Index of /Books Magazines and other texts/Computer Science


[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory -
[   ] - Cyber-Physical Systems.pdf577K
[   ]- Cyber-Physical Systems.pdf577K
[   ]2KB Symbolic Assembler for the 6502 processor.pdf4.3M
[   ]A. Carsetti - Causality, Meaningful Complexity and Embodied Cognition.pdf3.4M
[   ]A History Of Modern Computing 2nd ed - Paul Ceruzzi.pdf5.1M
[   ]Achim Zielesny - From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning.pdf6.5M
[   ]Adriano A. G. Siqueira, Marco H. Terra, Marcel Bergerman - Robust Control of Robots.pdf4.7M
[   ]Aho - Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools 2e.pdf 48M
[   ]Ajit Kumar Verma, Srividya Ajit, Manoj Kumar - Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems.pdf2.2M
[   ]Alain Bernard - Global Product Development.pdf 18M
[   ]Alessandro Soro, Eloisa Vargiu, Giuliano Armano, Gavino Paddeu - Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed Environments.pdf6.3M
[   ]Alex Doboli, Edward H. Currie - Introduction to Mixed-Signal, Embedded Design.pdf5.2M
[   ]Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter - Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems.pdf4.1M
[   ]Alexander Clemm, Ralf Wolter - Advances in Network-Embedded Management and Applications.pdf2.5M
[   ]Alexander Gegov - Fuzzy Networks for Complex Systems.pdf2.4M
[   ]Alexander Schlaefer, Ole Blaurock - Robotic Sailing.pdf6.5M
[   ]Alexiei Dingli - Knowledge Annotation_ Making Implicit Knowledge Explicit.pdf1.4M
[   ]Alfred Aho - Data Structures and Algorithms [html].pdf6.6M
[   ]Algorithms - R. Sedgewick (1983) WW.pdf4.6M
[DIR]Algorithms/ -
[   ]Algorithms and Data Structures - Niklaus Wirth.pdf1.2M
[   ]Algorithms and Data Structures The Science of Computing - Douglas Baldwin.chm 10M
[IMG]Algorithms for Computer Algebra - K. Geddes, S. Czapor, G. Labahn (1992) WW.djvu4.7M
[   ]Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 1-4 - Robert Sedgewick.chm5.4M
[   ]Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 5 Graph Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick.chm4.2M
[   ]Amar Mitiche, Ismail Ben Ayed - Variational and Level Set Methods in Image Segmentation.pdf4.7M
[   ]Ammeraal - Computer Graphics for Java Programmers 2e.chm 13M
[   ]An Introduction to Distributed Algorithms - B. Valmir (MIT, 1996) WW.pdf3.1M
[   ]An Introduction to Game Theory - Eric Rasmusen.pdf7.0M
[   ]An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Melanie Mitchell.pdf6.2M
[   ]An Introduction to Pattern Recognition - Michael Alder.pdf4.4M
[   ]An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica 3rd ed - P. Wellin, et al., (Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf 27M
[   ]An Introduction to Systems Science - J. Warfield (World, 2006) WW.pdf 22M
[   ]An Intro to Computer Simulation Methods - Applns to Physical Systems 3rd ed. - H. Gould, et al.pdf 41M
[   ]Ana Madureira, Judite Ferreira, Zita Vale - Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems.pdf4.6M
[   ]Analysis of Algorithms - An Active Learning Approach - J. McConnell (2001) WW.pdf1.5M
[   ]Andreas Hansson, Kees Goossens - On-Chip Interconnect with aelite.pdf1.9M
[   ]Andreas Rauh, Ekaterina Auer - Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties.pdf6.8M
[   ]Andreas Tolk, Lakhmi C. Jain - Intelligence-Based Systems Engineering.pdf7.8M
[   ]Andrei Alexandrescu - Modern C++ Design.pdf2.1M
[   ]Andress - Surviving Security - How to Integrate People, Process and Technology 2e (Auerbach, 2004).chm3.6M
[   ]Andre van Bezooijen, Reza Mahmoudi, Arthur van Roermund - Adaptive RF Front-Ends for Hand-held Applications.pdf1.8M
[   ]Andrew B. Kahng, Jens Lienig, Igor L. Markov, Jin Hu - VLSI Physical Design_ From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure.pdf6.4M
[   ]Andrew Hunt & David Thomas - Pragmatic Programmer.pdf3.1M
[   ]Andrew Wheen - Dot-Dash to Dot.Com.pdf 70M
[DIR]Animation/ -
[   ]Ann Britt Skjerve, Andreas Bye - Simulator-based Human Factors Studies Across 25 Years.pdf4.3M
[   ]Annalisa Bonfiglio, Danilo De Rossi - Wearable Monitoring Systems.pdf4.7M
[   ]Antonino Freno, Edmondo Trentin - Hybrid Random Fields.pdf2.3M
[   ]Antonio Liotta, George Exarchakos - Networks for Pervasive Services.pdf4.6M
[   ]Antony Polukhin - Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook.pdf3.6M
[   ]Arie Karniel, Yoram Reich - Managing the Dynamics of New Product Development Processes.pdf3.2M
[   ]Arne Schuldt - Multiagent Coordination Enabling Autonomous Logistics.pdf2.4M
[   ]Arnold - Embedded Controller Hardware Design.pdf1.3M
[DIR]Artificial Intelligence/ -
[IMG]Ashby W.R. Introduction to cybernetics (1957)(400dpi)(L)(T)(156s).djvu2.4M
[IMG]Aspray W. John von Neumann and the origins of modern computing (MIT Press, 1990)(ISBN 0262011212)(600dpi)(T)(394s)_Cs_.djvu4.1M
[   ]Athena Vakali, Lakhmi C. Jain - New Directions in Web Data Management 1.pdf5.3M
[DIR]Audio/ -
[DIR]Auditor (Web Site)/ -
[   ]Axelson - USB Complete 3e.pdf6.9M
[   ]Aycock - Computer Viruses and Malware (Springer, 2006).pdf 11M
[   ]Balaji,Frontline - Embedded System Design Using 8051 Microcontrollers.pdf2.3M
[   ]Baldwin - Algorithms and Data Structures - Science of Computing (Charles River, 2004).chm 10M
[IMG]Barabasi A. Linked-the new science of networks (Perseus Publ., 2002)(T)(ISBN 0738206679)(279s)_Cs_.djvu2.6M
[IMG]Barbin E., et al. (eds.) A history of algorithms (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540633693)(600dpi)(T)(533s)_Cs_.djvu6.4M
[IMG]Bardini T. Bootstrapping.. Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and origins of personal computing (Stanford 2000)(ISBN 0804738718)(600dpi)(T)(309s)_Cs_.djvu3.7M
[   ]Barr - Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ (O'Reilly, 1999).chm488K
[DIR]Bash/ -
[IMG]Bashe C.J., et al. IBM's early computers (MIT, 1986)(ISBN 0262022257)(600dpi)(T)(735s)_Cs_.djvu8.6M
[   ]Beej - Guide to Network Programming.pdf734K
[   ]Ben Lynn - Git Magic.pdf383K
[   ]Beniamino Murgante, Giuseppe Borruso, Alessandra Lapucci - Geocomputation, Sustainability and Environmental Planning.pdf9.1M
[   ]Benoit Badrignans, Jean Luc Danger, Viktor Fischer, Guy Gogniat, Lionel Torres - Security Trends for FPGAS.pdf4.2M
[IMG]Berkeley E.C. Giant brains, or Machines that think (Science Editions, 1961)(ASIN B000NSR5P2)(600dpi)(T)(309s)_Cs_.djvu2.8M
[   ]Bernd Jahne - Computer Vision and Applications.pdf 23M
[   ]Bernd Jahne - Digital Image Processing 5th Ed.pdf 20M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.1 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(676s)_Cs_.pdf 12M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.2 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(713s)_Cs_.pdf 11M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.3 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(705s)_Cs_.pdf 14M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.4 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(652s)_Cs_.pdf 19M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) Handbook of information security, Vol.1 (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471648302)(O)(1122s)_Cs_.pdf 12M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) Handbook of information security, Vol.2 (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471648310)(O)(1008s)_Cs_.pdf 11M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) Handbook of information security, Vol.3 (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471648329)(O)(1154s)_Cs_.pdf 12M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) The Internet encyclopedia, Vol.1 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471222011)(O)(881s)_Cs_.pdf 12M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) The Internet encyclopedia, Vol.2 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471222011)(O)(875s)_Cs_.pdf 14M
[   ]Bidgoli H. (ed.) The Internet encyclopedia, Vol.3 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471222011)(O)(979s)_Cs_.pdf 11M
[   ]Bishop - Computer Security - Art And Science.chm2.6M
[   ]Bjarne Stroustrup - Programming Principles and Practice Using C++.pdf150M
[   ]Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition - 2013.pdf 19M
[   ]Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language Special Edition.PDF3.2M
[   ]Blum - Professional Assembly Language.pdf6.6M
[   ]Blunden - Memory Management - Algor. and Impl. in C-C++ (Wordware, 2002).pdf4.0M
[   ]Bojan Jakimovski - Biologically Inspired Approaches for Locomotion, Anomaly Detection and Reconfiguration for Walking Robots.pdf 11M
[   ]Bormin Huang - Satellite Data Compression.pdf5.6M
[   ]Bradley - Essential Computer Security (Syngress, 2006).pdf7.8M
[IMG]Brady J.M. The theory of computer science.. A programming approach (Wiley, 1977)(ISBN 0470991038)(600dpi)(T)(O)(300s)_Cs_.djvu2.4M
[   ]Brancik - Insider Computer Fraud (Auerbach, 2008).pdf4.9M
[   ]Brass - Advanced Data Structures (Cambridge, 2008).pdf1.6M
[IMG]Brookshear - Computer Science - An Overview 9e.djvu 13M
[   ]Brookshear - Computer Science - An Overview 9e.pdf293M
[IMG]Brookshear J.G. Computer science - an overview (9ed., AW, 2006)(ISBN 0321387015)(T)(C)(616s)_Cs_.djvu8.0M
[   ]Bruce Eckel - Thinking in Java 4th Edition.pdf6.1M
[   ]Bruno Baruque, Emilio Corchado - Fusion Methods for Unsupervised Learning Ensembles.pdf2.8M
[   ]Build_the_Ultimate_Custom_PC.rar7.9M
[IMG]Burks A.R., Burks A.W. The First Electronic Computer.. The Atanasoff Story (University of Michigan Press, 1988)(ISBN 9780472100903)(600dpi)(T)(399s)_CsPop_.djvu6.8M
[   ]Buss - 3D Computer Graphics - A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL.pdf7.7M
[   ]Buss - 3D Computer Graphics - Mathem. Intro with OpenGL (Cambridge, 2003).pdf5.9M
[   ]Butow - User Interface Design for Mere Mortals.pdf9.4M
[   ]Celia Hoyles, Jean-Baptiste Lagrange - Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking the Terrain.pdf6.6M
[   ]Ceruzzi P.E. A History of Modern Computing (MIT,2003)(ISBN 0262532034)(452s)_Cs_.pdf4.3M
[   ]Chad Fowler - The Passionate Programmer, 2nd edition.pdf1.2M
[   ]Charles Petzold - Programming Windows (5th Edition, WinAPI).pdf6.8M
[   ]Charles Petzold - Programming Windows (6th Edition, Win8).pdf5.2M
[   ]Cheriet - Character Recognition Systems [OCR] (Wiley, 2007).pdf3.8M
[   ]Cherkassy - Learning from Data - Concepts, Theory and Methods 2e (Wiley, 2007).pdf4.0M
[   ]Chris Cornelis, Glad Deschrijver, Mike Nachtegael, Steven Schockaert, Yun Shi - 35 Years of Fuzzy Set Theory.pdf4.0M
[   ]Chuvakin - Security Warrior (O'Reilly, 2004).chm4.5M
[   ]Cinnamon - Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius (McGraw, 2008).pdf8.1M
[   ]Communicating Systems & Ntwks - Traffic, Performance - G. Fiche, G. Hebuterne (2004) WW.pdf 22M
[DIR]Compilers&Langs/ -
[   ]Complexity Explained - P. Erdi (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf6.3M
[DIR]Computability/ -
[DIR]Computational Linguistics/ -
[DIR]Computer Architecture/ -
[DIR]Computer Graphics/ -
[   ]Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling - M. Agoston (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf7.8M
[DIR]Computer History/ -
[   ]Computer Networks 4th Ed - Andrew S. Tanenbaum.chm8.6M
[IMG]Computer Science with Mathematica - Theory and Practice - R. Maeder (2000) WW.djvu 45M
[   ]Computer Systems - Theory, Technology and Applications - H. Herbert, K. Jones (2004) WW.pdf3.0M
[   ]Computer Viruses - From Theory to Applications - E. Filiol (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf2.7M
[   ]Computer Vision A Modern Approach - Forsyth , Ponce.pdf 50M
[   ]Copeland - The Essential Turing - Writings on Computing, AI, etc. (Oxford, 2004).pdf4.9M
[   ]Corless - Essential Maple 7 - Intro for Scientific Programmers (Springer, 2002).pdf2.2M
[   ]Cormen - Introduction To Algorithms 2nd Edition Solutions (Instructors.Manual).pdf1.7M
[   ]Cormen - Introduction to Algorithms 2nd Ed - Book.rar 20M
[IMG]Cortada J.W., Corada J.W. Before the Computer (PUP, 1993)(ISBN 9780691048079)(600dpi)(T)(399s)_CsPop_.djvu5.1M
[   ]Cranor - Security and Usability - Designing Secure Systems that People Can Use (OReilly, 2005).chm7.6M
[   ]Crina Grosan, Ajith Abraham - Intelligent Systems.pdf7.0M
[   ]Crisp - Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 2e (Elsevier, 2004).pdf3.8M
[   ]Cristina Silvano, Marcello Lajolo, Gianluca Palermo - Low Power Networks-on-Chip.pdf 12M
[   ]Cristina Silvano, William Fornaciari, Eugenio Villar - Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures.pdf3.1M
[DIR]Cryptography/ -
[   ]Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics - D. Salomon (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf2.8M
[   ]D. Marc Kilgour, Colin Eden - Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation.pdf6.5M
[DIR]DSP-Collection/ -
[   ]Daizhan Cheng, Hongsheng Qi, Zhiqiang Li - Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks.pdf3.0M
[   ]Dale - Computer Science Illuminated.pdf 12M
[   ]Darina Dicheva, Zdravko Markov, Eliza Stefanova - Third International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies S3T 2011.pdf4.9M
[DIR]Data Analysis/ -
[   ]Data Mining - Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms - M. Kantardzic (Wiley, 2003) WW.chm8.4M
[DIR]Data Mining/ -
[DIR]Data Structures/ -
[DIR]Databases/ -
[   ]Date - An Introduction to Database Systems 8e - INSTRUCTOR.pdf1.0M
[IMG]Date - An Introduction to Database Systems 8e.djvu 27M
[   ]David Hsu, Volkan Isler, Jean-Claude Latombe, Ming C. Lin - Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics IX.pdf8.9M
[   ]David Jin, Sally Lin - Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment.pdf 12M
[   ]David Rios Insua, Simon French - e-Democracy.pdf4.1M
[   ]David Suendermann - Advances in Commercial Deployment of Spoken Dialog Systems.pdf874K
[   ]David Vernon, Claes von Hofsten, Luciano Fadiga - A Roadmap for Cognitive Development in Humanoid Robots.pdf3.6M
[   ]Davis - MATLAB Primer 7e (CRC, 2005).pdf1.8M
[IMG]Davis M. Engines of logic (Norton, 2001)(ISBN 0393322297)(600dpi)(T)(268s)_Cs_.djvu1.8M
[   ]Design And Analysis Of Distributed Algorithms -N. Santoro (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf3.6M
[   ]Detmer - Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture.pdf4.9M
[   ]Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison, Florian Michahelles - Architecting the Internet of Things.pdf6.4M
[   ]Digital Data Integrity - D. Little, et al., (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf2.3M
[DIR]Digital Design/ -
[   ]Dirk Ifenthaler, Pablo Pirnay-Dummer, Norbert M. Seel - Computer-Based Diagnostics and Systematic Analysis of Knowledge.pdf4.3M
[   ]Dodge - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft, 2007).chm 73M
[   ]Don Torrieri - Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems.pdf5.0M
[   ]Donahue - Network Warrior.chm8.9M
[   ]Dr. Zhongxue Gan, Dr. Qing Tang - Visual Sensing and its Applications.pdf 20M
[   ]Dragica Vasileska, Stephen M. Goodnick - Nano-Electronic Devices.pdf 11M
[   ]Dykes - XML for Dummies 4e.pdf7.3M
[   ]Eckehard Schnieder, Geza Tarnai - FORMS_FORMAT 2010.pdf4.9M
[   ]Edward H. Y. Lim, James N. K. Liu, Raymond S. T. Lee - Knowledge Seeker - Ontology Modelling for Information Search and Management.pdf6.7M
[   ]Eilam - Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering.pdf8.6M
[   ]Eisenberg - SVG Essentials (O'Reilly, 2002).pdf 13M
[DIR]Electronics/ -
[   ]Elements of Information Theory 2nd ed - T. Cover, J. Thomas (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf 10M
[   ]Emanuele Bardone - Seeking Chances.pdf1.9M
[DIR]Embedded/ -
[   ]Erik Wilde, Cesare Pautasso - REST_ From Research to Practice.pdf6.9M
[   ]Ernst Stephan, Peter Wriggers - Modelling, Simulation and Software Concepts for Scientific-Technological Problems.pdf 15M
[   ]Erwin Janssen, Arthur van Roermund - Look-Ahead Based Sigma-Delta Modulation.pdf4.7M
[DIR]Extra/ -
[   ]F. Richard Yu - Cognitive Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.pdf6.8M
[   ]Federico Montesino Pouzols, Diego R. Lopez, Angel Barriga Barros - Mining and Control of Network Traffic by Computational Intelligence.pdf 13M
[   ]Fei Yuan - CMOS Circuits for Passive Wireless Microsystems.pdf2.3M
[IMG]Feynman R.P. Lectures on computation (AW, 1996)(ISBN 0201489910)(T)(O)(317s)_Cs_.djvu2.5M
[   ]Fiorenzo Franceschini, Maurizio Galetto, Domenico Maisano, Luca Mastrogiacomo, Barbara Pralio - Distributed Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology.pdf3.4M
[   ]Fischer P., Hofer P. Lexikon der Informatik (Springer,2007)(ISBN 3540725490)(de)(982s)_Cs_.pdf2.5M
[   ]Florence Bretelle-Establet - Looking at it from Asia_ the Processes that Shaped the Sources of History of Science.pdf6.2M
[   ]Florin Gorunescu - Data Mining.pdf9.1M
[   ]Foley - Introduction to Computer Graphics.pdf 72M
[DIR]Formal methods/ -
[IMG]Forouzan - Data Communications and Networking 4e (McGraw, 2007).djvu 19M
[   ]Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming - J. Chen, E. Wegman (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf2.0M
[IMG]Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Applications - Y. Fisher (Springer, 1995) WW.djvu6.8M
[   ]Francisco Campuzano, Josefa Mula - Supply Chain Simulation.pdf1.3M
[   ]Fundamentals of Data Structures - Ellis Horowitz.chm2.4M
[   ]Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes - W. Cary Huffman.pdf 12M
[IMG]Fuzzy Algorithms - With Applications to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition - Z. Chi, et al., (World, 1996) WW.djvu3.6M
[   ]Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing - J. Bezdek, et al., (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf 55M
[   ]Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba - Parallel Genetic Algorithms.pdf2.7M
[   ]Galitz - Essential Guide to User Interface Design 3e [GUI] (Wiley, 2007).pdf 11M
[   ]Game Theory - Drew Fudenberg.pdf 26M
[DIR]Game programming/ -
[   ]Gang of Four - Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.pdf4.1M
[   ]Ganssle - The Art of Designing Embedded Systems.pdf 15M
[   ]Gast - Wireless Networks - The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly).chm7.5M
[DIR]General/ -
[   ]George A. Anastassiou, Oktay Duman - Towards Intelligent Modeling_ Statistical Approximation Theory.pdf2.0M
[   ]George A. Anastassiou - Intelligent Mathematics_ Computational Analysis.pdf5.7M
[   ]George A. Anastassiou - Intelligent Systems_ Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks.pdf868K
[   ]George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett - Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services.pdf8.7M
[   ]Gerasimos G. Rigatos - Modelling and Control for Intelligent Industrial Systems.pdf 14M
[   ]Getz - Graphics With Mathematica [Fractals etc.] (Elsevier, 2004).pdf 36M
[   ]Ghosh S., Turrini E. (eds.) Cybercrimes.. A multidisciplinary analysis (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642135463)(O)(435s)_Cs_.pdf2.7M
[   ]Gianfranco Cariolaro - Unified Signal Theory.pdf 22M
[   ]Gillam - Unicode Demystified.chm3.6M
[   ]Global Information Society - Y. Lan (Idea, 2005) WW.pdf4.7M
[   ]Gook - PC Hardware Interfaces - Developer's Reference (ALIST, 2004).chm8.7M
[   ]Graff - Secure Coding Principles and Practices.chm642K
[   ]Grama - Introduction to Parallel Computing 2e.chm6.0M
[DIR]Graphics/ -
[IMG]Graphics Gems Vol. 1 - Glassner.djvu4.6M
[IMG]Graphics Gems Vol. 2 - Arvo.djvu3.7M
[IMG]Graphics Gems Vol. 3 - Kirk.djvu3.7M
[DIR]Graphics Programming/ -
[IMG]Grier D.A. When computers were human (PUP, 2005)(ISBN 0691091579)(600dpi)(T)(421s)_Cs_.djvu6.0M
[   ]Grune - Parsing Techniques - Practical Guide 2e (Springer, 2008).pdf2.7M
[   ]Guide to RISC Processors - For Programmers and Engineers - S. Dandamudi (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf1.3M
[   ]Gunderloy - Developer to Designer - GUI Design for the Busy Developer (Sybex, 2005).pdf 11M
[   ]Guowei Cai, Ben M. Chen, Tong Heng Lee - Unmanned Rotorcraft Systems.pdf 12M
[   ]Guy Gogniat, Dragomir Milojevic, Adam Morawiec, Ahmet Erdogan - Algorithm-Architecture Matching for Signal and Image Processing.pdf8.2M
[   ]Guy L. Curry, Richard M. Feldman - Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Analysis.pdf2.3M
[IMG]Gyllenberg M., Persson L.E. (eds.) Analysis, algebra, and computers in mathematical research (M.Dekker, 1994)(ISBN 0824792173)(400dpi)(T)(403s)_Cs_.djvu3.1M
[   ]HTML 4 for Dummies 5th Edition By Ed Tittle Mary Burmeister.pdf 11M
[DIR]Hacking, Security/ -
[   ]Hahn - Essential Matlab for Engineers and Scientists 3e (Elsevier, 2007).pdf7.3M
[   ]Han-Xiong Li, Chenkun Qi - Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems.pdf3.6M
[   ]Haralambous - Fonts and Encodings (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf 41M
[   ]Hardware and Computer Organization - Software Perspective - A. Berger (Newnes, 2005) WW.pdf 10M
[   ]Harel - Algorithmics - Spirit of Computing 3e (AW, 2004).pdf9.3M
[   ]Harris,Ross - Beginning Algorithms (Wrox, 2006).pdf9.2M
[   ]Harry Bunt, Paola Merlo, Joakim Nivre - Trends in Parsing Technology.pdf4.0M
[   ]Hearn,Baker - Computer Graphics - C Version 2nd Ed.pdf 19M
[   ]Heinrich Hussmann, Gerrit Meixner, Detlef Zuehlke - Model-Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces.pdf9.4M
[   ]Heinz Koeppl, Gianluca Setti, Mario di Bernardo, Douglas Densmore - Design and Analysis of Biomolecular Circuits.pdf6.1M
[   ]Helmut E. Graeb - Analog Layout Synthesis.pdf5.8M
[   ]Henderson H. Alan Turing.. Computing genius and wartime code breaker (Chelsea House, 2011)(ISBN 0816061750)(O)(161s)_Cs_.pdf2.4M
[   ]Hennessy,Patterson - Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach 4e.pdf 11M
[   ]Herbert Birkhofer - The Future of Design Methodology.pdf7.8M
[   ]Herlihy - The Art of Multiprocessor Programming [SMP] (Morgan, 2008).pdf7.8M
[   ]Herman Casier, Michiel Steyaert, Arthur H.M. van Roermund - Analog Circuit Design.pdf 10M
[   ]Hermann Rohling - OFDM.pdf8.1M
[DIR]Heroes of the Computer Revolution/ -
[IMG]Hey A.J.G. (ed.) Feynman and computation.. exploring the limits of computers (Perseus, 1998)(KA)(T)(ISBN 0738200573)(462s)_Cs_.djvu5.4M
[   ]Hidefumi Sawai - Biological Functions for Information and Communication Technologies.pdf6.9M
[IMG]Hiltzik M.A. Dealers of Lightning.. Xerox PARC and the Dawn of the Computer Age (HarperBusiness, 1999)(ISBN 9780887308918)(600dpi)(T)(475s)_CsPop_.djvu3.1M
[   ]History of computer science (web draft, 2001)(40s)_Cs_.pdf246K
[   ]Hoang Pham - Safety and Risk Modeling and Its Applications.pdf5.7M
[   ]Honghua Tan - Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics.pdf 20M
[   ]How Computers Do Math - C. Maxfield, A. Brown (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf6.3M
[   ]Hughes - Professional Multicore Programming (Wiley, 2008).pdf 19M
[   ]Huihuan Qian, Xinyu Wu, Yangsheng Xu - Intelligent Surveillance Systems.pdf4.2M
[   ]Huurdemann - The Worldwide History of Telecommunications.pdf 14M
[   ]Ian Stroud, Hildegarde Nagy - Solid Modelling and CAD Systems.pdf 26M
[   ]Igor Aizenberg - Complex-Valued Neural Networks with Multi-Valued Neurons.pdf4.1M
[   ]Igor Chikalov - Average Time Complexity of Decision Trees.pdf1.3M
[   ]Ilya Gertsbakh, Yoseph Shpungin - Network Reliability and Resilience.pdf730K
[   ]Ilya Wagner, Valeria Bertacco - Post-Silicon and Runtime Verification for Modern Processors.pdf1.9M
[   ]Image Processing - Principles and Applications - T. Acharya, A. ray (Wiley, 2005) WW.pdf 32M
[DIR]Information Retrieval/ -
[   ]Information Theory - Robert Ash.pdf 11M
[DIR]Information Theory/ -
[   ]Information Visualization - Perception for Design 2nd ed. - C. Ware (Elsevier, 2004) WW.pdf 38M
[   ]Intelligent Data Mining - D. Ruan, et al., (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf9.3M
[   ]Introduction to Algorithms 2nd [Instructor's Manual] - MIT Faculty (2002) WW.pdf1.7M
[   ]Introduction to Algorithms 2nd ed - T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein (MIT, 2001) WW.chm 18M
[   ]Introduction to Cybernetics - W. Ashby (1957) WW.pdf2.0M
[   ]Introduction to Error Correcting Codes - M. Ourser (1995) WW.pdf4.6M
[   ]Introduction to Quantum Computers - G. Berman, et al., (World, 1998) WW.pdf7.4M
[   ]Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, Jim Prentzas - Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications.pdf3.5M
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