ecwesh (08/18/08 10:41:43 AM): hi jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:42:14 AM): hi ecwesh (08/18/08 10:42:22 AM): how are you? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:42:47 AM): bored out of my gourd ecwesh (08/18/08 10:42:55 AM): that sucks jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:43:03 AM): yes it does ecwesh (08/18/08 10:43:20 AM): how old are you? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:43:33 AM): 14 f gr ecwesh (08/18/08 10:43:41 AM): ok, i'm from GR too jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:43:46 AM): sweet jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:43:48 AM): how old r u ecwesh (08/18/08 10:44:05 AM): older than you lol, i'm 18 jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:44:11 AM): ur 20 d00d jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:44:16 AM): ur pro says 20 jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:44:25 AM): i dont care if ur 20 jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:44:28 AM): just dont lie ecwesh (08/18/08 10:45:20 AM): ok, i'm 20 lol sorry, i suck at typing numbers, i caught that after i typed it, but you caught itbefore i fixed it jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:45:29 AM): ok ecwesh (08/18/08 10:45:55 AM): so what are you up to today? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:46:02 AM): 5''2 jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:46:04 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 10:46:24 AM): lol i'm a full foot taller than you jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:46:36 AM): damn ecwesh (08/18/08 10:46:42 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 10:47:09 AM): so where abouts in GR are you? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:47:21 AM): um jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:47:31 AM): id rather not say just yet if thats ok ecwesh (08/18/08 10:47:50 AM): thats ok, i was mainly looking for north south eastwest GR ecwesh (08/18/08 10:47:58 AM): I live just north of GR jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:48:26 AM): oh ok ecwesh (08/18/08 10:48:43 AM): so what are you up to today? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:49:24 AM): not much jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:49:32 AM): only a few weesk til school starts ecwesh (08/18/08 10:49:36 AM): yeah, i know jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:49:46 AM): summer went so fast ecwesh (08/18/08 10:50:14 AM): well, i got out in april so it's actually been pretty long for me lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:50:24 AM): :( jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:50:26 AM): nyah ecwesh (08/18/08 10:50:37 AM): thatsthe nice part about college ecwesh (08/18/08 10:52:01 AM): so are you looking for chat mainly? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:52:23 AM): i dont know what im looking 4 ecwesh (08/18/08 10:52:38 AM): ok ecwesh (08/18/08 10:53:10 AM): your pretty cute for being 14 jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:53:18 AM): oh ? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:53:27 AM): 14 year olds r fugly? ecwesh (08/18/08 10:53:32 AM): no jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:53:49 AM): so im extra cute huh lol ecwesh (08/18/08 10:53:53 AM): lol yup jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:53:58 AM): kk jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:54:00 AM): just checking jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:54:02 AM): lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:55:08 AM): i guess thats u in the box --> ecwesh (08/18/08 10:55:20 AM): yes it is ecwesh (08/18/08 10:55:45 AM): do you want to see any other pics of me? jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:55:50 AM): well yes jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:55:54 AM): u play football? ecwesh (08/18/08 10:56:01 AM): i play futbol jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:57:31 AM): futbol? ecwesh (08/18/08 10:57:34 AM): soccer jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:57:47 AM): u from another country? ecwesh (08/18/08 10:57:50 AM): no jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:58:07 AM): why did u spell it that way ecwesh (08/18/08 10:58:13 AM): but i like to say that when people ask me if i play football jordyzbored (08/18/08 10:58:16 AM): haha ecwesh (08/18/08 10:58:28 AM): cause technically i do play football ecwesh (08/18/08 10:58:33 AM): but i play the best kind jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:00:00 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:00:01 AM): so do i pass the cute test? lol jk jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:00:30 AM): hella yz jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:00:32 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:00:36 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:00:58 AM): well you do too lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:01:20 AM): ty!! ecwesh (08/18/08 11:01:48 AM): so are you single, i know random question jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:01:52 AM): yes ecwesh (08/18/08 11:01:57 AM): ok jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:02:22 AM): r u ecwesh (08/18/08 11:02:45 AM): yup jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:03:42 AM): omg thats adorable jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:03:44 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:03:46 AM): lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:04:35 AM): iz that bad 2 say? ecwesh (08/18/08 11:04:58 AM): no ecwesh (08/18/08 11:05:19 AM): so do you play any sports? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:05:57 AM): i swim jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:06:09 AM): thats about it ecwesh (08/18/08 11:06:15 AM): oh thats fun jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:06:16 AM): im no michael phelps lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:06:20 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:06:36 AM): i bet you look good in a suit ecwesh (08/18/08 11:06:46 AM): is that weird to say? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:06:52 AM): no its sweet ecwesh (08/18/08 11:07:44 AM): maybe i'll get to see you in one sometime lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:08:00 AM): maybe :) ecwesh (08/18/08 11:09:07 AM): here is an older one of me, like from 2006 jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:09:22 AM): prom? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:09:36 AM): oops jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:09:43 AM): sorry ecwesh (08/18/08 11:09:58 AM): yup ecwesh (08/18/08 11:10:51 AM): so do you have any siblings? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:11:15 AM): no jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:11:17 AM): just me jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:11:22 AM): pita only kid ecwesh (08/18/08 11:11:30 AM): ok ecwesh (08/18/08 11:11:55 AM): you don't mind that i'm older than you right? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:12:00 AM): ur cool jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:12:06 AM): im glad u told me ur right age ecwesh (08/18/08 11:12:42 AM): yeah again sorry about that jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:12:53 AM): its cool ecwesh (08/18/08 11:13:34 AM): so would you ever like to maybe meet in person? i know thats really weird but i'm just wondering jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:13:46 AM): u seem cool jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:13:50 AM): so yes y not ecwesh (08/18/08 11:14:01 AM): ok jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:14:18 AM): of course da rents couldnt no..... jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:14:23 AM): theyd freak i think jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:14:25 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:14:28 AM): lol, prolly jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:14:45 AM): shwo me the fone pic again jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:14:47 AM): lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:14:59 AM): ur so cute in that 1 ecwesh (08/18/08 11:15:03 AM): this one? ecwesh (08/18/08 11:15:04 AM): lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:15:08 AM): ya jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:15:10 AM): lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:15:25 AM): did u no thy were gonn take ur pic? ecwesh (08/18/08 11:15:39 AM): huh? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:16:00 AM): it looks like a surprise pic jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:16:03 AM): not posed ecwesh (08/18/08 11:16:21 AM): oh ok jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:16:21 AM): j/w ecwesh (08/18/08 11:16:37 AM): lol yes i did know that it was being taken i was talking to some one actually jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:17:01 AM): oh ok ecwesh (08/18/08 11:17:25 AM): yeah ecwesh (08/18/08 11:17:41 AM): so how would we meet? somewhere that you could walk to lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:18:29 AM): idk jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:19:05 AM): u going back to college? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:19:08 AM): i mean away? ecwesh (08/18/08 11:19:13 AM): no jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:19:32 AM): ok cool ecwesh (08/18/08 11:19:57 AM): yeah ecwesh (08/18/08 11:20:01 AM): do you have any other pics? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:20:30 AM): yes lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:20:45 AM): ok lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:21:49 AM): hey im jordyn jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:21:52 AM): with a y ecwesh (08/18/08 11:21:54 AM): i'm eric ecwesh (08/18/08 11:22:02 AM): with a c jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:22:05 AM): lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:22:12 AM): ntmu eric with a c ecwesh (08/18/08 11:22:33 AM): and you as well jordyn with a y jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:22:40 AM): lol jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:22:45 AM): hey can i add u? ecwesh (08/18/08 11:22:50 AM): yeah ecwesh (08/18/08 11:23:51 AM): so when would you like to meet? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:24:18 AM): idk jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:24:24 AM): what do u have in mind ecwesh (08/18/08 11:24:34 AM): i'm not sure ecwesh (08/18/08 11:24:37 AM): what would you like to do? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:24:51 AM): ur the guy jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:24:53 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:25:01 AM): lol ecwesh (08/18/08 11:25:23 AM): do you live near a park or anything? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:25:39 AM): ya jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:25:41 AM): hey brb ecwesh (08/18/08 11:25:49 AM): k jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:26:44 AM): hey my gfs here jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:26:53 AM): u gonna be on later? ecwesh (08/18/08 11:26:59 AM): when is later? jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:27:19 AM): tongiht? ecwesh (08/18/08 11:27:29 AM): like after 10-ish jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:27:37 AM): k jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:27:41 AM): ttyl eric jordyzbored (08/18/08 11:27:43 AM): with a c ecwesh (08/18/08 11:27:46 AM): lol bye ecwesh (08/18/08 10:17:22 PM): hey are you online? ecwesh (08/19/08 10:59:00 AM): hey jordyzbored (08/22/08 2:18:05 PM): :-h ecwesh (08/23/08 8:38:56 AM): hey ecwesh (08/23/08 8:39:13 AM): where have you been all week lol jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:39:14 AM): sup ecwesh (08/23/08 8:39:36 AM): not a whole lot, what about you? jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:39:46 AM): just trying to enjoy my last few days of summer vacation!!!!!! ecwesh (08/23/08 8:40:27 AM): lol yeah ecwesh (08/23/08 8:41:05 AM): so did you have a good week? jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:41:11 AM): yeah :) jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:41:26 AM): just trying to enjoy the next like 11 days :( ecwesh (08/23/08 8:41:35 AM): yeah jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:41:46 AM): when do u go back ecwesh (08/23/08 8:41:58 AM): sometime after labor day jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:42:17 AM): kk jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:42:24 AM): me too the 2nd jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:42:36 AM): i think ecwesh (08/23/08 8:42:54 AM): yeah ecwesh (08/23/08 8:43:09 AM): so did you still want to try to meet up sometim? jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:43:45 AM): what u got in mind? ecwesh (08/23/08 8:44:37 AM): idk, what do you want to do? jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:45:00 AM): u got any ideas ecwesh (08/23/08 8:45:25 AM): yeah, a few jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:45:42 AM): well ecwesh (08/23/08 8:46:17 AM): we could meet at a park and chill there, or somewhere for lunch or something jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:46:33 AM): ya maybe jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:46:35 AM): like where ecwesh (08/23/08 8:46:47 AM): idk got any parks near where you are? jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:46:54 AM): ya some jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:47:00 AM): o brb ecwesh (08/23/08 8:47:02 AM): ok jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:51:33 AM): dang i g2g jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:51:39 AM): i got stuff to do jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:51:40 AM): chores ecwesh (08/23/08 8:52:02 AM): gotchya jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:52:16 AM): >:D< jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:52:18 AM): ttyl? ecwesh (08/23/08 8:52:19 AM): well you should get on again soon so we can chat more jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:52:27 AM): kk :) ecwesh (08/23/08 8:52:35 AM): have fun with chores jordyzbored (08/23/08 8:52:36 AM): l8r g8r ecwesh (08/23/08 8:52:41 AM): lol bye jordyzbored (08/28/08 7:30:55 PM): :-h ecwesh (08/30/08 11:52:57 AM): hey, you ready for school? ecwesh (09/06/08 10:49:47 AM): hey how's school going for you? jordyzbored (09/06/08 9:59:50 PM): :-h sup jordyzbored (09/06/08 9:59:52 PM): schools ok ecwesh (09/07/08 12:17:11 AM): lol yeah i hear that, college courses suck lol. So whats new with you? ecwesh (09/13/08 11:41:31 PM): hey! jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:41:37 PM): hey! jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:41:38 PM): lol ecwesh (09/13/08 11:41:49 PM): how's it goin? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:42:09 PM): k jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:42:14 PM): been bsuy with shcool jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:42:19 PM): school too lol ecwesh (09/13/08 11:42:26 PM): yeah ecwesh (09/13/08 11:42:29 PM): me too ecwesh (09/13/08 11:42:59 PM): so how has school been goin? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:43:12 PM): ok jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:43:18 PM): good so far ecwesh (09/13/08 11:43:22 PM): thats good ecwesh (09/13/08 11:43:49 PM): so did you still want to maybe chill sometime? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:44:02 PM): ya sure ecwesh (09/13/08 11:44:15 PM): prolly have to be on the weekend though right? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:44:28 PM): yeah when da rents arent around ecwesh (09/13/08 11:44:47 PM): lol ok ecwesh (09/13/08 11:45:52 PM): so what would you want to do? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:46:07 PM): idk u pick jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:47:20 PM): I-) ecwesh (09/13/08 11:47:26 PM): where would you want to meet at? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:47:57 PM): what would we b doing ecwesh (09/13/08 11:48:21 PM): idk lol jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:48:36 PM): :( ecwesh (09/13/08 11:48:48 PM): what would you like to do? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:48:58 PM): well suggest sumthin ecwesh (09/13/08 11:49:26 PM): want to watch some movies? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:49:34 PM): ya maybe ecwesh (09/13/08 11:49:54 PM): ok ecwesh (09/13/08 11:50:04 PM): you got any suggestions? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:50:09 PM): um jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:50:12 PM): no ecwesh (09/13/08 11:50:53 PM): lol ok ecwesh (09/13/08 11:51:18 PM): then if we watch movies, we can cuddle, and make out and see where things go... lol jk jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:51:31 PM): lol r u a good kisser ecwesh (09/13/08 11:51:44 PM): i've been told i am ecwesh (09/13/08 11:52:02 PM): are you? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:52:32 PM): my ex said i was ecwesh (09/13/08 11:52:54 PM): ok ecwesh (09/13/08 11:53:11 PM): would you want to do anything other than kiss/make out? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:53:33 PM): well like what ecwesh (09/13/08 11:54:40 PM): like beyond just kissing jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:54:52 PM): well it dpeends ecwesh (09/13/08 11:55:12 PM): ok, what would it depend on? jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:55:43 PM): hopuw much i liked the person ecwesh (09/13/08 11:57:00 PM): ok ecwesh (09/13/08 11:57:17 PM): well, what would you want to do beyond kissing if you liked me jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:57:36 PM): hug and stuff jordyzbored (09/13/08 11:58:48 PM): what else u wanna do ecwesh (09/14/08 12:00:15 AM): maybe get a bite to eat or something jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:00:22 AM): thats cool ecwesh (09/14/08 12:01:24 AM): so when are you free lol jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:01:35 AM): its gotta b when theyre not around ecwesh (09/14/08 12:02:05 AM): which is when? jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:02:12 AM): i hafta check jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:02:13 AM): o shit jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:02:18 AM): i g2g now sorry ecwesh (09/14/08 12:02:28 AM): alright when will you be on again? jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:02:30 AM): >:D< jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:02:32 AM): tomorrow ecwesh (09/14/08 12:02:39 AM): when tomorrow? jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:02:46 AM): afternoon jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:02:49 AM): and night ecwesh (09/14/08 12:02:58 AM): ok, i'll be on around noon tomorrow jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:03:10 AM): kk jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:03:11 AM): :) jordyzbored (09/14/08 12:03:14 AM): ttyl eric ecwesh (09/14/08 12:03:18 AM): bye ecwesh (09/24/08 8:52:20 PM): hi jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:52:26 PM): hey jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:52:26 PM): sup ecwesh (09/24/08 8:52:33 PM): nothing really how are you? jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:52:39 PM): kk ecwesh (09/24/08 8:53:19 PM): how's school? jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:53:28 PM): good jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:53:33 PM): had a science test today jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:53:37 PM): i aced it :) ecwesh (09/24/08 8:53:57 PM): thats good jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:54:26 PM): not braggin just saying jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:54:27 PM): lol jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:55:16 PM): hows school 4 u ecwesh (09/24/08 8:55:55 PM): its good ecwesh (09/24/08 8:56:50 PM): so what are you up to? jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:57:15 PM): nm ecwesh (09/24/08 8:57:52 PM): gotchya ecwesh (09/24/08 8:58:00 PM): so when are we hanging out lol jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:58:05 PM): idk when u wanna jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:58:48 PM): got to b so da rents dont no....... ecwesh (09/24/08 8:59:06 PM): yeah ecwesh (09/24/08 8:59:14 PM): when are you free? jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:59:30 PM): weekends jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:59:35 PM): but like i said jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:59:37 PM): they cant no jordyzbored (09/24/08 8:59:54 PM): my old bf was 15 and they thpought he was too old lol ecwesh (09/24/08 9:00:26 PM): lol ecwesh (09/24/08 9:00:36 PM): gotchya ecwesh (09/24/08 9:00:44 PM): well what day of the weekend works for you? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:00:58 PM): idk some saturday jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:01:33 PM): sundays too jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:01:37 PM): or maybe fridays jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:01:38 PM): LOL ecwesh (09/24/08 9:01:49 PM): lol ecwesh (09/24/08 9:01:56 PM): really? i never would have guessed lol jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:02:04 PM): guessed what ecwesh (09/24/08 9:03:05 PM): that friday, saturday or sunday would work jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:03:10 PM): ha ha ecwesh (09/24/08 9:04:25 PM): well what weekend do you want to do it? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:04:36 PM): idk jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:04:41 PM): sometime there not around ecwesh (09/24/08 9:05:37 PM): are they around this weekend jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:05:43 PM): i gotta check jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:05:45 PM): hold on jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:06:39 PM): they're around :( ecwesh (09/24/08 9:06:41 PM): ok ecwesh (09/24/08 9:06:51 PM): what about next week? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:07:01 PM): i think thyere going out of town 4 their anniversary jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:07:03 PM): soon jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:07:07 PM): i got to check when ecwesh (09/24/08 9:07:21 PM): ok jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:07:56 PM): i think in like 3 weeks ecwesh (09/24/08 9:08:06 PM): ok ecwesh (09/24/08 9:08:17 PM): well i'll see what i can do jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:08:31 PM): o ur busy? ecwesh (09/24/08 9:09:54 PM): idk its 3 weeks away jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:10:01 PM): kk its cool ecwesh (09/24/08 9:11:31 PM): so where do you want to meet at? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:11:43 PM): idk jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:11:53 PM): lets wait til we decide when ecwesh (09/24/08 9:11:58 PM): ok jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:12:07 PM): u got any ideas?? ecwesh (09/24/08 9:12:25 PM): idk your house or something jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:12:32 PM): that might b cool ecwesh (09/24/08 9:12:50 PM): ok jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:13:32 PM): u got any new pix? ecwesh (09/24/08 9:16:23 PM): no do u? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:16:34 PM): no sorry ecwesh (09/24/08 9:17:16 PM): its ok? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:17:25 PM): what jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:17:27 PM): sure ecwesh (09/24/08 9:19:15 PM): lol idk why i asked a question lol ecwesh (09/24/08 9:20:26 PM): so where do you go to school? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:20:38 PM): im in high school ecwesh (09/24/08 9:21:05 PM): i know but where? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:21:14 PM): u gonna stalk me? lol ecwesh (09/24/08 9:21:27 PM): lol nope jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:21:37 PM): aight jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:21:54 PM): not gonna drive by my school looking for me? :-P ecwesh (09/24/08 9:22:01 PM): lol no ecwesh (09/24/08 9:22:09 PM): waste of gas? jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:22:16 PM): lol jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:22:20 PM): o shit jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:22:23 PM): i g2g jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:22:29 PM): my moms spazzing ecwesh (09/24/08 9:22:30 PM): bye jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:22:35 PM): school night blah blah blah jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:22:43 PM): ttyl eric jordyzbored (09/24/08 9:22:46 PM): :) ecwesh (09/24/08 9:22:49 PM): bye ecwesh (09/26/08 9:49:57 AM): hey, you never did tell me where you go to school. Any plans for the weekend? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:10:27 PM): :-h ecwesh (09/26/08 11:28:19 PM): hey ecwesh (09/26/08 11:28:43 PM): how are you? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:28:49 PM): cool jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:28:49 PM): u ecwesh (09/26/08 11:29:10 PM): i'm good ecwesh (09/26/08 11:30:07 PM): so what are you up to? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:30:15 PM): not a lot ecwesh (09/26/08 11:30:57 PM): gotcya ecwesh (09/26/08 11:31:13 PM): so, you gonna tell me what school you go to lol, jk jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:31:30 PM): um not right now if thats ok jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:31:38 PM): just being safe u no? ecwesh (09/26/08 11:31:44 PM): no i understand ecwesh (09/26/08 11:32:00 PM): so, you know when your gonna have a free weekend yet? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:32:05 PM): not yet jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:32:24 PM): i dont wanna get them all like asking me why im asking lol ecwesh (09/26/08 11:33:09 PM): lol ok ecwesh (09/26/08 11:34:40 PM): so how was school this week? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:34:57 PM): good jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:35:03 PM): i aced two tests ecwesh (09/26/08 11:36:22 PM): thats good ecwesh (09/26/08 11:36:58 PM): so any plans for the weekend? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:37:08 PM): no :( ecwesh (09/26/08 11:38:55 PM): i'm sorry ecwesh (09/26/08 11:39:06 PM): too bad you can't drive otherwise we could hang out jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:39:19 PM): i NO jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:39:24 PM): im so freaking bored ecwesh (09/26/08 11:40:35 PM): lol i'm sorry ecwesh (09/26/08 11:42:13 PM): is there anywhere you could walk to and we could meet? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:42:34 PM): like where ecwesh (09/26/08 11:43:15 PM): idk, cause idk where you live at lol jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:43:37 PM): if we met what would we do ecwesh (09/26/08 11:44:01 PM): idk, talk and stuff jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:44:45 PM): :| ecwesh (09/26/08 11:45:25 PM): what would you want to do? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:45:32 PM): something fun ecwesh (09/26/08 11:46:33 PM): like what? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:46:41 PM): idk ecwesh (09/26/08 11:47:53 PM): still want to kiss and stuff lol jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:48:01 PM): u do? ecwesh (09/26/08 11:49:32 PM): no i was asking you if you wanted to still jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:50:15 PM): only if ur a good kisser ecwesh (09/26/08 11:50:49 PM): lol ecwesh (09/26/08 11:50:58 PM): well there will only be one way to find out lol jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:51:03 PM): lol ecwesh (09/26/08 11:52:28 PM): well would you like to still or not really jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:52:50 PM): sure ecwesh (09/26/08 11:53:03 PM): anything else or no jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:53:11 PM): like what ecwesh (09/26/08 11:53:52 PM): like touching or feeling or anything like that, or just kissing jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:54:04 PM): oh maybe ecwesh (09/26/08 11:55:13 PM): anything else or no, anything you can think of? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:55:36 PM): like what else? skydiving? jordyzbored (09/26/08 11:55:38 PM): lol ecwesh (09/26/08 11:56:30 PM): lol ecwesh (09/27/08 12:00:26 AM): so no new pics huh jordyzbored (09/27/08 12:00:31 AM): no sorry ecwesh (09/27/08 12:01:27 AM): ok ecwesh (09/27/08 12:10:20 AM): well you let me know when you get some free time alright jordyzbored (09/27/08 12:10:26 AM): aight ecwesh (09/27/08 12:10:30 AM): i'm going to bed jordyzbored (09/27/08 12:10:31 AM): i g2g now anyway jordyzbored (09/27/08 12:10:32 AM): ttyl ecwesh (09/27/08 12:10:34 AM): bye ecwesh (10/02/08 1:39:48 PM): hey ecwesh (10/02/08 1:40:44 PM): how are you? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:41:48 PM): i have a cold jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:41:52 PM): or a sinus infectiopn jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:41:54 PM): idk ecwesh (10/02/08 1:41:56 PM): thats no good jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:42:08 PM): no :( ecwesh (10/02/08 1:42:27 PM): are you alone then? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:42:36 PM): my moms here ecwesh (10/02/08 1:42:44 PM): oh ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:43:29 PM): my left nostril keeps running :( ecwesh (10/02/08 1:43:33 PM): thats not good jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:43:41 PM): :(( ecwesh (10/02/08 1:43:45 PM): i hate getting sick jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:43:53 PM): o hellz ya me too ecwesh (10/02/08 1:44:13 PM): are you staying home from school tomorrow too? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:44:55 PM): idk yet jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:44:56 PM): y jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:45:01 PM): u gonna have a cold too? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:45:04 PM): :)) ecwesh (10/02/08 1:45:07 PM): lol no ecwesh (10/02/08 1:45:26 PM): i was gonna say even though your sick i could just come meet ya and you meet me jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:45:50 PM): idk if im going to b home jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:45:57 PM): plus if i was my momd prolly b here too ecwesh (10/02/08 1:46:19 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:47:02 PM): y arent u at school mister? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:47:03 PM): lol ecwesh (10/02/08 1:47:17 PM): lol i'm out of class jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:47:31 PM): ok ecwesh (10/02/08 1:48:44 PM): no new pics yet? lol jk jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:48:51 PM): o yeah in myspace jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:49:07 PM): *edited* ecwesh (10/02/08 1:49:31 PM): ok ecwesh (10/02/08 1:49:59 PM): so what are you up to this weekend? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:50:04 PM): idk jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:50:09 PM): depends how i feel ecwesh (10/02/08 1:50:56 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:51:25 PM): sorry i was getting tissues :( ecwesh (10/02/08 1:51:29 PM): its ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:51:48 PM): its gross :( ecwesh (10/02/08 1:51:58 PM): yeah i bet ecwesh (10/02/08 1:52:36 PM): do you still want to meet up and do stuff? when we get a chance to that is jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:52:48 PM): sure jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:52:59 PM): it just has to be when da rents r out of town ecwesh (10/02/08 1:53:13 PM): i know ecwesh (10/02/08 1:53:17 PM): or do you have any friends who can drive or cover for you? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:53:40 PM): when theyre out of town? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:53:41 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/02/08 1:54:14 PM): even while they are in town, and we'll just meet up someplace jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:54:52 PM): maybe jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:55:11 PM): they pretty jmuch up my azz when theyre here :( ecwesh (10/02/08 1:55:35 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:55:50 PM): sux being an only ecwesh (10/02/08 1:55:55 PM): but like one of these weekends could you say your going to a friends, have them pick you up and then you come meet me? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:56:21 PM): yeah or just wait til they go out of town ecwesh (10/02/08 1:56:36 PM): yeah, but this way we might get to meet sooner lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:56:58 PM): i no they have an anniversary this month ecwesh (10/02/08 1:57:07 PM): when? jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:57:17 PM): lemme check ecwesh (10/02/08 1:57:26 PM): you don't remember? lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 1:59:48 PM): ok its the weekend of the 16th ecwesh (10/02/08 1:59:54 PM): ok ecwesh (10/02/08 2:00:02 PM): do you know if they are going out of town? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:00:22 PM): yep jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:01:15 PM): something about going gambling ecwesh (10/02/08 2:01:18 PM): so you stay home by yourself? anyone check up on you? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:01:41 PM): they left me b4 ecwesh (10/02/08 2:01:48 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:01:54 PM): they trust me :D ecwesh (10/02/08 2:02:11 PM): so what and all would you like to have happen/do if we hang out? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:02:23 PM): idk something fun jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:02:26 PM): i NEED fun ecwesh (10/02/08 2:02:40 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:02:45 PM): LOL ecwesh (10/02/08 2:02:49 PM): lol ecwesh (10/02/08 2:03:39 PM): well i know we talked about making out and shit, so anything else that you'd like to do for fun? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:03:55 PM): making out is cool jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:04:02 PM): aslong as u really r a good kisser ecwesh (10/02/08 2:04:07 PM): lol ecwesh (10/02/08 2:05:02 PM): i am jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:05:10 PM): i hope so jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:05:16 PM): jason was an amzing kisser ecwesh (10/02/08 2:05:20 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:05:40 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/02/08 2:06:37 PM): anything else? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:06:48 PM): he was amazing at a lot of stuff ecwesh (10/02/08 2:06:53 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:08:09 PM): um that came off weird sorry ecwesh (10/02/08 2:08:16 PM): lol its ok ecwesh (10/02/08 2:08:26 PM): anything you want to do with me? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:08:41 PM): like what ecwesh (10/02/08 2:09:11 PM): idk ecwesh (10/02/08 2:09:58 PM): want to do anything beyond kissing? or watch movies or anything like that? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:10:19 PM): well tell me what u wanna do ecwesh (10/02/08 2:10:36 PM): i'm asking you though lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:11:51 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:11:52 PM): well tell me what u have in mind and ill tell u if its cool ecwesh (10/02/08 2:12:02 PM): well would you like to watch movies? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:12:12 PM): sure ecwesh (10/02/08 2:12:22 PM): and maybe cuddle jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:13:00 PM): thats cool ecwesh (10/02/08 2:13:20 PM): and then make out lol ecwesh (10/02/08 2:13:37 PM): as long as i'm a good kisser anyways lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:13:47 PM): lol ecwesh (10/02/08 2:15:10 PM): would anything sexual at all be ok or no? and i don't mean just straight up sex either. but like touching and stuff jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:15:26 PM): sure ecwesh (10/02/08 2:15:45 PM): have you done stuff like that before? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:15:51 PM): with jason yeah ecwesh (10/02/08 2:15:56 PM): ok ecwesh (10/02/08 2:16:02 PM): hey will you be on tonight? ecwesh (10/02/08 2:16:11 PM): like around 8 or so? jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:16:12 PM): i hope so ecwesh (10/02/08 2:16:32 PM): ok, cause i need to get going, and i want to keep chatting more but like i said i gotta go jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:16:37 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/02/08 2:16:38 PM): ttyl ecwesh (10/02/08 2:16:50 PM): bye hope to see you on tonight around 8 ecwesh (10/02/08 7:44:19 PM): hey ecwesh (10/02/08 7:44:28 PM): feeling any better? jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:47:32 PM): a lil ecwesh (10/02/08 7:47:37 PM): thats good ecwesh (10/02/08 7:47:59 PM): how was your afternoon? jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:48:17 PM): i slept ecwesh (10/02/08 7:48:21 PM): nice jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:49:04 PM): i took some benadril jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:50:10 PM): it made me sleepier jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:50:16 PM): but my nose is better ecwesh (10/02/08 7:50:19 PM): thats good jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:51:25 PM): what u been doing ecwesh (10/02/08 7:51:58 PM): not a whole lot jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:52:44 PM): riveting jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:52:46 PM): lol ecwesh (10/02/08 7:52:51 PM): some homework and that kinda stuff lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:52:56 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:52:58 PM): ok ur busy ecwesh (10/02/08 7:53:48 PM): i was busy jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:54:07 PM): sorry jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:54:09 PM): maybe ttyl? ecwesh (10/02/08 7:54:31 PM): do you have to go? ecwesh (10/02/08 7:54:49 PM): cause i'm not busy i'm done with all that stuff jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:54:51 PM): no i thought u were busy jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:54:54 PM): oh ok ecwesh (10/02/08 7:56:13 PM): so yeah ecwesh (10/02/08 7:56:23 PM): your a freshman right? jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:56:30 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:56:45 PM): u go to college right? ecwesh (10/02/08 7:57:06 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:57:32 PM): where u go ecwesh (10/02/08 7:57:52 PM): GRCC jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:57:58 PM): kk thats right ecwesh (10/02/08 7:59:03 PM): yeah, so where do you go to school lol, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to jordyzbored (10/02/08 7:59:15 PM): id rather not say yet ecwesh (10/02/08 7:59:51 PM): thats fine ecwesh (10/02/08 8:01:24 PM): so what shall we talk about? jordyzbored (10/02/08 8:01:46 PM): idk ecwesh (10/02/08 8:01:40 PM): where'd you go? ecwesh (10/02/08 9:29:41 PM): where'd you go? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:29:57 PM): sorry da renst came in to watch tv :( jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:30:12 PM): rents ecwesh (10/02/08 9:30:35 PM): ok ecwesh (10/02/08 9:31:09 PM): so what do you want to talk about? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:31:15 PM): paris ecwesh (10/02/08 9:31:55 PM): thats in france jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:32:11 PM): no duh jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:32:12 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:33:03 PM): so u pick a topic ecwesh (10/02/08 9:33:14 PM): who was that boy you were talking about earlier? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:33:35 PM): my ex? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:33:35 PM): jason ecwesh (10/02/08 9:34:12 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:34:48 PM): and? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:34:52 PM): what ecwesh (10/02/08 9:35:20 PM): whats the deal with him you spoke of him quite highly jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:35:43 PM): u jealous? :-P ecwesh (10/02/08 9:36:31 PM): no not at all jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:36:39 PM): what u wanno no jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:37:39 PM): I-) ecwesh (10/02/08 9:38:04 PM): who was/is he jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:38:10 PM): jason jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:38:12 PM): my ex jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:38:16 PM): we went out jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:38:20 PM): he moved away ecwesh (10/02/08 9:38:26 PM): oh ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:38:32 PM): didja c my pix in myspace? ecwesh (10/02/08 9:38:38 PM): yup jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:38:41 PM): k ecwesh (10/02/08 9:39:22 PM): your really cute jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:39:38 PM): y u asking about jason? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:39:42 PM): and ty!! ecwesh (10/02/08 9:40:50 PM): cause when we were talking about what stuff we'd do when we meet and you said you two did stuff jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:41:08 PM): oh ecwesh (10/02/08 9:41:14 PM): so i was wondering who he was was all jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:41:22 PM): oh ok ecwesh (10/02/08 9:42:24 PM): so do you want to do that kind of stuff or no? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:42:41 PM): all of it? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:42:44 PM): like which ecwesh (10/02/08 9:43:07 PM): what would u want to do? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:43:19 PM): i havent done much jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:43:25 PM): u prolly did a lot ecwesh (10/02/08 9:43:37 PM): what have you done? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:44:17 PM): not eveything i guess but some ecwesh (10/02/08 9:45:02 PM): well what have you done? just wondering jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:45:19 PM): well more than touching lol' ecwesh (10/02/08 9:45:51 PM): lol ecwesh (10/02/08 9:46:02 PM): i have too jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:46:07 PM): u said u wanted to do touching? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:46:11 PM): what all have u done ecwesh (10/02/08 9:46:26 PM): pretty much everything jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:46:34 PM): every way?? ecwesh (10/02/08 9:46:45 PM): no jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:47:17 PM): whats ur fav ecwesh (10/02/08 9:47:34 PM): what i like to have done to me? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:47:38 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:47:40 PM): or do ecwesh (10/02/08 9:48:11 PM): i like to be given head, or sex jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:48:30 PM): u mean atw? ecwesh (10/02/08 9:48:49 PM): yeah but oral is nice jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:48:56 PM): thats what u wanna do ecwesh (10/02/08 9:49:14 PM): what do you want? ecwesh (10/02/08 9:49:46 PM): what do you like? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:49:58 PM): i ahvent done much jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:50:04 PM): i did oral for jason ecwesh (10/02/08 9:50:24 PM): anything else? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:50:29 PM): um yeah lol ecwesh (10/02/08 9:50:36 PM): like? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:50:45 PM): atw jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:50:59 PM): 2 times ecwesh (10/02/08 9:51:13 PM): did you like it? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:51:17 PM): uve prolly done it a lOT more jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:51:21 PM): lot jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:51:27 PM): yeah it was cool jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:52:14 PM): u there? ecwesh (10/02/08 9:52:17 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/02/08 9:52:39 PM): yeah i've gone atw more than twice jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:52:52 PM): k jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:53:01 PM): what like 100 times ecwesh (10/02/08 9:53:05 PM): no ecwesh (10/02/08 9:53:21 PM): i'm not a man whore lol jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:53:27 PM): ha ha jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:54:28 PM): eric my moms spazzing ecwesh (10/02/08 9:54:39 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:54:41 PM): she wnats me to get off the comp and go to ebd jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:54:44 PM): cuz im sick jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:54:46 PM): :( jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:54:47 PM): bed ecwesh (10/02/08 9:55:00 PM): ok will you be on tomorrow jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:55:04 PM): sure jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:55:09 PM): its friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ecwesh (10/02/08 9:55:14 PM): or are you going to school? jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:55:17 PM): idk yet ecwesh (10/02/08 9:55:20 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:55:24 PM): ill b on sometime tomorrow ecwesh (10/02/08 9:55:47 PM): well i'll be on around 8 at night for sure jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:55:52 PM): ok ecwesh (10/02/08 9:55:58 PM): maybe in the morning jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:56:03 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:56:07 PM): >:D< jordyzbored (10/02/08 9:56:08 PM): cya ecwesh (10/02/08 9:56:14 PM): hope u feel better ecwesh (10/02/08 9:54:48 PM): sweet dreams ecwesh (10/03/08 9:17:39 PM): hi jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:17:43 PM): hey ecwesh (10/03/08 9:18:17 PM): how are ya? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:18:24 PM): betta ecwesh (10/03/08 9:19:04 PM): thats good jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:19:30 PM): what u doing ecwesh (10/03/08 9:20:11 PM): nothin ecwesh (10/03/08 9:21:41 PM): so do u want to go atw? ecwesh (10/03/08 9:27:19 PM): parents come in? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:27:27 PM): got booted :( ecwesh (10/03/08 9:27:56 PM): ok ecwesh (10/03/08 9:29:52 PM): so whats new with you? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:30:09 PM): wen to school jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:30:11 PM): came home jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:30:16 PM): my nose is peeling :( ecwesh (10/03/08 9:30:43 PM): thats no good jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:30:57 PM): its so disgusting ecwesh (10/03/08 9:31:08 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:33:03 PM): sorry :( ecwesh (10/03/08 9:33:16 PM): its ok ecwesh (10/03/08 9:34:08 PM): so do you want to go atw when we chill? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:35:15 PM): maybe jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:35:20 PM): thats what u wanna do? ecwesh (10/03/08 9:35:53 PM): idc up to you jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:36:17 PM): u dont no? lol ecwesh (10/03/08 9:37:30 PM): well it's up to youi jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:37:59 PM): if i said yes? ecwesh (10/03/08 9:38:17 PM): thats fine, or if you said no thats fine too jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:39:31 PM): whateva jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:41:05 PM): so ur not reeally interested ecwesh (10/03/08 9:41:35 PM): what do you mean? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:41:45 PM): u dont rewally care what we do ecwesh (10/03/08 9:42:27 PM): its up to you, i don't want you to feel like i'm making you do anything that you don't want to do jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:42:42 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:42:49 PM): well dress up like ninjaz jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:43:06 PM): or pirates ecwesh (10/03/08 9:43:18 PM): lol ok jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:43:27 PM): or u can b a ballerina jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:43:34 PM): i think i have a tutu somewhere jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:43:37 PM): =)) ecwesh (10/03/08 9:44:28 PM): lol ecwesh (10/03/08 9:44:33 PM): umm.. about that jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:44:44 PM): pink ok? ecwesh (10/03/08 9:45:31 PM): no, i'd rather have a neon green one ecwesh (10/03/08 9:45:51 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:45:53 PM): ok ill look jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:46:35 PM): yep in have 1 jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:46:41 PM): i have 1 jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:46:46 PM): ur in luck ecwesh (10/03/08 9:47:45 PM): nice jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:47:55 PM): u want a tiara too? ecwesh (10/03/08 9:47:58 PM): is it in my size? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:47:58 PM): i have 1 jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:48:01 PM): yep jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:48:06 PM): xxxxxxxxxl ecwesh (10/03/08 9:48:56 PM): we'll i'm not that huge ecwesh (10/03/08 9:48:57 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:49:25 PM): lol ecwesh (10/03/08 9:49:55 PM): it just needs to be really really tall jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:50:07 PM): ok ill work on it ecwesh (10/03/08 9:50:35 PM): are you free next saturday at all? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:51:09 PM): what date is that' ecwesh (10/03/08 9:51:15 PM): the 11th ecwesh (10/03/08 9:51:33 PM): like free that we could just meet in person somewhere jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:51:41 PM): lemme look jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:53:48 PM): were going to my grammas ecwesh (10/03/08 9:53:58 PM): ok ecwesh (10/03/08 9:55:19 PM): so thats a no then jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:55:27 PM): right ecwesh (10/03/08 9:57:30 PM): you free anytime this week just to meet? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:58:00 PM): sunday we got a wedding ecwesh (10/03/08 9:58:29 PM): you free anytime monday thru friday? jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:59:00 PM): besdies school? ecwesh (10/03/08 9:59:10 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:59:19 PM): not really jordyzbored (10/03/08 9:59:32 PM): school days r bad ecwesh (10/03/08 9:59:37 PM): ok ecwesh (10/03/08 10:00:45 PM): otherwise the 18th you are free right? jordyzbored (10/03/08 10:01:15 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/03/08 10:01:27 PM): ok, where would you want to meet on that day? ecwesh (10/03/08 10:05:50 PM): any ideas? ecwesh (10/03/08 10:09:47 PM): you still there? jordyzbored (10/03/08 10:09:54 PM): sorry they came in jordyzbored (10/03/08 10:09:56 PM): i g2g ecwesh (10/03/08 10:10:01 PM): alright, ttys jordyzbored (10/03/08 10:10:02 PM): they wanted to watch tv jordyzbored (10/03/08 10:10:04 PM): :( ecwesh (10/03/08 10:10:10 PM): thats ok jordyzbored (10/05/08 3:11:19 PM): :-h ecwesh (10/07/08 4:57:25 AM): hey how has your week been goin? jordyzbored (10/07/08 8:14:05 PM): :-h ecwesh (10/08/08 6:19:54 AM): we still on for next saturday? ecwesh (10/08/08 10:35:46 PM): hey ecwesh (10/08/08 10:35:51 PM): dang it, i just missed you ecwesh (10/10/08 7:56:38 PM): hey jordyzbored (10/10/08 7:57:02 PM): sup ecwesh (10/10/08 7:57:09 PM): nothing really, how are you? jordyzbored (10/10/08 7:57:56 PM): me either ecwesh (10/10/08 7:58:51 PM): any plans for the weekend? jordyzbored (10/10/08 7:59:20 PM): going to AA tomorrow ecwesh (10/10/08 7:59:44 PM): AA? jordyzbored (10/10/08 7:59:49 PM): ann arbor jordyzbored (10/10/08 7:59:55 PM): to my aunts its her birthday ecwesh (10/10/08 8:00:04 PM): oh ok lol, not what i was thinking you meant by AA jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:00:19 PM): what ecwesh (10/10/08 8:00:48 PM): Alcholics Anonamos jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:01:01 PM): oooooooooooh ok lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:02:08 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/10/08 8:02:16 PM): we still on for next weekend? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:02:26 PM): sure jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:02:39 PM): when what where lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:03:05 PM): idk, when are you free? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:03:31 PM): well from when schools out friday lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:03:58 PM): ok lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:04:05 PM): what do you want to do? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:04:11 PM): what u got in mind ecwesh (10/10/08 8:04:31 PM): idk,thats why i'm asking you lol jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:04:55 PM): well what good r u lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:05:02 PM): lol, lots of good jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:05:16 PM): u got no ideaz ecwesh (10/10/08 8:05:24 PM): i know we've talked about a couple of different things, and i want to know what you thought about them jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:05:31 PM): um what jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:05:34 PM): i 4get ecwesh (10/10/08 8:06:04 PM): the kissing, and all the other stuff ecwesh (10/10/08 8:06:14 PM): the movie, you know that stuff lol jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:06:29 PM): kissings good jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:06:33 PM): movies ok ecwesh (10/10/08 8:06:53 PM): did you want to do any of the other stuff? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:07:25 PM): like what ecwesh (10/10/08 8:07:52 PM): the sexual stuff jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:07:59 PM): oh jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:08:03 PM): u wanna do that? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:09:06 PM): thats why i'm asking you jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:09:17 PM): well like what jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:09:21 PM): i havent done much ecwesh (10/10/08 8:10:08 PM): i know you haven't, but would you want to do any of it or not really jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:10:53 PM): depends jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:11:01 PM): whatt all u wanna do?? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:11:07 PM): werid stuff? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:11:56 PM): do you want to just do touchy feely stuff, maybe take some things off? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:12:09 PM): that soundsa cool ecwesh (10/10/08 8:13:56 PM): do you want to do anything more than that? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:14:07 PM): freaky stuff?? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:14:34 PM): yeah if you want jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:14:51 PM): like what ecwesh (10/10/08 8:15:05 PM): oral? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:15:21 PM): u want that? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:16:04 PM): yeah, do you want to go further? or no? or don't you want to do any of it? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:16:17 PM): i did with jason ecwesh (10/10/08 8:16:41 PM): yea ecwesh (10/10/08 8:16:52 PM): do you wan to with me? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:17:12 PM): so u think oral is freaky?? lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:17:47 PM): no, i can think of freaky things lol jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:18:17 PM): orals ok jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:18:22 PM): what esle u want ecwesh (10/10/08 8:18:47 PM): do you want to have sex? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:18:55 PM): u mean atw? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:19:15 PM): yeah, if you don't want to you don't have to jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:19:52 PM): well i dont wanna get pregnant ecwesh (10/10/08 8:20:02 PM): well you won't ecwesh (10/10/08 8:20:10 PM): we'll use condoms and stuff jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:20:16 PM): ok cool jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:20:23 PM): cuz i dont want a baby :( ecwesh (10/10/08 8:20:54 PM): we'll yeah i don't either jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:21:47 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:21:52 PM): i just want some fun ecwesh (10/10/08 8:21:55 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:22:11 PM): :) ecwesh (10/10/08 8:22:56 PM): do you like giving head? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:23:06 PM): jason LURVED it ecwesh (10/10/08 8:23:22 PM): yeah, most guys do ecwesh (10/10/08 8:24:08 PM): i do jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:24:48 PM): kk thats cool ecwesh (10/10/08 8:25:37 PM): do you like giving it? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:25:41 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/10/08 8:25:52 PM): did he ever cum in your mouth? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:26:01 PM): 1 time yeah ecwesh (10/10/08 8:26:09 PM): did you swallow? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:26:28 PM): yeah it was nasty :( ecwesh (10/10/08 8:26:46 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:26:57 PM): like jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:26:59 PM): idk jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:27:01 PM): just nasty ecwesh (10/10/08 8:27:31 PM): ok, cause i like to cum and have the girl swallow jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:28:17 PM): idk ecwesh (10/10/08 8:28:21 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:28:28 PM): can u make it choclate? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:28:31 PM): =)) ecwesh (10/10/08 8:28:33 PM): lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:28:43 PM): do you like going atw? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:28:57 PM): i did wit jason ecwesh (10/10/08 8:29:11 PM): do you want to go atw with me? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:30:09 PM): i just dont wanna get pregnant eric ecwesh (10/10/08 8:30:20 PM): we'll use protection jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:30:38 PM): ok then jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:30:54 PM): hey eric jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:31:30 PM): that really u? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:31:35 PM): --> ecwesh (10/10/08 8:31:40 PM): yeah, why? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:31:49 PM): jw jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:31:57 PM): itd b weird if u showed up and it wasnt u jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:31:59 PM): lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:32:01 PM): lol yeah ecwesh (10/10/08 8:32:06 PM): thats really you right jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:32:12 PM): hell ya jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:32:18 PM): u c my new ms pix? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:32:22 PM): yea jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:32:26 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:34:02 PM): omg i wish we had doritos jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:34:04 PM): lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:34:05 PM): lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:34:06 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/10/08 8:34:18 PM): so where/when would you like to meet up at? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:34:26 PM): idk jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:34:34 PM): where u wanna be? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:34:48 PM): or go ecwesh (10/10/08 8:35:02 PM): well, would you want to meet friday or saturday? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:35:22 PM): eithers fine jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:35:30 PM): theyre leaving firday like noon ecwesh (10/10/08 8:35:33 PM): ok ecwesh (10/10/08 8:35:42 PM): where would you like to meet at? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:35:52 PM): idk jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:36:02 PM): i got to fgure it out ecwesh (10/10/08 8:36:36 PM): would you ride the bus home? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:37:01 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:37:01 PM): y ecwesh (10/10/08 8:37:47 PM): ok, i was thinking i could pick you up, but that might be weird jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:38:42 PM): why ecwesh (10/10/08 8:39:00 PM): cause, how would you know which car was mine lol jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:39:25 PM): um jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:39:30 PM): u mean from school? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:39:47 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:40:05 PM): what kinda car u got jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:40:24 PM): is it cool :-P ecwesh (10/10/08 8:40:50 PM): lol, i think it is ecwesh (10/10/08 8:41:42 PM): would you be interested in doing that. or would you rather ride the bus home? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:41:49 PM): well whats ur car jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:41:53 PM): lol ecwesh (10/10/08 8:42:02 PM): an 05 malibu jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:42:08 PM): what color ecwesh (10/10/08 8:42:16 PM): burgandy jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:42:30 PM): well thats kinda cool jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:42:44 PM): but maybe itd b better if no1 saw us jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:42:48 PM): :\"> jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:42:56 PM): that ok? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:43:03 PM): ill take the bus home? jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:43:05 PM): o shit jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:43:08 PM): i g2g ecwesh (10/10/08 8:43:11 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:43:13 PM): u gonna b on later? ecwesh (10/10/08 8:43:16 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:43:23 PM): k jordyzbored (10/10/08 8:43:24 PM): ttyl ecwesh (10/10/08 8:43:26 PM): bye ecwesh (10/11/08 10:01:56 PM): hi jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:02:04 PM): hey sup ecwesh (10/11/08 10:02:12 PM): nothing really, how are you? jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:02:32 PM): bored jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:02:33 PM): at my aunts house ecwesh (10/11/08 10:02:37 PM): i'm sorry ecwesh (10/11/08 10:02:55 PM): well, lets figure more out about next weekend jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:03:13 PM): um ok jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:03:20 PM): i hfata get off in a few though :( ecwesh (10/11/08 10:03:25 PM): thats ok ecwesh (10/11/08 10:03:36 PM): when do you normally get home? jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:04:00 PM): from school? jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:04:06 PM): like 330 ecwesh (10/11/08 10:04:40 PM): ok ecwesh (10/11/08 10:05:14 PM): well, is that when you'd like me to meet you? jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:05:26 PM): sure ecwesh (10/11/08 10:05:30 PM): ok ecwesh (10/11/08 10:06:37 PM): so, yeah, what neighborhood do you live in, don't worry i'm not gonna come stalk you or anything, cause i most likely don't go that way unless i have to jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:07:04 PM): u think its a good idea for u to come there? ecwesh (10/11/08 10:07:20 PM): idk, i'm asking you, where else would we meet? jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:07:26 PM): i gotta think jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:07:32 PM): maybe somehwere else jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:07:33 PM): close ecwesh (10/11/08 10:07:44 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:07:58 PM): lemme think a bout it jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:08:05 PM): maybe the house isnt a good idea jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:08:08 PM): idk ecwesh (10/11/08 10:08:12 PM): ok ecwesh (10/11/08 10:08:20 PM): well, where else are we gonna hang out at? jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:08:59 PM): idk jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:09:12 PM): i got to think of somewhere close ecwesh (10/11/08 10:09:23 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:09:33 PM): hey i g2g im on my cosuins comp jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:09:42 PM): ill b home tomorrow night jordyzbored (10/11/08 10:09:45 PM): ttyl? ecwesh (10/11/08 10:09:47 PM): alright ttys jordyzbored (10/12/08 6:25:10 PM): :-h jordyzbored (10/14/08 4:48:35 PM): :-h jordyzbored (10/14/08 4:48:37 PM): sup jordyzbored (10/14/08 4:48:40 PM): where u been ecwesh (10/14/08 8:07:41 PM): hi ecwesh (10/14/08 8:21:00 PM): are we still on for friday? jordyzbored (10/14/08 10:22:39 PM): yeah were still no for firdya jordyzbored (10/14/08 10:22:47 PM): sorry i hvent been on much jordyzbored (10/14/08 10:22:53 PM): u gonna b on tomororw? ecwesh (10/15/08 7:52:00 AM): sweet, have you thought of a time and place yet? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:07:06 AM): OMG my moms been on a rant like all week jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:07:15 AM): ill try to get online later jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:07:25 AM): were still good for friday right? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:31:06 AM): yeah, i just need to know a time and place to meet you at jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:27:40 PM): hey!! ecwesh (10/16/08 7:27:45 PM): hi jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:27:55 PM): damn this wwek has sucked ecwesh (10/16/08 7:28:01 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:28:27 PM): so whats da deal ecwesh (10/16/08 7:28:37 PM): well where and when do you want to meet? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:28:43 PM): well ecwesh (10/16/08 7:29:02 PM): idk where you live or the area you live in so i have no idea whats around jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:29:03 PM): i think itd b better if u met me at my house ecwesh (10/16/08 7:29:11 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 7:29:15 PM): which is where jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:29:18 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:29:29 PM): *edited* jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:29:53 PM): gr duh lol ecwesh (10/16/08 7:29:58 PM): lol i knew that ecwesh (10/16/08 7:30:32 PM): well, what time? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:30:36 PM): idk jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:30:44 PM): ill b home by 3 ecwesh (10/16/08 7:30:59 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 7:31:25 PM): well what would you like to do? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:31:33 PM): u can meet me there? ecwesh (10/16/08 7:31:51 PM): sure, or would you rather meet somewhere else? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:31:53 PM): then well decide jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:32:03 PM): its kinda hard 4 me to get anywhere ecwesh (10/16/08 7:32:12 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:32:15 PM): walking i mean ecwesh (10/16/08 7:32:43 PM): so then are you a huskie or a wildcat? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:33:20 PM): haha what r u ecwesh (10/16/08 7:33:30 PM): I'm not in high school ecwesh (10/16/08 7:34:41 PM): so which are you? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:35:48 PM): ranger ecwesh (10/16/08 7:35:53 PM): oh ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:35:59 PM): that ok?? ecwesh (10/16/08 7:36:04 PM): yeah, i guess you could be that too lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:37:43 PM): what were u jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:38:30 PM): hellooooo ecwesh (10/16/08 7:38:47 PM): hold on jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:39:20 PM): what ecwesh (10/16/08 7:39:49 PM): sorry, i had to do something real quick ecwesh (10/16/08 7:39:53 PM): i was a ram jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:39:59 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:40:05 PM): i wont hold that against u jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:40:07 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 7:40:07 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 7:40:30 PM): so, do you want to wait outside for me so i know that i'm at the right place or what? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:40:33 PM): k jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:40:49 PM): its got like stone on the outside jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:41:05 PM): but the garage isnt stone its yellow ecwesh (10/16/08 7:41:13 PM): its in a housing development right? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:41:27 PM): kinda jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:41:31 PM): but spread out jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:41:37 PM): near *edited* ecwesh (10/16/08 7:41:43 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:42:24 PM): u map it yet? ecwesh (10/16/08 7:42:27 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 7:43:23 PM): so, do you still want to do the sexual stuff? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:43:34 PM): yeah y not jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:43:38 PM): i need some fun ecwesh (10/16/08 7:43:40 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:43:41 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 7:43:54 PM): do you wear thongs? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:44:04 PM): i have sum :-P ecwesh (10/16/08 7:44:13 PM): can you wear one tomorrow? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:44:28 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:44:36 PM): i got pink black and green ecwesh (10/16/08 7:44:45 PM): pink lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:44:50 PM): kk lol ecwesh (10/16/08 7:45:00 PM): do you have a camera right handy? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:45:10 PM): right here? no jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:45:10 PM): y ecwesh (10/16/08 7:45:22 PM): cause i was gonna ask you to do me a favor really quick jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:45:28 PM): oh ecwesh (10/16/08 7:45:40 PM): i was gonna ask you to take a picture for me jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:45:54 PM): my parents got 1 at work but not here ecwesh (10/16/08 7:45:58 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 7:46:09 PM): so you can't take a picture for me then can you lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:46:17 PM): noooo lol ecwesh (10/16/08 7:47:00 PM): so, when i get there are you meeting me outside, or inside or what? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:47:15 PM): where do u want em to meet u ecwesh (10/16/08 7:47:21 PM): outside jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:47:25 PM): k ecwesh (10/16/08 7:47:35 PM): what time does your bus usually get to your house? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:47:36 PM): hey gimme ur cell and ill call u when i egt home ok ecwesh (10/16/08 7:48:06 PM): ok, can you call me right now actually? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:48:24 PM): lemme get my fone card ecwesh (10/16/08 7:48:26 PM): and just leave me a messege? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:48:33 PM): what jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:48:38 PM): ur not gonna pick up? ecwesh (10/16/08 7:48:46 PM): or do you want me to lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:49:00 PM): y do u want me to call if u dont wanna talk ecwesh (10/16/08 7:49:26 PM): well, i'm not sure where it is, so if it goes to vmail leave a message so then it'll make extra noises jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:49:43 PM): lemme c how many minutes i have jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:49:44 PM): brb ecwesh (10/16/08 7:49:46 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:52:30 PM): k i got like 4 min left jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:52:32 PM): whats ur digits ecwesh (10/16/08 7:52:42 PM): 616 690 3545 ecwesh (10/16/08 7:55:57 PM): so yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 7:56:27 PM): so what are you up to? jordyzbored (10/16/08 7:59:22 PM): did you get my voicemail ecwesh (10/16/08 7:59:43 PM): yup, i'm listening to it right now actually i found it when the vmail noise went off ecwesh (10/16/08 8:00:33 PM): do you want to talk on the phone, or do you want to save your minutes? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:00:43 PM): can we talk a lil? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:00:56 PM): sure, what do you want to talk about? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:01:07 PM): i just wanna hear ur voice jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:01:13 PM): I can get more minutes tomorrow jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:01:19 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:01:38 PM): lol alright, well i can tell you right now i'm not a huge talker lol, but i'll try jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:01:43 PM): kk ecwesh (10/16/08 8:02:53 PM): so yeah, are you calling me now or what? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:02:57 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:02:58 PM): brb ecwesh (10/16/08 8:03:01 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 8:06:31 PM): you have a cute voice jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:06:42 PM): ty!! ecwesh (10/16/08 8:06:53 PM): i know, i have a deep manly voice lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:07:09 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:07:29 PM): well if u had a voice like mine itd b weird ecwesh (10/16/08 8:07:36 PM): lol very true ecwesh (10/16/08 8:07:57 PM): you said you get home at 3 right? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:08:29 PM): prolly like 310 ecwesh (10/16/08 8:08:32 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 8:08:42 PM): you the last one off the bus? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:08:47 PM): no jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:08:47 PM): y jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:08:58 PM): oh u dont want any1 to see u ecwesh (10/16/08 8:09:10 PM): cause, that seems late to get home, but then again, its been a while since i've ridden the bus lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:09:41 PM): :( ecwesh (10/16/08 8:09:51 PM): whats that mean? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:09:57 PM): we get out at 235 jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:10:04 PM): i go to my locker then on da bus ecwesh (10/16/08 8:10:15 PM): oh ok, see when i was in high school we got out at 2:06 or 2:25 jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:10:18 PM): im not da last theres like 2 after me ecwesh (10/16/08 8:10:20 PM): 2:15 jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:10:31 PM): u went to my school? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:10:58 PM): no, when i was in high school, thats when we got out for the day jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:11:10 PM): u were lucky lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:11:19 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:11:27 PM): what time did u go in ecwesh (10/16/08 8:11:43 PM): 7:35 or so jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:13:18 PM): yeah we start at 740 ecwesh (10/16/08 8:13:29 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 8:13:45 PM): so where are you parents going? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:14:20 PM): greektown jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:14:29 PM): to gamble ecwesh (10/16/08 8:14:37 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 8:14:45 PM): how long are they gonna be gone? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:14:53 PM): til sunday ecwesh (10/16/08 8:15:02 PM): ok, well maybe we can chill saturday too then jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:15:03 PM): its their anniversary ecwesh (10/16/08 8:15:11 PM): yeah thats what you said jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:15:13 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:15:33 PM): damn i wish shed stop coming in here :-P ecwesh (10/16/08 8:15:37 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:15:46 PM): have you told any of your friends about me? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:15:51 PM): no jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:15:55 PM): u want me to? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:16:18 PM): thats up to you i guess lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:16:28 PM): although that may not be a great idea lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:17:06 PM): um i dont think it is either lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:17:44 PM): so yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 8:18:00 PM): would you like me to meet you at like 3:15 or so jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:18:04 PM): kk ecwesh (10/16/08 8:18:48 PM): you can still call me though lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:19:08 PM): ima call u when i get on the bus ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:19:11 PM): LOL ecwesh (10/16/08 8:19:13 PM): lol ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:19:33 PM): my moms leaving me her crackberry jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:19:42 PM): :D ecwesh (10/16/08 8:19:44 PM): lool ecwesh (10/16/08 8:19:45 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:19:54 PM): so wait, your gonna call me from her phone? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:20:14 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:20:32 PM): im chatting wit izzy now jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:20:38 PM): my fnd jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:20:48 PM): she got a fone card shes gonna gimme jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:20:52 PM): ill use that ecwesh (10/16/08 8:20:58 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:21:01 PM): if i run out of mins ecwesh (10/16/08 8:21:04 PM): ok lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:21:57 PM): so are you nervous at all? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:22:27 PM): y jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:22:33 PM): r u a seral killer? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:22:37 PM): lol no jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:22:45 PM): me neither :D ecwesh (10/16/08 8:22:47 PM): but, are you nervous at all? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:22:57 PM): a lil jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:22:58 PM): y r u jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:24:14 PM): eric? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:24:19 PM): yeah i am jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:24:48 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:25:04 PM): how close u live to me? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:25:12 PM): like 15 to 20 minutes jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:25:41 PM): cool :) ecwesh (10/16/08 8:26:04 PM): so what are you looking forward to the most? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:26:24 PM): seeing u in person jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:26:27 PM): haivng some fun ecwesh (10/16/08 8:26:42 PM): is there anything you'd like me to do for you? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:27:01 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:27:08 PM): u bringing food? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:27:12 PM): :-P ecwesh (10/16/08 8:27:15 PM): no lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:27:22 PM): should i lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:27:31 PM): um jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:27:42 PM): u dont think im gonna cook anything later r u ecwesh (10/16/08 8:27:50 PM): idk are you gonna? lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:27:58 PM): um jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:28:07 PM): im da nucrowave queen jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:28:11 PM): =)) ecwesh (10/16/08 8:28:12 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:28:18 PM): well maybe we'll go out then lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:28:32 PM): yeah like where jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:28:34 PM): wendys? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:28:39 PM): idk jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:28:42 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:28:48 PM): how long u think ull stay ecwesh (10/16/08 8:29:07 PM): idk, how long would you like me to stay? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:29:28 PM): well i guess u didnt plan on staying past dinnertiem ecwesh (10/16/08 8:29:40 PM): lol, ok, do you have other plans i take it? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:29:48 PM): for friday? no ecwesh (10/16/08 8:29:58 PM): ok, well maybe we can hang out for a while then lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:30:02 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:30:11 PM): cuz u semed surprised when i said food ecwesh (10/16/08 8:30:15 PM): or were you just planning on doing the stuff and then me leaving jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:30:28 PM): um no jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:30:35 PM): but jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:30:42 PM): u semed surprised ecwesh (10/16/08 8:30:42 PM): ok, cause i wasn't planning on that either jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:30:59 PM): kk :) ecwesh (10/16/08 8:31:04 PM): i was planning on staying for a whie ecwesh (10/16/08 8:31:07 PM): while jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:31:13 PM): cool:) jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:31:21 PM): u got any good dvds? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:31:28 PM): no lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:31:33 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:31:45 PM): ur not coming over r u ecwesh (10/16/08 8:32:00 PM): no i am, don't worry jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:32:14 PM): cuz u dont seem intrested anymore ecwesh (10/16/08 8:32:31 PM): i am, and not just for the fun either ecwesh (10/16/08 8:32:47 PM): it'll be fun to hang out, we'll watch tv and do other stuff jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:32:51 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:33:05 PM): cuz if ur not coming just tell me and ill find sumthin else to do ecwesh (10/16/08 8:33:18 PM): i'm gonna come don't worry jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:33:22 PM): kk ecwesh (10/16/08 8:33:32 PM): too bad you can't get out of school early jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:33:48 PM): o damn jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:33:58 PM): u think theyd call the house? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:34:05 PM): o damn ecwesh (10/16/08 8:34:15 PM): do i think who would call the house? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:34:18 PM): now u got me thinking jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:34:34 PM): >:) ecwesh (10/16/08 8:34:37 PM): who would be calling the house? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:34:49 PM): if i ditched jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:34:50 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:34:57 PM): if you left school early? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:35:12 PM): well who would come get me? u? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:35:26 PM): that'd be about your only way home wouldn't it jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:35:41 PM): could u sign me out jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:35:44 PM): i dont think u could ecwesh (10/16/08 8:35:49 PM): no, i'm not family jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:35:58 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:36:02 PM): that wondt work jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:36:39 PM): uncle eric jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:36:40 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:36:42 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:36:46 PM): nooooooooooooooooooooo ecwesh (10/16/08 8:37:14 PM): you could just leave, but then you'd have an unexcused absent in your remaining classes jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:37:42 PM): i dont want any1 to notice that jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:37:44 PM): omg jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:37:51 PM): theyd call da rents jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:37:57 PM): my dadll have his crackberry jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:38:01 PM): :( ecwesh (10/16/08 8:38:10 PM): lol alright, then you shouldn't skip class lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:38:22 PM): damn u shouldnt ahve said anything lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:38:34 PM): now ill think about it all day lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:38:41 PM): think about what? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:38:52 PM): that i should have ditched jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:38:55 PM): or walked out jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:38:57 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:39:04 PM): no, go to school ecwesh (10/16/08 8:39:18 PM): stay all day, i'll meet you at your house at 3:15 jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:39:19 PM): i got to keep it on the low down jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:39:21 PM): kk ecwesh (10/16/08 8:40:29 PM): is there anything you'd like to do for funn? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:40:45 PM): well stuff we talked about ecwesh (10/16/08 8:40:57 PM): i know, but anything you want me to do to you? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:41:17 PM): oooh jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:41:21 PM): like a backrub? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:41:32 PM): or anything like that, jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:41:54 PM): i guess u got somethijng in mind lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:42:36 PM): well, do you want me to do anything to you? like you said you'd give me head, anything you want me to do for you? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:42:46 PM): yeah u can do me jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:42:50 PM): :\"> jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:42:54 PM): the same i mean ecwesh (10/16/08 8:43:25 PM): do you want to do it? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:43:29 PM): yeah y not ecwesh (10/16/08 8:43:41 PM): i'm asking you jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:44:05 PM): sure jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:44:09 PM): jason lurved that lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:44:19 PM): lol, did you like it? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:44:33 PM): yeah i liked that he loved it lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:44:45 PM): lol yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 8:44:57 PM): do you want me to finger you, or anything like that? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:45:02 PM): but ive only done that like 3 times jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:45:09 PM): do u wanna? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:45:15 PM): its up to you jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:46:08 PM): well jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:46:14 PM): if u dont wannna its ok ecwesh (10/16/08 8:46:26 PM): no i'll do it, but i'm asking you if you want me to jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:46:35 PM): well yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 8:47:03 PM): do you shave down there? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:47:09 PM): im trimmed ecwesh (10/16/08 8:47:23 PM): ok, have you ever shaved clean before? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:47:27 PM): no jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:47:30 PM): u want me to? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:47:37 PM): yeah, if thats possible ecwesh (10/16/08 8:47:48 PM): i shave too don't worry jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:48:19 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 8:48:41 PM): anything you want me to do? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:49:21 PM): a back rub lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:49:51 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 8:50:03 PM): what size bra do you wear? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:50:09 PM): 32B ecwesh (10/16/08 8:50:12 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:50:16 PM): that ok?? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:50:19 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 8:50:22 PM): just wondering jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:50:48 PM): whats size is urs:-P ecwesh (10/16/08 8:50:58 PM): yeah about that lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:51:11 PM): haha jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:51:20 PM): no man bewbies? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:51:23 PM): =)) ecwesh (10/16/08 8:51:27 PM): nope not really lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:51:50 PM): whew jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:51:54 PM): :) jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:51:57 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:52:06 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:52:12 PM): u playing football then? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:52:17 PM): or not now ecwesh (10/16/08 8:52:19 PM): no ecwesh (10/16/08 8:52:29 PM): i'm a soccer guy not football jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:52:45 PM): o yeah thats right jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:52:50 PM): futball jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:52:54 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:52:57 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:53:09 PM): why do u call it that? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:53:20 PM): cause thats its name around the world jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:53:29 PM): o jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:53:32 PM): really? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:53:34 PM): yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 8:55:40 PM): so, after i meet up with ya, what would you like to do? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:55:54 PM): right away? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:56:04 PM): ill prolly need to pee ecwesh (10/16/08 8:56:06 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:56:07 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:56:23 PM): thats the first thin i do when i get off the bus jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:56:40 PM): what do u wanna do first ecwesh (10/16/08 8:56:46 PM): yeah, umm... idc ecwesh (10/16/08 8:57:07 PM): do you want to sit and talk, go out somewhere, get right to it? or what? jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:57:19 PM): um talk first i think jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:57:21 PM): if thats ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:57:39 PM): u gonna bring some cd's? ecwesh (10/16/08 8:57:51 PM): i can, not sure that you'd like them though l ol ecwesh (10/16/08 8:57:52 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:58:00 PM): what r they ecwesh (10/16/08 8:58:19 PM): i like bands like korn and slipknot, but i do have lifehouse and such ecwesh (10/16/08 8:58:26 PM): but i have a lot of older mixes jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:58:47 PM): korns cool jordyzbored (10/16/08 8:58:50 PM): whateva ecwesh (10/16/08 8:59:02 PM): ok lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:00:16 PM): hmm... lets see what else ecwesh (10/16/08 9:00:52 PM): what time are your parents leaving? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:01:02 PM): prolly noon ecwesh (10/16/08 9:01:21 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:01:53 PM): u gonna case da joint?:)) ecwesh (10/16/08 9:02:08 PM): huh? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:02:23 PM): run by the house after they leave and check it out lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:02:31 PM): lol no ecwesh (10/16/08 9:02:39 PM): cause i bet your house is all locked up and stuff lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:02:50 PM): i dont mean to rob it u goof ecwesh (10/16/08 9:02:57 PM): i know jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:03:30 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:04:20 PM): so where are we gonna do this stuff at? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:04:28 PM): um i got a queen bed jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:04:33 PM): this stuff lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:04:41 PM): lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:04:51 PM): what like the front lawn? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:04:55 PM): =)) ecwesh (10/16/08 9:05:18 PM): umm... no ecwesh (10/16/08 9:05:24 PM): that'd be a bad thing jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:05:28 PM): and weird jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:05:37 PM): my room ok? ecwesh (10/16/08 9:05:40 PM): sure jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:06:01 PM): me nmy dad painted the room like 2 weeks ago jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:06:06 PM): its periwinkle jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:06:10 PM): u no what that is ecwesh (10/16/08 9:06:14 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:06:31 PM): and i got sheets that r close ecwesh (10/16/08 9:16:04 PM): where did you go? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:18:35 PM): stupid yahell :( ecwesh (10/16/08 9:18:49 PM): lol alright ecwesh (10/16/08 9:19:00 PM): so, tomorrow, all i need to bring is myself and protection? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:19:03 PM): i got booted jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:19:06 PM): um yeah ecwesh (10/16/08 9:19:12 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 9:19:23 PM): and be to your house around 3:15 jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:19:34 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:19:36 PM): um jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:19:43 PM): ill call u jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:19:48 PM): and wait out front right? ecwesh (10/16/08 9:19:53 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:00 PM): ur car jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:02 PM): its jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:05 PM): what color ecwesh (10/16/08 9:20:13 PM): and your gonna wear a pink thong right? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:16 PM): kk :) ecwesh (10/16/08 9:20:26 PM): where did you get it from, just out of curiousity? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:28 PM): u gonna wear one lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:20:36 PM): my car is burgandy jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:37 PM): vs ecwesh (10/16/08 9:20:40 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:44 PM): that like red right jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:49 PM): y jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:54 PM): u got a thong from there? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:20:56 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:20:59 PM): red/purple ecwesh (10/16/08 9:21:00 PM): no lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:21:04 PM): just wondering jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:21:17 PM): lmao ecwesh (10/16/08 9:21:37 PM): so yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:22:03 PM): kk ecwesh (10/16/08 9:22:09 PM): anything else we need to figure out? jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:22:23 PM): i dont wanna wave at some weirdos car lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:22:26 PM): lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:22:39 PM): you don't have to waive, i'll just pull in the drive way, then you can wave lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:22:52 PM): i waved at some girl in the mall 1 day i thought it was my gf jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:22:59 PM): it wasnt lol and i was like omg ecwesh (10/16/08 9:23:02 PM): lol nice jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:23:08 PM): ok ecwesh (10/16/08 9:24:08 PM): or would you rather i pick you up from school? after you get out of course jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:24:20 PM): i betta go home on the bus jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:24:23 PM): u got me thinking ecwesh (10/16/08 9:24:34 PM): ok jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:25:03 PM): our house is like beige kinda with stone on the front ecwesh (10/16/08 9:25:07 PM): yeah jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:25:44 PM): ur hair the same as in ur pix? ecwesh (10/16/08 9:26:25 PM): yeah i think so jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:26:32 PM): u dont no lol ecwesh (10/16/08 9:27:32 PM): yeah it is lol jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:27:37 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:27:47 PM): hey my momz wants me to get off the comp jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:27:59 PM): and put away my clothes bla bla bla jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:28:02 PM): :( ecwesh (10/16/08 9:28:28 PM): ok ttyl and see you tomorrow jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:28:33 PM): kk jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:28:43 PM): im ready 4 some fun!!!] jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:28:47 PM): :D ecwesh (10/16/08 9:28:52 PM): lol me too jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:29:00 PM): >:D< ecwesh (10/16/08 9:29:06 PM): bye jordyzbored (10/16/08 9:29:13 PM): cya