09/03/06 jc_bah (09/03/06 8:58:41 PM): chirstian and goth? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 8:58:53 PM): yeah lol jc_bah (09/03/06 8:59:20 PM): nice combination jc_bah (09/03/06 8:59:28 PM): looks like it works well for you jc_bah (09/03/06 9:00:17 PM): so only blackclothes? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:00:59 PM): not always but sometimes jc_bah (09/03/06 9:01:14 PM): fair enough jc_bah (09/03/06 9:01:45 PM): now out of curiousity do you get a lot of questions regarding being goth and christian 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:02:12 PM): yeah guess it makes ppl wonder jc_bah (09/03/06 9:02:35 PM): it makes the close minded wonder jc_bah (09/03/06 9:02:47 PM): and a lot of people of preconceptions of what goth means 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:03:09 PM): yeah exactly jc_bah (09/03/06 9:03:22 PM): i know just enough to be dangerous :) 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:03:42 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:04:07 PM): still its a nice weekend and a time to relax ... hopefully you are having fun 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:04:25 PM): kinda jc_bah (09/03/06 9:05:07 PM): only kinda? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:05:38 PM): gotta go with dad to a party tonite 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:05:43 PM): dont rlly wanna jc_bah (09/03/06 9:05:52 PM): pretend you are sick ;) 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:06:15 PM): he rlly wants us to jc_bah (09/03/06 9:06:32 PM): ah i know that feeling jc_bah (09/03/06 9:06:40 PM): when is the party 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:06:48 PM): like 8 jc_bah (09/03/06 9:07:18 PM): are you ready to go? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:07:30 PM): mostly jc_bah (09/03/06 9:07:48 PM): what does mostly mean? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:08:57 PM): almost ready? jc_bah (09/03/06 9:09:23 PM): yes i kinda figured that out ... i was curious whats left to be done jc_bah (09/03/06 9:09:24 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:14:10 PM): just brush hair n stuff jc_bah (09/03/06 9:14:19 PM): ah not so bad jc_bah (09/03/06 9:14:33 PM): well i hope the party will be fun for you even though you dont think so 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:17:09 PM): rather do somethin else jc_bah (09/03/06 9:17:30 PM): what would you rather do 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:17:48 PM): not go lol 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:17:52 PM): gonna b borin jc_bah (09/03/06 9:18:01 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:18:08 PM): why do you think it will be boring 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:18:29 PM): dads friends jc_bah (09/03/06 9:19:18 PM): just his friends? ... no families or other people your age? (he has seen her age in her profile, which he has checked out) 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:19:34 PM): not sure yet he said maybe id meet ppl 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:19:39 PM): how old r u? jc_bah (09/03/06 9:20:11 PM): im an old fart ... 30 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:20:20 PM): oh lol im 13 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:20:51 PM): just figured u prolly knew cos u said ppl my age at the party jc_bah (09/03/06 9:21:15 PM): yeah i saw it on your profile ... i am just talking i did not think age was a bid deal ... but if you have aproblem i understand (yes, he says he saw her age, and does not think it is a big deal) 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:21:36 PM): nah if it did id have said lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:21:46 PM): fair enough jc_bah (09/03/06 9:22:03 PM): so have you been to one of these parties before? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:22:23 PM): umm long ago 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:22:35 PM): we usully just come like 1 weekend a month jc_bah (09/03/06 9:22:52 PM): ah so you know what to expect ... sorry :( 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:23:10 PM): mite b diffrent ppl idk jc_bah (09/03/06 9:23:46 PM): i gotcha jc_bah (09/03/06 9:23:56 PM): still does not sound fun ... and that stinks on a holiday weekend 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:24:03 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/03/06 9:25:02 PM): where in cali are you if i may ask 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:25:14 PM): kinda by la now jc_bah (09/03/06 9:25:42 PM): orange county? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:26:08 PM): la jc_bah (09/03/06 9:26:19 PM): ah ok 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:27:19 PM): where r u? jc_bah (09/03/06 9:27:53 PM): san diego 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:28:14 PM): k jc_bah (09/03/06 9:28:45 PM): is la home? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:28:52 PM): no jc_bah (09/03/06 9:28:58 PM): where is home? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:29:01 PM): just here at dads 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:29:10 PM): guess its kinda home for a while jc_bah (09/03/06 9:29:42 PM): does not sound like you are too happy about that 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:30:02 PM): its ok jc_bah (09/03/06 9:30:16 PM): fair enough jc_bah (09/03/06 9:30:24 PM): so what do you do for fun? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:30:37 PM): w/e happens jc_bah (09/03/06 9:30:46 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:30:54 PM): common there has to be something you enjoy 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:31:21 PM): i like bein with friends n music n parties jc_bah (09/03/06 9:32:07 PM): that sounds like fun 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:32:30 PM): wat do u like? jc_bah (09/03/06 9:33:29 PM): i enjoya lot of things ... with friends i like to hang out watch a movie ... catch up on old times 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:33:46 PM): old times? lol 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:33:57 PM): sounds fun tho jc_bah (09/03/06 9:34:11 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:34:34 PM): usually i dont see my friend for a long time ... so we catch up on whats been going on and remember times when we were a lot younger jc_bah (09/03/06 9:34:35 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:34:37 PM): now i sound old (you ARE too old, for a 13 yr old) jc_bah (09/03/06 9:34:38 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:34:52 PM): nah lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:35:37 PM): nice of you to say ... but i know the truth ;) 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:35:47 PM): u dont seem old jc_bah (09/03/06 9:35:56 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:35:57 PM): ok jc_bah (09/03/06 9:38:30 PM): so whats on your mind 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:38:58 PM): nothin rlly jc_bah (09/03/06 9:39:18 PM): get the hair brushed and stuff? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:39:34 PM): yeah lol been doin that jc_bah (09/03/06 9:39:40 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:39:48 PM): always a good idea to multitask jc_bah (09/03/06 9:40:29 PM): so where is the party at? ... someones house? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:40:39 PM): yeah his friend jc_bah (09/03/06 9:40:48 PM): i gotcha jc_bah (09/03/06 9:40:57 PM): why does he want you to go so bad? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:41:18 PM): his gf is goin 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:41:23 PM): wants us to meet her jc_bah (09/03/06 9:41:39 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:41:41 PM): ah ok jc_bah (09/03/06 9:41:46 PM): that really sounds like no fun 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:41:54 PM): mayb jc_bah (09/03/06 9:43:27 PM): so may i ask what the waredrobe is for the night 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:43:46 PM): got my jean skirt n blue top 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:43:53 PM): see no black lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:43:56 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:44:07 PM): blue would look good on you i think ... based on the pic 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:44:23 PM): thanx lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:45:01 PM): loads of fun to try and guess :) 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:45:41 PM): lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:46:51 PM): man i gotta find something to do tonight jc_bah (09/03/06 9:46:57 PM): you ever spend time in san diego? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:47:15 PM): no is that were u r? jc_bah (09/03/06 9:47:26 PM): yes jc_bah (09/03/06 9:47:49 PM): where were you before you lived with dad in la? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:48:01 PM): with mom jc_bah (09/03/06 9:48:09 PM): and where was that? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:48:37 PM): far lol jc_bah (09/03/06 9:48:44 PM): ok jc_bah (09/03/06 9:48:55 PM): ill stop askin jc_bah (09/03/06 9:48:57 PM): :) jc_bah (09/03/06 9:50:16 PM): i need to step away ... hopefully ill be back before you leave jc_bah (09/03/06 9:50:23 PM): if not ... hope tonight is better then you hope 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:51:09 PM): k later 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:51:16 PM): u seem nice jc_bah (09/03/06 9:54:30 PM): well i try to be nice jc_bah (09/03/06 9:54:35 PM): lots of crazy on chat jc_bah (09/03/06 9:55:05 PM): if you ever want to chat with a seemingly nice guy feel free to send me a message 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:55:22 PM): same to u 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:55:34 PM): u can add me if u wanna jc_bah (09/03/06 9:55:49 PM): ok jc_bah (09/03/06 9:56:15 PM): hopefully we will get the chance to chat again jc_bah (09/03/06 9:57:00 PM): when are you taking off 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:57:09 PM): in a few jc_bah (09/03/06 9:57:20 PM): fair enough jc_bah (09/03/06 9:57:34 PM): so any question that you just have to ask right now 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:57:36 PM): so wats ur name? jc_bah (09/03/06 9:57:42 PM): im jim 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:58:10 PM): hi im 13-yr-girl jc_bah (09/03/06 9:58:50 PM): 13-yr-girl its been nice chattin with you 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 9:59:11 PM): u too jc_bah (09/03/06 9:59:29 PM): you seem to be a very intelligent lady jc_bah (09/03/06 10:00:15 PM): hard to believe you are 13 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:00:37 PM): aww ur sweet jc_bah (09/03/06 10:00:52 PM): just being honest 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:01:16 PM): :) jc_bah (09/03/06 10:02:34 PM): now at 13 ... and being a goth christian ... have you started dating?? (he remembers she is 13...and starting the dating questions) 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:03:00 PM): had a bf jc_bah (09/03/06 10:03:11 PM): ok jc_bah (09/03/06 10:03:37 PM): good times or not so good? 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:03:58 PM): he was cool jc_bah (09/03/06 10:04:07 PM): but ... 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:04:32 PM): were friends 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:08:10 PM): well dads callin 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:08:12 PM): gtg jc_bah (09/03/06 10:08:17 PM): ok jc_bah (09/03/06 10:08:21 PM): have fun if you can 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:08:27 PM): thanx 13-yr-girl (09/03/06 10:08:30 PM): ttyl 09/04/06 jc_bah (09/04/06 7:36:06 PM): hello there ... how was the party 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:36:19 PM): hi boring lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:36:39 PM): welllll guess it wasnt too bad jc_bah (09/04/06 7:37:07 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 7:37:17 PM): not too bad ... thats like saying not good at all jc_bah (09/04/06 7:37:18 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:37:26 PM): haha jc_bah (09/04/06 7:37:36 PM): did at least have some people to talk with or enjoy music with 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:38:13 PM): ther was some ppl in like hs 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:38:25 PM): my sis fell asleep in a chair haha 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:38:31 PM): kinda borin jc_bah (09/04/06 7:38:58 PM): did you meet your dads lady friend 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:39:46 PM): yeah she was kinda nice jc_bah (09/04/06 7:39:52 PM): thats cool jc_bah (09/04/06 7:40:01 PM): still would you rather have stayed at home? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:40:25 PM): wouldve rather did somethin fun 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:40:26 PM): haha 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:40:46 PM): how was ur nite? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:40:52 PM): my night was slow jc_bah (09/04/06 7:40:57 PM): was at home ... watchin tv jc_bah (09/04/06 7:40:58 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:41:39 PM): relaxin? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:41:55 PM): pretty much 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:42:18 PM): cool jc_bah (09/04/06 7:43:21 PM): well i am not sure about that but it was nice to sleep a ton jc_bah (09/04/06 7:43:23 PM): ;) jc_bah (09/04/06 7:44:02 PM): so whats going on today 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:44:17 PM): nothin much more boring haha jc_bah (09/04/06 7:44:27 PM): loads of fun jc_bah (09/04/06 7:44:29 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:45:21 PM): u work tomorrow? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:46:02 PM): sadly yes jc_bah (09/04/06 7:46:06 PM): although i might ditch it jc_bah (09/04/06 7:46:07 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:46:11 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:46:16 PM): dont like it? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:46:26 PM): just bored right now 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:46:42 PM): hmm what kinda work? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:47:10 PM): i am an engineer jc_bah (09/04/06 7:47:14 PM): work on satellites 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:47:18 PM): omg coo 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:47:19 PM): l 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:47:26 PM): smart huh jc_bah (09/04/06 7:48:10 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 7:48:14 PM): sometimes :) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:48:42 PM): so u make real satllites 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:48:47 PM): like in space? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:49:14 PM): hows that boring? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:49:23 PM): did u ever go in one? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:49:35 PM): haha jc_bah (09/04/06 7:49:45 PM): well it sounds a lot more exciting then it really is jc_bah (09/04/06 7:50:09 PM): i spend time designing them ... and while some of it is very interesting its still a job ... and has lots of slow time jc_bah (09/04/06 7:50:16 PM): its the slow time that makes things so boring 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:50:22 PM): oh 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:50:54 PM): maybe u can make like a new kind normal ppl can go in 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:51:00 PM): thatll keep u busy 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:51:07 PM): n then we can go in space too jc_bah (09/04/06 7:52:03 PM): that would be nice 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:52:48 PM): k get busy lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:52:55 PM): then u wont b bored haha jc_bah (09/04/06 7:54:16 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 7:54:28 PM): sounds like a wonderful plan jc_bah (09/04/06 7:54:31 PM): ill get right on it 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:54:42 PM): k let me know when ur done jc_bah (09/04/06 7:54:55 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 7:54:58 PM): sure thing 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:54:59 PM): my idea i get to go first right? haha 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:55:02 PM): jk jc_bah (09/04/06 7:55:07 PM): sure no problem 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:55:13 PM): im rllly bored u can tell lol jc_bah (09/04/06 7:55:15 PM): just dont hold your breathe waiting for it to happen jc_bah (09/04/06 7:55:24 PM): dont worry i dont mind bored jc_bah (09/04/06 7:55:34 PM): just gotta be careful being bored and on chat 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:55:36 PM): ill watch my mail for my ticket jc_bah (09/04/06 7:55:38 PM): that will get you in trouble 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:55:43 PM): how? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:55:51 PM): all the sick people in chat jc_bah (09/04/06 7:55:51 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:55:58 PM): oh lol jc_bah (09/04/06 7:56:13 PM): sorry should have explained jc_bah (09/04/06 7:56:13 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:56:58 PM): mostly nice ppl jc_bah (09/04/06 7:57:30 PM): what? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:57:52 PM): mostly nice ppl on chat jc_bah (09/04/06 7:58:01 PM): you find mostly nice people? jc_bah (09/04/06 7:58:07 PM): you got a special talent :) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:58:19 PM): idk lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:58:27 PM): ppl from all over jc_bah (09/04/06 7:58:32 PM): thats cool 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:58:37 PM): was somebody from hawaii bfore jc_bah (09/04/06 7:59:08 PM): the last nice person? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:59:22 PM): think he was nice got dc lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:59:32 PM): ur nice too 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 7:59:57 PM): never chatted with somebody makes space stuff jc_bah (09/04/06 8:00:23 PM): got dc? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:00:33 PM): disconnect jc_bah (09/04/06 8:00:59 PM): ah ok jc_bah (09/04/06 8:01:02 PM): im following now jc_bah (09/04/06 8:02:00 PM): well like i said my job is not bad ... but i am bored with it now 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:02:21 PM): u want a new job? jc_bah (09/04/06 8:02:41 PM): i dont know ... i have learned that jobs are all jobs jc_bah (09/04/06 8:02:48 PM): they have good sides and bad sides jc_bah (09/04/06 8:02:59 PM): just gotta find one that you can do even when you are bored 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:03:56 PM): thats y im askin ppl u learn alot like that jc_bah (09/04/06 8:04:07 PM): no problem ask me anything jc_bah (09/04/06 8:04:10 PM): ill be honest jc_bah (09/04/06 8:04:17 PM): i might not answer everything but i will try 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:04:32 PM): u learn alot bout ppls jobs 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:04:40 PM): n wat i dont wanna do lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:05:00 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:05:15 PM): well you got lots of time figure that out ... ask what you can and learn what you can :) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:06:27 PM): seems like i should have a idea by now lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:06:33 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:06:35 PM): why jc_bah (09/04/06 8:06:53 PM): dont get me wrong you seem like an intelligent lady but there is a lot more out there for you to experience 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:07:35 PM): yeah my friend said by like 11 grade u gotta know for college 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:07:45 PM): so i got like 4 yrs yet jc_bah (09/04/06 8:07:48 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:08:11 PM): well most the people that enter college change there choice of profession at least 2 times jc_bah (09/04/06 8:08:34 PM): so having an idea might help but then again a lot happens as you experience things ... so dont let it bother you jc_bah (09/04/06 8:08:41 PM): when the time comes you will know what you should do 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:09:45 PM): hope so 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:10:00 PM): but no satellites rit? cos its borin too lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:10:19 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:10:23 PM): no i would not say that jc_bah (09/04/06 8:10:38 PM): if you like the idea of being space then by all means pursue it jc_bah (09/04/06 8:11:04 PM): but if you do anything for 6 years there will be times when you get bored ... that does not make the thing as a whole boring it just means it is a slow time 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:12:53 PM): yeah thats true jc_bah (09/04/06 8:14:25 PM): whats on your ming? jc_bah (09/04/06 8:14:27 PM): mind even jc_bah (09/04/06 8:14:28 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:15:03 PM): nothin rlly just takin wat comes 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:15:10 PM): wat r u doin? jc_bah (09/04/06 8:15:21 PM): sitting on my couch trying to stay cool 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:15:43 PM): cool lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:15:55 PM): yes its been hot jc_bah (09/04/06 8:16:35 PM): cant say too much ;) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:18:46 PM): too much bout wat? jc_bah (09/04/06 8:18:57 PM): too much about what i am doing jc_bah (09/04/06 8:18:58 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:19:01 PM): im just teasin jc_bah (09/04/06 8:19:06 PM): i aint doing anything 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:19:17 PM): umm ok lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:19:32 PM): sorry that looked bad after i sent it 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:20:32 PM): its k lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:20:37 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:20:39 PM): ok jc_bah (09/04/06 8:20:45 PM): dont want you to think i am a perv jc_bah (09/04/06 8:20:46 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:21:04 PM): nah lol ur cool jc_bah (09/04/06 8:21:08 PM): haha jc_bah (09/04/06 8:21:08 PM): ok jc_bah (09/04/06 8:23:51 PM): so whats up 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:24:08 PM): nothin rlly jc_bah (09/04/06 8:24:11 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:24:17 PM): well make something up 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:27:08 PM): umm 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:32:36 PM): cant think of anythin to make up jc_bah (09/04/06 8:32:43 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:32:44 PM): ok 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:37:32 PM): u think of somethin lol jc_bah (09/04/06 8:37:46 PM): nothing good :) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:38:29 PM): like wat? jc_bah (09/04/06 8:38:43 PM): something that would keep me from being a perv 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:39:57 PM): ur not lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:40:46 PM): so jc_bah (09/04/06 8:40:53 PM): hold on 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:41:00 PM): k jc_bah (09/04/06 8:45:16 PM): sorry on the phone 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:45:27 PM): np 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:47:17 PM): hey i gtg 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 8:47:21 PM): later :) jc_bah (09/04/06 8:47:25 PM): bye jc_bah (09/04/06 9:17:03 PM): sorry about that 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 9:17:09 PM): hi jc_bah (09/04/06 9:17:27 PM): hows everything going 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 9:17:57 PM): not bad 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 9:18:05 PM): done on ur phone? jc_bah (09/04/06 9:18:10 PM): im still coming up with nothing to chat about jc_bah (09/04/06 9:18:13 PM): yes i am off the phone 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 9:18:32 PM): k no prob my sis was callin me anyway jc_bah (09/04/06 9:18:40 PM): far enough jc_bah (09/04/06 9:18:45 PM): im just gettin ready to take off jc_bah (09/04/06 9:18:49 PM): so have a good night jc_bah (09/04/06 9:18:56 PM): and ill be in touch soon 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 9:19:22 PM): k later jc_bah (09/04/06 11:00:52 PM): do you have school tomorrow? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:00:58 PM): no lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:01:11 PM): no? jc_bah (09/04/06 11:01:15 PM): how does that work? 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:01:30 PM): well mostly dad has to call 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:01:42 PM): think hes gotta sign us up jc_bah (09/04/06 11:02:05 PM): oh 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:02:15 PM): usully we just come for weekends jc_bah (09/04/06 11:02:15 PM): so another boring day at home 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:02:23 PM): mayb jc_bah (09/04/06 11:02:28 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:03:56 PM): u been chattin all this time? jc_bah (09/04/06 11:04:08 PM): no jc_bah (09/04/06 11:04:16 PM): i have been doing a few different things jc_bah (09/04/06 11:04:18 PM): laundry jc_bah (09/04/06 11:04:22 PM): shoppin jc_bah (09/04/06 11:04:28 PM): get stuff together for work jc_bah (09/04/06 11:04:33 PM): nothin great 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:04:47 PM): thats alot u were busy 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:04:57 PM): im glad ur here jc_bah (09/04/06 11:05:11 PM): thanks jc_bah (09/04/06 11:05:26 PM): although i am going to duck out in about 20 minutes jc_bah (09/04/06 11:05:30 PM): gotta sleep before work 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:05:37 PM): aww ok lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:05:45 PM): nobody wants to chat much jc_bah (09/04/06 11:05:56 PM): everyone is dreading going back to work jc_bah (09/04/06 11:05:57 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:06:17 PM): was chattin wit one guys nice but all he says is ya n cool 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:06:21 PM): lol thats it jc_bah (09/04/06 11:06:32 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:06:46 PM): well i am willing to bet most guys are at loss with what to say to you jc_bah (09/04/06 11:06:51 PM): you are cute and intelligent jc_bah (09/04/06 11:06:54 PM): and 13 jc_bah (09/04/06 11:06:55 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:06:57 PM): aww thanx jc_bah (09/04/06 11:08:08 PM): at least for me most people are not in here to just chat 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:08:32 PM): no? jc_bah (09/04/06 11:08:51 PM): most people are trying to be seductive jc_bah (09/04/06 11:08:52 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:09:08 PM): they do? jc_bah (09/04/06 11:09:26 PM): i think so jc_bah (09/04/06 11:09:37 PM): although i might just be seeing one side of things 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:09:50 PM): mayb some r tho lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:10:02 PM): could be jc_bah (09/04/06 11:10:14 PM): so thats why i said guys dont know what to do you 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:10:38 PM): oh lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:11:55 PM): dont know y jc_bah (09/04/06 11:12:26 PM): cause all the normal things they want to talk about are kinda off limits 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:13:08 PM): y tho? jc_bah (09/04/06 11:13:35 PM): well if they say sexual things or try and seduce you ... its not a good thing (not good, true...but hypocritical considering where he is headed) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:14:23 PM): im not like dumb lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:14:45 PM): well if you know what i am saying why do you keep asking why 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:15:15 PM): just kinda figured it out lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:15:30 PM): fair enough 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:15:48 PM): u were sayin things kinda like a puzzle lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:15:56 PM): if that makes sense jc_bah (09/04/06 11:16:08 PM): yes i was jc_bah (09/04/06 11:16:24 PM): i was not trying to out and say that a lotta guys wanna talk about sex jc_bah (09/04/06 11:16:25 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:16:33 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:18:28 PM): yeah guess some do lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:18:37 PM): oh well jc_bah (09/04/06 11:21:13 PM): so anyways ... whats up with you now 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:21:59 PM): well might just go to sleep too jc_bah (09/04/06 11:22:19 PM): well thats not a lotta fun but i do understand 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:22:20 PM): nobody to chat wit all my friends went to bed cuz they got school 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:22:36 PM): n ur goin too lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:22:41 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:22:52 PM): yeah but i am not exactly a lot of fun to chat with right now jc_bah (09/04/06 11:23:00 PM): i reminding you of all the pervs out there jc_bah (09/04/06 11:23:01 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:23:21 PM): ur busy its ok jc_bah (09/04/06 11:24:11 PM): i am not terribly busy jc_bah (09/04/06 11:24:19 PM): mostly i am tired jc_bah (09/04/06 11:24:27 PM): and i do have to remind myself that you are 13 jc_bah (09/04/06 11:24:28 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:24:37 PM): y? jc_bah (09/04/06 11:24:51 PM): because you are cute and intelligent 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:25:16 PM): aww thanx jc_bah (09/04/06 11:25:55 PM): no need for thanks just being honest jc_bah (09/04/06 11:29:03 PM): so i gotta remind myself so i dont ask you out on a date :) 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:29:39 PM): aww ur sweet jc_bah (09/04/06 11:29:52 PM): no just being way too honest jc_bah (09/04/06 11:29:52 PM): lol jc_bah (09/04/06 11:30:47 PM): well 13-yr-girl i am off to bed jc_bah (09/04/06 11:30:55 PM): so sleep good and have a good day tomorrow 13-yr-girl (09/04/06 11:31:35 PM): k nite :) 09/05/06 jc_bah (09/05/06 9:40:10 PM): hello there again 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:40:27 PM): hi jc_bah (09/05/06 9:41:02 PM): how has your day been 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:41:07 PM): ok jc_bah (09/05/06 9:41:17 PM): anything exciting going on 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:42:00 PM): nah 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:42:04 PM): how r u doin? jc_bah (09/05/06 9:42:10 PM): im alright jc_bah (09/05/06 9:42:19 PM): wish i did not go to work ... but getting paid is a good thing 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:42:38 PM): so u went anyhow? jc_bah (09/05/06 9:42:45 PM): of course jc_bah (09/05/06 9:42:52 PM): dont want to waste my time off jc_bah (09/05/06 9:43:01 PM): gotta save that for something better then watching tv at home jc_bah (09/05/06 9:43:02 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:43:38 PM): lol like wat? jc_bah (09/05/06 9:44:11 PM): vacation jc_bah (09/05/06 9:44:12 PM): lol jc_bah (09/05/06 9:44:15 PM): being sick jc_bah (09/05/06 9:44:20 PM): um meeting friends jc_bah (09/05/06 9:44:30 PM): something better then layin on the couch jc_bah (09/05/06 9:45:20 PM): what do you think? 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:45:52 PM): yeah dont wanna waste days off lol jc_bah (09/05/06 9:46:52 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:47:44 PM): was work ok? jc_bah (09/05/06 9:48:08 PM): yeah not so bad jc_bah (09/05/06 9:49:52 PM): so common did you do anything else jc_bah (09/05/06 9:49:58 PM): today besides chat? 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:50:06 PM): i didnt chat til later 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:50:22 PM): played games with my sis n cleaned up a lil jc_bah (09/05/06 9:50:29 PM): thats cool jc_bah (09/05/06 9:50:32 PM): how old is your sis 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:50:37 PM): shes 11 jc_bah (09/05/06 9:50:51 PM): cool jc_bah (09/05/06 9:50:56 PM): what did you play? 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:51:10 PM): monoply lol jc_bah (09/05/06 9:51:14 PM): nice jc_bah (09/05/06 9:51:18 PM): that kills some time 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:51:34 PM): yeah long game lol jc_bah (09/05/06 9:51:54 PM): and what did you clean up 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:52:20 PM): our rooms jc_bah (09/05/06 9:52:32 PM): oh fun jc_bah (09/05/06 9:52:42 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:53:21 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/05/06 9:53:42 PM): have you been finding good people ot chat with 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:54:24 PM): not much wasnt in room mostly 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:54:45 PM): just chekin out web sites jc_bah (09/05/06 9:55:44 PM): finding any good websights 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:55:53 PM): nothin new rlly jc_bah (09/05/06 9:56:10 PM): so whats your favorite site to look at 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:58:16 PM): ummm idk dont have a fav fav i kinda like christian goth site its interestin 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:58:25 PM): wat do u like? jc_bah (09/05/06 9:58:30 PM): lol jc_bah (09/05/06 9:58:40 PM): well the site i look at the most is espn jc_bah (09/05/06 9:58:41 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:58:52 PM): sports? jc_bah (09/05/06 9:58:59 PM): yes 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 9:59:58 PM): cool jc_bah (09/05/06 10:00:19 PM): i love sports 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:00:36 PM): thats cool jc_bah (09/05/06 10:01:39 PM): definately jc_bah (09/05/06 10:01:45 PM): so whats up tonight 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:02:33 PM): nothin much rlly 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:02:38 PM): wat r u up to? jc_bah (09/05/06 10:03:01 PM): just kickin it at home 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:04:07 PM): yeah takin it ez jc_bah (09/05/06 10:04:16 PM): pretty much 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:08:51 PM): u must get tired workin all day jc_bah (09/05/06 10:09:04 PM): well my mind definately gets tired jc_bah (09/05/06 10:09:13 PM): you know what sounds good is a massage jc_bah (09/05/06 10:09:14 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:09:20 PM): lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:13:20 PM): so what are you thinkin 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:13:58 PM): nothin much jc_bah (09/05/06 10:14:10 PM): well there needs to be something 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:14:33 PM): bout school partly jc_bah (09/05/06 10:15:34 PM): what about school? 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:15:59 PM): new school tomorrow lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:17:06 PM): so your dad called the school? 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:17:33 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/05/06 10:18:22 PM): well thats good jc_bah (09/05/06 10:18:28 PM): what else are you thinkin about 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:18:37 PM): u lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:19:37 PM): lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:19:41 PM): what are you thinking about me jc_bah (09/05/06 10:19:42 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:22:08 PM): just thinkin lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:22:44 PM): common now gotta share with me :) jc_bah (09/05/06 10:25:37 PM): i am curious what you are thinking about me ... but its cool you dont have to tell me jc_bah (09/05/06 10:27:54 PM): is there anything good on tv? 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:28:19 PM): dont rlly like tv jc_bah (09/05/06 10:28:34 PM): lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:28:44 PM): well you are talking to me again so thats good 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:28:59 PM): i always was talkin to u :) jc_bah (09/05/06 10:29:10 PM): well you were not responding to me question jc_bah (09/05/06 10:29:11 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:29:42 PM): sry jc_bah (09/05/06 10:29:54 PM): its all good jc_bah (09/05/06 10:29:58 PM): you peaked my curiousity jc_bah (09/05/06 10:30:03 PM): i get stubborn sometimes jc_bah (09/05/06 10:30:03 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:30:29 PM): curious bout wat? jc_bah (09/05/06 10:30:39 PM): what you were thinkin about me jc_bah (09/05/06 10:30:40 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:34:52 PM): so anyway lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:35:02 PM): haha jc_bah (09/05/06 10:35:10 PM): there is something you really dont want to chat about jc_bah (09/05/06 10:35:10 PM): lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:35:12 PM): sorry jc_bah (09/05/06 10:35:21 PM): but that makes me very very curious 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:36:14 PM): can we talk bout somethin else? lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:36:28 PM): sure pic something jc_bah (09/05/06 10:36:29 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:37:30 PM): umm jc_bah (09/05/06 10:38:02 PM): seriously you can tell me anything about anything i wont have a problem with it jc_bah (09/05/06 10:40:16 PM): where have you gone jc_bah (09/05/06 10:40:17 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:40:45 PM): here jc_bah (09/05/06 10:41:04 PM): so what would you like to talk about ... pic anything 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:41:58 PM): umm jc_bah (09/05/06 10:42:32 PM): common ask the first thing that comes to mind jc_bah (09/05/06 10:43:21 PM): common whats the first thing on your mind 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:43:34 PM): thats tough questions lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:43:42 PM): why 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:44:04 PM): umm did u say if u got pets? i dont remember jc_bah (09/05/06 10:44:23 PM): no pets 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:44:28 PM): awww 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:44:38 PM): u need a pet lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:44:40 PM): lol jc_bah (09/05/06 10:44:43 PM): why 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:44:56 PM): so u got somethin to do besides work jc_bah (09/05/06 10:45:32 PM): not really jc_bah (09/05/06 10:45:34 PM): i read jc_bah (09/05/06 10:45:39 PM): i ride a bike or i surf 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:45:58 PM): thats cool :) jc_bah (09/05/06 10:46:07 PM): yeah its a lotta fun 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:48:42 PM): got dc again lol 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:48:49 PM): did u c wat i said? jc_bah (09/05/06 10:48:51 PM): that stinks jc_bah (09/05/06 10:48:56 PM): no i did not 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:49:17 PM): said i gotta like take a bath n get ready for school 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:49:29 PM): mayb i can come back then a lil if ur here jc_bah (09/05/06 10:49:45 PM): bath sounds like fun 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:49:46 PM): dont wanna go jc_bah (09/05/06 10:49:47 PM): ;) jc_bah (09/05/06 10:50:01 PM): i should be here for a bit 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:50:07 PM): k ill ttyl jc_bah (09/05/06 10:50:12 PM): bye 13-yr-girl (09/05/06 10:50:17 PM): cya 09/06/06 jc_bah (09/06/06 6:52:13 PM): how was school 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 6:52:25 PM): ok 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 6:52:34 PM): i guess lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 6:53:36 PM): how was ur day? 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 6:55:29 PM): u here? 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 6:59:33 PM): hey wered u go? 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 6:59:37 PM): :( jc_bah (09/06/06 7:04:05 PM): sorry i am having computer issues 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:04:11 PM): hey :) jc_bah (09/06/06 7:04:25 PM): how was school 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:04:29 PM): is it better now? 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:04:35 PM): school was just ok 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:04:48 PM): its k im not goin back im done 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:04:50 PM): hahaha 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:04:51 PM): jk jc_bah (09/06/06 7:04:58 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:04:59 PM): wish tho jc_bah (09/06/06 7:05:00 PM): nice try jc_bah (09/06/06 7:05:01 PM): lol jc_bah (09/06/06 7:07:00 PM): meet any good new people at school 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:07:09 PM): some cool ppl jc_bah (09/06/06 7:07:15 PM): nice 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:08:29 PM): so was work fun? jc_bah (09/06/06 7:08:45 PM): not even close jc_bah (09/06/06 7:08:46 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:09:21 PM): bad day? jc_bah (09/06/06 7:09:55 PM): no just a normal day jc_bah (09/06/06 7:09:56 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:11:39 PM): so wats normal? jc_bah (09/06/06 7:12:24 PM): normal is a day where its not bad its not good ... its about what i expect 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:12:44 PM): k i c lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:13:18 PM): i dont have too many normal days jc_bah (09/06/06 7:13:24 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:13:26 PM): borin sometimes jc_bah (09/06/06 7:13:27 PM): why is that 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:13:30 PM): but diffrent jc_bah (09/06/06 7:13:32 PM): what is it you expect out of a day jc_bah (09/06/06 7:13:33 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:13:46 PM): like last week i was at moms think everythins cool 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:14:08 PM): didnt think id be here now 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:14:22 PM): thought i was goin to my school jc_bah (09/06/06 7:14:24 PM): well that makes sense 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:16:01 PM): n all of a sudden dads got a gf too 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:16:30 PM): i was wonderin if ther gonna get married haha 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:16:40 PM): ppl get married in vegas i heard jc_bah (09/06/06 7:17:01 PM): lol jc_bah (09/06/06 7:17:04 PM): who your dad? 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:17:15 PM): thatd be a surprise if he comes back like married hah jc_bah (09/06/06 7:17:55 PM): your dad is in vegas? 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:18:06 PM): not yet haha jc_bah (09/06/06 7:18:14 PM): lol jc_bah (09/06/06 7:18:14 PM): when 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:18:22 PM): fri morn jc_bah (09/06/06 7:18:27 PM): wow 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:18:29 PM): takin his gf jc_bah (09/06/06 7:18:30 PM): you and your sis going 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:18:34 PM): i asked 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:18:45 PM): he said sorry but they had it planned 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:18:50 PM): before we got here 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:19:52 PM): its ok jc_bah (09/06/06 7:21:20 PM): so what are you and your sis going to do 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:21:30 PM): hes not a bad dad 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:21:30 PM): that what ur thinkin? jc_bah (09/06/06 7:22:05 PM): no just askin what you and your sis are going to do jc_bah (09/06/06 7:22:05 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:22:16 PM): back 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:22:31 PM): stupid yahoo jc_bah (09/06/06 7:22:44 PM): i said that i did not think your dad was bad just asking what you and your sis are going to do jc_bah (09/06/06 7:22:45 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:22:58 PM): k didnt c that 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:23:15 PM): not sure what were doin 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:28:25 PM): u there? jc_bah (09/06/06 7:28:54 PM): sorry i am ... i am on the phone call 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:28:59 PM): ok 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:38:41 PM): still on the phone? 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:44:06 PM): still on the phone? jc_bah (09/06/06 7:45:12 PM): sorry got some wierd news 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:45:26 PM): like wat? jc_bah (09/06/06 7:45:31 PM): im going to have to go to the hospital ... my dad is sick jc_bah (09/06/06 7:45:35 PM): ill be in touch later 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:45:37 PM): omg :( 13-yr-girl (09/06/06 7:45:39 PM): k cya 09/07/06 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:37:41 PM): hi jc_bah (09/07/06 5:44:12 PM): hello 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:44:31 PM): hey wuts up jc_bah (09/07/06 5:44:48 PM): nothin too much jc_bah (09/07/06 5:44:53 PM): how about with you 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:45:16 PM): nothin just got home 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:45:22 PM): how was work? jc_bah (09/07/06 5:45:51 PM): it iwas alright jc_bah (09/07/06 5:45:54 PM): nothin special 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:46:35 PM): nothin good huh jc_bah (09/07/06 5:46:50 PM): nope jc_bah (09/07/06 5:47:00 PM): how was school 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:47:52 PM): it was ok gettin used to it jc_bah (09/07/06 5:47:59 PM): thats good 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:48:25 PM): tryin to make freinds jc_bah (09/07/06 5:48:51 PM): that would definately be a good idea 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:49:28 PM): yea lol jc_bah (09/07/06 5:49:48 PM): so what else is up 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:50:11 PM): nothin much gotta do some wash for dad tonite 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:50:23 PM): dont know wat he does wen im not here :) jc_bah (09/07/06 5:50:29 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 5:50:43 PM): i gotcha jc_bah (09/07/06 5:51:22 PM): ready to tell me what you are thinkin about me? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:51:39 PM): omg lol u still remember that :) jc_bah (09/07/06 5:51:44 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 5:51:48 PM): you bet 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:52:05 PM): u got a good memry lol jc_bah (09/07/06 5:52:15 PM): haha jc_bah (09/07/06 5:52:20 PM): sounds like you dont want to tell me jc_bah (09/07/06 5:52:21 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:53:12 PM): just thinkin ur interestin jc_bah (09/07/06 5:53:41 PM): ok fair enough but was it you did not want to tell me jc_bah (09/07/06 5:53:42 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:54:09 PM): didnt not wanna tell u just was silly lol jc_bah (09/07/06 5:54:24 PM): what? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:55:06 PM): just that i was thinkin bout u was silly lol jc_bah (09/07/06 5:55:30 PM): well i dont think it was silly ... but i cant say till you tell me 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:56:15 PM): thinkin that ur interestin was silly maybe jc_bah (09/07/06 5:56:48 PM): common i got a guess but i still need you to tell me 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:58:21 PM): hey hows ur dad? jc_bah (09/07/06 5:58:35 PM): no changing topics 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 5:59:23 PM): is he ok? jc_bah (09/07/06 5:59:49 PM): yeah he is ok jc_bah (09/07/06 6:00:03 PM): so common please tell me i promise its ok jc_bah (09/07/06 6:00:08 PM): i just want to know jc_bah (09/07/06 6:00:54 PM): or tell me to stop jc_bah (09/07/06 6:01:02 PM): i dont want to hound you 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:01:21 PM): i forget do u got a myspace? jc_bah (09/07/06 6:01:35 PM): no i dont 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:02:40 PM): hmmm was tryin to pic wat ud look like jc_bah (09/07/06 6:03:12 PM): you dont get the display image on here jc_bah (09/07/06 6:03:13 PM): ? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:03:36 PM): oh i had to clik it lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:03:39 PM): there u r jc_bah (09/07/06 6:03:46 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:03:56 PM): u look nice :) jc_bah (09/07/06 6:04:07 PM): ah thanks jc_bah (09/07/06 6:04:12 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:05:22 PM): pics kinda little but i look nice jc_bah (09/07/06 6:05:37 PM): you look cute 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:05:41 PM): aww ty jc_bah (09/07/06 6:06:00 PM): definately could get me in a lotta trouble 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:06:29 PM): how? i wouldnt do that jc_bah (09/07/06 6:06:38 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:06:56 PM): no i mean you are cute and fun to talk with ... so i could get in trouble cause i would forget you are 13 jc_bah (09/07/06 6:06:57 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:07:14 PM): aww ur sweet lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:07:23 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:07:30 PM): i am not sure if that is sweet jc_bah (09/07/06 6:07:33 PM): but i am being honest jc_bah (09/07/06 6:07:43 PM): so common tell me what you were thinking jc_bah (09/07/06 6:07:44 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:08:04 PM): that ur rlly nice jc_bah (09/07/06 6:08:17 PM): thank you 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:08:42 PM): u dont look like a satelite guy lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:08:50 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:08:56 PM): was picturin a geeky guy haha jc_bah (09/07/06 6:09:22 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:09:36 PM): is that a good thing or a bad thing that i dont look like a satellite guy? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:10:21 PM): umm good probly lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:10:40 PM): so what are you doing this weekend 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:10:59 PM): not sure yet 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:11:09 PM): dads takin his gf 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:11:26 PM): he better not come back married haha 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:11:33 PM): im gonna b mad at him 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:11:34 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:12:12 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:12:44 PM): wat r u doin? jc_bah (09/07/06 6:13:27 PM): haha jc_bah (09/07/06 6:13:35 PM): wishing you lived closer and were older jc_bah (09/07/06 6:13:36 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:13:45 PM): aww lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:14:32 PM): yea guess ur like a hr away jc_bah (09/07/06 6:14:45 PM): depending on where in la you are jc_bah (09/07/06 6:14:46 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:15:01 PM): im in long beach lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:15:22 PM): ah ok jc_bah (09/07/06 6:15:29 PM): yeah something like an hour to get there then 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:16:05 PM): y do u wish im older? jc_bah (09/07/06 6:16:22 PM): cause then i would not be a perv 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:16:33 PM): ur not lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:16:39 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:16:51 PM): yes i am jc_bah (09/07/06 6:16:52 PM): haha 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:16:59 PM): how lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:17:10 PM): cause of what i am thinkin about you 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:17:25 PM): what r u thinkin? jc_bah (09/07/06 6:17:49 PM): im thinkin that you are wonderful person that i would take out on a date 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:18:00 PM): wow lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:18:06 PM): cool 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:18:59 PM): ur nice too 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:19:20 PM): dont think anybody calld me wonderful before jc_bah (09/07/06 6:20:19 PM): well i am glad to be a first 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:20:24 PM): :) jc_bah (09/07/06 6:20:46 PM): do you have any other pictures 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:21:09 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/07/06 6:21:19 PM): can i see? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:21:46 PM): k jc_bah (09/07/06 6:22:12 PM): ? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:22:32 PM): gotta look lol just a sec :) jc_bah (09/07/06 6:22:37 PM): k jc_bah (09/07/06 6:25:45 PM): wow very beautiful 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:25:54 PM): awww jc_bah (09/07/06 6:26:33 PM): you are definately gettin me in trouble jc_bah (09/07/06 6:26:55 PM): :) jc_bah (09/07/06 6:26:58 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:27:01 PM): nah lol i wouldnt jc_bah (09/07/06 6:27:19 PM): nah i am just thinkin about you in ways that would get me in trouble jc_bah (09/07/06 6:27:21 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:27:33 PM): like how? lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:27:44 PM): well thinkin about things to do on a date jc_bah (09/07/06 6:27:59 PM): thinkin what you would like in a swim suit jc_bah (09/07/06 6:28:00 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:28:11 PM): like? lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:28:18 PM): look like 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:28:26 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:28:41 PM): what are you thinking 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:29:00 PM): wonderin wat ur thinkin jc_bah (09/07/06 6:29:10 PM): well i told you what i was thinking jc_bah (09/07/06 6:29:13 PM): you tell me what you are thinkin jc_bah (09/07/06 6:29:15 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:29:32 PM): is that pic you sent a new one? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:29:37 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/07/06 6:29:44 PM): when did you take it? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:30:03 PM): like wk ago i think jc_bah (09/07/06 6:30:10 PM): cool jc_bah (09/07/06 6:30:23 PM): you really wanna know whats on my mind 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:30:29 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/07/06 6:30:37 PM): im thinkin about a hug and kiss 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:30:53 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:31:05 PM): what are you thinkin 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:31:59 PM): that that sounds kinda sweet lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:32:29 PM): really? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:32:46 PM): yeah lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:32:54 PM): cool jc_bah (09/07/06 6:33:05 PM): have you ever been kissed? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:33:14 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/07/06 6:33:25 PM): whats the most you have ever done with a guy? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:33:48 PM): um some lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:34:04 PM): tell me please? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:34:55 PM): like kissin n some other stuff jc_bah (09/07/06 6:35:04 PM): whats the other stuff jc_bah (09/07/06 6:35:16 PM): you can tell me to stop and ill stop askin jc_bah (09/07/06 6:35:20 PM): i jus wanna know 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:35:32 PM): u probly know lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:35:43 PM): well i could guess jc_bah (09/07/06 6:35:48 PM): but i would like to know 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:36:04 PM): u probly guessed 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:36:06 PM): haha jc_bah (09/07/06 6:36:18 PM): well tell me then 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:37:19 PM): like stuff he wantd to do lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:37:28 PM): did you want to do it? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:38:09 PM): it was kinda cool lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:38:14 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:38:19 PM): was it sex? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:38:35 PM): not like evertyhin jc_bah (09/07/06 6:38:44 PM): you touched him? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:38:57 PM): yeah lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:39:04 PM): touch his dick? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:39:25 PM): yeah hah jc_bah (09/07/06 6:39:43 PM): did he touch you? your breasts or in your pants? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:40:03 PM): a lil jc_bah (09/07/06 6:40:13 PM): you enjoyed it? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:40:23 PM): was nice lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:40:29 PM): very cool jc_bah (09/07/06 6:40:56 PM): were you thinkin about me like that 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:41:16 PM): was thinkin u seem rlly nice jc_bah (09/07/06 6:41:42 PM): i was guessing what you might have been think that was silly jc_bah (09/07/06 6:42:23 PM): hopefully after sayin that i am still a nice guy 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:42:52 PM): ur not sill lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:42:55 PM): ur nice jc_bah (09/07/06 6:43:10 PM): ok jc_bah (09/07/06 6:43:18 PM): thought i would get in trouble for talkin about that 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:43:39 PM): y? jc_bah (09/07/06 6:44:06 PM): i dont know some people dont like talkin about that stuff 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:44:20 PM): o lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:44:41 PM): so all you were thinkin about me is i am nice? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:45:32 PM): :) jc_bah (09/07/06 6:45:46 PM): that looks like a no jc_bah (09/07/06 6:45:47 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:46:07 PM): ur interestin too lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:46:22 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:46:26 PM): ok ill stop 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:46:53 PM): y? stop wat? jc_bah (09/07/06 6:46:56 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:47:02 PM): stop tryin to see what you think about me jc_bah (09/07/06 6:47:03 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:48:03 PM): i am sorry i have a one track mind today jc_bah (09/07/06 6:48:04 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:48:25 PM): are you still there? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:48:38 PM): yea jc_bah (09/07/06 6:48:44 PM): ok 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:48:49 PM): brb 1 sec jc_bah (09/07/06 6:48:51 PM): ok jc_bah (09/07/06 6:48:54 PM): ill be here i think 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:51:11 PM): dumb yahoo jc_bah (09/07/06 6:51:24 PM): welcome back 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:53:26 PM): back jc_bah (09/07/06 6:53:32 PM): good jc_bah (09/07/06 6:53:34 PM): everything ok 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:53:37 PM): dumb yahoo booted me lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:53:46 PM): ah i gotcha jc_bah (09/07/06 6:54:07 PM): ok can i ask some questions jc_bah (09/07/06 6:54:21 PM): where is your computer ... i mean where in the house 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:54:30 PM): my room jc_bah (09/07/06 6:54:42 PM): are you alone in your room 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:54:49 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/07/06 6:55:07 PM): and last question ... are you wearing your school clothes? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:55:37 PM): just changed jc_bah (09/07/06 6:55:47 PM): may i ask what you changed into? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:56:40 PM): shorts n t jc_bah (09/07/06 6:56:51 PM): comfy and cute :) 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:57:02 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 6:57:28 PM): so just shorts and a tee jc_bah (09/07/06 6:57:29 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:57:55 PM): y? jc_bah (09/07/06 6:58:11 PM): just askin jc_bah (09/07/06 6:58:45 PM): was that too much for me to ask 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 6:59:46 PM): nah lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:00:10 PM): you did not answer it though jc_bah (09/07/06 7:00:10 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:00:43 PM): told u i got shorts n t lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:00:53 PM): and i asked if thats all you have on jc_bah (09/07/06 7:00:54 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:00:58 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:01:08 PM): ohhh lol no not all jc_bah (09/07/06 7:01:22 PM): will you tell me what else jc_bah (09/07/06 7:01:23 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:01:28 PM): i love details jc_bah (09/07/06 7:01:28 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:02:03 PM): wat u think? lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:02:24 PM): well i think probably bra and panties 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:02:52 PM): yep jc_bah (09/07/06 7:03:17 PM): k jc_bah (09/07/06 7:03:46 PM): so what are you thinking now 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:04:04 PM): bout u jc_bah (09/07/06 7:04:11 PM): what about me 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:04:28 PM): ur sweet i guess lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:04:34 PM): lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:04:43 PM): common what are you thinking about jc_bah (09/07/06 7:04:46 PM): any questions? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:05:55 PM): like wat? jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:01 PM): i dont know jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:12 PM): just wanted checking to see if you got questions jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:15 PM): since i am asking a lot 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:06:31 PM): its k u can ask lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:42 PM): whats your room like? jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:48 PM): is it your own room ... jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:50 PM): bed? jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:52 PM): big bed? jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:56 PM): computer desk? jc_bah (09/07/06 7:06:57 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:07:38 PM): got my laptop 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:07:42 PM): n my bed 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:07:48 PM): n dresser jc_bah (09/07/06 7:07:59 PM): so you are layin in bed? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:08:38 PM): im sittin on the floor jc_bah (09/07/06 7:08:44 PM): ah ok jc_bah (09/07/06 7:09:09 PM): ok another question jc_bah (09/07/06 7:09:13 PM): might be a bad one to ask jc_bah (09/07/06 7:09:18 PM): do you ever touch yourself? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:09:32 PM): umm didnt rlly yet lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:09:46 PM): what you mean ... didnt really yet? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:10:19 PM): didnt lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:10:36 PM): i mean have you done that in the past? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:10:44 PM): no lol jc_bah (09/07/06 7:10:49 PM): oh ok jc_bah (09/07/06 7:10:53 PM): and why did you say yet jc_bah (09/07/06 7:10:58 PM): have you thought about it? 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:11:09 PM): kinda jc_bah (09/07/06 7:11:18 PM): what does kinda mean 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:11:44 PM): thought maybe someday just seems kinda weird myself jc_bah (09/07/06 7:13:11 PM): ok jc_bah (09/07/06 7:13:18 PM): thanks for telling me jc_bah (09/07/06 7:14:23 PM): oh man jc_bah (09/07/06 7:14:26 PM): its almost 515 jc_bah (09/07/06 7:14:33 PM): i gotta run and visit my dad again jc_bah (09/07/06 7:14:46 PM): so i will talk at you a lil later 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:14:59 PM): aww u never told me how he is 13-yr-girl (09/07/06 7:15:07 PM): k tho go visit him jc_bah (09/07/06 7:15:18 PM): sorry jc_bah (09/07/06 7:15:20 PM): he is doing ok jc_bah (09/07/06 7:15:29 PM): but they are observing him for another day jc_bah (09/07/06 7:15:32 PM): but he should be ok jc_bah (09/07/06 7:15:36 PM): gotta run jc_bah (09/07/06 7:15:37 PM): bye 09/08/06 jc_bah (09/08/06 12:44:51 AM): hi 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:45:06 AM): hi jc_bah (09/08/06 12:45:13 AM): hows your night goin 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:45:21 AM): not good jc_bah (09/08/06 12:45:32 AM): whats wrong? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:45:39 AM): nothin jc_bah (09/08/06 12:46:05 AM): please tell me whats wrong 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:46:18 AM): just guy lol jc_bah (09/08/06 12:46:43 AM): guys? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:47:06 AM): nothin lol jc_bah (09/08/06 12:47:25 AM): common let me know whats going on jc_bah (09/08/06 12:50:47 AM): did i get myself in trouble? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:50:56 AM): u? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:51:00 AM): no lol jc_bah (09/08/06 12:51:03 AM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:51:05 AM): just mean guy jc_bah (09/08/06 12:51:08 AM): well thats good jc_bah (09/08/06 12:51:18 AM): mean guys stink jc_bah (09/08/06 12:51:22 AM): want me to yell at them 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:51:34 AM): no lol jc_bah (09/08/06 12:51:54 AM): darn that would be fun 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:52:00 AM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 12:52:07 AM): see now you are laughing jc_bah (09/08/06 12:52:09 AM): so thats good 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:52:16 AM): yeah thanx jc_bah (09/08/06 12:52:28 AM): so in bed? or on the floor 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:52:50 AM): floor jc_bah (09/08/06 12:53:59 AM): sorry i gotta run again 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 12:54:02 AM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 2:43:19 PM): are you at home? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:45:31 PM): hi jc_bah (09/08/06 2:45:41 PM): what are you doing online wonderful lady 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:45:52 PM): skipped early lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:46:21 PM): how r u? jc_bah (09/08/06 2:46:32 PM): i am good jc_bah (09/08/06 2:46:36 PM): you skipped ... nice jc_bah (09/08/06 2:46:44 PM): so what are you doing this week with dad gone ... 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:46:50 PM): haha dad wont know 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:47:00 PM): not sure jc_bah (09/08/06 2:47:20 PM): did he leave yet? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:47:47 PM): yeah he left this morn jc_bah (09/08/06 2:48:00 PM): so you and your sis are on your own then? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:48:12 PM): yep :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:48:18 PM): its cool haha jc_bah (09/08/06 2:48:27 PM): well hopefully you got food :) jc_bah (09/08/06 2:48:48 PM): i keep looking at that beautiful pic you sent me jc_bah (09/08/06 2:48:51 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:49:31 PM): o yeah we got lotsa food 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:49:34 PM): n thanx jc_bah (09/08/06 2:49:46 PM): no thank you jc_bah (09/08/06 2:49:58 PM): i cant believe how beautiful you are 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:50:14 PM): wow lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:50:43 PM): thanx 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:51:12 PM): ur rlly sweet jc_bah (09/08/06 2:51:28 PM): no i am just a guy that thinks you are beautiful 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:51:37 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 2:52:07 PM): its a good thing i live far away ... id be all over trying to take you out 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:52:17 PM): aww lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:52:30 PM): and if i were taking you out id be all over you jc_bah (09/08/06 2:52:31 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:52:33 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:52:38 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:52:49 PM): were u live? jc_bah (09/08/06 2:52:54 PM): im in san diego 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:53:02 PM): not far lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:53:12 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:53:34 PM): you want an old guy like me hanging all over you? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:53:56 PM): ur not old lol u dont act old jc_bah (09/08/06 2:54:04 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:54:10 PM): well whats acting old? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:54:37 PM): like sit around n do nothin 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:54:45 PM): n complain u hurt lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:54:50 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 2:55:12 PM): common though what would you do if i tried to kiss you/hold you/touch you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:55:24 PM): wow lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:55:44 PM): guess itd b kinda cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:55:55 PM): what?!?!? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:56:22 PM): kinda cool ud think of me like that lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:56:29 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:56:38 PM): kinda strange? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:57:15 PM): idk lol only kissed my bf jc_bah (09/08/06 2:57:27 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 2:57:37 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 2:57:55 PM): well i kinda thought you knew i was thinking that 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:58:18 PM): u were? jc_bah (09/08/06 2:58:43 PM): yeah like last night jc_bah (09/08/06 2:58:44 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:59:07 PM): yeah? jc_bah (09/08/06 2:59:12 PM): yes 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 2:59:57 PM): k lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:00:09 PM): wat were u thinkin? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:00:16 PM): thats why i kept asking you what you thought me ... did not know if you would think it was wierd or something 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:00:33 PM): kinda cool rlly jc_bah (09/08/06 3:01:04 PM): really? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:01:19 PM): how old was your bf? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:01:22 PM): kinda feels good a older guyd like me 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:01:26 PM): he as 17 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:01:28 PM): was jc_bah (09/08/06 3:01:47 PM): ah ok jc_bah (09/08/06 3:02:00 PM): so in your room and on the floor? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:02:16 PM): nah im in the livin room 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:02:19 PM): lol no dad jc_bah (09/08/06 3:02:31 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:02:38 PM): sis still at school? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:02:54 PM): shes goin home with her friend from school jc_bah (09/08/06 3:03:11 PM): so you are going to be home alone? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:03:21 PM): yeah im ok jc_bah (09/08/06 3:03:40 PM): im just having bad bad thoughts jc_bah (09/08/06 3:03:41 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:03:47 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:04:22 PM): sorry jc_bah (09/08/06 3:04:31 PM): is it cool if i ask what you are wearing? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:04:43 PM): got shorts n t on jc_bah (09/08/06 3:05:07 PM): mind if i ask about the clothes? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:05:23 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:05:38 PM): whats on the t? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:05:58 PM): its just white jc_bah (09/08/06 3:06:09 PM): is big or tight? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:06:26 PM): kinda tite like v neck jc_bah (09/08/06 3:06:39 PM): is it short? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:06:44 PM): kinda jc_bah (09/08/06 3:07:12 PM): when you stand up is there any skin showing? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:07:31 PM): ummm maybe a lil jc_bah (09/08/06 3:07:36 PM): cool jc_bah (09/08/06 3:07:44 PM): are the shorts short? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:07:50 PM): tight or baggy? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:07:59 PM): just normal jean shorts jc_bah (09/08/06 3:08:34 PM): im trying to figure out how far down your leg they go jc_bah (09/08/06 3:08:35 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:08:54 PM): o lol like thigh guess jc_bah (09/08/06 3:09:06 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 3:09:11 PM): fair enough jc_bah (09/08/06 3:09:17 PM): bra on? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:09:30 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/08/06 3:09:43 PM): white one? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:10:05 PM): yeah lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:10:14 PM): cool jc_bah (09/08/06 3:10:18 PM): and panties? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:11:27 PM): yeah lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:11:33 PM): white? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:11:37 PM): thong? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:11:39 PM): sexy? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:11:46 PM): umm bikini jc_bah (09/08/06 3:11:52 PM): nice jc_bah (09/08/06 3:11:58 PM): sounds cute jc_bah (09/08/06 3:12:12 PM): although if you are home alone ... id run around either in underwear or naked jc_bah (09/08/06 3:12:12 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:12:20 PM): omg lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:12:26 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:12:30 PM): didnt think of that 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:12:41 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:12:54 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 3:12:55 PM): thats ok jc_bah (09/08/06 3:13:01 PM): ithink its a guy thing jc_bah (09/08/06 3:13:02 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:13:13 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:13:29 PM): but think of you doin that ... a good thought jc_bah (09/08/06 3:13:30 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:13:39 PM): yeah? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:13:45 PM): yeah 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:13:50 PM): haha 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:14:56 PM): prolly could itd b funny never did lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:15:06 PM): never did what? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:15:32 PM): wear just that lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:15:41 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 3:15:54 PM): are you sittin on the couch ... on the floor? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:16:00 PM): couch jc_bah (09/08/06 3:16:09 PM): are there windows around? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:16:15 PM): sure jc_bah (09/08/06 3:16:40 PM): well can someone see you if they were outside your house? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:17:32 PM): guess with curtains open mite if they looked hard but ther not too close jc_bah (09/08/06 3:17:57 PM): then you can totally do it :) jc_bah (09/08/06 3:17:58 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:18:28 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:18:48 PM): you doing alright with me talkin about that 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:19:00 PM): sure y not lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:20:02 PM): just checkin jc_bah (09/08/06 3:20:09 PM): dont want to make you feel uncomfy 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:20:19 PM): ur not ur cool jc_bah (09/08/06 3:21:10 PM): good jc_bah (09/08/06 3:21:36 PM): i wish i could spend some time with you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:21:46 PM): rlly? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:22:06 PM): yes i think it would be fun 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:22:19 PM): u seem rlly nice jc_bah (09/08/06 3:22:26 PM): thanks 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:23:04 PM): probly b cool if u wanted 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:23:36 PM): like a adventure lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:24:06 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:24:10 PM): it would be fun jc_bah (09/08/06 3:24:21 PM): just gotta keep from asking too much of you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:24:35 PM): umm like? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:24:49 PM): kissing or touching ... or more 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:24:56 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:25:31 PM): sounds kinda romantic jc_bah (09/08/06 3:25:58 PM): could be 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:26:15 PM): yeah? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:26:35 PM): i mean a lot depends on how comfy we are together jc_bah (09/08/06 3:26:40 PM): but i like you jc_bah (09/08/06 3:26:45 PM): i think it would be nice 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:26:57 PM): i like u too jc_bah (09/08/06 3:27:47 PM): one things ... you dont have to do anything with me ... i like you for who you are jc_bah (09/08/06 3:28:06 PM): all the other stuff is something i like but that does not change the point that i think you are wonderful 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:29:03 PM): aww ur sweet jc_bah (09/08/06 3:29:19 PM): so whats on your mind 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:29:37 PM): wonderin whats on urs lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:29:52 PM): i asked first :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:30:17 PM): thinkin ur kinda cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:30:47 PM): :\"> jc_bah (09/08/06 3:31:01 PM): anything else you are thinkin 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:31:08 PM): idk lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:31:49 PM): well its your mind ... either you know or no one knows jc_bah (09/08/06 3:31:51 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:32:16 PM): lol thats cute jc_bah (09/08/06 3:32:36 PM): come on tell me what you are thinkin 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:33:30 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:33:48 PM): or ask me something jc_bah (09/08/06 3:33:49 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:34:23 PM): k watcha thinkin bout haha jc_bah (09/08/06 3:34:38 PM): im thinkin what it would like to be sittin on a couch with you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:34:59 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 3:35:12 PM): hold on a minute jc_bah (09/08/06 3:35:19 PM): gotta go out to my car real quick jc_bah (09/08/06 3:35:20 PM): sorry 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:35:23 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 3:40:08 PM): sorry back now jc_bah (09/08/06 3:40:11 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:40:14 PM): so what was i saying 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:41:19 PM): hi jc_bah (09/08/06 3:41:59 PM): sorry for running out on you jc_bah (09/08/06 3:42:05 PM): i was just saying interesting stuff jc_bah (09/08/06 3:42:06 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:42:07 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:42:21 PM): yeah u were lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:42:36 PM): wat did u get in ur car? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:42:46 PM): had to get a phone number our of my work bag jc_bah (09/08/06 3:42:57 PM): supposed to have a plumber come to my house this afternoon 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:42:59 PM): oh u work at home? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:43:01 PM): but they have not called yet jc_bah (09/08/06 3:43:06 PM): i can work at home 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:43:07 PM): oh lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:43:10 PM): so i did this afternoon 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:43:14 PM): cool 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:43:24 PM): wat kinda car u got? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:43:30 PM): i got a 4Runner 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:43:38 PM): o cool i saw those jc_bah (09/08/06 3:43:43 PM): i like it 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:43:51 PM): silvers cool jc_bah (09/08/06 3:43:55 PM): so what was i sayin before i ran out jc_bah (09/08/06 3:43:56 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:44:11 PM): couch lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:44:15 PM): oh yeah jc_bah (09/08/06 3:44:19 PM): being with you on a couch jc_bah (09/08/06 3:44:20 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:44:22 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 3:44:30 PM): would we watch a movie? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:45:03 PM): sure jc_bah (09/08/06 3:45:15 PM): would you sit close to me? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:46:08 PM): did i lose you? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:46:41 PM): no lol id sit close if u wanna jc_bah (09/08/06 3:46:51 PM): that would be cool jc_bah (09/08/06 3:46:57 PM): then i could wrap my around you jc_bah (09/08/06 3:47:08 PM): and pull your close ... especially when its time for a kiss jc_bah (09/08/06 3:47:10 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:47:37 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:48:03 PM): k lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:49:52 PM): sounds romantic 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:50:42 PM): watcha doin? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:54:24 PM): u here? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:54:46 PM): sorry jc_bah (09/08/06 3:54:51 PM): plumber showed up 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:54:54 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 3:54:56 PM): i was think about you jc_bah (09/08/06 3:55:02 PM): and think about kissin you on the couch 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:55:07 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 3:55:19 PM): pulling you up on my lap jc_bah (09/08/06 3:55:26 PM): so i could wrap my arms around you jc_bah (09/08/06 3:55:27 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 3:55:46 PM): that sounds like fun jc_bah (09/08/06 3:55:48 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:56:02 PM): yeah does kinda lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:56:29 PM): gotta be careful though ... dont want to poke you while you are sititn in my lap jc_bah (09/08/06 3:56:37 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:56:41 PM): poke? jc_bah (09/08/06 3:56:56 PM): yeah i would get all hard ... dont want you to feel that 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:57:03 PM): oh lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:57:32 PM): are you the kind of lady that can tell me no if i go to far 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:58:06 PM): if i didnt like u i guess lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:58:12 PM): u seem cool tho jc_bah (09/08/06 3:58:58 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:58:59 PM): ok 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:59:04 PM): how far u thinkin? lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:59:17 PM): well i am thinkin that if your in my lap my hands would wander 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:59:26 PM): oh lol jc_bah (09/08/06 3:59:35 PM): so you know grab you jc_bah (09/08/06 3:59:38 PM): hold you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 3:59:45 PM): aww jc_bah (09/08/06 4:00:05 PM): feel your soft skin jc_bah (09/08/06 4:00:13 PM): kiss parts of you jc_bah (09/08/06 4:00:16 PM): all sorts of fun jc_bah (09/08/06 4:00:18 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:00:41 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:00:55 PM): how are you with me sayin all that 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:01:22 PM): kinda nice i think lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:01:51 PM): cool jc_bah (09/08/06 4:02:24 PM): :x 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:02:31 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:02:42 PM): is there anything you would want to do 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:02:52 PM): umm idk jc_bah (09/08/06 4:02:57 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:03:14 PM): just checking to see if there is something you would want to do to me or for me to do to you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:03:21 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:03:34 PM): wat u want me to do? jc_bah (09/08/06 4:03:50 PM): idk ... i like to make sure you are happy 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:04:01 PM): aww ur sweet jc_bah (09/08/06 4:05:11 PM): thanks 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:05:34 PM): want u to b happy too jc_bah (09/08/06 4:05:51 PM): id be happy just sitting with you jc_bah (09/08/06 4:05:58 PM): everything else is just more special 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:06:20 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:06:43 PM): kinda nice feelin special jc_bah (09/08/06 4:06:51 PM): thats good jc_bah (09/08/06 4:06:53 PM): you are special 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:07:10 PM): thanx lol u make me feel like it jc_bah (09/08/06 4:07:15 PM): how do you feel 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:07:31 PM): kinda special lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:07:44 PM): your heart feel good? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:07:50 PM): yeah :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:08:05 PM): can i ask some bad questions? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:08:11 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:08:24 PM): how do your breasts feel? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:08:38 PM): kinda funny lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:08:44 PM): are your nipples hard? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:09:35 PM): kinda lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:09:54 PM): how does your stomach feel? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:10:14 PM): lol like buterflies jc_bah (09/08/06 4:10:22 PM): thats a good jc_bah (09/08/06 4:10:38 PM): would you like it if i could play with your breasts? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:11:22 PM): guess if u wanna lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:11:34 PM): im askin what you would like 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:11:51 PM): b cool if u wanted 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:11:53 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:12:00 PM): i would jc_bah (09/08/06 4:12:08 PM): so sittin on the couch jc_bah (09/08/06 4:12:10 PM): kissin jc_bah (09/08/06 4:12:13 PM): and cuddling jc_bah (09/08/06 4:12:16 PM): with you on my lap jc_bah (09/08/06 4:12:42 PM): and then i slide my hands inside your shirt to rub and play with your breasts jc_bah (09/08/06 4:12:48 PM): sounds really nice 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:13:11 PM): yeah lol sounds romantic jc_bah (09/08/06 4:13:21 PM): i think so too jc_bah (09/08/06 4:13:42 PM): if i was doing that i would try and take your shirt off ... so i could kiss your breasts 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:13:51 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:14:01 PM): still sounds good 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:14:08 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:14:21 PM): what do you think about that 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:14:30 PM): cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:14:41 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:14:46 PM): ok another bad question jc_bah (09/08/06 4:14:50 PM): how do you feel jc_bah (09/08/06 4:14:57 PM): feel between your legs? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:15:03 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:15:11 PM): kinda hard to explain jc_bah (09/08/06 4:15:22 PM): try? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:15:32 PM): umm idk lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:15:52 PM): well to start does it feel good ... bad ... strange? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:17:04 PM): good i guess lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:17:16 PM): tingly ... like the butterflies in your stomach? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:18:02 PM): yeah guess thats it jc_bah (09/08/06 4:18:13 PM): hmmm jc_bah (09/08/06 4:18:33 PM): sounds interesting jc_bah (09/08/06 4:18:49 PM): id ask you other stuff but i think thats too much jc_bah (09/08/06 4:18:50 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:19:03 PM): like? jc_bah (09/08/06 4:19:18 PM): well like ask you to touch yourself 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:19:41 PM): mmm idk lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:19:53 PM): mite b funny by myself jc_bah (09/08/06 4:20:01 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/08/06 4:20:11 PM): i asked you before if you did it and you said no jc_bah (09/08/06 4:20:13 PM): so i stopped jc_bah (09/08/06 4:20:14 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:20:29 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:20:41 PM): but i was thinkin about it jc_bah (09/08/06 4:20:42 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:20:48 PM): yeah? lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:20:57 PM): so hows the couch feel 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:21:04 PM): comfy jc_bah (09/08/06 4:21:13 PM): sititn up or layin down 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:21:24 PM): kinda curled up sittin jc_bah (09/08/06 4:21:29 PM): nice jc_bah (09/08/06 4:21:50 PM): when i asked you about your breasts or between your legs did you touch yourself at all? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:22:26 PM): no lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:22:41 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:23:01 PM): i am way too curious for my own good jc_bah (09/08/06 4:23:02 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:23:06 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:23:26 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:23:36 PM): would you be willing to try something for me 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:23:46 PM): like? jc_bah (09/08/06 4:23:59 PM): like playin with your breasts 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:24:06 PM): umm jc_bah (09/08/06 4:24:15 PM): you dont need to jc_bah (09/08/06 4:24:19 PM): i am just too curious 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:24:23 PM): dont think i wanna by myself lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:24:27 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:25:20 PM): so what are you thinkin now 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:25:42 PM): bout wat all u said lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:26:01 PM): and what are you thinkin about it all 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:26:46 PM): sounds kinda cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:26:56 PM): what sounds best? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:27:35 PM): all kinda lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:27:52 PM): well what would you like to do first 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:29:08 PM): idk lol watever lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:29:18 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:29:26 PM): common you have some thoughts on it jc_bah (09/08/06 4:29:32 PM): nothing wrong with expressing an idea 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:29:42 PM): idk lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:29:50 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:30:03 PM): what if i took it further 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:30:13 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:30:38 PM): what i while we are cuddling i start to undo you shorts and slide them off 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:30:50 PM): wow lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:31:11 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 4:31:14 PM): is that a good thing? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:31:25 PM): guess its k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:31:36 PM): now you are in my lap with just your panties on jc_bah (09/08/06 4:31:44 PM): you can feel my hard dick jc_bah (09/08/06 4:31:51 PM): im kissing your nipples jc_bah (09/08/06 4:31:58 PM): and your lips 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:32:00 PM): wow lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:32:13 PM): that wat itd really b like? jc_bah (09/08/06 4:32:35 PM): well if we got along in person jc_bah (09/08/06 4:32:39 PM): that could definately happen 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:32:48 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:32:58 PM): still thinkin about it 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:33:04 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:33:12 PM): are you thinkin about it? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:33:29 PM): sounds rlly like a adventure 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:33:33 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:33:40 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:33:42 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:33:56 PM): and the very end of it would be .. jc_bah (09/08/06 4:34:40 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:34:43 PM): so whatcha doing 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:34:52 PM): be wat? lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:35:09 PM): the end would be jc_bah (09/08/06 4:35:20 PM): turning you around jc_bah (09/08/06 4:35:27 PM): so your back is against my chest jc_bah (09/08/06 4:35:37 PM): turning your head so we can kiss jc_bah (09/08/06 4:35:47 PM): then grabbing your breasts jc_bah (09/08/06 4:35:55 PM): and then sliding one hand down your belly jc_bah (09/08/06 4:36:03 PM): to cup between your legs jc_bah (09/08/06 4:36:07 PM): and gently rub there 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:36:21 PM): wow lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:36:23 PM): that would be the end 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:36:36 PM): wow jc_bah (09/08/06 4:36:58 PM): well that would be the end of doing more jc_bah (09/08/06 4:37:07 PM): after that id like to cuddle up with you on the couch 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:37:13 PM): k lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:37:29 PM): rlly romantic jc_bah (09/08/06 4:37:35 PM): you like it? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:37:50 PM): guess itd b cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:38:02 PM): well hopefully sometime we can do it jc_bah (09/08/06 4:38:04 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:38:22 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:38:32 PM): what do you think? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:38:49 PM): sounds kinda cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:39:02 PM): want to do it? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:39:24 PM): guess could if u wanna jc_bah (09/08/06 4:39:42 PM): of course i wantto it was all my thoughts 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:40:09 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:40:19 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:40:24 PM): but i am asking if you want to 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:40:41 PM): guess so lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:40:49 PM): guess sounds like you dont really 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:41:20 PM): think it sounds cool jc_bah (09/08/06 4:41:30 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 4:41:57 PM): now i am a bad guy ... but i did want to tell you that 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:42:08 PM): tell me wat? jc_bah (09/08/06 4:42:18 PM): tell you what i was thinking jc_bah (09/08/06 4:42:28 PM): it makes me a bad guy ... but i think you liked it 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:42:40 PM): ur not bad ur cool 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:42:42 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:43:00 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:43:20 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 4:43:30 PM): thanks jc_bah (09/08/06 4:44:04 PM): so whats on your mind jc_bah (09/08/06 4:44:05 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:44:13 PM): all u said lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:44:30 PM): what are you thinkin about it all 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:44:43 PM): sounds cool 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:44:56 PM): u probly know lots more than my bf jc_bah (09/08/06 4:45:37 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:45:44 PM): what did your bf do with you? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:46:10 PM): like kiss n a lil more lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:46:38 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:46:45 PM): after all i said you still wont tell me? jc_bah (09/08/06 4:46:48 PM): thats ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:46:49 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:47:01 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:47:10 PM): u know jc_bah (09/08/06 4:47:16 PM): no i dont jc_bah (09/08/06 4:47:23 PM): you just a lil more jc_bah (09/08/06 4:47:23 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:47:46 PM): he wanted me too jc_bah (09/08/06 4:48:10 PM): too what? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:48:21 PM): u know lol u know more n him jc_bah (09/08/06 4:48:36 PM): maybe jc_bah (09/08/06 4:48:40 PM): but i dont know what you did with him jc_bah (09/08/06 4:48:41 PM): so maybe 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:49:02 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:49:16 PM): did you give him oral? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:49:28 PM): yeah lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:49:35 PM): is that bad? jc_bah (09/08/06 4:49:40 PM): not at all jc_bah (09/08/06 4:49:44 PM): did he give you oral? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:49:49 PM): no jc_bah (09/08/06 4:50:02 PM): did you want him too? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:50:18 PM): idk lol didnt come up jc_bah (09/08/06 4:50:39 PM): im just asking you if you would have liked it 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:50:49 PM): heard its cool jc_bah (09/08/06 4:51:23 PM): but something you want? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:51:37 PM): prolly mite someday lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:52:22 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:52:25 PM): good choice 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:52:50 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:53:13 PM): i dont think oral is bad ... if you wanted to do it and you enjoyed it then thats what counts 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:53:23 PM): k lol cool jc_bah (09/08/06 4:53:49 PM): how did you feel about it after doing it 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:54:02 PM): liked that he liked it jc_bah (09/08/06 4:54:25 PM): i see jc_bah (09/08/06 4:54:39 PM): and how did you feel about doing it ... did you like it ... or did you wish you had not done it 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:54:54 PM): was cool i guess lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:55:09 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 4:55:13 PM): did he make a mess on you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:55:25 PM): umm 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:55:43 PM): not rlly jc_bah (09/08/06 4:56:13 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:56:15 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:57:15 PM): well this has been an interesting conversation 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:57:26 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:57:56 PM): would you be comfy with me just wearing your panties 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:58:11 PM): i think ur ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:58:19 PM): what? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:58:26 PM): ur cool lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:58:38 PM): so i think id b comfy round u jc_bah (09/08/06 4:58:52 PM): i mean would you be comfy being almost naked though 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:59:22 PM): think itd prolly b cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:59:28 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 4:59:45 PM): what if i tried to get you completely naked 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 4:59:52 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 4:59:56 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:00:12 PM): k if u want lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:00:21 PM): no that questions is about what you want jc_bah (09/08/06 5:01:02 PM): so what do you think 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:01:24 PM): u want me to? lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:01:33 PM): answer my question jc_bah (09/08/06 5:01:37 PM): then ill answer yours jc_bah (09/08/06 5:01:38 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:01:51 PM): guess itd b k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:01:58 PM): id like it jc_bah (09/08/06 5:02:11 PM): id try and touch you more 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:02:32 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:03:17 PM): just want to remind you jc_bah (09/08/06 5:03:23 PM): all the touching and taking clothes off jc_bah (09/08/06 5:03:36 PM): thats fun stuff ... i think you are wonderful for who you are jc_bah (09/08/06 5:03:47 PM): for how much fun we have chattin jc_bah (09/08/06 5:03:56 PM): for being intelligent and cool jc_bah (09/08/06 5:03:57 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:05:26 PM): hello? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:07:11 PM): sry got booted 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:07:22 PM): :( 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:07:50 PM): u here? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:08:01 PM): there you are jc_bah (09/08/06 5:08:07 PM): what was the last thing you got from me 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:08:22 PM): umm forget it closed up jc_bah (09/08/06 5:08:49 PM): i was telling you that all the touching and gettin naked is fun stuff but not why i think you are wonderful 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:08:57 PM): aww jc_bah (09/08/06 5:08:57 PM): want to make sure you know that jc_bah (09/08/06 5:08:59 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:09:02 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:09:47 PM): would you want me to get naked if you were naked? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:10:03 PM): sounds fair lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:10:09 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:10:16 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 5:10:26 PM): how long is your dad gone for? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:11:21 PM): hell b back sunday jc_bah (09/08/06 5:11:30 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 5:11:36 PM): how long is your sis gone for 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:11:50 PM): shes stayin over tonite at her friend jc_bah (09/08/06 5:12:04 PM): tomorrow night too? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:12:32 PM): not sure i was gonna call her there tomorrow c wat shes doin jc_bah (09/08/06 5:12:40 PM): ah ok jc_bah (09/08/06 5:12:48 PM): im tryin to think if i can come up there jc_bah (09/08/06 5:12:49 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:12:51 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:13:00 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:13:07 PM): what do you think? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:13:28 PM): sounds kinda fun lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:13:43 PM): well are you going to online tonight 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:14:05 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/08/06 5:14:22 PM): well once the plumber is done i gotta do some stuff jc_bah (09/08/06 5:14:26 PM): but ill get online tonight 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:14:28 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 5:14:40 PM): and then if you want you can tell me your address then i can come up 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:14:47 PM): k 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:14:55 PM): sounds cool lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:14:57 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:15:03 PM): i think so too jc_bah (09/08/06 5:15:05 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:15:23 PM): but you can think about it while i am gone jc_bah (09/08/06 5:15:28 PM): if you change your mind i understand jc_bah (09/08/06 5:15:33 PM): but i hope you dont change your mind 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:15:41 PM): k dont think i will jc_bah (09/08/06 5:15:54 PM): hey we can sleep on the couch jc_bah (09/08/06 5:15:55 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:16:00 PM): sounds like a cool adventure jc_bah (09/08/06 5:16:13 PM): or in a bed jc_bah (09/08/06 5:16:14 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:16:18 PM): k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:16:26 PM): im all happy jc_bah (09/08/06 5:16:27 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:16:33 PM): :) me too jc_bah (09/08/06 5:16:53 PM): does your phone have caller id? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:17:02 PM): think so jc_bah (09/08/06 5:17:07 PM): ah ok 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:17:35 PM): y? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:17:40 PM): just thinkin jc_bah (09/08/06 5:17:50 PM): that if i drive up there it would be cool to talk to you while i drive 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:17:56 PM): cool jc_bah (09/08/06 5:18:15 PM): what movie do you wanna watch 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:18:38 PM): mmm idk wat kind u like? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:18:56 PM): i like them all jc_bah (09/08/06 5:19:00 PM): what sounds good to you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:19:35 PM): umm i like lots like funny or scary jc_bah (09/08/06 5:19:45 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 5:19:50 PM): do you have any good ones? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:20:22 PM): umm got lord of the rings jc_bah (09/08/06 5:20:31 PM): do you like that jc_bah (09/08/06 5:20:33 PM): ? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:20:47 PM): its cool jc_bah (09/08/06 5:20:56 PM): i like it too jc_bah (09/08/06 5:20:57 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:20:58 PM): wat do u like? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:21:02 PM): cool jc_bah (09/08/06 5:21:10 PM): now hopefully it will all work out jc_bah (09/08/06 5:21:15 PM): how late do you stay up at night 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:21:31 PM): when dads not here late as i want lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:21:38 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 5:21:50 PM): well i might be able to get there till late thats why i am asking 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:21:59 PM): like how late? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:22:07 PM): i am not sure yet jc_bah (09/08/06 5:22:15 PM): i hope i can be there by like 9 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:22:33 PM): k thatd b cool 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:22:54 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:23:10 PM): good 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:23:24 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:23:43 PM): kinda cant wait lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:23:46 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:24:26 PM): me too jc_bah (09/08/06 5:24:37 PM): i am tryin to find away so i dont have to do my other stuff jc_bah (09/08/06 5:24:37 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:24:47 PM): u like wanna know were i am? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:24:57 PM): yeah 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:25:13 PM): im in long beach jc_bah (09/08/06 5:25:24 PM): yeah i know you told me that yesterday 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:25:29 PM): oh lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:25:35 PM): k its 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:25:53 PM): EDIT LOCATION jc_bah (09/08/06 5:26:02 PM): ok cool 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:26:13 PM): k lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:26:36 PM): u want me to call u when ur comin like u said? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:27:25 PM): up to u jc_bah (09/08/06 5:27:48 PM): not to far away jc_bah (09/08/06 5:27:54 PM): yes i do jc_bah (09/08/06 5:27:58 PM): ill call you jc_bah (09/08/06 5:28:00 PM): hold on 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:28:18 PM): i can call u if u want jc_bah (09/08/06 5:29:05 PM): ok well hold on lets keep chattin for now 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:29:12 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 5:29:46 PM): so whatcha thinkin 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:30:08 PM): that it sounds cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:30:15 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:31:00 PM): so its like an hour and 30 minutes to get up there 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:31:09 PM): is that far? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:31:30 PM): not too bad 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:31:40 PM): k cool jc_bah (09/08/06 5:32:39 PM): is it a house or an apartment 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:32:45 PM): house jc_bah (09/08/06 5:32:53 PM): is there a gate or anything? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:33:14 PM): its like one floor kinda tannish green lol jc_bah (09/08/06 5:33:21 PM): cool jc_bah (09/08/06 5:35:14 PM): im all excited jc_bah (09/08/06 5:35:14 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:35:18 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:36:30 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:36:37 PM): :D 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:37:01 PM): is ur plumber still there? lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:38:22 PM): k im gonna go take a shower i think if its k :) jc_bah (09/08/06 5:38:35 PM): yes he is jc_bah (09/08/06 5:38:37 PM): go shower jc_bah (09/08/06 5:38:39 PM): ill be here 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:38:50 PM): ur gonna b here? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:38:55 PM): ill stay if u want jc_bah (09/08/06 5:38:56 PM): yes ill be online jc_bah (09/08/06 5:39:04 PM): no go shower then i can think of you being naked jc_bah (09/08/06 5:39:05 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:39:21 PM): u sure? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:39:37 PM): yes i am sure jc_bah (09/08/06 5:39:43 PM): ill be here i promise! 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:39:56 PM): k lol b right back jc_bah (09/08/06 5:40:09 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 5:56:09 PM): i hope the shower is going well 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:59:10 PM): u here? jc_bah (09/08/06 5:59:15 PM): i am jc_bah (09/08/06 5:59:18 PM): how was the shower? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:59:25 PM): feel lots better jc_bah (09/08/06 5:59:29 PM): thats good jc_bah (09/08/06 5:59:32 PM): did you change clothes? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:59:37 PM): yeah jc_bah (09/08/06 5:59:41 PM): cool 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 5:59:51 PM): my hairs still kinda wet i gotta brush it jc_bah (09/08/06 5:59:54 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 5:59:57 PM): ill be here 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:00:07 PM): its k i can do it between jc_bah (09/08/06 6:00:10 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:00:21 PM): i hope you dont mind if i show up and am kinda messy jc_bah (09/08/06 6:00:28 PM): after a long drive that i might need a shower jc_bah (09/08/06 6:00:29 PM): :( 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:00:33 PM): k no prob jc_bah (09/08/06 6:00:42 PM): wanna wash my back for me? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:00:43 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:00:44 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:00:53 PM): k lol if u want jc_bah (09/08/06 6:01:01 PM): wnna wash my front? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:01:02 PM): ;) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:01:28 PM): if u want lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:01:34 PM): you are funny jc_bah (09/08/06 6:01:37 PM): what do you want 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:02:08 PM): sounds cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:02:12 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:02:13 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:03:31 PM): i might be able to leave soon to get up there jc_bah (09/08/06 6:03:38 PM): traffic will be bad though 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:03:50 PM): k cool 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:03:59 PM): sry bout traffic jc_bah (09/08/06 6:04:02 PM): its ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:04:06 PM): its part of living in this area jc_bah (09/08/06 6:04:08 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:04:11 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:04:36 PM): so what feels best right now? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:04:43 PM): clean hair ... clean body or clean clothes 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:04:50 PM): mm all lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:04:56 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 6:04:56 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:05:52 PM): did you try runnin around in your panties or naked? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:05:53 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:06:00 PM): no lol not yet jc_bah (09/08/06 6:06:04 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 6:06:07 PM): you should its fun jc_bah (09/08/06 6:06:08 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:06:57 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:07:25 PM): so anyways jc_bah (09/08/06 6:07:25 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:07:34 PM): whats on your mind 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:07:55 PM): umm u lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:08:23 PM): and what are you thinkin about jc_bah (09/08/06 6:08:24 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:09:37 PM): all u said lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:09:53 PM): and what are you feelin thinkin about it 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:10:09 PM): kinda excited lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:10:17 PM): thats good jc_bah (09/08/06 6:10:33 PM): you are not a cop pretending to be such a wonderful lady are you? (asking because he knows this is illegal) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:11:15 PM): omg lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:11:18 PM): noo jc_bah (09/08/06 6:11:29 PM): i did not think so but thought i should ask jc_bah (09/08/06 6:11:31 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:11:47 PM): lol was brushin my hair n looked n saw that lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:11:55 PM): sorry jc_bah (09/08/06 6:11:56 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:12:02 PM): so whatch wearin now if i may ask 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:12:17 PM): got on overalls lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:12:25 PM): n t jc_bah (09/08/06 6:12:28 PM): nice jc_bah (09/08/06 6:12:31 PM): sounds very cute 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:12:40 PM): thanx lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:12:51 PM): cant wait too see :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:12:56 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 6:13:09 PM): and cant wait to take them off ;) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:13:13 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:13:51 PM): i feel bad you are going to look all cute and i am going to look bad 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:14:38 PM): its k lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:14:49 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:14:54 PM): if you say so 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:15:13 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 6:15:30 PM): im gettin nervous now jc_bah (09/08/06 6:15:30 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:15:47 PM): y? lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:16:04 PM): cause you are so wonderful 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:16:12 PM): aww lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:17:22 PM): so wats ur plumber doin? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:17:51 PM): he is checkin for leaks jc_bah (09/08/06 6:17:53 PM): he is almost done 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:18:01 PM): u got leaks? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:18:19 PM): no he is checking his work to make sure its all in good shape jc_bah (09/08/06 6:18:27 PM): no leaks for the things he fixed 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:18:34 PM): k cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:18:51 PM): how big is your bed? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:18:52 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:19:05 PM): its a singl lol sry jc_bah (09/08/06 6:19:12 PM): thats ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:19:46 PM): so when you think about everything i said jc_bah (09/08/06 6:19:53 PM): what do you keep thinking about the most 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:20:13 PM): like sittin on ur lap lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:20:36 PM): what part about sittin on my lap 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:20:57 PM): like kissin n stuff i guess lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:21:29 PM): its ok ... just wondered if it was the part about kissin ... or the part like after i take your shorts off and you sit with you back on my chest jc_bah (09/08/06 6:21:30 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:21:44 PM): k cool too i guess lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:21:59 PM): well which one were you thinkin of 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:22:27 PM): both i guess lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:22:35 PM): haha jc_bah (09/08/06 6:22:49 PM): and how did you feel when i talked about rubbing between your legs 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:23:04 PM): sounds cool lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:23:15 PM): how did it make you feel jc_bah (09/08/06 6:24:02 PM): tingly? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:24:03 PM): hot jc_bah (09/08/06 6:24:04 PM): cold jc_bah (09/08/06 6:24:08 PM): scared? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:24:31 PM): kinda wonderin wat its like lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:24:55 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 6:25:27 PM): ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:25:32 PM): anything else you wonderin about? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:25:49 PM): like all of it i guess lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:26:00 PM): well anything stand out jc_bah (09/08/06 6:26:00 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:26:31 PM): mmm idk lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:27:09 PM): lol ok jc_bah (09/08/06 6:27:23 PM): ok give me a minute i gotta finish up with the plumber 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:27:32 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 6:28:31 PM): not yet he still is doing something 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:28:44 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 6:29:00 PM): well its almost time to get in the car :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:29:05 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 6:29:19 PM): whats you phone number jc_bah (09/08/06 6:29:22 PM): so i can call you 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:29:42 PM): u want me to call u? jc_bah (09/08/06 6:29:49 PM): no ill call you jc_bah (09/08/06 6:29:52 PM): we can still chat jc_bah (09/08/06 6:30:05 PM): just gettin ready to start traveling 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:30:12 PM): chat while ur drivin? lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:30:15 PM): lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:30:19 PM): no while i am at home jc_bah (09/08/06 6:30:19 PM): lol 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:30:37 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 6:31:01 PM): hair all brushed now? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:31:17 PM): yeah lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:31:27 PM): good jc_bah (09/08/06 6:31:46 PM): so how big is your t? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:32:02 PM): kinda big lol its orange jc_bah (09/08/06 6:32:12 PM): nice 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:33:40 PM): :) 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:34:28 PM): plumber workin? lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:34:44 PM): yes he is almost done give me a min 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:35:32 PM): k no prob jc_bah (09/08/06 6:39:30 PM): ok i am back jc_bah (09/08/06 6:39:33 PM): all yours now 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:39:36 PM): :) jc_bah (09/08/06 6:39:59 PM): shall i start fighting the traffic? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:40:07 PM): if u want lol jc_bah (09/08/06 6:40:15 PM): whats your phone number? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:40:32 PM): k jc_bah (09/08/06 6:40:49 PM): ? 13-yr-girl (09/08/06 6:41:17 PM): k its EDIT (...and with that James was on his way to face the consequences of his decision.)