10/15/05 bpvmo (7:25:02 PM): hi susie92sup (7:25:07 PM): hi susie92sup (7:25:08 PM): asl bpvmo (7:25:39 PM): 3o/m/az bpvmo (7:25:42 PM): u? susie92sup (7:25:47 PM): 13 f tucson susie92sup (7:25:51 PM): wat part of az bpvmo (7:26:12 PM): northern susie92sup (7:26:19 PM): oh bpvmo (7:26:44 PM): ur to young bye.:-h susie92sup (7:26:55 PM): im not a baby bpvmo (7:27:14 PM): almost..lol susie92sup (7:27:28 PM): no susie92sup (7:27:34 PM): ur bein mean bpvmo (7:27:38 PM): jk susie92sup (7:27:46 PM): oh ok susie92sup (7:27:48 PM): :) bpvmo (7:27:55 PM): u alone? susie92sup (7:28:10 PM): ya my moms out of town bpvmo (7:28:22 PM): kewl susie92sup (7:28:32 PM): ya she comes back tomorrwo bpvmo (7:29:06 PM): u wanna play w/me?:) (Well, that didn't take long) susie92sup (7:29:33 PM): i dont cyber if thats wat u mean susie92sup (7:29:35 PM): thats gross susie92sup (7:29:39 PM): :) bpvmo (7:29:45 PM): ok,sry susie92sup (7:29:53 PM): tats ok bpvmo (7:30:11 PM): its funB-) susie92sup (7:30:22 PM): lol bpvmo (7:30:25 PM): safe sex susie92sup (7:30:31 PM): lol i gess so susie92sup (7:30:37 PM): i like it for realz tho bpvmo (7:30:45 PM): :-O susie92sup (7:31:00 PM): :)) bpvmo (7:31:01 PM): u serious? susie92sup (7:31:08 PM): ya y susie92sup (7:31:10 PM): dont u bpvmo (7:31:20 PM): of course bpvmo (7:31:33 PM): been awhile though..#-o susie92sup (7:31:39 PM): awww susie92sup (7:31:40 PM): y bpvmo (7:31:46 PM): no gf susie92sup (7:31:55 PM): oh lol i gess that wuddo it bpvmo (7:32:02 PM): yep bpvmo (7:32:38 PM): come on,have sex with me,pls... susie92sup (7:32:47 PM): lol susie92sup (7:32:53 PM): come over to my housre lol susie92sup (7:33:05 PM): j/k i dont no u bpvmo (7:33:15 PM): ahhhhh..no thx..just here bpvmo (7:33:35 PM): u have cam? susie92sup(7:33:39 PM): no do u bpvmo (7:33:44 PM): yes susie92sup (7:34:13 PM): :) bpvmo (7:34:25 PM): well....do u?:) susie92sup (7:34:32 PM): do i wat susie92sup (7:34:37 PM): i dont have a cam bpvmo (7:35:00 PM): doesnt matter susie92sup (7:35:13 PM): ur confusin me lol susie92sup (7:35:32 PM): u watn 2show me ur cam bpvmo (7:35:59 PM): and then u have sex?huh? susie92sup (7:36:07 PM): how wud i do that bpvmo (7:36:17 PM): words..silly susie92sup (7:36:22 PM): oh susie92sup (7:36:28 PM): i dont want 2 cyber bpvmo (7:36:44 PM): dont u masterbate? susie92sup (7:36:53 PM): yea bpvmo (7:37:15 PM): wedo it together then..ok:D susie92sup (7:37:52 PM): i dunno im kinda nervous bpvmo (7:38:09 PM): its ok bpvmo (7:38:27 PM): u wanna see me? susie92sup (7:38:41 PM): sure bpvmo (7:39:04 PM): u like cock? susie92sup (7:39:16 PM): ya bpvmo (7:39:38 PM): u want mine? susie92sup (7:39:53 PM): i dunno susie92sup (7:41:07 PM): wud u want 2 come over sumtime if we get 2 no each other bpvmo (7:41:32 PM): ur too young miss...sry:( susie92sup (7:41:54 PM): well then im not gonna cyber then bpvmo (7:42:29 PM): ok..sry then..nice chattn w/u.. susie92sup (7:42:35 PM): k bpvmo (7:43:50 PM): u sure?he susie92sup (7:44:07 PM): yeah i dont wanna if u dont want 2 meet me susie92sup (7:44:23 PM): i dont no why im 2 youn 2 meet but not 2 young 4 cyber bpvmo (7:45:25 PM): u want to meet me?:-/ susie92sup (7:45:35 PM): ya thats wat i said b4 bpvmo (7:46:14 PM): ok,where u live? susie92sup (7:46:18 PM): tusconbpvmo (7:46:34 PM): ur asian right? susie92sup (7:46:42 PM): parat susie92sup (7:46:44 PM): part susie92sup (7:46:45 PM): lol susie92sup (7:46:49 PM): my mom is bpvmo (7:47:17 PM): how would i meet you in tuscon? susie92sup (7:47:35 PM): lol ud drive here silly susie92sup (7:47:46 PM): u never saidwhere u were in az susie92sup (7:47:52 PM): u said northere bpvmo (7:48:35 PM): 2hr drive from me..u pay 4 y gas..ok:) susie92sup (7:48:50 PM): lol susie92sup (7:49:06 PM): wat kind of car susie92sup (7:49:16 PM): how much wud it cost bpvmo (7:49:47 PM): i have truck,about 40 trip..:-< bpvmo (7:50:13 PM): $40 gas susie92sup (7:50:16 PM): oh bpvmo (7:50:24 PM): alot bpvmo (7:50:57 PM): buy a cam,cheaper,ok...lol susie92sup (7:51:01 PM): lol susie92sup (7:51:14 PM): i have sum bd money still bpvmo (7:51:29 PM): bd? susie92sup (7:51:34 PM): birthday bpvmo (7:51:44 PM): oh,k bpvmo (7:52:39 PM): how much? susie92sup (7:52:50 PM): i have 50 left bpvmo (7:53:11 PM): u just live with your mom? susie92sup (7:53:15 PM): ya bpvmo (7:53:34 PM): does she know u have sex? susie92sup (7:53:39 PM): omg no susie92sup (7:53:42 PM): lol bpvmo (7:54:04 PM): ur a virgin,huh?! susie92sup (7:54:12 PM): no susie92sup (7:54:17 PM): she just dont no susie92sup (7:54:18 PM): : susie92sup (7:54:21 PM): :) bpvmo (7:54:34 PM): kewl:) bpvmo (7:54:50 PM): how many times? susie92sup (7:55:11 PM): about 6 times i think i dont remember exaactly bpvmo (7:55:35 PM): where at?w/older guys? susie92sup (7:55:48 PM): just one guy my ex susie92sup (7:55:55 PM): he was 20 bpvmo (7:56:12 PM): wow..ok bpvmo (7:56:36 PM): u like old men,huh? susie92sup (7:56:48 PM): ya lol susie92sup (7:56:55 PM): guyz my age r dorks bpvmo (7:57:27 PM): wen iz ur b-day? susie92sup (7:57:35 PM): in feb bpvmo (7:57:57 PM):kewl.mine in march susie92sup (7:58:03 PM): kewl susie92sup (7:58:05 PM): :) bpvmo (7:58:26 PM): wat do u look like? susie92sup (7:58:36 PM): pic on profile lol susie92sup (7:58:44 PM): i gotta get outta this chatroom susie92sup (7:58:45 PM): lol susie92sup (7:58:50 PM): can i add u bpvmo (7:58:58 PM): sure bpvmo (7:59:40 PM): hi susie92sup (7:59:42 PM): hi susie92sup (7:59:50 PM): omg i had soooo many ims susie92sup (7:59:51 PM): lol bpvmo (8:00:07 PM): all 4 sex,huh?lol susie92sup (8:00:18 PM): lol ya bpvmo (8:00:21 PM): dumb bots susie92sup (8:00:40 PM): oh so u think its just botsthat want me lol bpvmo (8:00:47 PM): r u a robot susie? susie92sup (8:00:56 PM): lol no susie92sup (8:01:01 PM): wats ur name susie92sup (8:01:07 PM): and do u have a pic bpvmo (8:01:24 PM): im mo,and i have pic susie92sup (8:01:49 PM): can i see it susie92sup (8:01:51 PM): hi mo bpvmo (8:01:53 PM): ok bpvmo (8:02:07 PM): do u have more pis? bpvmo (8:02:17 PM): pics..oops susie92sup (8:02:20 PM): no sowwy bpvmo (8:02:35 PM): I'd like to call you, but you're using an older version of Yahoo! Messenger. You can get the latest version from here: http://messenger.yahoo.com bpvmo (8:02:48PM): get the new one,ok. susie92sup (8:02:51 PM): can i call u susie92sup (8:03:01 PM): i cant add anything or my mom will get mad bpvmo (8:03:09 PM): on comp,yeah:) bpvmo (8:03:26 PM): that stinks susie92sup (8:03:31 PM): how do i do that bpvmo (8:03:48 PM): click on that link,ok susie92sup (8:03:57 PM): no i cant susie92sup (8:04:01 PM): ill get in trouble bpvmo (8:04:13 PM): then follow directions,alright. bpvmo (8:04:27 PM): grrrrrrrrrrrr bpvmo (8:04:36 PM): sry bpvmo (8:05:29 PM): do u want to see my cock? bpvmo (8:06:29 PM): hello?? bpvmo (8:07:15 PM): hey susie? bpvmo (8:07:38 PM): everything ok bpvmo (8:07:45 PM): bpvmo (8:13:02 PM): hey susie92sup (8:13:50 PM): omg i got booted bpvmo (8:13:53 PM): susie? susie92sup (8:14:00 PM): can u see me bpvmo (8:14:13 PM): oh,thats wat happened..ok bpvmo (8:14:21 PM): no susie92sup (8:14:27 PM): lol i was trying to type and nothin happend bpvmo (8:14:38 PM): no :) susie92sup (8:14:43 PM): lol susie92sup (8:14:47 PM): i was freakin out bpvmo (8:14:52 PM): me 2 bpvmo (8:14:57 PM): i lost u bpvmo (8:15:04 PM): :(( susie92sup (8:15:04 PM): awww susie92sup (8:15:10 PM): ur so sweet susie92sup (8:15:23 PM): im glad we added each other bpvmo (8:15:40 PM): yeah,ur nice 2 bpvmo (8:15:45 PM): >:D< susie92sup (8:15:54 PM): >:D< bpvmo (8:16:22 PM): do u want to see me jerk off? susie92sup (8:16:45 PM): can i call u first lol bpvmo (8:16:58 PM): y? susie92sup (8:17:18 PM): so i no ur not like 80 or sumthin susie92sup (8:17:24 PM): i just wanna hear it bpvmo (8:17:41 PM): i have cam..silly susie8-} susie92sup (8:17:52 PM): lol susie92sup (8:18:00 PM): but i cant hear ur voice silly mo bpvmo (8:18:29 PM): call then susie92sup (8:18:42 PM): lol wats ur number bpvmo (8:19:28 PM): i cant give that out..sry susie92sup(8:19:41 PM): y not bpvmo (8:20:00 PM): cuz i dont noe who u are? susie92sup (8:20:12 PM): well i dont no who u r either bpvmo (8:20:27 PM): then nothing then:-P susie92sup (8:20:32 PM): lol susie92sup (8:20:34 PM): i gess not bpvmo (8:21:13 PM): u horny? susie92sup (8:21:32 PM): im not doin nuthinb4 i talk 2 u bpvmo (8:21:59 PM): do u have a mic? susie92sup (8:22:03 PM): no bpvmo (8:22:32 PM): u suck susie92sup (8:22:35 PM): lol susie92sup (8:22:37 PM): so do u susie92sup (8:23:07 PM): its no big deal ill just talk 2 u for a sec i just wanna hear ur voice bpvmo (8:23:37 PM): bbl susie92sup(8:23:44 PM): k bpvmo (8:52:04 PM): susie92sup (8:52:11 PM): lol susie92sup (8:52:18 PM): hallo bpvmo (8:52:23 PM): hello again bpvmo (8:52:30 PM): :-h susie92sup (8:52:35 PM): where did u go bpvmo (8:52:46 PM): phone call susie92sup (8:52:49 PM): lol susie92sup (8:52:53 PM): it wasnt me bpvmo (8:52:58 PM): nooooo bpvmo (8:53:00 PM): lol bpvmo (8:53:22 PM): my ex...:) susie92sup (8:53:35 PM): ah susie92sup (8:53:36 PM): lol bpvmo (8:53:54 PM): were still great friends susie92sup (8:54:09 PM): thats nice bpvmo (8:54:29 PM): u wanna be great friend too?;) susie92sup (8:54:35 PM): sure susie92sup (8:54:37 PM): :) susie92sup (8:54:44 PM): do i havta marry u first susie92sup (8:54:52 PM): then divorsse susie92sup (8:56:07 PM): lmao bpvmo (8:56:23 PM): so...... susie92sup (8:56:29 PM): soo... bpvmo (8:56:43 PM): wat u doing now? susie92sup (8:56:46 PM): nuthin susie92sup (8:56:51 PM): wat r u doin bpvmo (8:57:06 PM): nuttin susie92sup (8:57:14 PM): i nevre saw a pic susie92sup (8:57:19 PM): u said ud send me one bpvmo (8:57:28 PM): wats ur addy? susie92sup (8:57:40 PM): susie92sup@yahoo.com bpvmo (8:58:15 PM): ok.thx.its cumming~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:) susie92sup (8:58:15 PM): can u see that susie92sup (8:58:19 PM): :) bpvmo (8:58:34 PM): brb susie92sup (8:58:48 PM): lol phone again bpvmo (8:59:09 PM): no,send pic..duhh susie92sup (8:59:14 PM): lol susie92sup (8:59:15 PM): sorry susie92sup (8:59:37 PM): haha awwwww susie92sup (9:08:01 PM): did u get that susie92sup (9:14:03 PM): ru there still bpvmo (9:14:25 PM): yes bpvmo (9:14:38 PM): sending,be patient susie92sup (9:14:43 PM): k sorry bpvmo (9:15:07 PM): u need spanking...smack!! bpvmo (9:15:11 PM): lol susie92sup (9:15:11 PM): lol susie92sup (9:15:15 PM): mebbe i do bpvmo (9:15:28 PM): mmmmmm susie92sup (9:19:30 PM): omgsusie92sup (9:19:33 PM): ur relly hot susie92sup (9:19:36 PM): :) bpvmo (9:20:04 PM): shut up:-P bpvmo (9:20:15 PM): im ok susie92sup (9:20:22 PM): lol susie92sup (9:20:24 PM): no ur hot bpvmo (9:20:46 PM): :\"> susie92sup (9:21:02 PM): ;) susie92sup (9:21:19 PM): lol susie92sup (9:21:27 PM): did u get the one i tried b4 bpvmo (9:21:36 PM): wat one? susie92sup (9:21:39 PM): shoot susie92sup (9:21:44 PM): i didnt work susie92sup (9:21:47 PM): it bpvmo (9:22:01 PM): nope susie92sup (9:22:03 PM): lol bpvmo (9:22:23 PM): send again susie92sup (9:22:40 PM): did it work that time bpvmo (9:22:49 PM): yes susie92sup (9:22:52 PM): :) bpvmo (9:23:22 PM): i want pic of u now/:) susie92sup (9:23:35 PM): aww susie92sup (9:23:41 PM): all i have is the profile on susie92sup (9:23:43 PM): oen susie92sup (9:23:45 PM): one bpvmo (9:24:15 PM): get a sexy one soon,then send me it,ok baby..:D susie92sup (9:24:20 PM): k susie92sup (9:24:21 PM): :) bpvmo (9:24:46 PM): r u sexy?:-> susie92sup (9:24:55 PM): i dunno i think so lol susie92sup (9:25:01 PM): my ex thourht so susie92sup (9:25:07 PM): for a while anyway bpvmo (9:25:21 PM): huh..wat happened? susie92sup (9:25:26 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:25:33 PM): he found sumone elses susie92sup (9:25:35 PM): :( bpvmo (9:25:44 PM): alllwwww bpvmo (9:25:55 PM): >:D<>:D< susie92sup (9:26:04 PM): awww. thx susie92sup (9:26:08 PM): its ok bpvmo (9:26:41 PM): u need new cock now..hint;) susie92sup (9:26:47 PM): lol susie92sup (9:26:53 PM): yeah i gess i do bpvmo (9:27:11 PM): bettr go find one susie92sup (9:27:14 PM): lol bpvmo (9:27:37 PM): but be careful,ok lil one.. susie92sup (9:27:42 PM): awww susie92sup (9:27:46 PM): ur so sweet bpvmo (9:28:21 PM): dont talk to strangers...k susie92sup (9:28:28 PM): lol susie92sup (9:28:29 PM): boo bpvmo (9:28:40 PM): like me>:) susie92sup (9:28:45 PM): ha 2 late bpvmo (9:29:18 PM): so..would u want me now? susie92sup (9:29:38 PM): ya susie92sup (9:29:41 PM): i think i wud susie92sup (9:29:47 PM): ur funny and sweet susie92sup (9:29:51 PM): and hot lol bpvmo (9:30:05 PM): and a freek susie92sup (9:30:10 PM): lol bpvmo (9:30:17 PM): in bed...lmao susie92sup (9:30:22 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:30:55 PM): 2 bad u wernt older#-o susie92sup (9:31:04 PM): i dont care bpvmo (9:31:36 PM): ur mom would!:-O susie92sup (9:31:42 PM): so dont tell her susie92sup (9:31:43 PM): i wont susie92sup (9:31:44 PM): lol bpvmo (9:31:54 PM): watever susie92sup (9:32:08 PM): wat susie92sup (9:32:11 PM): r u mad now bpvmo (9:32:30 PM): yesX-( susie92sup (9:32:33 PM): y susie92sup (9:32:42 PM): im sorry 4 watever i did susie92sup (9:32:45 PM): :( bpvmo (9:32:46 PM): cuz bpvmo (9:33:10 PM): u suck!haha i got U:-P susie92sup (9:33:16 PM): ur mean susie92sup (9:33:18 PM): lol bpvmo (9:33:37 PM): just messing,k susie92sup (9:33:41 PM): lol susie92sup (9:33:43 PM): k susie92sup (9:33:52 PM): u freeked me out again bpvmo (9:33:57 PM): thats me..get used 2 it susie92sup (9:34:01 PM): k bpvmo (9:34:09 PM): im weirdo susie92sup (9:34:13 PM): lol me 2 bpvmo (9:34:28 PM): r u smart? susie92sup (9:34:33 PM): eh susie92sup (9:34:36 PM): not relly susie92sup (9:34:48 PM): im smart but i dont do 2 good in school bpvmo (9:34:49 PM): ut ooooohh bpvmo (9:35:02 PM): me either:-< susie92sup (9:35:09 PM): i hate it bpvmo (9:35:24 PM): u had to be the smart one..damnnnn! susie92sup (9:35:28 PM): lol susie92sup (9:35:38 PM): ur not in school r u? bpvmo (9:35:45 PM): no susie92sup (9:35:46 PM): like college susie92sup (9:35:47 PM): oh susie92sup (9:36:14 PM): :-< bpvmo (9:36:40 PM): u dont like me know?:( bpvmo (9:36:52 PM): now susie92sup (9:36:54 PM): no susie92sup (9:36:56 PM): i like u susie92sup (9:37:12 PM): im just wanting 2 do sumthin 2 nite bpvmo (9:37:59 PM): if i lived in tucson,i would come see u..but nooo:-< susie92sup (9:38:06 PM): awwwwww susie92sup (9:38:16 PM): i said id pay u 4 ur gas bpvmo (9:38:32 PM): i cant susie.. bpvmo (9:38:44 PM): i werk on sunday,early susie92sup (9:38:51 PM): awww bpvmo (9:39:03 PM): sorry susie92sup (9:39:17 PM): where do u work that u have 2 work on a sunday bpvmo (9:39:19 PM): no dick 4 u..lol susie92sup (9:39:28 PM): lol bpvmo (9:39:53 PM): at ace wherehouse susie92sup (9:40:03 PM): wats that bpvmo (9:40:12 PM): industrial werk bpvmo (9:40:45 PM): they're alwayz open..#-o susie92sup (9:40:47 PM): lol susie92sup (9:40:52 PM): 2 bad 4 u bpvmo (9:41:01 PM): i noe bpvmo (9:41:40 PM): i want sum young tight pussy..yummmmmy=P~:-P susie92sup (9:41:48 PM): :) bpvmo (9:42:27 PM): did u suck ur ex's cock b4? susie92sup (9:43:04 PM): ya bpvmo (9:43:25 PM): kewl..did u like it? susie92sup (9:43:33 PM): i gess so bpvmo (9:44:01 PM): wat size was his cock? susie92sup (9:44:25 PM): lol susie92sup (9:44:30 PM): i dunno i didnt measure bpvmo (9:44:37 PM): 0h bpvmo (9:45:13 PM): size doesnt matter anywayz...:) susie92sup (9:45:31 PM): lol susie92sup (9:45:39 PM): thats what i here bpvmo (9:45:41 PM): gotta know how to use it!hehe susie92sup (9:46:10 PM): haha susie92sup (9:46:41 PM): ha susie92sup (9:47:23 PM): y did u want 2 show me ur webcam b4 susie92sup (9:47:33 PM): i never saw that on cam lol bpvmo (9:48:26 PM): u havent?/:) susie92sup (9:48:32 PM): no susie92sup (9:48:33 PM): :) bpvmo (9:48:54 PM): u wont laugh,right? susie92sup (9:49:00 PM): noo susie92sup (9:49:03 PM): y wud i laugh bpvmo (9:49:34 PM): cuz i show u my average cock..:\"> susie92sup (9:49:44 PM): i wudnt laugh bpvmo (9:50:37 PM): hes asleep,you will have to wake him up,ok. susie92sup (9:50:44 PM): lol bpvmo (9:51:28 PM): no action 4 him...booo:( susie92sup (9:51:31 PM): ilol susie92sup (9:51:38 PM): i cud if i cud talk 2 u susie92sup (9:51:39 PM): lol bpvmo (9:51:59 PM): u want to talk 2 him? susie92sup (9:52:08 PM): lol susie92sup (9:52:12 PM): does he talk bpvmo (9:53:00 PM): of course!but,he has to be awake first..;) susie92sup (9:53:08 PM): lol susie92sup (9:53:19 PM): susie92sup (9:53:24 PM): did that work bpvmo (9:53:24 PM): lol bpvmo (9:53:30 PM): nope bpvmo (9:53:36 PM): try again susie92sup (9:53:56 PM): its ok if u dont want 2 show me susie92sup (9:54:08 PM): wats his name susie92sup (9:54:09 PM): lol bpvmo (9:54:30 PM): u name him,he's urs nowB-) susie92sup (9:54:37 PM): lol bpvmo (9:55:18 PM): well.....:-w susie92sup (9:55:36 PM): how about icky (Sorry, Icarus. lol) susie92sup (9:55:38 PM): lol bpvmo (9:55:51 PM): lmao:)) bpvmo (9:56:03 PM): thats good one,i likey. susie92sup (9:56:13 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:56:20 PM): icky it is!=D> bpvmo (9:56:42 PM): icky dicky susie92sup (9:56:48 PM): lol bpvmo (9:57:18 PM): r u gettn wet 4 icky? susie92sup (9:57:26 PM): ya susie92sup (9:57:37 PM): is he wakin up bpvmo (9:57:44 PM): lil bpvmo (9:57:51 PM): :) susie92sup (9:58:04 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:58:27 PM): hes drooling=P~ bpvmo (9:58:31 PM): lol susie92sup (9:58:55 PM): haha bpvmo (9:58:57 PM): serious bpvmo (9:59:20 PM): my cock is leaking susie92sup (9:59:33 PM): eww susie92sup (9:59:37 PM): that is icky bpvmo (9:59:41 PM): ahhhhhwwwww susie92sup (9:59:49 PM): r u ok bpvmo (10:00:00 PM): no susie92sup (10:00:10 PM): ur messin with me again bpvmo (10:00:42 PM): icky is awakeing,and i need uuuuuuu...oooooooo susie92sup (10:00:54 PM): i cant see bpvmo (10:01:07 PM): ohhhh fuckkkk susie92sup (10:01:22 PM): wat bpvmo (10:01:36 PM): im soooooo horny right now! bpvmo (10:01:58 PM): i need a woman..:(( susie92sup (10:02:02 PM): awwwww bpvmo (10:02:18 PM): help me susie! susie92sup (10:02:29 PM): i told u 2 come over susie92sup (10:02:31 PM): :( bpvmo (10:02:52 PM): i cant i told u susie92sup (10:03:03 PM): so wat can i do bpvmo (10:03:10 PM): maybe next weekend susie92sup (10:03:18 PM): mebbe susie92sup (10:03:28 PM): i dont see ur webcam susie92sup (10:03:38 PM): but my mom will be here susie92sup (10:03:51 PM): next weekend unless shes at her bf susie92sup (10:05:43 PM): u ther bpvmo (10:06:34 PM): hey susie92sup (10:06:38 PM): yea bpvmo (10:07:06 PM): come to prescott valley.:) susie92sup (10:07:14 PM): when bpvmo (10:07:27 PM): wen u can bpvmo (10:07:52 PM): do u have older friends? susie92sup (10:08:00 PM): ya bpvmo (10:08:22 PM): ummmmm.... bpvmo (10:08:36 PM): how would u get here? susie92sup (10:08:41 PM): when bpvmo (10:09:00 PM): next weekend susie92sup (10:09:11 PM): y dont u come here susie92sup (10:09:26 PM): when u dont have 2 work the next day bpvmo (10:09:46 PM): but ur mom is there.. susie92sup (10:10:10 PM): i cud meet u somewhere close or sumthin bpvmo (10:10:44 PM): ok,will discuss later.ok baby susie92sup (10:10:50 PM): ok susie92sup (10:11:05 PM): r u leavin susie92sup (10:11:12 PM): wat happend 2 icky susie92sup (10:11:14 PM): lol bpvmo (10:11:19 PM): no,u want me 2? susie92sup (10:11:22 PM): nooooo bpvmo (10:11:45 PM): icky fell bak asleepI-) susie92sup (10:11:48 PM): u said ud show me icky when he was awake susie92sup (10:11:57 PM): ur mean again bpvmo (10:12:05 PM): i got interupted,sry bpvmo (10:12:44 PM): Fuck meeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! susie92sup (10:12:55 PM): lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll bpvmo (10:13:16 PM): lick icky susie92sup (10:13:33 PM): i wud if i was there bpvmo (10:13:45 PM): really?? susie92sup (10:13:53 PM): ya bpvmo (10:14:18 PM): ur a naught 13 yr old..dangggg!:-O susie92sup (10:14:23 PM): haha bpvmo (10:14:39 PM): go 2 bed,nowwww!! susie92sup (10:14:51 PM): make me lol bpvmo (10:15:00 PM): lofl,ok susie92sup (10:15:10 PM): lofl?? bpvmo (10:15:33 PM): i throw u on the bed,now...whooooshhhh bpvmo (10:16:03 PM): laugh out fucking loud susie92sup (10:16:06 PM): oh susie92sup (10:16:07 PM): lol bpvmo (10:16:12 PM): lofl susie92sup (10:16:19 PM): haha im gonna use that one bpvmo (10:16:57 PM): how did u get so naughty,huh susie? susie92sup (10:17:07 PM): i dunno susie92sup (10:17:13 PM): it just happened i gess bpvmo (10:17:57 PM): internet,i bet! lorl susie92sup (10:18:10 PM): mebbe susie92sup (10:18:13 PM): lorl?? susie92sup (10:18:15 PM): lol bpvmo (10:18:28 PM): laugh out real loud susie92sup (10:18:31 PM): lol bpvmo (10:19:04 PM): enuff laughing...wake icky up,k:-> susie92sup (10:19:22 PM): turn on ur cam mebbe that will helo susie92sup (10:19:24 PM): help bpvmo (10:19:36 PM): lets see.... bpvmo (10:19:44 PM): :) susie92sup (10:19:48 PM): :) susie92sup (10:20:26 PM): hi bpvmo (10:20:33 PM): hello susie92sup (10:20:42 PM): lol i cant see u much bpvmo (10:20:54 PM): hehe susie92sup (10:21:02 PM): ur shy bpvmo (10:21:24 PM): :-P bpvmo (10:21:48 PM): well... susie92sup (10:22:13 PM): well waht bpvmo (10:22:17 PM): wat r u doing? susie92sup (10:22:23 PM): watchin u susie92sup (10:22:24 PM): lol susie92sup (10:22:35 PM): haha bpvmo (10:22:49 PM): boring,huh? lol susie92sup (10:23:15 PM): lol susie92sup (10:23:18 PM): not relly bpvmo (10:23:33 PM): ok,then bpvmo (10:23:44 PM): wake icky up susie92sup (10:23:47 PM): lol susie92sup (10:24:11 PM): did that work susie92sup (10:24:12 PM): lol bpvmo (10:24:14 PM): no bpvmo (10:24:24 PM): moreeeeeeeeee! susie92sup (10:24:33 PM): ummmmm susie92sup (10:24:36 PM): i dunno bpvmo (10:25:33 PM): ahhhh..cum on..try susie92sup (10:26:44 PM): icky where r u susie92sup (10:27:53 PM): i see u typing but dont see anythin bpvmo (10:28:21 PM): wat do u want 2 see?;) susie92sup (10:28:55 PM): wat u promised me lol bpvmo (10:29:24 PM): u show me first...k:D susie92sup (10:29:28 PM): lol susie92sup (10:29:30 PM): no cam here bpvmo (10:30:00 PM): u dont need one susie susie92sup (10:30:08 PM): wat do u mean bpvmo (10:30:32 PM): get naked and we have sex bpvmo (10:31:17 PM): i'll undress you..hows that susie92sup (10:31:27 PM): k i gess bpvmo (10:32:00 PM): im taking off your shirt now bpvmo (10:32:18 PM): rip...go ahead susie92sup (10:32:25 PM): k bpvmo (10:32:51 PM): did u do it?4 real susie92sup (10:32:55 PM): yea bpvmo (10:33:02 PM): kewl bpvmo (10:33:09 PM): now bpvmo (10:33:17 PM): take mine off susie92sup (10:33:27 PM): im embarresed susie92sup (10:33:41 PM): i never did this b4 susie92sup (10:33:53 PM): its cyber bpvmo (10:34:20 PM): its fun..promise..okB-) susie92sup (10:34:28 PM): i dunno susie92sup (10:34:39 PM): i jsut wanted 2 see u susie92sup (10:34:45 PM): :( bpvmo (10:34:51 PM): chicken susie92sup (10:35:02 PM): yea susie92sup (10:35:03 PM): lol susie92sup (10:35:13 PM): but u can bpvmo (10:35:19 PM): r u horny though? susie92sup (10:35:24 PM): yea susie92sup (10:35:27 PM): but nervous bpvmo (10:35:35 PM): ok,wil stop susie92sup (10:35:42 PM): u can tho bpvmo (10:35:51 PM): ur mean susie92sup (10:35:55 PM): no im not susie92sup (10:36:06 PM): im just embarreessed susie92sup (10:36:10 PM): i want it for realz bpvmo (10:36:37 PM): y cant u masterbate w/me?i thought u were my girl now...:-< susie92sup (10:36:43 PM): i am susie92sup (10:36:51 PM): but im afraid 2 bpvmo (10:37:04 PM): alright bpvmo (10:37:09 PM): dont susie92sup (10:37:23 PM): im sorry susie92sup (10:37:25 PM): r u mad bpvmo (10:37:33 PM): no bpvmo (10:37:46 PM): just wishing u were here susie92sup (10:37:51 PM): i no me 2 susie92sup (10:38:07 PM): do u live by urself bpvmo (10:38:15 PM): no bpvmo (10:38:45 PM): i taking care of my mom,right now.. susie92sup (10:38:52 PM): is she sick bpvmo (10:39:00 PM): kinda stuck...ughhhh susie92sup (10:39:04 PM): oh susie92sup (10:39:07 PM): so if i came ther wat wud we do susie92sup (10:39:23 PM): where wud we go bpvmo (10:39:42 PM): fuck in my truck..out somewhere..:D susie92sup (10:39:47 PM): lol susie92sup (10:39:48 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:40:03 PM): wat kind of truck is it big bpvmo (10:40:23 PM): big back bpvmo (10:40:51 PM): we could put down blankets,or something.. susie92sup (10:40:54 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:40:59 PM): sounds relly nice susie92sup (10:41:06 PM): unless it rains lol bpvmo (10:41:25 PM): out in the forest,or watever u like..k susie92sup (10:41:32 PM): wow susie92sup (10:41:46 PM): sounds romantec bpvmo (10:41:56 PM): it does ,huh? susie92sup (10:42:00 PM): yea bpvmo (10:42:01 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:42:14 PM): all the stars n stuff susie92sup (10:42:23 PM): hearin the crickets lol bpvmo (10:42:45 PM): yup,and the lil creatures.. susie92sup (10:43:03 PM): yeah bpvmo (10:43:23 PM): no crickets,just you! lofl susie92sup (10:43:29 PM): haha bpvmo (10:43:52 PM): r u a screamer? susie92sup (10:43:58 PM): not relly susie92sup (10:44:08 PM): im not that loud bpvmo (10:44:36 PM): ur still inexperienced thats y..u will be..:) susie92sup (10:44:52 PM): relly bpvmo (10:45:09 PM): did u hit puberty yet? (Ugh) susie92sup (10:45:19 PM): yeah i think susie92sup (10:45:22 PM): wat do u mean bpvmo (10:45:38 PM): ur menstrual cycle bpvmo (10:45:44 PM): pms...lol susie92sup (10:45:45 PM): oh my period susie92sup (10:45:46 PM): lol susie92sup (10:45:48 PM): yeah bpvmo (10:45:55 PM): ut oooooooo susie92sup (10:45:57 PM): wat bpvmo (10:46:16 PM): u can get preggie now...:-S susie92sup (10:46:23 PM): yikes susie92sup (10:46:30 PM): dont want that lol bpvmo (10:46:35 PM): NO SEX!SRY susie92sup (10:46:41 PM): :( susie92sup (10:46:59 PM): cant u bring rubbers or sumthin bpvmo (10:47:05 PM): JUST CYBER...OK.LOFL susie92sup (10:47:09 PM): ha susie92sup (10:47:16 PM): nice try lol bpvmo (10:47:32 PM): its safe love:x susie92sup (10:47:50 PM): dont u relly want 2 do it sumtim 4 real bpvmo (10:48:10 PM): sex with you? susie92sup (10:48:13 PM): yea susie92sup (10:48:25 PM): isnt that wat we were talking about susie92sup (10:48:28 PM): with ur truck bpvmo (10:48:51 PM): i could get in serious trouble susie,u noe that right?? susie92sup (10:49:10 PM): wat r u doing susie92sup (10:49:11 PM): lol bpvmo (10:49:40 PM): wanting sex!awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww susie92sup (10:49:43 PM): lol susie92sup (10:49:55 PM): im not gonna tell anyone i cud get in trouble 2 susie92sup (10:50:11 PM): me and my ex didnt get in trouble susie92sup (10:50:17 PM): no one knew bpvmo (10:50:27 PM): nice bpvmo (10:50:39 PM): secret:-$ susie92sup (10:50:45 PM): yep susie92sup (10:50:55 PM): i keep secrets good lol susie92sup (10:50:58 PM): wanna hear some susie92sup (10:51:00 PM): j/k bpvmo (10:51:03 PM): great! bpvmo (10:51:10 PM): noooooo susie92sup (10:51:14 PM): haha susie92sup (10:51:16 PM): teasin bpvmo (10:51:30 PM): i wanna hear u moan!!!!MMMMMMMMM susie92sup (10:51:46 PM): mmmmmmmmm susie92sup (10:51:50 PM): hows that bpvmo (10:51:53 PM): ha bpvmo (10:51:59 PM): funny girl susie92sup (10:52:08 PM): well i told u i can call u susie92sup (10:52:12 PM): but u dont want me 2 bpvmo (10:52:40 PM): desribe your body..maybe wakeup icky;) susie92sup (10:52:51 PM): lol susie92sup (10:52:56 PM): wat do u wnat 2 no bpvmo (10:53:17 PM): how big are ur tits? susie92sup (10:53:26 PM): 32 b bpvmo (10:53:39 PM): ok,kewl bpvmo (10:53:49 PM): almost c,huh? susie92sup (10:53:54 PM): yeah susie92sup (10:53:59 PM): im still growin lol bpvmo (10:54:19 PM): could i get a handful?:D susie92sup (10:54:29 PM): hlol susie92sup (10:54:41 PM): i dont know about that ur hands r big bpvmo (10:55:03 PM): i grab your boobie..squeze bpvmo (10:55:20 PM): lol bpvmo (10:55:33 PM): u feel that susie92sup (10:55:38 PM): lol susie92sup (10:55:39 PM): yea bpvmo (10:55:52 PM): k,watever:-P bpvmo (10:56:09 PM): u feel my cock? susie92sup (10:56:12 PM): lol bpvmo (10:56:34 PM): grab him,now,pls susie92sup (10:56:58 PM): k susie92sup (10:57:05 PM): weher is he bpvmo (10:57:17 PM): in ur hand!duhhh susie92sup (10:57:23 PM): ur a teaser bpvmo (10:58:02 PM): u get more in real time,ok sweety:) susie92sup (10:58:09 PM): i though u were gonna show me. i never saw that on cam :( bpvmo (10:58:29 PM): hes shy susie92sup (10:58:35 PM): watever bpvmo (10:58:48 PM): ok,sry bpvmo (10:59:05 PM): do u wanna see me jack off?huh susie92sup (10:59:25 PM): yeah i dont wanna just see ur chest and computer lol bpvmo (10:59:38 PM): haha susie92sup (10:59:49 PM): i never saw that b4 bpvmo (10:59:55 PM): ready? susie92sup (10:59:59 PM): ya bpvmo (11:01:07 PM): ummm susie92sup (11:01:10 PM): yeah susie92sup (11:01:15 PM): kewl bpvmo (11:01:21 PM): did u see icky? susie92sup (11:01:26 PM): not relly susie92sup (11:01:38 PM): just kinda ur stomack bpvmo (11:01:45 PM): lol susie92sup (11:01:56 PM): tell icky not to be shy susie92sup (11:01:57 PM): lol bpvmo (11:02:06 PM): wake him up then.. susie92sup (11:02:11 PM): lol susie92sup (11:02:24 PM): u dont want me to buzz u again do u bpvmo (11:02:31 PM): noooooooo bpvmo (11:02:43 PM): stroke him,ok baby susie92sup (11:03:19 PM): k bpvmo (11:03:44 PM): u see?! susie92sup (11:03:59 PM): ya susie92sup (11:04:03 PM): a lil bpvmo (11:04:16 PM): im hard now susie92sup (11:04:19 PM): kewl bpvmo (11:04:31 PM): here i go susie92sup (11:04:33 PM): i wish i cud see ur face 2 ur relly cute susie92sup (11:04:58 PM): thx bpvmo (11:05:52 PM): i cant do both..soorry susie92sup (11:06:02 PM): lol susie92sup (11:06:13 PM): lemme see ur face one more time first k bpvmo (11:06:35 PM): there bpvmo (11:06:57 PM): do u still like me? susie92sup (11:07:00 PM): ya bpvmo (11:07:07 PM): thx susie92sup (11:07:18 PM): why wudnt i bpvmo (11:07:37 PM): who knows.. bpvmo (11:07:49 PM): bak 2 stroking,k susie92sup (11:07:51 PM): k bpvmo (11:08:53 PM): u ok? susie92sup (11:09:02 PM): yea susie92sup (11:09:16 PM): its kewl bpvmo (11:09:18 PM): want more? susie92sup (11:09:22 PM): yea susie92sup (11:09:26 PM): do u bpvmo (11:09:38 PM): yeah,i need to cum susie92sup (11:09:44 PM): kewl susie92sup (11:09:49 PM): can i watch that 2 bpvmo (11:09:55 PM): sure bpvmo (11:10:27 PM): say something,once in awhile,ok baby..get me going:D susie92sup (11:10:29 PM): can i see ur face while ur doin that that wud be kewl susie92sup (11:10:35 PM): k susie92sup (11:11:13 PM): kewl bpvmo (11:12:53 PM): RIDE IT BABY,RIDE ITTTTT!!!!!!!!! susie92sup (11:12:57 PM): r u almost ther susie92sup (11:13:20 PM): let me see ur face when u r bpvmo (11:13:42 PM): U LIKE ICKY? susie92sup (11:13:46 PM): oh yeah susie92sup (11:13:48 PM): i love icky bpvmo (11:14:13 PM): U WISH U FUCKING IT,HUH?!:-P susie92sup (11:14:23 PM): yea bpvmo (11:15:24 PM): U WET? susie92sup (11:15:31 PM): yea susie92sup (11:15:50 PM): close up bpvmo (11:16:47 PM): IM ABOUT TO CUM susie92sup (11:16:54 PM): kewl bpvmo (11:17:32 PM): OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH susie92sup (11:17:47 PM): oh let me see ur face when u cum bpvmo (11:17:52 PM): GODDDDDDDDDDD bpvmo (11:18:00 PM): ALMOST!!!!!!! bpvmo (11:18:21 PM): U LIKE THIS SUZIE? susie92sup (11:18:26 PM): yea bpvmo (11:19:03 PM): IM GONNA CUMM NOW,ON YOUR ASS,OKBABY! susie92sup (11:19:11 PM): k susie92sup (11:20:41 PM): kewl susie92sup (11:20:52 PM): is ur cam frozen bpvmo (11:21:02 PM): AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW bpvmo (11:21:16 PM): THAT FELT GOOD! bpvmo (11:21:25 PM): :) susie92sup (11:21:26 PM): wat happened 2 ur cam bpvmo (11:21:37 PM): I TURNED IT OFF bpvmo (11:21:39 PM): K susie92sup (11:21:41 PM): oh susie92sup (11:21:44 PM): k bpvmo (11:22:17 PM): I GOTTA GO,CLEAN UP..K susie92sup (11:22:23 PM): k bpvmo (11:22:39 PM): HOPE U ENJOYED susie92sup (11:22:45 PM): ya susie92sup (11:22:47 PM): u 2 bpvmo (11:22:59 PM): YES,DID bpvmo (11:23:01 PM): thx susie92sup (11:23:02 PM): kewl bpvmo (11:23:10 PM): talk soon susie92sup (11:23:13 PM): k bpvmo (11:23:15 PM): bye susie92sup (11:23:17 PM): bye 10/16/05 bpvmo (6:29:34 PM): susie92sup (7:09:16 PM): did u buzz me lol susie92sup (7:09:28 PM): i wasnt here bpvmo (7:09:34 PM): hi susie92sup (7:09:36 PM): hi bpvmo (7:09:41 PM): just checking susie92sup (7:09:56 PM): 4 wat bpvmo (7:10:42 PM): if u were hiding,some people are always invicisble..it pisses me off..lol susie92sup (7:10:53 PM): lol i wasnt bpvmo (7:11:08 PM): kewl,dont do it,ok susie92sup (7:11:14 PM): ok susie92sup (7:11:23 PM): u wont either rite bpvmo (7:11:39 PM): no susie92sup (7:11:47 PM): :) bpvmo (7:12:26 PM): so,wats up susie? susie92sup (7:12:37 PM): nuthin much susie92sup (7:12:45 PM): how was work today bpvmo (7:13:10 PM): easy,and got home kinda early:) susie92sup (7:13:18 PM): kewl bpvmo (7:13:32 PM): around 300 susie92sup (7:13:52 PM): wat time r u supposed 2 get off bpvmo (7:14:18 PM): its different times,wenever we finish our orders. susie92sup (7:14:29 PM): oh thats kewl bpvmo (7:15:15 PM): sometimes early,sometrimes late..like 5 something#-o susie92sup (7:15:29 PM): its prolly hard 2 make plans then bpvmo (7:15:45 PM): yea sometimes it is bpvmo (7:16:39 PM): did u enjoy me last night?/:) susie92sup (7:16:48 PM): ya i did susie92sup (7:16:50 PM): did u bpvmo (7:17:08 PM): it was weird,but nice. susie92sup (7:17:13 PM): awwww susie92sup (7:17:17 PM): i thinik lol bpvmo (7:17:48 PM): were u in shock,wen i showed u. susie92sup (7:18:11 PM): mmmm, im not suer susie92sup (7:18:15 PM): not relly susie92sup (7:18:19 PM): but kinda susie92sup (7:18:31 PM): does that make sense bpvmo (7:18:43 PM): ? bpvmo (7:19:01 PM): iz ur mom around? susie92sup (7:19:09 PM): not right in thwe room susie92sup (7:19:12 PM): y bpvmo (7:19:46 PM): just wondering,dont want us 2 get in trouble,ok susie. susie92sup (7:19:54 PM): ok susie92sup (7:19:58 PM): were not doin anythin bpvmo (7:20:38 PM): she could come in and read wat were writing,maybe right? susie92sup (7:20:53 PM): no id see her if she came in bpvmo (7:21:18 PM): ok,just be really careful. susie92sup (7:21:24 PM): k bpvmo (7:21:58 PM): nobody knows about us..got it.:) susie92sup (7:22:10 PM): k susie92sup (7:22:12 PM): got it bpvmo (7:23:01 PM): i mean NOBODY! susie92sup (7:23:23 PM): ok bpvmo (7:23:34 PM): so....wat did u do 2day? susie92sup (7:23:43 PM): nuthin much susie92sup (7:23:46 PM): homework bpvmo (7:24:12 PM): ahhhh.i remember those dayz..:-? susie92sup (7:24:20 PM): lol bpvmo (7:24:27 PM): shitty...lol susie92sup (7:24:35 PM): yeah i no bpvmo (7:24:49 PM): been awhile though bpvmo (7:25:09 PM): i need 2 go bak 2 school someday soon. susie92sup (7:25:20 PM): relly susie92sup (7:25:28 PM): y bpvmo (7:25:29 PM): unless.... bpvmo (7:25:59 PM): u make big bux someday..:D susie92sup (7:26:04 PM): lol i wish bpvmo (7:26:30 PM): dont laugh,do it!4 us...k susie92sup (7:26:39 PM): ok susie92sup (7:26:43 PM): do u mean it bpvmo (7:27:12 PM): sure,if u wanna wait... susie92sup (7:27:23 PM): wait 4 wat bpvmo (7:27:47 PM): until u get 18,then i marry you. susie92sup (7:27:52 PM): relly susie92sup (7:27:54 PM): u wud bpvmo (7:28:26 PM): if ur kewl..i dont noe yet...:-?...lol susie92sup (7:28:32 PM): ya bpvmo (7:29:09 PM): i'll be 36..is that ok with you? susie92sup (7:29:18 PM): ya susie92sup (7:29:29 PM): will u wait 4 me susie92sup (7:29:32 PM): if u like me bpvmo (7:30:08 PM): we'll see...B-) susie92sup (7:30:23 PM): :-S bpvmo (7:31:17 PM): ur still young susie,you'll prolly change your mind wen u get older..:( susie92sup (7:31:29 PM): i dont think so susie92sup (7:31:38 PM): i dunno i dont even no wat ur voice is like bpvmo (7:32:01 PM): y does that matter? susie92sup (7:32:09 PM): i dunno susie92sup (7:32:17 PM): it jsut seems like it does susie92sup (7:32:34 PM): i gess its no big deal bpvmo (7:33:32 PM): i sound just fine.just soft spoken,im quiet alot..i have low voice. bpvmo (7:34:01 PM): low like not loud mouth,ok. susie92sup (7:34:31 PM): nice i dont like loud ppl bpvmo (7:34:41 PM): me either bpvmo (7:34:53 PM): they're annoying susie92sup (7:35:00 PM): yeah bpvmo (7:35:51 PM): im not very social either.im a homebody type person. susie92sup (7:36:29 PM): me 2!!!!! bpvmo (7:36:43 PM): really?kewl!!!!!!!! susie92sup (7:37:02 PM): i dont like real big groups of ppl bpvmo (7:37:05 PM): one point:D susie92sup (7:37:18 PM): what bpvmo (7:37:43 PM): that means a plus 4 u susie92sup (7:37:46 PM): oh lol susie92sup (7:37:48 PM): sorry bpvmo (7:37:56 PM): i like that susie92sup (7:38:00 PM): kewl me 2 bpvmo (7:38:54 PM): do u have a nice butt?:-> susie92sup (7:39:02 PM): i think so lol susie92sup (7:39:07 PM): i cant see it so im not sure bpvmo (7:39:16 PM): haha bpvmo (7:39:48 PM): take pic,then send it 2 me..k:) susie92sup (7:40:14 PM): lol susie92sup (7:40:20 PM): how can i do that silly susie92sup (7:40:33 PM): i cant reach ther bpvmo (7:40:52 PM): yes u can.try it susie92sup (7:41:09 PM): i dont have a dig cam bpvmo (7:41:21 PM): ok nevermind susie92sup (7:41:33 PM): lol bpvmo (7:41:51 PM): derscribe then... susie92sup (7:41:59 PM): gosh i dunno susie92sup (7:42:04 PM): its kinda small i gess bpvmo (7:42:46 PM): do u do excercises to tighten it up? susie92sup (7:42:57 PM): no not relly susie92sup (7:43:01 PM): sud i bpvmo (7:43:29 PM): awwwwwwww..bad lazy girl!get 2 it,right nowwwww...lol susie92sup (7:43:42 PM): lol now????? bpvmo (7:44:13 PM): u need dicsipline..spank u on ur ass...hehe susie92sup (7:44:30 PM): haha susie92sup (7:44:32 PM): just try it bpvmo (7:44:49 PM): i will soon;) susie92sup (7:45:06 PM): relly susie92sup (7:45:09 PM): i wish bpvmo (7:46:25 PM): find out how 2 to werkout your butt..then start doing it,ok..kewl? susie92sup (7:46:35 PM): ok susie92sup (7:46:37 PM): i will susie92sup (7:46:39 PM): :) bpvmo (7:46:49 PM): thx:) susie92sup (7:46:56 PM): yw bpvmo (7:47:47 PM): cuz...im got going ride your ass hard!!!!!!!!ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyeaaaaaa...lol susie92sup (7:47:57 PM): lol susie92sup (7:48:08 PM): thqat wud count as exsersize right bpvmo (7:48:21 PM): yup:D susie92sup (7:48:31 PM): kewl bpvmo (7:49:13 PM): but,wont make your ass any tighter though...shucks!#-o susie92sup (7:49:24 PM): awwww bpvmo (7:49:35 PM): u have to do that urself,ok. susie92sup (7:49:45 PM): ok i will i promis bpvmo (7:50:04 PM): goodie=P~ susie92sup (7:50:16 PM): :D bpvmo (7:50:38 PM): ? susie92sup (7:50:50 PM): just smilin bpvmo (7:51:16 PM): ?=i have a question 4 you,ok. susie92sup (7:51:21 PM): k susie92sup (7:51:25 PM): sorry bpvmo (7:51:31 PM): its ok bpvmo (7:51:42 PM): ur learning:) susie92sup (7:51:46 PM): :) bpvmo (7:52:01 PM): i will teach u stuff,k susie92sup (7:52:18 PM): k susie92sup (7:52:22 PM): wat kinda stuff bpvmo (7:52:43 PM): SEX!!!!!!!!WAT ELSE??? LOFL susie92sup (7:52:48 PM): lol bpvmo (7:52:50 PM): JK susie92sup (7:52:53 PM): just checkin susie92sup (7:52:59 PM): :) susie92sup (7:53:14 PM): id like 2 learn stuff i dont no much bpvmo (7:53:44 PM): i know that,ur only 13..i was just like u bpvmo (7:54:03 PM): ? susie92sup (7:54:06 PM): yes susie92sup (7:54:10 PM): :) bpvmo (7:54:26 PM): do u like football and baseball? susie92sup (7:54:37 PM): football bpvmo (7:54:50 PM): kewl susie92sup (7:54:58 PM): wat about u bpvmo (7:55:09 PM): cuz,they're my pastimes.:) susie92sup (7:55:17 PM): kewl susie92sup (7:55:23 PM): do u play or watch tv bpvmo (7:55:40 PM): just watch,i used to play baseball susie92sup (7:55:46 PM): kewl susie92sup (7:55:59 PM): i gess thats y ur in such good shape lol bpvmo (7:56:21 PM): haha,thxbut im not susie92sup (7:56:30 PM): i think u r susie92sup (7:56:34 PM): ;) bpvmo (7:56:48 PM): ty sweety>:D< susie92sup (7:57:00 PM): awww yw susie92sup (7:57:05 PM): >:D< bpvmo (7:57:48 PM): i have some pounds..so u can grab:-> susie92sup (7:57:57 PM): lol susie92sup (7:58:01 PM): i didnt see any bpvmo (7:58:15 PM): wen ur riding me...B-) susie92sup (7:58:30 PM): ohhhhhh bpvmo (7:59:04 PM): ride me nowwwwwwwwwwww!lol..mmmmmmmmmm susie92sup (7:59:15 PM): lol susie92sup (7:59:28 PM): i wanna meet u 4 realz sumday susie92sup (7:59:32 PM): :( bpvmo (7:59:38 PM): kewl bpvmo (8:00:08 PM): then ride me allnight long!hey?:D susie92sup (8:00:18 PM): sounds good 2 me susie92sup (8:00:19 PM): lol susie92sup (8:00:33 PM): in ur truck or weher wud we go bpvmo (8:00:59 PM): anywhere u want baby,k. susie92sup (8:01:10 PM): kewl susie92sup (8:01:15 PM): do u mean it susie92sup (8:01:19 PM): or r u playin me bpvmo (8:01:38 PM): if we meet 4 real,im serious here susie92sup (8:01:54 PM): if susie92sup (8:01:58 PM): ? susie92sup (8:02:15 PM): im serious susie92sup (8:02:18 PM): :) bpvmo (8:02:35 PM): OHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO!!! LOL;) susie92sup (8:02:49 PM): lol wat bpvmo (8:03:06 PM): that ur serious already. bpvmo (8:03:25 PM): we just met susie susie92sup (8:03:34 PM): lol i mean seriuos about meetin u lol bpvmo (8:03:49 PM): ohhh,ic bpvmo (8:03:56 PM): yes,me 2 susie92sup (8:04:02 PM): kewl susie92sup (8:04:21 PM): u were scared i wanted 2 get married now or sumthin werent u susie92sup (8:04:21 PM): lol bpvmo (8:04:31 PM): lol bpvmo (8:04:48 PM): no marrige yet,goshhhhh!#:-S susie92sup (8:05:11 PM): lol we got 5 years 2 wait 4 that susie92sup (8:05:15 PM): lol bpvmo (8:05:15 PM): 2 fast here:-P susie92sup (8:05:19 PM): hahahaha bpvmo (8:05:31 PM): SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW bpvmo (8:05:39 PM): :) susie92sup (8:05:42 PM): i like slow lol bpvmo (8:05:51 PM): u do? susie92sup (8:05:59 PM): ya susie92sup (8:06:08 PM): sumtimes bpvmo (8:06:44 PM): i like it ALL!!!Whooopieeeee!!<:-P susie92sup (8:06:56 PM): lol susie92sup (8:07:02 PM): :o) bpvmo (8:07:45 PM): u got school 2morrow,huh? susie92sup (8:07:53 PM): yeah susie92sup (8:07:56 PM): y bpvmo (8:08:06 PM): just saying bpvmo (8:08:21 PM): dont tell your friends about me,k susie92sup (8:08:30 PM): no i wont bpvmo (8:08:35 PM): :-$ susie92sup (8:08:40 PM): i alreddy promised u i wont say anthing susie92sup (8:08:48 PM): i keep my promisses bpvmo (8:09:03 PM): just reminding u:-> susie92sup (8:09:07 PM): ok susie92sup (8:09:11 PM): i wont bpvmo (8:09:16 PM): good susie92sup (8:09:21 PM): :) susie92sup (8:09:36 PM): i think my moms goin 2 the store in a minute bpvmo (8:09:56 PM): yeah,and... susie92sup (8:10:02 PM): nuthin susie92sup (8:10:04 PM): :) susie92sup (8:10:22 PM): do u have any more pics bpvmo (8:10:45 PM): yeah sum susie92sup (8:10:50 PM): kewl susie92sup (8:10:56 PM): i wish i had some of me susie92sup (8:10:58 PM): :( susie92sup (8:11:12 PM): lol i have some but not on puter' bpvmo (8:11:13 PM): i know!me 2:( bpvmo (8:12:08 PM): get ur friends 2 take sum pics of u on phones,then get copies of them.can u do that? susie92sup (8:12:21 PM): i dunno susie92sup (8:12:34 PM): ill see if anyone has a cell with pics bpvmo (8:12:47 PM): do u? susie92sup (8:12:54 PM): no susie92sup (8:12:56 PM): i wish bpvmo (8:13:05 PM): 2 bad susie92sup (8:13:07 PM): i dont get a cell until im 16 susie92sup (8:13:16 PM): do u bpvmo (8:13:19 PM): bummer 4 u susie92sup (8:13:22 PM): yea bpvmo (8:13:33 PM): no pic phone,sry bpvmo (8:13:45 PM): just reg susie92sup (8:13:55 PM): bummer 4 u 2 susie92sup (8:13:56 PM): lol bpvmo (8:14:05 PM): yea bpvmo (8:14:32 PM): its expensive,no money..:(( susie92sup (8:14:37 PM): awwwww susie92sup (8:14:48 PM): im sowwy bpvmo (8:15:01 PM): poorbag here,sry susie92sup (8:15:15 PM): i dont care about money bpvmo (8:15:35 PM): another point=D> susie92sup (8:15:39 PM): i jusr watn sumone 2 love me susie92sup (8:15:42 PM): sumday bpvmo (8:16:01 PM): like this susie92sup (8:16:12 PM): like wat bpvmo (8:16:16 PM): :x susie92sup (8:16:21 PM): yeah susie92sup (8:16:26 PM): just like taht bpvmo (8:16:31 PM): lol bpvmo (8:16:32 PM): ok susie92sup (8:16:36 PM): :x susie92sup (8:16:42 PM): sumday anyway bpvmo (8:17:07 PM): r hearts r pounding..they better be...lol susie92sup (8:17:23 PM): lol yeah mine is bpvmo (8:17:30 PM): mine 2 susie92sup (8:17:38 PM): relly susie92sup (8:17:49 PM): or r u talkin about the smilei bpvmo (8:17:58 PM): were still alive..tgO:-) bpvmo (8:18:20 PM): ours..silly susie92sup (8:18:28 PM): kewl susie92sup (8:18:37 PM): i relly like u mo bpvmo (8:18:59 PM): if not,were dead!ughhhhhhh@-) susie92sup (8:19:10 PM): lol good point susie92sup (8:19:21 PM): well we wudnt need money then susie92sup (8:19:22 PM): lol bpvmo (8:19:31 PM): u watchn the game? susie92sup (8:19:41 PM): no susie92sup (8:19:46 PM): what game bpvmo (8:19:53 PM): u suk:-P susie92sup (8:19:59 PM): oops susie92sup (8:20:01 PM): sorry susie92sup (8:20:32 PM): oh baseball. i put it on susie92sup (8:20:36 PM): :) bpvmo (8:20:39 PM): sun football game..yay!:) susie92sup (8:20:50 PM): oh football susie92sup (8:20:51 PM): lol bpvmo (8:21:00 PM): yeah football! bpvmo (8:21:05 PM): espn susie92sup (8:21:09 PM): oh bpvmo (8:21:28 PM): or baseball:D bpvmo (8:22:00 PM): beer run susie92sup (8:22:15 PM): k bpvmo (8:22:19 PM): jk bpvmo (8:22:29 PM): im not drinking 2day susie92sup (8:22:34 PM): y not bpvmo (8:22:59 PM): cuz i drink 2 much lately.gotta kewl it abit.. susie92sup (8:23:15 PM): oh bpvmo (8:23:49 PM): u cant drink until 18,ok babyB-) bpvmo (8:24:38 PM): i'll get u drunk on our honeymoon..whoooohoooo!:) susie92sup (8:24:46 PM): hahaha susie92sup (8:24:48 PM): ok bpvmo (8:25:12 PM): im serious,dont drink susie92sup (8:25:18 PM): relly susie92sup (8:25:21 PM): how come bpvmo (8:25:50 PM): cuz ur to young,ok.just wait..please... susie92sup (8:25:58 PM): ok i promise bpvmo (8:26:31 PM): u got plenty of time 4 drinking wen older<:-P;) susie92sup (8:26:41 PM): lol susie92sup (8:26:43 PM): ur so sweet bpvmo (8:27:06 PM): i noe..its my weakness#-o susie92sup (8:27:21 PM): ill help u bpvmo (8:27:55 PM): huh??2 be bad:-/ susie92sup (8:28:04 PM): lol no 2 not drink bpvmo (8:28:19 PM): 0..ic bpvmo (8:28:22 PM): ty susie92sup (8:28:24 PM): yw bpvmo (8:29:11 PM): i met weakness,i meant being 2 sweet..oklol susie92sup (8:29:36 PM): im confused. lol bpvmo (8:29:57 PM): my weakness is that i am to sweet.. susie92sup (8:29:57 PM): oh i c susie92sup (8:29:59 PM): lol susie92sup (8:30:06 PM): i get it duh susie92sup (8:30:16 PM): sorry im being dum again bpvmo (8:30:32 PM): kewl,finally...hha susie92sup (8:30:42 PM): hahahaha bpvmo (8:30:48 PM): jk susie92sup (8:30:51 PM): i no bpvmo (8:31:12 PM): i like dumb:) susie92sup (8:31:30 PM): lol u will luv me then susie92sup (8:31:31 PM): lol bpvmo (8:31:50 PM): lofl susie92sup (8:31:51 PM): im not relly dum just kinda blond even tho im not blond susie92sup (8:31:54 PM): lol bpvmo (8:32:10 PM): me 2 bpvmo (8:32:20 PM): im slow bpvmo (8:32:41 PM): be patient with me,ok susie.. susie92sup (8:32:46 PM): ok susie92sup (8:32:52 PM): i dont no what u mean tho bpvmo (8:33:11 PM): i have flaws..many#-o susie92sup (8:33:17 PM): no u dont susie92sup (8:33:23 PM): i dont think so bpvmo (8:33:45 PM): ummmmm..u dont know shit yet..lol bpvmo (8:33:46 PM): ok susie92sup (8:34:00 PM): that dont sound good lol bpvmo (8:34:15 PM): hahahahaha susie92sup (8:34:34 PM): u tryin 2 scare me or sumthin susie92sup (8:34:36 PM): :) bpvmo (8:34:37 PM): were all not perfect susie92sup (8:34:41 PM): oh i no that bpvmo (8:35:00 PM): BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! bpvmo (8:35:02 PM): susie92sup (8:35:04 PM): lol susie92sup (8:35:07 PM): shhh bpvmo (8:35:21 PM): oh,sry baby! susie92sup (8:35:27 PM): thats ok my moms not here bpvmo (8:35:29 PM): i be quiet,k susie92sup (8:35:38 PM): k susie92sup (8:35:42 PM): :) bpvmo (8:35:57 PM): u watching the game now? susie92sup (8:36:05 PM): i have it on susie92sup (8:36:06 PM): lol bpvmo (8:36:13 PM): kewl susie92sup (8:36:22 PM): basebal rite bpvmo (8:36:25 PM): whos playing?huh susie92sup (8:36:35 PM): chw and laa susie92sup (8:36:39 PM): lol susie92sup (8:37:00 PM): ohhh the angels bpvmo (8:37:03 PM): gj=D> susie92sup (8:37:07 PM): ty susie92sup (8:37:16 PM): O:-) bpvmo (8:37:46 PM): learn baseball and football,and i will love yoU...:D susie92sup (8:37:53 PM): promise susie92sup (8:37:54 PM): lol bpvmo (8:38:29 PM): take u 2 games and other stuff,hows that sound? susie92sup (8:38:37 PM): kewl susie92sup (8:38:45 PM): id like that bpvmo (8:38:53 PM): great susie92sup (8:39:34 PM): lol susie92sup (8:39:43 PM): dont do that 4 long susie92sup (8:39:52 PM): my mom will be home in avout 15 mins bpvmo (8:40:00 PM): gettn colder here...brrrr bpvmo (8:40:17 PM): ok,just let me know,k.;) susie92sup (8:41:00 PM): let u no what susie92sup (8:42:01 PM): oh wen she comes home susie92sup (8:42:09 PM): gosh im slow 2 nite bpvmo (8:42:25 PM): uhhhh..yeah bpvmo (8:42:42 PM): u r slowwww..u ok?:-S susie92sup (8:43:09 PM): yeah im just kinda tired i gess susie92sup (8:43:27 PM): i used my brain 2 much earlier with homewoerk susie92sup (8:43:30 PM): lol bpvmo (8:44:21 PM): oh thats it bpvmo (8:44:25 PM): ha susie92sup (8:44:35 PM): sounded good 2 me susie92sup (8:44:36 PM): lol bpvmo (8:45:02 PM): u need sum pleasure..;) susie92sup (8:45:13 PM): yea i do susie92sup (8:45:17 PM): ;) bpvmo (8:46:26 PM): go 4 it! susie92sup (8:46:36 PM): lol bpvmo (8:46:51 PM): poke ur lovehole:)) susie92sup (8:46:55 PM): lol susie92sup (8:46:56 PM): omg susie92sup (8:47:02 PM): how funny bpvmo (8:47:37 PM): just u,nobody else..harhar:) susie92sup (8:47:45 PM): lol no fun bpvmo (8:48:28 PM): no sex w/boys,until we meet,got it... susie92sup (8:48:48 PM): wehn r we gonna meet bpvmo (8:49:11 PM): wen ur 18...:D susie92sup (8:49:20 PM): wat bpvmo (8:49:36 PM): just playing..dangggg susie92sup (8:49:39 PM): omg susie92sup (8:49:42 PM): u scared me susie92sup (8:49:46 PM): lol bpvmo (8:49:56 PM): ur 2 easy!lmao susie92sup (8:50:03 PM): haha susie92sup (8:50:09 PM): no ur 2 mean lol bpvmo (8:50:16 PM): >:) susie92sup (8:50:31 PM): =; bpvmo (8:50:52 PM): oh yeah... susie92sup (8:51:12 PM): lol susie92sup (8:51:26 PM): hey my moms gonna be home soon susie92sup (8:51:34 PM): can i pls call u real quick susie92sup (8:51:39 PM): jsut 4 a sec bpvmo (8:51:57 PM): ok susie92sup (8:52:43 PM): wats ur number lol bpvmo (8:53:08 PM): 911 susie92sup (8:53:15 PM): lol susie92sup (8:53:18 PM): not funny bpvmo (8:53:33 PM): 555-555-5555 bpvmo (8:53:36 PM): there susie92sup (8:53:49 PM): ur bein mean bpvmo (8:54:00 PM): im being dum bpvmo (8:54:02 PM): sry bpvmo (8:54:22 PM): 1-928-533-9203 susie92sup (8:54:34 PM): r u sure thats it bpvmo (8:54:46 PM): find out:) susie92sup (8:55:01 PM): k i gotta go get the phone susie92sup (8:55:10 PM): ill cal in like 1 min bpvmo (8:55:18 PM): k Verified by Miss Scarlett susie92sup (9:01:28 PM): hi susie92sup (9:01:37 PM): thanks i love ur voice bpvmo (9:01:42 PM): hi suzie susie92sup (9:01:55 PM): hi mo brandon bpvmo (9:02:02 PM): awwww..thx sweety susie92sup (9:02:11 PM): :-* susie92sup (9:02:15 PM): ty sooo much bpvmo (9:02:17 PM): u? bpvmo (9:02:23 PM): oops bpvmo (9:02:25 PM): ? susie92sup (9:02:37 PM): yes bpvmo (9:02:50 PM): u sure your 13?:-? susie92sup (9:03:02 PM): ya y susie92sup (9:03:09 PM): do i sound older lol bpvmo (9:03:11 PM): lol..ok bpvmo (9:03:20 PM): yessss! susie92sup (9:03:30 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:03:38 PM): like 18..MMMMMMMMM:D susie92sup (9:03:46 PM): reelly susie92sup (9:03:52 PM): thats kewl bpvmo (9:03:57 PM): u did susie92sup (9:04:18 PM): lol i have a little sore throat tho bpvmo (9:04:33 PM): lets have phone sex,someday..me likey:x susie92sup (9:04:44 PM): kewl susie92sup (9:04:50 PM): but wat about real bpvmo (9:05:14 PM): do u? susie92sup (9:05:49 PM): do i wat bpvmo (9:06:43 PM): want to fuck me susie92sup (9:06:51 PM): yea susie92sup (9:07:09 PM): do u bpvmo (9:07:14 PM): ur baddddd...whoooooooohooo! bpvmo (9:08:13 PM): if were in safe place.and nobody knows..then yes.:) susie92sup (9:08:20 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:08:31 PM): our secret susie92sup (9:08:43 PM): yes susie92sup (9:08:45 PM): i promsi bpvmo (9:08:54 PM): promise me suzie susie92sup (9:08:59 PM): i promise mo bpvmo (9:09:00 PM): ok,kewl bpvmo (9:09:15 PM): do u have nickname? susie92sup (9:09:26 PM): no susie92sup (9:09:34 PM): do wanna give me on bpvmo (9:09:47 PM): sure susie92sup (9:09:57 PM): k bpvmo (9:10:19 PM): wats ur full name? susie92sup (9:10:31 PM): susie ann bpvmo (9:10:46 PM): last name? susie92sup (9:11:00 PM): collins susie92sup (9:11:02 PM): whats urs bpvmo (9:11:58 PM): brandon paul veldhuzen susie92sup (9:12:05 PM): oh susie92sup (9:12:09 PM): where did mo come from bpvmo (9:12:22 PM): mars susie92sup (9:12:41 PM): huh? bpvmo (9:12:56 PM): joke susie92sup (9:13:06 PM): oh lol susie92sup (9:13:08 PM): slow again bpvmo (9:13:23 PM): i came from my mommys vagina bpvmo (9:13:29 PM): lofl susie92sup (9:13:33 PM): haha susie92sup (9:13:43 PM): no i mean u said ur name was mo bpvmo (9:13:45 PM): u did 2 susie92sup (9:13:51 PM): i no bpvmo (9:14:16 PM): mo iz nickname susie92sup (9:14:33 PM): ah bpvmo (9:15:51 PM): ur mom home? susie92sup (9:16:01 PM): not yet susie92sup (9:16:05 PM): im surprised susie92sup (9:16:15 PM): unless shes outside susie92sup (9:16:21 PM): y bpvmo (9:16:31 PM): just asking susie92sup (9:16:40 PM): k susie92sup (9:16:42 PM): :) susie92sup (9:16:56 PM): im prolly gonna have 2 go soon susie92sup (9:17:05 PM): when will u be online again do u think susie92sup (9:17:13 PM): i dont no when u work bpvmo (9:17:38 PM): im on at night.usually everyday bpvmo (9:17:53 PM): if buzy,then im not susie92sup (9:17:56 PM): lol susie92sup (9:18:13 PM): i hope we get 2 meet soon susie92sup (9:18:16 PM): :) bpvmo (9:18:28 PM): :) susie92sup (9:18:50 PM): 2 bad we didnt meet sooner since my mom was gone this weeekend bpvmo (9:19:17 PM): y?u want icky,huh?! lol susie92sup (9:19:25 PM): yeah i do susie92sup (9:19:29 PM): :) bpvmo (9:20:07 PM): i want your tight pussy too!yummmmm susie92sup (9:20:17 PM): kewl susie92sup (9:20:21 PM): u need to tell me my name 2 susie92sup (9:20:30 PM): :) bpvmo (9:20:55 PM): wen we fuck? susie92sup (9:21:20 PM): is that wehn ur gonna tell me susie92sup (9:21:36 PM): u said u were gonna make me a nickanem remember bpvmo (9:21:49 PM): 0 bpvmo (9:21:52 PM): yeahh bpvmo (9:22:49 PM): dont noe yet,sry..:-? susie92sup (9:23:01 PM): ok susie92sup (9:23:05 PM): u can think about it susie92sup (9:23:15 PM): i here my mom so i prolly shud go bpvmo (9:23:30 PM): u better susie92sup (9:23:33 PM): k bpvmo (9:23:37 PM): bye baby susie92sup (9:23:45 PM): bye brandon bpvmo (9:23:50 PM): >:D<:-h susie92sup (9:23:51 PM): :-* susie92sup (9:23:58 PM): >:D< bpvmo (9:24:24 PM): wen u masterbate,think of me:D susie92sup (9:24:29 PM): k u 2 bpvmo (9:24:38 PM): k bpvmo (9:24:54 PM): goodnight susie susie92sup (9:25:01 PM): goodnight mo 10/17/05 bpvmo (8:40:51 PM): Hi baby bpvmo (8:41:28 PM): your not online:( bpvmo (8:41:42 PM): miss u bpvmo (8:42:00 PM): guess wat?! bpvmo (8:42:20 PM): i have a nickname 4 u:D bpvmo (8:42:57 PM): talk soon..bye susie susie92sup (9:24:34 PM): lol susie92sup (9:24:41 PM): ru there bpvmo (9:25:01 PM): Hi baby:) susie92sup (9:25:04 PM): hi susie92sup (9:25:06 PM): :) bpvmo (9:25:09 PM): mo here susie92sup (9:25:15 PM): lol susie here bpvmo (9:25:36 PM): is this my girl??:-? susie92sup (9:25:49 PM): ya susie92sup (9:25:56 PM): is this my guy bpvmo (9:26:02 PM): prove it susie92sup (9:26:05 PM): lol how bpvmo (9:26:22 PM): how big iz my cock?lol susie92sup (9:26:26 PM): lol susie92sup (9:26:30 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:26:33 PM): pretty big bpvmo (9:26:55 PM): WHO IZ THIS??!:-/ susie92sup (9:27:03 PM): lol its me silly bpvmo (9:27:11 PM): nooooo susie92sup (9:27:15 PM): oh yea bpvmo (9:27:25 PM): my cock iz not BIG!! lol susie92sup (9:27:27 PM): ask icky he will tell u susie92sup (9:27:33 PM): ya it iz bpvmo (9:28:04 PM): 0! it iz my girl!!TG:D susie92sup (9:28:10 PM): lol yep its me susie92sup (9:28:21 PM): so wat name did u come up with 4 me bpvmo (9:28:39 PM): icky was the it...lol:)) susie92sup (9:28:48 PM): lol bpvmo (9:29:08 PM): your nickname is............... susie92sup (9:29:35 PM): im watin susie92sup (9:29:37 PM): lol bpvmo (9:30:04 PM): :)] susie92sup (9:30:12 PM): wat bpvmo (9:30:13 PM): jk bpvmo (9:30:17 PM): its bpvmo (9:30:31 PM): Q :D susie92sup (9:30:36 PM): Q??? bpvmo (9:30:44 PM): yup susie92sup (9:30:48 PM): ok susie92sup (9:30:52 PM): oh susie q, huh bpvmo (9:31:01 PM): lofl..yeahhhh susie92sup (9:31:02 PM): my dad used 2 call me that susie92sup (9:31:04 PM): lol bpvmo (9:31:16 PM): u like or no? susie92sup (9:31:26 PM): yeah i do susie92sup (9:31:36 PM): :) bpvmo (9:31:44 PM): kewl!:) bpvmo (9:31:58 PM): HI Q:-h susie92sup (9:32:01 PM): hi mo bpvmo (9:32:19 PM): how waz ur day baby? susie92sup (9:32:25 PM): ok i gess susie92sup (9:32:30 PM): how bout u bpvmo (9:32:38 PM): it was aight bpvmo (9:33:05 PM): it rained a lil.so im happy w/that:) bpvmo (9:33:24 PM): i love the rain! susie92sup (9:33:44 PM): me 2 susie92sup (9:33:53 PM): i like how it smells wen it rains bpvmo (9:34:13 PM): yea..its smells good...mmmmmm susie92sup (9:34:26 PM): yea it does bpvmo (9:34:30 PM): nice and dirty..lol susie92sup (9:34:38 PM): lol bpvmo (9:35:19 PM): wud love to makeout in the rain w/u..:x susie92sup (9:35:34 PM): wow that wud be kewl susie92sup (9:35:47 PM): :\"> bpvmo (9:35:57 PM): ah huh bpvmo (9:36:36 PM): picture it...mo and Q in rain....ooooooooo8-> susie92sup (9:37:05 PM): wat is oooooo8-> bpvmo (9:38:04 PM): it means good,trust me!8->=daydreaming..ok susie92sup (9:38:15 PM): ok susie92sup (9:38:19 PM): i trust u susie92sup (9:38:21 PM): :) bpvmo (9:38:39 PM): u do?/:) susie92sup (9:38:49 PM): ya i do bpvmo (9:39:06 PM): good..u bettr:-P susie92sup (9:39:15 PM): lol susie92sup (9:39:21 PM): its all good bpvmo (9:39:34 PM): cuz ur mine now!hahaha susie92sup (9:39:46 PM): awwww susie92sup (9:39:51 PM): i like how tat sounds susie92sup (9:39:58 PM): >:D< bpvmo (9:40:08 PM): tat??lol bpvmo (9:40:13 PM): me 2 susie92sup (9:40:29 PM): that susie92sup (9:40:30 PM): lol bpvmo (9:41:19 PM): why waz ur day just ok? susie92sup (9:41:27 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:41:31 PM): :) bpvmo (9:41:38 PM): i noe y susie92sup (9:41:46 PM): lol u do huh susie92sup (9:41:56 PM): then y was it jus okauy bpvmo (9:42:30 PM): cuz u were at shitty school!lmao...ickyyyy>:P susie92sup (9:42:39 PM): lol susie92sup (9:42:49 PM): my mind wasnt on school 2 day bpvmo (9:43:02 PM): 0 bpvmo (9:43:06 PM): :-? bpvmo (9:43:28 PM): wonder wat it waz on??hmmmm... susie92sup (9:43:43 PM): or who????? bpvmo (9:44:03 PM): ?????? susie92sup (9:44:14 PM): u silly susie92sup (9:44:16 PM): :) bpvmo (9:44:24 PM): 8-} susie92sup (9:44:44 PM): where did u find that bpvmo (9:45:18 PM): on the emoticon guy,where else? susie92sup (9:45:35 PM): i dont see that bpvmo (9:46:00 PM): see the yellow face w/shades on? susie92sup (9:46:20 PM): 8-} susie92sup (9:46:24 PM): i found him susie92sup (9:46:25 PM): lol bpvmo (9:46:48 PM): ur awesum!!good job baby=D> susie92sup (9:46:53 PM): lol ty bpvmo (9:47:11 PM): funtime now..lol susie92sup (9:47:14 PM): yeah susie92sup (9:47:22 PM): just dont do the noisy ones susie92sup (9:47:49 PM): :-$ bpvmo (9:47:58 PM): just keep the volume down,ok Q...B-) susie92sup (9:48:02 PM): k bpvmo (9:48:22 PM): great:-* susie92sup (9:48:33 PM): :-* bpvmo (9:48:53 PM): u want to kiss me,huh? susie92sup (9:48:59 PM): ya i do susie92sup (9:49:00 PM): do u bpvmo (9:49:07 PM): yes susie92sup (9:49:17 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:49:18 PM): soon susie92sup (9:49:22 PM): relly susie92sup (9:49:25 PM): how soon????? susie92sup (9:49:26 PM): lol bpvmo (9:49:34 PM): :-*:-*:-* susie92sup (9:49:38 PM): awww susie92sup (9:49:51 PM): :-*>:D<:-* bpvmo (9:50:28 PM): this weekend..how about?/:) susie92sup (9:50:33 PM): relly susie92sup (9:50:38 PM): tat wud be kewl susie92sup (9:50:58 PM): i wonder how i wud do that bpvmo (9:51:07 PM): better than kewl! susie92sup (9:51:11 PM): ya bpvmo (9:51:28 PM): SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!:D susie92sup (9:51:43 PM): wat will we do bpvmo (9:52:19 PM): Wat about mom??:-S susie92sup (9:52:27 PM): i no susie92sup (9:52:35 PM): im trying 2 figuer theat out bpvmo (9:53:01 PM): maybe not then:( susie92sup (9:53:10 PM): i dont no susie92sup (9:53:16 PM): i want 2 susie92sup (9:53:32 PM): ill hafta think about how 2 do thsi bpvmo (9:53:54 PM): good..u do that Q susie92sup (9:54:13 PM): wud u want 2 for like all nite bpvmo (9:54:25 PM): make good plan 4 us..ok:) bpvmo (9:54:41 PM): how?? susie92sup (9:54:46 PM): how wat bpvmo (9:54:52 PM): allnite susie92sup (9:54:59 PM): kewl susie92sup (9:55:06 PM): omg that wud be soooo kewl bpvmo (9:55:17 PM): Q susie92sup (9:55:22 PM): yea bpvmo (9:55:37 PM): How wud we do the allnite thing,huh? susie92sup (9:55:57 PM): well i was thinkin of sayin i was spendin the nite at a frieends bpvmo (9:56:20 PM): hmmmm....:-? bpvmo (9:56:43 PM): wat if she called ur friends house?:-S susie92sup (9:56:49 PM): i dont think she wud bpvmo (9:57:20 PM): i dont noe......scary:-SS susie92sup (9:57:38 PM): or i can just see if shes goin out of town again sumtime soon bpvmo (9:57:59 PM): ok,u find out susie92sup (9:58:04 PM): ok bpvmo (9:58:26 PM): then tell me,asap.:) susie92sup (9:58:29 PM): omg im excited now susie92sup (9:58:56 PM): k im not sur how quick ill no withour her gettin suspissus bpvmo (9:59:07 PM): great!me also bpvmo (9:59:48 PM): good,baby,thats good susie92sup (9:59:57 PM): :) bpvmo (10:00:29 PM): be smart and smooth:-> susie92sup (10:00:44 PM): any ideas bpvmo (10:01:01 PM): no mistakes!or we r doomed!awwwwwwwwww susie92sup (10:01:18 PM): omg now im scared susie92sup (10:01:26 PM): :-SS bpvmo (10:01:32 PM): lol susie92sup (10:01:34 PM): lol ill be fine susie92sup (10:01:41 PM): tell me wat well do :) bpvmo (10:02:38 PM): makeout and fuck..wat else?? hehe:D susie92sup (10:02:42 PM): lol susie92sup (10:02:54 PM): i gess thats about all ther is huh bpvmo (10:03:23 PM): just about,wat else wud u like 2 do Q? susie92sup (10:03:34 PM): i dunno susie92sup (10:03:37 PM): wat else is there bpvmo (10:04:11 PM): :-*>:D<:-P...NOTHING susie92sup (10:04:25 PM): lol bpvmo (10:05:24 PM): JUST SPEND ALLNITE 2GETHER WUD BE GREAT!WHOOOOPIEEEEE!!<:-P susie92sup (10:05:28 PM): i no susie92sup (10:05:38 PM): so ur mom is at ur house susie92sup (10:05:41 PM): we cant go there bpvmo (10:05:57 PM): no,sry bpvmo (10:06:28 PM): u cant get here anywayz..:( susie92sup (10:06:50 PM): well u could com and get me and we can just go somewehr bpvmo (10:07:28 PM): and fuck in my truck!yessssssssssssss!!=P~ susie92sup (10:07:36 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:07:47 PM): can we sleep in ther 2 susie92sup (10:07:54 PM): or wat wud we do bpvmo (10:08:06 PM): we cud try:) bpvmo (10:08:43 PM): u want to sleep with me? susie92sup (10:08:56 PM): omg i wud love 2 susie92sup (10:09:05 PM): we cud cuddle n stuff bpvmo (10:09:13 PM): nice susie92sup (10:09:21 PM): can we get a motel or sumthin do u think susie92sup (10:09:31 PM): in case its cold susie92sup (10:09:34 PM): at nite bpvmo (10:09:55 PM): cold in tucson..cum onnnn!!!:-O bpvmo (10:09:59 PM): :-P susie92sup (10:10:02 PM): well outside susie92sup (10:10:05 PM): lol bpvmo (10:10:26 PM): i keep u warm Q susie92sup (10:10:45 PM): awwwww susie92sup (10:10:48 PM): perfect bpvmo (10:10:51 PM): me and icky:) susie92sup (10:10:54 PM): lol susie92sup (10:10:58 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:11:07 PM): i feel warmer alreddy susie92sup (10:11:13 PM): i gotta go pee susie92sup (10:11:14 PM): brb susie92sup (10:11:16 PM): lol bpvmo (10:11:19 PM): MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM bpvmo (10:11:23 PM): k susie92sup (10:13:53 PM): back bpvmo (10:14:21 PM): HI susie92sup (10:14:29 PM): HI bpvmo (10:14:36 PM): u feel better?lol susie92sup (10:14:41 PM): lol ya bpvmo (10:15:08 PM): how iz she?:-? susie92sup (10:15:17 PM): who susie92sup (10:15:19 PM): my mom bpvmo (10:15:26 PM): no susie92sup (10:15:34 PM): ??? susie92sup (10:16:09 PM): omg susie92sup (10:16:11 PM): lol susie92sup (10:16:21 PM): r u thinkin wat im thinkin bpvmo (10:17:08 PM): huh?? susie92sup (10:17:18 PM): never mind bpvmo (10:17:43 PM): haha gotcha! susie92sup (10:17:51 PM): lol susie92sup (10:17:55 PM): ur soooooo mean bpvmo (10:18:13 PM): how iz my pussy?:-P:D susie92sup (10:18:19 PM): lol susie92sup (10:18:21 PM): fine bpvmo (10:18:25 PM): lmao susie92sup (10:18:35 PM): hehehe bpvmo (10:18:47 PM): u were tripping out,huh? susie92sup (10:18:58 PM): mebbe a lil bpvmo (10:19:21 PM): wat were u thinking baby? bpvmo (10:19:39 PM): same thing? susie92sup (10:19:43 PM): ya bpvmo (10:19:53 PM): :)) bpvmo (10:19:56 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:19:59 PM): ya bpvmo (10:20:27 PM): say hi for me,ok:) susie92sup (10:20:34 PM): lol susie92sup (10:20:35 PM): k bpvmo (10:21:00 PM): tell her,icky iz cumming sooooon!yayyy susie92sup (10:21:06 PM): whooo hoooo bpvmo (10:21:55 PM): 8--- susie92sup (10:22:01 PM): daydreamin susie92sup (10:22:02 PM): ? bpvmo (10:22:08 PM): yes susie92sup (10:22:12 PM): bout wat susie92sup (10:22:19 PM): ;) bpvmo (10:22:23 PM): u did,? susie92sup (10:22:35 PM): no i thot u did susie92sup (10:22:36 PM): ol susie92sup (10:22:37 PM): lol bpvmo (10:22:44 PM): noooo susie92sup (10:22:55 PM): :( bpvmo (10:23:32 PM): 8--- susie92sup (10:23:35 PM): lol susie92sup (10:23:37 PM): stop that bpvmo (10:23:52 PM): that iz icky...lol susie92sup (10:24:07 PM): wat is icky susie92sup (10:24:10 PM): not icky bpvmo (10:24:48 PM): it supposed to be a cock,ok..lol susie92sup (10:24:53 PM): oh susie92sup (10:24:55 PM): lol susie92sup (10:25:09 PM): i thout that meant daydreamin bpvmo (10:25:22 PM): the best i cud figure out...duhhh,ok baby susie92sup (10:25:29 PM): awwww susie92sup (10:25:32 PM): its cute bpvmo (10:25:41 PM): thx bpvmo (10:25:56 PM): 8=ballz susie92sup (10:26:09 PM): ah bpvmo (10:26:13 PM): --- iz my cock:D susie92sup (10:26:27 PM): ohhhhh susie92sup (10:26:31 PM): ic bpvmo (10:26:40 PM): stroke it baby...ohhhhhhhh susie92sup (10:27:09 PM): =D> susie92sup (10:27:17 PM): its as close as i cud find bpvmo (10:27:38 PM): really? susie92sup (10:27:56 PM): lol sorry] bpvmo (10:28:37 PM): (|)---8 bpvmo (10:28:48 PM): lofl susie92sup (10:28:54 PM): lol susie92sup (10:28:56 PM): kewl bpvmo (10:29:08 PM): do u get that Q? susie92sup (10:29:16 PM): oh yeah susie92sup (10:29:33 PM): but it looks like a but bpvmo (10:29:48 PM): mo and Q making love:x:x:x susie92sup (10:29:53 PM): awwww bpvmo (10:30:12 PM): lmao=)) susie92sup (10:30:16 PM): wat bpvmo (10:30:24 PM): a but! susie92sup (10:30:25 PM): ur laffin at me susie92sup (10:30:27 PM): oh susie92sup (10:30:34 PM): i gess i was wornt susie92sup (10:30:36 PM): wrong bpvmo (10:30:46 PM): sorta susie92sup (10:30:53 PM): wrong side huh bpvmo (10:31:12 PM): its ur pussy,baby...yummmmmmy:-P susie92sup (10:31:19 PM): :) bpvmo (10:31:48 PM): i want 2 eat her!munchhhhhhhh..munchhhh (This guy is a serious freak.) susie92sup (10:31:56 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:32:11 PM): i never did that b4 bpvmo (10:32:15 PM): we'll u let me? susie92sup (10:32:23 PM): yeah susie92sup (10:32:28 PM): i herd it feels good bpvmo (10:32:38 PM): from who?? susie92sup (10:32:47 PM): lol girls at school bpvmo (10:33:00 PM): ur moms?...hehe susie92sup (10:33:06 PM): omg no susie92sup (10:33:18 PM): u want me 2 ask her bpvmo (10:33:26 PM): NOOOOOOOOOOO! susie92sup (10:33:29 PM): hahahaha susie92sup (10:33:31 PM): gotcha bpvmo (10:34:09 PM): ahhhhhhhhhhhh...u lil shit!:)) susie92sup (10:34:11 PM): lol susie92sup (10:34:14 PM): just like u susie92sup (10:34:20 PM): :) bpvmo (10:34:22 PM): yup susie92sup (10:34:36 PM): well im gonna hafta go soon susie92sup (10:34:47 PM): finish my homework blah bpvmo (10:34:58 PM): eekkk susie92sup (10:35:03 PM): wat r u gonna do 2nite bpvmo (10:35:14 PM): go 2 sleep susie92sup (10:35:17 PM): awww susie92sup (10:35:26 PM): ur not gonna date other girsl r u bpvmo (10:35:42 PM): watch the rest of mon nite f-ball susie92sup (10:35:53 PM): whos playin bpvmo (10:36:03 PM): colts and rams susie92sup (10:36:09 PM): oh whos winnin bpvmo (10:36:23 PM): watch,if want,ok Q. susie92sup (10:36:27 PM): k susie92sup (10:36:32 PM): i had baseball on susie92sup (10:36:39 PM): i thourht u mite be wathin that susie92sup (10:36:47 PM): i cant type lol bpvmo (10:36:48 PM): i 4got about baseball..duhh susie92sup (10:36:57 PM): its almost over susie92sup (10:37:12 PM): hou is winnin in the 9th bpvmo (10:37:17 PM): yeah it iz! susie92sup (10:37:27 PM): did u think i was lying bpvmo (10:37:28 PM): assholes r winning..boooo susie92sup (10:37:36 PM): u like the cardinals bpvmo (10:37:53 PM): WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-O susie92sup (10:37:53 PM): omg susie92sup (10:38:01 PM): how kewl bpvmo (10:38:11 PM): a huge homerun!!damnnnnn!!! susie92sup (10:38:15 PM): hahah susie92sup (10:38:29 PM): u glad i remeinded u susie92sup (10:38:31 PM): :) bpvmo (10:38:55 PM): yes!thxxx baby!>:D<:-* susie92sup (10:38:59 PM): no prob susie92sup (10:39:01 PM): lol bpvmo (10:39:31 PM): i want the cards 2 win:) susie92sup (10:39:45 PM): kewl me 2 susie92sup (10:40:07 PM): i have an ant and unlce that live in st lous bpvmo (10:40:26 PM): nice bpvmo (10:40:37 PM): u noe them susie92sup (10:40:42 PM): yeah bpvmo (10:41:01 PM): u have big family? susie92sup (10:41:06 PM): not relly susie92sup (10:41:07 PM): do u bpvmo (10:41:27 PM): nope bpvmo (10:41:47 PM): my family fell apart here:( susie92sup (10:41:51 PM): oh no susie92sup (10:41:54 PM): wat happened susie92sup (10:41:56 PM): :( bpvmo (10:42:33 PM): my uncle iz a crazy asshole thats wut!!:-< susie92sup (10:42:40 PM): yikes susie92sup (10:42:44 PM): wat did he do bpvmo (10:43:10 PM): he caused alot of problems..pisses me off susie92sup (10:43:17 PM): im sorry susie92sup (10:43:27 PM): u can tell me about it if u want 2 susie92sup (10:43:31 PM): im a good listener susie92sup (10:43:38 PM): :) bpvmo (10:43:45 PM): i tell u later,in person,ok baby susie92sup (10:43:49 PM): ok susie92sup (10:44:00 PM): but dont be sad wen were togeter bpvmo (10:44:12 PM): lips 2 lips:-* susie92sup (10:44:18 PM): awwww susie92sup (10:44:32 PM): ur romatec sumtimes arent u susie92sup (10:44:34 PM): :) susie92sup (10:44:47 PM): awww bpvmo (10:45:08 PM): yes i am..:\"> susie92sup (10:45:31 PM): i like tha susie92sup (10:45:32 PM): that bpvmo (10:45:48 PM): huh?? susie92sup (10:46:01 PM): waht happened bpvmo (10:46:06 PM): u suck:-P susie92sup (10:46:18 PM): so much 4 romantec susie92sup (10:46:19 PM): lol susie92sup (10:46:47 PM): my puter is making noice but thats relly kewl bpvmo (10:46:52 PM): im trying 2 losd a imviroment...ahhhhh bpvmo (10:47:03 PM): load bpvmo (10:47:17 PM): thats bettr bpvmo (10:47:23 PM): :) susie92sup (10:47:29 PM): i love that susie92sup (10:47:34 PM): soooo sweeeet bpvmo (10:47:46 PM): may i have a kiss Q? susie92sup (10:47:51 PM): yes u may susie92sup (10:47:56 PM): :-* bpvmo (10:48:02 PM): ty susie92sup (10:48:05 PM): yw bpvmo (10:48:06 PM): susie92sup (10:48:13 PM): OMG susie92sup (10:48:15 PM): lol bpvmo (10:48:20 PM): :-*:D susie92sup (10:48:20 PM): that scared me lol susie92sup (10:48:24 PM): i jumped bpvmo (10:48:34 PM): really???!hehe susie92sup (10:48:42 PM): yeah i did hahaha bpvmo (10:48:43 PM): sry 4 scaring u susie92sup (10:48:56 PM): thats ok it was funny bpvmo (10:48:59 PM): bpvmo (10:49:25 PM): i hope ur volume iz down!:-S susie92sup (10:49:30 PM): lol it is bpvmo (10:49:35 PM): kewl bpvmo (10:49:47 PM): cards winnnnn!!!!! susie92sup (10:49:55 PM): omg i missed it bpvmo (10:50:09 PM): bak 2 f-ball nowB-) susie92sup (10:50:16 PM): lol k susie92sup (10:50:29 PM): i prolly sud go do my homeowrk bpvmo (10:50:34 PM): channel 9 bpvmo (10:50:43 PM): yes u shud susie92sup (10:50:52 PM): my moms prolly gonna come up here and check susie92sup (10:51:06 PM): so do u work on weekends bpvmo (10:51:13 PM): study hard now,do ur best in school,ok baby:) susie92sup (10:51:22 PM): ok i will bpvmo (10:51:46 PM): i'll leave now susie92sup (10:51:49 PM): mebbe ill cya tomoorow, k bpvmo (10:52:32 PM): byeeeee susie92sup (10:52:40 PM): lol bpvmo (10:52:42 PM): gotcha! susie92sup (10:52:43 PM): ur there susie92sup (10:52:55 PM): ur sneaky susie92sup (10:53:10 PM): i do g2g tho bpvmo (10:53:26 PM): goodnite baby Q I-) susie92sup (10:53:30 PM): goodnight mo bpvmo (10:53:48 PM): thx 4 being real susie92sup (10:53:58 PM): awwww u 2 susie92sup (10:54:03 PM): that is sooo sweet susie92sup (10:54:10 PM): i dont wanna go now susie92sup (10:54:10 PM): lol bpvmo (10:54:17 PM): bbh 2morrow,ok susie92sup (10:54:28 PM): bbh? bpvmo (10:54:35 PM): be bak here susie92sup (10:54:41 PM): lol l susie92sup (10:54:43 PM): k susie92sup (10:54:49 PM): :-* bpvmo (10:55:00 PM): go study nowwww bpvmo (10:55:10 PM): :-*:-* bpvmo (10:55:20 PM): bpvmo (10:55:45 PM): im out------------------------------------->:-h susie92sup (10:55:59 PM): k m 2 10/19/05 susie92sup (8:23:49 PM): hie susie92sup (8:23:51 PM): lol susie92sup (8:23:52 PM): hi susie92sup (8:24:22 PM): u there bpvmo (8:24:45 PM): oh hi susie92sup (8:24:52 PM): :) bpvmo (8:25:09 PM): im gettn ready to leave susie susie92sup (8:25:17 PM): awww bpvmo (8:25:31 PM): i'll be bak in half hr or more,ok susie92sup (8:25:34 PM): k bpvmo (8:25:40 PM): sry baby susie92sup (8:25:40 PM): ill try 2 be on susie92sup (8:25:44 PM): tats ok susie92sup (8:25:46 PM): :( bpvmo (8:25:56 PM): where were u yesterday? susie92sup (8:26:10 PM): my puter was actin all wierd again susie92sup (8:26:18 PM): i cudnt get online bpvmo (8:26:22 PM): ah,ic susie92sup (8:26:27 PM): sorry bpvmo (8:26:29 PM): ok..bbl susie92sup (8:26:31 PM): k bpvmo (8:26:35 PM): bye Q susie92sup (8:26:39 PM): by mo susie92sup (8:26:42 PM): :) 10/21/05 bpvmo (9:27:46 PM): hello? bpvmo (9:27:53 PM): im bak:) bpvmo (7:36:17 PM): hi Q:-h bpvmo (7:36:30 PM): iz ur puter werking ok? bpvmo (7:36:45 PM): just cheking if is bpvmo (7:36:56 PM): talk soon baby bpvmo (7:37:08 PM): later>:D<:-* bpvmo (8:03:21 AM): 10/23/05 bpvmo (5:35:58 PM): susie92sup (9:48:39 PM): i missed u susie92sup (9:49:03 PM): my puter was all stupid again 10/24/05 susie92sup (11:23:13 PM): r u ther susie92sup (11:24:05 PM): im sorry susie92sup (11:24:24 PM): i keep havin troubel with my puter susie92sup (11:25:11 PM): i hope its fixed now so mebbe ill cya tomroow 10/25/05 bpvmo (5:43:08 PM): hi Q bpvmo (5:43:18 PM): ur puter ok now? bpvmo (5:43:28 PM): bettr be:-P bpvmo (5:43:34 PM): talk later bpvmo (5:43:47 PM): i'm out-------------------------------------->8-} susie92sup (10:34:59 PM): LOL susie92sup (10:35:02 PM): r u there susie92sup (10:35:20 PM): ur funny 10/26/05 susie92sup (10:41:59 PM): i missed u again susie92sup (10:42:03 PM): awwww 10/27/05 bpvmo (5:34:35 PM): hi..u gonna be online 2nite? bpvmo (5:34:39 PM): hope so bpvmo (5:34:51 PM): cya baby 10/30/05 bpvmo (4:53:56 PM): bpvmo (4:54:14 PM): where r u???8-| bpvmo (4:54:38 PM): miss u:( susie92sup (7:33:44 PM): r u there susie92sup (7:33:51 PM): i got grounded :( susie92sup (7:33:58 PM): not sure when ill be back on 10/31/05 bpvmo (4:37:34 PM): :( bpvmo (4:37:57 PM): hurry back,please... bpvmo (4:38:08 PM): cyou:) bpvmo (4:38:19 PM): >:D<:-* 11/10/05 bpvmo (4:44:41 PM): Hi,ive been thinking 4 awhile now..and u r really two young 4 me Q. bpvmo (4:45:40 PM): so,sorry to tell u..but u'll find someone ur age and fall in love someday. bpvmo (4:46:35 PM): look me up in 5 yrs,maybe then it will werk..ok girl..cya:-h bpvmo (4:46:52 PM): >:D< 11/11/05 susie92sup (7:29:41 PM): OMG mo susie92sup (7:30:16 PM): im sorry susie92sup (7:30:21 PM): i was groundede susie92sup (7:30:35 PM): :(( susie92sup (7:30:41 PM): dont be mad 11/13/05 susie92sup (2:53:35 PM): mo r u ther susie92sup (2:53:49 PM): dont be mad susie92sup (2:53:55 PM): im so sorry susie92sup (2:54:08 PM): ill check back later susie92sup (2:54:13 PM): >:D< bpvmo (4:15:28 PM): not mad bpvmo (4:15:37 PM): >:D< bpvmo (4:15:52 PM): talk later Q susie92sup (9:47:31 PM): r u sure susie92sup (9:48:15 PM): i miss u susie92sup (9:48:18 PM): :( 11/14/05 susie92sup (9:39:56 PM): mo i hope u were just messin with me susie92sup (9:54:48 PM): im glad u put back the harts on here :) susie92sup (9:55:05 PM): mebbe u arnt mad relly 11/15/05 susie92sup (5:56:00 PM): r u there susie92sup (5:57:13 PM): r u mad susie92sup (6:03:37 PM): :( susie92sup (6:56:28 PM): r u there bpvmo (6:57:00 PM): yes.im here susie92sup (6:57:07 PM): r u mad at me? bpvmo (6:57:19 PM): no susie92sup (6:57:27 PM): wat happend bpvmo (6:57:59 PM): your on wen im not..thats wat happens susie92sup (6:58:13 PM): oh susie92sup (6:58:21 PM): u said u didnt like me anymore susie92sup (6:58:31 PM): tat i was 2 young susie92sup (6:58:40 PM): im sorry i got grounded bpvmo (6:58:52 PM): you are to young:( susie92sup (6:59:03 PM): u didnt think so b4 susie92sup (7:00:17 PM): i thought u were diffeent susie92sup (7:00:23 PM): i gess not :( bpvmo (7:01:26 PM): im sry,i saw something on the news that scared the shit outta me,ok.. susie92sup (7:01:37 PM): wat happend bpvmo (7:02:34 PM): that they got undercover people on chatrooms,that look 4 this stuff..:-S susie92sup (7:02:53 PM): relly susie92sup (7:02:58 PM): i dint see that bpvmo (7:03:00 PM): yes! bpvmo (7:03:50 PM): i dont really know you are.im confused now...ughhhh susie92sup (7:04:01 PM): im me susie92sup (7:04:03 PM): :) susie92sup (7:04:06 PM): Q bpvmo (7:04:55 PM): how do i know that..i could be tricked..awwwww:-/~x( susie92sup (7:05:02 PM): lol susie92sup (7:05:08 PM): im not tricking susie92sup (7:05:13 PM): u talked 2 me susie92sup (7:05:15 PM): remember bpvmo (7:05:21 PM): so susie92sup (7:05:31 PM): watever susie92sup (7:05:36 PM): i dont no wat 2 tell u susie92sup (7:05:38 PM): im me susie92sup (7:05:41 PM): thats all bpvmo (7:06:18 PM): come to prsscott valley,and prove it,ok.:) susie92sup (7:06:23 PM): lol susie92sup (7:06:38 PM): mebbe i will :) bpvmo (7:06:52 PM): then i will know the truth>:D<:-* susie92sup (7:07:10 PM): wud u believe me then susie92sup (7:07:16 PM): :) susie92sup (7:07:21 PM): lol i gess u woud bpvmo (7:07:27 PM): YES!COME susie92sup (7:07:37 PM): i gotta figure out how bpvmo (7:08:11 PM): do u have older friends? susie92sup (7:08:14 PM): ya susie92sup (7:08:25 PM): but i dont no if theyd drive me taht far susie92sup (7:08:27 PM): how far again bpvmo (7:08:47 PM): about 2 hours away,ok susie92sup (7:08:52 PM): ill see susie92sup (7:09:07 PM): i still have tat money susie92sup (7:09:11 PM): mebbe theyll take me bpvmo (7:09:26 PM): i'll help u with gas Q,ok.:) susie92sup (7:09:36 PM): relly?? susie92sup (7:09:39 PM): awwww susie92sup (7:10:03 PM): when do u want me 2 try 2 come bpvmo (7:10:27 PM): call me in advance,is that cool? susie92sup (7:10:36 PM): ok susie92sup (7:10:41 PM): i cant now susie92sup (7:10:45 PM): my moms home bpvmo (7:11:06 PM): call me wen ur gonna cum,ok baby? bpvmo (7:11:21 PM): thats wat i meant susie92sup (7:11:25 PM): oh susie92sup (7:11:31 PM): dont u need 2 no before tho susie92sup (7:11:42 PM): i dont no where u live lol bpvmo (7:12:18 PM): call me,then i meet u somewhere in pv susie92sup (7:12:26 PM): ok bpvmo (7:12:44 PM): great:) susie92sup (7:12:45 PM): ill ask tomorrow if someone can take me mebbe this weekeend or sumthin susie92sup (7:12:48 PM): :) susie92sup (7:13:08 PM): i missed u and i was scared wen u left me those messaages bpvmo (7:13:34 PM): sorry,im scared too... susie92sup (7:13:46 PM): r u still scared susie92sup (7:13:52 PM): im not anymore bpvmo (7:14:06 PM): why not? susie92sup (7:14:16 PM): cus ur talkin 2 me susie92sup (7:14:17 PM): :) bpvmo (7:14:30 PM): kewl:-* susie92sup (7:14:34 PM): awww bpvmo (7:15:04 PM): r u still grounded? susie92sup (7:15:06 PM): no susie92sup (7:15:17 PM): thank god susie92sup (7:15:18 PM): lol bpvmo (7:15:41 PM): wat did u do while i waz gone?huh susie92sup (7:15:53 PM): nuthin susie92sup (7:15:54 PM): at susie92sup (7:15:55 PM): all susie92sup (7:15:56 PM): lol susie92sup (7:16:03 PM): wat did u do bpvmo (7:16:06 PM): X-( susie92sup (7:16:15 PM): wat does that mean bpvmo (7:16:27 PM): im pissed at u susie92sup (7:16:29 PM): y bpvmo (7:17:03 PM): your susposed to be werking out,remember!!grrrrr.... susie92sup (7:17:13 PM): lol bpvmo (7:17:19 PM): haha susie92sup (7:17:20 PM): oops i forgot susie92sup (7:17:21 PM): lol bpvmo (7:17:32 PM): ur lazy girl susie92sup (7:17:35 PM): i no susie92sup (7:17:37 PM): im bad susie92sup (7:17:38 PM): lol bpvmo (7:18:11 PM): werk that ass 4 me,ok!geezzz!!/:):)) susie92sup (7:18:17 PM): lol susie92sup (7:18:19 PM): ok ok susie92sup (7:18:21 PM): i promis bpvmo (7:18:53 PM): kewl,,u better..or i'll be mad.. susie92sup (7:18:59 PM): uh oh susie92sup (7:19:00 PM): lol bpvmo (7:19:45 PM): not funny,ok.be serious about ur body,ok Q susie92sup (7:19:52 PM): ok susie92sup (7:19:57 PM): im not fat or nuthin bpvmo (7:20:17 PM): :D susie92sup (7:20:22 PM): :) susie92sup (7:20:34 PM): so wat did u do wen i was gone bpvmo (7:20:48 PM): cum 2 mo:x susie92sup (7:20:59 PM): awwww susie92sup (7:21:09 PM): wat wud we do if i come susie92sup (7:21:21 PM): ; bpvmo (7:22:07 PM): fuck,fuck,fuck...wat do u think silly..lol susie92sup (7:22:10 PM): lol susie92sup (7:22:15 PM): just checkin susie92sup (7:22:19 PM): :) bpvmo (7:22:49 PM): u ready 4 MO??!B-) susie92sup (7:22:54 PM): ha susie92sup (7:23:01 PM): ya susie92sup (7:23:04 PM): is ur mom still ther or can we go 2 ur house bpvmo (7:23:35 PM): if shes at werk,then yeah..ok susie92sup (7:23:43 PM): kewl susie92sup (7:23:47 PM): wat about icky susie92sup (7:23:51 PM): did he miss me lol bpvmo (7:24:01 PM): nah susie92sup (7:24:05 PM): : susie92sup (7:24:08 PM): :( bpvmo (7:24:18 PM): jk freek susie92sup (7:24:23 PM): lol bpvmo (7:24:28 PM): of course!!! susie92sup (7:24:40 PM): kewl bpvmo (7:24:51 PM): did she?:-? susie92sup (7:24:57 PM): ya susie92sup (7:25:09 PM): :-< bpvmo (7:25:26 PM): we need a name 4 her?hmmmm.... susie92sup (7:25:32 PM): hmmm bpvmo (7:26:05 PM): think of sumthing susie92sup (7:26:08 PM): me susie92sup (7:26:10 PM): nooo susie92sup (7:26:15 PM): u need 2 susie92sup (7:26:21 PM): i named icky bpvmo (7:26:29 PM): ok bpvmo (7:26:56 PM): yicky susie92sup (7:27:01 PM): lol bpvmo (7:27:01 PM): lol susie92sup (7:27:04 PM): lmao susie92sup (7:27:07 PM): ok susie92sup (7:27:24 PM): ur so funny bpvmo (7:27:25 PM): =D> susie92sup (7:27:34 PM): :)) bpvmo (7:27:45 PM): icky and yicky:x susie92sup (7:27:49 PM): awwww bpvmo (7:28:03 PM): u love?huh susie92sup (7:28:06 PM): i do susie92sup (7:28:10 PM): :) bpvmo (7:28:56 PM): me just werkn and same ole shit..pretty bored here;) susie92sup (7:29:04 PM): ya susie92sup (7:29:10 PM): just school n stuff susie92sup (7:29:13 PM): nuthin else susie92sup (7:29:28 PM): im gonna havta go in a minute 4 dinner susie92sup (7:29:31 PM): will u be on later bpvmo (7:29:42 PM): i'll try 2 susie92sup (7:29:50 PM): k ill try 2 susie92sup (7:29:58 PM): i havta do homework 2 bpvmo (7:30:34 PM): ok sweety,u do that stuff and we'll chat later,k.:) susie92sup (7:30:37 PM): ok susie92sup (7:30:45 PM): im sooo glad u were on susie92sup (7:30:53 PM): :x bpvmo (7:31:12 PM): cya Q susie92sup (7:31:15 PM): cya mo 11/16/05 bpvmo (9:33:58 PM): hi bpvmo (9:34:07 PM): chat w/u soon bpvmo (9:35:40 PM): bye,call me sometime.:) susie92sup (6:54:33 PM): hey mo susie92sup (6:54:36 PM): u ther susie92sup (6:54:54 PM): ill check later :) 11/17/05 susie92sup (6:15:57 PM): r u there bpvmo (6:16:39 PM): maybe;) susie92sup (6:16:46 PM): lol susie92sup (6:16:52 PM): r u hiding from me susie92sup (6:16:54 PM): :) susie92sup (6:17:00 PM): lol bpvmo (6:17:17 PM): yes,hiding:-> bpvmo (6:17:25 PM): shhhh... susie92sup (6:17:28 PM): k susie92sup (6:17:33 PM): lol susie92sup (6:17:35 PM): sorry susie92sup (6:19:06 PM): lol susie92sup (6:19:09 PM): come out bpvmo (6:19:27 PM): make me susie92sup (6:19:40 PM): :-P susie92sup (6:19:51 PM): did tat work bpvmo (6:20:01 PM): nah bpvmo (6:20:26 PM): u got to try harder susie92sup (6:20:30 PM): lol susie92sup (6:21:08 PM): im 2 tired susie92sup (6:21:10 PM): :) bpvmo (6:21:30 PM): tired from wat?? susie92sup (6:21:40 PM): i dunno susie92sup (6:21:48 PM): i think i mite be gettin a cold bpvmo (6:22:18 PM): sorry,dont give it 2 me,k. susie92sup (6:22:26 PM): lol k bpvmo (6:22:30 PM): sicky:-& susie92sup (6:22:38 PM): lol im not gonna barf susie92sup (6:22:39 PM): lol bpvmo (6:23:12 PM): i love barf!:D susie92sup (6:23:15 PM): ewwww susie92sup (6:23:16 PM): lol susie92sup (6:23:21 PM): tats soooo gross bpvmo (6:23:55 PM): barf on me wen we make love,ok.:) susie92sup (6:23:59 PM): ew susie92sup (6:24:06 PM): ur kidding right bpvmo (6:24:21 PM): no susie92sup (6:24:28 PM): relly? bpvmo (6:24:58 PM): jk:-P susie92sup (6:25:01 PM): lol susie92sup (6:25:08 PM): l=D> susie92sup (6:25:11 PM): im glad bpvmo (6:25:16 PM): :-&:-&:-& susie92sup (6:25:18 PM): lol susie92sup (6:25:24 PM): now ur gonna make me barf bpvmo (6:25:35 PM): hehe bpvmo (6:25:38 PM): sorry susie92sup (6:25:41 PM): lol susie92sup (6:25:43 PM): tats ok bpvmo (6:26:15 PM): iz it? susie92sup (6:26:34 PM): ya bpvmo (6:27:12 PM): we shud try it once,just 4 bizarre sex.ok /:) (Huh?) susie92sup (6:27:20 PM): i dunno bout that bpvmo (6:27:39 PM): be different,goshhh.. susie92sup (6:27:44 PM): lol susie92sup (6:27:48 PM): r u serious bpvmo (6:28:19 PM): y not.u only live once,right? susie92sup (6:28:26 PM): lol susie92sup (6:28:28 PM): i gess susie92sup (6:29:41 PM): u there bpvmo (6:29:59 PM): maybe susie92sup (6:30:04 PM): lol not again bpvmo (6:30:28 PM): r u alone Q? susie92sup (6:30:39 PM): ya y bpvmo (6:31:13 PM): wheres mommy? susie92sup (6:31:20 PM): at the stor y bpvmo (6:31:31 PM): jw bpvmo (6:32:14 PM): how long u gonna be on? susie92sup (6:32:18 PM): i dunno susie92sup (6:32:21 PM): r u leavin bpvmo (6:32:32 PM): no..y? susie92sup (6:32:37 PM): lol bpvmo (6:32:38 PM): u want me 2? susie92sup (6:32:40 PM): i dunno susie92sup (6:32:41 PM): lol susie92sup (6:32:41 PM): no susie92sup (6:33:02 PM): i just wondered y u wanted 2 no how long id be here bpvmo (6:33:38 PM): just asking ,fuck!!:-P susie92sup (6:33:46 PM): lol susie92sup (6:33:49 PM): sorry mo bpvmo (6:34:26 PM): go screw yourself,ok Q.>:P susie92sup (6:34:31 PM): wat susie92sup (6:34:37 PM): wats wrong susie92sup (6:34:41 PM): wat did i do susie92sup (6:35:16 PM): r u relly mad at me susie92sup (6:35:29 PM): wat susie92sup (6:35:45 PM): moooo susie92sup (6:35:49 PM): wats goin on bpvmo (6:36:22 PM): jk.=)) susie92sup (6:36:27 PM): OMG susie92sup (6:36:32 PM): u scared me susie92sup (6:36:35 PM): :( bpvmo (6:37:08 PM): did i?!#-o susie92sup (6:37:12 PM): ya susie92sup (6:37:19 PM): not at first but then i was bpvmo (6:37:54 PM): sry baby,just in weird mood8-} susie92sup (6:37:57 PM): lol susie92sup (6:38:00 PM): k susie92sup (6:38:12 PM): mebbe u got a fever bpvmo (6:38:32 PM): im lonely,like usuall..:-<:( susie92sup (6:38:36 PM): awwww susie92sup (6:38:41 PM): me 2 bpvmo (6:39:05 PM): need pussy:D susie92sup (6:39:15 PM): lol bpvmo (6:39:33 PM): been 2 long!!!:(( susie92sup (6:39:39 PM): awww susie92sup (6:39:42 PM): how long susie92sup (6:39:44 PM): :( bpvmo (6:39:58 PM): since feb susie92sup (6:40:06 PM): aww susie92sup (6:40:21 PM): how come u havent had a gf since then bpvmo (6:41:11 PM): becuz im shy and dumb.hard 4 me 2 get gf..ughhh#-o susie92sup (6:41:18 PM): watttt susie92sup (6:41:21 PM): no ur not susie92sup (6:41:27 PM): ur funny susie92sup (6:41:29 PM): and hot susie92sup (6:41:32 PM): and not shy susie92sup (6:41:37 PM): u seem smart 2 me bpvmo (6:41:58 PM): thx.but i am.L-) susie92sup (6:42:05 PM): nooooo susie92sup (6:43:02 PM): i like u the way u r susie92sup (6:43:38 PM): : susie92sup (6:43:40 PM): :) bpvmo (6:44:20 PM): >:D< susie92sup (6:44:30 PM): >:D< bpvmo (6:44:49 PM): thx.brb Q susie92sup (6:44:53 PM): k bpvmo (6:46:34 PM): i bak:) susie92sup (6:46:34 PM): k susie92sup (6:46:37 PM): lol susie92sup (6:46:48 PM): huh? susie92sup (6:47:00 PM): lol bpvmo (6:47:03 PM): i cam out:D susie92sup (6:47:19 PM): i saw that susie92sup (6:47:20 PM): lol susie92sup (6:47:43 PM): wat r u doin in ur pic bpvmo (6:47:44 PM): Q? susie92sup (6:47:47 PM): yeah bpvmo (6:48:10 PM): please dont fall 4 in love w/me susie92sup (6:48:20 PM): y not susie92sup (6:48:31 PM): r u ok bpvmo (6:48:57 PM): cuz ur to young and im way 2 old 4 this,ok:-S susie92sup (6:49:06 PM): wats goin on susie92sup (6:49:29 PM): if u dont want me 2 love u thats ok bpvmo (6:49:38 PM): just want 2 be your friend,is that cool w/u? susie92sup (6:49:44 PM): ok susie92sup (6:49:52 PM): i gess bpvmo (6:50:17 PM): until ur 18.ok Q:):x susie92sup (6:50:22 PM): ok bpvmo (6:50:55 PM): i'll wait 4 you.if you will wait 4 me.ok susie92sup (6:51:01 PM): does tat mean u dont want me 2 come 2 see u anymore bpvmo (6:51:24 PM): u can,but no sex.ok bpvmo (6:51:49 PM): just hangout and be good friends,hows that? susie92sup (6:52:03 PM): well thats differnet than b3 susie92sup (6:52:05 PM): b4 bpvmo (6:52:26 PM): huh? susie92sup (6:52:35 PM): u were just talkin about us susie92sup (6:52:41 PM): wen i first came on susie92sup (6:52:52 PM): watever ur confusin me susie92sup (6:52:59 PM): i dont no wat u want bpvmo (6:54:04 PM): i really like you,but ur 2 young.lets just wait and c what happenes ok Q? susie92sup (6:54:25 PM): ok susie92sup (6:54:29 PM): watever bpvmo (6:54:59 PM): dont be upset.i want u in my life.:) susie92sup (6:55:11 PM): no u dont susie92sup (6:55:13 PM): not relly bpvmo (6:56:03 PM): ok then,wat do u want?:-/ susie92sup (6:56:12 PM): i want u susie92sup (6:56:18 PM): but not if u dont want me bpvmo (6:56:58 PM): i do!but how will this work?? susie92sup (6:57:05 PM): i dunno susie92sup (6:57:26 PM): i dont wanna get married or nuthin lol bpvmo (6:58:08 PM): then wat do u want?hmmmm....:-?:-> susie92sup (6:58:21 PM): i just wanna hav fun susie92sup (6:58:26 PM): tats it 4 now bpvmo (6:58:35 PM): kewl susie92sup (6:58:41 PM): but i dont want u if u dont want me bpvmo (6:59:13 PM): i do want uuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!damnnnnnnnnn susie92sup (6:59:30 PM): u jsut said u didnt bpvmo (7:00:21 PM): im just scared becuz of your age,ok Q.ahhhhh susie92sup (7:00:29 PM): ok bpvmo (7:00:50 PM): i wish i was 17 again..ughhh susie92sup (7:00:54 PM): ill leave u alone susie92sup (7:00:59 PM): its ok bpvmo (7:01:24 PM): y? susie92sup (7:01:38 PM): mo ur confusin me susie92sup (7:01:54 PM): i dont want u if u dont want me susie92sup (7:02:03 PM): i dont want u 2 feel bad bpvmo (7:03:42 PM): do u still want to see me? susie92sup (7:03:50 PM): yeah susie92sup (7:03:52 PM): only if u do susie92sup (7:03:56 PM): do u bpvmo (7:04:04 PM): yes susie92sup (7:04:21 PM): r u sure bpvmo (7:04:37 PM): is your mom gonna be gone this weekend? susie92sup (7:04:45 PM): no bpvmo (7:04:53 PM): fuck! susie92sup (7:04:57 PM): lol susie92sup (7:05:03 PM): i coudnt find a ride susie92sup (7:05:11 PM): not 4 this weekend bpvmo (7:05:41 PM): if your mom was gone,then i wud come see u:) susie92sup (7:05:46 PM): relly susie92sup (7:05:49 PM): :) bpvmo (7:05:55 PM): yeah susie92sup (7:06:03 PM): i didnt think u wud bpvmo (7:06:17 PM): wud u like that?B-) susie92sup (7:06:33 PM): ya i wud susie92sup (7:06:35 PM): :) susie92sup (7:06:48 PM): but i dont no when shes gonna be gone agan bpvmo (7:07:35 PM): can i meet u somewhere in tucson,near your home?huh:) susie92sup (7:07:42 PM): mebbe susie92sup (7:07:45 PM): :) susie92sup (7:07:47 PM): when bpvmo (7:08:08 PM): 2morrow? susie92sup (7:08:11 PM): omg susie92sup (7:08:12 PM): lol susie92sup (7:08:19 PM): u changed ur mind fast susie92sup (7:08:20 PM): lol bpvmo (7:08:44 PM): i wanna meet u:x susie92sup (7:08:54 PM): awwww susie92sup (7:08:57 PM): me 2 susie92sup (7:09:07 PM): wat made u chang ur mind bpvmo (7:09:42 PM): cuz i really like u,and your being.:-* susie92sup (7:09:52 PM): awwww susie92sup (7:10:08 PM): i dont think i can meet u tomorrwo tho susie92sup (7:10:19 PM): wat about thanksgiving weekend mebbe susie92sup (7:10:35 PM): one day lol bpvmo (7:10:36 PM): y not 2morrow? susie92sup (7:10:48 PM): cus my mom is prolly gonna be here susie92sup (7:10:58 PM): wat wud i say 2 her bpvmo (7:11:47 PM): how can i see u..make a plan.ok Q susie92sup (7:12:08 PM): ok but i dont no about this weekend bpvmo (7:12:16 PM): ok susie92sup (7:12:24 PM): r u off work next weekeend susie92sup (7:12:27 PM): any days bpvmo (7:12:32 PM): i am susie92sup (7:12:35 PM): kewl bpvmo (7:12:52 PM): thur,fri,and sat.:D susie92sup (7:12:57 PM): :) bpvmo (7:13:19 PM): 3 day weekend..whooopiee!!!<:-P susie92sup (7:13:23 PM): lol susie92sup (7:13:26 PM): yeah susie92sup (7:13:36 PM): <:-P bpvmo (7:14:06 PM): i need 2 get laid..hint,hint;) susie92sup (7:14:09 PM): lol susie92sup (7:14:21 PM): i figurred susie92sup (7:14:22 PM): lol bpvmo (7:14:38 PM): will u help a poor soul?:( susie92sup (7:14:43 PM): awwwww susie92sup (7:14:51 PM): sure if ur nice susie92sup (7:14:53 PM): :) bpvmo (7:15:05 PM): k:) susie92sup (7:15:18 PM): is ur mom gonna be werkin bpvmo (7:15:37 PM): on thanksgiving,yes. susie92sup (7:15:46 PM): relly susie92sup (7:15:50 PM): on thanksgiving susie92sup (7:15:53 PM): :( susie92sup (7:15:57 PM): thats sad bpvmo (7:16:19 PM): lets fuck on turkey day!/:)=P~ susie92sup (7:16:27 PM): lol susie92sup (7:16:31 PM): i cant do that susie92sup (7:16:37 PM): my mom wudnt let me out susie92sup (7:16:38 PM): lol susie92sup (7:16:50 PM): y does ur mom werk on thatnsgiving bpvmo (7:16:51 PM): boo!:(( susie92sup (7:16:59 PM): awww bpvmo (7:17:06 PM): yeah susie92sup (7:17:11 PM): i dont want u 2 be alone bpvmo (7:17:41 PM): its just me and icky..awwwww:-< susie92sup (7:17:45 PM): awww susie92sup (7:17:47 PM): do u have any famly u can be with bpvmo (7:18:25 PM): just some,not much.bros and a blind uncle.thats all susie92sup (7:18:42 PM): well can u go be with them bpvmo (7:18:50 PM): we r bpvmo (7:18:54 PM): here susie92sup (7:18:55 PM): oh good bpvmo (7:19:04 PM): on wed. susie92sup (7:19:05 PM): oh do they live ther 2 susie92sup (7:19:22 PM): oh ur doin thanksgfiving on wed bpvmo (7:19:36 PM): yes,stupid huh? susie92sup (7:19:40 PM): no susie92sup (7:19:46 PM): cus then ur mom can be there susie92sup (7:19:52 PM): i think its nice bpvmo (7:20:12 PM): my mom and bro have 2 werk on turkeyday,,duhhh susie92sup (7:20:24 PM): wat do they do susie92sup (7:20:35 PM): i didnt think ppl workd on thanksgiving bpvmo (7:20:42 PM): walmart and tv station susie92sup (7:20:53 PM): oic susie92sup (7:20:55 PM): lol susie92sup (7:21:06 PM): i didnt no walmart was open on turkey day bpvmo (7:21:11 PM): they never close,its sad:( susie92sup (7:21:16 PM): ya it is susie92sup (7:21:24 PM): tv staion thats sooo kewl bpvmo (7:21:28 PM): brb susie92sup (7:21:30 PM): k susie92sup (7:26:21 PM): lol susie92sup (7:26:23 PM): wat susie92sup (7:26:34 PM): lol bpvmo (7:26:49 PM): wat r u doing now? susie92sup (7:27:00 PM): playin spider solitare susie92sup (7:27:01 PM): lol bpvmo (7:27:08 PM): i got a half hour susie92sup (7:27:17 PM): 4 wat bpvmo (7:27:33 PM): then my show iz on:D susie92sup (7:27:40 PM): lol susie92sup (7:27:43 PM): what show bpvmo (7:28:03 PM): survivorB-) susie92sup (7:28:05 PM): ah susie92sup (7:28:07 PM): lol bpvmo (7:28:18 PM): i love it!!sry susie92sup (7:28:19 PM): i g2g soon susie92sup (7:28:20 PM): lol susie92sup (7:28:27 PM): thats ok susie92sup (7:28:37 PM): my moms home and i gotta eat supper bpvmo (7:28:49 PM): wat u eatn?heh susie92sup (7:28:54 PM): i dunno susie92sup (7:29:01 PM): i think its lasanya susie92sup (7:29:03 PM): lol susie92sup (7:29:08 PM): i dont no how 2 spell it bpvmo (7:29:18 PM): icky??:->lol susie92sup (7:29:22 PM): lol bpvmo (7:29:49 PM): blow me sweety..mmmmmmm susie92sup (7:29:56 PM): awwww susie92sup (7:30:07 PM): i wish i cud but i gotta go susie92sup (7:30:10 PM): :( susie92sup (7:30:16 PM): will u be on later bpvmo (7:30:30 PM): im lonely dont goooooo!! susie92sup (7:30:36 PM): awww bpvmo (7:30:44 PM): and horny..haha:D susie92sup (7:30:47 PM): lol susie92sup (7:30:52 PM): i no u r bpvmo (7:31:04 PM): u do?:\"> susie92sup (7:31:08 PM): lol susie92sup (7:31:12 PM): i figgured susie92sup (7:31:23 PM): shoot i g2g my moms calling me bpvmo (7:31:30 PM): r u?/:) bpvmo (7:31:49 PM): ok,cya Q>:D<:-* susie92sup (7:31:55 PM): cya mo susie92sup (7:32:02 PM): >:D< susie92sup (7:32:09 PM): ill try 2 come back ok bpvmo (7:32:39 PM): pls do.i'll be waiting and icky,,,:) susie92sup (7:32:39 PM): cya susie92sup (7:32:42 PM): lol susie92sup (7:32:43 PM): k susie92sup (7:32:45 PM): bye bpvmo (7:32:50 PM): bye 11/18/05 bpvmo (8:59:20 PM): u there? bpvmo (8:59:41 PM): Q?? bpvmo (9:02:19 PM): im here until i pass out,ok susie92sup (8:44:14 PM): mo r u there susie92sup (9:52:36 PM): im sorry i missed u susie92sup (9:52:44 PM): ill try later mebbe 11/20/05 susie92sup (6:20:59 PM): hey! bpvmo (6:21:21 PM): HEY! susie92sup (6:21:25 PM): :) susie92sup (6:21:28 PM): how r u bpvmo (6:21:46 PM): IM BUZZING:) susie92sup (6:21:55 PM): buzzing? bpvmo (6:22:02 PM): YES susie92sup (6:22:08 PM): wats that mean susie92sup (6:22:08 PM): lol bpvmo (6:22:32 PM): A LIL DRUNKB-) susie92sup (6:22:42 PM): oic susie92sup (6:22:43 PM): lol bpvmo (6:23:05 PM): IM MAD 2!X-( susie92sup (6:23:08 PM): y bpvmo (6:23:41 PM): CUZ MY CABLE IZ OUT!NO FOOTBALL..UHHHHHHHH~x( susie92sup (6:23:51 PM): oh nooooooo susie92sup (6:23:52 PM): lol susie92sup (6:24:05 PM): did u call bpvmo (6:24:10 PM): NO susie92sup (6:24:20 PM): oh u shud bpvmo (6:24:43 PM): MY BROS IZ OK,BUT NOT MINE..HMMMM... susie92sup (6:24:58 PM): does he live there 2 bpvmo (6:25:14 PM): NO,HE LIVES IN PRESCOTT susie92sup (6:25:30 PM): i thouthg u live in presscott susie92sup (6:25:32 PM): lol susie92sup (6:25:35 PM): im all confused bpvmo (6:25:49 PM): NO,I LIVE IN PRESCOTT VALLEY susie92sup (6:25:56 PM): ooooooh susie92sup (6:25:57 PM): lol bpvmo (6:26:09 PM): LIL DIFFERENCE,K susie92sup (6:26:12 PM): k bpvmo (6:26:27 PM): ABOUT 8 MILES APART:) susie92sup (6:26:31 PM): well call the cabel ppl mebbe they dont no its out susie92sup (6:26:42 PM): oh tats nice he lives close 2 u bpvmo (6:27:03 PM): I BET THEY DO!ANGRY FOOTBALL FANS AND ALL!! susie92sup (6:27:08 PM): lol bpvmo (6:27:09 PM): LOL susie92sup (6:27:09 PM): ya bpvmo (6:27:35 PM): STILL OUT susie92sup (6:27:44 PM): :( bpvmo (6:27:54 PM): DONT BE SAD susie92sup (6:28:01 PM): im sad 4 u susie92sup (6:28:08 PM): i no how u like football lol bpvmo (6:28:20 PM): JUST FOOTBALL:-* susie92sup (6:28:25 PM): ya bpvmo (6:29:07 PM): THERES A GREAT GAME ON RIGHT NOW,AND IM MISSING IT:( susie92sup (6:29:14 PM): wat game bpvmo (6:29:24 PM): COLTS AND BENGALS susie92sup (6:29:27 PM): can u watch it online bpvmo (6:29:46 PM): NO,I HAVE 2 PAY FOR THAT:-< bpvmo (6:29:52 PM): BOOOOOOOO susie92sup (6:29:56 PM): sorry susie92sup (6:30:08 PM): u want me 2 put it on and tell u wats going on bpvmo (6:30:39 PM): THXXX!BABY:D...YEAH GO AHEAD susie92sup (6:30:48 PM): lemme see if i can find it bpvmo (6:30:52 PM): K susie92sup (6:31:20 PM): ind 45, cin 34 susie92sup (6:31:34 PM): 4th qarter bpvmo (6:31:43 PM): KEWL:)=D> susie92sup (6:31:45 PM): 1:36 left susie92sup (6:31:50 PM): :) susie92sup (6:32:02 PM): y do u like ind bpvmo (6:32:08 PM): THX!>:D<:-* susie92sup (6:32:13 PM): np susie92sup (6:32:16 PM): :) bpvmo (6:32:47 PM): CUZ..I WANT MY TEAM 2 BEAT THEM!!!LMAO:D susie92sup (6:33:06 PM): wat is ur team bpvmo (6:33:25 PM): DIDNT I TELL YOU:-? susie92sup (6:33:48 PM): i kinda thought ind bpvmo (6:33:51 PM): GUESS...:-> susie92sup (6:34:06 PM): ind? bpvmo (6:35:03 PM): NO bpvmo (6:35:19 PM): BRB,OK Q,GOTTA DO SUMTHING susie92sup (6:35:22 PM): k bpvmo (6:39:07 PM): bpvmo (6:39:46 PM): SUSIE susie92sup (6:39:55 PM): lol susie92sup (6:40:02 PM): thats kewl bpvmo (6:40:25 PM): I THOUGHT U WUD LIKE!:) susie92sup (6:40:36 PM): wow bpvmo (6:41:02 PM): THIS FLICK LOOKS AWESUM!! susie92sup (6:41:08 PM): ya it does susie92sup (6:41:30 PM): 45 to 37 now bpvmo (6:41:32 PM): DO U GO 2 THE MOVIES? susie92sup (6:41:38 PM): not 2 much susie92sup (6:41:42 PM): do u bpvmo (6:42:13 PM): YEAH ALOT,WEN I LOVE A MOVIE THAT I HAVE 2 C susie92sup (6:42:25 PM): ya bpvmo (6:42:43 PM): IZ IT OVER Q? susie92sup (6:42:46 PM): no susie92sup (6:42:54 PM): 1:13 left bpvmo (6:43:06 PM): MY CABLE IZ STILL OUT:(( susie92sup (6:43:11 PM): awwww susie92sup (6:43:21 PM): itll prolly come on right wehn its over susie92sup (6:43:22 PM): lol susie92sup (6:43:31 PM): oh its over now bpvmo (6:43:33 PM): NO KIDDING.UGHHHH susie92sup (6:43:39 PM): 45 to 37 susie92sup (6:43:43 PM): so whos ur team bpvmo (6:43:53 PM): THE COLTS WON? susie92sup (6:44:02 PM): is that ind bpvmo (6:44:09 PM): YA susie92sup (6:44:19 PM): yep bpvmo (6:44:30 PM): RIGHT ON:D susie92sup (6:44:39 PM): lol bpvmo (6:45:36 PM): THEYRE NEXT OPPONENT IZ GONNA KICK THEY'RE ASS!!!!!!!!!:)):) susie92sup (6:45:42 PM): lol susie92sup (6:45:51 PM): the cardinals susie92sup (6:46:00 PM): is that right bpvmo (6:46:02 PM): NOOOOOOOOO!!!!LOFL susie92sup (6:46:08 PM): lol i dunno bpvmo (6:46:44 PM): THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS BABYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!=D>B-):D susie92sup (6:46:50 PM): ah bpvmo (6:47:11 PM): THATS OUR TEAM! susie92sup (6:47:20 PM): ok susie92sup (6:47:22 PM): :) bpvmo (6:47:30 PM): ME AND MY BROS susie92sup (6:47:47 PM): oic bpvmo (6:47:55 PM): NEXT IZ THE CARDINALS susie92sup (6:48:05 PM): ok thats good susie92sup (6:48:06 PM): lol bpvmo (6:48:11 PM): LOL susie92sup (6:48:19 PM): y do u like pittsbergh bpvmo (6:48:26 PM): THEY SUK I KNOW..#-o susie92sup (6:48:33 PM): lol susie92sup (6:48:39 PM): but ther ours right susie92sup (6:48:40 PM): lol bpvmo (6:48:45 PM): YUP!!! bpvmo (6:49:04 PM): GOTTA SUPPORT THEM ANYWAYZ!! susie92sup (6:49:09 PM): yep bpvmo (6:50:07 PM): WE LOVE PITTSBURGH CUZ WE DIDNT HAVE A FOOTBAL TEAM IN IOWA.SO,WE CHOSE THEM:D susie92sup (6:50:17 PM): ohhhh bpvmo (6:50:36 PM): SAME COLORS AS OUR HIGH SCHOOL..LOL susie92sup (6:50:40 PM): lol susie92sup (6:50:50 PM): u lived in iowa b4 bpvmo (6:51:10 PM): SO GO FIGURE,THEY REST IZ HISTORY..YAYYY susie92sup (6:51:18 PM): lol bpvmo (6:51:34 PM): THATS WHERE WE WERE BORN susie92sup (6:51:39 PM): kewl susie92sup (6:51:45 PM): did u like it ther bpvmo (6:52:27 PM): FOR CHILDHOOD,YES I DID..GOOD TIMES:) susie92sup (6:52:35 PM): :) bpvmo (6:52:53 PM): WE MOVED HERE IN 86 susie92sup (6:53:03 PM): kewl bpvmo (6:53:44 PM): THEY SAME AGE IZ U,ALMOST..A LIL YOUNGER AT 12...B-) susie92sup (6:53:53 PM): wow susie92sup (6:53:55 PM): kewl susie92sup (6:54:10 PM): do u liek it here better bpvmo (6:55:23 PM): I LOVE IT HERE,BUT NOT FOR JOBS,IT SUX HERE!BESIDES THAT HECK YAAAAAAAA!!!!!!:x susie92sup (6:55:33 PM): :) susie92sup (6:55:57 PM): i cant hang on long susie92sup (6:56:09 PM): i gotta go out for supper with my mom susie92sup (6:56:24 PM): wat r u doin 2 nitg susie92sup (6:56:26 PM): nite bpvmo (6:56:38 PM): OK.WILL U BE BAK SOON? susie92sup (6:56:49 PM): prolly a hour or so susie92sup (6:56:53 PM): will u be on bpvmo (6:57:02 PM): YEAH susie92sup (6:57:17 PM): ur not doin nuthin 2nite bpvmo (6:57:31 PM): NO.Y? susie92sup (6:57:40 PM): i dunno susie92sup (6:57:44 PM): just askin lol bpvmo (6:58:18 PM): JUST DRINKING,THEN BED..WERK EARLY REMEMBER?? susie92sup (6:58:30 PM): oh yea susie92sup (6:58:31 PM): lol susie92sup (6:58:36 PM): wat r u drinkin bpvmo (6:58:43 PM): BEER susie92sup (6:58:46 PM): dont drink 2 much remember u tole me not 2 bpvmo (6:59:07 PM): UR UNDER AGE:-P susie92sup (6:59:12 PM): lol bpvmo (6:59:20 PM): ME NOT:D susie92sup (6:59:29 PM): ya susie92sup (6:59:43 PM): ok i g2g susie92sup (6:59:50 PM): ill cya later i hope bpvmo (6:59:56 PM): GUESS WAT Q?! susie92sup (6:59:59 PM): what bpvmo (7:00:16 PM): CABLE IZ BAK!!!!!!!!WHOOPIEEEEEEEEE!=D> susie92sup (7:00:19 PM): omg susie92sup (7:00:22 PM): ur kiddin susie92sup (7:00:26 PM): omg i new it susie92sup (7:00:28 PM): lol bpvmo (7:00:30 PM): NOOOOOOOOO bpvmo (7:00:47 PM): CHAT LATER,OK susie92sup (7:00:50 PM): k bpvmo (7:01:00 PM): BYE SUSIE susie92sup (7:01:06 PM): bye brandon susie92sup (9:15:13 PM): im bak susie92sup (9:15:16 PM): r u ther susie92sup (9:15:54 PM): i cant stay long i gotta do homeowrk susie92sup (9:25:59 PM): i better go mebbe ill cya tomorrow susie92sup (9:26:01 PM): night 11/21/05 susie92sup (9:38:52 PM): hey mo susie92sup (9:38:57 PM): u there susie92sup (9:42:33 PM): mo im going out of town 4 thanksgivingb susie92sup (9:42:57 PM): ill try u later susie92sup (9:43:09 PM): were leavin wed and comin back late sunday 11/22/05 susie92sup (6:35:03 PM): hey mo susie92sup (6:35:07 PM): r u there susie92sup (6:35:17 PM): i gotta pack were leavin in the morn susie92sup (6:35:24 PM): ill try back later 11/27/05 susie92sup (10:42:16 PM): i dont wanna wake u up susie92sup (10:50:56 PM): susie92sup (10:51:14 PM): i didnt want 2 wake u up susie92sup (10:51:22 PM): but i miss u :( susie92sup (10:53:05 PM): mebbe ill talk 2 u tomorrow susie92sup (10:53:14 PM): i have sumthin to tell u susie92sup (10:53:15 PM): lol 11/28/05 susie92sup (6:44:02 PM): hey mo susie92sup (6:44:06 PM): r u there susie92sup (7:04:08 PM): i gess ill go susie92sup (7:04:14 PM): mebbe ill cya later susie92sup (8:58:56 PM): mo susie92sup (8:59:00 PM): r u there susie92sup (8:59:03 PM): :( susie92sup (9:05:45 PM): ill check back later susie92sup (9:05:48 PM): i miss u 11/29/05 susie92sup (12:01:17 AM): mo where r u susie92sup (12:01:35 AM): i need 2 tell u sumthin susie92sup (12:01:37 AM): :) susie92sup (12:01:44 AM): i g2g susie92sup (7:19:37 PM): mo where r u susie92sup (7:19:49 PM): r u mad cus i had 2 go out of town susie92sup (7:19:58 PM): :( susie92sup (7:30:53 PM): ill check back later susie92sup (7:30:58 PM): miss u 11/30/05 susie92sup (6:34:56 PM): well i thought u were differnt than other guyz susie92sup (6:35:40 PM): i got my freind sandy to bring me to c u and ur not even answering me susie92sup (6:35:51 PM): i was gonna come firday susie92sup (6:35:53 PM): :( susie92sup (6:40:44 PM): oh well i gess u dont like or luv me anymore susie92sup (6:41:12 PM): bye mo mebbe ill chekc back later 12/01/05 susie92sup (7:50:47 PM): mo its Q susie92sup (7:50:57 PM): r u there susie92sup (8:14:42 PM): mo when u get back let me no susie92sup (8:14:53 PM): i gess u dont want me 2 come and see u susie92sup (8:14:56 PM): :( 12/03/05 susie92sup (12:24:15 AM): well i gess u were there susie92sup (12:24:17 AM): lol susie92sup (12:24:43 AM): moooooooo susie92sup (12:24:47 AM): wats goin on susie92sup (12:26:46 AM): mooooo 12/04/05 susie92sup (5:25:05 PM): mo what happened the other nite susie92sup (5:25:14 PM): i saw icky but u never said nuthin susie92sup (5:25:20 PM): :( susie92sup (8:44:37 PM): i dont understand u mo susie92sup (8:44:52 PM): i geess u dont like me but then y did u show me icky susie92sup (8:45:06 PM): im relly confused and i miss talkin 2 u susie92sup (8:45:41 PM): i gess ur mad at me 4 sum reason im sorry 4 watever i did bpvmo (8:47:29 PM): hey susie92sup (8:47:34 PM): hey bpvmo (8:48:01 PM): sry,i just talk to u anymore susie92sup (8:48:08 PM): wat bpvmo (8:48:08 PM): cant susie92sup (8:48:13 PM): y not susie92sup (8:48:23 PM): u showed me icky bpvmo (8:48:58 PM): i just want to be friends,not lovers,ok Q? susie92sup (8:49:06 PM): i gess susie92sup (8:49:15 PM): then y did u show me icky then bpvmo (8:49:26 PM): becuz im an tard..lol susie92sup (8:49:30 PM): lol susie92sup (8:49:40 PM): u didnt even say anythin bpvmo (8:50:04 PM): i wanna u see,i was really horny..:\"> susie92sup (8:50:14 PM): did u find a gf susie92sup (8:50:17 PM): :( bpvmo (8:50:32 PM): yeah susie92sup (8:50:39 PM): oh susie92sup (8:50:47 PM): is she pretty bpvmo (8:51:01 PM): yes susie92sup (8:51:05 PM): oh susie92sup (8:51:19 PM): i gess shes older than me huh bpvmo (8:51:33 PM): i didnt know how to tell u.uhhhh susie92sup (8:51:50 PM): well showin me icky prolly wasnt teh best way susie92sup (8:51:54 PM): lol susie92sup (8:51:56 PM): kinda mean bpvmo (8:51:58 PM): lol bpvmo (8:52:01 PM): sry susie92sup (8:52:34 PM): so i gess we wont talk anymore huh susie92sup (8:52:36 PM): :( susie92sup (8:52:38 PM): thats sad bpvmo (8:52:57 PM): as friends,yes..ok susie92sup (8:53:06 PM): ok i gess bpvmo (8:53:48 PM): who knows wat will happen in future,keep ur hope up,ok susie:) susie92sup (8:53:58 PM): ok i gess susie92sup (8:54:10 PM): i just keep think avout all teh stuff we talked about susie92sup (8:54:20 PM): it jsut is sad is all bpvmo (8:55:02 PM): sry 4 leading u on,i wish u were over 18,thats all.:( susie92sup (8:55:14 PM): u said it didnt matter bpvmo (8:55:28 PM): i have been thinking alot,ok bpvmo (8:55:34 PM): while u were gone susie92sup (8:55:48 PM): oh susie92sup (8:55:55 PM): and u met sumone else susie92sup (8:58:06 PM): well i gess ill leave u alone susie92sup (8:58:19 PM): if u chang ur mind let me no ok bpvmo (8:58:40 PM): ok susie92sup (8:59:05 PM): :( bpvmo (8:59:12 PM): u still can watch,if u want to.B-) susie92sup (8:59:22 PM): r u sure susie92sup (8:59:28 PM): even if u dont like me bpvmo (9:00:11 PM): i like ur character,but not like u,like u like me,ok susie92sup (9:00:28 PM): my cahracter? susie92sup (9:00:33 PM): wat does that mean bpvmo (9:00:43 PM): ur human soul susie92sup (9:00:49 PM): oh. bpvmo (9:00:59 PM): your inside susie92sup (9:01:06 PM): this is sad bpvmo (9:01:47 PM): dont be,i'll keepu in touch,k. susie92sup (9:01:58 PM): ok susie92sup (9:02:02 PM): promise? bpvmo (9:02:12 PM): i wont forget u susie92sup (9:02:19 PM): now im crying susie92sup (9:02:32 PM): i wont ever forget u either mo bpvmo (9:02:58 PM): dont make me cry now.... susie92sup (9:03:10 PM): i cant help it susie92sup (9:03:27 PM): we just had sooo much in common bpvmo (9:03:36 PM): we did? susie92sup (9:03:40 PM): yea susie92sup (9:03:47 PM): base ball susie92sup (9:03:55 PM): we both dont like loud ppl susie92sup (9:04:00 PM): dont u rememeber bpvmo (9:04:36 PM): ur making this hard..ughhh#-o susie92sup (9:04:45 PM): im sorry susie92sup (9:04:47 PM): its ok bpvmo (9:05:12 PM): no its not... susie92sup (9:05:23 PM): ive been dumped b4 u no bpvmo (9:06:24 PM): like i said Q,keep up hope!:) susie92sup (9:06:36 PM): u mean u mite change ur mind bpvmo (9:07:19 PM): wen ur 18/:) susie92sup (9:07:40 PM): ok bpvmo (9:07:55 PM): only 4 yrs,right? susie92sup (9:08:07 PM): closer to 5 bpvmo (9:08:20 PM): oh,:-< susie92sup (9:08:32 PM): yeah bpvmo (9:09:13 PM): susie92sup (9:09:23 PM): yea bpvmo (9:09:35 PM): its snowing..yay susie92sup (9:09:42 PM): w00t susie92sup (9:09:51 PM): do u ski bpvmo (9:10:16 PM): nope,never tried it,want to someday:) susie92sup (9:10:23 PM): ya me either susie92sup (9:10:29 PM): i bet its fun bpvmo (9:10:36 PM): i bet! bpvmo (9:10:54 PM): im freezing here..BRRRRRRRRRR.... susie92sup (9:11:00 PM): relly susie92sup (9:11:03 PM): how cold is it bpvmo (9:11:06 PM): yes bpvmo (9:11:38 PM): its 29`0 susie92sup (9:11:54 PM): wow bpvmo (9:12:24 PM): my balls are cold..ahhhh..lol susie92sup (9:12:25 PM): its kinda cold here 2 susie92sup (9:12:27 PM): lol susie92sup (9:12:33 PM): awwwwww susie92sup (9:12:36 PM): poor icky bpvmo (9:13:03 PM): he needs sum warm hole..;) susie92sup (9:13:30 PM): lol susie92sup (9:13:43 PM): well i cuda helped ya no susie92sup (9:13:56 PM): i was all reddy 2 com and see u bpvmo (9:14:18 PM): sry about that:( susie92sup (9:14:27 PM): tats ok bpvmo (9:14:52 PM): ur mom wuda found out anyhow..awwww susie92sup (9:15:08 PM): no she wudnt susie92sup (9:15:13 PM): i had it all planned out bpvmo (9:15:38 PM): ok,stop it susie92sup (9:15:46 PM): ok bpvmo (9:16:41 PM): r u going 2 this?^ susie92sup (9:16:54 PM): 2 wat bpvmo (9:17:06 PM): narnia susie92sup (9:17:15 PM): oh i dont no susie92sup (9:17:20 PM): prolly not susie92sup (9:17:25 PM): i dont go 2 many movies bpvmo (9:17:35 PM): y not? susie92sup (9:17:43 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:17:54 PM): i like 2 talk and u cant talk in the movies susie92sup (9:17:54 PM): lol bpvmo (9:18:21 PM): duhh bpvmo (9:18:33 PM): blah.blah.blahhh susie92sup (9:18:36 PM): lol bpvmo (9:18:52 PM): susie92sup (9:18:54 PM): i do like the popcorn at teh movies susie92sup (9:18:57 PM): omg susie92sup (9:19:05 PM): that scared me susie92sup (9:19:06 PM): lol susie92sup (9:19:21 PM): i liked the hearts u used 2 have there bpvmo (9:19:25 PM): i did?hehe susie92sup (9:19:28 PM): lol susie92sup (9:19:40 PM): i thought it wus an earthqake or sumthin bpvmo (9:19:53 PM): lmao!=)) susie92sup (9:20:02 PM): lol susie92sup (9:20:09 PM): :)) susie92sup (9:20:35 PM): lol bpvmo (9:20:56 PM): thats me,old man..haha susie92sup (9:21:01 PM): lol bpvmo (9:21:49 PM): hey? susie92sup (9:21:53 PM): yeah bpvmo (9:22:15 PM): do u still wanna masterbate w/me?:-> susie92sup (9:22:27 PM): i dont wanna cyber mo susie92sup (9:22:33 PM): u can susie92sup (9:22:40 PM): but i dont think i cud bpvmo (9:23:20 PM): wud it still hurt u,if u watched? susie92sup (9:23:29 PM): no not at all bpvmo (9:24:05 PM): dont u masterbate Q?:-? susie92sup (9:24:13 PM): ya i do susie92sup (9:24:19 PM): but not cyber susie92sup (9:24:27 PM): im jsut embarrased bpvmo (9:24:58 PM): will do it 2gether,u dont have to type anything,ok susie92sup (9:25:09 PM): r u sure bpvmo (9:25:37 PM): y not?wats it gonna hurt..just fun,k... susie92sup (9:26:09 PM): mebbe i will susie92sup (9:26:12 PM): its ok if u do bpvmo (9:26:33 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:27:00 PM): ur so awesome..thxxx susie92sup (9:27:04 PM): awwww susie92sup (9:27:10 PM): so r u bpvmo (9:27:22 PM): am not:-P susie92sup (9:28:23 PM): well u used 2 be more awsum when u didnt care how old i am susie92sup (9:28:27 PM): lol bpvmo (9:28:48 PM): sry again...L-) susie92sup (9:28:53 PM): lol bpvmo (9:29:27 PM): u a lil horny? susie92sup (9:29:39 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:29:47 PM): not relly :( bpvmo (9:30:09 PM): uhhhhhh..:( bpvmo (9:30:43 PM): i'll go now,ok susie92sup (9:30:49 PM): go where bpvmo (9:31:28 PM): kill myself susie92sup (9:31:35 PM): waaaat? susie92sup (9:32:03 PM): i thouhgt ur putting ur webcam on bpvmo (9:32:23 PM): u wanna watch me? susie92sup (9:32:27 PM): ya susie92sup (9:32:31 PM): i said i did susie92sup (9:32:32 PM): :) bpvmo (9:32:55 PM): think it will be weird? susie92sup (9:33:09 PM): no i dont think so susie92sup (9:33:12 PM): u did it b4 susie92sup (9:33:18 PM): it was kinda kewl susie92sup (9:33:21 PM): :) bpvmo (9:33:32 PM): but... bpvmo (9:33:52 PM): i wanna see u 2..:D susie92sup (9:34:02 PM): lol i dont have a webcam bpvmo (9:34:58 PM): u need 2 get one;) susie92sup (9:35:22 PM): lol mebbe 4 christmas bpvmo (9:35:23 PM): from a friend or something,ok Susie... susie92sup (9:35:26 PM): ok bpvmo (9:35:51 PM): yeah,ask santa..lofl susie92sup (9:36:03 PM): lol susie92sup (9:38:04 PM): it didnt work susie92sup (9:38:10 PM): it said server too busy bpvmo (9:38:16 PM): huh??? bpvmo (9:38:21 PM): damn! susie92sup (9:38:25 PM): try it again bpvmo (9:38:28 PM): k susie92sup (9:39:18 PM): it's taking a logn time bpvmo (9:39:36 PM): stupid puter!ahhhhhhhh susie92sup (9:39:39 PM): it didn't work :( bpvmo (9:39:59 PM): lets try signing out,ok bpvmo (9:40:04 PM): go bpvmo (9:42:21 PM): susie92sup (9:42:30 PM): r u there bpvmo (9:42:37 PM): yes susie92sup (9:42:39 PM): ok bpvmo (9:42:42 PM): :-h susie92sup (9:42:43 PM): lets try again bpvmo (9:42:49 PM): ok susie92sup (9:43:40 PM): there susie92sup (9:43:49 PM): its dark tho bpvmo (9:43:52 PM): u see? susie92sup (9:43:59 PM): it's kinda dark susie92sup (9:44:19 PM): aww ur shy again susie92sup (9:44:20 PM): lol bpvmo (9:44:43 PM): yea..:\"> susie92sup (9:45:03 PM): hi bpvmo (9:45:18 PM): hi susie92sup (9:45:32 PM): does ur new gf no about icky susie92sup (9:45:33 PM): lol bpvmo (9:45:47 PM): not yet..lol susie92sup (9:45:52 PM): lol bpvmo (9:46:20 PM): cam iz slow,huh? susie92sup (9:46:35 PM): ya susie92sup (9:47:10 PM): r u in ur pjs bpvmo (9:47:23 PM): ya..hehe bpvmo (9:47:57 PM): i gotta hurry susie92sup (9:48:01 PM): ok bpvmo (9:48:06 PM): get rest susie92sup (9:48:15 PM): tats ok bpvmo (9:48:34 PM): do u want to,still? susie92sup (9:48:38 PM): ya susie92sup (9:48:40 PM): dont u bpvmo (9:48:48 PM): ya bpvmo (9:49:02 PM): iz ur mom asleep? susie92sup (9:49:14 PM): no shes out 4 a while bpvmo (9:49:25 PM): kewl bpvmo (9:49:34 PM): lets do it!mmmmm susie92sup (9:49:34 PM): ya susie92sup (9:49:53 PM): lol i dont no if i can but u can bpvmo (9:50:36 PM): i f u excited and wet,finger ur pussy,Ok:) susie92sup (9:50:48 PM): ok bpvmo (9:52:49 PM): u like? susie92sup (9:52:57 PM): ya bpvmo (9:53:39 PM): damn!im so hard already..lol susie92sup (9:53:46 PM): lol susie92sup (9:53:47 PM): see bpvmo (9:54:43 PM): start sucking,ok susie92sup (9:54:59 PM): k bpvmo (9:55:51 PM): u gettn wet? susie92sup (9:56:07 PM): ya bpvmo (9:56:20 PM): great bpvmo (9:56:43 PM): u ready 4 entry baby? susie92sup (9:56:50 PM): ya i am bpvmo (9:58:07 PM): sit on it,now bpvmo (9:59:39 PM): u playing w/ur pussy Q? susie92sup (9:59:57 PM): mebbe susie92sup (10:00:15 PM): im kinda nervus 2 bpvmo (10:00:29 PM): y? susie92sup (10:00:46 PM): cus its cyber and i liek it 4 realz bpvmo (10:00:48 PM): u want me 2 stop? susie92sup (10:00:53 PM): no thats ok susie92sup (10:01:08 PM): i like watchin u its kewl susie92sup (10:02:58 PM): i wanna see ur face again 2 :) susie92sup (10:03:45 PM): ur so cute susie92sup (10:04:56 PM): what is that susie92sup (10:05:06 PM): ok susie92sup (10:05:08 PM): lol bpvmo (10:08:06 PM): u ok? susie92sup (10:08:14 PM): ya susie92sup (10:08:17 PM): r u bpvmo (10:08:23 PM): no susie92sup (10:08:28 PM): y not bpvmo (10:08:39 PM): i want realz susie92sup (10:08:47 PM): so d( susie92sup (10:08:55 PM): so do i :( bpvmo (10:09:20 PM): 18 bpvmo (10:09:22 PM): k susie92sup (10:09:24 PM): k bpvmo (10:09:43 PM): its al yours!promise susie92sup (10:09:55 PM): yeah ull 4 get me by then bpvmo (10:10:18 PM): shush!im losing my boner,now...lol susie92sup (10:10:23 PM): lol susie92sup (10:10:25 PM): dont do that bpvmo (10:10:48 PM): keep me hard then;) susie92sup (10:11:00 PM): but im not there bpvmo (10:11:09 PM): call me susie92sup (10:11:15 PM): i cant susie92sup (10:11:19 PM): my moms home now susie92sup (10:11:23 PM): :( bpvmo (10:11:36 PM): i bettr get off then:-O susie92sup (10:11:42 PM): she cant see susie92sup (10:11:55 PM): i face the door with my puter bpvmo (10:12:01 PM): maybe she wants 2..hehe susie92sup (10:12:04 PM): lol susie92sup (10:12:07 PM): not funny bpvmo (10:12:17 PM): how old iz she? susie92sup (10:12:24 PM): im not tellin u susie92sup (10:12:26 PM): :( bpvmo (10:12:31 PM): ok.lol bpvmo (10:13:22 PM): ride.ride ittttt!!!oooooooohhhh susie92sup (10:13:32 PM): k bpvmo (10:14:21 PM): im about to cum bpvmo (10:14:23 PM): k susie92sup (10:14:25 PM): k susie92sup (10:14:31 PM): kewl bpvmo (10:15:56 PM): u ready? susie92sup (10:15:59 PM): yep bpvmo (10:17:17 PM): can u see very good? susie92sup (10:17:24 PM): yah bpvmo (10:17:47 PM): ohhhh shitttt!!uhhhhhooooooo bpvmo (10:18:48 PM): i cam susie92sup (10:18:57 PM): i saw susie92sup (10:18:58 PM): lol bpvmo (10:19:02 PM): lol bpvmo (10:19:44 PM): i gotta go 2 bed now bpvmo (10:19:46 PM): ok susie92sup (10:19:49 PM): ok susie92sup (10:20:03 PM): awww susie92sup (10:20:06 PM): u waved bye bpvmo (10:20:33 PM): bye susie92sup (10:20:36 PM): bye bpvmo (10:20:43 PM): gn susie92sup (10:20:47 PM): u 2 susie92sup (10:20:55 PM): >:D< 12/05/05 susie92sup (6:58:51 PM): hey bpvmo (6:59:56 PM): hey susie92sup (7:00:05 PM): :) bpvmo (7:00:19 PM): sup? susie92sup (7:00:24 PM): nuthin susie92sup (7:00:25 PM): u bpvmo (7:00:52 PM): same,gettn ready 2 watch football:) susie92sup (7:01:01 PM): lol susie92sup (7:01:12 PM): y doesnt tat surprise me bpvmo (7:01:30 PM): yea,yea..lol susie92sup (7:01:35 PM): ha bpvmo (7:02:08 PM): brb,gotta take bathroom break susie92sup (7:02:14 PM): k susie92sup (7:06:21 PM): o sorry mo i g2g susie92sup (7:06:23 PM): cya later bpvmo (7:16:32 PM): cya Q susie92sup (8:54:09 PM): cya mo 12/08/05 susie92sup (7:38:56 PM): hey mo u there 12/11/05 susie92sup (8:16:17 PM): hey mo bpvmo (8:29:17 PM): hey Q:) susie92sup (8:29:24 PM): hey bpvmo (8:29:32 PM): brb,watching show,k susie92sup (8:29:35 PM): k susie92sup (8:29:50 PM): how much longer is it on for bpvmo (8:30:15 PM): until 900 susie92sup (8:30:23 PM): k susie92sup (8:30:53 PM): i dont no if ill be here susie92sup (8:30:54 PM): ill try bpvmo (8:44:19 PM): 1000,sry susie92sup (8:44:30 PM): omg susie92sup (8:44:36 PM): thats a long time susie92sup (8:44:39 PM): :( bpvmo (8:44:52 PM): survivor finale:) susie92sup (8:44:57 PM): omg susie92sup (8:45:02 PM): i forgot u like that susie92sup (8:45:03 PM): lol bpvmo (8:45:19 PM): bbl,k friend>:D< susie92sup (8:45:25 PM): k 12/12/05 I was hit up by this screen name. brandonpaulzen (9:02:51 PM): asl? susie92sup (9:03:05 PM): 13 f tucson susie92sup (9:03:07 PM): u brandonpaulzen (9:03:27 PM): 16 m phx susie92sup (9:03:56 PM): oh i like older guuyz sorry brandonpaulzen (9:04:08 PM): :-/ susie92sup (9:04:21 PM): sowwwwy brandonpaulzen (9:04:28 PM): i am older! susie92sup (9:04:46 PM): lol susie92sup (9:04:56 PM): not old enuf! brandonpaulzen (9:05:13 PM): ur dumb brandonpaulzen (9:06:16 PM): so..u dont wanna chat w/me? susie92sup (9:06:28 PM): nah susie92sup (9:06:48 PM): hey susie92sup (9:07:00 PM): is that u brandonpaulzen (9:07:02 PM): wat kind of older man u like anyways? susie92sup (9:07:10 PM): is that you mo brandonpaulzen (9:07:20 PM): who?! brandonpaulzen (9:07:44 PM): mo:-/ susie92sup (9:07:59 PM): lol susie92sup (9:08:02 PM): i bet its u susie92sup (9:08:15 PM): hahaha brandonpaulzen (9:08:32 PM): how did u know?!omg susie92sup (9:08:47 PM): i almost iggy u brandonpaulzen (9:08:58 PM): i did trick u 4 a lil bit..lmao:)) susie92sup (9:09:10 PM): because i wasnt in a chatroom susie92sup (9:09:11 PM): lol susie92sup (9:09:16 PM): and i saw brandon brandonpaulzen (9:09:21 PM): 0h..duhh brandonpaulzen (9:09:43 PM): im funny,huh?:-> susie92sup (9:09:45 PM): ha susie92sup (9:09:47 PM): yeah. susie92sup (9:09:59 PM): you were prending 2 b young brandonpaulzen (9:10:12 PM): i really am 16 Q susie92sup (9:10:26 PM): no ur not brandonpaulzen (9:10:32 PM): lofl brandonpaulzen (9:10:46 PM): i wish8-> susie92sup (9:11:03 PM): yeah. me 2 susie92sup (9:11:10 PM): so hows ur new gf brandonpaulzen (9:11:31 PM): shes fine brandonpaulzen (9:11:47 PM): add this if u like,ok susie92sup (9:12:33 PM): did u add me 2 brandonpaulzen (9:12:36 PM): there u go,2 of me:) susie92sup (9:12:41 PM): :) brandonpaulzen (9:12:58 PM): u only have one,right? susie92sup (9:13:03 PM): yea' susie92sup (9:13:08 PM): y do u have 2 brandonpaulzen (9:13:12 PM): then i cant silly susie92sup (9:13:23 PM): really brandonpaulzen (9:13:23 PM): yeah susie92sup (9:13:32 PM): ok susie92sup (9:13:39 PM): i see u on my list as both brandonpaulzen (9:13:47 PM): kewl susie92sup (9:14:14 PM): so how was survivor bpvmo (9:14:56 PM): bpvmo (9:15:00 PM): hehe susie92sup (9:15:04 PM): lol susie92sup (9:15:12 PM): ur getting me all confused bpvmo (9:15:17 PM): mo bak8-} susie92sup (9:15:29 PM): how many more of these do u have susie92sup (9:15:30 PM): lol bpvmo (9:15:44 PM): just 2..i swear..lol susie92sup (9:16:13 PM): lol susie92sup (9:16:16 PM): YOU LIAR susie92sup (9:16:18 PM): LOL bpvmo (9:16:38 PM): dont make me hurt uX-( bpvmo (9:17:03 PM): i dont lie!ok Q susie92sup (9:17:13 PM): lol susie92sup (9:17:23 PM): then tell me how old u r then bpvmo (9:17:41 PM): ummmm....:-? susie92sup (9:17:47 PM): lol i no wat u look like remember bpvmo (9:18:08 PM): u do??!ut ooooh susie92sup (9:18:25 PM): lol bpvmo (9:18:48 PM): how do u know that iz really me,huh?/:) susie92sup (9:18:57 PM): u mean now bpvmo (9:19:23 PM): it might be a video... susie92sup (9:19:27 PM): lol bpvmo (9:19:54 PM): u'll never know...haaaaaaaHAAAAAA!!!! susie92sup (9:20:10 PM): im kinda tired susie92sup (9:20:16 PM): i dont wanna play games susie92sup (9:20:18 PM): :( bpvmo (9:20:28 PM): sry Q bpvmo (9:20:34 PM): no mo bpvmo (9:20:36 PM): k susie92sup (9:20:44 PM): k bpvmo (9:21:25 PM): steelers won yesterday!!!whoopie!=D> susie92sup (9:21:39 PM): yeah bpvmo (9:22:03 PM): u watching the crappy mnf game? susie92sup (9:22:09 PM): nah susie92sup (9:22:19 PM): im just doin homeowrk bpvmo (9:22:44 PM): boring....(:| susie92sup (9:22:50 PM): yea i no susie92sup (9:22:59 PM): im lifes one bit boring thing susie92sup (9:23:00 PM): lol bpvmo (9:23:11 PM): bit??lol bpvmo (9:23:17 PM): u mean big susie92sup (9:23:49 PM): ya susie92sup (9:23:54 PM): thanks 4 noticing susie92sup (9:23:56 PM): lol bpvmo (9:24:03 PM): i notice bpvmo (9:24:18 PM): i do it 2..alot..uhhhh susie92sup (9:24:26 PM): lol bpvmo (9:24:50 PM): hows scholl anywayz? susie92sup (9:25:00 PM): hehe boring bpvmo (9:25:30 PM): really?? susie92sup (9:25:37 PM): lol susie92sup (9:25:43 PM): of coures its school bpvmo (9:25:47 PM): no way!!! susie92sup (9:25:51 PM): lol bpvmo (9:25:54 PM): lofl susie92sup (9:25:58 PM): how was ur day bpvmo (9:26:26 PM): kinda long,me gettn lil tired 2 susie92sup (9:26:38 PM): ya susie92sup (9:26:56 PM): y do u have this envirment up bpvmo (9:27:15 PM): i can stay until 1000,iz that ok 4 u? susie92sup (9:27:24 PM): i gess susie92sup (9:27:29 PM): r u meetin ur gf bpvmo (9:27:46 PM): not 2nite.. susie92sup (9:27:51 PM): oh bpvmo (9:28:05 PM): i werk early remembr.... susie92sup (9:28:10 PM): yea bpvmo (9:28:26 PM): cant stay out late:( susie92sup (9:28:33 PM): aww susie92sup (9:28:37 PM): 2 bad bpvmo (9:28:51 PM): only on thur,and fri:) susie92sup (9:29:10 PM): so how old is she bpvmo (9:29:25 PM): thats my boring life..ughhh:-< susie92sup (9:29:38 PM): how old is she bpvmo (9:29:48 PM): shes 24 susie92sup (9:29:52 PM): oh bpvmo (9:31:10 PM): how much homewerk u got? susie92sup (9:31:27 PM): not 2 much bpvmo (9:31:40 PM): is it hard? susie92sup (9:31:48 PM): kinda bpvmo (9:32:16 PM): study,study,study...:)) susie92sup (9:32:24 PM): lol susie92sup (9:32:26 PM): ya bpvmo (9:32:57 PM): so u can pass wat,8th grade? susie92sup (9:33:21 PM): no im in 7th bpvmo (9:33:27 PM): 0 bpvmo (9:33:33 PM): k susie92sup (9:33:40 PM): yeah bpvmo (9:34:18 PM): ur so damn young..uhhhh:( susie92sup (9:34:36 PM): i told u b4 susie92sup (9:34:39 PM): im not a baby susie92sup (9:34:48 PM): and u didnt care b4 either bpvmo (9:35:43 PM): dont go there,ok...i hate talkn about it,makes me down. susie92sup (9:36:02 PM): well im still pretty down bpvmo (9:36:07 PM): so.... bpvmo (9:36:25 PM): do ur homewerk:-P susie92sup (9:36:34 PM): ok i wil susie92sup (9:36:39 PM): cya bpvmo (9:37:11 PM): come bak wen ur done,if u like..k susie92sup (9:37:18 PM): y shud i bother susie92sup (9:37:28 PM): u dont like me anyea susie92sup (9:37:32 PM): anyway bpvmo (9:38:00 PM): im ur friend,arent i?:-? susie92sup (9:38:07 PM): i gess susie92sup (9:38:16 PM): i didnt relly need any more freinds tho bpvmo (9:39:16 PM): ok cya then susie92sup (9:39:27 PM): k be susie92sup (9:39:31 PM): bye bpvmo (10:28:46 PM): :| susie92sup (10:28:56 PM): wat bpvmo (10:29:34 PM): r u gonna talk 2 me anymore? susie92sup (10:29:53 PM): i dunno susie92sup (10:30:02 PM): im not sure y we shud susie92sup (10:30:06 PM): im 2 young rmemeb susie92sup (10:30:11 PM): remember bpvmo (10:31:11 PM): im sry susie...if u ever wanna chat,u can.k susie92sup (10:31:22 PM): ok susie92sup (10:31:28 PM): thx bpvmo (10:32:36 PM): im gonna jack off,u wanna watch?/:) susie92sup (10:32:49 PM): y sud i susie92sup (10:33:09 PM): if im 2 young 4 u y would u want 2 do that bpvmo (10:33:42 PM): ok,goodnite..bye susie92sup (10:34:34 PM): it just makes me sad ok bpvmo (10:35:21 PM): ok 12/16/05 bpvmo (10:51:23 PM): bpvmo (10:51:27 PM): hey? susie92sup (10:53:12 PM): hey bpvmo (10:53:26 PM): yes? susie92sup (10:53:31 PM): what? susie92sup (10:53:39 PM): lol susie92sup (10:53:44 PM): pretty colors btw bpvmo (10:53:51 PM): thxxx susie92sup (10:53:59 PM): :) bpvmo (10:54:10 PM): wat r u doing? susie92sup (10:54:14 PM): nuthin susie92sup (10:54:18 PM): just sittin around susie92sup (10:54:55 PM): wat r u doing bpvmo (10:55:16 PM): same thing susie92sup (10:55:23 PM): were boring huh bpvmo (10:55:28 PM): yup bpvmo (10:55:49 PM): my upper back herts..owieee susie92sup (10:55:54 PM): awww susie92sup (10:55:58 PM): waht happened bpvmo (10:57:06 PM): sittn 2 long,i guess..lmao susie92sup (10:57:09 PM): lol susie92sup (10:57:24 PM): i thought u got hrut at work or sumthin bpvmo (10:57:41 PM): freekn herts..ughhh#-o susie92sup (10:57:47 PM): awwww susie92sup (10:57:50 PM): im sorry susie92sup (10:57:52 PM): :( bpvmo (10:58:04 PM): its ok,i l'll live bpvmo (10:58:14 PM): >:D< susie92sup (10:58:23 PM): >:D< susie92sup (10:58:34 PM): so hows ur gf bpvmo (10:58:55 PM): shes ok,y? susie92sup (10:59:01 PM): just askin bpvmo (10:59:09 PM): ic bpvmo (11:01:00 PM): my colors r 4 christmas cheer:) susie92sup (11:01:10 PM): awwww susie92sup (11:01:15 PM): thats nice susie92sup (11:01:18 PM): :) bpvmo (11:01:34 PM): like lights.. susie92sup (11:01:43 PM): ya susie92sup (11:01:46 PM): i c now bpvmo (11:01:59 PM): haha..kewl susie92sup (11:02:10 PM): yep bpvmo (11:03:12 PM): u wanna materbate Q? susie92sup (11:03:17 PM): i dunno susie92sup (11:03:19 PM): do u bpvmo (11:03:45 PM): yeah bpvmo (11:03:54 PM): get naked..lol susie92sup (11:04:03 PM): lol susie92sup (11:04:06 PM): i dunno bpvmo (11:05:44 PM): ummm.ok then:-P susie92sup (11:05:56 PM): wat do u think susie92sup (11:06:46 PM): hey mo susie92sup (11:06:53 PM): can i ask u a questin bpvmo (11:07:13 PM): shoot susie92sup (11:07:20 PM): im kinda confused susie92sup (11:07:53 PM): y do u think its ok 4 me 2 watch u and do it with u on here but u think im 2 young 4 u susie92sup (11:07:59 PM): it confusses me bpvmo (11:08:52 PM): i like girlz 2 watch,ok Q.thats all susie92sup (11:09:03 PM): oh bpvmo (11:09:06 PM): sry susie92sup (11:09:08 PM): so it dont matter who bpvmo (11:09:16 PM): nope (And here we have it. He doesn't care who or how old they are that watch him.) susie92sup (11:09:20 PM): oh susie92sup (11:09:30 PM): i thouhgt u liked me b4 bpvmo (11:10:03 PM): i do,but cant date u,OK... bpvmo (11:10:10 PM): understand susie92sup (11:10:16 PM): not relly susie92sup (11:10:20 PM): but i gess its ok bpvmo (11:10:52 PM): quit talkn 2 me,if it hurts u,ok Q... susie92sup (11:11:00 PM): u imd me bpvmo (11:11:21 PM): oh,i did huh..oops#-o susie92sup (11:11:25 PM): lol bpvmo (11:11:34 PM): sry gurl susie92sup (11:11:40 PM): tats ok susie92sup (11:11:50 PM): did u meet ur gf on here bpvmo (11:12:10 PM): no,she has no computer:( susie92sup (11:12:23 PM): awwww susie92sup (11:12:25 PM): lol susie92sup (11:12:38 PM): i thouthg everybody had a puter susie92sup (11:12:38 PM): lol bpvmo (11:12:45 PM): me 2..lol bpvmo (11:13:09 PM): shes very poor right now,kinda in trouble.. susie92sup (11:13:17 PM): oh no susie92sup (11:13:21 PM): wat kind of troubeh susie92sup (11:13:24 PM): trouble bpvmo (11:13:40 PM): almost homeless..:-S susie92sup (11:13:42 PM): omg susie92sup (11:13:46 PM): tahts so sad bpvmo (11:13:53 PM): yes it iz susie92sup (11:14:01 PM): cant she stay with u bpvmo (11:14:19 PM): i cant really help her either,im poor also:( susie92sup (11:14:24 PM): awwww susie92sup (11:14:32 PM): sorry bpvmo (11:14:51 PM): barely gettn by..uhhhh:-< susie92sup (11:15:02 PM): stop it ur gonna make me cry susie92sup (11:15:09 PM): :( bpvmo (11:15:26 PM): send me money Q:) susie92sup (11:15:33 PM): lol susie92sup (11:15:41 PM): i dont have that much bpvmo (11:16:08 PM): that stinks:( susie92sup (11:16:13 PM): yeah susie92sup (11:16:28 PM): i thought u had a job bpvmo (11:16:33 PM): i do bpvmo (11:16:55 PM): but i bought new truck..big billz now......awwww susie92sup (11:17:05 PM): yikes susie92sup (11:17:15 PM): i bet its kewl tho bpvmo (11:19:08 PM): yea it iz!B-) susie92sup (11:19:18 PM): :) bpvmo (11:19:50 PM): u can ride w/me someday,k.:D susie92sup (11:20:04 PM): that wud be so kewl bpvmo (11:20:55 PM): and ride me bpvmo (11:21:06 PM): ;) susie92sup (11:21:08 PM): ha susie92sup (11:21:17 PM): u wish susie92sup (11:21:18 PM): lol bpvmo (11:21:31 PM): suk it!:-P susie92sup (11:21:39 PM): see now ur teasin me again susie92sup (11:21:47 PM): :-P susie92sup (11:24:19 PM): r u ther bpvmo (11:24:32 PM): hi susie92sup (11:24:35 PM): hi bpvmo (11:24:43 PM): miss me baby susie92sup (11:24:48 PM): ya i do susie92sup (11:24:54 PM): do u bpvmo (11:25:06 PM): nah susie92sup (11:25:20 PM): :( bpvmo (11:25:25 PM): jk,Q.. susie92sup (11:25:31 PM): lol ur so mean bpvmo (11:25:33 PM): :D susie92sup (11:25:36 PM): lol bpvmo (11:25:55 PM): >:D< susie92sup (11:26:08 PM): >:D< susie92sup (11:27:51 PM): lol susie92sup (11:27:58 PM): hahaha susie92sup (11:28:01 PM): ur not fat bpvmo (11:28:14 PM): a lil susie92sup (11:28:23 PM): noooo susie92sup (11:28:27 PM): i dont think so bpvmo (11:28:41 PM): belly kinda fat bpvmo (11:29:02 PM): my ass iz nasty 2:(( susie92sup (11:29:07 PM): lol susie92sup (11:29:15 PM): ive ben exersising bpvmo (11:29:30 PM): wat,ur ass?mmmmm susie92sup (11:29:35 PM): kinda bpvmo (11:29:59 PM): u get laid lately?huh susie92sup (11:30:09 PM): no susie92sup (11:30:15 PM): lol susie92sup (11:30:19 PM): u? bpvmo (11:30:29 PM): y not?go getm!lol susie92sup (11:30:43 PM): i dont got a bf bpvmo (11:31:04 PM): ask someone at skool,ok susie92sup (11:31:20 PM): lol susie92sup (11:31:46 PM): wat just go up and ask sumone? besides the guyz my age are stupid bpvmo (11:31:48 PM): they'll fuck u...:) susie92sup (11:32:00 PM): lol' bpvmo (11:32:19 PM): just wear rubberz,okQ susie92sup (11:32:26 PM): ok susie92sup (11:32:33 PM): ur so sweet bpvmo (11:32:46 PM): alwayz!K susie92sup (11:32:53 PM): k bpvmo (11:33:07 PM): good gurl=D> susie92sup (11:33:13 PM): lol bpvmo (11:33:42 PM): watch me susie92sup (11:33:47 PM): k bpvmo (11:34:01 PM): i need 2 cum:D susie92sup (11:34:08 PM): k susie92sup (11:34:12 PM): whers the cam bpvmo (11:34:19 PM): here susie92sup (11:34:36 PM): i dont see it susie92sup (11:35:22 PM): k bpvmo (11:36:09 PM): well... susie92sup (11:36:28 PM): wow bpvmo (11:37:09 PM): get naked baby susie92sup (11:37:33 PM): i dont watn 2 cyber bpvmo (11:37:45 PM): and ride my cock...mmmmmm bpvmo (11:38:11 PM): ok,sry susie92sup (11:38:16 PM): u can its ok bpvmo (11:38:48 PM): play w/ur pussy if want,ok susie92sup (11:38:53 PM): k bpvmo (11:39:12 PM): u gonna masterbate Q? susie92sup (11:39:20 PM): i dunno susie92sup (11:39:23 PM): mebbe bpvmo (11:39:39 PM): do it,pls susie92sup (11:39:49 PM): k susie92sup (11:41:34 PM): r u talkin 2 sumone else susie92sup (11:45:58 PM): mo who r u chattin with bpvmo (11:46:29 PM): people,y? susie92sup (11:46:39 PM): just wonderin susie92sup (11:46:47 PM): lol how manu ppl r watchin u bpvmo (11:47:16 PM): just 2,tryn 2 get more...lol susie92sup (11:47:20 PM): lol susie92sup (11:47:24 PM): who else is bpvmo (11:47:33 PM): someone susie92sup (11:47:40 PM): do u no who it is bpvmo (11:47:46 PM): no bpvmo (11:47:47 PM): bbl 12/17/05 bpvmo (12:30:52 AM): bpvmo (12:31:00 AM): STILL WATCHN? bpvmo (12:31:45 AM): Q?? bpvmo (1:24:42 AM): bpvmo (1:25:00 AM): Q?? 12/25/05 susie92sup (11:29:57 AM): merry chirstmas mo susie92sup (11:30:06 AM): :) 12/27/05 He hit me up with yet another screen name, I suspected: whiteboy.maniac (8:03:30 PM): susie92sup (9:05:10 PM): who r u susie92sup (9:06:10 PM): u ther bpvmo (9:06:57 PM): susie92sup (9:07:05 PM): hey bpvmo (9:07:11 PM): hey! susie92sup (9:07:28 PM): wats up bpvmo (9:07:53 PM): watchn a movie,nuttn much bpvmo (9:07:55 PM): u? susie92sup (9:08:15 PM): nuthin susie92sup (9:08:33 PM): who was ur messag 4 bpvmo (9:08:52 PM): my friend,from my werk susie92sup (9:08:59 PM): oh bpvmo (9:09:32 PM): she iz sick:( susie92sup (9:09:36 PM): oh susie92sup (9:09:42 PM): is she gonna be ok bpvmo (9:10:11 PM): dont know,havent talked 2 her in awhile...:-S susie92sup (9:10:32 PM): oh no bpvmo (9:10:50 PM): hoped she wud be here 2nite susie92sup (9:11:04 PM): oh sorry its just me bpvmo (9:11:29 PM): im glad ur here:) susie92sup (9:11:42 PM): r u bpvmo (9:12:01 PM): i like talkn 2 u susie92sup (9:12:08 PM): oh thats nice bpvmo (9:12:54 PM): h r u,anyway?>:D< susie92sup (9:13:03 PM): im ok bpvmo (9:13:29 PM): glad ur ok susie92sup (9:13:41 PM): how r u bpvmo (9:13:50 PM): im ok 2 bpvmo (9:13:54 PM): thxxx susie92sup (9:14:03 PM): hows ur gf bpvmo (9:14:30 PM): i really dont have one susie92sup (9:14:37 PM): wat do u mean susie92sup (9:15:34 PM): are u whiteboy.maniac bpvmo (9:15:39 PM): i thought i did,but she is kinda in desperate shape,she is moving 2 cali next week..:( susie92sup (9:15:46 PM): oh no susie92sup (9:15:58 PM): im sorry mo bpvmo (9:16:12 PM): i know,im sad.. susie92sup (9:16:16 PM): i bet susie92sup (9:16:18 PM): :( bpvmo (9:16:47 PM): how did u know?:-? susie92sup (9:17:23 PM): how did i no what bpvmo (9:17:46 PM): about me? susie92sup (9:17:53 PM): bein whiteboy.maniac susie92sup (9:18:01 PM): i jsut figured it wus u bpvmo (9:18:02 PM): yes...lol susie92sup (9:18:14 PM): how many names do u have anywea bpvmo (9:18:27 PM): just 3 susie92sup (9:18:29 PM): lol susie92sup (9:18:37 PM): last time u told me 2 bpvmo (9:18:45 PM): how did u see it? susie92sup (9:18:51 PM): u dinged me bpvmo (9:18:57 PM): 0!! bpvmo (9:19:00 PM): duhh bpvmo (9:19:03 PM): lmao susie92sup (9:19:05 PM): lol bpvmo (9:19:21 PM): sry...#-o susie92sup (9:19:25 PM): tats ok bpvmo (9:19:47 PM): who did u think it waz?huh... susie92sup (9:20:02 PM): i figured it was u bpvmo (9:20:10 PM): oh yeah... susie92sup (9:20:11 PM): i dont relly chat with no one bpvmo (9:20:25 PM): ohhh..y not? susie92sup (9:20:35 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:20:48 PM): i just chat with ppl from schoool now bpvmo (9:21:04 PM): at skool,or on this? susie92sup (9:21:14 PM): both susie92sup (9:21:25 PM): i just dont talk 2 ppl i dont no anymore susie92sup (9:21:33 PM): cus u can get hert ya no bpvmo (9:21:56 PM): sorry:(( susie92sup (9:22:09 PM): no bd susie92sup (9:22:13 PM): im fine bpvmo (9:22:34 PM): bd?? susie92sup (9:22:44 PM): big deal bpvmo (9:23:07 PM): u sure Q? susie92sup (9:23:18 PM): yea bpvmo (9:23:36 PM): ur nice..:-* susie92sup (9:23:52 PM): yea bpvmo (9:25:08 PM): i want 2 meet u susie92sup (9:25:21 PM): no u dont susie92sup (9:25:42 PM): can u just use a regular backgrousnd bpvmo (9:26:50 PM): i want to see u,face 2 face... susie92sup (9:27:05 PM): y bpvmo (9:27:50 PM): i just want to someday,is there a problem with that? susie92sup (9:28:05 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:28:09 PM): u said that b4 bpvmo (9:28:47 PM): u dont want 2 meet me?:( susie92sup (9:28:57 PM): u no i do susie92sup (9:29:08 PM): its u that didnt want 2 susie92sup (9:29:13 PM): i had a ride and everythibn bpvmo (9:29:49 PM): sry,ok bpvmo (9:30:25 PM): if i came and saw u,wud u want to be w/me 4 a day? susie92sup (9:30:42 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:30:45 PM): wat wud we do bpvmo (9:31:26 PM): just go and talk and have fun..8-} susie92sup (9:31:36 PM): lol susie92sup (9:31:42 PM): wat kind of fun susie92sup (9:31:46 PM): that face is goofy bpvmo (9:32:23 PM): like fun!u know...hint,hint/:) susie92sup (9:32:31 PM): lol bpvmo (9:33:26 PM): go 2 movies,castleland.watever u like,ok..B-) susie92sup (9:33:34 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:33:39 PM): ill think about it susie92sup (9:33:57 PM): wud u relly come bpvmo (9:34:29 PM): i wud:) bpvmo (9:34:59 PM): if u dont get me caught..:-P susie92sup (9:35:10 PM): lol susie92sup (9:35:19 PM): wats that suppposed 2 mean bpvmo (9:35:51 PM): u know,like ur mom,or ur friends,,,ok Q. susie92sup (9:36:01 PM): do u want me 2 come 2 u susie92sup (9:36:12 PM): u said that b4 susie92sup (9:36:23 PM): lol my mom wudnt be there bpvmo (9:36:32 PM): u wanna come here? susie92sup (9:36:41 PM): ya it wud be fun susie92sup (9:36:47 PM): like i wus on vacattion susie92sup (9:36:48 PM): lol bpvmo (9:37:07 PM): how cud u do that? susie92sup (9:37:27 PM): id have 2 see if my freind cud bring me like she was gonna do b4 susie92sup (9:37:35 PM): im off schhool this week bpvmo (9:37:49 PM): nice!=D> bpvmo (9:38:10 PM): whos ur friend anywayz? susie92sup (9:38:20 PM): her names sandy susie92sup (9:38:21 PM): y bpvmo (9:38:44 PM): wat wud u tell her Q?huh susie92sup (9:39:02 PM): im not sure susie92sup (9:39:03 PM): lol susie92sup (9:39:06 PM): wat do u think susie92sup (9:39:36 PM): i told her that i was gonna meet sumone b4 she didnt say nuthin bpvmo (9:40:05 PM): how old iz she? susie92sup (9:40:15 PM): shes 17 bpvmo (9:40:25 PM): ok bpvmo (9:40:57 PM): and she can drive to prescott valley,if u ask her 2? susie92sup (9:41:27 PM): ya her dad lives around there sumwher susie92sup (9:41:40 PM): i think its presscot tho susie92sup (9:41:48 PM): is ther a differenc bpvmo (9:41:58 PM): ummm..thats kewl bpvmo (9:42:04 PM): not much susie92sup (9:42:22 PM): ill have 2 ask her susie92sup (9:42:32 PM): r u off werk any days this week bpvmo (9:43:14 PM): thur. night and fri,sat,and sunday...:D susie92sup (9:43:32 PM): friday durin the day and night bpvmo (9:43:43 PM): yup susie92sup (9:43:47 PM): kewl susie92sup (9:43:55 PM): ill see if she can take me :) susie92sup (9:44:01 PM): r u sure ull meet me susie92sup (9:44:09 PM): i dont wanna come all teh way there bpvmo (9:44:36 PM): im sure Q.. bpvmo (9:45:05 PM): just tell me wen and where 2 meet u bpvmo (9:45:09 PM): ok susie92sup (9:45:11 PM): ok susie92sup (9:45:40 PM): will ur mom be working bpvmo (9:46:11 PM): she wewrks thur,fri,and sat..ok susie92sup (9:46:17 PM): kewl susie92sup (9:46:20 PM): :) bpvmo (9:46:38 PM): u wanna come to my house? susie92sup (9:46:46 PM): sure bpvmo (9:47:09 PM): and do wat?hmmmm...:-? susie92sup (9:47:12 PM): lol susie92sup (9:47:28 PM): well ill meet u sumwhere and we can go 2 ur house susie92sup (9:47:41 PM): i dont want sandy 2 no where u live susie92sup (9:47:47 PM): i dont relly no her 2 good bpvmo (9:47:54 PM): me either susie92sup (9:48:04 PM): so wat do u want 2 do susie92sup (9:48:07 PM): :) bpvmo (9:48:43 PM): call me,wen u get 2 p.v.,ok susie92sup (9:48:50 PM): ok bpvmo (9:49:02 PM): u know my #? susie92sup (9:49:20 PM): give it 2 me again bpvmo (9:49:32 PM): lol:-P bpvmo (9:50:07 PM): i cant believe u lost it!:-< susie92sup (9:50:08 PM): im sur i have it sumwher susie92sup (9:50:14 PM): dont make me look lol bpvmo (9:50:38 PM): suk my lil cok susie92sup (9:50:47 PM): lol susie92sup (9:51:02 PM): is that wat u want me 2 do or r u bein mean bpvmo (9:51:22 PM): i want u 2=P~ susie92sup (9:51:33 PM): r u sure susie92sup (9:51:43 PM): i dont want u 2 chang ur mind again bpvmo (9:51:45 PM): do u know how?lol susie92sup (9:51:48 PM): lol susie92sup (9:51:49 PM): ya susie92sup (9:51:52 PM): 928-533-9203 susie92sup (9:51:59 PM): u made me look susie92sup (9:52:05 PM): :-P bpvmo (9:52:10 PM): haha bpvmo (9:52:32 PM): u want meQ? susie92sup (9:52:43 PM): 2 wat bpvmo (9:53:04 PM): i mean,do u want me? susie92sup (9:53:08 PM): omg susie92sup (9:53:09 PM): yes susie92sup (9:53:18 PM): i have 4 a long time bpvmo (9:53:31 PM): like how? susie92sup (9:53:44 PM): i dunno susie92sup (9:53:50 PM): since i met icky susie92sup (9:53:51 PM): lol bpvmo (9:53:59 PM): nice.. susie92sup (9:54:38 PM): :) bpvmo (9:54:59 PM): u want icky in susie92sup (9:55:08 PM): im excited i didnt think u liked me anymore bpvmo (9:55:48 PM): wat did i call ur pussy again,i 4got...lol susie92sup (9:56:04 PM): ummm susie92sup (9:56:06 PM): yicky susie92sup (9:56:08 PM): i think susie92sup (9:56:17 PM): does that sound rite bpvmo (9:56:21 PM): oh yeah! bpvmo (9:56:56 PM): u want my icky inside yicky?:-> susie92sup (9:56:59 PM): lol susie92sup (9:57:03 PM): ya i do susie92sup (9:57:08 PM): but im laughin susie92sup (9:57:17 PM): do u bpvmo (9:57:50 PM): i want it right nowwwwwwww!!!!ahhhhhhh~x( susie92sup (9:58:11 PM): awww susie92sup (9:58:14 PM): do u relly susie92sup (9:58:21 PM): or r u jsut sayin taht bpvmo (9:58:25 PM): me horny 4 ur pussy...mmmmmm susie92sup (9:58:38 PM): :) susie92sup (9:58:43 PM): im glad ur back mo bpvmo (9:58:51 PM): lol bpvmo (9:59:21 PM): i need 2 jack off now bpvmo (9:59:41 PM): thinking about u8-> susie92sup (9:59:48 PM): awwww susie92sup (9:59:49 PM): relly bpvmo (10:00:00 PM): no susie92sup (10:00:04 PM): liar susie92sup (10:00:09 PM): lol bpvmo (10:00:09 PM): ;) bpvmo (10:00:33 PM): >:D<:-*:-*:-P susie92sup (10:01:02 PM): :-*:x:-*>:D< susie92sup (10:02:10 PM): so r u gonna have rubbers or sumthin susie92sup (10:02:21 PM): i dont want 2 get preggerslol bpvmo (10:02:33 PM): yes,of course! susie92sup (10:02:51 PM): kew;l bpvmo (10:03:25 PM): we can anal too...YUMMMM:D susie92sup (10:03:35 PM): hey susie92sup (10:03:41 PM): i dunno about thatt susie92sup (10:03:48 PM): doesjnt that hrut bpvmo (10:04:10 PM): no way 2 get preggers that way,ok:) susie92sup (10:04:23 PM): ya but i dont watn it to hurt bpvmo (10:04:47 PM): i'll use lots of jelly,ok baby... bpvmo (10:05:08 PM): it wont hert then,promise,ok susie92sup (10:05:14 PM): ok if u promise bpvmo (10:05:38 PM): u'll have awesum pleasure too! susie92sup (10:05:46 PM): omg i cant wait bpvmo (10:06:12 PM): it is fun,i promise...<:-P susie92sup (10:06:16 PM): lol susie92sup (10:06:52 PM): i no u didnt want me 2 drink b4 im older but do u think mebbe i can when im ther bpvmo (10:07:25 PM): u r a naughty girl!damn!!!!lofl susie92sup (10:07:28 PM): i like that mikes lemonade stuff susie92sup (10:07:30 PM): lol bpvmo (10:08:09 PM): i'l get u drunk,just this time,K../:) susie92sup (10:08:22 PM): souds kewl susie92sup (10:08:25 PM): :) bpvmo (10:08:42 PM): no more,after that,ok Q? susie92sup (10:08:46 PM): ok susie92sup (10:08:54 PM): just a specail occcasoin bpvmo (10:09:17 PM): yes,very special..:DB-) susie92sup (10:09:23 PM): yep susie92sup (10:09:31 PM): :\"> bpvmo (10:09:39 PM): secret susie92sup (10:09:49 PM): of coures susie92sup (10:10:03 PM): did u tell anyone about me bpvmo (10:10:16 PM): only me and u we'll know..promise me susie92sup (10:10:26 PM): i promise susie92sup (10:10:49 PM): wat do u think i shud say 2 sandy bpvmo (10:10:51 PM): i told noone about u susie92sup (10:10:55 PM): ok susie92sup (10:10:59 PM): me either bpvmo (10:11:14 PM): good:-* susie92sup (10:11:34 PM): i told sandy that i was meetin sumone 18 that i kwew who moved away susie92sup (10:11:48 PM): but that my mom didnt like him so i could tell susie92sup (10:12:01 PM): that seemed 2 work susie92sup (10:12:09 PM): even tho we didnt go bpvmo (10:12:40 PM): say that again,that im here to meet u this time,ok susie92sup (10:12:52 PM): say wat again susie92sup (10:13:03 PM): oh susie92sup (10:13:04 PM): lol susie92sup (10:13:11 PM): wat i todl sandy bpvmo (10:13:14 PM): that u need ride 2 meet me susie92sup (10:13:20 PM): ok duh susie92sup (10:13:21 PM): sorry bpvmo (10:13:35 PM): its ok,,dork:-B susie92sup (10:13:38 PM): lol bpvmo (10:13:41 PM): :)) susie92sup (10:13:44 PM): im justr so exciteed susie92sup (10:13:52 PM): i was soo sad b4 and now im happy bpvmo (10:14:16 PM): kewl,im glad 2 make u happy again susie92sup (10:14:19 PM): wat avout thursday if she cant take me freiday susie92sup (10:14:24 PM): i am 2 susie92sup (10:14:34 PM): i forget do u work bpvmo (10:14:42 PM): its ok,thurs night.. susie92sup (10:14:55 PM): oh. nights prolly not as good susie92sup (10:15:02 PM): id rather come earlire susie92sup (10:15:13 PM): ill have 2 see waht she says bpvmo (10:15:20 PM): im fukn horny!!!!!! susie92sup (10:15:24 PM): lol susie92sup (10:15:29 PM): u alwasy r susie92sup (10:15:31 PM): lol bpvmo (10:15:34 PM): i need u susie92sup (10:15:39 PM): awww susie92sup (10:15:42 PM): i need u 2 susie92sup (10:15:48 PM): i relly missd u bpvmo (10:15:57 PM): r u horny 2 Q? susie92sup (10:16:08 PM): ya a lil bpvmo (10:16:14 PM): haaa susie92sup (10:16:27 PM): my moms home so i cant be 2 horny huh bpvmo (10:16:33 PM): get naked susie92sup (10:16:37 PM): lol susie92sup (10:16:39 PM): i cant susie92sup (10:16:46 PM): wat if she walks in bpvmo (10:16:49 PM): y not baby? susie92sup (10:16:54 PM): my moms home susie92sup (10:16:56 PM): lol bpvmo (10:17:07 PM): oh,i c:( susie92sup (10:17:11 PM): u can tho susie92sup (10:17:14 PM): ur not her susie92sup (10:17:16 PM): here susie92sup (10:17:17 PM): lol bpvmo (10:17:19 PM): lol bpvmo (10:18:01 PM): hiiii! susie92sup (10:18:05 PM): hi bpvmo (10:18:40 PM): icky says hello susie92sup (10:19:05 PM): lol susie92sup (10:19:08 PM): hello icky bpvmo (10:19:15 PM): wat r u doing?? susie92sup (10:19:33 PM): watchin u bpvmo (10:19:40 PM): u gettn excited,huh?:D susie92sup (10:19:49 PM): yeah susie92sup (10:19:53 PM): i am bpvmo (10:20:32 PM): get me hard baby susie92sup (10:20:48 PM): its not easy from all the way over here lol bpvmo (10:20:58 PM): hehe bpvmo (10:21:06 PM): ur funny girl susie92sup (10:21:09 PM): lol susie92sup (10:21:37 PM): susie92sup (10:21:40 PM): what susie92sup (10:21:41 PM): lol bpvmo (10:21:50 PM): huh? susie92sup (10:21:52 PM): lol susie92sup (10:22:00 PM): i buzzed u back bpvmo (10:22:17 PM): i need 2 cum susie92sup (10:22:24 PM): ok susie92sup (10:22:32 PM): thats kewl 2 watch susie92sup (10:22:34 PM): :) bpvmo (10:22:39 PM): i bet bpvmo (10:22:52 PM): spank u susie92sup (10:22:58 PM): ouch susie92sup (10:23:00 PM): lol susie92sup (10:23:09 PM): do u like doin that bpvmo (10:23:13 PM): i want 2 see u too susie92sup (10:23:17 PM): i no bpvmo (10:23:33 PM): invite me,pls susie92sup (10:23:35 PM): mebbe u can go with me 2 get a webcam susie92sup (10:23:40 PM): i dont have one susie92sup (10:23:42 PM): :( bpvmo (10:23:54 PM): ahhhhhhhh..:( susie92sup (10:24:08 PM): id have 2 hide it from my mom bpvmo (10:24:15 PM): did u get xmas money? susie92sup (10:24:18 PM): ya bpvmo (10:24:26 PM): nice susie92sup (10:24:38 PM): but its not the same tho bpvmo (10:25:06 PM): y? susie92sup (10:25:18 PM): i mean likie 4 real bpvmo (10:25:22 PM): u want it 4 real,huh? susie92sup (10:25:27 PM): yeah susie92sup (10:25:29 PM): i do susie92sup (10:25:33 PM): dont u bpvmo (10:25:40 PM): yesQ! susie92sup (10:26:27 PM): omg bpvmo (10:26:46 PM): wat?? susie92sup (10:26:50 PM): ur big bpvmo (10:27:01 PM): am not! bpvmo (10:27:06 PM): lol susie92sup (10:27:14 PM): lol bpvmo (10:27:55 PM): just six inches.average cock:-< susie92sup (10:28:06 PM): it looks bigger than that bpvmo (10:28:42 PM): camera trix...lmao bpvmo (10:30:09 PM): u still wamt it Q? susie92sup (10:30:25 PM): oh yea susie92sup (10:30:29 PM): dont hurt icky ur kinda swingin him bpvmo (10:30:39 PM): lol bpvmo (10:30:59 PM): it wont hert him,i promise,ok:D susie92sup (10:31:03 PM): ok bpvmo (10:31:20 PM): u will hert him more!LOL susie92sup (10:31:33 PM): ha bpvmo (10:32:57 PM): r u wet now baby? susie92sup (10:33:05 PM): ya bpvmo (10:33:19 PM): :) susie92sup (10:33:23 PM): : bpvmo (10:34:10 PM): finger urself,its ok susie92sup (10:34:13 PM): are you gonna let me see ur face bpvmo (10:35:22 PM): r u playing now? susie92sup (10:35:26 PM): a lil bpvmo (10:35:40 PM): nice bpvmo (10:36:54 PM): r u ok? susie92sup (10:36:59 PM): yeah im good bpvmo (10:37:18 PM): kewl susie92sup (10:38:36 PM): wat r u doing susie92sup (10:38:58 PM): u ok bpvmo (10:39:15 PM): yeah bpvmo (10:39:16 PM): lol bpvmo (10:39:22 PM): sry susie92sup (10:39:27 PM): thats ok susie92sup (10:39:34 PM): is sumone there with u bpvmo (10:39:42 PM): no bpvmo (10:40:14 PM): im about 2 cum! susie92sup (10:40:20 PM): kewl bpvmo (10:41:13 PM): OMG! susie92sup (10:41:20 PM): kewl bpvmo (10:41:43 PM): U READY Q?!! susie92sup (10:41:46 PM): ya bpvmo (10:42:04 PM): AHH FUCKKK!q! bpvmo (10:43:34 PM): BYE susie92sup (10:43:36 PM): that was kewl susie92sup (10:43:37 PM): bye susie92sup (10:43:41 PM): wat do u mean bpvmo (10:43:43 PM): GN susie92sup (10:43:52 PM): r we still gonna meet this weke bpvmo (10:44:02 PM): YESSS! susie92sup (10:44:05 PM): oh susie92sup (10:44:09 PM): u scared me susie92sup (10:44:25 PM): ill check iwth sandy and see what day is ok for her ok bpvmo (10:44:26 PM): I GOTTS 2 SLEEP NOW bpvmo (10:44:27 PM): OK susie92sup (10:44:28 PM): lol susie92sup (10:44:36 PM): night mo susie92sup (10:44:41 PM): im glad ur back bpvmo (10:44:45 PM): :-h susie92sup (10:44:53 PM): :) 12/28/05 bpvmo (4:25:43 PM): hi susie bpvmo (4:26:10 PM): we cant see each other,ok bpvmo (4:26:33 PM): so dont come up here,please.. bpvmo (4:26:51 PM): im still w/my girlfriend bpvmo (4:27:21 PM): chat w/u sometime later bpvmo (4:27:26 PM): bye Q susie92sup (5:11:21 PM): i cant believe u did this agan susie92sup (5:11:24 PM): i hate u