| Name | Size |
| Parent Directory | - |
| ABC Of Relativity 4th. revised ed. - B. Russell.pdf | 1.7M |
| A Brief History of Light - And Those Who Lit the Way - R. Weiss (World, 1996) WW.djvu | 5.6M |
| A Heat Transfer Textbook 3rd ed - J. Lienhard (Phlogiston, 2003) WW.pdf | 6.1M |
| A Modern Introduction to Particle Physics 2nd ed - Fayyazuddin, Riazuddin (World, 2000) WW.pdf | 25M |
| Acoustics - Basic Physics, Theory and Methods - P. Filippi, et al., (Elsevier, 1999) WW.pdf | 11M |
| Aircraft Design - A Conceptual Approach 2nd ed. - D. Raymer (1992) WW.pdf | 29M |
| Alternative Energy Demystified - S. Gibilisco (McGraw-Hill, 2007) WW.pdf | 4.3M |
| Alternative Energy [3 Vols] - N. Schlager, J. Weisblatt (Thomson Gale, 2006) WW.pdf | 17M |
| Applied Nonlinear Dynamics - A. Nayfeh, B. Balachandran (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf | 25M |
| Approaches to Fundamental Physics - I. Statamescu, E. Seiler (Springer, 2004) WW.pdf | 5.4M |
| Ashby,Miller - Principles of Modern Physics.pdf | 8.7M |
| Astronomy & Cosmology/ | - |
| Astrophysics/ | - |
| Astrophysics ebooks/ | - |
| Atomic Physics - C. Foot (Oxford, 2005) WW.pdf | 11M |
| Bamberg - Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics - Volume 1 [defects] (Cambridge, 1988).pdf | 16M |
| Bamberg - Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics - Volume 2 [defects] (Cambridge, 1988).pdf | 19M |
| Barrow - The Constants of Nature - From Alpha to Omega (Pantheon, 2002).pdf | 16M |
| Basu - Dictionary of Pure and Applied Physics (CRC, 2001).djvu | 5.3M |
| Batchelor - An Intro to Fluid Dynamics.djvu | 7.9M |
| Bedford,Fowler - Dynamics - Engineering Mechanics SI (AW, 1996).pdf | 40M |
| Bell's theorem/ | - |
| Ben-Naim - Entropy Demystified (WorldSci, 2007).pdf | 2.9M |
| Bernard L. Cohen - Concepts of Nuclear Physics-McGraw-Hill Book Co. (1976).pdf | 22M |
| Bicycling Science 3rd ed - D. Wilson (MIT, 2004) WW.djvu | 7.6M |
| Biology in Physics - Is Life Matter - K. Bogdanov (AP, 2002) WW.pdf | 14M |
| Boresi - Advanced Mechanics of Materials 5e (Wiley, 1993).pdf | 86M |
| Brown - Selected Papers of Richard Feynman - With Commentary [physics] (World, 2000).pdf | 61M |
| Bruneau - Fundamentals of Acoustics (ISTE, 2006).pdf | 7.9M |
| Brydson - Plastics Materials 7th Edition.pdf | 48M |
| Building Blocks of Matter - J. Ridgen (2003) WW.pdf | 16M |
| CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (86th Edition).pdf | 62M |
| Callister - Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5e HQ.pdf | 22M |
| Callister - Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction 7e (Wiley, 2007).pdf | 31M |
| Carl Sagan - 22 E-books, essays and articles (PDF) [Dodecahedron]/ | - |
| Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics - An Intro for Applied Scientists and Engineers - F, Moon (Wiley-VCH, 2004) WW.pdf | 33M |
| Classical Dynamics - A Contemporary Approach - J. Jose, E. Saletan (Cambridge, 1998) WW.djvu | 6.3M |
| Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems 5th ed - S. Thornton, J. Marion (Thomson, 2004) WW.djvu | 4.7M |
| Classical_Dynamics_of_Particles_and_Systems_-_Marion__Thornton.pdf | 66M |
| Cold and Hot Forging - Fundamentals and Applications.pdf | 11M |
| Colloidal and Monatomic Gold for Health and Enlightenment/ | - |
| Combustion Physics - C. Law (Cambridge, 2006) WW.pdf | 13M |
| Complex analysis/ | - |
| Compressional fluid dynamics/ | - |
| Concepts in Thermal Physics - S. Blundell, K. Blundell (Oxford, 2006) WW.pdf | 15M |
| Concepts of Simultaneity - From Antiquity to Einstein and Beyond - M. Jammer (JHUP, 2006) WW.pdf | 1.2M |
| Continuum Mechanics and Plasticity - H. Wu (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf | 7.1M |
| Cotterell Theories/ | - |
| Crowell - Conceptual Physics (Mar 2007).pdf | 13M |
| Crowell - Simple Nature (June 2007).pdf | 19M |
| Cutnell,Johnson - Physics 7e HTML.rar | 68M |
| David Icke/ | - |
| DeCusatis - Fiber Optic Essentials (Academic, 2006).pdf | 1.5M |
| Diffraction Physics 3rd ed - J. Cowley (Elsevier, 1995) WW.pdf | 24M |
| Diffusion in Solids - Fundamentals, methods, Mtls, Diffusion-Controlled Processes - H. Mehrer (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf | 11M |
| Dugdale - Entropy and Its Physical Interpretation (Taylor, 1996).pdf | 10M |
| Dynamic Plasticity - N. Cristescu (World, 2007) WW.pdf | 5.5M |
| Electromagnetics & Electrodynamics/ | - |
| Electron Microscopy - Methods and Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 117] - M. Hajibagheri (Humana) WW.pdf | 3.9M |
| Electron Microscopy - Principles and Fundamentals - S. Amelinckx, et al., (Wiley-VCH, 1997) WW.pdf | 64M |
| Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics - J. Norbury (2000) WW.pdf | 1.2M |
| Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics [SOLUTIONS MANUAL] - J. Norbury (2000) WW.pdf | 577K |
| Elements of the Theory of the Newtonian Potential Function 3rd ed - B. Pierce (Ginn, 1902) WW.djvu | 3.0M |
| Elmore - Physics of Waves (McGraw, 1969).pdf | 25M |
| Encyclopedia of Flight (Salem Press, 2002).pdf | 13M |
| Encyclopedia of Modern Optics [5-Vol Set, Vols 1-5] - B. Guenther, et al., (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf | 74M |
| Engineering Mechanics of solids (popov).djvu | 30M |
| Engineering Optics 3rd ed - K. Iizuka (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf | 35M |
| Evil Genius Books/ | - |
| Feynman, Leyton, Sands - Lectures on Physics 1.djvu | 7.5M |
| Feynman, Leyton, Sands - Lectures on Physics 2.djvu | 8.6M |
| Feynman, Leyton, Sands - Lectures on Physics 3.djvu | 4.8M |
| Feynman Lectures on Physics/ | - |
| Field Theory - A Modern Primer 2nd ed - P. Ramond (Westview, 2001) WW.djvu | 4.9M |
| Field Theory 2nd ed - S. Roman (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf | 1.9M |
| Fishbane - Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 3e.djvu | 53M |
| Fishbane - Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 3e.pdf | 915M |
| Fluid Dynamics for Physicists - Faber, T.E..djvu | 4.7M |
| Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed. - P. Kundu, I. Cohen.pdf | 35M |
| Fluid Mechanics 4th ed - F. White.pdf | 13M |
| Fluid Mechanics 5 ed. by F.M. White (Book and Solution)/ | - |
| Fossheim - Superconductivity - Physics and Applications (Wiley, 2004).pdf | 3.5M |
| Foster - Nanotechnology - Science, Innovation and Opportunity.chm | 1.5M |
| Foundations of Fluid Mechanics - G. Gallavotti (2000) WW.pdf | 5.3M |
| Fox - Optical Properties of Solids [poor scan] (Oxford, 2001).pdf | 62M |
| Francoise,Naber - Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (Academic, 2006)/ | - |
| Friedrich - Theoretical Atomic Physics 2e rev. (Springer, 1998).pdf | 17M |
| Fuel Cells/ | - |
| Fundamentals Of Plasma Physics - P. Bellan (2004) WW.pdf | 4.9M |
| Fundamentals and Applications of Ultrasonic Waves - D. Cheeke (CRC, 2002) WW.pdf | 11M |
| Fundamentals of Acoustics 4th ed - L. Kinsler, et al., (Wiley, 2000) WW.pdf | 27M |
| Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 2nd ed - J. Anderson (McGraw-Hill, 1991) WW.pdf | 25M |
| Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, 2e - R. Zucker, O. Biblarz.pdf | 4.2M |
| Fundamentals of Light Sources and Lasers - M. Csele (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf | 4.2M |
| Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering - J. Shultis, R. Faw (Marcel Dekker, 2002) WW.pdf | 26M |
| Fundamentals of Photonics 2nd ed - B. Saleh, M. Teich (Wiley, 2007) WW.djvu | 39M |
| Fundamentals of nuclear physics _Fundamentals of nuclear physics ( PDFDrive ).pdf | 4.7M |
| Fusion - The Energy of the Universe - G. McCracken, P. Stott (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf | 4.6M |
| Game Development Guides/ | - |
| General Relativity Theory/ | - |
| Generalized Plasticity - M. Yu, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf | 9.0M |
| Geophysics/ | - |
| Glencoe - Physics - Principles and Problems [textbook] (McGraw, 2005).pdf | 45M |
| Goldstein - Classical Mechanics 3rd Ed.pdf | 199M |
| Graebel - Advanced Fluid Mechanics (AP, 2007).pdf | 4.8M |
| Gravitation - Misner, Thorne, Wheeler.djvu | 11M |
| Gravity - George Gamow (Anchor, 1962) WW.pdf | 12M |
| Gregory - Classical Mechanics (Cambridge, 2006).pdf | 7.6M |
| Gregory - Classical Mechanics - SOLUTIONS (Cambridge, 2006).pdf | 2.8M |
| Guide to Electric Power Generation 3rd ed - A. Pansini, K. Smalling (CRC, 2006) WW.pdf | 5.4M |
| Hand - Analytical Mechanics (Cambridge, 1998).djvu | 16M |
| Handbook of Plastics, Elastomers and Composites 4th ed - C. Harper (McGraw-Hill, 2004) WW.pdf | 10M |
| Harrison - Advanced Engineering Dynamics.pdf | 9.7M |
| Hearn - Mechanics of Materials Vol. 1 3e (Butterworth, 1997).pdf | 39M |
| Hearn - Mechanics of Materials Vol. 2 3e (Butterworth, 1997).pdf | 24M |
| Hewitt - Conceptual Physics 10e - Practising Physics.djvu | 9.5M |
| Hewitt - Conceptual Physics 10e - Practising Physics.pdf | 108M |
| Hewitt - Conceptual Physics 10e.djvu | 26M |
| Hewitt - Conceptual Physics 10e.pdf | 471M |
| History and Philosophy of Science/ | - |
| Hoffman - Computational Fluid Dynamics [Vol 1] 4e (EES, 2000).pdf | 14M |
| Hoffman - Computational Fluid Dynamics [Vol 2] 4e (EES, 2000).pdf | 13M |
| Hollas - Modern Spectroscopy 4e.pdf | 2.5M |
| Holography - A Practical Approach - G. Ackermann, J. Eichler (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf | 6.5M |
| Holzner - Physics for Dummies (2004).pdf | 7.0M |
| Houghton - Aerodynamics for Engineering Students 5E.pdf | 16M |
| How Buildings Work - The Natural Order of Architecture 3rd ed - E. Allen (Oxford, 2005) WW.pdf | 17M |
| How Things Work Physics Everyday Life.pdf | 22M |
| Human Anatomy & Physiology (7th Edition) (Hardcover) - KnK/ | - |
| Incropera - Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 6e [bw] (Wiley, 2007).pdf | 57M |
| Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology - R. Hobbie, B. Roth (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf | 20M |
| Introduction To Tensor Calculus & Continuum Mechanics - J. Heinbockel (Old Dominion, 1996) WW.pdf | 3.2M |
| Introduction to Computational Plasticity - F. Dunne, N. Petrinic (Oxford, 2006) WW.pdf | 4.2M |
| Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3rd ed. - W. Lai, D. Rubin, E. Krempl (1993) WW.pdf | 16M |
| Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3rd ed. - W. Lai, D. Rubin, E. Krempl (Butterworth, 1993) WW.pdf | 16M |
| Introduction to Fourier Optics 2nd - J. Goodman.pdf | 9.3M |
| Introduction to Liquid State Physics - N. March, M. Tosi (World, 2002) WW.pdf | 18M |
| Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry - J. Marsden, T. Ratiu (1998) WW.pdf | 2.9M |
| Introduction to Optics 2nd ed - F. Pedrotti, L. Pedrotti (Prentice-Hall, 1993) WW.djvu | 6.3M |
| Introduction to Relativistic Continuum Mechanics - G. Ferrarese, D. Bini (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf | 5.9M |
| Introduction to Solid State Physics 7th edition- Kittel, Charles.djvu | 13M |
| Introduction to Thermal Analysis - Techniques, Applications 2nd ed - M. Brown (Kluwer, 2004) WW.pdf | 29M |
| Introduction to Thermodynamics with Applications.pdf | 1.9M |
| Introduction to the Basic Concept of Modern Physics - C. Becchi, M. D'elia (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf | 1.7M |
| Introductory Computational Physics - A. Klein, A. Godunov (Cambridge, 2006) WW.pdf | 4.6M |
| Intro to Statics and Dynamics - A. Ruina, R. Pratap.pdf | 11M |
| Invitations to Contemporary Physics 2nd ed - Q. Kim, N. Kumar, C. lam (World, 2004) WW.pdf | 7.6M |
| Jacobs - 5 Steps to a 5 - AP Physics B and C.pdf | 3.7M |
| Janssens - Computational Materials Engineering (Elsevier, 2007).pdf | 6.5M |
| Jazar - Vehicle Dynamics - Theory and Application (Springer, 2008).pdf | 14M |
| Joe McNally - The Moment It Clicks - Photography Secrets/ | - |
| Kazda - Airport Design and Operation 2e (Elsevier, 2007).pdf | 17M |
| Kelly - Fundementals of Mechanical Vibration 2e (McGraw, 2000).pdf | 22M |
| Landau Lifshitz/ | - |
| Langmead - Encyclopedia of Architectural and Engineering Feats (2001).chm | 5.6M |
| Lanzani - Photophysics of Molecular Materials - From Single Molecules to Single Crystals (Wiley, 2006).pdf | 6.6M |
| Laser Fundamentals ( PDFDrive ).pdf | 32M |
| Laser Fundamentals 2nd ed - W. Silfvast (Cambridge, 2004) WW.djvu | 16M |
| Lasers/ | - |
| Leszczynski - Computational Materials Science (Elsevier, 2004).pdf | 26M |
| Liquids and Gases - Principles of Fluid Mechanics [elementary txt] - P. Fleisher (2002) WW.pdf | 3.5M |
| Luminescence - From Theory to Applications - C. Ronda (Wiley-VCH, 2008) WW.pdf | 3.0M |
| Magnetism in Condensed Matter - S. Blundell (Oxford, 2001) WW.pdf | 17M |
| Management Pocketbooks/ | - |
| Manneville - Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence (Imperial, 2004).pdf | 17M |
| Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach - a clinical approach (2004)/ | - |
| Mase - Continuum Mechanics for Engineers 2e (CRC, 1999).pdf | 3.7M |
| Master Handbook Of Acoustics 4th ed. - F. Everest (2001) WW.pdf | 5.6M |
| Materials Engineering - Science, Processing and Design - M. Ashby, et al., (B-H, 2007) WW.pdf | 16M |
| Math For Engineers/ | - |
| Mathematica for Physics 2nd ed - R. Zimmerman, F. Olness (Addison-Wesley, 2002) WW.pdf | 88M |
| Mathematica for Theoretical Physics II [Electrodynamics, Quant Mech, Gen. Relativity] - G. Baumann (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf | 3.4M |
| Mathematica for Theoretical Physics I [Classical Mechanics, Nonlin Dynamics] - G. Baumann (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf | 5.3M |
| Mathematical Biology/ | - |
| Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. - V.I. Arnold.djvu | 4.0M |
| Mathematical Physics - A Modern Intro to its Foundations - S. Hassani (Springer, 1999) WW.pdf | 34M |
| Mathematical Physics/ | - |
| Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy II The System of the World - I. Newton (1729) WW.pdf | 12M |
| Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy I The Motion of Bodies - I. Newton (1729) WW.pdf | 16M |
| McGraw-Hill Ryerson - High School Physics 11 v3.pdf | 22M |
| McGraw-Hill Ryerson - High School Physics 12 v2.pdf | 16M |
| McMahon - String Theory Demystified (McGraw, 2008).pdf | 3.8M |
| Mechanical Vibrations by s.s RAo ebook.pdf | 23M |
| Mechanics of Material Forces - P. Steinmann, G. Maugin (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf | 13M |
| Menzel - Fundamental Formulas of Physics Vol. 1 [bw] (Dover, 1960).pdf | 12M |
| Menzel - Fundamental Formulas of Physics Vol. 2 [bw] (Dover, 1960).pdf | 13M |
| Meriam - Engineering Mechanics - Statics 5e (Wiley, 2002).pdf | 103M |
| Metal-Casting.pdf | 15M |
| Metal Machining - Theory and Applications - T. Childs et. al. (2000) WW.pdf | 2.8M |
| Methods for Solving Mathematical Physics Problems - V. Agoshkov, et al., (Cambridge, 2006) WW.PDF | 4.8M |
| Michio Kaku/ | - |
| Micro- and Macro-Properties of Solids - D. Sirdeshmukh, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf | 13M |
| Microwave Engineering/ | - |
| Microwaves and Wireless Simplified 2nd ed - T. Laverghetta (Artech House, 2005) WW.pdf | 2.9M |
| Mineralogy/ | - |
| Mirrors, Prisms and Lenses - A Textbook of Geometrical Optics 3rd ed - J. Southall (Macmillan, 1933) WW.pdf | 74M |
| Misner - Gravitation (Freeman, 1973).pdf | 50M |
| Modelling in Transport Phenomena 2nd ed - I Tosun (Elsevier, 2007) WW.pdf | 5.2M |
| Modern Optics - Guenther R D.djvu | 7.9M |
| Modern Physics - An Introductory Text - J. Pfeffer, S. Nir (ICP, 2000) WW.pdf | 35M |
| Modern Vacuum Physics - A. Chambers (CRC, 2005) WW.pdf | 3.4M |
| Molecular Devices And Machines - A Journey Into The Nano World - V. Balzani, A. Credi, M. Venturi (2002).djvu | 5.6M |
| Molecular Physics - Theoretical Principles and Experimental Methods - W. Demtroder (Wiley-VCH, 2003) WW.pdf | 20M |
| Molecular Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena - M. Peters (McGraw-Hill, 2005) WW.pdf | 2.7M |
| Moran,Shapiro - Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics - SI Version - 5th Ed.pdf | 76M |
| Morin - Introduction to Classical Mechanics with Problems and Solutions (2004).pdf | 5.9M |
| NIBIRU Planet X books/ | - |
| Nanophysics and Nanotechnology - An Intro to Modern Concepts in Nanoscience 2nd ed - E. Wolf (Wiley-VCH, 2006) WW.pdf | 28M |
| Nanoscale Science and Technology - R. Kelsall, et al., (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf | 36M |
| Nanostructures and Nanomaterials - Synthesis, Props and Applns - G. Cao (ICP, 2004) WW.pdf | 31M |
| Nanotechnology - An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques 2nd ed - M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche (Wiley-VCH, 2007) WW.pdf | 5.8M |
| Nanotubes and Nanowires - P. Burke (World, 2007) WW.pdf | 8.7M |
| Nikola.Tesla.eBook.Collection/ | - |
| Nikola Tesla/ | - |
| Nonlinear Physics for Beginners - L. Lam (World, 1998) WW.pdf | 45M |
| Nuclear Energy - An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, etc. 5th ed. - R. Murray (2000) WW.pdf | 8.6M |
| Nuclear Energy Books/ | - |
| Nuclear Physics/ | - |
| Nuclear Physics_ Exploring the Heart of Matter ( PDFDrive ).pdf | 41M |
| Nuclear and Particle Physics - An Introduction/ | - |
| Oberg - Machinery's Handbook 27e.pdf | 31M |
| Oman - How To Solve Physics Problems - TOC.txt | 1.1K |
| Oman - How To Solve Physics Problems.djvu | 4.5M |
| Optical Physics 3rd ed - S. Lipson, H. Lipson, D. Tannhauser (Cambridge, 1995) WW.djvu | 11M |
| Optics, Light and Lasers - D. Meschede (Wiley, 2004) WW.djvu | 17M |
| Optics/ | - |
| Optics 4th ed - E. Hecht, M. Coffey, P. Dolen [INSTRUCTORS SOLN MANUAL] (Addison-Wesley, 2002) WW.djvu | 5.9M |
| Optics 4th ed [international edn] - E. Hecht (Addison-Wesley, 2002) WW.djvu | 33M |
| Orbital Motion 4th ed - A. Roy (IOP, 2005) WW.pdf | 18M |
| Particles and Waves - Historical Essays in the Philosophy of Science - P. Achinstein (Oxford, 1991) WW.pdf | 37M |
| Peinke - Wind Energy (Springer, 2007).pdf | 25M |
| Perkins - Introduction to High Energy Physics 4e (Cambridge, 2001).djvu | 9.1M |
| Petrila - Basics of Fluid Mechanics and Intro to Computational Fluid Dynamics (Springer, 2005).pdf | 14M |
| Phase Transition Dynamics - A. Onuki (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf | 11M |
| Phase Transitions - A Brief Account With Modern Applications - M. Gitterman, V. Halpern (World, 2004) WW.pdf | 2.3M |
| Photonics Essentials - An Introduction With Experiments - T. Pearsall (McGraw-Hill, 2003) WW.pdf | 7.3M |
| Physical Optics - S. Akhmanov, S. Nikitin (Oxford, 1997) WW.djvu | 3.8M |
| Physics - Concepts and Connections [textbook] (Irwin, 2002).pdf | 89M |
| Physics Demystified - S. Gibilisco.pdf | 4.5M |
| Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale - C. Callender, N. Huggett (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf | 4.5M |
| Physics Over Easy - Breakfast With Beth and Physics - L. Azaroff (World, 1996) WW.pdf | 14M |
| Physics of Continuous Matter - B. Lautrup (IOP, 2005) WW.pdf | 13M |
| Physics of Semiconductor Devices - J. Colinge, C. Colinge (Kluwer) WW.pdf | 21M |
| Physik fur Ingenieure 11th ed - P. Dobrinski, et al., [GERMAN] (Teubner, 2006) WW.pdf | 6.5M |
| Poling - Properties of Gases and Liquids 5e.pdf | 3.6M |
| Polymer Physics - M. Rubinstein, R. Colby (Oxford, 2003) WW.djvu | 3.3M |
| Positron Physics - M. Charlton, J. Humberston (Cambridge, 2001) WW.pdf | 3.5M |
| Povh - Particles and Nuclei - Introduction to the Physical Concepts 5e (Springer, 2006).pdf | 3.3M |
| Practical Holography 3rd ed - G. Saxby (IOP, 2004) WW.pdf | 98M |
| Practical Optics - N. Menn (Elsevier, 2004) WW.pdf | 4.3M |
| Principles of Lasers 4th ed - O. Svelto, D. Hanna (Springer, 1998) WW.djvu | 12M |
| Principles of Optics 7th ed - M. Born, E. Wolf (Cambridge, 2002) WW.djvu | 12M |
| Quantum Mechanics/ | - |
| Ratner - Nanotechnology - A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea.pdf | 1.4M |
| Reciprocity Laws - From Euler to Eisenstein - F. Lemmermeyer (Springer, 2000) WW.djvu | 9.5M |
| Reed,Simon - Modern Mathematical Physics.djvu | 8.7M |
| Relativity - Special, General and Cosmological 2nd ed - W. Rindler (Oxford, 2006) WW.pdf | 6.3M |
| Renewable Energy - Technology, Eonomics and Environment - M. kaltschmitt, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf | 9.3M |
| Renewable Energy 3rd ed. - B. Sorensen (Elsevier, 2004) WW.pdf | 20M |
| Richard Dawkins - Unweaving The Rainbow.pdf | 672K |
| Richards - Principles of Solid Mechanics (CRC, 2001).pdf | 7.1M |
| Roberts - Statics and Dynamics with Background Mathematics (Cambridge, 2003).pdf | 1.8M |
| Rosen - Symmetry Rules - How Science and Nature Are Founded on Symmetry (Springer, 2008).pdf | 1.7M |
| Rules of Thumb in Engineering Practice - D. Woods (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf | 3.3M |
| Schaum's Easy Outline College Physics.pdf | 6.2M |
| Schaum's Outline of Heat Transfer - D. Pitts, L. Sissom.djv | 4.6M |
| Schaum's Outlines - Heat Transfer 2nd ed - D. Pitts, L. Sissom (McGraw-Hill, 1998) WW.djvu | 4.6M |
| Schaum's Outlines - Strength of Materials 4th ed - W. Nash (McGraw-Hill, 1998) WW.djvu | 5.4M |
| Schutz - Gravity from the Ground Up (Cambridge, 2003).pdf | 6.4M |
| Science of Heat and Thermophysical Studies - J. Sestak (Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf | 45M |
| Self-Assembly - The Science of Things that Put Themselves Together - J. Pelesko (CRC, 2007) WW.pdf | 12M |
| Semiconductor Device Physics and Design - U. Mishra, J. Singh (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf | 9.4M |
| Semiconductor Optics - C. Klingshirn (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf | 12M |
| Serway - College Physics 7e.pdf | 49M |
| Serway - Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6e HQ (chapters 1-39).pdf | 39M |
| Sharma - Optics - Principles and Applications (Elsevier, 2006).pdf | 4.5M |
| Shaughnessy - Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Oxford, 2005).pdf | 20M |
| Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design.pdf | 19M |
| Sidharth - Thermodynamic Universe - Exploring the Limits of Physics (Worldsci, 2008).pdf | 15M |
| Silverman - A Universe of Atoms, An Atom in the Universe.pdf | 4.8M |
| Soft Matter Physics - An Introduction - M. Kleman, O. Lavrentovich (Springer, 2003) WW.pdf | 11M |
| Soldering, Brazing & Welding-A Manual of Techniques - D. Pritchard.pdf | 32M |
| Solid State Physics - Ashcroft, Neil W, Mermin, David N.djvu | 11M |
| Solid Works 2009 Bible.pdf | 44M |
| Stacey - Nuclear Reactor Physics (Wiley, 2001).pdf | 36M |
| Statistical Mechanics/ | - |
| Structural Mechanics - A. Darkov, V. Koznetsov (Mir, 1969) WW.pdf | 101M |
| Structure and Bonding in Crystalline Materials - G. Rohrer (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf | 6.5M |
| Structures Under Crash and Impact - S. Hiermaier (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf | 9.4M |
| Subatomic Physics 3rd ed - E. Henley, A. Garcia (World, 2007) WW.pdf | 13M |
| Sugarman - HVAC Fundamentals 2e [air conditioning] (Fairmont, 2007).pdf | 17M |
| Supersymmetry in Particle Physics - An Elementary Introduction - I. Aitchinson (Cambridge, 2007) WW.pdf | 1.2M |
| Thaller - Dirac Equation (Springer, 1992).pdf | 12M |
| The Elegant Universe - Brian Green.pdf | 3.1M |
| The Evolution of Physics - A. Einstein, L. Infeld (Simon & Schuster, 1988) WW.pdf | 20M |
| The Fourth State Of Matter - An Intro To Plasma Science - S. Eliezer, Y. Eliezer (IOP, 2001) WW.pdf | 1.8M |
| The Haynes Welding Manual.pdf | 10M |
| The Materials Science of Semiconductors - A. Rockett (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf | 19M |
| The Meaning of Relativity 6th ed - A. Einstein (Routledge, 1956) WW.pdf | 2.0M |
| The Motor Vehicle 13th ed. - T. Garrett, K. Newton, W. Steeds (2001) WW.pdf | 19M |
| The Nature Of Solids - A. Holden (Dover, 1992) WW.djvu | 2.4M |
| The Periodic Table Book - A Visual Encyclopedia.pdf | 86M |
| The Physics and Chemistry of Materials - J. Gersten, F. Smith (Wiley, 2001) WW.pdf | 9.7M |
| The Physics of Phase Transitions - Concepts and Applications 2nd ed - P. Papon, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf | 4.7M |
| The Physics of Vibrations and Waves 6th ed - A. Pain (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf | 2.1M |
| The Special and General Theory of Relativity - A. Einstein.pdf | 1.2M |
| The Stability of Matter - From Atoms to Stars 4th ed - Selecta of E. H. Lieb (Springer, 2005) WW.djvu | 20M |
| The Universal Force - Gravity, the Creator of Worlds - L. Girifalco (Oxford, 2008) WW.pdf | 2.2M |
| The Works of Archimedes - T. Heath (Cambridge) WW.pdf | 18M |
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| Thermal Stress Resistance of Materials - A. lanin, I. Fedik (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf | 7.0M |
| Thermodynamics - Fundamentals for Applications - J. O'Connell, J. Haile (Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf | 7.2M |
| Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 5th Edition - Gengel, Boles.pdf | 21M |
| Thermodynamics HEat Transfer and fluid flow/ | - |
| Understanding Flight [intro aerodynamics] - D. Anderson, S. Eberhardt (McGraw-Hill, 2001) WW.pdf | 3.0M |
| Understanding Microwaves - A. Scott (Wiley, 1993) WW.pdf | 15M |
| University Physics with Modern Physics, 14 Edition.pdf | 86M |
| Vaughn - Introduction to Mathematical Physics (Wiley, 2007).pdf | 3.7M |
| Venkatesh - Precision Engineering (McGraw, 2007).pdf | 13M |
| Ventura - The Art of Cryogenics - Low Temp Experimental Techniques (Elsevier, 2008).pdf | 8.5M |
| Weiner,Matthews - Environmental Engineering 4E.pdf | 12M |
| Weird Science - 40 Strange-Acting, Bizarre-Looking, Barely Believable Activities for Kids - J. Wiese (2004) WW.pdf | 15M |
| Williams - Nanotechnology Demystified.pdf | 3.4M |
| Wingate - Essential Physics [intro brochure] (Usborne, 1991).pdf | 31M |
| Wolf - Nanophysics and Nanotechnology.djvu | 7.0M |
| Yale OYC - Fundamental of Physics II Video Lectures, Med-Res/ | - |
| Young - University Physics with Modern Physics 12e - SOLUTIONS.pdf | 18M |
| Young - University Physics with Modern Physics 12e HQ.djvu | 56M |
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