indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:32:52 PM): hi 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:33:24 PM): hi indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:33:25 PM): what brings you into an Indiana room 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:33:35 PM): lol i just switched to ohio indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:33:51 PM): state jumping lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:34:00 PM): yah just bored and looking to chat indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:34:11 PM): i see 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:34:24 PM): wat is ur asl? indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:34:27 PM): where in KY are you from 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:34:49 PM): im bycincy indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:34:51 PM): 39/m/northern IN indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:35:06 PM): covington area? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:35:23 PM): well close to around there 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:35:51 PM): im 13 f ky 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:35:54 PM):or did i say th at? indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:36:00 PM): nope 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:36:13 PM): lol ok indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:36:16 PM): young thing lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:36:25 PM): yah i am :( indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:37:00 PM): why so sad i'd like to be ateen again 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:37:48 PM): its ok but i wish iw as older indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:38:07 PM): why? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:38:32 PM): so i could be my own boss indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:38:54 PM): ahhh i seee indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:39:25 PM):'re a lil hottie ;) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:39:42 PM): aww ty indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:39:43 PM): i wish i were your age 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:39:49 PM): wat do u look like? indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:40:10 PM): try the box now 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:40:51 PM): it wont work 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:40:58 PM): sumtimes it shows up and sumtimes not 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:42:21 PM): u r cute indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:42:39 PM): for an old guy lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:42:51 PM): aww u aint that old indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:43:10 PM): way older than u lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:43:31 PM): i'm prolly your parents age 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:43:41 PM): my moms 37 indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:44:23 PM): see your moms younger 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:44:29 PM): u said u was 31 indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:44:36 PM): no 39 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:44:48 PM): well its ok but if u dont wanna talk to me its ok indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:44:58 PM): its cool 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:45:05 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:45:10 PM): but it dont bug me 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:45:17 PM): i think older guys r kooler then guys my age indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:45:26 PM): cool 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:45:54 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:46:30 PM): i'll just have to remember your age when chatting with ya indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:46:32 PM): lol13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:46:43 PM): lol ok indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:47:53 PM): normally i tend to have a habit that i talk about sex :d indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:47:55 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:48:02 PM): lol well i aint no baby ya know indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:48:22 PM): i don't know 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:48:30 PM): i aint 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:48:32 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:48:38 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:48:59 PM): experienced are ya? indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:49:03 PM): ;) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:49:10 PM): well a lil bit maybe indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:49:29 PM): just a lil bit huh lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:49:34 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:49:36 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:49:43 PM): thats cool 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:49:48 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:50:19 PM): to young to be very experienced :) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:50:27 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:51:28 PM): can i ask what kindda experience you've got? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:51:44 PM): welli had a bf til about 2 wks ago and we did sum stuff indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:52:03 PM): still a virgin? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:52:45 PM): no indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:53:17 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:53:25 PM): now u think im bad lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:53:40 PM): naw i don't judge 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:53:46 PM): kool 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:53:51 PM): we only did it twice indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:54:02 PM): besides bad girls are fun lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:54:06 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:54:44 PM): may i ask what else you've done 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:54:53 PM): we did sum oral stuff indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:55:14 PM): cool that's always fun indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:55:32 PM): if you know what you're doing 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:55:47 PM): lol well he seemed to like it indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:56:03 PM): i bet he did :)) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:56:08 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:56:26 PM): did he give to you? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:57:05 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:57:30 PM): did you like it? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:58:01 PM): yah i did indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:58:14 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:58:46 PM): when u did for him did he get off? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 7:59:06 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/09/07 7:59:52 PM): did u spit or swallow lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:00:01 PM): swallowed indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:00:13 PM): dang 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:00:30 PM): wat? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:00:47 PM): some grown women don't 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:00:52 PM): y not? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:01:30 PM): i dk indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:02:04 PM): maybe they think its gross or maybe they gag 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:02:23 PM): i dont think its that bad indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:02:39 PM): tasty lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:02:46 PM): well it wasnt yummy lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:03:09 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:03:39 PM): nothing you'd want all the time indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:03:47 PM): ;) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:03:59 PM): well its ok when it happens indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:04:49 PM): did he get you off when he did oral on you? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:05:01 PM): im not sure indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:05:34 PM): haven't had an orgasm yet then i bet indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:06:04 PM): otherwise you would know lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:06:37 PM): well it felt good and stuff indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:08:01 PM): normally your body would shake like crazy 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:08:14 PM): well it didnt do that indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:08:46 PM): and your crotch would be extra sensitive indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:09:45 PM): like tingling 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:10:42 PM): well it just felt good but not like that indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:10:55 PM): i see indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:11:19 PM): someday it will and you'll know it :) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:12:39 PM): i hope so lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:13:17 PM): it will eventually indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:13:47 PM): gotta find a guy that knows what he's doing first lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:14:08 PM): i guess that would help indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:14:57 PM): guys your age are just worried about themselves getting off 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:15:20 PM): yah that is rlly tue 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:15:22 PM): true 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:16:44 PM): so where did u go? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:16:45 PM): they get older an they learn the better satisfy their partner or the won't have one lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:16:57 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:16:58 PM): go when? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:17:14 PM): oh i htought u left indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:17:22 PM): nope 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:18:06 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:18:26 PM): i was like that as a teen 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:19:01 PM): oh so u didnt worry about the girl? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:19:46 PM): but..the girls i was with could only take so much oral before they wanted to do it 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:20:04 PM): omg i luv the oral stuff indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:20:39 PM): they'd get all worked up and wanna screw before i could get them off indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:21:18 PM): me too. i love giving more than getting 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:21:25 PM): rlly? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:21:34 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:22:02 PM): wow indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:22:03 PM): does that surprise u 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:22:04 PM): thats awesum 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:22:15 PM): yah my bf would do it for a while then he wanted me to do stuff to him indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:22:31 PM): thats when u 69 lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:22:39 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:22:41 PM): we never did that indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:22:54 PM): aaawww poor thing lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:23:53 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:24:03 PM): wat exactly is 69 and yah i feel stupid askin indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:25:36 PM): one person lays (normally) and the other person faces the other direction so you can both do oral at the same time 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:26:13 PM): ahh ok i thought so indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:26:38 PM): i said normally because if the guy is strong enogh it can be done standing indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:26:47 PM): enough* 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:27:17 PM): wow 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:27:20 PM): u ever did it that way? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:27:30 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:27:58 PM): 69 doesn't work that well for me though 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:28:15 PM): y not? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:29:00 PM): the girl gets so into what i'm doing to her she kindda forgets what she's doing lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:29:08 PM): ahh that kinda sux indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:29:40 PM): actually it doesn't thats the problem lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:30:20 PM): she forgets to suck 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:30:27 PM): lmao indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:30:56 PM): but hey as long as she has a good time its cool 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:31:04 PM): well thats awful genrous of u indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:31:10 PM): ty indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:31:25 PM): like i said i'm a giver 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:31:32 PM): u married? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:31:37 PM): nope 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:31:41 PM): aww 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:31:47 PM): i was gonna say i bet ur wife luved u indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:32:08 PM): g/f's have ;) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:32:41 PM): wow indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:33:12 PM): they luved it for 30 mins or more :d 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:33:24 PM): thats a long time!!\ indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:33:31 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:33:45 PM): i stay till the jobs done indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:33:58 PM): sometimes a cpl times 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:34:03 PM): ang 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:34:07 PM): dang i mean lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:34:12 PM): i am rlly surprised indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:34:24 PM): about what? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:34:34 PM): two times? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:34:52 PM): sometimes more indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:35:34 PM): might give my mouth a break a work my fingers for awhile indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:35:50 PM): or both at the same time 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:35:51 PM): u r good at that too? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:36:13 PM): thats what i've been told 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:36:31 PM): dang indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:37:05 PM): i've gotten better with age at that too lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:37:27 PM): i hope all guys get better with age indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:38:11 PM): some do others still act like teens indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:38:35 PM): as long as the get theirs they're happy 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:38:44 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:38:46 PM): yah that is true 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:39:01 PM): well i mean i aint got a lot of experience but my old bf was like that indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:39:29 PM): i understood ya indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:39:57 PM): was he your 1st 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:40:02 PM): yah he was 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:40:05 PM): and onlyi indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:40:32 PM): then you'll find alot of differt things lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:40:57 PM): we did diff things but not like tons of it and we only went atw two times indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:41:38 PM): i ment you'll come across alot of different things 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:42:09 PM): like wat indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:42:28 PM): when u say you did different things you prolly mean different postions indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:42:56 PM): you'll see different sizes and shapes 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:43:06 PM): wellt here was only like two times we did it indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:43:40 PM): did u do it on your back? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:43:49 PM): yah both times indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:43:52 PM): k indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:44:11 PM): there's many more ways lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:44:46 PM): well it hurt both times but second time not as bad as first indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:45:35 PM): i think for the girl the first time always hurts the most 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:46:07 PM): well it did indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:46:10 PM): that was your cherry poppin lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:47:54 PM): ahh well it bled and stuff indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:48:27 PM): thats normal for a girl the first time 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:49:04 PM): it didnt seem to hurt him none indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:49:52 PM): it doesn't for guys 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:50:03 PM): i noticed indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:50:07 PM): was it his first time 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:50:10 PM): no indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:50:37 PM): i'm guess it still didn't last very long 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:50:47 PM): lol no it didnt indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:51:43 PM): normally doesn't indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:52:00 PM): prolly a lil longer the 2nd time 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:52:04 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:52:09 PM): it didnt hurt as much either indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:53:01 PM): thats normal too 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:53:05 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:53:49 PM): won't hurt that much again till ya get a well hung guy lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:54:00 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:54:05 PM): it shouldnt hurt indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:54:33 PM): if a guy is well hung it might 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:54:45 PM): hmm indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:55:36 PM): if the guys bigger it might hurt for a lil bit when ya start 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:55:53 PM): but it stretches? indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:56:16 PM): that's what'll hurt a bit indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:56:27 PM): but not as much 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:56:37 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:57:47 PM): all depends on the guy his size and how he uses it 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:58:03 PM): next guy i do that with i want to be slow and easy indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:58:29 PM): it won't be a teenager :)) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:58:35 PM): yah im sure indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:58:48 PM): they don't know slw and easy 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:59:04 PM): well my old bf sure didnt indianahighroller (04/09/07 8:59:37 PM): i like letting the woman set the pace 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 8:59:46 PM): thats kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:00:18 PM): but...thats a different postion too 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:00:25 PM): wat is? indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:01:11 PM): letting the woman set the pace normally takes a special postion 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:01:23 PM): wat position? indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:01:45 PM): her on top 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:01:55 PM): ahhh 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:01:57 PM): taht would be kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:02:07 PM): lots of women like it that way indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:02:28 PM): easiest way for them to get off 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:02:30 PM): i think it would be kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:04:15 PM): it is indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:04:25 PM): i like it 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:04:49 PM): that is one to try sum day indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:04:59 PM): yup indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:05:31 PM): they other you'll prolly like is doggy style 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:05:46 PM): i heard of that before indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:06:24 PM): u dont get off as easy but its fun 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:06:31 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:07:09 PM): when a woman is on top she does more than up and down 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:07:28 PM): wat do u mean? indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:08:02 PM): she presses hard aganst the guy and rocks back and forth 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:08:25 PM): she dont just go up and down? indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:08:50 PM): that grinds her clit against his pelvic bone helping her get off 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:09:22 PM): wow 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:09:26 PM): u know a lot indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:09:42 PM): old guy remember lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:09:53 PM): u aint old indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:10:19 PM): old enough i could date your mom lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:10:44 PM): :( indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:11:26 PM): whats wrong 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:11:51 PM): cauz i dont think u r that old indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:12:41 PM): i'd get 10 to 20 yrs in prison if i touched you(he knows but did it stop him?) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:12:59 PM): wow indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:13:14 PM): by the time i got out you'd be old enogh lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:13:20 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:14:03 PM): statutory rape indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:14:14 PM): child moleting indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:14:25 PM): molesting* 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:14:28 PM): oh quit indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:15:26 PM): its true 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:16:37 PM): well we r only talkin indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:16:45 PM): true indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:17:28 PM): just saying i can't touch ya 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:17:48 PM): welli didnt ask ya to lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:17:59 PM): i know :( indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:18:00 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:18:35 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:18:56 PM): your mom single :d 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:19:05 PM): no she has a bf lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:19:12 PM): dang indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:19:25 PM): he my age 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:19:36 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:20:26 PM): was your ex bf the first guy u saw naked? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:20:33 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:22:18 PM): that was the first penis you saw then 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:22:25 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:22:31 PM): or touched indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:22:46 PM): did ya think it was big? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:23:07 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:23:28 PM): did you hold it? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:23:36 PM): yeah lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:23:50 PM): two hands or one 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:24:31 PM): lol both indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:25:14 PM): were your hands wrapped together or end to end 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:25:26 PM): umm end to end indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:25:43 PM): he was decent size 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:25:53 PM): yah he was 16 indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:26:22 PM): depending how big your hands are 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:26:39 PM): they aint real big indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:27:30 PM): my hands are kindda big and if i grab myself its not quite 2 hands 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:27:39 PM): ahhh indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:28:00 PM): what size ring do u wear 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:28:30 PM): like a 4 indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:29:08 PM): i wear about a 9 1/2 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:29:24 PM): wow thats over twice as big as me indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:29:30 PM): much bigger hands indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:30:35 PM): so i might 2 1/2 hands for u 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:30:45 PM): dang 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:30:47 PM): that would be huge indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:30:59 PM): not really 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:31:25 PM): sounds like it indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:32:15 PM): mine is considered small by some women 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:32:24 PM): rlly? indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:33:03 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:33:33 PM): they want 8 to 10 inches or more 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:33:44 PM): omg it hink htat would hurt indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:34:40 PM): i guess they've been stretched lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:35:03 PM): yah but wat happens when they r with sumone not as big? indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:35:31 PM): i dk 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:35:41 PM): hmm indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:36:43 PM): guess it doesn't do much for them 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:36:52 PM): the guy? indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:37:47 PM): either person 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:38:00 PM): ahh well that makes sense indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:38:58 PM): yup indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:39:17 PM): they've been over stretched lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:39:24 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:39:28 PM): i hope that never happens to me indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:40:25 PM): if it does you'll be looking for big guys i guess 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:40:32 PM): yah i guess so 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:40:38 PM): ewww it sounds gross tho indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:41:30 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:43:38 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:43:45 PM): >:D< 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:44:35 PM): >:D< indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:46:05 PM): how tall are you(typical perv question) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:46:28 PM): im 5 2 indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:47:18 PM): lil lady 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:47:30 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:47:43 PM): i'm 6'6\" 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:47:59 PM): omg indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:48:24 PM): u got boobs yet ;) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:48:33 PM): yah i do lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:48:35 PM): i see some 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:48:59 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:49:19 PM): may i ask how big 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:49:46 PM): 30 a indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:50:03 PM): still growing 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:50:14 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:50:34 PM): did your bf like them 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:50:39 PM): yeah he did indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:51:10 PM): playing with them or sucking them 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:51:14 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:52:45 PM): both indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:53:05 PM): he suck your nipples13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:53:23 PM): yep indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:53:41 PM): did they get stiff? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:53:53 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:54:18 PM): cool ;) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:55:23 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:56:08 PM): you ever rub them yourself? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:56:58 PM): nah indianahighroller (04/09/07 9:58:58 PM): why not ;) 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 9:59:03 PM): not my thing indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:00:09 PM): hmm to bad lol indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:00:38 PM): i'd let ya rub mine lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:00:43 PM): lol kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:01:35 PM): maybe let u rub other things too(whoopee :() 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:01:58 PM): oh yah? indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:02:14 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:02:21 PM): why not lol 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:02:39 PM): that would be kool indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:02:52 PM): really? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:03:18 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:03:22 PM): brb indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:03:25 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:10:13 PM): i gtg my mom is yellin at me 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:10:22 PM): tty soon 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:10:35 PM): hey can i add u? 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:11:20 PM): nite indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:11:29 PM): he have a good one 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:11:40 PM): u too 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:11:41 PM): niters indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:11:42 PM): sweet dreams hun 13 year old decoy (04/09/07 10:11:49 PM): u too indianahighroller (04/09/07 10:11:51 PM): >:D<:-* 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 3:49:21 PM): yahoo deleted my old profile so i have to readd :( it wont let me add u so can u add me? indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:54:05 PM): you're added 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:54:10 PM): ty indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:54:19 PM): yw indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:54:34 PM): how are u? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:54:44 PM): a lil bit mad cauz they deleted me indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:55:31 PM): you'll get over it lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:55:36 PM): yeah i guess 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:55:40 PM): so wat r u up to? indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:55:56 PM): nuttin watchin tv 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:56:00 PM): yah same here indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:56:53 PM): fun isn't it 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:56:57 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:57:31 PM): somehow i don't believe u lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:57:36 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:57:40 PM): man the rooms suck tho indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:58:07 PM): normally do to many bots indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:58:22 PM): plus i'm not there:p 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 7:58:32 PM): lol true indianahighroller (04/10/07 7:59:50 PM): i'm the life of the party <:-P 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:00:15 PM): oh yah? indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:00:34 PM): don't ya think so? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:00:43 PM): of course indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:01:18 PM): uh huh sure :p 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:01:28 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:03:09 PM): so did the things we talked about have you thinking today ;)(yup has to get right back to the sex) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:03:17 PM): yah i htought about them indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:03:42 PM): what did ya think about? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:03:56 PM): just the stuff we talked about indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:04:13 PM): u bieng shy now lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:04:22 PM): being* 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:04:34 PM): no indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:06:19 PM): nice pic of you doing a flip 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:06:58 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:07:52 PM): shows you're limber and flexible 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:08:04 PM): lol yah i do a lot of that stuff indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:08:09 PM): also a cute butt 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:08:13 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:09:43 PM): guys will like that you're flexible 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:10:22 PM): oh they will? lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:10:40 PM): hell yeah indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:10:42 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:10:51 PM): well thats sumthing good to know indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:12:19 PM): they say the sexiest thing a girl can put behind her ears is not perfume but her ankles ;) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:12:40 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:13:21 PM): i never met one that flexible 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:13:30 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:13:36 PM): :( 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:14:03 PM): well maybe sumday u will indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:15:12 PM): doubtful women my age tend to lose their flexiblity when they get older 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:15:32 PM): lol do men too? indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:16:03 PM): most men aren't very flexible indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:16:29 PM): you don't see guys doing back bends indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:16:32 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:16:37 PM): lol thats true indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:17:06 PM): i'm sure you can 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:18:26 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:19:20 PM): well in your flip pic your foot is almost to your head backwards 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:19:31 PM): lol yah i can indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:19:44 PM): sexy:d 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:19:52 PM): aww ty indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:20:01 PM): yw indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:22:30 PM): what grade are you in 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:23:21 PM): im 8 and dont laugh indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:23:56 PM): why would i laugh indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:24:16 PM): thats about where i thought you were 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:25:05 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:27:16 PM): so you'll be a frosh next year 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:27:25 PM): yah!! 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:27:28 PM): woohooo indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:27:50 PM): i thought you'd like that indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:27:53 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:28:17 PM): yipppppppee high school 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:28:39 PM): lol yah i cant wait indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:29:36 PM): then you'll be a lil fish in a big pond lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:29:45 PM): lol that is true indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:30:07 PM): seniors flirting with ya 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:30:32 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:30:36 PM): that will be kool i think indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:31:10 PM): don't get a bad rep 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:31:18 PM): nah i wont 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:31:39 PM): just cauz i did it twice with my old bf dont mean i am gonna do it just with anywone indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:32:35 PM): thats good indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:33:02 PM): am i just anyone? indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:33:04 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:33:14 PM): of course not indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:33:52 PM): do it with me :d indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:33:54 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:33:58 PM): lol ok indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:34:16 PM): don't tease now indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:34:20 PM): :p 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:34:25 PM): u r the one teasin indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:34:34 PM): me?? indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:34:38 PM): how?? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:34:46 PM): cause indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:34:57 PM): cause why? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:35:52 PM): cauz u wuldnt want to indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:36:40 PM): not that i wouldn't want to its the jail time 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:37:11 PM): so see u r the one teasin indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:38:18 PM): you garenttee i dont get caught and i ain't 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:38:55 PM): rlly? indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:39:51 PM): but see you could be a cop pretending to be a teen girl right now looking to bust me13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:40:04 PM): omg 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:40:08 PM): u think im a cop? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:40:32 PM): wait indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:40:36 PM): u might be thats how they catch guys 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:40:41 PM): just cauz i am curous 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:40:49 PM): wat did i say to make u think i was a cop? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:40:56 PM): i dont get that indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:41:31 PM): you didn't say anyhing 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:41:37 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:41:46 PM): cauz sumone else said that to me before indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:41:58 PM): but thats the kindda sting they do 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:42:08 PM): the cops? indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:42:13 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:42:20 PM): lol well u better not come if u think that then indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:42:34 PM): are you a cop? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:42:40 PM): no im not a cop! indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:42:44 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:43:04 PM): if i was a cop i sure wouldnt wanna only chat 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:43:15 PM): i would wanna be doin the good stuff :) indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:44:52 PM): when i said you garenttee i dont get caught and i ain't you said really like you wanted the fun stuff 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:45:08 PM): well i think it woudl be kool indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:45:37 PM): really? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:45:42 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:46:07 PM): what do you think would be cool about it? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:46:18 PM): well i like u 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:46:24 PM): u have been nice to me 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:46:30 PM): brb indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:46:53 PM): ok me too 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:51:03 PM): back indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:58:45 PM): me too 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:59:29 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/10/07 8:59:33 PM): since i've been nice to u you'd sleep with me? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 8:59:57 PM): i just think u sound like u know wat u r doin indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:00:30 PM): that's cuz of my age and experience 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:00:44 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:01:21 PM): so we dont have to ya know u just asked i said yeah 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:01:22 PM): thats all 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:01:34 PM): no biggy either way indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:02:02 PM): if you wanted to i wouldn't turn you down 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:02:19 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:02:35 PM): i'm serious 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:03:28 PM): well i aint askin indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:04:21 PM): you aint asking what? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:05:20 PM): sigh nuthin indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:05:38 PM): what? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:05:54 PM): lets forget about that part cauz u r afraid u would go to jail and u think im a cop 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:06:00 PM): so lets talk about sumthing else indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:06:27 PM): well you said you weren't indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:07:21 PM): since you said you weren't a cop and you turned out to be one thats entrapment (wonder if LE knows this haha!!) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:07:31 PM): well i aint one indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:07:35 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:07:42 PM): i believe ya 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:07:45 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:08:42 PM): so wat did u do today? indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:08:58 PM): nuttin much indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:09:14 PM): got some shit taken care of 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:09:39 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:10:17 PM): what about u? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:10:38 PM): just skool and stuff indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:11:09 PM): u hang wit your friends 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:11:30 PM): just for a lil bit after skool indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:11:53 PM): you walk to school 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:12:11 PM): nah mom usualy takes me indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:12:49 PM): ah i see 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:12:56 PM): yah its nice lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:13:16 PM): cool not to ride the bus 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:13:31 PM): yah it is indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:16:45 PM): you've got a digi cam don't ya 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:17:33 PM): my mom does indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:18:20 PM): i just saw in your pics you were useing one 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:18:47 PM): its my moms 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:19:12 PM): i snitch it sumetimes indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:20:04 PM): naughty girl ;) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:20:11 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:21:57 PM): are u like alot of the younger girls and wearing thongs? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:22:58 PM): i have a few indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:24:34 PM): i've heard you can get reverse wedgies with them lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:25:08 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:25:13 PM): well they do feel like wedgies sumtimes indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:25:45 PM): wedgies up front sound uncomfortable 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:26:39 PM): oh yeah they do indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:27:23 PM): must be fun getting them out without drawing attention to yourself 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:28:08 PM): lmao lol yah i dont like em much indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:28:33 PM): they're sexy though 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:29:13 PM): they r if u dont hafta wear em indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:29:39 PM): look better laying on the florr ;) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:29:45 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:30:18 PM): its true 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:30:29 PM): u mean the thongs or when a girl has them on? indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:30:47 PM): the thong on the floor 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:30:53 PM): lol u r funny indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:30:57 PM): the girl on me :d 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:31:59 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:33:05 PM): a girl like you ;) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:33:39 PM): oh yah? indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:34:08 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:34:16 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:36:23 PM): ya think? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:36:28 PM): yah i do indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:36:40 PM): you wanna be on me? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:36:50 PM): i think it woudl be koo 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:36:53 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:36:59 PM): me too 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:37:19 PM): :D indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:40:07 PM): you could wear a thong and a skirt :d 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:40:30 PM): yah i could indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:41:14 PM): are your skirts short 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:41:21 PM): well not like skanky short indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:43:14 PM): aaawww lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:43:25 PM): lol u like skanky short? indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:43:47 PM): are they to your knees? indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:44:37 PM): skanky short is fun to look at :d 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:46:28 PM): no they aint to my knees lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:47:05 PM): skanky short is how short to you 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:48:53 PM): like up to my butt indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:49:20 PM): i didn't mean that short 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:49:32 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:49:40 PM): but i do like looking at those indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:49:42 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:49:49 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:50:51 PM): i thinkb etween knees and butt works good indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:51:02 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:51:36 PM): gimme something to try and peek up lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:51:44 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:51:48 PM): u r funny indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:53:57 PM): ty indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:54:09 PM): you're sweet >:D< 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:55:48 PM): u r kool indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:56:21 PM): you're a hottie 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:57:40 PM): well i think u r cute too indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:57:56 PM): :\"> indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:58:07 PM): you're to kind 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:58:22 PM): :) like i said earlier i like u indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:58:48 PM): yeah? indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:59:05 PM): how much? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 9:59:17 PM): a whole lot indianahighroller (04/10/07 9:59:56 PM): aaaawww :\"> indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:00:06 PM): i like you to sweety 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:00:43 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:01:22 PM): when you and your bf did it where did you do it at? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:01:32 PM): at my house indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:01:48 PM): where was everybody 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:02:03 PM): my mom was stayin at her bfs indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:02:56 PM): she leaves you by yourself 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:03:36 PM): oh yah 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:03:39 PM): lots of times indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:04:10 PM): any brothers or sisters 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:04:33 PM): no just me indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:04:48 PM): only child? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:05:06 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:05:26 PM): cool you'll prolly get spoiled lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:05:38 PM): lol i am kinda indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:06:28 PM): thought so 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:06:54 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:06:57 PM): it aint that bad indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:07:24 PM): you wearing heels yet? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:07:34 PM): i do sumtimes indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:08:20 PM): cool 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:09:06 PM): they r kinda a pain indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:10:00 PM): they hurt or hard to walk in 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:10:24 PM): not too bad im just always afraid i will fall indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:12:04 PM): i'll hold ya up 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:12:17 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:12:44 PM): how tall are u? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:13:37 PM): im 5 2 indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:13:53 PM): short shit 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:13:57 PM): lol yeah indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:14:16 PM): i'm 6'6\" 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:14:22 PM): omg u r tall!! indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:14:31 PM): just a lil 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:15:36 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:16:19 PM): you like tall guys 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:17:18 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:17:51 PM): whats the tallest guy you've dated 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:18:06 PM): oh i only dated one guy indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:19:34 PM): how tall was he 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:20:06 PM): maybe like 5 7? indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:20:28 PM): dang i'm about a foot taller 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:20:48 PM): i wonder if i would even come up to ur chin indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:21:01 PM): around there indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:21:30 PM): you'd be around my lower chest 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:21:34 PM): i thought my old bf was tall lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:23:57 PM): guess he wasn't that tall lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:24:05 PM): guess not lol geez 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:24:51 PM): i am gonna get my butt off here 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:25:01 PM): got skool tomorrow indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:25:37 PM): i wanna get your but off too :d indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:26:36 PM): actually its not your butt i wanna get off ;) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:26:41 PM): oh yah? indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:26:48 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:27:01 PM): oohohh indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:27:23 PM): whats that for 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:27:33 PM): cauz of wat u said indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:28:25 PM): was that oohooh a good thing 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:28:36 PM): uaj 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:28:37 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:29:02 PM): fingers getting tied up 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:29:06 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:29:08 PM): a lil bit indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:29:26 PM): getting a lil flustered lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:29:35 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:29:43 PM): are ya? 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:29:56 PM): maybe indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:30:07 PM): cool 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:30:14 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:30:35 PM): nipples getting sensitive ;) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:30:39 PM): lol quit lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:30:42 PM): im goin to bed 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:30:45 PM): i will ttyl 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:30:47 PM): behave indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:30:54 PM): take me with 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:30:59 PM): ok come on indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:31:06 PM): i wish 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:31:11 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:31:22 PM): you wouldn't get any sleep indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:31:23 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:31:29 PM): lol i know indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:31:41 PM): would you mind :) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:31:50 PM): nah i dont think i would indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:32:08 PM): legs might be sore too 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:32:15 PM): how come? indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:32:52 PM): being spread around me 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:33:04 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:33:05 PM): and up in the air 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:33:15 PM): wow indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:33:33 PM): sound good 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:34:03 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:34:10 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:34:22 PM): good night sweety indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:34:30 PM): sweet dreams indianahighroller (04/10/07 10:34:58 PM): i know your getting a lil aroused ;) 13 year old decoy (04/10/07 10:34:58 PM): lol nite indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:23:49 PM): where you at tonight? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:24:07 PM): im here indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:24:26 PM): hiding tonight 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:25:01 PM): nah notrlly indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:25:22 PM): how long u been on 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:25:29 PM): like an hr 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:25:44 PM): um srry iwasnt showin onlin lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:25:51 PM): dang thaks for saying hi :p 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:26:00 PM): im srry i didnt even see u indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:26:09 PM): avoiding me :( indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:26:20 PM): i'm hidden too 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:26:30 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:26:35 PM): and u wasd yellin at me? indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:27:16 PM): i didn't yell indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:27:34 PM): THIS IS YELLING indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:27:38 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:27:41 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:27:48 PM): ture 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:27:51 PM): true too 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:27:55 PM): so wat u been up to today? indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:28:14 PM): not much indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:28:17 PM): u? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:28:28 PM): same 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:28:35 PM): went to the bowling all with my friend earlier indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:29:25 PM): a bowler huh? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:29:43 PM): well sorta 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:29:50 PM): its close and sumthing to do and sumplace to hang out indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:30:01 PM): or just hung out at the alley 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:30:11 PM): yah guy watchin too indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:30:20 PM): :( indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:30:35 PM): but...i wasn't there indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:30:37 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:30:48 PM): im srry indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:31:00 PM): not your fault indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:31:19 PM): i'd prolly freak your gf's out 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:31:29 PM): oh quit indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:31:45 PM): eeewwwwwww who's the old guy indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:31:49 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:31:50 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:31:57 PM): most of my friens got bfs indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:32:13 PM): prolly think i'm a friend of your moms indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:32:24 PM): not my age 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:32:42 PM): well true indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:32:56 PM): prolly teenagers 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:33:03 PM): wel ltheir bfs r indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:33:18 PM): thats what i meant indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:34:02 PM): your gf's the same age as you? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:34:05 PM): yep indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:34:44 PM): any of them know you're not a virgin anymore 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:34:50 PM): nope 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:34:58 PM): unless my old bf told them but noone ever said anything indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:35:27 PM): kept it a secret :-$ 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:35:31 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:36:10 PM): any of them been with a guy like u have? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:36:49 PM): my one friend has indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:37:09 PM): just one guy for her too 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:37:21 PM): well thats all she told me about indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:37:32 PM): she 13 also 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:37:35 PM): yep indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:37:59 PM): she say if she liked it 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:38:13 PM): yah she said it was kool and they still do it ans stuff indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:38:28 PM): i see indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:39:19 PM): from chatting with you it sounds like you like foreplay more than sex 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:39:33 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:40:21 PM): i know you said you liked having oral done on you alot 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:40:34 PM): yah its kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:41:16 PM): didn't sound like you enjoyed the sex though 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:41:24 PM): hurt too much indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:41:37 PM): prolly just not used to it 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:41:54 PM): well i hope so or i mite never wanna do it indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:42:20 PM): OMG don't say that 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:42:25 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:43:03 PM): didn't last long enough to feel good ;) 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:43:20 PM): all it did was hurt indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:43:42 PM): plus i'm sure you were tense and nervous 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:44:12 PM): yah iw as scared indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:44:52 PM): i'm guessing he wasn't gentle either 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:45:30 PM): no he only stopped for a min when i said to wait indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:46:28 PM): he prolly pushed it all in kindda quick too 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:46:46 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:46:50 PM): and it bled too indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:47:20 PM): then he prolly started moving faster then hell 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:47:51 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:47:52 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:48:14 PM): did ya bleed the second time too 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:48:19 PM): no indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:48:22 PM): k indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:48:36 PM): first time is normal 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:48:41 PM): k indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:49:09 PM): all females do the first time indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:49:59 PM): knew that right 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:50:08 PM): well yah prtty much indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:51:19 PM): it should have been put in slowly and moved slowly to start with indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:51:33 PM): till u got used to it 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:51:42 PM): well he sure didnt bother with that indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:52:02 PM): he wanted to get a nut is why 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:52:11 PM): well he did lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:52:41 PM): u use a condom 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:53:04 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:53:10 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:53:31 PM): just not when you gave him oral 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:53:42 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:53:47 PM): nah indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:54:07 PM): was that funny? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:54:16 PM): srry lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:55:16 PM): i just remember u saying you swallowed so i know there wasn't a condom for that 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:55:51 PM): well i think it would be weird to give one with a condom indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:56:38 PM): its been done though 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:56:44 PM): y would they tho? indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:57:13 PM): to keep from getting a STD 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:57:19 PM): rlly? indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:57:25 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:58:04 PM): i've never used one that way indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:58:41 PM): but....i haven't used a condom at all in a long time 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:58:55 PM): y not? indianahighroller (04/11/07 8:59:33 PM): women i've been with couldn't get pregnat 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 8:59:39 PM): well thats kool then 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:00:45 PM): i heard guys dont like them indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:01:06 PM): doesn't mater to me 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:01:18 PM): well thats kool then indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:02:07 PM): i'd feel funny buying then since its been so long lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:02:22 PM): feel like a teen again 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:02:26 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:03:37 PM): wearing your thong today ;) 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:04:03 PM): lol nah bikinis indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:04:20 PM): silkies or cotton 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:04:33 PM): silies indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:04:43 PM): ohhhh indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:04:59 PM): lacy? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:05:12 PM): nah but htey got a lil bow on them lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:05:22 PM): hmm indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:06:02 PM): i wanna untie it and unwrap the package underneath :d indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:06:05 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:06:18 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:06:19 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:06:40 PM): bow on the front back or sides 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:06:49 PM): front 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:06:52 PM): its just a lil one indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:07:55 PM): silky bra too? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:08:02 PM): of course indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:08:27 PM): atch the panties indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:08:34 PM): match* 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:08:46 PM): yep indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:08:57 PM): what color 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:09:01 PM): blue indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:09:06 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:10:09 PM): did you say u r like 5'3 indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:10:27 PM): i know ur lil 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:10:28 PM): im 5 2 indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:10:56 PM): about 90lbs indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:11:00 PM): or less 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:11:31 PM): im 104 indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:12:33 PM): you look tiny in your pics not that 104 isn't tiny 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:12:39 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:12:42 PM): i htink im chubby indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:12:54 PM): you're still lil bitty 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:13:08 PM): im like a size 4 indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:14:31 PM): yup lil bitty 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:14:42 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:15:19 PM): especially compared to me lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:15:30 PM): lol u sound like u r big and tall indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:17:01 PM): 6'6\" about 200lbs 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:17:07 PM): wow indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:18:16 PM): you're so lil a standing 69 could be possible 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:18:23 PM): rlly? indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:18:29 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:18:30 PM): but wouldnt the blood rush to ur head? lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:19:38 PM): you'd be the one upside down but the blood would be rushing to my head just not the one on my shoulders 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:19:44 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:19:47 PM): u r funny indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:20:18 PM): i'd be holding you 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:20:49 PM): u wouldnt let me fall? indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:20:54 PM): nope indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:21:35 PM): you could wrap your legs around my neck 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:21:56 PM): wow indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:22:08 PM): wow what? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:22:17 PM): u must bestrong indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:22:37 PM): you're just really light 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:22:45 PM): :) 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:22:49 PM): hope it stays that way indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:23:18 PM): you'd be facing me just upside down indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:24:07 PM): your knees near or above my shoulders 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:24:19 PM): wow 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:24:24 PM): lol it woulc be koiol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:24:29 PM): dang cant spell indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:25:07 PM): so you could hold some of your weight with your legs on my shoulders 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:25:46 PM): true indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:26:04 PM): then i'd have my arms around you 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:26:16 PM): well it sounds kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:26:47 PM): my face in your crotch and yours in mine 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:27:03 PM): as long as i didnt fall indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:27:18 PM): i wouldn't let you 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:27:23 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:27:34 PM): i'd lay you down first 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:27:45 PM): aww thats so sweet indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:27:52 PM): i try indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:28:45 PM): really i'd lay down first so you were on top of me 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:28:57 PM): that would be awesum indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:29:43 PM): sure would 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:30:22 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:30:59 PM): >:D< 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:32:29 PM): >:D< indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:35:13 PM): whatcha doin 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:35:33 PM): just chattin indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:35:53 PM): wit friends 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:35:58 PM): and u indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:36:54 PM): i feel special :\"> 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:37:04 PM): aww u R special indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:37:36 PM): u r just saying that cuz its true ;) 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:38:00 PM): thats rite indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:38:45 PM): ya lil flirt :d 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:38:53 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:39:00 PM): :D indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:39:20 PM): i bet u r flirtin with another guy 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:39:30 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:39:36 PM): see indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:39:39 PM): :p indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:39:57 PM): how many? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:40:03 PM): one indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:40:14 PM): how old 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:40:27 PM): 27 indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:40:36 PM): near you 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:40:56 PM): ohio indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:40:59 PM): dang you like older guys 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:41:32 PM): told u indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:41:51 PM): he know you're 13 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:41:54 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:42:05 PM): he want you too? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:42:22 PM): lol idk? indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:42:49 PM): is he acting like he wants to get wit u 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:42:58 PM): idk lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:43:16 PM): is he acting like me lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:43:25 PM): jsut talkin indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:43:59 PM): nuttin sexual 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:44:02 PM): nah indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:44:14 PM): he will lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:44:21 PM): he dont seem like it indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:44:59 PM): he's a guy if he aint talking it he's thinkin it lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:45:13 PM): nah i dont think he is like that indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:45:35 PM): not a perve like me 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:45:48 PM): i dont think u r a perv indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:47:23 PM): ty 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:47:55 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:48:24 PM): but i am >:)(I won't argue with you there) indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:48:26 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:48:34 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:48:49 PM): well u taught me stuff indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:49:16 PM): i told you stuff indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:49:36 PM): i'd like to teach you that stuff 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:49:44 PM): oh yah? indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:49:52 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:50:38 PM): thats kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:51:47 PM): wanna be taught by me 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:51:55 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:51:59 PM): if u wanted to indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:53:53 PM): u know i do 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:53:58 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:56:55 PM): don't you 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:58:01 PM): i think it woudl be kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:58:20 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:58:40 PM): i think so indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:59:07 PM): having second thoughts? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:59:12 PM): no indianahighroller (04/11/07 9:59:31 PM): then why \"i think so\" 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 9:59:43 PM): i mean i think tiw ould be kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:00:11 PM): i'd be gentle with ya 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:00:18 PM): gentle is nice indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:00:33 PM): but it would still prolly hurt some 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:00:46 PM): dang srry hit the wrong button 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:00:48 PM): y? indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:01:09 PM): cuz i maybe bigger 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:01:56 PM): well 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:02:01 PM): i thought u said u would be gentle tho indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:02:06 PM): useing my fingers i may go deeper than he did 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:02:10 PM): wow 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:02:32 PM): could u like just not go as deep? lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:02:41 PM): i would be gentle indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:03:35 PM): if i went deep it would be at a slow pace so you could get used to it 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:04:36 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:05:15 PM): i wouldn't jam my fingers in ya and just push them in as far as possible 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:05:23 PM): omg that would hurt indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:05:57 PM): i would gentle play with the outside first 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:06:21 PM): wow indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:06:32 PM): kindda rubbing my hand over it 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:07:09 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:07:36 PM): then parting you and teasing the clit 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:08:20 PM): well u sound like u know more then my old bf lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:08:42 PM): feeling you making sure you're warm and wet indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:09:34 PM): then i'd ease my thumb in slowly indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:10:30 PM): is this making u uncomfortable? Just bored, yawn 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:10:38 PM): well as long as it aint cyber indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:10:57 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:11:34 PM): cyber we would both be playing with ourselves 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:11:52 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:11:54 PM): right 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:11:56 PM): i dotn like cyber indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:12:51 PM): i was just saying how i would do it so you know it wouldn't be rough 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:13:01 PM): >:D< indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:14:21 PM): think you would feel comfortable climbing on top of me? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:14:32 PM): i think i would indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:15:39 PM): when women do it that way they normally need to grab the guys penis and guide it in 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:15:53 PM): it aint standing up? indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:16:19 PM): the penis? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:16:22 PM): yea indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:16:50 PM): yeah but it needs a guide to the right spot indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:17:47 PM): so you would guide it in 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:17:56 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:17:57 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:18:54 PM): i feel a lil funny calling it a penis is that what you normally call it? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:19:03 PM): lol i call it a winky 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:19:12 PM): u can say watever u want indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:19:29 PM): winky is for a lil boy lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:19:34 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:20:05 PM): normally i'd say cock or dick 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:20:19 PM): u can i dont mind indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:20:32 PM): but if you don't like that its cool 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:20:40 PM): it dont bug me indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:21:02 PM): are you ok with pussy too? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:21:06 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:21:25 PM): is that what you normally call it 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:21:52 PM): hoochie 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:21:53 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:21:58 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:22:37 PM): may i ask do you keep your hoochie trimmed up? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:22:56 PM): lol i dont got much hair indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:23:17 PM): haven't grown it in yet? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:23:23 PM): i ahve a lil bit indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:23:55 PM): the sides? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:24:06 PM): no its like rite on top indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:24:37 PM): keep it from poking out your panties? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:25:47 PM): lol i dont have any on the sides indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:26:04 PM): still bald? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:26:34 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:27:05 PM): i meant do you trim it to keep it from poking out your panties? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:27:56 PM): i dont rlly need to yet 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:28:02 PM): its just a lil bit of peach fuzz indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:30:03 PM): where did ya get the idea to shave it 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:30:21 PM): my friends but i dont have to shave it yet indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:31:53 PM): just hope u r not like a guy 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:32:08 PM): huh? indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:33:15 PM): when a guy starts shaving it keeps coming back thicker 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:33:23 PM): omg 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:33:27 PM): that would suck lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:33:53 PM): you'd have a big bush lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:34:04 PM): ewwww 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:34:06 PM): that would be gross indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:35:14 PM): then a guys gotta fight to get through it indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:35:16 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:35:22 PM): well that iant gonna happen indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:36:19 PM): then you'll need a bikini wax lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:36:36 PM): ewww 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:36:41 PM): i aint had to shave it yet indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:37:06 PM): i thought you just said you were a lil 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:37:20 PM): i said i dont have much hair 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:37:25 PM): so i dont need to yet 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:37:33 PM): but i will if it gets too much indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:37:52 PM): you said you did at the top 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:38:16 PM): no thats where i said i do have hair 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:38:17 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:38:24 PM): tats the only place there is a lil bit indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:38:26 PM): ahhh indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:39:36 PM): so some of your friends are shaving theirs already 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:39:58 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:40:52 PM): does that make you jealous in anyway 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:41:03 PM): i hate hair 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:41:10 PM): so it dont bug me indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:41:35 PM): yeah but normally thats a sign of maturity 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:41:52 PM): it dont make me jealous indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:41:58 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:42:25 PM): guys like less hair better e n ways 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:42:32 PM): thats good indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:42:34 PM): n e 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:42:38 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:42:41 PM): i knew wat u meant indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:42:54 PM): i aint hip like u 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:43:30 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:43:58 PM): i don't know all this stuff you teens put up like on myspace 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:44:09 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:44:36 PM): looks like just a buch of letters but i'm sure its a code indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:44:44 PM): bunch 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:44:57 PM): i aint gont nuthin funky up indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:45:14 PM): i know 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:49:05 PM): well i think i am gonna hit the bed indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:49:19 PM): aaawwwww:( 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:49:23 PM): im srry 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:49:26 PM): u seem kinda busy indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:49:32 PM): nope indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:49:53 PM): just seemed like i was doin all the talkin indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:50:11 PM): thought i'd let u talk 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:50:34 PM): well u r kool to talk to indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:50:48 PM): ty indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:50:55 PM): so are you 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:51:05 PM): so do u still think ima cop? indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:51:35 PM): you said no indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:51:46 PM): so i'll believe ya 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:51:48 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:52:20 PM): still wanna have sex wit me? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:52:29 PM): do u wanna? indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:52:40 PM): if u do 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:52:44 PM): yah i do indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:53:12 PM): i mean i could just do a lil 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:53:21 PM): wat do u mean? indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:53:42 PM): maybe just play with ya a bit 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:54:30 PM): that would be awesum indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:55:04 PM): you know kiss and stuff 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:55:14 PM): yah :D indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:55:48 PM): maybe feel your boobs and lick them 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:56:15 PM): ooh that would feel good indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:56:34 PM): maybe fingger you indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:56:41 PM): finger 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:56:42 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:57:31 PM): maybe let u do things to me 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:57:42 PM): that would be kool indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:58:32 PM): where at in ky are you? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:58:44 PM): i am by cincy indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:58:56 PM): whats the city 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:59:38 PM): im afraid to say lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 10:59:46 PM): why? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 10:59:55 PM): idk 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:00:02 PM): i am very close to covington indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:00:40 PM): can't see ya if i don't know where in going 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:00:58 PM): u r gonna come? indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:01:33 PM): do i drive to covington and just wait in a random parking lot 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:01:41 PM): nooo 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:01:55 PM): we could in the bowling lot parking lot if u wanted 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:02:00 PM): or my house indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:02:01 PM): thought u wanted me to come 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:02:07 PM): i do! indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:02:37 PM): there many ppl at the bowling alley 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:02:44 PM): my house then? indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:02:59 PM): we could park privatly 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:03:04 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:03:16 PM): well we could meet at the bowling alley thencome to my house indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:03:28 PM): either way 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:03:31 PM): k indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:03:55 PM): but....i still don't know where indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:04:04 PM): :-/ 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:04:14 PM): lol i just wanna be sure u will come indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:04:33 PM): i will indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:04:43 PM): why wouldn't i 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:05:06 PM): kool 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:05:24 PM): i live in highland heights indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:05:45 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:05:50 PM): :) now im happy indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:06:32 PM): cool 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:06:38 PM): u happy too? indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:06:53 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:07:08 PM): :D indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:07:16 PM): i'd be happy just to meet u 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:07:25 PM): me too indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:07:41 PM): maybe that would be best 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:07:53 PM): :( wat? indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:08:05 PM): just to meet first indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:08:15 PM): talk in stuff 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:08:19 PM): omg indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:08:33 PM): what? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:08:45 PM): all that talk about stuff? 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:08:52 PM): now we r just gonna meet/ indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:09:44 PM): i'm just saying that would be cool wit me 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:09:49 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:10:14 PM): i aint gonna force u to do nothing 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:10:21 PM): i didnt think u were indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:10:56 PM): u may meet and not wanna do anything wit me 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:11:05 PM): well y do u think that? indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:11:17 PM): never can tell indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:11:33 PM): i'd only be your 2nd guy indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:11:55 PM): maybe you'd get nervous 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:11:56 PM): ya know if u dont want to u shoudl just say u dont indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:12:18 PM): i do indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:12:59 PM): i'm saying just play it by ear ya know 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:13:47 PM): k indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:13:48 PM): meet and talk if ya feel comfortable we could do more 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:13:55 PM): well im gonna go 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:13:58 PM): i will ttyl indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:14:06 PM): hey 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:14:12 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:14:35 PM): does your mom leave ya alone on weekends 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:14:48 PM): she is goin to a thing this weekend with her bf indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:15:11 PM): does anyone check on ya 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:15:25 PM): my gram does but its always during the day indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:15:47 PM): she drop by or call 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:16:01 PM): calls 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:16:14 PM): unless i want sumthing indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:16:31 PM): u just want me lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:17:07 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:17:14 PM): don't ya 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:17:36 PM): well u was talking about all this good stuff then u turn around say oh well lets jus tmeet and talk indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:18:09 PM): didn't say it wouldn't happen indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:18:53 PM): just wanna make sure you're comfortable with me indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:19:13 PM): ya know 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:19:26 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:19:53 PM): what's the name of the bowling alley 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:20:27 PM): i will tell u when ims ure u will come indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:20:51 PM): is it walking distance to your house 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:20:56 PM): yep indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:21:11 PM): i'm tryin to come indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:21:29 PM): gotta figure out where i'm going 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:21:32 PM): i will tell u tomorrorw ok? im tired and need to go to bed 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:21:37 PM): our town aint tha big lol 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:21:50 PM): got skool indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:22:11 PM): are you near ALEXANDRIA PIKE 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:22:16 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:22:21 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:22:24 PM): alexandria 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:22:34 PM): ok i will tty tomorrow i hope niters >:D< indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:22:39 PM): the highway 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:22:47 PM): lol yah 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:22:50 PM): nite!! lol indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:22:51 PM): 27 13 year old decoy (04/11/07 11:22:53 PM): mwah indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:23:00 PM): nite sweety indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:23:09 PM): >:D<:-* indianahighroller (04/11/07 11:23:24 PM): sweet dreams indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:26:59 PM): hi 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:27:07 PM): hey indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:27:15 PM): whats up? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:27:20 PM): nm andu? indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:27:29 PM): same indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:27:38 PM): kindda bored 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:27:53 PM): me too indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:28:10 PM): how was ur day/ indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:28:11 PM): ? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:28:45 PM): it was ok 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:28:51 PM): crappy 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:28:54 PM): weather lol indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:29:22 PM): yeah same here 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:29:54 PM): :( indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:30:57 PM): what's wrong? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:31:02 PM): just bored 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:31:07 PM): cranky indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:31:11 PM): poor baby indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:31:23 PM): cranky? why? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:31:27 PM): idk indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:31:53 PM): that time of the month lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:32:02 PM): nope indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:33:22 PM): i was j/k 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:33:32 PM): lol i know indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:34:22 PM): did ya leave or just hiding 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:34:33 PM): im gonna go eat 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 6:35:05 PM): but will be back in like half n hr indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:35:19 PM): aaaaawww ok indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:35:32 PM): i'll be around indianahighroller (04/12/07 6:36:03 PM): if u don't see me send me a message indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:01:09 PM): u back yet? indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:11:36 PM): wb 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:11:41 PM): hi u :) indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:12:01 PM): lil more than half an hour lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:12:21 PM): im srry my mom is packin and shes being a pain indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:12:36 PM): packin what? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:12:44 PM): she is packin for her trip indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:13:01 PM): where's she goin 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:13:08 PM): i thought i told u indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:13:22 PM): i don't think so 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:13:40 PM): her and her bf r going away for the weekend indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:13:47 PM): oh indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:13:52 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:14:01 PM): where they going 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:14:14 PM): to sum hotel in tenn indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:14:32 PM): she gonna get sum lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:14:38 PM): prolly 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:14:39 PM): ewww indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:15:00 PM): ur just jealous lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:15:16 PM): ewww lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:15:25 PM): just aint rite to think aobut ur mom doin stuff indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:15:59 PM): nah ur just jealous cuz u want sum lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:16:04 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:16:06 PM): u r rotten indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:16:57 PM): but...honest 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:17:08 PM): i aint jealous her bf is icky indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:17:46 PM): i didn't say u wanted sum from hin 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:18:20 PM): shudders indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:19:02 PM): just sayin u want sum 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:19:07 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:19:12 PM): >:P indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:19:40 PM): yeah gimme sum tongue lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:19:47 PM): ooooh ook lol indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:21:00 PM): u good with ur tongue? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:21:11 PM): well i hope i am 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:21:17 PM): my old bf didnt complain indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:21:51 PM): what did he like you to do with it? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:22:07 PM): use ur imagaination indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:22:17 PM): tell me? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:22:31 PM): no indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:22:39 PM): why not? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:23:01 PM): cauz i already did indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:23:09 PM): nu uh 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:23:32 PM): did to indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:23:53 PM): u never said ne thing bout useing ur tongue on him 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:23:59 PM): i did to indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:24:30 PM): refresh my memory 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:24:47 PM): i told u we did oral stuff indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:25:11 PM): but thats all u said indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:25:28 PM): u didn't say how indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:27:21 PM): tell me how u used ur tongue on him orally 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:27:47 PM): no indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:27:53 PM): why? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:28:27 PM): u know wat a bj is lol indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:28:49 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:29:16 PM): but i wanna know how u did it 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:29:26 PM): well i aint goin into details indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:29:34 PM): or how u would do it indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:30:07 PM): a bj is just a girls mouth on a guy 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:30:22 PM): yep indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:30:44 PM): so where did the tongue get used 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:31:00 PM): told u i am cranky tonite indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:31:41 PM): just wondering what ur bj's r like indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:35:11 PM): i guess i pissed u off 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:35:27 PM): im not mad i aint sayin tho 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:35:31 PM): u know wat bjs r indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:36:05 PM): different girls do them different ways 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:36:10 PM): yah im sure indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:36:18 PM): they do 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:36:53 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:37:15 PM): >:D< 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:37:38 PM): >:D< indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:38:00 PM): u thought about meeting? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:39:47 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:40:01 PM): and? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:40:51 PM): well i think i would like it lots indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:41:10 PM): would ya? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:41:14 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:41:15 PM): u? indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:41:21 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:41:56 PM): i think it would be cool to meet u 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:42:15 PM): i think it would be kool too indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:42:49 PM): whats ur fav food? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:43:25 PM): pizza indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:43:48 PM): is there a good pizza place there 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:44:07 PM): well theres the bowlilng alley lol 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:44:12 PM): easiest for me to get to indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:45:00 PM): i thought we could meet and talk and get something to eat 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:46:31 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:47:17 PM): u seem busy 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:47:22 PM): lm not indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:47:55 PM): u busy chattin? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:47:57 PM): no indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:48:31 PM): just seemed like it was takin you longer to answer 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:48:36 PM): srry 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:48:40 PM): just thinkin about htings indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:48:44 PM): its cool 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:48:48 PM): k indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:49:05 PM): whatcha thinking about? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:49:24 PM): oh nuthin rlly 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:49:30 PM): just dont understand things sumtimes indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:49:54 PM): hey i'm a good listener 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:50:04 PM): adults say one thing and then do another thats all 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:50:16 PM): i dont know if i wanna be an adult if they r all that way indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:51:14 PM): ur mom tell ya something then do something else? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:51:27 PM): yah most adults r like that indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:51:45 PM): talking about me too? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:51:50 PM): yep 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:51:54 PM): all adults indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:52:00 PM): k indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:52:14 PM): what did i do? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:52:30 PM): u had all this talk about stuff we was gonna do then u say well we will just meet n talk 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:52:39 PM): y do adults play those stupid fuckin games? 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:52:48 PM): i thought that teenage boys did that indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:53:45 PM): i'm just sayin thats where we could start 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:53:54 PM): watever 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:54:00 PM): its all a game indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:54:16 PM): i aint playin games 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:55:09 PM): im tired im gonna go 13 year old decoy (04/12/07 8:55:10 PM): cya indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:55:21 PM): hey indianahighroller (04/12/07 8:55:28 PM): talk to me indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:31:15 PM): hey indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:34:29 PM): there or ru ignoring me :( 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:35:04 PM): hi indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:35:21 PM): how ru today 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:35:26 PM): im ok and u? indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:35:35 PM): i'm good indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:35:51 PM): whatcha up to? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:35:56 PM): just chattin 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:35:58 PM): u? indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:36:08 PM): talkin t u indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:36:14 PM): to* indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:36:32 PM): am i bothering u? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:36:35 PM): no 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:36:42 PM): im just sittin here indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:36:42 PM): u sure 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:36:46 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:36:49 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:37:09 PM): i don't wanna be a pain 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:37:15 PM): u aint 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:37:20 PM): not doing anything indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:37:49 PM): when's ur mom leavin 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:37:59 PM): shes gone indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:38:09 PM): i see indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:38:46 PM): r ya jammin with the house to ur self 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:38:50 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:38:56 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:39:11 PM): u mad at me? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:39:19 PM): no im just ..i dont even know wat i am indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:39:49 PM): wanna talk about it? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:39:53 PM): nah indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:40:33 PM): i'm guessing u didn't like my idea for meeting 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:41:01 PM): idk indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:41:25 PM): still wanna meet? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:41:30 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:41:38 PM): u sure 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:41:52 PM): no indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:42:05 PM): yah then no? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:42:09 PM): im not sure indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:42:25 PM): how come? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:43:02 PM): cauz we talked about a lot of stuff then u say oh we can just meet and talk indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:43:40 PM): we could do whatever u want 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:44:13 PM): u didnt say that yesterday indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:44:36 PM): i said we could do more indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:45:27 PM): i was just sayin that was an idea of something else we could do 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:46:53 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:47:36 PM): can u tell me what else you'd like to do? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:49:20 PM): well i just dont wanna say we r only gonna meet and talk indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:49:32 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:49:37 PM): u was talking about all this stuff we cold do then u just turned around said oh we can eat indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:50:42 PM): ok what would be the perfect meet for u? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:52:03 PM): just at least meeting you indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:52:37 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:53:01 PM): i just don't wanna dissappoint u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:53:31 PM): how so? indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:53:53 PM): i dkn 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:54:00 PM): i like u indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:54:10 PM): i like u too 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:54:14 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:54:22 PM): u seem really sweet 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:54:42 PM): so do u indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:54:43 PM): except last night lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:54:50 PM): yah told u i was bitchy lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:55:04 PM): i kindda noticed indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:55:06 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:55:30 PM): lol well we had talke about doing stuff then it seemed like u didnt want to at all indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:56:18 PM): i never said i didn't wanna do stuff 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:56:27 PM): sounded like it indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:56:45 PM): sorry u took it that way 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:56:45 PM): u told me that stuff about standing up and stuff and then u said no u didnt wanna indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:57:23 PM): i didn't say that 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:58:06 PM): felt like it indianahighroller (04/13/07 4:58:07 PM): all i got to say is we could talk and have pizza and u got mad 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:59:24 PM): it just felt like it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 4:59:48 PM): it made me feel like u think of me like a lil kid indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:00:05 PM): i'm sorry indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:00:18 PM): i didn't mean to 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:00:22 PM): its ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:01:38 PM): does it matter what kindda stuff we do? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:01:49 PM): no not rlly indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:02:26 PM): any thing u wanna do? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:02:43 PM): well yah but i dont know wat u do indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:03:11 PM): just ask me 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:04:45 PM): idk indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:05:31 PM): u dkn what u wanna do 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:05:49 PM): sigh i just dont get things sumtimes indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:06:03 PM): why? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:07:02 PM): idk indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:07:59 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:08:51 PM): for me to come there its about a 4 hour drive 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:09:04 PM): and u dont wanna? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:09:27 PM): yah i do indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:09:47 PM): but...u seem like u dkn 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:09:54 PM): yah i want u to indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:11:00 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:11:23 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:13:12 PM): it would prolly be about 3 before i could get there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:13:28 PM): u mean tonite or tomorrow? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:14:07 PM): you want me there at 3 in the morning 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:14:22 PM): lol that mite be kinda late indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:14:35 PM): yeah just a lil lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:14:40 PM): tomorrow? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:14:46 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:14:56 PM): that would be kool indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:15:02 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:15:15 PM): so u wanna get pizza and talk? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:15:30 PM): thats a start 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:15:39 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:15:57 PM): if thats cool with u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:16:03 PM): lol yeah indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:17:19 PM): i gotta tell ya something though 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:17:23 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:17:41 PM): i'm in a wheelchair 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:17:47 PM): rlly? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:17:54 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:18:01 PM): wat happemed? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:18:29 PM): i broke my neck in a diving accident 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:18:33 PM): omg 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:18:38 PM): im srry indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:18:51 PM): its not ur falt indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:18:58 PM): fault 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:19:02 PM): yah but it sux indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:19:14 PM): i'm ok with it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:19:21 PM): well thats good 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:19:29 PM): and im ok with it too if u r worried indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:19:45 PM): wanna see 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:19:52 PM): sure indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:19:55 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:20:50 PM): aww u look cute tho indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:21:01 PM): ty thats sweet 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:21:30 PM): so u can still do stuff? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:21:46 PM): yeah kindda 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:21:53 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:22:09 PM): nothing standing up 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:22:53 PM): ahhh 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:22:59 PM): well thats ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:23:11 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:24:40 PM): u keep sayin stuff why don't u say the other names 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:25:48 PM): well i didnt know cauz if u wanted to still do that it anymore indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:26:23 PM): u could still say the names indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:26:52 PM): ya know i won't get offened indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:27:11 PM): offended* 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:27:25 PM): okay indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:28:39 PM): like i said what happens will be up to u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:28:45 PM): well u too indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:29:18 PM): u just need to tell me what ya wanna do 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:30:00 PM): well anyhthing is fine 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:30:07 PM): rlly i dont even rlly know wat u wanna do indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:31:20 PM): gimme an idea what u wanna do and i tell yeah if its cool 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:32:08 PM): well wat do u wanna do? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:32:38 PM): i'm asking u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:32:50 PM): i dont know wat u can do? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:33:09 PM): ask and i'll tell u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:33:54 PM): sigh indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:34:20 PM): what 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:34:57 PM): i just wish u would tel lme wat was on ur mind 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:35:00 PM): so i knew 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:35:10 PM): can u feel stuff? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:35:15 PM): i just wanna here u say what u would like to do 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:35:30 PM): can u feel stuff? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:35:48 PM): ummmmm kindda 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:36:13 PM): so wat would u get outta doing the stuff we already talkedd about? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:36:32 PM): its fun 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:36:47 PM): rlly? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:36:55 PM): do u get worked up and stuff? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:37:04 PM): don't u think it is 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:37:09 PM): yah i luv it indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:37:28 PM): what do u love most? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:37:35 PM): oral indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:38:04 PM): giving or recieveing 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:38:09 PM): both indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:38:13 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:38:27 PM): i can still do that 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:38:45 PM): kool 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:38:48 PM): both? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:38:55 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:38:58 PM): kool 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:39:20 PM): brb indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:39:26 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:42:57 PM): so r u just more comfy not doin anything like that? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:43:50 PM): not doin anything like what? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:44:29 PM): like sex stuff we talked about indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:44:59 PM): like i said just ask me indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:45:06 PM): i'll tell ya 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:45:17 PM): sigh indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:46:23 PM): how come u just won't just ask me? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:46:50 PM): y do i have to? we had talked about stuff and then all of a sudden u changed ur mind, i didnt indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:47:29 PM): i haven't changed my mind i just wanna hear it from u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:47:38 PM): y? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:47:42 PM): i already said it indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:47:45 PM): is that wrong 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:47:56 PM): maybe i feel weird 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:48:04 PM): i aint used to saying dirty stuff srry indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:48:22 PM): u shouldn't feel wierd 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:48:41 PM): well i do indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:48:57 PM): u said bj yesterday 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:49:06 PM): well 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:49:12 PM): then y do i have to say it again? indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:49:43 PM): well u said u had done it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:49:52 PM): i have indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:50:02 PM): not if u wanna do it again 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:50:14 PM): well i would like to indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:50:37 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:50:40 PM): i gotta eat sumthing 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 5:50:47 PM): im starvin iw ill be back in a lil indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:50:55 PM): hey indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:51:24 PM): last time u said 1/2 hour and it was like 2 hours indianahighroller (04/13/07 5:51:26 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:00:54 PM): k back indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:01:18 PM): that was quick 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:01:29 PM): told u 15 indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:02:28 PM): i didn't get that i just got \"shelly bear: im starvin iw ill be back in a lil\" 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:02:37 PM): ohhh ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:03:15 PM): what did ya get to eat 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:03:32 PM): just a ham sandwich and chips indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:03:54 PM): sounds good i'm hungry too indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:04:04 PM): feed me lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:04:27 PM): lol emails ham sandwich indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:05:05 PM): i think i'm still gonna be hungry 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:05:26 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:07:51 PM): i'm bored 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:07:56 PM): me too indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:08:39 PM): am i gonna let ya know when i get there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:08:48 PM): do u have a cell? indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:08:55 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:09:04 PM): do u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:09:09 PM): no 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:09:26 PM): u sure u wanna come? indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:09:43 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:09:46 PM): why? indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:10:10 PM): u havin second thoughts 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:10:19 PM): not at all 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:12:28 PM): u s till here? indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:12:34 PM): yup 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:12:54 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:13:13 PM): waitin for u to tell me how i'm gonna let u know i'm there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:13:43 PM): ohhh 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:14:10 PM): well can i just like call u around 2:30? indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:14:18 PM): that would be helpful 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:14:25 PM): k i will do that indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:15:02 PM): or i can call you when i get there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:15:05 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:15:07 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 6:15:15 PM): brb 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 6:15:17 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:14:05 PM): u there indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:14:05 PM): u there? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:44:48 PM): hey indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:44:55 PM): hey indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:45:06 PM): where did ya go 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:45:29 PM): well i saw u go offline, and so i layed down for alil bit and fell asleep indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:46:30 PM): yeah i went for a drink and when i got back yahoo had logged off on me indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:46:44 PM): wasn't gone that long 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:46:47 PM): ahhh i though u left indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:46:56 PM): nope 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:47:00 PM): my comp-uter has a bug or sumthing indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:47:13 PM): i said brb not see ya later :p 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:47:30 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:48:02 PM): my computer is bein a butt i have to reboot brb indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:48:12 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:50:56 PM): wb 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:51:04 PM): ty indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:51:12 PM): yw indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:51:21 PM): >:D<:-* 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:51:23 PM): so wat u up to? indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:51:46 PM): chattin wit u and watchin tv indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:51:56 PM): what u up to indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:52:03 PM): hiding or did u leave again 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:54:07 PM): ok lets try it again indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:54:19 PM): get booted indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:54:41 PM): ? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:54:42 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:55:01 PM): are u running myspace IM? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:55:16 PM): no y? indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:55:53 PM): just seems when i run both it tends to kick me off yahoo 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:56:10 PM): maybe thats my problem indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:56:38 PM): but...your not running it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:56:57 PM): no imnot indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:57:45 PM): then that wouldn't be the problem then would it lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:57:55 PM): thats true indianahighroller (04/13/07 9:58:20 PM): uh huh 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 9:59:31 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:00:29 PM): i work on computers 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:00:36 PM): yah thats rite lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:01:35 PM): so wat did have u been up to since? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:02:08 PM): i guess u didn't get the message 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:02:17 PM): which one? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:02:31 PM): i said chattin wit u and watchin tv 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:02:44 PM): geez im not awake yet indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:02:59 PM): what u up to 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:03:14 PM): still waking up lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:03:18 PM): cant believe i slept that long indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:03:35 PM): lazy :P 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:03:42 PM): yah! i am indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:03:57 PM): you'll be up all night now 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:04:25 PM): yah maybe indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:05:58 PM): and i'm not there either 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:06:07 PM): yah i know :( indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:06:35 PM): u want me there? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:06:50 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:07:04 PM): why? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:07:08 PM): ;) 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:07:52 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:07:54 PM): u r naughty indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:08:14 PM): hows that indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:08:24 PM): i just asked why 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:08:26 PM): i was only teasin indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:09:07 PM): what would u do to me if i were there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:09:26 PM): i iwould do most of the stuff we talked abotu before indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:10:07 PM): like :d 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:10:14 PM): the stuff we talked about indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:10:55 PM): a lil more specific without being dirty 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:11:13 PM): u said u didnt wanna do that stuff :( indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:11:33 PM): when? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:11:37 PM): last nite indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:11:44 PM): nu uh indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:12:12 PM): we talked about this before u fell asleep 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:12:21 PM): so u did wanna do them? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:13:03 PM): i'd just like to hear u say it is all 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:13:20 PM): but u didnt asnwer my question cauz i aint gonna say nuthing til i know indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:14:11 PM): ask me which ones and i'll tell ya if i wanna do them 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:14:32 PM): no it was the stuff we talkeda bout and u know wat i mean 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:14:36 PM): i know u cant do sum stuff indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:14:51 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:15:04 PM): what can't i do? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:15:10 PM): the standing up thing indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:15:14 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:15:23 PM): the sex part? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:15:38 PM): what sex part? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:15:42 PM): having sex indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:16:28 PM): u talkin intercourse? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:16:31 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:16:51 PM): did i say i couldn't 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:16:55 PM): i thought u did indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:17:08 PM): i don't think so 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:17:14 PM): srry i though u did 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:17:29 PM): well i know we couldnt do anything standing indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:17:59 PM): keep asking ur on a roll lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:18:20 PM): i think its crappy that u want me to say everything its likeu r playing games withme 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:18:53 PM): and i dont understand y indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:19:02 PM): not playing games i just wanna hear it from u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:19:15 PM): no u dont u heard it from me andu just wanna playgames indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:19:16 PM): its kindda sexy to me 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:19:37 PM): well it makes me feel like shit 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:19:44 PM): cauz if u dont wanna come its ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:19:47 PM): i'm sorry indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:20:04 PM): i don't know why it does 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:20:14 PM): cauz we already talkeda bout this indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:20:21 PM): i do wanna meet ya 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:20:38 PM): well i would like that too but i aint into games damn boys my age play them indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:21:24 PM): all guys like to hear whats wanted of them 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:21:35 PM): well good for them indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:21:42 PM): i swear its no game 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:21:51 PM): im too tired of talking about it already 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:21:59 PM): lets just talk on the puter and not meet indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:22:13 PM): why? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:22:22 PM): cauz i dont like the freakin games 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:22:25 PM): its stupid indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:22:37 PM): i aint playin games 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:22:42 PM): feels like it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:22:47 PM): we can just chat online 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:22:50 PM): im fine with that indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:23:17 PM): but....i thought u wanted to meet indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:23:26 PM): i still do indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:23:58 PM): i'm willing to drive 4 hours just meet with u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:24:21 PM): i know but the games of it the words game just makes me tired and i dont wanna keep talking about it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:24:35 PM): its like almost just a game indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:25:19 PM): i'm sorry 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:25:24 PM): no its fine 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:25:32 PM): maybe sumtime when we both know wat we want indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:25:40 PM): it wasn't ment to be a game i swear 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:25:44 PM): its ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:26:09 PM): u don't wanna meet 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:26:17 PM): nah its like turned out to be ruined indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:26:28 PM): damm indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:26:43 PM): i didn't mean to 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:26:44 PM): we can stay friends and when we know wat we eant 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:26:47 PM): want indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:27:13 PM): i know what i want i was just asking u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:27:35 PM): i already told u before indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:27:47 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:28:07 PM): i'm sorry :( 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:28:14 PM): no im srry too 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:28:37 PM): it just got too hard and i dotn wanna keep dancing around words when they make me uncomfy it felt like u liked watching me squirm indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:29:19 PM): i didn't mean to make ya squirm 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:29:34 PM): its ok 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:29:36 PM): i aint mad indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:29:48 PM): sounded like it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:29:57 PM): rlly im not indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:30:06 PM): >:D<:-* 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:30:22 PM): >:D<:-* indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:30:23 PM): kiss and make up? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:30:43 PM): sure 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:30:47 PM): i was neve rmad indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:31:00 PM): seemed like it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:31:05 PM): i wasnt 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:31:08 PM): just got tired indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:31:24 PM): tired u just work up lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:31:44 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:31:52 PM): like mentally tiredor sumthing? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:32:32 PM): i know indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:32:54 PM): u were getting tired of the questions 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:33:03 PM): yah it was like games 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:33:24 PM): wat do u want? no wat do u want? well do u want this? well idk do u want that? well say this say that indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:34:09 PM): but...geeze u called it off so u musta been ticked 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:34:37 PM): no i was tired indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:35:19 PM): have u changed ur mind again? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:35:34 PM): not if i have to go thru all that stuff again indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:36:55 PM): u don't 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:37:00 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:37:14 PM): so...we back on 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:37:27 PM): idk indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:39:15 PM): i'd need to know tonight so i can leave early enough 2morrow 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:39:24 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:40:00 PM): wat r we gonna do? u gonna stay allnite? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:40:49 PM): i'll come vist u but i can't stay all night 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:40:55 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:40:58 PM): visit* indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:41:24 PM): i gotta come home to take care of my dog 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:41:30 PM): i understand 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:41:35 PM): wat kinda dog do u got? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:41:41 PM): cocker 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:41:56 PM): awwwww indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:42:10 PM): he's getting old 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:42:14 PM): how old? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:42:43 PM): has an ear infestion that makes him stink bad sometimes indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:42:50 PM): 11 1/2 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:42:51 PM): nothin helps it? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:43:32 PM): it goes away for awhile but it always comes back 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:43:38 PM): poor guy indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:43:49 PM): he needs a haircut too 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:43:52 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:44:03 PM): so do u have like a van? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:44:43 PM): no indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:44:47 PM): a car 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:44:57 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:45:40 PM): had a van but the car get better gas milage 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:45:45 PM): makes sense 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:45:58 PM): so we just gonna have pizza and movies? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:46:21 PM): where we gonna see movies at 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:46:40 PM): i ht ought we could order on on pay per view or get a dvd indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:46:50 PM): oh ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:47:18 PM): that'll depend if i can get in your house too 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:47:27 PM): u should be able to indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:47:45 PM): i can't get up steps 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:48:33 PM): we got a deck out back that should be easy to get up indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:48:53 PM): does it have steps? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:49:08 PM): or a step 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:49:15 PM): yah but i got a board thing indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:49:36 PM): gotta be atleast 3 feet wide 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:49:45 PM): yah it is indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:50:12 PM): doubt u could push me up it though 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:50:29 PM): it aint very high 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:52:54 PM): hello? indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:53:14 PM): 4 inches means i'd need 4 feet of ramp indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:53:25 PM): i lost connection 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:53:28 PM): ahh 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:53:37 PM): i think it wont be aproblem indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:54:07 PM): i guess we'll see 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 10:55:03 PM): brb phone indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:55:09 PM): hopefully it won't be wet so i don't leave tire tracks in the house indianahighroller (04/13/07 10:55:15 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:01:22 PM): back 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:01:33 PM): oh i dont think u gotta worry about hat indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:01:33 PM): wb indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:01:46 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:01:56 PM): we got a cement driveway indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:02:02 PM): cool 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:03:04 PM): my mom called indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:03:26 PM): she checkin up on u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:03:50 PM): she said she would call indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:04:20 PM): she in TN now 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:04:27 PM): ya indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:04:34 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:04:56 PM): she take her camera with 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:04:56 PM): so u r positive u wanna come? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:05:02 PM): yeah indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:06:50 PM): did u get my question? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:07:04 PM): just scrolled back 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:07:06 PM): yah she did indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:07:18 PM): to bad 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:07:24 PM): how come indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:07:30 PM): :( 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:07:33 PM): lol wat u wanna do with it? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:08:17 PM): too bad she took it indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:08:22 PM): :( 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:08:47 PM): lol y? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:09:16 PM): you could've sent me a newer pic 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:09:23 PM): im srry indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:09:45 PM): unless you got on u haven't posted 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:10:20 PM): no im srry all i got is wats on y prof indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:10:56 PM): and ur myspace 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:10:59 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:11:04 PM): i put all my pics on my prof tho 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:11:07 PM): when it got wiped out indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:11:23 PM): they're still there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:11:34 PM): yah but my old prof got wiped out 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:11:49 PM): did we chat before that? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:12:05 PM): but ur pics are still on your new profile 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:12:13 PM): yah i just put them there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:12:16 PM): on the yahoo one indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:14:32 PM): so u want me to come tomrrow 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:15:01 PM): u sure u wanna? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:15:19 PM): if u want me to 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:15:33 PM): i do indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:15:37 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:15:39 PM): u want the addy? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:16:09 PM): though i was meeting u at the bowling alley 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:16:20 PM): its up ot u indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:16:35 PM): that works 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:16:45 PM): i dont know exact addresss 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:17:13 PM): i will give u my addy first ok? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:17:34 PM): my addy is highland heights indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:17:48 PM): Bowling Lanes 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:17:53 PM): yah!! l ol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:18:01 PM): how did u know? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:18:26 PM): looked up bowling alleys in your city 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:18:35 PM): smarty indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:19:30 PM): uh huh 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:19:40 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:19:44 PM): so u wanna meet there? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:20:33 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:20:37 PM): k 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:20:42 PM): wat time? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:20:49 PM): do you go to Highland Heights Elem School 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:21:02 PM): duh i aint in elementary and y u asking me that anyways? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:21:28 PM): lookin stuff up in that area 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:21:33 PM): oh indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:22:19 PM): spying on ya lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:22:28 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:24:49 PM): ? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:24:52 PM): ? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:24:58 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:25:02 PM): u gonna give me ur cell? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:25:25 PM): or u could give me ur number indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:25:43 PM): and i'll call when i get there 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:26:02 PM): ****** indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:26:34 PM): otherwise you'll have a long distance call to explain too 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:26:40 PM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:26:55 PM): if u call me like 15 mins before u get there i will walk up and wait for u indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:27:48 PM): not knowing where i'm going i won't know when i'm 15 mins away 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:27:58 PM): wat time do u thinku will be there? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:28:06 PM): aroud 3 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:28:11 PM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:28:18 PM): well call me at like 2:30? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:28:28 PM): i'll try 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:28:33 PM): kool 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:28:39 PM): i will wait for u :) indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:29:00 PM): just remember to clear it off the caller I D 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:29:08 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:29:26 PM): that way ur mom won't ask about it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:29:39 PM): im not dumb lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:30:13 PM): u sure lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:30:17 PM): :( indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:31:30 PM): j/k:p 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:32:12 PM): i know :) indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:32:27 PM): brat :p 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:32:30 PM): lmao indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:32:52 PM): i see that number is unlisted 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:33:09 PM): y did u look it up? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:33:13 PM): yup 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:34:29 PM): y? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:34:53 PM): to see if it was listed 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:35:03 PM): hmm makes me feel all weird indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:35:27 PM): why you already gave me the number 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:35:55 PM): just y would u look it up? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:36:35 PM): just wonderin indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:36:51 PM): just for the hell of it 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:37:00 PM): u r bein nosey lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:37:11 PM): yup :p 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:37:22 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:39:41 PM): i mean u gave me the number why would me looking it up make u feel wierd 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:40:07 PM): i just didnt get y u needed to look it up after i gave it to u but its ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:40:17 PM): ok indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:40:36 PM): so...whatcha doin 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:41:03 PM): thinkin about meeting u indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:41:11 PM): really? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:41:32 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:41:36 PM): r they good thoughts? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:41:45 PM): yah indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:41:53 PM): cool indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:42:29 PM): did u lay down on the couch or ur bed before 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:43:36 PM): my bed indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:44:28 PM): is that where ur computer is? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:45:50 PM): i have a laptop and keep it in my room mostly indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:45:58 PM): k indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:46:14 PM): u in ur pj's yet 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:46:29 PM): yep indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:46:48 PM): thats right u just woke up (:| indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:46:52 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:47:17 PM): i couldnt believe i slept that long indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:47:28 PM): lazy butt 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:47:36 PM): i know!! 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:47:39 PM): up too late chattin indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:48:07 PM): wasn't from me u left me extra early last night 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:48:18 PM): i was pissy last nite im srry indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:48:28 PM): i noticed indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:48:30 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:48:56 PM): hopefully u won't be tomorrow 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:49:17 PM): i wont indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:49:54 PM): i hold u to that lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:50:03 PM): kool indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:50:23 PM): what kindda pj's ya got 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:50:54 PM): like tshirt material pants and a top that matches it indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:51:07 PM): cool 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:51:13 PM): comfy indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:51:24 PM): sounds like it indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:51:45 PM): anything under? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:51:49 PM): panties indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:52:01 PM): why? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:52:03 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:52:15 PM): well i just feel better when i have them on indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:52:35 PM): ok i'll remember that 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:52:56 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:53:49 PM): :) indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:53:57 PM): note to self keep shellies panties on so she'll feel better 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:54:02 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:54:10 PM): well when i am alone and in my jammers indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:54:56 PM): so when ur not alone u feel beter without them? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:55:00 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:55:15 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:55:24 PM): i always wear at nite indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:55:43 PM): not always during the day? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:55:44 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:55:55 PM): that too indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:56:06 PM): i'm teasin u indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:56:07 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:56:13 PM): i know lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:56:29 PM): panties on all the time then 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:56:34 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:56:40 PM): do u wear urs all the time? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:57:11 PM): i don't wear panties i wear underwear 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:57:15 PM): lmao 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:57:16 PM): i hope so indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:57:37 PM): no i don't wear them all the time 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:57:54 PM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:57:59 PM): freeballin? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:58:02 PM): omg did i say that? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:58:06 PM): yup indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:58:25 PM): only when i go to bed 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:58:34 PM): lol indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:59:19 PM): u gonna pick out an outfit now? 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:59:26 PM): wat do u like? indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:59:34 PM): i told u 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:59:39 PM): skirt indianahighroller (04/13/07 11:59:45 PM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:59:51 PM): lmao 13 year old decoy (04/13/07 11:59:53 PM): and thong? indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:00:00 AM): yeah 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:00:04 AM): ok indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:00:38 AM): if u aint comfy wearing that its cool 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:01:08 AM): no i am 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:01:15 AM): my skirts aint htat short 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:01:22 AM): unless its windy lol 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:01:28 AM): then i will wear jeans indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:01:41 AM): i know they aint skanky short lol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:02:07 AM): afraid ur skirt will blow up? 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:02:11 AM): yah!! indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:02:29 AM): chicken bawk bawk lmao 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:02:46 AM): ppffftttt lol 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:04:07 AM): i got a headache for sum reason indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:04:21 AM): prolly me 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:04:26 AM): laol 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:04:32 AM): ahh my dog is buggin me indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:04:48 AM): poor doggie 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:04:55 AM): on my keyboard indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:05:12 AM): that aint good 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:05:25 AM): she wants attn indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:05:36 AM): me too lol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:05:42 AM): don't u 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:05:53 AM): yah indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:06:29 AM): see everyone and everything needs attention 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:06:36 AM): true indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:06:41 AM): :p 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:07:39 AM): lol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:08:53 AM): u laughing at my tongue 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:09:00 AM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:09:02 AM): grabs it indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:09:11 AM): ooowwww 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:09:17 AM): llol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:09:19 AM): that was mean indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:09:29 AM): that hurt 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:10:08 AM): lol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:10:34 AM): now i can't use it 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:10:53 AM): uh oh indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:11:22 AM): what? 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:11:34 AM): not able to use ur tongue indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:11:45 AM): i'll live 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:11:56 AM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:12:10 AM): i cant believe i slept so long!! and i didnt have the door locked or nuthin indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:12:31 AM): might be a cpl days before it feels better 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:12:39 AM): aww poor baby indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:12:47 AM): ur fault indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:13:24 AM): how did u get ur fingers on it 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:13:33 AM): i just grabbed quick indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:14:06 AM): they tasted funny what u been doing /:) 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:14:11 AM): lmao indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:14:12 AM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:14:13 AM): i will never tell indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:14:57 AM): as long as it wasn't picking ur nose 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:15:17 AM): nah i dont pick my hnose indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:16:14 AM): finally got over that huh 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:16:21 AM): yah took a while lol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:18:15 AM): wb again 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:18:20 AM): geez 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:18:21 AM): booted indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:18:26 AM): i saw indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:18:49 AM): butt getting sore from getting booted 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:19:04 AM): heck yeah indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:19:19 AM): poor baby indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:19:30 AM): need it massaged 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:19:37 AM): uh huh indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:19:52 AM): lol 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:21:37 AM): hey i htink im gonna go to bed indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:21:51 AM): again already 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:21:57 AM): yah 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:22:00 AM): i am so tired indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:22:03 AM): dang u are lazy 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:22:19 AM): hey!! lol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:22:32 AM): hey!! what?? 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:22:38 AM): i am not lol indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:22:54 AM): u r to u admitted it 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:23:00 AM): yah i am indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:24:30 AM): i gotta remember to write down ur number and the directions 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:24:33 AM): ok 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:24:38 AM): would help :) indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:24:50 AM): how? 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:24:58 AM): so u knew where to come indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:25:06 AM): ahhh indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:25:22 AM): thought u ment u would help indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:26:13 AM): u really ready for bed 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:26:21 AM): yah im kinda tired 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:26:24 AM): dont know y indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:26:47 AM): well.....if ya really wanna go 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:26:59 AM): so i will talk to u tomorrow? indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:27:04 AM): i guess i'll say goodnight indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:27:09 AM): yup 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:27:32 AM): okay im happy u r comin indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:27:42 AM): me too 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:27:48 AM): cya later :) indianahighroller (04/14/07 12:28:08 AM): night sweety 13 year old decoy (04/14/07 12:28:27 AM): niters