jefe6 (08/25/06 12:17:41 AM): hello ava amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:17:49 AM): do i know u? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:17:52 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 12:18:04 AM): just looking for peeps to chat with amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:18:21 AM): cool jefe6 (08/25/06 12:18:34 AM): I'm jeff jefe6 (08/25/06 12:18:38 AM): 34/m/SF jefe6 (08/25/06 12:18:40 AM): you? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:18:45 AM): i'm ava, duh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:18:51 AM): 13/f/near sf jefe6 (08/25/06 12:18:58 AM): cool jefe6 (08/25/06 12:19:14 AM): whatcha doin on chat? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:19:22 AM): idunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:19:24 AM): hanging out amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:19:32 AM): my mom is going to vegas in just a bit amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:19:39 AM): so i'm totally just hanging out jefe6 (08/25/06 12:19:42 AM): what's she doin there? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:19:47 AM): she's going to leave for the airport soon amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:19:48 AM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:19:51 AM): going with her bf jefe6 (08/25/06 12:20:17 AM): cool. is she leaving you home alone? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:20:28 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:20:32 AM): i'm way excited about it jefe6 (08/25/06 12:20:35 AM): damn. lucky you jefe6 (08/25/06 12:20:51 AM): my parents would always have someone look after us when they went away amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:20:51 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:20:55 AM): i'm way excited about it jefe6 (08/25/06 12:20:56 AM): like my grandma or something amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:20:56 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:20:58 AM): usually amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:21:02 AM): but i'm in highschool now jefe6 (08/25/06 12:21:05 AM): that's fucking sweet amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:21:06 AM): so she said i could stay by myself jefe6 (08/25/06 12:21:12 AM): you gonna have a party? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:22:08 AM): thinking about it jefe6 (08/25/06 12:22:17 AM): you totally should jefe6 (08/25/06 12:22:21 AM): when does she come back? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:22:29 AM): monday jefe6 (08/25/06 12:22:46 AM): perfect amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:22:50 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:22:59 AM): i'm way excited about it jefe6 (08/25/06 12:23:01 AM): you shoudl at least have a small one with your friends amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:23:06 AM): totally amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:23:11 AM): and we just got a new hottub thingee jefe6 (08/25/06 12:23:14 AM): she's leaving tonight? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:23:20 AM): excellent amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:23:22 AM): in a little bit amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:23:22 AM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 12:23:51 AM): you have a bf? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:23:57 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 12:24:04 AM): too bad jefe6 (08/25/06 12:24:17 AM): you could have a lot of fun with a bf, no parents, and a hot tub for the weekend amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:24:55 AM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:24:56 AM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:24:57 AM): no bf amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:24:59 AM): sucks to be me jefe6 (08/25/06 12:25:08 AM): :( jefe6 (08/25/06 12:25:25 AM): well if you throw a party maybe you'll find one amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:25:41 AM): maybe jefe6 (08/25/06 12:26:19 AM): are you going to school tomorrow? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:26:22 AM): eh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:26:23 AM): not sure amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:26:26 AM): haven't decided amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:26:28 AM): thinking of cutting jefe6 (08/25/06 12:26:39 AM): thinking? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:26:50 AM): yeah well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:26:54 AM): school only started yesterday jefe6 (08/25/06 12:26:54 AM): what's there to think about? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:27:05 AM): oh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:27:08 AM): so..... jefe6 (08/25/06 12:27:18 AM): so there's not much going on anyway jefe6 (08/25/06 12:27:39 AM): plus you should go to tell everyone about your party amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:28:52 AM): that's true jefe6 (08/25/06 12:29:21 AM): you live in the east bay? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:29:27 AM): north jefe6 (08/25/06 12:29:40 AM): cool jefe6 (08/25/06 12:29:48 AM): are your parents divorced? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:30:02 AM): yep jefe6 (08/25/06 12:30:16 AM): where's your dad live? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:30:47 AM): he lives in washington jefe6 (08/25/06 12:31:03 AM): you ever see him? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:31:08 AM): not anymore jefe6 (08/25/06 12:31:29 AM): is that good? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:31:33 AM): i guess jefe6 (08/25/06 12:31:55 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 12:32:20 AM): so you're a freshman this year? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:32:24 AM): yep jefe6 (08/25/06 12:32:30 AM): excited for hs? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:32:40 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:32:43 AM): a little nervous amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:32:46 AM): do u have a myspace? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:32:53 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 12:32:55 AM): you? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:33:23 AM): I think I'm the last person in SF under 40 without myspace amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:33:39 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:33:47 AM): i've got one amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:33:52 AM): did u go to it? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:34:25 AM): I just tried,but I got an error amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:34:44 AM): stupid myspace jefe6 (08/25/06 12:36:13 AM): damn amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:36:34 AM): damn what? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:37:00 AM): can't find your myspace profile amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:37:06 AM): hmph amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:37:11 AM): edit jefe6 (08/25/06 12:37:24 AM): I tried that jefe6 (08/25/06 12:37:33 AM): it came back with an error amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:37:43 AM): it wouldn't let me sign in earlier either jefe6 (08/25/06 12:37:47 AM): oh well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:37:53 AM): u could add me amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:38:04 AM): i've got another pic in my avatar thingee jefe6 (08/25/06 12:38:58 AM): I have a bunch of pics at amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:41:41 AM): holy cow amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:41:46 AM): u're HAWT jefe6 (08/25/06 12:41:50 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 12:42:10 AM): don't you think I'm a bit old for you? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:42:16 AM): i think u're beautiful jefe6 (08/25/06 12:42:21 AM): thanks jefe6 (08/25/06 12:42:34 AM): do you have any more pics? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:42:49 AM): do u see the one over there-----> amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:42:55 AM): andthe one in my profile jefe6 (08/25/06 12:42:55 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 12:43:00 AM): not showing up jefe6 (08/25/06 12:43:06 AM): I see the one in your profile jefe6 (08/25/06 12:44:49 AM): you're really cute jefe6 (08/25/06 12:45:02 AM): I like the one you use for your profile best jefe6 (08/25/06 12:45:09 AM): and the last one too amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:45:59 AM): cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:46:02 AM): tyvm jefe6 (08/25/06 12:46:25 AM): are you wearing lipstick in the second one? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:46:37 AM): maybe jefe6 (08/25/06 12:46:47 AM): it looks good jefe6 (08/25/06 12:47:02 AM): so why don't you have a bf? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:47:14 AM): i was seeing this guy amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:47:16 AM): but he moved jefe6 (08/25/06 12:47:26 AM): aw jefe6 (08/25/06 12:47:37 AM): when was that? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:47:44 AM): end of school jefe6 (08/25/06 12:48:01 AM): and you didn't find a new one all summer? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:48:34 AM): what did you do all summer? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:48:54 AM): nah not really amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:49:00 AM): boys around here are stupid jefe6 (08/25/06 12:49:28 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 12:49:34 AM): boys everywhere are stupid jefe6 (08/25/06 12:49:38 AM): you just have to get used to that amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:49:49 AM): gee amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:49:58 AM): u give me so much to look forward to jefe6 (08/25/06 12:50:02 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 12:50:09 AM): I'm joking jefe6 (08/25/06 12:50:47 AM): where'd your last bf move to? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:51:19 AM): tahoe i think jefe6 (08/25/06 12:51:22 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 12:51:25 AM): you don't even know? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:52:02 AM): eh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:52:05 AM): we didnt' go out long jefe6 (08/25/06 12:52:22 AM): guess it wasn't very serious then amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:52:31 AM): not really i guess jefe6 (08/25/06 12:53:06 AM): well I'm sure you'll find someone new soon enough jefe6 (08/25/06 12:53:10 AM): unless you don't want to jefe6 (08/25/06 12:53:58 AM): has your mom left yet? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:54:17 AM): not yet amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:54:20 AM): soon though i think jefe6 (08/25/06 12:54:24 AM): late flight jefe6 (08/25/06 12:54:28 AM): or is she driving? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:54:43 AM): late flight amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:54:53 AM): i don't know if she just wants tobe close the airport amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:54:57 AM): or if she's flying out jefe6 (08/25/06 12:55:08 AM): is her bf at your place now? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:55:13 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 12:55:19 AM): where does he live? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:55:32 AM): how old is your mom? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:55:38 AM): why? jefe6 (08/25/06 12:55:42 AM): just curious amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:55:46 AM): 31 jefe6 (08/25/06 12:55:57 AM): do you think her bf is hot? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:56:20 AM): nah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:56:22 AM): i think he's a dork jefe6 (08/25/06 12:56:27 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 12:56:31 AM): what does he do? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:56:47 AM): what does he do? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:56:48 AM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:56:51 AM): i don't really talk to him jefe6 (08/25/06 12:56:56 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 12:57:25 AM): what does your mom do for work? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:57:55 AM): she's a nurse amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 12:58:30 AM): didja try my myspace again jefe6 (08/25/06 12:58:35 AM): I'll try now jefe6 (08/25/06 1:00:02 AM): it works now jefe6 (08/25/06 1:00:10 AM): but I have to log on to see your pics there amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:00:44 AM): well, if that's what u want jefe6 (08/25/06 1:00:56 AM): but I've been holding out so long amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:01:00 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:01:03 AM): kay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:01:03 AM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:01:05 AM): i think really amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:01:20 AM): u've got all the good pics jefe6 (08/25/06 1:02:56 AM): I'm a gemini too jefe6 (08/25/06 1:02:59 AM): when's your bday? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:03:15 AM): june 3 amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:04:08 AM): when's urs jefe6 (08/25/06 1:04:12 AM): Im the 16th amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:04:25 AM): cool jefe6 (08/25/06 1:05:06 AM): how long have you had your myspace account? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:05:17 AM): this one amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:05:21 AM): like a couple of weeks amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:05:25 AM): i had to delete the other one amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:05:27 AM): my mom had a fit amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:05:28 AM): why? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:05:31 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:05:34 AM): why'd she have a fit? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:05:50 AM): oh , i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:05:53 AM): cos she's a mom jefe6 (08/25/06 1:06:13 AM): I was just noticing that all of your friends' comments were very recent amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:06:18 AM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 1:06:21 AM): what was on the old profile that she didnt' like? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:06:29 AM): if u read my blog u'll see when i started it jefe6 (08/25/06 1:07:28 AM): just last wednesday jefe6 (08/25/06 1:07:35 AM): still feeling mischievous? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:07:41 AM): totally jefe6 (08/25/06 1:07:55 AM): hehehee jefe6 (08/25/06 1:08:00 AM): so tell me jefe6 (08/25/06 1:08:08 AM): what was on your old account that was so bad? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:09:25 AM): i'm not sure what her issue was amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:09:34 AM): i think she jsut didn't want me to have it at all amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:09:39 AM): so now i don't tell her about this one jefe6 (08/25/06 1:09:42 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:09:46 AM): how'd she find the old one? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:10:34 AM): i told her about it amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:10:37 AM): was showing it off amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:10:38 AM): so amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:10:44 AM): BIG MISTAKE amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:10:47 AM): so i made a new one jefe6 (08/25/06 1:11:09 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:11:33 AM): my friend robyn had to too jefe6 (08/25/06 1:11:45 AM): did your mom tell her mom? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:11:57 AM): yep jefe6 (08/25/06 1:12:00 AM): oops amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:12:46 AM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:12:52 AM): so we both had to make new ones amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:12:52 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:13:03 AM): wonder why they were so stressed about it jefe6 (08/25/06 1:13:27 AM): maybe they thought old men would hit on you if you were online amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:13:43 AM): eh, i think it's a control thing amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:13:50 AM): she's never around, but she wants to run my life jefe6 (08/25/06 1:14:03 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:14:08 AM): all parents are like that I think amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:14:55 AM): well, i've decided she sucks amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:14:56 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:15:33 AM): so whatcha gonna do about it? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:15:46 AM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:15:49 AM): not much i can do really amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:15:53 AM): my dad doesn't want me amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:15:59 AM): she says i'm a gnat amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:16:00 AM): so amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:16:11 AM): live here til i can leave i guess jefe6 (08/25/06 1:16:17 AM): aw jefe6 (08/25/06 1:16:25 AM): she doesn't really mean that I'm sure amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:17:13 AM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:17:14 AM): don't care amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:17:17 AM): i mean i do amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:17:18 AM): but amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:17:22 AM): i don't jefe6 (08/25/06 1:17:27 AM): yeah, I get it jefe6 (08/25/06 1:18:05 AM): well at least she's leaving you alone for the weekend with a new hot tub amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:18:09 AM): yep jefe6 (08/25/06 1:18:10 AM): that's not so bad jefe6 (08/25/06 1:19:14 AM): so what other mischievous things are you into besides putting up msypace profiles behind your mom's back? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:03 AM): oh i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:12 AM): go to parties amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:15 AM): i had a bf amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:16 AM): he moved amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:19 AM): she didnt' like him jefe6 (08/25/06 1:22:23 AM): why not? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:26 AM): so i told her we brokeup amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:30 AM): cos he was a bit of a rebel amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:36 AM): but we didnt' break up until he moved jefe6 (08/25/06 1:22:37 AM): how old was he? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:54 AM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:22:58 AM): i don't pay attention jefe6 (08/25/06 1:23:05 AM): where'd you meet him? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:23:29 AM): the mall jefe6 (08/25/06 1:24:09 AM): was he old enough to drive? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:24:45 AM): yep jefe6 (08/25/06 1:25:18 AM): did he live near you? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:25:33 AM): eh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:25:34 AM): not really jefe6 (08/25/06 1:25:44 AM): what would you do with him? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:26:08 AM): hang out amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:26:11 AM): go to the movies amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:26:24 AM): hewould come see me at gymnastics practice amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:26:28 AM): my coach HATED that jefe6 (08/25/06 1:26:37 AM): cool, you're a gymnist? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:26:43 AM): yep jefe6 (08/25/06 1:26:46 AM): I'll bet you're really flexible then jefe6 (08/25/06 1:27:05 AM): and probably strong too amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:29:31 AM): have to be flixible amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:29:37 AM): flexible even jefe6 (08/25/06 1:29:50 AM): do you drink? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:29:55 AM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 1:30:04 AM): smoke pot? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:30:32 AM): haven't amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:30:38 AM): yet jefe6 (08/25/06 1:31:23 AM): I'm sure you will soon enough jefe6 (08/25/06 1:31:30 AM): seems like everyone in hs does these days amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:31:37 AM): u think? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:31:39 AM): I wish I'd tried it when I was younger jefe6 (08/25/06 1:31:55 AM): well I guess you'd know better than I would amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:34:19 AM): so did u decide to sign up? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:34:31 AM): nope, not yet jefe6 (08/25/06 1:34:32 AM): should I? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:34:56 AM): eh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:34:58 AM): it'sup to u amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:35:02 AM): it's addictive jefe6 (08/25/06 1:35:09 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:35:28 AM): well unless you have a lot more sexy pictures on there, I'm going to hold out a bit longer jefe6 (08/25/06 1:37:11 AM): what are you up to? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:37:24 AM): 4'10\" amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:37:26 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:38:05 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:38:10 AM): I meant what are you doing now? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:38:17 AM): thinking i might go to bed jefe6 (08/25/06 1:38:21 AM): aw amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:38:24 AM): i know amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:38:25 AM): i suck jefe6 (08/25/06 1:38:28 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:38:36 AM): well I hope we can chat again sometime amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:38:49 AM): totally amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:38:58 AM): i'll let u know how that party goes amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:38:59 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:39:05 AM): you're not going to invite me? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:39:11 AM): do u want to come? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:39:45 AM): might be fun, but I'm not sure how well I'd fit in with a bunch of hish school freshmen amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:40:04 AM): well then i'll invite sophs jrs and srs too amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:40:05 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:40:12 AM): unless u'd rather not be around any of 'em jefe6 (08/25/06 1:40:36 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:40:52 AM): you know I'm older than your mom amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:41:03 AM): and i care about that why? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:41:19 AM): ummm jefe6 (08/25/06 1:41:21 AM): I don't know jefe6 (08/25/06 1:41:25 AM): you really don't care? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:41:27 AM): well then amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:41:29 AM): there u go jefe6 (08/25/06 1:42:16 AM): have you only had that one bf? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:44:17 AM): you there? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:45:24 AM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:45:26 AM): i went to get some water amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:45:27 AM): sorry amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:45:32 AM): i've had a couple jefe6 (08/25/06 1:45:33 AM): no problem jefe6 (08/25/06 1:45:45 AM): are you interested in older guys? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:46:02 AM): i'minterested in being treatedwell jefe6 (08/25/06 1:46:20 AM): meaning? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:46:31 AM): meaning ages means nothing if u're an ass amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:46:35 AM): can be 12 or 112 amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:46:43 AM): if u're an ass, u're an ass jefe6 (08/25/06 1:46:46 AM): how old have your other bf's been? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:46:56 AM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:46:58 AM): like i said jefe6 (08/25/06 1:46:59 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:47:01 AM): didnt' really pay attention jefe6 (08/25/06 1:47:03 AM): take a guess amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:47:06 AM): but they all drive amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:47:06 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:47:19 AM): high school? college? older? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:47:34 AM): i'm not dating them now amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:47:37 AM): so does it matter? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:47:44 AM): well no amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:47:58 AM): well then amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:47:58 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:48:00 AM): jefe6 (08/25/06 1:48:05 AM): I guess I'm just trying to figure out what your interest in me is... perhaps I should just ask what I mean amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:48:15 AM): maybe that would be best amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:48:16 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:48:20 AM): i think u're nice amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:48:24 AM): i think u're HAWT amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:48:37 AM): and i think u're kind of funny amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:48:42 AM): which is like BIG in my book jefe6 (08/25/06 1:48:46 AM): :D jefe6 (08/25/06 1:48:49 AM): thanks amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:49:34 AM): so u really gonna come to the party? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:49:40 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:49:48 AM): I thought we covered that amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:49:58 AM): well, u said u weren't sure if u'd fit it amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:49:59 AM): in amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:50:00 AM): so amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:50:07 AM): u'd be the guest jefe6 (08/25/06 1:50:14 AM): just me? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:50:19 AM): u decide what kind and how many people u want there jefe6 (08/25/06 1:50:52 AM): you're going to get me in trouble ava jefe6 (08/25/06 1:51:37 AM): are you a good student? you seem pretty bright amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:51:45 AM): i'm a way good student amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:51:48 AM): skipped the fourth grade jefe6 (08/25/06 1:51:53 AM): yeah, I thought so jefe6 (08/25/06 1:52:29 AM): I find myself attracted to you and I'm not sure that's such a good thing amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:52:55 AM): of course it is jefe6 (08/25/06 1:52:58 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 1:53:06 AM): well for you it's all good jefe6 (08/25/06 1:53:20 AM): worst that would happen to you is getting grounded or something jefe6 (08/25/06 1:53:36 AM): I'm supposed to know better than to hit on 13 yo's jefe6 (08/25/06 1:54:21 AM): but you do have very sexy eyes jefe6 (08/25/06 1:55:17 AM): and I do find you very interesting jefe6 (08/25/06 1:55:36 AM): and I would love to hang out in your hot tub with you jefe6 (08/25/06 1:55:46 AM): but what would your friends think of your inviting me to the party? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:56:00 AM): they might think it was kinda wierd, don'tcha think? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:56:01 AM): they would be jealous amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:56:12 AM): they would think u're as hot as i do jefe6 (08/25/06 1:56:16 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:57:30 AM): u think i'm kidding amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:57:31 AM): i'm not jefe6 (08/25/06 1:57:33 AM): hmmm jefe6 (08/25/06 1:57:41 AM): what aren't you kidding about? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:57:51 AM): your friends thinking I'm hot? or inviting me over? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:58:29 AM): both amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:58:33 AM): i'm serious about both of them jefe6 (08/25/06 1:58:47 AM): well I'm very tempted amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 1:59:43 AM): and? jefe6 (08/25/06 1:59:50 AM): I'm considering it jefe6 (08/25/06 2:00:21 AM): and part of that is considering what my chances are of not getting in trouble for it amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:00:32 AM): how could u? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:00:55 AM): um, someone sees me there and tells, a neighbor, a friend, I don't know jefe6 (08/25/06 2:01:58 AM): I'd definitely be worried if you had other friends there amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:02:17 AM): well jefe6 (08/25/06 2:02:25 AM): what if someone got jealous amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:02:27 AM): i could not invite people jefe6 (08/25/06 2:03:12 AM): on the other hand it might be fun to hang out with your friends too if they're as cool and cute as you are amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:03:19 AM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:03:22 AM): we could hang out amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:03:27 AM): and then if u felt like it amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:03:31 AM): we could invite them over jefe6 (08/25/06 2:03:55 AM): what do you have in mind if I were to come over? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:03:59 AM): whatever amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:04:04 AM): u're the guest jefe6 (08/25/06 2:04:16 AM): could you like me to bring some wine? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:04:38 AM): oops jefe6 (08/25/06 2:04:42 AM): *would not could amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:05:17 AM): sure jefe6 (08/25/06 2:05:19 AM): have you told your friends that you're chatting with me tonight? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:05:23 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 2:05:31 AM): would you like me to bring anything else? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:06:26 AM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:06:29 AM): thai food amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:06:34 AM): do u like thai food? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:06:38 AM): love it jefe6 (08/25/06 2:06:48 AM): I could bring some thai food amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:06:54 AM): that would be cool jefe6 (08/25/06 2:07:01 AM): should I bring a bathing suit? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:07:04 AM): totally amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:07:10 AM): but if u forget it it's no biggeee amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:07:14 AM): cos it'll just be us jefe6 (08/25/06 2:07:27 AM): I'm not a big fan of bathing suits in hot tubs jefe6 (08/25/06 2:07:49 AM): I prefer to go nude... what would you think of that? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:08:36 AM): if that's what u want that's coolwith me jefe6 (08/25/06 2:08:59 AM): you would be comfortable with that? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:09:07 AM): i'd be fine with it jefe6 (08/25/06 2:09:24 AM): have you ever skinny dipped in the hot tub? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:09:53 AM): we just got it jefe6 (08/25/06 2:10:07 AM): have you ever been skinny dipping anywhere? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:10:41 AM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 2:10:54 AM): where? who were you with? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:12:40 AM): at the a reservoir (is that right) near modesto jefe6 (08/25/06 2:13:05 AM): I'm not sure if the second r is right or not jefe6 (08/25/06 2:13:10 AM): I\"m more of a math guy jefe6 (08/25/06 2:13:14 AM): never very good at spelling jefe6 (08/25/06 2:13:20 AM): did you go with one of your bfs? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:15:53 AM): i went with a whole group of people jefe6 (08/25/06 2:16:07 AM): girls and guys? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:16:13 AM): yep jefe6 (08/25/06 2:16:15 AM): cool jefe6 (08/25/06 2:16:42 AM): would your friends be cool with hanging out in the hot tub naked with us? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:17:25 AM): you seem distracted, what's up? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:18:14 AM): i don't know amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:18:24 AM): my computer keeps getting jammed amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:18:28 AM): i got out of the chat though jefe6 (08/25/06 2:18:28 AM): oh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:18:37 AM): so hopefully the bots will go away jefe6 (08/25/06 2:18:44 AM): that usually helps jefe6 (08/25/06 2:18:53 AM): I noticed that you're invisible jefe6 (08/25/06 2:19:00 AM): how will I ever know if you're online? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:20:49 AM): i'm not always amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:20:56 AM): and u just send mea message amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:20:59 AM): i'm usually here jefe6 (08/25/06 2:21:08 AM): cool jefe6 (08/25/06 2:22:11 AM): when would you like to hang out? I'm gonna be in santa cruz tomorrow night and saturday, but I'm around tomorrow afternoon and sunday amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:22:52 AM): what's in santa cruz? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:23:11 AM): going to visit friends and going kite surfing at waddell creek amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:23:26 AM): that's soo cool jefe6 (08/25/06 2:23:35 AM): yeah, it's hella fun amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:23:39 AM): when do u get back on saturday? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:23:49 AM): not sure amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:23:51 AM): and what time r u gonna be around tomorrow jefe6 (08/25/06 2:23:58 AM): possibly not til sunday morning actually amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:24:04 AM): that's cool jefe6 (08/25/06 2:24:13 AM): I have to work most of the day, but I could take off early amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:24:19 AM): most of what day? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:24:23 AM): tomorrow amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:24:32 AM): cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:24:40 AM): so whatcha want to do? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:24:42 AM): where in the north bay doyou live? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:26:14 AM): i'm near santa rosa jefe6 (08/25/06 2:26:29 AM): far north bay jefe6 (08/25/06 2:26:33 AM): north or south of santa rosa jefe6 (08/25/06 2:26:52 AM): is your mom gone yet? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:27:19 AM): nah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:27:29 AM): i guess she decided to leave in the morning amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:27:30 AM): south jefe6 (08/25/06 2:27:59 AM): how many other guys are you chatting with tonight? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:29:49 AM): none amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:30:00 AM): i was trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow jefe6 (08/25/06 2:30:14 AM): so your going to school? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:30:20 AM): I guess you have to if you're mom's still around jefe6 (08/25/06 2:30:34 AM): what are you going to wear if I come over? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:30:47 AM): whatever u want me to jefe6 (08/25/06 2:30:52 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:30:59 AM): i'm only going to school if she's still here when i get up in the morning jefe6 (08/25/06 2:31:07 AM): well since I don't know what your wardrobe is, you'll have to pick something out before I get there amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:31:32 AM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:31:38 AM): what would u like me to wear? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:31:53 AM): give me some options so I know your style amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:31:58 AM): i've got jeans amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:32:00 AM): i've got skirts amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:32:02 AM): i've got shorts amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:32:05 AM): i've got like everything amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:32:13 AM): from goth to preppie jefe6 (08/25/06 2:32:47 AM): how about a cross between the two amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:32:54 AM): kay jefe6 (08/25/06 2:33:05 AM): do you have any sexy short skirts? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:33:11 AM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 2:33:26 AM): I'm a sucker for short black skirts amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:33:33 AM): cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:33:41 AM): i've got one that 's like black and red plaid amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:33:44 AM): is that okay? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:33:49 AM): sounds good amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:34:02 AM): cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:34:12 AM): so how long can u stay if u come over tomorrow? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:34:37 AM): prolly not past 8 or 9 amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:34:47 AM): so whatcha want to do? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:35:00 AM): but I could come over for more time on sunday amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:35:04 AM): okay that's cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:35:08 AM): so both days or only one? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:35:17 AM): totally depends on what you're up for and how we get along in person jefe6 (08/25/06 2:35:31 AM): I might be able to come over both days if you want amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:35:38 AM): that would be cool jefe6 (08/25/06 2:35:41 AM): what are you looking for? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:35:47 AM): spend time with u jefe6 (08/25/06 2:36:11 AM): don't be so coy amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:36:38 AM): but i'm so good at it amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:36:39 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:36:50 AM): you're prodding me for what I want to do, and not telling me what's on your mind jefe6 (08/25/06 2:36:57 AM): just be honest amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:37:05 AM): what's on my mind is what u were talking about earlier amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:37:09 AM): being naked in the hot tub amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:37:17 AM): with u amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:37:18 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:37:32 AM): does it excite you to be naked with a man you don't even know? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:37:45 AM): i'm sorta shy to say jefe6 (08/25/06 2:38:08 AM): are you a virgin, Ava? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:38:17 AM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:38:29 AM): is that bad? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:38:33 AM): how much experience do you have jefe6 (08/25/06 2:38:37 AM): no it's not bad amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:38:48 AM): i'm like the only one in my whole group of friends that still is amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:38:53 AM): they pick on me ALL THE TIME jefe6 (08/25/06 2:39:18 AM): are you thinking that you might like to have sex with someone this weekend? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:39:53 AM): with someone? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:40:09 AM): are you thinking you might want to have sex with me this weekend? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:40:15 AM): would u want to? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:40:34 AM): is that relevent to your response? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:40:49 AM): sorta yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 2:41:13 AM): what would you say if I told you that I'm laying in my bed completely naked right now amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:41:39 AM): that it sounds like u're dressed for the hot tub jefe6 (08/25/06 2:41:44 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:41:58 AM): so do u want to? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:42:09 AM): I have a huge erection that I got from chatting with you amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:42:26 AM): really? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:42:30 AM): yes jefe6 (08/25/06 2:42:43 AM): have you ever seen a man with a hardon? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:42:59 AM): like only on one of those movies amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:03 AM): my friend robyn amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:09 AM): her brother had one playing amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:17 AM): when i stayed the night jefe6 (08/25/06 2:43:25 AM): you've never seen one in person? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:27 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 2:43:31 AM): none of your bfs? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:34 AM): nope amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:47 AM): that's sorta why everyone picks on me amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:49 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:53 AM): cos i guess i'm a amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:43:57 AM): what did they call it jefe6 (08/25/06 2:43:57 AM): but you've seen your bfs naked, when you skinny dipped amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:44:03 AM): well yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:44:19 AM): but u asked if i had seen a hardon amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:44:21 AM): in person jefe6 (08/25/06 2:44:40 AM): so you've only kissed guys before? nothing else? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:44:46 AM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:44:53 AM): kissed and like some touching and stuff jefe6 (08/25/06 2:45:13 AM): none of them ever licked your pussy? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:45:17 AM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 2:45:29 AM): would you like me to? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:45:43 AM): if u want to amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:45:58 AM): i think it could be coul amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:46:00 AM): cool jefe6 (08/25/06 2:46:09 AM): I think I would like to jefe6 (08/25/06 2:46:35 AM): have you ever experimented with your girl friends? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:47:06 AM): nope amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:47:17 AM): i don't have any friends that are THAT close jefe6 (08/25/06 2:47:34 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:48:43 AM): damn, you've got me thinking about all sorts of things I shouldn't be amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:50:00 AM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:50:06 AM): i was thinking the same thing about u amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:50:07 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:50:14 AM): so if i stay home tomorrow amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:50:26 AM): will u be online so i can send u my address and directions and stuff? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:50:51 AM): I'm not usually by my computer during the day, but I'll check it periodically jefe6 (08/25/06 2:51:01 AM): my email is jefe6 (08/25/06 2:51:04 AM): amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:12 AM): wait amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:18 AM): is it the jefe6? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:51:21 AM): yup amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:24 AM): kay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:37 AM): yeah so i'll send it after she's ACTUALLY left jefe6 (08/25/06 2:51:39 AM): you're really serious? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:45 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:47 AM): u're beautiful amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:50 AM): and u're nice amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:51:52 AM): and well, amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:52:12 AM): i think it's better to have my first experience with someone who knows what he's doing amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:52:13 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:52:18 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:52:28 AM): I should tell you though jefe6 (08/25/06 2:52:39 AM): I'm still having doubts about whether I should meet you jefe6 (08/25/06 2:52:49 AM): not that I don't want to amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:52:52 AM): well, jefe6 (08/25/06 2:52:54 AM): because I really do amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:52:58 AM): i wont' tell anyone that i even talked to u jefe6 (08/25/06 2:53:02 AM): but I also know that I really shouldn't amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:53:16 AM): so not even my friends will know we talked amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:53:26 AM): or even that u r gonna come over amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:53:27 AM): kay? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:53:32 AM): cos i don't want to get grounded amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:53:34 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:53:35 AM): kay jefe6 (08/25/06 2:53:36 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:53:44 AM): but u can come tomorrow for a while amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:53:58 AM): before u leave for santa cruz amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:54:01 AM): or if u want, amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:54:10 AM): u can just stay and leave early on saturday amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:54:18 AM): so u aren't driving tired jefe6 (08/25/06 2:54:37 AM): yeah, but then I'd have to come up with an excuse to my friends amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:54:52 AM): well u've got time between now and then amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:54:56 AM): thing of a good one amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:54:57 AM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:54:59 AM): think amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:55:02 AM): * jefe6 (08/25/06 2:55:03 AM): let me sleep on it and figure out exactly what my plans are for the weekend amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:55:07 AM): kay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:55:18 AM): sleep sweet jefe6 (08/25/06 2:55:19 AM): but I'm thinking that sunday might work better amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:55:24 AM): okay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:55:27 AM): that's cool too amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:55:39 AM): u could come and spend more time then jefe6 (08/25/06 2:55:44 AM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 2:55:50 AM): what's your place like? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:55:59 AM): is your hot tub somehwere private? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:56:02 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:56:05 AM): in the back yard amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:56:09 AM): and there's a fence amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:56:14 AM): and lots of trees jefe6 (08/25/06 2:56:28 AM): did your mom tell the neighbors that she's going away for the weekend? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:56:38 AM): we r too new to know the neighbors jefe6 (08/25/06 2:56:42 AM): it might be a bad idea for me to park a car in your driveway amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:57:03 AM): what kind of car do u have? jefe6 (08/25/06 2:57:13 AM): I have a van jefe6 (08/25/06 2:57:22 AM): cuz I need it for work amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:57:26 AM): like a big van? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:57:35 AM): cosi don't know if it will fit in the garage amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:57:49 AM): but u can park out front, and then we can see amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:57:50 AM): kay? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:58:07 AM): i can call u tomorrow if u want jefe6 (08/25/06 2:58:34 AM): kinda like this jefe6 (08/25/06 2:58:42 AM): except a little shorter amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:02 AM): where do u work? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:08 AM): that's a weird van amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:09 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:59:32 AM): I have a cabinet shop amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:36 AM): oh cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:39 AM): kay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:43 AM): well, amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:48 AM): i'm gonna go to bed jefe6 (08/25/06 2:59:51 AM): me too amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:51 AM): cos, well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:53 AM): i'm tired amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 2:59:53 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 2:59:54 AM): good night amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 3:00:04 AM): so i'll email u tomorrow/later today jefe6 (08/25/06 3:00:08 AM): ok amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 3:00:09 AM): to see what's up kay? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 3:00:15 AM): sleep sweet jefe6 (08/25/06 3:00:18 AM): you too jefe6 (08/25/06 3:00:20 AM): bye amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 11:30:08 AM): sshhhhhh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 11:30:10 AM): u don't see me amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 11:30:16 AM): i totally didn't cut school or anything jefe6 (08/25/06 11:30:19 AM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 11:30:38 AM): so your mom is gone to vegas? jefe6 (08/25/06 11:31:03 AM): I only have a couple of minutes right now. I just got to work amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 11:34:40 AM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 11:34:54 AM): she left this morning amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 11:34:55 AM): yay me jefe6 (08/25/06 11:35:08 AM): coolio jefe6 (08/25/06 11:35:58 AM): hey, I gotta go, my partner just came in... I'll ttyl amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 11:36:11 AM): okay jefe6 (08/25/06 7:20:34 PM): hi ava, sorry I haven't been around all day amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:20:34 PM): hey jefe6 (08/25/06 7:23:02 PM): anything fun planned for tonight? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:24:00 PM): i thought u were coming jefe6 (08/25/06 7:25:30 PM): I thought I told you that tonight probably wasn't going to work out jefe6 (08/25/06 7:25:50 PM): especially since it's already 5:30 and I have to be back in the city by 9 jefe6 (08/25/06 7:25:55 PM): that doesn't give us much time amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:27:51 PM): hmph amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:28:14 PM): well if u come now that gives a while jefe6 (08/25/06 7:28:29 PM): only about an hour by the time I get there amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:28:33 PM): that's cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:28:37 PM): spend an hour today amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:28:41 PM): adn then come back on sunday jefe6 (08/25/06 7:29:02 PM): hmmm jefe6 (08/25/06 7:29:36 PM): I have to tell you that I'm having second thoughts about the whole thing amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:29:49 PM): all themore reason u should come right now jefe6 (08/25/06 7:29:50 PM): part of me is really excited to meet you jefe6 (08/25/06 7:30:17 PM): but there is a loud voice in my head reminding me what a bad idea this is amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:30:33 PM): yeah well... u really shouldn't listen to the voices in ur head jefe6 (08/25/06 7:30:38 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:30:39 PM): people will think u're crazy amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:30:42 PM): c'mon jefe6 (08/25/06 7:30:45 PM): I am crazy jefe6 (08/25/06 7:31:01 PM): aren't you even a litte bit nervous about meeting me? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:31:33 PM): eh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:31:36 PM): maybe a little amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:31:42 PM): but u're so cute amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:31:45 PM): and u r so nice amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:31:53 PM): and u don't treat me like a little baby amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:31:58 PM): and i just think it would be cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:32:07 PM): plus that stuff u were tellign me about last night amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:32:20 PM): about what happened when u were talkign to me amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:32:40 PM): wow, totally excited me jefe6 (08/25/06 7:32:46 PM): what if you aren't attracted to me once you see me in person? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:32:54 PM): not gonna happen jefe6 (08/25/06 7:32:55 PM): or vice versa? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:32:58 PM): i love u're personality amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:33:01 PM): and u're so cute amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:33:13 PM): then u don't come back sunday jefe6 (08/25/06 7:33:41 PM): yeah, well you haven't seen pictures of me with my goatee and mohawk ;) amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:33:42 PM): plus i'm really close amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:33:50 PM): i saw u're mohawk jefe6 (08/25/06 7:33:53 PM): really close? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:33:53 PM): do u still have it? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:33:55 PM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:33:57 PM): cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:00 PM): i'm in petaluma amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:03 PM): that's not far jefe6 (08/25/06 7:34:10 PM): well not toooo far amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:14 PM): it's not far jefe6 (08/25/06 7:34:16 PM): but I woulnd't exactly cal it close amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:18 PM): c'mon jefe6 (08/25/06 7:34:22 PM): in the city is close amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:30 PM): leave now, and u can be here by 615 jefe6 (08/25/06 7:34:44 PM): with friday evening rush our traffic? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:49 PM): kay 630 amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:50 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 7:34:54 PM): try 7 amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:34:58 PM): kay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:35:04 PM): then stay an hour hour and a half amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:35:09 PM): and then u'll be back in the city just on time jefe6 (08/25/06 7:35:13 PM): you're terrible amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:35:16 PM): and u love it jefe6 (08/25/06 7:35:27 PM): yeah, well that's part of the problem amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:36:13 PM): so do u have a pen? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:36:20 PM): but once I get there you'll immediately start trying to convince me to stay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:36:20 PM): i'll give u my address amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:36:23 PM): ready? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:36:24 PM): and it will be a slippery slope jefe6 (08/25/06 7:36:27 PM): ugghhh amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:36:30 PM): no, amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:36:31 PM): i promise amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:36:41 PM): u'll stay for as long as u want amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:36:49 PM): and then u can just come back sunday amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:37:37 PM): hello? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:37:45 PM): I\"m thnking amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:37:49 PM): ick amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:37:52 PM): it's so over rated amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:37:52 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 7:37:54 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:37:55 PM): c'mon amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:38:23 PM): i'll even order pizza so it will behere when u get here amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:38:28 PM): my mom left money for it jefe6 (08/25/06 7:39:30 PM): I'm having visions of being led away in handcuffs and trying to explain to everyone I konw what happened amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:39:49 PM): but noone's home but me amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:39:54 PM): how would that happen? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:40:56 PM): I don't know, but I'm not sure I want to find out amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:41:36 PM): get a pen amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:41:44 PM): removed amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:41:45 PM): petaluma amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:42:32 PM): u can get directions from mapquest amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:42:37 PM): or i can get them if u want amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:42:40 PM): but it's really easy amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:43:03 PM): cos i'm right near the highway jefe6 (08/25/06 7:43:28 PM): I already checked mapquest jefe6 (08/25/06 7:43:42 PM): but I'm not coming tonight ava amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:43:53 PM): okay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:43:59 PM): will u come sunday still? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:44:12 PM): that's what I'm trying to decide myself jefe6 (08/25/06 7:44:21 PM): I'm very conflicted amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:44:33 PM): u don't really like me huh? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:44:42 PM): what if we have a really good time jefe6 (08/25/06 7:44:49 PM): then we're going to want to see each other again jefe6 (08/25/06 7:44:54 PM): and eventually we'll get caught amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:45:03 PM): nah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:45:11 PM): cos my mom is always at work and stuff jefe6 (08/25/06 7:45:24 PM): what if you go psycho on my and report me to the police amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:45:25 PM): and ihaven't told anyone that i'm even talking to u amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:45:31 PM): r u nuts? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:45:36 PM): what if you slip up and tell someone and word gets back to your mom? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:45:36 PM): i'd get in sooooo much trouble jefe6 (08/25/06 7:46:17 PM): plus I've only seen a couple pictures of your face jefe6 (08/25/06 7:46:46 PM): I don't even have any idea what you look like below the neck amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:47:01 PM): ewwwww amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:47:02 PM): that's rude amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:47:05 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 7:47:09 PM): is it? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:47:29 PM): nah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:47:33 PM): i'd say the same thing really jefe6 (08/25/06 7:47:40 PM): well I am pretty picky jefe6 (08/25/06 7:47:46 PM): so it's better to figure that out before we meet amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:47:53 PM): except it's not like if u got here and i was like 500 lbs u'd HAVE to do anything amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:48:21 PM): but since i'm not, and really, haven't even gotten to 95, i really don't see it as an issue jefe6 (08/25/06 7:48:28 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 7:48:35 PM): do you have any more pictures? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:49:49 PM): did i send u the goofy one where i'm sticking out my tongue? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:49:55 PM): nope amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:49:56 PM): if u don't want to come tonight amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:49:59 PM): just come on sunday amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:50:01 PM): it's cool jefe6 (08/25/06 7:50:42 PM): that one is goofy amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:50:53 PM): i told u amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:50:55 PM): sheesh jefe6 (08/25/06 7:51:01 PM): you really don't have anything but those four face shots? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:51:08 PM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:51:09 PM): sorry jefe6 (08/25/06 7:51:27 PM): maybe we'll have to work on that amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:51:38 PM): kay jefe6 (08/25/06 7:52:21 PM): I'm also concerned that the only reason you're doing this is because of peer pressure from your friends amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:52:34 PM): have u seen urself? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:53:16 PM): it's not like I'm a believer of the whole \"first time has to be special\" idea, but sex isn't something you should just jump into with a complete stranger if you've never done it before amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:53:35 PM): but it's not like i'm doing it with someone who doesn't know what he's doing jefe6 (08/25/06 7:54:18 PM): I'm not sure if that's really relevant to my comment amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:54:23 PM): sure it is amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:54:37 PM): cos it's not a strange boy who would be stupid and hurtful amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:54:51 PM): it's with this fabulous man that is gorgeous and would be gentle jefe6 (08/25/06 7:55:29 PM): tell me something... when did it first cross your mind that you wanted to meet me? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:56:02 PM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:56:44 PM): honestly when i saw how cute u are jefe6 (08/25/06 7:57:05 PM): let me ask a different question then.... did you go online last night with the intention of finding someone to meet this weekend? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:57:39 PM): not really jefe6 (08/25/06 7:57:50 PM): not really? jefe6 (08/25/06 7:57:53 PM): not entirely? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:57:57 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:58:17 PM): it's just that i went online to chat amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:58:19 PM): and well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:58:21 PM): there u were jefe6 (08/25/06 7:58:39 PM): have you ever met anyone through chat before? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:59:19 PM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 7:59:31 PM): have any of your friends? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 7:59:56 PM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:00:14 PM): what time r u gonna come on sunday? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:00:22 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 8:00:27 PM): what time would youlike me to? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:00:38 PM): it's up to u amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:01:19 PM): i just want to spend time, so if u can't spend time today amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:01:25 PM): then come on sunday and spend all day amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:01:28 PM): i make a mean breakfast jefe6 (08/25/06 8:01:33 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:01:36 PM): and no amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:01:44 PM): i don't mean a bowl of lucky charms amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:01:45 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 8:01:47 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 8:04:12 PM): tell me about what you've been thinking about doing with me if I come over jefe6 (08/25/06 8:04:24 PM): what you're hoping to do amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:04:34 PM): i'm hoping to learn a bunch of stuff from u amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:04:36 PM): jefe6 (08/25/06 8:04:44 PM): what kind of stuff? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:05:01 PM): what it takes to make a guy feel good jefe6 (08/25/06 8:05:45 PM): what do you want to try? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:06:07 PM): all kinds of stuff really jefe6 (08/25/06 8:06:27 PM): you never even explored a guys body before, have you? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:06:45 PM): i've seen some stuff on movies amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:06:47 PM): no jefe6 (08/25/06 8:06:52 PM): what have you seen in movies? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:07:13 PM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:07:18 PM): just amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:07:33 PM): like a girl going down on a guy and stuff jefe6 (08/25/06 8:08:00 PM): does it excite you to think about having a cock in your mouth? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:08:17 PM): i'm sorta shy to say jefe6 (08/25/06 8:08:17 PM): holding it in your hands? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:08:19 PM): but yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:08:25 PM): is that bad? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:08:37 PM): well the first lesson you need to learn is not to be too shy amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:08:41 PM): okay jefe6 (08/25/06 8:08:45 PM): you need to communicate your desires clearly amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:08:48 PM): okay jefe6 (08/25/06 8:08:51 PM): especcially with me amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:08:54 PM): then i desire u to be here on sunday jefe6 (08/25/06 8:09:09 PM): I'm not going to judge you for saying what's on your mind amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:09:27 PM): and i desire u to be here at like 2 amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:09:29 PM): jefe6 (08/25/06 8:09:33 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 8:09:35 PM): ok amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:09:38 PM): buti'm not kidding amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:09:45 PM): i really want u to be here jefe6 (08/25/06 8:09:45 PM): I konw you're not amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:09:53 PM): will u be? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:09:59 PM): u can be my practice jefe6 (08/25/06 8:10:14 PM): right now I'm definitley excited to see you onsunday jefe6 (08/25/06 8:10:44 PM): but as soon as we stop chatting those voices in my head will probably start trying to convince me otherwise again amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:11:13 PM): well then u're staying here with me all weekend amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:11:14 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:11:21 PM): i shant get up for anything jefe6 (08/25/06 8:11:22 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:11:23 PM): not even food amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:11:23 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 8:11:29 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 8:11:54 PM): have your friends told you much about sex? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:12:04 PM): some amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:12:08 PM): that it will hurt a bit jefe6 (08/25/06 8:12:10 PM): what have they told you? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:12:34 PM): have they told you that you'll probably bleed a bit too? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:12:39 PM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 8:12:59 PM): the first time usually isn't very much fun for a girl jefe6 (08/25/06 8:14:23 PM): especially since you're so small amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:16:09 PM): i'll be okay jefe6 (08/25/06 8:16:49 PM): do you masturbate? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:17:27 PM): no amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:17:29 PM): i ahven't jefe6 (08/25/06 8:17:38 PM): why not? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:18:06 PM): i don't know amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:18:09 PM): just haven't jefe6 (08/25/06 8:18:30 PM): what are you wearing right now? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:19:26 PM): shorts and a tank jefe6 (08/25/06 8:19:39 PM): what are you wearing under that? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:19:46 PM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:19:53 PM): my shorts r really just boy shorts amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:19:56 PM): u know what i mean? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:20:00 PM): so i'm not wearing anything amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:20:01 PM): under those jefe6 (08/25/06 8:20:02 PM): yeah jefe6 (08/25/06 8:20:14 PM): are you wearing a bra? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:20:17 PM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 8:20:24 PM): do you usually wear one? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:20:29 PM): to school and stuff amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:20:32 PM): but not at home jefe6 (08/25/06 8:20:37 PM): what size? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:20:41 PM): 32b jefe6 (08/25/06 8:20:59 PM): have you ever tasted yourself? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:21:07 PM): no amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:21:20 PM): do girls do that? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:21:25 PM): slide a finger into your shorts jefe6 (08/25/06 8:21:27 PM): feel yourself jefe6 (08/25/06 8:21:30 PM): are you wet? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:21:41 PM): maybe a little jefe6 (08/25/06 8:21:51 PM): do you know where your clit is? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:21:55 PM): no jefe6 (08/25/06 8:22:12 PM): lick your finger jefe6 (08/25/06 8:22:19 PM): and slide it back into your shorts jefe6 (08/25/06 8:22:32 PM): slide it between your pussy lips jefe6 (08/25/06 8:22:42 PM): and up towards the top amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:23:02 PM): can't u just show me sunday? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:23:11 PM): of course amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:23:39 PM): i would like that jefe6 (08/25/06 8:23:51 PM): I know you would ;) jefe6 (08/25/06 8:24:50 PM): what else have you seen in the movies? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:25:46 PM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:25:51 PM): what do u like? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:26:07 PM): oh, where to begin jefe6 (08/25/06 8:26:42 PM): I thnk we'll have plenty to do just initiating you to the male body and your own amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:26:57 PM): okay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:29:16 PM): what time r u leaving? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:29:31 PM): supposed to leave the city at 9 jefe6 (08/25/06 8:29:41 PM): have to eat dinner and get some stuff together before then jefe6 (08/25/06 8:30:15 PM): what are you going to do tonight? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:31:12 PM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:31:16 PM): have dinner i guess jefe6 (08/25/06 8:31:27 PM): have you spoken to any of your friends? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:31:41 PM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 8:31:57 PM): are you just gonna stay home alone? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:33:40 PM): i dunno amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:33:42 PM): probably jefe6 (08/25/06 8:34:02 PM): why not go out with your friends? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:34:31 PM): cos they don't compare to what i was hoping for jefe6 (08/25/06 8:34:38 PM): aw jefe6 (08/25/06 8:34:46 PM): I'm sorry to disappoint amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:34:52 PM): it's cool amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:34:55 PM): there's always sunday jefe6 (08/25/06 8:35:38 PM): what do you have planned for tomorrow? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:35:44 PM): nothing really amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:35:54 PM): gonna come takeme to santa cruz? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:36:01 PM): LOL jefe6 (08/25/06 8:37:12 PM): sorry amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:37:58 PM): for? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:40:22 PM): laughing at your request to go to SC jefe6 (08/25/06 8:40:36 PM): even though you were probably joking amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:41:06 PM): i totally was jefe6 (08/25/06 8:42:11 PM): what did you do all day today? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:43:19 PM): i was lazy jefe6 (08/25/06 8:43:43 PM): just sat around in your undies all day? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:43:50 PM): pretty much jefe6 (08/25/06 8:43:56 PM): watching tv? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:44:06 PM): and chatting? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:44:40 PM): a bit jefe6 (08/25/06 8:44:54 PM): anyone interesting online? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:45:18 PM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:45:19 PM): u jefe6 (08/25/06 8:45:22 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 8:45:31 PM): noone else? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:46:14 PM): not really jefe6 (08/25/06 8:47:50 PM): are you angry with me for not coming tonight? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:48:57 PM): no amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:49:08 PM): it's okay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:49:12 PM): i just want to see u on sunday amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:49:14 PM): kay jefe6 (08/25/06 8:49:18 PM): k amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:53:09 PM): i think i'm gonna go get in the hot tub jefe6 (08/25/06 8:53:27 PM): you gonna go naked? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:53:35 PM): maybe amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:53:36 PM): i dunno jefe6 (08/25/06 8:53:48 PM): you definitely should jefe6 (08/25/06 8:53:53 PM): best way to enjoy the hot tub amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:55:13 PM): kay jefe6 (08/25/06 8:55:45 PM): ok, catch ya later amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:55:52 PM): okay jefe6 (08/25/06 8:55:55 PM): do something fun with your time until sunday amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:56:00 PM): okay amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:56:01 PM): jefe6 (08/25/06 8:56:49 PM): are you going to church on sunday morning? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:56:56 PM): probably not amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:56:59 PM): no way to get there amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 8:57:01 PM): why? jefe6 (08/25/06 8:58:00 PM): just curious. I noticed a mention of church in one of your friend's comments on myspace jefe6 (08/25/06 8:58:30 PM): and thought it was a bit ironic based on our interaction amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 9:01:06 PM): implying something? amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 9:01:08 PM): lol jefe6 (08/25/06 9:01:45 PM): nope jefe6 (08/25/06 9:01:50 PM): just found it interesting jefe6 (08/25/06 9:02:10 PM): anyway, I've gotta get out of my shop jefe6 (08/25/06 9:02:16 PM): and you should hit the hot tub jefe6 (08/25/06 9:02:20 PM): ttyl amazing_ava_grace (08/25/06 9:02:27 PM): ttyl jefe6 (08/27/06 1:37:28 PM): good morning Ava amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:37:34 PM): good morning amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:37:46 PM): didn't think i'd talk to u before u came over jefe6 (08/27/06 1:37:49 PM): how's your weekend been? done anything fun? jefe6 (08/27/06 1:38:12 PM): were you expecting me to just show up at your door? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:38:17 PM): i didn't know amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:38:18 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 1:39:16 PM): what did you do yesterday? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:39:30 PM): hung out in the hot tub amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:39:37 PM): same thing i'm gonna be doing when u get here amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:39:37 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 1:40:15 PM): who did you hang out in the tub with yesterday? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:40:25 PM): noone amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:40:31 PM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:40:35 PM): robyn came over for abit jefe6 (08/27/06 1:40:55 PM): who is robyn? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:41:01 PM): my friend amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:41:05 PM): she's on my top 8 jefe6 (08/27/06 1:41:12 PM): your top 8? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:41:20 PM): on my myspace jefe6 (08/27/06 1:41:41 PM): ok jefe6 (08/27/06 1:42:10 PM): she's cute, but I can't see any of the details of her profile amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:42:34 PM): eh amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:42:41 PM): u think she's cuter than me? jefe6 (08/27/06 1:43:33 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 1:44:00 PM): I know better than to make any judgements from pictures alone amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:45:57 PM): so u're gonna be here at 2? or can u come sooner? jefe6 (08/27/06 1:46:29 PM): prolly closer to 2 jefe6 (08/27/06 1:46:55 PM): I have to say, I'm still really nervous amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:49:20 PM): why? jefe6 (08/27/06 1:49:41 PM): I told you why jefe6 (08/27/06 1:50:03 PM): plus, what's going to happen after today? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:50:09 PM): whatever u want amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:50:12 PM): i mean amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:50:23 PM): i dont' know what i mean amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:50:24 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 1:50:28 PM): it could get complicated amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:50:37 PM): how? jefe6 (08/27/06 1:50:46 PM): what are you expecting? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:51:14 PM): i'm expecting this amazingly beautiful guy to come and show me what i've never had amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:51:26 PM): show me how to make him feel good amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:51:58 PM): and it's all good jefe6 (08/27/06 1:52:04 PM): and after today? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:52:08 PM): that's up to u jefe6 (08/27/06 1:52:22 PM): what if you want more and I don't? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:52:38 PM): i dont' even know how to find u again amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:52:42 PM): so amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:53:12 PM): if all u want is today, that's cool i guess amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:53:13 PM): cos amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:53:14 PM): well amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:53:32 PM): i dont' expect my first time to be candles and stuff amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:53:38 PM): but it will be nice for it to be good amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:53:53 PM): cos the guy who took it knew what the hell he was doing amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:53:54 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 1:54:02 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 1:54:14 PM): when does your mom get back? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:54:26 PM): i don't know if she's coming home before work or not tomorrow jefe6 (08/27/06 1:54:44 PM): are you certain she's not coming home tonight? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:54:49 PM): positive amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:55:07 PM): her flight isn't until tomorrow morning amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:55:17 PM): i just don't know if she's coming before work or going to work and then coming home jefe6 (08/27/06 1:56:34 PM): ok jefe6 (08/27/06 1:56:43 PM): did you tell robyn what you're doing today? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:58:07 PM): no amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:58:14 PM): i told u i wouldn't tell anyone jefe6 (08/27/06 1:58:29 PM): that took you a long time to answer jefe6 (08/27/06 1:58:36 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:58:41 PM): only cos i was playing a game amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:58:42 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:58:44 PM): rocket mania amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:58:48 PM): i'm such a dork jefe6 (08/27/06 1:58:52 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 1:59:55 PM): 1853 castle? right? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 1:59:59 PM): yep amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:00:09 PM): i'll put the garage door up amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:00:14 PM): so u can just come right in amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:00:16 PM): u know jefe6 (08/27/06 2:00:46 PM): k amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:00:57 PM): r u gonna bring swim trunks? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:01:05 PM): cos i'll probably be at the hot tub in the back jefe6 (08/27/06 2:01:08 PM): should I? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:01:14 PM): if u want amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:01:18 PM): i'll be in the hot tub jefe6 (08/27/06 2:01:24 PM): what will you be wearing? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:01:26 PM): u decide if u need the trunks amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:01:27 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:01:32 PM): whatever u want me to be wearing jefe6 (08/27/06 2:01:36 PM): nothing amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:01:47 PM): okay jefe6 (08/27/06 2:02:15 PM): are you comfortable with that? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:02:56 PM): yeah amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:03:01 PM): the neighbors can't see jefe6 (08/27/06 2:03:32 PM): and you're not too shy to be naked when you meet me? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:03:40 PM): i'll be in the hot tub amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:03:43 PM): so it will be okay amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:03:52 PM): the bubbles will be my clothes amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:03:53 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 2:03:55 PM): lol amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:04:56 PM): and if it's weird, i'll keep my suit nearby amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:05:18 PM): that way if u're shy, i can get dressed under the water amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:05:19 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 2:12:29 PM): lol, don't worry, I'm not shy jefe6 (08/27/06 2:12:59 PM): although seeing your suit laying on the ground might be a sexy reminder that you're not wearing it jefe6 (08/27/06 2:13:18 PM): did you wear a bathing suit when Robyn was over yesterday? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:15:18 PM): not that one amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:15:19 PM): why? jefe6 (08/27/06 2:15:35 PM): but you did wear a bathing suit? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:15:43 PM): yes amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:17:38 PM): why? jefe6 (08/27/06 2:17:54 PM): just curious amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:18:24 PM): i can't wait to see u jefe6 (08/27/06 2:19:21 PM): do you still want me to bring thai food? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:19:29 PM): totally amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:19:36 PM): i've been sorta craving it amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:19:37 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 2:19:40 PM): or should we just order some after I get there? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:19:44 PM): it reheats well amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:19:50 PM): but if u want to do that that's cool jefe6 (08/27/06 2:19:54 PM): what do you like? jefe6 (08/27/06 2:20:37 PM): curry? pad thai? chicken & spinach in peanut sauce?, samosas? spring rolls? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:20:46 PM): i dont' do spinach amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:20:50 PM): i love curry amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:21:51 PM): but i like chicken in peanut sauce too amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:21:57 PM): so get it with the spinach amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:22:05 PM): and i'll just take the spinach out jefe6 (08/27/06 2:22:36 PM): what kind of curry do you like? green, red, yellow? chicken, pork, tofu, prawns? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:22:44 PM): yello amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:22:46 PM): yellow amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:22:50 PM): love love love prawns amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:22:56 PM): and chicken jefe6 (08/27/06 2:30:04 PM): so when I get there I should just come find you in the hot tub? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:30:09 PM): totally amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:30:21 PM): cos i'm not going into the street nekkid amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:30:22 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 2:30:25 PM): how do I get back there? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:30:32 PM): there's a door on the side of the garage amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:30:34 PM): u'll see it jefe6 (08/27/06 2:31:21 PM): ok jefe6 (08/27/06 2:31:36 PM): I'll see you around 2 then amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:32:10 PM): cool amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:32:15 PM): when r u leaving? jefe6 (08/27/06 2:32:28 PM): hopefully in half an hour amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:32:33 PM): cool amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:32:47 PM): r u bringing swim trunks? jefe6 (08/27/06 2:33:01 PM): I can if you want me to amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:33:49 PM): nah amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:33:50 PM): it's cool amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:33:52 PM): was just asking jefe6 (08/27/06 2:33:55 PM): why? amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:35:28 PM): wanted u to say if i was gonna be nekkid amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:35:31 PM): so where u jefe6 (08/27/06 2:35:40 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 2:35:41 PM): ok amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:35:45 PM): were amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:35:46 PM): not where amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:35:47 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 2:36:10 PM): well maybe I should bring some anyway, just in case you want to invite other friends later amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:36:18 PM): kay jefe6 (08/27/06 2:36:32 PM): unless all of your friends want to skinny dip in the hot tub jefe6 (08/27/06 2:37:07 PM): although I doubt we'll be inviting anyone else over anyway amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:37:59 PM): that's what i was thinking amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:38:00 PM): lol jefe6 (08/27/06 2:40:19 PM): ok c u soon amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:40:38 PM): kay amazing_ava_grace (08/27/06 2:40:39 PM): cool