PM): can u do one thing? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:21:38 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:00 PM): take your fingers on your pussy and rub it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:09 PM): and try to finger in malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:14 PM): u will enjoy it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:20 PM): close your eyes malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:29 PM): take your fingers in your panty malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:42 PM): n then revolve on your pussy malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:48 PM): and then finger in and out malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:22:56 PM): just think about me then malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:23:06 PM): u will feel it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:23:09 PM): i am sure malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:23:27 PM): ok, if not then leave it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:23:41 PM): i will not tell u again to do any other stuff malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:23:48 PM): just dont do anything now malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:23:51 PM): leave it fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:23:55 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:26:47 PM): what ok? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:27:07 PM): nothing im just sitting her fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:27:08 PM): her fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:27:10 PM): here malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:27:22 PM): so u dont wann do it....right? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:27:30 PM): not on a computer malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:27:36 PM): alright fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:27:42 PM): it supose to be special i thot fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:27:44 PM): doing that stuff malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:27:53 PM): what? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:27:58 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:28:12 PM): u know onething that u really win my heart malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:28:27 PM): u r the true girl friend malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:28:41 PM): i was just checking u that u like it or not malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:28:53 PM): infact i dont wanted that u will do it malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:28:57 PM): i really love u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:29:10 PM): oh gosh yay i was scared u r mad at me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:29:11 PM): this kind of stuff even i dont like malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:29:17 PM): nooooooooooooooooooooooo malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:29:24 PM): i can not fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:29:25 PM): oh im so much happier now malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:29:26 PM): u r my gf fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:29:34 PM): i was scared malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:29:48 PM): infact I think i am the happiest boy friend in this world now malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:29:52 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:29:53 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:29:58 PM): im the happiest gf malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:30:16 PM): but i will defintely dont like it if u do it like this when we meet malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:30:22 PM): i will never talk to u then fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:30:33 PM): if i do like what? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:30:52 PM): if we meet and then u dont open your shirt or something.... fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:30:57 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:31:02 PM): i will break it then fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:31:09 PM): break what malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:31:34 PM): our relation, if u dont open your cloths or dont love me when we meet fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:31:54 PM): if we r together in the same place that is real fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:32:00 PM): its not fake on a computer malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:32:01 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:32:05 PM): i agree fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:32:10 PM): i just want it to be special and real malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:32:17 PM): infact u n me are thinking same fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:32:19 PM): u kno? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:32:22 PM): oh good malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:32:22 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:32:31 PM): what happened? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:32:37 PM): just asking if u understand what i mean if i explained it rite malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:32:58 PM): i understand and i do have the same feeling as u have malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:33:04 PM): i dont like it on computer malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:33:10 PM): it should be real only fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:33:19 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:33:47 PM): will u marry me or live together with me through the life? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:33:55 PM): we wil have the children sometime malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:33:57 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:34:09 PM): oh wow yes 100000 times!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:34:19 PM): u r so so sweeeeetttttttttttt fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:34:28 PM): so r u!!! malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:34:37 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:34:49 PM): what happend today when u called me? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:34:56 PM): your mom was calling u? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:34:56 PM): oh my mom fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:34:58 PM): yes fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:35:03 PM): chores fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:35:12 PM): she was all stressed malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:35:17 PM): then u dont thought that I might be missing u malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:35:41 PM): can I call u now....? malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:35:48 PM): i wanna hear u and talk to u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:35:55 PM): well i miss u so i hope u miss me at the same time malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:35:56 PM): number will not displayed fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:36:02 PM): and now i kno u do malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:36:08 PM): yeh too much malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:36:11 PM): i always miss u fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:36:17 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:36:22 PM): can i call u? fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:36:36 PM): i cant give our number :( fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:36:55 PM): i gotta clean the kitchen anyways fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:36:59 PM): and get ready for bed malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:37:11 PM): alright bye fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:37:16 PM): wow just bye fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:37:18 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:37:21 PM): bye fizzlybearz (09/16/09 10:39:06 PM): >:D<:-* nite even tho u didnt say nite to me malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:39:50 PM): not good........!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 10:40:09 PM): hope u come back...... malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 11:04:03 PM): I am waiting for you ........ idk if u r back tonight or gone to sleep already...anyways, I will wait for your call tomorrow.....will miss u.....good night and sweet you ryle.....take care and ba byess....>:D:-*...:-h malhotra.mohit (09/16/09 11:04:34 PM): hope we will meet very soon....miss u my love Rylee....>:D< malhotra.mohit (09/17/09 12:51:31 AM): rylee...just saw u in my dream now..wake up a that;s y sending u this message that I love u and missing uuuuuuu malhotra.mohit (09/17/09 9:25:58 PM): ohhh so that is your love. U never called me nor send me the offline message. Even u r not online. I think I was wrong....I thought u are the one who loves me the most as u said but u dont even care of me. last night also u went early to bed....anyways that's fine......but i really wanted to tell u that in my life i loved u very much, u r the only one to whom I missed, loved and care alot......I still love you from the core of my heart and that's very veryyyyyy true. But y u did like this....? anyways ba byesss and take you -- yours Mac =(( fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:34:25 PM): hi mac fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:34:29 PM): soooooooo sooooo sorry fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:34:36 PM): i just finely got online fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:34:41 PM): i had tons of hw fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:34:45 PM): and chores fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:34:54 PM): then we went to dinner at my aunts house fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:35:02 PM): i just finely got homeeeee fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:35:07 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:35:11 PM): so sad i missed u fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:35:13 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:35:15 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:36:42 PM): k since ur not online then i will go to bed and hope to talk to u tomorrow fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:36:50 PM): love u soooo much fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:36:52 PM): byeeee fizzlybearz (09/17/09 11:36:54 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/18/09 12:14:40 AM): hi Rylee I really thank god that u still love me and everything is good at your side. But if u missed me also then u could called me and send me offline message too. I love you and you are my life. I miss u every second of my life and that's very very true. But Rylee, tomorrow I am going to New York because of some office work. I will be available in office till 3 only. I will back on Sunday. Leave me a offline message if miss me or for anything.....I will wait for you........hope we will meet very soon. Love you and good byess Rylee... malhotra.mohit (09/18/09 12:17:49 AM): here is good night kiss for you......:-* and a sweetie cutie hug before I go to bed...>:D<....Loveeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuu n only uuuuuuu alwayssssss forever, hope u will always love me in your whole life and will get marry.........:\"> byesss......:-h malhotra.mohit (09/18/09 12:19:27 AM): Today, I bought cellphone for you so that my rylee can call me anytime and i too....... malhotra.mohit (09/18/09 12:33:53 AM): Rylee, u can send me the e-mail on malhotra.mohit (09/18/09 12:35:11 AM): I can access this e-mail in office and can check what u have for me. I mean anything u can write to let me know, if you cant call me. Ok...will wait for you........ fizzlybearz (09/18/09 6:33:10 PM): hey r u here?? fizzlybearz (09/18/09 6:33:33 PM): ok ill send u a email then :) :) fizzlybearz (09/18/09 6:33:37 PM): love u soooo much fizzlybearz (09/18/09 6:33:46 PM): thank u for leaving me messages!!!!!!!!!!! fizzlybearz (09/18/09 6:33:52 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/18/09 11:35:04 PM): Hi Rylee, missing u alot here in NY. I dont have internet access here. I came to coffee shop to access just b coz of u. I am damly missing u and thinking of u here. I will be back to GA on Sunday. malhotra.mohit (09/18/09 11:36:57 PM): till the time, take you alottttttttttt.........yours and only yours forever always........Rylee's Mac....Love you.....good night and sweet byesss......:-*>:D< malhotra.mohit (09/20/09 1:36:06 PM): Hi my love Rylee!!! I will be back to Atlanta tonight. Hope you had very good time at your grandmom and might u missed me a bit. Alright, byess and take care.....Love.....Rylee's Mac!!! fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:47:01 PM): hi mac!!! love you to so very super much!!!! fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:47:40 PM): just got home from grandmas ty for the sweet messages on here and email <3 <3 fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:47:51 PM): r u home yet????????? fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:48:01 PM): cant wait to talk to u fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:48:10 PM): want to hear allllllll about new york!! fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:48:26 PM): i missed u and so happy u missed me fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:49:01 PM): well im gonna wait for u to get on here hope u come home b4 i gotta go to bed fizzlybearz (09/20/09 5:49:10 PM): anyways love u miss u bye for rite now malhotra.mohit (09/20/09 9:01:52 PM): Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, got your offline message sweet u r too... malhotra.mohit (09/20/09 9:04:57 PM): just get in home and start my laptop to see u.....but u r not here......that's fine....till the time u come back let me take a shower and refresh myself.....if u come online when I am not leave me the u very very much.....alot of things to talk to u.....i bought some sweet gifts for you from NY for my love........alirght brb byess till then.....sweet hugs >:D< and honey kisses :-* for my Rylee..... malhotra.mohit (09/20/09 9:36:26 PM): hi rylee where r u...? not yet back....? I am back and also had the shower....everything is all set.....come online as soon as possible...missing u alot.....:( malhotra.mohit (09/20/09 9:37:30 PM): Ok then, I will also back in 15 mins malhotra.mohit (09/20/09 9:38:31 PM): at 10, hope u will be here online for me till that time. Otherwise I will miss my good night kisses and hugs from u....:(( malhotra.mohit (09/20/09 10:10:31 PM): i think u have gone to bed already......anyways that is fine...I am also tired.....going to sleep byess and good night....hope we can talk 2morrow or if you want can send me the e-mail....alright..gid night sweety Rylee...your Mac....:-* fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:51:25 PM): hiiiiiii!!!!! fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:51:28 PM): r u here? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:51:47 PM): im gonna go check my email fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:51:58 PM): hope u come on sooooon!! i miss u <3 fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:54:21 PM): wow ty for the new email address fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:54:33 PM): u dont want me to use the gmail anymore?? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:54:36 PM): let me kno fizzlybearz (09/21/09 9:54:43 PM): lovvvvvvveeeeee uuuuuuuuuu!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 10:51:10 PM): hi rylee malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 10:51:24 PM): will talk to u later after 15 mins fizzlybearz (09/21/09 10:51:27 PM): hi mac fizzlybearz (09/21/09 10:51:30 PM): oh ok malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 10:51:32 PM): if u can wait malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 10:51:35 PM): thats fine malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 10:51:39 PM): otherwise gud night malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 10:51:42 PM): love u fizzlybearz (09/21/09 10:51:45 PM): ya i need to brush my teeth anyways so its ok malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 10:51:51 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/21/09 10:51:54 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:03:55 PM): u there? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:03:59 PM): I m back fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:04:36 PM): hi! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:04:47 PM): hi my love fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:04:54 PM): :)hi malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:04:58 PM): so how was your weekend malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:02 PM): hope fantastic malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:03 PM): right malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:05 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:05:06 PM): it was fun malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:13 PM): yep, sounds good fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:05:17 PM): would of been better if i could of talked to u tho fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:05:21 PM): how was new york malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:30 PM): NY was ultimate malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:37 PM): had work there malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:41 PM): nm fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:05:47 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:05:55 PM): shop some of the things for rylee fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:06:09 PM): like what stuff!!?? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:06:11 PM): just now I bought SONY LCD TC 40\" malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:06:18 PM): like t-shirt fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:06:22 PM): cool! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:06:28 PM): and purse fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:06:33 PM): awww!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:06:38 PM): n a sweet friendship band fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:06:46 PM): omg im so excited malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:07:00 PM): me too fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:07:01 PM): what did u get for urself malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:07:08 PM): nothing fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:07:11 PM): how come malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:07:19 PM): that might be your duty i guess :) fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:07:24 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:07:36 PM): u have to buy for me malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:07:43 PM): am i wrong? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:07:52 PM): i dont have much money fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:08:03 PM): u spent alot on me? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:08:16 PM): hmmm that's alright malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:08:19 PM): i m just kidding fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:08:27 PM): i want to get u something tho malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:08:37 PM): :-* thanks fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:08:42 PM): yw :D malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:09:19 PM): so u r not sleeping? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:09:26 PM): i wanted to takl to u fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:09:30 PM): i been missing u so much malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:09:33 PM): ohh really? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:09:37 PM): thanks my love malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:09:42 PM): same here fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:09:47 PM): yay malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:10:02 PM): if u did missed me then y u didn;t called me today in office? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:10:10 PM): ugh my mom fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:10:13 PM): and her stupid work malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:10:18 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:10:26 PM): i cant use the phone bcuz she is using it for work malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:10:32 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:10:36 PM): theres a lady thats going to have a baby any day malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:10:40 PM): thats fine, no problem fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:10:45 PM): and she has to go when she gets the call malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:10:49 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:11:03 PM): like any second she can go in labor i guess malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:11:23 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:11:28 PM): im sorry :( fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:11:43 PM): u mad fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:11:44 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:11:52 PM): nooooooooooo malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:11:56 PM): i m not malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:12:00 PM): y should i? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:12:10 PM): idk just hoping not malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:12:30 PM): i am not at all malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:12:40 PM): but y u r thinking like that? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:12:49 PM): u love me, right? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:13:00 PM): and i too, that is also right fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:13:01 PM): just dont want u mad malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:13:13 PM): then no way that i mad on u for now fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:13:21 PM): yes i love u with my whole heart! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:13:29 PM): but might be after marriage,,,,,,:-P fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:13:39 PM): mad at me?? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:13:41 PM): i love u too rylee fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:13:50 PM): joking i hope lol malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:13:55 PM): yeh sometime when our kids will irritate me sometime malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:13:58 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:14:01 PM): ohhhh :P malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:14:07 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:14:12 PM): lol ur silly malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:14:20 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:14:20 PM): i got a question malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:14:24 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:14:25 PM): ask? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:14:27 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:14:38 PM): ur name is it really mac or is it mohit? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:14:51 PM): my close friends call me Mac fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:14:51 PM): from ur emails and stuff i was wondering malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:14:56 PM): and formal name is Mohit malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:15:04 PM): what u like? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:15:06 PM): malhotra is it ur last name? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:15:10 PM): Mohit or Mac? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:15:12 PM): or first name? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:15:18 PM): yeh Malhotra is last name fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:15:27 PM): oh i like both but u told me to call u mac malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:15:28 PM): Mohit or mac is first malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:15:41 PM): but u tell me now, what u like more? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:16:02 PM): hmm mac bcuz that is what i been calling u malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:16:17 PM): ohh ok fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:16:24 PM): how u say mohit? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:16:28 PM): but I have changed my name from Mac to fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:17:06 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:17:16 PM): Mac to Ryless's Mac fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:17:21 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:17:24 PM): i like that malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:17:28 PM): b coz now I am of Rylee's fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:17:37 PM): and im mac's! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:17:45 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:17:47 PM): su cute malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:17:51 PM): so** fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:17:54 PM): thx fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:18:10 PM): got to have cake tonite :) fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:18:14 PM): it was good malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:18:19 PM): which cake? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:18:27 PM): my mom made a cake for chuck malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:18:32 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:18:37 PM): where is my part..? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:18:39 PM): bcuz he got a job and is so excited fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:18:44 PM): in the fridge!! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:18:52 PM): ok funny fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:18:58 PM): whats funny malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:19:03 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:19:10 PM): u can eat my part.... fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:19:16 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:19:21 PM): i hope u already finish my 1 already malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:19:27 PM): right:) malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:19:27 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:19:31 PM): no theres a ton left malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:19:40 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:19:46 PM): what r u wearing now? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:19:50 PM): pjs malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:02 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:15 PM): so anythingelse u wanna takl with me now? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:26 PM): i think we are later malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:29 PM): late** fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:20:34 PM): u tired malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:34 PM): n u need to sleep now malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:39 PM): i am not malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:44 PM): i think u would be fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:20:44 PM): u want me to go? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:51 PM): i never wants malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:20:59 PM): i want u to be with me always fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:21:18 PM): i want that to malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:21:18 PM): and if i will say to be with me for 1 more hour, will u be? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:21:32 PM): yep if u want malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:21:36 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:21:38 PM): ty fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:21:40 PM): yw fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:21:53 PM): i can sleep in class fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:21:54 PM): jk fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:21:55 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:22:01 PM): hmmmm :)) fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:22:09 PM): i made u laff! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:22:14 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:22:17 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:22:31 PM): do u miss me in school? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:22:36 PM): yes fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:22:41 PM): did u miss me in work malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:22:55 PM): yeh sometime alot and sometime less malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:22:59 PM): but always fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:23:10 PM): thats cool malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:23:12 PM): when and what u think about me? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:23:30 PM): every 5 min and wonder what u doing fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:23:36 PM): what ur thinking fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:23:40 PM): stuff like that malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:23:56 PM): honestly speaking abit same like this malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:24:20 PM): what u r doing and how u look like, when we will meet and will kiss and so on........ fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:24:44 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:24:49 PM): i cant wait malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:24:55 PM): for what? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:25:02 PM): for all that malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:25:13 PM): what u mean? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:25:20 PM): what u just said.... fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:25:27 PM): u forgot already lol malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:25:34 PM): u meant kiss? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:25:38 PM): sex? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:25:51 PM): oh what did u mean? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:26:01 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:26:16 PM): I meant we may kiss eachother and do some sexy stuff malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:26:21 PM): romance n love fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:26:27 PM): ok cool fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:26:32 PM): that sounds fun malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:26:44 PM): u can not wait for it? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:27:07 PM): no is that wrong? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:27:15 PM): no thats sexy malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:27:19 PM): i like it malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:27:23 PM): infact i can;t wait fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:27:37 PM): really malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:27:40 PM): but will u do all stuff with me? or will u shy or fool me? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:27:55 PM): i wont be shy at all fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:28:01 PM): fool u how? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:28:10 PM): so will u kiss me? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:28:13 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:28:19 PM): and? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:28:32 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:28:37 PM): nothing fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:28:41 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:28:46 PM): it seems so romantic malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:28:58 PM): but will u forget me after doing all these? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:29:13 PM): or will our relations will long lasting forever? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:29:30 PM): i thot forever isnt that what u wnat to? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:29:35 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:29:37 PM): always malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:29:40 PM): awlayssssssssssss malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:29:43 PM): foreverrrrrr fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:29:48 PM): gosh u scared me malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:29:48 PM): u and me malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:30:04 PM): that's y i changed my name for u Rylee's Mac malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:30:12 PM): love u.....:-* fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:30:16 PM): love u to malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:30:18 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:30:22 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:30:27 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:01 PM): from now onward send me the e-mail on malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:05 PM): and not on gmail fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:31:18 PM): ok what happened? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:19 PM): what time u come from school normally? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:28 PM): this e-mail is just for u malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:35 PM): no one have the access to it fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:31:35 PM): only me? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:39 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:41 PM): only for u fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:31:41 PM): wow cool malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:31:54 PM): gmail id sometime my mom checks fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:32:02 PM): ur mom? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:32:08 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:32:12 PM): Mother malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:32:25 PM): so its better u use my very personal ID malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:32:33 PM): no one knows that except u now fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:32:43 PM): lol why ur mom have ur password malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:32:52 PM): she knows some how fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:32:56 PM): oh wow malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:33:01 PM): anyways leave it fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:33:03 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:33:19 PM): what time u come from school normally? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:33:31 PM): like around 3:30 malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:33:35 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:33:44 PM): why malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:33:53 PM): yeh, i always use to check my mails after that time malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:33:57 PM): and also my phone fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:34:08 PM): for what malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:34:15 PM): for u fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:34:18 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:34:26 PM): just to check have u sent any mails or not fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:34:37 PM): ya i did malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:34:45 PM): i already replied that 1 fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:34:52 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:35:05 PM): ok rylee, i have some work to get complete b4 sleep fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:35:13 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:35:14 PM): so.....u go to bed now malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:35:21 PM): pls understand me malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:35:23 PM): i love u malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:35:34 PM): i have to complete some office work fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:35:37 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:35:46 PM): glad i got to talk to u a little at least malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:35:50 PM): that;s cute gf of mine malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:35:59 PM): same here my love fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:36:02 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:36:18 PM): sleep well and think about me and surely miss me malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:36:19 PM): ok? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:36:34 PM): >:D<:-* yes i will miss u tonssssss! malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:36:42 PM): same here..... fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:36:48 PM): sorry u have to work so late malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:36:52 PM): alot alot of kisses for u everywhere fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:36:59 PM): lol thx malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:37:00 PM): yeh, just b coz of u fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:37:13 PM): u have to work bcuz of me? malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:37:31 PM): if i will work then i can buy the gifts for u malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:37:39 PM): and we can marry also malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:37:47 PM): so we need money to get marry malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:37:53 PM): understand? fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:37:58 PM): how awesome ya i understand malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:38:08 PM): my part is to work malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:38:10 PM): for u malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:38:25 PM): and ur part is to love me, miss me and take care of me alwayssssss fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:38:40 PM): ok that sounds easy malhotra.mohit (09/21/09 11:39:00 PM): alright then....good night......sweet u....yours and only Rylee's Mac....:-* fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:39:07 PM): nite mac fizzlybearz (09/21/09 11:39:10 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 9:45:48 PM): hi rylee, where r u....? not online...? r u tired so went to sleep...? Anyways, if u do then ba byess and good night....:( love u always......but I will be online back in 15-20 mins.... malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:08:42 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:15:13 PM): im here r u? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:15:49 PM): hi fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:15:55 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:16:07 PM): i thought u slept fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:16:11 PM): nope fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:16:20 PM): u still working malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:16:37 PM): not really, just came from office at 9 malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:16:45 PM): actually at 08:30 fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:16:49 PM): gosh u work late alot malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:17:06 PM): hmm fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:17:59 PM): they need mor helpers for u or something fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:19:40 PM): guess ur busy? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:20:27 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:20:37 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:20:49 PM): some1 came to my home malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:20:57 PM): can i talk 2 u sometime later malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:21:00 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:21:13 PM): tell me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:21:27 PM): r u gone? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:21:29 PM): malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:22:37 PM): i think u r not here on your system.....I will be back in 15 mins, hope u will wait for me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:22:42 PM): love u then.....:) fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:23:36 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:23:37 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:39:42 PM): I am back.... fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:43:49 PM): hiiii malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:45:10 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:45:39 PM): what r u doing? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:45:56 PM): nm what u doing fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:46:07 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:46:56 PM): i am just thinking about u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:47:04 PM): i dont know when we can meet malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:47:16 PM): but i m extremely wants to meet u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:47:31 PM): u know one thing? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:47:33 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:47:38 PM): I am drunk fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:47:43 PM): lol really malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:47:54 PM): I had two wines and beer fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:47:59 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:48:18 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:48:34 PM): i really want to meet u to malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:48:52 PM): but i dont want to meet u fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:49:12 PM): but u just said malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:49:15 PM): just kidding to tease u........:)) malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:49:20 PM): hey just kidding malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:49:24 PM): to give u a smile fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:49:30 PM): ur funny malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:49:30 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:49:40 PM): hmm sometime yes malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:49:43 PM): n we should be fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:49:52 PM): should be what malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:50:04 PM): u know 1 thing? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:50:08 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:50:13 PM): will u trust me? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:50:20 PM): whatever i say? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:50:26 PM): ur scaring me fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:50:30 PM): whats wrong malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:50:30 PM): nooooooooooooooooo malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:50:47 PM): i miss u more n more and very excited to meet u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:50:49 PM): always fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:51:06 PM): :D im excited to meet u to malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:51:11 PM): remember u in office malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:51:11 PM): remember u in office malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:51:19 PM): i sometime see ur face also in my computer fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:51:38 PM): lol like a ghost?? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:51:42 PM): haunting u?? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:51:55 PM): not in pic on my laptop fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:52:02 PM): oh cool fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:52:05 PM): ur sweet malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:52:14 PM): u r more sweeter than me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:52:17 PM): u r honey fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:52:23 PM): awww thx malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:52:23 PM): n hope u will be when i kiss u fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:52:32 PM): hm idk lol malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:52:45 PM): but i will kiss your pussy too malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:52:54 PM): n put my tongue in fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:53:00 PM): u really want to? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:53:09 PM): yeh, dont u will like it? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:53:19 PM): i never did that idk what its like malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:53:35 PM): hope it will be great sex and romance malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:53:38 PM): n funn too fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:53:42 PM): ya fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:53:51 PM): u make it sound fun malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:54:00 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:54:11 PM): r u tired? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:54:20 PM): not to bad fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:54:21 PM): r u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:54:26 PM): yeh I am malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:54:33 PM): byess then fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:54:38 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:54:41 PM): ur leaving? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:54:47 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:54:56 PM): y? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:55:00 PM): anything wrong? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:55:08 PM): just didnt get to talk very long malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:55:08 PM): dont u want to leave me? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:55:13 PM): noooooo malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:55:22 PM): ok then I am here till the time u want malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:55:24 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:55:29 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:55:29 PM): really? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:55:33 PM): awesome malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:55:38 PM): yeh offcourse malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:55:44 PM): u r my girl friend fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:55:52 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:56:08 PM): i have changed ur name malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:56:18 PM): u r now Mac's Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:56:24 PM): and I am Rylee's Mac fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:56:30 PM): thats so cute malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:56:32 PM): is it funny? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:56:37 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:56:43 PM): no its cute :P malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:56:53 PM): hmmmmm :x fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:56:58 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:57:05 PM): love u honey malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:57:08 PM): u r my love fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:57:11 PM): love u tooooooooooo fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:57:13 PM): so much malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:57:17 PM): n i love u like anything in my life fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:57:30 PM): i love u more than everythign malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:57:40 PM): can i get ur number? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:57:48 PM): u cant call here malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:57:59 PM): i am not calling u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:58:10 PM): just for my knowledge malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:58:28 PM): if u dont want, that is fine as usual malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:58:32 PM): i wll not force u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:58:36 PM): I am good...:) fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:58:49 PM): k bcuz i really dont want to get grounded malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:58:57 PM): ha ha ha fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:58:58 PM): my life will suck then malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:59:05 PM): i nver wanted even malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:59:09 PM): no issues fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:59:12 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:59:18 PM): can u wait for me for 15 mins? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:59:23 PM): ya ok malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:59:25 PM): brb? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:59:27 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 10:59:32 PM): love u so much fizzlybearz (09/22/09 10:59:36 PM): love u to malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:17:47 PM): back malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:17:51 PM): fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:17:58 PM): hi fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:18:08 PM): where u go malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:18:13 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:18:19 PM): just some1 came here malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:18:26 PM): next door girl malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:18:45 PM): hust checking the keys fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:18:56 PM): checking keys? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:19:17 PM): apartment keys malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:19:27 PM): give me just 2 mins fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:19:38 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:25:26 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:25:29 PM): i got late fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:25:33 PM): np malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:25:35 PM): my mom called me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:26:00 PM): rylee, plan to meet as soon as possible malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:26:06 PM): i cant wait now malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:26:15 PM): my dick is abit very hot malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:26:17 PM): for u fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:26:22 PM): oh wow malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:26:25 PM): for my girl friend fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:26:36 PM): u work so much idk when can u? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:26:44 PM): u plan fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:26:58 PM): but what about ur boss malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:27:01 PM): but let me know 1 day in advance, so that i can take leave fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:27:01 PM): and work fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:27:13 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:27:19 PM): i will off, 1 day advance fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:27:27 PM): really???? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:27:33 PM): n then will fuck eachother malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:27:43 PM): yehhhhhh malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:28:06 PM): dont u wanna fuck me and enjoy the moment malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:28:06 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:28:28 PM): u make it sound really fun so ya fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:28:36 PM): and romantic malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:28:45 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:28:54 PM): but both will fuck eachother malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:29:04 PM): u take my dick and i wil take your pussy malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:29:12 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:29:14 PM): take it? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:29:17 PM): whats that mean malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:29:29 PM): i mouth and will suck it malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:29:39 PM): got it? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:29:48 PM): n then will star fucking fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:29:57 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:30:13 PM): will u do it ? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:30:30 PM): ya i will if u want me to malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:30:43 PM): yeh, offcourse yes fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:30:47 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:30:47 PM): i will malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:30:53 PM): plan very soon fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:30:58 PM): like when malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:31:06 PM): both of us cant wait malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:31:15 PM): we have to be very close to eachother malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:31:28 PM): what about this weekend? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:31:34 PM): Saturday? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:31:59 PM): tell me fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:32:02 PM): idk chuck isnt home but my mom idk if she will be home or not malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:32:16 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:32:34 PM): ok, plan it and let me know your convenince malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:32:46 PM): whatever the day u propose fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:32:53 PM): really just whenever? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:32:57 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:32:59 PM): u tell me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:33:02 PM): but u n me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:33:09 PM): only Rylee and Mac fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:33:31 PM): i wasnt thinking of other ppl what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:33:41 PM): i meant the same, malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:33:44 PM): i meant malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:33:47 PM): you and me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:33:57 PM): will love and romance malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:34:02 PM): no 1 esle fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:34:07 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:34:15 PM): y u r thinking so bit different fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:34:33 PM): no just didnt kno what u meant malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:34:34 PM): what i told u is onlyu n me means romatic malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:34:40 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:34:44 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:34:58 PM): but u have to be very romantic malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:35:03 PM): and vey sexy on that day malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:35:12 PM): wear what i will tell y malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:35:14 PM): u** fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:35:24 PM): what if i dont have what u want me to wear malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:35:45 PM): do u have skirt? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:35:54 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:36:00 PM): i wanna u to be in that fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:36:05 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:36:09 PM): thats easy malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:36:18 PM): n be in pinky panty malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:36:20 PM): and bra malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:36:30 PM): with tshit malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:36:37 PM): t-shirt** fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:36:48 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:37:02 PM): hey tell me i thing fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:37:20 PM): what thinkg malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:37:26 PM): if i will suck ur pussy then will your pussy hairs will come in my mouth or not? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:37:40 PM): i meant how grow r they at your pussy? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:37:56 PM): not alot really malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:38:06 PM): n what color? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:38:13 PM): it means it will not come malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:38:34 PM): so u have clean romantic...:x fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:38:34 PM): k fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:38:41 PM): is it? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:38:45 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:38:51 PM): what color is it? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:38:59 PM): lol blonde malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:39:04 PM): cool fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:39:06 PM): same as my hair on my head malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:39:13 PM): great malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:39:17 PM): i liked that fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:39:19 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:39:32 PM): i have black hairs malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:39:38 PM): and i have abit more malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:39:44 PM): will u like it or not? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:39:55 PM): didnt really think about that malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:40:01 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:40:25 PM): ok, then plan something very soon fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:40:38 PM): only saturday or any day?? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:40:56 PM): any day my love malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:41:15 PM): whichever suits u to make romance fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:41:22 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:41:28 PM): i am tired as well as drunk...going to sleep now fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:41:29 PM): how exciting i cant wait malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:41:38 PM): same here, i cant even fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:41:39 PM): u work tomorrow? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:41:43 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:41:59 PM): will u be to drunk for working? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:42:07 PM): yeh, I have to malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:42:15 PM): we cant meet 2morrow malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:42:19 PM): make some other day fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:42:23 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:42:28 PM): n let me know 1 day in advance fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:42:39 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:42:54 PM): i am going to sllep now fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:42:59 PM): kk me to malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:43:03 PM): ba byess honey malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:43:07 PM): love u ............ malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:43:11 PM): u r my heart fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:43:13 PM): >:D<:-*love u tooooo malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:43:15 PM): u r my soul fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:43:19 PM): awww fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:43:30 PM): ur so nice to me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:43:32 PM): u r my everything apart from my dick...just kidding :) fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:43:36 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:43:41 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:43:54 PM): ok then ba byess and let me know your plan..... malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:00 PM): e-mail me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:02 PM): or call me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:15 PM): I always wait for u as well as i miss u fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:44:25 PM): my mom still waiting to hear when the baby is coming so i cant ue the phone :( malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:31 PM): gud night my Ryleee.............:-*>:D< malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:43 PM): ok then e-mail me fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:44:47 PM): shes gotta go help the lady when she goes in the hospital malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:53 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:55 PM): mail me malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:44:59 PM): i love u mailing me fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:45:02 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:17 PM): ok then ba byess my love malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:22 PM): yours Mac malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:25 PM): only yours fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:46:30 PM): k nite malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:30 PM): alwayssssssssssss fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:46:34 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:39 PM): :-h malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:46 PM): u too r mine malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:47 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:46:57 PM): only mine fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:46:57 PM): alwaysssss and forevvvverrrrr malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:47:04 PM): u r Mac's Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:47:08 PM): change ur name malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:47:11 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:47:14 PM): love u fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:47:16 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:47:19 PM): so cute to know fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:47:29 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (09/22/09 11:47:29 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/22/09 11:47:34 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/23/09 8:29:54 PM): guess ur not home from work yet :( fizzlybearz (09/23/09 8:30:11 PM): talk to u later k malhotra.mohit (09/23/09 10:35:09 PM): I am just back now, working for more time just to meet u. I have to complete my hours to leave from the office on I was working in office so late....very tired....just work for u, for my love, for my girl friend, for my and only my Rylee..sorry u wait for me malhotra.mohit (09/23/09 10:35:11 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/23/09 10:40:01 PM): hope u will come online to talk to me very soon....just waiting for my love.....8->\ malhotra.mohit (09/23/09 11:15:24 PM): I am going to sleep now, was waiting for u but i think u already went to bed without talking with me n no gud night kisses and hugs....ok, I am also going to sleep now....good night my sweeti cuti my love byess,,,,:-*>:D<\ malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 6:30:44 PM): just came back from work now. Not feeling good, a bit sick this evening.....headache...:( fizzlybearz (09/24/09 6:38:19 PM): oh that sucks :( i dont like headaches fizzlybearz (09/24/09 6:38:28 PM): i had one the other day but it went away malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 8:23:03 PM): u there? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 8:23:17 PM): malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 8:45:30 PM): brb.... malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 9:08:35 PM): let me know, if u wanna talk to me....... fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:11:16 PM): hi :) malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:12:04 PM): give me 5 mins fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:12:08 PM): kkk malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:12:10 PM): i am on call to India malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:12:20 PM): brb fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:12:25 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:25:39 PM): rylee, I am back fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:25:44 PM): hi mac fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:25:55 PM): how is ur friends in india malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:26:32 PM): they r missing me fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:26:39 PM): awww malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:26:44 PM): anyways they r good fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:26:45 PM): how long u been here? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:26:57 PM): 4 years now! fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:27:07 PM): oh wow i bet they miss u soooo much malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:27:15 PM): yeh they r malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:27:41 PM): so r u done ur room cleanup? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:27:47 PM): for me, i meant! malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:27:48 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:27:51 PM): lol yep mostly malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:28:20 PM): have u make any plan for us...? what we will do...? How will u welcome me? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:28:30 PM): will u hug me first? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:28:33 PM): or kiss me? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:28:40 PM): lol probly hug u! malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:28:40 PM): or just a hand shake? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:28:45 PM): handshake??? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:28:48 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:28:57 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:29:04 PM): ur silly malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:29:05 PM): what will u wear? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:29:15 PM): hmmm, some time yes, I am silly fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:29:21 PM): well u said my skirt and tshirt malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:29:26 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:29:31 PM): u remember it? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:29:37 PM): wowwww so cute!!! fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:29:52 PM): yes i remember it malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:30:15 PM): but u know, i am sick malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:30:19 PM): headache malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:30:27 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:30:34 PM): ya but u will be ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:30:41 PM): hmm hope so malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:31:03 PM): what will u do, if i will have headache after marriage...? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:31:10 PM): how will u take care of me? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:31:12 PM): will u? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:31:13 PM): give u medicine fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:31:16 PM): and ice packs malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:31:31 PM): will u do it all, really? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:31:38 PM): ya sure malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:31:44 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:31:51 PM): so u dont hurt anymore malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:32:00 PM): hmm so cute.... malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:32:26 PM): so what r u doing now? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:32:32 PM): talking to u fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:32:35 PM): what r u doing malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:33:14 PM): i am doing alot of things, like talking to u, thinking about u, missing u.... fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:33:24 PM): awwwww fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:33:28 PM): ur so sweet malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:33:29 PM): and lot of other stuff for my rylee malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:33:35 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:33:40 PM): u too fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:33:46 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:33:52 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:34:06 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:34:09 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:34:14 PM): ok, I am going to sleep now fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:34:18 PM): already?? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:34:21 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:34:21 PM): ba byess n good night malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:34:25 PM): i am sick fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:34:30 PM): poor meeeee fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:34:32 PM): poor macccc malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:34:35 PM): no u r not malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:34:50 PM): u r very luck, u have Mac with u malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:34:57 PM): am i wromg? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:35:04 PM): i kno but u r leaving meeeee!!!??? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:35:07 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:35:12 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:35:18 PM): dont u want me to leave? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:35:32 PM): no its ok if it makes u feel better malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:35:44 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:35:54 PM): tell me onething, malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:36:00 PM): i have question here fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:36:03 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:36:13 PM): how can I feel better with our my Rylee? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:36:17 PM): tell me malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:36:22 PM): never malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:36:25 PM): NEVER malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:36:30 PM): NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:36:33 PM): i make u feel better? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:36:40 PM): yeh offcourse fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:36:45 PM): aww ihope so!!! fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:36:49 PM): that makes me happy malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:37:02 PM): i always want that i will be in ur arms malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:37:11 PM): n u love me everytime fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:37:22 PM): i love u always malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:37:24 PM): tell me one thing fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:37:27 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:37:51 PM): after maary me, will u come with me to India for sometime to meet my parents? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:38:01 PM): oh wow how fun!!!! fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:38:10 PM): u think they will like me malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:38:33 PM): they have to, b coz u r my girl friend and becoming my life partner malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:38:39 PM): am i wrong? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:38:45 PM): correct me if I am fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:38:59 PM): no ur rite malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:39:14 PM): hey u do onething for me? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:39:18 PM): what malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:39:32 PM): can;t u take off tomorrow from school? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:39:38 PM): for me? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:39:48 PM): really why?? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:39:54 PM): i want that fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:40:06 PM): how do i stay home? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:40:17 PM): any thing u can say to ur mom malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:40:24 PM): like I am not feeling good malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:40:28 PM): or anything fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:40:32 PM): but she will bug me all day probly fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:40:39 PM): taking my temp and all that malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:40:58 PM): but atleast u can send me the mails or so malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:41:10 PM): if u dont want, then it is fine malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:41:14 PM): as u wish fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:41:18 PM): i want to just dont kno if i can fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:41:28 PM): i gotta take some tests tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:41:28 PM): whatever is good for u fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:41:35 PM): and my mom will be home to malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:41:37 PM): ok, fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:41:42 PM): what time u coming malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:41:53 PM): 8 or 9 fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:42:01 PM): aww why so late malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:42:15 PM): wha time i should come then? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:42:30 PM): i was hoping we can have alot of time malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:42:35 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:42:39 PM): if u come so late it will be such a short time malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:42:53 PM): what will do with me, if i come early...?;) malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:43:05 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:43:16 PM): whatever u want dont matter to me just want to have lots of time with u fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:43:34 PM): i mean finely get to see u i will be so sad if u leave real quick u kno malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:43:45 PM): hmmmm malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:44:02 PM): should i bring condomns with me or do u have the one? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:44:09 PM): oh i dont have 1 malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:44:17 PM): ohhh fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:44:35 PM): im not a boy i cant buy them malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:44:43 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:44:48 PM): then, i will bring malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:44:54 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:44:59 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:45:09 PM): hope we will enjoy to become 1 fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:45:22 PM): it sounds really romantic malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:45:26 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:45:38 PM): im really excited malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:45:47 PM): me too malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:46:03 PM): but i can tell u tomorrow the real scenario fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:46:09 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:46:13 PM): will send u the mai; malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:46:21 PM): i meant my timings and all malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:46:32 PM): also send me your address on my maid id now fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:46:38 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:46:41 PM): so that I will out into my gps fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:46:49 PM): oh cool malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:46:53 PM): also give me your number fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:47:01 PM): u cant call here fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:47:10 PM): whats ur cell number i can call u fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:47:17 PM): see where u r and stuff malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:47:39 PM): i am using my office cell for now malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:47:48 PM): my number is not working fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:47:58 PM): ok thats cool they give u a phone fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:48:02 PM): whats the number malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:48:03 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:48:06 PM): but malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:48:13 PM): i cant take that with me malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:48:18 PM): on weekends malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:48:30 PM): i have to take another peronsal num malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:48:39 PM): will sned u the detail tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:48:50 PM): but u send me the address fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:49:04 PM): on the email rite malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:49:07 PM): ok,,,,i m leaving, hope we will meet tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:49:09 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:49:14 PM): hope??? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:49:19 PM): ur not sure??? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:49:30 PM): i meant hope we will fuck and will have satisfying sex fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:49:41 PM): oh ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:49:47 PM): will enjoy every moment malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:49:54 PM): just send me your address malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:49:58 PM): and also number malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:50:05 PM): i may need it malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:50:15 PM): in case of emergency fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:50:29 PM): u cant call here my moms going to have it forward calls to her cell malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:50:31 PM): send me the number, if u trust me fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:50:39 PM): shes waiting for the lady to have her baby like i said malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:50:51 PM): that;s fine fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:50:56 PM): so if u call she will anser it at the game malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:50:58 PM): but even give me your number fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:51:11 PM): why r u telling my mom on me??? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:17 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:23 PM): ok thats fine fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:51:25 PM): thats not cool malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:29 PM): I am leaving, now malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:31 PM): love u fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:51:33 PM): r u really going to tell her? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:39 PM): n will send u the detail tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:45 PM): hey shut up malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:50 PM): y should i? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:51:57 PM): u r my gf fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:52:00 PM): idk u just keep asking malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:52:02 PM): and we love eachother fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:52:08 PM): i do love u so much malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:52:15 PM): :-* u r idiot silly fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:52:17 PM): i just dont want to get in trouble fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:52:22 PM): lol sorry malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:52:28 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:52:34 PM): i kno i just never had a bf before malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:52:38 PM): text me ur address on mail malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:52:45 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:52:49 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:52:49 PM): but u have now fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:52:55 PM): have what now fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:53:03 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:04 PM): address send fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:53:06 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:17 PM): you have bf now malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:24 PM): whose name is Mac fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:53:26 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:53:29 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:30 PM): Rylee's Mac malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:39 PM): and u r Mac's Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:42 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:42 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:53:44 PM): yep forever fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:53:48 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:53:54 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:53:59 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:54:02 PM): ba byess n good night fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:54:08 PM): k nite malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:54:12 PM): love u honey fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:54:13 PM): see u tomorrow!!!!! fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:54:17 PM): love u more malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:54:20 PM): yeh.......sure malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:54:34 PM): try to come from school as early as possible malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:54:51 PM): n get ready for this moment fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:55:06 PM): k ya i wanna shower and stuff malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:55:12 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:55:15 PM): u r right fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:55:19 PM): get my clean clothes on and stuff malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:55:23 PM): or u wanna shower with me? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:55:31 PM): ohh didnt think of that malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:55:38 PM): will u like? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:55:49 PM): wow mite be fun malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:55:53 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:56:03 PM): ok then will talk to u tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 10:56:15 PM): ba alot of loveeeeeeeeeeee fizzlybearz (09/24/09 10:56:21 PM): k love u toooooo malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:08:21 PM): what r u doing? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:08:28 PM): oh hi :) fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:08:34 PM): talking to heidi fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:08:44 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:08:52 PM): what r u talking? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:08:56 PM): just missing u fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:09:00 PM): awww malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:09:06 PM): n thinking about 2morrow fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:09:11 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:09:32 PM): what r u talking with Heidi? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:09:37 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:09:42 PM): ???? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:09:45 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:09:50 PM): what r u talking with Heidi? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:09:57 PM): what we talking about? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:10:01 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:10:13 PM): we were talking about her bf then school and stuff malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:10:14 PM): dont tell anyone malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:10:24 PM): what about her bf? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:10:27 PM): anything esp? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:10:30 PM): dont tell what? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:10:39 PM): about me fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:10:43 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:10:50 PM): what about her bf? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:10:57 PM): what u was talking? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:11:04 PM): oh shes mad at him rite now malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:11:09 PM): y? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:11:25 PM): he made her promises then broke it i guess so shes really sad malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:11:37 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:11:43 PM): what promises? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:12:16 PM): he was taking her to homecoming then now he isnt malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:12:34 PM): will u also get mad with me, if i break any promise...? :( fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:12:55 PM): well ya i will be really really sad malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:13:02 PM): sad or mad? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:13:09 PM): both probly malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:13:12 PM): hmmmm fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:13:24 PM): why r u breaking a promise?? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:13:28 PM): the answer is prob u love me right? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:13:33 PM): i will never malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:13:42 PM): just asking about u fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:13:59 PM): it really hurts when ppl break promises malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:14:09 PM): i am not in people fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:14:13 PM): its like they dont really care about u or something malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:14:15 PM): i am ur bf fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:14:23 PM): oh i kno i mean for her is how she is feeling malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:14:47 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:15:11 PM): i kno u will never treat me like her bf treats her malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:15:15 PM): r u really mine? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:15:21 PM): yesssssssss malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:15:26 PM): i will never malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:15:37 PM): infact did u realize that i am like idiots malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:15:40 PM): ? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:15:48 PM): no ur not! malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:16:00 PM): u r my love malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:16:02 PM): n i am urs fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:16:08 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:16:16 PM): why u say ur a idiot malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:16:20 PM): so we have to love eachother malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:16:30 PM): i was asking u malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:16:37 PM): u ddint like that? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:16:48 PM): ohh i didnt understand i guess fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:16:58 PM): i dont think u r i never did think that malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:17:31 PM): hmmmm:) fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:17:41 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:18:31 PM): so whatelse? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:18:37 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:18:52 PM): r u in pjs? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:18:55 PM): yep fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:19:15 PM): so glad tomorrows friday malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:19:19 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:19:28 PM): did u sent me the address? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:19:36 PM): oh not yet i was talkin to heidi malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:19:46 PM): X-( fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:20:00 PM): i thot u were going to bed didnt kno i had to rush it malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:20:15 PM): bye fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:20:19 PM): plz dont be mad! fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:20:25 PM): i didnt kno u werent sleeping fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:20:32 PM): u told me u were going to bed fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:20:41 PM): i was going to send b4 i went to bed fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:20:58 PM): wow fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:21:50 PM): i dont really understand what just happen malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:22:46 PM): sorry rylee, got disconnected malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:23:01 PM): some internet problem came over to my network fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:23:07 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:23:08 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:23:27 PM): but y r u so impatiente? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:23:33 PM): i love u honet malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:23:42 PM): honey** fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:23:43 PM): whats impatiente mean malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:23:59 PM): i mean so nervous b coz i got offline malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:24:11 PM): that was just b coz of connection fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:24:15 PM): bcuz u just say bye and log off malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:24:25 PM): i am sorry rylee, if i hurt u malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:24:30 PM): no fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:24:32 PM): its ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:24:39 PM): bye means, just going now malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:24:47 PM): b coz u will send me the address fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:24:56 PM): i will malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:25:02 PM): do u love me or not? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:25:04 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:25:18 PM): then y such silly thinking and questions? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:25:35 PM): bcuz u did the mad face then said bye then log out! malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:25:40 PM): suppose, by chance if wi will not able to talk to u on someday then? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:26:08 PM): can u leave without me or not? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:26:14 PM): honest answer fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:26:20 PM): leave where? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:26:21 PM): i need!! malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:26:32 PM): if i break off? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:26:44 PM): ur breaking up with me?? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:26:50 PM): hahaha malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:26:55 PM): just kidding fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:27:01 PM): thats mean!!! malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:27:05 PM): actually, was asking about u malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:27:27 PM): if incase u dont trust me then will u mad on me? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:27:45 PM): i dont understand malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:27:57 PM): or if by chance I unable to talk on some day then...? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:28:21 PM): what u saying? malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:28:32 PM): nothing go to bed....just know 1 and only 1 thing that i always love u like anything till the end of my life fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:28:41 PM): wait! fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:28:50 PM): r u saying ur not talking to me anymore malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:29:01 PM): i will die in your arms only, if i will malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:29:07 PM): shit malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:29:11 PM): i said i love u malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:29:22 PM): just a scenario that was fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:29:27 PM): i love u to u just scare me so much when u talk like that malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:29:52 PM): hahaha :) sometime i like teasing u and y not u r my gf fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:29:59 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:05 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:30:08 PM): :P malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:14 PM): u r so cute fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:30:17 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:24 PM): ok Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:29 PM): i am going to sleep fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:30:32 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:38 PM): u too go now malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:41 PM): n then malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:54 PM): we will dream for eachother for tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:30:57 PM): ok..? fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:30:59 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:31:08 PM): love u...........:-* malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:31:12 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:31:14 PM): u want me to send the address tonite or tomorrow/ fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:31:22 PM): >:D<:-* malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:31:28 PM): anytime which suits u malhotra.mohit (09/24/09 11:31:37 PM): :-h good night fizzlybearz (09/24/09 11:31:40 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (09/25/09 5:56:47 PM): hi rylee, where r u..? malhotra.mohit (09/26/09 9:03:04 PM): u broke my heart completely now =((. You haven;t replied to any of my mail, i thougt u was just making me fool. I am really very upset with this. I dont know why still I love u and y i miss u at present too. Rylee, why u did like this...? I thought u could understand me but u really left me like anything.....u neither care me nor love me at all.....:(( malhotra.mohit (09/26/09 9:03:43 PM): But I still love my Rylee very much...........:( malhotra.mohit (09/26/09 9:04:23 PM): and I am very very true......!!! I will always love u i think, I cant forget u...... fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:31:16 PM): hi mac r u here? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:31:24 PM): i sent u a email hope u got it fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:31:45 PM): anyway hope u feel better and talk to u when u r online the same time as me fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:49:12 PM): hey mac didnt kno u came online :) fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:49:29 PM): u feel better? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:49:40 PM): yeh, I am good fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:49:46 PM): yay! fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:50:03 PM): being sick isnt fun malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:52:50 PM): y r u asking about it...? u really dont care, u think I was lie to u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:53:22 PM): icare about u and how u feel malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:53:53 PM): wow what a joke! malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:54:02 PM): u just made me a joker fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:54:10 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:54:26 PM): I am just your time pass fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:54:29 PM): u jokke about what? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:54:31 PM): u dont at all love me malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:54:42 PM): just u r fun with me fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:54:43 PM): ya i do!!! fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:54:51 PM): fun with u? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:55:11 PM): what u mean? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 6:58:57 PM): u know everything, whatever I said!!! fizzlybearz (09/28/09 6:59:16 PM): ???? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 7:00:22 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/28/09 7:00:33 PM): k guess ur mad at me fizzlybearz (09/28/09 7:03:48 PM): not sure what i did to make u mad beside not being online for the weekend but i couldnt be online fizzlybearz (09/28/09 7:03:59 PM): sorry i made u mad at me fizzlybearz (09/28/09 7:04:06 PM): didnt mean to malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 7:31:56 PM): i dont know what to say but u broke my heart like I had never expected from my Rylee....=(( fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:15:46 PM): i dont kno what to say to fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:16:28 PM): my heart was so broken when u said u werent coming so i guess maybe we r both with broke hearts malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:18:36 PM): u havn't trusted me because this was our second time I haven;t came to meet that y u broke both of our hearts?' fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:19:02 PM): i broke both our hearts?? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:19:05 PM): i was desperate to came fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:19:28 PM): i really wanted u to come to malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:19:29 PM): My Rylee's Heart and her Boy friend heat (Rylee's Mac) malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:19:41 PM): i wished too fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:19:44 PM): how did i break my own heart? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:19:49 PM): but i was really very very sick fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:19:52 PM): thats making no sence malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:20:01 PM): b coz of me fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:20:10 PM): im glad u r better now tho fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:20:20 PM): least u didnt have to go in the hospital malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:20:24 PM): trust me Rylee, I was very very sick fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:20:29 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:20:42 PM): no1 was here u could helped me out, not even my gf fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:20:58 PM): i couldnt help u from here malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:21:15 PM): i knew it!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:21:28 PM): but u sent me the mail reply like too much malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:21:36 PM): like u dont wanted to continue fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:21:43 PM): i didnt say that malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:21:45 PM): and whatever i sadi was just lie fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:21:54 PM): i had hurt feelings malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:22:15 PM): i was very ture to u, I am true to u and I will always true to my Rylee forever fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:22:24 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:22:34 PM): but I am hurt :( fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:22:43 PM): i was to but i got over it malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:23:17 PM): so do u wanna continue or break over...? Be honest!!!! fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:23:32 PM): i never ever ever said i wanna break up ever fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:23:39 PM): why u say that malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:23:47 PM): do u still love me? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:23:51 PM): yes malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:23:59 PM): then y u said that I am lieing malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:02 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:10 PM): and I dont wanted to meet? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:24:13 PM): i just had hurt feelings fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:24:20 PM): im sorry malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:24 PM): n what about my feelings? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:32 PM): i am reaaly hurt malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:40 PM): i never expected that from u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:24:41 PM): u want me to go away dont u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:24:47 PM): u hate me now malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:48 PM): nooooooo malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:51 PM): noooooooooooo fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:24:53 PM): feels like it malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:24:55 PM): i never malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:25:00 PM): but i hurt malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:25:03 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:25:13 PM): i love you Rylee malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:25:16 PM): my rylee malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:25:22 PM): i love u too much fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:25:37 PM): i love u to im so soooooo sorry i hurt u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:25:44 PM): u forgiving me at all? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:26:01 PM): what do u mean? What u expect my answer? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:26:10 PM): yes or no? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:26:12 PM): i hope u say yes u do malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:26:20 PM): if i say no, then? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:26:29 PM): then i guess u hate me malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:26:36 PM): will u go out from life? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:26:40 PM): from my thinking? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:26:44 PM): from my heart? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:26:53 PM): from every part of me? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:27:06 PM): and the same, will i go out from u? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:27:09 PM): be honest? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:27:15 PM): very very honest fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:27:15 PM): noooo never malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:27:38 PM): u know damn silly idiot, i loveeeeeee u veryyyyyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyy much malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:27:48 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:27:53 PM): so u really forgive me malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:28:13 PM): only only when u will never repeat it like this malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:28:21 PM): we have to be very mature malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:28:31 PM): and only then we can maary and can think ahead malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:28:35 PM): marry** fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:28:47 PM): im trying to be mature malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:28:49 PM): but if u think, it is like just fun then it is upto u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:29:04 PM): im not old enuff to get married yet malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:29:25 PM): not even me, I meant I am not telling u to get marry me now malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:29:32 PM): but we might marry malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:29:36 PM): am i worng? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:29:41 PM): no ur not wrong malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:30:08 PM): u just forgot me when u was with Heldi malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:30:11 PM): and other friends malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:30:15 PM): I missed u alot fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:30:19 PM): no i didnt ever forget u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:30:25 PM): i thot about u all the time malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:30:50 PM): what u thought me, how is this Mac idiot and flurt and liar? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:30:56 PM): and dont love Rylee? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:31:00 PM): is that u meant? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:31:05 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:31:31 PM): at first kinda but then i realize that u really love me and r just sick and i shouldnt be so mean to u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:31:35 PM): i really didnt mean it fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:31:41 PM): i was hoping u feel ok fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:31:44 PM): and getting better malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:31:55 PM): :(( malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:32:13 PM): whatever I said is all very true from my heart malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:32:29 PM): and I always always love u even we hav't meet yet malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:32:44 PM): whatever girl i see, i though u r there malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:32:50 PM): i miss u every second fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:32:53 PM): awww fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:32:57 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:33:12 PM): but i think I m more possessive fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:33:19 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:33:32 PM): i dont know u love me like this or nor malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:33:42 PM): but i love u veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:33:56 PM): i love u the same!!!!!!!!! fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:34:06 PM): i just never had a bf b4 its all new to me fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:34:13 PM): im not sure how all this works fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:34:25 PM): ur my first bf EVER!!! malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:34:37 PM): n u say u too malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:34:43 PM): I say u too malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:34:59 PM): u r not only my gf but my real love malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:35:01 PM): my life malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:35:10 PM): everything to me malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:35:22 PM): i thought that i need u in my life, always fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:35:26 PM): this makes me feel so happy malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:35:46 PM): =(( but u break me malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:35:54 PM): my heart!!1:( fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:35:54 PM): again?? what i do now?? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:36:03 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:36:11 PM): u r silly fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:36:16 PM): what i do malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:36:22 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:36:25 PM): i will punish u fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:36:30 PM): how malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:36:41 PM): after 7 years malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:36:51 PM): by getting marry malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:36:53 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:37:00 PM): will u? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:37:10 PM): getting married is how u punish me? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:37:16 PM): i dont get it malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:37:27 PM): b coz I am such a stuoid guy malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:37:37 PM): stupid** malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:37:52 PM): and getting marry with Stupid 1 is punishment malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:37:59 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:38:04 PM): dont say u r stupid malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:38:06 PM): :-P malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:38:12 PM): am i not? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:38:13 PM): if anybody is stupid its me malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:38:31 PM): I have plan malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:38:37 PM): we can meet this Saturday malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:38:50 PM): can u come out to meet me? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:39:08 PM): i gotta find out if my parents r gonna be around malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:39:33 PM): ok, think and plan it and then let me know malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:39:40 PM): r u going to bed now? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:39:44 PM): when i plan it it never works :( malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:39:55 PM): b coz I have to go, brb in 20 mins malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:39:58 PM): it will work fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:39:59 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:40:03 PM): i promise fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:40:06 PM): saturday? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:40:08 PM): i will sure be there malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:40:09 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:40:13 PM): on Sat malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:40:28 PM): but in afternoon around 12? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:40:32 PM): or 1 fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:40:48 PM): gosh i gotta find out about my parents if there home then what malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:41:01 PM): ok, will check malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:41:14 PM): say them u r going to your friend place malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:41:24 PM): may be heildi? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:41:29 PM): maybe fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:41:44 PM): it will be awesome if i can malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:41:46 PM): i will start early in the morning fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:41:51 PM): start what malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:41:56 PM): and be there at 12 malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:42:08 PM): then spend whole noon together malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:42:17 PM): and in evening will be back fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:42:21 PM): oh wow malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:42:35 PM): be mature, think it malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:42:38 PM): and then let me know fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:42:45 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:43:03 PM): but if i come and then u will not come then I will never talk to u malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:43:06 PM): never fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:43:12 PM): what??? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:43:22 PM): if i cant get out of the house u never talk to me??? fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:43:27 PM): thats not fair malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:43:39 PM): i meant we will plan it accorningly malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:43:51 PM): but if u r ok,, then only i will come malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:44:02 PM): ok, brb in 20 mins fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:44:06 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:44:17 PM): think n then let me know malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:44:30 PM): if u cant meet I will not come fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:44:41 PM): but u will still talk to me? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:44:44 PM): but only if u can come over to meet me then i will plan malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:44:53 PM): y will i not talk to u? malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:44:56 PM): u r my life fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:44:59 PM): u said u wont!!!! malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:45:03 PM): my lifeeeeeeeeeeeee fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:45:08 PM): ur freaking me out like if i mess up u leave me malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:45:17 PM): u r sillly idiot....:-* malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:45:24 PM): brb 15 mins fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:45:27 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:45:39 PM): go n get ready till the time malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:45:43 PM): for bed malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:45:52 PM): brush ur teaths fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:45:55 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:46:05 PM): see ny teaths...:D malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:46:10 PM): lol...!!! fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:46:11 PM): :D fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:46:15 PM): hahaha malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:46:16 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:46:21 PM): brb then fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:46:21 PM): love u tooooooo fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:46:26 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 9:46:28 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (09/28/09 9:46:33 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 10:13:02 PM): i m back rylee malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 10:13:15 PM): but i have to take another 30 mins malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 10:13:34 PM): if u can wait that is fine, otherwise u can go to bed :( malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 10:14:32 PM): i will be back within 30 mins, love u till then......otherwise gud night n sweet kissess for my love....:-* malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 10:15:09 PM): if u can wait, pls wait my Rylee......yours n only Rylee's Mac.....brb!!! fizzlybearz (09/28/09 10:23:46 PM): awwww fizzlybearz (09/28/09 10:23:48 PM): :( fizzlybearz (09/28/09 10:23:52 PM): i gotta go to bed fizzlybearz (09/28/09 10:24:10 PM): where do u keep going?? lol fizzlybearz (09/28/09 10:24:40 PM): anyways love u talk to u later fizzlybearz (09/28/09 10:24:47 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/28/09 11:13:00 PM): :( love u alot....will talk to u tomorrow my Rylee...:) will miss u alot sweet byesss fizzlybearz (09/29/09 3:45:46 PM): love u to mac :) malhotra.mohit (09/29/09 7:58:08 PM): :-* love u my u so much.....>:D< malhotra.mohit (09/29/09 9:13:09 PM): when will u come online...? I am waiting for u since long time......very sleepy too...come rylee, come a bit fast....waiting....I-) malhotra.mohit (09/29/09 10:31:46 PM): i think u will not come tonight online malhotra.mohit (09/29/09 10:31:52 PM): I am going to sleep now malhotra.mohit (09/29/09 10:32:17 PM): very tired, was waiting for u but anyways now I am going to bed......very sleepy malhotra.mohit (09/29/09 10:32:29 PM): gud byess fizzlybearz (09/30/09 3:53:05 PM): im sorry mac!!!! fizzlybearz (09/30/09 3:53:14 PM): i had so much stupid homework fizzlybearz (09/30/09 3:54:05 PM): then i feel asleep studying science its pretty boring fizzlybearz (09/30/09 3:54:34 PM): anyway i hope we can chat on here tonite when u get home from work :) fizzlybearz (09/30/09 3:54:42 PM): love u ttyl malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:24:03 PM): hi cute Mac's rylee malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:24:13 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:24:22 PM): hi!!! fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:24:46 PM): what u doin malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:24:55 PM): will not tell u malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:24:58 PM): secret fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:25:00 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:25:02 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:25:05 PM): come on :P malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:25:11 PM): i am just thinking of my gf fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:25:12 PM): tell me tell me tell meeeee fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:25:17 PM): ohh ok then :D malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:25:40 PM): just kidding fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:25:49 PM): hm ok malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:25:59 PM): but what r u doing? fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:26:17 PM): chatting with u fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:26:22 PM): thinking of painting my nails malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:26:45 PM): which color? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:26:45 PM): which color? fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:26:54 PM): dark blue fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:27:04 PM): what u think? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:27:07 PM): ohh cute malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:27:11 PM): so beaautiful fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:27:15 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:27:51 PM): so what else? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:27:54 PM): did u missed me? fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:28:01 PM): yes i always miss u fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:28:14 PM): every second all day wonder what ur doing fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:28:18 PM): what ur thinking fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:28:21 PM): if ur happy malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:28:39 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:28:41 PM): :) fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:28:47 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:29:18 PM): g8 fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:29:29 PM): g8 what malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:29:46 PM): u think me malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:30:24 PM): may be will talk to u tomorrow malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:30:30 PM): i have to go for now fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:30:34 PM): awww whyyy malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:30:44 PM): not for much time malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:30:48 PM): just for 15 mins fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:30:54 PM): why u always go malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:00 PM): sorry :( fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:31:03 PM): for 15 min or 30 min?? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:04 PM): i have to eat fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:31:06 PM): what u do malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:10 PM): dinner malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:15 PM): have to cook also malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:17 PM): chicken fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:31:24 PM): :( k malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:30 PM): will u come back? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:32 PM): or not? fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:31:41 PM): ya im not going malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:31:55 PM): so what will u do till then? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:32:16 PM): might me i will wait for your cute sexy romantic mails, and cards from you till that time fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:32:18 PM): maybe paint my nails malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:32:19 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:32:27 PM): alright malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:32:32 PM): do u wax also? fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:32:39 PM): wax my nails? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:32:43 PM): no malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:32:46 PM): ur legs fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:32:51 PM): oh no malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:32:58 PM): ok fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:33:02 PM): i shave but dont wax them malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:33:07 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:33:11 PM): brb fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:33:13 PM): k malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:33:17 PM): around 10 malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:33:20 PM): ba byess till then malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:33:24 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:33:33 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:53:28 PM): done with your paints? fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:53:42 PM): haha no fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:53:51 PM): u done already?? malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:53:58 PM): no :) malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:54:08 PM): inbetween malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:54:31 PM): but was just thinking that if we could be living together then we could prepare together in the kitchen malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:54:39 PM): :-P malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:54:46 PM): a good fun fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:54:57 PM): aww that mite be fun i dont really kno how to cook very much stuff malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:55:02 PM): i would pull up u in my arms malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:55:16 PM): just kidding malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:55:28 PM): just thinking, i could hold u in my arms malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:55:33 PM): uncloth u malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:55:49 PM): and will kiss u every everywhere fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:56:05 PM): that sounds fun malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:56:07 PM): i dont know, when my this dream will become reality fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:56:18 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:56:39 PM): just thinking now, but yet we have't did anything malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:56:41 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:56:52 PM): wish to do fizzlybearz (09/30/09 9:56:59 PM): i kno me to malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 9:57:15 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (09/30/09 10:11:40 PM): u back fizzlybearz (09/30/09 10:11:43 PM): oh guess not malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 10:25:08 PM): I am always in the heart of Rylee, if u wanna find me, go there u will find Mac.....:D malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 10:25:21 PM): n thats true malhotra.mohit (09/30/09 10:25:25 PM): very true fizzlybearz (09/30/09 10:25:26 PM): aww thats cute fizzlybearz (09/30/09 10:30:29 PM): how was ur chicken fizzlybearz (09/30/09 10:30:36 PM): how was ur chicken fizzlybearz (09/30/09 10:37:49 PM): whats up? fizzlybearz (09/30/09 11:02:19 PM): guess ur not coming back like u said fizzlybearz (09/30/09 11:02:34 PM): im going to sleep now i got school so ya fizzlybearz (09/30/09 11:02:40 PM): k nite fizzlybearz (09/30/09 11:02:44 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (09/30/09 11:02:46 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:35:41 PM): busy? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:35:55 PM): hiii! fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:36:07 PM): u just get home malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:36:18 PM): yeh] malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:36:21 PM): for u fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:36:31 PM): u came home for me? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:36:31 PM): any questions? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:36:36 PM): yeh for u fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:36:38 PM): about what malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:36:38 PM): only for u fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:36:41 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:36:54 PM): so what r u doing? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:37:08 PM): talking to friends what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:37:22 PM): ok, then go n talk to them malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:37:26 PM): i am leaving fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:37:31 PM): but u dont want to talk to me???? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:37:36 PM): nooooo fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:37:41 PM): how come malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:37:44 PM): b coz u r busy with your other friends malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:37:55 PM): i am nothing infront of them for u malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:37:57 PM): right? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:38:02 PM): dont be so silly malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:38:06 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:38:09 PM): ur more importen then them malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:38:11 PM): just kidding fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:38:19 PM): good i was gonna get mad at u :P malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:38:21 PM): u r so so cute fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:38:29 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:38:32 PM): y mad at me? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:38:47 PM): for sayin there more importent then u fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:38:53 PM): not true!!!! fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:39:26 PM): so what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:39:39 PM): what I am doing now? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:39:45 PM): do u really wanna know? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:40:02 PM): will u trust me, whatever I say that waht I am doing now? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:40:08 PM): be honest/? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:40:11 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:40:15 PM): promise? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:40:17 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:40:26 PM): I am Missing u alottttttt malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:40:32 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:40:35 PM): im missing u to!!! fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:40:40 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:40:52 PM): so u r meeting on Saturday malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:40:53 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:00 PM): I am all set to come fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:41:07 PM): for real! malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:13 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:17 PM): dont u want? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:19 PM): as u wish fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:41:20 PM): yes!!! malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:29 PM): how will u meet me then? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:31 PM): any plan? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:35 PM): what will u say at home? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:41:43 PM): i can say im going to a freinds house malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:41:57 PM): wil ur mom drop u? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:42:03 PM): drop me where?? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:42:09 PM): to ur friend place? malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:42:16 PM): or then where will u meet me? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:42:18 PM): oh i can walk fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:42:25 PM): where we gonna go malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:42:51 PM): anywhere u would be interested in malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 6:42:52 PM): brb fizzlybearz (10/01/09 6:42:55 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:02:01 PM): Rylee, I am going out with my friends malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:02:11 PM): when will u be online back in night? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 7:02:29 PM): im online rite now idk when im getting offline and idk wheni be back malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:02:41 PM): ok, I will be back at 9 malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:02:48 PM): hope we will meet there fizzlybearz (10/01/09 7:02:56 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:03:03 PM): otherwise I will leave u an offline message with good night kisses malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:03:13 PM): and u also do the same, if I am not online malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:03:24 PM): but never forget to say good night malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:03:35 PM): ba u my life... malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:03:42 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (10/01/09 7:03:44 PM): love u to malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:03:47 PM): :-h fizzlybearz (10/01/09 7:03:51 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:04:07 PM): but it seems that u r very busy with other friends malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:04:10 PM): right? fizzlybearz (10/01/09 7:04:14 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 7:04:25 PM): just kidding....:D fizzlybearz (10/01/09 7:04:38 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 9:38:35 PM): I am back.....just waiting for u........ malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 9:54:45 PM): will u come...? I am waiting my love..... malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 9:55:01 PM): i think u r busy with something else.....:( malhotra.mohit (10/01/09 11:09:12 PM): I think u went to bed and will not come to say nite...anywayss...good night :-*... ba byess :-h fizzlybearz (10/01/09 11:13:35 PM): im here r u here fizzlybearz (10/01/09 11:15:07 PM): :( i missed u :( fizzlybearz (10/01/09 11:23:39 PM): >:D<:-*>:D< fizzlybearz (10/01/09 11:23:43 PM): nite mac fizzlybearz (10/01/09 11:23:48 PM): love you always fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:26:13 PM): hi fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:26:30 PM): how r u mac fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:28:30 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:28:38 PM): why u ignore me? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:28:50 PM): do u wanna know? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:28:57 PM): i asked so ya malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:29:32 PM): check ur mail fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:29:43 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:30:08 PM): and it is very true! fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:31:20 PM): u r the sweetest person in the whole entire world!!!!! fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:31:27 PM): i love u to the card is so pretty malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:31:37 PM): :-P malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:31:56 PM): just came from the office malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:32:00 PM): just now malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:32:03 PM): was changing fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:32:12 PM): changing what malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:32:16 PM): and when cam back to the system u was :( malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:32:19 PM): cloths fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:32:29 PM): ohh fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:32:42 PM): its bcuz i thot u were ignorning me fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:32:50 PM): but now i kno ur not :D malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:32:51 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:33:06 PM): u r silly stupid :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:33:11 PM): i kno huh malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:33:17 PM): u know that how much we love eachother fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:33:22 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:33:29 PM): even then u r thinking like that malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:33:40 PM): tomorrow, I might buy a new car malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:33:48 PM): but not yet sure fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:33:56 PM): wow how fun malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:34:09 PM): just b coz of u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:34:12 PM): me? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:34:31 PM): so that u like it malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:34:38 PM): and will have fun in car too malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:34:42 PM): :-P malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:35:00 PM): any problem? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:35:05 PM): dont u like it? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:35:05 PM): what kinda car u drive dont matter to me i probly like whatever u got malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:35:21 PM): u r so sweet:-* fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:35:24 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:35:30 PM): right now I am driving toyotoa malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:35:35 PM): but its now a bit old fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:35:42 PM): oh fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:36:00 PM): i cant wait to be old enuff to drive malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:36:12 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:36:17 PM): what malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:36:23 PM): nothing really malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:36:26 PM): tired malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:36:38 PM): give me some kisses so that i will get refresh myself malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:36:42 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:36:53 PM): :-*:-*:-*:-*:-* fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:37:04 PM): >:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D< malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:37:15 PM): ohh now feel better :)) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:37:19 PM): lol fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:37:22 PM): ur silly malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:37:45 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:37:49 PM): yeh sometime fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:38:07 PM): sometimes ppl r to serious all the time malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:38:26 PM): I am not fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:38:31 PM): no i kno fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:38:34 PM): ur fun fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:38:42 PM): not boring like alot of ppl malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:38:50 PM): :-> malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:39:33 PM): so what r u doing now? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:39:41 PM): talking to u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:39:56 PM): what r u doing now malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:40:10 PM): talking to u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:40:16 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:40:16 PM): too! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:40:21 PM): only to u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:40:32 PM): same with me! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:41:28 PM): check ur mail one more time fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:41:31 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:42:58 PM): lol that ones cute! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:43:08 PM): no more now!!! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:43:14 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:43:23 PM): :-bd fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:43:25 PM): hahaa ur so cute malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:43:32 PM): yes I am malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:43:43 PM): see I am laughing....:D fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:43:48 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:43:56 PM): i am really laughing and have smile on my face malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:44:03 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:44:06 PM): awww good!!! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:44:25 PM): i dont know about how much u love me or I do malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:44:30 PM): but whenever I talk to u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:44:39 PM): i feel good and cool malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:44:45 PM): i really like u! fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:44:57 PM): i really like u to nobody ever made me so happy malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:45:03 PM): and it is sure that we will be very very close to eachother one time malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:45:11 PM): thanks Rylee fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:45:14 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:45:30 PM): and also thank so much to be my girl friend malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:45:37 PM): but be with me always malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:45:38 PM): forever fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:45:45 PM): i will i promise malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:45:51 PM): i hope we will marry too!!! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:46:00 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:46:00 PM): :D fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:46:05 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:46:19 PM): :-* one smal kiss on ur lips fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:46:25 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:46:43 PM): what's ur plan for this weekend? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:46:46 PM): r u going out? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:46:56 PM): or will u be in home for me? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:47:32 PM): i got asked for a sleep over but i said i didnt feel good so i can be home on saturday for u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:47:58 PM): ohh great!!! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:48:11 PM): will i ask u one question? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:48:17 PM): what malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:49:19 PM): if some one else propose u or love u then will u leave me? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:49:32 PM): I meant if some1 else wanna be your boy friend? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:49:34 PM): r u crazy??? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:49:38 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:49:46 PM): nooooo way u silly goose malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:49:52 PM): may be better than me? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:50:10 PM): u r the sweetest guy i ever knew fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:50:19 PM): nobody ever be as good as u r to me malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:50:34 PM): but incase if u got some1 then? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:51:09 PM): i told u no way i love u always i told u that malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:51:18 PM): love u toooooooooo fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:51:22 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:51:25 PM): oh wait malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:51:35 PM): i trust u and hope u will always mine and only only mine fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:51:57 PM): what if u find a really pretty lady that wants to be ur gf? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:52:12 PM): never never neverrrrrrrrrr fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:52:12 PM): that can go out whenever u want and stuff fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:52:14 PM): what then malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:52:26 PM): Rylee is my life malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:52:32 PM): and a person has only one life malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:52:41 PM): if no life no man fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:52:43 PM): aww see u r so sweet malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:52:51 PM): i am yours only malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:52:56 PM): brb in 10 mins malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:52:59 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:53:03 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:53:08 PM): my friends bfs never r so nice fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:53:10 PM): oh ok malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:53:20 PM): i am ur life too malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:53:35 PM): we r inside to eachother and cant live without fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:53:40 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:53:51 PM): we r not like other stupid guys malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 6:53:59 PM): anyways, brb 10 mins fizzlybearz (10/02/09 6:54:02 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:35:46 PM): back fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:35:57 PM): hey malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:36:31 PM): r u busy? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:36:41 PM): what u have done till I am not online? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:36:42 PM): nope just listening to music fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:36:56 PM): hanging out in my room fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:36:58 PM): being bored malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:37:10 PM): ohhh how so bad, u r bored malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:37:15 PM): i will tickle u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:37:17 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:37:19 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:37:40 PM): so what's ur plan now? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:37:48 PM): not much really fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:37:51 PM): whats ur plan malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:37:58 PM): not much really malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:38:00 PM): same same malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:38:11 PM): just depends on my rylee fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:38:16 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:38:29 PM): as my rylee tell me, i will do the same fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:38:35 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:38:43 PM): yeh offcourse malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:38:50 PM): u r my everything malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:38:59 PM): everything depends on u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:39:14 PM): I meant everything of Mac is Rylee malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:39:26 PM): is all things of Mac is Rylee malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:39:34 PM): not kidding :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:39:39 PM): thats really cool :D malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:39:41 PM): I am serious fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:40:00 PM): i believe u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:40:01 PM): i love u from inside core of my heart malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:40:10 PM): infact u r my heart malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:40:20 PM): :x fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:40:24 PM): u r my heart to fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:40:30 PM): :x malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:40:56 PM): ok, rylee I have to go out for sometime malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:01 PM): my friends are coming fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:41:06 PM): no fair fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:41:07 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:11 PM): have program for some beer malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:13 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:17 PM): i will come soon fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:41:17 PM): its ok fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:41:23 PM): really? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:27 PM): yeh sure malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:31 PM): tell me the time malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:36 PM): i will back at that time malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:40 PM): whatever be there fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:41:40 PM): um rite now! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:47 PM): i am leaving now malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:41:55 PM): u tell me ur time to come back malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:42:02 PM): so that i will be back also by that time fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:42:11 PM): im probly not going away malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:42:24 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:55:05 PM): i am not going malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:55:07 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:55:12 PM): infact it is :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:55:27 PM): because of u only malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:56:21 PM): but I am going to take a shower now, be right back in 15 mins malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 7:56:34 PM): love u till then my honey......:) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 7:57:58 PM): ur not going? what happen? i mean yay for me but r u sad? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:08:52 PM): I am not sad very happy malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:08:57 PM): i am with Rylee malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:09:09 PM): i have cancelled just for u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:09:29 PM): really?? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:09:36 PM): thats so sweet of u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:09:45 PM): bcuz u didnt want me bored? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:09:53 PM): i am sweet b coz I am whole Rylee's property malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:09:55 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:10:14 PM): lol ur funny malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:10:32 PM): I am all Rylee's malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:10:36 PM): any questions? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:10:40 PM): about what malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:11:00 PM): that I am only Rylee's malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:11:02 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:11:16 PM): i cant think of any qeustions malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:11:35 PM): sounds good fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:11:49 PM): where r ur friends going malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:12:05 PM): they cancelled for me and coming to my house fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:12:25 PM): oh so u will be leaving me? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:12:34 PM): for visitning your friends malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:13:04 PM): no no malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:13:09 PM): i am not at al leaving u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:13:18 PM): my friends r coming to my house malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:13:32 PM): b coz I can;t go out as I have to be with my gf malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:13:39 PM): make sense? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:13:41 PM): yep fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:13:49 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:13:59 PM): if I would ne here, I can talk to u meanwhile malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:14:25 PM): and u also go and send me some sweet cards and messages malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:14:27 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:14:40 PM): i think my friends came malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:14:48 PM): knocking my door malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:14:55 PM): brb fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:14:58 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:21:06 PM): my friends come over fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:21:13 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:21:14 PM): they r in living room malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:21:23 PM): i came to tell u this malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:21:27 PM): I am in my bed room malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:21:39 PM): they r 4 fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:21:39 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:21:53 PM): what u guys gonna do malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:21:59 PM): they were keep asking me in office abbout my gf malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:03 PM): drink malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:06 PM): and party malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:09 PM): enjoy malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:19 PM): but I will in contact with u sametime malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:32 PM): in every 5 mins, I will come here to takl to u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:35 PM): think about me fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:22:39 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:43 PM): and also some cute cute messages malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:54 PM): and also send me the cute romantic card malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:22:58 PM): I will love it malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:23:01 PM): they r calling me malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:23:06 PM): opening wine fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:23:11 PM): have fun malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:23:16 PM): brb my love malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:23:30 PM): in each 5-10 mins, I will be here malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:23:36 PM): loveeeeeeeee fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:23:41 PM): k <3 malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:36:37 PM): i am back malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:36:41 PM): had one glass fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:36:49 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:36:50 PM): and what r u doing? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:36:59 PM): being bored malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:37:08 PM): every1 are talking about there gf fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:37:14 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:37:16 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:37:29 PM): i told them about my gf also now malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:37:35 PM): Rylee!!! fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:37:43 PM): awww u did!!!? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:37:47 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:37:54 PM): what they say malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:37:59 PM): they r very happy malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:38:03 PM): and excited too malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:38:07 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:38:10 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:38:25 PM): every1 are enjoying with there gf fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:38:35 PM): there gfs there to malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:38:40 PM): no not here fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:38:43 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:38:51 PM): but of one guy malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:38:59 PM): friend of one fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:39:05 PM): huh? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:39:06 PM): she is Kate malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:39:19 PM): she is good malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:39:28 PM): she is 14 malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:39:46 PM): was asking about u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:39:56 PM): lol why malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:40:03 PM): she is very happy malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:40:21 PM): she might get your Co. too sometime in the near future when we will meet malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:40:27 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:40:33 PM): anyways, I am going again malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:40:41 PM): brb in 10 mins fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:40:41 PM): whats my Co.?? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:40:44 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:40:48 PM): I meant malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:00 PM): she might get intrdocue to u also malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:06 PM): as other gf malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:14 PM): nothing to think about it malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:15 PM): leave it fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:41:18 PM): wait fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:41:22 PM): she is ur gf to? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:27 PM): nooooooooooooooooooooooooo malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:29 PM): r u mad? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:37 PM): i have only one life that is u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:39 PM): and only u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:41:40 PM): u just said as other gf.... malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:41:49 PM): other gf od my friends fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:42:04 PM): oh shes the gf of 1 of ur friends? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:42:04 PM): she is gf of of Amit malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:42:08 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:42:09 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:42:10 PM): u r so silly malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:42:11 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:42:13 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:42:16 PM): ok brb fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:42:21 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:42:33 PM): go and send me the cute card or msgs til that time, if u wanna so fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:42:45 PM): i cant find any i like for u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:42:53 PM): im gonna make u a real one malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:43:01 PM): so cute! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:43:03 PM): ok brb fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:43:05 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:49:38 PM): rylee fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:49:43 PM): mac malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:49:48 PM): my friend and her gf wanna talk to u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:50:02 PM): Hi Rylee, this is Amit malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:50:12 PM): I am Kate too malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:50:16 PM): how r u? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:50:19 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:50:37 PM): we all are very excited that Mac has finally gf malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:50:42 PM): and who is you fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:50:46 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:51:08 PM): do you love me, actually he love u very much....we were just talking about u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:51:16 PM): I meant him* fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:51:30 PM): i love him sooo much malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:51:45 PM): he is smiling there fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:51:49 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:52:03 PM): hope u would be here and can enjoy with us malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:52:15 PM): anyways, nice to meet you fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:52:23 PM): nice meeting u to fizzlybearz (10/02/09 8:52:26 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 8:52:35 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:18:58 PM): i m back fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:19:03 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:19:11 PM): what was she asking u? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:19:27 PM): we are all talking about there gf and all stuff fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:19:58 PM): just if i love u and she was hoping i can be there and hang out with u guys i guess malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:20:12 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:20:29 PM): what r u doing fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:20:45 PM): watching ideas on how to curl my hair fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:20:50 PM): and do makeup fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:20:54 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:20:59 PM): y u wanna makeup now? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:04 PM): r u going to meet bf? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:07 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:21:10 PM): lol um ya malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:23 PM): who the hell is he...?X-( fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:21:30 PM): dont be silly fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:21:34 PM): u kno who he is malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:41 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:43 PM): i know fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:21:46 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:55 PM): he would be only cute smily Mac malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:57 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:21:58 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:22:06 PM): yay u win the prize!!! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:22:12 PM): ohh thanks fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:22:14 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:22:23 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:22:31 PM): ok, will talk to u later fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:22:35 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:22:44 PM): they are supposed to go now malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:22:53 PM): we are all drunk fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:22:58 PM): lol wow malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:23:03 PM): kate and Amit are kissing eacother fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:23:09 PM): aww cute malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:23:15 PM): they might need my bed room malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:23:20 PM): for sometime fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:23:31 PM): r they super drunk malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:23:37 PM): i think so malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:23:46 PM): they wanna do sex, i guess fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:23:50 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:24:11 PM): they r waiting for me, ok, I will hand them over my room fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:24:22 PM): but then we cant chat? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:24:28 PM): brb in about 20 mins, i hope malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:24:34 PM): no, malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:24:39 PM): i have other friend also malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:24:43 PM): waiting for me fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:24:47 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:25:00 PM): brb 10 mins my love fizzlybearz (10/02/09 9:25:04 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 9:25:06 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 10:36:49 PM): brb im gonna go eatsome icecream malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 10:43:51 PM): they have finshed now malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 10:44:03 PM): they enjoyed vey much :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 10:44:16 PM): my all friends are leaving now malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 10:44:30 PM): take my part of ice cream too :) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 10:44:47 PM): brb in 15 mins!!! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 10:58:00 PM): ???? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:02:16 PM): ok im back malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:03:54 PM): where is my ice cream? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:04:00 PM): u have u it all? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:04:02 PM): aww it melted malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:04:06 PM): not fair :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:04:10 PM): lol just kidding u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:04:44 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:04:57 PM): thats fine :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:04:57 PM): u have fun with ur friends? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:05:55 PM): yeh but missed u fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:06:05 PM): i missed u to fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:06:25 PM): its so boring sitting here knowing u r having fun and im not malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:06:28 PM): hope u could with me fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:06:28 PM): poor me!! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:06:36 PM): mee 2 fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:06:44 PM): u were bored? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:08:36 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:08:39 PM): I was alot malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:08:53 PM): obviously with out, i will definetly not happy fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:09:10 PM): with out? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:09:49 PM): without my Rylee, I meant fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:09:53 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:09:54 PM): so u so silly malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:09:56 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:09:58 PM): sorry lol malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:10:04 PM): ok, I am going to sleep malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:10:11 PM): very tired and drunk too fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:10:12 PM): so not fair!!!! fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:10:14 PM): this sucks malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:10:19 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:10:24 PM): but I am tired malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:10:29 PM): and drunk too fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:10:38 PM): i dont even kno what time ur coming or where or anything malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:10:50 PM): sorry malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:11:06 PM): but i promise, it will not be like this tomorrow malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:11:17 PM): n will meet very very soon fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:11:25 PM): so what ur not coming now? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:11:36 PM): i am drunk malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:11:44 PM): pls fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:11:47 PM): whats that to do with tomorrow? malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:11:48 PM): please....:) malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:12:10 PM): we will talk tomorrow malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:12:13 PM): sure! malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:12:25 PM): I promise, love my Rylee fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:12:26 PM): this night sucks malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:12:48 PM): dont worry, it will make us more closer when we will meet fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:13:06 PM): r u gonna say u r not coming now fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:13:19 PM): bcuz i gave up a fun day with friends tomrrow for u malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:13:19 PM): what u want? fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:13:26 PM): u said ur coming malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:13:35 PM): i will malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:13:42 PM): promise malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:13:59 PM): but now going to sleep fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:14:08 PM): ur gonna make me cry malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:14:09 PM): very very tired malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:14:14 PM): please malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:14:19 PM): dont cry malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:24:27 PM): soory, I am very very tired malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:24:34 PM): check ur mail malhotra.mohit (10/02/09 11:24:43 PM): gud night love fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:26:41 PM): i checked my mail fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:26:47 PM): its the same thing u already told me fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:26:49 PM): but thx fizzlybearz (10/02/09 11:26:53 PM): whatevs malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 9:07:03 AM): sorry rylee.....very sorry :( malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 9:07:24 AM): i was very very tired and drunk also and just wanted to slept malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 9:07:49 AM): anyways, when u get up, give me the message.... malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 9:07:58 AM): love u.....:-* fizzlybearz (10/03/09 9:30:16 AM): i just woke up fizzlybearz (10/03/09 9:30:18 AM): r u here malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:40:41 PM): i am here my love malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:40:46 PM): but u r not here malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:41:05 PM): send me the e-mail about when will u become online n stuff..... malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:41:10 PM): love uuuuuuuu fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:41:18 PM): im here malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:41:24 PM): ohhhh malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:41:29 PM): y r u offline then? fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:41:38 PM): bcuz i didnt want to talk to anybody malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:41:45 PM): y? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:41:46 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:41:52 PM): didnt feel like it fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:41:54 PM): whats up malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:42:01 PM): u dont wanna talk to me? fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:42:14 PM): im talking to u malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:42:36 PM): just back home fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:42:47 PM): from where malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:43:12 PM): i told u that I am going to buy the car malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:43:13 PM): i went there to see that malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:43:13 PM): i told u that I am going to buy the car fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:43:23 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:43:42 PM): did i hut u last night? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:43:45 PM): hurt** fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:43:55 PM): why u asking malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:44:05 PM): I am sorry, if i did :( fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:44:10 PM): dont matter malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:44:20 PM): i think u r mad at me fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:44:25 PM): should i be malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:44:28 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:44:32 PM): u should be malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:44:37 PM): but I am sorry fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:44:46 PM): sorry for what malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:44:57 PM): i went away last night to sleep malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:45:03 PM): sorry pls malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:45:11 PM): :(( fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:45:12 PM): dont matter malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:45:28 PM): i think u r really very very mad at me malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:45:42 PM): what should i do now, to make u happy? fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:45:57 PM): its not important forget it malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:46:03 PM): it is fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:46:05 PM): nope malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:46:08 PM): y? fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:46:15 PM): bcuz malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:47:18 PM): y? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:47:21 PM): tell me malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:47:24 PM): what bcoz? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:47:31 PM): u dont love me? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:47:38 PM): what;s the problem? fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:47:38 PM): why u always ask that malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:47:41 PM): I said I am sorry malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:47:49 PM): then y u r mad? fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:47:59 PM): ur the one saying im mad fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:48:06 PM): i never said i am malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:48:06 PM): r u not? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:48:20 PM): alright then! fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:48:21 PM): why should i be mad malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:48:29 PM): forget it fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:49:12 PM): maybe bcuz i gave up a fun day with friends and a sleepover last nite.... u think that will make me mad? fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:49:36 PM): or how about u promising u will come see me today and u didnt.... will that make me mad? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:49:39 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:49:50 PM): what u think fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:49:53 PM): if i did that to u malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:49:54 PM): i went to buy a new car fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:49:58 PM): good for u malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:50:10 PM): I am sorry rylee :( fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:17 PM): dont worry about it malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:50:21 PM): will talk to u later fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:28 PM): ur just like my parents i should known it fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:33 PM): sure run away malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:50:37 PM): nooooooooooooo fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:37 PM): not talk to me malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:50:40 PM): i am nottttttttttttt fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:43 PM): yes u r malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:50:44 PM): give me 5 mins fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:47 PM): u treat me just like them malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:50:50 PM): i brb in 5 mins fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:51 PM): riiiiiiiggghhhhttt malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:50:52 PM): promise fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:56 PM): 5 min will be 30 fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:50:58 PM): or a hour malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:51:01 PM): no fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:51:01 PM): whatevs malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:51:09 PM): 5 - 10 mins only malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:51:14 PM): i promise u fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:51:15 PM): then u will come back for 5 min then u leve me again fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:51:18 PM): i kno how it works fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:51:19 PM): now malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:51:22 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:51:24 PM): i will not fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:51:27 PM): k prove it then malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 3:51:32 PM): sure fizzlybearz (10/03/09 3:51:42 PM): i will make sure not to hold my breath malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:25:49 PM): r u there? malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:28:29 PM): I think, I am not suitable for you. I know i hurt u. You believe it or not but when i talk to u after noon to come back in 5 -10 mins, i got the call from Bank for the car to buy. And suddenly I went there, because it was very mandatory as bank would close in another 30 mins. I rushed there to get. But I am sorry....:( malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:29:45 PM): Even now, if u wanna believe me then it is good otherwise everything is in your hand. If u wanna punish me, I am accepting the punishment...but i love u and i haven't created any circumstance intentionally. malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:30:04 PM): It is all because of the new car and last night was was drunk.... malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:30:32 PM): pls forgive me, if u can....:( malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:30:54 PM): I am extermenly sorry....i dont wanna leave u any how...!!! malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:31:06 PM): u r my life and love u....!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 7:31:27 PM): :(( malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 10:05:32 PM): r u going to leave me because I hurt u...? :( malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 10:09:09 PM): i think, u don't want to forgive u wish because i break ur heart and now u wanna break me too.....:(( malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 10:09:52 PM): i have done all because of u to buy the new car.....just for u......!!! malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 10:10:09 PM): :((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:(( malhotra.mohit (10/03/09 10:10:23 PM): :-SS malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:47:29 AM): what happened...? u r now ignoring me or put me on ignore list....? y y y....?:(( malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:47:41 AM): i love u ryleeeeeeeee malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:48:27 AM): i already aplogize from u but now even u cant forgive me and still be mad....i will :(( fizzlybearz (10/04/09 3:51:23 PM): im not sure what u want me to say? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:21:09 PM): hi fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:21:29 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:21:38 PM): do u wanna continue with me...? do u trust me yes or no? Do u still love me or not? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:21:46 PM): be honest and frank now fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:21:52 PM): i still love u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:21:56 PM): it is too much now! fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:21:57 PM): do u love me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:22:10 PM): what the stupidity is this then? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:22:20 PM): i dont trust u now fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:22:26 PM): LOL malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:22:32 PM): u not at all love me fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:22:32 PM): u dont trust me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:22:36 PM): yehhhhhhh fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:22:38 PM): i never lied to u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:22:43 PM): not even me fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:22:45 PM): u lied to me so many times i cant count malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:22:46 PM): never! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:22:54 PM): i not lied u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:23:00 PM): circumstance was that fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:23:03 PM): over and over and over and over fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:23:23 PM): u make promises u dont keep just like my parents fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:23:36 PM): now i kno why u call mee stupid idiot all the time fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:23:59 PM): i bet u sit around with ur friends and laff at how much u can get me to believe malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:24:22 PM): anything else? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:24:37 PM): it just makes me sad fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:24:55 PM): ppl that love u shouldnt hurt u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:32:29 PM): ok, let me talk to u in detail......if u wanna talk malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:32:37 PM): pls wait for me 5mins fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:32:59 PM): up to u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:36:47 PM): tell me in short malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:36:54 PM): do u wanna continue or quit? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:37:12 PM): i haven;t did anything intentionally fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:37:19 PM): why quit? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:37:22 PM): i already said sorry for all the stuff and if u hut too fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:37:25 PM): dont u love me?? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:37:29 PM): b coz u r mad at me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:37:34 PM): yeh i love u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:37:40 PM): as i already said u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:37:41 PM): so im not allowed to be mad ever in my life?? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:37:44 PM): i always love u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:37:53 PM): i gave up the best weekend ever for u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:37:57 PM): :( Rylee I am reall so sorry fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:38:04 PM): bcuz u told me u r wanting to see me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:04 PM): sorry :( fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:38:10 PM): then i sit here like a dummy malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:15 PM): i went to buy the car for u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:38:19 PM): im not allowed to be sad and mad????? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:23 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:38:26 PM): i told u i dont care about stupid cars malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:26 PM): u can.... fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:38:32 PM): i care about promises kept malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:37 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:51 PM): i promise, u will be my first pripority from now in my life malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:53 PM): i promuse malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:38:57 PM): promise fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:39:09 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:39:18 PM): i love u....!!! and again I am so sorry....forgive me.....:( fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:39:23 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:39:26 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:39:32 PM): love u :-* fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:39:35 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:39:48 PM): give me 5 mins malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:39:53 PM): restroom malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:39:59 PM): brb in 10 mins malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:40:10 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:40:29 PM): u r so cute and i am strange about me that how much u love to me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:40:33 PM): I am stupid idiot malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:40:47 PM): i really didn't knew that Rylee love me like anything malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:40:56 PM): thanks Rylee for ur love to me..... fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:40:58 PM): now u finely believe me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:41:04 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:41:13 PM): about time malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:41:17 PM): alwyas be like this malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:41:22 PM): in whole ur life malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:41:23 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:41:31 PM): i m very happy now fizzlybearz (10/04/09 6:41:36 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:41:39 PM): :\"> thanks! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 6:41:49 PM): brb restroom malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:00:00 PM): rylee, i tell u onething malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:00:12 PM): i really didn;t knew that u love me like anything malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:00:26 PM): u cancel all plans for me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:00:38 PM): i dont know how much i love u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:00:49 PM): but may be not as much as do malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:01:08 PM): i dont know what to say, but i can say I do love u too much.... fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:01:18 PM): too much? how malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:01:20 PM): i never wanted to hurt u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:01:43 PM): i dont have the answer of too much but i love u too fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:01:55 PM): k fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:04:31 PM): brb malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:06:39 PM): i will also be back in 5 mins malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:06:52 PM): back malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:10:36 PM): was waiting for u....when will u come back...? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:10:40 PM): ping me when u will back fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:12:16 PM): guess i took to long fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:12:17 PM): oh well fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:12:22 PM): ttyl fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:12:42 PM): to bad always make me wait for u but u cant wait for me :( malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:37:57 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:38:02 PM): have u checked ur mail? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:38:05 PM): check it malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:38:10 PM): something is there for u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:38:13 PM): k ill check in a while malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:38:31 PM): will u ask u one question? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:38:40 PM): go ahead malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:03 PM): y u love me sooooooo sooooooo much...? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:13 PM): i always hurt u even though malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:20 PM): sometime i think malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:25 PM): I am not suitable for u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:36 PM): b coz i always hurt u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:41 PM): and u always even love me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:46 PM): i am so stupid malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:39:59 PM): and vey vey cruel guy fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:40:06 PM): u want me to stop loving u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:40:19 PM): r u trying to get rid of me fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:40:29 PM): u treat me mean on purpose? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:40:40 PM): i dont know, but as u love me too much, i think might be I al not livng u like that malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:40:47 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:40:50 PM): i love u though fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:40:54 PM): so u dont love me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:40:54 PM): but i hurt y malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:40:55 PM): u* fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:41:04 PM): this is confusing malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:41:07 PM): what u think, so i love u or not? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:41:15 PM): idk ur confusing me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:41:18 PM): ask from yourself malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:41:34 PM): i love u but not as much as u do love me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:41:38 PM): i hurt u!!! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:41:48 PM): u r not happy with me!!! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:41:49 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:42:29 PM): i think, I am not suitable to u, u will get very very very good guy in your life more than me, he will love u more than me i guess malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:42:35 PM): idk what to say malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:42:39 PM): but i am crying malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:42:40 PM): :(( malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:43:32 PM): what happend? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:43:40 PM): u dont wanna talk to me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:43:42 PM): now? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:43:44 PM): i dont understand whats happening fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:43:48 PM): im trying to figure it ou malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:43:58 PM): ok, let me simple it malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:05 PM): what i am trying to tell u is that malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:09 PM): i love u too much malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:18 PM): but u love me more than I love u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:25 PM): and i sometime hurt u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:39 PM): so as i hurt u, I think I am not suitable for u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:46 PM): u may get better person than me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:48 PM): but i love u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:44:58 PM): and i am very haapy that u love me sooo much malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:45:11 PM): I wish everyone gets gf like u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:45:18 PM): I am very very very happy that u r my gf malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:45:28 PM): thanks RYlee for loving me soooo much malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:45:55 PM): i am crying and think can't live without u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:46:05 PM): I am sorry, i hurt u....:( malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:46:16 PM): but i love u from my heart......!!! fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:46:24 PM): r u breaking up with me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:46:33 PM): i dont want to be fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:46:37 PM): but u r? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:46:49 PM): what u want? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:46:58 PM): i dont got a choice do i malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:46:58 PM): am i good and suitable for u? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:47:03 PM): good** malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:47:21 PM): do u wanna me in your life? and even though i hurt u? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:47:28 PM): will u always love me? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:47:37 PM): keep hurting me and probly not malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:47:47 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:47:59 PM): i will not hurt u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:48:10 PM): but i did hurt u past fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:48:16 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:48:25 PM): do u wanna me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:48:35 PM): have u checked ur mail? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:48:38 PM): not yet malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:48:42 PM): check it! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:49:02 PM): think and u need me...? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:49:07 PM): do u love me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:49:24 PM): can u live without me...? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:49:29 PM): u keep saying i love u more then u love me fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:49:34 PM): so u kno i love u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:49:40 PM): why u keep asking fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:49:46 PM): if u kno the answer malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:49:47 PM): i know it! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:50:04 PM): do u need me in your life? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:50:21 PM): u r so cute rylee fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:50:35 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:50:38 PM): i am the luckiest person on this world that I have rylle malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:51:15 PM): so what r u doing? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:51:18 PM): r u happy now? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:51:25 PM): should i be malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:51:34 PM): r u still mad at me? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:51:39 PM): should i be malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:51:43 PM): idk malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:51:52 PM): but i apologize fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:51:58 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:52:10 PM): but even u still want to mad at me, I am so sorry once again fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:52:20 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:52:27 PM): what ty ty? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:52:29 PM): r u mad? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:52:31 PM): tell me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:52:36 PM): r u mad at me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:52:54 PM): what should i do to make u happy? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:52:55 PM): if i say yes u will sign out and if i say no u will think im ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:53:08 PM): i wiill not sign out malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:53:13 PM): i am here malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:53:19 PM): it means u r mad fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:53:22 PM): u always do when u dont like what i say malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:53:30 PM): i will not malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:53:33 PM): promise! fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:53:35 PM): k yes im mad malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:53:40 PM): tell me, y r u still mad at me? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:53:42 PM): but i acept ur apologizing malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:53:46 PM): why? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:53:53 PM): bcuz im hurting!!!!!!!!! dont u get it malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:54:03 PM): i said sorry malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:54:05 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:54:15 PM): do u wanna punish me? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:54:22 PM): i kno i kno i kno u say it a million times im still hurting i dont ge happy just bcuz u say sorry fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:54:33 PM): no i dont wanna punish u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:54:36 PM): im just hurting malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:54:48 PM): then what should i do to make u happy? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:54:56 PM): i just gotta get over it malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:54:57 PM): should i send Scooby do..? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:55:01 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:05 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:16 PM): come on, give me a hug...!!! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:19 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:25 PM): come on malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:29 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:55:31 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:37 PM): and kiss too malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:40 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:55:44 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:44 PM): come one malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:51 PM): that's sounds good malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:55:56 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:56:15 PM): now check ur mail malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:56:20 PM): i love u rylee fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:56:30 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:56:35 PM): and i promise, I will never break ur heart malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:56:40 PM): nor hurt u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:56:44 PM): never fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:56:48 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:56:58 PM): u r my first priority always fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:57:08 PM): thats not true plz dont say that malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:12 PM): nothing is so imp to me than u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:57:20 PM): thats what hurts so bad malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:22 PM): it is true malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:25 PM): and I will make it fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:57:27 PM): no it isnt fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:57:31 PM): im second malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:33 PM): i promise! fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:57:36 PM): to everything and everybody malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:41 PM): no now u r 1 malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:45 PM): noooooo fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:57:45 PM): rite malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:46 PM): not to me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:53 PM): u r 1st to me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:57:55 PM): always 1st fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:57:59 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:58:00 PM): and i promise!!!! fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:58:02 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:58:13 PM): i wanna talk to u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:58:17 PM): u r malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:58:29 PM): I wanna hear ur voice, I meant fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:58:41 PM): oh i dont have much min left on my card malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:58:48 PM): not even for me? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:58:54 PM): i dont have ur number anyway malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:06 PM): call me tomorrow at my office number fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:59:10 PM): maybe malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:14 PM): i will wait fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:59:20 PM): im not promising malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:26 PM): ok, if u can!!! fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:59:29 PM): maybe malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:30 PM): i will be happy malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:34 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:40 PM): it seems u r still mad? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:41 PM): r u? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 7:59:47 PM): not as bad malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 7:59:54 PM): :) sounds good fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:00:06 PM): just didnt think this will happen with u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:00:15 PM): i never expect u to treat me like u do malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:00:16 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:00:25 PM): how? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:00:31 PM): nevermind malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:00:43 PM): i think u r still mad at me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:00:49 PM): i can't say more to u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:00:59 PM): but if u still mad at me, it is fine! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:01:06 PM): i will cry and will not tell u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:01:10 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:01:15 PM): and said sorry and sorry and sorry malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:01:17 PM): but that;s ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:01:30 PM): if u have something in ur mind malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:01:32 PM): tell me fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:01:50 PM): i dont really have much on my mind fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:01:52 PM): whats on urs malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:01:59 PM): only u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:02:05 PM): k cool malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:03:21 PM): ok, I think there is no sense to talk to u for now because u r still mad at me. Tell me whenver u will be ok, send me the e-mail or offline msgs...also check ur mail.......but i still love u soo much and sorry once again.....:( fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:03:36 PM): see fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:03:41 PM): i knew u will do this malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:03:48 PM): then what should i do? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:03:55 PM): u r mad at me fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:04:00 PM): i wont force u to talk to me its fine fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:04:04 PM): ttyl fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:04:08 PM): byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:04:13 PM): ohhh shit malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:04:25 PM): u r really very very mad at me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:04:25 PM): what is this Rylee? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:04:29 PM): y y y? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:04:33 PM): bcuz fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:04:39 PM): u dont want to talk to me if im mad fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:04:42 PM): so bye fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:04:45 PM): dont talk to me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:04:48 PM): i am talking to u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:04:53 PM): since 30 mins malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:04:56 PM): i am saying sorry malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:05:03 PM): but u r still mad malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:05:07 PM): so what should i do? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:05:09 PM): tell me? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:05:15 PM): how can i make u happy? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:05:17 PM): i will save u trouble malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:05:28 PM): ? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:06:12 PM): u dont want to talk to me unless im happy fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:06:16 PM): so then dont malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:06:21 PM): ohhhh shit malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:06:27 PM): i never said this malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:06:30 PM): i meant is malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:06:44 PM): if u r mad, then I dont wanna trouble u much for now malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:06:59 PM): idk what to say now fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:07:08 PM): every single time im upset u say ok then no need to talk if u r mad so send me the email when u stop being mad at me.... rite? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:07:23 PM): i will stop being a problem for u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:07:27 PM): and making u sad malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:07:33 PM): noooo malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:07:38 PM): u r my love and life fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:07:53 PM): but u dont want to talk to me unless im a happy happy rylee malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:07:58 PM): no fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:07:59 PM): im never allowed to be sad or mad malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:08:03 PM): u r mine malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:08:04 PM): always fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:08:07 PM): but sorry i get sad and i get mad malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:08:07 PM): everytime malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:08:16 PM): no no malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:08:18 PM): u can malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:08:24 PM): ok? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:08:28 PM): but its ok if u dont wanna talk to me i get it malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:08:38 PM): i wanna talk to u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:09:13 PM): i only want one promise from u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:09:19 PM): what? fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:09:22 PM): and its the promise of allllll time promises malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:09:27 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:09:34 PM): and if u cant keep it then dont make the promise malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:09:38 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:09:41 PM): tell me fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:09:55 PM): promise me u will never ever ever in ur whole life lie to me about anything malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:10:07 PM): i promise!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:10:16 PM): Always.... malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:10:24 PM): but i also want one promise from u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:11:00 PM): u always love me...forever.....and u also will not lie to me, anytime.... malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:11:07 PM): promise me! fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:11:39 PM): i never lied to u malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:11:45 PM): i knew malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:12:02 PM): but in the coming time, u always love me like anything and never lie me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:12:06 PM): promise me! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:12:32 PM): I promise you that I will never lie to you and i will always love u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:12:35 PM): i already do malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:12:38 PM): i do need the same promuse from u fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:12:47 PM): u already had that from me malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:12:53 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:12:56 PM): thanks! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:13:11 PM): ok, I have to go to kitchen to cook food malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 8:13:14 PM): I am hungry now fizzlybearz (10/04/09 8:13:17 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:11:41 PM): r u there...rylee? I am back...had my dinner...just waiting for u.... malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:12:19 PM): ????? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:12:35 PM): where r u......? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:22:35 PM): I am still waiting for you...!!! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:22:52 PM): Come rylee, I wanna talk to u.....:) malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:28:46 PM): i think u r busy either taking shower or dinner... malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:29:07 PM): send me the offline message, I will brb malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:29:12 PM): love u...... malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 9:59:00 PM): I am back again...but u r still not here malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:23:53 PM): rylee......will u come back to say nite? malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:24:06 PM): waiting for u...!!! malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:26:31 PM): ok, I am giong to sleep now..... malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:26:57 PM): if incase u come online, leave me the offline msg for my nite and night kiss..... malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:27:18 PM): also e-mail my kisses and good night u....:-*>:D< malhotra.mohit (10/04/09 10:27:41 PM): Gud Night my love Rylee......:\"> fizzlybearz (10/05/09 7:15:16 PM): mac! <3 malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:09:11 PM): i am here Rylee malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:09:19 PM): where r u...? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:09:35 PM): u know I am very much worry aboutu malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:09:48 PM): where u went away...? :( malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:09:56 PM): fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:12:43 PM): hi fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:12:47 PM): why u worry about me malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:21:13 PM): b coz u haven't replied to any of my mails malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:21:20 PM): and also no offline msgs malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:21:29 PM): should i not be worry? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:21:38 PM): i sent u so many mails since morning fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:21:48 PM): thats weird bcuz i did reply to email and i left offline here fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:21:50 PM): oh well fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:21:59 PM): weird malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:22:23 PM): i meant u just replied me now one hr earlier malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:22:31 PM): and just an offline like Mac fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:22:33 PM): ya thats when i got online malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:22:37 PM): r u still mad at me? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:22:40 PM): nope malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:23:19 PM): alright malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:23:42 PM): but idk it seems u r, but if u r not that's good fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:23:48 PM): im not fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:24:06 PM): u have a good day today malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:24:11 PM): noooooo malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:24:16 PM): not at all malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:24:22 PM): worst day of my life fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:24:28 PM): oh r u sick again malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:24:32 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:24:44 PM): i think i dk y r u talking to me? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:24:53 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:25:05 PM): idk fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:25:10 PM): lol ur funny malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:25:18 PM): i m not malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:25:22 PM): I am not funny fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:25:25 PM): oh fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:25:33 PM): guess i dont understand malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:25:42 PM): nothing leave it fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:25:45 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:25:51 PM): u r ignoring me malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:25:56 PM): can i ask u y? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:26:14 PM): how do i ignorore u if im talking to u rite now?? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:26:31 PM): idk but it seems something is missing malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:26:37 PM): anyways as u want malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:26:44 PM): may be I am wrong fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:27:01 PM): ya i think so maybe ur still sick and have a headacke or something malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:27:17 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:27:29 PM): so tell me about ur new car is it fun to drive malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:27:31 PM): well, I am not malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:27:34 PM): no fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:27:39 PM): oh fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:27:45 PM): seems like ur in a bad mood malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:27:53 PM): if I am then? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:27:57 PM): then u r malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:28:07 PM): then u r what? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:28:16 PM): if ur in a bad mood then ur in a bad mood fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:28:25 PM): happens to everybody malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:28:32 PM): ohh i see malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:28:40 PM): thanks for letting me know fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:28:43 PM): yw fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:28:56 PM): i get in bad moods sometimes to malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:33:47 PM): do u wanna talk to me? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:33:52 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:34:02 PM): what? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:34:16 PM): what u mean? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:34:27 PM): what u wanna talk to me? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:34:29 PM): tell me malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:34:32 PM): or talk me fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:34:50 PM): we can talk about what ever u want i was just scared to make u more in a bad mood malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:35:06 PM): i m not malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:35:14 PM): n y r u worried? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:35:14 PM): what r u then malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:35:31 PM): u dont have to worry about me malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:35:34 PM): thanks fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:35:36 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:36:40 PM): anything else? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:36:54 PM): i can tell u about school malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:37:10 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:37:21 PM): have u got some other guy better than me? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:37:30 PM): X-( fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:37:38 PM): dont be a dork fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:38:11 PM): nevermind its boring anyway malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:38:55 PM): what boring, tell me if u wanna? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:39:09 PM): no its ok malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:40:34 PM): tell me what happened in school malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:40:41 PM): r u busy or something? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:40:55 PM): no just trying to stop making u mad fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:41:13 PM): so if im not talking maybe u will stop malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:41:36 PM): If I am mad then will u not talk with me malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:41:43 PM): wow what the way it is fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:41:56 PM): no just when i say something u give me the mad face fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:42:06 PM): and i wasnt even talking about guys u just get mad malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:42:22 PM): then y u seems to ignore me? fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:42:35 PM): im trying to talk to u then u give me the mad face fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:42:42 PM): or seem mad fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:42:51 PM): so im scared to say anything malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:42:56 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:06 PM): so u cant make me happy ? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:11 PM): what is this going on? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:14 PM): i dont know malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:23 PM): but I am really very mad now fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:43:25 PM): ur just in a bad mood malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:36 PM): i was not earlier malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:43 PM): infact I missed u through my whole day malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:51 PM): i sent u several e-mails n cards too malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:54 PM): but .... malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:43:57 PM): leave it!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:44:01 PM): nothing, I am good malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:44:05 PM): u dont worry about me fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:44:09 PM): i was at school then i had to do my hw malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:44:16 PM): i am not mad and will not give any mad faces fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:44:19 PM): as soon as i got on my computer i sent u replyes malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:44:30 PM): that's alright! fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:44:35 PM): i cant send anything if im not on here!!! malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:44:46 PM): ok fine malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:44:51 PM): sounds good to me malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:44:55 PM): as u wish fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:45:09 PM): its not as i wish its how it is malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:45:20 PM): that's ok malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:45:22 PM): I am good fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:45:25 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:45:40 PM): no problems malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:01 PM): I will not tell u anything from now, that's ok if u have hw or whatever malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:06 PM): I am good.... fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:46:13 PM): what? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:16 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:25 PM): hope I was more possessive malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:33 PM): i dont need to expect much from u fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:46:46 PM): i dont understand malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:51 PM): nothing rylee malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:54 PM): leave it malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:46:56 PM): I am good malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:47:00 PM): hope u r also good malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:47:06 PM): n had g8 time today fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:47:10 PM): how can i fix it if i dont understand what i did wrong malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:47:16 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:47:18 PM): u r good malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:47:28 PM): forget whatever i said ust now malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:47:32 PM): i said I am good now malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:47:35 PM): no problems fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:47:39 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:48:31 PM): ok, I have to leave now...hope u will have g8 time now malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:48:48 PM): thanks and ba byess rylee.... fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:48:54 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:49:17 PM): wow malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:49:30 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:49:37 PM): wow what malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:49:52 PM): nothing..leave it malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:49:54 PM): good malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:50:08 PM): will u not ask me anything fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:50:10 PM): i dont get whats heppening malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:50:14 PM): where I am going and y i am going? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:50:24 PM): u just said bye like last night fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:50:25 PM): i think ur going bcuz u r mad at me fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:50:35 PM): i dont want to make it more worse malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:50:38 PM): u dont need to make me happy? malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:50:50 PM): O K malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:51:02 PM): bye fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:51:04 PM): i keep trying but its getting worse malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:51:04 PM): !!! fizzlybearz (10/05/09 8:51:15 PM): i dont kno what im doing wrong malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:51:17 PM): ok its better if will not alk malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 8:51:27 PM): ba bye malhotra.mohit (10/05/09 10:36:58 PM): Good Night Rylee....!!! fizzlybearz (10/07/09 7:09:36 PM): hey mac :) fizzlybearz (10/07/09 7:10:03 PM): i been at my aunts house while my mom helping the lady with her baby fizzlybearz (10/07/09 7:10:27 PM): i just walked home to get some stuff fizzlybearz (10/07/09 7:10:45 PM): im staying at my aunts again so i wont be here to talk fizzlybearz (10/07/09 7:11:09 PM): k talk to u later fizzlybearz (10/09/09 6:02:18 PM): hey mac r u here malhotra.mohit (10/10/09 10:09:29 PM): I am good Rylee..!!! fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:02:30 PM): u r alive! malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:02:44 PM): Yes, I am good fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:02:47 PM): good malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:02:57 PM): why? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:03:02 PM): why what malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:03:10 PM): y r u asking me/? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:03:20 PM): u dont want me to malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:03:45 PM): i dont think so fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:03:52 PM): why not malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:04:15 PM): it doesn;t matter fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:04:34 PM): what doesnt matter malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:05:14 PM): nothing fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:05:21 PM): fine malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:08:07 PM): u have a good pic on ur profile fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:08:38 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:08:43 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:10:10 PM): hope u have a great time esp weekend...:) malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:10:16 PM): had** fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:10:25 PM): why malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:12:50 PM): why what? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:12:53 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:12:59 PM): fine fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:13:03 PM): hahahahahhaha malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:13:16 PM): y r u laughing? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:13:53 PM): idk fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:14:01 PM): this is just a weird convo malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:14:21 PM): ohh really? so u dont wanna continue now? right? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:14:33 PM): is that what i said fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:14:41 PM): bcuz i dont remember saying that malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:15:04 PM): idk what weird Convo is u r talking about? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:15:16 PM): i just asked u y r u laughing? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:15:20 PM): that's it malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:15:29 PM): what weired in it? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:15:36 PM): u just seem mad at me again fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:15:47 PM): i always seem to make u mad malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:15:48 PM): no, i am not fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:15:51 PM): without even trying malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:15:53 PM): i am good fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:15:56 PM): k fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:15:58 PM): good malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:16:13 PM): y would I be mad? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:16:17 PM): no idea malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:16:45 PM): idk why u think that I am mad at u, anyways i had the great time this weekend fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:16:52 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:16:59 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:17:04 PM): what did u do malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:17:10 PM): alot of things fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:17:16 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:17:35 PM): and u? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:17:38 PM): nm malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:17:43 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:18:03 PM): i thought u had a great time at ur aunt place fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:18:11 PM): it was ok malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:18:16 PM): ohhh ok fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:18:41 PM): i just stayed there so i didnt have to be alone fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:18:46 PM): not for fun malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:18:51 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:24:58 PM): should i tell u onething? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:25:12 PM): sure u can tell me anything malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:25:26 PM): really? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:25:32 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:25:48 PM): do u still love me..? Yes or NO...? Honest answer! fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:26:00 PM): i always will malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:27:12 PM): great! malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:27:53 PM): second thing to know is malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:28:08 PM): anything wrong between u and me? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:28:27 PM): it feels like ur mad at me alot fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:28:38 PM): u say ur not but in the words u say it feels like it malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:29:33 PM): again will it matter to u? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:29:46 PM): i dont think it will matter to u at all fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:29:52 PM): will what matter? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:30:04 PM): I am mad or not! fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:30:19 PM): yes it matters why u think i said it malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:31:19 PM): but i think, there is something wrong inbetween us malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:31:43 PM): if u really dont wanna me, u can leave me malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:31:53 PM): i dont wanna hurt u fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:32:03 PM): oh i get whats happening now malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:32:17 PM): r u sure, u got it? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:32:21 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:32:28 PM): tell me what then? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:32:35 PM): u want me to break up with u so u dont have to break up with me malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:33:05 PM): ok, i quit malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:33:13 PM): i can;t continue with u malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:33:18 PM): i break off fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:33:28 PM): i see fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:33:39 PM): u r a very mean person malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:33:47 PM): i know, it will not matters to u malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:33:52 PM): what? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:33:58 PM): why u ask me if i love u then?? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:00 PM): I am not at all mean fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:34:02 PM): just so u can break me malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:08 PM): nooooooo malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:11 PM): i still love u malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:14 PM): but i think that malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:17 PM): i hurt u fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:34:23 PM): so u can make sure it hurts as bad as possible malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:24 PM): i dont wanna u make sad fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:34:29 PM): u do to fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:34:42 PM): my heart is totally broken malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:46 PM): u know Rylee, i think u will get a better one than me malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:34:54 PM): i love u Rylee fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:34:56 PM): forget guys fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:34:59 PM): they suck fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:35:03 PM): i thot u were diffrent malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:35:05 PM): u dont know, how much i lve u malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:35:09 PM): and how did i missed u fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:35:17 PM): noooooooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiii doooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnt fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:35:33 PM): forget it fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:35:36 PM): u got what u wanted malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:35:38 PM): I love u alot and did missed u alotttttt malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:36:13 PM): idk but malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:36:21 PM): i still love u and will love u always fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:36:27 PM): stop lying to me malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:36:33 PM): i neverrrrrrrrr fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:36:34 PM): just stop fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:36:42 PM): its making it worse malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:36:42 PM): i am not lying malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:36:50 PM): ok, I wanna meet u malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:36:56 PM): really malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:37:06 PM): can u meet me this Friday? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:37:08 PM): no so u can break up with me to my face forgetit malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:37:20 PM): nooo malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:37:24 PM): i wanna meet u on Friday fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:37:28 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:37:32 PM): evening at 7 - 8 fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:37:34 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:37:39 PM): y? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:37:47 PM): i promise, I will come malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:37:51 PM): i wanna meet u fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:37:56 PM): no u just broke up with me malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:38:15 PM): so u dont wanna meet me and really wanna breakup? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:38:28 PM): u didnt give me a choice u just did it malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:38:41 PM): ok, fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:38:47 PM): u asked me if i love u then u broke up with me fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:38:52 PM): how is that?? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:38:55 PM): noooooooo fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:38:57 PM): i dont understand malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:39:05 PM): ok, I am sorry, if i said it like that way malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:39:10 PM): i didn;t meant that malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:39:23 PM): i thought i hurt u and dont wanna troublle u more fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:39:33 PM): so u break up with me????? malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:39:38 PM): ok, i dont malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:39:45 PM): I will not breakup malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:39:49 PM): never in my life malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:39:57 PM): I Love you Rylee!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:40:07 PM): do u? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:40:17 PM): i need to go throw up malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:40:23 PM): what? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:40:33 PM): my tummy hurts fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:40:35 PM): hold on malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 8:41:02 PM): ohhhh wht happend? u havenpt told me? r u ok...? u never told me u r sick....? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:45:29 PM): back fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:45:57 PM): u left?? fizzlybearz (10/11/09 8:46:07 PM): omg fizzlybearz (10/11/09 9:14:29 PM): i guess u r not coming back fizzlybearz (10/11/09 9:14:42 PM): i waited for u thinking maybe u got booted fizzlybearz (10/11/09 9:14:47 PM): but i guess u just left me malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 9:21:36 PM): I haven;t left u malhotra.mohit (10/11/09 9:21:48 PM): my system is giving some problem fizzlybearz (10/11/09 9:40:52 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:55:05 PM): Hi rylee malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:55:08 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:55:14 PM): hi mac malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:55:19 PM): just came from office fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:55:26 PM): u have a good day malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:55:41 PM): yeh offcourse because my love was with me fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:55:46 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:55:48 PM): i am happy malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:55:51 PM): and u? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:55:53 PM): me to malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:56:06 PM): last week was sad fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:56:20 PM): i kno malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:56:20 PM): but now good very very good malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:56:32 PM): did u also sad last week? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:56:33 PM): this week will be better for sure fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:56:36 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:56:56 PM): i know u was also mad at me last week, right ...? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:57:14 PM): that's y u r also not talking to me from ur heart fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:57:18 PM): i dont remember what for malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:57:37 PM): what r u doing? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:57:46 PM): talking to u malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:57:56 PM): other than this? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:58:07 PM): listening to music malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:58:12 PM): ohh cool malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:58:16 PM): so romantic malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:58:19 PM): what r u wearing? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:58:31 PM): jeans and a shirt malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:58:38 PM): ohh great malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:58:44 PM): looking beautiful fizzlybearz (10/12/09 6:58:47 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 6:58:48 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:01:00 PM): so what else? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:01:04 PM): how was ur day? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:01:15 PM): do u have any new pics? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:01:18 PM): can i see? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:01:23 PM): it was ok fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:01:28 PM): no new pics malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:01:32 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:02:07 PM): so? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:02:18 PM): i am waiting something from u malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:02:21 PM): say something fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:02:24 PM): say what malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:02:28 PM): anything malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:02:33 PM): dont u wanna talk to me? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:02:39 PM): yes i do and i am malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:02:44 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:02:57 PM): give me my hug fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:03:04 PM): haha fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:03:54 PM): sorry my mom was in here malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:03:59 PM): ohh ok fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:04:32 PM): brb malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:04:46 PM): ok.... fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:09:37 PM): back malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:09:45 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:09:51 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:10:00 PM): where u went? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:10:09 PM): downstairs fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:10:17 PM): had to bring up my stuff malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:10:32 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:10:36 PM): so what u bring? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:10:44 PM): backback and books malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:10:51 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:10:55 PM): so u wanna study now? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:11:16 PM): my mom was just mad they were in the way malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:11:29 PM): means? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:11:35 PM): y she is mad? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:11:38 PM): mad at u? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:11:41 PM): they were in her way malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:11:41 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:11:46 PM): yep mad at me malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:11:53 PM): but y she is mad? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:12:04 PM): for me leaving them down there in her way malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:12:25 PM): so r u going with them? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:12:40 PM): with who? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:12:44 PM): mom? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:12:51 PM): where??? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:12:58 PM): nothing i thought u r leaving malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:13:00 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:13:12 PM): no im not leaving just had to bring my stuff up to my room malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:13:17 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:13:22 PM): :) good fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:14:06 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:14:23 PM): watching tv n talking to my girl friend malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:14:27 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:14:30 PM): what u watching malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:14:38 PM): News fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:14:43 PM): oh fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:14:50 PM): its always bad malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:14:52 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:14:54 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:16:38 PM): i missed u malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:16:49 PM): really....? me too fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:16:55 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:16:58 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:17:03 PM): when? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:17:08 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:17:12 PM): always malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:17:21 PM): so romantic fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:17:39 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:18:43 PM): ty for what honey? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:18:52 PM): for missing me malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:19:01 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:19:06 PM): i do always malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:19:12 PM): and will forever malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:19:25 PM): infact, i really really love u malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:19:33 PM): i never loved anyone like this b4 malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:19:42 PM): i never missed any1 except u malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:19:52 PM): u r the only one i miss sometime malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:20:16 PM): hope we will close to eachother ever forever....!!!! fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:20:24 PM): oh we will be malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:20:54 PM): thanks Rylee to be mine fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:20:58 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:21:06 PM): :D fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:21:54 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:23:07 PM): u know, i really wanna kiss u malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:23:18 PM): i wanna suck my gf lips fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:23:33 PM): oh wow that sounds awesome lol malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:24:01 PM): i wanna suck my rylee tongue too fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:24:21 PM): is that how kissing goes is sucking? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:24:26 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:24:39 PM): did u kiss any1? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:24:43 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:24:58 PM): so will u kiss me? fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:25:07 PM): ya it will be fun malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:25:21 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:25:50 PM): we will meet for sometime malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:25:57 PM): n then I wll back to my home malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:26:08 PM): we can spend sometime together fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:26:18 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:26:27 PM): i am planning to meet very very soon malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:26:43 PM): i will tell u one day b4 we will meet malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:26:51 PM): and then u will make plan fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:27:04 PM): ill try malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:27:13 PM): alright! fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:27:13 PM): just depends on if i can get out and away malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:27:23 PM): ok, malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:27:31 PM): rylee, i have to leave now malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:27:37 PM): will talk to u later in the night fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:27:38 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 7:27:44 PM): ba byess then.... fizzlybearz (10/12/09 7:27:56 PM): bye mac malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 8:04:23 PM): r u there? malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 8:05:20 PM): i think u went to have food.....ok give me ur messages when u come online u fizzlybearz (10/12/09 9:33:45 PM): hey im back fizzlybearz (10/12/09 9:33:47 PM): r u here malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 9:47:12 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 9:47:55 PM): I am going to office because of some emergency work there malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 9:48:10 PM): will be in office this night malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 9:48:27 PM): check out ur mail, i sent u some message over there... malhotra.mohit (10/12/09 9:49:15 PM): good night my byess...sweet dreams and miss me sometime if u get a is the night kiss and hugs for my lovely rylee.....:-*>:D< fizzlybearz (10/12/09 9:50:26 PM): awww i just ran to get a brownie and missed u :( fizzlybearz (10/12/09 9:50:51 PM): heres ur nite time hug and kiss! fizzlybearz (10/12/09 9:50:57 PM): >:D<:-* fizzlybearz (10/12/09 9:51:11 PM): nite!! fizzlybearz (10/14/09 10:29:53 PM): :( didnt kno if u came online or not i been here off and on a little fizzlybearz (10/14/09 10:30:16 PM): just wanna leave u goodnite hugs and kisses for u fizzlybearz (10/14/09 10:30:29 PM): :-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D< fizzlybearz (10/14/09 10:30:37 PM): nite nite mac fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:15:20 PM): ur here! fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:15:37 PM): hi :) malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:16:14 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:16:21 PM): yeh, malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:16:32 PM): how r u little cute sweet heart? malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:16:47 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:16:54 PM): im good how r u malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:17:02 PM): me gud 2 fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:17:07 PM): yay! malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:17:13 PM): hmm malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:17:54 PM): last night i saw u in my dreams malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:18:04 PM): that was owesome fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:18:16 PM): aww tell me about it malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:18:40 PM): nothing much, we were nude and in bed under blanket malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:18:50 PM): u r kissing me fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:18:56 PM): oh wow malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:19:03 PM): n u was on my top malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:19:18 PM): revolving my dick on ur pussy malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:19:31 PM): u was so excited and enjoying each moment of it fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:19:37 PM): wow u dreamed all that malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:19:37 PM): that's it malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:19:41 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:19:49 PM): hope that will come true soon malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:19:53 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:20:01 PM): u want to do all that with me? malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:20:08 PM): y not? malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:20:10 PM): u r my gf malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:20:16 PM): don;t u want? fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:20:22 PM): sounds really fun and romantic malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:20:27 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:20:37 PM): i am at my friend's place right now malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:20:45 PM): so can;t talk to u much fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:20:46 PM): ohh fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:20:48 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:20:57 PM): but gud u so much fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:21:01 PM): love u to malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:21:09 PM): ba bye darling sweet heart fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:21:13 PM): byes fizzlybearz (10/15/09 10:21:17 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:21:40 PM): >:D<:-h malhotra.mohit (10/15/09 10:21:40 PM): >:D<:-h malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:50:01 PM): hi fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:50:12 PM): hi :) fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:50:33 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:50:53 PM): nothing much malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:51:02 PM): yesterday i bought car finally malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:51:08 PM): Honda Accord malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:51:09 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:51:16 PM): oh i thot u already did buy it u told me fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:52:06 PM): do u like it malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:52:50 PM): yeh it is ok malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:53:00 PM): anyways, hows ur weekend? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:53:01 PM): what color did u get malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:53:07 PM): dark gray fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:53:20 PM): is it almost black malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:53:30 PM): not black malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:53:36 PM): but gray fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:53:41 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:54:37 PM): so whats up? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:54:47 PM): nm i got a cold tho malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:54:49 PM): what u doing ow? malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:54:53 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:54:56 PM): get well soon fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:55:01 PM): talking to u and playing runescape fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:55:03 PM): oh thx malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:55:12 PM): gud fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:55:14 PM): my throat hurts really bad malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:55:20 PM): ohhh take care fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:55:21 PM): nose is stuff malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:55:31 PM): dont eat ice creams and choclates as of now fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:55:36 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 7:55:39 PM): dink hot coffee fizzlybearz (10/18/09 7:55:47 PM): coffee?? really?? malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:02:15 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:02:35 PM): did u have a good weekend malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:03:32 PM): not really fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:03:54 PM): how come malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:04:44 PM): idk fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:04:51 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:04:53 PM): but i didnt enjoyed much malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:05:07 PM): i was supposed to meet u but again didn't make it malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:05:10 PM): sorry :( fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:05:30 PM): its ok we didnt make a plan so its ok malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:05:38 PM): hmm u r so nice malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:05:41 PM): n cute fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:05:50 PM): thx lol malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:05:58 PM): how's ur? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:06:05 PM): my what malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:06:10 PM): weekend? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:06:19 PM): oh it was good until i got sick fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:06:34 PM): went to the movies friday malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:06:40 PM): gud malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:06:44 PM): which movie? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:06:49 PM): the stepfather malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:07:06 PM): how was that? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:07:12 PM): kinda scary lol malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:07:18 PM): to whom u went with? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:07:24 PM): trish and her dad malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:07:31 PM): who is trish? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:07:35 PM): a friend malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:07:44 PM): boy? malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:07:47 PM): or girl? fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:07:56 PM): no a girl silly trish is a girl name malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:08:02 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:08:05 PM): idk that fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:08:09 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:08:35 PM): ok, will talk to u later my love, i have to cook now fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:08:41 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:08:45 PM): :)....:-* fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:08:51 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:08:56 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/18/09 8:09:17 PM): >:D< Mac ~ Rylee >:D< fizzlybearz (10/18/09 8:09:24 PM): :D fizzlybearz (10/18/09 10:55:09 PM): hi fizzlybearz (10/18/09 10:55:19 PM): when u get back fizzlybearz (10/18/09 10:56:47 PM): guess ur busy fizzlybearz (10/19/09 6:29:22 PM): hi fizzlybearz (10/19/09 6:30:17 PM): hi mac fizzlybearz (10/19/09 6:31:45 PM): whats going on?? malhotra.mohit (10/19/09 8:50:11 PM): Hi Rylee, malhotra.mohit (10/19/09 8:50:22 PM): just came from office malhotra.mohit (10/19/09 8:50:30 PM): u r away....:( malhotra.mohit (10/19/09 8:50:45 PM): leave me a msg when u r back..... malhotra.mohit (10/19/09 8:50:48 PM): love u..... fizzlybearz (10/19/09 9:03:03 PM): im here malhotra.mohit (10/20/09 7:49:44 PM): r u there Rylee....? malhotra.mohit (10/20/09 7:50:11 PM): no msg no mails nothing....? what happened to u...? I think u r very busy....r u...? fizzlybearz (10/21/09 9:54:13 PM): i been sick so didnt get on here fizzlybearz (10/21/09 9:54:27 PM): i stayed in bed all day yesterday and today malhotra.mohit (10/21/09 10:40:23 PM): ohhh my god...what happened to you...? take rest and get well soon...... malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:52:16 PM): u there? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:52:19 PM): fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:53:22 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:53:46 PM): how r u rylee? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:54:00 PM): im doing better malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:54:05 PM): g8t fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:54:18 PM): how r u malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:54:28 PM): I am ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:54:30 PM): nm fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:54:32 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:56:00 PM): so what happened to u? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:56:07 PM): I meant fever or cold or what? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:56:20 PM): oh fever sore throat fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:56:24 PM): headacke fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:56:37 PM): really bad stuffed up nose malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:56:38 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:56:41 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:56:43 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:56:48 PM): take rest fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:56:57 PM): i been doing that alot malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:57:07 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:57:41 PM): so what's up? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:57:53 PM): did u liked the card which i sent u? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:58:04 PM): yes i really liked it fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:58:06 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:58:11 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:58:19 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:58:25 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:58:30 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:58:34 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 7:59:01 PM): give me the kiss also....:\"> fizzlybearz (10/22/09 7:59:10 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:00:04 PM): so what's up? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:00:07 PM): nm malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:00:27 PM): get well very very soon so that we will plan to meet.... fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:00:38 PM): kk :) malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:00:55 PM): this weekend is raining fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:01:08 PM): what u doing this weekend malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:01:13 PM): nm malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:01:18 PM): i planned to meet u malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:01:21 PM): but u r sick fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:01:23 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:01:28 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:01:37 PM): im getting better malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:01:52 PM): okk that's cool malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:02:09 PM): when will u think u will recover properly? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:02:15 PM): the next weekend? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:02:24 PM): soon i hope im sick of this malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:02:34 PM): sick of what? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:02:42 PM): being sick malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:02:55 PM): can we meet on Sunday? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:03:00 PM): this Sunday? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:03:07 PM): maybe malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:03:20 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:03:31 PM): r u giong scholl tomorrow? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:03:35 PM): school** fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:03:38 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:03:41 PM): ohh ok fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:03:45 PM): why malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:03:49 PM): nothing malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:04:00 PM): i asked u causally fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:04:04 PM): oh k malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:04:26 PM): if u want then i will plan to come on this Sunday around 12 afternoon malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:04:41 PM): let u plan malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:04:45 PM): and then tell me malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:04:51 PM): otherwise plan for next weekend fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:05:10 PM): k i can see if i can for sunday malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:05:18 PM): ok then malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:05:25 PM): sounds romantic to me fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:05:53 PM): ya it does fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:06:01 PM): be cool to see u malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:08:06 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:08:13 PM): what malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:08:25 PM): i am cool very cool to see u 2 malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:08:44 PM): i am really excited to meet u on this Sunday fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:08:54 PM): what u wanna do malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:09:01 PM): means? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:09:04 PM): with u? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:09:08 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:09:20 PM): what u wanna me to do...?;) malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:09:28 PM): i will kiss u malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:09:38 PM): i mean a proper smooch malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:09:51 PM): and definitely hug u too malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:09:55 PM): and u? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:10:11 PM): ya that will be super cool malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:10:23 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:10:31 PM): and what u wanna do? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:10:55 PM): idk theres not much to do here malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:11:05 PM): like? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:11:17 PM): just isnt alot to do malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:11:18 PM): do u wanna go some other place ? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:11:22 PM): like where malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:11:27 PM): with me? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:11:31 PM): to my home? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:11:41 PM): for a night? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:11:49 PM): i got school monday tho malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:11:53 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:12:09 PM): ok, let me know tomorrow final plan malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:12:19 PM): and then we will meet accordingly fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:12:26 PM): where we gonna meet at malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:12:39 PM): we will decide to meet in my car malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:12:49 PM): some where will go to restaurant malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:00 PM): or some party place malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:06 PM): will do some fn malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:08 PM): fun** fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:13:16 PM): fun like what malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:22 PM): plan it tonight and tell me tomorrow malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:27 PM): whatever u like in fun malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:30 PM): we will do all malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:35 PM): i wanna u to be happy malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:13:36 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:13:47 PM): idk where to go malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:14:03 PM): ok, atleast we will meet and then will decide malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:14:13 PM): but plan properly malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:14:24 PM): take care of ur mom malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:14:34 PM): tell her a proper execuse malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:14:41 PM): where r u going on Sunday malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:14:50 PM): i dont wanna u to be in trousble malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:14:55 PM): trouble** malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:15:02 PM): if anything wrong we wil cancel it fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:15:05 PM): i kno i dont want to be in trouble malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:15:10 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:15:26 PM): just kinda curious where we gonna go malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:15:30 PM): we will meet for 2-4 hrs fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:15:35 PM): bcuz of maybe running into ppl i kno malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:15:37 PM): u decide malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:15:41 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:15:54 PM): then we will be go a little outside of ur place malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:16:02 PM): or will mostly remain in car malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:16:10 PM): we can do romance in car too fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:16:22 PM): do what in the car malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:16:47 PM): atleast kisses, hugs and can see nude to eachother fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:17:02 PM): really what if someone sees!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:17:20 PM): we will go some place where no 1 present malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:17:27 PM): we will see that malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:17:30 PM): no issues fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:17:35 PM): oh ok ur smarter then me malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:17:39 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:17:47 PM): because I am Rylee's Mac :)) fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:17:50 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:17:51 PM): love u fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:17:54 PM): love u to malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:17:54 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:18:01 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:03 PM): ok then tell me tomorrow malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:07 PM): the final plan fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:18:14 PM): u said at 12 sunday?? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:20 PM): around 12 noon to 4 afternoon malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:24 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:18:36 PM): wait ur gonna make me wait from 12 to 4 for u?? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:37 PM): becuase u r about 4 hrs from my place malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:41 PM): i will start at 8 malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:46 PM): and be ther around 12 malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:18:56 PM): i will buy cell where u can call me too malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:02 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:08 PM): we will be together from 12 - 4 fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:19:17 PM): ohhh how awesome fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:19:23 PM): lots of time!!! malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:27 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:34 PM): take all the stuff to share with me fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:19:42 PM): what stuff? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:44 PM): and u already know what i like u to weat malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:46 PM): wear* malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:49 PM): anything malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:52 PM): like ur pics malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:19:57 PM): or something for me malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:20:02 PM): u silly....:) fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:20:04 PM): ur taking my pic?? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:20:07 PM): like cards fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:20:16 PM): ya i made u a card malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:20:18 PM): i will, if u wanna me to take fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:20:28 PM): oh i thot thats what u said what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:20:30 PM): ok, will wait for u tomorrow malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:20:47 PM): plan properly malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:20:51 PM): i have to go now malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:20:55 PM): to cook in kitchen fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:21:05 PM): whats plan properly mean malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:21:07 PM): u have to tell me tomorrow malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:21:13 PM): plan means malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:21:17 PM): to meet on sunday malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:21:37 PM): plan to say the excuse to ur mom malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:21:41 PM): and all timings malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:21:47 PM): ans place where I will pick u up malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:22:00 PM): I have Honda Accord, gray color fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:22:06 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:22:17 PM): dark gray or like silver? malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:22:17 PM): on front it is CarMac malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:22:24 PM): dark gray fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:22:27 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:22:38 PM): i will wait for ur plans tomorrow fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:22:42 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:22:49 PM): send me the e-mail fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:22:57 PM): i see what i can do to tell my mom and stuff malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:23:02 PM): also with timings and your address once again malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:23:15 PM): yeh, u have to plan about what u wanna tell ur mom fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:23:22 PM): ok idk if we can meet my house i gotta find out if my parents r gonna be home or gone malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:23:42 PM): if u think something wrong or we can;t meet on SUnday. tell me tomorrow fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:23:47 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:23:56 PM): we will not meeting at ur home malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:08 PM): i will pick u in my car malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:11 PM): and then plan it malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:14 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:24:25 PM): ok i gotta figure out a place to wait for u then malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:26 PM): i have to leave fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:24:29 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:33 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:38 PM): i have to cook now fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:24:40 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:40 PM): love u honey malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:43 PM): ba byess fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:24:45 PM): love u to fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:24:46 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:46 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:49 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:54 PM): good night fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:24:54 PM): >:D<:-* fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:24:56 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (10/22/09 8:24:58 PM): :-h fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:25:03 PM): ur not coming back? fizzlybearz (10/22/09 8:25:10 PM): ur not coming back? malhotra.mohit (10/23/09 5:38:23 PM): Love you rylee........... :) malhotra.mohit (10/23/09 5:38:42 PM): hope u r better now.....:-* malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:29:51 PM): hi rylee fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:30:05 PM): hi mac fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:30:09 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:30:57 PM): nm malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:31:04 PM): just came from the market fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:31:14 PM): cool what u get malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:31:20 PM): how's ur health? malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:31:22 PM): nm malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:31:29 PM): groceries fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:31:31 PM): im alot better thx malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:31:42 PM): gud fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:32:40 PM): yep fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:32:41 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:33:10 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:33:18 PM): so what r u doing 2morrow malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:33:20 PM): ? fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:33:29 PM): going to grandmas malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:33:39 PM): ohhhh :( fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:33:50 PM): why u sad malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:34:34 PM): i was supposed to meet u malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:34:39 PM): nothing then fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:34:45 PM): oh i told u i cant tho fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:35:00 PM): and u said thats ok malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:35:19 PM): yeh but i am sad even fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:35:24 PM): i kno me to malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:35:25 PM): anyways, nothing fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:37:16 PM): what u going to do fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:38:57 PM): hello? malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:39:19 PM): nm fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:39:23 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:39:34 PM): will cry :(( fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:39:38 PM): aw malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:42:25 PM): what r u doing now? fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:42:44 PM): talking to u and playing runescape malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:42:56 PM): i am damly damly wanted to meet u fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:43:17 PM): i kno me to it so totally sucks i gotta go to my grandmas house fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:43:38 PM): i begged really really hard to get to stay home malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:43:45 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:43:56 PM): so mom dont wanna u to be in home alone? fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:44:06 PM): she wants me to see my grandma fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:44:11 PM): she dont care if im alone malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:44:13 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:44:18 PM): ohh ok fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:44:30 PM): u wanna meet on saturday? malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:44:43 PM): yeh offcourse fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:44:46 PM): k cool malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:44:53 PM): y? fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:45:02 PM): maybe u will feel happy now? malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:45:12 PM): for what? fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:45:19 PM): nm malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:45:40 PM): ok then! fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:46:05 PM): i just thot maybe u wont be sad about tomorrow if u think about saturday fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:46:12 PM): idk malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:46:43 PM): i am very very happy now malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:46:45 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:46:48 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:46:56 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:47:04 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:53:41 PM): shoot i gtg malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:53:50 PM): where? fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:53:59 PM): moms calling me malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:54:02 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:54:04 PM): ba byess fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:54:05 PM): love u fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:54:06 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:54:07 PM): gud nght fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:54:09 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:54:10 PM): take care malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:54:12 PM): love u 2 fizzlybearz (10/24/09 8:54:15 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/24/09 8:54:20 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:50:59 PM): hi mac malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:08 PM): hiiiiiiiiiii malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:11 PM): hi my love fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:51:12 PM): how r u malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:12 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:51:15 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:18 PM): i am ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:20 PM): and u? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:51:25 PM): im ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:35 PM): r u better now? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:42 PM): when u came from grandmoms? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:51:42 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:47 PM): gud fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:51:49 PM): just a little bit ago malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:53 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:51:59 PM): how was the trip there? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:52:03 PM): fine fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:52:06 PM): boring haha malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:52:07 PM): missed me? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:52:11 PM): yes totally malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:52:18 PM): he he he :)) malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:52:23 PM): me too fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:52:24 PM): did u miss me malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:52:32 PM): i am still missing u fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:52:36 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:52:43 PM): this Saturday is totally final to meet malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:52:47 PM): no more excuses fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:52:51 PM): yay!!!!! fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:53:03 PM): what u have plan for us to do malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:53:15 PM): anything that u may like malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:53:21 PM): whatever u wanna do fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:53:25 PM): i be happy doing whatever u want malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:53:26 PM): we will do the same :) malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:53:32 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:53:37 PM): so cute fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:53:39 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:53:41 PM): thx malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:08 PM): infact we wil do everything that we can enjoy with fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:54:17 PM): whats that mean malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:25 PM): everything malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:28 PM): like kiss malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:30 PM): hugs malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:32 PM): sex malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:39 PM): fun malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:45 PM): everything malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:50 PM): .......!!!! fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:54:52 PM): oh wow sounds really cool malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:54:55 PM): we wanna enjoy eachother fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:55:00 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:55:14 PM): so do u have any plans? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:55:20 PM): where should we meet? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:55:24 PM): ur home or outside? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:55:48 PM): idk yet if my parents will be home so idk if u can come here fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:55:52 PM): but i can let u kno that malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:55:57 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:56:02 PM): so we can meet outside malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:56:10 PM): no problem! fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:56:11 PM): im planning for telling my mom that im spending the nite at heidis hous malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:56:19 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:56:31 PM): bcuz i always go trick or treating with heidi and spend the nite every halloween fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:56:44 PM): so she wont kno anything at all about meeting u fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:56:46 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:56:48 PM): so r u planning to spend nite with me? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:56:55 PM): u want me to? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:57:02 PM): yeh y not? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:57:07 PM): awesome! malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:57:07 PM): offcourse yes fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:57:14 PM): ya if u want for sure malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:57:14 PM): and u wannt spend nite with me? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:57:26 PM): ya that will be fun malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:57:36 PM): so do we need to take a room in hotel for a night? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:57:51 PM): oh i didnt think of that malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:57:58 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:58:02 PM): i didnt kno u want me to spend the nite until rite now malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:58:13 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:58:18 PM): we wil plan it malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:58:24 PM): i will take a room malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:58:31 PM): no problem :) fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:58:33 PM): oh how cool malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:58:41 PM): will u suck me? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:58:46 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:58:50 PM): my dick? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:58:57 PM): will u suck my dick? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:58:59 PM): u want me to? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:59:01 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:59:05 PM): will u? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:59:11 PM): ya if u want me to i can try fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:59:19 PM): idk how to do that fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:59:23 PM): i never did is that ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:59:36 PM): owesome malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:59:37 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:59:39 PM): we will do it malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:59:48 PM): infact i will suck ur pussy malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 5:59:52 PM): wil u enjoy it? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 5:59:59 PM): does it hurt malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:00:16 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:00:21 PM): not at all fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:00:25 PM): oh ok fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:00:29 PM): good malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:00:29 PM): it will give u enjoyment fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:00:36 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:00:44 PM): u have hairs on ur pussy? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:00:49 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:00:55 PM): is it clean? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:00:58 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:01:02 PM): cool fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:01:20 PM): k fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:01:38 PM): i got butterflies in my tummy malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:01:50 PM): ohh tatoos u mean? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:02:00 PM): omg no im not old enuff for tatoos malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:02:06 PM): then? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:02:20 PM): butterflies in tummy means? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:02:24 PM): um my tummy is like exceited i guess and kinda nervous malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:02:32 PM): ohh i got u malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:02:42 PM): brb fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:02:44 PM): k fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:10:33 PM): brb i got to fold some laundry fizzlybearz (10/25/09 6:23:23 PM): k back malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:56:51 PM): there is some problem in my system or internet connection, I am trying to resolve it....give me another 10 mins...I will reboot my system and u my sweetheart...:-* malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 6:56:57 PM): wait for me....!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:15:48 PM): I am back my love, r u there...? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:15:53 PM): malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:17:32 PM): Rylee, where r u....? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:22:08 PM): where u gone...? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:26:02 PM): im here malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:26:12 PM): ohh thank god malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:26:17 PM): where u gone? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:26:21 PM): took a shower malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:26:28 PM): so romantic fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:26:38 PM): a showers romantic? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:26:48 PM): but hope we can take a shower together very soon fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:26:58 PM): oh that be fun i bet malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:27:07 PM): how/?\ malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:27:14 PM): what will u do in shower with me? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:27:20 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:27:27 PM): idk i never took a shower with another person b4 haha malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:27:43 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:27:52 PM): u do that b4 malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:28:01 PM): ohh no no malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:28:03 PM): never malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:28:15 PM): but i want to with my love fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:28:21 PM): aw cool malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:28:40 PM): what will u bring with u for a night we are spending...? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:28:53 PM): I meant on Sat fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:29:14 PM): clothes i guess and brush and toothbrush and toothpaste malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:29:22 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:29:42 PM): but if ur friend will reveal about u r not with her in night to ur mom then? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:30:13 PM): um i can just tell heidi that im not spending the nite fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:30:23 PM): but my mom will think i am malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:30:37 PM): but if ur mom will call at heldi house then? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:31:00 PM): dont think she will bcuz i spent the nite at halloween lots of times malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:31:20 PM): ohh ok, but even in any case if she called her then? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:31:32 PM): then i guess i get grounded malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:31:38 PM): ohhhhhhh :( fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:31:44 PM): its ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:31:56 PM): r u sure will it be ok...? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:32:13 PM): or otherwise we will meet in the day time only and then u can go in night to ur home fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:32:14 PM): what should i do fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:32:28 PM): what u wnat me to do malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:32:41 PM): i dont want u to be in any porblem malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:32:44 PM): that's it! malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:32:55 PM): u think and decide fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:33:09 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:33:20 PM): i guess we can meet on Sat in day time first, spend time together in daytime malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:33:23 PM): will fun malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:33:35 PM): and then u can go to ur home in night fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:33:39 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:33:40 PM): how is that? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:34:01 PM): i meant I wish we can spend night together but i dont wanna any any problem to u fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:34:06 PM): that will probly work good malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:34:13 PM): yeh, i guess! malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:34:23 PM): but we will be together whole day and fun fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:34:32 PM): i can tell my mom im going to heidis early like at 12 or 1 fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:34:43 PM): then just go there when u want me to fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:34:47 PM): to heidis malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:34:48 PM): u can do anything woth me....I am all yours then...:\"> fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:35:09 PM): we can do whatever u want malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:35:10 PM): yeh, sounds good to me malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:35:21 PM): i will bring condoms with me fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:35:26 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:35:58 PM): yeh, we will do all the things that u want too fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:36:08 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:36:28 PM): do u have any plans that we wish do...? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:36:40 PM): all the stuff u said sounds really fun fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:36:45 PM): we can do that malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:36:58 PM): and other than that, if u have any other plan? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:37:03 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:37:10 PM): anything else? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:37:20 PM): idk like maybe eat malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:37:27 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:37:32 PM): what u like to eat? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:37:40 PM): i like pizza malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:37:44 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:37:47 PM): or cheeseburgers fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:37:55 PM): or whatever really haha malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:37:55 PM): gud to me as well malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:38:48 PM): so first we kiss and smooch eachother in my car, will hug and I will see u nude and u too in my car, might be suck ur boobs malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:39:00 PM): and then will go to eat something like u said malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:39:10 PM): and after we eat we will start sex.....! malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:39:16 PM): how's this? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:39:25 PM): r we gonna do sex in the car? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:39:37 PM): might be malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:39:42 PM): dont u want? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:39:44 PM): otherwise malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:39:50 PM): we will take a room in hotel fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:40:00 PM): its up to u it dont matter malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:40:02 PM): and do sex in a room hotel malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:40:07 PM): alright then malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:40:12 PM): we will see the situation fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:40:24 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:40:26 PM): but I will reach there early around 11 or 12 fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:40:47 PM): k i let u kno i guess on friday for sure what time i can leave my house malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:40:58 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:41:09 PM): i will give u my cell number as well fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:41:15 PM): awesome malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:41:15 PM): so that u can call me fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:41:20 PM): cool fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:41:28 PM): im super excited malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:41:32 PM): me too malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:42:10 PM): i hope u know what u will wear to meet me ;) malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:42:21 PM): i love skirt and top fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:42:22 PM): i gotta figure out something really cute fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:42:27 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:42:28 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:42:45 PM): i want u too be look very very very cute as u r....:) malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:42:52 PM): love u....:-* fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:42:58 PM): awww i love u tooooooo fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:43:04 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:43:33 PM): how much time u wanna spend with me? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:43:47 PM): all the time i can and as much as u want me to malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:43:54 PM): ohh so cute malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:44:06 PM): then we will have a really very very fun malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:44:14 PM): we willl do sex very slow malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:44:33 PM): just like we spend long time kissing eachother malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:44:44 PM): I will kiss u for atleast 1 hr fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:44:53 PM): oh wow thats totally romantic malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:44:57 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:45:14 PM): will u drink beer or something? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:45:31 PM): is that ok? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:45:44 PM): not much in quantity malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:45:54 PM): just one bottle fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:46:04 PM): ok if u want me to malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:46:07 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:46:11 PM): cigratte fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:46:23 PM): um no i dont think so fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:46:26 PM): is that ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:46:37 PM): alright malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:46:42 PM): that's fine... malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:46:49 PM): but we can share a puf? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:46:49 PM): if u want me trying it i can malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:47:00 PM): alright...thats so so romantic malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:47:04 PM): i am so so excited fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:47:11 PM): i never tried smoking malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:47:17 PM): that's fine fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:47:23 PM): i try for u tho fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:47:26 PM): if u like that malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:47:30 PM): ok, gud malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:47:40 PM): brb malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:47:46 PM): i have some1 on phone fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:47:49 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:54:47 PM): i am back sweetheart fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:54:52 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:55:03 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:55:09 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:55:31 PM): what's size of your breast rylee..? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:55:42 PM): i meant what size bra u wear? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:55:46 PM): 32a malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:55:57 PM): u have pink nipples in color? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:56:10 PM): is it conical or round in shape? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:56:19 PM): whats conical malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:56:25 PM): breast fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:56:46 PM): um idk what conical is fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:56:50 PM): idk malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:57:06 PM): ok no problem, I will check it :) fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:57:09 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:57:19 PM): and color or nipples? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:57:26 PM): like pink malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:57:30 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:57:54 PM): r u white, i mean pure white or have some mole insides? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:58:04 PM): moles? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:58:10 PM): im white malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:58:23 PM): like some black spots or something malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:58:31 PM): i know u r white u silly malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:58:32 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:58:47 PM): oh no but i got a few freckles but there lite malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:58:56 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:59:21 PM): what r u wearing now? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:59:27 PM): how long is ur hairs? fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:59:28 PM): jeans malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:59:37 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:59:44 PM): wow u got tons of questions today haha malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:59:54 PM): yeh...i am excited fizzlybearz (10/25/09 7:59:55 PM): past my shoulders a little malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 7:59:59 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:00:07 PM): i like untight hairs fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:00:15 PM): whats untight mean malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:00:24 PM): i meant loose hairs fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:00:45 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:00:47 PM): not a bind with hairbend or something fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:00:52 PM): ohhh malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:01:00 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:01:19 PM): ok, I have to go now fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:01:24 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:01:25 PM): it is a cooking time fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:01:30 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:01:42 PM): will talk to u tomorrow fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:01:46 PM): im hoping mom will be done iwth cooking soon fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:01:50 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:01:53 PM): loveeeee uuuuuuuuu and onlyyyyyy uuuuuuuuu fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:02:00 PM): love u tooooooo forever malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:02:01 PM): good night my rylee fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:02:05 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:02:10 PM): alot of kiseesssssssss fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:02:10 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:02:16 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:02:16 PM): :-*>:D< malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:02:22 PM): ba byess now malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:02:30 PM): u can also log out now fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:02:42 PM): u want me to malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:03:02 PM): i dont want some1 else will ping u other than me.... malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:03:10 PM): u r only mine malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:03:18 PM): Mac~Rylee fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:03:26 PM): rylee~mac malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:03:30 PM): love u fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:03:33 PM): love u back malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:03:55 PM): if u have anything to message me....send me the e-mail... fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:04:00 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:04:05 PM): like anytime u wanna login malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:04:12 PM): or wana chat with me malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:04:18 PM): or any any message.... malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:04:27 PM): i check it regurlary for u fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:04:33 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:04:43 PM): but i dont want any1 else will distrub u malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:04:49 PM): hope u understnad malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:04:57 PM): I am a bit jealous even fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:05:02 PM): like a stranger or someting? malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:05:05 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:05:08 PM): ohh fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:05:20 PM): i only love u fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:05:28 PM): not a stranger malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:05:29 PM): thanks Rylee fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:05:34 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:05:51 PM): dont chat with any1 else except me or very close friend of urs fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:05:59 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:06:34 PM): byess then....send me the mail if u need so....and plan we are meeting this Sat dam dam sure..... malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:06:43 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:06:45 PM): i cant wait! malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:06:46 PM): :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*v malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:06:50 PM): me too fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:06:54 PM): oh wow lots of kisses!!! fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:06:55 PM): ty malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:07:02 PM): >:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<> fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:07:09 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:07:15 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:07:16 PM): ok ba byesss honey fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:07:19 PM): byes malhotra.mohit (10/25/09 8:07:31 PM): i m going to sign out now...u too sign out now.... fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:07:35 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/25/09 8:07:39 PM): nite malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:43:28 PM): Hi Rylee my love...I am here fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:46:39 PM): hi mac :D malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:46:48 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:46:52 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:47:13 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:47:18 PM): so what's the plan now...? what time we will meet and where...? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:47:23 PM): I am just missing u malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:47:29 PM): i never missed u like this b4 fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:47:43 PM): aww why u missing me more now malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:47:56 PM): idk malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:48:13 PM): but might b because we are going to meet soon fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:48:22 PM): ya that must be why fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:48:25 PM): im super excited malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:48:37 PM): yeh me tooo more than u, i guess fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:48:51 PM): why u think that?? im going crazy!! malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:48:52 PM): so what r u doing? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:49:00 PM): talking to u malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:49:06 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:49:23 PM): did u make ur dinner already malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:49:31 PM): idk what will i do when u will sit next to me....just so excited malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:49:34 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:49:38 PM): just came from office fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:49:42 PM): ohh malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:49:44 PM): i have to cook, y? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:49:52 PM): just asking fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:50:01 PM): im hungry and waiting for my mom to finish malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:50:14 PM): ohhh ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:50:39 PM): u know, i am just thinking what we will do when we will be together....very curious.... fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:50:54 PM): oh i thot we r gonna do all that stuff u said malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:51:07 PM): yeh we will do but i am just curious malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:51:14 PM): very very excited fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:51:21 PM): me toooooo fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:51:28 PM): im kinda nervos to is that ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:51:38 PM): me too malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:51:46 PM): infact I am a bit nervous too fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:51:53 PM): really?? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:51:55 PM): how come malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:51:56 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:52:04 PM): idk malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:52:14 PM): but I am a bit nervous too fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:52:26 PM): cool then its ok if i am to malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:52:33 PM): hmmm :) malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:52:52 PM): from where will i pick u? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:52:59 PM): any close by place from ur house? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:53:02 PM): gosh idk yet malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:53:16 PM): find it out...not much time left fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:53:24 PM): i gotta see where my mom and chuck r gonna be and stuff malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:53:40 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:53:56 PM): i need to know all that stuff as early as possible so that I will plan malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:53:59 PM): and what time? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:54:16 PM): u sent the email that said u want at 11? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:54:18 PM): will ur mom be ok if u leave house to heidi alone? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:54:23 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:54:25 PM): oh ya i do all the time malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:54:36 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:54:45 PM): is she living near by ur house? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:54:57 PM): not super close but i can walk there malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:55:02 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:55:16 PM): i walk to the store all the time to when i want a treat or somehitng fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:55:21 PM): she dont care malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:55:28 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:55:54 PM): so will 11 be fine for u? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:56:07 PM): i am curious to meet u as early as possible fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:56:08 PM): idk yet for sure i gotta find out malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:56:13 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:56:29 PM): u gotta go back home early or something? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:57:27 PM): not really malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:57:40 PM): but i want to meet u as early as possible malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:57:56 PM): i want to stay with u as long as u want me to fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:58:12 PM): oh cool i thot it was bcuz u had to leave malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:58:28 PM): noooooooo, it is bcoz i wanna meet u as early as possible fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:58:37 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:59:01 PM): hmmm fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:59:05 PM): what malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 6:59:09 PM): brb fizzlybearz (10/26/09 6:59:12 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:13:00 PM): I am back fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:13:05 PM): hi malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:13:18 PM): what r u wearing now? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:13:23 PM): jeans fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:13:25 PM): shirt fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:13:31 PM): socks haha malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:13:42 PM): do u wear bra n panty while sleeping? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:13:48 PM): not a bra malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:13:52 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:14:11 PM): when is ur period start? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:14:18 PM): i meant ur date? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:14:23 PM): oh fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:14:24 PM): um fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:14:39 PM): i think like about nov 10th fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:14:42 PM): around that malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:14:50 PM): ohh ok then no problem fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:14:53 PM): ?? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:14:56 PM): we have time malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:15:06 PM): i thought may be now a days fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:15:15 PM): oh like rite now? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:15:17 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:15:19 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:15:34 PM): so will u kiss me? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:15:38 PM): ya fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:15:47 PM): u want to rite malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:15:55 PM): yeh offcourse malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:16:02 PM): will u start kissing me? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:16:09 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:16:20 PM): will u kiss me first or me to u? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:16:30 PM): oh how is it supose to go? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:16:42 PM): idk, i like u u do it first fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:16:48 PM): oh ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:17:00 PM): so where will u kiss me? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:17:13 PM): in the car? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:17:24 PM): yeh but which part of my body malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:17:25 PM): ? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:17:37 PM): dont ppl kiss on the lips or cheeks? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:17:46 PM): :)) malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:17:53 PM): yeh, I am so silly fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:17:55 PM): haha malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:18:09 PM): have u decided what will u wear? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:18:14 PM): which color cloths? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:18:30 PM): panty, bra....? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:18:31 PM): idk for sure i probly wont kno until that day malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:18:38 PM): ohh ok fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:18:47 PM): i only got white bras malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:18:52 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:18:56 PM): and panty? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:19:19 PM): i got lots of colors idk what one im gonna wear yet!!!lol malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:19:27 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:21:56 PM): so what else? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:22:04 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:22:11 PM): anything else ? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:22:18 PM): u wanna talk with me? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:22:29 PM): i meant anything else u wanna talk with me on? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:22:30 PM): ya i was waiting for more questions haha malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:22:48 PM): ohhh so u dont like my questions...? :( malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:22:55 PM): i will not ask u any other question now fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:22:57 PM): no its cute i think malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:23:13 PM): do u have any question to ask me? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:23:22 PM): hm ya what r u gonna wear malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:24:08 PM): might be jeans and t-shirt fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:24:15 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:24:17 PM): or might be cargo malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:24:26 PM): anything u wanna me to wear fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:24:42 PM): u be super hansome no matter what malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:24:55 PM): i am not so so handsome but ok guy fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:25:11 PM): i think u r malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:25:13 PM): idk about will u like me or not? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:25:15 PM): thanks malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:25:17 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:25:24 PM): i like u what u talking about malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:25:35 PM): about what? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:25:58 PM): why u thinking if i will like u or not? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:26:03 PM): dont u kno i do? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:26:16 PM): sorry...i was just kidding fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:26:21 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:26:22 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:26:24 PM): :P fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:26:26 PM): silly malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:26:31 PM): u r so silly malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:26:35 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:26:38 PM): noooo u r!!! malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:26:48 PM): hmmm ok, I am....;) malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:26:53 PM): :x fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:26:55 PM): hahaha :D malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:01 PM): we both r silly fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:27:02 PM): :x fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:27:04 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:09 PM): ok, i have to leave now fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:27:13 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:15 PM): to cook something malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:18 PM): i am hungry fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:27:22 PM): me tooooooo malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:29 PM): ok will u back aftersometime? fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:27:40 PM): not sure i got chores to do malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:44 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:48 PM): then ba byess fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:27:51 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:27:56 PM): might be i will come online after sometime malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:00 PM): anyways gud night malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:02 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:05 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:28:07 PM): i try to come back to malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:08 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:10 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:28:12 PM): >:D<:-* malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:16 PM): after 1 hr fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:28:26 PM): if i cant then i just say nite nite now? malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:34 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:28:40 PM): nite! just in case fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:28:42 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:45 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:49 PM): love u too malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 7:28:57 PM): :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* fizzlybearz (10/26/09 7:29:08 PM): >:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-* malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 9:22:16 PM): i m back rylee malhotra.mohit (10/26/09 9:27:34 PM): i m going to sleep now.....nite.....:-h malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:36:38 PM): hey where r u my sweetheart rylee...? malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:36:50 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:56:34 PM): Soul meets soul on lover's lips. malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:56:45 PM): When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out. malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:56:54 PM): I love u my rylee malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:56:59 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:57:03 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 7:57:14 PM): >:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-* malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 10:02:16 PM): when will u be online? fizzlybearz (10/27/09 10:15:47 PM): hi im here fizzlybearz (10/27/09 10:15:58 PM): i had tons of hw grrrrr fizzlybearz (10/27/09 10:55:21 PM): im gonna go to bed fizzlybearz (10/27/09 10:55:28 PM): just wanna tell u nite fizzlybearz (10/27/09 10:55:32 PM): and love u fizzlybearz (10/27/09 10:55:47 PM): >:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-*>:D<:-* malhotra.mohit (10/27/09 11:04:40 PM): love u too.....good night my love....:-h:-*>:D<:-h:-*>:D<:-h:-*>:D<:-h:-*>:D<:-h:-*>:D<:-h:-*>:D< malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 8:44:47 PM): hi rylee! fizzlybearz (10/28/09 10:09:42 PM): hi mac fizzlybearz (10/28/09 10:09:53 PM): omg its been such hard hw tonite malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:18:20 PM): hi rylee malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:18:27 PM): r u there or went to bed? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:18:31 PM): hey mac fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:18:32 PM): im here fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:18:37 PM): just getting ready for bed malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:18:46 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:18:53 PM): just finish sending u a email malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:19:18 PM): any plan for our date timing and place...? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:20:02 PM): um i was thinking for meeting at the flash foods? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:20:14 PM): they got a mc d's by it malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:20:17 PM): where is it? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:20:37 PM): idk the address but i walk there all the time fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:20:43 PM): i can get it for u tomorow? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:20:47 PM): im sleepy fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:21:10 PM): its across from the cheveron fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:21:17 PM): and the krystal malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:21:18 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:21:27 PM): im super excited!!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:21:35 PM): not more than me fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:21:39 PM): ya!!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:21:52 PM): dont to go bed now malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:21:58 PM): I wanna talk to u malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:21:59 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:22:00 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:22:04 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:22:06 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:22:08 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:22:14 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:22:33 PM): ok then I will send u tomorrow or day after tomorrow my cell number where u can reach me at fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:22:40 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:22:52 PM): and also u final the place and address to meet us malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:22:58 PM): I will pick u from there fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:23:04 PM): ok cool! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:23:18 PM): n dont ever forget my gifts :-P malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:23:30 PM): what time? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:23:38 PM): oh r u bringing my gifts tooooo??? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:23:46 PM): yeh, i will malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:23:52 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:23:56 PM): cool i hope u like the card i made u fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:23:57 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:24:12 PM): yeh...sure and hope so...:) malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:24:25 PM): I will try to reach there by 11 morning fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:24:38 PM): ohhh gosh idk if i can be there that sooon malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:24:47 PM): ok then what time? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:25:00 PM): probly like 1 fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:25:02 PM): :( malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:25:40 PM): ohhh, how can i wait till that time...I am very very impatianet to meet u..cant control myself malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:25:41 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:25:57 PM): i kno me to im so wishing it was rite now malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:26:16 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:26:42 PM): but finalize the things by tomorrow and send me all stuff on my e-mail malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:26:55 PM): like address, timing and ur cute pic too malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:27:08 PM): n for your information, malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:27:16 PM): u can recognize my car with fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:27:24 PM): a pic of me and what info? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:28:09 PM): u can recognize my car with the front license plate written of CarMax fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:28:36 PM): oh no numbers just carmax/? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:28:39 PM): and at back the license plate is Nov/16/2009 or 11/16/2009 malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:29:12 PM): actually i bought i from CarMax so they put there tag of them malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:29:25 PM): i dont have Georgia License plate yet malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:29:39 PM): it is a simple hand written plate fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:29:44 PM): ohh wow ur car is totally brand new?? cool malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:29:56 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:30:00 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:30:10 PM): it is metallic gray in color fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:30:15 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:30:18 PM): Honda Accord fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:30:23 PM): sounds really pretty malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:31:21 PM): ok u can sleep to bed fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:31:28 PM): aww ok malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:31:35 PM): will talk to u tomorrow and will wait for ur mail also fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:31:40 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:31:41 PM): i am so sooooooooo excited malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:31:53 PM): finally we r going to become one fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:32:03 PM): me to im like waiting and wainting its like taking forever!!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:32:11 PM): Mac + Rylee == MacRylee fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:32:16 PM): this is the slowest week in the whole world fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:32:23 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:32:24 PM): same here malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:32:26 PM): ok love fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:32:28 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:32:31 PM): ba u fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:32:41 PM): love u back x a million malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:32:53 PM): idk i dont want to leave u now malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:32:59 PM): i wanna talk to u alotttttt fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:33:01 PM): heheh malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:33:09 PM): i am very very excited fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:33:09 PM): ur cute and silly malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:33:12 PM): i cant sleep fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:33:15 PM): awwww malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:33:29 PM): i promise, I will love u like anything when we meet malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:33:35 PM): alot of kissesssssss fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:33:42 PM): yay!!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:33:48 PM): n hope u too for me fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:33:58 PM): well ya im gonna kiss u back malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:34:08 PM): :x malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:34:13 PM): so romantic fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:34:17 PM): :x malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:34:20 PM): what r u wearing now? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:34:23 PM): pjs malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:34:26 PM): and? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:34:46 PM): pj pants that got black and pink and white circles fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:34:56 PM): white t fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:35:02 PM): and a pink zipper hoodie malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:35:15 PM): ohh so sexy fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:35:23 PM): :\"> malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:35:32 PM): one more day to unzip it malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:35:49 PM): but i hope u come in skirt fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:35:50 PM): its 2 more days rite? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:35:57 PM): ohhh yeh malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:36:01 PM): i am so silly :( malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:36:04 PM): shit fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:36:08 PM): awww sorry malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:36:12 PM): can we meet earlier also? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:36:19 PM): what u mean malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:36:29 PM): tomorrow or day after 2morrow? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:36:44 PM): i got school and stuff malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:36:49 PM): ohhhhhhh.... fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:36:54 PM): i wish malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:36:54 PM): that's fine then :( malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:37:02 PM): we will meet on Sat fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:37:03 PM): r u on vacation? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:37:07 PM): nooo malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:37:25 PM): no problem, i willl wait...for 2 more days fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:37:38 PM): i guess its really more like 3 malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:37:47 PM): go to bed and dream and plan to meet fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:37:47 PM): thursday friday saturday malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:37:52 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:37:53 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:38:02 PM): but try to be on time malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:38:19 PM): and finally decide the place and send me the address through mail fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:38:25 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:38:34 PM): love u my love... fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:38:38 PM): im trying to find out where my mom is going and what time malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:38:50 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:38:58 PM): just dont want her to wonder why i wanna kno haha malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:39:05 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:39:06 PM): being really careful malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:39:11 PM): yeh u have to fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:39:16 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:39:24 PM): ok then I am too sleepy fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:39:38 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:39:39 PM): I am going to bed n will dream about u and about our meeting fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:39:44 PM): :D fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:39:49 PM): nite nite mac fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:39:52 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:39:53 PM): noo fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:39:57 PM): oh what malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:40:00 PM): wait for 1 more min fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:40:02 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:40:21 PM): idk what to say but I am excited and really very very excited fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:40:29 PM): me to malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:40:42 PM): i want to talk to u whole night fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:40:49 PM): ur so cute malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:40:51 PM): but i know u can;t malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:40:53 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:40:57 PM): i kno malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:41:11 PM): i am so unlucky...:(( fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:41:15 PM): awww fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:41:17 PM): why u say that malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:41:26 PM): b coz u r going to bed malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:41:32 PM): and leave me alone here fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:41:34 PM): r u staying awake?? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:41:41 PM): yeh for u malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:41:49 PM): i dont want to leave for now malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:41:57 PM): i wanna talk talk n lot of talk with my love fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:41:59 PM): ok i can stay a little if u want malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:42:21 PM): a little...? only little...? :( malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:42:28 PM): :(( fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:42:37 PM): aww dont cry malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:42:40 PM): i dont have patience now fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:42:41 PM): im sowwy malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:43:12 PM): ok sweet heart, i dont wanna trouble u much malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:43:18 PM): u can go now to bed,,, fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:43:20 PM): u make no trouble malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:43:26 PM): thks fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:43:30 PM): im here malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:44:11 PM): no issues...but love u alot n good night.....sweet dreams...and dont ever forget to finalize the place and timing and send me the address and also pic of yours malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:44:15 PM): >:D<:-*:-h fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:44:28 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:44:31 PM): love you fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:44:35 PM): sweet dreamssss!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:44:41 PM): Good Night my Rylee....!!! fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:44:42 PM): >:D<:-*>:D< fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:44:45 PM): nite! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:44:55 PM): i really dont wanna sing out fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:45:02 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:45:09 PM): i wana talk to u whole night fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:45:11 PM): u love me that much? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:45:14 PM): but...:( malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:45:18 PM): yeh alot fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:45:23 PM): i love u to fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:45:26 PM): so much malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:45:30 PM): and this week it become more than anything fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:45:35 PM): really? malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:45:38 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:45:45 PM): thats so awesome malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:45:49 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:45:56 PM): i wanna hug u malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:46:03 PM): and always keep u in my arms malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:46:10 PM): n love u whole life fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:46:15 PM): i want that to fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:46:20 PM): always alway fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:46:22 PM): s malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:46:45 PM): rylee y r u so cute...? u love uuuuuuuuuu only u always forever.... malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:47:01 PM): rylee is my life malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:47:10 PM): u r my every everything fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:47:26 PM): gosh u really make me feel so happy malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:47:26 PM): ........ malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:47:47 PM): hope u too love me alot... fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:48:06 PM): around the earth a million times is how much!!!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:48:13 PM): really? fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:48:27 PM): ok i lied i mean 2 million times!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:48:42 PM): u r so silly like me....:) fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:48:45 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:48:48 PM): thanks my love fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:48:51 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:49:33 PM): ok then now finally ba byess and good night...sweet dreams of me....and dont forget to send me the required info about our date timing and place... malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:49:44 PM): loveeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuu ONLYYYYYYYY ryleeee malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:49:51 PM): >:D<:-*:-hlove fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:49:55 PM): ok after school tomorrow i look for address and stuff malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:49:57 PM): \"Mac~Rylee: malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:49:59 PM): \" fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:50:08 PM): nite mac!! love you!! malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:50:08 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:50:12 PM): u 2 fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:50:13 PM): >:D<:-* malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:50:14 PM): byess fizzlybearz (10/28/09 11:50:16 PM): bye malhotra.mohit (10/28/09 11:50:20 PM): :-*:-* malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:17:07 PM): hi fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:17:32 PM): hiya fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:19:38 PM): what u doing malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:19:54 PM): rest malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:19:59 PM): n u? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:20:08 PM): looking at youtube malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:20:17 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:20:23 PM): r u sleepy? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:20:37 PM): a little fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:20:40 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:20:43 PM): y? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:20:55 PM): bcuz u said ur resting malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:20:59 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:21:12 PM): so what r u looking in youtube? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:21:19 PM): halloween makeup malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:21:48 PM): ohhh r u coming in halloween makeup to meet me ...:)? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:22:02 PM): oh no just normal haha malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:22:10 PM): :)) fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:22:18 PM): im gonna have to bring my costume tho for when u drop me off malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:22:31 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:22:45 PM): have u finalize the place.....? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:22:53 PM): um how about at mcdonalds malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:23:00 PM): idk malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:23:06 PM): what address? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:23:06 PM): probly easy for u to find and stuff fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:23:23 PM): i have to look for it on mapquest fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:23:35 PM): whats ur address i can get u directions if u want malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:23:36 PM): ok look at it because only one day left malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:23:45 PM): i have gps fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:23:50 PM): oh awesome malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:23:51 PM): i will feed that into it fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:24:01 PM): so u just only need address? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:24:05 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:24:16 PM): k i can look on mapquest malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:24:16 PM): tell me the time to meet too fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:24:50 PM): probly like 1 a tiny little after malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:24:50 PM): tell me everything in detail like what r u going to wear and what color? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:24:56 PM): idk yet malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:25:04 PM): ohhh what rylee? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:25:10 PM): u have to decide it now fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:25:16 PM): idk what im gonna wear yet!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:25:17 PM): not much time fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:25:33 PM): i probly decide rite b4 i leave my house lol malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:25:40 PM): ohhhh no malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:25:42 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:25:44 PM): what malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:26:08 PM): i thought u can decide earlier and let me know so that it will be easier for me to find u malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:26:23 PM): but i hope u know that u r coming in skirt fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:26:30 PM): oh ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:26:48 PM): it will be easier for us to do sex also fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:26:59 PM): for having a skirt will? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:27:18 PM): we can pull it up and easier.. fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:27:23 PM): oh fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:27:26 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:27:30 PM): got it? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:27:32 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:28:06 PM): so map quest it and send me the address malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:28:10 PM): and ur pic too malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:28:25 PM): can u able to recognize me? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:28:37 PM): ya for sure i remember what u look like malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:28:43 PM): I will be right there at 1 fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:28:56 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:28:57 PM): and u know my car appearance too malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:28:58 PM): right? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:29:11 PM): not sure i kno what a honda looks like fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:29:21 PM): but i kno the color is gray malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:29:25 PM): yeh malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:29:33 PM): car front plate is CarMax fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:29:48 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:29:52 PM): and on rear it is not a actually licencse plate but malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:30:02 PM): temp plate valid till Nov 16th fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:30:14 PM): k fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:30:35 PM): r u gonna wait in mcdonalds malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:30:39 PM): tomorrow, I will send u my cell number fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:30:41 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:30:42 PM): not sure malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:30:48 PM): i hope u will come at time malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:30:57 PM): u dont make me wait malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:30:59 PM): right? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:31:03 PM): noooo fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:31:15 PM): but if im there like 1:03 u wont leave tho rite?? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:31:22 PM): nooooo malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:31:25 PM): i will wait fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:31:34 PM): k cool i would be soooooo sad malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:31:50 PM): hmmm malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:31:57 PM): u can call me on my cell fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:32:02 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:32:45 PM): will u wait inside the McDonald's if i got late? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:33:12 PM): ya probly get a drink and wait so i dont stand outside like a dork fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:33:18 PM): lol malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:33:19 PM): ohh ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:33:53 PM): wait for me......I will be there malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:34:01 PM): and also call me..... malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:34:09 PM): but i need ur pic malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:34:12 PM): send it to me fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:34:22 PM): u dont remember what i look like malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:34:31 PM): i know it u silly fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:34:32 PM): haha jk i can send it malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:34:43 PM): but it will be better if u can send me the recent pic malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:34:49 PM): thanks :) fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:34:54 PM): yw malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:35:12 PM): ok, I am going to cook now fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:35:15 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:35:21 PM): will u come later? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:35:32 PM): otherwise...good night now and ba byess fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:35:44 PM): i think so i be here malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:35:45 PM): dont forget to send me the pic, address and all other things malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:35:53 PM): alright then fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:35:58 PM): ok u want it tonite or tomorrow malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:01 PM): I will be back in 30 - 45 mins malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:16 PM): tonight, i meant as early as possible malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:24 PM): :), I am curious :)) fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:36:26 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:36:31 PM): curious of what malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:32 PM): ok ba byess as of now.... malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:36 PM): to see u malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:40 PM): and also all other studd malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:43 PM): stuff** malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:46 PM): babyess for now fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:36:49 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 8:36:51 PM): be right back in 45 mins fizzlybearz (10/29/09 8:36:59 PM): k i try to be here to malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 9:45:44 PM): I am back...!!! malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 9:57:10 PM): why what happened...? you haven't sent me anything yet..... r u interested or not....? r u really serious in me or not...? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:18:54 PM): sorry mac my mom made me clean the kitchen b4 i can send anything fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:19:01 PM): im gonna do it now malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:21:01 PM): that is fine... i thought u r not seriouis or something fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:21:18 PM): nooo im totally totally serious just my stupid mom fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:21:20 PM): gah malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:21:29 PM): :-P malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:21:34 PM): alright! fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:21:41 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:21:57 PM): im looking up the address malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:22:02 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:22:40 PM): its xxxxx fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:22:46 PM): xxxxx malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:22:59 PM): rylee send it to my mail so that I can save it fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:23:05 PM): chevron and krystal is across the street malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:23:12 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:23:13 PM): ohk malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:23:21 PM): u mean the gas station, right? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:23:34 PM): chevron is also next to my house here fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:23:44 PM): ya its a gas station malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:23:59 PM): yeh i know that, I pump my car gas from there :) fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:24:04 PM): cool haha malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:24:11 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:24:18 PM): have u sent it to my mail? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:24:24 PM): no im typing it malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:24:26 PM): also dont forget to attach ur pics too fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:24:30 PM): didnt hit send yet fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:24:33 PM): ohhh rite malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:24:43 PM): send me the recent ones fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:24:46 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:25:07 PM): i need many pics not one...i wanna see u malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:25:19 PM): so send me the many pics u can :-* fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:25:23 PM): lol k malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:25:39 PM): ok, I am waiting...!!! fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:33:17 PM): kk i sent it malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:33:23 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:33:34 PM): i also sent u one thing malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:33:36 PM): check it out fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:33:41 PM): ohhhhhh cool ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:35:26 PM): aww so cute thx for the card malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:35:51 PM): :D malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:35:54 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:36:03 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:36:09 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:36:17 PM): >:D< malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:37:43 PM): u r looking so cute fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:37:49 PM): thx :D malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:38:15 PM): ok u would be right there at 1? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:38:53 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:39:08 PM): will u kiss me in McD? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:39:16 PM): or hand shake with hug? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:39:27 PM): or nothing :( fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:39:28 PM): oh gosh biggggg hug and kiss!! malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:39:28 PM): ? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:39:40 PM): even in the McD? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:39:52 PM): oh u dont want to? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:00 PM): yehhhhhh, I want malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:07 PM): i thought u would be shy malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:16 PM): i am so happy malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:17 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:40:25 PM): no im not shy haha malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:35 PM): gud malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:41 PM): let's see there fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:40:48 PM): im so super excited malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:48 PM): u r shy or not malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:40:53 PM): mee to fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:41:18 PM): where r we gonna go malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:41:31 PM): whereever u wana take me fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:41:38 PM): i cant drive malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:41:53 PM): i meant wherever u wanna go or interested....we will go there fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:42:03 PM): u dont got a plan? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:42:11 PM): not yet malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:42:15 PM): we will decide there malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:42:25 PM): I meant our first thing is to meet malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:42:35 PM): and get more closer to eachother malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:42:40 PM): and then we will plan fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:42:53 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:44:27 PM): u made a mistake malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:44:39 PM): the address is wrong malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:44:44 PM): the correct address is fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:45:04 PM): ?? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:45:07 PM): xxxxx malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:45:11 PM): brb fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:45:28 PM): thats the same thing fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:47:15 PM): wait what?? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:48:31 PM): the one i gave u is rite fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:50:00 PM): xxxxx fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:50:07 PM): thats off mapquest malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:54:35 PM): just a second malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:54:40 PM): let me verify it fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:56:53 PM): idk why theres 2 addresses malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:57:09 PM): i think the one which I am giving u is the right one malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:57:10 PM): xxxxx fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:57:15 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:57:21 PM): it is xxxx miles from ur house malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:57:34 PM): just straight from your house to the xxxx malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:57:36 PM): right? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:57:47 PM): its across the street and down fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:57:57 PM): idk how by miles malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:58:19 PM): it is just after xxxxx St ? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:58:21 PM): right? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:58:51 PM): map quest the address which i gave u malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:59:03 PM): infact u can google it malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:59:08 PM): fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:59:09 PM): im getting confused fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:59:15 PM): idk i just walk there malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:59:29 PM): xxxxx malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 10:59:39 PM): is it the right one? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 10:59:49 PM): we only got 1 mcdonalds malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:00:08 PM): is it the right directions which showed u abve? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:00:26 PM): from ur house malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:00:27 PM): xxxxx malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:00:46 PM): is it across xxxxx St? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:00:57 PM): im not good at maps and directions :( malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:01:27 PM): but ur address is xxxxx fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:01:35 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:01:36 PM): no issues, I will pick u from there malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:01:43 PM): from McD malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:01:47 PM): u dont confused fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:01:49 PM): k its not hard to see or anything malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:01:59 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:02:07 PM): otherwise u can call me too malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:02:10 PM): right? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:02:14 PM): yep malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:02:25 PM): 2morrow, I willl send u the cell number on ur e-mail fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:02:29 PM): ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:02:35 PM): did u buy a new one malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:02:39 PM): just call me Day after 2morrow malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:02:48 PM): I will start from here around at 8 in morning malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:02:56 PM): so that I will reach there at 12 around fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:03:10 PM): wow ur gonna wait there for a whole hour?? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:04:49 PM): got disconnected fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:05:04 PM): aww malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:05:20 PM): so u have any plans ? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:05:33 PM): for what malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:05:47 PM): for sex and romance, i meant of our date fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:06:12 PM): i never did anyof that so i was hoping u will kno what to do malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:06:37 PM): hmmm ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:06:53 PM): all the stuff we talked abou b4 sounds totally romantic malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:07:00 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:07:08 PM): can we do sex in car too? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:07:16 PM): i mean fucking? fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:07:37 PM): if u want ya fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:07:50 PM): idk how to do that tho will it work in a car?? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:08:29 PM): can u remove all your cloths in car infront of me...? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:08:33 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:08:45 PM): ya long as nobody else sees me malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:09:04 PM): and me Mac silly then :) malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:09:07 PM): :-P malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:09:31 PM): I am little nervous....but very very excited fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:09:35 PM): me to fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:09:59 PM): its totally my first time for sex and kissing and stuff malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:10:06 PM): hmmm ok fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:10:12 PM): u didnt remember?? malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:10:26 PM): hmmm I am also not very experienced malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:10:31 PM): i had once earlier fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:10:41 PM): did u do it in a car the first time malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:10:55 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:11:02 PM): i meant not really malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:11:05 PM): both places malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:11:09 PM): in car and in room fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:11:13 PM): oh malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:12:03 PM): ok, I am goinng to sleep now malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:12:08 PM): very sleepy fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:12:08 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:12:20 PM): u too can go now fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:12:20 PM): >:D<:-* fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:12:32 PM): k nite nite mac fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:12:34 PM): love u malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:12:43 PM): >:D<:-*:x:-h>:D<:-*:x:-h malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:12:53 PM): ba byess my love rylee malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:13:00 PM): u can sign out too now fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:13:06 PM): kk im going to bed to malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:13:13 PM): we both go together to bed malhotra.mohit (10/29/09 11:13:19 PM): n will dream for eachother fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:13:22 PM): :D fizzlybearz (10/29/09 11:13:27 PM): nite!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:11:07 PM): hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:11:19 PM): hiiiiiii :d malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:11:43 PM): i am so so excited fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:11:50 PM): meeee toooo malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:11:52 PM): finally we r going to become ONE malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:12:13 PM): u+me and me+u fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:12:19 PM): :) malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:12:22 PM): ONE malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:12:39 PM): i will start from here around in morning at 08 - 08:30 fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:12:41 PM): seemed like it was taking foreveer to finely be time fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:12:46 PM): oh ok malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:12:47 PM): yeh fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:12:52 PM): its along drive huh malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:12:57 PM): i will send u my number fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:13:00 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:13:03 PM): about 3 hrs fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:13:12 PM): not so bad malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:13:20 PM): yeh not bad malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:13:29 PM): 3 hrs are not so long i guess malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:13:30 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:13:35 PM): hehe malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:13:56 PM): there is one surprise for u fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:14:04 PM): omg i cant waittttt!! fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:14:09 PM): r u giving me a hint?? malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:14:31 PM): noooooooooooo fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:14:37 PM): plzzzzzzzzzz malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:14:37 PM): :-P fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:14:42 PM): plz plz malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:14:43 PM): something u like the most fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:14:54 PM): hmm fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:15:00 PM): u mean u?? :) malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:15:09 PM): u silly...:)) malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:15:12 PM): not me malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:15:18 PM): but something else fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:15:22 PM): another hint malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:15:33 PM): no no no more smartness malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:15:39 PM): ;) fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:15:39 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:15:41 PM): haha fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:15:48 PM): im double excited now malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:15:52 PM): wait just for some more hrs fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:15:58 PM): ok ok malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:16:43 PM): so finally let me know, what color dress u r wearing 2morrow malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:16:45 PM): ? fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:16:53 PM): i cant decide malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:16:56 PM): y? fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:17:07 PM): i got a bunch of skirts fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:17:13 PM): im trying to look the cutest malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:17:23 PM): go to your wardrobe/closets and decide it now malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:17:29 PM): something in which u look so so cool malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:17:34 PM): n i will die to see u malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:17:35 PM): :) fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:17:43 PM): thats what im trying to decide!!! malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:17:49 PM): :\"> fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:18:00 PM): i want u to really like me malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:18:18 PM): hmm sam here malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:18:25 PM): but idk u like me or not malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:18:29 PM): I am so so silly fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:18:34 PM): yesss u r fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:18:40 PM): i totally like u malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:18:53 PM): i will suck ur lips tomorrow fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:19:00 PM): cool malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:19:07 PM): and will u too? fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:19:09 PM): never had my lips sucked b4 fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:19:14 PM): u want me to? malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:19:24 PM): yehhhhh malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:19:27 PM): offcousre fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:19:32 PM): ok ya malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:19:39 PM): ok, I am giong to leave now fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:19:42 PM): :( fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:19:44 PM): awwww malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:19:47 PM): cook time fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:19:50 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:20:06 PM): i will b back around at 9 malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:20:10 PM): u too come here malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:20:26 PM): dont forget to check ur mail about my cell number fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:20:31 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:20:40 PM): will u be back at 9? fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:21:01 PM): ya pretty sure i will only wont be if i have to clean up or something malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:21:19 PM): ok...i will wait for u fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:21:34 PM): kk if my mom says hey clean this then i leave a mesage here malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:21:36 PM): r u done with ur dinner? fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:21:40 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:22:20 PM): ok, that's sounds good if u leave a msg so that I will come to know where r u or what time u will be back....I will do the same, I meant I will also leave the message for u malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:22:24 PM): ba byess for now malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:22:31 PM): loveeeeeeeeeeee..... fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:22:32 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:22:34 PM): :-* fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:22:36 PM): love you!!!! fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:22:39 PM): >:D< fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:22:42 PM): :-* malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:47:15 PM): send me ur house address so that I will put into my gps, McDonald Address is not coming up in gps malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:47:52 PM): when I reach there outside ur house, I will move ahead to McD as u said me it is next across the street from ur house malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:47:58 PM): send it to me on my e-mail malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:48:10 PM): do it as soon as possible...waiting for u malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:48:23 PM): I will be right back around 09:15.... fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:48:42 PM): mcd is down from my house not rite across the street malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:48:52 PM): ok, I will find it out fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:48:54 PM): did u try chevron address in gps malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:48:59 PM): no malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:49:07 PM): i will but send me ur adress also malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:49:10 PM): for my reference fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:49:13 PM): maybe try that bcuz its rite across from mcd malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:49:18 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:49:28 PM): i will do that, malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:49:39 PM): meanwhile send me ur address too fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:49:50 PM): i thot u had it already but ok fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:49:56 PM): xxxxx malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:49:59 PM): just a sec malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:50:18 PM): xxxxx fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:50:19 PM): but mcd isnt rite there by my house malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:50:22 PM): is it the correct one fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:50:28 PM): ya malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:50:41 PM): i will drive till there and will move to McD fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:50:48 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:51:01 PM): ok, brb in 15 -20 mins fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:51:04 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:51:24 PM): otherwise leave me a msgs or I will send u a msg with my mobile number malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:51:31 PM): but call me tomorrow then... malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 8:51:36 PM): brb fizzlybearz (10/30/09 8:51:39 PM): k malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 9:49:23 PM): my cell is 770-361-5508 fizzlybearz (10/30/09 9:49:33 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 9:49:34 PM): save it somewhere fizzlybearz (10/30/09 9:49:38 PM): kk malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 9:49:47 PM): i am going to have dinner now malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 9:49:52 PM): brb in 20 mins malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 9:49:57 PM): hope u will be here fizzlybearz (10/30/09 9:50:11 PM): ok malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 9:50:14 PM): i am so so so soooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited my swetheart fizzlybearz (10/30/09 9:50:25 PM): :D :D :D me tooooo!!!! malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:36:09 PM): hi rylee, I am back malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:38:06 PM): malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:40:04 PM): i am very very tired now malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:40:26 PM): going to I have to drive tomorrow to meet u..... malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:41:11 PM): i have also sent u my number to reach me tomorrow on ur e-mail, check it out malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:41:43 PM): again my cell is 770-361-5508 malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:43:13 PM): ohh my god, finally will see u tomorrow and become one... malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:43:19 PM): so so so so soooooooo happy malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:43:57 PM): love u....good night...hope u dream very very well malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:44:24 PM): ba byess..:-*>:D<:-h*>:D<:-h*>:D<:-h*>:D<:-h malhotra.mohit (10/30/09 10:44:40 PM): :-*:x:-*:x:-*:x:-*:x:-*:x:-*:x:-*:x:-*:x:-*:x:-*:x fizzlybearz (10/30/09 10:58:34 PM): aww i missed u fizzlybearz (10/30/09 10:58:44 PM): k i better go to bed fizzlybearz (10/30/09 10:58:49 PM): love uuuuu!!! fizzlybearz (10/30/09 10:58:52 PM): see u tomorrow fizzlybearz (10/30/09 10:58:54 PM): !!!!! fizzlybearz (10/30/09 10:58:56 PM): cant wait fizzlybearz (10/30/09 10:58:59 PM): love u!!!!! 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