For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ ¢ Medicare is the nation's health insurance program for the aged, disabled, and persons with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Part A of the program, the Hospital Insurance program, covers hospital, post-hospital, and hospice services. Part B, the Supplementary Medical Insurance program, covers a broad range of complementary medical services including physician, laboratory, outpatient hospital services, and durable medical equipment. Part C provides private plan options for beneficiaries enrolled in both Parts A and B. The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) added Part D to Medicare, which provided a new outpatient prescription drug benefit starting January 1, 2006. Medicare has established specific rules for payment of covered benefits under Parts A, B, and C. Some, such as physician services and most durable medical equipment, are based on fee schedules. Some payments are based, in part, on a provider's bid (an estimate of the cost of providing a service) relative to a benchmark (the maximum amount Medicare is willing to pay). Bids and benchmarks are used to determine payments in Medicare Part C. Some items of durable medical equipment in specified locations are to be based on competitive bidding in 2009. Many services, however, including inpatient and outpatient hospital care, are paid under different prospective payment systems (PPSs). In general, the program provides for annual updates to these payment amounts. The program also has rules regarding the amount of cost sharing, if any, which beneficiaries can be billed in excess of Medicare's recognized payment levels. Unlike other services, Medicare's outpatient prescription drug benefit can be obtained only through private plans. Further, while all Part D plans must meet certain minimum requirements, they differ in terms of benefit design, formulary drugs, and cost-sharing amounts. Medicare payment policies and potential changes to these policies are of continuing interest to Congress. The Medicare program has been a major focus of deficit reduction legislation since 1980. With certain exceptions, reductions in program spending have been achieved largely through regulating payments to providers, primarily hospitals and physicians. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-33, BBA 97) modified some existing payment policies, including changing underlying payment methodologies and updates to payment amounts. Subsequent legislation increased Medicare funding to mitigate the financial impact of some BBA 97 provisions. MMA, too, modified payment methods and established payment increases for some providers. Most recently, the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-432); the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-173, or MMSEA); and the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-275, or MIPPA) have affected Medicare's payments. This report provides an overview of Medicare payment rules by type of service, outlines current payment policies, and summarizes the basic rules for program updates. This report will be updated at least annually. ¢ Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Medicare Payment Principles .......................................................................................................... 1 Medicare Payment Rules........................................................................................................... 1 Beneficiary Out-of-Pocket Payments........................................................................................ 2 Recent Congressional Actions with Respect to Program Payments................................................ 3 Medicare Payment Policies ............................................................................................................. 5 Part A............................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) for Short-term, General Hospitals ............... 5 2. Hospitals Receiving Special Consideration Under Medicare's IPPS.................................... 8 3. IPPS-Exempt Hospitals and Distinct Part Units ................................................................... 9 4. Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Care................................................................................... 13 5. Hospice Care ....................................................................................................................... 14 Part B............................................................................................................................................. 14 1. Physicians............................................................................................................................ 14 2. Nonphysician Practitioners ................................................................................................. 15 3. Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Services............................................................................. 18 4. Preventive Services ............................................................................................................. 18 5. Telehealth ............................................................................................................................ 20 6. Durable Medical Equipment (DME)................................................................................... 20 7. Prosthetics and Orthotics..................................................................................................... 21 8. Surgical Dressings............................................................................................................... 21 9. Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (PEN) .............................................................................. 21 10. Miscellaneous Items and Services..................................................................................... 22 11. Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) ............................................................................... 22 12. Hospital Outpatient Services............................................................................................. 23 13. Rural Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHCs) Services ............. 24 14. Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) ............................................. 25 15. Part B Drugs/Vaccines Covered Incident to a Physician's Visit........................................ 25 16. Blood................................................................................................................................. 25 17. Partial Hospitalization Services Connected to Treatment of Mental Illness ..................... 26 18. Ambulance Services .......................................................................................................... 26 Parts A and B ................................................................................................................................. 27 1. Home Health ....................................................................................................................... 27 2. End-Stage Renal Disease .................................................................................................... 28 Part C............................................................................................................................................. 30 Managed Care Organizations .................................................................................................. 30 Part D............................................................................................................................................. 33 Outpatient Prescription Drug Coverage .................................................................................. 33 CRS Reports for Additional Information ...................................................................................... 35 CRS Staff, by Medicare Issue........................................................................................................ 35 ¢ Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 37 ¢ Medicare is the nation's health insurance program for the aged, disabled, and persons with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Part A of the program, the Hospital Insurance program, covers hospital services, up to 100 days of post-hospital skilled nursing facility services, post- institutional home health visits, and hospice services. Part B, the Supplementary Medical Insurance program, covers a broad range of medical services including physician services, laboratory services, durable medical equipment, and outpatient hospital services. Part B also covers some home health visits. Part C provides private plan options, such as managed care, for beneficiaries who are enrolled in both Parts A and B. Part D provides outpatient prescription drug coverage. ¢ In general, the total payment received by a provider for covered services provided to a Medicare beneficiary is composed of two parts: a program payment amount from Medicare plus any beneficiary cost-sharing amount that is required.1 (The required beneficiary out-of-pocket payment may be paid by other insurance if any.) Medicare has established specific rules governing its program payments for all covered services as well as beneficiary cost sharing as described below. ¢ Medicare has established specific rules governing payment for covered services under Parts A, B, and C.2 For example, the program pays for most acute inpatient and outpatient hospital services, skilled nursing facility services, and home health care under a prospective payment system (PPS) established for the particular service; under PPS, a predetermined rate is paid for each unit of service such as a hospital discharge or payment classification group. Payments for physician services, clinical laboratory services, and certain durable medical equipment are made on the basis of fee schedules.3 Certain other services are paid on the basis of reasonable costs or reasonable charges. In general, the program provides for annual updates of the payment amounts 1 Not all services require cost sharing from a beneficiary. For instance, clinical laboratory services and home health services under Parts A and B of Medicare do not require payments from a beneficiary or a beneficiary's insurance, such as Medicare supplemental insurance (Medigap), Medicaid, or employer-sponsored retiree health insurance. Cost- sharing requirements under Part C plans may differ from those under Parts A and B for the same service. 2 Outpatient prescription drugs covered under Part D are not subject to Medicare payment rules. Prices are determined through negotiation between prescription drug plans (PDPs), or Medicare Advantage prescription drug (MA-PD) plans, and drug manufacturers. The Secretary of Health and Human Services is statutorily prohibited from intervening in Part D drug price negotiations. 3 The MMA required the Secretary to establish and implement a competitive bidding program for durable medical equipment. The program would pay for certain durable medical equipment, prosthetics and orthotics based on the bids of qualified suppliers in designated areas. The program was to be phased in beginning in 2007. The proposed rule for the program was published in the Federal Register on May 1, 2006. Two final rules were published in the Federal Register on August 18, 2006, and April 10, 2007. The first round of bidding closed on September 25, 2007, and the competitive bidding program started July 1, 2008. However, MIPPA stopped the program, terminated all contracts with suppliers, and required the Secretary to rebid the first round in 2009. Expansion of the program was delayed by two years until 2011. ¢ to reflect inflation and other factors. In some cases, these updates are linked to the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) or to a provider-specific market basket (MB) index which measures the change in the price of goods and services purchased by the provider to produce a unit of output. ¢ ¢ There are two aspects of beneficiary payments to providers: required cost-sharing amounts (either coinsurance, copayments, or deductibles) and the amounts that beneficiaries may be billed over and above Medicare's recognized payment amounts for certain services. For Part A, coinsurance and deductible amounts are established annually; these payments include deductibles and coinsurance for hospital services, coinsurance for SNFs, no cost sharing for home health services, and nominal cost sharing for hospice care.4 For Part B, beneficiaries are generally responsible for premiums, which are income-adjusted starting in 2007, a $135 deductible in 2008 (updated annually by the increase in the Part B premium), and a coinsurance payment of 20% of the established Medicare payment amounts.5 For Part C, cost sharing is determined by the private health care plans. Through 2005, the total of premiums6 for basic Medicare benefits and cost sharing (deductibles, coinsurance, and co-payments) charged to a Part C enrollee could not exceed actuarially determined levels of cost sharing for those same benefits under original Medicare. This meant that plans could not charge a premium for Medicare-covered benefits without reducing cost-sharing amounts. Beginning in 2006, the constraint on a plan's ability to charge a premium for basic Medicare benefits was lifted. The bidding mechanism established by the MMA allows plans to charge a premium to cover basic Medicare benefits if the costs to the plan exceed the maximum amount CMS is willing to pay for Medicare-covered benefits. The MMA eliminated the explicit inverse relationship between cost sharing for basic Medicare benefits and a premium for basic Medicare benefits. Enrollee cost sharing under Part C is now only constrained by the actuarial value of cost sharing under original Medicare. However, also beginning in 2006, the Secretary has expanded authority to negotiate or reject a bid from a managed care organization in order to ensure that the bid reasonably reflects the plan's revenue requirements. Part D cost sharing includes a deductible, co-payments, and catastrophic limits on out-of-pocket spending.7 4 In 2008, for each spell of illness, a beneficiary deductible is $1,024 to cover day 1 through 60 in a hospital. The daily coinsurance charge is $256 for each day from 61 through 90. After 90 days in the hospital, a beneficiary may draw down 60 lifetime reserve days with a daily coinsurance of $512 in 2008. In 2009, a beneficiary deductible is $1,068 for day 1 through 60 in the hospital. The daily coinsurance charge is $267 for each day from 61 through 90. The coinsurance for the 60 lifetime reserve days is $534 per day. 5 The Part B premium will remain at the 2008 level for 2009. Generally, Part B premiums are set to cover 25% of the costs of the Part B program. Although the Part B program costs are expected to increase for 2009, Part B contingency reserves were drawn down in order to hold the premiums at the 2008 level. However, beneficiaries subject to income- adjusted premiums will see an increase in their 2009 Part B premium because 2009 is the first year such enrollees will pay the full amount of the income-related premium. The Part B deductible, which is indexed to the annual percentage increase in the Part B actuarial rate for aged beneficiaries, will remain the same in 2009. 6 Through 2005, managed care plans had the option to charge a premium for basic part A and B Medicare benefits only if the value of cost sharing for basic benefits was reduced by the same amount. If a plan chose to offer supplemental benefits not covered under original Medicare, the plan could charge a supplemental premium equal to the actuarial value of supplemental benefits; the value of the supplemental premium was not constrained by cost-sharing levels for basic Medicare benefits. All beneficiaries in Part C and original Medicare are required to pay a Part B premium, unless the Part C plan pays-down the value of the Part B premium as part of a supplemental benefit. 7 For a description of Part D cost sharing, see CRS Report RL34280, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit: A Primer, by Jennifer O'Sullivan. ¢ For most services, there are rules on amounts beneficiaries may be billed over and above Medicare's recognized payment amounts. Under Part A, providers agree to accept Medicare's payment as payment in full and cannot bill beneficiaries amounts in excess of the coinsurance and deductibles. Under Part B, most providers and practitioners are subject to limits on amounts they can bill beneficiaries for covered services. For example, physicians and some other practitioners may choose whether or not to accept assignment on a claim. When a physician accepts assignment, Medicare pays the physician 80% of the approved fee schedule amount. The physician can only bill the beneficiary the 20% coinsurance plus any unmet deductible. When a physician agrees to accept assignment of all Medicare claims in a given year, the physician is referred to as a participating physician. Physicians who do not agree to accept assignment on all Medicare claims in a given year are referred to as nonparticipating physicians. Nonparticipating physicians may or may not accept assignment for a given service. If they do not, they may charge beneficiaries more than the fee schedule amount on nonassigned claims; for physicians, these balance billing charges are subject to certain limits. For some providers such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and clinical laboratories, assignment is mandatory; these providers can only bill the beneficiary the 20% coinsurance and any unmet deductible. For other Part B services, such as durable medical equipment, assignment is optional; providers may bill beneficiaries for amounts above Medicare's recognized payment level and may do so without limit. ¢ Because of its rapid growth, both in terms of aggregate dollars and as a share of the federal budget, the Medicare program has been a major focus of deficit reduction legislation considered by Congress in recent years. With a few exceptions, reductions in program spending have been achieved largely through reductions in payments to providers, primarily hospitals and physicians that together represent about half of total program payments. Most recently, Medicare's payments to managed care organizations were subject to congressional scrutiny. Regardless of which provider payments may be targeted, past reductions stemmed, but did not eliminate, year-to-year payment increases or overall program growth. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA 97, P.L. 105-33) achieved significant savings to the Medicare program by slowing the rate of growth in payments to providers and by enacting structural changes to the program. A number of health care provider groups stated that actual Medicare benefit payment reductions resulting from BBA 97 were larger than were intended, leading to facility closings and other limits on beneficiary access to care. In November 1999, Congress passed a package of funding increases to mitigate the impact of some BBA 97 provisions on providers. This measure, the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA), is part of a larger measure known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2000 (P.L. 106-113). Further adjustments were made by the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act (BIPA), part of the larger Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001 (P.L. 106-554). In addition to increasing Medicare payment rates, the subsequent legislation mandated the development or refinement of PPSs for different Medicare covered services. The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-173, or MMA) contained a major benefit expansion in adding prescription drug coverage; Congress included a number of provisions that affected ¢ payments to providers and changed administrative and contracting procedures. Further modifications were made to Medicare payments in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109- 171, DRA); the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-432, TRHCA); the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-173, MMSEA); and the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-275, MIPPA). This report provides a guide to Medicare payment rules by type of benefit. It includes a summary of current payment policies and basic rules for updating payment amounts. It is updated to reflect the most recent legislative changes to the program and payment updates available through October 2008. Certain payment updates are not available until January; this report will be updated when that information is available. .0102YF ni esaerced %8.1 lanoitidda na fo tnemtsujda deludehcs eht sserdda ton did wal ehT .stnuoma eseht evoba 9002YF dna 8002YF ni sesaercni peerc gnidoc rof tnuocca ot 2102YF dna ,1102YF ,0102YF ni sesaercni etar SPPI ot stesffo .SPPI fo edistuo stimrep tub ,9002YF ni %9.0 dna 8002YF ni %6.0 desrubmier era secivres niatreC .)ALOC( ot tnemtsujda eht decuder 09-011 .L.P .sGRD tnemtsujda gnivil-fo-tsoc a eviecer aksalA dna -SM wen eht htiw detaicossa )peerc gnidoc( iiawaH ni slatipsoH .stnemyap no-dda laiceps stnemevorpmi noitatnemucod ro segnahc rof devorppa neeb evah taht seigolonhcet wen gnidoc fo esuaceb ssenlli fo ytireves derusaem deifilauq evlovni taht sesac rof edam eb yam ni sesaercni detapicitna fo esuaceb 0102YF stnemyap lanoitiddA .egrahcsid eracideM hcae ni %8.1- dna 9002YF ni %8.1- ,8002YF ni %2.1- rof yenom erom eviecer slatipsoh taht os SPPI fo stnemtsujda ytilartuen tegdub evitcepsorp nihtiw stnemtsujda hguorht edam era stnemyap dehsilbatse SMC ,elur 8002YF sti nI .sraey HSD dna EMI .)woleb ees( stneitap emocni tneuqesbus ni esaercni egatnecrep elbacilppa -wol fo )HSD( erahs etanoitroporpsid a gnivres .04.920,5$ si slatipsoh slatipsoh rof dna ;)woleb ees( )EMI( noitacude eseht rof tnuoma dezidradnats lanoitan ehT eht gnitupmoc nehw ylppa ton seod lacidem tceridni ;)sreiltuo( stsoc yranidroartxe .%6.1 fo etadpu decuder a eviecer atad ytilauq noitcuder BM ynA .stniop egatnecrep owt yb htiw sesac rof stnuoma lanoitidda syap eracideM eht timbus ton did taht slatipsoH .14.821,5$ decuder egatnecrep BM elbacilppa eht evah lliw .8002YF ni gnitrats ni desahp gnieb si metsys si slatipsoh eseht rof tnuoma dezidradnats raey tneuqesbus hcae dna 7002YF ni atad ytilauq noitacifissalc tneitap )GRD-SM( GRD ytireveS lanoitan ehT .%6.3 fo esaercni BM lluf deriuqer timbus ton od taht slatipsoh ,ARD eracideM wen A .dengissa si tneitap eht hcihw eht eviecer atad ytilauq deriuqer eht dettimbus rednU .etutats yb dehsilbatse si SPPI gnitarepo ot )GRD( puorg detaler sisongaid eht htiw taht slatipsoh ,9002YF roF .79.398,4$ rof etadpu ehT .tuptuo fo tinu eno etaerc detaicossa esu ecruoser evitaler eht no sdneped si slatipsoh eseht rof tnuoma dezidradnats ot slatipsoh yb desahcrup secivres dna sdoog osla tnemyaP .deifissalcer neeb sah ti erehw lanoitan ehT .%3.1 fo etadpu decuder a eviecer fo ecirp eht ni egnahc eht serusaem taht xedni ro detacol si latipsoh eht erehw aera eht htiw atad ytilauq eht timbus ton did taht slatipsoH ecirp dexif a si sihT .xedni )BM( teksab tekram detaicossa xedni egaw a yb detsujda tnuoma )SPPI .06.099,4$ si slatipsoh eseht rof tnuoma latipsoh eht ni esaercni detcejorp eht yb ,trap ni dezidradnats lanoitan a gnisu detaluclac si stsoc gnitarepO( slatipsoh dezidradnats lanoitan ehT .%3.3 fo esaercni ,denimreted si taht rotcaf etadpu na yb yllaunna gnitarepo sti rof tnemyap s'latipsoh A .egrahcsid etuca yb dedivorp BM lluf eht eviecer atad ytilauq deriuqer desaercni era setar tnemyap SPPI ,stnemtsujda hcae rof tnemyap denimreted ylevitcepsorp secivres tneitapni eht dettimbus taht slatipsoh ,8002YF roF ytilartuen tegdub niatrec rof gnitnuocca retfA a gnisu slatipsoh erac etuca syap eracideM rof SPP gnitarepO etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ ¢ ¢ .pac tnemtsujda HSD %21 eht morf tpmexe era )woleb ees ,CRR( sretnec larrefer larur dna )woleb ees ,sHDM( slatipsoh tnedneped eracideM ,sdeb 005 naht erom htiw slatipsoh larur ,sdeb 001 naht erom htiw slatipsoh nabrU .%21 ta deppac si slatipsoh fo seirogetac tsom rof tnemtsujda HSD ehT .noitacol larur ro nabru ro ezis deb s'latipsoh eht ot gnidrocca seirav yfilauq lliw latipsoh a hcihw rof no-dda egatnecrep ehT .sdnuf erac tnegidni lacol dna etats morf deviecer era taht seunever erac tneitap s'latipsoh a fo noitroporp eht sredisnoc taht alumrof evitanretla na rednu stnemyap HSD eviecer ",slatipsoH elkciP" sa nwonk ,slatipsoh nabru wef A .stneipicer diacideM dna ))ISS( emocnI ytiruceS latnemelppuS eviecer ohw esoht( seiraicifeneb eracideM .enilesab 8002 .latipsoh nevig yna ni nees tneitap fo epyt emocni-wol ot dedivorp syad tneitap fo rebmun hcraM sti ni 8002YF ni noillib 6.9$ dna 7002YF eht sa llew sa segrahcsid eracideM fo rebmun eht setaroprocni hcihw alumrof a no desab tnemtsujda ni noillib 4.9$ ta )SPPI latipac dna gnitarepo yb seirav dna dedne-nepo si raey yna ni gnidneps egrahcsid eracideM hcae rof stnemyap lanoitidda latipsoh erahs htob ni( gnidneps HSD setamitse OBC HSD fo tnuoma ehT .etadpu cificeps oN eht eviecer slatipsoh 008,2 yletamixorppA etanoitroporpsiD .noitarepo fo sraey owt tsrif sti rof stsoc detaler-latipac .stnemyap noitpecxe dna ,rotcaf tnemtsujda latipsoh tneitapni eracideM elbawolla sti fo %58 cihpargoeg eht ni segnahc ,stnemyap reiltuo diap si latipsoh wen A .ssecorp snoitpecxe na laer ,ssenlli fo ytireves tneitap ni segnahc laer rednu stnemyap 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,srotcaf ycilop rehto dna )IPIC( xedni ecirp si hcihw( rotcaf tnemtsujda cihpargoeg 8002YF eht ,stnemtsujda retfA .saera nabru tupni latipac eht yb derusaem sa stsoc detaler s'latipsoh a yb detsujda si dna ,dengissa si egral ni slatipsoh rof laitnereffid tnemyap %3 -latipac htiw detaicossa secirp eht ni segnahc tneitap eht hcihw ot GRD eht no sdneped ,etar eht detanimile SMC 8002YF nI .dehsilbup saw sredisnoc hcihw krowemarf a ot gnidrocca tnemyap laredef denimreted ylevitcepsorp a no elur lanif eht nehw elbaliava IPIC eht fo tsacerof )SMC( diacideM dna eracideM rof sretneC eht desab si tnemyap latipac s'latipsoh A .slatipsoh )SPPI latipaC( tnerruc eht yb desuac si esaercni siht fo tsoM yb yllaunna detadpu era setar latipaC .etutats ni lareneg mret-trohs rof SPPI gnitarepo sti slatipsoh lareneg mret .%9.0 si 8002YF rof etadpu SPI latipac ehT dehsilbatse ton era SPPI latipac eht ot setadpU ot ylralimis derutcurts si SPPI latipac s'eracideM -trohs rof SPPI latipaC etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .sredivorp latipsohnon ot edam eb nac stnemyap EMG tcerid ,secnatsmucric eht nopu gnidnepeD .tnuoc siht ni noitingocer .U-IPC eht eviecer gniliec dna roolf eht neewteb laiceps eviecer smargorp ycnediser erac yramirp sARP evah taht slatipsoH .3102YF-3002YF rof denibmoc niatreC .ytlaiceps eht htiw detaicossa )stniop egatnecrep owt sunim U-IPC( slatipsoh gniniart laitini eht fo htgnel eht dna tnediser rehto naht etadpu rewol a eviecer lliw )noitacol a sa tneps sraey fo rebmun eht no gnidneped cihpargoeg rof detsujda ,egareva lanoitan ,ETF a fo flah sa tnuoc yam tnediser cificeps eht fo %041( tnuoma gniliec eht evoba sARP a ;egareva gnillor raey-eerht a no desab si tnuoc htiw slatipsoh gnihcaeT .tnuoma roolf eht ot ETF s'latipsoh eht ,oslA .stnemyap EMG tcerid desiar era )ARP lanoitan dethgiew dna ,detadpu rof latipsoh eht ni stnediser fo rebmun eht ,detsujda-ytilacol eht fo %58( roolf eht woleb no pac cificeps-latipsoh a si erehT .)seellorne .enilesab 8002 hcraM sti sARP htiw slatipsoH .ARP egareva lanoitan erac degnam eracideM ot detubirtta syad esoht ni 8002YF ni noillib 8.2$ dna 7002YF ni noillib eht ot ARP sti fo pihsnoitaler eht nopu sdneped gnidulcni( latipsoh eht ni syad tneitap latot fo 8.2$ fo stnemyap EMG tcerid setamitse OBC seviecer latipsoh yna taht tnuoma etadpu erahs s'eracideM dna ,stnediser )ETF( tnelaviuqe .etadpu on eviecer lliw doirep emit taht rof eht ,revewoh ,dednema yltneuqesbus dna ARBB emit-lluf dethgiew fo rebmun eht ,)ARP( tnuoma egareva lanoitan eht fo %041 evoba slatipsoH .U yb dehsilbatse sA .)U-IPC( sremusnoc nabru tnediser rep stsoc cificeps-latipsoh detadpu fo stnemyap -IPC fo etadpu na eviecer 3102YF-4002YF morf lla rof xedni ecirp remusnoc eht ni esaercni eht sisab eht no tnemyap GRD eht fo edistuo diap noitacude lacidem egareva lanoitan eht fo %041 woleb slatipsoH yb detadpu era stnemyap EMG tcerid ,lareneg nI dna SPPI morf dedulcxe era stsoc EMG tceriD etaudarg tceriD .%5.5 ot snruter tnemtsujda eht ,yltneuqesbus .segrahcsid dna 8002YF gnitrats ;%53.5 si tnemtsujda C traP eracideM rieht rof stnemyap EMI eviecer eht 7002YF gnirud dna ;%55.5 si tnemtsujda osla slatipsoh gnihcaet ,79 ABB yb dehsilbatse eht 6002YF gnirud ;%8.5 si tnemtsujda sA .6991 ,13 rebmeceD fo sa stnediser lacidem eht 5002YF gnirud ;4002 ,03 rebmetpeS fo rebmun eht no desab ,deppac si tnemtsujda -4002 ,1 lirpA morf %0.6 ot tnemtsujda EMI eht rof detnuoc eb nac ohw stnediser EMI desaercni na sedivorp AMM .noitalsigel lacidem fo rebmun eht ,revewoh ,stnemyap tneuqesbus yb deyaled erew sesaerced SPPI htob roF .SPPI latipac dna gnitarepo .enilesab 8002 hcraM sti ni deludehcs eht ,revewoH .%5.5 eb ot saw eht ni desu era ytisnetni gnihcaet fo serusaem 8002YF ni noillib 9.5$ dna 7002YF ni noillib 7.5$ tnemtsujda EMI eht ,1002YF yb ;SPPI gnitarepo tnereffid ;slatipsoh gnihcaet ot stnemyap tuoba eb ot )SPPI gnitarepo dna latipac htob ni ytisnetni gnihcaet fo erusaem a ,)BRI( sdeb SPPI latipac dna gnitarepo sti htob sesaercni rof( stnemyap EMI eht setamitse OBC .raey ot snretni fo oitar s'latipsoh a ni esaercni %01 eracideM .)woleb EMG tcerid osla ees( stsoc nevig yna ni slatipsoh gnihcaet ni segrahcsid hcae rof esaercni %7.7 a morf SPPI gnitarepo )EMG( noitacude lacidem etaudarg rof slatipsoh tnemtsujda eracideM fo rebmun eht no trap ni sdneped ni tnemtsujda EMI eht decuder 79 ABB .etadpu gnihcaet ot stnemyap fo sepyt owt fo eno si )EMI( noitacudE EMI no tneps tnuoma ehT .etadpu cificeps oN launna na ot tcejbus ton si tnemtsujda EMI ehT )EMI( tnemtsujda noitacude lacidem tceridni ehT lacideM tceridnI etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP enilced sesac tneitapni sti fi stnemyap lanoitidda eviecer yam HDM nA .6002 ,1 rebotcO gnitrats segrahcsid rof pac tnemtsujda HSD %21 eht morf sHDM dedulcxe osla ARD .6002 ,1 rebotcO no segrahcsid rof gnitrats tsoc cificeps -latipsoh detsujda eht fo %57 no desab eb dluow %6.1 fo etadpu decuder stnemyap s'HDM nA .6002 ,1 rebotcO gnitrats a eviecer atad ytilauq eht timbus ton did tsoc cificeps-latipsoh 2002YF sti fo egatnecrep a taht slatipsoH .%6.3 fo esaercni BM lluf eht gnisu no desab stnemyap tcele ot elba eb dluow eviecer atad ytilauq deriuqer eht dettimbus HDM na taht dedivorp ARD .egrahcsid rep taht slatipsoh ,9002YF roF .%3.1 fo etadpu tsoc 7891YF ro 2891YF detadpu sti rehtie no .sdeb rewef ro 001 decuder a eviecer atad ytilauq eht timbus desab tnuoma tegrat s'latipsoh eht yb dedeecxe evah tsum dna HCS na eb tonnac yeht ,)801.214 ton did taht slatipsoH .%3.3 fo esaercni .etadpu SPPI si etar eht taht tnuoma eht fo %05 sulp etar RFC 24( noitaluger ni deificeps sA .)sdoirep BM lluf eht eviecer atad ytilauq deriuqer eht ot elbarapmoc netfo laredef eht diap saw HDM na ,6002 ,1 rebotcO gnitroper tsoc detidua yltnecer tsom eerht eht eht dettimbus taht slatipsoh ,8002YF roF si dna etutats yb deificeps litnU .ARD yb 1102 ,03 rebmetpeS ot dednetxe fo owt ni ro 7891YF ni eracideM ot elbatubirtta .HDM na ot elbacilppa etar cificeps-latipsoh si hcihw "esaercni yltneuqesbus saw noitacifissalc HDM eht rof segrahcsid ro syad tneitapni etuca fo %06 eht esaercni ot desu osla era setadpu esehT egatnecrep elbacilppa" etad tesnus ehT .1002 ,1 rebotcO ot gnidnetxe tsael ta evah( seiraicifeneb eracideM era ohw .slatipsoh SPPI lla rof sa emas eht si sHDM na yb detadpu era sHDM dna ,7991 ,1 rebotcO no gnitrats ,noitacifissalc stneitap fo noitroporp hgih a htiw slatipsoh larur rof etadpu eht ,retfaereht dna 6991YF roF rof stnuoma tegraT HDM eht dednetxe dna detatsnier 79 ABB llams--)sHDM( slatipsoh tnedneped eracideM .%1.7 lanoitidda na yb sHCS larur ot stnemyap )SPPO( metsys tnemyap evitcepsorp tneitaptuo desaercni SMC ,6002 ,1 yraunaJ no secivres rof gnitratS .aera tnereffid a otni noitacifissalcer rof noitaredisnoc laiceps seviecer HCS nA .lortnoc sti dnoyeb secnatsmucric ot eud sesac tneitapni latot sti ni %5 naht erom fo esaerced a secneirepxe latipsoh eht fi stnemyap lanoitidda eviecer yam HCS nA .9002 ,1 yraunaJ retfa ro no segrahcsid rof gnitrats etadpu launna eht yb desaercni eb lliw tnuoma sihT .egrahcsid %6.1 fo etadpu decuder .)slatipsoh rep tnuoma tnemyap cificeps-latipsoh 6002YF a eviecer atad ytilauq eht timbus ton did SPPI rof noitpircsed sti no desab tnemyap tcele ot elba eb lliw .)29.214 RFC taht slatipsoH .%6.3 fo esaercni BM lluf eht eeS( .etadpu SPPI HCS na ,9002 ,1 yraunaJ retfa ro no gninnigeb 24( noitaluger ni htrof tes airetirc cificeps yb eviecer atad ytilauq deriuqer eht dettimbus eht ot elbarapmoc netfo sdoirep gnitroper tsoc rof ,APPIM rednU dehsilbatse sa erahs tekram ro/dna ,snoitidnoc taht slatipsoh ,9002YF roF .%5.1 fo etadpu si dna etutats yb deificeps .raey tnerruc eht ot detadpu ,6991 ro ,7891 rehtaew ereves ,emit levart ,ecnatsid no desab decuder a eviecer atad ytilauq eht timbus si hcihw "esaercni ,2891YF rehtie morf stsoc egrahcsid-rep cificeps aera cihpargoeg a ni secivres latipsoh erac etuca ton did taht slatipsoH .%5.3 fo esaercni egatnecrep elbacilppa" -latipsoh sti ro ,etar tnemyap esab SPPI tnerruc tneitapni fo redivorp elos eht eb ot demeed BM lluf eht eviecer atad ytilauq deriuqer na yb detadpu era eht :tnemesrubmier fo sisab eht sa setar tnemyap dna saera detalosi yllacihpargoeg ni detacol eht dettimbus taht slatipsoh ,8002YF roF sHCS rof stnuoma tegraT gniwollof eht fo rehgih eht seviecer HCS nA seitilicaf--)sHCS( slatipsoH ytinummoC eloS etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP -ytilicaf nopu dneped osla stnemyaP .sreiltuo tsoc hgih dna ,refsnart erofeb eid ohw stneitap ,sreiltuo yats-trohs ,srefsnart ylrae sa hcus ,stnemtsujda level esac niatrec rof desaercni ro decuder era stnemyap FRI ,yllareneG .ytilicaf eht ni eid ohw esoht rof dna )sreiltuo yats trohs( yad htruof eht erofeb degrahcsid stneitap rof desu era sGMC rehto eviF .evah yam yeht seitidibromoc yna no desab sreit ruof fo eno ot dengissa rehtruf era stneitap ,sGMC eseht fo hcae nihtiW .yats tneitapni eht .9002YF hguorht tnuoma ot dengissa si )sGMC( spuorG xiM esaC .snoitidnoc taht niamer lliw dna ,8002 ,1 lirpA 78 eht fo hcihw enimreted srotcaf esehT detaler sitirhtra niatrec dna ,snrub ,redrosid gnitrats 189,21$ ta tes saw etar esab .ega dna ,snoitidnoc ytidibromoc ,sutats lacigoloruen ,yrujni niarb ,yrujni droc lanips laredef ehT .8002 ,1 lirpA no segrahcsid lanoitcnuf ,level tnemriapmi s'tneitap ,ekorts gnidulcni snoitidnoc 31 fo eno htiw rof gnitrats 9002YF dna 8002YF ni eht no gnidneped yrav lliw egrahcsid stneitapni sti fo %06 evah tsum ytitne na %0 ta rotcaf etadpu FRI eht dehsilbatse eracideM yna rof tnemyap SPP-FRI ,FRI na sa diap eb oT .snoitidnoc gniyfilauq AESMM ,7002 rebmeceD ni ,revewoH .8002 ,1 ehT .yletarapes rof diap era hcihw ,srotcaf sa dedulcni era seitidibromoc ;%06 ta tes .154,31$ sa etar esab laredef esab lirpA no segrahcsid rof gnitrats ,9002YF gnittolc doolb ro ,sesnepxe tbed dab si )latipsoh erac etuca na ro FRI na si ytilicaf eht dna %2.3 sa 8002YF rof etadpu dna 8002YF ni %0 ta rotcaf etadpu FRI ,smargorp lanoitacude devorppa fo stsoc a rehtehw senimreted hcihw( dlohserht eht dehsilbatse SMC elur FRI 8002YF eht sehsilbatse AESMM .stsoc gnitarepo eht revoc ton seod tub ,sFRI ot stnemyap ecnailpmoc FRI eht ,7002 ,1 yluJ gnitrats eht nI .189,21$ si etar esab laredef sa llew sa latipac rof etamitse etadpu gnitarepo dna latipac htob sessapmocne ,AESMM yb dehsilbatse sA .noitapicitrap FRI 7002YF eht ,stnemtsujda ytilartuen na sedulcni BM-PLR ehT .)BM-LPR( SPP sihT .egrahcsid rep tnuoma fo snoitidnoc dehsilbatse niatrec teem tegdub retfA .%6.0 fo esaercni ten a slatipsoh erac mret-gnol dna ,cirtaihcysp dexif a si hcihw etar laredef eht fo %001 dna snoitidnoc fo tes denifed a htiw stneitap rof ,segnahc gnidoc rof tnuocca ot %6.2 ,noitatilibaher morf serutcurts dna SPP-FRI detnemelpmi ylluf a no desab fo egatnecrep a taert taht stinu trap tcnitsid fo noitcuder a dedulcni SPPI-FRI ,7002 tsoc 2002 gnitcelfer BM eht no desab era ytilicaf noitatilibaher a ot stnemyap desab-latipsoh dna slatipsoh gnidnatseerf nI .%3.3 saw 7002YF rof etadpu ehT si etadpu SPP-FRI eht ,6002YF ni gnitratS s'eracideM ,2002 ,1 yraunaJ fo sA --)sFRI( seitilicaF noitatilibaheR tneitapnI etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¡ .slatipsoh .aera tnereffid a ot noitacifissalcer .)69.214 RFC 24( .noitaluger ni htrof tes airetirc lareneg mret-trohs rof noitaredisnoc laitnereferp eviecer cificeps yb dehsilbatse sa aera cihpargoeg ediw rof deificeps setadpu sCRR ,oslA .pac tnemtsujda HSD %21 eht a morf stneitap taert dna secivres fo yarra daorb .slatipsoh lareneg mret-trohs rof SPPI latipac SPPI latipac dna gnitarepo morf tpmexe era sCRR .slatipsoh lareneg mret a edivorp taht ,saera larur ni yllareneg ,slatipsoh dna gnitarepo rof deificeps setadpu eeS eht eviecer sCRR -trohs rof SPPI eht no desab era stnemyap sCRR egral ylevitaler--)sCRR( sretneC larrefeR laruR .lortnoc sti dnoyeb secnatsmucric ot eud %5 naht erom etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP eb ot deriuqer si SPP-HCTL ehT .EMI ro ,noitacol larur ,)HSD( latipsoh eht yb devres stneitap emocni wol fo egatnecrep eht rof edam era stnemtsujda oN .9002 ,03 .iiawaH dna aksalA ni slatipsoh rof ALOC rebmetpeS hguorht ,8002 ,1 yluJ morf a edulcni dna segaw aera ni snoitairav %6.2 si etar tnemyap laredef eht ni ,raey etar htnom-51 a eb lliw 9002YR sa hcus stnemtsujda cificeps-ytilicaf esaercni evitceffe ehT .secitcarp gnidoc ,egnahc eht tnemelpmi ot redro nI nopu dneped osla stnemyaP .sreiltuo ni segnahc morf detluser taht doirep .9002 ,1 rebotcO gninnigeb ,1 rebotcO stsoc hgih dna sredivorp detacol-oc morf roirp eht ni xim-esac ni esaercni eht ot kcab etadpu launna eht fo etad sesac dettimdaer ,sesac yats detpurretni rof tnuocca ot %9.0 yb detsujda %5.3 evitceffe eht degnahc SMC ,elur lanif ,sesac yats trohs sa hcus ,stnemtsujda fo etamitse BM a no desab si esaercni 9002YR eht nI .ytilartuen tegdub erusne level-esac fo esuaceb decuder sihT .63.411,93$ si etar tnemyap ot stnemyap evitcepsorp HCTL ot ro desaercni eb yam stneitap cificeps laredef )9002 ,03 rebmetpeS hguorht tnemtsujda emit-eno eht ro sreiltuo yats rof stnemyaP .sGRD-SM SPPI dethgiewer 8002 ,1 yluJ morf( 9002YR ehT .8002 trohs rof stnemyap gnidulcni ,seicilop no desab era hcihw ,sGRD-CTL -ytireves ,03 enuJ hguorht 8002 ,1 lirpA gnitrats tnemyap niatrec ylppa ot elba eb ton eracideM a otni tnemngissa s'tneitap segrahcsid ot ylppa dluow noisivorp lliw yraterceS eht hcihw gnirud doirep eht no gnidneped yrav lliw egrahcsid ehT .7002YR ni taht sa emas eht sa muirotarom raey-eerht a dehsilbatse eracideM yna rof tnemyap SPP-HCTL dehsilbatse saw 8002YR s'HCTL rof etar AESMM .3002 yluJ gnitrats ,raey hcae fo ehT .yletarapes rof diap era hcihw srotcaf esab eht ,AESMM rednU .54.653,83$ 1 yluJ ot 1 rebotcO morf etadpu launna gnittolc doolb ro ,sesnepxe tbed dab saw etar tnemyap laredef 8002YR ehT eht fo etad evitceffe eht degnahc SMC ,smargorp lanoitacude devorppa fo stsoc .stnemevorpmi gnidoc rof noitcerroc .secitcarp gnidoc devorpmi rof tnuocca eht revoc ton seod tub erac tneitapni %94.2 a dna esaercni BM %2.3 a ot detsujda teksab tekram )LPR( erac fo stsoc detaler-latipac dna gnitarepo stcelfer hcihw etadpu %17.0 a desoporp mret-gnol dna ,cirtaihcysp ,noitatilibaher htob rof stnemyap sessapmocne .syad 52 naht retaerg )SOLA( SMC ,8002YR nI .680,83$ sniamer etar eht fo etamitse tnecer tsom SPP-HCTL ehT .doirep noitisnart yats fo htgnel egareva tneitapni eracideM tnemyap laredef HCTL ehT .7002YR eht no desab setar HCTL eht etadpu raey-evif a ot tcejbus ,SPP desab a htiw SPPI morf dedulcxe era taht slatipsoh ro 6002YR rof setar tnemyap esab ot ycilop a dehsilbatse sah SMC .eutats -GRD a rednu sisab egrahcsid a no diap lareneg etuca--)sHCTL( sredivorp etisno HCTL eht ot esaercni on saw erehT ni deificeps ton si etadpu HCTL ehT era sHCTL ,2002 ,1 rebotcO evitceffE ro setilletas dna slatipsoH eraC mreT-gnoL .detnemelpmi neeb ton dah SPP siht fi diap neeb evah dluow taht tnuoma eht deecxeen nac stnemyap latot ;lartuen tegdub eb ot deriuqer ton si SPP-FRI ehT .tnemtsujda ALOC a eviecer ton od iiawaH dna aksalA ni sFRI ;dedulcni si tnemtsujda EMI na ,6002YF ni gnitratS ).sFRI nabru naht erom %91 tuoba ,stnemyap desaercni eviecer sFRI larur( noitacol larur dna ,)tnemtsujda HSD a( latipsoh eht yb devres )PIL( stneitap emocni wol fo egatnecrep ,segaw aera ni snoitairav etadommocca ot stnemtsujda cificeps etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP recnac lacinilc ro evisneherpmoc a rehtie sa eht fo pihsnoitaler eht nopu dneped nopu gnidnepeD .stsoc gnitarepo no timil etutitsnI recnaC lanoitaN eht yb dezingocer lliw latipsoh cificeps yna yb deviecer reppu na sa sevres taht tnuoma tegrat yllareneg era slatipsoh recnaC .81 esaercni fo tnuoma ehT .stnuoma ro gniliec a ot tcejbus si tnemesrubmier fo ega eht rednu slaudividni yltnanimoderp tegrat eht etadpu ot desu si esaercni BM s'redivorp hcaE .sevitnecni era ohw stneitapni ot secivres gnihsinruf gnitarepo SPPI eht ,6002YF ni gnitratS dna snoitatimil tnemyap ARFET ni degagne esoht era slatipsoh s'nerdlihC .%6.3 si9002YF rof etadpu .etutats yb dehsilbatse si stsoc gnitarepo ot tcejbus ,sisab tsoc elbanosaer a no ehT .%3.3 si 8002YF rof etadpu ehT fo tnemesrubmier rof rotcaf etadpu nA diap era slatipsoh recnac dna s'nerdlihC :slatipsoh recnac dna s'nerdlihC .metsys tnemyap roirp eht rednu edam neeb evah dluow taht stnemyap etagergga eht fo %07 tsael ta deetnaraug si FPI na ,8002 ni gnidne doirep noitisnart raey-eerht eht gnirud ,noisivorp ssol-pots eht rednu ,yllaniF .tneitap a ot dehsinruf tnemtaert ypareht evisluvnocortele hcae rof tnemyap lanoitidda na eviecer osla sFPI .esac emas eht fo snoissimdaer deredisnoc era syad eerht nihtiw nruter dna FPI na morf .)metsys degrahcsid era ohw stneitaP .dedulcni tnemyap wen eht rednu noitazilitu si sesac tsoc-hgih rof ycilop reiltuo gnignahc tcelfer ot( tesffo laroivaheb nA .sFPI rehto ni naht stnemtraped a rof tnuocca ot noitcuder %66.2 ycnegreme )ecivres-lluf( gniyfilauq a dna noisivorp ssol-pots eht rof tnuocca htiw sFPI ni rehgih %21 si yats hcae fo yad ot noitcuder %93.0 a ,stnemyap reiltuo tsrif eht rof tnemyap meid rep eht ,oslA rof tnuocca ot noitcuder %2 a ,stnemyap .yats cirtaihcysp eht fo syad reilrae eht ni )metsys tnemyap roirp eht( ARFET rehgih era stnemyap meid rep eracideM .yad rep 87.736$ si tnemyap esab detcejorp ot noitazidradnats rof tnuocca .tnemtsujda ALOC a eviecer lliw aksalA laredef eht ,0100.1 fo rotcaf ytilartuen ot noitcuder %64.71 a dedulcni tnemyap dna iiawaH ni sFPI .dedulcni osla era tegdub xedni egaw a dna tnemtsujda meid rep eht fo noitaluclac laitini ehT noitacol larur dna sutats gnihcaet ,segaw ssol pots %93.0 rof gnitsujda retfA .%2.3 .metsys tnemyap roirp eht rednu edam evitaler rof stnemtsujda level-ytilicaF si 9002YR rof etadpu ehT .yad rep neeb evah dluow taht stnemyap latot fo .tneitap eht fo ega ,sesac niatrec ni dna 516$ si tnemyap esab laredef ehT .%2.3 tnuoma eht lauqe ot detcejorp eb tsum ,seidibromoc detceles ,sGRD deificeps si 8002YR rof etadpu ehT .595$ saw stnemyap SPP-FPI ehT )BM-LPR( teksab rof stnemtsujda level-tneitap setaroprocni .ssenlli latnem 7002YR rof etar esab meid rep laredeF tekram erac mret-gnol dna ,cirtaihcysp SPP-FPI eht ,doirep noitisnart htiw elpoep fo tnemtaert dna sisongaid ehT .rotcaf ytilartuen tegdub xedni egaw ,noitatilibaher eht fo etamitse tnecer raey-eerht a htiw dehsilbatsE .SPP desab eht rof secivres cirtaihcysp ,tsirtaihcysp a yb desaercni neht saw taht tnuoma tsom eht no desab setar meid rep eht meid-rep a gnisu )FPI( seitilicaf cirtaihcysp a fo noisivrepus eht rednu ro yb ,gnidivorp meid rep esab detcerroc a ot deilppa etadpu ot ycilop a dehsilbatse sah SMC tneitapni ni dedivorp secivres rof ni degagne yliramirp esoht edulcni--stinu saw %3.4 fo 7002YR rof etadpu ehT .eutats ni deificeps ton si etadpu FPI ehT syap eracideM ,5002 ,1 yraunaJ gnitratS trap tcnitsid dna slatipsoh cirtaihcysP .detnemelpmi neeb ton dah SPP fi diap neeb evah dluow taht tnuoma eht lauqe tsum stnemyap latot ;lartuen tegdub etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP eht ta HAC a yb detarepo si taht )cinilc htlaeh larur a gnidulcni( cinilc a ro FNS a ni ro ,HAC eht ni tneserp yllacisyhp si laudividni eht rehtehw ot drager tuohtiw stsoc fo %101 ta secivres latipsoh tneitaptuo sa diap eb lliw HAC a yb dehsinruf secivres yrotarobal citsongaid lacinilc ,9002 ,1 yluJ gnitratS .4002 ,1 yraunaJ gninnigeb sdoirep gnitroper tsoc rof stsoc elbanosaer fo %101 ta diap eb lliw sHAC yb dedivorp secivres deb gniws dna ,tneitaptuo ,tneitapni taht dedivorp AMM .metsys ecnalubma rehtona morf selim 53 era secivres ecnalubma eseht fi sisab tsoc elbanosaer .timil deb eht drawot tnuoc ton a no desrubmier era sHAC yb detarepo od HAC a yb detarepo stinu noitatilibaher dna denwo era taht secivres ecnalubmA ro cirtaihcysp ,ytilicaf gnisrun delliks trap .secivres lanoisseforp rof tnemyap -tcnitsid ni sdeB .yats fo htgnel egareva ruoh eludehcs eef eht fo %511 sulp secivres -69 a evah dna sdeb tneitapni erac etuca ytilicaf rof tnemyap tsoc elbanosaer 52 naht erom on evah ;erac ycnegreme a ot lauqe si hcihw etar evisulcni ruoh-42 reffo ;erac htlaeh fo redivorp -lla na ro tnemyap ecivres tneitaptuo yrassecen a sa etats eht yb detangised latipsoh desab-tsoc a rehtie tcele yam ro )secnatsmucric niatrec ni selim 51( sHAC .secivres tneitaptuo dna tneitapni latipsoh rehtona morf selim 53 naht erom rof ytilicaf eht fo stsoc elbanosaer detacol era taht seitilicaf ecivres-detimil .ycilop etadpu cificeps oN .ycilop etadpu cificeps oN eht fo sisab eht no sHAC syap eracideM era )sHAC( slatipsoH sseccA lacitirC .sisab tsoc elbanosaer a no desrubmier era slatipsoh eseht rof stsoc latipac ehT .stnemyap snoitpecxe eviecer yam stneitap ro/dna secivres ni egnahc tnacifingis a neeb sah ereht taht etartsnomed nac taht sredivorP .tnemtaert laiceps eviecer slatipsoh dehsilbatse ylweN .)yenom lanoitidda eviecer yam stimil rieht naht ssel yltnetsisnoc neeb evah stsoc esohw .)f(32.214 seitilicaf ,.e.i( tnemevorpmi suounitnoc RFC 24 eeS .esaesid citsalpoen fo sisongaid rof stnemyap sunob lanoitidda sa llew a htiw segrahcsid rieht fo %05 tsael ta evah .stsoc sa stnemyap sunob ro feiler eviecer yam dna ;)ytitne rehtona fo tinubus a sa ton( latipac rof etadpu cificeps on si erehT slatipsoh eseht ,tnuoma tegrat sti ot stsoc recnac no hcraeser dna fo tnemtaert eht .tnuoma tegrat sti ot stsoc s'latipsoh lautca s'latipsoh eht fo pihsnoitaler eht rof dezinagro yliramirp era ;retnec hcraeser etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP %001 ta niamer )diacideM dna eracideM htob ni dellorne slaudividni( selbigile laud rof stnemyap tbed daB .)diacideM dna eracideM htob ni dellorne ton era ohw slaudividni( slaud-non rof %07 ot stbed dab yraicifeneb rof sFNS ot stnemyap decuder ARD .)tnemtsujda "reiltuo" na( sesac yltsoc yliranidroartxe rof tnemtsujda na rof edivorp ton seod etutats SPP FNS eht ,sSPP rehto ekilnU .%821 yb sFNS ni stneitap SDIA rof stnemyap desaercni AMM ,4002 ,1 rebotcO no gnitratS .xedni egaw latipsoh eht gnisu ,segaw aera ni snoitairav rof tnuocca ot detsujda osla si tnemyap laredef eht ,xim-esac rof detsujda gnieb ot noitidda nI .noitidnoc s'yraicifeneb eht ni segnahc htiw egnahc nac decalp si yraicifeneb a hcihw ni yrogetac GUR eht dna yats s'tneitap a gnirud semit suoirav ta enod era stnemssessa tneitaP .erac s'yraicifeneb eht rof tnemyap eht enimreted ot dna seirogetac .sraey tneuqesbus 35 fo eno ot yraicifeneb a ngissa ot stnemssessa tneitap dna 8002YF rof stniop egatnecrep 5.0 ot ,noitaluger sesu metsys sGUR ehT .)sGUR( spuorg noitazilitu ecruoser yb ,desiar saw rorre tsacerof a gnitsujda rof dlohserht dellac spuorg otni slaudividni sezirogetac dna seiraicifeneb ehT .edam erew stnemtsujda on ,stniop egatnecrep 52.0 naht eracideM fo sdeen erac dna tnemtaert eht rof stnemyap ssel saw ecnereffid eht nehW .rorre tsacerof siht rof tnuocca stsujda etar meid rep esab eht ot tnemtsujda xim-esac ehT ot detadpu eb dluow sFNS ot stnemyap ,stniop egatnecrep .scitohtro dna scitehtsorp tsoc hgih niatrec dna sisylaid ,stisiv 52.0 naht retaerg saw esaercni lautca eht dna etadpu naicisyhp sa hcus yletarapes diap dna SPP morf dedulcxe era BM detamitse eht neewteb ecnereffid eht nehw ,8002YF stsoc erac emoS .sgurd noitpircserp dna ,ypareht ,gnisrun ,draob erofeB .sraey suoiverp rof rorre tsacerof BM eht rof tnuocca dna moor gnidulcni ,yad taht yraicifeneb eht ot dedivorp secivres .%4.3 fo esaercni BM ot tnemtsujda na ,etairporppa sa ,sedulcni osla etar tnemyap eht lla revoc ot dednetni si tnemyap meid rep laredef ehT lluf eht eviecer lliw eht fo etadpu eht ,raey hcaE .sFNS yb desahcrup secivres sFNS ,9002YF roF dna sdoog fo stsoc eht ni segnahc serusaem xedni sihT .xedni .segaw .%3.3 fo esaercni BM )BM( teksab tekram FNS eht ni esaercni detcejorp eht yb ,trap aera dna xim esac rof detsujda neht si taht tnuoma tnemyap lluf eht eviecer lliw ni ,denimreted si taht rotcaf etadpu na yb yllaunna desaercni esab larur ro nabru )"meid-rep"( yliad a fo desopmoc si hcihw sFNS ,8002YF roF era setar tnemyap meid rep laredef larur dna nabru ehT )SPP( metsys tnemyap evitcepsorp a hguorht diap era sFNS erac FNS etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ .detcelloc si nemiceps eht emit etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP rof rotcaf noisrevnoc eht ,AESMM ni dedivorp sA yb raey hcae detadpu si rotcaf noisrevnoc ehT eht no edam era secivres snaicisyhp rof stnemyaP snaicisyhP etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ .margorp eracideM eht ot denruter eb tsum tnuoma siht deecxe taht secipsoh ot stnemyap eracideM .raey eht gnirud secivres ecipsoh eviecer ohw seiraicifeneb eracideM fo rebmun eht yb raey nevig a rof tnuoma pac eht gniylpitlum .U-IPC eht fo yrogetac erutidnepxe yb denimreted si taht pac etagergga na .yraicifeneb rep 40.014,12$ detagergga na saw erac lacidem eht sa egatnecrep emas eht yb yllaunna ot tcejbus era ecipsoh a ot stnemyap latoT ti 7002 ,13 rebotcO hguorht 6002 ,1 rebmevoN desaerced ro desaercni si tnuoma pac ecipsoh ehT ,raey eht roF .yraicifeneb rep 51.683,22$ .elbaliava atad egaw latipsoh detagergga na si ,8002 ,13 rebotcO gnidne .1102YF ni ,noitanimile ro ,%001 lanif a dna ,0102YF tnerruc tsom eht gnisu dehsilbatse si raey pac eht rof tnuoma pac ecipsoh tsetal ehT ni )%57 gnilatot( noitcuder %05 lanoitidda na ,9002YF xedni sihT .slevel egaw aera ni secnereffid ni noitcuder %52 a htiw ,sraey eerht revo FANB lacol tcelfer ot setar tnemyap tsujda .yad rep 66.226$--erac tuo esahp lliw ,8002 ,8 tsuguA no retsigeR laredeF ot desu si xedni egaw ecipsoh ehT tneitapni lareneg dna ;yad rep 97.441$--erac eht ni dehsilbup ,elur lanif A .xedni egaw latipsoh eht etipser tneitapni ;ruoh rep 40.43$ ro sruoh 42 rof ot atad scitsitatS robaL fo uaeruB 3891 eht morf robal .ecipsoh eht fo erac eht rednu 49.618$--erac emoh suounitnoc ;79.931$--erac ni secnereffid cihpargoeg rof tsujda ot desu ecruos si yraicifeneb a yad hcae rof )erac tneitapni emoh enituor :swollof sa era 9002YF gnirud atad eht ni egnahc a fo tluser a sa stnemyap ecipsoh lareneg dna ,erac etipser tneitapni ,erac dehsinruf erac rof setar tnemyap esab ecipsoh ni secnereffid rof tnuocca ot detutitsni saw )FANB( emoh suounitnoc ,erac emoh enituor ,.e.i( lanoitan ehT .esaercni %5.2 a si tceffe ten ehT f se r ru t dn p err c .FANB eht yb detceffa si etadpu sihT .%6.3 fo BM rotcaf tnemtsujda ytilartuen tegdub a ,7991 nI erac hoihlwvseel ttanredefnfiid retoefdoyleviocespsoop c e m t r eht yb detadpu era setar tnemyap 9002YF ehT .)sASM( saerA lacitsitatS natiloporteM fo noitinifed eht ruof fo eno no desab era setar tnemyaP ot segnahc yna dna xedni egaw latipsoh eht ni setadpu .yad rep 20.106$--erac tcelfer ot detadpu si xedni egaw ecipsoh ehT .erac tneitapni lareneg dna ;yad rep 67.931$--erac etipser dna sgurd tneitaptuo ot seilppa etipser tneitapni ;55.887$--erac emoh suounitnoc .esaercni egatnecrep gnirahs tsoc detimiL .tnuoma pac eht ;yad rep 11.531$--erac emoh enituor :swollof BM latipsoh lluf eht ta neeb evah setadpu 3002YF dna ,xedni egaw ecipsoh eht ,setar tnemyap sa era 8002YF gnirud dehsinruf erac rof setar ecniS .)BM( teksab tekram ecipsoh eht ni esaercni eht era stnenopmoc esehT .yllaunna tnemyap esab ecipsoh lanoitan ehT .%3.3 fo BM eht yb detadpu era setar tnemyap evitcepsorp ehT detsujda era taht stnenopmoc etarapes eht yb detadpu era setar tnemyap 8002YF ehT .yllaunna detadpu era stnenopmoc eerht eht fo hcaE eerht niatnoc erac ecipsoh rof stnemyaP erac ecipsoH etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivreS/redivorP eht ot edam si tnemyaP .diap si egrahc redivorp rehto ro ytilicaf on fi ylno tub ,naicisyhp a fo noisivrepus eht rednu dedivorp nehw ,secivres )AP( .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS tnatsissa naicisyhp rof edam era stnemyap etarapeS stnatsissA naicisyhP )a( etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ .tnuoma 7002 eht morf esaercni lliw secivres rehto rof stnemyap elihw ,esaerced lliw secivres emos rof stnemyap 8002 ,tluser a sA .)detaluclac era sesnepxe ecitcarp yaw eht ni noisiver a fo ni-esahp gniunitnoc eht dna secivres .8002 fo dne eht hguorht esaercni fo rebmun a rof seulav evitaler eht gniyfidom %5.0 siht dednetxe APPIM .%5.0 yb desaercni gnidulcni( seludehcs eef 8002 dna 7002 eht htob si 8002 fo shtnom xis tsrif eht rof level eht ni detaroprocni erew segnahc lanoitidda lareveS eht taht dedivorp AESMM dna ;level 6002 eht ta etar 7002 eht ezorf ACHRT ,level 5002 eht .smialc dengissa-non no ylppa stimil gnillib .erudecorp eritne eht gnirud secivres ecnalab ;lanoitpo si tnemngissA .)%05 rehto aisehtsena hsinruf ot elbaliava yletaidemmi saw ta etar 6002 eht ezorf ARD .%5.1 naht ssel eb ton dluoc 5002 dna 4002 rof rotcaf noisrevnoc eht rof elbail era stneitap ;stnuoma eludehcs eef )tnemegnarra na otni deretne dah tsigoloisehtsena eht fo %05 lauqe secivres htlaeh latnem niatrec gnihcaet eht mohw htiw tsigoloisehtsena eht ot etadpu eht taht dedivorp AMM .3002 ,1 hcraM evitceffe %6.1 fo etadpu na gnittimrep rof stnemyaP( .%02 gniniamer eht rof elbail era rehtona ro( tsigoloisehtsena gnihcaet eht stneitap ;tnuoma eludehcs eef eht fo %08 lauqe )2( dna ,devlovni erudecorp ro ecivres aisehtsena ybereht ,noitaluclac RGS eht rof desu setamitse suoiverp ni snoisiver rof dewolla secivres lanoisseforp rof stnemyap eracideM eht fo snoitrop yek ro lacitirc lla gnirud tneserp saw tsigoloisehtsena gnihcaet eht )1( fi ylppa ylno dluow 7-801 .L.P ,revewoH .sraey tneuqesbus ni tceffe .rotcaf noisrevnoc etarapes noisivorp tnemyap sihT .enola tsigoloisehtsena ekat ot detals erew snoitcuder lanoitiddA a htiw )stinu emit dna esab no desab( eludehcs gnihcaet eht yb demrofrep yllanosrep .2002 ni rotcaf noisrevnoc eht ni noitcuder eef etarapes a rednu diap era secivres aisehtsenA erew secivres aisehtsena eht fi tnuoma eludehcs %4.5 a ot del metsys RGS eht fo noitacilppA eef eht fo %001 deecxe ton dluoc tnuoma tnemyap .IEM eht woleb stniop egatnecrep neves naht .tnuoma latot eht ,sesac aisehtsena tnerrucnoc owt ro erom ron evoba stniop egatnecrep eerht naht eludehcs eef eht fo %61 diap era )snaicisyhp esac aisehtsena elgnis a ni devlovni stsigoloisehtsena erom eb etadpu rotcaf noisrevnoc eht nac esac yb dedivorp( secivres yregrus-ta-stnatsissA gnihcaet fo esac eht nI .tnuoma tnemyap eracideM on nI .raey eht fo dne eht yb gnidneps dewolla .rotcaf noisrevnoc a yb tnuoma tnemyap rallod latot eht stimil taht stsigoloisehtsena gnihcaet lauqe lliw raey eht rof gnidneps detcejorp a otni detrevnoc era seulav evitaler detsujda nehw elur tnemyap laiceps a dehsilbatse osla APPIM taht os rotcaf noisrevnoc eht stes tnemtsujda yllacihpargoeg esehT .enicidem gnicitcarp ehT ).atipac rep tcudorp citsemod ssorg eht ni fo stsoc eht ni snoitairav cihpargoeg rof detsujda .9002 rof esaercni lanoitidda %1.1 segnahc ot ,trap ni ,deknil si RGS ehT( .metsys era seulav evitaler ehT .sesnepxe ecitcarplam a dehsilbatse dna 8002 fo dne eht hguorht esaercni )RGS( etar htworg elbaniatsus evitalumuc dna ,)ffats rehto dna sesrun fo tsoc eht %5.0 eht dednetxe APPIM .2848.71$ saw 8002 eht rednu gnidneps hctam ot tnemtsujda na ot gnidulcni( sesnepxe ecitcarp ,)devlovni ytisnetni fo shtnom xis tsrif eht rof rotcaf noisrevnoc tcejbus )noitalfni serusaem hcihw ,IEM( xednI dna ,lliks ,emit no desab( krow naicisyhp tcelfer aisehtsena eht dna tnuoma 7002 eht revo esaercni cimonocE eracideM eht slauqe egatnecrep seulav evitaler esehT .secivres ot seulav evitaler %5.0 a ,780.83$ saw 8002 fo shtnom xis tsrif eht etadpu ehT .wal ni deificeps alumrof a sngissa eludehcs eef ehT .eludehcs eef a fo sisab etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP %57 ot lauqe si rekrow laicos lacinilc a yb dedivorp dna stsigolohcysP .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS secivres rof tnuoma tnemyap dezingocer ehT lacinilC )e( .seilppa gnirahs .stsitehtsena tsoc B traP ralugeR .sANRC yb dedivorp secivres esrun deretsiger deifitrec gnihcaet dna rof yrotadnam si tnemngissA .yltcerid diap eb nac stsigoloisehtsena gnihcaet neewteb secnereffid sANRC .renoititcarp hcae neewteb tilps ylneve era tnemyap gnitsixe eht gniniatniam gnidulcni stnemyap ehT .enola gnicitcarp saw tsigoloisehtsena ,sANRC rof secivres aisehtsena rof stnemyap eht fi diap eb dluow taht tnuoma eht ot "stnemtsujda etairporppa" ekam ot SHH fo fo %001 ta deppac era ANRC a dna tsigoloisehtsena yraterceS eht seriuqer osla evoba denoitnem na fo desopmoc maet erac aisehtsena )sANRC( stsitehtsenA sa smargorp gnihcaet aisehtsena rof elur na yb dehsinruf stnemyaP .stsigoloisehtsena rof esruN deretsigeR laiceps eht gnihsilbatse noisivorp APPIM ehT .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS desu eludehcs eef emas eht rednu diap era sANRC deifitreC )d( .yrotadnam si tnemngissA .%02 gniniamer eht rof elbail era stneitap ;tnuoma siht fo %08 lauqe stnemyap eracideM .yltcerid diap eb nac seviwdim esruN .tnuoma eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht fo %56 slauqe secivres efiwdim .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS esrun deifitrec rof tnuoma tnemyap dezingocer ehT seviwdim esruN )c( .yrotadnam si tnemngissA .%02 gniniamer eht rof elbail era stneitap ;tnuoma siht fo %08 lauqe stnemyap eracideM .)yregrus -ta-tnatsissa na sa gnivres naicisyhp a ot diap eb dluow taht tnuoma eht fo %58 ,secivres yregrus -ta-tnatsissa rof ,ro( tnuoma eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht fo %58 slauqe tnuoma tnemyap dezingocer ehT .diap si )sSNC( stsilaicepS egrahc redivorp rehto ro ytilicaf rehto on fi ylno tub esruN lacinilC dna ,naicisyhp a htiw noitaroballoc ni dedivorp ,secivres )sPN( srenoititcarP .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS SNC ro PN rof edam era stnemyap etarapeS esruN )b( .secivres AP rof yrotadnam si tnemngissA .%02 gniniamer eht rof elbail era stneitap ;tnuoma siht fo %08 lauqe stnemyap eracideM .)yregrus -ta-tnatsissa na sa gnivres naicisyhp a ot diap eb dluow taht tnuoma eht fo %58 ,secivres yregrus -ta-tnatsissa rof ,ro( tnuoma eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht fo %58 slauqe tnuoma tnemyap dezingocer ehT .reyolpme eht htiw pihsnoitaler rotcartnoc tnednepedni na ni eb yam AP ehT .)naicisyhp a sa hcus( reyolpme etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP rof yrotadnam si tnemngissA .smialc dengissa-non rof ylppa stimil gnillib ecnalab ;ecitcarp tnednepedni ni stsipareht yb dedivorp secivres rof lanoitpo si tnemngissA .seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP ralugeR .8002 fo shtnom xis tsrif eht dna ,7002 ,6002 ni seilppa ssecorp snoitpecxe na ,revewoh ;6002 ni derotser erew stimil ehT .3002 ni doirep feirb a rof tpecxe ,5002-0002 morf deilppa stimil on ,revewoH .raey hcae ylppa ot erew stimil 005,1$ ehT .stimil eseht ni dedulcni erew secivres lanoisseforp .9002 snaicisyhp ot tnedicni sa dehsinruf secivres yparehT ,13 rebmeceD hguorht ssecorp snoitpecxe .stnemtraped tneitaptuo latipsoh yb dehsinruf esoht eht sdnetxe APPIM .shtnom xis lanoitidda rof tpecxe secivres ypareht lanoitapucco tneitaptuo na ssecorp eht dednetxe AESMM ;7002 lla ot deilppa timil 005,1$ etarapes A .tnemtraped hguorht ssecorp snoitpecxe eht dednetxe tneitaptuo latipsoh a yb dehsinruf esoht rof tpecxe ACHRT .secivres yrassecen yllacidem niatrec ,)secivres ygolohtap egaugnal-hceeps gnidulcni( rof 6002 rof ssecorp snoitpecxe na hsilbatse secivres ypareht lacisyhp tneitaptuo lla ot deilppa ot yraterceS eht deriuqer ARD .018,1$ timil yraicifeneb rep 005,1$ launna na ,9991 nI era stimil 8002 eht dna ,087,1$ erew stimil .raey eht rof pac ypareht eht 7002 eht ;047,1$ erew stimil 6002 ehT .6002 tem sah yraicifeneb a retfa neve egarevoc eracideM ,1 yraunaJ derotser erew stimil ehT .5002 eviecer ot serudecorp dna sesongaid cificeps ,13 rebmeceD-3002 ,8 rebmeceD gninnigeb rof swolla taht ssecorp snoitpecxe na detaerc stimil eht fo noitacilppa eht dednepsus ssergnoC ,pac eht deecxe taht sdeen ypareht AMM .095,1$ erew stimil eht emit taht tA htiw stneitap etadommocca oT ".spac" ro stimil .3002 ,1 rebmetpeS litnu dednepsus saw stimil evah ypareht lanoitapucco dna ,secivres ygolohtap eht fo noitacilppa ,revewoh ;2002 ni gninnigeb egaugnal-hceeps ,ypareht lacisyhp gnidulcni IEM eht ni esaercni eht yb desaercni eb ot ,secivres ypareht tneitaptuo rof egarevoc eracideM erew stimil 005,1$ ehT .eludehcs eef naicisyhp secivres ypareht eht rednu elbacilppa etadpu eht no tnedneped .eludehcs lanoitapucco ro .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS era stnemyap eludehcs eef ni setadpU eef naicisyhp eht rednu edam era stnemyaP lacisyhp tneitaptuO )f( .srekrow laicos lacinilc dna stsigolohcysp lacinilc yb dedivorp secivres rof yrotadnam si tnemngissA .seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP raluger ,esiwrehtO .%05 gniniamer eht rof elbail si tneitap eht dna sesnepxe derrucni fo %05 syap eracideM sesac eseht nI .noitatimil secivres htlaeh latnem eht ot tcejbus era tneitapni latipsoh a ton si ohw tneitap a fo sredrosid ytilanosrep dna ,citoruenohcysp ,latnem fo tnemtaert eht htiw noitcennoc ni secivreS srekroW .tnuoma eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht fo laicoS lacinilC etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP eef yrotarobal dna yrotarobal dna eludehcs naht erom on ,05 revo snosrep rof( stset doolb tlucco lacef gnineercs )1( :recnac eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS noloc fo noitceted ylrae eht rof serudecorp gniwollof eht rof dedivorp si egarevoC gnineercs latceroloC .smialc dengissa-non no ylppa stimil gnillib ecnalaB .lanoitpo si tnemngissA .eludehcs .seilppa ecnarusnioc B traP raluger ;deviaw si elbitcuded ehT .eludehcs eef naicisyhp .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS eht rednu edam si tnemyaP .margommam gnineercs launna na rof dezirohtua si egarevoC smargommam gnineercS .)7002 sa .sraems emas eht( 67.41$ si 8002 pap rof seilppa tnuoma ni sraems pap rof tnemyap tnemyap muminim .desopmi si gnirahs tsoc oN .yrotadnam si tnemngissA .eludehcs eef yrotarobal citsongaid muminiM .eludehcs lanoitan A .eludehcs lacinilc eht no desab si tnemyaP .ksir hgih ta nemow rof dezirohtua si egarevoc launna smaxe eef yrotarobal lacinilc eeS eef yrotarobal lacinilc eeS ;sraey owt yreve ecno smaxe civlep gnineercs dna sraems pap gnineercs srevoc eracideM civlep ;sraems paP etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .detcelloc si nemiceps eht emit eht ta HAC a yb detarepo si taht )cinilc htlaeh larur a gnidulcni( cinilc a ro emoh gnisrun delliks a ni ro ,HAC eht ni tneserp yllacisyhp si ecivres eht seviecer ohw laudividni eht rehtehw ot drager .8002 ,1 yluJ tuohtiw stsoc fo %101 ta secivres latipsoh tneitaptuo sa edam eb ot erew noitartsnomed eht rednu desrubmier eb lliw HAC a yb dehsinruf secivres yrotarobal stnemyap tsrif ehT .setar tnemyap eracideM citsongaid lacinilc ,9002 ,1 yluJ gninnigeB .sHAC ni tnerruc woleb secirp ta secivres yrotarobal secivres yrotarobal lacinilc rof tnemyap eht deifiralc AAPIM ytilauq edivorp ot desu eb dluoc gniddib evititepmoc rehtehw enimreted ot secivres .secivreS yrotarobaL yrotarobal lacinilc rof gniddib evititepmoc lacinilC rof tcejorP noitartsnomeD gniddiB evititepmoC gnisu tcejorp noitartsnomed a detadnam AMM eracideM eht delaeper APPIM .stniop egatnecrep .8002-4002 rof setadpu 5.0 sunim sremusnoc nabru lla rof IPC eht ni esaerced ro detanimile AMM .2002 hguorht 8991 .desopmi esaercni egatnecrep eht eb lliw 3102-9002 rof tnemtsujda rof detanimile erew setadpU .etairporppa si gnirahs tsoc oN .yrotadnam si tnemngissA etadpu eludehcs eef tset yrotarobal lacinilc launna ehT smeed yraterceS eht sa stnemtsujda .tset eht rof seludehcs eef lla fo naidem eht rehto hcus htiw rehtegot ,IPC fo %47 ot lauqe stnuoma tnemyap no gniliec .8002 ro eht ni egnahc egatnecrep eht yb yllaunna a si erehT .detadpu yllacidoirep era stnuoma ,7002 ,6002 ,5002 ,4002 rof edam saw etadpu on ,AMM stnuoma tnemyap eht tsujda ot deriuqer eludehcs eef ehT .seludehcs eef ediw-aera secivres yrotarobal reP .3002 ni %1.1 yb detadpu erew seludehcs eef ehT si SHH fo yraterceS eht ,yllareneG fo sisab eht no diap era secivres bal lacinilC citsongaid lacinilC etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ .secivres ypareht rehto etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .srotcaf ksir niatrec tsefinam ro msyruena citroa lanimodba fo yrotsih ylimaf a evah )3( dna ;eracideM yb rof diap gnineercs a hcus dah ton evah smsyruena .eludehcs )2( ;maxe secivres evitneverp laitini eht gnirud gnineercs hcus rof larrefer a eviecer )1( citroa lanimodba rof .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS :ohw slaudividni rof derevoc era smsyruena citroa lanimodba rof sgnineercs dnuosartlU sgnineercs dnuosartlU .sraey owt yreve ecno naht yltneuqerf erom on dedivorp .eludehcs era yeht fi derevoc era secivres ,lareneg nI .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht rednu edam stnemerusaem .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS era stnemyaP .slaudividni ksir-hgih niatrec rof derevoc era stnemerusaem ssam enoB ssam enoB .naicisyhp a yb dehsinruf neeb dah .eludehcs ti fi ecivres eht rof eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht rednu dehsilbatse tnuoma eht fo %58 slauqe secivres ypareht .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS tnemyaP .esaesid laner ro setebaid htiw slaudividni niatrec rof dezirohtua si egarevoC noitirtun lacideM .eludehcs .eludehcs eef naicisyhp gniniart tnemeganam .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS eht rednu edam si tnemyaP .redivorp deifitrec a yb dehsinruf secivres srevoc eracideM -fles tneitaptuo setebaiD .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht rednu edam si tnemyaP .revo dna 56 ega .eludehcs snaciremA cinapsiH dna ,revo dna 05 ega snaciremA-nacirfA ,amocualg fo yrotsih ylimaf .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS a htiw snosrep ,setebaid htiw snosrep rof gnineercs amocualg launna na srevoc eracideM gnineercs amocualG .eludehcs .eludehcs eef naicisyhp gnineercs .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS eht rednu edam si tnemyaP .tset gnineercs recnac etatsorp launna na srevoc eracideM recnac etatsorP .smialc dengissa-non no ylppa stimil gnillib ecnalaB .7002 ,1 yraunaJ evitceffe ,sgnineercs rof ylppa ton seod elbitcuded B traP eht taht deificeps ARD .seipocsonoloc dna seipocsodiomgis rof lanoitpo si tnemngissA .seilppa gnirahs tsoc on dna stset doolb tlucco lacef rof yrotadnam si tnemngissA .tset citsongaid a sa naht rehtar ,lavomer ro yspoib hcus htiw erudecorp eht sa diap dna deifissalc eb dluow ti ,noisel a fo lavomer ro yspoib a ni stluser ypocsonoloc ro ypocsodiomgis a fI .eludehcs eef naicisyhp rednu diap era stset rehto ;eludehcs eef yrotarobal eht rednu diap era stset doolb tlucco laceF .esoprup citsongaid a rof enod nehw erudecorp emas eht rof diap setar no desab era stnemyaP .)stset esoht rof dehsilbatse sretemarap gnineercs emas eht htiw ecnadrocca ni ypocsonoloc gnineercs ro ypocsodiomgis elbixelf gnineercs a rehtie ot evitanretla na sa( samene muirab )4( dna ;ypocsodiomgis gnineercs a retfa sraey ruof ro sraey 01 yreve ,ksir hgih ta ton esoht rof dna )sraey owt yreve eno ot detimil( slaudividni ksir-hgih rof ypocsonoloc elbixelf gnineercs )3( ;)recnac noloc rof ksir hgih ta ton esoht rof ypocsonoloc gnineercs a retfa sraey 01 dna sraey ruof yreve .eludehcs .eludehcs eef ecno naht erom on ,05 revo snosrep rof( ypocsodiomgis elbixelf gnineercs )2( ;)yllaunna etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP htiw stcartnoc lla detanimret ,margorp eht deppots APPIM 2 puorg gnidulcni ,secafrus troppus dna ;seirossecca ,revewoH .8002 ,1 yluJ no nageb margorp eht dna ,7002 detaler dna sreklaw ;seirossecca dna seilppus detaler ,52 rebmetpeS no dettimbus erew sdib fo dnuor tsrif ehT dna spmup ypareht dnuow erusserp evitagen ;seirossecca .laitnetop sgnivas tsegral eht evah denimreted yraterceS detaler dna sdeb latipsoh ;seilppus detaler dna )sDAR( eht taht secivres dna smeti esoht ro secivres dna smeti seciveD tsissA yrotaripseR dna secived )PAPC( erusserp emulov tsehgih dna tsoc tsehgih eht gnoma noitisiuqca yawria evitisop suounitnoc ;seilppus dna ,tnempiuqe evititepmoc ni-esahp ot dezirohtua saw yraterceS ,stneirtun laretne ;seilppus citebaid redro-liam ;seirossecca ehT .9002 ni saera lanoitidda dna ,8002 ni sASM 08 detaler dna sriahcleehw rewop evitatilibaher xelpmoc ot gnidnapxe ,7002 ni )sASM( saera lacitsitats natiloportem ;seirossecca detaler dna sretoocs ,sriahcleehw rewop 01 ni nigeb ot saw noitisiuqca evititepmoC .scitohtro dna dradnats ;tnempiuqe dna seilppus negyxo edulcni 9002 scitehtsorp ,EMD rof noitisiuqca evititepmoc fo margorp ni saera lla ni noitcuder %5.9 a ot tcejbus smeti 01 ehT a nigeb yraterceS eht deriuqer AMM .seilppa gnirahs tsoc .IPC eht eb lliw 4102 ni etadpu B traP ralugeR .smialc dengissa-non no ylppa ton od stimil eht ,smeti rehto lla roF .saera gniddib evititepmoc fo gnillib ecnalaB .lanoitpo si tnemngissA .stnuoma tnemyap edistuo erew )3( dna ,yraterceS eht yb tnemtsujda tnemyap lacol lla fo egareva dethgiew eht fo %001 ot lauqe si gniliec a deviecer ton dah )2( ,9002 ni noitcuder %5.9 eht deviecer eht dna stnuoma tnemyap lacol lla fo egareva dethgiew dah )1( taht secivres dna smeti rof stniop egatnecrep eht fo %58 ot lauqe si roolf ehT .sgniliec dna sroolf evah 2 sulp IPC eht eb lliw etadpu eht ,4102 roF .saera gniddib .8002-4002 stimil lanoitan ehT .stimil lanoitan ot tcejbus era dna yllacol evititepmoc fo edistuo secivres dna smeti lla rof IPC eht ni rof setadpu eht detanimile dehsilbatse era setar eludehcs eef ,lareneg nI .smeti latner esaercni eht eb lliw etadpu eludehcs eef eht ,3102 hguorht AMM .2002 rof nezorf erew deppac sa ot derrefer smeti rehto )5( dna ;tnempiuqe 0102 roF .margorp gniddib evititepmoc eht fo 1 dnuor stnemyap dna ;1002 rof U negyxo dna negyxo )4( ;smeti dezimotsuc )3( ;gnicivres ni dedulcni seirossecca dna secivres ,smeti lla rof %5.9 yb -IPC eht yb desaercni erew laitnatsbus dna tneuqerf gniriuqer smeti )2( ;)semit eht fo 9002 rof etadpu eludehcs eef eht decuder APPIM ,margorp stnemyap ;0002-8991 rof %57 tsael ta desahcrup era hcihw ro 051$ naht ssel gnitsoc noitisiuqca evititepmoc eht ni yaled eht rof yap oT detanimile erew setadpU smeti sa denifed( tnempiuqe desahcrup ylenituor rehto ro evisnepxeni )1( :stnemyap gnikam dna seludehcs eef .8002 .U-IPC eht yb yllaunna eht gninimreted fo sesoprup rof spuorg evif otni deifissalc dna ,7002 ,6002 ,5002 ,4002 rof setadpu on erew ereht detadpu era stnuoma era smetI .eludehcs eef a fo sisab eht no diap si EMD )EMD( tnempiuqE ,AMM yb deriuqer sA .%1.1 saw 3002 rof etadpu ehT eludehcs eef ,lareneg nI ,saerA gniddiB evititepmoC SOPEMD detangised ni tpecxE lacideM elbaruD etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .)dedivorp si ecivres eht .)7002 .IEM eht ni esaercni nehw si yraicifeneb eht erehw etis eht( etis gnitanigiro eht ot diap si eef ytilicaf A .metsys ni 49.22$ ot derapmoc( egatnecrep eht yb desaercni ,raey snoitacinummocelet a tuohtiw dehsinruf neeb dah ecivres eht fi eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht 53.32$ si eef ytilicaf gnidecerp eht rof dehsilbatse rednu diap eb dluow taht tnuoma eht ot lauqe si tnemyaP .yraicifeneb eht sa noitacol emas 8002 ehT .eludehcs tnuoma eht slauqe eef ytilicaf eht ta ton si ecivres eht gnidivorp laudividni eht taht tcaf eht gnidnatshtiwton ,renoititcarp eef naicisyhp eeS ehT .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS ro naicisyhp a yb metsys snoitacinummocelet a aiv dehsinruf secivres rof syap eracideM secivres htlaeheleT etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivreS/redivorP detadpu ot roirP .eludehcs eef NEP eht fo sisab eht no diap era seilppus )NEP( .)7002 ni %3.4 era stnuoma dna ,tnempiuqe ,stneirtun laretne dna laretnerap ,evoba debircsed noitirtuN laretnE ot derapmoc( %7.2 si ,U-IPC eht yb desaercni etar 8002 ehT eludehcs eeF sa saera gniddib evititepmoc SOPEMD detangised ni tpecxE dna laretneraP ycilop etadpu etadpu tneceR lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .seilppa gnirahs .8002 dna ,7002 ,6002 ,5002 .eludehcs tsoc B traP ralugeR .smialc dengissa-non ot ylppa ton od stimil gnillib ecnalab ;lanoitpo si ,4002 rof etadpu on saw erehT eef tnempiuqe tnemngissA .)evoba ees( eludehcs eef tnempiuqe lacidem elbarud eht sa ygolodohtem emas eht .%1.1 saw 3002 rof etadpu ehT lacidem elbarud eeS gnisu detupmoc era slevel tnemyaP .eludehcs eef a fo sisab eht no diap era sgnisserd lacigruS sgnisserD lacigruS ycilop etadpu tneceR etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .scitohtro ro scitehtsorp tceffa ton seod ,evoba debircsed sa ,etadpu eludehcs eef eht ni noitcuder eht ,eroferehT .margorp noitisiuqca evititepmoc .margorp noitisiuqca evititepmoc eht fo noitatnemelpmi deyaled SOPEMD eht fo dnuor tsrif eht ni APPIM .seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP ralugeR .smialc dengissa-non no ylppa ton dedulcni erew scitohtro ro scitehtsorp oN od stimil gnillib ecnalab ;lanoitpo si tnemngissA .stnuoma tnemyap lanoiger lla .6002-4002 rof fo egareva dethgiew eht fo %021 ot lauqe si gniliec eht dna stnuoma tnemyap %7.2 si 8002 rof etadpu ehT .%3.4 setadpu eht detanimile lanoiger lla fo egareva dethgiew eht fo %09 ot lauqe si roolf ehT .sgniliec dna saw 7002 rof etadpu ehT .6002 dna 5002 AMM .U-IPC eht sroolf evah hcihw stimil lanoitan ot tcejbus era dna yllanoiger dehsilbatse era ,4002 rof setadpu on erew ereht ,AMM yb yb yllaunna detadpu era setar esehT .eludehcs eef a fo sisab eht no diap era scitohtro dna scitehtsorp scitohtro deriuqer sA .%1.1 saw 3002 rof etadpu ehT stnuoma eludehcs eeF ,evoba debircsed sa saera gniddib evititepmoc SOPEMD detangised ni tpecxE dna scitehtsorP ycilop etadpu tneceR etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .1102 litnu sraey owt yb deyaled saw margorp eht fo noisnapxE .9002 ni dnuor .syalrevo dna sesserttam tsrif eht diber ot yraterceS eht deriuqer dna sreilppus etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ecirp remusnoc eht gnisu yllaunna eht detanimile dna ,raey lacsif a morf raey radnelac a tneitaptuo latipsoh eht no desab metsys tnemyap detadpu eb lliw rotcaf noisrevnoc ot elcyc etadpu eht degnahc ,metsys tnemyap roirp eht a gnisu CSA na ni dedivorp secivres ytilicaf detaler sretneC lacigruS CSA eht ,0102YC ni gninnigeB rednu 5002YF rof etadpu tnemyap eht detanimile AMM -yregrus rof yap lliw eracideM ,8002 ,1 yraunaJ gnitratS yrotalubmA etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyaP lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ .seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP ralugeR .smialc dengissa-non no ylppa ton od stimil gnillib ecnalab ;lanoitpo si tnemngissA .egrahc dexedni-noitalfni eht )4( ,smeti elbarapmoc rof srebircsbus ro sredlohycilop s'reirrac eht ot .%7.2 .U-IPC eht yb detadpu si egrahc dexedni edam segrahc eht )3( ,ytilacol eht ni meti eht rof egrahc gniliaverp si 8002 rof egrahc -noitalfni ehT .raey radnelac suoiverp eht fo 03 enuJ -1 eht )2( ,meti eht rof egrahc yramotsuc s'reilppus eht )1( :sneercs dexedni-noitalfni eht yluJ fo doirep htnom-21 eht gnirud ytilacol eht ni secivres eef gniwollof eht fo yna deecxe ton yam segrahc esehT .enicidem ot etadpu ehT .%3.4 dna smeti ralimis rof edam segrahc yramotsuc eht fo %57 noisufsnart dna ,stcudorp doolb ,sesnel ralucoartni niatrec si 7002 rof egrahc naht rehgih eb ton yam segrahc gniliaverP .level egrahc ,seohs cituepareht ,tnempiuqe dna seilppus sisylaid emoh ,stsac dexedni-noitalfni yramotsuc s'reilppus a enimreted sreirraC .yllaunna ,stnilps sa smeti hcus era dedulcnI .sisab egrahc elbanosaer a no diap secivres eht ot etadpu ehT detaluclac era smeti egrahc elbanosaer rof stnemyaP llits secivres esoht ot srefer ereh secivres dna smeti suoenallecsiM suoenallecsiM etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .9002 ni noitcuder %5.9 eht ot tcejbus erofereht era dna margorp eht fo dnuor tsrif eht ni dedulcni erew seilppus dna tnempiuqe ,stneirtun laretnE .IPC eht eb lliw 4102 ni etadpu eht ,smeti rehto lla roF .saera gniddib evititepmoc fo edistuo erew )3( dna ,yraterceS eht yb tnemtsujda tnemyap a deviecer ton dah )2( ,9002 ni noitcuder %5.9 eht deviecer dah )1( taht secivres dna smeti rof stniop egatnecrep 2 sulp IPC eht eb lliw etadpu .margorp noitisiuqca evititepmoc eht fo eht ,4102 roF .saera gniddib evititepmoc fo edistuo secivres noitatnemelpmi deyaled APPIM .seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP ralugeR dna smeti lla rof IPC eht ni esaercni eht eb lliw etadpu eludehcs .smialc dengissa-non no ylppa ton od stimil gnillib ecnalab ;lanoitpo eef eht ,3102 hguorht 0102 roF .margorp gniddib evititepmoc si tnemngissA .metsys egrahc elbanosaer eht rednu sreilppus eht fo 1 dnuor ni dedulcni seirossecca dna secivres ,smeti NEP ot sisab lanoitan a no edam stnuoma tnemyap no desab lla rof %5.9 yb 9002 rof etadpu eludehcs eef eht decuder APPIM .U-IPC era stnuoma eludehcs eef ehT .)secivreS dna smetI suoenallecsiM ,margorp noitisiuqca evititepmoc eht ni yaled eht rof yap oT eht yb yllaunna rednu woleb ees( sisab egrahc elbanosaer a no diap saw NEP ,2002 ycilop etadpu etadpu tneceR lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP larur ni sDPOH .SPP-DPOH eht morf noitcetorp sselmrah dloh tnenamrep a evah slatipsoh s'nerdlihc dna recnaC .stnemyap reiltuo lartuen-tegdub dna ygolonhcet wen rof stnemyap hguorht-ssap lartuen-tegdub sedulcni .496.36$ osla SPP-DPOH ehT .denepmad egnahc detaluclac saw rotcaf noisrevnoc 8002YC lanif eht evah lliw sthgiew evitaler rieht ni snoitautculf ehT .tnemtsujda tnemyap HCS larur tnacifingis htiw sCPA niatreC .CPA taht ni secivres eht rof tnuocca ot eno gnidulcni fo tsoc naidem eht no desab si taht thgiew evitaler a sah ,srotcaf ytilartuen-tegdub hguorht CPA hcae ,sCPA ygolonhcet wen rof tpecxE .xedni egaw -ssap dna xedni egaw deriuqer eht SPPI eht yb detsujda yllacihpargoeg si rotcaf noisrevnoc yb detsujda saw esaercni sihT .%3.3 eht fo %06 ,sCPA tsom roF .rotcaf noisrevnoc saw BM SPPI eht ,8002YC roF a yb CPA na htiw detaicossa thgiew evitaler eht .sraey gniylpitlum yb detaluclac si secivres DPOH rof tnemyap .864.16$ tneuqesbus ni tnuocca otni nekat eb ton dluow s'eracideM .CPA lacinilc a otni tnemngissa timrep ot saw rotcaf noisrevnoc 7002YC lanif dna ,raey elbacilppa eht rof ylppa dluow atad ytilauq elbaliava si atad tsoc dna lacinilc litnu sCPA ygolonhcet ehT .tnemtsujda tnemyap HCS larur gnittimbus ton rof noitcuder ehT .stniop egatnecrep wen ot dengissa era seigolonhcet wen deificeps eht rof tnuocca ot eno gnidulcni 2 sunim BM eht eb lliw atad ytilauq deriuqer timbus ,CPA hcae nihtiw deldnub era smeti dna secivres largetni ,srotcaf ytilartuen -tegdub hguorht ton od taht slatipsoh rof etadpu eht ,9002YC ni ,elbissop tnetxe eht oT .)sCPA( snoitacifissalc tnemyap -ssap dna xedni egaw deriuqer eht gnitrats ,ACHRT yb dehsilbatse sA .BM SPPI latipsoh yrotalubma 075 tuoba fo eno ot dengissa sa erudecorp )sDPOH( yb detsujda saw esaercni sihT .%4.3 eht no desab era setadpu launna esehT .eludehcs ro ecivres laudividni eht si tnemyap fo tinu eht ,0002 stnemtrapeD saw BM SPPI eht ,7002YC roF raey radnelac a no detadpu si rotcaf noisrevnoc ehT tsuguA ni detnemelpmi saw hcihw ,SPP-DPOH rednU tneitaptuO latipsoH etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .secivres evisnetni ecived dna sgurd elbayap yletarapes ,secivres ygoloidar elbayap yletarapes ,serudecorp desab-eciffo wen rof stnemyap tes ot sdohtem tnereffid .sraey tneuqesbus rof ton dna sesu SMC .eno wen eht dna metsys tnemyap CSA ,ylno raey elbacilppa eht rof ylppa dluow atad ytilauq dlo eht neewteb ytilartuen tegdub erusne ot tes rotcaf gnittimbus ton rof noitcuder ehT .stniop egatnecrep noisrevnoc SPPO eht fo egatnecrep a no desab si rotcaf 2 sunim etadpu deriuqer eht eb yam atad ytilauq noisrevnoc CSA ehT .erudecorp cificeps a rof tnemyap deriuqer timbus ton od taht sCSA rof esaercni launna a teg ot )tnuoma tnemyap egareva( rotcaf noisrevnoc eht ,9002YC ni gnitrats ,ACHRT eht yb dehsilbatse sA a yb deilpitlum eb lliw sthgiew evitaler ehT .stnemyap .metsys dlo eht rednu stnemyap detcejorp latot eht ot etarapes rof elbigile eb lliw secivres niatreC .SPPO 104.14$ ro rotcaf lauqe eb dluohs metsys wen eht rednu stnemyap latoT ni sa emas eht eb lliw serudecorp sthgiew evitaler noisrevnoc SPPO eht fo %56 ta .8002 ,1 yraunaJ naht retal ton dna ,6002 ,1 yraunaJ retfa CSA eht fo ynaM .SPPO eht sa )sCPA( spuorg tnemyap dehsilbatse saw rotcaf noisrevnoc ro no detnemelpmi eb lliw CSA na ni dehsinruf secivres emas eht sesu metsys tnemyap CSA ehT .doirep CSA eht ,8002YC nI .)U-IPC( lacigrus rof metsys tnemyap desiver a taht dehsilbatse noitisnart raey-ruof a revo detnemelpmi eb lliw metsys sremusnoc nabru lla rof xedni osla AMM .9002-6002 sraey radnelac rof setadpu tnemyap wen ehT .)SPPO( metsys tnemyap evitcepsorp )sCSA( etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyaP lareneG ecivres/redivorP .69.001$ si timil CHQF larur eht dna ,14.711$ si timil CHQF nabru eht ,36.57$ si timil tnemyap reppu CHR eht ,8002YC roF .secivres CQHF rof seilppa elbitcuded on ;yrotadnam si tnemngissA .sCQHF dna )sdeb 05 naht rewef htiw slatipsoh .71.99$ saw timil .secivres lacidem niatrec rof ni esoht naht rehto( sCHR lla rof dehsilbatse era stimil tnemyap tisiv-reP CHQF larur eht dna,33.511$ noitalfni serusaem hcihw )IEM( .stisiv dna stsoc lautca no desab raey eht fo dne eht ta edam si noitailicnocer secivres saw timil CHQF nabru xedni cimonoce eracideM a ;stisiv fo rebmun dna stsoc elbawolla fo setamitse no desab CHQF ro CHR )sCHQF( retneC htlaeH eht ,92.47$ saw timil tnemyap eht yb raey hcae fo 1 yraunaJ eht ot edam si tnemyap miretni nA .secivres derevoc rof tisiv yraicifeneb deifilauQ yllaredeF dna reppu CHR eht ,7002YC roF no detadpu era stimil tnemyaP hcae rof etar evisulcni-lla na fo sisab eht no diap era sCHQF dna sCHR )sCHR( scinilC htlaeH laruR etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ .detibihorp si gnillib ecnalaB .raey taht rof dehsilbatse tnuoma elbitcuded tneitapni eht ot detimil si erudecorp a rof tnuoma tnemyapoc yraicifeneb A .tnuoma eludehcs eef eracideM eht fo %02 si erahs yraicifeneb eht litnu tnemyap latot eht fo erahs a sa enilced lliw stnemyapoc yraicifeneb nezorf eht ,esir stnuoma SPP sa ,emit revO .9991 ot detadpu ,6991 ni ecivres eht rof egrahc naidem lanoitan eht fo %02 ta nezorf eb lliw stnemyapoC .secivres eseht rof tnemyapoc s'yraicifeneb eht secuder ylwols SPP-DPOH .%05 ot werg stnemyap tneitaptuo latot fo erahs 'seiraicifeneb ,metsys tnemyap roirp s'eracideM rednu ,emit revO .0102 ,1 yraunaJ erofeb dna ,9002 ,1 yraunaJ retfa ro no dehsinruf secivres DPOH derevoc rof ecnereffid tnemyap eht fo %58 eviecer lliw sdeb 001 naht erom ton htiw sHCS .esaercni tnemyap %1.7 a eviecer lliw sHCS larur ,6002 ,1 yraunaJ no secivres rof gnitratS .9002 dna 8002 gnirud %58 dna 7002 gnirud %09 ot decuder eb lliw egatnecrep ehT .6002YC gnirud metsys tnemyap roirp eht rednu deviecer evah dluow ti tnemyap eht fo %59 tsael ta eviecer lliw )sHCS ton era taht( sdeb rewef ro 001 htiw slatipsoh etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .seilppa gnirahs tsoc .slatipsoh eseht fo trap sa dedulcni B traP raluger hcihw retfa ,raey a ni doolb fo stnip eerht tsrif rof syap yraicifeneB doolb rof setadpu rof slatipsoh SPPI no noitces eht eeS .doolb rof stsoc elbawolla syap eracideM ,slatipsoh dedulcxe-SPPI roF ).tnemyap .etadpu .stroper-tsoc sti no detroper sa stsoc elbanosaer sti fo GRD eht ni deldnub si latipsoh SPPI na ni deviecer si taht doolB( .secivres cificeps %001 diap si ytilicaf tneitaptuo ehT .stsoc doolb B traP rehto fo trap sa tneitaptuo latipsoh a ot dedivorp era taht stnenopmoc doolb dna oN fo tnemesrubmier eht rof etadpu cificeps on si erehT ,tnip htruof eht htiw gnitrats ,doolb fo stnip rof tsoc elbanosaer eht syap eracideM doolB etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .sgurd eseht rof etar tnemyap eht gnirewol fo noitpo .B sititapeh dna eht esicrexe ot ton nesohc sah yraterceS eht .seniccav suriv azneulfni dna laccocomuenp ,ainomuenp ,azneulfni rof seniccav )7( dna ;srotcaf dna sgurd emos rof dedeecxe saw egatnecrep rof tpecxe ,seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP ralugeR gnittolc ailihpomeh )6( ;stnalpsnart nagro eracideM eht taht dnuof stroper GIO lareveS .ecirp .stnuoma ecnarusnioc dna elbitcuded yraicifeneb derevoc retfa sgurd evisserppusonummi )5( ;)aimena rerutcafunam egareva eht fo %301 ro ecirp ot tcejbus gurd ecruos elgnis ro gurd ecruos elpitlum taert ot desu( niteioporhtyre )4( ;)stnelaviuqe tekram elbaliava ylediw eht fo ressel eht lauqe a rof ecirp elbacilppa eht fo %601 slauqe ygolodohtem elbatcejni htiw esoht( sgurd aesuan-itna dna recnac dluow tnemyap eht ,sesac hcus nI .)yraterceS PSA eht rednu tnemyap s'eracideM .margorp laro deretsinimda-fles niatrec )3( ;EMD derevoc eht yb denimreted sa ,tneserp ot 6002 ni %5( noitisiuqca evititepmoc eht hguorht edam eb yam fo esu evitceffe eht rof yrassecen era taht esoht egatnecrep deificeps a yb ecirp rerutcafunam tnemyap ,ylevitanretlA .ygolodohtem )PSA( ecirp selas )2( ;secivres s'naicisyhp a ot tnedicni dedivorp era egareva ro ecirp tekram elbaliava ylediw eht egareva eht gnisu diap era ,slacituecamrahpoidar dna dna deretsinimda-fles ton yllausu era yeht fi derevoc .noisivorp sdeecxe PSA eht fi yraterceS eht yb derewol srotcaf gnittolc dna stcudorp doolb ,secivres sisylaid era taht )1( :esoht gnidulcni ,etutats yb dezirohtua cificeps eb yam dohtem PSA eht rednu stnemyaP laner niatrec htiw detaicossa esoht ,seniccav B sititapeh era taht margorp B traP eht rednu slacigoloib dna oN .yraterceS eht yb ylretrauq detadpu si PSA ehT dna ,azneulfni ,laccocomuenp rof tpecxe ,stcudorp gurD sgurd tneitaptuo srevoc eracideM .seniccav/sgurD etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ .secivres .secivres .)sredivorp ypareht lanoitapucco dna lacisyhp rof evoba debircsed( ypareht lanoitapucco ypareht lanoitapucco stimil ypareht eht ot tcejbus era secivres yparehT .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht fo )FROC( dna lacisyhp tneitaptuo dna dna lacisyhp tneitaptuo dna sisab eht no edam era secivres rof stnemyaP .secivres evitarotser dna cituepareht ytilicaF noitatilibaheR eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS eludehcs eef naicisyhp eeS ,citsongaid tneitaptuo )snaicisyhp fo noisivrepus eht rednu ro yb( edivorp sFROC tneitaptuO evisneherpmoC etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ ,6002 ,13 rebmeceD no secivres ecnalubma ria rof stnemyap gnikam fo sesoprup eht rof larur sa detangised aera yna taht seificeps APPIM .8002 rebmeceD-4002 yluJ morf erom dna selim 15 fo spirt rof etar egaelim eht no sunob %52 a si erehT .saera ytisned noitalupop wol ,larur ni gnitanigiro secivres ecnalubma dnuorg rof %6.22 yb desaercni era stnemyap egaelim ,9002 ,13 rebmeceD ot 4002 ,1 yluJ doirep eht roF .etar esab eht fo noitrop a ot edam era stnemtsujda cihpargoeG .egaelim rof tnemyap sulp ecivres fo level eht rof etar esab a slauqe ecivres a rof tnemyap ehT .tnuoma eludehcs eef lanoitan eht no desab eb lliw saera lla ni stnemyap eht ,yltneuqesbus dna 0102 nI .9002-7002 rof %08 si setar lanoitan no desab dnelb eht fo noitrop ehT .stnuoma eludehcs eef lanoiger dna lanoitan eht fo dnelb a ro eludehcs eef lanoitan eht fo retaerg eht ot lauqe era 9002 hguorht stnemyap ,secivres ecnalubma dnuorg roF .secivres ecnalubma ria rof ni-desahp ylluf si eludehcs eef lanoitan ehT .)WR( ecnalubma ria gniw yrator dna )WF( ecnalubma ria gniw dexif :era seirogetac .9002 ,13 ecnalubma ria ehT .)IP( tpecretni SLA cidemarap dna ;)TCS( tropsnart rebmeceD-8002 ,1 yluJ doirep eht rof %2 yb saera rehto erac ytilaiceps ;)2SLA( 2 leveL troppus efil decnavda ;ycnegremenon dna ni gnitanigiro stropsnart hcus rof stnemyap eht dna %3 yb .U ycnegreme htob ,)1SLA( 1 leveL troppus efil decnavda ;ycnegremenon dna stcart susnec larur ro saera larur ni gnitanigiro stropsnart -IPC eht yb raey ycnegreme htob ,)SLB( troppus efil cisab :era seirogetac ecnalubma dnuorg ecnalubma dnuorg rof stnemyap sesaercni APPIM hcae detadpu ehT .secivres ecnalubma ria fo seirogetac owt dna secivres ecnalubma .etar elbacilppa eht egnahc yam snoisivorp rehtO .)7002 era stnuoma dnuorg fo seirogetac neves sehsilbatse eludehcs eef ehT .ni-desahp gnieb si secivres ni %3.4 ot derapmoc( %7.2 si 8002 rof etadpu ehT eludehcs eef ehT hcihw ,eludehcs eef lanoitan a fo sisab eht no diap era secivres ecnalubmA ecnalubmA ycilop etadpu etadpu tneceR lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .detibihorp si gnillib ecnalab ;seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP ralugeR .metsys tnemyap evitcepsorp tneitaptuo latipsoh eht rednu diap era secivres rehtO .eludehcs eef naicisyhp eht rednu edam si secivres lanoisseforp rof tnemyaP .retnec htlaeh latnem ytinummoc a ni dedivorp nehw derevoc eb osla yam margorp ehT .erac yliad ruoh-42 naht .secivres .secivres ssel gnireffo ecivres tnemtaert yrotalubma evisnetni dezinagro dna tcnitsid a eb tsum dna detailiffa tneitaptuo latipsoh tneitaptuo latipsoh -latipsoh ro desab-latipsoh si hcihw margorp a rednu dedivorp eb tsum secivreS .erac cirtaihcysp ssenlli latnem fo tnemtaert dna eludehcs dna eludehcs tneitapni eriuqer esiwrehto dluow laudividni eht fi ylno derevoc era secivres ehT .erac htlaeh ot detcennoc secivres eef naicisyhp eeS eef naicisyhp eeS latnem "noitazilatipsoh laitrap" rof stnemyap erac tneitaptuo latipsoh B traP sedivorp eracideM noitazilatipsoh laitraP ycilop etadpu tneceR etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP £ rehto gnoma ;stsoc fo gnidaol-tnorf rof tnuocca ot HH .stnemeriuqer ecivres dna fo doirep a gnirud edosipe tsrif eht ro edosipe ylno eht ,sutats lanoitcnuf ,ytireves lacinilc s'yraicifeneb eht tcelfer sa rucco taht sedosipe APUL rof tnemyap desaercni na taht sGRHH 08 fo eno ni dezirogetac si yraicifeneb dna ;stisiv ypareht fo yreviled eht no sevitnecni laicnanif a ,tnemssessa eht retfA .)SISAO( teS noitamrofnI fo tcapmi eht ecuder ot esu ecruoser no secivres tnemssessA dna emoctuO eht gnisu sdeen erac noitatilibaher fo tcapmi eht rof stnuocca SPP eht yaw eht dna noitidnoc s'tneitap eht fo tnemssessa na gniwollof ot segnahc ;stneitap yats-regnol fo scitsiretcarahc htlaeh denimreted si yraicifeneb a ot elbacilppa GRHH ehT gnireffid eht dna seitidibromoc rof yltnereffid tnuocca ot .stnuoma tnemyap esab ledom xim-esac eht ot segnahc ;snoitidnoc lacinilc lautca larur dna nabru neewteb ecnereffid on si erehT .stisiv .1102 ,raey htruof eht ni noitcuder 'stneitap htlaeh emoh ot detaler ton era taht xim esac ni rewef ro ruof eviecer ohw seiraicifeneb rof )APUL( tnecrep 17.2 a dna )0102 segnahc rof tnuocca ot sraey 4 rof etar tnemyap edosipe tnemtsujda tnemyap noitazilitu wol a )7( dna ;ytilartuen dna ,9002 ,8002( sraey eerht yad-06 dezidradnats lanoitan eht ni noitcuder a dedulcni tegdub )6( ;edosipe yad-06 a gnirud rehtona ot AHH eno tsrif rof tnecrep 57.2 yb decuder SPP HH eracideM eht ot stnemenifer ,8002 YC nI morf srefsnart yraicifeneb a nehw rof edosipe laitrap a eb lliw ,etar tnemyap edosipe )5( ;)CICS( noitidnoc s'yraicifeneb a ni egnahc tnacifingis yad-06 dezidradnats lanoitan .raey tneuqesbus hcae dna 7002 YC rof elbacilppa saw tnemeriuqer sihT .stniop a )4( ;)stneitap yltsoc yliranidroartxe eht rof( stisiv ro ,tnuoma tnemyap esab ehT reiltuo )3( ;)sGRHH( "spuorg ecruoser htlaeh emoh" egatnecrep 2 sunim etadpu BM eht ot tnelaviuqe etadpu .SMC na eviecer dluow atad hcus timbus ton od taht sAHH gnisu )xim esac( stneitap fo sdeen erac eht ni secnereffid yb dehsilbup neeb tey ton sah elihw ;esaercni BM lluf a eviecer dluow yraterceS eht )2( ;xedni egaw latipsoh eht gnisu segaw aera ni etadpu BM HH eht ,9002YF roF yb deificeps sa ,ytilauq erac htlaeh gnirusaem fo sesoprup secnereffid )1( :rof detsujda si tnuoma tnemyap esab ehT rof atad eht timbus taht sAHH taht deificeps ARD .SPP )HH( htlaeh emoh eht ni dedulcni ton si tnempiuqe .%0.1 ot stniop egatnecrep 2 yb lacidem elbaruD .srehto dna ,seilppus lacidem ,stisiv decuder saw etadpu BM HH eht .sAHH yb desahcrup edia ,secivres laicos lacidem ,ypareht ,gnisrun delliks ,atad ytilauq deriuqer eht timbus secivres dna sdoog fo stsoc eht ni segnahc serusaem srevoc tnemyap ehT .raey a ni erac fo sedosipe detimilnu ot deliaf taht sAHH roF .%0.3 fo xedni sihT .xedni )BM( teksab tekram HH eht ni esaercni htiw ,stnemtsujda lareves ot tcejbus ,seiraicifeneb etadpu BM HH a deviecer SISAO detcejorp eht yb ,trap ni ,denimreted si taht rotcaf rof erac fo sedosipe yad-06 no desab si tnemyaP gnisu atad ytilauq deriuqer eht etadpu na yb yllaunna desaercni si ,etar edosipe yad .1002YF ni nageb taht metsys tnemyap evitcepsorp secivres timbus taht sAHH ,8002YC roF -06 dezidradnats lanoitan ro ,tnuoma tnemyap esab ehT a rednu diap era )sAHH( seicnega htlaeh emoH htlaeh emoH etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .yrotadnam si tnemngissA .seilppa gnirahs tsoc B traP ralugeR .9002 ,13 rebmeceD-8002 ,1 yluJ doirep eht gnirud stnemyap ecnalubma ria gnikam fo esoprup eht rof larur sa detaert eb lliw ycilop etadpu etadpu tneceR lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .tniop egatnecrep cisab a hsilbatse ot yraterceS eht deriuqer AMM 1 sunim rotcaf esaercni teksab tekram DRSE eht yb detadpu eb lliw etar etisopmoc eht ,metsys .sisab tsoc elbanosaer a no diap era stsoc etar etisopmoc dlo eht no desab tnemyap noitisiuqca yendik ,revewoH .SPP eht ot tcejbus eht fo noitrop eht roF .tniop egatnecrep 1 sunim era ,secivres latipsoh tneitapni era yeht tnetxe eht sisylaid laner rof metsys tnemyap deldnub a rof ot ,secivres noitatnalpsnart yendiK .seilppa gnirahs etairporppa rotcaf esaercni teksab tekram DRSE tsoc B traP raluger ;yrotadnam si tnemngissA .etar na yb stnuoma tnemyap deldnub eht esaercni etisopmoc latipsoh naidem eht fo %031 si timil .tnuoma yllaunna lliw yraterceS eht ,2102 ni gninnigeB eht nehw ,sisylaid laenotirep gnilcyc suounitnoc 9002 ,13 rebmeceD eht evoba %1 yb desaercni no stneitap rof tpecxe ,etar etisopmoc latipsoh eb lliw etar etisopmoc eht ,0102 ,1 yraunaJ .detnemelpmi naidem eht fo %001 ot detimil ,segrahc elbanosaer gninnigeB .tnuoma 8002 ,13 rebmeceD eht neeb ton dah metsys tnemyap deldnub fo sisab eht no edam si ,II dohteM sa nwonk evoba %1 yb desaercni eb lliw ,0102 ,1 yraunaJ eht fi edam neeb evah dluow taht stnemyap ,sreilppus eseht ot tnemyaP .secivres troppus erofeb dna ,9002 ,1 yraunaJ retfa ro no dehsinruf fo %89 lauqe lliw 1102 rof stnemyap sisylaid dna ,seilppus ,tnempiuqe rof reilppus a htiw secivres sisylaid rof etar etisopmoc ehT latot eracideM detamitse ,APPIM yb deriuqer sA stnemegnarra tnednepedni ekam yam dna ytilicaf .)snoitangised aera cihpargoeg ]ASBC[ .0102 dna 9002 ni etar etisopmoc a htiw detaicossa eb ot ton esoohc yam sisylaid aera lacitsitatS desaB eroC sti no %57 dna eht rof sesaercni tnemyap eht degnahc APPIM emoh gnitcele seiraicifeneB .secnereffid egaw snoitangised ]ASM[ aera lacitsitatS natiloporteM aera rof dna ,ytilicaf a ni susrev emoh ta gnizylaid s'ytilicaf DRSE na no %52 desab( etar etisopmoc .etar etisopmoc eht yb detneserper stneitap fo noitroporp lanoitan eht rof detsujda detsujda egaw dednelb 57/52 a gnisu noitisnart noitrop eht rof ton dna tnemtsujda no dna atad tsoc detidua morf devired si etar xedni egaw eht fo raey driht eht gnitnemelpmi -dda eht yb detneserper si taht metsys detsujda etisopmoc ehT .emoh s'tneitap eht ni ro ytilicaf ,detadpu saw atad egaw eht ,yllanoitiddA xim-esac eht fo noitrop taht rof ylno tub ,6002 eht ta dedivorp era secivres rehtehw fo sseldrager .%5.51 ot %.9.41 morf desaercni tnemyap htiw gninnigeb yllaunna stnuoma tnemyap xim ,noisses sisylaid hcae rof ,etar etisopmoc etar etisopmoc eht ot tnemtsujda no-dda -esac detsujda-egaw cisab eht etadpu ot deriuqer eht sa nwonk ,tnuoma tes ylevitcepsorp a diap era gurd eht ,tluser a sA .tnecrep 5.0 yb ,desaercni saw yraterceS ehT .yllartuen tegdub ,detsujda seitilicaf ,I dohteM rednU .tnemyap rof sdohtem dexim-esac neeb sah etar etisopmoc eht 5002 owt era erehT .emoh s'tneitap eht dna ,seitilicaf saw etar etisopmoc eht fo ,1 lirpA ecniS .5002 ,1 yraunaJ gninnigeb etar tnednepedni ,seitilicaf desab-latipsoh :sgnittes esaesid tnemtsujda no-dda gurd eht ylno ,8002YC roF etisopmoc eht ot etadpu na rof dedivorp AMM tneitaptuo eerht ni dereffo era secivres sisylaiD laner egats-dnE etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .sdne edosipe yad-06 eht ro detelpmoc si erac s'yraicifeneb eht nehw edam si tnemyap gniniamer ehT .detelpmoc si tnemssessa eht dna naicisyhp s'yraicifeneb eht morf sredro labrev deviecer sah AHH eht ecno erac s'yraicifeneb a fo gninnigeb eht ta dettimbus eb yam PAR ehT .)PAR( tnemyap detapicitna rof tseuqer a gnittimbus retfa tnemyap .segnahc detsujda-egaw dna xim-esac eht fo %06 diap era sAHH etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .4102 ,1 yraunaJ yb detnemelpmi ylluf eb lliw tI .sraey ruof revo )yllartuen tegdub dna( yllauqe ni-desahp eb lliw metsys stnemyap deldnub ehT .srehto gnoma ,)4102 ,1 yraunaJ dna ,1102 ,1 yraunaJ neewteb dehsinruf secivres rof %01 fo tnemtsujda tnemyap muminim a htiw( seitilicaf emulov-wol ,larur ni stsoc dna ,)sASE fo tnuoma eht ni snoitairav gnidulcni( sreiltuo tsoc hgih ,xim esac rof stnemtsujda edulcni lliw stnemyaP .seniccav edulcni ton lliw tI .smeti rehto gnoma stset yrotarobal citsongaid dna ,)gnildnub erofeb( yletarapes rof diap slacigoloib dna sgurd rehto dna )sASE( stnega gnitalumits siseioporhtyre ,0102 ,13 rebmeceD fo sa etar etisopmoc eht ni dedulcni erew hcihw secivres dna smeti edulcni lliw tnemyap deldnub ehT .1102 ,1 yraunaJ gninnigeb ,secivres sisylaid laner eracideM rof tnemyap elgnis a gnikam ,metsys tnemyap deldnub a tnemelpmi ot yraterceS eht seriuqer APPIM .stsoc daehrevo rehgih tcelfer ot seitilicaf sisylaid desab-latipsoh rof etar etisopmoc eht ot edam eb regnol on lliw stnemtsujdA .seitilicaf sisylaid laner rof deilppa esiwrehto erahs robal eht no desab eb lliw erahs robal eht ,secivres fo sredivorp ot xedni cihpargoeg eht gniylppa ni dna "lartuen etis" eb lliw secivres sisylaid rof etar tnemyap eht ,9002 ,1 yraunaJ gninnigeB .sisylaid rof stnemyap degnahc APPIM .stropeR lareneG rotcepsnI yb denimreted sa ,stsoc noitisiuqca rieht dna slacigoloib dna sgurd elballib yletarapes rof stnuoma tnemyap eht neewteb ecnereffid eht rof tnemtsujda no-dda gurd a )2( dna ;sisylaid gnidulcni ,secivres srevoc hcihw ,etar .stnemeriuqer eht teem ton od yeht etisopmoc eht )1( :stnenopmoc owt sah metsys fi %2 ot pu fo noitcuder a ot tcejbus eb lliw yeht detsujda xim-esac cisab ehT .5002 ,1 yraunaJ no dna stnemeriuqer evitnecni ytilauq ot tcejbus gninnigeb dehsinruf secivres rof ,emoh s'tneitap eb lliw seitilicaf sisylaid laner dna secivres sisylaid a ni ro ytilicaf a ta rehtie dehsinruf secivres sisylaid laner fo sredivorp ,2102 ,1 yraunaJ ni gninnigeB rof metsys tnemyap evitcepsorp detsujda xim-esac etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP desaber eht ro ,esaercni tnecrep muminim A .)tiforp dna ,noitartsinimda ,secivres a rehtie fo retaerg eht eb lliw ytnuoc hcae rof fo tsoc gnidulcni( seiraicifeneb ot secivres kramhcneb eht taht snaem hcihw ,skramhcneb eracideM B dna A traP gnidivorp fo tnemeriuqer esaber lliw yraterceS eht ,9002 nI .)esaercni %2 eunever detamitse sti si dib s'nalp A .kramhcneb a naht regral saw hcihw( egatnecrep htworg AM a ot sdib nalp gnirapmoc yb stnemyap nalp lanoitan eht yb desaercni etar s'raey roirp eht AM gninimreted nageb yraterceS eht ,6002 nI si 8002 ni ytnuoc hcae rof tnuoma kramhcneb eht os ,8002 ni esaber ton did yraterceS ehT .eracideM .stsoc erac htlaeh ytnuoc ni htworg tnecer tcelfer SFF dna snalp etavirp neewteb noititepmoc ot setar SFF gnitadpu si gnisabeR .setar tnemyap dna snalp AM lacol neewteb noititepmoc SFF esaber ot deriuqer si yraterceS eht ,raey decnahne enimaxe ot detceles eb lliw saera driht yreve muminim a ta dna 4002 ni gninnigeB cihpargoeg fo rebmun detimil a 0102 ni gninnigeb ,yllaniF .nalp etavirp ro eracideM SFF ni dellorne .ytilartuen tegdub dna )tnemtsujda ksir( seellorne erew yeht rehtehw nalp gurd a ot ssecca .raey hcae stniop egatnecrep 06.0 yb desaercni fo sutats htlaeh eht rof kramhcneb eht stsujda dah seiraicifeneb ,yllanoitiddA .snoitazinagrO eb lliw egatnecrep tuo-esahp eht fo rotaremun yraterceS eht ,etadpu launna eht gninimreted redivorP derreferP ekil etarepo taht eht ,0102 retfA .eracideM lanigiro ni gnidneps retfA .)stnemyap noitacude lacidem tceridni snalp lanoiger decudortni dna erutcurts tnemyap atipac rep fo egatnecrep rellams a pu sekam fo eulav eht gnidulcni tub( stnemyap noitacude eht degnahc margorp AM eht 6002 ni gninnigeb EMI erehw saera ni stsoc EMI fo noitroporp lacidem tcerid eracideM fo eulav eht edulcxe ot ,snalp ot sesaercni tnemyap etaidemmi eht rehgih a tuo-esahp ot si oitar eht fo tceffe ehT detsujda gnidneps SFF fo %001 )3( ro ,egatnecrep ot noitidda nI .seiraicifeneb eracideM rof snalp .tneserper stsoc EMI taht ytnuoc eht ni eracidem htworg AM lanoitan eht )2( ,kramhcneb s'raey etavirp fo ytilibaliava eht esaercni ot dengised lanigiro ni stsoc atipac rep fo noitroporp eht )2( roirp eht revo esaercni %2 a )1( :fo retaerg segnahc lareves decudortni dna margorp C+M ot evitaler ,)raey tsrif eht ni %06.0( egatnecrep eht yb detadpu si ytnuoc hcae rof kramhcneb eht decalper hcihw ,margorp )AM( egatnavdA deificeps a )1( fo oitar a no desab eb lliw eht ,setar SFF esaber ot sediced yraterceS eracideM eht detaerc tca ehT .3002 ni AMM eht raey hcae tuo-desahp tnuoma ehT .skramhcneb eht nehw sraey nI .)serutidnepxe atipac rep fo egassap eht htiw margorp eciohC+eracideM lla fo tuo-desahp eb noitacude lacidem tceridni fo eracideM ni esaercni detcejorp( egatnecrep htworg eht ot segnahc laitnatsbus edam ssergnoC eulav eht taht seriuqer APPIM ,0102 ni gninnigeB AM lanoitan eht yb desaercni kramhcneb s'raey roirp eht )2( ro ,kramhcneb s'raey roirp eht .eracideM lanigiro rednu gnirahs .gnidneps SFF %001 ro ,%6.3 revo esaercni %2 a )1( fo retaerg eht si esaercni tsoc fo eulav lairautca eht deecxe ton yam fo esaercni na--ytilartuen tegdub rof detsujda egatnecrep muminim ehT .)tnuoma desaber eht( ,sgnivas nalp morf gnitluser gnirahs tsoc decuder egatnecrep htworg AM lanoitan eht yb desaercni aera eht ni gnidneps SFF fo %001 ,sraey niatrec yna ssel ,gnirahs tsoc cisab fo eulav lairautca kramhcneb s'raey suoiverp eht rehtie fo ni ro ,esaercni egatnecrep muminim eht yb eht ,snalp AM tsom roF .eellorne hcae ot retaerg eht yb detadpu eb lliw skramhcneb AM yllaunna detadpu si snalp AM rof kramhcneb ehT secivres dna smeti derevoc-eracideM lla hsinruf ,9002YC roF .%5.3 fo esaercni na--ytilartuen ot eerga snalp eht ,egnahcxe nI .aera tnemyap a tegdub rof detsujda ,egatnecrep htworg ".yciloP ni yraicifeneb dellorne hcae rof snalp htlaeh )AM( AM lanoitan eht yb detadpu saw skramhcneb tnemyaP lareneG" rednu debircsed dohtem egatnavdA eracideM gnitapicitrap ot ecnavda stcartnoc egatnavda AM eht ,ytnuoc hcae ni ,8002YC roF eht yb yllaunna denimretedera stnemyap AM ehT ni tnemyap ylhtnom a sekam eracideM ,lareneg nI eracideM )a( etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP £ retne ot snalp lanoiger rof sevitnecni edivorp ot dnuf noitazilibats a detaerc ssergnoC ,yllaniF .krowten s'nalp etavirp a nioj esiwrehto ton dluow taht slatipsoh rof secnatsmucric niatrec ni dezirohtua osla erew stnemyap lanoitiddA .srodirroc ksir denifed ylirotutats niatrec woleb ro evoba llef stsoc esohw snalp htiw ksir derahs eracideM ,7002 dna 6002 sraey roF .sevitnecni laicnanif suoirav dezirohtua ssergnoC ,margorp eht ni noitapicitrap nalp lanoiger egaruocne .stnemyap oT .secivres eracideM deriuqer krowten-fo esaercni dluow ti fi raey yna ni rucco ton dluow -tuo dna -ni htob gnirevoc snalp lanoiger gnireffo tnemtsujda ksir rof ytilartuen tegdub gnitanimilE nageb margorp AM eht ,6002 ni gninnigeb oslA .eussi .seellorne emocni eht yduts ot gniunitnoc era yeht sa deriuqer -wol deifilauq rof stnemesrubmier gnirahs-tsoc sa ytisnetni gnidoc rof tnemtsujda na ekam ot dna muimerp sa llew sa tnemyap rieht fo erahs elba neeb ton sah yraterceS ehT .0102 dna ,9002 laredef eht rof tnuoma tnemyap ecnarusnier ,8002 ni skramhcneb AM fo snoitaluclac otni a eviecer osla snalp ehT .)muimerp yraicifeneb detaroprocni eb ot era sgnidnif ehT .eracideM esab eht yb decuder( tnuoma dib dezidradnats fo B dna A straP rednu sredivorp dna snalp AM detsujda ksir s'nalp eht ot lauqe ,nalp neewteb snrettap gnidoc dna tnemtaert neewteb DP-AM rieht ni eellorne hcae rof ydisbus tcerid ecnereffid eht fo yduts a tcudnoc ot deriuqer a eviecer egarevoc gurd noitpircserp gnireffo si yraterceS eht ,tnemtsujda ksir ni ytilartuen snoitazinagro AM .egarevoc gurd noitpircserp tegdub fo tuo-esahp eht gnitaluclac fo sesoprup D traP sreffo taht eno ,nalp DP-AM na eb tsum roF .0102 hguorht 7002 sraey rof tnemtsujda ksir noitazinagro AM na yb dereffo nalp eno tsael ni ytilartuen tegdub edulcxe ot tnemtsujda na tA .stnemeriuqer eunever stcelfer dib eht taht )2( dna ,ytisnetni gnidoc rof srotcaf tnemtsujda erusne ot stnuoma dib nalp etaitogen dna weiver lanoitan yna edulcxe ot tnemtsujda na )1( ot ytirohtua eht sah yraterceS ehT .muimerp :kramhcneb eht gnitaluclac ot stnemtsujda wen yraicifeneb a gnigrahc yb kramhcneb eht owt dedda ARD eht ,revewoH .sraey niatrec dna dib sti neewteb ecnereffid eht pu ekam tsum ni SFF fo %001 ro ,esaercni egatnecrep muminim nalp eht dna tnuoma kramhcneb eht ot lauqe eht yb detadpu eb ot eunitnoc skramhcneb si tnemyap sti ,kramhcneb eht naht retaerg si dib ,7002 ni gninnigeB .kramhcneb eht fo s'nalp a fI ).snalp lanoiger rof dnuf noitazilibats noitaluclac eht ot segnahc lanoitidda edam ARD a ot dedda si ecnereffid %52 eht fo flah .sdib nalp fo egareva ,woleb debircsed snalp lanoiger roF( .tnemnrevog dethgiew a no desab si tnenopmoc evititepmoc laredef eht yb deniater si ecnereffid eht eht dna snalp AM rehto rof etadpu eht fo %52 gniniamer ehT .kramhcneb eht dna dib sti ot ralimis si tnenopmoc yrotutats ehT .esaercni neewteb ecnereffid eht fo %57 fo etaber a sulp evititepmoc a dna esaercni yrotutats a htob sah dib sti ot lauqe si tnemyap sti ,kramhcneb eht snalp lanoiger rof kramhcneb eht ot etadpu ehT naht ssel si dib s'nalp a fI .stifeneb deriuqer eseht gnidivorp rof nalp a yap ot gnilliw si tnemnrevog .tnuoma laredef eht tnuoma mumixam eht si kramhcneb etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .snoitazinagro tnereffid yb dereffo snalp lacol AM erom ro owt ro snalp lanoiger AM erom ro owt dah aera ecivres eht ,raey suoiverp eritne eht gnirud ,fi aera ecivres a ni dewener ro dednetxe eb ton nac stcartnoc tsoc ,0102 ,1 yraunaJ gninnigeB .stsoc lautca ot stnemyap miretni selicnocer tnemyap lanif ;sisab atipac rep ylhtnom a no PMC/OMH eht ot edam si tnemyap miretnI ".ssenelbanosaer" fo tset a ot tcejbus ,)gnirahs tsoc eracideM deriuqer fo eulav detamitse eht ssel( secivres derevoc-eracideM gnihsinruf rof rucni yeht stsoc lautca eht )sPMC( snalp .stsoc lautca rieht fo %001 lacidem evititepmoc dna )sOMH( snoitazinagro .etadpu cificeps oN diap era sOMH desab-tsoC .etadpu cificeps oN ecnanetniam htlaeh tcartnoc tsoc syap eracideM stcartnoc tsoC )b( .saera ACC-non ni ,muimerp B traP ylhtnom eht fo tnuoma eht fo %5 deecxe ton nac raey a rof muimerp s'yraicifeneb eht ot tnemtsujda eht fo tnuoma eht taht os ,tnemtsujda eht no timil launna %5 a osla si ereht dna ni -desahp eb lliw margorp sihT .nwod fo pu rehtie ,detsujda eb yam eracideM lanoitidart ni dellorne slaudividni rof smuimerp B traP ,oslA .sdib evititepmoc no desab eb ,trap ni ,lliw saera ACC ni snalp AM ot stnemyaP .saera ACC detangised ni )ACC( tnemtsujda tsoc evitarapmoc enimaxe ot 0102 ni nigeb lliw margorp raey-xis A .4102 ni elbaliava eb lliw dnuf noitazilibats eht morf yenoM .ssecorp gniddib eht morf dnuf eht ot dedda yenom fo ytilibaliava eht deyaled dna noillib 01$ laitini eht detanimile AMM eht retfa decudortni noitalsigel fo seceip lareves ,revewoH .3102 hguorht 7002 sraey rof elbaliava eb ot saw tI .ssecorp gniddib snalp lanoiger eht morf sgnivas eht fo noitrop a ot lauqe stnuoma lanoitidda sulp noillib 01$ ta tes yllaitini saw dnuf noitazilibats ehT .margorp AM eht ni niamer ot dna otni etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP debircsed dohtem eht yb yllaunna A .tifeneb cisab eht fo tsoc eht fo %5.52 erew smuimerp yraicifeneB detaluclac era smuimerp yraicifeneB egareva no tneserper smuimerp yraicifeneB smuimerP yraicifeneB .)9002 ni 053,4$( dlohserht tekcop-fo-tuo launna eht deecxe stsoc esohw seellorne rof dedivorp era ,stsoc elbawolla fo %08 ot lauqe ,stnemyap ecnarusnieR .dib egareva lanoitan eht dna dib eht neewteb ecnereffid eht tcelfer ot detsujda sa ,muimerp yraicifeneb esab eht yb decuder dna ksir dna sutats htlaeh rof detsujda tnuoma dib dezidradnats s'nalp eht ot lauqe nalp a ot edam era stnemyap atipac rep ylhtnom tceriD .egarevoc cisab rof %5.47 fo level ydisbus llarevo ".yciloP tnemyaP lareneG" rednu na htiw tnetsisnoc snalp ot edam era .raey nalp 9002 eht rof debircsed dohtem eht yb yllaunna )stnemyap ecnarusnier dna stnemyap tcerid detaluclacer erew stnemyap laredeF detaluclac era snalp ot stnemyaP htob gnidulcni( stnemyap ydisbus laredeF stnemyaP ydisbuS laredeF .sgurd cireneg ot detimil yllareneg si siht ;)"eloh tunhguod"( pag egarevoc eht ni egarevoc emos edivorp snalp emoS .sgurd .sgurd ralucitrap rof elbacilppa eman dnarb derreferp-non rof seilppa gnirahs tsoc dna )sgurd derevoc fo tsil .e.i( gnirahs tsoc rehgih neve dna ,sgurd eman seiralumrof nalp no dedulcni sgurd ,stnuoma dnarb derreferp rof seilppa gnirahs tsoc smuimerp yraicifeneb ,ngised tifeneb fo smret .gnirahs rehgih ,sgurd cireneg rof seilppa gnirahs ni meht gnoma secnereffid tnacifingis era ereht tsoc lanimon rof tpecxe stsoc lla tsoc rewol hcihw rednu gnirahs tsoc dereit ,stnemeriuqer muminim niatrec teem ot evah syap margorp eht ,timil cihportsatac reffo snalp ynaM .elbitcuded eht detanimile snalp lla elihW .snalp etavirp hguorht deniatbo eht sehcaer yraicifeneb eht ro decuder evah snalp fo rebmun eb ylno nac stifeneb eht ,secivres eracideM ecnO ".eloh tunhguod" eht delebal A .egakcap dradnats eht naht rehtar rehto ekilnU .ksir eht fo klub eht revoc neeb sah pag egarevoc siht ;)gnidneps egarevoc decnahne ro stifeneb tnelaviuqe seidisbus laredef ;stsoc gurd rof ksir laicnanif latot ni 57.351,6$( 053,4$ fo stsoc yllairautca reffo snalp tsom ,9002 eht fo emos raeb ot dna egarevoc edivorp tekcop-fo-tuo sah yraicifeneb eht .yluJ suoiverp roF .stifeneb tnelaviuqe yllairautca tsael ot snalp etavirp eseht no seiler margorp litnu egarevoc on si ereht ,tniop siht eht gnidne doirep htnom 21 eht rof ta htiw ,egarevoc evitanretla ro "egarevoc ehT .snalp )DP-AM( gurd noitpircserp AM ro morF .007,2$ dna 692$ neewteb stsoc stsoc atipac rep ni esaercni detamitse dradnats" rehtie reffo ot deriuqer era )sPDP( snalp gurd noitpircserp etavirp hguorht rof ecnarusnioc %52 ,elbitcuded 592$ eht no desab yllaunna detadpu snalp D traP deifilauQ ".egarevoc dradnats" dedivorp si egarevoc gurd noitpircserp a sah "egarevoc dradnats" ,9002 nI si egarevoc dradnats fo noitinifed ehT ot deknil era snalp ot stnemyap laredeF tneitaptuO .egarevoc gurd D traP etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP .tegrat eht fo %01 gnideecxe gnidneps yna fo %02 dna tegrat eht fo %01 dna %5 neewteb gnidneps fo %05 rof ksir ta era yehT .tegrat eht woleb ro evoba %5 nihtiw gnidneps rof ksir lluf ta era snalP .deifidom era srodirroc ksir ,1102-8002 roF .tegrat eht fo %5 woleb stnuoma yna fo %08 dna tegrat eht woleb %5 dna %5.2 neewteb llaf stsoc fi sgnivas eht fo %57 dnufer ot evah yeht ,tegrat eht woleb llef snalp .seellorne dna tnemnrevog eht yb fI .tnuoma taht evoba gnidneps fo %02 nalp eht ot diap tnuoma eht tnuocca otni dna tegrat eht fo %5 dna %5.2 neewteb gnikat nalp eht ot diap stnemyap latot sa gnidneps fo %52 rof ksir ta erew yeht denifed si tnuoma tegrat eht ;tnuoma tegrat ,tegrat eht evoba %5 dna %5.2 neewteb a woleb dna evoba stsoc rof segatnecrep ".yciloP erew stsoc fI .tegrat eht woleb deificeps era "srodirroc ksiR".srodirroc etadpU lareneG" rednu debircsed sa ro evoba %5.2 nihtiw stsoc rof ksir ksir" deificeps nihtiw stsoc rof ksir eht ,deifidom era srodirroc ksir 9002 ehT lluf ta erew snalp ,7002 dna 6002 nI erahs snalp dna tnemnrevog laredef ehT srodirroc ksiR .)ydisbus emocni wol a ot deltitne esoht tpecxe( nalp ralucitrap a ni slaudividni lla rof emas eht si muimerp ehT .ydisbus emocni-wol a ot deltitne si laudividni eht fi desaerced dna stifeneb latnemelppus yna rof desaercni rehtruf si tI .tnuoma dib ylhtnom egareva lanoitan eht dna tnuoma dib dezidradnats s'nalp eht neewteb secnereffid tcelfer ot ,etairporppa sa nwod ro pu ,detsujda si tnuoma sihT .egarevoc cisab rof tnuoma dib ylhtnom egareva lanoitan eht no desab .raey nalp 9002 eht rof detaluclacer ".yciloP tnemyaP lareneG" rednu detaluclac si muimerp yraicifeneb esab etadpu tneceR ycilop etadpu lareneG ycilop tnemyap lareneG ecivres/redivorP ¢ CRS Report RL33712, Medicare: A Primer, by Jennifer O'Sullivan. CRS Report RL31966, Overview of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, by Jennifer O'Sullivan et al. CRS Report RL34360, P.L. 110-173: Provisions in the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007, by Hinda Chaikind et al. CRS Report RL34592, P.L. 110-275: The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, by Hinda Chaikind et al. CRS Report RS20173, Medicare: Financing the Part A Hospital Insurance Program, by Jennifer O'Sullivan. CRS Report RS20946, Medicare: History of Part A Trust Fund Insolvency Projections, by Jennifer O'Sullivan. CRS Report RL34407, The President's Proposed Legislative Response to the Medicare Funding Warning, by Hinda Chaikind et al. CRS Report RS22796, Medicare Trigger, by Hinda Chaikind and Christopher M. Davis. CRS Report RL31199, Medicare: Payments to Physicians, by Jennifer O'Sullivan. CRS Report RS22769, Medicare Clinical Laboratories Competitive Bidding Demonstration, by Barbara English. CRS Report RS21731, Medicare: Part B Premium Penalty, by Jennifer O'Sullivan. CRS Report RL33587, Medicare Secondary Payer - Coordination of Benefits, by Hinda Chaikind. CRS Report RL34280, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit: A Primer, by Jennifer O'Sullivan. ¢ cipoT rebmeM ffatS rebmuN enohP A traP eraC ecipsoH enotS eiluJ 6831-7 secivreS latipsoH tneitapnI nosliT lybiS 8637-7 seitilicaF noitatilibaheR tneitapnI nosliT lybiS 8637-7 seciveD lacideM nosbocaJ nehcterG 6861-7 8637-7 nosliT lybiS seussI laruR 4194-7 nhaH miJ ycnerapsnarT ecirP 4194-7 nhaH miJ gnisahcruP desaB-eulaV/ecnamrofreP rof yaP 9657-7 dnikiahC adniH pagideM 9657-7 dnikiahC adniH gnicnaniF dnuF tsurT IMS & IH eracideM 9657-7 dnikiahC adniH reggirT eracideM 9657-7 dnikiahC adniH reyaP yradnoceS eracideM rehtO 3559-7 eladkcotS ylloH snoitazinagrO tnemevorpmI ytilauQ 3559-7 eladkcotS ylloH )esuba dna ,etsaw ,duarf( ytirgetnI noitartsinimdA 4194-7 nhaH miJ gnicirP gurD 6861-7 nosbocaJ nehcterG 4194-7 nhaH miJ smuimerP & stifeneB D traP 7137-7 nagroM etteluaP egatnavdA eracideM C traP 6831-7 enotS eiluJ secivreS htlaeH emoH 6861-7 nosbocaJ nehcterG )DRSE( esaesiD laneR egatS dnE 9657-7 dnikiahC adniH 4194-7 nhaH miJ seussI yraicifeneB B&A straP 4194-7 nhaH miJ snoitpo RGS 4194-7 nhaH miJ smuimerP 4194-7 nhaH miJ sredivorP B traP rehtO dna snaicisyhP 6861-7 nosbocaJ nehcterG sgurD noitpircserP B traP 8637-7 nosliT lybiS secivreS latipsoH tneitaptuO 7137-7 nagroM etteluaP tnempiuqE lacideM elbaruD 8637-7 nosliT lybiS secivreS retneC lacigruS yrotalubmA B traP 6831-7 enotS eiluJ seitilicaF gnisruN dellikS rebmuN enohP rebmeM ffatS cipoT ¢ ¢ Paulette C. Morgan, Coordinator Hinda Chaikind Specialist in Health Care Financing Specialist in Health Care Financing, 7-7317, 7-7569 Barbara English Jim Hahn Information Research Specialist Analyst in Health Care Financing, 7-1927, 7-4914 Gretchen A. Jacobson Julie Stone Analyst in Health Care Financing Specialist in Health Care Financing, 7-1686, 7-1386 Sibyl Tilson Specialist in Health Care Financing, 7-7368 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see