Index of /Books Magazines and other texts/Geology


[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory -
[   ]A History of the Science and Politics of Climate Change - B. Bolin (Cambridge, 2007) WW.pdf1.7M
[   ]Abelson - Experiments with People - Revelations from Social Psychology (LEA, 2004).pdf 20M
[   ]An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics - A. Tsonis (Cambridge, 2007) WW.pdf2.2M
[   ]Archaeology - The Basics - C. Gamble (2001) WW.pdf1.9M
[   ]Atmosphere, Weather and Climate 8th ed - R. Barry, R. Chorley (Routledge, 2003) WW.pdf 26M
[   ]Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2nd ed - J. Seinfeld, S. Pandis (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf 67M
[   ]Atmospheric Science - An Introductory Survey - J. Wallace, P. Hobbs (Elsevier, 2006) WW.pdf 50M
[   ]Backman - The Worlds of Medieval Europe (Oxford, 2003).pdf9.4M
[   ]Bertrand Russell - A History of Western Philosophy [poor font] (1945).pdf4.9M
[   ]Bortman - Environmental Encyclopedia [2 volumes] (Gale, 2003).pdf 33M
[   ]Bramblett - Europe for Dummies 3e [travel guide] (Wiley, 2005).pdf8.5M
[IMG]Burton - Agriscience - Fundamentals and Applications 4e [agriculture] (Thomson, 2007).djvu 33M
[   ]Burton - Agriscience - Fundamentals and Applications 4e [agriculture] (Thomson, 2007).pdf633M
[   ]Chomsky - Understanding Power (2002).pdf1.9M
[   ]Christian - Maps of Time - Introduction to Big History (California, 2004).pdf 31M
[   ]Colls - Air Pollution 2e (Spon, 2002).pdf 12M
[   ]Cottam - Introduction to Political Psychology.pdf 20M
[   ]David Smail - Power, Responsibility and Freedom - Internet Publication (2005).pdf563K
[   ]Dawkins - Devil's Chaplain.pdf7.5M
[   ]Dawkins - Is Science a Religion.pdf 20K
[   ]Dessler - Chemistry and Physics of Stratospheric Ozone (Academic, 2000).pdf 14M
[   ]Donaldson - Negotiating for Dummies 2e [fixed, mp 261] (Wiley, 2007).pdf6.9M
[   ]Drought and Water Crises - Science, Technology and Mgmt Issues - D. Wilhite (Taylor and Francis, 2005) WW.pdf5.0M
[   ]Eade - Chess for Dummies 2e (Wiley, 2005).pdf 12M
[   ]Earth Science Demystified - L. Williams (McGraw-Hill, 2004) WW.pdf7.1M
[   ]Eldridge - Introduction to the Philosophy of Art (Cambridge, 2003).pdf1.4M
[DIR]Ember - Countries and Their Cultures (Macmillan, 2001)/ -
[   ]Essentials of Meteorology 2nd ed. - C. Ahrens WW.pdf 14M
[   ]Faure - Introduction to Planetary Science The Geological Perspective.pdf 14M
[   ]Fishman - Working for Yourself 7e [business,law] (Nolo, 2008).pdf2.0M
[   ]Foth - Fundamentals of Soil Science 8e (Wiley, 1990).pdf 15M
[   ]Fromm - To Have or To Be (Continuum, 1976).pdf7.1M
[   ]Fundamentals of Hydrology 2nd ed - T. Davie (Routledge, 2002) WW.pdf5.5M
[   ]Furst - Hallucinogens and Culture.pdf1.3M
[DIR]Gale - Cities of the World 6e (2002)/ -
[DIR]Gale - Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations 12e (2007)/ -
[   ]Gat - War in Human Civilization (Oxford, 2006).pdf9.1M
[   ]Gates - Encyclopedia of Earthquakes and Volcanoes 3e (FOF, 2007).pdf 20M
[   ]Giles - Media Psychology.pdf 24M
[   ]Glencoe - Earth Science (McGraw, 2005).pdf118M
[   ]Glencoe - Earth Science - Geology, the Environment, and the Universe (McGraw, 2008).pdf 93M
[   ]Glencoe - Human Heritage - World History (McGraw, 2006).pdf 62M
[   ]Global Climatology and Ecodynamics - A. Cracknell, et al., (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf 12M
[   ]Grimaldi - Inside the Minds - The Art of Advertising.chm194K
[   ]Grof - LSD Psychotherapy.pdf7.1M
[   ]Guerin - Anarchism - From Theory to Practice (1970).pdf387K
[   ]Hause - Western Civilization - History of European Society 2e [textbook] (Thomson, 2004).pdf 15M
[   ]Henden - Preventing Suicide - The Solution Focused Approach (Wiley, 2008).pdf866K
[   ]Hofmann - LSD - My Problem Child.pdf712K
[   ]Holland - Ecstasy - The Complete Guide [MDMA] (2001).pdf8.2M
[   ]Holton - Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology 4e (Elsevier, 2004).pdf5.6M
[   ]Human Impacts on Weather and Climate 2nd ed - W. Cotton, R. Pielke (Cambridge, 2007) WW.pdf5.8M
[   ]Humphry - Final Exit 3e [suicide] (2002).pdf 12M
[   ]Introduction to Management Science 9th ed - B. Taylor (PTC, 2006) WW.chm 36M
[   ]Introduction to Physical Geology - Thompson and Turk WW.pdf 18M
[   ]Introduction to the Physics of the Earths Interior 2nd ed - J. Poirier (Cambridge, 2000) WW.pdf2.3M
[   ]Janson - Speak - A Short History of Languages (Oxford, 2002).pdf2.5M
[   ]Jay Stevens - Storming Heaven - LSD & The American Dream (1988).pdf1.5M
[   ]Kenny - Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy 2e (Blackwell, 2006).pdf3.4M
[   ]Kenrick - Social Psychology.pdf 35M
[   ]Lanza - The Earth's Magnetism An Introduction for Geologists (Springer, 2006).pdf5.9M
[   ]Lee,Shlain - Acid Dreams - The Complete Social History of LSD (1985).pdf1.3M
[   ]Low - Why Sex Matters - A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior.pdf3.6M
[IMG]Macionis - Sociology 12e HQ (Prentice, 2008).djvu 35M
[   ]Macionis - Sociology 12e HQ (Prentice, 2008).pdf595M
[   ]Macrakis - Seduced by Secrets - Inside the Stasi's Spy-Tech World (Cambridge, 2008).pdf9.9M
[DIR]Maps of The World - Atlas/ -
[   ]Marcuse - One-Dimensional Man [html] (1964).pdf582K
[   ]Marshall - Demanding the Impossible - History of Anarchism (Harper, 2008).pdf 35M
[   ]Martin - Information Liberation (Freedom Press, 1998).pdf934K
[   ]Matsumoto - Culture and Psychology.pdf3.1M
[   ]McCoy - GEO-DATA - The World Geographical Encyclopedia 3e (Gale, 2003).pdf 87M
[   ]Meteorology Demystified - S. Gibilisco (McGraw-Hill, 2006) WW.pdf4.5M
[   ]Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation 2nd ed - H. Pruppacher, J. Klett (Kluwer, 1997) WW.pdf 64M
[   ]Mittler - Art in Focus [comprehensive textbook - theory,history] (Glencoe, 2006).pdf 40M
[   ]Pease - Body Language (Sheldon, 1981).pdf2.7M
[   ]Perrie - The Cambridge History of Russia - I - From Early Russia to 1689 (2006).pdf 10M
[   ]Perrie - The Cambridge History of Russia - II - Imperial Russia 1689-1917 (2006).pdf7.8M
[   ]Perrie - The Cambridge History of Russia - III - 20th Century (2006).pdf8.1M
[   ]Physical Geodesy - B.Hofmann-Wellehof, H.Moritz (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf 21M
[   ]Pilhofer - Music Theory for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf7.7M
[   ]Planet Formation - Theory, Observations and Experiments - H. Klahr, W. Brandner (Cambridge, 2006) WW.pdf9.1M
[   ]Principles of Soil Physics - R. Lal, M. Shukla (Marcel Dekker, 2004) WW.pdf 15M
[   ]Schaller - The Psychological Foundations of Culture.pdf2.7M
[   ]Scruton - Short History of Modern Philosophy - From Descartes to Wittgenstein 2e (Taylor, 1995).pdf801K
[   ]Sea Ice - An Intro to its Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology - D. Thomas, G. Dieckmann (Blackwell, 2003) WW.pdf3.5M
[   ]Shand - Philosophy and Philosophers - Introduction to Western Philosophy (UCL, 2003).pdf 14M
[   ]Spielvogel - Glencoe World History HQ.pdf144M
[   ]Strassman - DMT - The Spirit Molecule (2001).pdf2.3M
[   ]Tansey - Politics - The Basics 2e.pdf 41M
[   ]The Earth's Atmosphere - Its Physics and Dynamics - K. Saha (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf9.5M
[   ]The Encyclopedia of World History, 6th Ed - Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001.chm 14M
[IMG]The Oceans - Physics, Chemistry and Biology - H. Sverdrup, et al (Prentice-Hall, 1942) WW.djvu 17M
[IMG]Thompson - Earth Science and the Environment 4e [geology, astronomy] (Thomson, 2007).djvu 36M
[   ]Thompson - Earth Science and the Environment 4e [geology, astronomy] (Thomson, 2007).pdf564M
[   ]Tsunami - The Underrated Hazard 2nd ed - E. Bryant (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf 12M
[   ]Understanding Surveillance Tech Spy Devices, Their Origins & Appls - J. Peterson (CRC, 2001) WW.pdf 22M
[   ]Vail - A Theory of Power (iUniverse, 2004).pdf198K
[   ]Warf - Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Sage, 2006).pdf4.6M
[   ]Williams - Environmental Science Demystified (McGraw, 2005).pdf2.1M
[   ]Zinn - People's History of the United States (Harper, 2003).pdf3.1M

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