| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| Abnormal psychology.pdf | 671K |
| Assange Essays.pdf | 156K |
| Automated Social Engeneering.pdf | 209K |
| Boere - Personality Theories.pdf | 4.2M |
| Brainwashing - The Science of Thought Control - Kathleen Taylor.pdf | 5.7M |
| Brainwashing.pdf | 146K |
| Brainwashing Manual - Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics - L Ron Hubbard.pdf | 134K |
| CIA - Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual (1983) - aka Honduras Manual - a1-g11 (Torture).pdf | 2.3M |
| Child Development - Neil J. Salkind.pdf | 5.9M |
| Cleckley - The Mask of Sanity.pdf | 1.4M |
| Computational Intelligence - An Introduction 2nd ed - A. Engelbrecht (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf | 4.1M |
| Consciousness Books Collection/ | - |
| Deception Research Program No 9.pdf | 5.4M |
| Discipline Equals Freedom - Jocko Willink.epub | 11M |
| Educing Information.pdf | 2.0M |
| Emotional Intelligence.epub | 208K |
| Erich Fromm - The Fear of Freedom.pdf | 595K |
| Erik Du Plessis - The Advertised Mind.pdf | 27M |
| FM 3-05.30 Psychological Operations.pdf | 2.1M |
| FM 3-05.301 Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniches and Procedures.pdf | 6.2M |
| Farber - Madness, Heresy and The Rumor of Angels.pdf | 11M |
| Finish What You Start by Peter Hollins.epub | 152K |
| Flanagan - The Conscious Mind.pdf | 1.9M |
| Flanagan - The Science of The Mind 2e.pdf | 62M |
| Fluent Forever - How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It.pdf | 3.9M |
| Freud - Psychopathology of Everyday Life.pdf | 449K |
| Freud/ | - |
| Frogs into Princes (NLP).pdf | 3.5M |
| From PSYOP to Mind War - Michael Aquino.pdf | 45K |
| Gentner - Language in Mind - Advances in the Study of Language and Thought.pdf | 4.0M |
| Glencoe - Understanding Psychology (McGraw, 2003).pdf | 39M |
| Gross - Criminal Psychology.pdf | 1.3M |
| Gross - Psychology - Science of Mind and Behavior 5e (Hodder, 2005).djvu | 43M |
| Gross - Psychology - Science of Mind and Behavior 5e (Hodder, 2005).pdf | 820M |
| Hergenhahn - Introduction to the History of Psychology 4e SP (Wadsworth, 2000).pdf | 12M |
| How to Build Self-Discipline by Martin Meadows.epub | 196K |
| How to Read a Person Like a Book - Gerard I. Nierenberg.pdf | 1.1M |
| Intelligence - The Creative Response to Now.pdf | 1.8M |
| Intimacy - Trusting Oneself and the Other By Osho.pdf | 13M |
| Jung/ | - |
| Kabbalah_ A Neurocognitive Approach.pdf | 1.4M |
| Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis.pdf | 657K |
| Kay - Essentials of Psychiatry.pdf | 22M |
| Kolb - Fundametals of Human Neuropsychology 5e.pdf | 20M |
| Laing - The Divided Self - An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness.pdf | 1.2M |
| Law of Attraction - How To Attract Money and Manifest The Freedom and Lifestyle You Want.epub | 289K |
| Le Bon - The Crowd - A Study of the Popular Mind (1895,2002).pdf | 3.6M |
| Lerner - Handbook of Adolescent Psychology 2e.pdf | 7.2M |
| Levine - Journeys in Social Psychology (Taylor, 2008).pdf | 2.1M |
| Levitin - Foundations Of Cognitive Psychology.pdf | 13M |
| Liebowitz - Knowledge Retention Strategies and Solution (CRC, 2008).pdf | 4.6M |
| Madness - A Brief History - Roy Porter.pdf | 9.3M |
| Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl.pdf | 1.1M |
| Mind to Matter - The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality.epub | 52M |
| Modern Man in Search of a Soul.pdf | 1.0M |
| Nettle - Personality - What Makes You the Way You Are.pdf | 1.4M |
| New Media and New Terrorism.pdf | 1.6M |
| OBE - NLP - Lucid Dreaming/ | - |
| On-the-Writings-of-the-Insane.pdf | 2.5M |
| Philosophy-of-Dreams.pdf | 193K |
| Pridmore - Madness of Psychiatry.pdf | 3.6M |
| Principles of Counterdeception.pdf | 313K |
| Pritchard - Ways of Learning 2e [intro] (Routledge, 2008).pdf | 618K |
| Project MKULTRA, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification.pdf | 7.3M |
| Psychology and the Occult.pdf | 5.9M |
| Psychology of Intelligence Analysis.pdf | 2.0M |
| Psychopolitics/ | - |
| R.A.W. - Quantum Psychology.pdf | 8.0M |
| Resistance And Persuasion.pdf | 3.6M |
| Ritual-Abuse-and-Mind-Control.pdf | 3.2M |
| Rock - The Mind at Night - The New Science of How and Why We Dream.pdf | 13M |
| Self-Hypnosis - Train your mind By Paul Anwandter.epub | 571K |
| Self-Hypnosis Made Easy by Valerie Austin.epub | 1.3M |
| Sleight of Mouth - Robert Dilts.pdf | 25M |
| Spencer_0625_EBk_v6.0.pdf | 2.2M |
| Sprenger - Learning And Memory - The Brain in Action.pdf | 13M |
| Stewart - Figments of Reality - The Evolution of the Curious Mind.pdf | 2.6M |
| Strickland - Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology 2e.pdf | 10M |
| Strongman - The Psychology of Emotion 5e.pdf | 3.6M |
| Szasz - Psychiatric Slavery.pdf | 5.7M |
| Szasz - The Theology of Medicine.djvu | 1.3M |
| Tearing-The-Veil-That-Blindfolds.pdf | 1.6M |
| The Battle For Your Mind, by Dick Sutphen.pdf | 154K |
| The Principles of Psychology Vol I, II - William James.pdf | 5.0M |
| The Psychology Of Entertainment.pdf | 5.2M |
| The Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes.pdf | 1.0M |
| The Secret of the Golden Flower - Jung and Reich.pdf | 16M |
| Wilhelm Reich/ | - |
| Wittig - Introduction to Psychology - Theory and Problems 2e (Schaum Outline, 2001).pdf | 60M |
| Zimmermann - Autism - Current Theories and Evidence (Humana, 2008).pdf | 6.1M |
| [Person,_Ethel;_Fonagy,_Peter;_Freud,_Sigmund;_San(b-ok.org)(1).pdf | 15M |
| the-art-of-seduction-robert-greene.pdf | 4.6M |
| the sane society.pdf | 13M |