1: V 2: Extraction Action 3: The Rebel Path 4: The Streets Are Long-Ass Gutters 5: Outsider No More 6: Cloudy Day 7: Wushu Dolls 8: Scavenger Hunt 9: Mycopщиkи 10: Close Probing 11: There's Gonna Be a Parade! 12: Trouble finds Trouble 13: You shall never have to forgive me again! 14: Code Red initiated 15: The Heist 16: Streetfighters 17: Patri(di)ots 18: Mining Minds 19: Rite of Passage 20: The Voice In My Head 21: Modern Anthill 22: The Sacred and The Profane 23: Kang Tao Down 24: Cyberwildlife Park 25: Consumer Cathedral 26: Juiced Up 27: Bells of Laguna bend 28: Urban Downunder 29: Atlantis 30: Cyberninja 31: The Suits are Scared 32: Tower Lockdown 33: To Hell and Back 34: Adam Smasher 35: Hanako & Yorinobu 36: Been good to know ya 37: Never Fade Away (SAMURAI Cover) feat. Olga Jankowska