| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| 0185-0254,_Origenes,_Contra_Celsus,_EN.pdf | 1.6M |
| 0354-0430,_Augustinus,_Confessionum_Libri_Tredecim-Pusey_Transaltion,_EN.pdf | 732K |
| 0480-0547,_Benedictus_Nursinus,_Regola,_EN.pdf | 261K |
| 0675-0749,_Ioannes_Damascenus,_Apologia_Against_Those_Who_Decry_Holy_Images,_EN.pdf | 417K |
| 39 articles.pdf | 16M |
| 1225-1274,_Thomas_Aquinas,_Summa_Theologiae_[1],_EN.pdf | 35M |
| 1380-1471,_Kempis._Thomas,_The_Imitation_Of_Christ,_EN.pdf | 652K |
| 1515-1582,_Teresa_d'Avila,_The_Interior_Castle_Of_The_Mansions,_EN.pdf | 914K |
| 1819-1893,_Schaff._Philip,_3_Vol_01_Eusebius_Pamphilius,_EN.pdf | 5.6M |
| 142521028-Cleary-Thomas-Practical-Taoism-Translated-by-Thomas-Cleary.pdf | 496K |
| A-Dictionary-of-Christian-Biography-and-Literature.pdf | 8.8M |
| A Simple Koran - edited by Bill Warner (2006).pdf | 1.6M |
| An-Exorcist-Tells-His-Story-Gabriele-Amorth.pdf | 624K |
| Astrology/ | - |
| Blaise Pascal - Pensees.pdf | 6.6M |
| Brother Ugolino - Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi.pdf | 318K |
| Buddhism/ | - |
| Christianity/ | - |
| Dom Lorenzo Scupoli - Unseen Warfare.pdf | 810K |
| Encyclopedia of Religion/ | - |
| Fathers-of-the-First-Century-The-Apostolic-Fathers-Vol-I.pdf | 5.9M |
| Fathers-of-the-Second-Century-Vol-II.pdf | 5.2M |
| Fathers-of-the-Third-and-Fourth-Centuries-Vol-III.pdf | 7.2M |
| FullTalmud.pdf | 11M |
| General Spirituality (needs sorting)/ | - |
| Gospel-of-Thomas-Bruce-Version.pdf | 136K |
| Heaven-and-Hell-by-Emanuel-Swedenborg.pdf | 1.1M |
| Jainism_An_Introduction.pdf | 2.5M |
| Judaism/ | - |
| Luther on the jews.pdf | 930K |
| Meister-Eckharts-Sermons.pdf | 718K |
| MereChristianity_CSL.pdf | 830K |
| Occult and Esotericism/ | - |
| Of-God-and-His-Creatures-by-St-Thomas-Aquinas.pdf | 2.8M |
| Paradise Lost.pdf | 615K |
| Philokalia.pdf | 5.5M |
| Scivias.pdf | 2.3M |
| Spiritual Exercises of Ignacio de Loyola.pdf | 240K |
| St. Benedict of Nursia - The Rule of St. Benedict.pdf | 221K |
| St. Louis de Montfort-The Secret of the Rosary.pdf | 269K |
| St. Therese Story of a soul.pdf | 705K |
| St Anselm Proslogium.pdf | 2.1M |
| Taoism/ | - |
| Taoism_by_Huston_Smith.pdf | 312K |
| The-Autobiography-of-StIgnatius.pdf | 586K |
| The-Bible-Atlas.pdf | 20M |
| The-Creation-of-God.pdf | 2.6M |
| The-Gospel-of-Philip.pdf | 777K |
| The-Illuminated-Sketchbook-of-Stephan-Scriber.pdf | 9.4M |
| The Bible.pdf | 3.1M |
| The Koran.pdf | 821K |
| TheLadderofDivineAscent.pdf | 1.0M |
| The_Gnostic_Bible.pdf | 12M |
| Thomas-Aquinas-Nature-and-Grace.pdf | 1.5M |
| VOL-1-Nicene-and-post-Nicene-fathers-of-the-Christian-church.pdf | 53M |
| VOL-2-Nicene-and-post-Nicene-fathers-of-the-Christian-church.pdf | 51M |
| VOL-3-Nicene-and-post-Nicene-fathers-of-the-Christian-church.pdf | 43M |
| VOL-4-Nicene-and-post-Nicene-fathers-of-the-Christian-church.pdf | 54M |
| VOL-5-Nicene-and-post-Nicene-fathers-of-the-Christian-church.pdf | 49M |
| [Gregory_of_Nyssa,_Anna_M._Silvas]_Gregory_of_Nyss(b-ok.org).pdf | 1.8M |
| [Hildegard_of_Bingen]_The_Letters_of_Hildegard_of_(b-ok.org) (1).pdf | 9.8M |
| [Katherine_St]_Dialog_of_St_Catherine_of_Siena(b-ok.org).rtf | 517K |
| [Pope_John_Paul_II]_DIVES_IN_MISERICORDIA(b-ok.org).pdf | 402K |
| apologia pro vita sua.pdf | 1.1M |
| augustine city of god.pdf | 7.3M |
| book-of-mormon-34406-eng.pdf | 8.7M |
| catechism-of-the-catholic-church.pdf | 1.9M |
| celebration of discipline.pdf | 1.2M |
| chesterton orthodoxy.pdf | 553K |
| confession-of-st-patrick.pdf | 563K |
| confessions augustine.pdf | 580K |
| consolation of philosophy boethius.pdf | 532K |
| eliade history of religious ideas.pdf | 2.8M |
| everlasting_man.pdf | 1.0M |
| exc-hildegardofbingen_i-20.pdf | 2.1M |
| franksermons02franuoft.pdf | 33M |
| hildegard von bingen.pdf | 10M |
| holy-bible-pdf-download.pdf | 5.7M |
| king james bible.pdf | 6.8M |
| leo-tolstoy-the-kingdom-of-god-is-within-you.pdf | 717K |
| life of st anthony.pdf | 864K |
| onlovinggod.pdf | 267K |
| quran english.pdf | 43M |
| savonarola triumph of the cross.pdf | 640K |
| the path to salvation.pdf | 5.2M |
| the plot against the church.pdf | 971K |
| thieleman-j-van-braght-martyrs-mirror.pdf | 9.5M |
| vulgate.pdf | 4.4M |