Index of /Courses and Lectures/Introduction to the Study of Religion (Audio)


[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory -
[SND]Lect.17 Symbolic Anthropology-Claude Lévi-Strauss.mp3 22M
[SND]Lect.18 Symbolic Anthropology-Clifford Geertz .mp3 22M
[SND]Lect.06 Émile Durkheim—Society’s Mirror .mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.22 Theory versus Reality-Case Studies.mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.01 Understanding “Religion”.mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.23 Theory in Action-Case Studies.mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.09 Rodney Stark—Rational Choice Theory .mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.07 Max Weber—The Motor of Economics.mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.05 Karl Marx—Religion as Oppression.mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.24 How Religion Uses Religious Studies .mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.21 The Women’s Studies Perspective.mp3 21M
[SND]Lect.11 Sigmund Freud—The Critique of Religion .mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.12 Carl Jung—The Celebration of Religion.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.08 Peter Berger—The Sacred Canopy.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.16 Symbolic Anthropology-Ferdinand de Saussure.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.10 William James—The Description of Religion.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.20 Mircea Eliade.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.13 Brief Excursus on Immanuel Kant.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.19 From Fries to Otto.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.03 A Clean Break—David Hume.mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.14 The Victorians and The Golden Bough .mp3 20M
[SND]Lect.15 British Functionalism.mp3 19M
[SND]Lect.02 Theology and Religious Studies Part Ways.mp3 19M
[SND]Lect.04 Auguste Comte—Religion, False but Necessary .mp3 19M
[   ]TTC - Introduction to the Study of Religion Guidebook.pdf1.5M
[   ]Introduction to the Study of Religion.URL 95

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