Build MUST be done in Windows XP 32 bit. May be possible in Win 7, but XP is most stable. 1. Log in as Administrator (use TweakUI Powertool) 2. Extract contents of Source.7z\Win2k3\NT to D:\srv03rtm (drive MUST be D:) 3. Remove the Read-only flag from srv03rtm 4. Extract contents of to D:\srv03rtm 5. Navigate to the tools subdirectory and run driver.pfx. 6. Go back to stv03rtm, edit prebuild.bat, change SET SKIPCERTINSTALL to 1. Save and run prebuild.bat. 7. Create a shortcut on the desktop. set the destination to "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k D:\srv03rtm\tools\razzle.cmd free offline" 8. Go to the shortcut's properties and have it start in "D:\srv03rtm" 9. Run the shortcut. A notepad file will open up shortly before it's finished, close it. Do not close the command prompt. 10. Run "build /cZP" in the command prompt. This will take several hours depending on your environment's CPU power. On 3.2GHz with 2 cores 4 threads, it took me about two hours. There should be warnings once compilation has finished, but no errors. 11. Extract contents of missing.7z\missing to D:\binaries.x86fre 12. Run "tools\postbuild.cmd -sku:{srv}" in the command prompt. 13. Once finished, open D:\binaries.x86fre\buildlogs\postbuild.err. If there are critical errors, retry from step 11. 14. Extract contents of 2k3-missing-x86fre-NOTFINAL-v3.7z to D:\binaries.x86fre. Do not replace any duplicate files. 15. Run tools\postbuild.cmd -sku:srv" (note the lack of curly braces) in the command prompt. 16. Check postbuild.err again. There should be much fewer errors. 17. Run "tools\oscdimg.cmd srv" in the command prompt. If the program complains about the file being too large to fit onto a CD, edit oscdimg.cmd and add "-m" in between "oscdimg.exe" and "-n". An iso file of Windows Server 2003 should appear in your D: drive once finished.