12/14/07 c_meandu (01/04/07 7:47:50 PM): wow, goregous pic decoy name (01/04/07 7:53:37 PM): hi c_meandu (01/04/07 7:53:42 PM): hi decoy name (01/04/07 7:53:50 PM): where did u go c_meandu (01/04/07 7:54:01 PM): different room c_meandu (01/04/07 7:54:09 PM): so, where are you form? c_meandu (01/04/07 7:54:11 PM): from decoy name (01/04/07 7:54:15 PM): oklahoma c_meandu (01/04/07 7:54:19 PM): me too... c_meandu (01/04/07 7:54:21 PM): what town decoy name (01/04/07 7:54:35 PM): umm near lawton c_meandu (01/04/07 7:54:40 PM): cool c_meandu (01/04/07 7:54:43 PM): near Tulsa here decoy name (01/04/07 7:54:56 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 7:55:00 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/04/07 7:56:09 PM): so, what brings you to an adult Oklahoma chat room? decoy name (01/04/07 7:56:20 PM): idk jus bored c_meandu (01/04/07 7:57:12 PM): wow, well you could certainly get rid ofyour boredom in here decoy name (01/04/07 7:57:41 PM): yeah lol decoy name (01/04/07 7:58:39 PM): a/s c_meandu (01/04/07 7:58:47 PM): 43 male decoy name (01/04/07 7:58:52 PM): 13/f c_meandu (01/04/07 7:59:35 PM): you are quite gorgeous c_meandu (01/04/07 7:59:39 PM): wish you weren' c_meandu (01/04/07 7:59:41 PM): t c_meandu (01/04/07 7:59:42 PM): 13 decoy name (01/04/07 7:59:58 PM): thanx c_meandu (01/04/07 8:00:08 PM): you're welcome decoy name (01/04/07 8:00:38 PM): u got a pic c_meandu (01/04/07 8:00:46 PM): yeah, one on my profile decoy name (01/04/07 8:00:50 PM): o decoyname (01/04/07 8:01:43 PM): well ur quite handsome c_meandu (01/04/07 8:01:48 PM): wow, thanks decoy name (01/04/07 8:01:56 PM): yw c_meandu (01/04/07 8:02:10 PM): wish you were older c_meandu (01/04/07 8:02:14 PM): or I was younger decoy name (01/04/07 8:02:31 PM): wish i was older 2 then i culd drive ya know c_meandu (01/04/07 8:02:38 PM): lol c_meandu (01/04/07 8:02:39 PM): I bet c_meandu (01/04/07 8:02:57 PM): I won't be much longer decoy name (01/04/07 8:03:25 PM): yeah i cant wait c_meandu (01/04/07 8:03:45 PM): you home by yourself? decoy name (01/04/07 8:04:06 PM): no my dads here c_meandu (01/04/07 8:04:12 PM): ok decoy name (01/04/07 8:04:33 PM): talkin 2 his dumb gf c_meandu (01/04/07 8:04:37 PM): lol decoy name (01/04/07 8:06:56 PM): so wat u do 4 fun c_meandu (01/04/07 8:07:29 PM): uhhh.... ride my motorcycle... c_meandu (01/04/07 8:07:32 PM): snow ski...decoy name (01/04/07 8:07:34 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:07:45 PM): and have fun pleasing girls decoy name (01/04/07 8:07:51 PM): o decoy name (01/04/07 8:08:00 PM): my dad talks 2 his gf c_meandu (01/04/07 8:08:22 PM): cool decoy name (01/04/07 8:08:39 PM): yeah real kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:08:42 PM): lol decoy name (01/04/07 8:08:55 PM): u got a motercycle thats really kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:09:20 PM): yeah decoy name (01/04/07 8:09:58 PM): bet thats fun ive nvr been on 1 c_meandu (01/04/07 8:10:02 PM): if you were older, I'd take you for ride and then make out with you.decoy name (01/04/07 8:10:17 PM): o my decoy name (01/04/07 8:11:52 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:12:10 PM): glad you like the idea c_meandu (01/04/07 8:12:12 PM): hehe decoy name (01/04/07 8:12:48 PM): i think it wuld b alot of fun ridin a motorcycle c_meandu (01/04/07 8:12:53 PM): It is...c_meandu (01/04/07 8:13:03 PM): you just have to careful of the other drivers decoy name (01/04/07 8:13:18 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/04/07 8:13:59 PM): well, if we are still chatting a couple or 3 years from now... c_meandu (01/04/07 8:14:06 PM): I'll take you out on that ride decoy name (01/04/078:14:24 PM): lol kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:14:36 PM): It a date! c_meandu (01/04/07 8:14:37 PM): hehe decoy name (01/04/07 8:14:47 PM): kewl:) decoy name (01/04/07 8:16:02 PM): u ski 2 wow thats kewl nvr done that either c_meandu (01/04/07 8:16:19 PM): its alot of fun decoy name (01/04/07 8:16:34 PM): i bet decoy name (01/04/07 8:16:38 PM): where u ski at c_meandu (01/04/07 8:16:46 PM): usually back east c_meandu (01/04/07 8:16:58 PM): I haven't skied in Colorado yet decoy name (01/04/07 8:17:24 PM): that wuld b kewl wuldnt it c_meandu (01/04/07 8:17:32 PM): definately decoy name(01/04/07 8:21:56 PM): so wats ur name c_meandu (01/04/07 8:22:03 PM): Charles decoy name (01/04/07 8:22:16 PM): o yeah i saw it on ur prof lol decoy name (01/04/07 8:22:46 PM): nice 2 meet ya charles im decoy name but every 1 calls me decoy name c_meandu (01/04/07 8:22:59 PM): mmmm sweet name c_meandu (01/04/07 8:23:01 PM): I like it decoy name (01/04/07 8:23:09 PM): ty c_meandu (01/04/07 8:23:24 PM): do you have a cam or more pics? decoy name (01/04/07 8:23:46 PM): no cam sry got a couple more pics c_meandu (01/04/07 8:23:58 PM): cool, I'd love to see them decoy name (01/04/07 8:26:03 PM): can ya c it c_meandu (01/04/07 8:26:19 PM): no, it isn't showing c_meandu (01/04/07 8:26:38 PM): can you show it in photosharing? decoy name (01/04/07 8:26:44 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/04/07 8:27:59 PM): okay, I'm waiting for them to show up c_meandu (01/04/07 8:29:30 PM): mmm very nice.... c_meandu (01/04/07 8:29:40 PM): you have a sexy smile decoy name (01/04/07 8:30:44 PM): thanx c_meandu (01/04/07 8:30:51 PM): you're welcome c_meandu (01/04/07 8:31:33 PM): you look like you have a great body decoy name (01/04/07 8:31:54 PM): thanx decoy name (01/04/07 8:32:04 PM): cheerleading helps c_meandu (01/04/07 8:32:15 PM): I bet c_meandu (01/04/07 8:32:51 PM): any more pics decoy name (01/04/07 8:33:07 PM): umm 1 more i think c_meandu (01/04/07 8:33:14 PM): cool c_meandu (01/04/07 8:34:23 PM): oh my, c_meandu (01/04/07 8:34:25 PM): wow c_meandu (01/04/07 8:34:47 PM): can I tell you something decoy name (01/04/07 8:35:42 PM): sure c_meandu (01/04/07 8:36:04 PM): the last pic is very very sexy c_meandu (01/04/07 8:36:11 PM): with your big eyes c_meandu (01/04/07 8:36:17 PM): and your full lips c_meandu (01/04/07 8:36:24 PM): it make me get really hard decoy name (01/04/07 8:36:40 PM): o :\"> c_meandu (01/04/07 8:36:47 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/04/07 8:37:01 PM): I know I should say that (No you shouldn't) c_meandu (01/04/07 8:37:03 PM): but it did c_meandu (01/04/07 8:37:04 PM): wow decoy name (01/04/07 8:38:28 PM): im not that great c_meandu (01/04/07 8:38:39 PM): oh yes you are decoy name (01/04/07 8:38:52 PM): aww thanx c_meandu (01/04/07 8:39:07 PM): you're welcome decoy name (01/04/07 8:40:01 PM): :) c_meandu (01/04/07 8:40:45 PM): I can't believe I'm sitting throbbing c_meandu (01/04/07 8:40:52 PM): and we can't do anything about it decoy name (01/04/07 8:41:05 PM): huh c_meandu (01/04/07 8:41:29 PM): i'm so hard looking at your pics.... c_meandu (01/04/07 8:41:39 PM): my \"you know\" is throbbing up and down. decoy name (01/04/07 8:41:45 PM): o c_meandu (01/04/07 8:41:56 PM): do you like that kind of talk? decoy name (01/04/07 8:42:30 PM): idk my exbf said sumthin like that b4 c_meandu (01/04/07 8:42:45 PM): I'll stop if you want me too decoy name (01/04/07 8:42:53 PM): thats ok c_meandu (01/04/07 8:43:03 PM): okay decoy name (01/04/07 8:46:19 PM): u still there c_meandu (01/04/07 8:46:24 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/04/07 8:46:35 PM): what are you doing? decoy name (01/04/07 8:46:51 PM): my friend jc was askin me sumthin c_meandu (01/04/07 8:47:05 PM): cool decoy name (01/04/07 8:47:19 PM): she bugs me alot c_meandu (01/04/07 8:47:25 PM): lol c_meandu (01/04/07 8:47:32 PM): yeah about what kind of stuff? decoy name (01/04/07 8:47:43 PM): everything decoy name (01/04/07 8:47:48 PM): lol c_meandu (01/04/07 8:47:59 PM): sounds like a needy girl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:48:00 PM): haha decoy name (01/04/07 8:48:31 PM): she jus crazy decoy name (01/04/07 8:48:38 PM): but kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:48:48 PM): sounds like a good friend decoy name (01/04/07 8:49:03 PM): she is c_meandu (01/04/07 8:49:09 PM): nice decoy name (01/04/07 8:50:04 PM): bet u got lots a friends c_meandu (01/04/07 8:50:13 PM): some decoy name (01/04/07 8:50:18 PM): kewl decoy name (01/04/07 8:50:30 PM): they ride motorcycles 2 c_meandu (01/04/07 8:50:37 PM): a few of them c_meandu (01/04/07 8:50:58 PM): we've gone on a few rides last year decoy name (01/04/07 8:51:05 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:51:22 PM): do you think you'd want to go for a ride with me? decoy name (01/04/07 8:51:34 PM): 4real c_meandu (01/04/07 8:51:37 PM): sure decoy name (01/04/07 8:51:44 PM): yeah that wuld b really kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:52:07 PM): when it get warmer, we'll do it decoy name (01/04/07 8:52:28 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:52:45 PM): can you get away... c_meandu (01/04/07 8:53:03 PM): I\"m sure your dad would freak out if he knew you were out with me. decoy name (01/04/07 8:53:21 PM): yeah i can when he goes out with his gf c_meandu (01/04/07 8:53:28 PM): cool c_meandu (01/04/07 8:53:51 PM): lets add each other and we can chat alot till then decoy name (01/04/07 8:54:13 PM): k c_meandu (01/04/07 8:54:25 PM): done decoy name (01/04/07 8:55:17 PM): kew decoy name (01/04/07 8:55:17 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/04/07 8:55:23 PM): swett c_meandu (01/04/07 8:55:26 PM): sweet decoy name (01/04/07 8:55:43 PM): :) c_meandu (01/04/07 8:56:12 PM): what time do you go to bed? decoy name (01/04/07 8:56:58 PM): umm bout 10 or 1030 on school nites but i can stay up as late as i want on weekends c_meandu (01/04/07 8:57:06 PM): cool c_meandu (01/04/07 8:57:26 PM): I didn't know if you had to get up like really early for cheer practice and stuff decoy name (01/04/07 8:57:44 PM): practice after school c_meandu (01/04/07 8:58:00 PM): cool decoy name (01/04/07 9:00:38 PM): u got eny pets c_meandu (01/04/07 9:00:58 PM): a 9 year old Golden Retriever c_meandu (01/04/07 9:00:59 PM): you? decoy name (01/04/07 9:01:10 PM): kewl decoy name (01/04/07 9:01:22 PM): yeah i got a cat Kitty Kat decoy name (01/04/07 9:01:46 PM): luvs my Kitty Kat c_meandu (01/04/07 9:01:52 PM): ahhhh sweet c_meandu (01/04/07 9:02:22 PM): how long have you had your kitty decoy name (01/04/07 9:02:31 PM): umm 2 years c_meandu (01/04/07 9:02:37 PM): nice c_meandu (01/04/07 9:02:53 PM): does your kitty purr loud? decoy name (01/04/07 9:02:59 PM): yes c_meandu (01/04/07 9:03:09 PM): that's cool c_meandu (01/04/07 9:03:13 PM): I love that sound decoy name (01/04/07 9:03:19 PM): yeah i do 2 c_meandu (01/04/07 9:03:26 PM): neat decoy name (01/04/07 9:04:14 PM): i better go take a shower an get 2 bet c_meandu (01/04/07 9:04:22 PM): okay.... c_meandu (01/04/07 9:04:29 PM): it was nice to meet you decoy name (01/04/07 9:04:38 PM): nice 2 meet u 2 c_meandu (01/04/07 9:04:53 PM): talk to you again soon I hope decoy name (01/04/07 9:04:59 PM): :)yes c_meandu (01/04/07 9:05:07 PM): good night decoy name (01/04/07 9:05:10 PM): nite c_meandu (01/05/07 2:37:57 PM): Hi decoy name, just a note to say I enjoy chatting with you last night.... Charles decoy name (01/05/07 7:02:28 PM): hi ya i had fun chattin with ya 2 last night ttyl:)decoy name c_meandu (01/05/07 8:38:43 PM): hi pretty girl decoy name (01/05/07 8:38:49 PM): hey decoy name (01/05/07 9:20:50 PM): u sound like a lot of fun 2 c_meandu (01/05/07 9:20:56 PM): really? c_meandu (01/05/07 9:21:04 PM): I hope you think so... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:21:11 PM): we are so far apart in age.... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:21:24 PM): but who knows... we can still have some fun. decoy name (01/05/07 9:21:40 PM): shur y not :) c_meandu (01/05/07 9:21:56 PM): what would you want to do? decoy name (01/05/07 9:22:14 PM): idk c_meandu (01/05/07 9:22:37 PM): well, we definately need to go for a motorcycle ride decoy name (01/05/07 9:22:59 PM): yes c_meandu (01/05/07 9:23:27 PM): it will be cool to have you on the back of my bike decoy name (01/05/07 9:23:49 PM): yes way kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 9:24:05 PM): would you put your arms around my waist? decoy name (01/05/07 9:24:33 PM): yeah dont u gotta do that i mean so u dont fall off c_meandu (01/05/07 9:24:41 PM): lol... yeah c_meandu (01/05/07 9:24:51 PM): it would feel really good c_meandu (01/05/07 9:25:19 PM): you could hang onto the back rest \"sissy bar\" if you didn't want to put your arms around me though decoy name (01/05/07 9:25:34 PM): sissy bar wats that c_meandu (01/05/07 9:25:53 PM): the back rest part that sticks up c_meandu (01/05/07 9:26:18 PM): you could either hold on to that or put your arms around me. decoy name (01/05/07 9:26:37 PM): sissy bar sounds kind of scary way to hold on i think c_meandu (01/05/07 9:26:43 PM): lol c_meandu (01/05/07 9:26:59 PM): then I'll get the pleasure of feeling you wrapped around my waist decoy name (01/05/07 9:27:17 PM): yeah thats better i think c_meandu (01/05/07 9:27:21 PM): nice decoy name (01/05/07 9:27:31 PM): where we gona go c_meandu (01/05/07 9:27:39 PM): you'd have to tell me c_meandu (01/05/07 9:27:47 PM): I don't know the area all that well decoy name (01/05/07 9:27:56 PM): k c_meandu (01/05/07 9:28:35 PM): what else would we do on the ride or while we are out? decoy name (01/05/07 9:28:55 PM): idk wat ever u want i guess c_meandu (01/05/07 9:29:02 PM): uhhhh c_meandu (01/05/07 9:29:10 PM): I don't know what to say decoy name (01/05/07 9:29:22 PM): y c_meandu (01/05/07 9:29:40 PM): I have some things coming to mind... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:29:50 PM): but I probably shouldn't (No you shouldn't) decoy name (01/05/07 9:29:58 PM): wat are they c_meandu (01/05/07 9:30:05 PM): kiss you decoy name (01/05/07 9:30:14 PM): wow decoy name (01/05/07 9:30:16 PM): really c_meandu (01/05/07 9:30:19 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/05/07 9:30:28 PM): is that wrong? decoy name (01/05/07 9:30:36 PM): no i gues not c_meandu (01/05/07 9:30:39 PM): cool decoy name (01/05/07 9:30:58 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 9:31:20 PM): you can let me know if its okay or not c_meandu (01/05/07 9:31:30 PM): but I know I'd like it and more decoy name (01/05/07 9:32:15 PM): hmm i think it wuld b ok c_meandu (01/05/07 9:32:26 PM): cool decoy name (01/05/07 9:33:53 PM): lets c umm wat else u like 2 do 4 fun besides riding motorcycle an skining c_meandu (01/05/07 9:34:17 PM): ummm I like working.... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:34:21 PM): kinda weird huh? decoy name (01/05/07 9:34:54 PM): lol i mean when we go 4 ride silly i dont wanna go 2 work with u c_meandu (01/05/07 9:35:01 PM): lol c_meandu (01/05/07 9:35:10 PM): I like good food... decoy name (01/05/07 9:35:15 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 9:35:15 PM): itailian... decoy name (01/05/07 9:35:18 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 9:35:19 PM): chinese... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:35:26 PM): stuff like that decoy name (01/05/07 9:35:29 PM): nooo chinese c_meandu (01/05/07 9:35:34 PM): lol c_meandu (01/05/07 9:35:47 PM): what's around that we could do? c_meandu (01/05/07 9:36:01 PM): I like playing around lake areas... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:36:16 PM): anything fun... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:36:30 PM): I like just about all kinds of music decoy name (01/05/07 9:36:42 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 9:37:11 PM): what would you like? decoy name (01/05/07 9:37:43 PM): idk really doesnt matter 2 me enything really c_meandu (01/05/07 9:37:48 PM): sweet decoy name (01/05/07 9:38:08 PM): enythings better then hangin around the house most of the time c_meandu (01/05/07 9:38:33 PM): I'll look forward to it c_meandu (01/05/07 9:38:52 PM): It will be a while until it warms up enough for a motorcycle ride... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:39:00 PM): but we'll do it. decoy name (01/05/07 9:39:18 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 9:39:51 PM): do you live close to town? decoy name (01/05/07 9:39:58 PM): kinda c_meandu (01/05/07 9:40:19 PM): didn't know how there was to do in town for you or at school decoy name (01/05/07 9:42:37 PM): not much but u can go 2 wichita falls sumtimes i really kinda live near there c_meandu (01/05/07 9:42:49 PM): cool c_meandu (01/05/07 9:42:58 PM): what town do you live in? decoy name (01/05/07 9:43:11 PM): crap hold on brb c_meandu (01/05/07 9:43:16 PM): k decoy name (01/05/07 9:47:06 PM): sorry dad wanted me for something c_meandu (01/05/07 9:47:11 PM): cool decoy name (01/05/07 9:48:17 PM): oh good grief brb c_meandu (01/05/07 9:48:21 PM): k decoy name (01/05/07 9:50:49 PM): back decoy name (01/05/07 9:50:53 PM): sry c_meandu (01/05/07 9:51:00 PM): no problem c_meandu (01/05/07 9:51:40 PM): so what town do you live in? decoy name (01/05/07 9:52:47 PM): umm well think i shuld get 2 know u better b4 i tell u c_meandu (01/05/07 9:52:58 PM): oh, okay decoy name (01/05/07 9:53:17 PM): so tell me more bout u c_meandu (01/05/07 9:53:28 PM): what do you want to know decoy name (01/05/07 9:53:38 PM): umm idk lol c_meandu (01/05/07 9:53:47 PM): lol, you're funny decoy name (01/05/07 9:54:00 PM): umm u got eny brothers or sisters c_meandu (01/05/07 9:54:24 PM): yeah, a brother in Texas and a sister in Carolina c_meandu (01/05/07 9:54:30 PM): you? decoy name (01/05/07 9:54:30 PM): kewl decoy name (01/05/07 9:54:37 PM): no:( c_meandu (01/05/07 9:54:44 PM): lol decoy name (01/05/07 9:54:56 PM): y that funny c_meandu (01/05/07 9:55:10 PM): I can imagine you pouting... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:55:14 PM): and being sad... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:55:26 PM): and thought how cute you must look with you pout c_meandu (01/05/07 9:55:32 PM): when you pout decoy name (01/05/07 9:55:47 PM): :(:(:( decoy name (01/05/07 9:55:51 PM): lol c_meandu (01/05/07 9:55:53 PM): mmmm very cute c_meandu (01/05/07 9:56:01 PM): hehe decoy name (01/05/07 9:56:41 PM): wuld b fun having brothers or sisters around c_meandu (01/05/07 9:56:49 PM): yeah I bet decoy name (01/05/07 9:57:12 PM): u shuld know decoy name (01/05/07 9:57:12 PM): silly c_meandu (01/05/07 9:57:40 PM): yes mam decoy name (01/05/07 9:57:54 PM): haha c_meandu (01/05/07 9:58:11 PM): you can spank me for missing that one decoy name (01/05/07 9:58:36 PM): ur kinda old 4 that arent u c_meandu (01/05/07 9:58:52 PM): lol yeah c_meandu (01/05/07 9:58:57 PM): well.... c_meandu (01/05/07 9:59:03 PM): if you're gentle c_meandu (01/05/07 9:59:14 PM): and do it for pleasure and not pain (Ugh) c_meandu (01/05/07 9:59:15 PM): haha decoy name (01/05/07 9:59:25 PM): huh c_meandu (01/05/07 9:59:58 PM): we'll play around and I'll show you if you wnat c_meandu (01/05/07 9:59:59 PM): want decoy name (01/05/07 10:01:10 PM): last time i got a spanking from dad hmm i think i was bout 9 and i didnt care 4 it much and i dont think he was playing he was mad c_meandu (01/05/07 10:01:23 PM): lol c_meandu (01/05/07 10:01:29 PM): that is the difference c_meandu (01/05/07 10:01:47 PM): I'd slowly run my hands down your back... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:02:03 PM): and carress your bottom... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:02:34 PM): and just gently play with your ass and get you excited.... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:02:39 PM): that's what I mean decoy name (01/05/07 10:02:44 PM): o decoy name (01/05/07 10:02:58 PM): i c c_meandu (01/05/07 10:03:07 PM): if you wanted me too decoy name (01/05/07 10:03:39 PM): hmm decoy name (01/05/07 10:04:07 PM): i gues since ur not mad an gona like really spank me c_meandu (01/05/07 10:04:19 PM): okay c_meandu (01/05/07 10:04:30 PM): you've got me turned on c_meandu (01/05/07 10:04:31 PM): haha decoy name (01/05/07 10:04:38 PM): o decoy name (01/05/07 10:04:42 PM): :\"> c_meandu (01/05/07 10:04:58 PM): we'd have to be really careful though c_meandu (01/05/07 10:05:15 PM): and I'd only do what you wanted. decoy name (01/05/07 10:05:39 PM): bout wat decoy name (01/05/07 10:06:04 PM): k c_meandu (01/05/07 10:06:14 PM): well, you're young decoy name (01/05/07 10:06:21 PM): o c_meandu (01/05/07 10:06:46 PM): do you really want to do this? decoy name (01/05/07 10:07:03 PM): umm mayb c_meandu (01/05/07 10:07:08 PM): lol ok c_meandu (01/05/07 10:07:15 PM): no pressure decoy name (01/05/07 10:07:21 PM): u seem really nice c_meandu (01/05/07 10:07:25 PM): I am c_meandu (01/05/07 10:07:36 PM): and I will never ever hurt you. c_meandu (01/05/07 10:07:49 PM): but I want to please you to... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:08:01 PM): but I don't know if you want to mess around. decoy name (01/05/07 10:08:20 PM): mess around c_meandu (01/05/07 10:08:28 PM): make out decoy name (01/05/07 10:08:30 PM): o decoy name (01/05/07 10:08:46 PM): i like making out c_meandu (01/05/07 10:08:49 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/05/07 10:09:03 PM): how far would you go with me? decoy name (01/05/07 10:09:17 PM): idk c_meandu (01/05/07 10:09:28 PM): good answer decoy name (01/05/07 10:12:09 PM): u still there c_meandu (01/05/07 10:12:14 PM): yeah decoy name (01/05/07 10:12:26 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 10:12:36 PM): just thinking about making out with you decoy name (01/05/07 10:12:52 PM): yeah me 2:\"> c_meandu (01/05/07 10:12:58 PM): really? decoy name (01/05/07 10:13:02 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/05/07 10:13:11 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/05/07 10:13:18 PM): brb decoy name (01/05/07 10:13:21 PM): k c_meandu (01/05/07 10:19:15 PM): back c_meandu (01/05/07 10:19:20 PM): I changed my clothes decoy name (01/05/07 10:19:55 PM): y c_meandu (01/05/07 10:20:11 PM): you got me really hard c_meandu (01/05/07 10:20:19 PM): and I was wearing blue jeans... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:20:27 PM): so I changed into some gym shorts decoy name (01/05/07 10:20:40 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 10:21:45 PM): so, want to talk about making out or something else? decoy name (01/05/07 10:22:10 PM): lol i dont care c_meandu (01/05/07 10:22:35 PM): you can pic decoy name (01/05/07 10:22:47 PM): hmm decoy name (01/05/07 10:23:22 PM): wat u wanna talk bout c_meandu (01/05/07 10:23:34 PM): uhhhh c_meandu (01/05/07 10:23:39 PM): making out with you c_meandu (01/05/07 10:23:44 PM): if you want decoy name (01/05/07 10:24:31 PM): k c_meandu (01/05/07 10:24:58 PM): Is your dad close by or are you in your room out of the way decoy name (01/05/07 10:25:09 PM): im in my room c_meandu (01/05/07 10:25:15 PM): cool c_meandu (01/05/07 10:25:22 PM): what are you wearing? decoy name (01/05/07 10:25:26 PM): pjs c_meandu (01/05/07 10:25:31 PM): mmm decoy name (01/05/07 10:25:45 PM): hey how tall r u c_meandu (01/05/07 10:25:50 PM): 5'10\" c_meandu (01/05/07 10:25:53 PM): you? decoy name (01/05/07 10:25:58 PM): 5 3 c_meandu (01/05/07 10:26:03 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/05/07 10:26:25 PM): Are you sitting on your bed or in a chair? decoy name (01/05/07 10:26:31 PM): chair decoy name (01/05/07 10:26:33 PM): y c_meandu (01/05/07 10:26:45 PM): just trying to visualize you decoy name (01/05/07 10:26:49 PM): o c_meandu (01/05/07 10:27:13 PM): well I'd come up behind you sitting in the chair.... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:27:34 PM): and gently starting rubbing your shoulders.... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:27:53 PM): and softly kissing your face. c_meandu (01/05/07 10:28:09 PM): I'd kiss your cheeks... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:28:21 PM): and then stroke your face with my hands. decoy name (01/05/07 10:28:24 PM): hey decoy name (01/05/07 10:28:34 PM): is that cyber stuff c_meandu (01/05/07 10:28:34 PM): yeah? c_meandu (01/05/07 10:28:43 PM): lol decoy name (01/05/07 10:28:44 PM): cuz i dont do that c_meandu (01/05/07 10:28:47 PM): I guess c_meandu (01/05/07 10:28:59 PM): just telling you what I'm thinking about decoy name (01/05/07 10:29:27 PM): hmm i just dont like cyber stuff its gross decoy name (01/05/07 10:29:52 PM): ur not mad r u decoy name (01/05/07 10:31:16 PM): u still there c_meandu (01/05/07 10:31:51 PM): sorry, got booted c_meandu (01/05/07 10:32:02 PM): and didn't mean to offend you. decoy name (01/05/07 10:32:15 PM): thats ok:) c_meandu (01/05/07 10:32:36 PM): I thought you want to talk about it... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:32:38 PM): my bad decoy name (01/05/07 10:33:29 PM): ur not bad c_meandu (01/05/07 10:34:01 PM): oh yeah? c_meandu (01/05/07 10:34:05 PM): what am I? (perverted?) decoy name (01/05/07 10:34:14 PM): nice decoy name (01/05/07 10:34:25 PM): pretty kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 10:34:31 PM): glad you think so decoy name (01/05/07 10:34:36 PM): smart c_meandu (01/05/07 10:34:37 PM): I really like you decoy name (01/05/07 10:34:53 PM): aww i like u 2:\"> c_meandu (01/05/07 10:35:03 PM): awww.... c_meandu (01/05/07 10:35:06 PM): kisses to you! decoy name (01/05/07 10:35:22 PM): kisses 2 u 2:\"> c_meandu (01/05/07 10:35:25 PM): mmmm c_meandu (01/05/07 10:35:27 PM): nice decoy name (01/05/07 10:35:56 PM): im gettin tired r u gona b on 2morrow c_meandu (01/05/07 10:36:19 PM): yeah, I should be decoy name (01/05/07 10:36:52 PM): kewl mayb ill talk 2 u then c_meandu (01/05/07 10:37:01 PM): you bet decoy name (01/05/07 10:37:07 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/05/07 10:37:09 PM): have a good night decoy name decoy name (01/05/07 10:37:18 PM): u 2 charles decoy name (01/05/07 10:37:23 PM): nite c_meandu (01/05/07 10:37:25 PM): nite decoy name (01/06/07 8:24:25 PM): hey charles jus sayin hi:) decoy name (01/06/07 8:24:39 PM): talk 2 ya when ur on:) c_meandu (01/08/07 10:37:53 PM): Hey decoy name, how's your day been... Charles decoy name (01/09/07 5:05:57 PM): hey how r u decoy name (01/09/07 5:05:59 PM): ttyl decoy name (01/09/07 5:06:03 PM): :) c_meandu (01/09/07 10:36:58 PM): I'm good sweetheart... I've missed chatting with you. decoy name (01/10/07 5:53:47 PM): i miss chattin with u 2 charles decoy name (01/10/07 5:53:58 PM): talk 2 ya soon:) c_meandu (01/10/07 9:17:43 PM): hey... we keep playing tag.... do we want to meet up next week? decoy name (01/10/07 9:35:09 PM): lol decoy name (01/10/07 9:36:48 PM): i will b on 2morrow nite if ur here:) c_meandu (01/10/07 10:20:43 PM): okay, hope to see you on then decoy name (01/11/07 6:50:11 PM): hi:) c_meandu (01/11/07 6:59:03 PM): hi, back at you. decoy name (01/11/07 6:59:34 PM): how r ya c_meandu (01/11/07 6:59:42 PM): hey, I'm good c_meandu (01/11/07 6:59:43 PM): you? decoy name (01/11/07 6:59:58 PM): im good 2 c_meandu (01/11/07 7:00:02 PM): cool c_meandu (01/11/07 7:00:09 PM): what have you been doing? decoy name (01/11/07 7:00:48 PM): nothin much just goin 2 school decoy name (01/11/07 7:00:54 PM): wat u been doin c_meandu (01/11/07 7:01:09 PM): working alot... c_meandu (01/11/07 7:01:16 PM): thinking about you... c_meandu (01/11/07 7:01:28 PM): stuff like that. decoy name (01/11/07 7:01:51 PM): really u was thinking about me c_meandu (01/11/07 7:02:25 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/11/07 7:02:34 PM): I even dream about you a few nights ago decoy name (01/11/07 7:02:48 PM): really decoy name (01/11/07 7:02:49 PM): wow decoy name (01/11/07 7:02:53 PM): wat was it about c_meandu (01/11/07 7:02:54 PM): crazy huh? c_meandu (01/11/07 7:03:00 PM): uhhh we made love decoy name (01/11/07 7:03:50 PM): omg really c_meandu (01/11/07 7:03:55 PM): yeah decoy name (01/11/07 7:04:00 PM): wow c_meandu (01/11/07 7:04:11 PM): it very soooo vivid decoy name (01/11/07 7:04:18 PM): wow c_meandu (01/11/07 7:04:30 PM): yeah decoy name (01/11/07 7:04:43 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/11/07 7:05:05 PM): I'll have to describe it to you if you want decoy name (01/11/07 7:05:14 PM): k c_meandu (01/11/07 7:05:21 PM): really? c_meandu (01/11/07 7:05:25 PM): are you alone? decoy name (01/11/07 7:05:28 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/11/07 7:05:38 PM): cool c_meandu (01/11/07 7:05:47 PM): wish I could tell you over the phone c_meandu (01/11/07 7:05:54 PM): and hear your voice decoy name (01/11/07 7:06:04 PM): really decoy name (01/11/07 7:06:12 PM): i culd call u c_meandu (01/11/07 7:06:20 PM): ok decoy name (01/11/07 7:06:57 PM): kewl decoy name (01/11/07 7:07:02 PM): wats ur number c_meandu (01/11/07 7:07:14 PM): 918 931 2251 decoy name (01/11/07 7:07:35 PM): k ill call u in a lil bit k decoy name (01/11/07 7:07:48 PM): i was gona ask u sumthin c_meandu (01/11/07 7:07:59 PM): k decoy name (01/11/07 7:08:09 PM): wat does meandu mean is that like mean dude or sumthin c_meandu (01/11/07 7:08:18 PM): lol no c_meandu (01/11/07 7:08:24 PM): just me and you decoy name (01/11/07 7:08:42 PM): o lol k i was kinda worried thinkin that lol c_meandu (01/11/07 7:08:47 PM): lol c_meandu (01/11/07 7:08:54 PM): I can understand decoy name (01/11/07 7:08:55 PM): im silly huh c_meandu (01/11/07 7:09:00 PM): no decoy name (01/11/07 7:09:32 PM): hey brb k c_meandu (01/11/07 7:09:36 PM): ok decoy name (01/11/07 7:23:46 PM): hey decoy name (01/11/07 7:23:47 PM): sry bout that decoy name (01/11/07 7:23:47 PM): ya still here c_meandu (01/11/07 7:23:55 PM): yeah decoy name (01/11/07 7:24:00 PM): kewl decoy name (01/11/07 7:24:35 PM): dad wanted me 2 do sumthing c_meandu (01/11/07 7:24:40 PM): I see c_meandu (01/11/07 7:24:51 PM): but I thought you were alone? decoy name (01/11/07 7:24:59 PM): in my room alone lol decoy name (01/11/07 7:25:01 PM): now c_meandu (01/11/07 7:25:03 PM): lol c_meandu (01/11/07 7:25:04 PM): okay decoy name (01/11/07 7:25:12 PM): hes watchin tv c_meandu (01/11/07 7:25:17 PM): cool decoy name (01/11/07 7:26:19 PM): i got the phone while i was in the kitchen but i gotta get off here 2 call u k c_meandu (01/11/07 7:26:31 PM): okay c_meandu (01/11/07 7:26:41 PM): can you talk while your dad is home? decoy name (01/11/07 7:26:55 PM): im in my room so yeah c_meandu (01/11/07 7:27:04 PM): ok decoy name (01/11/07 7:27:15 PM): k talk 2 ya in a few min c_meandu (01/11/07 7:27:18 PM): ok decoy name (01/11/07 7:45:26 PM): hey i tried 2 call u hows come u didnt answer. whered ya go k gues ill ttyl if ur on:) c_meandu (01/11/07 7:54:22 PM): Hey, I got your vmail...but it never rang... c_meandu (01/11/07 7:54:48 PM): If your number doesn't show up my phone doesn't let the call thru... sorry I missed it! decoy name (01/11/07 7:55:42 PM): o lol c_meandu (01/11/07 7:55:52 PM): what? decoy name (01/11/07 7:56:13 PM): jus a min c_meandu (01/11/07 7:56:16 PM): ok decoy name (01/11/07 8:01:43 PM): k im dumb lol i figure out how 2 make not private an ill get off an call ya back k c_meandu (01/11/07 8:01:57 PM): ok decoy name (01/11/07 8:02:04 PM): k talk 2 ya in a min c_meandu (01/11/07 8:02:09 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/11/07 8:11:36 PM): sorry my phone cut out....geez!!! decoy name (01/11/07 8:11:49 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/11/07 8:11:59 PM): I could still hear you though decoy name (01/11/07 8:12:13 PM): darn c_meandu (01/11/07 8:12:16 PM): yeah decoy name (01/11/07 8:12:19 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/11/07 8:12:34 PM): I was asking if you had ever had an orgasm? decoy name (01/11/07 8:13:02 PM): nooo c_meandu (01/11/07 8:13:07 PM): really? c_meandu (01/11/07 8:13:15 PM): wow, well you had like 3 in my dream decoy name (01/11/07 8:13:27 PM): o:\"> c_meandu (01/11/07 8:13:29 PM): you were soooo beautiful decoy name (01/11/07 8:13:49 PM): aww c_meandu (01/11/07 8:13:54 PM): yeah decoy name (01/11/07 8:14:26 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/11/07 8:14:43 PM): I'd love to make that dream come true some day decoy name (01/11/07 8:14:51 PM): really c_meandu (01/11/07 8:15:07 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/11/07 8:15:14 PM): that is if you wanted to decoy name (01/11/07 8:15:27 PM): wow kewl decoy name (01/11/07 8:15:33 PM): :) c_meandu (01/11/07 8:16:05 PM): I'm so much older than you... c_meandu (01/11/07 8:16:09 PM): does that bother you? decoy name (01/11/07 8:16:16 PM): no c_meandu (01/11/07 8:16:20 PM): cool c_meandu (01/11/07 8:16:31 PM): then you can tell me when you're are ready decoy name (01/11/07 8:16:46 PM): really decoy name (01/11/07 8:16:51 PM): up 2 u c_meandu (01/11/07 8:16:57 PM): really decoy name (01/11/07 8:17:03 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/11/07 8:17:09 PM): you want to meet and make love to each other? decoy name (01/11/07 8:17:51 PM): yeah i think so when we get 2 know each other good wat u think c_meandu (01/11/07 8:18:04 PM): sure decoy name (01/11/07 8:18:14 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/11/07 8:18:42 PM): you just tell me when you're ready for that and we'll figure someplace out decoy name (01/11/07 8:18:51 PM): k kewl c_meandu (01/11/07 8:18:57 PM): sweet decoy name (01/11/07 8:19:06 PM): :) decoy name (01/11/07 8:19:21 PM): darn dad calling me again brb c_meandu (01/11/07 8:19:25 PM): ok c_meandu (01/11/07 8:31:56 PM): Hey, I had better get off here for now... talk to you tomorrow hopefully... good night decoy name (01/11/07 8:37:10 PM): o im back an i missed u:( decoy name (01/11/07 8:37:34 PM): kewl ill talk 2 u 2morrow decoy name (01/11/07 8:37:39 PM): nite decoy name (01/12/07 4:05:09 PM): u there decoy name (01/12/07 4:05:19 PM): ttyl i gues c_meandu (01/12/07 4:05:51 PM): hey c_meandu (01/12/07 4:05:56 PM): sorry, just turned around decoy name (01/12/07 4:06:18 PM): hey how r u c_meandu (01/12/07 4:06:22 PM): good c_meandu (01/12/07 4:06:25 PM): u? decoy name (01/12/07 4:06:28 PM): good c_meandu (01/12/07 4:06:35 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/12/07 4:06:44 PM): Is it icy there? decoy name (01/12/07 4:06:57 PM): not yet c_meandu (01/12/07 4:07:06 PM): not here yet either decoy name (01/12/07 4:07:20 PM): wo wat ya been doin c_meandu (01/12/07 4:07:48 PM): working mostly today..... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:07:59 PM): everybody's talking about how bad it is in Tulsa c_meandu (01/12/07 4:08:11 PM): kinda distracting... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:08:19 PM): but its cool decoy name (01/12/07 4:08:25 PM): yah c_meandu (01/12/07 4:08:41 PM): so, what school do you go to in Lawton? decoy name (01/12/07 4:08:53 PM): i dont live in lawton c_meandu (01/12/07 4:09:07 PM): oh, sorry... thought you did decoy name (01/12/07 4:09:38 PM): no i live kinda near witchita falls c_meandu (01/12/07 4:09:57 PM): wow, you're right on the board then decoy name (01/12/07 4:10:18 PM): a little ways from it c_meandu (01/12/07 4:10:34 PM): cool decoy name (01/12/07 4:10:51 PM): wat was i gona ask u i 4get lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:10:58 PM): lol decoy name (01/12/07 4:11:10 PM): o i know wat ur last name c_meandu (01/12/07 4:11:26 PM): *Name* c_meandu (01/12/07 4:11:42 PM): kinda weird having two first names.... huh decoy name (01/12/07 4:11:53 PM): yeah lol decoy name (01/12/07 4:11:56 PM): but its kewl decoy name (01/12/07 4:12:11 PM): mines collins decoy name (01/12/07 4:12:22 PM): u got a middle name mines ann c_meandu (01/12/07 4:12:45 PM): wow, that's so pretty c_meandu (01/12/07 4:12:52 PM): nicholas decoy name (01/12/07 4:12:59 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 4:13:42 PM): so, do you have any more pics you can send c_meandu (01/12/07 4:13:47 PM): I only have the two decoy name (01/12/07 4:14:40 PM): yeah but u only show me 1 c_meandu (01/12/07 4:15:20 PM): I'll get you some more decoy name (01/12/07 4:15:37 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 4:15:50 PM): so, let me see some more of you decoy name (01/12/07 4:16:03 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 4:16:29 PM): u want me 2 email em 2 u c_meandu (01/12/07 4:16:44 PM): you can open photo sharing if you want decoy name (01/12/07 4:16:51 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 4:18:02 PM): dont know which 1s u seen yet lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:18:28 PM): I've seen the one that's on your display tab decoy name (01/12/07 4:18:36 PM): thats it c_meandu (01/12/07 4:19:27 PM): and one on your profile and the one of you in a brown or black shirt (close up of your pretty face) c_meandu (01/12/07 4:19:30 PM): that's it decoy name (01/12/07 4:19:55 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 4:25:12 PM): u still there c_meandu (01/12/07 4:25:16 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 4:25:21 PM): nice pic decoy name (01/12/07 4:25:28 PM): thanx c_meandu (01/12/07 4:25:43 PM): I can see a little of your breasts... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:25:47 PM): they look incredible decoy name (01/12/07 4:25:54 PM): thanx c_meandu (01/12/07 4:25:59 PM): yw c_meandu (01/12/07 4:26:08 PM): just any more pics decoy name (01/12/07 4:26:28 PM): umm 1 more i think c_meandu (01/12/07 4:26:31 PM): cool c_meandu (01/12/07 4:27:47 PM): wow, you are gorgeous decoy name (01/12/07 4:27:56 PM): aww thanx:\"> c_meandu (01/12/07 4:28:01 PM): yw decoy name (01/12/07 4:28:52 PM): so wat ya wanna talk bout c_meandu (01/12/07 4:29:03 PM): anything you want c_meandu (01/12/07 4:29:10 PM): any idea? decoy name (01/12/07 4:29:34 PM): no lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:29:38 PM): lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:29:51 PM): are you home by yourself? decoy name (01/12/07 4:29:59 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 4:30:05 PM): wish I was there decoy name (01/12/07 4:30:12 PM): really c_meandu (01/12/07 4:30:16 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 4:30:41 PM): we could kiss decoy name (01/12/07 4:30:52 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 4:30:57 PM): uh huh decoy name (01/12/07 4:31:42 PM): thinkin of sumthin 2 ask u lol:-? c_meandu (01/12/07 4:32:05 PM): okay... don't think too hard... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:32:07 PM): hehe decoy name (01/12/07 4:32:11 PM): lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:32:28 PM): what grade are you in? decoy name (01/12/07 4:32:35 PM): 8 c_meandu (01/12/07 4:32:39 PM): wow c_meandu (01/12/07 4:32:53 PM): I've dream about making love to an 8th grader!!! (Ugh) c_meandu (01/12/07 4:33:00 PM): who looks like she's 20 decoy name (01/12/07 4:33:22 PM): i dont look 20 though lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:33:34 PM): lol decoy name (01/12/07 4:33:54 PM): k i know whens ur bday c_meandu (01/12/07 4:34:07 PM): in June c_meandu (01/12/07 4:34:10 PM): yours? decoy name (01/12/07 4:34:18 PM): kewl decoy name (01/12/07 4:34:20 PM): july c_meandu (01/12/07 4:34:26 PM): sweet decoy name (01/12/07 4:34:57 PM): k u ask me sumthin lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:35:14 PM): uhhhh... what's your dad's name decoy name (01/12/07 4:35:21 PM): john c_meandu (01/12/07 4:35:27 PM): cool c_meandu (01/12/07 4:35:40 PM): what does he do? decoy name (01/12/07 4:36:08 PM): bank manager c_meandu (01/12/07 4:36:19 PM): oh really?... cool job decoy name (01/12/07 4:36:36 PM): yeah he likes it i gues c_meandu (01/12/07 4:36:51 PM): I'd say it would be fun decoy name (01/12/07 4:37:01 PM): i gues decoy name (01/12/07 4:37:09 PM): wat u do i 4get c_meandu (01/12/07 4:37:24 PM): electronic security systems for the state c_meandu (01/12/07 4:37:31 PM): geeky stuff decoy name (01/12/07 4:37:47 PM): no sounds kewl an important or sumthin c_meandu (01/12/07 4:37:57 PM): yeah, it is decoy name (01/12/07 4:38:03 PM): wow kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 4:38:17 PM): what do you what to do? decoy name (01/12/07 4:38:30 PM): nurse c_meandu (01/12/07 4:38:37 PM): cool decoy name (01/12/07 4:38:52 PM): yep decoy name (01/12/07 4:39:24 PM): k my turn lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:39:30 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 4:40:48 PM): umm thinkin lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:40:53 PM): lol decoy name (01/12/07 4:42:18 PM): cant think of enything lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:42:24 PM): lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:42:43 PM): what do you want to do for our first time meeting? decoy name (01/12/07 4:42:57 PM): idk wat u wanna do c_meandu (01/12/07 4:43:05 PM): that's up to you... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:43:18 PM): I want to see you as soon as you want... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:43:27 PM): we can go somewhere... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:43:30 PM): eat... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:43:36 PM): or do whatever you want decoy name (01/12/07 4:43:41 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 4:43:57 PM): how do you plan to get away decoy name (01/12/07 4:44:23 PM): when my dads gone lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:44:29 PM): lol decoy name (01/12/07 4:44:41 PM): ;) c_meandu (01/12/07 4:44:55 PM): its a long drive for me so we need to plan it out decoy name (01/12/07 4:44:59 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 4:45:11 PM): o i know wat kinda car u got c_meandu (01/12/07 4:45:25 PM): Chrysler decoy name (01/12/07 4:45:36 PM): k wat color is it c_meandu (01/12/07 4:45:40 PM): black decoy name (01/12/07 4:45:44 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 4:45:47 PM): same as my motorcycle decoy name (01/12/07 4:45:51 PM): kewl decoy name (01/12/07 4:45:58 PM): u mus like black c_meandu (01/12/07 4:46:03 PM): lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:46:07 PM): in some things decoy name (01/12/07 4:46:15 PM): black cars r kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 4:46:20 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 4:46:27 PM): as long as they are clean c_meandu (01/12/07 4:46:32 PM): which is hard to do decoy name (01/12/07 4:46:38 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 4:47:12 PM): so, why are you not dating a guy c_meandu (01/12/07 4:47:17 PM): you are sooo pretty decoy name (01/12/07 4:47:36 PM): thanx decoy name (01/12/07 4:47:38 PM): idk decoy name (01/12/07 4:47:58 PM): nobody i like at school rite now c_meandu (01/12/07 4:48:04 PM): that makes sense c_meandu (01/12/07 4:48:22 PM): Do you go to a middle school or high school decoy name (01/12/07 4:49:05 PM): middle c_meandu (01/12/07 4:49:27 PM): kinda tough being the oldest class group. c_meandu (01/12/07 4:49:38 PM): Are you ready for high school decoy name (01/12/07 4:49:46 PM): yep i cant wait c_meandu (01/12/07 4:49:55 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/12/07 4:50:03 PM): what high school will you go to? decoy name (01/12/07 4:55:01 PM): hey sry sum1 was at the door c_meandu (01/12/07 4:55:27 PM): ok decoy name (01/12/07 4:55:40 PM): dumb neighbor lady wantin 2 know if i seen her dog decoy name (01/12/07 4:55:43 PM): lol noooo c_meandu (01/12/07 4:55:44 PM): lol decoy name (01/12/07 4:56:00 PM): shes always lookin 4 it lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:56:03 PM): lol c_meandu (01/12/07 4:56:41 PM): so, what high school will you go to? decoy name (01/12/07 4:57:09 PM): if i tell u then u will know where i live c_meandu (01/12/07 4:57:23 PM): and you don't want me to know c_meandu (01/12/07 4:57:25 PM): hmmmm decoy name (01/12/07 4:57:35 PM): not yet c_meandu (01/12/07 4:57:43 PM): why... c_meandu (01/12/07 4:57:58 PM): its not like I'm going to drive down uninvited decoy name (01/12/07 4:59:15 PM): omg that happen 2 my gf she liek met this guy online an he wasnt suppose 2 come till she say an he came when he wasnt suppose 2 an her mom an dad was there she got in like relly big trble an was grounded 4ever c_meandu (01/12/07 4:59:31 PM): no doubt c_meandu (01/12/07 4:59:37 PM): Well, I promise I won't decoy name (01/12/07 5:00:42 PM): well i jus wanna make shur ur not liek sum stalker or sumthin hmm ill tell u when ur gona 4real come c_meandu (01/12/07 5:01:02 PM): okay c_meandu (01/12/07 5:01:15 PM): arrange it as soon as you can... I really like you decoy name (01/12/07 5:01:22 PM): aww u do c_meandu (01/12/07 5:02:30 PM): yes decoy name (01/12/07 5:02:44 PM): kewl decoy name (01/12/07 5:02:56 PM): i liek u 2:\"> c_meandu (01/12/07 5:03:11 PM): kisses! c_meandu (01/12/07 5:03:19 PM): can't wait to see you decoy name (01/12/07 5:03:27 PM): kewl decoy name (01/12/07 5:04:14 PM): kisses 2 u 2 c_meandu (01/12/07 5:04:32 PM): do you really want to make love to me? (Hell no) decoy name (01/12/07 5:05:25 PM): do u c_meandu (01/12/07 5:05:37 PM): absolutely decoy name (01/12/07 5:05:46 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 5:05:52 PM): then yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 5:06:15 PM): mmmmm c_meandu (01/12/07 5:06:22 PM): I want you sooo much decoy name (01/12/07 5:06:34 PM): :\"> decoy name (01/12/07 5:06:38 PM): o brb c_meandu (01/12/07 5:07:11 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 5:10:42 PM): sry i was checkin dinner im makin 4 dad c_meandu (01/12/07 5:11:05 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/12/07 5:11:08 PM): what are you fixing decoy name (01/12/07 5:11:18 PM): spagetti c_meandu (01/12/07 5:12:19 PM): yummy! c_meandu (01/12/07 5:12:23 PM): one of my favorites decoy name (01/12/07 5:12:40 PM): kewl me 2 c_meandu (01/12/07 5:13:27 PM): Are you going to on tonight? decoy name (01/12/07 5:13:42 PM): on here c_meandu (01/12/07 5:13:53 PM): yeah decoy name (01/12/07 5:14:01 PM): yeah r u c_meandu (01/12/07 5:14:09 PM): should be late decoy name (01/12/07 5:14:18 PM): how late c_meandu (01/12/07 5:14:48 PM): mmmm probably around 10 or so decoy name (01/12/07 5:15:03 PM): k decoy name (01/12/07 5:15:09 PM): u gotta go now c_meandu (01/12/07 5:15:13 PM): yeah in a few c_meandu (01/12/07 5:15:18 PM): Is your dad home yet decoy name (01/12/07 5:15:32 PM): no but he will b soon c_meandu (01/12/07 5:15:43 PM): you wanna see a naughty pic of me (Ugh, not really) decoy name (01/12/07 5:15:50 PM): k c_meandu (01/12/07 5:16:29 PM): you aren't involved with law enforcement or gonna report me are you c_meandu (01/12/07 5:16:34 PM): I could get in trouble decoy name (01/12/07 5:16:37 PM): huh c_meandu (01/12/07 5:16:46 PM): you're 13 and I'm older c_meandu (01/12/07 5:16:55 PM): We aren't supposed to be doing this (Then why are you?) decoy name (01/12/07 5:17:02 PM): o decoy name (01/12/07 5:17:08 PM): i didnt know that c_meandu (01/12/07 5:17:12 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 5:17:18 PM): so, do you want to? decoy name (01/12/07 5:17:23 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 5:17:35 PM): okay c_meandu (01/12/07 5:18:15 PM): want me to keep going? decoy name (01/12/07 5:18:33 PM): yeah i guess c_meandu (01/12/07 5:18:34 PM): I took these while thinking about my dream with you decoy name (01/12/07 5:18:55 PM): wow really c_meandu (01/12/07 5:19:01 PM): oh yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 5:19:14 PM): you make so hard (You make me so sick) c_meandu (01/12/07 5:19:23 PM): can't wait to make you wet (Ugh) c_meandu (01/12/07 5:19:29 PM): and please you decoy name (01/12/07 5:19:51 PM): o my c_meandu (01/12/07 5:20:09 PM): want to see more decoy name (01/12/07 5:20:25 PM): yeah:\"> c_meandu (01/12/07 5:21:25 PM): glad you like c_meandu (01/12/07 5:21:53 PM): now you have to send me some.... c_meandu (01/12/07 5:21:54 PM): hehe decoy name (01/12/07 5:22:30 PM): culdnt c last 1 cuz u close it:( c_meandu (01/12/07 5:22:39 PM): oh sorry c_meandu (01/12/07 5:23:10 PM): I promise to spend alot of time with you c_meandu (01/12/07 5:23:14 PM): and be gentle decoy name (01/12/07 5:23:22 PM): k c_meandu (01/12/07 5:23:41 PM): so, do you really want me? decoy name (01/12/07 5:24:00 PM): yeah :\"> c_meandu (01/12/07 5:24:12 PM): okay c_meandu (01/12/07 5:24:26 PM): when do you want to meet? decoy name (01/12/07 5:24:42 PM): ill have 2 figure out c_meandu (01/12/07 5:24:45 PM): okay decoy name (01/12/07 5:25:31 PM): i think my dad goin away next weekend but i better make shur c_meandu (01/12/07 5:25:47 PM): okay, will he leave you there by yourself? decoy name (01/12/07 5:25:58 PM): idk mayb c_meandu (01/12/07 5:26:02 PM): okay c_meandu (01/12/07 5:26:16 PM): we'll if all we do is meet to say hi and get something to eat... c_meandu (01/12/07 5:26:20 PM): that would be fun decoy name (01/12/07 5:26:32 PM): k c_meandu (01/12/07 5:26:48 PM): I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you for sex c_meandu (01/12/07 5:27:01 PM): I like you alot and won't do anything you don't want to do. decoy name (01/12/07 5:27:06 PM): k c_meandu (01/12/07 5:27:20 PM): but I want some naughty pics for you!!!! c_meandu (01/12/07 5:27:21 PM): hehe c_meandu (01/12/07 5:27:30 PM): from you decoy name (01/12/07 5:27:30 PM): :\"> decoy name (01/12/07 5:28:05 PM): idk i wuld feel kinda weird c_meandu (01/12/07 5:28:17 PM): I understand decoy name (01/12/07 5:28:42 PM): my dads comin so i better go ill talk 2 u 2nite k c_meandu (01/12/07 5:28:47 PM): okay c_meandu (01/12/07 5:28:49 PM): nite decoy name (01/12/07 5:28:55 PM): :-* c_meandu (01/12/07 5:29:03 PM): kisses back to you decoy name decoy name (01/12/07 10:21:37 PM): hey charles decoy name (01/12/07 11:02:40 PM): talk 2 ya later i guess mayb 2morrow night c_meandu (01/12/07 11:07:44 PM): Hey sweetheart, I just got home and heading to bed... but I wanted to say hi.... see you soon decoy name (01/12/07 11:08:02 PM): :D c_meandu (01/12/07 11:08:19 PM): hey c_meandu (01/12/07 11:08:23 PM): nice smile c_meandu (01/12/07 11:08:29 PM): hehe decoy name (01/12/07 11:09:09 PM): thought i was gona miss u c_meandu (01/12/07 11:09:16 PM): me too c_meandu (01/12/07 11:09:20 PM): glad we didn't decoy name (01/12/07 11:09:24 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 11:09:43 PM): what are you doing decoy name (01/12/07 11:10:19 PM): was waitin 4 u an gettin darn tired waitin 2 btw c_meandu (01/12/07 11:10:37 PM): I'm sorry c_meandu (01/12/07 11:10:49 PM): Are you mad at me? decoy name (01/12/07 11:10:53 PM): nooo c_meandu (01/12/07 11:10:56 PM): ok decoy name (01/12/07 11:11:09 PM): :) c_meandu (01/12/07 11:11:18 PM): you're sweet decoy name (01/12/07 11:11:24 PM): aww so r u c_meandu (01/12/07 11:11:30 PM): raaaaw c_meandu (01/12/07 11:11:37 PM): we should kiss decoy name (01/12/07 11:11:42 PM): aww c_meandu (01/12/07 11:11:50 PM): do you like to french kiss? decoy name (01/12/07 11:11:56 PM): umm yeah c_meandu (01/12/07 11:12:02 PM): nice, me too decoy name (01/12/07 11:12:11 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 11:12:22 PM): yeah decoy name (01/12/07 11:12:38 PM): so where did ya go c_meandu (01/12/07 11:12:53 PM): friend of mine had a surprise birthday dinner c_meandu (01/12/07 11:13:01 PM): they called me about it on the way home c_meandu (01/12/07 11:13:06 PM): it was cool decoy name (01/12/07 11:13:09 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/12/07 11:13:25 PM): what have you done since dinner? decoy name (01/12/07 11:14:21 PM): nothin much really jus cleaned my room up cuz daddy said it was a disaster an then i was waitin 2 talk 2 u b4 i went 2 bed c_meandu (01/12/07 11:14:37 PM): I see c_meandu (01/12/07 11:14:43 PM): so are you in bed now? decoy name (01/12/07 11:14:59 PM): no im at my puter desk silly c_meandu (01/12/07 11:15:26 PM): lol c_meandu (01/12/07 11:15:38 PM): okay... didn't know if you have a lap top decoy name (01/12/07 11:15:56 PM): o no c_meandu (01/12/07 11:16:08 PM): so, what are you wearing? decoy name (01/12/07 11:16:52 PM): jammies c_meandu (01/12/07 11:17:01 PM): yeah? c_meandu (01/12/07 11:17:09 PM): describe them c_meandu (01/12/07 11:17:17 PM): I want to get a picture in my mind decoy name (01/12/07 11:17:46 PM): umm there white with red cherries all over em c_meandu (01/12/07 11:17:55 PM): mmmm nice decoy name (01/12/07 11:18:40 PM): yeah i like em c_meandu (01/12/07 11:19:24 PM): what do you want to talk about? decoy name (01/12/07 11:19:58 PM): idk im kinda tired so i was think bout goin 2 sleep c_meandu (01/12/07 11:20:09 PM): okay decoy name (01/12/07 11:21:09 PM): talk 2 u 2morrow if ur here c_meandu (01/12/07 11:21:18 PM): okay, I'll miss you till then decoy name (01/12/07 11:21:28 PM): ill miss u 2 decoy name (01/12/07 11:21:33 PM): :-* c_meandu (01/12/07 11:21:41 PM): see ya decoy name (01/12/07 11:21:49 PM): nite decoy name (01/13/07 6:51:19 PM): hey charles:)how ya doin c_meandu (01/13/07 8:21:41 PM): hey sweetheart, I'm good decoy name (01/13/07 8:22:00 PM): :D c_meandu (01/13/07 8:22:08 PM): mmmm nice smile decoy name (01/13/07 8:22:44 PM): hehe decoy name (01/13/07 8:22:53 PM): how r ya 2day c_meandu (01/13/07 8:23:08 PM): good... its been cold.... but good c_meandu (01/13/07 8:23:09 PM): you? decoy name (01/13/07 8:24:12 PM): good 2 an yeah its cold c_meandu (01/13/07 8:24:41 PM): the power has been going on and off here... so if I lose you... its just the power decoy name (01/13/07 8:24:59 PM): yeah i know decoy name (01/13/07 8:25:06 PM): ;) c_meandu (01/13/07 8:25:09 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 8:25:18 PM): I like it when you wink at me c_meandu (01/13/07 8:25:19 PM): hehe decoy name (01/13/07 8:25:27 PM): aww c_meandu (01/13/07 8:26:07 PM): what have you been doing today decoy name (01/13/07 8:27:03 PM): nothin much jus hangin aroung the house and help clean 2day how bout u c_meandu (01/13/07 8:27:25 PM): not much... took my daughter to ballet practice.... c_meandu (01/13/07 8:27:30 PM): and played around the house decoy name (01/13/07 8:27:53 PM): kewl how old i she c_meandu (01/13/07 8:27:57 PM): 5 decoy name (01/13/07 8:28:06 PM): aww i bet shes cute c_meandu (01/13/07 8:28:10 PM): she is that decoy name (01/13/07 8:28:19 PM): and does ballet how sweet c_meandu (01/13/07 8:28:23 PM): yeah.... c_meandu (01/13/07 8:28:41 PM): its weird being the only guy in a room full of women while I wait for her decoy name (01/13/07 8:28:58 PM): lol i bet decoy name (01/13/07 8:29:22 PM): where her mom c_meandu (01/13/07 8:29:36 PM): divorced... gone away decoy name (01/13/07 8:29:44 PM): aww 2bad decoy name (01/13/07 8:29:51 PM): u take care of her c_meandu (01/13/07 8:29:55 PM): yeah, she still cries about it alot decoy name (01/13/07 8:30:06 PM): aww:) decoy name (01/13/07 8:30:17 PM): i know how she feel with no mom c_meandu (01/13/07 8:30:22 PM): but it will all be for the better someday, I guess c_meandu (01/13/07 8:30:31 PM): yeah, you can certainly relate decoy name (01/13/07 8:30:58 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/13/07 8:32:00 PM): so, any good conversations with your friends? decoy name (01/13/07 8:32:20 PM): not 2day decoy name (01/13/07 8:32:24 PM): brb c_meandu (01/13/07 8:32:24 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 8:32:26 PM): ok decoy name (01/13/07 8:34:43 PM): sry had 2 go p c_meandu (01/13/07 8:34:51 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 8:35:09 PM): ok, its good to take care of those bodily functions! decoy name (01/13/07 8:35:20 PM): umm yeah c_meandu (01/13/07 8:37:01 PM): what's your plan for next weekend? decoy name (01/13/07 8:37:35 PM): idk daddys goin away 4 the weekend c_meandu (01/13/07 8:37:46 PM): hmmm decoy name (01/13/07 8:38:21 PM): hmmm wat c_meandu (01/13/07 8:38:28 PM): I can arrange to come see you if you want decoy name (01/13/07 8:38:43 PM): u can 4realz c_meandu (01/13/07 8:38:51 PM): yeah decoy name (01/13/07 8:38:59 PM): kewl:D c_meandu (01/13/07 8:39:20 PM): but I need to know for sure by Wednesday so I can get a place to stay and get a babysitter here decoy name (01/13/07 8:39:28 PM): k c_meandu (01/13/07 8:39:32 PM): sweet decoy name (01/13/07 8:39:42 PM): :) decoy name (01/13/07 8:40:03 PM): if ur not on here ill leave message 4 u c_meandu (01/13/07 8:40:13 PM): deal decoy name (01/13/07 8:40:18 PM): kewl deal c_meandu (01/13/07 8:40:47 PM): you know it decoy name (01/13/07 8:41:42 PM): ;) decoy name (01/13/07 8:42:10 PM): wat wuld u like me 2 wear c_meandu (01/13/07 8:42:19 PM): anything you want c_meandu (01/13/07 8:42:37 PM): guess it depends on what we do and what the weather is like decoy name (01/13/07 8:42:45 PM): yeah decoy name (01/13/07 8:43:03 PM): i got a new outfit but its a skirt u liek skirts c_meandu (01/13/07 8:43:12 PM): on you.... c_meandu (01/13/07 8:43:14 PM): YES decoy name (01/13/07 8:43:18 PM): k decoy name (01/13/07 8:43:22 PM): :D c_meandu (01/13/07 8:43:31 PM): that way I can look at your legs c_meandu (01/13/07 8:43:31 PM): hehe decoy name (01/13/07 8:43:38 PM): hehe decoy name (01/13/07 8:43:45 PM): wat we gona do c_meandu (01/13/07 8:43:52 PM): that's up to you decoy name (01/13/07 8:44:04 PM): ur the guy c_meandu (01/13/07 8:44:07 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 8:44:23 PM): well.... depending on how much time we'd have... c_meandu (01/13/07 8:44:31 PM): we could do alot of different stuff c_meandu (01/13/07 8:44:40 PM): and when we could meet up decoy name (01/13/07 8:45:19 PM): i gues hes goin 2 b gone all weekend c_meandu (01/13/07 8:45:24 PM): cool c_meandu (01/13/07 8:45:40 PM): Is he leaving Friday evening or not till Saturday decoy name (01/13/07 8:46:06 PM): umm not shur but ill find out c_meandu (01/13/07 8:46:11 PM): okay c_meandu (01/13/07 8:46:52 PM): I'll get a hotel close by... so let me know what town you live in so I can start looking for a place to stay. decoy name (01/13/07 8:49:37 PM): hmm thinkin decoy name (01/13/07 8:49:55 PM): i dont think theres 1 here i mean i aint nvr seen 1 c_meandu (01/13/07 8:50:52 PM): what's the town and I'll look around nearby towns decoy name (01/13/07 8:51:51 PM): grrrrrr jus a min c_meandu (01/13/07 8:52:01 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 8:52:03 PM): ok decoy name (01/13/07 8:55:37 PM): k back dads buggin me again c_meandu (01/13/07 8:55:44 PM): lol decoy name (01/13/07 8:56:26 PM): so u wanna look 4 hotels around here c_meandu (01/13/07 8:56:36 PM): yeah, resonably close c_meandu (01/13/07 8:56:53 PM): what's you town decoy name (01/13/07 8:56:59 PM): hmm not shur bout other towns close by decoy name (01/13/07 8:57:15 PM): walters c_meandu (01/13/07 8:57:30 PM): okay... I can find a decent place decoy name (01/13/07 8:57:44 PM): kewl decoy name (01/13/07 8:57:56 PM): u know where walters is at c_meandu (01/13/07 8:58:01 PM): no c_meandu (01/13/07 8:58:05 PM): never been there decoy name (01/13/07 8:58:16 PM): lol no1 else does either c_meandu (01/13/07 8:58:26 PM): lol decoy name (01/13/07 8:59:02 PM): so u really comin c_meandu (01/13/07 8:59:12 PM): absolutely c_meandu (01/13/07 8:59:16 PM): if you want me to decoy name (01/13/07 8:59:19 PM): :D decoy name (01/13/07 8:59:22 PM): yay decoy name (01/13/07 8:59:28 PM): yes c_meandu (01/13/07 8:59:37 PM): then I'll be there (Sorry I won't be, but someone will be here to meet you, don't worry) decoy name (01/13/07 8:59:46 PM): kewl way kewl decoy name (01/13/07 9:00:04 PM): will u b able 2 get babysitter c_meandu (01/13/07 9:00:27 PM): yeah, just let me know whether your dad is leaving Friday night or not decoy name (01/13/07 9:00:33 PM): k c_meandu (01/13/07 9:01:06 PM): If he leaves Friday night, we can meet up that evening.... have dinner... go to a movie... c_meandu (01/13/07 9:01:12 PM): then whatever you want. decoy name (01/13/07 9:01:19 PM): kewl decoy name (01/13/07 9:01:59 PM): or we got movies here we culd watch c_meandu (01/13/07 9:02:14 PM): would you want me there at your house? c_meandu (01/13/07 9:02:24 PM): the neighbor lady might rat us out c_meandu (01/13/07 9:02:37 PM): and I don't want you to get in trouble with your dad. decoy name (01/13/07 9:02:52 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 9:03:04 PM): why is that funny? decoy name (01/13/07 9:03:12 PM): the neightbor lady c_meandu (01/13/07 9:03:22 PM): yeah? decoy name (01/13/07 9:03:53 PM): shes goofy c_meandu (01/13/07 9:03:57 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 9:04:10 PM): well, I sure don't want your dad to know about us.... c_meandu (01/13/07 9:04:12 PM): he'd kill me decoy name (01/13/07 9:04:15 PM): she worry more bout her dog than me c_meandu (01/13/07 9:05:07 PM): lol decoy name (01/13/07 9:05:19 PM): my dad hmm c_meandu (01/13/07 9:05:26 PM): yeah? decoy name (01/13/07 9:05:33 PM): daddy dont kill ppl c_meandu (01/13/07 9:05:56 PM): he would me, if he found out you went out even for dinner with me decoy name (01/13/07 9:06:07 PM): o decoy name (01/13/07 9:06:11 PM): u think c_meandu (01/13/07 9:06:15 PM): oh yeah decoy name (01/13/07 9:06:22 PM): y decoy name (01/13/07 9:06:27 PM): hes pretty nice c_meandu (01/13/07 9:06:30 PM): I'm alot older decoy name (01/13/07 9:06:43 PM): o yeah decoy name (01/13/07 9:06:48 PM): mayb ur rite c_meandu (01/13/07 9:06:52 PM): I know I am decoy name (01/13/07 9:07:12 PM): well u gotta come here cuz like i cant drive nowhere u know c_meandu (01/13/07 9:07:24 PM): yeah, I'll pick you up c_meandu (01/13/07 9:07:39 PM): just give me the address and you can tell me what time decoy name (01/13/07 9:08:34 PM): ill give u all that stuff when i know evrthing wats goin on c_meandu (01/13/07 9:08:40 PM): sounds great decoy name (01/13/07 9:09:07 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/13/07 9:09:40 PM): I'll probably get a hotel in Lawton, its pretty close to you decoy name (01/13/07 9:09:58 PM): so how long u gona stay down here decoy name (01/13/07 9:10:11 PM): o yeah lawton kewl c_meandu (01/13/07 9:10:22 PM): I can stay one night and for a few hours the next morning. decoy name (01/13/07 9:10:28 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/13/07 9:10:38 PM): so, we could have an evening and into the next morning. decoy name (01/13/07 9:10:50 PM): kewl:D c_meandu (01/13/07 9:11:05 PM): Walters is a small town decoy name (01/13/07 9:11:13 PM): u got that c_meandu (01/13/07 9:11:15 PM): what street do you live on? decoy name (01/13/07 9:12:32 PM): ill let u know all that umm like thur c_meandu (01/13/07 9:12:41 PM): okay decoy name (01/13/07 9:13:02 PM): o i cant wait decoy name (01/13/07 9:13:07 PM): :D c_meandu (01/13/07 9:13:10 PM): really? c_meandu (01/13/07 9:13:22 PM): what do think will happen? decoy name (01/13/07 9:13:57 PM): idk wat do u think will happen c_meandu (01/13/07 9:14:23 PM): well, one of three things.... c_meandu (01/13/07 9:15:08 PM): 1... you'll see me and think I'm gross and decide not to go... in which case I'll leave and say \"see you later\" c_meandu (01/13/07 9:15:44 PM): 2... you'll see me and think I'm cute and we'll go somewhere to eat and if you want we'll go to a movie or hang out. c_meandu (01/13/07 9:16:42 PM): 3.... you'll see me and think I'm cute and we'll go somewhere to eat and do the movie or something else... and then I'll say bye to you the next morning. decoy name (01/13/07 9:17:14 PM): omg im not gona think ur gross an say c u later c_meandu (01/13/07 9:17:35 PM): well, just so you know that you can if you want to. decoy name (01/13/07 9:17:53 PM): k but i wont c_meandu (01/13/07 9:17:56 PM): ok decoy name (01/13/07 9:18:17 PM): silly u c_meandu (01/13/07 9:18:20 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 9:18:38 PM): just letting you know there is no pressure decoy name (01/13/07 9:18:51 PM): k decoy name (01/13/07 9:19:30 PM): hope it wont b 2 boring c_meandu (01/13/07 9:19:42 PM): what would be boring decoy name (01/13/07 9:19:48 PM): here 4 u decoy name (01/13/07 9:19:52 PM): with me c_meandu (01/13/07 9:19:56 PM): lol decoy name (01/13/07 9:20:04 PM): u livin in a big ciy an all c_meandu (01/13/07 9:20:08 PM): that would never be the case decoy name (01/13/07 9:20:15 PM): k c_meandu (01/13/07 9:21:53 PM): so, do you have a camera to take any more pics? c_meandu (01/13/07 9:22:05 PM): I'm soooo excited about seeing you for real... decoy name (01/13/07 9:22:13 PM): :D c_meandu (01/13/07 9:22:15 PM): I want to see more pics of you now decoy name (01/13/07 9:22:30 PM): i got sum more:) c_meandu (01/13/07 9:22:39 PM): cool c_meandu (01/13/07 9:22:41 PM): let me see decoy name (01/13/07 9:23:02 PM): k decoy name (01/13/07 9:25:27 PM): o i think i show u that 1 decoy name (01/13/07 9:25:33 PM): hold on c_meandu (01/13/07 9:25:36 PM): yeah, I love it... c_meandu (01/13/07 9:25:38 PM): okay c_meandu (01/13/07 9:27:08 PM): wow, nice decoy name (01/13/07 9:27:40 PM): thanx c_meandu (01/13/07 9:27:51 PM): mmmm more decoy name (01/13/07 9:28:02 PM): 1 more lol c_meandu (01/13/07 9:29:34 PM): wow, you are pretty decoy name (01/13/07 9:29:44 PM): aww:\">thanx c_meandu (01/13/07 9:30:09 PM): you're gorgeous c_meandu (01/13/07 9:30:24 PM): I wish the camera was aimed a littel lower c_meandu (01/13/07 9:30:25 PM): hehe decoy name (01/13/07 9:30:33 PM): :\"> decoy name (01/13/07 9:30:41 PM): nah i aint gorgeous c_meandu (01/13/07 9:30:54 PM): trust me you are decoy name (01/13/07 9:31:03 PM): gee thanx c_meandu (01/13/07 9:31:06 PM): yw decoy name (01/13/07 9:32:29 PM): :D c_meandu (01/13/07 9:32:35 PM): lol c_meandu (01/13/07 9:32:53 PM): I had better go get my daughter ready for bed.... decoy name (01/13/07 9:32:58 PM): k c_meandu (01/13/07 9:33:14 PM): talk to you tomorrow hopefully. decoy name (01/13/07 9:33:27 PM): yes:Dwat time c_meandu (01/13/07 9:33:34 PM): not sure... c_meandu (01/13/07 9:33:43 PM): but I'll check in a couple times decoy name (01/13/07 9:33:47 PM): k decoy name (01/13/07 9:33:57 PM): nite :-* c_meandu (01/13/07 9:34:09 PM): nite... hugs and kisses to you too sweetheart decoy name (01/14/07 3:40:18 PM): hey i will b back on bbout 5:30 decoy name (01/14/07 6:28:57 PM): hi talk 2 ya later i gues decoy name (01/14/07 6:28:57 PM): ;) c_meandu (01/14/07 7:34:07 PM): Hi decoy name decoy name (01/14/07 7:34:53 PM): hey wat ya doin c_meandu (01/14/07 7:35:19 PM): does came in from having to cut down the trees that fell in our yard because of the storms c_meandu (01/14/07 7:35:25 PM): ... I'm worn out... whew!!! decoy name (01/14/07 7:35:47 PM): wow c_meandu (01/14/07 7:36:07 PM): Yeah, its crazy c_meandu (01/14/07 7:36:21 PM): I'm covered in wood chips from the chain saw.... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:36:28 PM): I need to take a long shower! decoy name (01/14/07 7:37:09 PM): yeah i gues u better decoy name (01/14/07 7:37:18 PM): i missed u c_meandu (01/14/07 7:37:23 PM): me too c_meandu (01/14/07 7:37:30 PM): I dreamed about you all night decoy name (01/14/07 7:37:47 PM): wow really c_meandu (01/14/07 7:37:58 PM): yeah, crazy huh? decoy name (01/14/07 7:38:04 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/14/07 7:38:54 PM): well, sweetheart ... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:39:04 PM): kinda like it though c_meandu (01/14/07 7:39:10 PM): even though I shouldn't decoy name (01/14/07 7:39:18 PM): y u shuldnt c_meandu (01/14/07 7:39:33 PM): I shouldn't be dreaming about making love to you c_meandu (01/14/07 7:39:37 PM): you're sooo young decoy name (01/14/07 7:39:50 PM): but i thought u wanted 2 c_meandu (01/14/07 7:39:57 PM): oh I do... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:40:16 PM): but I don't want to hurt you. decoy name (01/14/07 7:40:25 PM): how u gona hurt me c_meandu (01/14/07 7:40:38 PM): we could never really date (be seen in public) c_meandu (01/14/07 7:40:50 PM): and never really be together.... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:40:59 PM): we can always be friends though c_meandu (01/14/07 7:41:05 PM): if you're okay with that. decoy name (01/14/07 7:41:29 PM): wat wrong u don't like me enymore decoy name (01/14/07 7:41:34 PM): :( c_meandu (01/14/07 7:41:38 PM): oh no, I do like you. c_meandu (01/14/07 7:41:47 PM): just that I don't want to hurt you c_meandu (01/14/07 7:42:01 PM): I like you too much to hurt you. decoy name (01/14/07 7:43:34 PM): :( c_meandu (01/14/07 7:43:45 PM): don't be sad.... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:44:02 PM): I still want to see you if you want and go out... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:44:41 PM): but I know that we couldn't develop a relationship because of our age differences and I don't want to hurt you because of that. decoy name (01/14/07 7:46:48 PM): k decoy name (01/14/07 7:48:23 PM): u still there c_meandu (01/14/07 7:48:36 PM): yeah, just went to the frig decoy name (01/14/07 7:48:40 PM): k c_meandu (01/14/07 7:49:09 PM): have you found out what day your day is leaving on ? decoy name (01/14/07 7:51:46 PM): yes c_meandu (01/14/07 7:52:00 PM): cool, when? decoy name (01/14/07 7:52:36 PM): real early in the morning friday like 6 c_meandu (01/14/07 7:52:44 PM): cool c_meandu (01/14/07 7:52:53 PM): when will he be back home? decoy name (01/14/07 7:53:04 PM): sunday c_meandu (01/14/07 7:53:11 PM): wow, nice c_meandu (01/14/07 7:53:24 PM): Is he going to let you stay by yourself? decoy name (01/14/07 7:53:35 PM): yeah shur i can if i wanna decoy name (01/14/07 7:54:03 PM): he told me i culd have jessie an cj over if i wanna c_meandu (01/14/07 7:54:10 PM): I see decoy name (01/14/07 7:54:48 PM): but i didnt say enything 2 them hehe c_meandu (01/14/07 7:54:58 PM): cool c_meandu (01/14/07 7:55:31 PM): It probably would be a good idea if you did have them over... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:55:39 PM): so you wouldn't be alone... c_meandu (01/14/07 7:56:00 PM): but that would make it tough for us to go out and spend time together without anyone knowing about it. decoy name (01/14/07 7:56:35 PM): yeah so i wont have them over then if ur really gona come c_meandu (01/14/07 7:56:45 PM): I'll come c_meandu (01/14/07 7:57:00 PM): I'll get there Friday evening and stay thru Saturday morning c_meandu (01/14/07 7:57:15 PM): So you could have them come before and after if you wanted decoy name (01/14/07 7:57:27 PM): kewl decoy name (01/14/07 7:58:20 PM): ill call them after u leave c_meandu (01/14/07 7:58:24 PM): okay c_meandu (01/14/07 7:58:41 PM): do you think your dad will call the house Friday night while we are out? decoy name (01/14/07 7:59:24 PM): he mite but i can jus tell him oh i was over at jessies or cjs or sum1s decoy name (01/14/07 7:59:56 PM): or i culd call him 1st an then he wont call me decoy name (01/14/07 7:59:59 PM): hehe c_meandu (01/14/07 8:00:01 PM): cool c_meandu (01/14/07 8:00:08 PM): sounds like a plan decoy name (01/14/07 8:00:14 PM): kewl decoy name (01/14/07 8:00:18 PM): ;) decoy name (01/14/07 8:00:30 PM): i was kinda scared 4 a min c_meandu (01/14/07 8:00:34 PM): why? decoy name (01/14/07 8:00:51 PM): cuz i thought u change ur mind about coming 2 c me c_meandu (01/14/07 8:01:29 PM): oh no, just want you to know I do like you... but that we just can't be a real couple... which is sad because I do like you sooo much decoy name (01/14/07 8:01:42 PM): o c_meandu (01/14/07 8:01:53 PM): I want to kiss you for hours c_meandu (01/14/07 8:01:56 PM): if you want decoy name (01/14/07 8:02:06 PM): yes:D c_meandu (01/14/07 8:02:09 PM): mmm c_meandu (01/14/07 8:02:10 PM): nice c_meandu (01/14/07 8:02:22 PM): what else would you want me to do? decoy name (01/14/07 8:02:48 PM): wat u wanna do c_meandu (01/14/07 8:02:58 PM): that will be up to you... c_meandu (01/14/07 8:03:04 PM): you have to say its okay decoy name (01/14/07 8:03:09 PM): k c_meandu (01/14/07 8:03:29 PM): so, I'll want you to tell me to keep going or not. decoy name (01/14/07 8:03:36 PM): k c_meandu (01/14/07 8:03:43 PM): okay c_meandu (01/14/07 8:04:27 PM): Hey, I had better go get my shower... c_meandu (01/14/07 8:04:36 PM): talk to you again soon decoy name. decoy name (01/14/07 8:04:53 PM): k c_meandu (01/14/07 8:05:15 PM): good nite. decoy name (01/14/07 8:05:23 PM): nite decoy name (01/14/07 8:07:45 PM): :-< decoy name (01/14/07 8:08:38 PM): :-S decoy name (01/15/07 3:04:25 PM): hey how ya doin ttyl;) c_meandu (01/15/07 4:10:54 PM): hey gorgeous... I'm good decoy name (01/15/07 4:12:00 PM): wat ya doin c_meandu (01/15/07 4:12:09 PM): working c_meandu (01/15/07 4:12:16 PM): what are you doing? decoy name (01/15/07 4:12:38 PM): nothin really bored school was close 2day c_meandu (01/15/07 4:12:50 PM): sorry c_meandu (01/15/07 4:13:18 PM): you and your friends should have gotten together. decoy name (01/15/07 4:13:50 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/15/07 4:14:39 PM): well sweetie, I'd love to chat... but I gotta work for now. decoy name (01/15/07 4:14:45 PM): k decoy name (01/15/07 4:14:52 PM): u gona b on later c_meandu (01/15/07 4:14:56 PM): yeah decoy name (01/15/07 4:15:00 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/15/07 4:15:05 PM): see ya then decoy name (01/15/07 4:15:08 PM): k decoy name (01/15/07 4:15:12 PM): :-* c_meandu (01/15/07 4:15:28 PM): mmmm kisses to you too sweetheart decoy name (01/15/07 9:42:10 PM): guess ur not on 2nite ...talk 2 u 2morrow k:) c_meandu (01/16/07 10:08:51 AM): Hey, sorry I missed you. decoy name (01/16/07 4:04:15 PM): hey talk 2 u later if ur on here;) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:22:16 PM): k decoy name (01/16/07 4:23:51 PM): u there c_meandu (01/16/07 4:24:11 PM): hey, yeah c_meandu (01/16/07 4:24:15 PM): didn't think you were on decoy name (01/16/07 4:24:25 PM): yeah i am c_meandu (01/16/07 4:24:30 PM): sweet decoy name (01/16/07 4:24:46 PM): wat u doin c_meandu (01/16/07 4:24:51 PM): finishing up work c_meandu (01/16/07 4:25:01 PM): what did you do today? decoy name (01/16/07 4:25:10 PM): school c_meandu (01/16/07 4:25:30 PM): cool... at least it wasn't a boring day like yesterday decoy name (01/16/07 4:25:35 PM): yeah lol c_meandu (01/16/07 4:25:53 PM): are you ready for Friday night and Saturday morning decoy name (01/16/07 4:26:02 PM): YES:D decoy name (01/16/07 4:26:06 PM): r u c_meandu (01/16/07 4:26:10 PM): oh yeah decoy name (01/16/07 4:26:14 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/16/07 4:26:28 PM): I get excited just thinking about it decoy name (01/16/07 4:26:38 PM): yeah me 2:D c_meandu (01/16/07 4:26:42 PM): really? decoy name (01/16/07 4:26:45 PM): yes c_meandu (01/16/07 4:26:49 PM): cool decoy name (01/16/07 4:26:54 PM): cant wait c_meandu (01/16/07 4:26:59 PM): are you really sure you want to do it? decoy name (01/16/07 4:27:12 PM): yes c_meandu (01/16/07 4:27:19 PM): cool decoy name (01/16/07 4:28:01 PM): :D c_meandu (01/16/07 4:28:12 PM): lol, nice smile decoy name (01/16/07 4:28:44 PM): did u get a hotel yet c_meandu (01/16/07 4:29:05 PM): not yet, I'll make the reservation on Thursday decoy name (01/16/07 4:29:10 PM): kewl decoy name (01/16/07 4:29:38 PM): u still wanna do all that stuff like u was sayin in ur dream c_meandu (01/16/07 4:29:46 PM): only if you still want to decoy name (01/16/07 4:29:52 PM): yes c_meandu (01/16/07 4:29:59 PM): wow decoy name (01/16/07 4:30:05 PM): :) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:30:13 PM): can I ask a question decoy name (01/16/07 4:30:16 PM): shur c_meandu (01/16/07 4:30:20 PM): why with me c_meandu (01/16/07 4:30:33 PM): there are alot of younger guys out there. decoy name (01/16/07 4:31:10 PM): they act dumb ur really sweet:) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:31:22 PM): okay, just so long as you are sure... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:31:29 PM): and that no one can ever know about it. decoy name (01/16/07 4:31:49 PM): o i know decoy name (01/16/07 4:31:54 PM): ;) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:31:55 PM): then YES decoy name (01/16/07 4:31:59 PM): kewl decoy name (01/16/07 4:32:14 PM): um i was thinkin bout sumthin c_meandu (01/16/07 4:32:17 PM): what decoy name (01/16/07 4:32:39 PM): well i dont wanna get liek preggie u know c_meandu (01/16/07 4:32:44 PM): right c_meandu (01/16/07 4:32:50 PM): I'll bring condoms decoy name (01/16/07 4:32:55 PM): kewl decoy name (01/16/07 4:33:14 PM): :-* c_meandu (01/16/07 4:33:17 PM): mmmm c_meandu (01/16/07 4:33:33 PM): did ever take any more pics for me decoy name (01/16/07 4:33:43 PM): no c_meandu (01/16/07 4:33:52 PM): booo decoy name (01/16/07 4:33:56 PM): lol c_meandu (01/16/07 4:33:56 PM): I want to see more decoy name (01/16/07 4:34:34 PM): well ill get sum more an ill give u sum when u come if u want em c_meandu (01/16/07 4:34:44 PM): lol... okay c_meandu (01/16/07 4:34:51 PM): heck, I could even take them c_meandu (01/16/07 4:34:53 PM): haha decoy name (01/16/07 4:34:58 PM): kewl decoy name (01/16/07 4:35:22 PM): >:D< c_meandu (01/16/07 4:35:38 PM): can't wait decoy name (01/16/07 4:35:48 PM): me 2 c_meandu (01/16/07 4:36:00 PM): can't believe we are really doing this decoy name (01/16/07 4:36:16 PM): i cant either c_meandu (01/16/07 4:36:40 PM): tell me how far you have gone before. decoy name (01/16/07 4:37:03 PM): well the most i did with my exbf was oral:\"> c_meandu (01/16/07 4:37:10 PM): okay c_meandu (01/16/07 4:37:17 PM): did he cum in your mouth decoy name (01/16/07 4:37:28 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/16/07 4:37:30 PM): wow c_meandu (01/16/07 4:37:38 PM): did you swallow it? decoy name (01/16/07 4:38:20 PM): yeah cuz he wanted me 2 he said it was ok c_meandu (01/16/07 4:38:34 PM): what did you think about it decoy name (01/16/07 4:38:52 PM): it tasted kinda yuky>:P c_meandu (01/16/07 4:38:56 PM): lol c_meandu (01/16/07 4:39:08 PM): I can understand that c_meandu (01/16/07 4:39:24 PM): I love to be licked and sucked.... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:39:36 PM): but I won't ask you to have me cum in your mouth decoy name (01/16/07 4:39:44 PM): k c_meandu (01/16/07 4:40:02 PM): I want to spend hours just touching you... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:40:11 PM): and making you tremble with pleasure... decoy name (01/16/07 4:40:18 PM): wow c_meandu (01/16/07 4:40:25 PM): giving you your 1st orgasm... decoy name (01/16/07 4:40:30 PM): wow c_meandu (01/16/07 4:40:32 PM): eating your pussy... decoy name (01/16/07 4:40:37 PM): wow decoy name (01/16/07 4:40:50 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/16/07 4:41:03 PM): glad you like decoy name (01/16/07 4:41:16 PM): :) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:41:39 PM): I just hope you don't get caught by your dad decoy name (01/16/07 4:41:52 PM): nah he wont b here c_meandu (01/16/07 4:42:05 PM): will any of your family come by to check on you? decoy name (01/16/07 4:42:15 PM): no c_meandu (01/16/07 4:42:18 PM): okay decoy name (01/16/07 4:42:48 PM): ;) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:42:53 PM): lol decoy name (01/16/07 4:43:08 PM): wats funny c_meandu (01/16/07 4:43:12 PM): cute wink decoy name (01/16/07 4:43:28 PM): o ;););) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:43:33 PM): lol c_meandu (01/16/07 4:44:02 PM): so, tell me what you like the most decoy name (01/16/07 4:44:14 PM): bout wat c_meandu (01/16/07 4:44:44 PM): sexually c_meandu (01/16/07 4:44:49 PM): what pleases you c_meandu (01/16/07 4:44:58 PM): what turns you on decoy name (01/16/07 4:45:25 PM): well i havent done that much u know decoy name (01/16/07 4:46:22 PM): umm r u a good teacher c_meandu (01/16/07 4:46:28 PM): yeah, but you know what excites you. c_meandu (01/16/07 4:46:55 PM): I think I can teach you alot and be very gentle in the process. decoy name (01/16/07 4:47:07 PM): aww c ur so sweet c_meandu (01/16/07 4:47:13 PM): true decoy name (01/16/07 4:47:17 PM): i liek lots of kissing c_meandu (01/16/07 4:47:33 PM): If you decide you really want me to come inside of you... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:47:44 PM): the first time will hurt some... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:47:51 PM): but it won't after that. c_meandu (01/16/07 4:48:03 PM): If you are really relaxed and horny... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:48:11 PM): you'll be so wet... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:48:26 PM): that I'll slide in and out nice and smooth. decoy name (01/16/07 4:48:30 PM): k decoy name (01/16/07 4:48:48 PM): yeah thats wat my gf said it hurts kinda the 1st time c_meandu (01/16/07 4:49:17 PM): yeah, it dependa alot on how much time the guy takes in foreplay (getting you hot and wet)... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:49:23 PM): and on what position. c_meandu (01/16/07 4:49:42 PM): we can try a bunch of different positions to see what feels the best to you. decoy name (01/16/07 4:49:52 PM): k decoy name (01/16/07 4:50:32 PM): :) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:50:36 PM): mmm c_meandu (01/16/07 4:50:42 PM): I want you so much decoy name (01/16/07 4:50:57 PM): aww k now i really cant wait c_meandu (01/16/07 4:51:01 PM): cool c_meandu (01/16/07 4:51:19 PM): you'll have to really careful after we have been together... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:51:36 PM): you'll have a lot of knowledge no one else has about how to do it right c_meandu (01/16/07 4:51:50 PM): and you'll have to careful who you do it with. decoy name (01/16/07 4:51:56 PM): wow c_meandu (01/16/07 4:52:13 PM): Always remember that it a special gift... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:52:30 PM): and only guys that you really want to give it to should have it. decoy name (01/16/07 4:52:37 PM): k c_meandu (01/16/07 4:52:53 PM): Don't ever let me or anyone pressure you. decoy name (01/16/07 4:53:00 PM): k c_meandu (01/16/07 4:53:11 PM): you are too special decoy name (01/16/07 4:53:19 PM): aww:\"> decoy name (01/16/07 4:53:27 PM): ur special 2 c_meandu (01/16/07 4:53:31 PM): rawwww c_meandu (01/16/07 4:53:52 PM): I've never made love to a young lady before c_meandu (01/16/07 4:54:02 PM): I'll be nervous decoy name (01/16/07 4:54:10 PM): aww decoy name (01/16/07 4:54:44 PM): ill prolly b nervouse 2 c_meandu (01/16/07 4:54:52 PM): so, you gotta tell me what you like. decoy name (01/16/07 4:55:01 PM): k c_meandu (01/16/07 4:55:20 PM): what places on your body turn you on? decoy name (01/16/07 4:56:21 PM): :\">umm well i kinda liked it when he touch my boobs c_meandu (01/16/07 4:56:30 PM): mmmm c_meandu (01/16/07 4:56:40 PM): I touch you there c_meandu (01/16/07 4:56:53 PM): and kiss your nipples decoy name (01/16/07 4:57:01 PM): ooooo c_meandu (01/16/07 4:57:15 PM): I spend a lot of time touching your breasts... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:57:27 PM): running my tongue over your nipples... c_meandu (01/16/07 4:57:41 PM): and sucking your nipples in and out of my mouth slowly. decoy name (01/16/07 4:57:48 PM): wow c_meandu (01/16/07 4:58:03 PM): think you'll like that decoy name (01/16/07 4:58:40 PM): yes it sounds really kewl:) c_meandu (01/16/07 4:58:54 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/16/07 4:59:04 PM): tell me something decoy name (01/16/07 4:59:08 PM): shur c_meandu (01/16/07 4:59:23 PM): do you shave or trim your pussy? decoy name (01/16/07 4:59:48 PM): no i umm dont have a lot there:\">yet c_meandu (01/16/07 4:59:55 PM): of wow c_meandu (01/16/07 5:00:00 PM): oh wow c_meandu (01/16/07 5:00:19 PM): Are you really sure you want to do this with me? decoy name (01/16/07 5:00:28 PM): YES c_meandu (01/16/07 5:00:31 PM): okay c_meandu (01/16/07 5:00:39 PM): I'm going to ask that question alot! decoy name (01/16/07 5:00:44 PM): lol decoy name (01/16/07 5:01:00 PM): r u really shur u wanna do this wiht me c_meandu (01/16/07 5:01:09 PM): I'm scared to death... c_meandu (01/16/07 5:01:11 PM): but yes c_meandu (01/16/07 5:01:12 PM): yes c_meandu (01/16/07 5:01:13 PM): yes decoy name (01/16/07 5:01:41 PM): im kinda scared 2 but i can tell ur gona b so sweet an stuff decoy name (01/16/07 5:02:03 PM): hey do u know like bout wat time u will get here c_meandu (01/16/07 5:02:10 PM): not sure c_meandu (01/16/07 5:02:15 PM): what time do you want me there decoy name (01/16/07 5:03:19 PM): well umm idk u know when ur leavin c_meandu (01/16/07 5:03:25 PM): lol decoy name (01/16/07 5:03:44 PM): liek wat time c_meandu (01/16/07 5:03:59 PM): What time do you get out of school? decoy name (01/16/07 5:04:17 PM): i shuld b home by 4 c_meandu (01/16/07 5:04:30 PM): okay, how much do you want to get ready? decoy name (01/16/07 5:05:43 PM): hmm let c gotta take a shwr an do my hair an makeup umm mayb hour or hour an half decoy name (01/16/07 5:05:54 PM): gotta look good c_meandu (01/16/07 5:06:04 PM): okay, don't worry about the make up decoy name... c_meandu (01/16/07 5:06:22 PM): I want to see you for the real beauty you have... c_meandu (01/16/07 5:06:25 PM): besides... decoy name (01/16/07 5:06:27 PM): aww c_meandu (01/16/07 5:06:36 PM): if we take a shower together at the hotel... c_meandu (01/16/07 5:06:42 PM): it will just wash off. decoy name (01/16/07 5:07:15 PM): wow kewl decoy name (01/16/07 5:07:22 PM): then shuldnt take that long 2 get ready c_meandu (01/16/07 5:07:47 PM): cool decoy name (01/16/07 5:08:09 PM): u know how long it will take u 2 get 2 walters c_meandu (01/16/07 5:08:20 PM): yeah about 4 hours decoy name (01/16/07 5:08:27 PM): WOW c_meandu (01/16/07 5:08:30 PM): yeah decoy name (01/16/07 5:08:35 PM): thats long time c_meandu (01/16/07 5:08:39 PM): do you live right in town? decoy name (01/16/07 5:08:59 PM): hold on c_meandu (01/16/07 5:09:03 PM): I'll need the address so I can get a map c_meandu (01/16/07 5:09:04 PM): ok c_meandu (01/16/07 5:10:09 PM): brb myself decoy name (01/16/07 5:12:33 PM): its kinda in town dads calling me to come eat so i will talk 2 u later if ur on:-* c_meandu (01/16/07 5:12:52 PM): okay c_meandu (01/16/07 5:13:03 PM): just give me the address when you can. decoy name (01/18/07 7:07:14 AM): hey charles daddys not goin away till next weekend cuz the weathers suppose 2 b bad this weekend i gues :(:(:(i hope u can come next fri talk 2 u soon :)i gota go c_meandu (01/18/07 9:47:55 AM): Hey... sorry to hear that. I have to be out of town next weekend myself from Friday night thru Sunday morning. Wish we could figure something out. We will soon... I'll miss you... Charles c_meandu (01/19/07 4:37:11 PM): Hey decoy name, I'll think about you alot this weekend... hope you have a good one. decoy name (01/19/07 6:30:35 PM): hey charles ill think bout u 2 daddy told me hes not goin away next weekend either he had 2 change it till the next weekend after that so mayb u can come then kewl huh ill talk 2 ya when ur on :) c_meandu (01/19/07 7:50:26 PM): Sounds great. Hopefully, we can talk a lot between now and then.... have a good weekend decoy name (01/19/07 7:51:23 PM): u there c_meandu (01/19/07 7:51:37 PM): yes, hey you! decoy name (01/19/07 7:51:50 PM): hi ya decoy name (01/19/07 7:51:55 PM): :D c_meandu (01/19/07 7:52:12 PM): what's your plans for tonight? decoy name (01/19/07 7:52:29 PM): nothin really decoy name (01/19/07 7:52:37 PM): wat r u doin c_meandu (01/19/07 7:52:49 PM): doing boring but necessary stuff right now c_meandu (01/19/07 7:52:52 PM): .... paying bills decoy name (01/19/07 7:52:59 PM): o c_meandu (01/19/07 7:53:05 PM): yeah... c_meandu (01/19/07 7:53:11 PM): I'd rather be with you decoy name (01/19/07 7:53:19 PM): i know c_meandu (01/19/07 7:53:28 PM): we'd probably be finishing up dinner about now c_meandu (01/19/07 7:53:37 PM): and headed back the hotel decoy name (01/19/07 7:54:12 PM): so u think u will b able 2 come the next weekend c_meandu (01/19/07 7:54:41 PM): I think so.... not sure yet... but I'll do everything I can decoy name (01/19/07 7:54:52 PM): o kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 7:55:21 PM): wish you had a cam c_meandu (01/19/07 7:55:29 PM): we would play around on cams c_meandu (01/19/07 7:55:30 PM): hehe decoy name (01/19/07 7:55:48 PM): huh c_meandu (01/19/07 7:56:28 PM): we could turn each other on by underdressing on web cams for each other.... c_meandu (01/19/07 7:57:03 PM): but its probably better and even more erotic that we are waiting until we see each other for real. decoy name (01/19/07 7:57:25 PM): yeah i think that wuld b better 2 c_meandu (01/19/07 7:57:41 PM): cool c_meandu (01/19/07 7:58:01 PM): You should go out to a movie and have some fun tonight decoy name (01/19/07 7:59:09 PM): nah i dont feel like it c_meandu (01/19/07 7:59:14 PM): lol... ok decoy name (01/19/07 7:59:32 PM): if u was here i wuld:\"> c_meandu (01/19/07 7:59:46 PM): mmmm I know c_meandu (01/19/07 7:59:50 PM): I want you sooo much decoy name (01/19/07 8:00:22 PM): aww:) c_meandu (01/19/07 8:00:43 PM): you are too cute decoy name (01/19/07 8:00:52 PM): aww thanx c_meandu (01/19/07 8:00:59 PM): you're welcome decoy name (01/19/07 8:00:59 PM): ur sweet c_meandu (01/19/07 8:01:02 PM): thanks c_meandu (01/19/07 8:01:25 PM): hope you don't change your mind over the next 2 weeks decoy name (01/19/07 8:01:33 PM): heck no c_meandu (01/19/07 8:01:38 PM): but if you do, I'd understand. c_meandu (01/19/07 8:01:42 PM): I'm glad c_meandu (01/19/07 8:01:58 PM): I can't imagine how wonderful it will be to make love to you c_meandu (01/19/07 8:02:09 PM): and feel your soft body against mine decoy name (01/19/07 8:02:34 PM): aww u say sweet stuff c_meandu (01/19/07 8:02:52 PM): Its just how I feel decoy name (01/19/07 8:03:20 PM): :) c_meandu (01/19/07 8:04:10 PM): Have you talked to CJ or Jessie about us? decoy name (01/19/07 8:04:19 PM): no c_meandu (01/19/07 8:04:28 PM): okay, just curioius c_meandu (01/19/07 8:04:31 PM): curious decoy name (01/19/07 8:08:39 PM): u busy c_meandu (01/19/07 8:08:50 PM): not really, just paying bills c_meandu (01/19/07 8:08:58 PM): I always have time for you decoy name (01/19/07 8:09:29 PM): u must b payin a lot of bills lol c_meandu (01/19/07 8:09:40 PM): lol... yeah c_meandu (01/19/07 8:10:17 PM): I'd rather be turning down the bed in our hotel room c_meandu (01/19/07 8:10:31 PM): and leading you to the bed... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:10:39 PM): and kissing you. decoy name (01/19/07 8:11:03 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:11:28 PM): then I'd slowly unbutton your blouse.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:11:46 PM): and kiss your chest as I unbutton each button. c_meandu (01/19/07 8:12:23 PM): and run my hands down your legs.... as we kiss on the bed. c_meandu (01/19/07 8:12:26 PM): hehe c_meandu (01/19/07 8:12:34 PM): just a hint of what's in store decoy name (01/19/07 8:13:06 PM): wow decoy name (01/19/07 8:13:15 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:13:28 PM): hope it excites you decoy name (01/19/07 8:13:58 PM): yeah:\"> c_meandu (01/19/07 8:14:11 PM): I'm glad c_meandu (01/19/07 8:14:53 PM): I'd love to have some pics of you with your shirt unbuttoned.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:15:05 PM): its going to be a long 2 weeks for me! c_meandu (01/19/07 8:15:06 PM): hehe decoy name (01/19/07 8:15:41 PM): me 2 c_meandu (01/19/07 8:15:57 PM): we'll make it c_meandu (01/19/07 8:16:11 PM): I'll be sooo horny for you though... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:16:21 PM): I might cum as soon as I see you! c_meandu (01/19/07 8:16:23 PM): hehe decoy name (01/19/07 8:16:38 PM): omg:\"> c_meandu (01/19/07 8:16:41 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 8:16:48 PM): I'll try to hold out c_meandu (01/19/07 8:17:13 PM): and save it for when we join our bodies together. c_meandu (01/19/07 8:17:14 PM): mmmmm decoy name (01/19/07 8:17:29 PM): i cant wait c_meandu (01/19/07 8:17:41 PM): me too decoy name (01/19/07 8:18:40 PM): :-*;;) c_meandu (01/19/07 8:18:48 PM): mmm sweet! c_meandu (01/19/07 8:18:57 PM): I want to feel you kiss me c_meandu (01/19/07 8:19:05 PM): and taste your lips c_meandu (01/19/07 8:19:10 PM): mmm decoy name (01/19/07 8:19:26 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:20:09 PM): how much snow are you guys supposed to get decoy name (01/19/07 8:22:31 PM): umm im not sure i think daddy said like 6 or 7 inches sumthin like that c_meandu (01/19/07 8:22:44 PM): yeah, that's about the same for here too c_meandu (01/19/07 8:23:41 PM): will your dad be gone during the day tomorrow? decoy name (01/19/07 8:24:03 PM): not sure y c_meandu (01/19/07 8:24:25 PM): I might be alone and could give you a call or something c_meandu (01/19/07 8:24:27 PM): if you wanted decoy name (01/19/07 8:24:50 PM): im not sure ill have 2 let u know c_meandu (01/19/07 8:25:00 PM): okay, no problem decoy name (01/19/07 8:25:35 PM): ;) c_meandu (01/19/07 8:26:09 PM): so, tell me what kind of music you like c_meandu (01/19/07 8:26:20 PM): your favorite groups/singers decoy name (01/19/07 8:26:42 PM): hold on brb c_meandu (01/19/07 8:26:47 PM): k decoy name (01/19/07 8:30:43 PM): geez wish he wuld leave or sumthin c_meandu (01/19/07 8:30:48 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 8:30:54 PM): what's he doing? decoy name (01/19/07 8:31:09 PM): bein stupid c_meandu (01/19/07 8:31:23 PM): ahhh come on.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:31:26 PM): how? decoy name (01/19/07 8:32:01 PM): just being dumb like always c_meandu (01/19/07 8:32:08 PM): lol decoy name (01/19/07 8:32:18 PM): so wat was we talkin about c_meandu (01/19/07 8:32:30 PM): I asked what kind of music you like decoy name (01/19/07 8:33:40 PM): o yeah hmm i like drake bell avril Lavigne gwen stefani jesse mccartney wat u like c_meandu (01/19/07 8:34:00 PM): oh my... alot of different kind of stuff... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:34:09 PM): everything from Nickelback... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:34:21 PM): and Saliva.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:34:35 PM): to Tim McGraw and Sugerland (country stuff) decoy name (01/19/07 8:34:45 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:34:53 PM): I'm really flexible in the music area c_meandu (01/19/07 8:35:18 PM): I was a disc jockey at a radio station for about 13 years decoy name (01/19/07 8:35:29 PM): wow really thats kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:35:43 PM): yeah, it was the funest job ever... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:35:49 PM): it didn't pay much, c_meandu (01/19/07 8:35:53 PM): but it was fun. decoy name (01/19/07 8:35:59 PM): where at c_meandu (01/19/07 8:36:04 PM): back east decoy name (01/19/07 8:36:31 PM): back east really c_meandu (01/19/07 8:36:39 PM): yeah decoy name (01/19/07 8:36:43 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:37:41 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/19/07 8:38:03 PM): a friend of mine and I actually did a \"disco show\" for the last two years we were in high school. c_meandu (01/19/07 8:38:25 PM): I found the shirt from back in those days about a month ago and cracked up. decoy name (01/19/07 8:38:41 PM): y c_meandu (01/19/07 8:38:56 PM): It was such a long time ago.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:39:14 PM): and the shirt was really small and tight decoy name (01/19/07 8:39:20 PM): o lol decoy name (01/19/07 8:39:33 PM): u was a disc jocky in high school c_meandu (01/19/07 8:39:39 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/19/07 8:39:49 PM): I started in like my junior year decoy name (01/19/07 8:40:13 PM): wow decoy name (01/19/07 8:40:18 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:40:23 PM): yeppers decoy name (01/19/07 8:40:38 PM): where u go 2 high school c_meandu (01/19/07 8:40:48 PM): In Virginia decoy name (01/19/07 8:41:06 PM): really thats where ur from c_meandu (01/19/07 8:41:13 PM): yeah decoy name (01/19/07 8:41:17 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:41:26 PM): Have you always lived in Oklahoma decoy name (01/19/07 8:41:30 PM): yeah decoy name (01/19/07 8:41:46 PM): u like it better in oklahoma c_meandu (01/19/07 8:41:55 PM): most of the time c_meandu (01/19/07 8:42:01 PM): the jobs are better c_meandu (01/19/07 8:42:09 PM): the weather is better... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:42:19 PM): I do miss the really deep snows c_meandu (01/19/07 8:42:23 PM): and the mountains sometimes decoy name (01/19/07 8:42:33 PM): mountains kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:42:44 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 8:42:46 PM): yeah decoy name (01/19/07 8:43:32 PM): i nvr been enywhere jus oklahoma c_meandu (01/19/07 8:43:40 PM): ahhhh c_meandu (01/19/07 8:43:52 PM): Your dad should take you on a vacation decoy name (01/19/07 8:44:09 PM): yeah that wuld b kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:44:30 PM): As a bank manager, he should get some time off.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:44:47 PM): have you gone on a vacation recently? decoy name (01/19/07 8:45:03 PM): no c_meandu (01/19/07 8:45:09 PM): No way! decoy name (01/19/07 8:45:23 PM): no:( c_meandu (01/19/07 8:45:39 PM): He's missing out on some great times with you decoy name (01/19/07 8:45:54 PM): yeah he is decoy name (01/19/07 8:46:14 PM): hes pretty boring guy i tell ya c_meandu (01/19/07 8:46:17 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 8:46:40 PM): could you ask him to take you on a vacation? c_meandu (01/19/07 8:46:51 PM): summer time is coming! c_meandu (01/19/07 8:46:54 PM): hint hint decoy name (01/19/07 8:46:58 PM): yeah lol decoy name (01/19/07 8:47:21 PM): he nvr goes enywhere cept when he goes 4 busness decoy name (01/19/07 8:47:33 PM): booooring c_meandu (01/19/07 8:47:39 PM): that's sad decoy name (01/19/07 8:48:11 PM): vacation he does stuff round the house c_meandu (01/19/07 8:48:26 PM): yeah, I do some of that too.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:48:37 PM): but I have to get out of town a couple times a year decoy name (01/19/07 8:48:45 PM): kewl decoy name (01/19/07 8:48:51 PM): where u go c_meandu (01/19/07 8:49:08 PM): this summer we are going to the beach c_meandu (01/19/07 8:49:56 PM): and, if I can arrange it, we'll go to New York for New Year's Eve decoy name (01/19/07 8:50:10 PM): wow kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:50:19 PM): yeah, the beach is definate c_meandu (01/19/07 8:50:29 PM): I wish you were older. decoy name (01/19/07 8:50:36 PM): y c_meandu (01/19/07 8:50:39 PM): cause decoy name (01/19/07 8:50:46 PM): cuz y c_meandu (01/19/07 8:50:50 PM): just do decoy name (01/19/07 8:51:14 PM): k decoy name (01/19/07 8:51:36 PM): wat beach u goin 2 c_meandu (01/19/07 8:51:44 PM): Back east c_meandu (01/19/07 8:51:47 PM): in Carolina decoy name (01/19/07 8:51:53 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:52:27 PM): you should do some research and present him with a vacation proposal!!!! decoy name (01/19/07 8:52:50 PM): hmm decoy name (01/19/07 8:53:50 PM): i wuld like 2 go 2 disney world decoy name (01/19/07 8:53:57 PM): yeah that wuld b kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:54:10 PM): I've been once about 3 years ago c_meandu (01/19/07 8:54:16 PM): you would love it decoy name (01/19/07 8:54:17 PM): really kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:54:36 PM): If you and I would ever be there.... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:54:56 PM): I'd make love to you on Cocoa Beach (about an hour from Disney World) decoy name (01/19/07 8:55:06 PM): wow kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 8:55:12 PM): oh yeah decoy name (01/19/07 8:55:57 PM): wait on the beach wat if sum1 saw us c_meandu (01/19/07 8:56:15 PM): they would be sooooo jealous decoy name (01/19/07 8:56:20 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 8:56:26 PM): that we were having fun decoy name (01/19/07 8:56:40 PM): an i wuld b soooooo embarassed c_meandu (01/19/07 8:56:52 PM): then I guess we wouldn't do it... c_meandu (01/19/07 8:57:05 PM): I wouldn't do anything to embarass you. decoy name (01/19/07 8:57:41 PM): well i like the idea it sounds soo romantic hey i know we culd find a secret place on the beach c_meandu (01/19/07 8:57:49 PM): you bet c_meandu (01/19/07 8:57:58 PM): and we could make love at night c_meandu (01/19/07 8:58:04 PM): when fewer people are out decoy name (01/19/07 8:58:31 PM): i wanna go 2 the beach8-> c_meandu (01/19/07 8:58:42 PM): tell your dad c_meandu (01/19/07 8:58:44 PM): he'll do it decoy name (01/19/07 8:58:58 PM): i mean with u silly c_meandu (01/19/07 8:59:12 PM): I'd take you if you were older decoy name (01/19/07 8:59:33 PM): i gotta hurry up an get older c_meandu (01/19/07 8:59:55 PM): lol decoy name (01/19/07 9:00:15 PM): then u can take me 2 the beach c_meandu (01/19/07 9:00:19 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 9:00:29 PM): when you are 18, I'll be 50 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:00:40 PM): you won't want anything to do with me... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:00:41 PM): sniff c_meandu (01/19/07 9:00:43 PM): sniff decoy name (01/19/07 9:00:53 PM): i dont care c_meandu (01/19/07 9:01:01 PM): you should c_meandu (01/19/07 9:01:12 PM): you deserve a great guy... near your age c_meandu (01/19/07 9:01:25 PM): you'll find one in college I'm sure c_meandu (01/19/07 9:01:29 PM): just give it time decoy name (01/19/07 9:01:55 PM): yeah well they wont b as nice and sweet as u c_meandu (01/19/07 9:02:04 PM): probably not.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:02:11 PM): but there's one that's close c_meandu (01/19/07 9:02:12 PM): hehe c_meandu (01/19/07 9:02:22 PM): guys start to c_meandu (01/19/07 9:02:31 PM): grow up in college decoy name (01/19/07 9:02:56 PM): i hope so c_meandu (01/19/07 9:03:07 PM): they do c_meandu (01/19/07 9:03:26 PM): Are you sure you want to give up your most precious gift to me.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:03:28 PM): now? decoy name (01/19/07 9:03:56 PM): precious gift c_meandu (01/19/07 9:04:04 PM): your virginity silly decoy name (01/19/07 9:04:55 PM): o lol decoy name (01/19/07 9:04:55 PM): yes c_meandu (01/19/07 9:05:00 PM): okay c_meandu (01/19/07 9:05:17 PM): Its something that if we do it.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:05:19 PM): I'll always cherish. c_meandu (01/19/07 9:05:25 PM): But I want you to be sure decoy name (01/19/07 9:06:16 PM): i am c_meandu (01/19/07 9:06:21 PM): okay c_meandu (01/19/07 9:06:40 PM): wow... it gives me chills just thinking about it. (Yeah, me too) decoy name (01/19/07 9:06:49 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 9:06:55 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 9:07:22 PM): Can you take some more pics for me c_meandu (01/19/07 9:07:31 PM): I need to see more of you... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:07:36 PM): 2 weeks is sooo long decoy name (01/19/07 9:07:48 PM): i know its liek 4ever decoy name (01/19/07 9:08:11 PM): ill get sum more 4 u c_meandu (01/19/07 9:08:15 PM): cool decoy name (01/19/07 9:08:30 PM): :) c_meandu (01/19/07 9:08:46 PM): you make me smile decoy name (01/19/07 9:08:59 PM): i do c_meandu (01/19/07 9:09:04 PM): yeah decoy name (01/19/07 9:09:15 PM): u make me smile 2 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:09:45 PM): I want you to know that when we meet c_meandu (01/19/07 9:09:59 PM): if you decide you don't want to go thru with it... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:10:07 PM): i'll see be your friend. c_meandu (01/19/07 9:10:25 PM): Just letting you know I don't want to meet you just for sex. c_meandu (01/19/07 9:10:28 PM): I like you. decoy name (01/19/07 9:10:40 PM): 4real decoy name (01/19/07 9:10:53 PM): i like u 2:D c_meandu (01/19/07 9:10:55 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/19/07 9:11:22 PM): we could never be \"boyfriend and girlfriend\" but I'll always be your friend decoy name (01/19/07 9:11:33 PM): k decoy name (01/19/07 9:11:51 PM): wish u culd b my bf c_meandu (01/19/07 9:11:55 PM): me too c_meandu (01/19/07 9:12:07 PM): if you were older (like probably 30) c_meandu (01/19/07 9:12:08 PM): haha decoy name (01/19/07 9:12:27 PM): :-< c_meandu (01/19/07 9:12:36 PM): lol, what? decoy name (01/19/07 9:12:44 PM): wish i was 30 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:12:55 PM): me too c_meandu (01/19/07 9:13:06 PM): oh well.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:13:10 PM): we are who we are. decoy name (01/19/07 9:13:57 PM): well it sucks bein 13:( c_meandu (01/19/07 9:14:08 PM): enjoy it sweetheart.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:14:14 PM): time passes slow... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:14:25 PM): but you will become an incredible lady soon. c_meandu (01/19/07 9:14:57 PM): Just don't marry an asshole right out of high school.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:15:16 PM): you'll find the right one in college I'm sure decoy name (01/19/07 9:15:40 PM): hmm well i hope hes jus like u c_meandu (01/19/07 9:15:48 PM): ahhhh thanks c_meandu (01/19/07 9:15:53 PM): you have to have me meet him c_meandu (01/19/07 9:15:54 PM): hehe decoy name (01/19/07 9:16:07 PM): i will decoy name (01/19/07 9:16:29 PM): and if u dont like him i will tell him 2 go away c_meandu (01/19/07 9:16:57 PM): okay c_meandu (01/19/07 9:17:08 PM): until then.... its me and you!!!! decoy name (01/19/07 9:17:24 PM): kewl:D c_meandu (01/19/07 9:17:31 PM): nah.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:17:44 PM): I want you to date other guys when you find one you like.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:18:02 PM): just please don't go to bed with them right a way. c_meandu (01/19/07 9:18:26 PM): that's your choice, but just be really careful. decoy name (01/19/07 9:18:33 PM): k c_meandu (01/19/07 9:21:02 PM): you still there? decoy name (01/19/07 9:22:06 PM): u still there c_meandu (01/19/07 9:22:14 PM): yeah decoy name (01/19/07 9:22:22 PM): k c_meandu (01/19/07 9:22:54 PM): what would CJ or Jessie say to you if they knew you wanted to make love with me? decoy name (01/19/07 9:23:07 PM): gee idk c_meandu (01/19/07 9:23:12 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 9:23:24 PM): you know that you will tell them someday.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:23:25 PM): hehe decoy name (01/19/07 9:23:52 PM): not unless u say its ok c_meandu (01/19/07 9:24:05 PM): If anybody ever found out.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:24:13 PM): I'd be in alot of trouble decoy name (01/19/07 9:24:21 PM): o decoy name (01/19/07 9:24:29 PM): wat kinda trbl c_meandu (01/19/07 9:24:33 PM): jail decoy name (01/19/07 9:24:41 PM): omg no way c_meandu (01/19/07 9:24:44 PM): oh yeah decoy name (01/19/07 9:24:56 PM): i dont want u 2 go 2 jail i wuld cry c_meandu (01/19/07 9:25:03 PM): so would I decoy name (01/19/07 9:25:27 PM): wuld i get in trble 2 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:25:31 PM): no decoy name (01/19/07 9:26:12 PM): k i aint tellin eny1 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:26:22 PM): cool c_meandu (01/19/07 9:26:42 PM): if we are still making love when your 18, you can tell then...hehe decoy name (01/19/07 9:27:03 PM): y when im 18 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:27:19 PM): you're an adult then decoy name (01/19/07 9:27:25 PM): o c_meandu (01/19/07 9:27:33 PM): yeah decoy name (01/19/07 9:27:51 PM): u gotta b a grownup 2 don enything geez c_meandu (01/19/07 9:28:04 PM): lol c_meandu (01/19/07 9:28:05 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/19/07 9:28:18 PM): Guess there's a reason.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:28:29 PM): its kinda why I keep asking you if you are sure.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:28:43 PM): and I keep letting you know that if you want to back out that its okay. decoy name (01/19/07 9:30:01 PM): o c_meandu (01/19/07 9:30:22 PM): just being protective... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:30:22 PM): hehe decoy name (01/19/07 9:30:42 PM): aww c ur sweet c_meandu (01/19/07 9:30:47 PM): yeah.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:30:51 PM): but at the same time.... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:31:07 PM): I want pics of you with no bra and an unbuttoned shirt... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:31:13 PM): in your panties..... c_meandu (01/19/07 9:31:21 PM): and more! decoy name (01/19/07 9:32:45 PM): umm how bout u take them c_meandu (01/19/07 9:32:52 PM): okay c_meandu (01/19/07 9:33:03 PM): who would you want to see them? decoy name (01/19/07 9:33:17 PM): omg no1 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:33:28 PM): okay... no problem decoy name (01/19/07 9:33:38 PM): just u c_meandu (01/19/07 9:33:52 PM): okay decoy name (01/19/07 9:34:04 PM): ur not gona like show them 2 sum1 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:34:18 PM): I just want to see some like that before we meet. c_meandu (01/19/07 9:34:25 PM): Oh no, I'd never show them decoy name (01/19/07 9:34:30 PM): k c_meandu (01/19/07 9:34:34 PM): its just for me and you decoy name (01/19/07 9:34:38 PM): k c_meandu (01/19/07 9:34:49 PM): something for me to look like when we are apart decoy name (01/19/07 9:35:02 PM): ooo kewl c_meandu (01/19/07 9:35:11 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/19/07 9:35:43 PM): hey, I gotta go get my daughter ready for bed decoy name (01/19/07 9:36:01 PM): k c_meandu (01/19/07 9:36:13 PM): talk to you soon sweetheart c_meandu (01/19/07 9:36:28 PM): I'll dream about you tonight! c_meandu (01/19/07 9:36:44 PM): Just imagine me kissing you all over your body! c_meandu (01/19/07 9:36:48 PM): in every place! decoy name (01/19/07 9:36:57 PM): k:-*kewl decoy name (01/19/07 9:37:05 PM): ill dream bout u 2 c_meandu (01/19/07 9:37:10 PM): mmm nice c_meandu (01/19/07 9:37:13 PM): good night decoy name (01/19/07 9:37:17 PM): night decoy name (01/21/07 12:24:46 PM): hey wats up decoy name (01/21/07 12:25:00 PM): ttyl 2day if ur on:) decoy name (01/21/07 8:51:17 PM): talk 2 u 2morrow i hope decoy name (01/21/07 8:51:19 PM): miss u decoy name (01/21/07 8:51:26 PM): :( decoy name (01/22/07 3:40:41 PM): guess ur busy talk 2 u later c_meandu (01/22/07 3:47:46 PM): hey, just got in decoy name (01/22/07 3:47:56 PM): hey c_meandu (01/22/07 3:47:58 PM): hi decoy name (01/22/07 3:48:11 PM): :) c_meandu (01/22/07 3:48:18 PM): how are you decoy name (01/22/07 3:48:33 PM): k how r u c_meandu (01/22/07 3:48:41 PM): pretty good decoy name (01/22/07 3:49:01 PM): wat u been doin c_meandu (01/22/07 3:49:47 PM): just working alot decoy name (01/22/07 3:50:00 PM): o decoy name (01/22/07 3:50:38 PM): u workin now c_meandu (01/22/07 3:50:53 PM): yeah, but I always have time for you decoy name (01/22/07 3:51:02 PM): aww thanx c_meandu (01/22/07 3:51:43 PM): you're welcome decoy name (01/22/07 3:52:05 PM): brb c_meandu (01/22/07 3:52:08 PM): okay decoy name (01/22/07 4:00:07 PM): back sry decoy name (01/22/07 4:00:10 PM): u still there c_meandu (01/22/07 4:00:14 PM): yeah decoy name (01/22/07 4:01:34 PM): r u real busy c_meandu (01/22/07 4:02:07 PM): busy... but I'll take a break if you want to talk decoy name (01/22/07 4:02:13 PM): k decoy name (01/22/07 4:02:17 PM): :D c_meandu (01/22/07 4:02:18 PM): cool c_meandu (01/22/07 4:02:34 PM): so, what did you do this weekend? decoy name (01/22/07 4:02:57 PM): nothin much really decoy name (01/22/07 4:03:03 PM): wat did u do c_meandu (01/22/07 4:03:18 PM): wokred around the house.... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:03:30 PM): and thought about what we could have been doing c_meandu (01/22/07 4:03:31 PM): hehe decoy name (01/22/07 4:03:45 PM): yeah me 2 c_meandu (01/22/07 4:04:09 PM): I must have made love to you five or six times in my mind this weekend decoy name (01/22/07 4:04:55 PM): oooo really decoy name (01/22/07 4:04:56 PM): wow kewl c_meandu (01/22/07 4:05:03 PM): yeah decoy name (01/22/07 4:05:21 PM): i had a dream about u 2 c_meandu (01/22/07 4:05:25 PM): really c_meandu (01/22/07 4:05:29 PM): tell me about it decoy name (01/22/07 4:07:02 PM): u came 2 c me and u picked me up and we went 2 get sumthing 2 eat and then we went 2 a movie then we went 2 ur hotel and we were kissing lots and lots and then i woke up darn it c_meandu (01/22/07 4:07:20 PM): lol.... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:07:27 PM): I hate it when that happens decoy name (01/22/07 4:07:34 PM): yeah i know me 2 c_meandu (01/22/07 4:07:46 PM): sometimes I'll wake up like that.... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:08:02 PM): and go back to sleep and pick right up where I left off. decoy name (01/22/07 4:08:07 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/22/07 4:08:16 PM): yeah, I like those decoy name (01/22/07 4:08:42 PM): o and when we met i liked u alot and u liked me alot 2:) c_meandu (01/22/07 4:08:49 PM): sweet c_meandu (01/22/07 4:08:56 PM): I hope that really happens decoy name (01/22/07 4:09:02 PM): me 2 c_meandu (01/22/07 4:09:31 PM): Hey, if nothing else, we can go get something to eat... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:09:40 PM): but I think we will do more c_meandu (01/22/07 4:09:43 PM): hehe decoy name (01/22/07 4:09:50 PM): me 2 c_meandu (01/22/07 4:09:54 PM): mmm c_meandu (01/22/07 4:10:03 PM): I'm horny just thinking about you decoy name (01/22/07 4:10:10 PM): really decoy name (01/22/07 4:10:12 PM): wow c_meandu (01/22/07 4:10:15 PM): yeah decoy name (01/22/07 4:10:32 PM): :) c_meandu (01/22/07 4:10:50 PM): did you take any pictures for me over the weekend? decoy name (01/22/07 4:11:02 PM): no sry c_meandu (01/22/07 4:11:07 PM): its okay c_meandu (01/22/07 4:11:14 PM): I just want more of you decoy name (01/22/07 4:11:32 PM): :) decoy name (01/22/07 4:11:41 PM): u got eny more of u c_meandu (01/22/07 4:11:58 PM): I think I sent all the pics c_meandu (01/22/07 4:12:17 PM): I could always take more decoy name (01/22/07 4:12:21 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/22/07 4:12:29 PM): what would you like to see decoy name (01/22/07 4:12:39 PM): u silly c_meandu (01/22/07 4:12:52 PM): any particular areas? c_meandu (01/22/07 4:12:53 PM): hehe decoy name (01/22/07 4:12:58 PM): lol decoy name (01/22/07 4:13:12 PM): ur face and the rest of u c_meandu (01/22/07 4:13:38 PM): okay, I'll see what I can do decoy name (01/22/07 4:13:43 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/22/07 4:14:02 PM): hope you don't save the pics on your computer... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:14:11 PM): your dad would freak out if he found them! decoy name (01/22/07 4:14:32 PM): o like those other 1s u sent nooo i delete them c_meandu (01/22/07 4:14:40 PM): cool decoy name (01/22/07 4:14:55 PM): :) c_meandu (01/22/07 4:15:45 PM): so, where was your dad planning to go to on his out-of-town trip? decoy name (01/22/07 4:16:05 PM): oklahoma city c_meandu (01/22/07 4:16:17 PM): oh, that's not too far decoy name (01/22/07 4:16:29 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/22/07 4:16:46 PM): hope he goes in a couple of weeks decoy name (01/22/07 4:17:14 PM): yeah he is c_meandu (01/22/07 4:17:18 PM): cool decoy name (01/22/07 4:17:23 PM): he better c_meandu (01/22/07 4:17:25 PM): lol decoy name (01/22/07 4:17:26 PM): lol c_meandu (01/22/07 4:17:59 PM): yeah, and hope he doesn't come back early! decoy name (01/22/07 4:18:19 PM): i hope not c_meandu (01/22/07 4:18:25 PM): we'd be dead! c_meandu (01/22/07 4:18:26 PM): lol decoy name (01/22/07 4:18:51 PM): that wuld b bad c_meandu (01/22/07 4:18:55 PM): you bet decoy name (01/22/07 4:19:22 PM): i wuld grounded like 4evr c_meandu (01/22/07 4:19:28 PM): lol c_meandu (01/22/07 4:19:31 PM): true decoy name (01/22/07 4:19:51 PM): and u wuld go 2 jail and i wuld cry 4evr c_meandu (01/22/07 4:19:56 PM): yeah decoy name (01/22/07 4:20:39 PM): he wont enyways so it will b ok c_meandu (01/22/07 4:20:48 PM): cool c_meandu (01/22/07 4:21:21 PM): would you stay all night with me in my hotel room or would I need to take you home decoy name (01/22/07 4:21:59 PM): i wuld stay all nite with u in ur hotel if u wanted me 2:D c_meandu (01/22/07 4:22:07 PM): really? c_meandu (01/22/07 4:22:09 PM): wow... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:22:12 PM): I'd love that c_meandu (01/22/07 4:22:31 PM): but I didn't know if you'd need to be home in case he called decoy name (01/22/07 4:23:24 PM): ill just call him 1st or sumthing mayb tell him im going 2 my gf or sumthing then he wont call decoy name (01/22/07 4:23:25 PM): ;) c_meandu (01/22/07 4:23:33 PM): cool c_meandu (01/22/07 4:24:00 PM): sounds like we have a plan! decoy name (01/22/07 4:24:27 PM): :D c_meandu (01/22/07 4:24:52 PM): too bad we have to wait 2 weeks c_meandu (01/22/07 4:25:02 PM): but its better than not at all! decoy name (01/22/07 4:25:17 PM): i know:( c_meandu (01/22/07 4:25:47 PM): If you wanted, we could talk to each other on the phone when he isn't there decoy name (01/22/07 4:25:56 PM): k c_meandu (01/22/07 4:26:02 PM): cool decoy name (01/22/07 4:26:37 PM): but not now cuz hes here c_meandu (01/22/07 4:26:47 PM): okay c_meandu (01/22/07 4:26:55 PM): this is fine... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:27:04 PM): I do like your voice though... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:27:08 PM): it turns me on. decoy name (01/22/07 4:27:47 PM): really decoy name (01/22/07 4:27:49 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/22/07 4:27:53 PM): yeah c_meandu (01/22/07 4:28:06 PM): you have a young adult lady's voice c_meandu (01/22/07 4:28:09 PM): its nice decoy name (01/22/07 4:28:14 PM): kewl c_meandu (01/22/07 4:28:23 PM): yeah decoy name (01/22/07 4:28:57 PM): i liked talkin 2 u 2 u sound really nice c_meandu (01/22/07 4:29:04 PM): thanks decoy name (01/22/07 4:29:20 PM): yw c_meandu (01/22/07 4:30:01 PM): so, tell me have CJ and Jessie had sex yet? decoy name (01/22/07 4:30:23 PM): cj did but jessie didnt c_meandu (01/22/07 4:30:27 PM): I see c_meandu (01/22/07 4:30:52 PM): Just curious to see what you've been told and things like that.... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:31:13 PM): it will probably (hopefully) be much much better for you. decoy name (01/22/07 4:31:35 PM): yeah cuz it will b with u:\"> c_meandu (01/22/07 4:31:39 PM): awwwww decoy name (01/22/07 4:32:00 PM): she said it hurts the 1st time but after that its ok c_meandu (01/22/07 4:32:10 PM): yeah, it can c_meandu (01/22/07 4:32:20 PM): I'll take care of you... decoy name (01/22/07 4:32:26 PM): aww ur so sweet c_meandu (01/22/07 4:32:29 PM): so it won't hurt much... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:32:47 PM): then afterwards we'll keep making love so you'll really enjoy it c_meandu (01/22/07 4:32:49 PM): over and over decoy name (01/22/07 4:32:58 PM): k decoy name (01/22/07 4:33:13 PM): i was kinda scared if it hurt c_meandu (01/22/07 4:33:22 PM): I know... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:33:33 PM): that's the toughest part for a girl I'd said... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:33:42 PM): knowing that its going to hurt... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:33:51 PM): and not being able to really relax. decoy name (01/22/07 4:33:56 PM): o c_meandu (01/22/07 4:34:15 PM): We'll just take our time.. c_meandu (01/22/07 4:34:23 PM): and really enjoy ever part... decoy name (01/22/07 4:34:27 PM): k c_meandu (01/22/07 4:34:44 PM): so that by the time we are ready to come together... c_meandu (01/22/07 4:34:50 PM): you'll be ready. c_meandu (01/22/07 4:34:51 PM): mmm c_meandu (01/22/07 4:34:53 PM): oh decoy namee c_meandu (01/22/07 4:34:59 PM): the thoughts c_meandu (01/22/07 4:35:04 PM): make me soooo hard! c_meandu (01/22/07 4:35:05 PM): wow decoy name (01/22/07 4:35:37 PM): kewl:\"> c_meandu (01/22/07 4:35:42 PM): you know it c_meandu (01/22/07 4:35:55 PM): But hey, I have to go for now sweetheart. decoy name (01/22/07 4:36:00 PM): k decoy name (01/22/07 4:36:09 PM): talk 2 u soon c_meandu (01/22/07 4:36:12 PM): you will decoy name (01/22/07 4:36:14 PM): :) c_meandu (01/22/07 4:36:23 PM): get CJ or Jessie to take some more pics c_meandu (01/22/07 4:36:29 PM): hehe c_meandu (01/22/07 4:36:33 PM): see ya decoy name (01/22/07 4:36:38 PM): k c ya decoy name (01/23/07 6:33:07 PM): hey miss ya ttyl if ur on:) c_meandu (01/24/07 12:51:11 PM): miss you sweetie... talk to you tomorrow. c_meandu (01/24/07 12:51:11 PM): decoy name, I have a new ID... its chalo632000... see you there sweetie decoy name (01/24/07 4:56:10 PM): hey decoy name (01/24/07 4:57:44 PM): charles decoy name (01/24/07 4:58:18 PM): u there chalo632000 (01/24/07 4:59:06 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 4:59:13 PM): hang on a sec decoy name (01/24/07 4:59:19 PM): k chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:00:20 PM): I'm back back I only got a few minutes chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:00:30 PM): I need to add you to my new name decoy name (01/24/07 5:00:37 PM): k chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:00:44 PM): cool decoy name (01/24/07 5:01:26 PM): y u get a new 1 chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:02:12 PM): A girl was driving me crazy decoy name (01/24/07 5:02:18 PM): a girl chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:02:28 PM): well.... a lady decoy name (01/24/07 5:02:45 PM): o how was she driving u crazy chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:02:59 PM): kept wanting me to fuck her... chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:03:07 PM): and I'm not interested in her. decoy name (01/24/07 5:03:14 PM): o i c chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:03:30 PM): yeah decoy name (01/24/07 5:03:50 PM): im glad chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:05:29 PM): yeah.... so, how was your day? decoy name (01/24/07 5:05:39 PM): k i guess chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:05:45 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:06:04 PM): today has been crazy here.... chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:06:09 PM): working a bunch chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:06:21 PM): then with this girl all over me.... chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:06:24 PM): geez decoy name (01/24/07 5:06:35 PM): o so i guess ur kinda 2 busy 2 talk now huh decoy name (01/24/07 5:06:58 PM): well she cant bug u now chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:07:59 PM): yeah... its crazy right now chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:08:08 PM): will you be on later sweetheart? decoy name (01/24/07 5:08:23 PM): yes chalo632000 (01/24/07 5:08:29 PM): cool... I'll see you then decoy name (01/24/07 5:08:36 PM): k :D chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:34:51 PM): Hi decoy name... talk to you tomorrow... sorry I missed you. decoy name (01/24/07 9:35:20 PM): k sry i miss u 2 chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:35:28 PM): oh hey chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:35:35 PM): I didnt know you were on decoy name (01/24/07 9:35:59 PM): yeah i was waiting 4 u chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:36:08 PM): awww how sweet decoy name (01/24/07 9:36:43 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:37:05 PM): so, tell me about your day decoy name (01/24/07 9:37:54 PM): same thing go 2 school come home do homework help daddy chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:38:08 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:38:18 PM): what's your favorite class? decoy name (01/24/07 9:38:47 PM): mmmm... idk i liek em all chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:38:56 PM): really cool chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:39:06 PM): I like it that you are sexy and smart chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:39:13 PM): what classes are you taking? decoy name (01/24/07 9:41:12 PM): eng history science algebra main things chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:41:19 PM): nice decoy name (01/24/07 9:41:36 PM): nuff school chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:41:41 PM): oka chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:41:42 PM): okay decoy name (01/24/07 9:41:44 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:41:51 PM): what's on your mind? decoy name (01/24/07 9:42:47 PM): nothin im tired chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:42:54 PM): I'm sorry chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:43:15 PM): If I was there, we'd crawl in your bed and lay close to each other.... chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:43:36 PM): and I'd kiss your shoulders till you fell asleep decoy name (01/24/07 9:43:44 PM): aww thats so sweet chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:43:49 PM): I know chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:43:50 PM): hehe chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:44:24 PM): of course my rock hard \"you know\" pressed against your ass would keep us awake... chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:44:25 PM): haha decoy name (01/24/07 9:44:32 PM): haha chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:44:41 PM): lol decoy name (01/24/07 9:45:15 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:45:37 PM): are you doing a lot of cheering? decoy name (01/24/07 9:46:03 PM): not now its basketball time im football cheerleader chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:46:19 PM): I see chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:46:34 PM): I'd love to see some pics of you in your cheer uniform chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:46:41 PM): mmmm I bet you are hot! decoy name (01/24/07 9:46:53 PM): yep im pretty hot lol chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:46:59 PM): yummy! decoy name (01/24/07 9:47:07 PM): better idea chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:47:16 PM): what decoy name (01/24/07 9:47:28 PM): mayb ill put it on 4 u when u come down here 2 c me chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:47:33 PM): mmmm chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:47:41 PM): you really want to drive me crazy! decoy name (01/24/07 9:47:53 PM): lol y wuld that drive u crazy chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:48:10 PM): to make out and then make love to a gorgeous cheer leader chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:48:13 PM): YES! decoy name (01/24/07 9:48:27 PM): k then i will put it on 4 u chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:48:31 PM): mmmm chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:48:45 PM): I'll run my hands along your long legs... chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:48:55 PM): and play with you under your skirt! chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:48:56 PM): hehe decoy name (01/24/07 9:49:04 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:49:14 PM): you know it decoy name (01/24/07 9:49:20 PM): cant wait chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:49:30 PM): same here decoy name decoy name (01/24/07 9:49:36 PM): :D decoy name (01/24/07 9:50:21 PM): 1more week chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:50:24 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:51:04 PM): I've been thinking about it so much chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:51:13 PM): hope it all goes well decoy name (01/24/07 9:51:20 PM): me 2 chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:51:29 PM): I want to please you chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:51:38 PM): and give you a good time. decoy name (01/24/07 9:51:45 PM): kewl decoy name (01/24/07 9:52:02 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:52:12 PM): nice smile chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:53:02 PM): so, you got any more pics yet for me? decoy name (01/24/07 9:53:12 PM): hehe cuz thinkin bout me and u decoy name (01/24/07 9:54:02 PM): i found 1 but i cant remember if i show it 2 u chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:54:23 PM): show me decoy name (01/24/07 9:55:01 PM): i was thinking of sending it 2 u in email but i wasnt shur if u wuld want me 2 or not chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:55:16 PM): sure why not decoy name (01/24/07 9:55:22 PM): k chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:55:46 PM): chalo632000@yahoo.com decoy name (01/24/07 9:56:20 PM): k chalo632000 (01/24/07 9:56:54 PM): let me know when you've sent it and I'll check decoy name (01/24/07 9:57:56 PM): k decoy name (01/24/07 10:00:24 PM): k chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:00:37 PM): cool, I'll check chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:01:12 PM): nothing yet decoy name (01/24/07 10:01:48 PM): yahoo has been being dumb decoy name (01/24/07 10:01:52 PM): hold on chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:02:08 PM): lol... i hate it when that happens chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:02:10 PM): ok decoy name (01/24/07 10:07:00 PM): 8-| chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:07:21 PM): want to just use photo sharing? decoy name (01/24/07 10:08:17 PM): yeah and mayb u will still get it chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:08:23 PM): ok decoy name (01/24/07 10:09:06 PM): mayb i showed u already did i chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:09:25 PM): its loading now... give it a sec decoy name (01/24/07 10:09:42 PM): k chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:10:38 PM): its starting to load but hasn't finished yet chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:11:25 PM): I can say I haven't seen it before chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:11:44 PM): trying deleting it from photo sharing and then add it again chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:11:53 PM): it hasn't cleared up chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:11:55 PM): boooo decoy name (01/24/07 10:12:16 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:12:44 PM): yeah, I can't make anything out! chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:12:52 PM): I wanna see! decoy name (01/24/07 10:13:14 PM): :( chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:13:43 PM): give it another try decoy name (01/24/07 10:14:09 PM): k chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:14:52 PM): crap, its still not clearing up... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:15:07 PM): you finally show me a pic of \"all of you\" chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:15:12 PM): legs.... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:15:19 PM): and everything chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:15:24 PM): and I can't see it! decoy name (01/24/07 10:15:25 PM): lol im still trying 2 send u in email chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:15:26 PM): booooo chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:15:32 PM): okay decoy name (01/24/07 10:16:18 PM): haha chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:16:37 PM): what silly? decoy name (01/24/07 10:17:16 PM): no decoy name (01/24/07 10:17:29 PM): this sucks chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:17:35 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:18:06 PM): oh well, we tried chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:18:15 PM): sniff sniff decoy name (01/24/07 10:18:34 PM): :-* chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:18:40 PM): mmm I wish decoy name (01/24/07 10:18:58 PM): aww chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:19:06 PM): I wish you were here straddling me in my chair chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:19:11 PM): and we were kissing chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:19:16 PM): and touching each other decoy name (01/24/07 10:19:36 PM): wat chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:19:51 PM): ok decoy name (01/24/07 10:19:57 PM): :) decoy name (01/24/07 10:20:49 PM): ok wat decoy name (01/24/07 10:20:57 PM): wat chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:21:06 PM): oh, I though you meant wait chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:21:09 PM): not what chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:21:12 PM): dummy me chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:21:59 PM): hey, the pic finally loaded!!! decoy name (01/24/07 10:21:59 PM): lol u r funny chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:22:11 PM): omg, you are incredible! decoy name (01/24/07 10:22:31 PM): yay chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:22:37 PM): when was it taken? decoy name (01/24/07 10:22:56 PM): omg really chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:23:01 PM): oh yeah decoy name (01/24/07 10:23:11 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:23:16 PM): you have an incredible body chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:23:25 PM): I've always loved your face chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:23:37 PM): but wow.... your body is gorgeous! decoy name (01/24/07 10:24:06 PM): lol last week me an my friend was being silly pretending we was brittney spears dumb huh chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:24:28 PM): mmm you are much prettier than she ever dreamed of.... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:24:31 PM): you're real chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:24:33 PM): hehe decoy name (01/24/07 10:24:56 PM): it is really decoy name (01/24/07 10:24:56 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:25:03 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:25:14 PM): wow, you just make me want more decoy name (01/24/07 10:25:30 PM): kewl:\"> chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:26:26 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:27:00 PM): can't help thinking how sexy you'd look as you slide the tie off slow... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:27:13 PM): and then slowly unbutton the shirt chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:27:24 PM): wow, I'm sooo hard chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:27:37 PM): < bad Charles decoy name (01/24/07 10:27:45 PM): :\"> chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:28:00 PM): got any more chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:28:01 PM): hehe decoy name (01/24/07 10:28:04 PM): lol bad charles decoy name (01/24/07 10:28:17 PM): >:) chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:28:23 PM): lol decoy name (01/24/07 10:28:24 PM): not on here decoy name (01/24/07 10:29:04 PM): ill give u sum when u come and u can have them if u want them chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:29:14 PM): you bet decoy name (01/24/07 10:29:49 PM): k decoy name (01/24/07 10:30:03 PM): :) decoy name (01/24/07 10:30:09 PM): i want sum of u 2 chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:30:22 PM): do you have the one's I sent decoy name (01/24/07 10:31:07 PM): which 1s chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:31:17 PM): face and the \"naughty\" ones decoy name (01/24/07 10:32:00 PM): the naughty 1s i didnt keep cuz u said i shuldnt chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:32:06 PM): right chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:32:18 PM): at least on the comput chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:32:24 PM): hehe decoy name (01/24/07 10:32:35 PM): o decoy name (01/24/07 10:32:54 PM): yeah decoy name (01/24/07 10:33:28 PM): i keep tryin 2 send it in email but im havin hard time dam it decoy name (01/24/07 10:33:36 PM): oops decoy name (01/24/07 10:33:36 PM): sry chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:33:41 PM): what's it doing to you decoy name (01/24/07 10:34:17 PM): being slow and dumb and not going sry i said dam chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:34:33 PM): lol its okay sweetie decoy name (01/24/07 10:35:00 PM): k decoy name (01/24/07 10:35:00 PM): daddy always yells at me when i do that lol chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:35:05 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:35:17 PM): I bet decoy name (01/24/07 10:35:58 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:36:30 PM): Is he leaving early Friday next week? decoy name (01/24/07 10:37:25 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:37:32 PM): cool decoy name (01/24/07 10:37:45 PM): y chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:37:52 PM): I'll get there as soon as I can so we can spend as much time together as we can decoy name (01/24/07 10:38:23 PM): well dont 4get im at school so dont come 2 early lol chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:38:38 PM): right decoy name (01/24/07 10:39:05 PM): silly charles chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:39:23 PM): true chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:39:29 PM): excited Charles chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:39:30 PM): too chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:39:42 PM): < wants to make love to decoy name decoy name (01/24/07 10:39:43 PM): but sweet chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:39:46 PM): 100 times chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:39:48 PM): hehe decoy name (01/24/07 10:40:02 PM): aww decoy name (01/24/07 10:40:04 PM): omg decoy name (01/24/07 10:40:16 PM): thats alot do u think we will have time chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:40:21 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:40:39 PM): we'll we may have to spread it out of a few years chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:40:40 PM): hehe decoy name (01/24/07 10:40:51 PM): lol decoy name (01/24/07 10:41:10 PM): k check ur email chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:41:14 PM): ok chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:42:24 PM): hey, got it decoy name (01/24/07 10:42:31 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:42:51 PM): yeah, wow... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:42:56 PM): I can zoom in on this one chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:43:06 PM): mmmmm I love it! chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:43:27 PM): I'm thinking about running my hands along your thighs right now. decoy name (01/24/07 10:43:48 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:44:03 PM): hope you like it decoy name (01/24/07 10:44:47 PM): i will decoy name (01/24/07 10:44:47 PM): :) decoy name (01/24/07 10:44:51 PM): im gettin tired think im gona go 2 bed chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:44:58 PM): okay.... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:45:00 PM): great... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:45:09 PM): instead of getting you wet and horny chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:45:13 PM): I made you tired chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:45:15 PM): sniff decoy name (01/24/07 10:45:20 PM): aww decoy name (01/24/07 10:46:02 PM): no i jus gotta get up 4 school :- chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:46:16 PM): I know... I was kidding.... chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:46:25 PM): you get a good night's sleep chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:46:31 PM): I'll talk to you tomorrow decoy name (01/24/07 10:46:50 PM): :):-* decoy name (01/24/07 10:46:55 PM): k nite chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:47:05 PM): kisses to you too sweetheart chalo632000 (01/24/07 10:47:07 PM): bye chalo632000 (01/25/07 5:18:33 PM): hey, just leaving work here... hope you had a good day! decoy name (01/25/07 6:04:54 PM): i had a good day hope u did 2:)talk 2 u soon chalo632000 (01/26/07 11:34:55 AM): Hey decoy name, just a note to say hi before I head out of town for the weekend. Take care and I'll talk to you hopefully when I get back on Sunday. decoy name (01/26/07 5:30:04 PM): hey charles :)talk 2 u sunday decoy name (01/27/07 6:58:02 PM): miss u:( cant wait 2 talk 2 u 2morrow:D chalo632000 (01/28/07 10:59:03 AM): Hey decoy name, I'm back in town... talk to you soon decoy name (01/28/07 1:15:10 PM): hey:D decoy name (01/28/07 1:15:27 PM): darn i missed u decoy name (01/28/07 1:17:51 PM): talk 2 u soon:-* chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:42:48 PM): hey sweetheart decoy name (01/28/07 1:43:46 PM): u there chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:43:51 PM): yeah decoy name (01/28/07 1:44:01 PM): i missed u chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:44:06 PM): I missed you decoy name (01/28/07 1:44:16 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:44:20 PM): mmmm chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:44:37 PM): so what did you do this weekend? decoy name (01/28/07 1:44:48 PM): not much really chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:45:02 PM): awww. ... that's no fun decoy name (01/28/07 1:45:38 PM): well i hung out with my friends sat 4 a whild decoy name (01/28/07 1:45:47 PM): while chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:45:50 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:46:00 PM): any more dressing up like Britney? chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:46:01 PM): hehe decoy name (01/28/07 1:46:13 PM): lol no decoy name (01/28/07 1:46:20 PM): where did u have 2 go chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:46:27 PM): Little Rock decoy name (01/28/07 1:46:49 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:47:05 PM): yeah, it was bad at all. decoy name (01/28/07 1:47:28 PM): really it was bad chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:47:36 PM): duh chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:47:38 PM): I can't type decoy name (01/28/07 1:47:46 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:47:47 PM): I meant is wasn't bad at all. decoy name (01/28/07 1:47:56 PM): o lol chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:48:19 PM): amazing the difference 3 little characters can make! decoy name (01/28/07 1:48:35 PM): lol yeah decoy name (01/28/07 1:49:08 PM): did u have fun chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:49:17 PM): some during the evening.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:49:25 PM): but worked on stuff during the day. decoy name (01/28/07 1:49:38 PM): o chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:49:41 PM): the food was good.... decoy name (01/28/07 1:49:46 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:49:54 PM): I ate way too much chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:50:07 PM): now I have to get back to working out.... decoy name (01/28/07 1:50:13 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:50:59 PM): are you ready for this weekend? decoy name (01/28/07 1:51:07 PM): YES:D decoy name (01/28/07 1:51:09 PM): r u chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:51:11 PM): I'm gald chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:51:18 PM): I dreamed that when you saw me, chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:51:24 PM): you laugh and ran away decoy name (01/28/07 1:51:29 PM): rofl decoy name (01/28/07 1:51:37 PM): y did i run away chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:51:53 PM): cause you didn't want to be with an \"old\" guy chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:52:02 PM): couldn't blame you though chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:52:19 PM): so I just left and found an old friend (rum and coke) chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:52:22 PM): sniff sniff decoy name (01/28/07 1:52:26 PM): aww chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:52:28 PM): it was a sad dream decoy name (01/28/07 1:52:38 PM): i wont do that i promise chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:52:44 PM): okay chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:53:15 PM): but just know that if you do change your mind, I would understand decoy name (01/28/07 1:53:41 PM): k but i wont chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:53:45 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:53:55 PM): cause I am soooo ready for it decoy name (01/28/07 1:54:00 PM): kewl decoy name (01/28/07 1:54:03 PM): me 2 decoy name (01/28/07 1:54:53 PM): wat if u dont like me:(and think im dumb chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:55:03 PM): oh that won't happen decoy name (01/28/07 1:55:07 PM): k chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:55:16 PM): I just want to take it slow together decoy name (01/28/07 1:55:22 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:55:36 PM): maybe we'll go back to the hotel right after I pick you up.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:55:48 PM): and make out for a couple of hours.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:56:05 PM): undress each other and explore each other's body's... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:56:21 PM): and you can see if you are really ready chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:56:34 PM): to go all the way with me. chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:56:49 PM): But we'll save that for the evening.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:57:08 PM): and after we have kissed and touched each other we can go out to eat. chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:57:26 PM): Then if you are really ready to go for it, chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:57:37 PM): we'll go back to the hotel... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:57:42 PM): take a shower together.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:57:57 PM): and we'll make love together over and over chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:58:01 PM): throughout the night chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:58:15 PM): Then in the morning we'll wake up... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:58:22 PM): make love again... chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:58:28 PM): and I'll take you home. decoy name (01/28/07 1:58:39 PM): wow that sounds soooo kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:58:46 PM): awesome decoy name (01/28/07 1:58:52 PM): yes it is decoy name (01/28/07 1:59:20 PM): i cant wait chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:59:24 PM): me too decoy name (01/28/07 1:59:54 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/28/07 1:59:59 PM): mmmmm decoy name (01/28/07 2:00:08 PM): hehe chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:00:53 PM): don't forget to give me your address so I'll know where to come to decoy name (01/28/07 2:01:27 PM): i will chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:01:49 PM): I wish today was Thursday chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:01:55 PM): so we would be meeting tomorrow chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:02:02 PM): I missed you alot decoy name (01/28/07 2:02:12 PM): yeah me 2 chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:03:01 PM): I think the hardest is going to be the time that it will be before we could meet again decoy name (01/28/07 2:03:11 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:03:59 PM): we'll hopefully get to see each a few times a year chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:04:07 PM): not much, but it will be chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:04:16 PM): great when we do... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:04:17 PM): hehe decoy name (01/28/07 2:04:21 PM): yes chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:04:49 PM): that is if as long as you want to keep doing this chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:05:10 PM): I know someday you'll find a guy that you'll want to date.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:05:29 PM): just let me know and I'll have the most incredible memories.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:05:50 PM): mmmm can't wait to kiss you! chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:05:51 PM): hehe decoy name (01/28/07 2:06:03 PM): aww ur so sweet:-* chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:06:08 PM): I know chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:06:09 PM): haha decoy name (01/28/07 2:06:15 PM): lol decoy name (01/28/07 2:06:40 PM): fri i wont have 2 kiss u on here ill get 2 4 real chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:06:52 PM): you will that chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:07:18 PM): I probably won't be able to keep my hands off you while we are driving from your house to the hotel decoy name (01/28/07 2:07:34 PM): really chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:07:39 PM): yeah... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:07:49 PM): but I'll be good, kind of... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:07:54 PM): hehe decoy name (01/28/07 2:07:54 PM): lol decoy name (01/28/07 2:08:05 PM): u know wat hotel ur getting yet chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:08:22 PM): no, I found two that I liked though decoy name (01/28/07 2:08:27 PM): kewl decoy name (01/28/07 2:08:36 PM): in lawton u said huh chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:08:39 PM): yeah decoy name (01/28/07 2:08:45 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:09:16 PM): I'll get a king size bed for us decoy name (01/28/07 2:09:23 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:09:36 PM): plenty of room to go crazy and enjoy each other. chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:09:41 PM): hehe decoy name (01/28/07 2:09:45 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:10:05 PM): I definately want to eat your pussy alot.... (Ugh) chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:10:08 PM): is that okay? decoy name (01/28/07 2:10:16 PM): yes chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:10:19 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:10:29 PM): can't wait to taste your juices....(Ugh) chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:10:33 PM): and make you cum! decoy name (01/28/07 2:10:38 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:10:50 PM): you sure you are ready for all this? decoy name (01/28/07 2:11:02 PM): yes decoy name (01/28/07 2:11:06 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:11:06 PM): okay decoy name (01/28/07 2:11:46 PM): shuld i wear my hair down chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:11:58 PM): yeah, I would think so decoy name (01/28/07 2:12:01 PM): k chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:12:21 PM): but anyway will look beautiful decoy name (01/28/07 2:12:29 PM): aww thanx chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:12:37 PM): you're welcome chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:15:07 PM): what are you doing? decoy name (01/28/07 2:17:16 PM): sry had 2 go p chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:17:22 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:17:23 PM): okay decoy name (01/28/07 2:17:24 PM): i hurried back chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:17:29 PM): you can do that decoy name (01/28/07 2:17:34 PM): do wat chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:17:40 PM): p silly goose decoy name (01/28/07 2:17:46 PM): y chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:18:10 PM): dumb attempt at a joke by me.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:18:15 PM): bad one huh? decoy name (01/28/07 2:18:17 PM): lol i thought u said i cant do that decoy name (01/28/07 2:18:22 PM): im dumb decoy name (01/28/07 2:18:24 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:18:25 PM): lol decoy name (01/28/07 2:20:42 PM): so u know when ur gona be down here chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:20:52 PM): yeah... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:21:06 PM): I'll leave early enough to get there around 5 I guess chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:21:13 PM): you get home around 4, right? decoy name (01/28/07 2:21:19 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:21:28 PM): coo chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:21:52 PM): will that give you time to call your dad so he won't be calling you? decoy name (01/28/07 2:21:58 PM): yeah decoy name (01/28/07 2:22:24 PM): lawton is like 25 miles away from here chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:22:32 PM): okay decoy name (01/28/07 2:23:08 PM): takes like half hour cuz we go there lots chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:23:14 PM): cool decoy name (01/28/07 2:23:25 PM): yeah more stuff there chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:23:35 PM): hope we don't meet or see anybody you know.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:23:37 PM): yikes! decoy name (01/28/07 2:24:46 PM): no prolly not its lots bigger than walters chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:25:07 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:25:23 PM): I could just imagine the conversation... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:25:34 PM): hey decoy name what are you doing that old guy.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:25:48 PM): uh well.... we've been making out in a hotel.... decoy name (01/28/07 2:25:54 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:25:57 PM): and after we eat some dinner.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:26:12 PM): we are going back to the hotel and I'm going to make love for the first time.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:26:22 PM): then, I'm going to spend the night with him... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:26:33 PM): and do it over and over and over and over! chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:26:48 PM): I'll get back home some time Saturday morning.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:26:55 PM): hope you have a good weekend too\" chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:26:56 PM): hehe decoy name (01/28/07 2:27:01 PM): rofl decoy name (01/28/07 2:27:44 PM): i know i culd just say ur my dads brother or sumthing cuz he does have brothers who dont live here they wuldnt know chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:27:53 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:28:02 PM): as long as they don't know your dad... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:28:03 PM): hehe chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:28:17 PM): we'll be okay... we just need to be careful. decoy name (01/28/07 2:28:21 PM): k chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:28:48 PM): when was the last time you had your period? decoy name (01/28/07 2:29:36 PM): umm i think i started tues but im done now decoy name (01/28/07 2:29:37 PM): y chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:30:00 PM): just wanted to see if this weekend was good timing for that. chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:30:19 PM): sounds perfect decoy name (01/28/07 2:30:29 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:31:59 PM): where do you want me to take you to dinner friday night? decoy name (01/28/07 2:32:10 PM): hmm decoy name (01/28/07 2:33:00 PM): idk i dont care really chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:33:12 PM): wow, my kind off girl.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:33:15 PM): easy to please chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:33:16 PM): hehe decoy name (01/28/07 2:33:20 PM): lol yeah chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:33:53 PM): we'll probably be too nervous to eat much.... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:34:13 PM): but maybe not if we spend a couple hours together before dinner... chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:34:16 PM): who knows decoy name (01/28/07 2:34:24 PM): yeah decoy name (01/28/07 2:35:17 PM): wat kinda of car u got so i know if its u when u come i 4get chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:35:29 PM): black chrysler decoy name (01/28/07 2:35:32 PM): k chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:35:49 PM): when I get close to your house, I'll call you. decoy name (01/28/07 2:35:58 PM): k chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:36:06 PM): cool decoy name (01/28/07 2:36:28 PM): hey u gona b on here later chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:36:35 PM): I should be decoy name (01/28/07 2:36:39 PM): kewl decoy name (01/28/07 2:36:56 PM): i gotta go help daddy ill talk 2 u later then k chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:37:23 PM): okay, talk later.... I need a shower myself... so you have good timing. decoy name (01/28/07 2:37:37 PM): lol k :-* chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:37:47 PM): mmm kisses to you too sweetheart chalo632000 (01/28/07 2:37:49 PM): bye decoy name (01/28/07 2:38:02 PM): bye decoy name (01/29/07 9:18:03 PM): :( decoy name (01/29/07 9:18:28 PM): talk 2 u later i guess decoy name (01/29/07 10:04:47 PM): :(( decoy name (01/29/07 10:05:21 PM): miss u:( decoy name (01/29/07 10:05:28 PM): >:D< chalo632000 (01/30/07 10:12:11 AM): hey sweetheart, sorry I missed you... I was on from 8 till about 9... talk to you later. decoy name (01/30/07 4:36:06 PM): u there chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:36:12 PM): hey yeah! decoy name (01/30/07 4:36:20 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:36:34 PM): how's your day? decoy name (01/30/07 4:36:48 PM): it was ok chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:37:00 PM): yeah? that doesn't sound too convincing decoy name (01/30/07 4:37:21 PM): i was thinking lots bout u 2day:\"> chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:37:35 PM): really? chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:37:40 PM): like what? decoy name (01/30/07 4:38:06 PM): like 4 more days 2 wait decoy name (01/30/07 4:38:11 PM): 2 c u chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:38:11 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:38:13 PM): mmmm chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:38:16 PM): I can't wait decoy name (01/30/07 4:38:22 PM): i cant either chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:38:33 PM): I bought some baby oil... chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:38:53 PM): I want to rub it across your breasts while I play with them decoy name (01/30/07 4:39:18 PM): baby oil 4 wat chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:39:48 PM): to excite you... chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:39:50 PM): silly decoy name (01/30/07 4:40:09 PM): o decoy name (01/30/07 4:40:10 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:40:25 PM): hope you like it. decoy name (01/30/07 4:40:33 PM): sounds neat chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:40:44 PM): cool decoy name (01/30/07 4:40:54 PM): nvr heard of that chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:40:58 PM): I bet chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:41:08 PM): I hope you are ready for it all.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:41:26 PM): if not, its okay... we'll enjoy the evening and I'll take you home.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:41:37 PM): but I hope you are really ready for all of this. chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:41:43 PM): I want you soooo much decoy name (01/30/07 4:41:53 PM): :Dyes decoy name (01/30/07 4:42:05 PM): im really excited chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:42:09 PM): cool decoy name (01/30/07 4:42:46 PM): o and dont 4 get decoy name (01/30/07 4:42:51 PM): wat else u gona bring chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:43:05 PM): I know chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:43:08 PM): condoms decoy name (01/30/07 4:43:12 PM): yes k chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:43:31 PM): I won't forget decoy name (01/30/07 4:43:36 PM): k chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:44:13 PM): You need to give me your address tomorrow cause I won't be in the office Thursday. decoy name (01/30/07 4:44:30 PM): wat u doin thursday chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:44:53 PM): Working in Tulsa chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:45:01 PM): I won't be near a computer decoy name (01/30/07 4:45:14 PM): wow tulsa kewl chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:45:20 PM): yes decoy name (01/30/07 4:45:34 PM): geez brb chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:45:40 PM): okay chalo632000 (01/30/07 4:48:11 PM): hey, I gotta go for now.... talk to you later decoy name (01/30/07 4:51:28 PM): :( decoy name (01/30/07 4:51:34 PM): k talk 2 u later decoy name (01/30/07 4:56:17 PM): :-*:\"> chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:15:50 PM): hi decoy name (01/30/07 8:38:53 PM): u there chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:39:00 PM): yeah decoy name (01/30/07 8:39:16 PM): :Dur back chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:39:24 PM): that I am decoy name (01/30/07 8:40:13 PM): wat ya doin chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:40:17 PM): uhhh chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:40:28 PM): sitting here with my pants unzipped thinking about you. chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:40:29 PM): hehe decoy name (01/30/07 8:40:41 PM): :\">o my chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:40:48 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:40:53 PM): sorry chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:40:59 PM): just thinking about it decoy name (01/30/07 8:40:59 PM): its ok decoy name (01/30/07 8:41:13 PM): im glad:\"> chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:41:17 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:41:56 PM): what are you doing? decoy name (01/30/07 8:42:09 PM): talking 2 u chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:42:12 PM): haha decoy name (01/30/07 8:42:22 PM): i was hoping u wuld b back chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:42:53 PM): I'm glad... I said hi but then you logged off.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:42:59 PM): I'm glad you're back too. decoy name (01/30/07 8:43:06 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:44:00 PM): what went on today? decoy name (01/30/07 8:44:15 PM): nothing much chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:44:29 PM): typical school day huh? decoy name (01/30/07 8:44:32 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:45:02 PM): Is your dad still leaving this weekend? decoy name (01/30/07 8:45:07 PM): yes chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:45:10 PM): good decoy name (01/30/07 8:48:03 PM): u busy chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:48:11 PM): no, not at all chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:48:16 PM): I'm all yours decoy name (01/30/07 8:49:04 PM): ur kinda quiet chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:49:11 PM): sorry chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:49:21 PM): just thinking about making love to you chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:49:42 PM): I'm just wishing I was there now... chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:49:59 PM): and you could be sitting on my lap chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:50:04 PM): hehe decoy name (01/30/07 8:50:06 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:50:37 PM): I'm thinking about kissing you as I look at the pic you have on display chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:50:38 PM): mmmmm decoy name (01/30/07 8:50:52 PM): :-* chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:51:02 PM): awwww. yummy!!! decoy name (01/30/07 8:51:08 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:51:15 PM): you're cute decoy name (01/30/07 8:51:21 PM): aww thanx chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:51:35 PM): you got any more pics for me.... decoy name (01/30/07 8:51:56 PM): not yet chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:52:01 PM): okay chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:52:10 PM): wish you were alone chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:52:11 PM): I' chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:52:22 PM): I'd show you something on cam chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:52:23 PM): hehe decoy name (01/30/07 8:52:36 PM): my dads in the living room chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:52:49 PM): yeah... we probably shouldn't decoy name (01/30/07 8:52:57 PM): shuldnt wat chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:53:00 PM): I would hate it if he came in. decoy name (01/30/07 8:53:15 PM): ill check and c wat hes doin decoy name (01/30/07 8:53:17 PM): brb chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:53:19 PM): ok decoy name (01/30/07 8:53:54 PM): hes watching tv with his gf chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:53:58 PM): I see decoy name (01/30/07 8:54:04 PM): movie chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:54:08 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:54:47 PM): do you want to see me with my pants unzipped? decoy name (01/30/07 8:54:56 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:54:59 PM): ok chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:55:29 PM): I'm looking at your pic decoy name (01/30/07 8:56:28 PM): wow decoy name (01/30/07 8:56:41 PM): can i c ur face 2 chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:56:50 PM): yeah chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:57:35 PM): there decoy name (01/30/07 8:57:39 PM): heythere u r decoy name (01/30/07 8:57:41 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:57:47 PM): do you like decoy name (01/30/07 8:58:19 PM): :) decoy name (01/30/07 8:58:19 PM): u look very cute chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:58:25 PM): ahh thanks decoy name (01/30/07 8:58:29 PM): yes:) chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:58:33 PM): you still want to make love with me? decoy name (01/30/07 8:58:42 PM): yes:D chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:58:50 PM): okay chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:59:24 PM): I'm sooo lucky decoy name (01/30/07 8:59:37 PM): me 2:\"> chalo632000 (01/30/07 8:59:45 PM): lol.... why is that? decoy name (01/30/07 9:00:25 PM): idk cuz ur like sooo romantic when u talk bout stuff were gona do it just all sounds so sweet chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:00:34 PM): it is that chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:00:58 PM): I just wish you were older.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:01:12 PM): but we'll do whatever you want. decoy name (01/30/07 9:01:38 PM): sry im not older:(4 u chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:02:00 PM): I just want to make sure this is what you really want.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:02:17 PM): you only get to have your first time.... one time. decoy name (01/30/07 9:02:27 PM): yes i know chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:02:47 PM): and you don't want to wait till college or when you get married? decoy name (01/30/07 9:02:55 PM): nah chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:03:04 PM): okay... decoy name (01/30/07 9:03:15 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:03:36 PM): now, you've seen a lot of me huh? decoy name (01/30/07 9:04:02 PM): yes:\"> chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:04:17 PM): I want to see everything I can of you too.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:04:18 PM): hehe decoy name (01/30/07 9:04:27 PM): u will friday decoy name (01/30/07 9:04:32 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:04:43 PM): mmmm chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:04:44 PM): wow decoy name (01/30/07 9:05:13 PM): ;) chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:05:47 PM): what are you going to wear Friday night? decoy name (01/30/07 9:06:22 PM): umm well i was thinking bout wearing a mini skirt wuld u like that chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:06:29 PM): yes decoy name (01/30/07 9:06:32 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:06:47 PM): I'm getting hard again just thinking about it. decoy name (01/30/07 9:07:00 PM): hehe chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:07:11 PM): what else decoy name (01/30/07 9:07:21 PM): idk wat wuld u like chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:07:33 PM): anything decoy name (01/30/07 9:07:46 PM): k ill wear enything lol chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:07:49 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:07:58 PM): then I'll take off everything! chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:08:00 PM): hehe decoy name (01/30/07 9:08:03 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:08:11 PM): If you wear the mini skirt.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:08:31 PM): you know I won't be able to keep from playing with your legs while we drive to the hotel.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:08:32 PM): hehe decoy name (01/30/07 9:08:41 PM): hehe chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:09:07 PM): do you have a button up shirt you can wear with it? decoy name (01/30/07 9:09:13 PM): shur chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:09:17 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:09:52 PM): what will you bring to sleep in if you decide to stay the night with me. decoy name (01/30/07 9:10:21 PM): hmm idk jamies i gues chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:10:26 PM): cool chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:10:43 PM): I might ask you to sleep in just your panties.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:11:03 PM): I'd love laying next to you all night feeling your breasts against me. decoy name (01/30/07 9:11:10 PM): k chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:11:12 PM): mmm chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:11:13 PM): wow chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:11:37 PM): I want to suck on your nipples right now decoy name! decoy name (01/30/07 9:11:46 PM): hehe decoy name (01/30/07 9:11:59 PM): wont b long chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:12:05 PM): true decoy name (01/30/07 9:12:53 PM): :) chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:13:12 PM): What is your dad going out of town for? decoy name (01/30/07 9:13:26 PM): busniess i guess chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:13:35 PM): bank stuff decoy name (01/30/07 9:13:46 PM): yeah booooring chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:13:48 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:13:56 PM): which bank does he work for? decoy name (01/30/07 9:14:15 PM): hold on i gotta c wat he wants geeesh decoy name (01/30/07 9:20:24 PM): k back chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:20:28 PM): k decoy name (01/30/07 9:20:47 PM): y cant his dumb gf do his laundry geez chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:20:52 PM): lol decoy name (01/30/07 9:21:03 PM): 4real chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:21:23 PM): Is he taking her with him to OKC? decoy name (01/30/07 9:21:35 PM): idk prolly decoy name (01/30/07 9:21:45 PM): she is sooo wierd chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:21:49 PM): lol chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:21:52 PM): why? decoy name (01/30/07 9:21:59 PM): jealous chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:22:04 PM): of you? decoy name (01/30/07 9:22:10 PM): of evry1 chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:22:23 PM): she won't survive decoy name (01/30/07 9:22:30 PM): always thinking other ladies looking at him chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:22:30 PM): jealousy is sooo stupid decoy name (01/30/07 9:22:35 PM): i know chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:22:46 PM): Can't stop the looking.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:23:00 PM): its gonna happen decoy name (01/30/07 9:23:30 PM): idk wat shes worried about i mean hes well a nerd chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:23:39 PM): lol decoy name (01/30/07 9:24:03 PM): he is cute 4 a dad chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:24:19 PM): awww now you are being sweet decoy name (01/30/07 9:24:40 PM): well i think hes kewl chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:24:48 PM): that's a good thing chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:25:11 PM): my kids think I'm cool sometimes and quite a drag other times decoy name (01/30/07 9:25:28 PM): yeah he can b really dumb sumtines decoy name (01/30/07 9:25:45 PM): hey how many kids u got chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:25:49 PM): 3 chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:25:58 PM): 16 and 13 boys... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:26:02 PM): 5 year old girl decoy name (01/30/07 9:26:04 PM): kewl chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:26:14 PM): yeah, busy house decoy name (01/30/07 9:26:22 PM): wow i guess chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:26:30 PM): yeah, its cool decoy name (01/30/07 9:26:41 PM): wish i had su, decoy name (01/30/07 9:26:44 PM): sum chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:26:56 PM): don't have any till after you get married.... decoy name (01/30/07 9:27:19 PM): no lol omg lol i mean bros and sis chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:27:25 PM): oh... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:27:28 PM): whew!!! chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:27:40 PM): you were about to get an \"old guy\" speech!!! decoy name (01/30/07 9:27:46 PM): rofl chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:28:01 PM): now decoy name... let me tell you... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:28:03 PM): haha decoy name (01/30/07 9:28:07 PM): haha chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:28:20 PM): be good or I'll have to spank you! decoy name (01/30/07 9:28:32 PM): lol decoy name (01/30/07 9:28:52 PM): no its just lucky 2 have brothers and sisters chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:28:57 PM): true decoy name (01/30/07 9:29:22 PM): sum1 2 hang out with when ur friends arnt around chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:29:28 PM): yeah decoy name (01/30/07 9:29:33 PM): i got nobody:( chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:29:36 PM): ahhhh chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:29:39 PM): I'm sorry decoy name (01/30/07 9:29:44 PM): just daddy chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:29:50 PM): lol decoy name (01/30/07 9:29:54 PM): and dumb gf chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:29:57 PM): lol decoy name (01/30/07 9:30:01 PM): >:P chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:30:05 PM): you crack me up decoy name (01/30/07 9:30:17 PM): gf>:P chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:30:42 PM): what am I gonna do with you? decoy name (01/30/07 9:30:54 PM): :-&gf chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:31:00 PM): lol decoy name (01/30/07 9:31:12 PM): i know im being bad chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:31:18 PM): yeah, but you're funny chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:31:24 PM): I love it decoy name (01/30/07 9:31:37 PM): O:-) chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:31:44 PM): yeah, right! chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:31:45 PM): haha chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:32:13 PM): onry rascal is more like it! decoy name (01/30/07 9:32:28 PM): :-Bdaddy >:Pgf chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:32:33 PM): lol decoy name (01/30/07 9:33:27 PM): k ill behave nowO:-) chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:33:34 PM): okay... we'll see chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:34:04 PM): I need to go for now.... chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:34:21 PM): don't forget to give me your address before 5 tomorrow. chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:34:34 PM): so I can print out directions. decoy name (01/30/07 9:34:36 PM): k decoy name (01/30/07 9:34:57 PM): is that number u gave me ur cell phone chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:35:01 PM): yeah decoy name (01/30/07 9:35:04 PM): k chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:35:26 PM): what about the number you gave me is that a home number or a cell number decoy name (01/30/07 9:35:33 PM): home chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:35:39 PM): okay decoy name (01/30/07 9:36:08 PM): mayb i culd call u thursday and give u my address on the phone wuld that b ok chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:36:30 PM): I wouldn't be able to print out directions decoy name (01/30/07 9:36:44 PM): k chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:36:47 PM): so, if you can give it to me before 5 on Wednesday decoy name (01/30/07 9:36:53 PM): k chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:37:04 PM): ok.... talk to you soon sweetheart decoy name (01/30/07 9:37:12 PM): k chalo632000 (01/30/07 9:37:16 PM): good night decoy name (01/30/07 9:37:20 PM): nite chalo632000 (01/31/07 4:30:42 PM): hey, decoy name.... hope to talk to you before Friday.... but don't forget to send me your address today.... I won't be near a computer (most likely) after today and I'll need to print directions. decoy name (01/31/07 5:38:18 PM): darn i missed u:(my dumb dad made me go 2 the grocrey store with him after school if ur not on 2nite plz b on 2morrow nite so i know wat time 4 u 2 b here i cant wait:-* decoy name (01/31/07 5:39:06 PM): i gotta go 4 now:-* decoy name (01/31/07 8:35:05 PM): :(guess ur not on well i got homework 2 get done hope ur on 2morrow nite decoy name (01/31/07 8:35:49 PM): cant wait till friday:D chalo632000 (01/31/07 10:14:23 PM): Hey decoy name, sorry I missed you.... I hope I can be on tomorrow night but I might not be close to a computer.... I really need your address so I print out directions! decoy name (02/01/07 4:45:39 PM): :D decoy name (02/01/07 4:45:53 PM): u there chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:46:18 PM): yeah decoy name (02/01/07 4:46:45 PM): my address is *address* decoy name (02/01/07 4:46:56 PM): walters chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:47:07 PM): cool chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:47:19 PM): I was afraid you weren't going to give it to me. decoy name (02/01/07 4:47:28 PM): o y wuld i do that decoy name (02/01/07 4:47:34 PM): i am sooo excited chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:47:38 PM): cool decoy name (02/01/07 4:47:49 PM): do u know wat time u will b at my house chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:48:05 PM): uhhh probably around 5 chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:48:09 PM): will that be okay decoy name (02/01/07 4:48:20 PM): kewl chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:48:36 PM): sweet chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:48:45 PM): what does your house look like? decoy name (02/01/07 4:49:04 PM): brick chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:49:11 PM): okay decoy name (02/01/07 4:50:13 PM): its a ranch house thats wat daddy calls it chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:50:42 PM): okay, sounds like it will be easy to find decoy name (02/01/07 4:51:05 PM): :D decoy name (02/01/07 4:51:37 PM): theres a field across the street chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:51:48 PM): sweet chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:52:03 PM): will be be okay for me to pull right up to the front of your house? decoy name (02/01/07 4:52:19 PM): yeah i guess so chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:52:49 PM): If not, I can call you when I'm a few minutes away and pick you up chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:53:05 PM): in case you don't want anyone to see you get in the car with me.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:53:10 PM): whatever you think decoy name (02/01/07 4:53:21 PM): i think it will b ok chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:53:38 PM): sweet decoy name (02/01/07 4:53:56 PM): u gettin a map chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:54:07 PM): yeah chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:54:12 PM): printing one off right now decoy name (02/01/07 4:54:27 PM): kewl chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:54:46 PM): are you really ready? decoy name (02/01/07 4:55:00 PM): yes chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:55:09 PM): me too!!! decoy name (02/01/07 4:55:26 PM): r u chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:55:45 PM): oh yeah decoy name (02/01/07 4:56:33 PM): :D decoy name (02/01/07 4:56:49 PM): i was afraid i wuld miss u 2day chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:56:55 PM): me too chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:57:02 PM): kinda tight decoy name (02/01/07 4:57:32 PM): huh chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:57:43 PM): today's schedule was really tight... decoy name (02/01/07 4:57:52 PM): o chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:57:53 PM): I didn't know if I'd be near a computer decoy name (02/01/07 4:58:20 PM): o i am sooo glad u were decoy name (02/01/07 4:58:26 PM): :D chalo632000 (02/01/07 4:58:30 PM): me too. decoy name (02/01/07 5:00:43 PM): :D decoy name (02/01/07 5:01:17 PM): u busy huh chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:01:32 PM): no, just printing stuff out chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:01:41 PM): and making the hotel reservations for us decoy name (02/01/07 5:01:46 PM): kewl chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:02:10 PM): yeah.... I can't wait to touch you decoy name (02/01/07 5:02:31 PM): kewl chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:03:08 PM): you really sure... I know I keep asking.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:03:17 PM): but I just want you to be sure decoy name (02/01/07 5:04:19 PM): yes im really shur lol decoy name (02/01/07 5:04:26 PM): r u really shur decoy name (02/01/07 5:04:28 PM): lol chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:04:33 PM): lol chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:04:34 PM): yes chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:05:00 PM): you know that if you get scared if you want to back out... just call me...okay decoy name (02/01/07 5:05:19 PM): i wont chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:05:30 PM): okay chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:05:38 PM): then.... \"game\" on!!! decoy name (02/01/07 5:06:19 PM): yay kewl chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:06:22 PM): lol decoy name (02/01/07 5:07:04 PM): i think ur lots of fun 2 b with chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:07:21 PM): I hope so chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:07:41 PM): I am looking forward to everything that we will do... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:07:48 PM): yes.... the sex.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:07:55 PM): but more than that too. chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:08:02 PM): you are really a sweet girl chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:08:17 PM): and I would meet you even if there was no sex. decoy name (02/01/07 5:08:17 PM): aww thanx decoy name (02/01/07 5:08:25 PM): aww thats so sweet chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:08:34 PM): you're welcome decoy name (02/01/07 5:09:23 PM): :) chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:09:55 PM): but there will be sex.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:09:56 PM): hehe chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:10:01 PM): and lots of it!!!! decoy name (02/01/07 5:10:05 PM): wow kewl chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:10:20 PM): lol decoy name (02/01/07 5:10:27 PM): :D chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:11:43 PM): what time is your dad leaving? decoy name (02/01/07 5:11:58 PM): i think in the morning chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:12:14 PM): cool decoy name (02/01/07 5:12:41 PM): :) chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:12:42 PM): If I get there at 5, will you be able to call him and tell him what you are \"doing\" chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:12:54 PM): or do you need to tell him tonight. chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:13:02 PM): I don't want him to worry about you...hehe decoy name (02/01/07 5:13:39 PM): i will call him dontworry i take care of him;) chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:14:01 PM): okay, don't forget.... decoy name (02/01/07 5:14:05 PM): i wont chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:14:16 PM): I'd hate for someone to get worried... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:14:29 PM): and when I bring you home Saturday morning... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:14:37 PM): everyone would be at your house waiting.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:14:38 PM): yikes decoy name (02/01/07 5:15:01 PM): lol np chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:15:10 PM): cool decoy name (02/01/07 5:16:26 PM): :) chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:17:01 PM): okay decoy name, all done chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:17:15 PM): I confirm my babysitter and got the hotel reserved.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:17:19 PM): so we are good. decoy name (02/01/07 5:17:21 PM): kewl decoy name (02/01/07 5:17:31 PM): wat hotel we goin 2 chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:17:49 PM): I gotta go get dinner so I'll talk to you later night.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:17:58 PM): Best Western or Fairfield.... chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:18:06 PM): they have to email me a confirmation decoy name (02/01/07 5:18:10 PM): kewl chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:18:26 PM): I got us a king size pillow top bed! chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:18:27 PM): hehe decoy name (02/01/07 5:18:44 PM): wow kewl i cant wait chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:19:17 PM): call me tomorrow if you need anything okay decoy name (02/01/07 5:19:27 PM): k decoy name (02/01/07 5:19:40 PM): :) chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:19:50 PM): talk to you later! chalo632000 (02/01/07 5:19:55 PM): and see you tomorrow! decoy name (02/01/07 5:19:59 PM): k decoy name (02/01/07 5:20:04 PM): :D decoy name (02/01/07 5:20:08 PM): :-* decoy name (02/01/07 9:50:01 PM): im goin 2 take a shwr and prolly go 2 bed decoy name (02/01/07 9:50:10 PM): c u 2morrow:D decoy name (02/01/07 9:50:19 PM): nite:-* chalo632000 (02/02/07 12:42:12 PM): Hey decoy name, I should get to your house around 5:30pm. Call me when you are ready.