dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:57:40 PM): very cute:) dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:57:43 PM): are you also in sd? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:58:07 PM): hi tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:58:10 PM): im in la tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:58:12 PM): 13 tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:58:13 PM): u? dtwnsd (09/02/065:58:22 PM): San DIego dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:58:30 PM): have you been to sd? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:58:41 PM): yah i used 2 live in sd tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:58:45 PM): wats ur asl dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:58:54 PM): 26m from sd , you into older men?(Imagine that, a few minutes into chat and he wants to know if I'm into older men!) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:59:00 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:59:03 PM): cool dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:59:13 PM): have you met any from online? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:59:20 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:59:25 PM): wats ur name dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:59:30 PM): Joe dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:59:31 PM): you? dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:59:33 PM): tiffany? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:59:37 PM): lol yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:59:41 PM): i go by tiff dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:59:43 PM): can i see some pics? dtwnsd (09/02/06 5:59:49 PM): cool nice to meet you tiff tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 5:59:57 PM): u see my pro? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:00:05 PM): ya but its small dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:00:12 PM): show me more dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:00:18 PM): do you have more pics? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:00:44 PM): yah is that ur pic? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:00:49 PM): ya dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:00:58 PM): do you like? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:01:09 PM): dang its 2 far over on screen can u close and try again? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:01:30 PM): it wont close on my side tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:01:32 PM): grrrr tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:01:33 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:01:53 PM): its still 2 far over on screen dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:02:07 PM): want me to try again? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:02:13 PM): let me see one of you? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:02:28 PM): do you see my pic? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:02:37 PM): yah sorta but its 2 far over on screen tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:02:41 PM): u got email? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:03:03 PM): which 1 is u in pic? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:03:29 PM): hello? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:03:39 PM): the dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:03:42 PM): middle dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:03:46 PM): tall guy dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:03:53 PM): ya dtwnsd@yahoo.com tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:04:09 PM): k hang on i email cuz i cant get the thing 2 move over tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:04:11 PM): 1 sec dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:04:14 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:05:26 PM): did you send it? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:05:55 PM): i sent it dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:06:16 PM): let me go see tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:06:26 PM): k dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:06:49 PM): nice dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:06:53 PM): any other ? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:07:11 PM): any that show more or ina a bikini dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:07:15 PM): ?:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:07:20 PM): no bikini tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:07:21 PM): sorry dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:07:28 PM): thats ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:07:33 PM): u see pic in im box? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:07:37 PM): so do you ever visit san diego dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:07:37 PM): ya dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:07:43 PM): i like that one tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:07:51 PM): yah my cousins live there dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:08:02 PM): what part? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:08:10 PM): north park tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:08:13 PM): u kno it? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:08:23 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:08:29 PM): cool dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:08:41 PM): so have you ever messed around with an older guy before? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:08:52 PM): yah like 17 dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:02 PM): sex dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:05 PM): or what dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:07 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:09:11 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:19 PM): did you like it? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:09:27 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:38 PM): do older emn ever check you out? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:42 PM): men tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:09:45 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:09:46 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:51 PM): do yu check them out? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:09:54 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:09:57 PM): :) dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:10:12 PM): Would you be into seeing more pics of me? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:10:17 PM): yah! dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:10:36 PM): so no older guys have seen you nude opr checjed you out not even family or freinds? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:10:49 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:11:00 PM): wheres ur pix? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:11:10 PM): see thwm? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:11:21 PM): i cant see the screen 2 far over tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:11:28 PM): im gonna close out and im u again tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:11:53 PM): k try again tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:12:12 PM): i dont see pix tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:12:37 PM): yah thats cute tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:12:40 PM): u got more? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:12:47 PM): ya do you wnaty to see me nude? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:13:04 PM): that ur tummy? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:13:08 PM): yes dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:13:12 PM): do you like? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:13:32 PM): ? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:14:02 PM): hello dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:14:04 PM): are you there? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:17:44 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:18:54 PM): u there? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:18:56 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:19:02 PM): wat happened dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:19:06 PM): no idea dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:19:13 PM): did you like my tummy? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:19:21 PM): yah nice tummy (not really, it was a pale,flabby tummy) dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:19:44 PM): so if you come down to sd would you let me show you in person? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:20:14 PM): sho me wat? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:20:23 PM): what do you want to see? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:20:34 PM): i dunno wat u want me to see? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:20:56 PM): do you like that one? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:21:02 PM): wat one? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:21:23 PM): u r confusin me dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:21:28 PM): ill shgow you a pic tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:21:32 PM): k dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:21:35 PM): open it dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:21:45 PM): are you comming down here any time soon? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:21:51 PM): open wat tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:10 PM): i dunno tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:14 PM): wat u want me 2 open dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:22:20 PM): the picture box tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:27 PM): its open tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:31 PM): i see ur tummy dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:22:36 PM): close it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:39 PM): and pic of u dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:22:40 PM): ill reopen it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:42 PM): in jeans tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:43 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:22:52 PM): k its not open tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:23:02 PM): k its open now dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:23:09 PM): do you like tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:23:14 PM): yah nice dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:23:29 PM): would you like to see in person? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:23:47 PM): its nice! dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:24:04 PM): no men have showed you in person? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:24:08 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:24:09 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:24:26 PM): have you ever walked in any one nide or caught them masterbating even family tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:24:54 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:25:04 PM): Has any ine seen yourr pussy dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:25:08 PM): a teacher dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:25:12 PM): or dad tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:25:13 PM): teacher? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:25:14 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:25:15 PM): or starnger dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:25:17 PM): really tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:25:20 PM): no just my old bf dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:25:45 PM): when you cvome to sd are you able to go to the mall and get away from fam? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:25:50 PM): so we could meet? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:25:59 PM): wen? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:26:06 PM): some time you come down here dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:26:11 PM): do you visit often? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:26:15 PM): u ever go 2 la? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:26:29 PM): not to much if if did where would we meet? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:26:42 PM): i dunno maybe at mall or something tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:26:56 PM): is that ok? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:27:04 PM): ya maybe some time i go out there dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:27:14 PM): but its better ere because we can come back to my palce tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:27:16 PM): thats cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:27:36 PM): yah but i dont drive dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:27:40 PM): hey i better get going but am very interested so we need to stay im contact ok dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:27:45 PM): you never visit fam out here? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:27:48 PM): yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:27:54 PM): u live by urself? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:27:56 PM): yes tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:28:02 PM): cool dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:28:09 PM): can you get out here soon? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:28:12 PM): i dunno dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:28:17 PM): just try ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:28:23 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:28:30 PM): height? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:28:31 PM): weight? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:28:41 PM): wat? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:28:51 PM): look at my pic u can tell dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:28:54 PM): hey do you have a digtal camera? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:29:00 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:29:04 PM): 5-2 85 dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:29:06 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:29:14 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:29:15 PM): wat? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:29:20 PM): ohhhh tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:29:24 PM): yah bout that tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:29:26 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:29:38 PM): If you visit me would you do anything i ask sexually? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:29:47 PM): like wat? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:29:55 PM): yes or no:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:30:03 PM): yah i guess dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:30:10 PM): you wnat to feel me in you dont you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:30:20 PM): u want me 2? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:30:24 PM): yes dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:30:25 PM): do you tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:30:31 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:30:41 PM): take some nudes for me dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:30:43 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:30:51 PM): i dont have camra dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:30:59 PM): who took those pics dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:31:01 PM): you have tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:31:08 PM): my aunt tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:31:11 PM): my dad dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:31:30 PM): you have never done any sexy pics infornt of them tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:31:39 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:32:05 PM): have you ever sat on dads lap and felt him hard or any other man? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:32:17 PM): no (this guy makes me sick!) dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:32:32 PM): do you have any more pics? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:32:43 PM): who do you think could take a nude for you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:32:46 PM): i dunno i hafta look dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:32:51 PM): any fam or friend? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:32:52 PM): lol nobody tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:32:54 PM): noooooooo dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:33:03 PM): what about a girl friend tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:33:18 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:33:36 PM): so how many times where you with your ex tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:33:49 PM): a few times tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:33:55 PM): i didnt count dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:34:00 PM): did he ever make you do anything naughty tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:34:04 PM): liek wat dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:34:15 PM): suck his cock dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:34:23 PM): lick his ass dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:34:33 PM): swallow his cum dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:34:34 PM): ? (UGH!) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:34:43 PM): kinda dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:34:49 PM): you did all that tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:34:52 PM): not all dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:34:57 PM): what did you do tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:35:07 PM): the 1st one dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:35:17 PM): ddi you like it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:35:31 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:35:40 PM): di he cum in your moth or on your face? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:35:57 PM): mouth dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:36:04 PM): you like it? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:36:11 PM): yah its ok dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:36:17 PM): did you swallow it? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:36:21 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:36:32 PM): did he fuck you in the ass? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:36:36 PM): no dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:36:55 PM): he never showed you off to his friends? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:37:08 PM): ? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:37:13 PM): nude tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:37:21 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:37:25 PM): y? dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:37:30 PM): just curiouse tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:37:35 PM): o dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:37:41 PM): did he ever lick yuor pussy? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:37:49 PM): yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:37:54 PM): u ask lots of questions dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:37:54 PM): you like that dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:37:56 PM): :) dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:38:04 PM): ask me then tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:38:06 PM): y u askin me so many questins dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:38:14 PM): just curiouse tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:38:20 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:38:46 PM): so any plans for this weekend? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:39:02 PM): yah my aunt is here tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:39:08 PM): we gonna bbq in lil bit dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:39:13 PM): thats cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:39:18 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:39:35 PM): wek i also better get going but im very ionterested in chaing more and meeting dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:39:36 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:39:43 PM): yah me 2 dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:39:44 PM): try and get more pics tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:39:50 PM): cya later dtwnsd (09/02/06 6:39:50 PM): cool nice to meet you tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:39:53 PM): u 2 tiffanyjoy2cute (09/02/06 6:40:02 PM): bye tiffanyjoy2cute (09/03/06 5:47:43 PM): hey just wanted 2 say hi dtwnsd (09/04/06 1:05:12 AM): whats up how have you bee? dtwnsd (09/04/06 1:05:12 AM): been? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 3:52:58 PM): hey i hope u had good wkend dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:57:01 PM): not to bad i just kinda did nothing, what about you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:57:15 PM): hi tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:57:16 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:57:24 PM): what did you do? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:57:33 PM): when? dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:57:43 PM): this weekend? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:57:47 PM): oh tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:57:47 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:57:58 PM): my cousin visiting tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:58:05 PM): hanging out wit her tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:58:10 PM): u have good weekend? dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:58:12 PM): her age? dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:58:20 PM): ya it was ok not bad not good tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:58:34 PM): oh tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:58:53 PM): we had bbq tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:58:56 PM): it was yummy dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:59:13 PM): cool dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:59:17 PM): how old is she tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:59:25 PM): 15 dtwnsd (09/04/06 9:59:49 PM): thats cool , so is she there with you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 9:59:52 PM): yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:00:00 PM): she leaves tomorow i think dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:00:02 PM): did you tell her about me? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:00:13 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:00:22 PM): i told her i talk 2 friends on im dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:00:27 PM): is she from san diego? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:00:30 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:00:32 PM): colorado dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:00:39 PM): ok so she is from far away tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:00:53 PM): yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:01:07 PM): u gonna b on for bit? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:01:14 PM): well thsats cool she as there for a while dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:01:18 PM): ya ill be here tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:01:26 PM): k i gotta go do dishes tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:01:30 PM): bbiab dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:01:35 PM): have her take some pics of you dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:01:37 PM): for me tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:09:34 PM): k u there? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:09:39 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:09:51 PM): we played mini golf dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:09:53 PM): tell her to take some pics of you for me dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:09:57 PM): really how was that tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:10:00 PM): she dont have cam tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:10:04 PM): it was fun tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:10:07 PM): i suck dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:10:11 PM): :) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:10:13 PM): i dont do very good dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:10:23 PM): thats ok its just for fun tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:10:25 PM): yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:10:30 PM): u play golf rite? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:10:55 PM): ya i have but im not very good tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:11:10 PM): yah u prolly better then me dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:11:21 PM): maybe:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:11:30 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:11:44 PM): So when you comming to sd? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:11:56 PM): i dunno dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:12:06 PM): Do you have more pics? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:12:20 PM): u see pic in im box? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:12:30 PM): ya but its small tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:12:44 PM): hmmm dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:13:06 PM): i like that pic best tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:13:15 PM): awww tku dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:13:19 PM): hae you thought about what we talked about (no but I've thought about how happy I will be when you're busted) dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:13:20 PM): yw tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:13:25 PM): wats that? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:13:53 PM): helloooo dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:14:58 PM): hello tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:15:16 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:15:20 PM): u r funny tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:15:26 PM): wat u want me to think bout? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:15:29 PM): ya dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:15:41 PM): i want you to be horney thinking about me:)(uhh, no!) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:15:47 PM): rly? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:15:49 PM): u do? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:15:57 PM): ya dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:16:06 PM): do you ever get horney? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:16:18 PM): ummm not by myself dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:16:49 PM): do you ever masterbate? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:16:52 PM): have you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:16:54 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:17:25 PM): y? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:17:30 PM): im curiouse tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:17:34 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:17:42 PM): will you for me if i want you to? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:17:49 PM): where? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:17:58 PM): in your bed room or bathroom tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:18:25 PM): by myself? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:18:42 PM): well who else would you want there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:19:06 PM): i nvr done that b4 dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:19:14 PM): i want you to ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:19:36 PM): i want you to try some new things ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:19:42 PM): and then tell me how they go tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:19:53 PM): i rather do wit someone not by myself dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:19:58 PM): i know dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:20:18 PM): but you will like dont worry, i also want you to do other things i ask dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:20:23 PM): will you do what i ask tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:20:36 PM): i guess dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:21:01 PM): what are you wearing tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:21:12 PM): sweats and t-shirt dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:21:26 PM): who os there at your house tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:21:44 PM): dad aunt uncle cousin dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:22:03 PM): dad has never seen you naked? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:22:10 PM): wen i was little dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:22:36 PM): when no one else is around i wnat you to let him catcj you naked and seee what he sayz dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:22:38 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:22:41 PM): or uncle tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:22:46 PM): no dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:23:05 PM): why not tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:23:09 PM): y? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:23:23 PM): So you can see how they react dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:23:38 PM): just make sure it seems like a mistake tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:23:42 PM): y do i wanna do that tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:23:55 PM): my dad dont wanna see me nakie dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:24:29 PM): sometimes people dont but like what they see anyway dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:24:43 PM): its like you dont want to see him but might like to see him hard (seeing my dad hard is the last thing in the world I want) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:24:45 PM): no my dad dont wanna see me nakie tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:24:56 PM): no i dont wanna see my dad nakie tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:25:04 PM): i dont care wat he looks like tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:25:13 PM): he's my dad that would be gross dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:25:40 PM): well i just say him becasue there are no othe guys around are there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:25:49 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:25:55 PM): but i still dont wanna see my da tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:25:57 PM): dad tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:26:01 PM): thats gross dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:26:07 PM): thats ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:26:16 PM): ill figure somthing out:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:26:20 PM): k dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:26:28 PM): i still wnat you to masterbate for me dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:26:31 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:26:39 PM): wit u there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:26:51 PM): im not doing it by myself ya kno tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:26:59 PM): i dont even kno how 2 do it dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:27:16 PM): ill tell you dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:27:19 PM): can you know? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:27:30 PM): wat? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:27:48 PM): can you do it right know tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:27:51 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:27:58 PM): i dont wanna do cyber stuff tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:28:00 PM): thats so fake dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:28:14 PM): no its not about that you can do it and tell me later ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:28:24 PM): i want you yto do it with somthing you can stick in you tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:28:28 PM): no cuz i dont kno how 2 do it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:28:34 PM): i only do stuff in person dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:28:56 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:29:01 PM): did you start school yet? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:29:07 PM): no i start on wed. dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:29:19 PM): ok hey i wnat you tpo do somthing in school for me tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:29:27 PM): wat? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:30:07 PM): on wed-fri one of those days i wnat you to wear a skirt and no panties and let one of your male teachers see your legs open in class tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:30:20 PM): wat???? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:30:25 PM): :) dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:31:00 PM): I want you to sit in your desk no panties open legs infornt of a teacher but play dumb like you have no idea dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:31:06 PM): and see what he says or does dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:31:12 PM): it wont be bad dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:31:15 PM): dont owrry tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:31:19 PM): no i hafta wear panties 2 school tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:31:32 PM): i would get in trouble dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:31:40 PM): how would your parents know dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:31:54 PM): go to school and take them off there in the bathroom (yeah, it's not like the school would want to expel me) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:32:04 PM): i dunno dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:32:24 PM): just wait to see who your teachers are and then will see ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:32:29 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:32:38 PM): i will kno on wed dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:32:43 PM): ok cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:33:03 PM): guess wat? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:33:09 PM): i want you to start to show things but acting like you have no idea and see how guys react ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:33:11 PM): what? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:33:25 PM): my dads goin up north nxt weekend! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:33:28 PM): yay! dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:33:37 PM): really so what does that mean? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:33:48 PM): i get 2 hang at home!!!! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:33:52 PM): i dont hafta go wit him dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:33:54 PM): where will mom be? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:33:58 PM): no mom tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:34:04 PM): jus me and dad dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:34:11 PM): really youll be alone? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:34:16 PM): yah!!!! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:34:23 PM): im so ecited! dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:34:36 PM): how long will he be gone for? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:34:45 PM): hole weekned dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:34:58 PM): has he dont that before? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:35:06 PM): yah 2 times dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:35:19 PM): did you do anyhting bad when he did? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:35:23 PM): bad? (I ate a whole carton of ice cream?) dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:35:30 PM): sex tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:35:38 PM): no i jus hung at home dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:35:39 PM): or freids over tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:35:43 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:35:46 PM): what part of la you from? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:35:53 PM): long bch tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:35:57 PM): u kno it? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:36:04 PM): ok , ya you in a house? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:36:10 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:36:19 PM): cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:36:20 PM): jus me and dad tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:36:22 PM): yah! dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:36:53 PM): well if not this time thats when will meet up when he leaves for a day or two tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:37:08 PM): when ? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:37:17 PM): does he leave often? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:37:23 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:37:24 PM): i wish dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:37:38 PM): well stay in touch and will fihure it out tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:37:45 PM): wat??? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:38:00 PM): just tell me when he does and we will figure it out tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:38:09 PM): wen he leaves? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:38:27 PM): ya but i dont think i can this weekend but ill tell you latter tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:38:34 PM): awwww tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:38:37 PM): how come? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:38:45 PM): might have to go to bakersfield tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:38:53 PM): 4 work? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:38:56 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:39:02 PM): awwww tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:39:06 PM): that sux tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:39:11 PM): u hafta take a plane? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:39:13 PM): but if not ill go see you dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:39:19 PM): no drive tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:39:27 PM): can u come see me b4 u go? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:39:37 PM): if i leave it would be friday dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:39:51 PM): are you fsr from bakerfield dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:39:53 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:39:57 PM): im in la tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:40:09 PM): do u hafta drive past la? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:40:18 PM): can u look at map? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:40:31 PM): im not sure never been to bakersfield ill look ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:40:40 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:40:41 PM): cool dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:40:57 PM): have you meet any other older guys online yet? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:41:04 PM): no dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:41:15 PM): who have you met? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:41:19 PM): u tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:41:24 PM): y? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:41:28 PM): just curiouse tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:41:31 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:41:34 PM): u look at map? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:41:36 PM): why no one else? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:41:40 PM): ill look one sec tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:41:43 PM): i dunno tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:41:52 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:42:54 PM): helloooo dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:43:11 PM): ya dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:43:13 PM): im looking tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:43:16 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:44:08 PM): u find it? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:44:19 PM): i think tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:44:24 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:44:32 PM): wat does it say dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:44:48 PM): i think it may be near la tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:44:57 PM): cool! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:45:03 PM): wen do u go? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:45:15 PM): if it is what day is your dad leaving tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:45:26 PM): fri mornin dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:45:40 PM): ok what day he getting back tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:45:47 PM): sun nite dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:46:06 PM): ya its far from la but i think i have to pas through dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:46:16 PM): but im not sure tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:46:27 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:46:35 PM): i hope u can dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:47:00 PM): if i do there inst anyone there that will tell your dad if they see me dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:47:04 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:47:18 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:47:22 PM): its cool dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:47:25 PM): cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:47:34 PM): i can say ur my cousin from sd tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:47:35 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:47:42 PM): ya ill try i want to tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:47:48 PM): yay! dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:47:48 PM): ya ill just stay inside:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:47:53 PM): yah cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:47:58 PM): wen do u go? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:48:04 PM): fri or sat dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:48:06 PM): not sure yet tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:48:09 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:48:27 PM): u got cell? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:48:42 PM): ya do you tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:48:51 PM): no :( dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:49:16 PM): well ill be sure to exchange info before i go over there ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:49:17 PM): i want 2 get 1 for my b day tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:49:21 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:49:22 PM): cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:49:39 PM): i gotta new pink skirt i can wear tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:49:41 PM): k? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:49:44 PM): are you going to be able to handle me dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:49:52 PM): ya wear that untill i pull it off:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:49:57 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:50:13 PM): u got more pix? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:50:30 PM): ya a few more but ill shpw you latter tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:50:35 PM): i dont have camra 2 take pix of me dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:50:40 PM): i do tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:50:42 PM): k cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:50:43 PM): u do? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:50:49 PM): i can take some when i go there (yeah pix were taken but not the kind you expected) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:50:52 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:50:55 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:51:06 PM): will you do anything i ask dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:51:16 PM): im going to have lots of fun with you (no, you're going to have lots of fun with the cops) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:51:20 PM): yah but i dont wanna jump off no roof tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:51:24 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:51:26 PM): sexually:) dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:51:29 PM): dont worry tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:51:32 PM): ohhhh tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:51:33 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:51:34 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:51:48 PM): you will be doing lots of naughty things tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:51:52 PM): like wat will we do dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:52:05 PM): you will suck me swallow it dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:52:14 PM): i will give you anal dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:52:30 PM): make you lick my ass and a lot more:) (in your dreams!) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:52:35 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:52:42 PM): u got condoms? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:52:52 PM): yes tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:53:03 PM): k good tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:53:39 PM): yay! we r gonna have fun! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:54:01 PM): u there? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:54:03 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:54:06 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:54:43 PM): wen do u kno wen ur goin? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:55:15 PM): like thursday tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:55:20 PM): oh ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:55:38 PM): where do u wrk? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:55:38 PM): do you have a chest yet? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:55:52 PM): chest? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:55:53 PM): y? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:55:59 PM): curiouse dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:56:02 PM): do you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:56:09 PM): not much tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:56:13 PM): sorry dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:56:17 PM): thats ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:56:19 PM): k dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:56:24 PM): hair down there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:56:31 PM): not rly tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:56:34 PM): y? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:56:38 PM): thats cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:56:44 PM): its ok? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:57:10 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:57:20 PM): im gonna b thinkin bout u dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:57:26 PM): good tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:58:00 PM): if u cant come im gona cry tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:58:28 PM): hey dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:58:31 PM): dont tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:58:41 PM): u busy? dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:58:45 PM): cry dtwnsd (09/04/06 10:58:50 PM): one sec tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:58:52 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:59:11 PM): brb gonna go 2 bathroom and get drink tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 10:59:12 PM): k? dtwnsd (09/04/06 11:01:51 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/04/06 11:02:01 PM): I had a phone call tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 11:04:54 PM): k im bk dtwnsd (09/04/06 11:05:10 PM): cool dtwnsd (09/04/06 11:05:23 PM): hey i better get going but ill try my best ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 11:05:27 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/04/06 11:05:35 PM): have good nite dtwnsd (09/04/06 11:05:40 PM): you to tiffanyjoy2cute (09/05/06 10:38:58 PM): hey u jus sayin hi tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:19:14 PM): hey u! dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:19:23 PM): whats up tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:19:29 PM): nuthin dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:19:32 PM): did you have school today' tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:19:34 PM): wats up wit u tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:19:36 PM): yep tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:19:39 PM): 1st day! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:19:40 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:19:43 PM): how was it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:20:00 PM): good tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:20:01 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:20:08 PM): hows ur day dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:20:37 PM): not to bad still kinda busy but its cool dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:20:42 PM): so any male teachers? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:20:49 PM): nope dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:21:09 PM): really dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:21:12 PM): that sucks tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:21:25 PM): yah i guess tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:22:03 PM): u busy at work? dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:22:06 PM): kinda dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:22:10 PM): but we can chat a bit dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:22:20 PM): are you home alone? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:22:35 PM): no im getting ready 2 go 2 the store wit my dad dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:22:44 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:22:50 PM): look for me latte tonight dtwnsd (09/06/06 4:22:51 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:22:55 PM): ok i will tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:22:56 PM): promis tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 4:23:00 PM): k ttyl tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:16:14 PM): hi!!!! dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:16:22 PM): what you doing? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:16:31 PM): nothin now tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:16:34 PM): wat u doin? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:16:42 PM): not to much dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:16:46 PM): what you wearing? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:16:57 PM): skirt shirt tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:01 PM): u at work? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:17:13 PM): ya for a little bit longer tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:19 PM): o dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:17:19 PM): short skirt? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:25 PM): kinda tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:33 PM): its not by my knees dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:17:38 PM): any guys check you out? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:45 PM): u find out bout this wekend? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:50 PM): lol i dunno dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:17:53 PM): not sure yet tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:57 PM): awwww tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:17:58 PM): dang dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:18:01 PM): you home alone? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:18:03 PM): right know tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:18:08 PM): no dads here dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:18:17 PM): he in a differnt room? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:18:26 PM): hes in kitcen dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:18:28 PM): is the computer in your room? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:18:31 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:18:51 PM): do you ever walk arounf in your underwaer? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:19:03 PM): no lol not rly dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:19:40 PM): is it hot out there tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:19:49 PM): lol its ok dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:20:04 PM): do you have any thong underwear? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:20:11 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:20:15 PM): jus bikinis dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:20:47 PM): i wnat you to wer your skirt with no panties tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:20:56 PM): wen dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:21:00 PM): right know tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:21:07 PM): y? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:21:12 PM): just do oit dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:21:15 PM): take them off tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:21:32 PM): k but im not doin no cyber stuff dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:21:39 PM): i dont want you to dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:21:41 PM): are they off tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:21:51 PM): k yah dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:21:54 PM): im going to make you becokme a naughty girl dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:22:01 PM): :) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:22:03 PM): uh oh lol dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:22:58 PM): im gogint o make you expose yoursekf to people here and there dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:23:06 PM): and have you play dumb tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:23:08 PM): im not goin anyplace tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:23:20 PM): i hafta do hw in sec dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:23:23 PM): In home or out tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:23:33 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:23:36 PM): im gonna do hw dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:23:45 PM): one min tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:23:46 PM): im my room tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:23:47 PM): k dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:23:53 PM): firsty do what i ask tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:24:02 PM): wat? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:24:17 PM): i wnat you to get on the bed with your but towards the door where your little but stiks aout just a little dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:24:38 PM): so thsat if dad walks in you play dumb that you are doing school work and have no idea tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:25:03 PM): nah dad not comin in he jus yells 4 me tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:25:25 PM): he knos i dont go round the house wit my undies off tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:25:33 PM): he prolly start laffin at me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:25:44 PM): well then do this dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:26:13 PM): let your ass hang out dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:26:16 PM): with them on tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:26:24 PM): hes still gonna laff at me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:26:25 PM): but act like you have no idea tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:26:33 PM): yah he gonna be crackin up dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:26:42 PM): well then do it with no undies and if he askes tell him its to hot tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:26:45 PM): then hes gonna ask me if im on drugs dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:27:05 PM): tell him its to hot and that he wasnt sopose to see tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:27:13 PM): i cant reach puter if im on my bed dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:27:43 PM): but make sure he does cross your legs on couch where he will see you make sure he can see your pussy and put book on lap dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:27:49 PM): pretend like you have no idea tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:28:05 PM): no im not goin out a my room wit out my undies tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:28:19 PM): my dad will take me 2 loony farm dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:28:19 PM): he never goes in your room? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:28:24 PM): sometimes dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:28:34 PM): well do what i asked when you are sure he will be in there tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:28:42 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:28:43 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:28:46 PM): i can try dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:28:47 PM): and if he askes tell him its to hot and he wasnt soposed to see tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:28:53 PM): but i prolly start laffin dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:29:18 PM): just try and if you lagh just close legs and try again alyyer dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:29:23 PM): i wnat him to see your pussy dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:29:37 PM): and you have to be sure he sees but play dumb dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:29:38 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:29:49 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:29:52 PM): yah i dunno dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:29:57 PM): do it for me tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:29:58 PM): i feel kinda silly dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:30:04 PM): i laready gave yopu good excuse tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:30:10 PM): k only if u come see me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:30:12 PM): its hot and he wanst sopose to see dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:30:34 PM): I will if you do it dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:30:45 PM): and you beter tell me if he says anythig tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:30:48 PM): yah if u come see me i will dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:30:52 PM): ok i will dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:30:59 PM): will you make sure he ses your puss? (no, but i'll make sure he sees my new boots!) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:31:00 PM): k u gonna come on fri? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:31:05 PM): fri or sat tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:31:13 PM): k wen will u kno dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:31:21 PM): tommorow tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:31:26 PM): k cool dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:31:34 PM): will you be sure he sees your puss? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:31:39 PM): yah if i can tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:31:43 PM): i try not 2 laff dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:31:51 PM): or else take a shower dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:31:59 PM): and then it might beeaiser right after? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:32:09 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:32:21 PM): i dont htink he care if he see me nakie tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:32:29 PM): he jus keep goin dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:32:31 PM): has he ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:32:37 PM): long time ago dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:32:42 PM): how lng ago? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:32:53 PM): lol i dunno when i was smaller dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:33:04 PM): ya but thats because you where smaller know you are growing up tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:33:23 PM): yah but he sees me in my bathin suit he dont care dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:33:34 PM): ya but he dosnt see your puss? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:33:36 PM): does he tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:33:45 PM): no dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:34:16 PM): you need to show him either with legs open or aying down fromm behind ass and pussy (you are disgusting!) dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:34:29 PM): you can act liek you have no idea skirt is up dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:34:33 PM): while reading tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:34:48 PM): yah but im not gonna be on my bed wen i do hw tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:34:54 PM): i sit at my deks dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:34:56 PM): where will you be tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:35:01 PM): my desk dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:35:05 PM): can you go to the couch tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:35:09 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:35:12 PM): my desk tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:35:15 PM): so i have puter dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:35:26 PM): ok well try to somehow today ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:35:33 PM): k dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:35:42 PM): and tell em what happends tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:35:46 PM): lol i dunno hes gonan think im crazy tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:35:52 PM): i kno he gonna laff at me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:36:00 PM): you have to act liek you had no idea tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:36:10 PM): yah but he still laff at me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:36:13 PM): but make sure he sees tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:36:19 PM): u dont kno my dad dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:36:23 PM): so he laughs who cares tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:36:23 PM): he laff at everything dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:36:29 PM): well thnats good tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:36:39 PM): then he tell me 2 get my undies on tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:37:11 PM): my dad gonna think im wierd dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:37:57 PM): just tell him its hot and that you diodnt mean for him to see and if it bothers him that they are off because you liek it like that:) (sure, most girls run around in front of their dad without panties) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:38:21 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:38:28 PM): hey i wnat more pics or alteast bigger ones tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:38:39 PM): wat pic u got? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:38:46 PM): two you sent dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:38:52 PM): i lie this one on side but its to small tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:38:58 PM): yah ok dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:39:08 PM): uoi have more/? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:39:17 PM): 1 sec k dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:39:22 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:43:13 PM): k i sent dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:43:29 PM): nice any more? of your whold body like that tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:43:46 PM): ummm no i think that all dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:44:12 PM): how old is the one in purple? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:44:25 PM): in im box? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:44:37 PM): ya dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:44:41 PM): whe did you take it? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:44:48 PM): umm tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:44:52 PM): thinkin tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:44:59 PM): mebbe month ago dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:45:17 PM): its nice tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:45:22 PM): tku tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:45:28 PM): i like ur pix 2 dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:45:31 PM): so where had you met your ex dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:45:37 PM): yhe guy ypu met? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:45:38 PM): ty tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:45:46 PM): freinds dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:45:58 PM): from la? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:46:05 PM): does your dad know him? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:46:14 PM): i think he met him b4 dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:46:33 PM): did you wnat toi mees around with him or did he fprce you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:46:41 PM): ? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:47:11 PM): did you want to mess aroud with him or did he force you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:47:28 PM): i messed wit him he didnt force me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:48:08 PM): did he fit all the way in you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:48:20 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:48:22 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:48:34 PM): did it hurt tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:48:42 PM): 1st time did kinda yah dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:48:53 PM): you liked it after? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:49:00 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:49:11 PM): you dot see him anymore? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:49:31 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:49:37 PM): its ok dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:50:14 PM): why not tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:50:23 PM): wat? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:50:30 PM): cuz we broke up tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:50:33 PM): he dont live here dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:50:36 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:50:49 PM): yah dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:51:00 PM): well do your work look for me in a bit dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:51:05 PM): and try what i asked dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:51:06 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:51:13 PM): i will if ur comin 2 see me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:51:21 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:51:23 PM): then do it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:51:30 PM): u gotta promis ur gonna come see me dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:51:45 PM): i will i promise tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:51:49 PM): u got cell phone? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:51:56 PM): ya but not yet tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:52:01 PM): not yet wat? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:52:13 PM): im not doin nothin til i kno ur comin an i can call u dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:52:22 PM): i dont want your dad to be able to see you are calling san diego dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:52:31 PM): he can see on the phone bill tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:52:38 PM): it ok i got lots of frends in sd tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:52:45 PM): he dont care if i call them tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:52:50 PM): wat ur #? dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:53:03 PM): ok then the day i go up thre ill give you my # dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:53:07 PM): dont worry tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:53:35 PM): k then wen i get ur # an kno ur comin i will do it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:53:43 PM): mebbe tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:53:44 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:53:58 PM): will talk later go do your work tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:54:08 PM): u go do urs tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:54:10 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:54:17 PM): i got hw 2 do dtwnsd (09/06/06 6:54:21 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 6:54:24 PM): cya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:03:24 PM): hey u there? dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:03:57 PM): whats up dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:04:04 PM): did you do what i asked tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:04:13 PM): no not yet tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:04:20 PM): not til i kno u comin 2 see me dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:04:52 PM): you like tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:05:03 PM): yah is it u dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:05:13 PM): ya dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:05:22 PM): want to see more dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:05:37 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:06:10 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:06:34 PM): u got more? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:07:46 PM): u got big flash in the pic (I'm sure that's not the 1st thing he expected me to say) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:07:47 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:08:09 PM): you like? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:08:27 PM): yah u r big dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:09:52 PM): yep tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:09:58 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:10:06 PM): do you have other fredns that also like the same? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:10:58 PM): brb dad needs me dtwnsd (09/06/06 9:11:08 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:59:14 PM): hey sorry tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:59:15 PM): u still there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 9:59:46 PM): dang dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:09:44 PM): hello dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:09:46 PM): you thrtre? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:10:44 PM): yah im here dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:10:51 PM): cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:10:56 PM): wat u doin dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:10:59 PM): so what diud you do for dad dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:11:02 PM): nothing tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:11:17 PM): u workin dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:11:31 PM): no just chillin dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:11:38 PM): what you waering tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:11:38 PM): cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:11:45 PM): sweats tshirt dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:11:59 PM): i wnat you to do what i said dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:12:00 PM): :) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:12:19 PM): yah an i want u 2 do wat i sad 2 dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:12:36 PM): ya but you are soposed to do what i say remeber?:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:12:47 PM): yah an u need 2 do as i say 2 dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:13:13 PM): dosent work like that yet:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:13:26 PM): it dont tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:13:29 PM): how come dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:13:45 PM): im the man and you need to do what i ask:)(Not much of a man are you?) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:14:00 PM): o oops tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:14:01 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:14:37 PM): wat is it dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:14:38 PM): or else none of this tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:14:49 PM): uh oh! dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:15:31 PM): you want ti right? dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:15:34 PM): it? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:15:43 PM): yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:15:46 PM): dang its big dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:16:15 PM): if you want it you better prove it to me dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:16:30 PM): you need to show dad or stick somthing inside of you dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:16:36 PM): pic? dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:16:45 PM): wich one tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:16:46 PM): u want me 2 sho my dad my butt tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:17:06 PM): hes gonna tell me 2 put clohes on tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:17:16 PM): my dads gonna think im on drugs dude dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:17:21 PM): not but but and vagina or justy vagina dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:17:27 PM): and it need toi not be obviouse dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:17:33 PM): just like you have no idea tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:17:42 PM): k u gonna come see me? dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:17:48 PM): yes dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:17:57 PM): what are you going to do? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:17:58 PM): k wen dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:17:58 PM): how? dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:18:05 PM): fri or sat dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:18:11 PM): prop sat tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:18:15 PM): k u gonna let me kno tomoro dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:18:19 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:18:22 PM): k cool dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:18:30 PM): what are you gogint o do for me? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:18:36 PM): u kno wat time sat cuz i wanna mak sur im rdy dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:18:47 PM): it would be like 2 dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:18:49 PM): 3 tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:18:53 PM): yah i try 2 have undies off tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:19:13 PM): k dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:19:13 PM): you can eave them on i can help you with that tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:19:14 PM): u not goin out town dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:19:19 PM): dont think so tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:19:20 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:19:26 PM): k cool dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:19:34 PM): what are you going to do tonight for me?(Not a damn thing!) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:19:45 PM): i try to have my undies off tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:19:53 PM): mebbe wen i get rdy 4 bed k dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:20:00 PM): give me your plan? dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:20:10 PM): when does he come in your room? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:20:34 PM): k wen i get rdy 4 bed an im goin from my rm 2 batroom i will go wit my pants off tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:20:37 PM): k? dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:20:52 PM): naked? dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:20:57 PM): or with skirt? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:21:21 PM): no i got on sweats now tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:21:29 PM): i just take off sweats n go dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:21:38 PM): do you would be naked dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:21:40 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:22:02 PM): ? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:22:04 PM): wat? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/06/06 10:22:12 PM): 1 sec dad agin dtwnsd (09/06/06 10:22:28 PM): when you take panties off and sweats will you be waering nothing in the hall? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/07/06 6:15:15 PM): hey! jus sayin hi! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/07/06 10:33:07 PM): hey u where r u dtwnsd (09/08/06 12:37:20 AM): hello tiffanyjoy2cute (09/08/06 6:50:27 PM): hi jus wantd 2 ck in wit u tiffanyjoy2cute (09/08/06 11:34:04 PM): hey i wish u were on im bored i wanna talk 2 u tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 1:10:46 PM): hiiiiiiiiii!!! u ever comin bk on? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:46:12 PM): you there? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:46:15 PM): i had to work tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:46:25 PM): hey! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:46:27 PM): wat u doin? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:46:40 PM): i was soposed to meet someone for business but they canceled tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:46:44 PM): awwww dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:46:45 PM): nice pic is it new? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:46:49 PM): that sux dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:46:52 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:46:53 PM): tku no dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:47:00 PM): send me that one a;sp tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:47:06 PM): k 1 sec dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:47:08 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:47:21 PM): have you been bad at all since dad left?(I ate another carton of ice cream, does that count?) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:47:46 PM): no im bored tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:47:47 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:47:59 PM): i wish you could drive tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:48:07 PM): yah me 2 lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:48:10 PM): u can drive dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:48:27 PM): ya but i have to mee the person from today tommorow know tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:48:48 PM): yah u wanna come over tonite? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:49:01 PM): how long would it take me to get there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:49:16 PM): u r in sd? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:49:19 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:49:29 PM): um i think like hour or 2 dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:49:41 PM): whats your address tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:49:48 PM): u gonna come see me? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:49:48 PM): ill look it up on map quest dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:50:03 PM): maybe but dosent leave much time thats 4 hours of just driving tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:50:26 PM): ohhh tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:50:36 PM): u can stay tonite then leave in mornin if u want dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:50:42 PM): whats the address and ill see how long it says it will take me tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:50:58 PM): address tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:51:04 PM): long bch tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:51:47 PM): u see it? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:51:52 PM): ? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:51:56 PM): looking tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:51:59 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:52:06 PM): zip? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:52:14 PM): zip tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:53:07 PM): u see it? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:53:11 PM): nope dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:53:13 PM): looking tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:53:17 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:53:46 PM): address tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:55:04 PM): helllooooo? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:55:09 PM): still looking tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:55:12 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:55:16 PM): wat u lookin at? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:56:22 PM): an hour and a half tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:56:30 PM): that it? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:56:35 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:56:36 PM): thats not long dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:56:42 PM): not to bad tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:56:47 PM): yah!!! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:56:57 PM): its not far tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:57:14 PM): i kno wen we go to sd it dont take too long dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:57:55 PM): what are you doing? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:02 PM): talkin 2 u tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:06 PM): was doin hw tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:12 PM): bein bored dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:58:19 PM): no one will be checking up on you? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:22 PM): nope dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:58:29 PM): when does he get back? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:32 PM): my dad will call later tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:34 PM): tomorow dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:58:38 PM): what time? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:42 PM): tomorow? dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:58:48 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:58:58 PM): i dunno he said late tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:59:06 PM): cuz they gonna work on his frends roof dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:59:16 PM): send me more pics o you including the one on profie; tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:59:22 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:59:28 PM): only if ur comin 2 see me tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:59:29 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:59:41 PM): i wnaty to but its cutting time close dtwnsd (09/09/06 6:59:47 PM): will yuo do anything i ask? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:59:48 PM): y? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 6:59:52 PM): wen u come? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:00:00 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:00:17 PM): yah but i dont wanna jump off brige or anything liek that dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:00:26 PM): just sexuall?:) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:00:33 PM): lol yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:00:43 PM): ;;) dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:01:07 PM): whats your phone #? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:01:57 PM): oops sorry tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:02:11 PM): phone # tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:02:18 PM): u gonna call me? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:02:35 PM): when i get near there if i go tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:02:48 PM): o forget it tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:02:53 PM): u jus messin wit me dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:02:56 PM): wait i have to make sure i can tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:03:01 PM): watever dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:03:07 PM): its up to upi dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:03:10 PM): you wnat me to? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:03:34 PM): yah i want u 2 come but i think ur jus messin wit me dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:03:45 PM): no im thinking about if i can or not dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:03:49 PM): so give me a min ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:04:04 PM): yah ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:05:31 PM): u there? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:05:36 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:06:14 PM): so wat u doin dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:06:21 PM): if i go i have yahoo messaging on my phone so i might not call but will still be able to text you so that you know that id still be on my way but using my phone ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:06:37 PM): ok you gonna im me wit ur phone? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:06:50 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:06:55 PM): oooh k dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:06:58 PM): so mkae sure to keep your computer on tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:07:11 PM): yah i will dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:07:13 PM): send me those pics real quick i think im gopgi to go see you tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:07:16 PM): im not goin no place tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:07:33 PM): u r not messin wit me? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:07:52 PM): i want to im just kinda nervouse:) dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:07:57 PM): i think i am dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:08:16 PM): kust when i get there ill im you and just go meet me at the door ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:08:18 PM): we can go in hot tub if u want tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:08:24 PM): yah! i can dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:08:28 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:08:34 PM): u wanna give me ur fone number 2? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:08:50 PM): ya but i dont really feel comfortable calling unless i have to dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:08:56 PM): rather im you tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:09:01 PM): it ok if u call tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:09:12 PM): it b nice 2 hear ur voice tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:09:13 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:09:24 PM): send me those pics and ill call on the way up dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:09:35 PM): i just wrote directiins down tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:09:39 PM): u want pic in im box? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:09:57 PM): hello tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:10:22 PM): helo? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:10:34 PM): do u want the pic in my im box? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:10:41 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:10:45 PM): k 1 sec tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:10:57 PM): then u kno who i am wen u see me lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:11:02 PM): :) dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:11:03 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:11:51 PM): k i send it dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:12:13 PM): ill go look tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:12:17 PM): k dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:13:06 PM): hey im going over tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:13:13 PM): going over? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:13:20 PM): is your house easy to find? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:13:25 PM): yah!!! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:13:32 PM): u got map? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:13:34 PM): good neighboorhood? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:13:37 PM): yah! tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:13:39 PM): lol tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:13:44 PM): its not hood! dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:13:47 PM): i wrote directions down tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:13:57 PM): k tell me wat is says dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:14:15 PM): street exit street dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:14:21 PM): left e street dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:14:27 PM): right street dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:14:37 PM): left street tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:14:37 PM): u comin from SD? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:14:39 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:14:42 PM): k dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:14:59 PM): i think ill take off right know tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:15:15 PM): ok wat time u b here? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:15:28 PM): 7-7:30 tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:15:41 PM): k yah tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:15:46 PM): u wanna go in hot tub? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:15:50 PM): sure dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:15:54 PM): is it inside dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:15:56 PM): or outside? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:15:59 PM): in bk yard dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:16:04 PM): can people see us? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:16:08 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:16:12 PM): lol dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:16:12 PM): you sure? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:16:13 PM): :) tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:16:18 PM): yah!!! dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:16:23 PM): ok then lets tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:16:29 PM): yay! dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:16:33 PM): im leaving know ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:16:37 PM): k dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:16:44 PM): talk to you in a few tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:16:45 PM): u gonna go on street from SD? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:16:50 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:17:06 PM): k u comin wrong way tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:17:35 PM): helloooo? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:21:02 PM): hey im goin 2 the bathroom if u come back tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:26:53 PM): hey u there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:26:57 PM): im here dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:28:07 PM): im driving tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:28:09 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:28:11 PM): cool tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:28:25 PM): wat u dirve? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:28:29 PM): drive? dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:28:31 PM): cant talk to much because my battery will die tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:28:36 PM): k dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:29:23 PM): grey car hey hold off for a while driving tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:29:32 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 7:42:28 PM): hey u cant take street get here u gotta take street dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:55:14 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/09/06 7:57:13 PM): ok dtwnsd (09/09/06 8:06:33 PM): im almost half way tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:06:40 PM): yay! dtwnsd (09/09/06 8:07:58 PM): ok tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:08:16 PM): can u call me wen u almost here? dtwnsd (09/09/06 8:08:39 PM): ya tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:08:45 PM): k tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:23:38 PM): did u try 2 call me? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:32:04 PM): u there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:37:13 PM): helloooooo? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:37:49 PM): i need 2 go 2 bathroom but dont want 2 miss ur msg tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:39:50 PM): k im back tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:39:52 PM): u there? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:42:44 PM): k i dont kno if i shuld start lookin 4 u tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:42:50 PM): r u gonna call me? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:45:46 PM): hey now im gettin worrid bout u r u ok? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:48:25 PM): ok u r blowin me off i see how u r tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:52:04 PM): thanks a lot im sittin here waitin 4 u and u r blowin me off thanks! dtwnsd (09/09/06 8:55:56 PM): im almost there tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:56:06 PM): k will u call me please? dtwnsd (09/09/06 8:56:34 PM): no tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:56:42 PM): awww how come? tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 8:57:11 PM): where r u? dtwnsd (09/09/06 9:03:21 PM): almost threre tiffanyjoy2cute (09/09/06 9:03:27 PM): k (Thankfully the cops were waiting for him. The loser never got to meet a 13 year old girl and hopefully never does. )