| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| (ebook) 16 Things It Takes Most Of Us 50 Years to Learn.txt | 1.9K |
| -Science- (ebook - PDF) - Basic Neural Mechanisms in Behavior.pdf | 54K |
| 05-henry_kissinger-diplomacy.pdf | 13M |
| 10 Strategies for Media Manipulation - Noam Chomsky.pdf | 256K |
| 160928_Conley_KremlinPlaybook_Web.pdf | 20M |
| A-History-of-Cynicism.pdf | 11M |
| A Definition of Physicalism.pdf | 1.1M |
| Adam Smith - An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1977).pdf | 4.0M |
| Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf.pdf | 1.7M |
| Alexander Dugin - The Eurasian Idea.pdf | 267K |
| Alfred Korzybski - Manhood of Humanity.pdf | 1.2M |
| An Introduction to Buddhism.pdf | 13M |
| Analects_of_Confucius_(Eno-2015).pdf | 1.9M |
| Analytic Philosophy/ | - |
| A new theory of Free Will.pdf | 1.1M |
| Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the Existence of God.pdf | 67K |
| Anthony_Ludovici - A_Defence_of_Aristocracy_(1915_White_pages_Ver).pdf | 11M |
| Are you living in a Computer Simulation..pdf | 234K |
| Aristotle - Metaphysics.pdf | 487K |
| Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics.pdf | 380K |
| Aristotle - On Sleep and Sleeplessness.pdf | 26K |
| Aristotle - On Youth and Old Age.pdf | 54K |
| Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution.pdf | 128K |
| Aristotle/ | - |
| Aron_Raymond_The_Opium_of_the_Intellectuals.pdf | 4.8M |
| Arthur Schopenhauer/ | - |
| Automated Social Engeneering.pdf | 209K |
| Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged.pdf | 6.0M |
| Baruch Spinoza/ | - |
| Baudrillard/ | - |
| Betrand Russel - Introduction to Mathematical Philosohy.pdf | 1.0M |
| Bezmenov - World Thought Police.pdf | 1.1M |
| CARL JUNG - Memory Levels.doc | 23K |
| Can a 21st century person be a philosopher - Or Is Philosophy Dead.pdf | 99K |
| Chamberlain_Houston_Stewart_-_The_Foundations_of_the_Nineteenth_Century.pdf | 6.1M |
| Christian Faith in a Postmodern Society.pdf | 47K |
| Christian Theology in the Post-Modern Era.pdf | 4.2M |
| Christianity in a Postmodern, Relativistic World.pdf | 597K |
| Cicero/ | - |
| Cioran, Emil M/ | - |
| Collected Works of Vladimir Lenin/ | - |
| Consciousness and Materialism.pdf | 92K |
| DeSalvo, Doreen - For the Heart of Daria.rtf | 1.4M |
| Defending Hard Incompatibilism Again.pdf | 217K |
| Democracy and education.pdf | 19M |
| Descartes/ | - |
| Do Political Protests Matter.pdf | 1.3M |
| Dugin.Geopolitika.pdf | 2.9M |
| Edelman - The Politics of Misinformation (2001).pdf | 540K |
| Ernest Gellner - Nationalism.pdf | 2.5M |
| Eugenics/ | - |
| Evola/ | - |
| Fascism what it is and how to fight it.pdf | 452K |
| Foucalt/ | - |
| Friedrich II von Preußens - Anti-Machiavel.pdf | 428K |
| Friedrich Nietzsche/ | - |
| G. W. F. Hegel/ | - |
| Genealogy of Nihilism.pdf | 2.0M |
| German Idealism/ | - |
| Gulag archipelago.pdf | 14M |
| Hannah Arendt/ | - |
| Hegel - Philosophy of Right (1821).pdf | 779K |
| Hegel/ | - |
| Henri Bergson/ | - |
| Hibben - Hegel's Logic an Essay in Interpretation.pdf | 318K |
| Hilary Putnam - Brains in a Vat.pdf | 243K |
| Hillary Rodham Clinton - What Happened.pdf | 4.1M |
| History-of-Medieval-Philosophy.pdf | 35M |
| Hobbes/ | - |
| Houston Stewart Chamberlain - The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century.pdf | 6.1M |
| Howard_Zinn-A_peoples_history_of_the_United_States.pdf | 27M |
| Hume, David A treatise on the Human Nature.pdf | 1.1M |
| Hume/ | - |
| HumeTreatise.pdf | 1.9M |
| Immanuel Kant/ | - |
| Isaac Husik - A History Of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy.pdf | 2.8M |
| J.V. Stalin - Economic problems of Socialism in the USSR.pdf | 488K |
| JB Baillie, - The Origin and Significance of Hegel's Logic.pdf | 531K |
| Jacques Derrida/ | - |
| James, William - The Principles of Psychology Vol. I.pdf | 2.9M |
| Jean-Jacques Rousseau/ | - |
| John Kekes-The Illusions of Egalitarianism (2007).pdf | 13M |
| Jung, C. G. - The Psychological Types.pdf | 174K |
| Kant/ | - |
| Krishnamurti, U. G. - Mind is a Myth.pdf | 289K |
| Lacan/ | - |
| Leibniz/ | - |
| Leviathan.pdf | 955K |
| Locke/ | - |
| Ludwig Wittgenstein/ | - |
| Major General Carl Von Clausewitz On War.pdf | 2.1M |
| Manifesto.pdf | 538K |
| Marcuse/ | - |
| Mario Bunge/ | - |
| Martin Heidegger/ | - |
| Marx-Engels Collected Works/ | - |
| Maslow, A.H. - A Theory of Human Motivation.pdf | 76K |
| Mein Kampf.pdf | 2.4M |
| Metametaphysics - New Essays on the Foundations of Ontology.pdf | 2.5M |
| Michel Foucault/ | - |
| Muammar Gaddafi - Escape to Hell and Other Stories.pdf | 1.0M |
| Muammar Gaddafi - The Green Book.pdf | 325K |
| Neuroscience & Philosophy/ | - |
| Nietzsche, Friedrich - Beyond Good and Evil.pdf | 251K |
| Nietzsche, Friedrich - Birth of Tragedy, The.pdf | 192K |
| Nietzsche, Friedrich - On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense.txt | 32K |
| Nietzsche, Friedrich - On the Use and Abuse of History for Life.pdf | 114K |
| Nietzsche, Friedrich - Thus Spake Zarathustra.pdf | 379K |
| Nietzsche/ | - |
| Non-cognitivism in religious faith and language.pdf | 110K |
| Orwell/ | - |
| Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology - volume 1.pdf | 2.4M |
| Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology - volume 2.pdf | 1.8M |
| Oxford Readings in Philosophy - Locke.epub | 700K |
| Oxford Readings in Philosophy - Theories of Ethics.pdf | 2.0M |
| Paracelsus - Philosophers Tincture.pdf | 38K |
| Philosophical Theology, Deism, Pantheism.Panentheism/ | - |
| Philosophy of Mathematics/ | - |
| Philosophy of Mind/ | - |
| Philosophy of Mind and the Problem of Free Will in the Light of Quantum Mechanics.pdf | 241K |
| Philosophy of Science/ | - |
| Plato/ | - |
| Plato Dictionary, edited by Morris Stockhammer (1957).pdf | 22M |
| Political Philosophy/ | - |
| Postsecularism/ | - |
| Presocratic Philosophers/ | - |
| Profit Over People; Neoliberalism, Global Order 1888363894.pdf | 5.8M |
| Putnam the meaning of meaning.pdf | 37M |
| Quantum Mechanics and Theology.pdf | 44K |
| René Descartes/ | - |
| Robert Michels - Political Parties - A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy.pdf | 24M |
| Rocker - Anarcho-Syndicalism Theory and Practice.pdf | 7.8M |
| Ron Paul - End the Fed.pdf | 1.2M |
| Schopenhauer/ | - |
| See No Sharia - Gaffney & Lopez (2016).pdf | 2.3M |
| Seeing Like a State - James C. Scott.pdf | 9.0M |
| Slavoj Zizek - First As Tragedy, Then As Farce.pdf | 5.0M |
| Slavoj Zizek - Mapping Ideology.pdf | 1.7M |
| Slavoj Zizek - Repeating Lenin.pdf | 541K |
| Slavoj Zizek - Welcome to the Desert of the Real - Five Essays on September 11 and Related Dates (2002).pdf | 4.7M |
| Solzhenitsyn - Gulag Archipelago I.pdf | 42M |
| Spengler - Decline_Of_The_West.pdf | 37M |
| Spinoza/ | - |
| Sri Aurobindo - The Secret Of The Veda.pdf | 2.5M |
| Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.pdf | 34M |
| Steiner, Rudolf - Cosmology Religion and Philosophy.pdf | 138K |
| Stirner/ | - |
| Suicide of the West - James Burnham (1964).pdf | 1.6M |
| Tao Te Ching.pdf | 121K |
| The Epistemological Challenge of Revisionary Metaphysics.pdf | 743K |
| The Greeks/ | - |
| The Kalam cosmological Argument.pdf | 1.4M |
| The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument.pdf | 843K |
| The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics.pdf | 10M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Causation.pdf | 4.1M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory.pdf | 41M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Free Will.pdf | 10M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche.epub | 1.2M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language.pdf | 7.1M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic.pdf | 3.5M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Physics.pdf | 6.3M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion.pdf | 1.8M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time.pdf | 4.6M |
| The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory.pdf | 5.6M |
| The Reactionary Mind.pdf | 1.1M |
| The Romans/ | - |
| The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics.pdf | 2.3M |
| The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics.pdf | 4.5M |
| The Trial and Death of Socrates.pdf | 3.2M |
| The War Against Putin - M.S. King (2015).pdf | 15M |
| The_Cleanest_Race.pdf | 4.2M |
| Thoreau - Civil Disobedience (1849).pdf | 473K |
| Timothy May - The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto.pdf | 47K |
| Understanding Media and Culture.pdf | 6.4M |
| Very Short Introductions (Oxford University Press)/ | - |
| Walter Kaufmann/ | - |
| Why-Nations-Fail-Daron-Acemoglu.pdf | 5.8M |
| William Luther Pierce Who We Are.pdf | 769K |
| Wittgenstein/ | - |
| Your_Country_At_War.pdf | 924K |
| Zizek -First as Tragedy, Then as Farce.pdf | 5.0M |
| [Hannah_Arendt]_The_Origins_of_Totalitarianism(b-ok.org).pdf | 27M |
| [Istvan_Meszaros]_Socialism_or_Barbarism_From_(b-ok.org).compressed.pdf | 15M |
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| celebration of life in ss family.pdf | 1.3M |
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| dasgruenebuch.pdf | 25M |
| democracy_in_america_vol_2.pdf | 2.3M |
| democracy a god that failed.pdf | 3.1M |
| ebook - pdf - Does Consciousness Exist.pdf | 44K |
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| philosophicallib01webb/ | - |
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